Plan Sustainability Appraisal – Pre-Submission Stage

APPENDIX D - Housing Land Allocations Site Specific Mitigation and Commentary

October 2013

Housing Land Allocations Site Specific Mitigation & Commentary Site Reference Mitigation & Commentary CENTRAL DELIVERY AREA HA5 - Sniperely Considering the size and location of site, several services/ facilities (e.g. education, GP, Park convenience shopping, retail park, business park/ industrial estate & main town) are likely to be outwith walking distance for many residents; and this fact may to a certain extent be mitigated by the decent bus score. However, access to bus services would need to be improved to provide adequate service to this development (particularly to the north of the site) - operators should consider providing service stops within the site (potential quantum of development/ mix of housing likely to encourage operators to do so). Due to potential size of development, developers should also consider including a local centre to provide ‘essential’ services and reduce the need to travel and minimise severance issues. For instance the A167 & B6532 both highly-trafficked routes would act physical barrier so as well as the above adequate, safe and legible pedestrian and multi-routes routes which link to the existing network/ underpass. Sewage treatment works and waste transfer station adjacent to site so measure to minimise noise/ air pollution/ odours will be required: may be difficult to mitigate. There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. BAP habitats/ species are present on/ adjacent to the site (barn owls & great crested newts) as well as Pity Me Carrs (CWS) is 960m, Barepark Bog (CWS) 1.4km & (SSSI) 3km from the site; so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts and/ or habitat/ species loss and disturbance. Despite mitigation some adverse visual impact on landscape and its designations will remain. Recommendations are in line with the following:

 Majority of the site is LIPA.  4/DU/101: Playing fields and woodland areas LCPA. Assumes retention of most mature features and substantial areas of structural landscaping.  4/DU/102: Southern part of site lies within AHLV. Assumes retention of most mature features and substantial areas of structural landscaping.

Development of this site would result in the loss of playing fields: additional provision should be created. Loss of greenfield/ agricultural land cannot be mitigated. Site adjacent to Sniperley Hall (listed building). Views across the site (e.g. from Findon hill) could have an adverse impact Retained or on views of the WHS. Advice from conservation/ design colleagues would be required. Various Discounted part of site at risk to surface water flooding (particularly around Folly Burn): may be mitigated Allocation for by site layout or by incorporation of SUDS. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H1 SHLAA REF: 4/DU/101, 4/DU/102 H8 - Mount Access to some essential services (i.e. education, convenience shopping, health/ recreation, Oswald main town, retail park & industrial estate/business park) may not be within walking distance for some residents and this fact is likely to be mitigated by the high bus score (highest for part of the site). Accessibility likely to be worse from southern end of site (4/DU/110). Access to bus services, however, could be improved so it is suggested that operators look to provide service stops within the site – dependent on quantum of development/ mix of housing. The A690 Stonebridge to Nevilles Cross is an identified County traffic hotspot as well as the A167 & A177 being highly-trafficked routes: measures to minimise air/ noise pollution would be required. There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. Both Lowe's Barn (CWS) & Blaids Wood (CWS) are within 400m of the site so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Despite mitigation some adverse visual impact on the landscape and its designations will remain. Recommendations are as follows:

 4/DU/79: Assumes very low density development closely associated with existing building otherwise significant adverse impact on minor parkland.  4/DU/110: Assumes retention of open character of older parts of relic minor parkland in north. Further assumes substantial structural landscaping to A167 and retention of open views around Money Slack.  4/DU/112: Assumes substantial structural landscaping to A167.

Loss of greenfield land/ golf course cannot be mitigated. There is the potential for some adverse impact on the townscape and historic environment. The setting of MountOswald (Grade II) would need to be taken into consideration. Advice from conservation/ design colleagues would be required: structure planting to screen new development and minimise impact on assets. Aerial photos are suggestive of prehistoric activity or occupation. Majority of the site retains the post-medieval ridge and furrow from former fields (4/DU/110 &112). Advice from archaeology would be required. Some surface water flooding issues: may be mitigated by Retained or site layout or by incorporation of SuDS. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Existing New CDP REF: H8 SHLAA REF: 4/DU/110 &112 Submission Stage Commitment H9 - Durham Although access to most services and facilities is generally excellent, where services/ facilities Johnson School may be outwith walking distance for some residents (e.g. education, retail park & industrial (Whinney Hill) estate) this is likely to be mitigated by the high bus score. Frequency of services, however, could be improved – dependent on quantum of development/ mix of housing. There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. Houghall, MaidenCastle, Little Wood (CWS) is adjacent to the site so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts/ disturbance. Despite mitigation some adverse visual impact on the landscape and its designations will remain. Although southern 25% of site is in AHLV, impacts on AHLV would be low: this recommendation assumes retention of majority of mature vegetation. The site is within a conservation area so there may be an adverse impact on townscape and the historic Retained or environment, so advice will be required from conservation and design colleagues. Loss of Discounted for greenfield cannot be mitigated. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H4 SHLAA REF: 4/DU/25 H10 – Potters Access to some services and facilities may be outwith the walking distance of some residents Bank (e.g. education, convenience shopping, GP, city centre, retail park, business par/ industrial estate). However, the decent bus score could help to mitigate this if access to services was improved – operators should consider providing stops adjacent to the site (dependent on quantum of development/ mix of housing). Proposed new employment and retail sites within Durham city may also help to improve access. There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. Lowes Barn (CWS) is 680m and Houghall, Maiden Castle, Little Wood (CWS) is 830m from the site; so further advice from ecology may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Although after mitigation some adverse visual impact on the landscape will remain, it is likely to Retained or be low. Loss of greenfield land (more than 50% of site) cannot be mitigated. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Existing New CDP REF: H10 SHLAA REF: 4/DU/40 Submission Stage Commitment H11 – Former Access to several essential services/ facilities may be outwith walking distance for some Dairy, Land at residents (e.g. education, convenience shopping, health/ recreational, retail park & main town). Stonebridge However, this is likely to be mitigated by the excellent bus score (highest). There may be severance issues with the site being bound by the A690 and the River Browney: ensure that safe pedestrian/ multi-user links are improved/ created to link to Langley Moor and Durham city to address this. The A690 Stonebridge to Nevilles Cross is an identified County traffic congestion 'hotspot'; and as such measures to minimise noise/ air pollution will be necessary. Although not within the designated 200m, there is a sewage treatment works approx. 360m from the site so measures to minimise noise/ odours may be required. There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. Even though Lowe's Barn (CWS) is 130m and Deerness Valley (CWS) 200m from the site, neither are connected by PROW and the former ‘severed’ by the River Browney; so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. The site may be at high risk of surface water flooding issues and part of the site is adjacent to FZ3B (functional flood plain): may be mitigated by site layout or by incorporation of SuDS. Within Retained or Durham city greenbelt, but as this is a brownfield site, development is unlikely to have a Discounted for significant adverse effect, if any. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H6 SHLAA REF: 4/LB/07 H12 – Aykley Access to essential services (i.e. education, retail, industrial estate, and Durham city centre) Heads may not be within walking distance for some residents and this fact is unlikely to be mitigated by the relatively poor bus score (lowest). Consider improving access, frequency and connectivity of local bus services to the site – it is suggested that operators look to provide service stops within the Aykley Head’s site, but this is dependent on quantum of development/ mix of housing. To a certain extent the site is severed to facilities and services by existing development/ landscape so it is advised that links/ paths are created and/ or improved. There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. Hoppers Wood (CWS) is 310m &Framwellgate Moor Carrs (CWS) 1km from the site; so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Retention of perimeter vegetation which lies within AHLV to screen development is likely to mean there will be no adverse impact. Aykley Heads as a whole contributes significantly to the existing character of WHS, but due to this site’s location within it there is unlikely to be significant adverse impact. Setting of historic environment assets on site will need to taken into consideration – further information from colleagues may be required. Some surface water flooding issues: may be mitigated by site layout or by incorporation of Retained or SuDS. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Existing New CDP REF: H12 SHLAA REF: 4/DU/19 Submission Stage Commitment H13 – Sniperley Although access to most services and facilities is good (in distance terms) potentially Park and Ride significant severance issues will need to be addressed in order to ensure there are no physical barriers to residents. Where facilities/ services may be outwith some residents’ walking distance (e.g. education, employment, retail park & industrial estate/ business park, Durham city centre), the high bus score (highest) is likely to mitigate this. The A167 & A691 are highly- trafficked routes with Sniperely to Nevilles Cross identified as a County traffic congestion ‘hotspot’; therefore measures to minimise noise/ air pollution will be necessary.There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. Barepark Bog (CWS) is 520m & Pity Me Carrs (CWS) is 1.2km from the site so further advice from ecology may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Despite mitigation measure some adverse visual impact will remain, however, development may provide an opportunity to assimilate Park & Ride (adjacent). Loss of greenfield cannot be Retained or mitigated (within greenbelt, but not significant infringement – development on 2 sides). Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Other Sites New CDP REF: H13 SHLAA REF: 4/DU/73 Submission Stage Preferable H14 – Willowtree Although access to most services and facilities is generally excellent, shops and Durham city Avenue centre is likely to be outwith most residents walking distance. This fact is likely to be mitigated by the high bus score - access could, however, be improved so it is suggested an additional bus stop adjacent to the site is provided. There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. The site is adjacent to A690 so measures to minimise noise/ air pollution will be necessary. Although the A690 and existing residential development may act as a barrier, Frankland and Kepier Wood (CWS) is 200m & Brasside Pond (SSSI) 990m from the site; so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Mitigation in the form of Retained or structural landscaping to screen development in views across AHLV is likely to mean there is Discounted for no adverse impact. Loss of greenfield land cannot be mitigated. Attempt to divert the PROW. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H9 SHLAA REF: 4/DU/10 H15 – North of Considering the size and location of site, some services/ facilities (e.g. education, GP & main Arnison town) may be outwith walking distance for some residents; with accessibility worse for dwellings to the north and in 4/BS/02. However, the decent bus score could help to mitigate this if frequency and access to services were improved – operators should consider providing service stops within the site (potential quantum of development/ mix of housing likely to encourage operators to do so). Proposed new employment and retail sites within Durham city may also help to improve access and reduce severance. Rotary Way currently severs the site from existing development and because it is a fast-flowing road, safe pedestrian crossing points/ multi-user routes would need to be created to and within the site. 4/BS/02 & 04 are adjacent to the East Coast Mainline Railway, as well as the site being in close proximity to the A167: so measures to minimise noise/ air pollution and careful site design will be necessary. There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. There are Great-Crested Newts on-site as well as Redhouse Wood (CWS) 700m, Framwellgate Carrs (CWS) 990m & Brasside Pond (SSSI) 1.9km; so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. It is suggested the newts are either retained or relocated. Despite mitigation, some adverse visual impact on the landscape will remain. This recommendation is based on the following:

 4/BS/05: Visual Impact assumes adequate stand-off and structural landscaping on western edge otherwise significant adverse residual impact.  4/BS/02: Some parts in LIPA others LCPA. Visual impact assumes mature features retained and structural landscaping along railway line.

