www.sajewishreport.co.za Friday, 10 June 2011 / 8 Sivan, 5771 Volume 15 Number 21 UJ law professor says academic boycotts are unconstitutional PAGE 3

Marchers representing the Jewish Agency for Israel, were among the 30 000 MARCH IN NEW 30 000 people who marched in the Celebrate Israel Parade in New York YORK'S ISRAEL PARADE City on June 5. (JEWISH AGENCY FOR ISRAEL) Theatre buff Maurice SAKS: Palestinian Award for Afrikaans Raymond Ackerman’s Father’s Podbrey builds SA / 4 denialism / 9 Anne Frank Diary / 2 UNISA doctorate / 5 Day / 13-15 YOUTH / 16 SPORT / 20 LETTERS / 12 CROSSWORD & BRIDGE / 18 COMMUNITY BUZZ / 7 WHAT’S ON / 18 2 SA JEWISH REPORT 10 - 17 June 2011 SHABBAT TIMES PARSHA OF THE WEEK June 10/8 Sivan June 11/9 Sivan Where the Beha’alotecha Starts Ends cloud dictated, 17:06 17:57 Johannesburg 17:26 18:20 Cape Town we followed 16:46 17:38 Durban 17:06 17:59 Bloemfontein 16:57 17:52 Port Elizabeth PARSHAT 16:51 17:45 East London BEHA’ALOTECHA Rabbi Larry Shain Director Ohr Somayach

Published by RABBI DESSLER offers an insight into a hard- S A Jewish Report (Pty) Ltd, to-understand phenomenon found in Parshat PO Box 84650, Greenside, 2034 Tel: (011) 023-8160 Beha’alotecha. We are familiar with the fact that Professor Lina Fax: (086) 634-7935 the Jewish people were miraculously guided by Spies at the Printed by Caxton Ltd a “Cloud Pillar” throughout their 40-year jour- 2008 launch of ney through the desert, prior to entering the EDITOR - Geoff Sifrin Land of Israel. her translation [email protected] The Ramban remarks on the fact that there of the Diary of Sub-Editor - Paul Maree was no real pattern to the movement of the Anne Frank Ed Co-ordinator - Barry Bilewitz cloud and the movement of Bnei Yisrael, in into Afrikaans, [email protected] response to its “initiative”... sometimes a day (in held at the Senior Reporter - Rita Lewis a fine place), sometimes a month (in an average Cape Town [email protected] location) and sometimes a year (in an undesir- Holocaust able location!) and vice versa. Sports Editor - Jack Milner The lesson, says Rav Dessler, was one for the Centre. [email protected] generations. What better expression of depend- Books Editor - Gwen Podbrey ence upon Hashem? Arts Editor - Robyn Sassen We were being taught to believe that we are Prof Lina Spies wins award for [email protected] not in control of our destiny. The cloud dictated Youth Editor - Alison Goldberg and we followed. This was the training ground [email protected] for the Jewish psyche, the acute awareness of Hashem in our lives. translating Anne Frank’s diary Cape Town correspondent As ‘the best-laid plans of men’ go awry, so too Moira Schneider: 021-794-4206 MOIRA SCHNEIDER glaring ignorance about the author and the the destiny of the Jewish people, individually CAPE TOWN diary, particularly in South Africa and espe- Pretoria correspondent and collectively, is unpredictable and part of a PHOTOGRAPH: AMANDA COOPER cially in the Afrikaans community. I trust Diane Wolfson: 082-707-9471 Divine plan over which we have no control, nor that my translation 60 years after its first Manager: Distribution true understanding. The training that goes with PROFESSOR LINA Spies has been awarded publication, will contribute to counteracting Britt Landsman this, is the will to do the Will of Hashem, despite the prize for translated work by the Suid- this ignorance.” [email protected] our “better” judgement, despite inconvenience Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns She said her work was “the realisation of a Sales Executives - (011) 023-8160 and beyond our “comfort zone”. for her translation of the Diary of Anne lifelong ideal”, recalling that her association Britt Landsman: 082-292-9520 Rav Chaim Volozhin expresses a similar les- Frank from the original Dutch into Afrikaans. with the diary had started in 1961 when she Manuela Bernstein: 082-951-3838 son in explanation of Psalm 23: “He makes me to The poet and academic had access to was a university student. “I read it against Murray Schoeman: 083-627-6670 lie in green pastures, He leads me by still unpublished and previously withheld sec- the background of the Eichmann court hear- Freelance Sales Executive waters...” says Rav Chaim Volozhin: When I tions of the diary during the course of com- ing in Jerusalem in the same year - for the Marlene Bilewitz: 083-475-0288 want to move, He causes me to stay, and this pleting the work, titled Die Agterhuis, the first time I was confronted with the Nazi becomes green pastures, when I want to stay, He Classified Sales Cape Town Holocaust Centre said. atrocities,” she said. [email protected] causes me to move and this place becomes still The award, which is made every three Die Agterhuis has been recognised in waters... with the belief that Hashem is in con- years, “recognises the aesthetic qualities of a reviews as one of the finest and most com- Design and layout trol, I view my situation as best for me, as engi- translation from any language into plete translations of the diary, of which there Frankie Matthysen neered by Hashem and I accept. Nicole Cook Afrikaans”, according to the Akademie’s web- are approximately 60 in existence. There is a lesson here on a “national” level site. Die Agterhuis was launched at the • This weekend sees the commemoration of Website too. Centre in 2008 and is available there. Anne Frank’s birthday, on June 12. She www.sajewishreport.co.za We live with the deep frustration that the At the launch, Spies said there was “still would have been 82. Ilan Ossendryver world judges Israel by “double standards”. IC-Creations Hypocrisy abounds. Israel has become the [email protected] KASHRUT ALERT aggressor in the eyes of the nations despite Subscription enquiries every attempt at presenting the truth. In the suc- KINDER JOYEGGS NOT KOSHER Avusa Publishing (Pty) Ltd cinct analysis of a foremost Israeli commenta- Tel: 0860-13-2652 THE KASHRUT department of the kosher. tor, Efraim Karsh, we are in the midst of a trag- Johannesburg Beth Din has announced that “We are working closely with the manu- BOARD OF DIRECTORS ic and age-old scenario, the “blood libel”, the Kinder-Joy Eggs manufactured in Poland facturer and hope to have some good news Howard Feldman (Chairman), Issie Kirsh bizarre and perverted characterisation of the and/or South Africa, are NOT approved soon” the department says. (Deputy Chairman), Stan Kaplan, Jew being held accountable for the bloodthirsty Marlene Bethlehem, Russell aggression of his enemies. Gaddin, Norman Lowenthal, Once again we are faced with nothing less Bertie Lubner, Benjy Porter, than an existential threat. KASHRUT ALERT Herby Rosenberg, Howard In this era of “cloud technology”, when some- Sackstein, Jason Valkin. VICENZI’S KOSHER SYMBOL NOT VALID IN SA thing so ephemeral as a cloud could contain so much, we are reminded of that vaporous sub- THE JOHANNESBURG Beth Din’s kashrut a kosher symbol that is not recognised by Advertisements and editorial copy from stance that alluded to Hashem’s protection, con- department has announced that Vicenzi bis- our Beth Din outside sources do not neccessarily reflect stant and forever. cuits, imported by Patleys, are marked with the views of the editors and staff.

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WIN AN ISLAND HOLIDAY & OTHER GREAT PRIZES - VISIT WWW.STAMELMANPROPERTIES.CO.ZA FOR DETAILS 10 - 17 June 2011 SA JEWISH REPORT 3 Academic boycotts are Don’t judge Iranians by unconstitutional, says Bilchitz actions of their president ALISON GOLDBERG also be, ultimately, to target individ- STORY AND PHOTOGRAPH BY MOIRA SCHNEIDER uals who were in fact the actors who CAPE TOWN ACADEMIC BOYCOTTS, if they were could bring about the desired to be effective, violated fundamental changes those proposing the boycott THE PRESIDENT of Iran was anti-Israel, anti-Semitic and a rights and thus were prima facie wished to achieve. Holocaust denier, but “to judge the people of Iran in this light unjustifiable, morally and legally, He also argued that the would be wrong”, said Meir Javedanfar, Iranian-Israeli Middle according to Dr David Bilchitz, associ- Constitution did not simply ban dis- East analyst, at a breakfast meeting held under the auspices of ate professor of law, at the University crimination against individuals, but the SAZF (Cape Council) at Café Riteve. of Johannesburg (pictured). also against institutions: targeting “The people want better relations with the West and a democ- Addressing a Union of Jewish Women Israeli institutions could thus constitute dis- racy, they don’t want Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth,” meeting on Monday on the morality and crimination in itself. the Tel Aviv-based expert maintained. He noted that, thanks to legality of academic boycotts, Bilchitz said Bilchitz recognised, however, that rights President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranians now knew a lot more the claim that such boycotts were a non-vio- were not absolute and that there would be about the Holocaust. lent strategy, did not render them justifiable, circumstances in which some form of aca- “He’s so unpopular that, whatever he says, they want to do the because of those very violations. demic boycott could be justifiable. opposite. He denies the Holocaust and suddenly there’s a massive The issue was of course highly topical The most important moral criterion here interest in Iran to learn about it - some accuse him of being a given the recent campaign to have his uni- was that academics might legitimately refuse ‘closet Jew’,” he joked. versity impose an academic boycott against to collaborate on research that had a likeli- Describing the situation in that country as a dictatorship, Ben-Gurion University in Israel. hood of leading to human rights violations. including extreme abuse of human rights, Javedanfar called on To make out his case, Bilchitz considered It was hard to see how UJ’s water research the South African government to intervene. “Your government two rights in the South African Con- with BGU could harm individual rights and, has got wonderful relations with the government of Iran and is in stitution. Section 16 (1) of the Constitution would have benefitted individuals. a good position to help.” protects the right to freedom of expression, However, one could imagine that it would As to the future for Iran and Israel, Javedanfar opined that the which includes “academic freedom and free- clearly have been legitimate for a university two countries had “tremendous areas of common interest”, claim- dom of scientific research”. in South Africa to refuse to conduct research ing that “Iran would be Israel’s best ally. It has also been attacked He argued that this right needed to be into poisonous gases with an Iraqi university by Arab nationalists,” he said, alluding to the 1980 Iraqi invasion. understood in light of the central values during the reign of Saddam Hussein. The Iranian government, he ventured, recalled the Soviet experi- underlying the academic enterprise, which More generalised boycotts, Bilchitz ence in taking on the Jewish community, resulting in American and Meir Javedanfar, involved the pursuit of truth, knowledge, argued, faced a heavy burden of justification Jewish communities abroad rallying, pressurising and sanctioning Iranian-Israeli Middle individual wellbeing and understanding that it was unlikely could be discharged. that country. “I think that’s why Iran has left the Jews alone.” East analyst. about the world. Collaboration and engage- Firstly, it would be necessary to show that ment between academics were central to any policy adopted by a university did not achieving these very purposes. single out any specific country and would be Academic boycotts, by their nature, were applied consistently to every country where designed as a strategy to discontinue rela- there were human rights violations or mili- tions with certain academics, thus impeding tary links. He argued that “it is quite clear the free flow of information and collabora- that too wide a policy on academic boycotts tions that were productive from a research would undermine the very academic project point of view. They thus prima facie violated itself or create significant harms to the the fundamental right to academic freedom. notion of a universal academic community”. Academic boycotts also abrogated another Secondly, Bilchitz argued that the boycott right, namely, the right to equality as con- would have to be shown to be an effective tained in Section 9 of the Constitution. This means of achieving its purpose. As academ- right required that no person be unfairly dis- ics and universities were likely to be the sites criminated against on any ground such as of social change, building bridges with them race, gender and ethnic origin. was key to bringing about such change; isola- Importantly, South African courts had, in tion of academics seemed likely to render a certain cases, extended these grounds to society more insular. include the national origin of a person. An Institutional boycotts were even less likely academic boycott that targeted individuals to have any effect. “There is a real dilemma for prejudicial treatment because they were for those favouring general boycotts. On the of a particular nationality or, even that they one hand, the more impact there is on indi- belonged to a particular institution, was viduals, the more academic freedom rights prima facie discriminatory. are violated and boycotts are discriminatory. Proponents of the boycott, Bilchitz con- The less impact there is on individuals, the tended, would argue that these rights were less likely boycotts are to achieve any of their not violated as the proposed boycott was not stated aims.” directed at Israeli individual, but Israeli He argued there was also a readily avail- institutions. able alternative of constructive engagement Bilchitz argued that the distinction with academics and others which was much between individuals and institutions did not more likely to bear fruit. Deepening institu- hold up to scrutiny, since individuals were tional links rather than cutting them off, affected by an institutional boycott. He con- could help build momentum towards a solu- tended that the very aim of the boycott must tion rather than being part of the problem. History made with ‘Generation Sinai’ ALISON GOLDBERG

