Indeed, firemen were practicing on wrong house •j JUUE WOLF M« tOBIN GOLDSTEIN But lir. Bedel) confirmed yesterday that the house was, , who can coordinate all the departments," he Um BRANCH - The Fire Department used the Indeed, owned by a private party, Mr Locklear, and had noted "They are the Mayor (Henry R. Ctoffl) and Mr. «nH kMH Sunday oa which to practice 1U fire-fighting not been condemned. la fact, oa Aug. II Mr. Locklear Bedell. I understand that Mr. Locklear couldn't reach • Mdaitl t,dty officials admitted yesterday received a permit to perform about 11,SM in alterations on either of them when this happened. A «MB, la which smoke coadttions attending an actual the bouse, which bad been assessed by the city at H.JOt; "But what happens if there is a real emergency? What *• SH ihmbUed, had been authortied by the city, but It the property on which it Hands is asseased at Sia.m, Mr. happens when a cttlien needs to find out something' This M •Miimil to be hold la a city-owned building, City Bade" added was done in such a random fashion. I Just thank God that no Adrtattntor Eugene BedeU said. Mr. O'Neill, who was the acting City Administrator one was hurt." laateud. firefighters ended up setting art up their when the Fire Department first began Inquiring about "There an a lot of questions we want to ask at the •nwrlgapot device in a privately owned vacant hoot* at 171 using i condemned house lor a drill, said be could not Council meeting (tonight)," Mr. Greenspan went on. "The am SL A drum filled with rags, used to produce smoke comment on the matter until it was investigated by City Incident In Itself Is not that large, but what does bother me hr the drill, caught on fire and damaged the bouse, which Attorney Richard Bonetto. is that we don't have a procedure to coordinate all depart- k ened by Hsary Locklear of H) Seccad Ave. Mr. BoneDo could not be reached for comment yester- ment heads to face an emergency." It was a "mistake," city officials said, but no one seems day. The Fire Department, although It is a volunteer or- qutta eure who* mistake It was. "It was a case of mistaken identity," Mr. BedeU offered ganisation under the aegis of elected chiefs, Is within the . "TWre was I misinterpretation of the address," Mr. In explanation of the incident yesterday. "Just a human Jurisdiction of the Director of Public Safety, Prank B Bedel said "Tkere were certainly no intentions of hurting traillty. I don't know how much real damage could have Udtra. aayeoe'i property They mistook the address of the house been don* to the property, based on its real worth. 1 don't Mr. Udtra said yesterday that he was not even aware and wentto the wrong one." regard this as an extremely serious matter." that a drill was scheduled until after it was over and Fara Chief Raymond Cook aald, however, that Dennis The most serious problem pointed up by the Incident questions began to. arise. • CNeB, the dtjr's Director of Finance, had authortied the was the lack of a chain of command, and the apparent lack Mr. Locklear could not be reached for comment yester- itiHttliim to hold the drill at 171 Laurel St. of communication between various city departments that day, but Mr. BedeU said that Mr. Locklear would meet with Mr. O'Neill told him. Chief Cook said, that the Laurel allowed tor the mistake to happen, Seymour Greenspan, Mr. Bonello to discuss a settlement. Mmt MUM had been taken over by the city because it was president of the City Council, said last night. On Sunday, Mr. Locklear said that, because of toe ••naym on taxes and had been condemned. "There are only two line managers In the city chain of See Wreag kease, page I The 'wrong' house. (Forino photo)

The Daily Register ••*E5&" VOL. 101 NO. 95 SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24,1978 15 CENTS Raging fires ringing Los Angeles

UM ANGELES (AP) - Raging brushflres ringed Los Angeles today after destroying about 70 expensive homes, scorching some 20,000 acres and turning thousands of wealthy canyon and beachfront residents into refugees. firefighters struggled in vain against walls of flame driven by gale force desert winds, as columns of flame roared 100 feet into the air. Officials said there was no hope the fires would be brought under control quickly. The twisting canyon and coast roads came alive with animals — horses and goats led by soot-blackened owners, and Fire rages along boardwalk in A.C. ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - Firefighters battled through- out the night to contain a smoky general alarm fire on the boardwalk that damaged 10 stores and an apartment In a hoakytoak row of souvenir stands and snack shops. Ttrtaue was faaned-»y 29 mph winds until It was contained at 4:H a.m. today — exactly seven hours after the Brat alarm sounded. Fin Chief Lawrence Skey estimated damage at ttl million, based on rising property values along the boardwak. Moat of the (Hock between Illinois and Ken- tucky avenues was consumed. A hot dog stand and gift shop were destroyed. Gutted were a bingo parlor, abook shop, an Ice cream stand, two other snack shops and a well-furnished apartment above a saM water taffy shop. Receiving water and smoke damage were the taffy shop, a portrait sketching shop and another gttehqn. Three firefighters were admitted to Atlantic City Medi- cal Center suffering from smoke Inhalation. In good condi- tion are are Cant. Walter Cress, and firefighters John BerheaVo and Stanley Glassey, a hospital spokesman said. Eight others treated and released from the hospital for smoke inhalation were Battalion Chiefs James France and Richard McNaUy. Capt. James Hicks and firefighters Henry Haha, Thomas Channel, James Kenny, Robert Thompaoa and Alfred Emmoas. Atlantic City Police officer Donna Millman was treated and rekaaed for a broken toe. ? : The cause of the fire was unknown. ^ifi M:^f^0' '*4 ^fi^'^.-0-^.B I Skey said, "It was Impossible to do any Interior fire fighting." Most of the buildings were wood frame struc- tures with common ceilings. The buildings had been re- modeled several times during ihe past decade and some stores had two or three false ceilings, he said. Fire cornea over the mountains near Mandeville, Calif. Firemen fight vainly to save N. Los Angeles home Deputy Fire Chief Franklin Kemp said/This U one of the wont smoky fires I've seen In 8 years."