There is the potential for adverse impact on the historic environment: e.g. archaeological find

identified and two groups of buildings of historic interest close to the site (Red House Farm and

Newton Grange Public House). Advice from archaeology, conservation and design colleagues

would be required. Some surface water flooding issues: may be mitigated by site layout or by

incorporation of SuDS. Loss of greenfield/ agricultural/ greenbelt land cannot be mitigated. Retained or Discounted for RETAINED New CDP REF: H2 SHLAA REF: 4/BS/02, Submission Stage 4/BS/04, 4/BS/05 H16 – Sherburn Although access to most services and facilities is generally excellent, where services/ facilities Road may be outwith walking distance for some residents (e.g. education, health, and Durham city centre) this is likely to be mitigated by the high bus score. Access, however, could be improved so it is suggested that operators look to provide service stops within the site – dependent on quantum of development/ mix of housing. The A181 separates the site from services/ facilities in Belmont/ Dragonville so it is suggested that pedestrian crossing and links are mitigate any adverse impact on community safety/ access. The site is adjacent to A181& A1 so measures to minimise noise/ air pollution will be necessary. Despite mitigation some adverse visual impact on the landscape and its designations will remain – this recommendation assumes substantial structural landscaping in south to reduce impacts in views across the valley and ‘soften’ the perimeter edge of the settlement (within green belt). Loss of greenfield/ agricultural land cannot be mitigated. There is a cluster of premises of historic significance at Old Durham, to the west of the site; and although development of this site would have a limited impact upon their setting, with such assets in close proximity to the site connected by PROW means there may Retained or be an adverse impact via footfall and vandalism. Consult historic environment colleges for Discounted for further information. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H3 SHLAA REF: 4/DU/104 H2 – East of Although access to most services and facilities is generally excellent, some services/ facilities Brandon Football may be outwith walking distance for residents (e.g. education, main town & retail park). Club Access, however, is likely to be improved by the high bus score, if frequency of services is increased. There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. Deerness Valley (CWS) is 780m from the site so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Despite mitigation some adverse visual impact on the landscape will remain: although such impact will be localised. Development of this site would result in the loss of designated open space, Retained or however, it appears to be under-used: consider additional provision to compensate loss if Discounted for necessary. Loss of greenfield land cannot be mitigated. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H10 SHLAA REF: 7/BR/03 H3 – Brandon Although access to most services and facilities is generally excellent, some services/ facilities Lane may be outwith walking distance for residents (e.g. education, GP, main town, retail park & industrial estate). Access, however, is likely to be improved by the high bus score, if frequency of services is increased. Development is likely to result in the loss of PROW: retain if possible. There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. DeernessValley (CWS) is 1.2km from the site, and although impacts are unlikely to be significant, it is advised that further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Despite mitigation some adverse visual impact on the landscape will remain: development towards southern edge would compromise open leafy separation of Brandon / High Brandon in some degree, but could be mitigated by design/planting. Loss of greenfield/ agricultural land cannot be mitigated. Retained or DISCOUNTED – Further New CDP REF: H3 SHLAA REF: 4/BR/05 Discounted for advice obtained from Submission Stage officer group H18 – Langley Although access to most services and facilities is generally excellent, where services/ facilities Hall Farm may be outwith walking distance for some residents (e.g. education, GP, main town & retail park), this is likely to be mitigated by the excellent bus score (highest). There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. Derness Valley (CWS) is 520m from the site and connected by PROW; so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Despite mitigation some adverse visual impact on the landscape will remain: the site is reasonably well- contained in the wider landscape, but visible from Brandon Lane and the Brandon-Bishop railway walk. A fairly logical consolidation up to a well defined edge. Loss of greenfield/ Retained or agricultural land cannot be mitigated. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Existing New CDP REF: H18 SHLAA REF: 4/LM/11 Submission Stage Commitment H20 – Browney Although access to some services and facilities is good, there are services/ facilities that may Lane be outwith walking distance for some residents (e.g. education, convenience shopping, leisure, retail park, industrial estate & main town). This fact is unlikely to be mitigated by the poor bus Central Durham score (lowest), unless access to and frequency and connectivity of services was improved. It is suggested that operators consider providing additional services (dependent on quantum of development and mix of housing). There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. Despite mitigation significant adverse visual impact on the landscape will remain: large incursion into open countryside beyond a reasonably well defined settlement edge. The impact could be reduced by reducing scale or by developing substantial structural landscaping to eastern edge or by off-site works improving this approach to the village generally. Could have some synergy with 02, improving and consolidating open space provision. Loss of greenfield/ agricultural land cannot be mitigated. Retained or DISCOUNTED – Existing New CDP REF: H20 SHLAA REF: 4/LB/07 Discounted for Commitment Submission Stage H6 – West of Although access to most services and facilities is generally excellent, some services/ facilities Grange Farm may be outwith walking distance for residents (e.g. education, main town, retail park, industrial estate/ business park). Access, however, is likely to be improved by the excellent bus score (highest). Considering the distances to educational facilities, most notably secondary schools, it is suggested that additional local provision may be required. Proposed new employment and retail sites may also help to improve access. There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom before 2015 – significant investment will be required. Coxhoe Ponds (CWS & recordings of great- crested newts) is approx. 230m and Quarrington Hill/ Coxhoe Bank Plantation (CWS and connected by PROW) is 630m from the site; so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts and habitat/ species disturbance. Despite mitigation some adverse visual impact on the landscape will remain: development would result in the loss of rig and furrow in western field. Despite this it could be argued the site is a logical urban extension. Loss of greenfield/ agricultural land Retained or cannot be mitigated. Some surface water flooding issues: may be mitigated by site layout and Discounted for by incorporation of SuDS. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H12 SHLAA REF: 4/CO/22 H7 – Bogma Hall Although access to most services and facilities is generally excellent, some services/ facilities Farm may be outwith walking distance for residents (e.g. education, main town, retail park, industrial estate/ business park). Access, however, is unlikely to be improved by a relatively poor bus score. Consider improving access, frequency and connectivity of local bus services to/ from the site – it is suggested that operators look to provide service stops adjacent to/ within the site, but this is dependent on quantum of development/ mix of housing. Considering the distances to educational facilities, most notably secondary schools, it is suggested that additional local provision may be required. Proposed new employment and retail sites may also help to improve access. The site is adjacent to A177 and within 200m of A1 so appropriate mitigation measures to minimise noise and air pollution (e.g. structure planting) will be required. There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom before 2015 – significant investment will be required. Raisby Pond (CWS) is 990m from the site and connected by PROW and (SSSI) is 1.1km from the site; so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Despite mitigation some adverse visual impact on the landscape will remain. This recommendation assumes substantial structure planting along southern edge. Loss of greenfield/ agricultural land cannot be mitigated. Site within mineral safeguarding zone, therefore relevant colleagues and potentially Retained or external partners will need to be consulted prior to any allocation. Some surface water flooding Discounted for issues: may be mitigated by site layout and by incorporation of SuDS. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H11 SHLAA REF: 4/CO/06 H19 – East of Although access to most services and facilities is generally good, there may be some that are Langley Park outwith walking distance for residents (e.g. education, leisure, retail park, industrial estate & main town). The decent bus score may help to improve accessibility if access to bus services was improved – it is suggested that operators look to provide service stops in/ adjacent to the site, but this is dependent on quantum of development/ mix of housing. There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. Langley Park Heath (CWS) is adjacent and Lower Browney Valley (CWS) is within 400m of the site; so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts and habitat/ species disturbance. Despite mitigation significant adverse visual impact on the landscape will remain: it is a prominent sloping site, and as such impacts would be high if developed in its entirety but could be reduced if reduced in size (assumes reduction of around 50%, retention of mature trees and substantial internal and external structure planting). This in turn would reduce the housing yield. The site’s prominent location (entrance into Langley Park) will need to be taken into consideration as regards the design and layout of the development so that it does not have an adverse impact on existing townscape. Retained or Loss of greenfield/ agricultural land cannot be mitigated. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Existing New CDP REF: H19 SHLAA REF: 4/LP/01 Submission Stage Commitment H24 – North of Although access to most services and facilities is generally good, where services/ facilities may Ladysmith be outwith walking distance for some residents (e.g. education, retail park, industrial estate/ Terrace business park & main town) this is likely to be mitigated by the good bus score. Access, and frequency of services however, could be improved – it is suggested operators look to provide Retained or service stops adjacent to the site and potentially additional services (dependent on quantum of Discounted for development/ mix of housing). Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H14 SHLAA REF: 4/UM/05b H1 – North of Although access to most services and facilities is generally excellent, there are services/ Crook Avenue facilities that may be outwith walking distance for some residents (e.g. education, retail park, industrial estate/ business park & main town). This fact may be mitigated by the average bus score, as long as frequency and connectivity of services was able to be improved. It is suggested that operators consider providing additional services (dependent on quantum of development and mix of housing). There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. The Lower Browney Valley (CWS) is 550m from the site and connected by PROW, so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Despite mitigation some adverse Retained or visual impact on the landscape will remain. However, it is suggested that development of this Discounted for site would be a logical consolidation. Loss of greenfield/ agricultural land cannot be mitigated. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H15 SHLAA REF: 4/BE/01 H4 – Greenwood Although access to some services and facilities is generally excellent, there are services/ Avenue facilities that may be outwith walking distance for some residents (e.g. education, convenience shopping, leisure/ recreation, retail park, industrial estate/ business park & main town). This fact may be mitigated by the average bus score, as long as frequency and connectivity of services was able to be improved. It is suggested that operators consider providing additional services (dependent on quantum of development and mix of housing). Burnhope Pond (CWS) is 740m from the site, so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Despite mitigation significant visual impact on the landscape will remain: this assume the retention of mature trees on site. The Retained or loss of the recreational open space should be compensated for through additional local Discounted for provision, where possible. Loss of greenfield land cannot be mitigated. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H16 SHLAA REF: 1/BR/08 H17 – Cadger Although access to most services and facilities is generally good, there are services/ facilities Bank that may be outwith walking distance for some residents (e.g. education, retail park, industrial estate/ business park & main town). This fact is unlikely to be mitigated by the poor bus score, unless access to and frequency and connectivity of services was improved. It is suggested that operators consider providing additional services (dependent on quantum of development and mix of housing). Although Greenwell Ford Meadow (CWS) is 890m from the site and not connected by PROW, advice from the ecology team may still be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Despite mitigation significant adverse visual impact on the landscape will remain. It should be noted that there are a number of TPO trees on the northern and western boundary and within the site: these should be retained. Visual impact is determined by the fact that it is a prominent sloping site with mature trees on skyline, which makes an attractive entrance to the village. Development of this site could have an adverse impact on the setting of an ancient scheduled monument (SAM). It is advised that conservation colleagues are consulted to fully-assess potential impact on heritage assets. Loss of greenfield/ agricultural land cannot be mitigated. There is the potential for sprawl: difficult, if Retained or not impossible, to mitigate. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Existing New CDP REF: H17 SHLAA REF: 1/LA/07 Submission Stage Commitment NORTH DURHAM DELIVERY AREA H21 – East of Relatively poor access to college, main towns, and retail facilities is likely to be mitigated by the Davison Terrace excellent bus score. Recordings of Great-Crested Newts adjacent to the site as well as Sacriston Wood & Howlmire Gill (CWS) are within 800m of the site & connected by PROW; so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for development and recreational impacts. Despite mitigation some adverse visual impact on the landscape and adverse impact on landscape designations will remain. The northern half of site is also covered by an area of TPOs so there is limited scope for further development. Loss of greenfield land cannot be mitigated. Retained or DISCOUNTED – Further New CDP REF: H21 SHLAA REF: 2/SA/11 Discounted for advice obtained from Submission Stage officer group H23 – West House Access to some local essential services/ facilities, main towns, and a retail park is relatively Farm poor (i.e. outwith easy walking distance) so may require consideration of additional provision and/or additional investment to bus services to improve accessibility. Ensure there are good links/ paths to connect new and existing development and minimise the potential severance effect of Cross Lane & Black Burn. Within 200m of sewage treatment works: measures to minimise noise/ odour will be required. Howlmire Gill (CWS) is 220m, Daisy Hill (LNR) 330m, Sacriston Wood (LNR/CWS) within 800m, and Waldrige Fell (SSSI) 1.4km from the site. Taking this into consideration further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for habitat/ species disturbance and increased recreational impacts. Despite mitigation (assumes development avoids woodland and tree line) there is still likely to be an adverse visual impact on the landscape. Some surface water flooding issues: may be Retained or mitigated by site layout or by incorporation of SuDS. Loss of greenfield/ agricultural land cannot Discounted for be mitigated. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H33 SHLAA REF: 2/SA/17B H51 – Civic Centre The site is currently used as DCC offices and car park. There are very few constraints to the site, although some assessment of the road capacity will need to be undertaken with regard to the capacity in the Town Centre. Site is outwith walking distance of secondary school or further/higher education but bus score is good. Site is outwith walking distance of employment sites but bus score is good. The site is within 500m of nationally or local designated Retained or biodiversity / geodiversity sites and is thought to be publicly accessible or easily accessible e.g. Discounted for linked by PROW. Site is within 400 metres of a heritage asset. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H18 SHLAA REF: 2/CH/17 H52 – North of The site is fully contained within the settlement, although a Greenfield location. Mitigation Hermitage should require provision of alternate natural greenspace within the site, in order to mitigate Comprehensive loss. Some adverse residual landscape and visual impact remains following mitigation. Site is outwith walking distance of further/higher education, some employment sites and local shops, but bus score is good. Development may improve levels of deprivation within ward. The site is within 400m of nationally or local designated biodiversity / geodiversity site Retained or (Whitewell Park Wood) and is thought to be publicly accessible or easily accessible e.g. linked Discounted for by PROW. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H20 SHLAA REF: 2/CH/23 H53 – BOC Site Site has excellent public transport links and access to services despite being on the very edge Birtley of Chester-le-street. Many services will be accessed in Gateshead LA (Birtley). The site is liable to surface water flooding which should be mitigatable through SUDS. There is a good opportunity to improve the townscape of the site as this is a former industrial site. Site is outwith walking distance of primary, further and higher educational establishments, GP and community centre but bus score is good. The site is within 200 metres of a source of noise Retained or (railway line). Site is outwith short walking distance of some employment sits (main town and Discounted for Retail Park). Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H17 SHLAA REF: 2/CH/18 H54 – Picktree The site is generally more related to Washington being on the east side of the A1. It is likely Lane that most services will be accessed in Washington. The A1 provides a significant barrier to access into CLS and Pelaw. A bridge or tunnel should be investigated to improve connectivity. The scores within the SA pertain to direct distances to services, because of the A1 distances will be, in reality, much more. The site is Greenfield and as such environmental scores are particularly low, with landscape scores, flooding and grade 3 soils also being difficult to Retained or mitigate. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – New New CDP REF: H54 SHLAA REF: 2/RI/01 Submission Stage Information Considered H55 – North of The proximity to the A693 and the East Coast Main Line make noise impacts difficult to Conyers Avenue mitigate against. Bunding and significant landscaping will need to take place. The site benefits from good access to the DRUM industrial estate from the Consett to Sunderland cycle path. The Site is currently a small woodland. Further ecology advice would need to be taken as to Retained or the biodiversity value of the site. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – New New CDP REF: H55 SHLAA REF: 2/CH/38 Submission Stage Information Considered HE1 – Lampton The site has limited access to services, with only one primary school within walking distance at Park (Exec Bournmoor. Main services will be accessed either at Chester-le-Street or in Houshton-le- Housing) Spring (Sunderland LEA) or further affield. The site lies within an area of high IMD and so benefits from an extra mark. With the development being somewhat remote of the existing settlement at Bournmoor it is unlikely to create many benefits to the existing settlement. The site suffers from particularly low environmental scores due to the location being in an area of high landscape value, a Greenfield location in historic parks and gardens. A significant amount of landscaping, including the retention of significant features should be considered although Retained or this will not mitigate from the development. Loss of grade 3 soils unmitigatable. Some surface Discounted for water flooding issues mitigated by SUDS. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: HE1 SHLAA REF: 2/BO/11 H56 – English Levels on-site would need to be addressed. Steep areas to the south. Severance and noise Martyrs School issues to the South and West with A691. Impacts could be reduced by developing substantial structural landscaping to southern perimeter and internal planting to assimilate roofscape. This would take time to be effective. Some surface water flooding – Mitigate with SUDS. Generally good access to community services and facilities on foot with most within a short walking distance, except for secondary and post 18 education providers. The site is within a catchment of major supermarket, but outwith a train station (beyond 7km). Development will incur the loss of open space and is likely to affect a sustrans route. Development could also improve Retained or townscape. However, it is likely to have a significant adverse visual impact on the landscape. Discounted for Some SWF and waste water constraints has also been identified. Submission Stage REATINED New CDP REF: H23 SHLAA REF: 1/CO/09 H57 – Gloucester Site extends settlement to the north towards Tesco. Whilst there is older persons Road accommodation on the northern site there are no traditional forms of housing. Proximity to care homes may be an issue, especially during construction. Landscaping needs to be a priority. Generally good access to community services and facilities on foot with all within a short walking distance. Development will incur the loss of amenity open space, but is unlikely Retained or to affect existing PROW. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – New CDP REF: H57 SHLAA REF: 1/CO/23 Submission Stage Deliverability H58 – Victory Site has lapsed planning permission, is close to Consett Town Centre and all applicable Yard amenities. Some Surface Water Flooding issues which may be mitigated using SUDS. Site is Retained or currently used as scrap merchants yard so may be some contamination issues. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – New CDP REF: H57 SHLAA REF: 1/CO/37 Submission Stage Deliverability/Viability H59 – South Assumes substantial structural landscaping is allowed for retaining robust open space along Knitesley Lane minor valley running north through site together with internal tree belts to assimilate roofscape. The site has a small stream running through the centre of the site, therefore SUDS would need to be incorporated. CO/67 is already linking up Delves lane to Templetown therefore this site is an extension of that, however this is another large site and to access nearest services at Retained or Delves lane there would need to be significant access to the east. If access was not Discounted for forthcoming the site would be marked lower. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H28 SHLAA REF: 1/CO/42 H60 – South of Greenfield location on the North east edge of town. Landscape Comments - Prominent site - Berry Edge Farm assumes robust structural landscaping along western edge to screen development in views across valley. Relatively good access to community services and facilities on foot, except for post 18 education providers. The site is within a catchment of major supermarket, but outwith a Retained or train station (beyond 7km). Loss of Grade 4 Agricultural land. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – New CDP REF: H60 SHLAA REF: 1/CO/13 Submission Stage Deliverability H62 – Blackfyne Generally good access to community services and facilities on foot as all are within a relatively Community short walking distance. The site is within a catchment of major supermarket, but outwith a train Sports College station (beyond 7km). Development will not incur the loss of open space or affect existing Site A PROWs. Most facilities are within a relatively short walking distance. Development may help to alleviate deprivation in the ward. No waste water or flooding constraints identified and development is unlikely to affect European, national or local wildlife habitats/ species. It will also not involve the loss of greenfield/ agricultural land. As PDL development is also likely to Retained or have a neutral visual impact on the landscape and improve townscape. Assumes retention of Discounted for mature trees in south-west which would reduce site area by around 0.4ha. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H21 SHLAA REF: 1/CO/89a H63 – Genesis Good access to town centre and facilities. Location on Brownfield land although site has been Site idle for over 30 years and so should be reclassified as Greenfield. Significant remediation work needed to deal with potential pollution issues from site. Comprehensive ecological appraisal Retained or needed for site to ensure no ecological issues. SUDS needed to deal with surface water run Discounted for off. Need to ensure significant green space is incorporated within development. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H24 SHLAA REF: 1/CO/101 H64 – Castleside Good links to Employment land, however the site is adjacent to Knitsley and High House Wood Reservoir CWS and Ancient woodland so may increase levels of local disturbance and recreational pressure and is built upon green field land. Ecology would have to be satisfied that there Retained or would be no detrimental impact. The site is not considered to be within a short walking Discounted for distance of some services/ facilities. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the Submission Stage level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population Consideration and support should be given to additional provision of services/facilities/employment opportunities where they are lacking in local area alongside development and provision of high speed broadband to enable remote access to facilities/services and enable home working/self employment. RETAINED New CDP REF: H22 SHLAA REF: 1/CO/64 H65 – Moorside The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of some services/ facilities. This Comprehensive is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population. Consideration and support should be given to additional provision of services/facilities/employment opportunities where they are lacking in local area alongside development and provision of high speed broadband to enable remote access to facilities/services and enable home working/self employment.