THROUGHOUT the country last Friday morning, Jewish day school learners and their parents engaged in Torah learning to honour 1 Sivan 5771. This is the same day Jews arrived at the foot of Mount Sinai 3323 years ago; six days prior to the momentous ILAN OSSENDRYVER event of receiving the Torah. This joint initiative between Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein and 18 participating schools, called “Generation Sinai”, is the first of its kind in the world, the Chief Rabbi believes. The special bond between parent and child, between one generation and the next, ensures G-d’s word passes from one to the other. It is the lifeblood of the Jewish people. In schools throughout the country thou- sands of parents and children gathered to Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein and his learn together. son Levi study together. 4 SA JEWISH REPORT 10 - 17 June 2011 BUILDING SOUTH AFRICA People doing remarkable things Strange mix of sport and theatre all in a day’s work for Maurice MOIRA SCHNEIDER years ago and who he describes as Foundation and very soon we CAPE TOWN having been “one of the great influ- struck gold,” he recalls. Maurice PHOTOGRAPH: SEAN HIGGS ences in my life”. had spent 30 years in Canada, hav- Pauline was a political activist in ing founded the Centaur Theatre in MAURICE PODBREY wakes up South Africa in the 1940s and ‘50s Montreal and been awarded the every morning with “a sense of who was forced into exile with her Order of Canada, the country’s happy expectation and excitement husband, H A Naidoo. Both were highest civilian honour, for his about what I’m going to do”. After trade unionists and members of services to theatre in that country. a lifetime in the theatre, the the Communist Party who “soon Now was the time to call in his Durban-born director and actor, fell foul of the new legislation and contacts. “I spoke to the newly- returned to South Africa from were hounded by the police”, appointed Canadian High Com- Canada in 1997, rolled up his Maurice remembers. missioner who was very responsive sleeves and is making his mark not He recalls an “unfortunate inci- and within a short time, they only in this field, but in the devel- dent” with the Jewish community announced that we were getting opment of sport - his other passion when Pauline had tried to enroll enough money to build a clubhouse - in the Cape township of Khaye- her daughter at the local Jewish which was finished within two litsha. school and was advised by the months and officially opened in Maurice Podbrey with committee members of the football club he Although he still has the “un- rabbi to rather send her to Israel February, and now we have to fill it assists in Khayelitsha, in front of the (then) almost-completed solved problem” of his family for her education. “Pauline told with equipment, including wash- Pauline Podbrey Clubhouse. remaining in Montreal and having him where to get off,” he says, ing machines.” to commute, which is becoming adding that “general timidity Maurice is soliciting private theatre development in this coun- Just in Time Productions, re- less “comfortable” as time goes on, reigned in the country among the donations for this purpose. The try and we’re almost alone in doing cently started in Durban by Mau- he says he doesn’t think he could Jewish community” at the time. clubhouse already has three com- that, offering our services to young rice and Bheki Mkhwane under the leave South Africa. “I’m so much “Although she didn’t know a puters and an almost-stocked emergent talent, to help them MoPo umbrella, has already put on taken by this country - I love it football from a rugby ball, she kitchen, as well as showers. He is structure themselves, raise funds, three works and has “all sorts of here!” he exclaims. would have loved to know that we also trying to upgrade the quality give them advice on how to pro- marvellous plans” to produce other The City Masters Football Club were helping young people,” he of the coaches. ceed, to help them tour. Zulu and non-Zulu work. was started five years ago by two ventures. The Pauline Podbrey Foundation “We’re trying to develop more “It brings people together, fuel- brothers in Makhaza, Khayelitsha, At Pauline’s memorial service, oversees the activities of the club- indigenous work and work in the ling a common vision,” he says of with “almost no resources” as a someone approached Maurice and house and raises funds. other languages.” Podbrey has just indigenous theatre. “We just have to “response to the poverty, neglect suggested the football club as a way Theatre is of course his prime toured KZN with a play in Zulu and start wanting to go and see each and violence”. Adds Podbrey: to commemorate her life here. “I interest and occupation and one in has done plays in Xhosa and other’s work - it still operates in sep- “They had over a period of time thought it was a neat idea and I which he has made his mark inter- Afrikaans in the Northern Cape. arate communities, separate pack- built up this remarkable going enti- went to investigate the club and nationally. Since returning to the “We’re trying to extend that ages, that’s the problem.” ty of over 100 members and teams, just fell in love with them, their country, he has also assisted in because I think it’s important for Podbrey says he has never regret- playing every weekend and regis- dedication, their integrity… contributing to the development of young black actors to work in ted his decision to leave Canada. “I tered with Fifa. “It’s cost me a pretty penny,” he the art form, more recently concen- their own language as well as in knew I’d be coming back here. “They were desperately in need laughs, “but I love them and I love trating on the previously disadvan- English and that opportunity has- “It was the (1995 World Cup) of development and some financ- the work they’re doing. Beautiful taged. n’t presented itself. In fact, speak- rugby game where Nelson Mandela ing and I stepped in,” he recalls. young people - just to go there and Under the aegis of the MoPo ing to some of the great actors like stepped forward (to present the tro- The Pauline Podbrey Clubhouse to see the enthusiasm and the tal- Cultural Trust that he set up, he John Kani, you find that they’ve phy) that clinched it for me. The has recently been completed and ent! They just need some structure has completed over 30 projects. “I never performed in their own lan- general manager at my theatre said named as a token of Maurice’s love and some help in getting their act think we’ve made a difference - guage,” he says incredulously, he knew from that day onward that for his “marvellous, beautiful” together. we’ve really tackled and done “and that’s a terrible disadvantage I was going back to South Africa,” older sister who passed away two “We set up the Pauline Podbrey things in almost every aspect of for an actor.” he chuckles. Zimbabwe’s Jewish In search of King David alumni RONEL ZEFF support of our outreach pro- “We have many commitments community still gramme (enhancing our commit- from former Davidians who are ELLIOT WOLF, executive director ment to previously disadvantaged willing to partner us and support of the King David Schools’ Foun- communities). our cause, and with more and more needs assistance dation, and Fundraising Director, Wolf says the trip “can only be families requiring financial assis- Raelene Tradonsky, recently described as emotionally over- tance to afford King David School DAVID SAKS Hebrew Congregation, which he returned from a two and a half whelming; how remarkable it was education, we need all the help we PHOTOGRAPH SUPPLIED also attended. week trip to New York, Phila- to witness the meteoric careers of can get.” Following the AGM and distribu- delphia, Chicago and London. so many of our Davidians and to It is the King David Schools’ THE LATEST trends tentatively tion, Jewish community members Their aim was to reconnect with observe their successes and recog- Foundation’s hope that together suggest that Zimbabwe may at last gathered in the Rhodes Hall for a former King Davidians and to nition in their present habitat. with local and overseas alumni, cur- be in a period of recovery after Yom Ha’atzmaut function. Sam introduce the Dor le Dor - King David has certainly made its rent and former parents, and the years of economic turmoil. Despite Benatar, president of the Zimbabwe Generation to Generation Cam- contribution over a wide variety of broader local and overseas Jewish this, there remains an ongoing Jewish Board of Deputies, deliv- paign - which aims to build an fields to the world.” community, a substantial endow- need for Diaspora Jewry to assist ered the welcoming message and endowment fund for the sustain- Tradonsky adds that “Davidians ment fund will be created so that the many elderly members of the small pledged, to great applause, the soli- ability of King David Schools the world over have a strong and King David Schools can continue to Jewish community, particularly darity of the Zimbabwe Jewry to which they believe will ultimately proud connection to their former offer a world-class King David expe- with essential medication still the State of Israel. secure the future of the Johan- school, remembering it with great rience to all Jewish children. unobtainable in the country. Rabbi Silberhaft and David nesburg Jewish community. fondness and pride”. For photographs, more informa- At the end of May Rabbi Moshe Millard, a Christian Zionist activist Dor le Dor focuses on the contin- When asked if the trip was suc- tion on the trip or the Dor Le Dor Silberhaft, spiritual leader and for Israel who accompanied him to uation of our subsidy programme cessful, she says: “It was a great Campaign, please fill in your e-mail executive director of the African Harare, then addressed the audi- (financial assistance for Jewish start - fundraising is all about rela- address at www.kdsf.org. In addi- Jewish Congress, spent a Sunday ence. Millard, in addition to refut- learners in need); enhanced devel- tionships, building and nurturing tion, you will then receive regular e- in Harare to oversee the distribu- ing some of the accusations com- opment of our teaching pro- relationships over a long period of newsletters about interesting for- tion of medication, as well monly made against Israel, stressed gramme (attracting and retaining time. We have made a fabulous mer Davidians, as well as invitations as Israeli foods, brought from the religious significance of its quality teachers); expansion of beginning and established rela- to reunions and other events. South Africa. This was preceded restoration as a Jewish state for our learning programme (streng- tionships with a number of alum- On the website you can also send by the AGM of the Harare believing Christians like himself. thening academic, religious, cul- ni which will stand us in great e-KarDs, post KlassifieDs, search tural and sporting curricula); and stead for the future. for long lost classmates. TEL AVIV DEMONSTRATORS CALL FOR PALESTINIAN STATE AROUND JERUSALEM - About 5 000 people last 5,000; organisers said 20 000 participated. Saturday night marched through central The march was called "Netanyahu said THE Tel Aviv to express support for a no - We say yes to a Palestinian state". Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 Marchers carried signs reading WORLD borders. "Palestinian state - An Israeli interest", NEWS IN The march was sponsored by several "Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies", left-wing political parties and organisa- "Bibi, recognise the Palestinians", and Peter Sternberg, vice president AJC; Phillip Hasson, president BRIEF tions, including Peace Now, Meretz, "Yes, we KEN". Ken is Hebrew for "yes". Sephardi Community; Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft; David Millard; Sam Hadash, the Labour Party, Gush Shalom Several dozen right-wing activists held Benatar, president Zimbabwe JBOD; Arnold Joffe, president Harare and Other Voice. Israeli media outlets esti- a counter-demonstration at the start of Hebrew Congregation. mated the number of protesters at about the march. (JTA) 10 - 17 June 2011 SA JEWISH REPORT 5 AROUND Ackerman gets honorary Netanyahu adviser THE WORLD doctorate from Unisa NEWS IN BRIEF stresses importance of THOUSANDS VISIT MOIRA SCHNEIDER least the 1980s, includ- KRAKOW SYNAGOGUES CAPE TOWN ing having served on PHOTOGRAPH the board of the Unisa SA Jewry KRAKOW, Poland - Thou- COURTESY UNISA Foundation for many sands of people visited years. “It’s quite an IN THE course of participating in Krakow's seven historic RAYMOND Ackerman, amazing university,” the recent IUA-UCF Chairmen’s synagogues in an event founder and former he says, “because in Mission to Israel, SAJBD Na- aimed to foster Jewish iden- chairman of Pick n Pay, the ‘80s they used to tional Chairman Zev Krengel met tity among Krakow's small was “very, very thrilled” have about 80 000 stu- for an hour with Ron Dermer, Jewish community. to have been awarded an dents - they now have senior adviser to Israeli Prime Called Seven at Night, the honorary doctorate in 300 000. It’s one of the Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. June 4 event also was education by Unisa at its biggest in the world.” Discussion ranged from Netan- designed to educate non- graduation ceremony The supermarket yahu’s recently concluded trip to Jewish Poles about contem- held at the Cape Town Raymond Ackerman and Prof. supremo, who retired Washington, Middle East peace porary Jewish culture. International Conven- L Molamu (Registrar of Unisa) last March, has al- prospects, the global campaign Sponsored by the Krakow tion Centre here last at the graduation ceremony. ways placed a high aimed at isolating Israel and the Jewish Community Centre, Saturday. premium on educa- relationship between Israel and the American Jewish Joint This is the latest in a long list of tion, holding the view that it is the the South African Jewish com- Distribution Committee and accolades, which now include five only guarantee of a secure future in munity. the Krakow Jewish commu- honorary doctorates, but he has “cer- this country. In his reply at the cere- Krengel expressed his concern nal organisation, the event tainly not” become blasé. mony, Ackerman recalled his first day over ongoing efforts to turn Israel SAJBD National Chairman Zev started with a public Hav- “It was fantastic - I sometimes feel a at university as an 18-year-old. into a pariah state in the same Krengel (right) with Ron Dermer, dalah ceremony in the court- little embarrassed because I’m really “I got a message from the professor way as apartheid South Africa senior adviser to Israeli Prime yard of the JCC, and then the just a grocer at heart,” he modestly of commerce at UCT, that actually was isolated. Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. seven synagogues in the told Jewish Report in a telephonic changed my whole life. He said some- Dermer said that while this city's historic Jewish district, interview. “They wrote to me about it thing to me on that day that helped me was obviously of concern to great majority of South African Kazimierz, were opened. virtually on my 80th birthday, so that run Pick n Pay and build my company. Israel as well, he believed that the Jews were both loyal South Each synagogue hosted came as a birthday present that I did “I just wanted to say how important apartheid system was self-evi- Africans and deeply Zionistic. As an exhibit, concert, panel not know about,” he added. education is, even if it’s working night dently an unjust one and there- a Diaspora community, they did discussion or other activity “It was a lovely afternoon - I had my and day like these poor people do at fore indefensible. The same could not presume to involve them- highlighting Jewish life and family there, all my children and half Unisa. It’s the answer for our country not be said about Israel’s cause, selves in Israeli politics, but in culture as lived today. All my grandchildren and it was great.” and the answer for the individual to which fundamentally was about broad terms would always sup- events were free. They He is quick to say that the credit is feel that he can make a place in the seeking to live in peace and secu- port Israel’s right to exist in peace ranged from talks on "the not all his, though. “My wife and my world.” rity with its neighbours. and security as a democratic ABCs of Judaism" by kids have done so much on education Referring to the Ackerman Family With regard to Netanyahu’s US Jewish state. Krakow Rabbi Boas Pash to through the foundations we have, so I Educational Trust, Professor Loyiso trip, Dermer said that it had been In turn, Dermer stressed the a concert by an Israeli rock said (at the ceremony) that I was Jita, acting deputy executive dean of a very tough and challenging one, high esteem in which South band and a panel discussion accepting it on their behalf as well.” the College of Human Sciences at but it was generally felt to have African Jewry was held in Israel, on Polish Jewish youth. Ackerman’s wife, Wendy, has, in Unisa, commended the Ackermans been successful. The bonds not least for what its members Organisers estimated that fact, been running a bursary scheme for “creating such a foundation that between Israel and the US had done for the Zionist cause more than 5 000 people visit- since 1967, creating graduates in continues to assist the less fortunate remained very strong, and over the decades. He said that the ed the synagogues. "It far, every field from medicine to the arts, in our communities with funds for Israel’s needs and concerns were Prime Minister’s door was always far exceeded our expecta- he noted. their education.”. well understood by the Obama open to its leadership whenever it tions," JCC director Jona- Ackerman has a long relationship Justice Bernard Ngoepe, chancellor administration. had important issues it needed to than Ornstein told JTA. with the institution dating back to at of Unisa, capped Ackerman. Krengel reiterated how the raise. (JTA) 6 SA JEWISH REPORT 10 - 17 June 2011 SOCIAL SCENE

Rita Lewis [email protected]

Ian Shneier and Rodney Wainer filling the air with the appetising aroma of boerewors. Another JWBS

Watching over the fruit and vegetables are Oscar Koren, Adam Shneier and Sybil with their driver Joseph Masumise Morning Market in the background. success story STORY AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY In these times of a growing RITA LEWIS reliance by many of the general Jewish public on organisations AFTER WEEKS of rain followed such as the JWBS for various by a freezing cold snap heralding kinds of support, it is important the start of winter, the weather that these occasions should be suddenly turned pleasant for the well supported. annual Jewish Women’s Bene- In order to ensure that the rev- volent Morning Market held enue raised at the market was recently at the Jabula Recreation kept at a high level, several new Centre in Sandringham, Johan- stalls were introduced, selling dif- nesburg. ferent items which had not been The market is the JWBS’s main introduced previously. fundraiser and members of the These included a fruit and vege- organisation spent many hours table stall which was virtually sold collecting and collating the hun- out by the end of the morning. Elaine Kessel and Merle Zar holding warm scarves, pon- dreds of items on sale on this - and Likewise, the idea of a new stall A happy couple enjoying their day out. chos and blankets for sale. of course on previous - morning to sell plants and seedlings, was markets. auspiciously chosen as it took advantage of the time of year when people are buying their winter seedlings and plants. For a “first-timer”, it did very well, offering a wide variety of popular plants and trees. The stall selling hand-knitted jerseys, hats, scarves, etc, seemed to have taken the day off, but was replaced with a host of brand new blouses selling at the great price of R20 each! As usual the literally thou- sands upon thousands of books in crates and boxes at the Book Fair, collected by a resilient Sonya Bernstein, were perused by all those wanting some of the latest novels, cookery books, etc. Rita Woolf and Myrna Gordon doing a roaring trade selling their The proceeds from the sale of books make up a large sum of the Mike Baum and Heather Kalmonowitz manning the kitchen. bric-a-brac. market’s takings.

At the costume jewellery stall are Vivian Meyer, Rosa Barnet, Sarah Pincus, Heather Shapiro and her grand- Some of the crowd enjoying the cordial atmosphere Engrossed in watching the children’s activities. daughter, Danit. while eating their lunch. 10 - 17 June 2011 SA JEWISH REPORT 7