snakes, rats and other small animals of the brush fleeing the Carter tells us tonight about inflation flames toward the sea A dozen persons, both firefighters and civilians, were hospi- Carter's last inflation pro- tASHINGTON (AP) - sound like warmed-over por- at limiting wage In- about 8 percent this year. billion projected for fiscal 1171. talized for Injuries ranging from smoke Inhalation to burns and gram, which hasn't worked. PNWMt Carter will explain tions of past programs. to 7 percent next year Major corporations will be Budget deficits are blamed by broken ribs. One helicopter dropping fire retardants crashed to th* American people tonight Carter is scheduled to out- and price increases to about asked to keep price rises at The president also may an- many people as one cause Of and another made a forced landing, but only minor Injuries Hi newest battle plan for fight- line the program in a na- 175 percent. If successful, the least one-naif of one percent nounce he is naming Alfred E. Inflation, although the admin- were reported. iflattoo through wage and tioawide television address program would reduce infla- below their average increases Kahn, the chairman of the Civ- istration has not agreed with The hot Santa Ana desert winds, nicknamed "Devil Winds" yj^toH... and additional from the White House at 10 tion to between « percent and (or the last two years. That is il Aeronautics Board, to head that theory. because of their history of destruction, were expected to subside a p.m.. EOT If percent by the end of next virtually the same request that the new program. Kahn, II, Jody Powell, Carter's press today. itralats on government Some of it may The guidelines will be year, compared with a rate of was put to big business in has presided over the partial spokesman, said Carter was Hundreds of evacuees streamed from Mandeville Canyon on deregulation of the airline in- working alone Monday on a the dty's fashionable West Side, some leading horses and goats, dustry that has resulted in final draft of his speech at some clinging to cars already Jammed with belongings. Fire r ; sharply lower air fares. Camp David and would stay engines slowed to * crawl as they threaded their way up narrow As of late Monday, how- there overnight. Last-minute See L.A. fires, page i ever. It was known that Kahn changes weren't being ruled had not said he would accept out because the outlook for in- sking state the Job and succeed Robert • flation apparently has Strauss as the president's top worsened since the plans were inflation adviser. first drawn up six weeks ago. The Inside Story Wage and price behavior by Another indication of the - THE WEATHER big business and unions will be nation's economic health came •-.ft. r monitored by the Council on Monday when Chemical Bank Wage and Price Stability, of New York City raised Its Mostly saaay, breety and mica feeler today, tare- whose staff will be increased prime lending rate from 10 kg warmer Uaterraw. Complete report ea page $. from about 40 to 100 for the percent to 10>4 percent. The (board lo advise It program. Carter also may an- move la expected to signal an- 10 >wnship's position nounce a partial freeze on fed- other round of increases In the OtmalBSteelers... 21 latfr than Thurs eral hiring next year as one interest rates banks charge MerionsecUea a new restraint on government their best corporate cus- spending. tomers. Mage Advice.. ... 10 DAILY REGISTER Some of Carter's advisers The prime rate Is now at Its ... II PBONE NUMBERS were urging him to commit his highest point since bite It74. SM7 Mala Office administration to a fiscal 1M0 And although the rate has no Ceasks. .... II Tel Free 171 SMI budget deficit below 130 direct effect oa consumer In- EdHerials I Tel Free MMM butt down from the E« terest rates, It can point to Ealerakuaeat...... 14 fTaiainial Dee*. MS-ITM future trends In mortgage and •ereetuae II ChfulalteaDeat MJ-40M other consumer loan rates. lateriers. IMS »t«jiP«at. MMM Executive couple (beat local Lifestyle. 10-11 references) locating in See Carter Ids, pages NaveUnk River ana. Will pay Make A Pale...... IS nsahsMBmiaa 4SUW Oastaartes... 4 to babysit your borne while you O'Grady's witter In Florida. Call Kathy, Jack Hill Trio, Tues. through Sparta?...... SS-S4 S0HmH0untiH:»p.m. Sat. Hwy.», Eatontown. \ briHEWSBUHY N J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24.1978 Zoning People Strike Officer lobert Meclarao ofcocatM. looms . MJION- appeal taw a large crowd in the Richards, free oa f»,Mt parking lot of the Oar House ball, wu charged after po- FRSEHOLD TOWNSHIP Bar. "Moat of them had alco- nce starched Ms room in a - Leaders af the rreabotJ le- dovatm Tomato hotel and names. Officer John Makwe, one of the is lost holic beverages in their gkaal High School luacitlon Booze by metric costly aBefeOy toad a peuca con- poacemea responding to the psychiatrist's hawk and we have an or- Association (FRHSBA> are TRENTON - A ruling by talatag S grams of heroin WASHINGTON (AP) - If you think caB, said be arrived to find Vicious "strug- dinance against drinklag scheduled to meet tonight to Superior Court Judge Merrill Richards aad the British yeaYs paying more by the drink for liquor gnag with a man who said he was his outside a bar," Pike said take a position ot • tact- Lane Jr. Invalidating "Allman apologized after rock band were la Toronto to bought hi thoat aew metric containers, psychiatrist The psychiatrist said Ritchie oup's finder's report about the as- It wu loo late. He waa very record tbelr atom, "Love sociation's negotiations with you're probably right. Reporting to Coo- tried to Jump out the window, but he re- ordhunce wu upheld yester- remorseful later. He said be You Live." the regional Board of Educa- great on the implication! of conversion to strained him" day by a state appellate court "»•» wu sorry that he cursed and tion. the decimal meaaurat, the General Ac- Oa Feb. 2S. 1177. Judge •*• 1111% Office Hid the alcoholic beverage said he should not have been ST. PETERSBURG, Fla John Moiloy, a field repre- Chemical bank upa rale Lane ruled invalid the town- Intoxicated," said Pike. industry hu gone farther toward con- ship's zoning ordinance after (AP) - U.S. Rap. Barbara sentative of tin New Jersey version than any other. And the con- NEW YORK (AP) - Chemical Bank finding that It did not provide Janata says It didnt take Education Attoclatlon COLUMBUS. Ohio (AP) greatiooal watchdog agency added: "Moat raised Its prime lending rate yesterday lor a variety and choice of bar song to conquer her awe (NJEA), ttid that the - Be* Haf* suffered a mild wine* and distilled spirits that were con- from It percent to li>4 percent, probably housing and did not Uke Into of Iks praatdaocy but the had FRHSEA "hu yet to take a cardiac ailment, but his rerud to metric sizes experienced unit Introducing yet another round of Increases consideration least-cost bous- other adjustments to make. position on the report." He manager said the 7Vyear-old price increases greater than those that did in the interest rate banks charge their best ing. "I got Invited to the White addad last the union's nego- comedian wu feeling fine Ml convert." It cited distilled liquor price corporate customers. The increase, effec- Manalapan Township Is, Hoate more often during the tiating and executive commit- after treatment at a hotpital Increases ranging from 1.7 percent for tive Tuesday, pushes the prime to Its perhaps, the first municipality Carter administration," the tees would decide tonight on her*. those changing from the familiar fifth to highest point since late It74. It is the lath in the county to have had its Texas Democrat told a whether to recommend accep- Dr. Ralph D. Lack, chief Tit milUllters, through 1.1 percent for the rate rise since Jan. 1, when the prime stood zoning ordinance twice de- crowd at Eckerd College tance or rejection of the report cardiologist at Mt Carmel half-gallon to 1.71 liter shift, to 11.4 percent at 1% percent. The prime rate has no clared invalid because it failed Monday night. "But Mr. by the FRHSEA membership Medical Center, said Hope for the half-pint to MO mtlliliter change. direct effect on consumer interest rates, to provide for a variety and Carter doesn't serve hard suffered "a rather mild form Mr. MoOoy laid that a but It serves to predict the direction of choice of housing, u the State liquor. When you were born of cardiac rhythm dis- meeting of the membership mortgage and other consumer loan rates. Supreme Court mandated eve- In bourbon and branch water Westinghouse faces fine turbance" on Sunday. He had been scheduled for Tburs- Analyst! had anticipated the prime rate ry developing municipality country, you have a little dif- said this did not constitute a «y- , WASHINGTON (AP) - The govern- rise since the Federal Reserve Board's must do. ficulty adjusting to those fine heart attack. Murray Rubin, FRHSEA ment's willingness to keep secret which move II days ago to increase the discount wines." The township's toning or- Hope was In Columbus president, could not be foreign official got the payoff and the name rate from 8 to i% percent, Its highest level dinance first wu declared in- for the Ohio State University At a news conference reached for comment last of the person who authorized it is holding ever. The discount rate is the Interest the valid in 1175 by Judge Lane. homecoming parade and earlier, tit. Jordan said she night. up a plea-bargaining agreement in a case Fed charges member banks for loans. The The township then amended its football game and to appear decided not to run for reel- involving Westinghouse Electric Corp. The Fed recently hu been pushing Interest John Horrisberger, presi- zoning code, but It again was at the Ohio Theater Jubilee ection this year because the plan disclosed Monday calls for West- rates higher In an attempt to curb the dent of the Freehold Regional challenged and again the court Gala Performance, a benefit challenge wu gone and she inghouse to plead guilty to M counts of money supply and slow inflation by making High School Board of Eluca ruled It Invalid. to mark the 50 years of the felt she'd accomplished her falsifying statements to the government money more expensive to borrow. lion, declined to comment on The two zoning ordinances theater and raise money for goals during six yean in and to pay SMI.MO in fines. In return, the the report. were declared invalid on the the structure. Congress. government agreed not to disclose the Four more bodies found ground of exclusionary zoning. "He's flue." said Hope's The board aad the teachers' name of the foreign official, the country In its landmark Mount Laurel "I felt It would be good union have been negotiating Involved or any of the Westinghouse of- PORTSMOUTH, Va. (AP) - Navy di- manager, EMetl Ketak. "He decision, the State Supreme wu exhausted." for my constituency If I for more than a year on a new ficials involved. The Justice Department vers found four more bodies yesterday Court ruled that every de- changed directions and did contract. The previous con- also promised to "terminate Its present inside the sunken Coast Guard cutter veloping municipality had to tract expired last summer. ELYRIA, Ohio (AP) - something else," she said. investigative effort and not charge any Cuyahoga, bringing the total known dead make realistically possible an Uaa Satakt, the former She plans to teach In- individuals with criminal activities." to six, with five other men still missing. appropriate variety tnd choice Mr. Rubin hu said there is work) heavyweight boxing tergovernmental relation! The fourth body of the day wu found Just of bousing for all categories of a "possibility" ot a strike in LeeaSptafcs champion, escaped injury and political values and eth- before the divers halted operations at sun- people who may wish to reside the regional district. Memphis strike ends when he lost control of his ics at the University of Tex- set. The National Weather Service had there. The FRHSEA represents 1171 Corvette and crashed predicted winds of 10 to 20 knots and 2-foot some JOB teachers, secretaries MEMPHIS, Tenn (AP) - Memphis An Appellate Division of Su- through a cyclone fence. teachers voted late Monday night to accept to J-foot waves in Chesapeake Bay, near and other workers in the dis- perior Court — it consisted of Elyria Police Sgt. Jtha DUBROVNIK, Yugo- a contract with the city school board and where the Potomac River empties Into it. trict. The regional district Superior Court Judges Robert McLean said Spinks was slavia (AP) - Prlaee end a lWay strike, the longest teachers' Fred Maldonado, a Coast Guard spokes- serves 7,500 students from A. Matthews, Martin J. Kole driving north on Ohio 57 ear- Charles piloted his plane walkout in Tennessee history. Lorene Os- man, said diving operations will resume eight municipalities, Including and Leon S. MUmed - upheld ly Saturday, and when he from London to Dubrovnik borne, president of the S.lM-member Mem- this morning and a Coast Guard cutter Judge Lane's to begin an official five-day Freehold, Freehold Township, 1 started to exit near the Mid- phis Education Association , announced at would remain on the scene during the Marlboro, Colts Neck, Howell, ruling. way Man, he struck tome visit to this communist na- the end of a sometimes stormy meeting night. The cutter went down Friday night Manalapan. EngUshtowe and The township's zoning or- loose gravel and lost control tion that secret balloting Indicated the or- minutes after colliding with an Argentine Farmlngdale. dinance had been challenged of his car. ganization had ratified the pact. Mrs Os- coal freighter. Eighteen others on the by Harry S. Pozycki ST., Ben- The heir to the British 1 He slid off the roadway According to un|oo spokes bome said auditors were still counting Cout 'Guard ship were rescued./ No jamin Richland, Thomas throne arrived Monday to a votes late Monday. The contract calls for a freighter crew members were lost. Divers and traveled about 130 feet picturesque welcome at men, wage increases, Job con Frystock, A. J. Barshop and before striking and going ditions and fringe benefits are basic 14 percent increase which rises to 11 recovered two bodies Sunday — one out- IM Richland Agency, Inc. The CUlpi airport near this Adri- percent when longivity pay is included. aide the 57-year-old cutter and the other through a cyclone fence. ' atic resort. A schoolgirl, clad the major areas of dispute in four own two tracts of land, McLean said Spuiks told the negotiations. just Inside its hulk. totaling Wl acres, off Route 33 In a colorful folk dress, pres- police he turned quickly be- ented Charles with a bou- and bordering Woodward cause be didn't tee the exit Aid to independent students Road and MlUhurst Road. quet, u federal and local Post threatened with strikes sign. He wu given a traffic officials looked oa. Then WASHINGTON (AP) - Ap estimated They want to construct a full- ticket for failure to control a NEW YORK (AP) - Negotiators In the range housing and commercial Charles, a former British 110,000 Independent students, including motor vehicle and will have naval officer, Inspected a widows and divorcees who go back to 11-week strike against New York City's development on tbelr land. two biggest morning newspapers met yes- to appear In municipal court Yugoslav navy Donor guard. college, stand a better chance of receiving They ware represented by on the citation. terday with a private labor mediator, while David J.Frizell of Metucben. federal aid from the government's new Keith Richards There wu one passenger Charles It scheduled to line-up of programs to aid the middle class, strike threats against tie afternoon Post, The ordinance also has visit Yugoslav President which returned publication three weeks in the car at the time, who a Carter administration official says. For been challenged by James M. alto escaped injury Josip Bros Tito, who la rest- the first time, owning a home — as many ago and plans a morning paper, surfaced. Rice Associates Inc., property Ing at his south Adriatic resi- widows and divorcees do - will no longer Officials of the Dally News and the New owner, and by Joseph L. dence of Igalo. A nationwide York Tunes and representatives of Print- MutcareUe Inc., both of May- SAN DIEGO (AP) - tour Is also planned. mean it is all but impossible tor independ- Eager Wartahujtta, 27, has ent college students to receive a Basle ing Pressman's Union Local No. 2 formed wood. They want to construct bargaining subcommittees after a mornlag a l,47tunlt complex oa a Ho- become the first person to Educational Opportunity Grant, Lee L. parachute off San Diego's MONTGOMERY, Ala. Komfeld, HEW's student aid chief, said in session with mediator Theodore W. Kheel acre tract off Route 33; the The major disagreement between the pub- property consists substantially Coronado Bridge. (AP) - The church where an Interview. The Middle Income Student Worthlngton said he de- Dr. Mama Lather King Jr. Assistance Act, which Congress passed in lishers and William J. Kennedy's union is of the Knob HU1 Golf Course. the issue of pressroom staffing. The news- cided to make the Jump off once wu pastor now bears Its closing hours on Oct. 15, gave a break to the 244-foot span to mark his the late civil rights leader's Independent students at the same time it papers contend they are being forced to overstaff pressrooms and claim that puts Uth anniversary as a iky- name> sweetened the federal aid pot for the Set 1st aid drver. Many veterans of King's middle class. Kornfeld said. them at a disadvantage with mounting suburban newspaper competition. Three "It hadn't been done civil rights battles, including weeks ago, Rupert Murdoch, publisher of talk today before and I knew if I didn't his widow, Coretta, attended Sterilization improving New York Pott, withdrew from Joint do It, somebody else surely Sunday ceremonies renam- bargaining after reaching a settlement would," Worthlngton said af- ing the downtown Montgom- WASHINGTON (AP) - Voluntary ster- with pressmen that In part agrees to ac- in Matawan ter his Jump Sunday. ery building the Dexter Ave- ilization, particularly in men, is Increasing- cept the settlement reached between the But city officials were nue King Memorial Baptist ly becoming a reversible method of birth MATAWAN - Topics to be union and the two morning papers. Since lets enthusiastic. Bridge Church. • control as microsurgical techniques are covered in this week's Aber- the Post returned publication, it added a guard Hermaa ReMUlger improved and standardized, according to a deen-Matawan Public Library i "•• Sunday edition, and Murdoch has alto an- said be did not know If there new report on contraceptive technology. Coffee Breaks range from first TUNIS, Tunisia (AP ) - nounced plans to publish a new morning wu a city ordinance against The report, published Monday by the Popu- aid to the upcoming election to Ailing Tunisian President paper, the Daily Sun. Strike threats by Gregg Alhnaa skydiving but "we don't lation Crisis Committee, says the best sur- macrame. Haas* leargalba hat Down electricians and several other crafts at the think it's funny. We've got gical centers already have success rates as BRADENTON BEACH, to Paris for what an official Pott surfaced after rumors that Murdoch Today Chris Moore, enough people jumping as It high as N percent In reversing vasec- Fla. (AP) - Rock singer communique described u planned to fold the Post as soon as the Sun R.N.wUl talk about "First Aid la." tomles hi men who did not suffer extensive Gregg ADnai was arrested "further medical examina- wu established. Around the House." tissue destruction during the original ster- Karen Young of the on a charge of disorderly in- tions." TORONTO (AP) - ilization "With standardization of ster- Matawan League of Women toxication while sitting.'on a Bourguiba, 75, president ilization procedures to maximize the Three admit fraud count* Voters will instruct listeners motorcycle In the parking lot Rottng Stones guitarist Keith Richards has pleaded guilty for life, hu been suffering chances of reversal, the success rate of on "Election Facts and Fig- of a bar, police said yester- from a form of arterio- reversal procedures will Increase," the WASHINGTON (AP) - Three Wash- ures" on Wednesday, Oct. 26. day. to a charge of possession of heroin and facts a max- scleroslsT HU activities as committee predicted. ington area building maintenance contrac- On Thursday, Oct. 26, The leader of the popular bead of state have been re- tors pleaded guilty yesterday to defrauding Arlene Shaposhnick of Allman Brothers Band was imum punishment of jmreii years in prison. duced to little more than the government in connection with inflated "Strings" will present held In a Manatee County weekly meetings with Prime Try, try, try again A Jail sentence la not and phony contracts for the General Ser- Macrame I during the library Sheriff's Department deten- Minister Hedl Nouira, of- mandatory, however, and WASHINGTON (AP) - President vices Administration. The three contrac- Coffee Break program. tion cell Jn Bradentpn for ficials say. Carter plans to replace a Federal Elec- tors, along with a fourth, are cooperating All coffee break programs about three hours Sunday Richards, who pleaded guil- t tions Commission member at least tem- with the government. A source who re- are held at the library at 1«5 night before being released ty to the possession charge Tunisian sources said hours- porarily with a friend of House Speaker quested anonymity said the four contrac- Main St. after posting a 154 bond. Monday in a county Bourgiba, who has been un- Thomas P. O'Neill although the same man tors are prepared to implicate up to a In addition to the coffee Allman reportedly was in courtroom packed with his challenged leader of this has failed to win Senate confirmation In dozen GSA officials who allegedly took break program a fall nature this area rehearsing songs fans, could be placed on pro- North African nation since more than a year of trying, a published payoffs. The three who entered guilty pleas crafts program will be held for a new album being re- Its independence from report says. Cox Newspapers reported In before federal Judge Oliver Gasch are Oct. 26 at 3:30 p.m. ChUdren corded by the group,' which The 14-year-old Richards France in 1955, may be hos- Tuesday editions that Carter would appoint Thomas E. Jenkins, 31, of Arlington; David ages 5 and older will be in- recently reunited. The group had been charged on Fab. 27, pitalised in the United States Boston attorney John W. McGarry to the H. Smith, 54, of Adelphla, Md., and James structed bow to make orna- disbanded several years ago. 1177, with posssession of her- following his Paris stay. SSO.OOO-a-year post now held by former B. Wheatley, 32, of Herndon, Va. The ments using leaves, pine cones Bradenton Beach Police oin for the purpose of traf- He arrived in the French Michigan congressman Nell Staebler. "The fourth contractor, Robert C. Wear, 45. of and other natural objects. ChU- Chief DeuM L. Pike said ficking, and with possession capital Monday. timing Is uncertain; It will probably be Fairway Hills, Md., is to appear In court dren are asked to bring leaves. Wednesday," Cox quoted White House Nov. 8. All four are accused of defrauding Counsel Robert Llpshutz as saying the government of $550,000 which they re- ceived from the GSA for work on federal office buildings which wu never per- ViciouH plashes wrists No saucer, no plane eithjer NEW YORK (AP) - Punk rock enter- MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) - Boats and aircraft Valentich's father, Gulo, said he hoped his ton had been tainer Sid Vicious, accused of kUUng his 21- Find missing chief* car * have found no trace of a young pilot and flying saucer taken by a UFO and bad not crashed. year-old girlfriend, was hospitalized In a YAZOO CITY, Miss. (AP) - Author- enthusiast who disappeared with his plane after radioing he "The fact that they have found no trace of him really psychiatric ward yesterday after Jabbing ities have located an unmarked police car wu being chased by a UFO. verifies the fact that UFOs could have been there," he said. bis wrists with a broken light bulb, author- that belonged to Yazoo City Police Chief The Australian air force said it bad received 11 reports Valentich said his wed to study UFOs "as a hobby using ities said. Vicious, 21. was treated for su- David Overton, who vanished a week ago. of UFO sightings from people along the coast of Bass Strait information he had received from the air force. perficial cuts on both wrists and on his But they say they have no solid clues about where the plane disappeared Saturday night. "He wu not the kind of person wbo would make up right forearm, said Bellevue Hospital Overtoil's disappearance. The car, found The pilot, Frederick Valentich, 20, was oh a US-mile stories. Everything had to be very correct and positive for spokesman John Walsh. He said the cuts Sunday in Shreveport, La., is the only link training when be told air traffic controllers in Melbourne he him." did not require medical attention. A staff to Overston'i disappearance. A nationwide wu bdng buzzed by a UFO with four bright lights about Despite cattt from other persons along the coast who psychiatrist recommended Vicious be ad- alert wu Issued last week after searches l.M feet above him claim to hive teen a UFO Saturday night, the Transport mitted to the psychiatric ward and Vicious failed to locate the 42-year-old veteran Controllers laid in his last message, taped in Mel- Department wu skeptical that a UFO was behind Valen- agreed, Walsh said. Vicious, whose real officer. Investigators were sent to bourne, he radiod: "It's approaching from due east Uch's disappearance. same Is John Simon Ritchie, will remain at Shreveport after officers there found the towards me: It seems to be playing some tort of game... "It's funny all these people ringing up with UFO reports tftf Bellevue until doctors no longer consider car about a half block from a bus station. flying at a speed I can't estimate. wel after Valentich's disappearance," said Ken Williams. s*w»» him suicidal, Walsh said. Vicious was freed The keys were in the ignition and Overton's "It's not an aircraft. It's ... It is flying past. It is a long a spokesman for the Transport Department. . a week ago in ISfMI ball on a charge of hat and coat were on the back teat "There snaps. I cannot identify more than that. It's coming for me \ "It seems people ofUadetiqeafUrth* event, they too, fatally knifing Nancy Spungen on Oct. II. wu nothing in the car to Indicate foul play right now." hid seen strange lights. Bat although we can't take them IBs psychiatrist, Dr. Steve Telch, called and we have no new information about A minute later he reported: "It seems to be stationary, too tertoath;, we can never discourage such reports when pake to the Hotel Seville about 2:50 a.m. Chief Overton," said Doyle Jones, the I'm also orbiting and the thing Is orbiting on top of me also. Investigating a plane's disappearance yesterday after Vicious called Telch at Yaxoo City Police Department's deputy It hat a green light and a tort ot metallic light on the Some Transpti t Department officials have speculated hone, ponce arid. Teich rushed to the chief. Before it wu returned to service on outside." that VatenUch became disorientated and saw bis own lights 9 dfMb-floor room Vicious and his mother, eMrtB** Monday, the car wu checked for finger- Valentich then radioed the engine of his single-engine reflected hi the water, or lights from a nearby island, while AM Beverly, were sharing uder assumed prints. Cessna, in wu running roughly. His test message said: "It flying upside down. is not an aircraft." SHREWSBURY. NJ TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24.1978 Senator leaves 'em high an •y MARK GRAVEN dock at about I a.m. to meet came lo tell them the meeting for comment Ust night. gress has paaaed a (SI billion the senator. was cancelled Mr. Volpe said that he was transportation bill. KEYPORT - Borough of- "His (Sen. Williams) lines not upset with Sen. Williams "I took lie day off from The bill was sponsored la ficials were reportedly left ol communication could be despite the fact that he had work, and be didnt show up." the Senate by Mr. Williams, high and dry yesterday morn- better developed," com- lost a day's pay. said d Mr. Volpe, after last and in the House by Rep. ing by Sen Harrison Williams. mented the mayor, adding that "It's Just par far the night's Borough Council meet- James J. Howard, D-NJ., who D-NJ., who had arranged to next time he would ask that course," Mr Volpe noted. ing. "He sent a park ranger has said that be has President take them on a ferry boat ride the meeting be "condusive" to Borough official! say that down by car to tell us the meet- Jimmy Carter's word that the around Rarttan Bay. his own schedule. Sen. Williams may have Ideal ing was off" bill will be signed Into law Mayor William A. Ralph, Sen. Williams is not up for plans to resurrect the idea of a Borough offlciab have said Councilman Richard Volpe, Mayor Ralph said that he re-election this year. He was commuter ferry service that Sen. Williams may sug- and Borough Administrator and other officials waited until re-elected to a fourth term in around Gateway National Rec- gest that Keyport be one of the Ed McLane arrived at the II a.m. before the ranger ins. He could not be reached reation Area - now that Con- stops for the ferry service. Lincroft Mews battle continues •y BOB BRAMLEV Adjustment. I d-acre tract in the residential last night after testimony by Dr. Kibler testified that MIDDLETOWN- The bat- Mr. Pierson seeks a ose R-22 zone 400 feet north of Henry J. Ney of Freehold, pro- covering any substantial por- tle over Lincroft Mews, a shop- variance that would allow con- Newman Springs Road. fessional engineer, on the re- tion of the project site with ping-center complex proposed struction of the $2 million com- Hearing on the application sults of a traffic survey of the blacktop or roofs would in- for a site on Llncroft-Mid plex, which would include a will be continued at another area near the proposed crease drainage run-off prob- dletown Road by Boland J. Foodlown supermarket of special meeting of the board at project lems in an area already wet. Pierson, Lincroft realtor, con- 28,000 square feet and a pro- 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 21. His report favors the appli- "You're adding blacktop tinued at last night's special fessional office and retail shop Chester Apy, attorney for cant, with recommendations and roof areas covering vir- meeting of the Zoning Board of area of 10,000 square feet on a the applicant, rested his case that sidewalks and curbing be tually all of the site," Dr. extended across the project's Kibler said. "The water has to 800-foot frontage on Mid- go some place. Blacktopping dletown-Lincroft Road andlarge areas causes problems." that 'a pedestrian Intercon- Mr Yacker and William Lehrer warns of gypsy nection be sought with Detslnger of Red Bank, at- Luftman Towers, the senior- torney for Mr. and Mrs. citizen project under construc- Charles Toop of Lincroft and tion to the east of the site. for the Slallard Corporation, womenpreyingon elderly Stanley Yacker of operators of the existing shop- Matawan, attorney for 12 fami- ping centers on Newman FREEHOLD - Senior has been assaulted. Some vic- isolated incidents. But now, lies in ABLE (the Associations Springs Road, agreed that It dttxens were warned by Coun- tims have lost their life sav- law- enforcement personnel for the Betterment of the Lin- would be better to postpone ty Prosecutor Alexander D. ings, he said. have concluded that they are croft Environment), called Dr. until the Nov. 21 meeting Lehrer yesterday that a group The "gypsies" also are sus- the work of an organized Lynden U. Kibler. chairman of further testimony by the objec- of women dressed like gypsies pected of being involved In a group. the local Environmental Com- tors. At least two more wit- and speaking broken English break-in at a senior-citizen Law-enforcement officials mission, as his opening wit- nesses on their behalf are ex- has been preying on the elder- project hi Keyport and hi a from 11 communities met with ness. pected to be heard then. ly in the county since August. "flim-flam" operation in Key- Mr. Lehrer yesterday to coor- Mr. Lehrer said that senior port on Oct. U in which 12.000 dinate investigation of the citizens should not allow into was taken by fraud fron a gang Other local and state their homes women who claim woman in her 70's. agencies also will also cooper- WHAT'S THAT UP IN THE SKYT - It's a bird. It's o plane..,.no It's a kite. to be members of a religious Mr. Lehrer said that one of ate in the Investigation Whatever your need... In the form of a full-rigged ship, launch by William Harrelson In the yard of sect, sent by a mutual friend, the suspects may be about SO Capt. Andrew Manning, a his quarters at Fort Monmouth. Harrelson, a Navy machinery repairman or hi need of bathroon faculties years old, between i feet 7 Monmouth County detective, We're always ready on the USS Butte, In drydock In Brooklyn, started to build and fly kites as a urged anyone who noticed two boy growing up In Bowling Green, Mo. His ship kite Is five feet long, stands or a drink of water. inches and 5 feet t inches tall with a helping hand! almost five feet toll. Harrelson, with 20 years Navy service, retires next Acccordlng to Mr. Lehrer, and heavyset. Her companion or three strange women in a June. He and his wife. Donna, who live at 34 Olongapo Lane, are one of a two women go to a private may be in her 20's and of aneighborhood to call the police. number of Navy families billeted In Fort Monmouth military housing home occupied by either single more-slender build. Both wom- "For some reason, the pub- areas. The Butte, when ready for service, will be clocked at nearby Naval seniors or an elderly couple. en may be wearing gypsy lic doesn't think of two or three Weapons Station Earle. The wonen, speaking broken garb. strange wonen as suspicious, JCENTRAL JERSEY BANK English, befriend the elderly At first, Mr. Leltrer said, when they would if the y /MMP TMVJT COMWWV person who comes to the door the thefts and assaults were strangers were males acting in » CONVMNT OfncCS 10 JBM »0U WDOUSCI • UONUOUTH • OCEAN • UMON and gain admittance to thethought to be unconnected the same manner," he said. house. Once' Inside, while one woman distracts the home- owner, the other steals money 2nd resident raps or Jewelry. In some Instances. Mr. Lehrer said, the two women let in another accomplice through MIDDLETOWN RESIDENTS the back door. The third wom- Zar list inclusion an ransacks the house for mon- ey or Jewelry while the first • By JULIE MCDONNELL wrong with the practice, not- self-appointed borough 'watch- ing that the center must serve dog,' but It you think this gives two distract the homeowner. STAY TUNED FOR... RED BANK - A second, other communities if it is to you license to hound people, Mr. Lehrer reported that local resident has protested continue receiving Federal you will Had that you are bark- the Incidents hid occurred the Intfcisten of his name on a funds. ing up the wrong tree." from Keyport to Manasqusn Ust circulated by Paul Zar, In "Regarding your concern and. oo occasion, the victim depeadeat candidate tor about 'Red Bank for Red Mayor, dealing with members Bankers,' I cant resist asking ALL IN THE FAMILY of the same families appointed QUALITY AUTO REPAIRS whether you, if you became to various borough boards, ft BODY WORK Mayor, would post signs to A RECENT INVESTIGATION HAS REVEALED THAT MIDDLETOWN'S DEMO- Herbert Frankel of 18keep potential out-of-town cus- We Do Them All-Give Us A Call! McLaren St. a member of the tomers from shopping in Red CRAT MAYOR, ROBERT ECKERT, HAS AT LEAST SEVEN OF HIS RELA- Advisory Committee of theBank stores," Mr. Frankel Senior Citizens Center, called added. 291-3849 TIVES HOLDING POSITIONS OF INFLUENCE IN THE TOWNSHIP. Mr. tar's Ust, printed in his He concluded by stating NJ. State rteinipertien StatiM-lk. 0137 poUtfcal newsletter, The Red that he "resents the improper POSITION RELATIONSHIP Bank News, "Inaccurate and use of (my) name in your liter- missiedlng." ature. You may serve some A.H.C. Mr. Frankel is the husband useful purpose In your role of 4 W. Carfleld Aw. Atlantic Highlands DIRECTOR OF WELFARE MAYOR'S COUSIN of Ethel Frankel, director of the seniors' center. Their son, CHAIRMAN, COMPTON'S CREEK HARBOR COMM. MAYOR'S BROTHER Charles, I* an alternate mem- ber of the Planning Board. All three were named on RED BANKERS SECRETARY, SEWER AUTHORITY MAYOR'S NIECE the list of 14 persons, which was printed to support Mr. TRUCK DRIVER, SEWER AUTHORITY MAYOR'S COUSIN Zarl contention that there are many persons from the same families selected for town COMMISSIONER OF RECREATION MAYOR'S COUSIN