The site is adjacent to Allensford Wood (CWS) so may increase levels of local disturbance and recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as Retained or appropriate. Discounted for RETAINED New CDP REF: H25 SHLAA REF: 1/CO/88 Submission Stage H66 – Rosedale Central Blackhill/Shotley Bridge site, on Greenfield land. Scale of landscape impact depends Avenue largely on value as open space and impacts on mature trees, however the OSNA states there is an oversupply in the ward. Appears under-used and little managed. May be scope for partial development (0.6 ha) and improvement of remainder. The site seems like a logical expansion of the urban area given that it is surrounded by housing; it would be important to retain the trees/hedgerows around the sites boundaries as these have amenity value and a screening Retained or function. Townscape should be considered as there is the potential for development to have an Discounted for adverse impact. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H27 SHLAA REF: 1/CO/16 H67 – Blackfyne Site would look like a natural extension to ‘The Links’ development, however it is some Community distance away from the main road and takes up valuable open space. The site is not Sports College considered to be within a short walking distance of some services/ facilities and bus transport Site B (Muirfield accessibility score does not meet minimum requirements for network and walking distance. Close) Consideration and support should be given to additional provision of services/facilities/employment opportunities where they are lacking in local area alongside development and provision of high speed broadband to enable remote access to Retained or facilities/services and enable home working/self employment. Not possible to mitigate for loss Discounted for of greenfield/ agricultural land. However, GI should be prioritised. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H26 SHLAA REF: 1/CO/89d H71 – Stanley Access to employment within industrial estates are not within easy walking distance so may School of require consideration of additional provision and/or additional investment to bus services to Technology maintain current excellent provision. Site is severed from main town of Stanley by A693 so need to ensure that pedestrian crossings are adequate for all development to the east of this road. Development of site would incur loss of playing field so alternate provision may need to be considered. Some adverse residual landscape and visual impacts would remain following Retained or mitigation which largely relate to loss of playing field. Some surface water flood risk exists, may Discounted for be mitigated by incorporation of SuDS / layout of site. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H30 SHLAA REF: 1/ST/53 H72 – Middles Site is severed from main town of Stanley by A693 so need to ensure that pedestrian crossings farm & South are adequate for all development to the east of this road. South Stanley LWS is adjacent to the Moor Hospital site so further advice from the ecology team may be required in respect of appropriate mitigation measures during construction and potentially to deal with an increased level of recreational impacts. Mitigation may require provision of suitable alternative natural greenspace within or within close proximity of the development. Some adverse landscape and visual impact would remain following mitigation if 1/ST/31 is developed. However, if 1/ST/34 was developed on its own the landscape and visual impact would be positive as opportunity to enhance if mature trees are retained. Advice from heritage team may be required in respect of development proximity to Middles Farmhouse and Stanley South Moor Hospital. Some surface water flood risk exists, may be mitigated by incorporation of SuDS / layout of site. Not possible Retained or to mitigate for loss of grade 3 agricultural land. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Existing New CDP REF: H72 SHLAA REF: 1/ST/34 Submission Stage Commitment H73 – Humber Hill Bus services to this site are classed as poor in terms of frequency of service and linkage with main centres. Additional investment/provision may be required. This part of Stanley already exceeds headroom in terms of waste water constraints. Investment in sewage treatment infrastructure would be required prior to development so phasing of development is key. The diversion of an existing PROW may be required as may further archaeological survey as the Retained or site is a former post medieval colliery. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – New CDP REF: H73 SHLAA REF: 1/ST/15 Submission Stage Deliverability H74 – Shield Row Access to leisure facilities are not within easy walking distance so may require consideration of additional provision and/or additional investment to bus services which are currently poor, particularly in relation to frequency of service. Site is severed from main town of Stanley by A693/A6076 so need to ensure that pedestrian crossings are adequate for all development to the east of this road. This part of Stanley already exceeds headroom in terms of waste water constraints. Investment in sewage treatment infrastructure would be required prior to development so phasing of development is key. In terms of landscape and visual impacts04 and 05 are significant adverse residual impact, 03 is some adverse impact on designation but assumes built development avoids steeper slopes in south (southern 1/3). The yield of the site should be adjusted accordingly to reflect avoidance of steeper slopes and areas of woodland. Development of the site would result in the loss of a plying field and publicly accessible woodland. Suggest retention of woodland on site. The playing field should also be retained where possible or alternative provision sought. This site has been identified by the Surface Water Management Plan as a site that provides opportunity to manage the risk of surface water flooding in the wider identified surface water risk area. Recommendations are as follows: Investigate the development potential of the SHLAA site at Beamish Moor toprovide source control measures to manage surface water. Retained or DISCOUNTED – Further New CDP REF: H74 SHLAA REF: 1/ST/03 Discounted for evidence submitted on lack Submission Stage of accessibility H75 – Oxhill Farm Access to GP’s and employment within industrial estates are not within easy walking distance so may require consideration of additional provision and/or additional investment to bus services to maintain current excellent provision. Site is severed from main town of Stanley by A693 so need to ensure that pedestrian crossings are adequate for all development to the east of this road. A noise assessment may also need to be undertaken in light of the proximity of this site to the A693. Development of this site would incur the loss of an allotment so alternative provision should be sought if the allotment cannot be retained as part of development. Some surface water flood risk exists, may be mitigated by incorporation of SuDS Retained or / layout of site. Not possible to mitigate for loss of grade 3 agricultural land although suggest Discounted for incorporation of greenspace. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H29 SHLAA REF: 1/ST/22 H76 – Pea Road This part of Stanley already exceeds headroom in terms of waste water constraints. Investment in sewage treatment infrastructure would be required prior to development so phasing of development is key. Some adverse residual landscape and visual impacts would remain following mitigation measures. The site is within 200 metres of the A693 and as such a noise assessment should be undertaken and appropriate mitigation implemented as a result e.g. incorporation of noise barriers. The site is within 800 metres of Barn Hill Heath LWS and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Not possible to mitigate for loss of greenfield land. Retained or DISCOUNTED – Further New CDP REF: H76 SHLAA REF: 1/ST/18 Discounted for evidence submitted on lack Submission Stage of accessibility H48 – Greencroft Former Greencroft School site. Currently redundant as North Durham Academy has just School opended. Issues with waste water constraints in that the site, which includes the most of Annfield Plain, already exceeds headroom. The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of secondary school, further/higher education or employment sites (main town and retail park). This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. The site is not within a catchment of a train station or employment opportunities of regional or national importance (retail park). This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site and linkage with other main centres. The site is within 300m distance of Greencroft Heath (LNR, CWS & LWS) and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Retained or DISCOUNTED – Site no New CDP REF: H48 SHLAA REF: 1/AP/26 Discounted for longer available through Submission Stage BSF programme H49 – Shield Row Site is near to the centre of Annfield Plain and amenities, however the main issue is that whilst Lane the site is considered Brownfield land the site is considered extremely important ecologically. The site is developing into Lowland Heath BAP habitat with the potential for Dingy Skipper a protected BAP species. Whilst further work needs to be done to ascertain the extent of the habitat any development would seriously undermine this important habitat and species. Waste Retained or Water Constraints Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Existing New CDP REF: H49 SHLAA REF: 1/AP/19 Submission Stage Commitment H50 – Kyo Road The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of employment sites (main town and retail park), OSNA site, secondary school or further/higher education. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. The site is not within a catchment of a train station or employment opportunities of regional or national importance (retail park). This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site and linkage with other main centres. The site is within 420m distance of Kyo Bogs (LNR, CWS & LNR) and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. The site is within a Landscape Conservation Area and development of the site will incur some adverse residual landscape and visual impact. Assumes retention of some mature trees. The site is at some risk of surface water flooding. Incorporation of green space should be a priority. Sewage Treatment Works capacity serving this site is already exceeded. Investment is likely to be Retained or required prior to the development of this site. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – New New CDP REF: H50 SHLAA REF: 1/AP/07 Submission Stage Information Considered H68 – Scorer’s The site is not within easy walking distance of secondary schools, colleges or services and Lane employment linked to main towns, retail parks or industrial estates (none within settlement) However, analysis of bus provision show that the site exceeds minimum requirements in respect of walking distance to a bus stop/service, frequency of current service and linkage with the main centres of Durham, Darlington, Sunderland and Newcastle which may enable access to services/employment by relatively sustainable means. The impact of an increased population in Great Lumley on the existing bus service provision should be considered in terms of whether additional investment would be required to maintain excellent provision. Development of this site would incur some adverse landscape and visual impacts despite mitigation which would assume structural landscaping to eastern edge to soften existing appearance of Great Lumley on skyline. The site may have amenity value for informal recreation purposes due to the presence of a PROW crossing the site. Suggest that the PROW is retained or diverted to ensure potential amenity value is not unduly impacted. A large proportion of site is liable to surface water flooding so a flood assessment will be required and appropriate SuDS / measures incorporated. Not possible to mitigate for loss of Grade 3 agricultural land and use of greenfield site although suggest incorporation of green space. Retained or DISCOUNTED – Further New CDP REF: H68 SHLAA REF: 2/GL/10 Discounted for evidence submitted would Submission Stage impact on viability H69 – The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of post 18 education providers Brackenbeds or many employment opportunities. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the Lane level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population. The site is within 200 metres of the A693 and as such a noise assessment should be undertaken and appropriate mitigation implemented. Consideration will need to be given to the retention or diversion of the PROW. If the route needs to be diverted this should be done in a way which does not impact upon the permeability of the settlement and ease of access for residents / users. Not possible to mitigate for loss of greenfield / agricultural land (Grade 3). Retained or DISCOUNTED – Further New CDP REF: H69 SHLAA REF: 2/PE/01 Discounted for evidence submitted would Submission Stage impact on viability H70 – Rear of Elm Poor scores in economic criteria, will mean that residents would have to drive further to access Avenue shops and facilities. The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of post 18 education. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the Retained or site. The site is within 200 metres of the A693 and as such a noise assessment should be Discounted for undertaken and appropriate mitigation implemented. Elevated site visible from adjacent A road Submission Stage and difficult to screen. Potentially very obtrusive set against cemetery. Large parts of the site and adjacent estate suffers from surface water flooding. Significant site investigation will need to be completed and SUDS included in any proposal. Loss of Grade 3 soils unmitigatable. RETAINED New CDP REF: H31 SHLAA REF: 2/PE/06 H78 – Syke Road Incursion into open countryside with attractive valley landform and value as natural greenspace. Some large amounts of surface water flooding exists around the site. Development may exacerbate flooding issues in existing settlement. SUDS would be vital to Retained or mitigate run off. Good access to services apart from Comprehensive school. Existing scholars Discounted for services may need to be expanded to deal with extra population. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H35 SHLAA REF: 1/BU/03 H77 – Brooms The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of secondary schools, post 18 Public House education providers or many employment opportunities. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. The site will incur a loss of play space which may lead to a deficit in type if loss cannot be compensated for. The site is adjacent to Retained or Walters Wood LWS and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice Discounted for should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H39 SHLAA REF: 2/OU/01 SOUTH DURHAM DELIVERY AREA H79 – East of Improvement of bus service required. May require mitigation in terms of noise impacts due to Brack’s Way proximity to A688. Visible from A688 on shallow embankment – could be screened by perimeter tree belt in time (15 years) or by a planted acoustic bund in less time. Landscape / Retained or visual impact of site remains negative following mitigation. Loss of agricultural land / greenfield Discounted for land can not be mitigated for but greenspace could be incorporated into layout. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H42 SHLAA REF: 3/BA/31a H80 – Brack’s Improvement of bus service required. Potential pedestrian rail crossings to be provided and Farm noise mitigation measures may be required in respect of railway line. Further advice required from ecology in respect of potential increased recreational impact to Brack's Wood Local wildlife site. Perimeter planting to southern and western edges would help to reduce landscape and visual impact although impact would still remain negative. Potential for archaeological survey required as early mediaeval battlefield nearby. Loss of agricultural / greenfield land can not be mitigated for although suggest incorporation of green space within site layout. Some Retained or surface water flooding issues: may be mitigated by site layout or by incorporation of SuDS. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – New CDP REF: H80 SHLAA REF: 3/BA/41 Submission Stage Commitment H81 – Former As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of Chamberlain protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. The site is at some Phipps risk of surface water flooding so a flood assessment may need to be undertaken and SuDS Retained or incorporated as appropriate. Discounted for Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H43 SHLAA REF: 3/BA/21 H82 – Woodhouse As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of Close Estate protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. Retained or Discounted for Submission Stage DISCOUNTED - Viability New CDP REF: H82 SHLAA REF: 3/BA/12 H83 – Cheesmond May result in loss of play space although currently redundant so alternative provision may be Avenue required. Some surface water flooding issues: may be mitigated by site layout or by Retained or incorporation of SuDS. Not possible to mitigate for loss of greenfield land although suggest that Discounted for greenspace is incorporated into layout. Submission Stage DISCOUNTED – Viability New CDP REF: H83 SHLAA REF: 3/BA/11 H84 – Auckland Improvement of bus service required particularly to aid access to secondary schools / colleges. Park Additional pedestrian crossings across A688 may be required to aid access to services within Bishop Auckland and mitigation may be required in respect of noise impacts from railway line. Landscape / visual impact remains negative following mitigation – views from higher ground. Some surface water flooding issues: may be mitigated by site layout or by incorporation of SuDS. Loss of agricultural land and greenfield land can not be mitigated for although suggest Retained or incorporation of greenspace within layout. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – New CDP REF: H84 SHLAA REF: 3/DV/03 Submission Stage Commitment H85 – Canney Hill Due to proximity to A688 noise mitigation measures may be required. Visible in places from Retained or A688 through roadside vegetation – potential to be contained by further screening. Further Discounted for archaeological survey may be required as site of Canney Hill Pottery. Greenspace to be Submission Stage incorporated within layout. RETAINED New CDP REF: H41 SHLAA REF: 3/BA/48 H86 – Improvement to bus service required, particularly as site has poor access to primary and Woodhouses secondary schools, GP’s and relatively poor access to employment. 