Slovakia Germany Authors AVERAGE SHEAR WAVE VELOCITY OF THE PLAIN Roberto Francese1, Aldino Bondesan2, Simone Busoni3 Austria Hungary OF THE PROVINCE OF (NORTHERN ) Map Editing Switzerland Chiara Levorato4 Slovenia Croatia SCALA 1: 130.000 1 National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics, Italy 2 01.25 2.5 5 7.5 10 Department of Geosciences, University of Padua, Italy 3 Division for the Ecology and the Environment, , Italy Bosnia and 4 Adastra srl, Italy Adriatic Herzegovina Sea Ligurian Sea Montenegro 1720000 1730000 1740000 1750000 1760000 1770000 1780000 Italy

)" Vs30 station AVIANO Santa Giustina Border of Province Trichiana Tyrrhenian Sea TREVISO Major town Mel Budoia Ionian Arcade Tow n S. Quirino Sea

SOVRAMONTE Lentiai Polcenigo Mediterranean Sea Average shear wave velocity (Vs) in the uppermost layers (30 m) PEDAVENA

± 200 - 250 m/s Roveredo in Piano Algeria Tunisia 012024060 km FELTRE 251 - 300 m/s FONZASO

301 - 350 m/s VITTORIO Fontanafredda 351 - 400 m/s Geochronological map of the Province of Treviso Ta rzo Caneva PORDENONE ARSIE Porcia ± 401 - 450 m/s SACILE

VITTORIO VENETO 0 0 " 6 ) 451 - 500 m/s 0 5 )" 5 0


5 )" 501 - 550 m/s )" )" Godega di Sant'Urbano )" Vas 0 5 4 )" 551 - 600 m/s )" )" )" )" 0 0 QUERO 4

Segusino )" 5090000 5100000 > 600 m/s )" Brugnera )" TREVISO )" CASTELFRANCO ALPINE FOOTHILLS )" )" Prata di Pordenone VALDOBBIADENE )" )" )" )" CONEGLIANO )" )" )" )" )" 05102,5 )" km Codogne' )" )" )" )" )" )" )" )" Portobuffole' MesozoicTertiary Pleistocene Olocene Water Studied area " 350 Pasiano di Pordenone ) )" )" )" )" )" " 300 ) )" " )" ) Fontanelle )" )" )" )" )" " Mansue' )" 350 ) Simplified geo-lithological map of the Province of Treviso

0 0 5

Paderno del Grappa 0 ± 5 5 0 )" 5 )" " )" )" 4 )" )" ) )" )" )" )" Maser 0 0 0 )" 3 )" 5 ASOLO 4 VALDOBBIADENE CONEGLIANO ODERZO Pove del Grappa Arcade )" )" )" )" )" ASOLO ODERZO )" )" )" )" Fonte )" )" )" )"


5 4

MONTEBELLUNA Romano d'Ezzelino )" )" 50 )"

5 " 00 0 ) 5 " 50 )" 5 )


5 Povegliano )" )" )" " Zenone degli Ezzelini 0 )

5 )"

0 )" )" TREVISO 0 )" CASTELFRANCO )" )" " )" )" )" )" ) 0 )" )" )" 50 )" )" )" )" )" )" )" )"

)" )"

Villorba 350

55 " 0 ) )" )" )"

05102,5 0 )" )" 5 )" km 4 )" 0 " 0 ) )" 3 )" )" )" )" )" )" )" )" )" )" )" )" BedrockGravel Sand Silt Clay and peat Studied area Cassola Loria )" )" )" )" )" )" )" 0 0 )" )" " Rosa )" 4 ) )" )" )" )" )" )" )" )" )" )" )" )" )" )"

0 " )" " Ceggia Rossano Veneto 5 ) )

4 550 "

" ) 500 ) 0

55 )" )" 550 )" Carbonera

600 )" )" )" )" Map of the Geomorphological Units of the Province of Treviso )" )" 500 )" )" )" 0 0 )" 0 5 ± 5 3 17 14 )" TREVISO 16 450 )" Noventa di Piave 0 0 )" )" CASTELFRANCO )" 5 0 4 4 )" VITTORIO VENETO15 )" )" " )" )" 7 40 ) 0 )" 9 0 )" 0 Monastier 13 3 30 )" )" 10 )" Fossalta di Piave Galliera Veneta )" )" )" )" VALDOBBIADENE )" 3 )" 12 CONEGLIANO 50 )" 31 )" )" 188 11 )" 18 20 29 33 2 " " 5060000 5070000 5080000 4 )" ) ) )" S. DONA' DI PIAVE 1 18 18 CITTADELLA 18 33 )" " )" 6 19 27 28 ) 3 ASOLO 25 20 ODERZO 3233 )" )" Musile di Piave 20 5 25 27 )" Meolo 20 )" )" )" )"

MONTEBELLUNA 27 Fontaniva )" )" )"

0 20 5 28 3 )" )" 23 24 )" 21 TREVISO )" CASTELFRANCO )" )" 28 )" )" " 26 ) )" 350 26 Piombino Dese 22 )" )" )" )" 05102,5 Grantorto km TREBASELEGHE Quarto d'Altino Loreggia )" S. Giorgio in Bosco )" )" )"

0 )" 13, Morainic amphitheater 5 1, Grappa Plateau 25, Montello 2 )" of Vittorio Veneto )" )" )" " 2, Grappa Slopes 14, Val Lapisina 26, Sile CAMPOSAMPIERO Scorze )" )" )" ) Marcon 27, Piave of Nervesa 15, Fregona Syncline 3, Glacis (high plain) )" 28, Piave of Nervesa )" 4, Val Cavasia 16, Cansiglio Slopes (low plain) S. Giustina in Colle 5050000 5, Western Asolo Hills 17, Cansiglio Plateau 29, Monticano 5050000 5060000 5070000 5080000 5090000 5100000 JESOLO NOALE 30, Cervada-Meschio Massanzago 6, Eastern Asolo Hills 18, Piave thalweg Martellago )" (high plain) )" 19, Current River bed 7, Mt. Cesen-Mt. Visentin 31, Cervada-Meschio of the Piave River (low plain) ± 8, Valdobbiadene 20, Foothill alluvial fan 32, Livenza S. Giorgio delle Pertiche PIAZZOLA SUL BRENTA 9, Revine Lakes 21, Brenta (high plain) 33, Tagliamento 10, Hogback hills of 22, Brenta (low plain) Studied area -Pedeguarda- Col S. Martino 23, Musone 1720000 1730000 1740000 1750000 1760000 1770000 1780000 11, Quartier del Piave 24, Piave Montebelluna 12, Conegliano Hills The base cartography was derived from the Regional Technical Map of the Veneto Region on a scale of 1:10,000, in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Projection. The plane coordinates are defined in the Gauss-Boaga © Journal of Maps, 2013 Italian National System (west zone).