Mr Zar has been critical of SUB-STANDARD HOUSING COMMISSION MEMBER MAYOR'S COUSIN the selection process, main- taining that choices are made CHAIRMAN, HOUSING AUTHORITY MAYOR'S UNCLE for "political and special-In- terest" considerations. PAST CHAIRMAN, SEWER AUTHORITY MAYOR'S UNCLE Two days ago, Mrs. Terry McCue, who Is also named on the Ust, criticized Mr. Zar for CHAIRMAN, REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MAYOR'S UNCLE "miehterpretlng" her volun- teer work at toe Local As- sistance Board by 'Inferring" nepotism. Mrs. McCue Is the. wlfeol Borough Clerk Martin C.M4C«e. Mr. Frankel, In'a letter to STOP POLITICAL ABUSES Mr. ^ar and released to The Dully Register, said be was not sure'why he was on the Ust, adding that Mr. Sir "may be ELECT FOR MAYOR: FRANK McKENNA Insinuating that I am not quail- fled for the position" on the Adviaory Committee. FOR COUNCIL: STAFFORD THOMPSON, ELECT "Of eoune, after 1 provided Joseph you with this Information, I ED McKENNA. MIKE ELLEGOOD would have been anxious to leant your qualifications for McGRATH judging the worthiness of my qualification*," Mr. Frankel THEY WILL: said In his letter. & He also noted that hit work John on the committee was unpaid. — Continue economy in government "It Is easier said than done" to get persons to work — Support a stronger rent leveling ordinance ROSSOMONDO on boards and committees, Mr. Frankel asserted, noting — Seek funds to convert River Street School into a that many people do not want to get Involved for a variety of municipal complex reasons. "You might agree that one of the reasons might — Unify oil segments of the community iffertram — Support permanent senior citizens center the machinations of muckrak- TUES ing demagogues," Mr. Frankel nil Referring to Mr Zar's VOTE DEMOCRATIC NOV. 7 NOV. 7, 1978 staled opposition to noa-resi- VOTE REPUBLICAN 4W serving on the seniors' CONTINUE Reb BANK'S GROWTH AND HARMONY. MaB KM »r MO MNK OMfOCMTK COMMrTm Mr. Fraakel i torMcOnt i • (toMomondo, loa ttt I i. MJ. ITTO, a Haas* Tnamnc. SHREWSBURY N J TUESDAY OCTOBER 24. 1978 Mother Mavbelle Carter, Percv G. Bulich Wendell Ftrthrr Jr. M1DDLETOWN - Percy of the American Society of Civ- SEATTLE, WASH. - We* Mr*. Marie Rone G. Botch. «. of 8 Ifrpi DriveT il Engineers, aad was gradu- dell Louis Fudwr Jr.. 41. who Carter family matriarch died Sunday at Rlverview Hos- ated from of North Carolina died Oct. 15. is aUo survived by MARLBORO- Mrs Marie pital. Red Bank Stele University ta IKS. Rose, 85, of S Foxcroft Drive, MADISON. Tena (AP) - •I wu sammoned to Moth- Ms widow. Mrs. Sarah PI ther Obituary Bora ia Mount Mry. N.C.. Surviving is his widow. (bed Sunday at Monmouth Mother MayttBe Carter, the er MaybeUes home by the and his father,' Wendell L he had lived here state 1H4. Mrs. Mary Freeman Bolich; Medical Center. Long Branch. grand ok) lady of the Crawl lady who lives with her," Mrs. Fisher Sr , aod his stepmother, He Was employ*, as a civil two sow, Percy G. Bolich 3rd Ok Opry and the matriarch of Hancock said "When I ar- Mrs. Oxde Fisher! of Keyport, engineer at the EMk Naval of Los Angeles; and Richard She waa born in Jersey City the stngiag Carter Family. rived, she appeared to be N.J. Weapons Station fofj B years. E Bolich. al home; a (laugh and had lived there until mov- died yesterday. She waa M. breathing faintly and I rushed Memorial rites set Mr. Bolich was a member ter, Mrs Anne Wilhelm of Their nines were omitted ing here eight years ago. Her Mrs. Carter, mother-in-law her to the hospital." Asbury Park, and his mother, from the obituary which ap- husband, Fred Roae, died in of anger Johnny Cash, was Nashville Memorial spokes- Richard Filler Mrs. Elizabeth Bolich of peared Friday in The Reg- Ml aped to Nashville Memorial woman Gertrude McCluskey for Red Bank pilot RED BANK -jMchard N. Dobson.NC. ister Surviving are a daughter, Hospital from her suburban said. "She was la respiratory Foster, tt. of 41 '1 Ivergreen The John E. Day Funeral i RED BANK - A memorial Burial and graveside ser- Mrs. Henrietta M. McCarthy home by Cash's sister. Reba arrest and did not respond to Terrace, died Sairday at Home. Red Bank, is in charge Mr. Fisher was ftrmerly of service will be held at 1 p m vices for Ma) Parkell will be with whom she lived; two sis- Hancock treatment." The official time Queea of Carmel Nursing of arrangements. Red Bank. NJ Saturday lor MiJ. William V of death was 11:18 a.m. CDT. held next month at the Na- ters. Mils Elsie Ryseck of Jer- HomeinMorganvii Pakd, in Air Force Uistruc John S. An|»legaU- At Mrs. Hancock's request, the tional Military Cemetery at sey City and Mrs. Rose De- Born in Virgia) . be had who was killed last March Air Force Base. cause of death was not im- Turk of North Bergen, and one LONG BRANCH - John S lived here most of *4 life ay In » California plane mediately disclosed HAMILTON TOWNSHIP- sons, Richard Riddle, here and grandchild Applegate, 77. of the Whinner He was a retire! chef. Maj Parkell. M, was a IN* Mrs. Carter—who with her James J. Chester Riddle. 74. of William Riddle, of Rye. NY; The Higgins Memorial House, died Oct. 14 at MOB- He was the husband of the TV aervice wUl be held at graduate of Red Bank High bnXVrm-law A.P.. sister-in- Zachary Lane, died yesterday a daughter. Mrs. Nancy Datko Home, Freehold, is in charge mouth Medical Center. late Mrs. Mattie Hill Foster Ik* nnt Presbyterian Church, School, where he was a foot- law Sara and daughters Helen. at Hamilton Hospital, here. of Philadelphia. Pa': a of arrangements He was born here and was a who died in 1175. . W Harding Road, where Ma] ball player. June aad Anita became the Born in Middlelown. Mr brother, Philip Riddle of lifelong city resident Surviving are 1 vo daugh- Parkell had been a member of Carter Family — wu horn Riddle came here from Long Rumson; a sister. Mrs. Vera There are no known sur- ters. Mrs Lota Cal »b of New Oat choir ThomaH Dillon May 10. IN*. In Nlckelsville. Branch 23 years ago. Kelly of Rumson. and II He Joined the Air Force in vivors. YoU City and Mr i Georgia IV major, a Red Bank Va. A. twttr of traditional He was a retired lunch- grandchildren. 1W4 after graduating in the Air The Anderson - CuUlo Fi- Robinson of Hamnli o. Va •aUvt, wai killed when the KEANSBURG - Thomas ballads of be kith aad aa ac- eonette owner. The Woolley Funeral Force ROTC program at Get- aeral Home, Red Bank, is in The Coter Memorial Home. B-B he commanded crashed W. Dillon. 17. of 10 Crescent compli: cd gallant, auto Surviving are his widow. Home. Long Branch, is in tysburg College, and served in charge of arrangements Red Bank, ia in munications problem, Sales Coordinator Ollie as a tool lo provide better service and in- responsible lor increases in orders from exist- > Coghlan asked New Jersey Bell to study sales creased sales contact Enter New Jersey Bell s ing accounts and the development 61 a variety operations at the general offices located in Don Hoffman, an expert in this technique ol new customers in all areas of the country Wayne. N J, Hoffman trained existing sales personnel, In addition the Aclon Corporation is studying Make including management, in telephone selling Ihe use ol the telephone for similar improve- THE PROCEDUREiNew Jersey BellAc- Additional in-house sales people, who were menls in its many divisions and subsidiaries counl Manager. Joe Arata. a communications hired to sell directly to clients and act as throughout the country expert specializing in the food industry, was back-up service consultants to the brokers The New Jersey Bell Account Represent Your Holiday Season called in to study Kelling Nut s national sales and customers, were also trained WATS lines lives are specially trained, industry by industry, operation were added as call volume increased, in an to provide systems solutions to your business His analysis showed an over-reliance on effort to maximize efficiency problems So if you have a busnesf prob- sales brokers who sold olher products in addi- lem youd -like to discuss call your New More Interesting... tion to the Kelling Double K and Party Treat THE END RESULT: KeUing Nut Co has Jersey Bell business office and well have the branded products The brokers were abte to been averaging t sale lor every 7 calls made, Account, Representative trained in ryour held service only a portion of their market-the and is experiencing an increase of 10% in contact you Join East Jersey's Holiday Club The system is Ihe solution. (H) New Jersey Belt

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"Wf M«k» IM M<«r Ilimling" East Jersey Sayings

LONG BRANCH OKKI IrMBruada*) •« LiK-n. MKYI • :il» H.'un. Moml.i; iliru I rxl.iv 'Ijni J p in I mla\ I U". i> 11> in

COLTSNKkDII Kl Hifh« • "•4.II l>i»l U»M»> jml Drholn Hiwr»: Mi>tKI«\ thru I rids) *a MI 4 p.m

««t Aunu.jlWwlnfl' L»'bh\ ami Driw-ln lluur* NIniKl.n Ihm Ihurvlai la ni 4p.m.. r M.I in - hp ni

*?'. Wrong house SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1978 (Continued) K suffered durstg tke drUl, Ike bouse w now in has at?* •I tkt dtj-awntd koaso at which tke drill tu aitkoriied to take pkkc*. Mr. fatal MH tb* designated building *u « i Oder** tint* iron Ike Uurtl Street bouse, but Uut tke AdAiM MI **iiitt *' questions 1 eatraac* to the Laurel Street house by mentywaklikgia, Mr. Bedell added. "Normally, the bouses owned by the city are kept under lock tad kity," he said "Tke firemen said there ware no locks « Uua house, tint It wu open. They walked right in." on treaty The Laarel Street boose wu described u having heea JERUSALEM (AP) - The terM years of hostility la "terrible " coadltion, and a likely site for a drill because Israeli Cabinet convened for On Monday night, the UN. there are no other homei oath* block. tke second day today to pore Security Council extended the Mr BedeB said that he did not export the Fir* Depart aver s draft peace treaty with term of U.N. peacekeeping iMMtobeceaaaredbecauuofthtatlapUceddrUl Egypt amid reports tkat forces In Sinai for nine months "It was an honest mistake." Second Assistant Chief Prime Minister Menacbem Be- after the Russians refused to Alfred Oml commented "You cut blame anyone." gin had reservations on sever- agree to a one-year extension al points in the ltpage text. recommended by Secretary- The Cabinet session, which General Kurt Waldheim. opened at I a.m. - i a.m. EDT _ Carter tells - was expected to continue A «T»af»ll«4»afl (Continued) late Into the afternoon .Tlk.l^l/UoC'U Dabbed'-phase two" of the Sources close to Begin said prettdeat of a leading econom- it would be "logical" to as- V wafaMCcctttul profnm Cirtcr ic coasastaH firm, Robert R. put forward eartter this year, sume that the meeting would II ititV t Nathan Associates, told re- end In Instructions to the Is- Ike new effort has been de- porters separately he feels It layed several times because of raeli negotiating team to seek would be a mistake for Carter revisions In the draft when the questions over bow it should to put too much emphasis on jokes work. Washington peace conference guidelines u a solution since resumes, probably late this Several advisers are known they do not deal with tke fun- TOKYO (AP) - Teng to be deeply concerned that if damental causes of inflation, i, and car in foreground go up in Zuma Beach tuburb ofLA. Hsiao-ping, China's senior vice phase two is also Judged to be The sources declined to re-premier, and former Japanese such at lower productivity and late to specific Issues in the a failure, It could damage the sluggish Investment. Prime Minister Kakuei draft. Tanaka, on trial In the president's credibility with In- However, Carter an- flatioo weary Americans at a Los Angeles surrounded by brush fires But the newspaper Haaretz Lockheed bribery scandal, nounced Monday creation of a said Begin was unhappy with a finally met today and Joked time when Carter presumably National Productivity Council, will be preparing his campaign (Continued) MALIBU, Calif. (AP) - It a resident of the SeminolcHot substantial number of items in about their political problems, saying the decline In prod- wu the red of a raging fire: Springs Mobile Home Park the text regarding military ar- past and present. for re-election. uctivity from a 1.2 percent an- canyon roads through crowds M soot-blackened refugees. Adding to their worries is More than J.OM acres around Mandevllle Canyon were the wrong kind of crimson for north of Malibu. rangements In the Sinai Penin- Tanaka said, "Teng hu a nual rate to 1.* percent In re- a sunset at the Malibu coast. sula, from which Israel has the widespread advance cent years, with the posslblly blackened and at least seven homes valued at about UQO.MO "I panicked. I started good sense of humor. He criticism of the program by each were destroyed, fire officials said. 'The colors came from the crying and praying. I thought pledged to withdraw within doesn't ask about Lockheed. It of no Increase at all In 1978, Is wrong direction — the Santa three years, and over political prominent business and, labor "one of the major factors fuel- Dry winds from the Mojave Desert gusted to SO mph, It was the end until a young would be nice if the Japanese leaden whose cooperation is fanning flames that scorched more than 15,000 acres In a swath Monica mountains — and their man with' a green car told us plans for normalizing rela- had a sense of humor, too." Ing Inflation." crimson mirrored the fear and tions. Twnaka played a major rwaVltrofl essential for the While the new guidelines stretching 10 miles from Agoura, north of tke city, across the that be knew a way through gitdeuaea to succeed. Santa Monica Mountains and south toward the sea. anguish of residents. the mountain ...," she said as Another report, In the Jeru- role In reopening diplomatic will be voluntary. Carter has It wu a Ore that rushed she told how she and her hus- salem Post, said Begin's reser- ties with China In 1072. Teng, William W. Wlnpislnger, decided — barring last minute Residents of the exclusive Pacific Palisades-lialibu area president of the Machinists un- about 15 miles from downtown Los Angeles fled as the fire over mountains, popping and band Joined a 10-car caravan vations did not include the is- who was on the political outs in changes — to use the govern- hissing as It chewed through that sneaked through the sue of linking the bilateral 1071, it here on an eight-day ion, told a newt conference ment's procurement, contract- swept over the last ridges on Its way to the ocean, driving small Monday Us union will not com- animals from the brush onto the coast highway. dry brush, jumping this way flames to safety. treaty with the more complex visit. On Monday he witnessed Ing and regulatory powers to and that, reducing expensive Palestinian question. the formaluation of a peace, ply with the wage guidelines back them up. "When you want to see panic you should see the big rats Meanwhile, In MandevUle unless Carter acts to stop "un- running ail over the road," said one man, shuddering. homes to ashes. Foreign Minister Moshe and friendship treaty between for example, the govern- Canyon, another brush fire Dayan and Defense Minister China and Japan. bridled corporate power." ment would purchase goods Beachfront residents fruitlessly hurled buckets of sand at "It's a natural kind of hat- raged out of control, destroy- John C. Bayer, the new the flames before retreating in tears. At least SO homes north of ard that you accept," said Eter Weiiman were expected Teng invited Tanaka to vis- from suppliers whose price ac- ing scores of homes and forc- to face tough questioning from it Peking again Teng alluded Uoos fail within the guidelines Malibu were destroyed as flames swept down from the brush- Ronald Turner, an architect, ing hundreds to flee. covered hillsides. Jumped a four-lane highway and Ignited the at be stood beside Pacific more conservative members to his 1072 problems, saying "I and deny government business Over everything rolled the of the It-member Cabinet who did not meet you In Peking I to those whose price behavior oceanskle houses. Coast Highway and watched Many hurt "I Just don't have any Idea what I'm going to do now," said his $285,000 beach home burn thick throat-choking, eye-sear- feel Israel is being pressured was In the suburbs at the; Is considered unsatisfactory. ing smoke, tinged red by the into making further con- time." However, there has been architect Albert Street, owner of three Malibu homes. "You Just to |is foundation. "You try to don't lose thousands of dollars of homes like that and have any get enough insurance and you reflected glow of the fire. cessions beyond the Camp As prime minister, Tanaka as gas line considerable debate within the David accords went to Peking to establish for- administration over how much coherent Idea of what you're going to do next. Sure, I had some hope it doesn't happen to you, Canyon roads were filled Insurance, but it wasn't enough." but then you see this sort of with fleeing residents — home The two Israeli negotiators mal relations between the two latitude It legally has to use had resisted wording in the countries who fought each oth- explodes such tools to pursue Its anti- Others who fled were glad to escape alive. thtag." owners driving expensive cars "J panicked. I started crying and praying," said Jeannette Next door, Junior high loaded with clothes and draft linking the peace to er in World War II. That led to Inflation goals. One official progress on settling the Issues the treaty many see as a busi- PEARUND, Texas (AP) said privately that court Somraa, who lived In a trailer park north of Malibu "I thought it school teacher Bob Clark furniture — and the animals — - A natural gat line exploded was the end until a young man with a green car told us that he looked at the lot full of embers snakes, rats and rabbits of the Israeli-occupied West ness bonanza for Japan and a **f'M"s*« are a virtual cer- Bank of the Jordan River and chance for China to get badly and burst Into flames near a tainty If the administration knew a way through the mountains." that had been his home a short headed for lower ground. mobile home park Just outside Mrs. Somma and her husband Tom Joined a 10-car caravan time before. Tears welled in Horses and their owners took Gaxa Strip and the political needed technological aid. get! too tough In the procure- future of their Palestinian in- this Houston suburb early to- ment area, for example. that made It through the flames to the ocean. his eyes. to Trancas Beach to reach Tanaka was forced out of The hot Santa Ana winds propelled flames through tinder- habitants. office In 1(74 because of ques- day. Police said at least M Carter said at a news con- "I Just don't know what safety. persons ware Injured. dry chaparral, or shrub thickets, which choked hillsides after US sources said in Wash- tions about his private fortune ference two weeks ago that last spring's record reins. Smaller fires were reported In a happens now. Everything I And at least one en- ington over the weekend that After the Lockheed scandal one* the program Is In place he number of suburbs, Including Chatsworth, Glendale, Hacienda own, everything, was In that trepreneur was ready — sell- Egypt and Israel had reached broke In 1070 be was put on Linda Jewell of l»« will "pursue it aggressively" house," he said of his home of ing soft drinks out of bis sta- a compromise on putting such Pearland aoUct department Heights and Sierra Madre, where a 1,000-acre blase north of that trial on charges of taking some •— aad that be hope* It will help to city forced scores of residents from their homes. eight years "I'm wiped out. tion wagon for $1 a can. He had a clause in the treaty to ap- $2.7 million in bribes to use his •aid "quit* a few" of the M Inflation rate next Sure, I had Insurance but it plenty of takers. pease Egypt. But Egyptian ware bureed. "They're evac- One J,00O-acre fire was reported spreading northwest In the wasn't enough — it never Is." influence to have a Japanese ¥etr. Carbon Canyon area, and an 800-acre Mate was reported In San Some refused to call a halt Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil airline buy Lockheed planes uatlag the area all around the Others were happy to be vims to their pleasure. Tennis said in Cairo Monday that The trial has been going on for ^^t ^ ferret bile •live players could be seen finishing Egypt had "asked for mod-two years and there Is no in- I The fires began Monday morning, some Ignited by power "We were trapped on both their sets although the fire was ifications." dication when it will end baby girl to death lines downed by the powerful winds. Some 10,000 electric sides," said Jeannette Somma, within heating distance. The Egyptian-Israeli treaty Newspapers here stress the customers were without power during the day. There were no reports of LONDON (AP) - Two pet is to deal primarily with Is- potential for this country, the any fatalities, but firefighters ferrets escaped from a cage raeli withdrawal from con- world's third biggest economic tad rescue teams were kept and Ut a t-month old girl to quered areas of Egypt's Sinai power, In dealing with China, away from the site of the fire death la her crib early today 2 sewer workers saved in cave-in Peninsula and the estab- the world's most populous na- police reported. Police killed lishment of normal relations tion now on a crash drive by the Intense heat. MARYVILLE, Mo. (AP) swered five minutes later ing public safety director, said Troncin, M, In an in- between the two neighbors af- the ferrets, which belonged to - Bulled beneath wet clay, when police and other city said the workers had been terview several hours later. toward modernization. A spokesman for United the baby's father. Ferrets are a suffocating co-worker's workers, digging with readying the 5-toot-wide Gas said the gas had been weasel-tike animals with sharp hand on his leg, Gary Tron- "shovels, our hands ... any- ditch for a sewer line when turned off, but it would take at teeth. When tamed they can be cin thought, "This is It, I'm thing we could get hold of," the accident occurred. He toast three hours to clear up used for hunting rabbits or ready to say my prayers." spotted Troncin's hand and said Troncin's hand was un- thttkittion. kept as pets His prayers were an- grabbed it. Troncin. returned covered about a foot below II GIGANTIC 2 DAY SALE! the handclasp and they the ground; Miss Combs was worked to free him. found a few feet lower Vera Combs, 15, whohad Once he was saved, Tron- Weather: Sunny, cool been working with Troncin cin said, Ms concern was on a sewer line 10 feet below about Miss Combs. He said Yesterday's klgk lea- Manatquan to Cape henlopen minutes; Highlands bridge, ground level, suffocated she was "within a hand's •entire at Tke Register to 10 miles offshore, small add 40 minutes. when the sides of the ditch touching distance. Actually, her hand was touching my weather ttatiaa wu 71 degrees craft advisory continued. WMMINOtOH - Mlllml • fell on her. A third worker, aid tke lew 4*. It was 74 at I Winds, northerly 15 to JO knots Urvttt ra**r1 tt nmlatvm UM Paul Mitchell, 53. was buried leg." A few minutes later, •HMWII Mr IMMT mM M»W« ART SALE aja. aad Ike evenlgkl law this morning becoming north- to his waist and later hospi- workers uncovered her wu «. Today's I a.m. teav east and decreasing to 10 to N talized with a fractured Jaw. body. •entire was 41, wllk ike wfcW knots this afternoon, variable Sgt. Gary McMahon, act- "You get scared stiff," OF ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS cMOHicterauklagKtt. There winds 5 to 10 knots tonight and •tail southerly winds Increasing to NtVwa wu .«Inches ef predpHaUta Amotllla la Ike M heart ending at 11.«. 10 to N knots Wednesday. teday. There were two degree Weather, fair through Wednes- I EPA gets award days yesterday, IN ter tke day. Visibility, 5 miles or more HOME OF THE "RISING ARTIST" •Mtftk, ud M ler tke keallig through Wednesday. Average season* dale. wave heights, 1 to S feet today, decreasing to 1 to I feet to- 1 from Proxmire night. 8 M5 ,'«; WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. WUUam Proxmire gave Mostly tunny, breeiy and hit monthly "Golden Fleece Award" to the Environmental much cooler today, highs mid OMrMnWV \'tu Protection Agency today for financing a study showing that to upper 50s. Clear and cold TIDES i c'r cow-manure runoff on farms can pollute nearby streams tonight, lows in the mid to up- ssr* 0 cir and ponds. per Jti. Sunny and a UtUe Saady Heek ,'* EPA spokesman Marltn Fltiwater said the study was milder Wednesday, highs TODAY - High 1:20 p.m. , C'JJ designed to find a way to prevent runoff, not prove its around 00. Precipitation proba- and low 1:11p.m. «» already obvious results. m bility near nro today, tonight TOMORROW - High 1:1$ c" The spokesman said the agency Is looking for a way to and Wtdutday. Winds north- a.m. and 1:13 p.m. and low •*» permit farmers to safely and economically store manure eriy IS to » mph. diminishing 0:J0i.m.andl0:lJp.m. «y over the winter, then spread It over fields in the spring IMt afternoon, variable 6 to 10 For Red Bank and Rumson * J|; when it would be absorbed with no runoff. mph tonight. Ocean water tem- bridge, add two hours; Sea • g ThestudydtedbyProxmlre,D-Wls.,wua*07,!14,two- peratures are: around 00 Bright, deduct 10 minutes; «r year effort by the University of Vermont. The EPA pro- lal Forecast, Long Branch, deduct It "3; vMtdt3g,174 aad the university the remaining £0,040. NOTHING Among other things, the study concluded that runoff it* tram manure stored on a sample farm was enough "to OVEI The Daily Register 1 'Si cause deterioration of water quality in small streams and cum spnnitfAHTrHit PAINTINGS INCLUDING SOFA SIZE tt also came up with two major recommendations: that The Sunday Register the mamire be covered by a permanment roof In the winter Representing over 500 professional artists from around the world or stored In a lagoon which would not permit runoff. •MtMUMta IPIiy JM H. CM* mSM.w» Cloy Tke more common practice of spreading manure in the soi site tall or winter It a major reason why runoff from farms if, causes more than half of water pollution In the nation, he IBM. "This is one occasion when the city slickers at UM EPA got taken by the 'Dow* Batten' from Vermont." Proxmire m »t« saJdlaattattroeM. "Not only was the manure in this study stacked nigh, but the deck was tucked even higher agalrst tkt Aaetfcan taxpayer" He aakt the money wu spent for a study to obtain a m Matt ktfermatJon already known ky dairy fanners from Ver- BO M» aMt to Wisconsin Tke Golden Fleece award It handed out monthly by Proxmu-e to government agencies which he believes most flagrantly watte federal tax dollars. The Daily Register Trafficante's testimony our Sept 7. ltN. eskOM su|- F-stabUshod in IK7K - Published hv The R.d Rank •fJACKANBEMON ' formants dOM to) Castro. An WM high drama be- Tfccse sources, nfver un- gefUag that O» m tgaimt kiwi mobster Santos Traf- WASHINGTON covered by Castro, kept Rose- Castro mar •¥» ARTHUR Z KAMIN ncante'i recent appearance lll fully Informed on how the boomeranged against KM- President and Editor before the House assassina- assassination pV°t had nedy DoyojhaveanjkJ tions committee He had beep SCENE boomeranged. Morgan said. ed^ofthat^StokeVi^ofthat^eVa , implicated in an incredible "No knowledge »h»| J Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor Police suspect Roselli may 1 murder plot which had been have .been murdered for talk- soever." «p^ Uwjnotastejr. ; aimed at Cuban Premier ridel ing too much about Urn biiarre "Do you have any informa- TUESOAV, OCTOBER 24. 1»78 Castro that allegedly had Mdy, Roselli suggested. He plot. Twelve days before his tion concerning any re- backfired against President said they belonged to the Trsf- death, he dined with Traf- taliatory action by lit. John r. Kennedy. flcantempb. ficaate at the fashionable ANDERSON Castro?" 'Preltv please?' We reported the first hall of The flamboyant Roaelli. out Landings restaurant in Fort "No. sir" the story, in all tu fascinating- of lifelong Mafia habit, wts Uuderdale. Fla II is the cus- drum to rise eerily from its "Do you have any knowl- ly sordid details, in January of guarded in relating the Dory to tom In the Mafia to wkw and salt-water grave. The drum, edge concerning how this in- 1171. We added the last half, us. He had-come to trust us dine a wayward member with its grisly contents, formation «m|d haye been gfy carefully hedging, in Septem- over the yean, and we had before he Is executed. washed up on the shore. en to this columnist. Mr. At- ber of 1176. It took until this dragged the story from him bit Underworld Mormants Earlier Roselli's as- derson'" the chairmaa month to get Trafficaate to by btt. But now we have told police that Roselli was sociates, knowing be had been pressed. respond on the witness stand. learned he confided the sane lured aboard a private boat by In touch with us. called us to ••No.slr.-sildTramcsntfv He denied playing any part in story, in far more explicit de- Us executioners. It is also the report his disappearance. "Old you and Mr. Roaelli the Kennedy assassination tail, to his attorney. Edward P. Mafia practice to gi»e murder They (eared foul play because ever discuss any retaliatory "No. sir." he said firmly. Morgan. contracts to friends whom the of his contacts with us. action by Castro?" The man who Implicated A former FBI official. victim trusts. "No. sir." . Two years later. Trr Urn. mobster John Roselll. Morgan went as far as at- According to the police, the •Can you tell us," tskfd flcante was summoned befr was not testify lomey-cltent privilege would it-year-old Roselll was Slokes. "when was the last the House assassinations co,. against him. The unfortunate permit and tipped off the FBI strangled and Ms legs were time you had Jeen Mr. Rosf Ut Roselll was executed, on March M. IM7 BecausV his sawed off so the body would fit mittee and granted Immunity prior to his death?" gangland-style, on July M. client Is dead. Morgan has now In a metal dram. The to assure his teetimony. He "1 would say twq. thrife 1171 confirmed to us that Roselll murderers cut holts in thehunched down in the witness weeks before his death But before he died, he told was the confidential source drum w It would fin with wa- chair, a balding old man who "And where was that?" j., as that the Mafia killers, who who told him about the coun- ter and weighted it-down with did not appear to be the sin- "At Fort Uuderdale." sajd had attempted to rub outterplot against Kennedy. heavy chain , Then they ister Mafia chieftain whose Santos Trafficante. Castro for the Central In- Roselli was In a position lo heaved It int ' Miami's BIs- name is feared throughout the Footnote: At we have telligence Agency, had been know what he was talking cayns> Bar to jt Mafia-style underworld. stressed In previous ctiumsu. captured and tortured. Then about. As the hit man re-burial. House Select Committee on Fidel Castro has vigorously d> Castro, as the supreme irony, cruited by the CIA to kill But apparently the gases Assassinations Chairman nled any connection with $e turned the killers against Ren- Castro. Roselli developed in- from the bodv caused the Louis Stokes. D-Ohio. read him Kennedv assassination.