shown at ‘The Ageless Diamond” who could tackle kosher catering. We “Further down in Beit Street A PUNCHLINE Exhibition held in London. In 1966 found nobody who even knew what towards Ellis Park was Wachen- CORRECTED COMMUNITY BUZZ the diamond was bought by De ‘kosher catering’ was. heimer Kosher Butchery. LIONEL SLIER Beers and brought back to South “We returned home exhausted and William, aged nine, was dared There was, in Johannesburg, 082-444-9832, fax: 011-440-0448, Africa where it was exhibited at despairing and found a message from to go in and ask for a pint of this elderly Jewish man who [email protected] the De Beers Diamond Pavilion in Mrs Zwebner saying that she would milk. All the boys thought it loved to tell jokes, but he used Johannesburg in 1967, to mark the take care of everything. With the aid was extremely funny but when to laugh so much while telling occasion of South Africa’s Dia- of WIZO’s catering committee she William had asked for the milk them, that often he would stop, NORTHERN CAPE - THE mond Centenary. turned what threatened to be a disas- Mr Wachenheimer came from mid-joke and exclaim: “My FIRST LARGE SA DIAMOND De Beers then presented it to ter into a wonderful simcha. She also behind the counter with a goodness, I’ve forgotten the the South African government. It saw to it that Mrs Watkins was paid as cleaver and William, terrified, ending.” IN 1867 a 15-year-old Afrikaner is now in the Mine Museum in if she had done the catering.” ran until he had to stop at Ellis Community Buzz fell into boy, Erasmus Jacobs, picked up a Kimberley. Park this situation last week when it “mooi klippie” (a nice stone) on JOHANNESBURG/ “While he was running he told the story of the the banks of the Orange River in BULAWAYO DOORNFONTEIN could hear the heavy footsteps Doornfontein butcher, Finkel- the Hopetown district on a farm of Mr Wachenheimer and the stein, who became a schochet which his father rented from From Shulamit Kagan: By Fanny Phillips: sent in by Shirley swishing of the cleaver. When and put a notice outside his Schalk van Niekerk. On a visit to Ancer William turned to face his fate shop, “Kosher Butcher the farm, the stone was given to “After Rabbi Rosen came Rabbi no-one was there. He had heard Finkelstein Kills Everyday.” van Niekerk. It was eventually Zwebner. He was from a well- “Those of us who grew up in the 1940s the thudding of his heart! We received this letter from authenticated as a diamond by Dr known and greatly respected and ‘50s in Doornontein in “When William was 16, he Justice Ralph Zulman: “I am W G Atherstone, a doctor in Jerusalem family. His brother Johannesburg, were very privileged. was offered a job at Crystal’s afraid that you missed the Grahamstown, whose hobby was was one of the Lamed Heh (the 35 If we wanted company, we walked out Confectionary. He was thrilled punchline in the concluding geology and who also had an Haganah members who fell on of our front doors and found children because he was placed behind paragraph of your column. The extensive knowledge of minerals. their way to reinforce the to play with, to argue with and to the soda fountain. sign read: The stone was shown to the besieged Gush Etzion, on January bunk cheder with. Unfortunately, tragedy struck, “Kosher Butchery Finkel- British Colonial Secretary in Cape 5, 1948). “Generally girls played button-but- when on the third day he was stein Kills HIMSELF (my Town, Robert Southey, who want- “A Talmud Chacham, Rabi ton and skipped, while boys played fired as he had drunk more emphasis) Everyday.” ed the stone to be displayed at the Zwebner led his community gent- with marbles and ball games. The milkshakes and eaten more ice- The late Aaron Mendelow QC upcoming International Exposi- ly but firmly. He was liked and lis- only games we played together were creams than had been sold.” loved telling the story. tion in Paris, but because of tened to by all. His wife was a kennekie and cricket. doubts of its origin and scepti- beautiful and elegant woman with “Many of the boys were adventur- cism and delays, it never was. a wonderful, warm voice. She ous, mischievous and had a lot of There is a belief that a glass repli- often appeared in charity con- chutzpah. William in the Richmal ca was put on display. certs. She appeared with Des and Compton stories could have been Garrards, the Crown Jewellers Dawn Lindberg on TV. based on any of them. Our William in London examined the stone, “Mrs Zwebner had another side was the ‘hero’ of the following inci- pronounced it a diamond and val- of her which I do not hesitate to dent: ued at £550. However, Sir Roderick call saintly. There was not a poor, “In Beit Street, the famous Ameri- Murchison, the Keeper of the sick or unemployed member of can ice-cream shop was owned by a Royal Museum of Geology in the community who could not Mr Reich. He and his wife had fled London, declared that the dia- count upon her for help. Germany in the 1930s. We, the chil- mond had been planted in the “Bulawayo had only one kosher dren of Doornfontein, knew that he bare veld in the Cape Colony in caterer, a Mrs Watkins. On the was a spy who revealed South African order to deceive people. Thursday night before my secrets to the enemy: Germany. The It was impossible for diamonds younger son’s barmitzvah, her fact that the war was over, was irrele- to be found there; he was prepared son-in-law in South Africa passed vant. We also knew that the secret to stake his reputation on that. away. She, of course, packed her radio was under the counter where The stone had probably come bags and went to be with her the ice-cream cans were kept. from Brazil, he insisted. The daughter. We only heard the news “William saw his chance to search rough diamond weighed 21,5 the following morning and we for the radio when Mr Reich had gone carats, was polished at some stage were now desperate. We had a to the back of the shop. William in Europe and became a 10,73 house full of visitors and we did jumped onto the counter and was so cushion shape. It became known not have the slightest idea how to intent on looking for the radio that he as the Eureka. (Greek - I have cater for about 300 people. did not hear Mr Reich’s return. It was found it.) “My husband and I went from only when he felt a painful ‘klap’ that The Eureka formed part of a hotel to hotel and restaurant to he jumped off the counter and ran diamond bangle and in 1959 was restaurant trying to find a chef home as fast as he could. AROUND THE WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF ROMNEY: OBAMA TREATS ISRAEL WITH 'DISTRUST' WASHINGTON - Mitt Romney, ed the president's foreign policy, par- speech in which he called for Israeli- launching his presidential bid, ticularly when it came to Israel. Palestinian negotiations to be based said President Barack Obama was "He seems firmly and clearly on 1967 lines, with mutually agreed treating Israel with "distrust". determined to undermine our long- land swaps. Romney, a former Massachusetts time friend and ally," he said. "He’s In the same speech, Obama said governor, announced his second bid treating Israel the same way so that Israel must have security guar- last week Thursday for the Re- many European countries have: antees, called for a non-militarised publican presidential nomination at with suspicion, distrust and an Palestinian state and faulted the a farm in New Hampshire. assumption that Israel is at fault." Palestinian Authority for its recent Much of his speech focused on Romney had accused Obama of pact with Hamas and for seeking what he said were Obama's failures "throwing Israel under the bus" statehood through UN recognition. with the economy, but he also fault- after the president's May 19 policy (JTA) TWO PALESTINIANS INDICTED IN FOGEL MURDERS JERUSALEM - Two Palestinian tors say there is forensic evidence regret what I did, even if it means teenagers have been indicted in the linking them to the scene of the I'm sentenced to death." murder of five members of the crime, including DNA samples and Israel does not have the death Fogel family from the West Bank fingerprints, Haaretz reported. penalty except for convictions for settlement of Itamar on March 11. The men were also charged with genocide, war crimes, crimes Amjad Awad, 19, who worked as stealing weapons, breaking and against humanity, crimes against a labourer in Israel, and Hakim entering, and conspiracy to commit the Jewish people, and treason in Awad 18, a high school learner, a crime, according to reports. They wartime, though some politicians were indicted last Sunday in a West are residents of the West Bank have called for the men to be sen- Bank military court for the mur- town of Hawarta, located near tenced to death if found guilty. ders of Udi Fogel, 36, Ruth Fogel, Itamar, and have been connected to Three of the Fogel children sur- 35, and their children Yoav, 11, the Popular Front for the vived the attack; two were sleeping Elad, four, and Hadas, three Liberation of Palestine. in a side bedroom and were not dis- months. "I'm proud of what I did," Ynet covered, and a daughter was out of The men reportedly confessed to quoted Amjad Awad as saying just the house at the time of the the murder, and military prosecu- minutes before the hearing. "I don't killings. (JTA) 8 SA JEWISH REPORT 10 - 17 June 2011 OPINION AND ANALYSIS


Time and Life). At a Revisionist dinner that spring, Luce Another giant Father to son, Netanyahu’s said Great Britain’s blockade of Jewish refugee ships bound for Palestine was to blame for the fact that “Jewish blood stains of the Struggle legacy in Washington the blue Mediterranean red”. In their meetings, the Revisionists asked RAFAEL MEDOFF Paper Must Be Smashed, if Millions of the Republicans to include a pro-Zionist leaves us WASHINGTON Jews Are to Be Saved!” and “Is America to plank in their 1944 platform. Neither party AFTER EVERY revolution comes the next Be a Party to the Palestine Betrayal?” had ever formally endorsed the cause of generation, those who were not yet born or THE ENTHUSIASTIC response Prime These challenges to Allied policy did not Jewish statehood, but the GOP leaders too young to appreciate the courage of the Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received sit well with mainstream Jewish leaders clearly were sympathetic. activists who fought it, often at great personal when he addressed the US Congress on May such as Rabbi Stephen Wise, who was Meanwhile, an additional lobbying effort sacrifice. They grow up benefiting from their 24 came from both sides of the aisle. Demo- deeply loyal to President Roosevelt, the was undertaken by Abba Hillel Silver, the elders’ achievements, yet often don’t have the crats and Republicans both took part in New Deal and the Democratic Party. activist Cleveland rabbi who in 1943 had patience to listen to their stories as they are standing ovations. Afterward, Democrats Much to the Jewish establishment’s been elevated to the co-chairmanship of too busy building their own lives. and Republicans made statements criticis- chagrin, Netanyahu actively cultivated the American Zionist movement alongside Many giants of the anti-apartheid struggle ing President Barack Obama’s positions and relationships with Republican members of Wise. Silver, who enjoyed a close relation- have died; others are old and frail. We bid supporting Israel’s. Congress and party leaders. For Wise, ship with Senator Robert Taft of Ohio, lob- farewell this week to another, Albertina But perhaps it is not so surprising the building friendly relations with FDR’s bied Taft and other leading Republicans on Sisulu - who passed away on June 2 at the age prime minister attracted such bipartisan political foes was inconceivable. For the platform issue. of 92. support. His father did something similar 67 Netanyahu it was political common sense. The GOP’s final platform not only Not everything in South Africa is on the years ago. In the summer of 1944, 34-year- Roosevelt had no incentive to address endorsed Jewish statehood in Palestine, as right track, nor does this nation quite match old Benzion Netanyahu was the executive Jewish concerns if he believed Jewish Silver wanted, but also criticised Roose- up today to what Sisulu’s generation had in director of the American wing of Ze’ev votes were in his pocket. velt, as Netanyahu wanted. mind. But there is enough that is on the right Jabotinsky’s Revisionist Zionist movement. Only if there was a credible threat of Furious and embarrassed, Wise dashed track for us to be profoundly grateful for her One of his tasks was to help mobilise sup- Jews voting Republican would FDR see a off a letter to the president declaring that contribution to it. She leaves a country whose port in Washington for free Jewish immi- reason to reconsider his cold policy he was “deeply ashamed” of the “utterly politics, business and society are bursting gration to Palestine and the creation of a toward Jewish refugees and Zionism. unjust” wording of the Republican plank. with young energy. Jewish State. That was no small job at a time In the months leading up to the June In the pages of the Revisionist journal A glimpse of its progress could be seen last when the British opposed Jewish immigra- 1944 Republican National Convention, Zionews, Netanyahu commented: “It Saturday night at the posh Lyric Theatre at tion and statehood, and the Roosevelt Netanyahu and his colleagues undertook seems that to Dr Wise and his friends, par- Gold Reef City in Johannesburg, where leg- administration preferred not to intervene. what they called “a systematic campaign tisan politics are more important than endary jazz trumpeter Hugh Masekela and The Revisionists often used tactics that of enlightenment”. They met repeatedly truth and the interests of their people and his band played to some 2 000 mostly black mainstream Zionists considered too aggres- with former President Herbert Hoover, their country.” fans. Many came in top-of-the-range cars that sive. Netanyahu and his colleagues repeat- 1936 GOP presidential candidate Alf The Republican Party’s move had an filled the parking area, were dressed smartly edly placed large advertisements in The Landon and influential Republican mem- important consequence: It compelled the and exuded confidence, wellbeing and an air New York Times and other leading newspa- bers of Congress such as Representative Democrats to compete for Jewish support of success - a far cry from the old South Africa pers with headlines such as “The White Clare Booth Luce (wife of the publisher of and treat the Jewish vote as if it were up of Hendrik Verwoerd. for grabs. The Democratic National An indicator of this was the fact that the Convention in July 1944 for the first time evening was not dominated by “protest” or endorsed “unrestricted Jewish immigra- “liberation” songs, as it might have been some tion and colonisation” of Palestine and the 15 or 20 years ago. Just great music by an out- establishment of “a free and democratic standing musician in a plush auditorium Jewish commonwealth”. vibrating with African soul. These events helped ensure that sup- In the middle of some songs, Masekela - port for Zionism, and later for Israel, with just an upward flick of his hands - caused would become a permanent part of the entire audience of some 2 000 music-lovers American political culture. Every subse- to instantly rise from their seats, singing and quent Republican and Democratic con- dancing in the rows with an infectious vigour vention has adopted a plank supporting which made even normally reserved people Israel. To do less became politically join in. unthinkable. (JTA) No-one can deny the country’s huge prob- (Medoff, director of The David S Wyman lems - unemployment, poverty, corruption Institute for Holocaust Studies in Washing- ton, is historical consultant to Israeli film- and crime; the beggars knocking on the win- Benzion Netanyahu, left, the prime minister’s father, in 1940, and a copy of a news- dows of those smart cars at every intersec- maker Moshe Levinson’s forthcoming docu- tion. paper ad he wrote in 1943. WYMAN INSTITUTE FOR HOLOCAUST STUDIES mentary on Benzion Netanyahu.) Sisulu was eminently aware of this. Yet the positive vibe and appreciation of excellence for war, rather than border patrols - on permeating the Lyric that night would also Lull at Syrian border could what was until recently Israel’s quietest have persuaded her that there is hope. border. If the situation continues, the IDF She epitomised quiet dignity based on will need to redeploy and possibly even inbred, rock-solid values - similar to Nelson merely be a false ‘Arab Spring’ create new Border Police units. Mandela. Even her marriage to Walter Sisulu An initial inquiry found the IDF only seemed like an old-world fairytale, despite the OWN CORRESPONDENT The IDF this week continued to amass fired several dozen sniper bullets at the fact she was deprived of him for so many forces on the border between Israel and protesters. A senior officer told Haaretz years while he was jailed on Robben Island THE “ARAB Spring” which has spread Syria, mainly in response to warnings of that only those who actively tried to uproot with Mandela. She, too, spent time in jail and across the Arab world in a quest for democ- further protests to mark the 44th anniver- or cut the fence were targeted. endured being banned and harassed by police. racy, has left a ripple effect also in the stable sary of the battles over East Jerusalem in The army also said that the IDF had With that era gone, her children will be the democracy of Israel, with unrest and brutal the Six-Day War. nothing to do with the deaths of at least torch-bearers of her poise and integrity - a suppression in a country such as Syria, Monday saw a lull in the riots on the bor- eight protesters who were killed when huge responsibility. Children of great people threatening Israel’s borders and sovereign der, after several protesters were killed by demonstrators rolled burning tyres and cannot always carry the best with them - there integrity. IDF gunfire the day before. But the situa- threw Molotov cocktails onto a minefield are unfortunately many examples of off- The unrest, which has seen a number of tion remained fluid, with the IDF prepared on the Syrian side of the border, setting off spring of heroes who are anything but heroic. Syrian “protesters” killed as they challenged for any eventualities. several mines. In African culture, it is not unusual for Israel’s sovereignty, has been skilfully used Quiet reigned on Monday on the south- Patience in the West for such incidents is women to play important roles in both practi- by Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad to divert ern outskirts of the Druze town of Majdal beginning to wear thin. The only reason cal and inspirational terms. Over the decades, attention from his brutal oppression and Shams, which overlooks the Syrian border such incidents don’t have greater ramifica- many have kept homes running and raised murder of pro-democracy protesters, and was the scene of last Sunday’s shoot- tions is because they occur against the children while their men were incarcerated or Iran, the arch-Anti-Israel instigator, has ings and protests. soldiers were backdrop of the Syrian regime relentlessly in exile, or were away for long periods as been stoking the unrest fire by (for the first watching the Syrian side of the border. butchering its opponents. Israel, however, migrant labourers in the mines and else- time) sending submarines into the Red Sea Later, media reported that Syrian security will find it very difficult to come out look- where. on a so-called “reconnaissance mission. forces had blocked the access road to the ing good from further clashes between Jews can identify with this “strong woman” Iran has done it purportedly to collect fence, and had stopped buses with demon- unarmed civilians and soldiers, if the ethos - it is also a familiar tradition in the information and identify other countries’ strators from Palestinian refugee camps number of casualties increases. Jewish world, where over the centuries such combat vessels. This is a move that will obvi- near Damascus, from reaching the border. It stands to reason that the violence on women have held families together in the ously anger Israel, where security tensions While it remained unclear to what the Syrian border actually leaves Israel in most desperate situations while their men are already running high. degree the Syrian regime was involved in a no-win situation. were out scraping together a living. Two Iranian warships passed through the organising the protests and urging partici- The IDF has no real way to estimate, in The admiration for Albertina Sisulu has no Suez Canal in February, the first such move pants to try to cross the border, on Monday real time, the number of fatalities on the ethnic borders - she is mourned in all places since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, en route to the regime showed that it could prevent other side. But the Syrian government - and facets of the country. She represents a Syria. Tehran said the mission was one of the protests if it wanted to. Just two road- through its media - has a clear interest in kind of enduring value system we sometimes “peace and friendship” but Israel called it a blocks had been all that had been needed to exaggerating the number of casualties to feel slipping away in our land. Sadly, the “provocation”. prevent any clashes near Majdal Shams. have the border incidents overshadow crudeness of some contemporary South Iran has deployed warships further afield, It is believed the combination of the Assad’s ongoing massacre of anti-govern- African politicians contrasts starkly with the as far as the Red Sea, to combat Somali internal strife in Syria and the run-up to ment protesters. stateliness of the Sisulus. pirates, but has not previously said it sent the mooted Palestinian declaration of inde- Earlier this week, according to opposi- We salute a great African woman - an exem- submarines to those waters. pendence in September, have created a new tion forces in Syria, at least 35 Syrians plar of what this country can and should be - Tuesday marked the 44th anniversary of situation in the Golan Heights. This puts were killed by their own security forces and hope we can emulate her brand of the battles over East Jerusalem in the Six the IDF in an uncomfortable position. Four during protests in the north. During last courage and determination to stand up for Day War, as the Israel Defence Forces pre- battalions are now spending their energy weekend, more than 70 were killed across what is right and reject what is wrong. pared for rallies in the Golan Heights, West preparing for future border incidents. the country. Bank and East Jerusalem. The 36th is meant to be trained Continued on page 9 10 - 17 June 2011 SA JEWISH REPORT 9

