County Durham Local Development Framework

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County Durham Local Development Framework County Durham Local Development Framework Technical Paper No. 20 Minerals April 2010 – Version 1.4F 1 Contents Section Page 1 Introduction 3 2 Why are minerals important? 9 3 Policy Context 12 4 County Durham’s Geology 17 5 Mineral Resources and Mineral Working – baseline data and evidence 21 base gaps 6 Scoping the Minerals Content of the Core Strategy 48 7 The future Need for Aggregates 50 8 The future Requirement for Non Aggregates 61 9 Where should new mineral working occur? 68 10 Key policy areas 76 11 Further information 94 Appendices 1 Policy Context 96 2 Mineral Local Plan – Schedule of Saved Policies 110 3 Mineral Sites in County Durham 111 4 Problems encountered in preparing forecasts for Mineral Extraction. 119 5 North East Regional Aggregates Working Party 123 Annual Aggregates Monitoring Reports Information. 6 Detailed Permitted Reserves and Mineral Sales information and Future 129 Need. 7 Profile of Mineral Working and environmental constraints by sub regional 140 areas 1 North Pennines 2 Dales Fringe 3 East Durham Limestone Plateau 4 West Durham Coalfield 5 Wear and Tees Lowlands 8 Glossary of Terms 159 2 SECTION 1.0: Introduction 1.1 On the 1st April 2009 a new unitary ‘County Council’ replaced the existing County Council and all of the seven District and Borough Councils in County Durham. In preparation for this, the Development Plans function was subject to early integration and work was started in 2008 on a new Local Development Framework (LDF) for the whole of County Durham. To avoid jargon we call it the ‘County Durham Plan’. 1.2 The County Durham Plan is a key plan for the new Council. It provides the planning framework embodied in spatial documents that are required to deliver local priorities as set out in the Sustainable Community Strategy through facilitating and delivering development. There is therefore a requirement to draw the two processes together. It will also be based on the requirements set out in the Regional Spatial Strategy and on the Council’s own ambitions to address the key issues of climate change and regeneration. 1.3 The policies and proposals will need to be based on accurate and tested evidence and needs assessment. The evidence needs to include the Economic Assessment of the County, the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, the Strategic Housing Market Assessment, aligning with the principles set out in Transforming Places. The County Durham Plan will provide the planning framework to deliver the County’s vision for economic prosperity and improved quality of life. The key to this will be the Economic Strategy, the Local Transport Plan and other County based plans and strategies including the growth point areas. 1.4 In April 2010 Durham County Council’s Cabinet, approved a revised programme timetable for the County Durham Plan, the Local Development Scheme (LDS) – called “County Durham Plan - What we’re doing and when”. The revised LDS sets out a new timetable for preparing the County Durham Plan. It indicates that the preparation of the Core Strategy DPD will be the Council’s immediate priority. Once adopted the Core Strategy DPD will contain the overarching strategy for future development of the County, including minerals and waste in the period up until the end of 2030. 1.5 The second priority for the Council will be the preparation of three further DPDs and a Proposals Map. • Development Management DPD - This DPD will set out the County’s policies on Development Management, stating what types of development will be encouraged and permitted. It will carry forward, where appropriate, the designations made in former District Council Local Plans; • Development Allocations DPD – This DPD will identify the allocated sites for different types of development required to deliver the locational strategy in the Core Strategy (excluding minerals and waste); • Gypsy and Travellers DPD – This DPD Will establish policies on providing sites and accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers; and • Proposals Map – This will be a spatial presentation of the policies and proposals contained in the County Durham Plan. This map will be updated as work on the DPDs progresses. 3 1.6 The third priority for the Council will be the preparation of a Minerals & Waste Policies and Allocations DPD. This DPD will develop in detail the strategic minerals and waste policies of the Core Strategy DPD and in conjunction with the Core Strategy DPD set out a minerals and waste delivery strategy for County Durham. The DPD will also set the detailed development management framework for minerals and waste and where needed and justified allocate non strategic minerals and waste sites. 