Hujmphrey-Hawkins' faults Jk f By JAMES J.KILPATRICK IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII He dreamed of planning earlier. A worse way to legis- For a splendid case history that would extend to the uses late could not be Imagined,^! of what ails us, legislatively CONSERVATIVE of energy, the location of that Is how the Senate passed* speaking, consider the Hum- plants and factories, the re- HumphreyHawktns bill v phrey-Hawkins bill In , the location of workers, and the The bill should have bean name of the best intentions, it VIEW allocation of mineral re- titled. "A BUI to ralat false offers the worst aspects of our sources and raw materials. He expectations." for thrtls what political process. When it final- IIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIHHMIIIHO could not see that Ms thinking, the sponsors surely have ac- ly passed, in the closing hours translated into mandated ac- complished. The bill (ites con- of the Mth Congress, the bill phrey and Representative Au- tion, would have led ultimately flicting numerical goals at 4 emerged as a kind of popover gustus Hawkins — were big to totalitarian controls over de- percent for unemployment and bin — crispy and crunchy on thinkers. sign, production, marketing. S percent for an anaiuri Infla- the outside, but nothing but hot Humphrey especially. God sales and nil the rest., All he KILPATRICK tion rate, these goals to be air within. rest him. had a marvelously could see was a Job for every reached by 19M or whenever t Virginia's Sen. Harry F. naive faith In the wisdom and person who wanted one.: president feels so IndinttVto Byrd summed up this iin-, the power of governmental de- WeU. the original bill never vised by the Banking Commit- declare them, but the Mil pro- fortunate enactment In a sin- cisions. Nothing In his long and embodied quite the sweeping tee In June, finally reported In vides no means whatever, for ews cNc*«© tun Tiny> gle sentence. Humphrey- lively career ever deflected powers that Humphrey used to August. With every variation. reaching these goals. i t°h Hawkins, he said, "is either him from the conviction that discuss with Capitol Hill re-the hot air expanded and the What Humphrey-Hawktu fraudulent or it is Infla- any problem could be solved If porters, but It was a Jaw- substantive provisions col- provides. In the language! M tionary." Sen. John Tower of only enough tax money were dropper nonetheless. And lapsed. the Senate report, is "amtotu- Texas was even more critical. thrown at it. The recurring somehow it became a symbol. On the Friday morning nlsm tor discussing on aa an- Parking lot for Hazlet In his view the bill reflects the failures of liberalism could be The Black Caucus seized upon before Congress adjourned on nual basis economic pttdlts same "ill-conceived, outdated, easily explained: The failed the Idea. Labor unions rushed Sunday night, yet one more and programs." This It what Hazlet officials and riders of the near the terminal which are for sale. womout. tired, and stale think- programs were not liberal to its support. Everybody version of Humphrey-Hawkins an the uproar Is abost. This Is ing that has brought us to our enough! New York-Keansburg-Long Branch Mr. Anderson promised to .do what climbed aboard - the Sierra appeared on the Senate floor. what Mr. Carter proclaims as present economic malaise." "one of the highest WgblaOve buses have reason to be optimistic. A he could, and suggested that Hazlet The Minnesotan's original Club, the League of Women This was known as the "lead- The general idea behind the Voters, the American Jewish priorities of my adminis- larger parking lot at the bus line's apply for money from the Federal Aid concern was with Jobs. He felt ership substitute." It was a Humphrey-Hawkins bill, when the unemployment of the poor Congress. Americans for Dem- tration, a landmark full am- Route 36 terminal appears to be in the Urban System (FAUS). Mayor Gilbert "vastly different bill," Majori- it first was Introduced In Janu' as a wound. At the time, un- ocratic Action, and so on. plovment%bUl." Ai aasitd.P 1 ty Leader Robert Byrd'ad- offing. W. Bennett said township represent- ary of 1*75, was to involve the employment vfcs up around 8 The original bill of January HumptreyHawkins Us all the 1 vised his colleagues. Whatever The township inherited a major atives will meet tomorrow with the federal government deeply or I percent, and Humphrey 1(75 was scrapped In March of force of a resolution tsNrtlng they were, the vastly different problem when bus commuters learned county Planning Board to discuss the and pervasively not merely in was certain the rate could be 1171. It was born again in Janu- that rolling stones gather no economic planning, but in eco-1 amendments had never even moss. In the end It turned Into they could no longer park their cars in proposal because county approval is brought to 4 percent if only the ary of It77. rewritten and wa- nomic execution also. The' right authority were exerted tered down In February of been printed. They had been a political game, and It,wasn't a shopping center lot across the high- required by FAUS. sponsors - Sen. Hubert Hum- by federal power. 1»78. further diluted andlr*- •greed upoa only an hour worth the candle. way from the terminal. The lot's FAUS funds could cover 70 percent owner, Victor Scudiery, under- of the land purchase cost, Mr. An- standably objected to the large derson explained, with the municipal- number of commuters using property ity expected to pay the balance. He he provided essentially for shoppers at added, though, that, if it had the Death penalty vote urged his center. In a compromise, Mr. money available, the department Eatontown children had this great, grand Distillation was the most Scudiery offered to rent spaces to might pay the 30 percent balance. We To the Editor: and wonderful mother to all of economical way of consuming commuters so that they would partial- hope that turns out to be the case Should the death penalty be FROM OUR READERS her students and families as surplus corn. When distilled ly be paying for maintenance costs. inasmuch as Hazlet really shouldn't restored? our educater In our formative Into whiskey, it increased In The township, however, ruled that be saddled with the responsibility of In 1»J3. when I Uved In New years. It is' too bad that all of value and decreased in bulk. such use of the lot represented a new paying for a facility to serve citizens York City, with the death pen- you who want tbe school kept Jugs of corn liquor were feed alty In effect, there were 4)1 as currency. Every' fanner type of business and that a Zoning from a wide area, not just those from closed didn't have her to teach murders and 9.230 assaults and our leal to protect the few. the death is Involved. you. Then perhaps you would had a stul! When taxed, they Board of Adjustment variance would the township. . - robberies, according to thefigures seem to indicate that Dan we stop searching for have known that every Ameri- thought their rights were-vio- be needed before he could legally sell Acquiring the property and getting New York City annual crime with our failure to punish a way to again fed and be can citizen has a birth right lated tnd refused to pay ' permits for the spaces. the lot into operation will take a bit pf report. Those days, people crime effectively, we and our secure In our homes, occupa- and a constitutional right to When warrants were Issued slept, without fear, with win- legislators, governors, and the tions, and on the streets? tor the arrest of violators, fed- The township, in searching for a time, but Mr. Anderson said he will vote, and nobody has the right 1 dows and doors open and on courts have sent hundreds of Harold Llndemann to take that away. eral officials were harassed as solution, asked the state Department assist the township in trying to make extremely hot nights on the 11 earlier Colonists had don»4» of Transportation to purchase land for arrangements with Mr. Scudiery to grass In the parks. across the land to their deat ••h* School closing Thank..God for educaters collectors of the British tax, like Helen Sawyer Blair, Mr. a parking lot. At a meeting in Trenton lease part of his lot to serve as a Last year, without the at the hands of murderers, Sea Bright and rioting broke out. Mth Leroy Von Entress, and all the last week, Hazlet's plea received a temporary bus stop and parking area. death penalty In effect, and thus making us party to those To the Editor: President George Washington other fine and wonderful about the same population, murders. In response to Mr. Martin and Alexander Hamilton, Sec- sympathetic hearing from Richard Mayor Bennett is among those who teachers that have have taught there were 1.377 murders and With the demands of the Smith's letter of Sept. 27: retary of the Treasury, felt the Anderson, the department's director are delighted at the outcome of. last in the Sea Bright School. 116.480 assaults and robberies, public and legislators for resto- On behalf of the people, powers of the federal govern- of commuter services. week's meeting. We are, too, because and people remained off the ration of the death penalty whom you say were disap- God bless aU of you. Mrs. ment demonstrated. Township Committeeman John It represents progress. Mr. Anderson streets at night for fear of being ignored by governors pointed on the closing of the Blair, Mr. Vop, Miss Ramsey, U.ttO mlmiamen trojn Penn- sylvania, New Jersey, Mary- Pierce, who heads an ad hoc commit- deserves thanks for his understanding being robbed or murdered. and the courts, perhaps a spe- great Sea Bright School, I Mrs. Heliker and all the oth- A major reason the death cial binding public referen- ers. You have done one heck of land and Virginia wart tee appointed to solve bus commuter attitude, and those who presented would like to say weren't you penalty was abolished was to dum, nation or state. Is needed so-called Taxpayers Associa- a Job, and I personally say mobilized on Oct 14,1794. They problems, told Mr. Anderson there are Hazlet's case are to be congratulated avoid executing a few people to decide this grave issue. tion very lucky that thfse so- thank you. marched to,Ptltsburgh with or-, almost three and a half acres of land for doing a fine job. who might be innocent. But. in Grave is the right word when called five members of the so- Mrs. Dorothy Covert Earley dtrs to put (town the rebelW called Board of Education On crossing the mountains, the would lisen to you. We feel that Insurrection collapsed. A few as far as the Taxpayers As- Rebellion were arrested but later par- sociation goes that you people doned. Many clUsens wero-ft- The welfare hot line quired to swear an oath' of al- are of the minority, as fir as Uttle Silver the taxpayers' feelings about To the Editor: legiance to federal law The Monmouth County Board of attorney, that only eight cases of sus- the closing of the school: The Whiskey Rebellion was The tax rtvehue Involved Social Services (the Welfare Board) pected fraud were reported over the Would you same taxpayers an insurrection of Western was not particularly imp- has a special telephone which citizens telephone. Of those, five proved to be have taken that same stance if Pennsylvania farmers in 17M. lant, but the. principle of (he are asked to use to report suspected It were in behalf of the It resulted from a federal law government's power to collect without foundation, and three are still of 17*1, which taxed distilled taxes was vital. The Whiakty cases of welfare fraud. Its number is We feel that our tax under investigation. liquor, passed shortly after Rebellion was Important >*e- - advertised in county newspapers at a ~ ttjtjl so you people It looks as though the "hot line" CMM Int yotsr Illegal sun- adoption of the U.S. Constitu- came It demonstrated for.the cost of $49 a week. tion. Then was Uttle home first lime the power of the gov- isn't so hot after all. From what Mr. tteta. and we could be told U, Freeholder Ray Kramer says re- (M Off Ov Property. None of market for the farmer's grain ernment and the preragaUves Kramer says, it appears to be a waste nfi IUBW down yow rei- and it was too costly to haul of the president* sults so far in the four-month life of long distances the "hot line" indicate that it is cost- of moneys W« think the board should emtXMs far seawall repair, R.R. TourtWttt follow his suggestion to scrap the line. IBM why tataM NT vote be ing the county $100 per phone call. He MM a*ijr frtM as when II reached tbat conclusion after hearing There must be a better way to detect CMMMttttSCM? welfare fraud. Today in history from Raymond B. DeRidder. board Our gnat school Is In very I akapt.Hs the Taxpayers •» Tfce AsMttated Press In 1161, and tbe board of On this date In IMS, the dldats Dwlght £ edaealioa who are IIHHIOI United Nations Charter went said he would go to Korea to William I. Klatskv repair. Namely a bralh over- Into fore* as tat Soviet Union end the Korean War if elected. hauling, and getting rM of the became the nth nation to rati- It 1M4, Northern RhodtiUt fy*. became tat Independent re- The death on Oct. 18 of William I. he earned widespread respect lor his five members of so'called In 1M), James I was pro- pubHooJ Zambia fairness and competence. board of education. Klatsky of Red Bank has removed The most disgusting thing I claimed King of England, In am, a fire swept a social from the scene a kindly and com- Mr. Klatsky gave freely of himself ever witnessed In my life was Scotland, France and Ireland. club In the Brortx sMttoB of passionate gentleman who served his for a host of civic, patriotic and re- on the night or Aug. ll. when In IMS. the Peace of West- New York, »«d » young peo- fellow man with distinction. A lawyer ligious endeavors. He was a most de- the Board of Education mem- phtha •flded the Thl. ple ptrithed. Tttj ye, in nis home town for 40 years, he cent person ana we know there are bers didn't even have toe de- cency to acknowledge tne one to 1715, Poland was parti- Lyndon served as Red Bank Municipal Court many thousands who join us in offer- and only Helen Stwyi- tioned by Prussia, Austria tad Lynda I ing condolences to bis wife and family. 'I talk In Ihrin r»ni>lanllv.' Judge for IS years, a period in which Thank God, myself lad my lo a pirl SHREWSBURY. N.J TUESQAY. OCTOBER 24.1978 1 J ( !—W?1 • •• 1, . 3 " — es focus on Middletown's growth »y MAM. MAGYAR Mr. McOrath noted that. If But Mr. Kelly argued that been "precjpitou*" If the Dem- "It would have hew a my way neks a variance Friday. But Mayor Eckert mate AH four candidate* slid u»»CR rrwh«iwM be and Mr. Roatomtado art "a* matter who you appoint, ocrat* were not In control. simple thing for th* Demo- Mr. McGratb and Mr. tawed that the toning board they would work to bring • chad In the MldOttowa tttetad, they will have the op- you cannot deny an Individ Mayor Eckert pointed out crats' to amend th* Mattel Rossomoado staunchly op- "should treat each case oa M* "light, dean Industry' to Mid- •eta* , 1 rtad a attry about portanlty "to chang* th* face •alt right to develop his that the municipal tax rat* In- Plan to bring th* number it posed the granting of non-con- Individual merit*," and both he th* fc», whan ptopU kept of th* Planting Board and the prlvat* property." created "only four cent* — multi-family housing anits forming use variances In a res- and Mr. Kelly pronounced 1 Both Mr McGrath and Mr. down to th* 1,1*0 to i,«M re- idential tone, and Mr. Kelly themselves pleased with the tan k maatum* b«c4UM Zoning Board of Adjustment, Mr. Kelly admitted that from M cent* per $1N aueued Rooomoodo favor the county quired by our toning laws said he did not favor any son- voting record of the Democrat- thtrtM*aerttmforth«mto which art responsible In large Mlddtetown'i population has valuation to M cent* per $100 taking over ISO acre* la th* Ing changes "except In the controlled toning and planning grow aaywhtr* *h». I tot part for tb* outrageous build- Jumped, (he MM M percent In - during the three yean ilnce "Bat they haven't done so, Pew* Creek area for la- most extraordinary circum- boards over the last three waat that to happen la Mid- ing program tb* DtmocraU the tut low yean), but said Mr. Kelly and I were elected," became they're for more corporation Into the Monmouth dtaujwat" attertidJoeeph E' that th* growth could have detptte "sizeable Increase*" la nuustve development la Mid- County Park System, hut McOrath. Republican can- the police, flnt aid, Ore, and dletown," he said. "If Mr. Mayor Eckert and Mr. Kelly didate far Mtddletown Town- public work* department McGrath aad I are elected, expressed reservations over ahip Committee. budget* to cope with the larger we'll reduce the number of the plan Wtti «,* mktant*. Hid- population. mum-family units to the 1,800 dhton U by fir the Itrgeit Mayor Eckert and Mr. Kel- to 2,00$ required by law." Mayor Eckert and Mr. Kel- municipality In Monmouth ly contended that Mid- Mr. Rotsomondo, vice pres- ly question both the cost of the CoaaW. and bow much larger dtotown'i future development ident of the River Plata- plan, and the morality of forc- It abdUd grow was tbt main should follow the guideline* set Nutswamp Zoning Committee, ing N families to leave their boat e( contention ta a down In toe 1174 Matter Plan, attacked the Democrat-con- homes to create the park. dogfliht ol a (Mat* between trolled Planning Board for ap- whose It-year scheme Include* Mr. McGrath recom- tat Democratic and Re proving 900 housing units on the construction of between mended the formation of a poNfcan Townthlp Commute* Nutswamp Road from Lin- 7,000 and 8,000 multi-family "Blue Ribbon Commission" to tUtel latt night. croft-Middletown Road to Hub- antt* study different forms of gov- bard Avenue "over the objec- Tat DtmocraU hive a 4-1 The Republican nominee!, ernment for a possible change tions ot the people " majority on the Townihlp on the other hand, strongly of government referendum. Commute*, bat the Re- urged revision of the 1174 Mil- And several members of publican* «an regain control U ter Plan to limit multi-family the audience asked the four "Mtddletown has outgrown Mr. McCrith and bit running bousing. candidates for their views on the Township Committee form mat*, Jean Rotsomondo, can "Superior Court Judge the granting of non-conform- of government," Mr. McGrsth defeat Democratic Incumbent* Merrltt Lane Jr. ha* already ing use variances In a residen- said "It's time we had direct Robert J. Eckert and Richard said that our present toning tial awe - which will be the election of mayors, rather than V. Kelly at the poll* neit laws meet all legal require- Issue when the Ivy House selection by the Township moms; Nursing Home on Kings High- Committee." Jeaeaa E. McGraU ments," Mr. Rotsomondo uld. Robert J. Eckert Richard V. Kely Zager says Zar all wet on fire department expenses