OPINION AND ANALYSIS - FORUM FOR DIVERSE VIEWS Palestinian denialism about Israel is a worrying factor SOBERING THOUGH this may be, consult- effectively impossible in Christian and Asia, the Middle East or North Africa, have ing the reports regularly released by Muslim societies where such apostasy was a common Middle Eastern ancestry that can Palestine Media Watch is essential for any- BARBARIC outlawed on pain of death. be traced back to Biblical times. one wishing to get a sense of what is happen- Living under highly oppressive condi- None of this matters to Palestinian ideo- ing between Israel and its neighbours. YAWP tions, in which even being allowed to prac- logues. For them, negating Palestine’s Through this monitoring and translation David Saks tise the Jewish faith in private could never Jewish past is a political-ideological exer- service, one can learn what Arab intellectu- be taken for granted, Jews themselves would cise, not an academic one. Unfortunately, it als, religious spokesmen and political lead- not have dared to proselytise among their cannot simply be shrugged off. ers are saying about Israel, Jews and the gentile neighbours. Most people are ignorant even about the peace process - in their own language, to who once lived as a sovereign people in the In any case, even before the dispersion, history of their own countries and hence their own people and when the CNN TV Holy Land. Judaism was never as geared towards active can be made to believe just about any- cameras are pointing elsewhere. So long as Jews were a powerless, second- proselytisation as its Christian and Islamic thing. At the very least, Jews need to Even allowing for the fact that PMW is pri- class minority, it was not necessary to deny offspring were. The result was that Jews familiarise themselves with their own his- marily concerned with exposing anti-Israel them their history; if anything, the contrast intermarried exclusively among them- tory, so as to be able to refute attempts to incitement and anti-Semitism, the message between their august past and miserable selves, and are therefore to this day over- deny it. that consistently comes through is disheart- present augmented their abject status. whelmingly direct descendants of the pre- The most worrying thing, though, is what ening in the extreme. However, with the re-establishment of a exile Jewish population of Israel. such denialism says about Palestinian inten- One of the most common themes that sovereign Jewish presence in the Arab- Today, it is not even necessary to refer to tions. If their leaders and opinion makers emerges from the PMW reports is how Muslim heartland and the humiliating Arab the historical record. Modern-day genetic cannot bring themselves even to acknowl- entrenched is the notion that Jews are an failure to prevent this, a need has arisen to studies, which can accurately map the devel- edge the antiquity of the Jewish presence in entirely foreign implant in the Middle East, “revise” the historical record. opment of diverse population groups over the area, how far they must be from serious- without any connection to the area prior to It is hard to see how such absurd notions thousands of years, conclusively demon- ly wishing to live in peace with a reconstitut- the Zionist “bandit” invasion. have been able to take root, even in the con- strate that the great majority of Israeli Jews, ed Jewish state on land they claim as their A typical example is the assertion in the text of totalitarian societies where any devi- whether they arrived from Europe, Central own? official Palestinian daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida ation from the official line is outlawed. (November 2, 2010) that with the Balfour If, after all, today’s Jews are unrelated to Declaration the British colonialists “gave to those of the Biblical and immediate post- those who had no connection to the land, Biblical era (that is up until around 150 CE), neither near nor distant - the Zionists - in then there must have been a time in the order to realise a colonialist aim, in the serv- intervening period in which the original ice of the objectives of the colonialist West in Jews disappeared and a new, unrelated the Arab region”. group of people calling themselves Jews Rejecting the historicity of Jewish roots in emerged. Israel became official dogma nearly half a Of course, no such hiatus can be found. century ago with the adoption of the There is a continuous, documented Jewish Palestinian National Covenant, Article 18 of history stretching back over three millen- which states: “The claims of historic and nia. spiritual ties, ties between Jews and To that, it might be argued that the fact of Palestine are not in agreement with the facts their having lived among non-Jews far from of history or with the true basis of sound their ancestral homeland will inevitably statehood”. have resulted in constant intermarriage, Such denialism is a comparatively new thereby diluting the original Jewish stock to phenomenon. During the exile period, when the point where effectively the Jewish exiles “Palestine” was under the rule of a series of eventually lost their ethno-racial identity (mainly Muslim) colonial powers, there was altogether. never any serious attempt to negate the ter- So one would think under normal circum- ritory’s Jewish past. stances, but for the fact that up until very Apart from anything else, to do so would recently in the Diaspora, what defined be to go against what both the Christian and Jewishness was religion, not ethnicity. The Islamic religions explicitly recorded. Nor only thing that could make intermarriage did one find claiming that the Jews of their with members of the host populations possi- particular era were unconnected with those ble, was conversion to Judaism, and that was Lull at Syrian border... Continued from page 8

It was difficult to take seriously the accusations on Syrian television of an Israeli massacre while, day after day, the deaths caused by the Syrian government are ignored. Apparently at least some of the fatalities in the Golan Heights were injured by a fire in the Golan town of Quneitra a few hundred metres from the bor- der and were not directly related to the IDF. All the same, the Israeli approach seemed designed to be in a sense self-defeating. The IDF is trapped between two contradictory goals: preventing the border from being breached and Israeli sovereignty from being impinged upon (although the rest of the world doesn’t recognise the Golan as Israeli land), and keeping enemy casualties to a minimum when civilians are involved. To the extent that the border clashes can be judged, the Northern Command by and large retained control over events. Snipers fired at the legs of those who attempted to breach the border fence or were identified as “primary inciters” in the rally. At least for now, the population of the West Bank doesn’t seem enthused about the possi- bility of a third intifada. However, if take a hard line in the territo- ries, that could change significantly. The differences between the Syrian front and the Palestinian front are directly related to the various interests of the Syrian and Palestinian leaders. Assad is desperate to heat up the border, while the Lebanese leadership isn’t interested in taking unnecessary risks that could harm tourism. As long as Syria sees continued confronta- tions as a way of diverting international pres- sure from Damascus, the clashes could con- tinue over the next few weeks. September sees the Palestinian bid for statehood and presumably there will be other additional clashes. 10 SA JEWISH REPORT 10 - 17 June 2011 ARTS MATTERS TAPESTRY COMPILED BY ROBYN SASSEN ART, BOOKS, DANCE, FILM, THEATRE Call 084-319-7844 or [email protected] at least one week prior to publication A bit greyer and wider, Adler Museum of Medicine, Parktown: “Reflect”, an exhibition by but Potroast team back Elaine Hirschowitz, until July 11, (011) 717-2067. ROBYN SASSEN something they continue to punt, 36 years after the show was born. “It’s Circa, Rosebank: two exhi- WHAT ROSE to prominence as one of South humour one can repeat,” says The Biltong and Potroast team: Eddie Eckstein; Mel Miller; bitions: “Weapons of Mass African TV’s most popular comedy shows, Green. “These are not jokes touting Joe Parker (the moderator); Cyril Green; and Alain D Destruction” by Ronit began life at a “stag show”, according to veteran political diatribe or ones that are Woolf. (PHOTOGRAPH SUPPLIED) Judelman; “Living on a comic Cyril Green. time specific. Horizon” by Ann Gollifer, “Someone made a bootleg recording of a per- “I was in Disneyland in 1979,” he remembers, show work.” June 14 - July 10, (011) 788- formance we did at a private party in Durban in “A guy in the queue got chatting with me, The name of the show arose from the prove- 4805. the early ‘70s; it’s conservative to say 200 000 because of my South African accent. He told nance of the comics (and their gags): the copies of it got circulated.” me about these six South African comedians Biltong team were South African; the Potroast Foxwood Theatre, Biltong and Potroast became an immediate who were the funniest he’d ever seen. I just blokes had British roots. Houghton: “De Pinna’s hit, shaping South African comedy. This week, smiled.” Green, who started professional life as a Dinner Detectives”, with you can take a trip down memory lane to see the In the ‘70s the show was heavily censored: pianist, branched off into radio and humour Michael de Pinna and Lolly same comics; they might be a little wider, a little this was the height of apartheid. “The show at early. “My career has been blessed. We were Somnez, an evening of food, greyer, but they’re as funny as ever, still doing the Greenside is a different,” Green warns. contemporaries of shows like ‘Take it From comedy, cabaret and murder, their shtick. “We have a no holds-barred policy on lan- Here’ and the Goon Show. But we were com- each Wednesday and Green, Mel Miller - who in January received guage. It’s not gratuitous swearing; we’re pletely unique as satirists. Saturday evening in June, the First Annual Comics Choice Lifetime telling stories as they are. “Tragically, not one piece of footage of and on June 17, (011) 486- Achievement award - Eddie Eckstein and Alain “The show is not rehearsed. In this version, Biltong and Potroast has been preserved. We 0935. D Woolf, are part of the original cast that saw Joe Parker takes the moderating role that the all loved it while it lasted. We earned next to South Africans staying home on Tuesday nights late Clacky McKay played in the TV show. nothing for doing it, but the message we come The Greenside, Greenside: to get their weekly fill of gags. What you will see at the Greenside is a replica away from it all? Not to take life too seriously! “Biltong and Potroast”, with It was thanks to Biltong and Potroast that of that: It was a game in which points were We all need a good laugh.” Eddie Eckstein, Cyril Green, pubs began getting TV sets, according to Green. allocated to the best gags. But the score was the “Biltong and Potroast” is at The Greenside, Mel Miller and Alain D “They realised they were not getting patrons on least important part of the show. Over Chester Avenue, Greenside, June 15. Part of Woolf, June 15, (011) 880-5720. Tuesdays.” the years, give and take from the five of us the proceeds goes to CHOC, Childhood Cancer And the idea of the easily “haveable” joke is taught us beautifully what to do to make a Fund SA, (011) 880-5720. Johannesburg Art Gallery, Johannesburg: “A Fearless Vision”, major re- Very special concert wows Pretoria audience trospective of the late Alan Crump, until June 12, (011) Concert: Johannesburg Philharmonic Violinist Avigail Bushakevitz. the movement its heartbeat through rhyth- 726-3130. Orchestra (ZK Matthews Hall, Unisa, Pretoria) mic pointing and bite. (PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY Conductor: Bernhard Gueller There is no lack of an extra element of BLACKDOGGMEDIA. Soloist: Avigail Bushakevitz, violin individuality: the ability within Prokofiev’s Joburg Theatre Complex, BLOGSPOT.COM) Braamfontein: In the Programme: Music by De Falla, Prokofiev and often volatile moods to change face instantly Nelson Mandela, SA Ballet Mozart with seeming spontaneity. Theatre performs “Romeo Avigail Bushakevitz’s tone already has and Juliet”, until June 19. In REVIEWED BY PAUL BOEKKOOI that cutting edge to suit the work’s ironic, the Fringe, “Doo Bee slightly acid humour. In the arioso-like sec- Boobies”, until June 26, (011) KINDLY ALLOW me to jog your memory on ond movement, marked Andante assai, it 877-6800. Avigail Bushakevitz, last Sunday’s soloist with was that ravishing moment of modulation the JPO, during the third performance of this (from E flat major to B major) near the Linder Auditorium, programme. She also gave us Sergei Pro- beginning, which reflected a kind of ecstatic Parktown: On June 12, kofiev’s Violin Concerto No 2 in G minor in the frisson that was sustained throughout. Odeoin String Quartet and Linder Auditorium, Johannesburg, on June 1 In complete contrast, the finale, Allegro Green-Harrold Piano Duo, and 2. She is the Israeli-born South African vio- ben marcato, is one of Prokofiev’s spiky and collaborate for JMS’s annual linist who won first prize in Unisa’s National even cackling movements. It makes deliber- Nabarro concert, performing Violin Competition in 2009. ate but not ineffective gestures on the side of works by Schubert, She was our star competitor in last year’s Unisa Especially at this Pretoria performance, she harshness. The soloist attacked them with inten- Schumann, Mozart and International Violin Competition, reaching the and the conductor, Bernhard Gueller, let the lis- sity, panache and good taste throughout. The Shostakovich, (011) 728-5492. penultimate round. Ms Bushakevitz is currently tener forget about concepts such as “solo virtu- JPO‘s ensemble was much tighter than on the doing her postgraduate studies at the Juilliard oso” or “orchestral accompaniment”, focusing Wednesday. What a difference a hall can make. Market Theatre, School, New York. Between 2000 and 2007 she stud- instead on a single phenomenon: the composer. In Falla’s Three Cornered Hat Suite No 1, Newtown, Johannesburg: ied under the renowned Prof Jack de Wet in the This time it was as if the soloist, orchestra and Gueller exemplified a chamber-like quality in the In the Laager, “A Teacher in Cape. conductor connected with such unerring intu- detail and precision of the evocative writing, even the Bushveld”, based on the It is clear that his tutorship had a great influence ition, that the music itself could be treated with if not all sections sounded idiomatically Spanish. writings of Herman Charles on the all-round musician she is. Her impeccable overpowering naturalness. With Mozart’s Symphony No 39 in E flat major Bosman, performed by and fluent bowing technique, her extremely devel- Already at the broad, magical melodic line for concluding the afternoon, we experienced an David Butler, until June 12, oped sense for colouristic variety, as well as intona- unaccompanied solo violin which opens this con- exceptionally lively performance, alertly phrased (011) 832-1641. tion that is rock solid, are just some of her greatest certo, the listener was held in a spell, a kind of and often with positively bouncing rhythm, exe- artistic assets. She steered through the unending mysterious touch, transforming every phrase cuted with very great skill. Pretoria loved this Montecasino, Fourways: challenges of this score with ease. with barely perceptible rubato, while also giving very special concert. In Teatro, “Jesus Christ Superstar” by Andrew Lloyd ter their various “gifts”. He has an adoptive sister, Raven (Jennifer Webber, until June 26, (011) FELDMAN The story cleverly manipulates the Cuban Lawrence), a shape-shifter, who has a problem 511-1988. Missile Crises to its own advantage, stoking the keeping her natural blue-skinned appearance ON FILM Cold War paranoia that existed. It’s difficult to hidden. Old Mutual Theatre on Peter Feldman judge how Stan Lee purists will react, but Charles is recruited by Moira MacTaggert, (Rose the Square, Sandton: Vaughn has not lost sight of new audiences, or Byrne), an attractive and courageous CIA agent, Gilbert and Sullivan’s those familiar with the X-Men mythology, dish- who suspects that there is some malevolent outside “Pirates of Penzance” direct- PICK OF THE WEEK ing up commendable fare that bares his very interference in the escalating US-Soviet conflict, a ed by Greg Homann, from own signature. move that is not wholly endorsed by the Agency. June 14; the Sunset Serenade X-Men: First Class It’s interesting to note that Bryan Singer, who A dramatic development in the story sees the performs on June 10 at directed the first two in the series, is back as a future Professor X and Magneto thrown together lunchtime; on June 17, Isabel Cast: James McAvoy; Michael Fassbender; Kevin producer and is also credited with writing the for the first time and, despite their ideological dif- Bradley (flute), Peta-Ann Bacon; Rose Byrne; Jennifer Lawrence; January story with Sheldon Turner. ferences, they decide to build a stronghold of Holdcroft (‘cello) and Susan Jones; Nicholas Hoult The opening shots take us into a Nazi concen- young mutants. Here mutants such as the plasma- van der Wat (piano) perform, Director: Matthew Vaughn tration camp where we meet a young, distressed blasting Havok (Lucas Till), the sonic screamer (011) 883-8606. refugee, Erik Lensherr, whose intense anger Banshee (Caleb Landry Jones), the adaptive MARVEL COMICS did extremely well out of its enables him to bend metal with his mind. Dr Darwin (Edi Gathegi), and the bookish, big-footed Standard Bank Gallery, X-Man saga, but the last permutation, “X-Men Schmidt (Kevin Bacon), a Mengele-type doctor, Hank/The Beast McCoy (Nicholas Hoult), learn Johannesburg: “Listening Origins: Wolverine”, lacked magic and drive. It spots the enormous possibilities of the boy’s their trade to Distant Thunder”, a Peter was sorely in need of a revamp. “talent” and attempts to harness it in a most hor- While Charles and Eric are assembling their Clarke retrospective, until Now director Matthew Vaughn, with a fresh rifying way. motley crew, Dr Schmidt has resurfaced as a vil- July 2 (011) 631-1889. batch of faces, has fashioned an ambitious and Erik’s ghastly experiences instil in him a life- lain called Sebastian Shaw, who has his own gang enthralling escapade in which the story travels long thirst for revenge and this state of mind of renegade mutants under his control. Wits University Campus, back to the ‘60s and the very beginning. makes him incapable of using his gifts without Shaw is cunningly manipulating the situation Braamfontein: In the It is shaped with great style and the kind of becoming enraged. for his own evil purposes with the help of a Origins Centre, “A Stone insouciant wit which was in evidence in the first In sharp contrast, is Charles Xaviar, a dashing mutant sidekick, Emma Frost (January Jones). Carpet Reflected: Fragments two offerings. Oxford academic, with an ability to read minds. The stage is now set for an explosive confronta- from a Glacial Pavement”, “X-Men: First Class” focuses on the rise of This well-spoken intellectual envisages a utopi- tion, with the missile crises as a backdrop, and an exhibition by Chonat Professor Charles Xavier (James McAvoy), an world order in which mutants are able to con- mutant power pitched against mutant power. It’s Getz and Collin Cole, until Magneto (Michael Fassbender) and the earliest trol their superhuman gifts and coexist with the a sleek production that captures the youthful June 30, (011) 717-4700. mutant disciples who were only starting to mas- rest of mankind. energy of the team - and it works. 10 - 17 June 2011 SA JEWISH REPORT 11 TAPESTRY - ART, BOOKS, DANCE, FILM, THEATRE AROUND THE WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF UK TIMES: OFER BROS SHIPS CARRIED RECONNAISSANCE EQUIPMENT This bleak novella is JERUSALEM - Cargo ships who died on June 2, and his owned by an Israeli company fer- brother, Yuli, appeared last ried US Air Force Blackhawk month on a US list of entities to helicopters and com- be sanctioned for dealings with strictly an acquired taste mandos to Iran for reconnais- Iran's energy sector. sance missions against nuclear The Ofer group was sanctioned Point Omega by Don DeLillo ner steals regular glances at the sites, a British newspaper for its role in providing a tanker (Picador, R108) other during a programme to gauge reported. valued at $8,65 million to an their reaction to what they are see- The helicopters were con- Iranian shipping company. The REVIEWED BY GWEN PODBREY ing - but no reaction is ever visible. cealed in special containers for Ofer brothers, who hail from one The watched partner is not even infiltration into Iran, Britain's of Israel's wealthiest families, DIGESTING DON DeLillo’s works aware of being watched. This, Sunday Times reported last denied knowledge of involve- is never easy; nor - until one’s sec- Jessica says, is what most mar- week. The ships were owned by ment in the sale, saying the ship ond or third reading of them - do riages - indeed, most relationships - the Ofer Brothers Group. Two had been sold to a third party they become rewarding. For this are like: a domestic arrangement companies owned by Sami Ofer, before it was sold to Iran. (JTA) most economical, cryptic and allu- between two people who are essen- sive of writers, who has said that tially alone, existing in an imperme- the greatest influences on his style able cocoon of their own. are “abstract expressionism, for- “Haiku means nothing beyond eign films and jazz”, loads each sen- what it is. A pond in summer, a leaf tence with the weight of multiple in the wind. It’s human conscious- meanings and intensely inferential ness located in nature. It’s the language. answer to everything in a set num- The reader must proceed literally ber of lines, a prescribed syllable word by word, tracking the thread count,” says Elster. of thought. “I wanted a haiku war… A set of Appropriate to this book’s central ideas linked to transient things. concerns, its prelude describes an This is the soul of haiku. Bare exhibition in New York’s Museum everything in plain sight. See of Modern Art, where Alfred moments… We do this all the time, what’s there. Things in war are Hitchcock’s iconic horror movie all of us, we become ourselves transient. See what’s there and “Psycho” has been slowed down to beneath the running thoughts and then be prepared to watch it disap- take a full 24 hours to screen. dim images, wondering idly when pear.” Spectators see every frame frozen we’ll die,” Elster tells Finley. When personal tragedy suddenly in detail, then infinitesimally evolv- Finley’s visit - intended to last strikes Elster, he is capsized into ing into action, grain by celluloid just a day or two - drags out to a full panic, then the ineffable pain of grain. month or more, because temporal grief. And, in agony, he learns the The novel proper relates an time barely exists for his host. great lesson: that loss - not war - is encounter between Richard Elster, Instead, Elster’s focus is on the larg- the ultimate haiku. Finley, equally a retired secret war adviser for the er, cosmic scale of events: sunsets stricken by the calamity, walks in a Pentagon, and Jim Finley, a young occur every 24 hours, denoting not nearby ravine and is struck by “the filmmaker. the passage of a day, but an adven- heartbreaking beauty of it, the Finley has been invited to his ture of the elements. indifference of it”. So much for home “somewhere south of no- When Elster’s daughter, Jessica, Elster’s acateleptic ideal. where”, deep in the desert. The two arrives for a visit, Finley is in- Plumbing this bleak novella men drink heavily, with Elster dis- trigued by her ethereal inwardness, requires hard work and consider- coursing on the issues which preoc- and by her father’s great love for his able tenacity. Using deceptively cupy him: the teleological progres- child - possibly his only passion. simple constructs, DeLillo makes sion of America, the implications of “We’re a crowd, a swarm. We us squint, demanding that we warfare versus peace, and the coun- think in groups, travel in armies. attune our vision to his metaphys- try’s rampant consumerism and Armies carry the gene for self- ical acuity. The lack of action modernity versus the intrinsic iso- destruction. One bomb is never adds to the work’s heaviness, so lation of its citizens. enough... Now comes the inver- that the reader risks becoming On a wider metaphysical scale, sion… the omega point. A leap out mired. The text continually enters Elster (and DeLillo) probe existen- of our biology. and exits abstraction, forcing tial questions, employing the same “Ask yourself this question. Do shifts of consciousness on the homiletical devices one might find we have to be human forever? reader’s part, while its intense, in the frontier novels of Cormac Consciousness is exhausted. Back unrelenting intellectualism can McCarthy. now to inorganic matter. This is be draining. The book is also an enquiry into what we want. We want to be stones DeLillo is considered one of the the slats of perception which are in a field,” declares Elster. leading USA’s leading post-mod- necessarily missed in the pace and This is the almost Buddhist ernist authors and has received, noise of daily life. The faculties of thrust of the book: the idea that among some 34 literary awards, the speech and hearing detract from, human consciousness has depleted PEN/Saul Bellow Award for rather than enhance, the full mean- itself into futility, and that what Achievement in American Fiction, ing of what we are, and - crucially - comes next will be sublimely as well as a Guggenheim Fellowship. what we do. unapologetic for, or even aware of, Nevertheless, while his con- “The true life is not reducible to its own existence. cerns affect each of us - particu- words spoken or written, not by Another theme of the book is larly in a world where terrorists anyone, ever. The true life takes immutability. Jessica tells Finley and soldiers have replaced artists place when we’re alone, thinking, that in New York, she cares for an as the agents of social change - his feeling, lost in memory, dreamingly aged couple who spend most of writing is strictly an acquired self-aware, the submicroscopic their time watching TV. Each part- taste.

