THE HARDY PLANT SOCIETY OF OREGON OPEN GARDENS2017 gardeners growing together Clematis photo by Merle Dole-Reid INTRODUCTION 2017 Open Garden season is about to begin! Welcome to this year’s directory of approximately 100 listings covering a wide variety of wonderful gardens and nurseries to visit all season. Many gardens will be open on the weekends, and evening openings are on the second and fourth Mondays of June, July, August, and September. The Directory has been prepared by a dedicated committee led by Chair Tom Barreto, assisted by Ruth Clark, Merle Dole-Reid, Jenn Ferrante, Barry Gates, Jim Rondone, Pam Skalicky, Lise Storc, and Bruce Wakefield. Tom is also much appreciated for his beautiful photography which graces the cover this year and to Merle Dole-Reid’s photograph on this page. Special thanks to Linda Wisner for cover design, advice and production direction, and a very big thank you to Bruce Wakefield for his help with a process that is always time consuming; we are very grateful. We have worked hard to assure the accuracy of the listings in the 2017 the Open Gardens Directory, but if you find an error or omission, please contact the HPSO office at 503-224-5718. Corrections will be announced in the HPSO weekly email blasts. New this year, you can now open your garden more spontaneously if your garden looks fantastic that week by sending a message to Bruce at
[email protected]. He will redirect you to an Open Garden Committee member who can help you with a garden description and get your notice out in the weekly email to the rest of HPSO.