By JULIE MCDONNELL and dinners for the Fire De- serve his fellow men and wom- from $12,000 to $17,175, Mr. Department could be reduced a paid fire department," he complained of by Mr. Zar mi- that are made by any person RED BANK - Abraham partment and other borough en ot the community, the com- Zager said In numbers from the figures said. croscopic." Mr.. Zager added. who Is running for office and Zager, a local attorney and agencies during the past two munity of which be seeks Its "Even If the Red Bank Fire quoted above, you can well Im- The hundreds of thousands "I want to be certain that who does not understand or lawyer for the Red Bank Vol- yean; expenditure* he termed highest office!" the attorney agine what the tax burden of dollars that would be re- the voten of Red Bank take appreciate what is Involved In unteer Fir* Department, has "wasteful and extravagant." continued. 'The Volunteer would be to the citizens. If the quired for salaries "would Into consideration the facts, local municipal government," accused Paul Car, Independent In a statement released Fire Department of Red Bank borough were required to hsve render the appropriations not ill-considered comments he concluded. candidate for Mayor, of mak- yesterday, Mr. Zager noted does those things 24 hours a ing an "Ill-considered" attack that there are more than 125 day, 365 days a year, each and reputing money spent for volunteer firemen In the every year without one cent of Fire Department functions borough, along with volunteers remuneration." during the past few years. for the first aid squad. Although the borough pro- Pope John Paul II hopes Mr. Zager, a former mem- "Perhaps Mr. Zar never vides a life Insurance policy ber of the Independent Engine woke up In the middle of the for each fireman, "the mem- Company hare, and volunteer night, dressed In a hurry, and bers of the Fire Department attorney for 'the department ran to a fire. It might be that are hi essence still uncom- smcetlM?, said he questions he never had to leave his busl- pensated;" Mr. Zager added. to return to homeland "whether an Individual who am or social occasion or He pointed out that, in Long VATICAN CITY (AP) - St. Stanlslaw, because St. and laymen. The lunch took Jump* to conclusions with re- Jablonski discussed. But Vat- cancel plans with his fsmUy Branch, where the firemen are Pope John Paul II says he Stanislaw Is the architect of place In a Vatican hotel run by spect to a long-time Institution ican observers took the pope's and friends In order to respond volunteer, the city has paid hopes he can travel to his nuns near St. Peter's Basilica tach a* the fire department address to the large Polish au- moral order in Poland ... There to a fire alarm," Mr. Zager driven who** salaries range native Poland next year — a should at the Chief Executive dience as an indication that is hope that I will be able to Many Polish-Americans at- said. from $11,(90 to $15,018 annual- desire bound to gauge rela- ofRedBaak" they talked about the possi- go" tended the audience. It started "Perhaps Mr. Zar never ly. A captain or supervisor tions between the Communist bility of the first papal visit Latt week, Mr. Zar pro- The Polish Roman Catholic with an address by the 77-year- went borne from a tire ex- there tarns $18,132 annually, government and the Catholic ever to a communist country. duced voucher* showing that he said. Church plans massive celebra- old Wyszynski who knelt hausted both physically and Church which commands the John Paul left no doubt that th* Iowa ha* spent more than Asbury fait ha* 40 paid tions tor the anniversary next before the pope saying: mentally, or perhaps be was loyalty of the vast majority of he longs to make a trip back $10,001 on parties, conventions, never Injured while acting to flremtn, whose salaries range Abraham lager May of toe slaying of its patron "Before the election you were the Polish people. home. saint by 11th-century King a colleague; after the election John Paul II voiced his "It Is not easy to leave be- Boleslaus. we kneel In front of you be- hope Monday afternoon In an hind one's own mountains so Polish authorities barred cause you are our pope." audience with 1,000 coun- much beloved, and Krakow, Pope Paul VI, who died In Au- But the pontiff fell on his trymen and another 1,000 vis- but this is the will of God and I gust, from visiting Poland in knees too and embraced the Vance, Carter to confer itors ot Polish descent who accept it... John Paul said. He 19M and 1(70. But state-church cardinal. Then he praised came here to see the first referred to southern Poland relations have Improved since, Wyszynskl's "untamed faith Polish pontiff In history. where he was born and grew and Polish Communist Party even In the face of Jail and About three hours earlier up, and to the city where he leader Edward Glerek met sacrifice." he had conferred with Henryk was archbishop and cardinal Paul VI at the Vatican last on strategy for Salt talks Jablonski. the Polish president tor 14 years John Paul sent greetings to year. who came to Rome at the head Then he added: "I will all Poles "regardless of their MOSCOW (AP) - Secre- level meeting might be held. la Washington," at the last However, Vance's spokes- tf Warsaw's official delegation quote the words of St. Paul: Before the afternoon au- Ideological convictions," and tary of State Cyrus R. Vane* Other Informed sources sug- meeting, and Vance re- man said, "The secretary felt /or the pope's installation Sun- 'When I will come to you, I will dience, John Paul had lunch said, "Love unites all and ov- net hone today to confer with gested the Impasse could be sponded, "I would agree with the talks to be cordial and day. visit you.' I want very much to with Cardinal Stefan ercomes every border. All President Carter oa the next broken through "a political de- him." friendly." There was no official word go to Poland next year for the Wyszynski, the Polish primate, Poles are the pope's relatives. moves In the search for an cision" by the sides, without The* Soviet news agency Heading Into Monday's on what the pope and 100th annersary ol the death of and some 50 Polish churchmen Don't cry but pray." arms tirtaty with the Soviets. another nuts-and-bolts nego- Tat* said both side* "stated round, the main issues to be tiating session. resolved were: On* official tald only "a the resolve to bend every ef- fort snd bring this Important -The kind of limitations to fistful" of Issues remain, but Vance cabled a detailed re- be imposed on the U.S. cruise Foreign Minister Andrei A. port to Carter at the close of matter to a conclusion so as to ensure the early signing of an missile Gromy|u> said, "Everybody Is the talks Monday night, and his -Details ot restricting the Medical board defends agreement." going,til circle*." spokesman, Hoddlng Carter, types and sizes ot new U.S. and Two days of Kremlin nego- told American reporters, "Any It i also reported that Soviet missiles during the span tiations Involving Vance, question about what happens Brezhnev had chMed Vance of the treaty - until 1885. Gromyko and. la the final next awaits the secretary's re- about "negative moments In —The timing for retiring round, President Leonid I. port to the president." Soviet-American relations of about 250 Soviet bombers and ^needless' breast surgery Brashatv, failed to resolve the In separate statements at recent times," missiles to reach the tentative WASHINGTON (AP) - A 502 that 48 mistaken were told they had cancer, but guidelines on mammography ttaanhltag blocks and wrap up the conclusion of the talks, The,two. countries have celling of 2,250 weapons. medical review panel says It Is diagnoses were found — the 37 did not have surgery. two vears ago amid fears that a new treaty to limit strategic both tide* said they had been been through a period of strain -Details ot the way the So- "useful and constructive." understandable that 37 women who had surgery and 11 who The government tightened the X-ray* Increased cance- as the United States criticized viets will agree to limit deploy- had needless surgery after U.S. officials would not say Gromyko conceded, "We Soviet treatment ot dissidents ment and refueling of their being mistakenly diagnosed as when or where another top- are a little closer than we were and Its policies In Africa. Backfire bomber. having cancer during a na- tional screening project. "In almost all instances, based on information ... avail- able to the surgeon at the time, treatment was consistent with group proposes acceptable surgical practice," the panel said In a report re- leased Monday. The panel said the mistakes casino were due to difficulty in diagnosing the minimal breast supervisionen casinos. splitseveral ot eight stories or MIAMI BEACH, Fit. (AP) tor deciding which hotels could cancers that can be uncovered — Tbt pro-casino group Let's have casinos. Within the area "I didn't understand that at more, but there are other nn qulrements, too," he said. , by mammographies — breast Help Florida has proposed in question casinos would be all," said Bishop, who has been X-ray*. out ot (he country for several There had been discussion dividing casino regulatory alllowed In any hotel ot eight In most of the 37 mastec- days, when he was told of the ot limiting casinos to hotels of, powers between the Board of stories or more and a casino tomies, the panel said, I sec- Bujtattt Regulation and a new room of 25,080 square feet. proposal yesterday. 580 rooms or more, as In New Jersey, but the draft that was; ond pathologist's opinion had catbw control commission. The Miami Herald counted "If that is the situation, I been sought before operating. would propose to change It. released yesterday had no Let's Help Florida, the 31 hotels meeting the height Dr. Sidney M. Wolfe of Otherwise you would have room requirement. It con- hading advocate,of casino le- requirement in the proposed Ralph Nader's Health Re casinos on every block," tained a provision for a "min- gabaaUon In the Nov. 7 elec- casino tone from the south end search Group characterized Bishop saw. imum number of sleeping tion, made th* proposal in 178- of Miami Beach north to Holly- the panel's Justification as "a paga draft of that ite attorney, wood. Sam Vital*, a coordinator units," but there was a blank where the number would be nice way of trying to cover Tobias .Simon, tald would be The eight-story proposal for Let's. Help Florida, said themselves legally." He said tbt toughest casino law any- surprised Let's Help Florida nobody with the campaign ac- The draft bin proposes that license fees be baaed on the the problem In diagnosing min- chairman Jim Bishop, who had tualy knows bow many hotels imal canctrt Indicates Th* draft bill, releaaedye*- said ta television advertise- would qualify under the cost of amtUgtting ttceMe applicants pathologlsU need more train- terday, suggests new criteria ments that there'd be only sev- guidelines'. "There may be Ing In recognizing them. About 280,000 women began receiving X-ray examinations regularly at 17 centers around Charge stepfather killed boy, 9 tbt nation In late 1171 In a project tp—arid by the Na- jta - dfea. * >•> •* • *t_ * ^^afc^naBajB*k^astrf ftrfh ValaMaa* Yn^hjs— TWOMVMt»Tp"atinnpii wuM ap from the Tl H.D. Fleet Service Company by his mother, Judy, it 8 p.m. those m cat**. It wu from the Goodwill Methodist Church of Rumson. Ctart Jadg* Francl* X. River on Sunday afternoon. of Plat Beach. Tbt company Saturday SHREWSBURY. N J TueSTJAY. O;T06ER24.1978 Market, restaurant smoking hearing set TRENTON (AP) - Con liter. "They're far from perfect, section and smoking would be restricted areas after a, com- tors," said Clark Martin, lob- responded state Tax Director •But they're moving aaud regulations to ban Couadl Chaurwoman Jane but they beat holding your banned completely In major plaint Is made Illegal smokers byist for the New Jersey Res- Sidney Glaaer, who laM there wMhout knowing the cosU by | In supermarkets and Robinson said the rules could breath In public places," said supermarkets. face the same penalty taurants Association. was 1171.1 million la revenue forcing reJUmranU to b«ya»w t ao-smoklng tablet In be In effect by February Op- Reglna Carlson, president ol Gambling casinos would be The cost of installing ven- Goldlarb said tlje tobacco irom the state cigarette tax ventilation systems," Martin major muuranti face a pub- ponents and supporters ex- Group Against Smoking Pollu- exempt from the smoking re- tilation equipment for smoking distributors estimate the regu- last year. "We have no way of •at lic bearini Dec 11 pressed views after the council tion. strictions along with other areas was not determined. A lations would cause an aver- telling." GASP wiUcoatiaue to lobby The New Jeraey Public meeting The proposals would ban arenas of "ambulatory recrea- report is being prepared by the age decrease In smoking of Martin said restaurant for a M percent aJocatiaa far Heakb Council approved a "They could be disastrous,' smoking in public buildings ex- tion" including bowling alleys, state Department of Energy. two cigarettes per hour. owners were appeased after a nw-smokers in auto raataa- draft form of the regulations said David Gold'arb. ex cept where a smoking section race tracks and dance halls. "If I didn't know better, I'd "It would cost the state $20 section was deleted that would ranU, Ms. Carbon saM with I M vote yesterday The ecutive director *f the Tobac- is set up Restaurants with Owners could be liable to say this Is a boondoggle per- million a year In taxes," Gold- have required large eateries to ruin wtll be published next co Distributors Association of more than 30 seats would be fines of up to $100 If they fail to petrated by heating and ven- farb claimed. set aside » percent of their Under the plan, the saw »f a month in the New Jersey Reg New Jersey required to nave a no smoking tell patrons not to smoke in tilation suppliers and contrac- "I don't know about that," seats for non-smokers. DMinokitt section woatd be set by the restauranteur. "We want a guarantee that a no-smoking section win be adequate for the demands of State workers to get 3-4&y holiday weekends non-smokers." she said. TRENTON (AP) - Slate given final legislative approval to return from his 11-day trip off when a sUte holiday falls "It will cost many more also gave final legislative ap- vocates say Byrne has in- The council voted to ask workers would get a three-day yesterday la the Senate by a Oct. a on Sunday. dollars when county and proval to a bill ntvislng the dicated his support for the former Superior Court Judge weekend if a state holiday M-J margin "The governor has'sald he The measure would affect school district employees ask timetable for school board measure. Sidney Goldmann to act again were on Saturday under pro Joseph Santangek), Byrne's would sign it If It were ap- an estimated 63,000 state em- for the same provisions," Du- elections and voter approval of as hearing examiner visions of a bill now awaiting chief spokesman, said the gov proved by the Legislature," ployees this Veteran's Day. mont said. "The governor school district .budgets. Under the bill, voters in "I feel the regulations are action by Gov. Brendan T. emor Intends to sign the bill in Santangelo said. Sen. Wayne Dumont, R- could do the same thing by The Senate approved the both regular and regional ready to go this time, but not Byrne. time for Veteran's Day this Under the bill, sute work- Warren, headed opposition to executive order. He's just at- measure 11-8. the minimum school districts would consider without obstacles," Mrs. B«b- The measure, sponsored by year, which falls on Saturday. ers would get Friday off when the measure, claiming i\ would tempting to get the Legislature needed for passage In the 40- school board candidates and insonsaid Assemblyman Francis Nov. 11. a state holiday falls on Satur- cost state taxpayers (200,000, lo to share the blame." member chamber, and sent it district budgets on the same MckUatmon. D Mercer, was Byrne Is in Israel but plans day. They already get Monday 1230,000 if approved In other action, the Senate to the governor. The bill's ad- day — the first Tuesday in In a ruling last May, state April. Attorney General John | • Degnan ordered a set of smok- Currently, regular and re- ing restrictions shelved by the gional school districts hold council because to« many their elections on different changes were made after they Jury may decide Dr. Xfate today Tuesdays In early February. were published In the Register HACKENSACK(AP)-Stx Jascalevlch, SI, remains p.m., the jury already had two If convicted on the regain- consecutive life terms. and the Times ttoo turn over Its men and six women, with 4$ free on |1M,000 baU, but the questions, including a request ing counts, Jascalevlch fa|ces,a At the request of the de- fOefO s on thh e Case,[but he re- minutes of deliberations be- New York Times reporter for the transcript of testimony sentence of three fense. Arnold ordered Farber fused. hind them, were to return to whose Investigation eventually by a key defense witness the Bergen County Courthouse led to the surgeon's Indictment The witness, toxkqgoglst here today to decide If Dr. was in the Bergen County Jail Dr. Frederic Reiders, teazled Mario E. Jascalevlch Is guilty for refusing to surrender his it would be impossible to. find, as charged In the celebrated files on the case curare In enbalmed bodies' that Dr. X curare murder case. Reporter Myron A. Farber had been burled for a decade. The Jurors - and one alter- was found In civil and criminal Jascalevlch was charged In nate - spent the night at a contempt July 24. He has spent a May 1976 Indictment with Hasbrouck Heights hotel, 27 days In Jail hi August and poisoning five patients at Rlv- Isolated from radio, television returned Oct. 12 after all stays erdell Hospital In Oradell, and newspaper accounts of the expired. N.J.. with the muscle relaxant, murder trial. They will be se- Deliberations In ,the curare. Two of the charges questered until they reach a Jascalevlch trial began late were dismissed because of a verdict. yesterday afternoon, but, by 5 lack of evidence. $5P.°^ssx&^ i Agreement may be near HOCU9!!SS!SK«=' Knff2J d in Camden sehool strike BATHROOMS CAMDEN (AP) - The Camden Board volved in bargaining since a earlier settle- of Education and three of five groups rep- ment he proposed was rejected by the resented by the striking Camden Educa- teachers on Friday. tion Association reached tentative agree- Lola Moore, president of the secretar- ment yesterday following secret nego- ies group, Mildred MaCoy, president of the tiations in the mayor's office. aides group, and Charles Ingram, presi- Presidents of the groups for the secre- dent of the attendance officers, signed the taries, Instructional aides and attendance tentative pacts. officers signed a tentative agreement that The three were among the 17-member called for an Immediate, one-time $100 negotiating team which was Jailed last GENERAL CONSTRUCTION • ATTIC AOOMS bonus for each member of the three groups Thursday for refusing to honor a court and scaled Increases for each group. Injunction to end the strike. DORMERS • FINISHED BASEMENTS No agreement has been reached with They are now free and will meet with teachers or security guards In the strike their membership Tuesday morning to NO DOWN PAYMENT which began Oct. I. urge them to ratify the agreement, Er- No negotiations were scheduled yester- richettl said. day, and It had not been announced that Negotiations also are scheduled to re- MONMOUTH PHONE: 741-5060 Mayor Angelo J. Errtchettl was again in- sume Tuesday. CONSTRUCTION CO. Hwy. 35, Middletown The 5-minufe lough with the kids... H27 People you love are only seconds away by long distance. And it's so easy. Just dial it yourself during bargain calling times without, operator assistance and you can talk clear to Minneapolis for 5 minutes .. for only $ 1.27. Rate quoted is in effect weekdays and Sunday from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Even lower rates apply from 11 p m. to 8 a.m., alfday Saturday, and up to 5 p.m. Sunday within the United States. Phoning keeps you close.