RELOCATION Celebration Sale COME JOIN THE CELEBRATION BY SNAPPING UP THE BARGAINS. CLOSED SHABBOS 335 Jan Smuts Avenue Craighall Park Tel: (011) 325-4986 Parking outside store 12 SA JEWISH REPORT 10 - 17 June 2011

LETTERS The Editor, Suite 175, Postnet X10039, Randburg, 2125 email: [email protected]

Guidelines for letters: Letters up to 400 words will get preference. Please provide your full first name Disclaimer: The letters page is intended to provide opportunity for a range of views on any and surname, place of residence, and a daytime contact telephone or cell number. We do not publish let- given topic to be expressed. Opinions articulated in the letters are those of the writers and do not ters under noms de plume. Letters should preferably be e-mailed. Letters may be edited or shortened. necessarily reflect the views of the editor, staff or directors of the Jewish Report

PLAYS ABOUT CONVICTED SPY JONATHAN POLLARD CLARIFIED SYRIA LEADS WORLD MEDIA BY THE NOSE REGARDING ‘ATROCITIES’ I REFER to a letter by Matla Sarkin Jewish Report published an article THESE PAST months have seen our screens and killing of thousands of its citizens by their dicta- in your issue of May 27, which has about it a few weeks ago,which is newspapers ablaze with reports of the death of tor Bashar al-Assad. only now come to my attention. probably what Sarkin read. thousands of peaceful protesters in the streets of Notwithstanding all this, CNN, BBC, The New Sarkin refers to a play named The only play called “Pollard” of many Syrian towns. Many of these reports York Times, The Times (of London), The “Pollard” which she says was which I am aware, was written in the emanate from The Reform Party of Syria, a Syrian Telegraph, etc have all displayed their bias in two reported as having recently been early 1990s by the renowned Israeli opposition group which seems to have been the ways. One as mentioned above, but more blatant is produced in Pretoria, but which she playwright, Motti Lerner and is, in international media’s main source of these cata- the fact that their normal and reliable source, that produced 15 years ago. all probability, the play that Sarkin strophic events. Clearly the world’s media have of the Syrian opposition, reported only this week I think what Sarkin is referring to has in mind. If another play by this confidence enough in this source to report on that the Syrian dictator had paid a bunch of is my play called “Pollard’s Trial” name has been written, I would be these events. “demonstrators” $1 000 each plus $10 000 to the which is currently on in Israel at the most interested to learn about it. All media in Syria is state controlled, yet not family of anyone killed, yet the world’s media Cameri Theatre in Tel Aviv. This is a one report of the violent crackdown on the protest ignored this! new play and the Israeli production Victor Gordon that has been ongoing there for months, has been Just how can these reliable and reputable inter- in Hebrew, is its premiere. The Pretoria reported by any of the controlled media. However, national news sources report with such conviction this week the leading news networks and newspa- what the Syrian-controlled media puts out, when THOSE WHO CAN’T REMEMBER PAST, ARE CONDEMNED pers of the world all reported on the “brutal” attacking Israel and at the same time ignore a far deaths of 22 Syrians trying to infiltrate the border more reliable source that has been their main con- TO REPEAT IT crossing between that country and Israel - and duit of information for months and simply ignore I WANT to compliment the editor on rate information, as well as the what was their reliable source? None other than the report of paid protesters? the editorial of June 3, “On justice methodologies for teaching this com- the state-controlled Syrian media. But better still, not one international paper or and closure”, but on a point of clarity, plex area of the curriculum. These Foreign correspondents are not allowed into network mentioned that it was Israel’s territorial while the South African Holocaust teacher training workshops remain a Syria, yet these major networks glean their integrity that was being violated by crashing and Genocide Foundation (SAHGF) major focus of our activities. reports from the Syrian media on the events of through an international border and invading lauds the inclusion of the study of The development of the Johan- “Naqsa Day”. Their reporters, while not being another country – this is nothing short of an act of the Holocaust into the South African nesburg Holocaust and Genocide allowed into Syria, report with all conviction as if war. National School Curriculum, we can- Centre (JHGC) , under the auspices of they were witness to the deaths of these people One must wonder what the reaction - no, the not take the credit for its inclusion in the SAHGF, is a crucial development and splash headlines across the world, only to outrage of the world would be - if it were Israel the first place. in ensuring that the, “next generation foment further hatred for Israel. breaking down an international boundary? There is no doubt that the impact can take something positive from this Yes, the world media has clearly demonstrated So much for honest reporting. Not only have of the work of the Cape Town history… in an attempt to address the in the crudest fashion just how biased they are they lost their pants but their moral integrity as Holocaust Centre, from when it dangers of ethnic hatred”. when it comes to reporting on Israel. They will well. opened in 1999 on school groups and Although the JHGC is still under accept the Syrian state-controlled reports of teachers and the close association it construction, it is still running a Israeli actions, but does not point out that this self Allan Wolman enjoys with the Western Cape most effective office under the expert same media machine does not report on the Norwood, Johannesburg Department of Education, did impact guidance of the director, Tali Nates, on the department’s decision to and is actively involved in facilitating MULTI-ETHNIC SOCIETIES WITH EQUAL RIGHTS, MY ISRAEL-PALESTINIAN VIEW include Holocaust studies. the teacher training, especially in However, it was the fact that our Gauteng, North-West and Mpuma- DAVID HIRSH (SAJR June 3) does not think that Hamas, Burma, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Iran, North school curriculum is based on our langa provinces. “wording” and “who said what” are important. This Korea, Belarus, Serbia and, most recently, Libya and Constitution and Bill of Rights The Durban Holocaust Centre is is curious for an academic who deals with little else. Syria, have been subject to sanctions and military (based on the 1948 Universal our partner in KwaZulu-Natal and is But words do matter: contrary to his claims, I sup- campaigns far more aggressive and violent than Declaration of Human Rights so taking on the enormous challenge of port peace between Israel and Palestine, conceived Israel is likely ever to face. strongly influenced by the knowledge supporting schools and training as democratic, multi-ethnic societies, which guaran- Israel has been singled out indeed, for receiving of the Holocaust) and infuses human teachers in that province as well as tee equal individual and collective rights to all their vast sums of military and financial aid that allow it rights into all learning areas, that led joining the national team as it pro- people. I said that at the University of Johannesburg to entrench the occupation, and diplomatic immuni- the curriculum designers to include vides this key service even in the seminar and in my letter. ty by the USA for its acts of violence against civil- the Holocaust as a key case study of most rural parts of the country. If words (and reality) mattered to Hirsh, he would ians. gross human rights abuse. This groundbreaking work is all a understand that “dismantling” apartheid meant the Instead of pursuing his campaign of manufac- Every grade 9 learner in the coun- massive undertaking, as you can creation of a democratic state in South Africa, not tured hysteria and distortions against those working try is required to study a 15 hour unit imagine, but it is heartening that the the destruction of white people. for justice and democracy, Hirsh could support the on the Holocaust in social studies SAHGF is seen as the provider of Not only do I not want to “dismantle” Israeli Jews, thousands of Palestinians and Israelis who protest and should history be elected as a choice when it comes to teacher but I wish for them to live and prosper as equal citi- peacefully in Bil’in, Ni’ilin, Sheikh Jarrah, and else- matric subject, there is a further 16 training and materials for the teach- zens, together with their fellow residents of the land. where in Israel/Palestine. hour unit in grade 11 on the Eugenics ing of the Holocaust in South African Why is the spectre of equality and democracy haunt- These young activists do not support one national movement and how it played out in schools. The support of the Jewish ing Hirsh? The real challenge facing us is to find group against another, but campaign for members of Nazi Germany. community has been crucial to this ways to reach that goal. Certainly not by using vio- both to unite in order to stop oppression and create a The SAHGF has conducted teacher enterprise. lence to attack civilians (a practice employed to a far secure democratic future for all. This is my goal as training workshops for over 4 000 There is no doubt that the study of greater extent, resulting in far greater destruction, well, and should be supported by all progressive peo- government teachers all over the the Holocaust provides a potent prism by the State of Israel than by Palestinians). ple wherever they are. country since 2007 when the teaching through which to look at the chal- Rather, it is by waging non-violent campaigns, of the Holocaust unit became com- lenges of our own society. As George peaceful protests, legal challenges, educational ini- Prof Ran Greenstein pulsory. The classroom support Santayana is often quoted as saying, tiatives and, yes, sanctions as well. These have been University of the Witwatersrand materials “The Holocaust: Lessons “Those who cannot remember the used in many cases and constitute one important for Humanity” developed by the past are condemned to repeat it.” peaceful tactic, among others. We take note of Prof Greenstein’s correspondence with SAHGF, are at the core of these work- Are Israelis singled out here? Hirsh seems the Jewish Report and accept that he has excluded shops and are supplied to all teachers Richard Freedman unaware that his own country has imposed severe armed attacks against civilians in the campaign who attend. Director sanctions and used violent means of censure against against Israel, and that he did not advocate that The implication of this is that we South African Holocaust & numerous targets in the last two decades: PLO, “everything” was legitimate. - Editor are helping to ensure that teachers Genocide Foundation have access to appropriate and accu- Cape Town IT’S TIME THE SAJBD IS ELECTED DEMOCRATICALLY THIS LETTER is in support of Evan Seligmann experiences, is frightening. I have had to take on NOT MOZZARELLA PRICE BUT CHICKEN BREASTS THE who called on the SAJBD to hold democratic elec- many cases that they either shied away from or CULPRIT tions for “representatives” within that organisa- were not prepared to bleed for. tion. (SAJR June 3). At the time of the launch of the ANC govern- I WOULD like to appeal to Julio kosher chicken breasts - at another For too long have the self-appointed “leaders” of ment, the Jewish community was urged by the Woznica regarding the discrepancy leading supermarket the discrepancy the SAJBD untruthfully and misleadingly claimed SAJBD that we were to accept the then new dispen- between kosher and non-kosher moz- is huge - R39,99 for non-kosher as representative status via a faulty proportional rep- sation and embrace democracy without fear;– this zarella (SAJR June 3), to verify the compared to R160 for kosher. resentative process, whereby faceless and name- was accompanied at the time with assurances that facts before writing to newspapers. That needs explanation, but less and unqualified people are suddenly in a posi- they (the SAJBD) would be our umbrella. Some The price at a leading supermarket despite the fact that a commission tion deciding what is good for the Jewish communi- umbrella! for non-kosher mozzarella is R99,99 was supposed to look into this, noth- ty. Democracy is not merely a device for “leaders” per kg - which makes the discrepancy ing has yet been done to bring prices When one elects candidates to a shul or club to seek or manufacture more photo ops - whether 10 per cent. I would love to know down. Rather the opposite - the committee, it is with the exclusive intent that these posing with a broomstick at some unfortunate pub- where to get any non-kosher cheese price of kosher meat and chicken office bearers are elected with the sole purpose of lic hospital, or banging a big drum about distribut- for R45 per kg. has continued to rise out of all pro- seeing to the successful day-to-day running of that ing blankets to the needy. Those who buy kosher products portion. particular shul, etc. Not that there is anything wrong with this, but and complain about genuinely high Now that needs a valid answer or In no shul constitution that I have come across is the Torah injunction is to take care of your own prices, will not be taken seriously if reason. allowance of complicity made to elect anyone from first. And there are usually far more urgent Jewish incorrect prices are quoted. the SAJBD to speak on my behalf to government or community concerns that need to be resolved. If you want to complain about pric- Monica Solomon to represent me without my consent. It is time that they gave us what we want and ing, then compare kosher and non Sandton Serious questions and fears exist that our wellbe- need, not what THEY think we want and need, ing and future, stands or falls with such people. which seems largely to be the case. FOR THE RECORD Have these candidates - prior to being “elected” - To the “leadership: You are little more than a identified the issues facing the community and lobby group - live with and operate within those HAROLD BERMAN’S AUSTRALIAN DETAILS spelling out where they stand on such issues? parameters. My thanks to Evan Seligmann for pub- LAST WEEK, we carried an article supplied us with his Australian Having confronted SAJBD “leadership” over a lically raising this important matter. about Harold Berman of Australia, details. number of years, both publically and in various It is high time that a misled community take both asking if any of our readers had any His postal address is PO Box 732, meetings held with them, either through the SA heed and action. knowledge of his family in South Maroubra, NSW, 2035, Australia Jewish Defence League or under my private ban- Africa. We supplied a South African and his e-mail address, har- ner, I have come away both angered and frustrated. Frank Startz e-mail address, but Berman has now [email protected] The smugness and self-approbation which one Johannesburg 10 FFocus- 17 June 2011ocus oon:n: FFather’sather’s DDayaSA JEWISHy REPORT 13