38: Loss of reasonably Farm attractive countryside but relatively contained visually and could be screened by perimeter planting. Development on or over southern ridge north of Woodhouses farm should be avoided or development would be prominent on skyline in views from the south. Consolidation of woodland in dene desirable. Loss of reasonably attractive countryside but relatively contained visually and could be screened by perimeter planting. Consolidation of woodland along the dene would be beneficial. Landscape and visual impact remains negative following mitigation for both sites. High risk of surface water flooding either side of Etherley Beck so SuDS may be Retained or required and layout of site carefully considered. Loss of agricultural / greenfield land can not be Discounted for mitigated for although suggest incorporation of green space within site layout. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H40 SHLAA REF: 3/BA/38 H87 – Walker Dr, May require mitigation in terms of noise impacts due to proximity to A688. As access to Former Cemex secondary and higher education is poor, bus services will need to be adequate. Some surface Retained or water flooding issues: may be mitigated by site layout or by incorporation of SuDS. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – New CDP REF: H87 SHLAA REF: 3/BA/14 Submission Stage Commitment H88 – South of Improvement of bus service required particularly to aid access to secondary schools / colleges West Aukland FC and employment. Landscape / visual impact remains negative following mitigation. FZ2 part of site should be avoided and SuDS to be incorporated. Loss of agricultural and greenfield land Retained or can not be mitigated for although suggest integration of greenspace within layout. The site is Discounted for within 200 metres of the A688. Submission Stage DISCOUNTED – Further New CDP REF: H88 SHLAA REF: 3/WA/04b Information H90 – Rear of No secondary schools, colleges or retail parks exist within the settlement so new provision may High West Road need to be considered (three potential retail sites for Crook have been identified) based on population/need) Furthermore, additional investment to bus services may be required as provision is only adequate at present. Linkage with other main centres in particular could be improved. A noise assessment may be required as part of the site is adjacent to the A689. Some adverse residual landscape and visual impact remains following mitigation which assumes retention of mature trees in hedges east of Mown Meadows and structural landscaping to northern and western perimeter. The size of the site may allow for provision against OSNA identified needs. This site has been identified by the Surface Water Management Plan as a site that provides opportunity to manage the risk of surface water flooding in the wider identified surface water risk area. Recommendations are as follows: Retained or Investigate the potential of the SHLAA sites to the north west of Crook to provide source Discounted for control measures to manage surface water risk. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H44 SHLAA REF: 3/CR/02 H91 – West of No secondary schools, colleges or retail parks exist within the settlement so new provision may Crook Primary need to be considered (three potential retail sites for Crook have been identified) based on School population/need and/or additional investment to bus services may be required to ensure continued good provision. Development of site will incur loss of amenity open space. Incorporation of green space within site layout may help to mitigate loss. Generally good Retained or central site however potential noise impacts from main A road could be an issue which would Discounted for need mitigation. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H45 SHLAA REF: 3/CR/43 H93 – Site N Waste water headroom will be exceeded by 2015/21. Prior investment will be required / Cobblers Hall phasing of development. Access to employment is not within easy walking distance so may require additional investment to bus service to ensure continued good provision. Site is adjacent to the Moor LNR so further advice on mitigation may be required from the ecology team but may involve provision of alternate greenspace to help offset increased recreational impact. Some surface water flooding issues: may be mitigated by site layout or by Retained or incorporation of SuDS. Some adverse residual landscape and visual impact remains following Discounted for mitigation. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H51 SHLAA REF: 7/NA/186 H94 – Site O Waste water headroom will be exceeded by 2015/21. Prior investment will be required / Cobblers Hall phasing of development. Access to employment is not within easy walking distance so may require additional investment to bus service to ensure continued good provision. Site is adjacent to the Moor LNR so further advice on mitigation may be required from the ecology team but may involve provision of alternate greenspace to help offset increased recreational impact. Some surface water flooding issues: may be mitigated by site layout or by Retained or incorporation of SuDS. Some adverse residual landscape and visual impact remains following Discounted for mitigation. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H52 SHLAA REF: 7/NA/187 H95 – Land South Waste water headroom will be exceeded by 2015/21. Prior investment will be required / of Agnew phasing of development. Access to employment is not within easy walking distance so may Plantation require additional investment to bus service to ensure continued excellent provision. Development of site will incur loss of playing fields and urban green space so alternate provision may be required which may also help to mitigate potential increased recreational impact to The Moor LNR. Some adverse residual landscape and visual impact remains Retained or following mitigation. Some surface water flooding issues: may be mitigated by site layout or by Discounted for incorporation of SuDS. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H47 SHLAA REF: 7/NA/90 H96 – Woodham Waste water headroom will be exceeded by 2015/21. Prior investment will be required / Community phasing of development. Development will incur loss of playing fields and urban green space College so alternative provision may be required as will incorporation of greenspace in site layout. Some adverse residual landscape and visual impact remains following mitigation. Adjacent to Retained or floodplain of Woodham burn and liable to surface water flooding – could possibly be mitigated Discounted for by site layout and/or incorporation of SuDS. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H53 SHLAA REF: 7/NA/326 H97 – Congreve Access to secondary schools/colleges, local shops and GP’s are not within easy walking Terrace distance so may require consideration of additional provision and/or additional investment to bus services to ensure continued current good provision. Site is severed from facilities in AycliffeVillage by A167 so additional pedestrian crossings may be required. A noise assessment may also be required and site may require acoustic bunding An odour assessment may also be required in relation to proximity to sewage treatment works. Waste water headroom will be exceeded by 2015/21. Prior investment will be required / phasing of development. Development of site will incur loss of allotments so alternative provision may be required. Some adverse residual landscape and visual impact remains following mitigation. A large proportion of site liable to surface water flooding and adjoins flood zone 3a which could Retained or possibly be mitigated by site layout and/or incorporation of SuDS. Not possible to mitigate for Discounted for loss of agricultural land. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H48 SHLAA REF: 7/AV/081 H98 – Eldon Waste water headroom will be exceeded by 2015/21. Prior investment will be required / Whinns phasing of development. Access to employment is not within easy walking distance so may require additional investment to bus services as currently poor for 7/NA/130 in respect of frequency and distance to bus stops/service. Some adverse residual landscape and visual impact remains following mitigation which assumes substantial structural landscaping to road and western edge. Opportunity to develop the neighbouring woodlands as community woodlands aiding the provision of accessible semi natural greenspace as identified in the OSNA. May help to reduce potential increased recreational impact to The Moor LNR. There may be the remains of a prehistoric settlement on site so further advice / archaeological Retained or assessment may be required. Some surface water flooding issues: may be mitigated by site Discounted for layout or by incorporation of SuDS. Not possible to mitigate for loss of agricultural land. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H49 SHLAA REF: 7/NA/005 H117 – North of Waste water headroom will be exceeded by 2015/21. Prior investment will be required / Travellers Green phasing of development. Access to services and employment opportunities linked to retail parks is not within easy walking distance so suggest consideration of additional retail provision or additional investment to bus service which scores poorly in relation to frequency to this site and walking distance from this site to access bus services. A noise assessment may be required in respect of the proximity of this site to the A167. Some adverse landscape and visual impacts will result due to incursion into long standing green wedge outside of mature structural landscaping along the settlement edge - but visually well contained and could be screened further by additional planting. A large proportion of this site is liable to surface water flooding so a flood assessment will be required and incorporation of appropriate mitigation measures such as utilisation of SuDS. Retained or Not possible to mitigate for loss of grade 3 agricultural land or use of a greenfield site although Discounted for suggest incorporation of greenspace. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H50 SHLAA REF: 7/NA/329 HA9 – Low Waste water headroom will be exceeded by 2015/21. Prior investment will be required / Copelaw phasing of development. Access to employment is not within easy walking distance so may require additional investment to bus service which scores poorly in relation to walking distance to bus stops/service and linkage to main centres. The A167 severs site from rest of Newton Aycliffe so pedestrian crossings will be required. A noise assessment may also be required and site may require acoustic bunding. Some adverse residual landscape and visual impact remains following mitigation which would include substantial structural landscaping to open perimeters and retention of mature vegetation where appropriate. Site layout to avoid area of rigg and furrow. Some surface water flooding issues: may be mitigated by site layout or by incorporation of SuDS. Not possible to mitigate for loss of agricultural land. The site is Retained or considered to host GCNs and as such further advice should be sought form the Ecology Team Discounted for as to whether mitigation can be achieved or not. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H46 SHLAA REF: 7/NA/313 H101 – North of Nearest college and Retail Park are within Bishop Auckland so additional investment to bus Fulton Court services may be required to ensure continuation of currently good provision. A potential retail site (on Hackworth Ind Est) has been identified for Shildon which would help to improve access to services / employment within Shildon. However, the provision of the retail site should not be at the expense of the viability/vitality of the town centre. A PROW exists on the site which would need to be retained / diverted. A noise assessment may also be required in respect of proximity of the site to the railway line. Waste water headroom will be exceeded by 2015/21. Prior investment will be required / phasing of development. Loss of grade 3 agricultural land can not be mitigated for although suggest incorporation of greenspace in development. Some adverse landscape and visual impacts will also remain following implementation of appropriate mitigation measures. Retained or DISCOUNTED – Further New CDP REF: H101 SHLAA REF: 7/SH/109 Discounted for Evidence submitted on Submission Stage archaeological constraint H102 – All Saints The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of post 18 education providers and Land or reg/nat employment opportunities. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the Adjacent level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population. The site is within 200 metres of the A6072 and as such a noise assessment should be undertaken and appropriate mitigation implemented. The site is within 800 metres of Shildon Sidings LWS and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. Development will incur some adverse landscape and visual impact: assumes substantial planting to western perimeter and appropriate stand-offs from mature trees on boundaries in the north. The site is at some risk of surface water flooding so a flood assessment may need to be undertaken and SuDS incorporated as appropriate. Investment in sewage treatment works serving the site will be required between 2015 and 2021. Not possible to mitigate for loss of greenfield / agricultural land. Retained or DISCOUNTED – Existing New CDP REF: H102 SHLAA REF: 7/SH/020 Discounted for Commitment Submission Stage H89 – West Although access is generally excellent, some essential services/ facilities are likely to be Chilton Farm outwith residents’ walking distance (e.g. education, leisure, main town & retail park). Where access needs to be improved the excellent bus score (highest) is likely to provide the necessary mitigation. Considering the distances to educational facilities, most notably secondary schools, it is suggested that additional local provision may be required. The site is within 200m of the A167 so measures to minimise air and noise pollution (e.g. structure planting and site layout) will be required. There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom before 2015 – significant investment will be required. Mill Wood (CWS) is 670m from the site, not connected by PROW and the A167 intervenes. Nonetheless further advices from the ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Despite mitigation some adverse visual impact on the landscape will remain: assumes retention of mature trees. Site also shows evidence of rig & furrow; if this is medieval in origin, landscape impacts would be more significant. Loss of greenfield/ agricultural land cannot be Retained or mitigated. The site could benefit from district heating if plans for the area come forward. in Discounted for conjunction with other adjacent green sites. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H54 SHLAA REF: 7/CH/078a H92 – South of Although access to most services and facilities is generally good, some services/ facilities may Dean Road be outwith walking distance for some residents (e.g. education, health, main town, industrial estate & retail park). This fact may be helped by the decent bus score, if access, frequency and connectivity of services is improved – it is suggested that operators looks to provide service stops adjacent to/ within the site as well as additional services (dependent on quantum of development/ mix of housing). Proposed new employment and retail sites may also help to improve access; particularly if proposed retail site adjacent comes forward. Development of site may result in the loss of PROW: retain if possible. There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom before 2015 – significant investment will be required. Ferryhill Carrs (SSSI) is 1.2km from the site and not connected by PROW; nonetheless further advice from the ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Despite mitigation some adverse visual impact on the landscape will remain: development would result in an incursion into countryside, but consolidate settlement form. This recommendation assumes retention of mature trees and development of GI / structural landscaping along Retained or southern edge and particularly in minor dry valley in SE. Loss of greenfield/ agricultural land Discounted for cannot be mitigated. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H55 SHLAA REF: 7/FH/039 H100 – South of Although access to most services and facilities is generally excellent, there are some services/ Eden Drive facilities that may be outwith walking distance for residents (e.g. education, retail park, industrial estate & main town). This fact is unlikely to be mitigated by the low bus score. Consider improving access, frequency and connectivity of local bus services to the site – it is suggested that operators look to provide service stops adjacent to/within the site, but this is dependent on quantum of development/ mix of housing. Proposed new employment sites may also help to improve access. Development is likely to result in the loss of PROW: retain if possible. Site adjacent to A689 so measures to mitigated air and noise pollution will be required (e.g. structure planting and site layout). STW approx 200m from site so measure to minimise noise and odour will be required; may be difficult to mitigate. Despite mitigation significant adverse visual impact on the landscape will remain. This is because development would mean incursion into attractive open countryside: could be a logical urban extension nevertheless in terms of overall settlement morphology. Site adjacent to Ceddesfeld Hall Gardens Historic park and garden as well as Sedgefield Conservation Area; as such advice from conservation and design colleagues would be required to fully assess potential impact on Retained or existing built environment. It is likely that a high-level of design will be required. Loss of Discounted for greenfield/ agricultural land cannot be mitigated. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H57 SHLAA REF: 7/SF/069 H104 – Opposite Although access to most services and facilities is generally good, some services/ facilities may West Road be outwith walking distance for residents (e.g. education, retail park, industrial estate/ business park & main town). The decent bus score may help to improve access, but only if frequency and connectivity of local services are improved. Proposed new retail sites may also help to improve access. The site is adjacent to A690 so measure so minimise air and noise pollution will be required (e.g. structure planting). There are likely to be waste water constraints on development as it has been forecast that the current network will exceed headroom between 2015 & 2021 – investment will be required. Willington North Dene (CWS) 340m; so further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Despite mitigation significant adverse visual impact on the landscape will remain: incursion into attractive countryside. Eastern 1.2 ha or so would have lower visual impacts, but would need stand-off from wooded dene and contains some rig & furrow which Retained or may be of local historical interest. If this is proven to be the case, impact may be more severe. Discounted for Loss of greenfield/ agricultural land cannot be mitigated. Submission Stage DISCOUNTED – New CDP REF: H104 SHLAA REF: 3/WI/01 Commitment H103 – Rose Although access to most services and facilities is generally excellent, there are services/ Street facilities that may be outwith walking distance for some residents (e.g. education, retail park & main town). The decent bus score may also help to mitigate accessibility, particularly if frequency and connectivity of local services is improved. Trimdon Grange Pit Heap (CWS) is 200m and Trimdon Limestone Quarry (SSSI) is 1km; so further advice from ecology is likely to Retained or be required to in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Discounted for Development of this site could result in sprawl: difficult, if not impossible, to mitigate. Submission Stage DISCOUNTED – Further New CDP REF: H103 SHLAA REF: 7/TG/309 evidence submitted EAST DURHAM DELIVERY AREA H28 – Adjacent The site will incur a loss of land of potential amenity value although the OSNA identifies an Shotton School oversupply of amenity space in the ward. Due regard should be given to Policy 20 Green Infrastructure. The site is within 400m of SAC so there is potential for adverse recreational impacts. Further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of this but may require provision of suitable alternative natural greenspace within or close to the site to offset potential recreational pressure. Provision of such space may also help to mitigate for potential loss of informal amenity space that would appear to be utilised by dog walkers. The site is within 3km of SAC and 4km of Northumbria Coast SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The site has development potential but this would be dependant upon the layout, density, scale, design etc responding to Retained or the sites context and the surrounding built form; access would need to be carefully considered Discounted for and it would be important to provide natural screening. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H59 SHLAA REF: 5/PE/16 H29 – South of The site is within 400m of Castle Eden Dene SAC so there is potential for adverse recreational Passfield Way impacts and increased surface water run off. Further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of this but may require provision of suitable alternative natural greenspace within or close to the site to offset potential recreational pressure. Some adverse residual landscape and visual impact remains following mitigation which assumes retention of some open space and mature trees (up to 25% of site). The predicted housing yield would need to be adjusted accordingly. The site is within 3km of Durham Coast SAC and 5km of Northumbria Coast SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to contribute to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace as per guidance to be developed in order to enable the development. Landscape - assumes retention on mature / semi-mature trees and some open space (25% of site). Harmful due to loss of a significant area of green open/amenity space within the planned town layout part of its distinctive character and prominent from many vantage points; important hedgerows and trees within and surrounding the site; any development here would need to be very well considered to respect the sites context, layout must incorporate landscaped elements Retained or to be in keeping with the character of the locality, density, scale, design to respond to existing Discounted for housing. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H63 SHLAA REF: 5/PE/21 H30 – Dene House Access to colleges are not within easy walking distance so may require consideration of School additional provision and/or additional investment to bus services to maintain currently excellent provision. The site is within 400m of Castle Eden Dene SAC so there is potential for adverse recreational impacts and a risk from increased surface water run off from housing and the Water Cycle Study indicates concentrations of hydraulic sewer flooding incidents in Peterlee. Further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of this but may require provision of suitable alternative natural greenspace within or close to the site to offset potential recreational pressure. The wooded area to the north of the site should be retained and the housing yield should be adjusted accordingly. Some surface water flood risk exists, may be mitigated by incorporation of SuDS / layout of site. The site is within 1.1km of Durham Coast SAC and 3.2km of Northumbria Coast SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to contribute to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace as per guidance to be developed in order to enable the development. Landscape: assumes retention of wooded area in north of site. Development would need to be set back from Yoden way to maintain the open nature of the land and provide a strong linear frontage, important to retain existing verges/trees/hedgerows Retained or and incorporate landscape areas to be in keeping with the character of the new town. Not Discounted for possible to mitigate for loss of greenfield land. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H61 SHLAA REF: 5/PE/10 H32 – North The site will incur a loss of amenity open space although the OSNA identifies an oversupply of Blunts this type in the ward. Due regard should be given to Policy 20 Green Infrastructure to ensure that the development of the site contributes to the open space provision standards. Need to retain semi-mature trees on site. The site is within 400m of Castle Eden Dene SAC so there is potential for adverse recreational impacts and a risk from increased surface water run off from housing and the Water Cycle Study indicates concentrations of hydraulic sewer flooding incidents in Peterlee. Further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of this but may require provision of suitable alternative natural greenspace within or close to the site to offset potential recreational pressure. Site is located on good quality amenity open space and would severely alter the townscape. Good design of new development is therefore essential. The site is within 2.2km of Durham Coast SAC and 4.6km of Northumbria Coast SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to contribute to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace as per guidance to be developed in order to enable the development. Sensitive site adjacent to the dene development needs to consider this setting, existing trees and hedges surround the Retained or site which should be retained, layout, density, scale and housing design must be appropriate to Discounted for the context of the site with green features incorporated into the layout. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H62 SHLAA REF: 5/PE/01a&b H33 – Former Need to retain semi-mature trees on site. The site is within 500m of Castle Eden Dene SAC so ITEC there is potential for adverse recreational impacts. The site is within 2.3km of Durham Coast SAC and 4.7km of Northumbria Coast SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. Further advice from ecology team may be required in respect of this but may require provision of suitable alternative natural greenspace within or close to the site to offset potential recreational pressure. Site is located on good quality amenity open space and would severely alter the townscape. Good design of new development is therefore essential. Assumes retention of trees on perimeters which would reduce area by 25%. Could be looked at in conjunction with sites to south to produce a single masterplan for this area. Development would need to respect the context of the site and be in keeping with this part of the town with verges/trees retained to enhance frontage, Retained or additional screening may be necessary. Discounted for DISCOUNTED - New CDP REF: H33 SHLAA REF: 5/PE/14 Submission Stage Commitment H34- NE Industrial Archaeological investigation will be required in respect of Little Eden Medieval Deserted Estate Settlement. Some surface water flood risk exists, may be mitigated by incorporation of SuDS / layout of site. The site is within 1km of Horden Dene and Warren Gill Grassland LWS and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. The site is within 1.3km of Durham Coast SAC and 4.8km of Northumbria Coast SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to Retained or contribute to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace as per guidance to be developed in order Discounted for to enable the development. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H59 SHLAA REF: 5/PE/18 H35 – Low Hills Access to local shops, GP’s and the main town are not within easy walking distance so may require consideration of additional provision and/or additional investment to bus services to maintain currently excellent provision. The A1086 could cause some severance issues in respect of safe and easy access to services and facilities so additional pedestrian crossing points may be required. A noise assessment may also be required in respect of proximity to this road. Significant adverse residual landscape and visual impacts would remain following mitigation. Substantial structural landscaping on the perimeter planted well in advance of development (10-15 years) would reduce landscape and visual impacts. Development of the site would also result in loss of a designated green wedge. Not possible to mitigate for loss of Retained or agricultural land. Discounted for DISCOUNTED - New CDP REF: H35 SHLAA REF: 5/PE/27 Submission Stage Commitment H36 – Seaham The East Coast Main Line causes some severance issues in terms of access to the main town Colliery Site so the provision of pedestrian crossing points would need to be sufficient for scale of new development to the wets of the line. As site is a former colliery site there may be remnants of industrial heritage that need to be safeguarded and opportunity for interpretation. The central part of the site is liable to surface water flooding: may be mitigated by site layout or by incorporation of SuDS. An employment site exists at the northern part of the site this should be retained. The site is within 800m of Seaham Dene (CWS) so may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as Retained or appropriate. Site is in the setting of Grade I listed Church of St Mary to north of site. Retain Discounted for views through existing footpath opposite church. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H69 SHLAA REF: 5/SE/09 H37 - Lawnside The East Coast Main Line causes some severance issues in terms of access to the main town so the provision of pedestrian crossing points would need to be sufficient for scale of new development to the wets of the line. As site is a former colliery site there may be remnants of industrial heritage that need to be safeguarded and opportunity for interpretation. The central part of the site is liable to surface water flooding: may be mitigated by site layout or by incorporation of SuDS. An employment site exists at the northern part of the site this should be retained. The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of some services/ facilities. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population and encourage use. The site is within 500m of Dawdon Dene (CWS) so may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. The site is within 7km of coastal SAC/ SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and Retained or disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to contribute to Suitable Alternative Discounted for Natural Greenspace as per guidance to be developed in order to enable the development. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H67 SHLAA REF: 5/SE/10 H38 – Seaham The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of some services/ facilities. This Leisure Centre is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population and encourage use. Development will involve the loss of playing pitches, and considering the adjacent high density housing, this is likely to be significant. The site is within 400m of Dawdon Dene (CWS) & GCNs so may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. The site is within 7km of coastal SAC/ SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to contribute to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace as per guidance to be developed in order to enable the development. Landscape impacts could be neutral if substantial areas of more accessible greenspace created in north and west to mitigate loss. This is also likely to minimise impact on townscape. Loss of greenfield land cannot be mitigated, however, GI should be Retained or prioritised. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Uncertainty New CDP REF: H38 SHLAA REF: 5/SE/22 Submission Stage around current use H39 – Land North The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of some services/ facilities. This of Portland is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, Avenue additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population and encourage use. Development will involve the loss of urban greenspace. Any decisions should be informed by the OSNA. The site is within 800m of Retained or Dawdon Dene (CWS) so may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice Discounted for should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. The Submission Stage site is within 8km of coastal SAC/ SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to contribute to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace as per guidance to be developed in order to enable the development. Suggest that sites 11 and 9 could be linked with suitable GI for mitigation. Potential for development in conjunction with SE 09 to the north provided that high quality greenspace provided as part of integrated urban design. Loss of greenfield land cannot be mitigated, however, GI should be prioritised. RETAINED New CDP REF: H66 SHLAA REF: 5/SE/11 H40 – Seaham The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of some services/ facilities. This School is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population and encourage use. Development will involve the loss of playing pitches. The site is within 400m of Seaham Dene (CWS) & GCNs so may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. The site is within 8km of coastal SAC/ SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to contribute to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace as per guidance to be developed in order to enable the development. Assumes retention of mature trees on site perimeter. No known HE constraints, but as the site is over 1ha an Retained or archaeological survey may be required. The site is at some risk of surface water flooding so a Discounted for flood assessment may need to be undertaken and SuDS incorporated as appropriate. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H70 SHLAA REF: 5/SE/21 H41- New Drive Additional provision and/or additional investment to bus services which are currently poor in respect of access to services, frequency of service and service linkage with main centres may be required. The ECML runs along the western edge of the site so a noise assessment may be required. The site is also adjacent to Seaham Dene LWS and a PROW directly connects the housing site with the LWS. Further advice from the ecology team may be required in respect of potential mitigation measures to reduce potential increased recreational impacts and impacts during construction. Measure may include the provision of suitable alternative natural greenspace which may also help to mitigate for proximity to Northumbria Coast SPA (within 1km of the site). The bird study that is currently being undertaken and is due to be complete by the end of March should be consulted in respect of the sites potential impact to qualifying SPA species in terms of potential to cause disturbance to breeding/feeding/roosting etc through increased recreation. Development would cause loss of recreation grounds with value as Retained or greenspace: landscape and visual impacts would be otherwise low. Impacts could be neutral if Discounted for substantial areas of higher quality accessible greenspace were built into the development. Submission Stage DISCOUNTED - Access New CDP REF: H41 SHLAA REF: 5/SE/30 H25 – Glenhurst The site is not within easy walking distance of, colleges or services and employment linked to Farm retail parks (none within settlement). However, analysis of bus provision show that the site exceeds minimum requirements in respect of walking distance to a bus stop/service, frequency of current service and linkage with the main centres of Durham, Darlington, Sunderland and Newcastle which may enable access to services/employment by relatively sustainable means. The impact of an increased population in Easington on the existing bus service provision should be considered in terms of whether additional investment would be required to maintain good provision. Development of this site would incur some adverse landscape and visual impacts despite mitigation measures. Development would also incur loss of rural views from adjacent housing areas. Not possible to mitigate for the loss of grade 3 agricultural land or greenfield site but suggest incorporation of greenspace within development. The site is within 1.1km of Durham Coast SAC and 5.8km of Northumbria Coast SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to contribute to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace as per guidance to be developed in order to enable the development. The site is within 555 metres of Horden Dene LWS and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought Retained or from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Further New CDP REF: H25 SHLAA REF: 5/EA/20 Submission Stage Officer Recommendation H26 – Council The site is not within easy walking distance of, colleges or services and employment linked to Offices retail parks (none within settlement). However, analysis of bus provision show that the site exceeds minimum requirements in respect of walking distance to a bus stop/service, frequency of current service and linkage with the main centres of Durham, Darlington, Sunderland and Newcastle which may enable access to services/employment by relatively sustainable means. The impact of an increased population in Easington on the existing bus service provision should be considered in terms of whether additional investment would be required to maintain excellent provision. Development of this site will incur neutral landscape and visual impacts as long as mature trees are retained and some open space is retained and retention of some open space – predicted yield will need to take this into account. This site is adjacent to an area of archaeological interest. Further advice from the heritage team will be required in respect of need for archaeological survey. However, development is likely to increase recreational Retained or pressure to coastal SACs/ SPAs on its own and in combination with other housing sites. Discounted for Recreational pressure may also be increased to Horden Dene LWS. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H71 SHLAA REF: 5/EA/18 H42 – South of Site is over 3km from college, main town and retail park so not within easy walking distance. Front St & East of Additional provision and / or investment to bus services may be required to ensure continuation Windsor Place of currently excellent bus provision and sustainable form of access. Site would require retention of tree belt to the east to screen against existing development. Site is high quality amenity space which whilst mitigation would be expected in terms of open space within the development, ultimately the green space would be lost but the OSNA shows there is a surplus. Take this into consideration. The site is within 800m of Hart to Haswell Railway (CWS) and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. The site is within 8km of coastal SAC/ SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to contribute to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace as per guidance to be developed in order to enable the development. Would Retained or assume retention of tree belt. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Further New CDP REF: H42 SHLAA REF: 5/SH/01 Submission Stage Information Considered H43 – Land Access to primary schools, colleges, a main town and retail park are not within easy walking Behind Burns Tce distance. Additional provision to Shotton Colliery to be considered and /or investment to bus & Swan Castle services to ensure continuation of excellent bus service provision to the site to enable Farm sustainable means of access to services and facilities. Some adverse landscape and visual impact would remain following mitigation. Site is also prone to surface water flooding so a flood assessment will be required and incorporation of appropriate SuDS. Not possible to mitigate for loss of grade 3 agricultural land and greenfield site but suggest incorporation of greenspace. The site is adjacent to Goreburn Pond (GCNs) and within 500m of Edderacres (CWS) so may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. The site is within 8km of coastal SAC/ SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to contribute to Suitable Alternative Natural Retained or Greenspace as per guidance to be developed in order to enable the development. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Further New CDP REF: H43 SHLAA REF: 5/SH/10 Submission Stage Information Considered H47 – South of The site is not considered to be within a short walking and driving distance of some Wellfield Road services/facilities. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population. Development will result in the loss of amenity open space, but OSNA shows surplus. Take this into consideration. The site is within 750m of New Winning Pond (CWS)/ GCNs so may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. The site is within 8km of coastal SAC/ SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to contribute to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace as per guidance to be developed in order to enable the development. Potential for development if mature trees protected and some managed open space provided. Townscape issues need to be considered as development is likely to have adverse impact. Not possible to mitigate for loss of greenfield land. However, GI Retained or should be prioritised. Discounted for DISCOUNTED - New CDP REF: H47 SHLAA REF: 5/WI/12 Submission Stage Deliverability H46 – Land North The site is not considered to be within a short walking or driving distance of several services/ of Hartlepool facilities. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the Street site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population. The site is within 800 metres of Gore Burn LWS and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. The site is within setting of grade II listed Retained or Church of St Bartholomew. Seek further advice from conservation team regarding appropriate Discounted for mitigation. As the site is also over 1ha so an archaeological survey may be required. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H75 SHLAA REF: 5/TH/01 H45 – Land at The site is not considered to be within a short walking or driving distance of several services/ Dunelm Stables facilities. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population. Consideration will need to be given to the retention or diversion of the PROW. If the route needs to be diverted this should be done in a way which does not impact upon the permeability of the settlement and ease of access for residents / users. The site is within 800 metres of Shadforth Dene (CWS) and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. Further advice from landscape team regarding appropriate mitigation measures. However, assessment considers that development would entail a logical consolidation. Loss of greenfield/ agricultural land cannot be mitigated, however, GI should be prioritised. The site is Retained or at some risk of surface water flooding so a flood assessment may need to be undertaken and Discounted for SuDS incorporated as appropriate. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H74 SHLAA REF: 5/TH/06 H44 – Rodridge The site is not considered to be within a short walking and driving distance of some services/ Street facilities. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population. Development will result in the loss of amenity open space, but OSNA shows surplus. Take this into consideration. The site is within 620m of Wellfield Brick Ponds (CWS)/ GCNs so may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. The site is within 8km of coastal SAC/ SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to contribute to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace as per guidance to be developed in order to enable the development. Loss of attractive and convenient amenity open space and playing fields. Visually well contained. Impact could be reduced if substantial investment made in up- grading open space to the east (note this in OSNA but not DCC ownership). The site is at some risk of surface water flooding so a flood assessment may be needed and SuDS incorporated as appropriate. No known HE constraints have been identified, but as the site is over 1ha an archaeological survey may be required to determine presence/ absence of assets. Retained or Loss of greenfield land cannot be mitigated, but GI should be prioritised. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Further New CDP REF: H62 SHLAA REF: 5/WI/09 Submission Stage Information Considered WEST DURHAM H105 – North of Significant adverse landscape and visual impact would remain following mitigation measures Darlington Road as would significant adverse impact on landscape designation. Not possible to mitigate for loss (High Riggs) of Grade 3 agricultural land and greenfield site, although suggest incorporation of greenspace. Some surface water flooding issues: may be mitigated by site layout or by incorporation of Retained or SuDS. Discounted for DISCOUNTED - New CDP REF: H62 SHLAA REF: 6/BC/10 Submission Stage Commitment H106 – Rear of The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of post 18 education providers. High Riggs This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population. Investment in cycling infrastructure / networks should also be considered. Due to proximity to A688 a noise assessment may be required and site may require acoustic bunding. Some adverse residual landscape and visual impact remains Retained or following mitigation. Not possible to mitigate for loss of Grade 3 agricultural land and greenfield Discounted for site, although suggest incorporation of greenspace. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H81 SHLAA REF: 6/BC/06 H107 – South of The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of post 18 education providers. Green Lane This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population. Investment in cycling infrastructure / networks should also be considered. Consideration will need to be given to the retention or diversion of the PROW. If the route needs to be diverted this should be done in a way which does not impact upon the permeability of the settlement and ease of access for residents / users. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. Within the setting of grade I listed Bowes Museum, Grade II listed Barnard Castle School Building and Grade II* Barnard Castle Chapel. Sensitive site within expansive open setting of numerous nationally significant buildings, careful consideration will be needed with regard to density, design at site boundary Retained or and boundary treatments. The site is over 1ha so an archaeological survey may also be Discounted for required. Not possible to mitigate for loss of agricultural / greenfield land. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H82 SHLAA REF: 6/BC/02 H108 – Land At Flatts Wood LWS is within 200 metres of the site so further advice from ecology team may be Auction Mart required in respect of potentially mitigating for increased recreational impacts. Mitigation may require provision of alternate natural greenspace or contribution to upkeep. Site would require re-location of auction market so local views should be sought on the importance of the market remaining in the town (cultural/rural identity/economy) and consideration should be given as to whether a suitable alternative location for the auction market can be sought. Some surface water flooding issues: may be mitigated by site layout or by incorporation of SuDS. Within the setting of Barnard Castle Conservation Area. Minor negative. Buildings connected with existing Retained or use could potentially be considered non designated heritage assets. Further advice required. Discounted for Site is over 1ha so may require arch survey. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H78 SHLAA REF: 6/BC/09 H109 – Grove Development of site would result in loss of allotment so alternative provision should be sought. Works Some attractive (although not historically significant) buildings are on site which could be lost unless incorporated into new development / converted. The site is within a conservation area and adjacent to listed buildings and an area of archaeological interest. Flints have been recorded on site. Further discussion with heritage team would be required in respect of specific mitigation measures but design, scale and layout of site is likely to be important and further archaeological assessment may be required. Some surface water flooding issues: may be mitigated by site layout or by incorporation of SuDS. The site is within 600 metres of Flatts Wood LWS and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected Retained or species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. Not possible to mitigate for loss Discounted for of agricultural / greenfield land. Submission Stage RETAINED New CDP REF: H80 SHLAA REF: 6/BC/01 H110 – South of Access to secondary schools/colleges are not within easy walking distance so may require HM Young consideration of additional provision and/or additional investment to bus services which score Offenders Inst poorly in relation to frequency of service and linkage to main centres. Site is severed from facilities in Startforth and Barnard Castle by the A67 so additional pedestrian crossings may be required. A noise assessment may also be required and site may require acoustic bunding or consideration of noise in respect of housing layout. Some adverse residual landscape and visual impact remains following mitigation. Development of site would result in the loss of large areas of informal greenspace so incorporation and improvement of amenity value of Retained or greenspace in site design may be required. Discounted for DISCOUNTED - New CDP REF: H110 SHLAA REF: 6/SF/03 Submission Stage Commitment H111 – West of Access to secondary schools/colleges and industrial estates are not within easy walking Startforth Morritt distance so may require consideration of additional provision and/or additional investment to School bus services which score poorly in relation to frequency of service and linkage to main centres. Significant adverse landscape and visual impact would remain following mitigation measures as would significant adverse impact on landscape designation. The scale of the development and possible coalescence with High Startforth may also impact upon townscape so may need to be reconsidered. There are a number of listed buildings in the immediate area so design and scale of houses will be particularly important. Further advices from heritage team should be sought. Not possible to mitigate for loss of Grade 3 agricultural land and greenfield site, although suggest incorporation of greenspace. Some surface water flooding issues: may be Retained or mitigated by site layout or by incorporation of SuDS. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Further New CDP REF: H62 SHLAA REF: 6/SF/02 Submission Stage Evidence Submitted H115 – South of Due to the relatively remote rural nature of this settlement there are currently no secondary Pennine Cottage schools, colleges, main town facilities, retail parks or large employers within Middleton-in- Teesdale. The quantum of development proposed to Middleton-in-Teesdale is unlikely to facilitate the provision of new services and encourage large employers. As a result additional investment to bus services serving this site may need to be considered to ensure that access to facilities and employment within other larger settlements can be by sustainable means. The bus transport accessibility analysis identified that bus service provision to the site is poor in respect of walking distance to access services, frequency of service and particularly linkage of service with other main centres. Development of the site would incur significant adverse landscape and visual impacts following mitigation due to incursion into attractive countryside at entrance to the village at a point where most of the village is concealed by topography. The site is also in a formerly designated area of high landscape value. Not possible to mitigate for use Retained or of greenfield site but suggest incorporation of green space. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Further New CDP REF: H115 SHLAA REF: 6/MT/09 Submission Stage Evidence Submitted H116 – Access to employment such as a employment associated with a main town or a large employer Woolsingham is poor within Wolsingham and the bus service provision to this site meets the maximum Steelworks requirements possible for this settlement and is unlikely to be able to be enhanced any further in respect of increasing frequency of service or linkage to main centres (Durham / Darlington/Sunderland/Newcastle) to access alternative employment by relatively sustainable means. As a result, as this site is an existing employment site (former steelworks) and the ELR recommends protect then despite the sites relative sustainability score for housing it should perhaps remain allocated for employment uses or be considered for a mixed use development. This would need to be considered further. However, if the site is selected for housing then further advice from the heritage team may be required in respect of the need to safeguard any specific industrial heritage related to the steelworks. Further to this, as the site is within a functional floodplain the appropriate conditions as recommended buy the Environment Agency should be adhered to. The EA have withdrawn their objection to the planning application Retained or based upon appropriate conditions Discounted for DISCOUNTED - New CDP REF: H116 SHLAA REF: 3/WO/14 Submission Stage Commitment H112 – West of The site is not within easy walking distance of, secondary schools, colleges or services and Meadowcroft employment linked to retail parks and main towns. There is however a small industrial estate. However, analysis of bus provision show that the site exceeds minimum requirements for the rural area in respect of walking distance to a bus stop/service, frequency of current service and linkage with the main centres of Durham, Darlington, Sunderland and Newcastle which may enable access to services/employment by relatively sustainable means. The impact of an increased population in Cockfield on the existing bus service provision should be considered in terms of whether additional investment would be required to maintain level of service. Development of this site would incur some adverse landscape and visual impacts following mitigation. The site is also within Cockfield’s conservation area so further advice from the Retained or heritage team may be required in respect of appropriate design, scale of development etc Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Highways New CDP REF: H112 SHLAA REF: 6/CF/07 Submission Stage Constraints H113 – South of The site is not within easy walking distance of, secondary schools, colleges or services and Meadowcroft employment linked to retail parks and main towns. There is however a small industrial estate. However, analysis of bus provision show that the site exceeds minimum requirements for the rural area in respect of walking distance to a bus stop/service, frequency of current service and linkage with the main centres of Durham, Darlington, Sunderland and Newcastle which may enable access to services/employment by relatively sustainable means. The impact of an increased population in Cockfield on the existing bus service provision should be considered in terms of whether additional investment would be required to maintain level of service. Development of this site would incur some adverse landscape and visual impacts following mitigation. However, development may benefit townscape as site currently contains a workingmans Club which is in need of updating. The site is also within Cockfield’s conservation area so further advice from the heritage team may be required in respect of appropriate design, Retained or scale of development etc. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Highways New CDP REF: H113 SHLAA REF: 6/CF/06 Submission Stage Constraints H114 – Neville The site is not within easy walking distance of, secondary schools, colleges or services and Close employment linked to retail parks, main towns and industrial estates. (none within settlement) However, analysis of bus provision show that the site exceeds minimum requirements for the rural area in respect of walking distance to a bus stop/service, frequency of current service and linkage with the main centres of Durham, Darlington, Sunderland and Newcastle which may enable access to services/employment by relatively sustainable means. The impact of an increased population in Gainford on the existing bus service provision should be considered in terms of whether additional investment / infrastructure would be required to maintain level of provision. Development of this site would incur some adverse landscape and visual impacts despite mitigation measures. The site would also fall within a previously designated AHLV. The site would also incur the loss of grade 2 agricultural land which is probably the best available in County Durham. Not possible to mitigate for this loss. Also not possible to mitigate for use of Retained or greenfield site but suggest incorporation of green space. Discounted for DISCOUNTED – Highways New CDP REF: HA114 SHLAA REF: 6/GF/03 Submission Stage Constraints