New Jersey Bed m E ^^ I m Ir: • •

i Lifestyle Ins 'n 10 SHREWSBURY. N.J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24,1 »7B outs •yEIMAIOMBECK I subscribe to a lot of action, but aoae that I enjoy mere than a iri%n>»Wim called " W." "W" chronicles the beautiful people who eat food I call pronounce, have houses in places I can't find oa tin map, aad who are so rich they were born taa. One* a year they devote an Issue to what Is "in" aid what is "oat." That is just gonna make your day. "Oat" tins year are Jogging and rafting "In" are helicopter skiing hi the Bugaboos, sculling, and riding to thttooBdf. Private planea and corporate jets are "out" and the Concorde and balloons an definitely "In." Washington Is "out" and so are the Carters. But then so an beef, dinners for more than II. Sandy (the dog In the Broadway musical "Annie"), ultra-wed* and Princess Grace. (Lord, a week without news of Princess Grace could throw me Into withdrawal.)


Robert Bedford If "in" and so are the First National Bank of Boston, homemade soups, Walter Cronklte, cow- boy belts, Bora Bon and tap dancing for exercise. My husband was reading over the lists when he said, "Listen to this. Guess what's 'in' for men? Skinny neckties, white shuts, trouser cuffs, white boxer shorts and black cotton socks." "MUe your point." LUNCHEON EVENT — Completing plans for a luncheon and fashion show "The point Is they're putting a stamp of approval on my sponsored by the Rosary Altar Society of St. Lto the Great Roman Catholic entire closet." Church, Llncrofl, are, Marie Hunold, chairman, and Victoria Mo|eskl, vice "That's tricky when you consider nothing new has been chairman, both of Llncroft. The benefit will take place Saturday, Nov. 4 at added or subtracted from your closet tor the last M years. noon In Squires Pub, West Long Branch. Featured will be Renefte Leonard Do they say anything about, white dusters and goggles to Fashions, Colts r^eck. drive your car In?" "Don't be testy. If your wardrobe Is an 'outle,' I'll have to carry you through the season on my impeccable taste. Besides, If I've told you once, I've told you a dozen times, Career women's strategy ' hang onto your clothes long enough and they come back LINCROFT-"Working tor, will provide women with Information on the fee and Into style. Listen to this, you know that macho at the school Women Career Strategies" is knowledge of specific ways to registration procedure, Is who turns up his Jacket collars and pushes up his sleeves? the subject of a workshop for increase visibility, negotiate, available by contacting Com- Well, he's OUT! And so Is the weirdo with epaulettes on all women, to be conducted Satur- interpret company politics, munity Services at the college. his tight shirts! By the way, you don't suppose all this Is a day from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. deal with competition and get • put-on, do you?" at Brookdale Community Col- credit for ideas. Ms. Davis be- AUXILIARY MEETING I grabbed the paper out ol his hands. "Bite your lege. lieves that from childhood, UNION BEACH-Unten ALL DRESSED UP; SOMEPLACE TO GO - Cora Nelsen, 14, Locust, tongue! I mean when a publication prints that raw fish is The workshop, under the girls learn not to compete, to Beach First Aid Auxiliary will dresses as on Arabian princess and disguises her thoroughbred High 'out' and pasta Is 'In,' you wanta argue with them?" direction ofMarcta A. Davis, a be reticent, and to fade into the meet Nov. I at 1:30 p.m. In tie Narullahfas an Arabian steed, to publicize the Chapel HIM Trallblazers 4-H background squad building, 311 Park Av Halloween Gymkhana, a benefit for the New Jersey Chapter of the Arthritis career motivational instruc- Foundation, to take place Sunday starting at 10 a.m. at the Adam Old Farm, 170 Kings Highway E., AAlddletown. Entries for the Gymkhana (games on horseback) are being accepted by Trallblazers leader Jeannle Vuyosevlch, Atlantic Highlands, or Lisa Freeman, |unlor leader, Marlboro. Teens face sex unprepared Dear Aaa Leaders: WIU aU I life? Know the danger signals the talk aboil belag free aid and what to do. Read the epea iboil sex these days, booklet, "Alcoholism - Hope Halloween games ysa'd Ihlak kids would be pret- ANN LANDERS and Help," by Ann Landers. ty darted smart •• the sab- I Enclose SO cents In coin with Ject, bat the tmta Is (key are your request sod a long, NOT lafenaed. la fact, they cians, very good, but It must Landers tell us what we need stamped, self-addressed en- are pretty darned dumb waea be obtained from a doctor and to know." I'd appreciate it velope to Ann I Landers, P.O. will be on horses II Mines lo things they sagkl U taken according to his instruc- very much - and so will he — Box 11W5, Chicago, Illinois kaew fer their ewa gee*. tions because every woman is or she. •0611. * . MIDDLETOWN-The Chapel Hill A highlight of the day is the Costume Fer lastaaee, kere I am, aa different. Menstrual periods Is alcoholism ruining your Trailblazers 4-H group will sponsor a Hallow- Class, for which horses and riders alike do" M-yearvId girl, asklag AIP vary (some last four days — een Gymkhana (games on horseback) Sun- costumes. Three trophies will be awarded In Laaders fer advlee ea Mrth others five, six or seven). Also, day, starting at 10 a.m. at the Adam Old the Costume Class, for prettiest, funniest and ecalrel. I've heard s* many some periods' come every HALLOWEEN Farm, 170 Kings Highway E. Entire proceeds most original. different stories, I east keep three weeks, others every will go to the New Jersey Chapter ot the Other events, with four ribbons awarded In then straight. I dea'l kaew four, etc. Only a physician, af- Arthritis Foundation. each class, Include Ride a Buck, Barrel Rac- whs to trust aad I'm sare ether ter consulting with you about COSTUMES Riding entries are being accepted by Jean- ing, Pole Bending, Pairs, Musical Bags, Egg teea-agers mast aaveiae same YOUR periods, can tell you nle Vuyosevlch, Atlantic Hlghandi, and Spoon, Rumbleseat Egg and Spoon, and pnMem. I ceahu'l believe an what days to lay off the Pill. Trallblazers leader, and Lisa Freeman, Apple Dunking. the glrta that had babies at my They are NOT to be taken con- For Sale Marlboro, junior leader. There is no fee for There will be a Grand Champion and Re- high sckeel this year -nlM tinuously. Also, If there is a viewers of the event. serve Champion for the day. the eaes wke tad history of cancer In your fami- ly, the Pill is definitely NOT 2 Hrs. Weekly Special Group Caa yeU tell as wklch are for you. awnks $ $ really the safest aad meat re- Foams dnd douches are liable methods? It's Imperial! 2°° to 8°° Indian schools a topic risky. The same for the •Small Classes'" that we kaew V what we are "rhythm method"' (Vatican •More than double your deiag Is right. roulette). The withdrawal Leah Mauer School of Dance I have aet sees this prob- technique Is also very dicey reading spaed. at state DAR meeting lem la year cenmi slaee I've and often frustrating. •Increase comprehension I 37 E. Front St., Red Bank FREEHOLD-Represent- American Revolution will a.m. In Sheraton Gardens. beea reading It - which gees •Learn new study skills atlves of 73 New Jersey Chap- gather for the annual fall Mrs Herbert F. Miller, Toms back at least alae years. II Is The surest way to keep 747-9552 ters of the Daughters of the meeting Oct. 31, starting at 10 River, Is chairman. you daly to prlat this letter. from getting pregnant la Classes start The morning session will Please dea'l fall us. - We double protection - bis and feature a slide-illustrated talk Need To Know hers. The diaphragm for the 1st week in Nov. We are the people who AN INVITATION TO by Mrs. Harold Ryder, River Dear Need: The Pill is best woman and the condom (rub- MONMOUTH1 Plata, state chairman of — provided you hold It be-ber) for the man. Diaphragms PREPARATION CENTERS, MC I VISIT THE American Indians, on two tween your knees at all times. must be fitted by a doctor, P.0.NH97 HelaM.IU.077331 put it all together at DAR-supported Indian schools I realize this is a very something of a drawback, but TRINITY BOOK STORE she visited last spring: Bacone moldy Joke, but the point of the worth the trouble. The condom 171-Mtl 73U4S0 College In Muskogee, Okla. gag has a great deal of validity alone Is quite safe, but they do and St. Mary's Episcopal because the only IN percent break (and come off) and no- School for Indian Girls In positive way to protect your- body knows when such DANCING Springfield, S. D. Mrs Ryder self against getting pregnant Is calamities might occur. will tell of the work Ming done not to have sex. MHtatL BALLET • ETHNIC by the state and national DAR MODERN JAZZ* TAP Although.this Is true, It Is FJve yean ago, a column GYMNASTICS Societies to provide educa- also unrealistic because people such,as this one would have FUN)* EXERCISES tional aid and financial as- ARE going to have sex, nobeen killed. As It Is, I'm sure [very Christmas cord in stock sistance to Indian students In NJ.'s #1 Haircutting Salon Sptdal Mtoctfon ot RallgkHw Jmralrj Including AMwy't F«nou> matter what. It's the second some papers around the coun- Nail Jeweky and ••tad group ot storting silver 1 prater crosses these schools strongest Instinctual drive In try iftm't print It: If yours tnwtali. An original skit by; Mrs. every normal human being. does,'please drop a line to the John Engle ot Merchantville, Open Mon.-Sat. 9:30-5:30 Frl. No method of birth control editor, (no name necessary, til 9:00 p.m. Closed Sunday past southern district director, Just "Editor") and say, Is also scheuled for the morn- is best for everybody. The Pill ill Maw Aw. 4tS-0SM I. «.0,,k»,, Ins session is considered, by most physi- "Thanks for letting Ann

FREE LECTURE WEIGHT CONTROL HEADQUARTERS It c*r guest for on iatrodwtiea lo ADULT COSTUME KITS and ACCESSORIES • WIGS • MAKEUP • MASKS Complete line of Decorations and Paperware Find out how to •». «el»W comfortably, llv and permanently without diet, food RENT ALL YOU* PARTY Ml CHERYL STORY supplemenLor medlcatlonl • TaMee, Chain, Linen*, CMf for all at the Mall In Red Bank, high school Broad and Monmouth, lower level. Refiner Note! Tueeday, October 24,4 P.M. students PARTY UNE RENTALS ftff. $11 haircut t Mew-dry now Ughwoy 35 (*» «) toowtowr NX DOROTHY TOLAND *mt •ouUt otEMonkm Click 842-3443 MII.Br U23Q8 iwii 21 Broad St. Rad Bank 7477770 SHREWSBURY. N.J. TUESDAY. OCTOBCIt 24.1978 The My 1t Weddings - GlefcWhalen 1 The Kellys mark NEW MONMOUTH-The marriage of MlM naptlal Matt celebrated in St Mary * Roman Laurette Whalea and Gary Wayne Catholic Church by Map Robert T. Butman Kane-Kokinda Otatta wu anttmahed here Sept. It daring a HOUIDKL^ at BeatActRooiu Catho- The bride u the daughter of Mr. and Mn. 65th anniversary j lic Cbwch lest M, Win | CM M. Koktnda. Joseph J. Wbalen, 7 Ladwood Drive, Holmdel da*«lMerofMr. andMn. Jc*aJame*Koktoda Mr. Gleilz I* the aoa of Mn. Robert roly, Tom* Sr., T Mjawon" Drive, b* n» the bride of River, and the late Paul Gletti. Wlttim B. KIM ten, MI «f Mr. tad Mrs. WlihamH Keneo/Montpeli r.VL Maureen Whalen waa her sister's maid of T*» Rev. Antbeay Can ntlt celebrated honor. Mary Vlerbuchen and Am; Woodruff the Mptlal Mm. Then « n i reception la «ere the bridesmaid*. Flahennan's Wharf, Rumson Paul Gletti, the bridegroom'* brother, wa* Cynthia Koklnda. Ik* bride's (later, wu best man. Ushers were Joseph Whalen, brother maid of honor of the bride, and Edward Woodruff. PaultOaewuHibretherikeftmaa Mn. Gletti wa* graduated from Mater Del Mr. tad Mn. Kuc ere ahunnl of St. John High School here, and Mountainside Hospital Vtanney High School here. She wit graduated School of Nursing, Montdair She ia a regis- from Bloomburg (Pa.) SUte CoUege, and he tered nurse at Jersey Shore Medical Center, received t BA degree In accounting from St. Francis CoUege, LoretU. Pa. He 1* a financial Neptune. Mr. Gleilz was graduated from Mid- analyst lor Singer Corp., Little ralla. dletwon Township High School and is a cable splicer for New Jersey Bell Telphone Co. After « wedding trip to Bermuda, Mr. aid Mr*. Kane will make their home In Madison After a wedding trip to Florida, Mr. and Ml. AND MM. WILLIAM KANE Tewnshlp. MB. AND MBS. GARY GLEITZ Mn. GlelUreside In Leonardo. Fitzpatrick-Smith Tarnowski-Long MR. AND MRS. ANDREW KELLY KEYPORT-In St. Joseph's Roman Catho- MATAWAN - Mil* Linda Dee Long, Mr*. Anthony Tarnowtkl, Nolan Road, ttc Church here Oct. 7, Mlsi Elizabeth A. Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mn. William Long, 61 Morganville. BELFORD - Mr. and Mn. Andrew Kelly, 4M Main St., daughter of Mr. and Mn. Bernard A. Smith, 27 Maple Drive, Colts Neck, was married Oct. 7 In The Rev. Joseph Rucinski celebrated the celebrated their Kth wedding anniversary. They were married Dartmouth Drive, became the bride or Robert St Clement's Roman Catholic Church, to nuptial Mass. There was a reception In Oct. It, IK'In St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church. New L. Fttipatrlck, son of Mr. and Mn. Frank Leonard Richard Tarnowskl. son of Mr. and Diamond Jim's, Cheesequake. Monmouth. Mr. KeUy, born to New Monmouth, worked as FUtpatrick, N Tallen Drive, both families of Carol Long was her sister's maid of honor. rigger foreman at Fort Monmouth, until his retirement. They HaHet. April Kidd and Audrey Petrowsky also at- have two children: James KeUy of Arlington, Va, and Raymond Mn. Michael Barnard was matron of honor tended the bride. Kelly of Belford The grandchildren are Mn. Rei Ludwick, for her sitter. Mark Lemongello was best man. Paul Oslansky was best man and the ushers Troy. Mich.; Michael KeUy, New Monmouth and Timothy KeUy, Mr. and Mn. Flupatrick are alumni of were Warren Kidd and Joe Zenj. Middletown. There are seven great-grandchildren. A famUy Rarltan High School, Hailet. She was gradu- Mn. Tarhowskl was graduated from party was held In the home of Mr. and Mn. Raymond KeUy, ated also from The Berkeley School and 1» Marlboro High School and Nancy Taylor Busi- Belford employed by Prudential Property and Casualty ness Institute and is head secretary In the Insurance Co, Holmdel. Investigating General's Office, Fort Mon- mouth. Mr. Fltipatrick attend* Brookdale Coir- Mr. Tarnowski is a Marlboro High School munlty College. Ltncroft, and is self -employed alumnus and completed Adult Apprentice MEETING MEMOS Mr. aid Mr*. Fttipatrlck reside In Training with International Brotherhood of Keansburg, after a wedding trip to California Electrlal Workers Local J58. of which he is now and Las Vegas, Nev. a union member. He is a federal firefighter CANDIDATES NIGHT Clarence Turner, professor attached to the Veterans Administration De- TINTON FALLS-The emeritus In the Department of pot, Somerville. Woman's Club of Tinton Falls Romance Languages at After a wedding trip to Pennsylvania, Mr. wUI sponsor Candidates Night Rutgers University, where he Leanza-Garside and Mrs. Tarnowski reside in Jackson Town- Monday at 8 p.m. In Luther taught French literature for W MR. AND MIS. LEONARD TAINOWSKI RUMSON - Miss Susan Rose Garstde, here, wu married Aug. U In Holy Crosi Ro- ship. Memorial Church. Tinton Ave- years, speak on "Talleyrand daughter of Mr. and Mn. Raymond D. Garside man Catholic Church, to Joseph John Leanza, nue. Residents are invited to and the Aristocratic Ide- Jr., of Napervtlle. 111., formerly of Circle Drive Ttaton Falls, son of Mr, and. Mn. Carl Leania attend. al.'The lecture wUI be In ofAvenel. Szynskie-Wolfe CHANGE OF PLACE French. The public is invited The Rev. Kevin Casey celebrated the nup- NEW MONMOUTH-In St. Mary's Roman Lynn WoUe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. HAZLET-Annabelle Don- and may contact Berkeley tial Mass. There was a reception in Fish- Cathooc Cherch here Oct. 7, Miss Gretcben Wolfe, a Pedee Place, Middletown, became namarie, area manager for Cater, Fair Haven, or E. J. erman's Wharf here. the bride of Steven Michael Szynskle, son of Weight Watchers, announces Van Der Leur, Red Bank. Mrs. Rose Hughes, the bridegroom's lister, Mr. and Mn. Gene Siynskie, Denver, Colo. that the group Is meeting now HALLOWEEN FAIR wu matron of honor. Mrs. Susan Adams and Msgr Robert T. Bulman officiated. on Tuesdays at 7:SO. p.m. in HAZLET-A Halloween Mrs. Roxanne Esalan also attended the bride. Attending the bride were Cindy Williams, Marantha Baptist Church, Fair sponsored by Sycamore Louis Semon was test man and the ushers maid of honor, Judy and Linda Condina, Pat Keyport Holmdel Road. Drive School PTA will take were Walter Garside, fee bride's brother, and Harden, Suiy Siynskie and Karen Siynskie. FRENCH ALLIANCE place Saturday from II a.m. to Randy Larate. Best man was Joseph Emashowskl. Ushers SHREWSBURY-French S p.m. In the school. A haunted were Paul, John, Patrick, Donald and Robert Alliance of Monmouth County house wltt he featured and a Mn. Leania wu graduated from Rumsoo- Siynskie. wUI meet Nov. 1 at I p.m. in costume contest will be Fah- Haven Regional High School and Green the community room of The staged Handcrafts and home- Mountain College, Poultney, VI, and Is a li- The bride was graduated from Middletown .Township High School and Stuart School.of Register here, to hear made foods will be available. brarian at Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, where Business Administration, Asbury Park. She is a her husband Is an electrical engineer. I court reporter for District Court, Colorado Mr. Leania I* an alumnus of Middlesex Springs, Colo r County CoUege, Edison, and Rochester (N. Y.) Mr. Siynskie is a graduate of Cherry Creek I Institute of Teohnoogy. He Is an Army veteran. High School, Denver, and attended Colorado take a good After a wedding trip to Bermuda, Mr. and State University, Fort CoUins, Colo. He is field Ml. AND MRS. JOSEPH LEANZA Mrs. Leania reside in Ttnton Falls. supervisor for Yerkey Sprinkler Co., Denver. I Mr. and Mn. siynskie reside In Aurora, I Colo., and in January wiU take a wedding trip Mulryne-Mendel MR. AND MRS. STEVEN SIYNSKIE to Acapulco. Mexico I LONG BRANCH - MlM Blyse Sandra After a wedding trip to the Poconos, Mr. HERITAGE FILM UDOK! I Mendel and Michael Mulryne were married and Mn. Mulryne will reside in Hamilton RIVER PLAZA-The River Clubhouse, Broad Street, Red the Uncroft First Aid will give I hare Oct. I In West End Manor, setting also for Township. Plan Woman's Club will meet Bank. Ibsen Nordrum will a demonstration on the coming soon.. .toRed Bank the reception. Officiating was Mayor Joseph Nev. I at 8 p.m. in the Wom- show a film, "A Home in Our Heimlich method of assisting a Palais, Ocean Township. an's Club of Red Bank Heritage "A representative of choking person. 1 The bride is Ike daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert-Mendel, tM Grasxmere Ave., Ocean Township. Mr. and Mn. William Mulryne of Treaton are the bridegroom's parents. Mn. Joyce Gunning, the bride'* sister, and Free Carrier & Ivcs Art Tile Miss JU1 Snyder were the bride's honor atten-