1.7 In revised the LDS the Council is clear that the priority for the Council will be to progress those DPDs that are clearly vital to spatial planning in the County, especially those to which resources have already been committed. However, there are other DPDs that would be desirable, given sufficient time and resources, and those which might be deemed necessary as the plan preparation progresses. See below: • The Durham City Area Action Plan - may be produced to support the Core Strategy to enable certain aspects of the Durham City Vision. It would support those initiatives currently underway and those likely to take place in the future in order to achieve the future development of Durham City. • The Spennymoor, Peterlee and Bishop Auckland Area Action Plans – may be produced to support the Core Strategy and Development Allocations DPDs in order to enable specific aspects of the Growth Point programme such as the regeneration of Peterlee or Spennymoor town centres to be delivered. • The Newton Aycliffe Town Centre Area Action Plan – would seek to provide a comprehensive regeneration framework that will challenge existing use, target change and inspire action to guide future investment and activity in the Town Centre. A number of sites are already in public ownership and the Council is in discussion with the Town Centre owners about their redevelopment proposals. • The Stanley Town Centre Area Action Plan - will support those initiatives currently underway and those likely to take place in the future in order to achieve the regeneration of Stanley Town Centre. An Issues and Options document was produced and consulted upon in March 2008. • The Consett Town Centre Area Action Plan - will provide the framework to enable the Town Centre to fulfil its potential as an area of opportunity by addressing issues such as the quality of the built environment and connectivity. • The Barnard Castle Town Centre Area Action Plan - will only be produced if it becomes clear that the Core Strategy cannot effectively deliver the proposals in the Barnard Castle Vision. It would support initiatives currently underway and those likely to take place in the future, to achieve the future development of Barnard Castle. • The Chester-le-Street Area Action Plan - will only be produced if it becomes clear that the Core Strategy cannot effectively deliver the proposals in the Chester-le-Street Town Centre Master plan. It would support initiatives currently underway and those likely to take place in the future, to achieve the future development of Chester-le-Street. 4 Purpose of Technical Paper 1.8 In developing the LDF, twenty three technical papers have been prepared. These are set out below. There are no specific papers for Climate Change or Regeneration, but these key issues are “golden threads” running through all the others. The papers are: No. 14: Energy Efficiency & No. 1: Housing Renewable Energy No. 2: Tourism No. 15: Delivery & Infrastructure No. 3: Heritage No. 16: Rural Dimension (Rural No. 4: Design and Local Proofing) Distinctiveness No. 17: Employment, Education & No. 5: Open Space, Recreation, Skills Leisure and Play No. 18: Deprivation (inc. Health, No. 6: Settlements & Green Belt Community Safety, No. 7: Community & Cultural Neighbourhood Quality, Income, Facilities Crime & Disorder) No. 8: Retail & Town Centres No. 19: Waste No. 9: Diversity No. 20: Minerals No. 10: Water No. 21: Transport and Accessibility No. 11: Community Involvement No. 22: Landscape No. 12: Contamination and No. 23: Population and Pollution Demographics No. 13: Biodiversity & Geodiversity 5 Executive Summary/Overview 1.9 The Minerals technical paper provides information and data relating to the need for new mineral working in County Durham in the period to 2030 (the time period for the County Durham Plan). • It explains why minerals are important and why their extraction is essential to the delivery of new development (including new housing, employment, retail development and the roads) and the repair and maintenance of the existing built environment in the County; • It explains the policy context within which policies for minerals planning have to be prepared. It highlights the current national, regional and local planning policy context and highlights key supporting strategies through which planning for minerals can contribute; • It provides an essential overview of County Durham’s complex geology and explains the extent of mineral resources in the County and existing mineral working; and • It seeks to scope the range of minerals policy content which must be included within the County Durham Plan (in particular the Core Strategy DPD and the Minerals and Waste Policies and Allocations DPD) in order to ensure that planning for minerals is properly addressed and found sound by the Planning Inspectorate. Wherever possible, it sets out the future need for aggregates such as crushed rock and sand and gravel and non aggregates such as brick clay, natural building stone and a range of other minerals excluding energy minerals. It discusses the need for the Core Strategy DPD to provide broad spatial guidance as to where new mineral working should be located. It addresses in detail a range of policy areas which must be addressed by the County Durham Plan including the approach that will need to be devised to determine new planning applications to discrete policy areas such as protecting local communities and the environment and climate change.
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