Compiled by Marlene Bilewitz. Contact (011) 023-8160, Cell 083-475-0288 or e-mail: [email protected]@sajewishreport.co.za We at Jewish Report, wish all Famous fathers and famous sons our dads a Sons often go into the same business or profession as their fathers, with varying amounts of success. ‘Happy Father’s Maybe it’s genes or perhaps infl uence at an impressionable age or probably a combination of both. Day’

BARRY BILEWITZ his part in “Wall Street” and also got in Hong Kong at the age of 32 from a £10 he began producing cigarettes one as the producer of “One Flew cerebral oedema caused by a reac- in his garage. This venture grew into ISSUR DANIELOVITCH was born over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. tion to the painkiller Equagesic, just one of the biggest luxury and branded in Amsterdam, New York, but grew Another son that did better than his before he was to meet George La- goods conglomerates in the world. up as Izzy Demsky when his father father in the same profession is Rich- zenby to discuss a movie they were Johann Rupert is continuing the changed the family name. He was a ard Petty. His father Lee Petty was a planning to do together. On March tradition created by his father in good student at cheder and mem- stock car racing driver who won the 31, 1993 - almost 20 years later - business, conservation and philan- bers of the community wanted to inaugural Daytona 500. Son Richard his son Brandon Lee was acciden- thropy. He started his career as a collect money to send him to a ye- won this race seven times and is in tally shot and killed on the set of the banker, working in New York for shiva to become a rabbi. However, the Guinness Book of Records for movie “The Crow”. Chase Manhattan and Lazard Fre- he wanted something else. having won the most motor races Perhaps the closest emulator of res. Back home he headed the in- George Bush Snr. He joined the navy shortly after ever in the history of the sport - 200. his father is George Walker Bush. He ternational arm of Rand Merchant the USA entered the Second World Changing names has been a followed in his father George Her- Bank. Upon joining the Rembrandt George W War in 1941 and was medically dis- popular pastime in Hollywood since bert Walker Bush’s footsteps by be- Group, he began to diversify from Bush. charged in 1944 due to war injuries. the days of the silent movie. Charlie coming a fi ghter pilot, going to Yale, the group’s base in alcohol and to- During his stint as a sailor he married Sheen and Emilio Estévez are broth- becoming president of the United bacco by forming Compagnie Finan- his fi rst wife and they had two sons, ers and fi lm/TV stars, the sons of States and going to war with Iraq. cière Richemont in Switzerland, the Michael and Joel Douglas. (He legal- Martin Sheen (born Ramon Estévez) Anton Edward Rupert was one of umbrella of brands like Alfred Dunhill, ly changed his name to Kirk Douglas whose last major appearance was the great entrepreneurs of South Af- Cartier, Montblanc, to name a few. when going into the US Navy). as President Bartlett in the TV series rica. He dropped out of university due Today, the Rupert conglomerates While Kirk Douglas received an “The West Wing”. Martin Sheen is, to a lack of funds and started a dry Remgro and Richemont of which honorary Oscar in 1996, he has however, only his stage name - he cleaning business. His extraordinary Johann Rupert is chairman and CEO never won a competitive Oscar. Son has never legally changed it. marketing eye soon caused him to respectively, have annual sales of Michael won a Best Actor award for On July 20, 1973, Bruce Lee died change his career and with a loan of over $10 billion. Crazy prices at Loco Liquor We have gone loco. From June 10 to June 19, 2011 we are offering a special discount of 20 per cent off our already low prices on all liqueurs and single malt whiskies to readers of the Jewish Report.

OUR WIDE RANGE of beers, wines, whiskies, brandies and spirits, have been carefully- chosen to give you great products at prices that raise your spirits. Our selection of whiskies and whiskeys ranges from three to 30 years old from Scot- land, Ireland, America, Japan and Canada. We have them in bottles, presentation tins and ceramic bells (Bell’s). Whisky is the spelling used in Scotland, Canada and Japan, while Ireland and USA spell their distilled corn, grain, malt and rye liquors as “whiskey”. Single malt Scotch is by Scottish law a whisky made from malted barley distilled in Scot- land at a single distillery and matured in oak casks for at least three years. Cask strength whisky is a premium single malt from a single cask, which has not been diluted before being bottled. The percentage of alcohol by volume is around 60 per cent, but varies from cask to cask. “Caol Isla Cask Strength” is an example of this type of whisky connoisseur’s delight. Liqueurs are made all over the world from ingredients such as fruits, nuts, spices, cream and coffee. Common among almost all liqueurs is a spirit base and sugar - exciting fl avours at loco prices. Liqueurs can be drunk neat, with a mixer or as a mixer, poured over ice- cream and added to coffee; can be an aperitif before dinner and a delicious after-dinner libation. • This special offer is available from Loco Liquor in Blairgowrie - (011) 886-9108, Bos- kruin - (011) 792-8048, Trinity Village - (011) 794-9395 and Windsor Glen (011) 678-5198. 14 SA JEWISH REPORT 10 - 17 June 2011 FOCUS ON: FATHER’S DAY Cape Union Mart – everything a father may desire

Cape Union Mart, the home of the Father’s Day gift - offers a wide range of Father’s Day gift options, if you’re looking to treat your dad on June 19. Ideas range from sheep wool slippers and 100 per cent cotton knitwear, to multitools, torches, headlamps, GPSes and more.

FOR CONVENIENCE, the Cape Union Mart gifts anywhere in South Africa (terms and condi- and 3-in-11 jacketsjackets, will keep you warm and enjoying the great outdoorsoutdoors. website’s e-commerce facility enables you to tions apply). comfortable. Visit your nearest store for knowledgeable purchase your Father’s Day gift safely and se- And as the temperature drops this winter, en- Test the range in the cold weather chamber assistance, a variety of products and world curely online. Cape Union Mart is offering free sure you zip-up and step out in K-Way techni- at our Adventure Centre at Eastgate Shopping class service. There are Cape Union Mart delivery anywhere in South Africa on all orders cal apparel. Visit your nearest Cape Union Mart Centre in Johannesburg. With waterproof and stores located nationwide. Please visit our over R750 between Friday June 3 and Wednes- store for a wide range of winter warmers. Our windproof gear and footwear, you can give the website www.capeunionmart.co.za to identify day June 15. It’s the most convenient way to get technical apparel range, including fl eece, rain winter the cold shoulder and spend more time one closest to you. 10 - 17 June 2011 SA JEWISH REPORT 15 FOCUS ON: FATHER’S DAY Dis-Chem: service excellence in health and beauty needs

Dis-Chem is committed to be a caring team which strives to provide consistent value, low prices and service excellence for our customers’ health and beauty needs.

ESTABLISHED IN 1978, Dis-Chem start- Pharmaceutical care is a patient- providing the best professional pharma- ronment for interaction with patients. This continuing to pioneer by being the fi rst ed out as a small pharmacy in Mondeor, centred, outcomes-oriented pharmacy ceutical care via the aid of pharmaceu- ultimately gives its pharmacists the op- to offer a loyalty programme (within the south of Johannesburg. Today the group practice that requires the pharmacist to ticals such as the scientifi cally produced portunity to push their skills, knowledge pharmaceutical industry).” Saltzman is still privately owned and run by the work in concert with the patient and the allopathic drugs and the classical alterna- and compassion to the maximum and al- adds: “Dis-Chem stores have established original founders who are pharmacists. patient’s other healthcare providers to tive medicine. The highly trained and pro- lows the group to achieve superior levels themselves as a ‘destination store’, of- Dis-Chem has been rated as the coun- promote health, to prevent disease, and fessional staff as the custodians of medi- of pharmaceutical care. fering customers a myriad competitively try’s best pharmacy chain by Professional to assess, monitor, initiate, and modify cine, provide a pharmaceutical service Speaking from the Midrand head of- priced products for all their health and Management Review, and has also been medication use to assure that drug thera- using these pharmaceuticals. fi ce and warehouse, Managing Director beauty needs. voted as “Best Pharmacy, Best Medical py regimens are safe and effective. Thus Dis-Chem offers an in-store clinic serv- Ivan Saltzman says: “Our exponential “Our ‘Benefi ts Programme’ is set to Supply Store” and “Best Health Store” in the goal of Dis-Chem is to optimise the ice with a wide range of primary health- growth can be attributed to strong brand- further enhance our offering to custom- both The Star Your Choice and Pretoria patient’s health-related quality of life, and care services run by registered nursing ing, a good product range that meets our ers, by giving them more value for money, News Readers Survey, as well as in the achieve positive clinical outcomes, within practitioners. customers’ pharmaceutical, health and while supporting our communities.” Leisure Options Readers Choice Awards. realistic economic expenditures. Its holistic approach to beauty means beauty needs, low prices and valuable The Dis-chem Foundation, headed by What makes this so special is that the Dis-Chem upholds the values, ideals that you will fi nd everything that you need customer relationships. Lynette Saltzman, wife of Ivan, is doing readers voted for their favourite business- and morals of the pharmacy profession. to keep you beautiful from top to toe. “That is not enough, though; in order outstanding community work. es or establishments. It is distinguished in its commitment to Dis-Chem creates a professional envi- to stay competitive in the future, we are Website: www.dischem.co.za 16 SA JEWISH REPORT 10 - 17 June 2011

YOUTH TALK Alison Goldberg [email protected] Generation Sinai sweeps through Jewish day schools STORY AND PHOTOGRAPH BY SUZANNE BELLING

THERE WAS an amazing turnout of parents and relatives at all four schools on the Torah Academy campuses last week Friday, Rosh Chodesh Sivan, when the BHS, GHS, primary and nursery schools participated in Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein’s pre-Shavuot learn- ing programme - “Generation Sinai - sharing our legacy”. Little ones at KDL just In keeping with learners in all the Jewish day schools in South Africa, they had one hour of co-ordinated Torah Academy Primary School mother Ilana loved the davening learning with parents, grandparents Smith studies with her daughters Kayla (grade and family members, who paired up 6) and Shayna (grade 2). STORY AND PHOTOGRAPH BY MELANIE DICK ty time together during the Torah learning with children in the primary or high of “Generation Sinai”. It was a very mean- schools to study specially prepared texts. united and focused on receiving the Word of THE CHILDREN and parents from King ingful experience and a warm atmosphere Nursery school children and parents or Hashem. David Linksfield grade R, spent some quali- was in the air. family representatives, worked on crafts. It is estimated that 9 000 South African Teachers assisted learners who did not have Jewish children took part in Generation Sinai. a family member present. With the participation of parents and family it Rosh Chodesh Sivan was the day that we is possible that 18 000 people joined together in Standing room only at KDVPP’s first arrived at Sinai to receive the Torah. We an hour of Torah learning and inspiration – Generation Sinai davening stood there “as one man with one heart” – an event unprecedented in South Africa. FIONA LEVY the parents, in turn, engaging with their PHOTOGRAPH: LUCY SIMMONDS children in such a meaningful way. Ganeinu Nursery School joins It was, for me, an incredibly moving expe- THE HISTORIC learning experience, rience. There was a palpable sense of histo- Generation Sinai, at KDVPP, last week, ry being made; a sense of being part of the Chief Rabbi’s Sinai request began with a spirited davening session in chain of learning and teaching, of some- the packed hall. There was standing room thing bigger than ourselves. only as many parents could be seen singing Being witness to parents and children along with the children. exchanging blessings, was a hugely emo- After a rousing Adon Olam and messages tional aspect of this unique experience. The from Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein and look of love and admiration on the chil- Rabbi David Shaw, the children couldn’t dren’s faces as they blessed and thanked wait to accompany their parents or special their parents, painted a beautiful picture. Ganeinu person, to their classrooms. After the learning, the parents accompa- Principal It was gratifying to see the number of nied their children, bikkurim in hand, down Michelle to the soccer field. En route, parents were fathers who had taken time off work to be Prager over- part of this uplifting experience with their overheard continuing the discussions with children. each other and with their children. seeing the I was facilitating the programme in a Comments such as “incredible”, “awe- parent and grade 3 class. There was a full-house of com- some”, “amazing” were heard. In a fit, tangi- children mitted Victory Park parents, crammed into ble ending to such a beautiful experience, chil- learning. the little desks with their children. dren placed their bikkurim on the giant Chai It was a wonderful sight to behold - chil- on the field, proud of their heritage in per- DIANE WOLFSON hour. dren confidently and animatedly discussing forming the mitzvah of giving tzedakkah - a PRETORIA Principal Michelle Prager read out the the learning material with their parents and mitzvah so close to the hearts of the children message from the Chief Rabbi requesting and parents at Victory Park. LAST WEEK Friday, a request went out the first ever “Generation Sinai”, with par- The whole experience left from Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein, for a ents and children from all Jewish day everybody feeling proud, spe- joint parent-child Torah learning project in schools coming together in their thousands cial and truly a part of history. South Africa. to learn Torah at one time on one day in a Parents left, feeling perhaps a The parents and children at Pretoria’s spirit of unity and inspiration. little bit closer to their children Ganeinu Nursery School on the Pretoria This was a most meaningful and uplifting and more aware of the need to Hebrew Congregation campus, took this morning, where congregants were privi- continue the chain. seriously. leged to be able to “adopt” a child whose Sincere thanks to Kareen Coinciding with their Rosh Chodesh pro- parents could not be there, and to share this Sandler and everybody who gramme, all the parents shared a delicious moving moment. played a role in ensuring the breakfast with their children and the teach- Prager said she hoped that this would be success of the Chief Rabbi’s ers, before bonding and then sharing quali- only the first of many future events of this Donated food placed on the field in the shape of a Chai unique initiative at King David ty one-on-one Torah learning for almost an nature. (eighteen). Victory Park Primary School. Yom Yerushalayim celebrated across YC Jerusalem strikes gold at KDHL OWN CORRESPONDENT ised a magnificent carnival. KEREN ZWICK ers, Mrs Frankel and all the visiting soon- PHOTOGRAPH SUPPLIED The Primary School chil- PHOTOGRAPHS: GARY BLOCK to-be-grade 8s. dren all had an opportunity Head boy and head girl, Gabriel Smith ON WEDNESDAY June 1, to participate in the exciting 28 IYAR annually marks the reunification and Kate Berkenfeld, introduced the event Yeshiva College commemo- activities. After that, the of Jerusalem and every year on this date with the Miami Boys’ Choir singing “Im rated Jerusalem’s 44th year whole school washed and King David High School Linksfield, has eschkachech Yerushalayim/If I ever forget as a whole and unified city. received falafel, and had a a commemorative Yom Yerushalayim thee Jerusalem”. Exciting festivities took place “Big/Little Buddy” picnic. ceremony. Our own KDHL dancers performed across all Yeshiva College While they were eating, This year, because the day fell on the poignantly in front of the screen. To fur- schools within the campus Morah Bender told the chil- school’s “Open Day” for visiting grade 7s, ther reiterate the noble moment of his- The day began with inspi- dren a story about Yeru- the hall was packed to the beams with toric love between Jews and Jerusalem, rational davening, followed shalayim. KDHL learners and staff, the grade 7 learn- marked by reunification after the Six Day by Hallel in the main shul for The Yeshiva College Pre- War, Devin Krok and the entire campus. The Primary and Playschool, Gaby Hyan recited a Yeshiva College High School Rabbi Avraham Tanzer also enjoyed a wonderful Hebrew/English transla- then enjoyed breakfast, inspi- addresses the school. Yom Yerushalayim experi- tion of poetry. rational shiurim and a multi- ence - the roggelas and Finally, with Ruby-Ann media presentation. flags were a real treat! The Birin on violin, Alex The Yeshiva College Primary School grade Rs joined the Primary and High Wolman, Talia Chertkow programme began with all the pupils con- Schools in the big shul to daven Hallel, and Talya Michaels sang a gregating in the quad where Rav Natan and on their return “flew” to Eretz medley of “Yerushalayim Alexander spoke about the “Kedusha” of Yisrael. shel Zahav/Jerusalem of Yerushalayim and the gratitude that we Yom Yerushalayim was an outstanding Gold”. show Hashem for having free access to day for all, and the celebrations were tes- The day was organised this special city. timony to the ongoing commitment and by Gary Block, without Following the shiur, the grade 6s, under close connection that Yeshiva College has whose assistance none of the supervision of Morah Bender, organ- towards our beloved State of Israel. the beautiful ceremony Alex Wolman; Talia Chertkow; and Talya Michaels. would have been possible. 10 - 17 June 2011 SA JEWISH REPORT 17 COMMUNITY COLUMNS