Patrick Mulryne, brother of the bride- groom, and David Hovemeyer were best men. . Mn. Mulryne Is a graduate of Ocean Tqwnslp High School and Trenton State Col- lage and Is employed by Craft Showhouse, QMker Bridge MaU in Trenton. Mr. Mulryne is an alumnus of Trenton High School and Is employed by Kramers of Tren- ton. He Is a U. S. Army veteran. MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL MULRYNE 53rd Diocesan PTA meeting

EDISON-The Mrd annual "Parents: First in Respond- Persons Intereste In attend- conference of the Trenton bUlty, First In Accountability, log, m*y contact their pariah Dtocesen Cornell 'of Parent Last In Right*." PTA president. Teacher Associations wlU take pktce Saturday, starting with registration at I aim. In Pines ' or,' Route 17. Bishop iW.AhrwlBbethecele- when you join fat midday {Mass. Utergy Shu been dedicated to Ahr's Gdlden Jubilee : as a prlestjie wUI also our new ' ongueat

morning • workshop, don Awareness Train- Christmas Club! II have u panelists the . Donald C. Matthews, • And we'll make your final week's payment, too! al executive. Tele- |i AlAll lU/Vl yol nu AA/* nee4 Jkr\ dim *df Aro t istjA start ,b I QfTtQ you^ !*»>**_>»*r 197_ •^l.-l9 Christmah iwHa^Js Clubk •*! _, reproductio• *• • • I. .n _l permanentl ti _ 1" . • _ •• y "high tired "on to the n Consumer i and we'll linish III . Rosemary glased surface ol English Ceramic tile. Hang it r of Office of Yes. we'll make youy r final week'sp paymeny t absolutely a* a collector's item, use it as a decorative table piece, a hot plate or cutting surface. Additional — ©ioctse of Ira* when you complete your Club next year. Save Irora SI to $20 weekly, whatever amount tiles may be purchased lor only $2 00 each. i.a*d Slater Franceses , including tai. «ctor of CMtar for OURSfftVICE IUIII youi holiday budget needs best. As an added Coattrns. Georgia* bonus, you'll receive your choice ol an attractive (Free oiler limited to one tile per lamily.while •ewoei.' IS THI 6 x 6 Art Til* featuring a Curriei ft Ives supply lasts.)

'atrick Farrell, WHOUGAME Visit our office nearest you and join now! athtllc ilhollc (tea, D. •her at the Ik) topic is McCONNELL MARINE VIEW TOIL OIL COMPANY Call.,. 291-3200 SAVINGS Sine* 18B2 MIMLETOWN • ATLAimC HIGHLANDS • rai ALL vreu «MMM It The DmtyRegMcr SHREWSBURY, NJ TUESDAY, OCTOBEH 24.1971 Neat trick for Trick or Trea1 DEAR UUM8E: Here's as Idea I've been using far the past two yean. Rather than buy trkk-or-treat bags, which take twa hands to open at each door (and the kids usually drag tken aJosg the HINTS FROM HELOISE ground and the bottom falls oat!), save plastic gallon bleach bottle* Cut the top half off, leaving the handle and bottom half ksgfe lykM stoekmg. msertmg Ike mee lato Ike aytea. PM tab fingernail brush that I had brought home from the hospital intact. Decorate orange and black. aylaa hate a screed aylaa stockmg (apea cad dawa laaate), aad After each meal I Just nib a little soap on the bruah, go over It's very simple and no expense to the parents. — Mother of Urs* tale Ike wasasagmarklae the bib. rinse and hang on the clothesline In my laundry room. four TMs *• gs Ikreagh Ike wask aad dry cycle eaaaktg eat seal They look use new and are clean, dry. aad ready for the aae straight. next feeding - Darice Gore LETTKR Or THOUGHT If ast same dry, remave tke lace aad place II ea a flat DEAR HELOISE: sartacttoeemplelelaedrymg. DEAI HELOISE: WfceayaafcavenaJahedpalalmglaflheday.paltaellaaa Jut had to sll deva aad write la say asserted Ileadtsh Tke Was sektea seeds pressls* If washed m lab maaaer. - wishes regarding Mine maeafaclarers - ken gees! LestaHlee year paM caa very light, tons Ike eaa bottom sate ap aad thaa I wish thai: DEAR HELOISE: everagaia. - naters .1 etoihes sewed with tail prickly aykM thread My ssatksr asi I like to bay trial-she kaUles af sassapse, This gels all Ike babbles sat aad preveats Ike hard crest weald have to wear them forever. [inatUsan amd atber cosmetics. Nalarally. all af ear Utlle tram leramg ea top af Ike aamt - A Lady Pamler — makers af these plait all aylta, •sa-abMrbeal balhmafs battles seea begla I* ehrtter Ike kalhraom cabkwto. weaU have to wak barefsal ea the wet, c*M sariacc *f sane all We receally kk apaa aa neelsrat semllsa to ear eellert aad If you say so. hon!-Heloise day. cmller praMem. — sukers ef kail elelkes aad fabrics that area't prr-santak . A dsakle taralakle la Ike kalkrasm cablaet keeps all Ike DEAR HELOISE: (Hid everaitre have to wear theirs Iwa shea tea small (after battles together wllhla essy reack ef family memkers aad WaeakriagmgplaaUlalramaaldaars.krlaglkemlabelare nuad gaesslag as hew Mg to bay the ganaeal, er kaw eiaek gaesu. yaa need to lara aa Ike taraace and they ad|asl belter. material to parekate since they waaM bt farced to d* their aws Wkat a faa way to try differeal predacls aad help a gaest as New that mme an adtauled I am ralUag sUps aad am pre-shrteklsg). well! - Wyaae A. ftekerMaske starttag them la Nttle ladlvldaal pats. - makers af aatomaUles with tktae "Bastardy" plastic grilles (Mid kave U ipead all tkelr spare llmr la Ike repair DEAR HELOISE: . Wkea sameaae Is skk, I plan to give them as gills. - Vlv shap. I had trouble getting my baby's bibs clean untU I used the Fetey. Taaaks far Islealag. - A fallhfal reader