New Allocations at Submission Stage Site Reference Mitigation & Commentary CENTRAL DELIVERY AREA H5 - Durham New Bus route would be required. Investment in STW. Measures to minimise noise and air Northern Quarter pollution from sewage works for eastern part of site essential. Advice from ecology team re impact on Hoppers Wood and Frankland Pond. Structural landscaping to minimise visual SHLAA REF: impact of development and noise or air pollution from East Coast Main Line. Preservation of 6/BC/10 mature trees on site. Loss of Grade 3 soils unmitigatble. Sensitive design of development to respect the conservation area and setting of Crook Hall. H7 – Framwellgate Investment in sewerage. Advice from ecology team re impact on Hoppers Wood and Fire and Rescue Framwellgate Moor Carrs. Structural landscaping. Improved vehicular access to site. SuDS likely to be required to minimise surface water flood risk SHLAA Ref: 4/DU/36 H8 – Merryoaks Creation of safe pedestrian or multi-user routes across the A167 and to Durham City. Investment in sewerage. Advice from ecology team re impact on Lowe's Barn and Blaids SHLAA Ref: Wood. Advice from historic environment staff regarding impact upon artefacts on site. 4/LB/05 Structural landscaping to minimise visual impact of development and noise or air pollution from A167 and A690. Loss of Grade 3 Soils. Sensitive design of development entailing a reduction in developable area and yield to reflect the site's prominent position H13 – East of Mill The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of secondary schools, post 18 Lane education providers and local employment opportunities. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to SHLAA Ref: bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population. 4/SB/03 The site is within 500 metres of Sherburn Hill SSSI and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. Development will incur some adverse landscape and visual impact due to incursion into countryside. However, could be a logical consolidation and relatively easy to screen with structural landscape belt on outer perimeter. The site adjoins Sherburn Conservation area and as such further advice from the Heritage Team should be sought to ensure adequate protection and / or enhancement of the area. The site is also over 1ha so an archaeological survey may be required. Not possible to mitigate for loss of agricultural land. NORTH DELIVERY AREA H19 – South of Incursion into open countryside beyond well defined settlement edge reducing separation Drum distance between Pelton and South Pelaw. Public Right of Way 94 runs through the site, will need substantial diversions. C2C cycle track blocks connectivity into Chester le Street. Good provision of schools however it may be that extra provision may need to be sourced. Loss of grade 3 agricultural land also an issue. Mitigation required for impact on ecology, biodiversity and amenity (noise and bad neighbour uses). Would require improved connectivity with SHLAA Ref: services and facilities in the main town. Mitigation for impact on Strategic Road Network would 2/CH/30d also be required. H36 – Bone Lane The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of employment sites, secondary school and further/higher education. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the SHLAA Ref: level of bus service to the site. The site will incur a loss of greenspace/allotment however the 1/DI/04 OSNA layer identifies good supply of this type in the ward (another site adjacent). Due regard should be given to Policy 20 Green Infrastructure to ensure that the development of the site contributes to the open space provision standards. The site is within 200m of the A692, therefore a noise assessment should be undertaken and appropriate mitigation implemented as a result e.g. incorporation of noise barriers. The site is within 100m distance of Deep Dene (LNR & great crested newts) and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. Incorporation of green space should be a priority to mitigate for loss of Greenfield. HE37 – West of The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of employment sites, secondary Woodstone school or further/higher educational establishments. This is not considered to be a significant Village issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population. Investment in SHLAA Ref: cycling infrastructure / networks should also be considered. The site is within 200 metres of the 2/FE/03 A1 (M) and as such a noise assessment should be undertaken and appropriate mitigation implemented as a result e.g. incorporation of noise barriers. The site is within 400m distance of Lumley Woods (ancient woodland, CWS, LWS) and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. The site is considered close to a great crested newt habitat (300m) and as such further advice should be sought from the Ecology Team as to whether mitigation can be achieved or not. Development of the site will incur some adverse residual landscape and visual impact. Further mitigation advice from the Landscape Team will be required to minimise impact further if possible. The incorporation of greenspace should also be a priority due to loss of Greenfield. H38 – Scott Court The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of employment sites, secondary school or further/higher educational establishment. This is not considered to be a significant SHLAA Ref: issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services 2/GL/02 may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population. Investment in cycling infrastructure / networks should also be considered. Development of the site would incur loss of OSNA consideration should be given to the impact of this on local residents. Development could be contrary to Policy 20: Green Infrastructure (part h) unless a compensatory amount of open space of an equivalent or better quality can be provided. The site is considered to close to (within 500m of) two great crested newt habitats and as such further advice should be sought from the Ecology Team as to whether mitigation can be achieved or not. Development of the site will incur some adverse residual landscape and visual impact. Further mitigation advice from the Landscape Team will be required to minimise impact further if possible. The site is within 100 metres of Lumley Christ Church and as such further advice from the Heritage Team should be sought to ensure adequate protection and / or enhancement of asset. SOUTH DELIVERY AREA H56 – West of The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of further/higher education and Newcomen Street employment sites (main town, retail park, industrial estate, large employer). This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, SHLAA Ref: additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an 7/FH/171 increased population. Investment in cycling infrastructure / networks should also be considered. Consideration will need to be given to the retention or diversion of the PROW. If the route needs to be diverted this should be done in a way which does not impact upon the permeability of the settlement and ease of access for residents / users. Development of site would incur loss of open space. The OSNA identifies a deficiency of this open space type in the ward. The site is not within catchment of a train station or employment opportunities of regional or national importance (retail park). This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site and linkage with other main centres. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population. Might be acceptable as part of design led re-structuring but comprehensive development would lead to loss of locally valuable greenspace in a high- density urban area, therefore the incorporation of green space should be a priority. H58 – Fishburn The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of secondary school, post 18 Hall Farm education providers or many employment opportunities. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to SHLAA Ref: bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population. 7/FB/063 Development of the site will incur some adverse landscape and visual impact. Assumes retention of, and adequate stand-off from mature trees and structure planting to northern and eastern perimeters. Not possible to mitigate for loss of greenfield / agricultural land. EAST DELIVERY AREA H65 – East of The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of some services/ facilities. This Milton Close is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an SHLAA Ref: increased population and encourage use. Development will involve the loss of allotments and 5/SE/07 semi-natural greenspace. Any decisions should be informed by the OSNA. The site is within 700m of Dawdon Dene (CWS) so may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. The site is within 8km of coastal SAC/ SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to contribute to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace as per guidance to be developed in order to enable the development. Seek further advice from landscape team regarding appropriate mitigation measures. Loss of some greenfield land cannot be mitigated, however, GI should be prioritised. H68 - Parkside The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of some services/ facilities. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, SHLAA Ref: additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an 5/SE/14 increased population and encourage use. Development will involve the loss of playing pitches. Any decisions should be informed by the OSNA and PPS. The site is within 150m of Dawdon Dene (CWS) so may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. The site is within 8km of coastal SAC/ SPA and is considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to contribute to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace as per guidance to be developed in order to enable the development. Seek further advice from landscape team regarding suitable mitigation measures. Loss of some greenfield land cannot be mitigated, however, GI should be prioritised. H72 – West of The site is within 1.9km of Durham Coast SAC and 6.5km of Northumbria Coast SPA and is Petwell Court considered likely to increase levels of recreational pressure and disturbance to qualifying species. The developer will need to contribute to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace as SHLAA Ref: per guidance to be developed in order to enable the development. The site is within 1km of 5/EA/15 Horden Dene LWS and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of post 18 education providers or many employment opportunities. This is not considered to be a significant issue given the level of bus service to the site. However, additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an increased population. Investment in cycling infrastructure / networks should also be considered. The site is over 1ha so an archaeological survey may be required. The site is at some risk of surface water flooding so a flood assessment may need to be undertaken and SuDS incorporated as appropriate. Not possible to mitigate for loss of agricultural land. H77 – West of The site is not considered to be within a short walking and driving distance of some services/ Bevan Crescent facilities and bus transport accessibility score does not meet minimum requirements for walking distance. If this site is developed consideration should either be given to additional provision of SHLAA Ref: services/ facilities or investment in bus services to meet and improve upon minimum 5/WH/11 requirements to enable access by relatively sustainable means. The site is within 200m of A181 and a such a noise assessment should be undertaken and appropriate mitigation implemented as a result e.g. incorporation of noise barriers. The site is within 550m of (SSSI) so may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. Large incursion into open countryside poorly related to existing built form and highly visible from roads. Could be developed with lower impact with substantial perimeter planting planted well in advance (15 years). Visibility of the site is also likely to mean an adverse townscape impact so this should be taken into consideration. No known HE constraints, but due to the size of the site an archaeological survey may be required. Loss of greenfield/ agricultural land cannot be mitigated, however, GI should be prioritised. WEST DELIVERY AREA H79 – East of Access to secondary schools/colleges and industrial estates are not within easy walking Young Offenders distance so may require consideration of additional provision and/or additional investment to bus services which score poorly in relation to frequency of service and linkage to main centres. SHLAA Ref: A large site with a complex history having being previously developed in part. The most 6/SF/04 sensitive frontages are along Lartington Lane and Bowes Road. It would be possible to envisage partial development of the site as a rational consolidation of the town retaining a linear park along these edges. Comprehensive development would have a significant impact. Within setting of Barnard castle Conservation Area and Scheduled Monument (Barnard Castle) but no impact envisaged. Site is over 1ha so may require arch survey. Within 200m of A67, therefore will need noise impact assessment H83 – Rear of The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of a secondary school, college Bridge Inn or university or within catchment of a big four supermarket. This is not considered to be a significant issue due to the satisfactory level of bus service to the suite. However, SHLAA Ref: improvements could be made and additional investment to bus services may be required to 6/MT/01 maintain existing level of satisfactory service to an increased population. Investment in cycling infrastructure / networks should also be considered. The site is not within a catchment of a train station or employment opportunities of regional or national importance and there is a low level of accessibility in terms of linkage with other main centres by bus. Consideration and support should be given to additional provision of services where they are lacking in local area alongside development and provision of high speed broadband to enable remote access to facilities / services and enable home working / self employment. The site is within 600m distance of SSSI and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. The site is within a Landscape Conservation Area and development of the site will incur significant adverse residual landscape and visual impacts (conservation area). Development of the site will also impact on a designation (not stated by landscape team). Within setting of Middleton-in-Teesdale Conservation Area and Middleton Bridge (Grade II*). Good screening, low building heights, good quality design in keeping with local vernacular, lower density scheme. For further mitigation advice relating to historic assets please contact heritage team. The site is within flood zone 3a and as such the allocation of this site will need to pass the Exception Test. The site will also need to be accompanied by a flood risk assessment and SuDS / flood defence measures incorporated as appropriate. Incorporation of green space should be a priority. H84 – East of The site is not considered to be within a short walking distance of secondary school, further Leekworth education or greenspace. This is not considered to be a significant issue due to the satisfactory Gardens level of bus service to the site. However, there is room for improvement and additional investment to bus services may be required to maintain existing level of service to an SHLAA Ref: increased population. Investment in cycling infrastructure / networks should also be 6/MT/07 considered. The site is not considered to be within the catchment of a big four supermarket or retail park of regional or national significance. Development of site would incur loss of allotment. The OSNA identifies a deficiency of this open space type in the ward. Development would be contrary to Policy 20: Green Infrastructure (part h) unless a compensatory amount of open space of an equivalent or better quality can be provided. The site is not within a catchment of a train station / employment opportunities of regional or national importance and there is only a satisfactory level of accessibility in terms of linkage with other main centres by bus. Consideration and support should be given to additional provision of services/facilities/employment opportunities where they are lacking in local area alongside development and provision of high speed broadband to enable remote access to facilities / services and enable home working / self employment. Where achievable investment in bus services should be sought to improve linkage with other main centres. The site is within 640m distance of Upper Teesdale SSSI and may increase levels of local recreational pressure. Further advice should be sought from the Ecology team in respect of any mitigation measures required. As for all sites an ecological survey should be undertaken to identify the presence/absence of protected species and mitigation measures implemented as appropriate. The site is within a Landscape Conservation Area and development of the site will incur significant adverse residual landscape and visual impacts Development of the site will also impact on a landscape designation (not stated). Please see following comments from Landscape Team: Attractive green space within village and part of character of conservation area. Further mitigation advice from the Landscape Team will be required to minimise impact further if possible. The site is within setting of Middleton-in-Teesdale Conservation Area (minor negative impact). It is advised that the site has good screening, low building heights; good quality design in keeping with local vernacular, land is low density to reduce impact on historical asset. Incorporation of green space should be a priority.