place. He spent the remainder of his life in Tribute to two Struggle heroes Israel, whose independence he fought for as ABOVE a volunteer in the 1948 War. The price she paid, particularly when her pay tribute to Jewish South Africans who BOARD husband was in jail and she herself was sub- have made a significant contribution to the SAJBD National Conference 2011: Save Zev Krengel, jected to constant harassment by the struggle for human rights in our country. the date National Chairman apartheid state, was a heavy one. She, too, Previous recipients include Albie Sachs, The opening night of the 46th SAJBD was detained for long periods, as were her Helen Suzman, Isie Maisels and Arthur National Conference, which is open to the A column of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies children. Chaskalson. wider public, will be taking place at the She could have made things a great deal Like Albertina Sisulu, Goldreich risked Sandton Sun on August 27. Further updates ALBERTINA SISULU, who passed away last easier for herself by staying in the back- his freedom, and even his life, in con- will be featured in future issues of the week at the age of 92, was one of the iconic ground and dissociating herself from the fronting the injustice of the apartheid state. Jewish Report. figures in the annals of South Africa’s liber- broader struggle for democracy, but this she Very nearly did he suffer the fate of his com- In the meantime, I urge everyone to save ation struggle. The week prior to that, never did. Instead, she was at the forefront rades Walter Sisulu, Nelson Mandela and the date and hope that as many of you as Arthur Goldreich, a legendary name in the of that struggle, inspiring an entire genera- others by spending many long years behind possible will join us for what is shaping up early history of Umkhonto we Sizwe, died in tion by her brave example. bars. to be another rousing occasion for our Israel. What is so striking about Albertina As it was, he was forced to flee into exile, Jewish community. One by one, we are seeing the remaining Sisulu’s life is how little bitterness she leaving behind the successful life he had members of an extraordinary generation of displayed, despite the injustices she suf- built for himself in his South African birth- This column is paid for by the SAJBD liberation leaders pass into history. On each fered from. One sees a similar refusal by sad occasion, we are reminded of what they other resistance leaders, most notably by fought for, what they achieved and what we Nelson Mandela himself, to allow past need to do to preserve their legacy. wrongs to divert them from making their Like her legendary husband Walter, vision of unity and national reconcilia- Albertina Sisulu devoted her life to the cause tion a reality. of tolerance, equality and reconciliation for At the forthcoming National Conference all South Africans. Essentially a humble of the Board, we will be posthumously hon- woman, she was motivated by her strong eth- ouring Arthur Goldreich by bestowing on ical principles, not by any desire for person- him the SAJBD Human Rights Award. al gain. Through this award, instituted in 1999, we AROUND THE WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF OBAMA EXTENDS ISRAEL EMBASSY WAIVER WASHINGTON - President Barack ted to delay the move on national security Obama has extended a waiver for an addi- grounds. tional six months delaying moving the US Some Jewish groups have pushed for Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. the United States to move the embassy as Obama's waiver, issued on June 3, fol- a way to bolster Israeli claims to the city. lows in the footsteps of predecessors Bill Those favouring the use of the waiver say Clinton and George W Bush, who also that moving the embassy would anger the extended the waiver every six months Arab world and put the United States in since a law was passed in 1995 mandating the position of taking sides on an issue moving the US Embassy in Israel from Tel that should be settled in peace talks. Aviv to Jerusalem. Presidents are permit- (JTA) 18 SA JEWISH REPORT 10 - 17 June 2011

WHAT’S ON Barry Bilewitz [email protected]

NOTE: Deadline for all entries is 12:00 on the Friday Derman, who will share her personal story of abuse. Monday (July 4) offers beautiful arrangements of flowers and fruit for prior to publication. Tickets R150. RSVP Marion on 083-326-3791. every occasion. No occasion too large or too small. • UJW Johannesburg presents Prof Steven Friedman Contact Annette (011) 728-4513. Today Friday (June 10) Tuesday (June 21) on “A Voice in the Wilderness” at 09:30. • JWBS Johannesburg, urgently requires secondhand • RCHCC presents Prof Anton Harber on “Cold Calling a • UZLC presents Chantal Rutter from Talk Radio 702, • Bnoth Zion Association WIZO is collecting anything of clothing, kitchenware, household goods, books and Community” at 19:30. on: “Behind the Scenes at Carte Blanche”. value for its store. Contact (021) 464-6729 or Linda bric-a-brac for its secondhand shop. Contact (011) Saban 072-245-3225 or Cherna Kredo 084-589-8588. Sunday (June 12) Wednesday (June 22) 485-5232. • Johannesburg Children’s Home is appealing for • Beit Emanuel Sisterhood presents a talk by Mandy • Second Innings presents David Bullard on “A Guide to • Celebrating a bar-/batmitzvah? Why not give a dona- shoes and takkies for children and teenagers. Contact Wiener at 14:00. Cost R80. Survival in South Africa”. tion to WIZO’s bar-/batmitzvah project in Israel? You Edna or Hylton Segal (011) 970-4266. get a beautiful certificate to give to the bar-/batmitzvah • Fordsburg/Mayfair reunion at Chabad Savoy at 14:30. • UJW Johannesburg presents a discussion with Arlene • Intimate Antiques Fair held on last Sunday of every child here. Certificates are available from WIZO tel Cost R25 including refreshments. Contact Joe Bernstein on “How Does the Mature Woman Survive month at Cedar Square corner Witkoppen/Cedar (011) 645-2548. Yudelowitz 082-818-4333 or Herby Lang 072-193- and Cope with Life in Johannesburg?” at 09:30. Avenue in Fourways, from 09:00 - 16:00. Contact • Second Innings runs a series courses and activities 9556. • UJW Cape Town presents Prof J C de Villiers who will Robyn 083-311-4768. including scrabble, bridge, discussion groups, play take interested persons on a tour of the Medical • RCHCC is screening “Kentridge and Dumas in reading groups, women’s and men’s reading Museum. Meet 09:45 at Stonehaven for transport to • The Selwyn Segal Shop has a huge selection of Conversation” at 19:30. Cost R60. groups, symphony concert rehearsals, bowls, the museum. gifts ranging in price from R30 upwards. Visit Monday (June 13) them from Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 14:00. pilates, Yogic Pranayama, walking and aerobics, • WIZO Cyrildene branch Card Day at Beyachad. R60 Phone (011) 640-6413 or (011) 640-5171. All pro- Golden Oldies Cine Club, weekly workshops (by • UJW Johannesburg presents Prof Maria per person. To book phone Crystal on 083-376-5999. ceeds to The Selwyn Segal Foundation for the arrangement) on “falls education for the elder Marchetti-Mercer on “Broken and Divided Hearts: Sunday (June 26) Mentally Handicapped. adult”, and organises regular activities such as, The Impact of Emigration on South African Friendship Forum for Holocaust survivors, and vol- Families” at 09:30. • Rosh Chodesh Ladies Club presents “Female Health • Israeli folkdance - health and fun, every Wednesday unteer opportunities. Contact Sandra Goldberg at 20:00 at King David Sandton. Beginners welcome. Tuesday (June 14) and Sexuality” with Dr Trudy Smith and Judy Alter at (011) 532-9721 for information. 09:30 at Pine Street Shul hall. Cost R60. Contact Kiki Contact Anat 083-326-7095, Miri 082-773-8248 or • Don’t miss the opportunity to do a mitzvah. Visit the • UJW Johannesburg - Estelle Sher presents “The 083-692-6399. Ora 083-288-7202. Exquisite Sounds of Gabriel Faure” at 09:30 at 301 Selwyn Segal Shop. Gifts priced from R45. • Join WIZO every Thursday for a “Lunch & Learn” shiur Eton Place, Kernick Ave, Melrose North. Donation: • Second Innings presents Karl Jensen on “A Flying Glassware, pewter, silver, white ceramics and Selwyn with Rabbi Michael Katz, 13:00 - 14:00 at Beyachad. R30. Safari In a 70-Year-Old Dakota”. Segal products. Phone: (011) 485-1344 or (011) 640- For more information, contact Joyce on (011) 640- 5171. • Second Innings Men’s Group presents Joy Kropman • JAFFA in Pretoria is holding its AGM at 10:00. 2416. • Benarc Gift Shop - Gift presentations for all occasions, on “Down Memory Lane in Old Johannesburg” at • KDSF and the Brest family invite you to “A Winter’s • Stellenbosch Hebrew Congregation has a Friday made to order. Call (011) 485-5232, JWBS. All kosher 14:15 for 14:30 at Our Parents Home. Morning of Musical Wonders” fundraiser at 10:00 for evening service every week in shul, starting at 18:45. under the Beth Din. Proceeds to support the less for- 10:30. Venue: 38B Adrienne Street, Sandown ext 24. • RCHCC presents a talk by Mandy Wiener at 19:30. Contact (021) 886-5257. tunate in our community. Cost R70. Cost: R150. RSVP Felicité Brest on 082 333-7961. • The Yiddish Academy offers weekly basic, intermedi- Monday (June 27) • Quizwizz - a fortnightly quiz at Wally’s Pub and Wednesday (June 15) ate and advanced classes on Monday evenings at Restaurant (Hume Road, Dunkeld, part of the 19:30, Tuesday mornings at 10:30 and Thursday • UJW Johannesburg hosts Dr Lorraine Chaskalson • UJW Johannesburg presents Tali Nates on “Creating Rosebank Bowling Club Complex). The quiz is on evenings at 19:30 at the RCHCC, Glenhove Road, who will be screening “North and South” at 09:30. the First Holocaust and Genocide Centre in Africa” at Thursday nights from 19:30. Booking 082-888-5355 09:30. Houghton. Conversational groups. Details: e-mail yid- (Larry). • UJW Cape Town presents Devis Iosifzon, newly- [email protected] or call Hazel Cohen on appointed chief librarian of the Gitlin Library. Wednesday (June 29) (011) 728-8088. • RCHCC is appealing for members. Contact (011) 728- 8088. R200 membership fee for the year. • KDHL invites all alumni to support the first team • Second Innings outing - a guided tour of Gecko • Supervised bridge with Jeff Sapire Tuesday morning rugby final league match. Venue: KDHSL main field. World of Gemstones. Meet the bus at 09:00 at Oxford 10:00 - 12:00 (intermediary) and Wednesday morning • WIZO Elise Gift Shop in the Genesis Shopping Contact: Jodi Starkowitz [email protected]. Shul parking. Cost: R120, includes the bus, tour and 10:00 - 12:00 (advanced), at the Clive M Beck Centre, Fairmount, entrance from Bradfield Drive lunch. Auditorium. Booking: Hazel or René‚ (011) 728- opposite Shula’s Bakery. Exciting range of baby Sunday (June 19) 8088/8378. E-mail: [email protected] or gifts and gifts for all occasions available at reason- • UJW Cape Town presents Prof Theo Shippey on able prices. Hours: Mon - Thurs 09:00 - 17:00, • Second Innings presents Victor Gordon on “Winnie Mandela: The Enigma”. [email protected] “Tchaikovsky’s Women”. Friday 09:00 - 13:30, Sunday 10:00 - 13:00. (011) Thursday (June 30) • Beis Midrash Chofetz Chaim is offering a second 640-2760. • FFHS presents Isaac Reznik on “Holocaust Survivors ma’ariv minyan every weekday evening (Monday - in South Africa” at 14:30. • Johannesburg Cultural Circle is screening “Strangers Friday) at 21:00, cnr Elray and Michel Streets, • WIZO’s Wize Buys in Raedene, requires nearly-new No More” at the Sandton Library on the Square at Raedene. Open to broader community. Don’t fret if you clothes, shoes, kitchenware (pots and pans, cutlery, • RCHCC is screening “Swan Lake” at 19:30. 16:00. Tickets: R50 - students and pensioners R30. need a later minyan. Secure parking provided. crockery) bric-a-brac, etc. Phone Sandy (011) 645- Booking Naomi 082 496-1111. 2515 for goods to be collected, or deliver to WIZO Monday (June 20) • Sunday Scrabble Club meets every Sunday at 10:00 • Sasfin Bank Annual Sports Quiz 2011 at the Maroela office at Beyachad, Raedene. • UJW Johannesburg presents journalist Anna Cox - at Zahava’s, Grant Avenue, Norwood, off 9th Street. Room, Sandton Sun at 19:00 for 19:30. Cost R12 000 • WIZO Lunch and Learn shiur - every Monday 13:00 - “Low-down on the New Johannesburg Mayor and Cost R5. Players of all strengths welcome. Larry 082- per table. Contact Danny Blumberg on (011) 646- 14:00 at Beyachad, 2nd floor. Rabbi Michael Katz. All Progress on the Municipal Billing Crisis” at 09:30. 888-5355. 7340, Fax: 086-632-4903, e-mail: danny@msc- welcome. R20 includes light lunch. Bookings Joyce • WIZO Etgar Luncheon Club – meeting with Candice sports.co.za • Orchid Florist, a project of WIZO Johannesburg, (011) 645-2548 or (011) 645-2515. THE BRIDGE LOUNGE by Jeff Sapire CROSSWORD NO 213 Today’s hand arose in a friendly interna- KC (Keycard) Blackwood and North’s BY LEAH SIMON tional between France and Poland. response showed two aces and the trump ACROSS: 12. I trusted, somehow, in the debris (8) queen. 1. Nothing for the bird (4) 15. Clumsy route through Georgia causes North dealer, NS vul Declarer won the club lead, cashed 3. Craved to, somehow, having gambolled angry indignation (7) NORTH dummy’s four minor suit winners, ruffed (8) 16. A highly spirited meeting? (6) AQ964 a diamond in hand, took the heart ace 8. Circle spilt pool (4) 18. She hides in despair, in alarm too (5) A86542 and proceeded to cross ruff, eventually 9. St Marian upset by them – though 19. Shot ice, concealing what relates to ear - losing a trick to the spade king. Note that they’re out of this world! (8) (4) 72 declarer did not finesse the spade first – 11. Elevates the pub, as well as its stan- WEST EAST after losing to the king a trump back dards (6, 3, 3) SOLUTION TO CROSSWORD NO 212 75 K3 would have beaten the contract. 13. United Nations ruse goes awry, not ACROSS: 1. Dock; 3. Ice lolly; 8. Bear; 9. KQJ109 3 In the Closed Room, the auction was being certain (6) Gravitas; 11. Tunnel of love; 13. Relate; 14. Q85 J10974 much quicker. After the same 1S opening, 14. So returns among extra, being gloomy Stoker; 17. Hebrew lesson; 20. Coventry; QJ5 109843 South decided to splinter with 3H, show- (6) 21. Omit; 22. Rendered; 23. Eric.. SOUTH ing shortage there with spade support 17. Accountant on thin ice!? (6, 6) DOWN: 1. Debaters; 2. Channel; 4. Carton; J1082 and some slam interest. West doubled 20. Sent around bumpkin, and gets stodgier 5. Love letter; 6. Lo tov; 7. Yesh; 10. West 7 this to show good hearts, but here North (8) Orange; 12. Frenetic; 15. Kashmir; 16. AK632 didn’t think much of his ten count, think- 21. Virginia gets good man – and is hugely Swerve; 18. Erven; 19. Scar. AK6 ing there were just too many hearts to be expansive (4) taken care of, so he signed off in 4S. 22. Do they head the carpentry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 North South Open Room (France NS) South had no reason to overrule this companies? Well, the boards, 1S 2D decision and passed. Poland also made 12 anyway! (8) 2H 3S tricks on the nine of clubs lead, but that 23. Amaze usher, concealing 8 9 3NT 4C was 13 imps to the French. 4D 4NT father of the gods (4) Make no mistake, this is not an easy 10 5S 6S slam to bid, with a 10 count opening bid All pass Opening lead: C10 DOWN: facing a 15 count, and where North is void 11 1. I’m riled, somehow, with in partner’s suit. Somehow the tone of union leader causing state of This was a fairly good sequence by the the French auction just seemed to get 12 high fever (8) French – note North’s decision to open 1S things going in the right direction, 2. They really take the biscuit! 13 14 15 with 5-6 in the majors, on a hand without whereas the Poles never even had a sniff (7) reversing values. at it. 16 4. Advance in Italy (6) South’s 3S jump was forcing - and North 5. A good place to get stoned, quite liked his hand, even though it was Every Tuesday (Intermediate) and 17 18 though there’s no water (2, 3, only a ten count, so he made a “waiting Wednesday (Advanced) I run bridge work- 5) 19 bid” of 3NT, showing slam interest and shops from 10:00 – 12:00 at the Great Park 6. Headgear hidden in militia stepping out of the way to allow South to Shul – alternating play hands one week rags (5) 20 21 show a club control. Now North surpris- and a bidding lecture on the other. Corner 7. Make a run for elan (4) ingly decided to show a control in dia- Glenhove Road and 4th Avenue, 10. Prophet is an easy target for monds (one normally does not cue bid Houghton. For more information, e-mail light cotton fabric (10) shortage in a suit bid by partner). 4NT was me at [email protected]) 22 23 10 - 17 June 2011 SA JEWISH REPORT 19 Classifieds To book your classified notice or advert contact: Tel (011) 023-8160, Fax 086-634-7935, email: [email protected] IMPORTANT NOTICE - The Jewish Report runs adverts in the Classified section in good faith, however we would like our readers to know we cannot be responsible for the quality of services offered and claims made.

HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED ADVERT: 1. Only adverts sent via email to [email protected] will be accepted. 2. You will be advised on cost & payment details. 3. Payment is prior to the advert appearing. 4. DEADLINE for BOOKING and PAYMENT is Tuesday 12pm. If deadline is missed the advert will appear (when payment is received) in the next edition. TUITION & EDUCATION GENERAL Our banking details: SA Jewish Report, Nedbank Randburg, Account Number: 1984 514 865, Branch Code: 198405

NOTICES SERVICES LIFTS LIFTS CONSECRATIONS COMPUTER REPAIRS New courses for real BRIAN K LIFT IVAN WANTS TO estate agents and COMPUTER REPAIRS SERVICE & COURIER “AIRPORT SPECIAL R140” LIFT YOU!! managers. Reasonable rates, Punctual, Reliable, no job too small. Secure, comfortable & safe. www.rebs.co.za Jeff 083-734-5500 Anywhere 24/7. (JHB – PTA) Trustworthy. Call Brian on JHB / Sandton / 072-366-4262 O.R. Tambo HOME SERVICES FUNCTIONS Cell: 082-962-5007 CLEANING STUNNING LIFTS AVAILABLE FLOWERS For all age groups and to all Weddings, functions areas in Jhb, Sandton Occupational Therapist and Airport. & décor. A vacancy exists at Selwyn Segal Centre for people Contact Johnny SHAVUOT 082-328-3070 or with intellectual disabilities, for an occupational ther- 082-876-9042 Silver apist. The therapist must be registered with the ARRANGEMENTS. HPCSA and have experience in the field. The Centre 082-7171355 LIFTS AVAILABLE repair & employs an Enabling and Empowering model. The www.kathyscreations.co.za LIFTS FOR ANY REASON. replating successful candidate will join a dynamic team and Areas: Sandton, Jhb, Airport, HEALTH & BEAUTY Centurion, Midrand & Pretoria. (011) 334-1102 should add further value to an organisation commit- PERSONAL Reliable and trustworthy or 082-473-6040 ted to development of human potential. Call Hymie 082-816-8178 SOULMATES CHIROPODY CAPE TOWN GENERAL (Countrywide - many Gauteng PEDICURES FOR SALE Only short-listed applicants will be responded to. SHUTTLE and Cape Members) MANICURES RARE EARTH MISCELLANEOUS Results: 183 couples married, Interested candidates please forward a COMING TO WOODWORK cc 402 couples matched! WAXING Plettenberg Bay (& Cape) Beautiful CHALLEN piano current c.v. to [email protected], fax, Many sincere pretty/handsome Call Ruth now CAPE TOWN? Fine-crafted Timber Homes & for sale, needs no work to 0866327774 or Private Bag X1, singles waiting to meet you! AFFORDABLE Renovations. Decks, Additions, be done to it. (011) 616-4305 Asking R9 500. Sandringham, 2131. NEW STUNNING SINGLES: Carpentry & Artwork. Beautiful slim model 25yr; pretty RATES. w/prestige Portfolio & Contact 082-611-1630 LIFTS slim beautician 24yr; handsome AIRPORT References. Since '97. doctor 29yr; handsome million- (personally built by) BEDS Social Worker – Arcadia aire 54yr; handsome CA 29yr; AIRPORT SERVICE TRANSFERS Brandon Perkus Double base sets: handsome millionaire 65yr; stun- 083-311-7780 3 year waranty - R 999 JHB FROM R200 SMILE-LEE'S LIFTS Children’s Home ning airhostess 29yr; good look- [email protected] 5 year warranty - R1150 A reliable lift service. ing co owner 54y; beautiful NEW 8 year warranty - R1499 Specialising in lifts to and from blonde librarian 58yr; handsome APPLIANCE REPAIRS 10 year warranty- R1599 A Social Worker is required at Arcadia children’s Reliable, COMFORTABLE airports, shops, appointments, millionaire 72yr; handsome wid- ONSITE All sizes available Home in Sandringham. The successful applicant will casinos and courier. ower exec 67yr; beautiful MBL Reasonable Rates! VEHICLE Stoves, washing machine, Fridge & stove repairs Call Charna 083-391-6612 be part of a multi-disciplinary team. Group work is grad 49yr; handsome grad (bus Contact Arnold, PHONE ANDY tumbledriers & dishwashers. Tel: 076-893-1319 an important aspect of this position. Experience in owner) age 38yr; beautiful 082-447-0185 Free quotations! 082-336-9780 PRINTING PROPERTY working with children and their families are an librarian 43yr; stunning models 011-454-1193 Call Jason 082-401-8239 ACCOMMODATION TO LET/SHARE essential requirement. Knowledge of the New 28yr & 51yr; petite chic relexologist 25yr; pretty blonde FRIDGE REPAIRS, Children’s Act and experience in court work is a key hairdresser 46yr; slim elegant CHELSEA CHAUFFER DOOR SEALS. LINKSFIELD JHB requirement of this position. exec 63yr; handsome success- Airport My rates are fantastic, my car is R150. Large family home on 1983m2 Registration with SACSSP is essential. Knowledge of ful gent (retired) 64yr likes over- brand new. Tel: 076-893-1319 property and 540m2 undercover. All that is missing is a call from Jewish culture and religion would be an added seas travel; pretty teacher 33yr; Shuttle Home is 4 houses away from handsome plumber (own bus) you. KD school and comprises large advantage. 46yr; handsome successful Tranfers ABE 082-574-9010 HANDYMAN sparkling pool in park like gar- attorney 37yr; pretty beautician Reasonable rates den. Accommodation comprises from R150 EXCELLENT, RELIABLE Only short-listed applicants will be responded to. 34yr; pretty estate agent 40yr; and reliable. lounge, dining and breakfast advocates 31, 45, 58yr; hand- Reasonable, Reliable DRIVER AT YOUR room, family room with 2 stud- Carl. Interested candidates, please forward a some pilots 62, 36yrs; pretty SERVICE ies, as well as 5 bedrooms SAM To lift you anywhere/ Call for free estimate current C.V. to [email protected] or Attention hairdressers 26, 34, 58yr; hand- (2 en-suite). Private sale – real- some estate agent (own bus) (011) 728-5219 anytime 24 hours. istically priced at R2,400 000. NO JOB TOO ODD HR Dept, Private Bag x1, Sandringham, 2131, 60yr; handsome engineers (own 083-627-8516 Call Gershon Call Cecil Lewus at or Fax 0866327774 bus) 48yr and 32yr; tall hand- 071-974-5573. TUITION & EDUCATION Carl Meyer: 083-629-4090 some pharmacist 56yr; pretty A-TAXI SERVICE 082-337-7237 financial consultant 48yr; beauti- Let Warren Pogorelsky chauffeur EX ISRAELI SERVICEMAN GARDEN FLAT TO LET ful secretary 56yr; good looking you to your destination in Jo’burg Offers lifts to airport and One bed in Silvamonte. Near to grad (own huge co) 55yr; pretty and back only R100 round trip. appointments etc. shuls.R3 500 p/m incl. lights and Don’t drink and drive. vet 43yr; charismatic handsome Tel: 082-399-6187 water. Rosemary (011) (co owner) 49yr; pretty grad ALL HOURS! 485-2033, 082-870-6979 46yr; stunnning doctors 26, 32, BEST SERVICE Call Neil 072-050-9927 35, 43, 49, 58, 62yrs; handsome VEHICLES Modern spacious vehicle attorneys 29, 33, 39, 46, 56, IRENE'S SCHLEP Pax 6 WANTED 68yrs etc, etc, etc. Many other SERVICE PRIVATE MATHS Convenient and Safe singles to meet! I will take you anywhere: LESSONS Call Sandy (011) 485- Transfers from A to B School, Shops, Doctor, Friends IF YOU WANT TO and Airport. Honest and BSc graduate offering BUY OR SELL 4034/082-357-3616 Pip Friedman If you know of any sin- Trustworthy tuition for IEB maths A VEHICLE 083-267-3281 gles/widowed/ divorced Schlepped by Irene Grade 10 - 12 in Melrose Contact: people alone wanting to [email protected] 072-356-0282 Contact Debbie Solly Kramer meet please call! www.dialalift.co.za Not on Shabbat 083-445-0363 082-922-3597


Please Contact Solly Kramer 082-922-3597 anytime 20 SA JEWISH REPORT 10 - 17 June 2011

Edenvale women bowlers win Garrun Trips IN THE current economic climate it is an amazing achievement to fill four bowling greens in any tour- nament. On Thursday May 19, more than 150 women bowlers played in the Garrun Trips annual chari- ty tournament held at the Killarney Bowling Club in Houghton. A media release stated that players came from many clubs in and around Team members and supporters. Johannesburg and, without exception, all enjoyed the excellent weather, the friendly atmosphere and Kirsten sees potential in the competitive spirit in The winning team: Eileen Burt; Sheila Buncombe (skip); which the games were and Maureen Scott. played. The tournament is sponsored by the deserving local charities. The tournament SA cricket’s young players Garrun Group and is in its 28th year hav- was won by Sheila Bunscombe and her ing started at the Emmarentia Bowling team from Edenvale Bowling Club and in STAFF REPORTER ry by becoming the first-ever Protea to Club in 1983, moved to the Beaconsfield second place the Killarney team skipped PHOTOGRAPH: JANINA BOTHA play in 100 Test matches. Bowling Club and then to Killarney, where by Annette Dimant. Every player received After he retired from cricket, Kirsten it will, hopefully, remain for many more a prize and congratulations must go to THE HIGHLANDS Tigers, a young, up- started his own cricket academy in Cape years. Sheila Shear and her team of dedicated and-coming Jewish cricket club, recently Town. In 2008, he got the post of Indian The amount collected will be distributed helpers for convening and administering hosted a breakfast with Gary Kirsten, who coach. between Hatzolah, Choc and Hospice, all the day without fault. this week was announced as the Protea’s “Gary Kirsten has been praised by all new coach and world-renowed former players for improving and enhancing their cricketer, Dr Ali Bacher. playing techniques, motivating them and The event was sponsored by Ram discussing tactics that can be deployed on Couriers and organised by MSC Sports, the field. The results could be clearly seen which sponsors the Highlands Tigers, and within months. He is considered the key was held at the Sandton Sun. It proved to force behind the clearly visible perform- be a great success as a question-and- ance improvement in all players he coach- answer session, with Bacher asking es,” Bacher said. Kirsten questions about his cricketing Kristen said that, in a way, he was career and the recent failure of the pleased that the Proteas got knocked out. Proteas to make the final of the Cricket “We were in India, with billions of sup- World Cup. porters, on home turf. It would have been The event was timed to coincide with the difficult for South Africa, although it (the end of Kirsten’s tenure as the successful result from a South African perspective) coach of the Indian cricket team’s victory was disappointing,” he said. during the recent 2011 World Cup in India. The role of a cricket coach has changed, Bacher, in welcoming Kirsten, said he he told his audience. was one of greatest players in the South “In the past, it was teaching cricketers African history of cricketing. Kirsten, he how to hold a bat and throw a ball. Now, said, played 101 test matches and 185 one- youngsters are taught that. The role of day internationals for South Africa coach is implementing plans for the game between 1993 and 2004, mainly as an open- and involving all team members. I cannot, ing batsman. as coach, alone tell the team how to play. It Kirsten made his test debut against is a team effort which is planned, involv- Australia in 1993. He retired from interna- ing all the players,” he stressed. tional cricket in 2004 after crafting a The South African side, said Kirsten, match-winning 76 in his final innings, was still a young and relatively inexperi- against New Zealand. He had made histo- enced one, but could improve significantly. Glorious 35-year milestone for Vic JACK MILNER

THERE USED to be a radio programme called “Beyond our Ken” in the 1960s which had a sketch every week with Kenneth Williams, one of the “Carry On” actors. There was always a question in there as to how long he had been in his job and the answer was always the same: 35 years. If you had put the question to Vic Boston as to how many times he has run the Comrades Marathon, the answer would be the same: 35 years. Vic is the youngest athlete to have achieved this milestone. Vic, a product of King David High Linksfield, started running with his dad when he was four years old. He ran his first race - a 10 miler - at age 15, in 1985. He competed in his first marathon - The Jackie Gibson - a year later and when he was 17, completed his first Comrades. Since then he has successfully completed the Comrades every year for the next 35 years. He has earned silver in 18 of those. This year, now 51 years old, Vic finished in 8 hours 13 minutes and 12 seconds. Vic Boston became the youngest person to complete 35 consecutive Comrades Marathons this year.