Listening, consumer advocates? — Heloise DEAR HKIOISK , Make a Date Far semefklag dtfferesl, sad sa pretty, Ike next time yaa hake a pUla while cake, mix same caady ceafettl lato Ike batter A paid directory of coming events for non-profit organiza- OCTOBER It before yea bake It. tions. Rates: $100 for 3 lines for one day, (IN each ESP Psychic Fair. Psychics. Card Readers Palmists. Astrologers. Exhibits. Demonstrations. All day 12 noon to 9 The cake cemei sal all palka-dalted, aad Ike kids lave It. - additional line; $100 for twe days, 11.25 each additional line.. P.M. Sheraton Inn, Banquet Room Rt. 35. Haslet. Dona- IS aad still karata* * for three to five days. 11.5* each additional Une; ff.00 for DANTE SOCIETY PARTY — Completing plant for It days, COO each additional line. Deadline noon 1 days tion: $1.50, sponsored by Mental Horizons Society. the Dante Alighlerl Society's scholarship fund bene- DEAR HELOISE: before publication. Call The Dally Register, 542-4tM. iU for •»7xni fit, are. Marie Longo, Aberdeen, gift chairman, the Date Secretary. standing/ and Nancy Acquaviva, Old Bridge, chair- I kave tried all Ike sprays, powdered bleaches, aad aetkmg Flea * Crafta Market, sponsored by Keyport Kiwanls man of the luncheon and fashion show, which will seems to remtve Ike spats tram my pelyesler bkwses aad OCTOBER l»-t$ Club, Legion Drive Parking Lot, Keyport. For Information; take place Saturday at noon in the American Hotel, St. Jude's Novena will be conducted at St. Agnes M4-«4W. 2*4-2101. 67l-«H Freehold. Fashions will be by the Angelic Tiger, Sa I did the aexl best Ihlag - I eaibraldered flewen aad Church, Atlantic Highlands, by Rev. Oliver O'Connor of OCTOBER 31 Rurrrson, and hats by Edna Hoge, Tinton Falls. Cnss-stltcked abstract designs aver Ike ipels. Interlaken, NY. Services are scheduled at 10 a.m. and 7: SO Parents Without Partners, Bayshore Chapter No (44- Tke embraidery gave Ike garmeals aa expensive custom- p.m Cocktail Party * Dance at Don Quixotes, Rt. 34, made took. OCTOBER M Matawan, N.J. Cash bar, dancing k featuring "The Carey My entire family ea)ays yaar cahnaa very mack aad laak Parents Without Partners, Bayshore Chapter No. 644 - Rowe Showe" starts at 8:30 P.M. For information caU Square dance set by clubtarward to It every day. Keep ap tke gaad werk! — Jaaa HosplUUty Night • Orientation will be held at the Cob- MM170. Baearlag blestones, Rt. S5, Mlddletown. Open to all members and If IDDLETOWN - The Junior Womaa'i Club of Mlddletown guests, starts 8:30 P.M Cash bar, dancing k featuring "The NOVEMBER I Shore Regional Parents Advisory Council will koM a will hold a Square Dance Saturday, Nov. 4 at 8 p.m. In Thank you for the vote of confidence! — Heloise Carey Rowe Showe". information call 50M17O. OCTOBER M-Ji Cud Party • Fashion Show en Thurs., Nov. t, 7:38 p.m. at • BachstaaYs, East Hamburg. A hot and cold buffet and Share Regional High School. Fashions by Abraham ft DEAR HELOISE: Asbury United Methodist Women's rummage sale, Straus. Admission $2. ; beverage win be served. Proceeds will benefit local charities. Tried semelhlag aew aad tosly anile ky accident Ike tlker Church basement, II Atlantic Ave., Long Branch. Tues., day. I (aaad aa easy way to wask lace, ar aay klad af edglsg, far Mrs. Richard Boemer and Mrs. Edward Butch are In Oct. nth, M p.m. Wed., 2$th. HI. NOVEMBERS pre-skrlaklag. OCTOBER II Mlddletown Township PBA Local 134 Annual Bail, charge of reservations. Jasl lakt the bee a little shorter thai Ike leaglk af a knee- CoHs Neck candidates' night wlU be held on Wed.. Oct. Shore Casino, Atlantic Highlands, tall course dinner, con- a, at Conover Road School, « P.M. John Grabowtkl, tinuous music, featuring "The Marvelettes" (Please Mr. Democrat * Alfred Ruppel, Republican are running tor Postman) CaU (71-47tJ for tickets or see say Utddklown Township Police Officer. the one available seat on the township committee. The Highlands Fire Auxiliary will sponsor a Halloween NOVEMBER 3,4,1 Ttickey Tray at the flrehouse at 8 p.m. Cider and donuts Greek Festival, Nov. 3, 4, t, sponsored by St. George served. $1.29 donation Church Cultural Center, 700 Grand Ava. 4 Swell Asbury Long Branch High. School Class of H7t Invites you to Park. Fri., Nov. 3. Sat., Nov. 4, 11 A.M. to 11 P.M. Sui, their Annual Card Party and Fashion Show. Fashions by Nov. 5, 11:30 to 7 P.M. Featuring restaurant Tavern, Nellie's and Sir Robert, both of West End. The location will Moussaks, Spanakopetes, Baklava It many other exotic be Long Branch Junior High Cafeteria, 7:30 p.m., Oct. 8, foods. Boutiques, handicrafts, Greek Jewelry, novelties, 1171. Senior Citizens Invited. Admission $2. Door prizes, pastries, homemade breads, groceries, take-out food, flea raffles sod refreshments. market. Demonstration and Bouzoukl music featuring St. OCTOBER M * M George Hellenic dancers. Holmdel High School Theatre Guild presents "The Miracle Worker" on the evenings of Oct. 21 & 28th at 8 P.M. NOVEMBER 4 in the hlgh'school theatre. Tickets will be $2.00 at the door. AUTUMN SPLENDOR LUNCHEON-FASHION There will also be a matinee on Fri., Oct. 27th at 10 A.M. In SHOW, benefit of St. Leo The Great Rosary-Altar Society the theatre. at the Squire's Pub, West Long Branch at NOON. Fashions OCTOBER M by Renette Leonard. Donation: $8.5$. Reservations: MK451. Next meeting for the Keansburg High School Booster Club Is on Thurs., Oct. 28, 1178, at 8 p.m. In the Horn* NOVEMBER 4-Ulh Economics Room 110 at the high school. Bring a friend. Sisterhood Of Temple Shalom I Ayrmont Lane, QUEST, weekly forum for single adults. You bring the Matawan, will bold a bazaar oa Sat., 8 p.m San., 107 p.m. conversation 4 conviviality and we provide the free « Hon., ia-12 noon. All new Hems. forthright discussion on subjects of Interest to single, NOVEMBERf separated, widowed or divorced people. Refreshments t N.J. State Orchestra, Murray Glass, Mas* DtrecUr, dancing afterwards. $3.00 donation. Non-sectarian, 8 P.M. AU-Tackalkovsky program, Sua., Nov. 1.1 P.M. Choice of FREE Holiday Gift Thursdays, Unitarian Church, 1475 W. Front St., Uncroft. Theatre, Ocean Ave., Asbury Park. 77KK8 «r 3(4-3(37. Holmdel candidates' night will be held on October 21 at 8 p.m. In the Intermediate School library. Joseph Popolo. > * Flute Concert with Marjorm Republican, Ernest Cote. Republican, and James O'Leary, 1 Rowe, First Presbyterian Church, Tewer HIV, Red with your Keystone Democrat are running for the two available seats on the Bank, 4:30 P.M. Freewill offering. CUM cm provided. township committee. Reception to follow. OCTOBER 17 NOVEMBER U Red Bank Chapter People to People will Hold Its snnual Automn Dance, 8 p.m.-lt mUurifhl kekt al Callage Christinas or Chanukah Club dinner, Fri., Oct. 17th at 7:80. at the Cobblestones. Hwy. 39, Commons, Brookdale Community College, Newmaa Mlddletown. Mr. William t. Dowd will spesk on (re Springs Rd., Uncroft. $1 admission. Drawing far T.V. sal 5 PART CRYSTAL flections on my recent trip to Russia). Dinner, $10 per and tape recorder. Featuring Morning Star Band. Far person. For reservations call, 747-91(8 or WWO. RELISH DISH further information call RfrNM, Est 23$, a* mr Stadeat Parents without Partners, chapter (44. Fun raiser, Activities. general public welcome. Halloween party, The Roman Inn, Hwy. 35. Hazlet. Live music, starts 8:30 p.m. For Informa- , NOVEMBER II tion, call 5M-O170 Tailgate Flea Market, Nov. II. Rala data Nav. IS, (:» to 3 P.M. Parking lot Red Bank Regional Hsjh SdMoL OCTOBER 17, 2$ Little Silver. Benefit AFS International gckomnaln Fas* First Presbyterian Church of Long Branch Baiaar, Spaces available $5.(0. CaU 7414377. Fri., Oct. 17. 4-1 P.M. Sat.. Oct. 28. 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. at Cedar « Hoey Aves:, Long Branch. Handcrafts, Christmas NOVEMBER 1$ stems, homemade baked goods. White Elephant table Sisterhood Fifth Annual Chinese Auction at Congrega- Plants and much more. Snackbar lunch available. tion B'nat Israel, Ranee * Ridge Rds., Rumson. Rand- • Garage Sale given by Marlboro Hospital Auxiliary in crafted Items, needlepoint, paintings a new gifts wul be the auditorium of Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital, Rt. 510,. available. Marlboro. Fri., 8:3(4, Sat., D-I2. Clothes, toys, books, NOVEMBER 17, IS drapes, bedspread, bric-a-brack, kitchen utensils, frame*, etf. The romantic musical story, "The Student Prince" will be presented by The Monmouth Opera/Operetta Society it OCTOBEB It 8 p.m., Nov. 17th and ltth at The Monmouth Arts Center, Shrewsbury Senior Homesteaders will hold a FaU Festi- Monmouth St., Red Bank. Tickets $5, $$, 17. $1 discount for COLORFUL LINEN val Baiaar at Shrewsbury Fire .Bouse, Broad St., students and senior citizens. Children 12 and under, half CALENDAR TOWEL / Shrewsbury, Ma.m. to 4 p.m. , price. Group discounts available, for ticket information, St. James Soccer Club Annual Soccer Dance, Sat., Oct.\ caBHl-tMsx 28. Dancing (-1. St. James Cafeteria. Music by Biddy Early's. Donations ft per person. B.Y.O.B. Tickets: CaB E. NOVEMBER 18 Grogan, 747-1212 or E. Ducey, 741-4(48. An Indoor flea market and crafts show wlU be sponsored by the Saint Joseph's PTA, Keyport, 1( a.m.-4 p.m. tablet ANNUAL BAZAAR - Calvary Baptist Church, 23 River win rent for 37.58. Reservations may be made by calling PLUS INTEREST ON COMPLETED CLUBS St., Red Bank, Oct. 28. Plants. Baked Goods, Clothing, etc. 5K-1422or583-4S7». With a 1978 Keystone Christmas or Chanukah course your club, when completed according to Dinners S3.N. I A.M. UntU. • Club, you already know how good it (eels to have schedule, will again earn Keystone 3 high rate ol OCTOBER 28 An Indoor flea market and crafts show will be sponsored money available lor holiday spending. Now. with interest. Open your dub account now lor a happy by the Saint Joseph's PTA, Keyport, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tables your 1979 dub we have another gilt ol your family holiday next year In any event, we sincerely Rummage Sale, Old First Church, J« Kings Highway, choice. Vou can select an attractive crystal reteh wish you and yours much toy this holiday season. Middletown, (:» to 3:30. Very good used clothing. White will rent for $7.50. Reservations may be made by calling. dish or a colorful linen wall calendar towel. And. ol Elephants, books, toys. Donations may be brought to M(-14BorMMI7*. church on Fri, Oct. 27. NOVEMBER II SAVE WEEKLY 1100 $2.00 $3.00 $5.00 $10.00 $20.00 Bazaar and rummage sale. First Presbyterian Church, Bus Trip Jets-Patriot* Football Gsme, Shea Stadium, 3rd and East Highland Ave., Atlantic Highlands, 10 am-4 RECEIVE IN Stl.M includes baa, ticket U game and refreskmer, (51.2S 1102.50 $153 7S $2M.2S $512.50 $1,029.00 p.m. Gifts, Christmas items, baked goods, used clothing. SO WEEKS Marie, 3M-37M, or Lorrame, 787-7852. Coffee and doughnuts available . OCTOBEB It NOVEMBER 17-M Middlelown Jaycee-eltes will bold Unisex Cuta-Thoo Setuor Citizens of MonwouthCwMy Bus Trip. Fal»|(mr; Keyatone Saving* from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Getaway Salon, Coloalal four days, three nights at Res »,,tk- Village Man. Hwy 35. Middletown. Price will be $1 for City Breakfast and dinner at Pal^^^^^^^^Bfl NEPTUNE • AS8URY PARK • MANALAPAN adults, hair-price for children 12 and under and S Cameo Ball; Senior Citizens at New Jersey Pagear. Member FSL I.C. Citizens. Proceeds will benefit Camp Jaycee for retarded Me package, $125 Ask abm overasjht package, children tut the Woman's Resource Center. •a*. Day trip, 8B 5 SHREWSBURY. NJ TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24.1S78 The My Business Car leasing: Any way, you lose . stock quotations (I5tk da aerta) Bat It tor hushwas. you canaot tht down payment an often Mary L'Humalne i neigh- deduct a cent the same.) Secoad. If bor from my old days in New Moneypower -StepThree: ownership If York City, came up to me last you own the car and use it for fire way to make a lot of mon- week with a question. Mary bualneas purposes, you can not ey investing the money you m iHMim Mrm wtaus w«ta for a large publishing only deduct the interest, but would have spent on a down i u • oi i7 su company am! drives oaly oa with Herbert Stein you can depreciate the car and payment, and If you can get Mi li n* a* as- * a n* as us-sthe weekends when she goes deduct the depreciation from that "capital reduction coat" a i II nu, a* a*—i out to visit her saobby friends your Income for federal in- down, you nay he better off Otaaciia i ta avt St* » _ * , the car u returned to the coat" which Is every bit as Owanllliui Ml IIW aw IIW. IS in Easthampton In an open-end lease, a much as a down payment Her come tax purposes. The depre- leasing. But these are very Biff ft IIS. vt "Benjy," she asked, "eve- value Is assigned to the car at monthly leasing costs are ciation deductions phis the in- rare and special situation.. S rl! U1 «t as- w rybody I know Is leasing cars the end of the lease term - hardly any leas than monthly terest deductions will be far By buying the car, you have a* as a* larger than the leasing deduc- 1SW- W I think maybe I'll lease my back when the lease was costs of paying off a loan done Just what the Money- 7* a* 7W+ W next car. You think I should?" signed If the car is worth less Power theory tells you to do In il 44 41* 4IW II*- vt would be, and at the end of the .74 7 474M* 14 »*. * "Yet, Mary," I said. "You than the fixed value. the lessee lease she does not have one -Step Four: the end of the a time of rapid inflation You in4 IU ii avt as- w have borrowed money and to 4ij should lease your car, but only — you — has to make up the damned thing to show for It. payments. At the end oi paying i7 if you're crazy." • difference between the car's off your loan, you own that used other people's money to 35 2* • "' i at Wont of all, she cannot de- Til And the fact Is that for the market value and the fixed end duct a penny of what she paid car. In today's superheated in- make money for yourself — In i M It4 nv, as the form ol deductions and a Utr >•? B ******** PMIaEIIMM 411 IT* I7W IIM- S ordinary citizen, leasing a car of, lease value, sometimes from her income for federal flationary society, you have a 4t* 47* MW- * Is only slightly more crazy called the "value liability." income tax. valuable asset. As new carused ear worth perhaps M AS-.*.*?* jji..55. Rfc iiw as IIW. * a a*- « Pltntyl I I 4S] » MS 14*- Vt then renting your house. Eve- If you are lucky, and your Even if Mary L'Humaine prices go through the celling, percent of what you paid for It 7IS IB 14* 11* 14 - * Pimm )wn laIIW MW a*— w new. Pnaumt 111 11114 avt B*-IW ry precept and principle of car has depreciated so little worked for herself and could used car prices follow right II »«* 4IW 4IS-IH 114 1711 »S 4IS 4»W. * MoneyPower tells us that In a that it is worth more than the deduct the cost of leasing the behind. Many popular Ameri- The calculations are fairly **• JJ J m •» 41* as- vt E 1.71 It IMI7S I7S 17*. O 17114 IM 14* l«t W»- * 114 411 MV, ISS ISS- S time of rapid and continuing value liability, you are allowed car. she still comes out farcan-made cars are depred- complicated and vary, depend-. ATT 4 ad i MtM iiu. n *) • t. I 1.4111 117 UVt IIW PSaEC 1.11 I 171 B* II* B inflation, it is essential to buy to buy the car from the lessor behind where she would be if ating by a few percent a year, ing on whether you can deduct PgSPL III I 114 II* 14S II*. W and own your automobile un- at the "value liability" price. she bought the thing. and a few Japanese and Ger- the lease payments or depreci- f II 17S a .iw PuftK 1.14 I 41 I4S II M less you are In unusual and In a closed-end lease, you Take it step by step: man cars are actually ap- ate your car. but I did the „!*• v» i i.a i as. w - \*% in* IIHt (« IIS Uvt special situations, which hard- •jwimply walk away from the —Step One: the down preciating as they get older. figures on a 1171 Cadillac Se- lift U* 14* 14V1- V% ly any of us are. ville, for a person who cannot • M* nit a*, it •CA 140 I US] ITS »Vi 17W. W car at the end of the lease and payment. It is often equally You have paid for the car i in imaiivt "I* * «LC » S ISI US UV, 14*- s Take a look at the ground that's that. large in both the leasing and and you have gotten: deduct either depreciation or »oltPur 10 I 17] llvt dll UV,. W SI lilt 11 II — vt Jstssg5 8:j Romoa lltll 1511 It* IS low* it rules. First of all, leasing a car And as Simon and Gar the buying scheme. But in leas- 1 Interest deductions leasing. Over four years, the I 1 ilttl as 11'* MM i. "onto 104 I Itl »* Mvt IS-IVt is far different from renting a funkel so coyly said to Mrs. ing, you don't gst any equity in I. Depreciation deductions man who bought comes out at IS II 14* 14* isj«ssa»r:!t Haylhn I.MIO SM 4IVt 4SV> MVt. S Tt 7 174 lart 17* II - w •aadlal I I Ml 14W 11* MW. * car. The typical lease arrange- Robinson, "Laugh about it, the car with It. 1 A valuable used car. over I7.0O0 ahead. If there is Mill HI SIW SlVt SIS. Vt 141 tl7Sl 4Nt W* 4Ht- t, B.lcKCh 71 1 a I) dllw 11*- w FMC la 7 at a* M* HtpSII I It S 141 K* IS HS ment is that the customer shout about it, when you've got —Step Two: the monthly You have leased the carworse Inflation, he will come eaiaMt .n» ait 4i« «tu, •ttvOII Mil 151 US dll* IIS- S and you have gotten: out even farther ahead EnSfiai m us «- •avion IMU ISt SOS SO SIS. S selects the car of his dreams to choose, any way you look at payments. With equivalent •MAm in | nil 17* ah ^aiSRS «tynln l.M I 117 MS S7W SIW- Sand then bargains — or maybe it, you lose." Automobile leas- down payment and "capital re- I. Lease deductions — may- And in caee you have any' tattiK ai m a« Baymtl I SO 7 XI II MWM . * m a* KIMAId 411 Ml IIW IIS Sw- * does not bargain — for a total ing Is for most people absolute- duction cost," the monthly be. And that's all lingering doubts about just, •otlni nt Ml II t* a*, vt «ac»»l la) a IS 14W 14S- vt price for the car. Then the ly the worst deal going in the payment for leasing a car usu- There are two situations In why leasing is so popular, take Hohrlnd I tu I4W US IIW. W leasing company fixes a lease automobile business. ally will be slightly less than which It is valuable to lease. If a look at what the men who «a»*r MIS Itl 17* 111 I7W- w RC Cat 1.04 I II UVt IIV. 14 price tor the car based on the For my friend Mary for paying off a loan. But, if you ne«d, (or business or pres- have made It popular — the HoylD lisa I XI. llvt on uvt. agreed value. L'Humaine, who works at a you are paying off a loan, a tige purposes, a truly ex- men who own the leasing com- •vdars a 7 us ns nw ns- s Next, the customer pays a publishing company, and for large part of that payment pensive car, and if you do not panies — do about the cars m m * a*- * KM I.W 5 in ltw~IIVt It* i i« ' —tt IM I ta 44Vt 41* S _ * Salawy 1 at I 141 41* 41 4lvt- s deposit, perhaps 10 percent of anyone who does not use her or each month Is interest — fully have the down payment, you they lease to us — the suckers. laaiiiot SJoMn I Mil a) M HW 8*. W MM in t w II a 17 17 -1,1the car's value, and then he his car for work, the loss is deductible whether you arecan get a leased luxury car They buy them with bor- *>•<•" 111 4 141 smagpim at iiw 11 nw-vpay. s a monthly charge for particularly tragic. self-employed or not. Those right away without a large rowed money, depreciate "i 1 s IM Sonvbot .40 t 144 Uvt 14* IS 1.4411 IU 417 im lo* SF*lnd]»4 IIS IIS MS HW. Weach of 3t or 48 months, depen- The money she pays does lease payments are deductible down payment. (But note — them, and then have valuable - J M tint 117 O'U 41* SFalM 4011 all IIW aw MW. W ding on the term of the lease. «•!•» i.mi s» MoOl.l I0H in IIVi IIU SchrPlol.14 I 144 ItW M* ItW not yield even one bonus. She only to the extent 'he car is for more ordinary cars, the used cars - just what Money- arttMt.4)tf TH O"aDim M4 7S«t Tlvi 9cMmbl4017 417 MW ISS MW.1S At the end of the term of the has to pay a "capital reduction used for business. If you do not "capital reduction cost" and Power advises you to do. •TMM M> m OmCI IU 114M 4Ht 4IVt ScaHP 14 1114] US US US. S avcyfr a 7 m op* i StobCL l.a 5 »4 mt dM It auMlR .Vf * M7 Onlntl to I TO 17S „ SaorlaO 51 Mt llvt IIW II*- W •urllMI.40 7 111 .mt *i a* ait Saart Ilia 11751 11* B »Vt- W kurltto 1*114 OMol 4 7Sa SIMS US 41 •unik 14111 n? OPU l.M I M7 I7S 17*II* SMiioiiiMi M n* as nw. s OH 141 71071 Its Itsavt- s S«allT l.nt I I 45W 45W 4SW- * CBS 1411 m M* UVS4W, * W OTIra l.M S 174 UV, 11*MVt-ls SAraln IU HW II* II*- w Ganatto II u I 4* Slgnol 1.7 111 SI* 41* a*, s CIT !.4t • III ii* a*avi- * s . s c»c imit » M OaPoc 111 ISS 17* 17 llvt SlmpPot 5410 511 It* die ItW- * Slnatf a I SM IIW dIS* MW- * Gold bug: Don't send money — > B4 MU, a* SIS- S O4tly tail 117 MVt 17 aw.i GlotFa M S Itl IIW I7vtIIS. S Styiin. 41 I 414 I] II* It*- vt l.M 7 IIM ii* -II IIS- S Smllln l.M II 711 M lit m > M I IMS IS* 14* a - vt OHMM IN I 4M 17* »S17V»- w >..„•„, in i v—-cm*, • MI ooodrn i.a s at ii us all 7* TV, TV, By SYLVIA PORTER upsurge in gold prices in the recent past is no nit us ItW. vt SCrtO lit 7 171 WWdll* 17 CatraT Mt t 771 S7vt SSS Goodyf I » IM IM 14'. (SecMHl el three celamas) CayM I at 7 lit 10 law SoColE ll< I 11} »W ISVt aw- S guarantee that this Is the trend In the immediate CaMaatiaT 4M 41* 41 41 W- VI SoulhCol.SIII MS uvt ISVt ISW ITEM: On July tl, 1(78, a California dairy ' Wl 14 7 411IS* ISW ISS »* , soN«tn «i MS a avt aw- * future.^ _ I III 44517* M It 11*. % SouPac 1.41 I 7IS M* M MS— S farmer and his wife sent $9,000 to a New York City I ISI It* II* It*-* «. H 5! ,7* 17* i* SouKy INI IU SI 50% St* /trVTthe con men successful? .J 117 OW 4)H OlMonl 1 MIS tl 14* 14*17*. * YOUR MONEY'S avt- it SprryR lt]l • 411 4]*t 41W 41*. S firm In payment for 200 ounces of gold. They did Yes. They always are In periods of near- II I SIS a n* n • * Orayh 1.04 4 Ml II* II J441. * SquorO 1.40 I 577 UW a* nW« * ——..-* .n 7 ii7MVt Hi Gnjmml.M S 17 II* llvt nit. * Squibb i mi sit IIW avt its- w not know whether they were buying an option, a hysteria in markets such as these — and gold has CMM U7 IMaw att OKWtln .71 4 7M 11* II 14*. * SWrnd IU t IN M* HW nw-l deferred delivery contract or the actual gold — OMtMIUM 111 it aaw GWIOII I tl 7 171 11* nwuvt— * SIOIICI 1MI1IM 4SW 44W 4SW. S a mystique all of Its own. CMPntT 111 II fcfi. OrfSIUl l.M 7 741 II* It*lilt, * StOInd l.M I 4M SI* SIS SI*. S nor did they consult their local broker, banker or And without investigating whether you are ckthcn 7 la IVt 7* MS- It GuOUM .tt 4 1111 14 UW1!*~ * SlOIIOh MIS Ml ISW M* 15*. w WORTH •r I 7M 7*_ W - H H — int- * StauKt 1 7 IIS 41 aw 41*- w lawyer. A few days later, the telephone salesman, patronizing a legitimate dealer In gold — the I l.M 7 ISS! MM M I0W- vt HIIIIM i.4iii m Tiu, aw ShKIDg .77111141 ISW 14* ISW. * who had in an earlier phone call convinced them Ul III M*. V, HartaMl MI4 7 nw dn rnt.i* Slavajl.a S M II* UW US- vt category In which the vast majority of gold-selling I 4 741US 14 1 Harculai I I sa Ms isw SlvWar IS II st* a* st - * to send the money, called back with the good news firms fall — and without knowing whether you an • I 7 171S7S 17* HauUMI.4111 Ml a* avt sonco IM i 141 »* a* a - w Sir * NMniiu HI at an that the price of gold had increased and they had I l.M I 111it nit US. vt buying a legitimate (or illegitimate) gold con- 417 » HtUday Mil 1141 a* It* T«W IM 7 411 ll MS M . 1 USdllvt It • * HMlyS 7 llvt llVt already made a profit. Didn't they want to invest the pitchman was telling a Better Business Bu- ow .a i in lilt MVt IIS- S II* T«la» II 74 It* UW It* tract, increasing numbers of you are sending ctcoau «io m Hanatlk loll Ml 17 14"MVt, - S TomgE l.a 7 141 ITS II* MS- * more? reau investigator that he had fully disclosed to the isd.s II . vt l.a I H» US U thousands of dollars to the unknowns at their CMCI 1.7414 Ml I - vi MVt. * Tandy 11174 IS* 14V. »* The California couple sent another flJ.SOO, farmer that commissions and fees would absorb CatoPoi i • MI4»t 41S •lv»— vt M4utl»F1.4S 4a a it* Tondytlt t 174 Utt IIS II*—I misleading prestigious addresses. CalPta i.a 7 Ml IIW dll MI M a** itit**MW. S TatJvntt 4010 411 II II* IIW- * Finally, a . concerned daughter-in-law called the tz.400 of his 15,000 initial cash outlay IIS— S Bvt-I Fortunately, few get calls to send money. A as a MtvtNG II 1411 U** dvda TMInu .441) ISt OW 41* 4>Vt- * h H«aMM «l tl) 11% II TaMnl.1414 111 HW || as ,1W New York City Better Business Bureau. More What about the "unique program" being construction company owner in Shawnee, Okla , »»— S HugklTI fill M» «» al*. s Talpnw II 144 II UW n - w 11 -I Tata II II*. 5* SS SVl- W than two months after wiring their money bank-to- touted by telephone con men that permits you, a got a pitch to buy 155.000 of gold contracts. A 14*- tl ic in* i.a i i7 HV, a*. * TamvcatMT 114 11* us n*. vt bank in the overnight federal funds market, the small Investor, to buy gold for profit as well as for M - Vt INACp l.M S IM 41* II* Taatra 571 I* Is I*- w messenger would come to his office personally to American IU Int tS 4 M4 II* II IP. IIS- S Tanoco I I Itti 14* tjv. rj*_ ta Califomlans are In a bitter dispute trying to get a traditional hedge against continuing inflation? HIW YOIIICIAPI . HoMgy IWP la I 1 » T..E.I IM I 111 MW H* M4I pick up the check. A few hours before the messen- Idaaia I *• I IIS a* II* a - s back their 133,500. The New York City firm claims What about the "dozens of experts . . . watching MlmilMAI a - vt Ta«lni1I.MII MS US II n*.l* ger's planned arrival, the Shawnee businessman lictanwlituat: InvatCa M I 117 IIS llvt II . w Ta«lnl II M0 TW d 4W 7W. W the money went for "selling costs." the mtnute-by-minute fluctuations in the gold mar- into 4ta MI iis »wII*. '. TtJiOGi 14 7 171 aw 17W M became suspicious and called the New York City ' Lao Claia CM. 91 II* IS*us T Vt 4W— Vt US- Vt USlnd Ml SB IW IS •'.. 't KlnvkCllJO I 174 4SW 44* UUMalltm IIM tSW MW HS ' familial I 7 It IS 14* I4S- S KMjlHd.4011 IM MS MV.44M- S fimi ii la ivt s* ss- v. Ian l.M mi It, > UflTactl 1 IIH0 II* 40W llVt— * PraatA .at S a IIS la* 11 - S a* Unlit I I.M I Ut It* ItW ItW KroA 141 7 »4 <4lt 44 Uplonn l.ail MO HW 47* avi. S an iss i i* i - s Krtttr 1 7 >SM US Uvt MV.. Vt ltM 75 llVt US 11*- S - L-L - MW- S USLIFE .441 in as its aw- vt SI 1H4 It la— S I.TV IS4 I . I'. US. S - v-v - I] IVt IS II 1 Vaclan .4111 IM I4W ISS M * W Basic information on bonds .. M D7 ISIS* I*- * LaarSa Jt! 117 II* |7SI , VoEPwI.a 7 177 UW 14 UW Laainl .1411 II 11'. IIV.17* IHMIIIMIinittmHimmMIIIHAIIIIIIIHHHHI I ail M 4] 411. 4| . It Lahmn .Tit 111 It* UvIIW—IVt t — w—w - By DAVID R SARGEN1 payment — and, in turn, col- in times of economic stress art 41 USaOIS OS- v> Wochov II I II IIS IIW II*- W LavlliF .SO 4 Sit MS M ItW- Vt WolMrl BIS 4M MS IW MW-Jt QaesUea: As a eegnner I Not surprisingly, bond yields .tr a t* d t tvt- * LOP la I St MVt ISSa*- '. lects it if he sells the bond 71 7 F - S Ltattl ISt S at llVt MS us VVOIUmllO I IB a Its US knew very Mile abtal Invest- between coupon dates. Increase at: allngs go down — a • MM us «MVI it — s us. s WrnCom I I m OS IS 41S.IV, I • 171 M MVI MS- '. LiiirEin tan nt 4i 4i'. 115 M nw ISW- * ing. I knew I need lactmr aid Bonds are rated as to quali- the greater the risk, the •a I M I7S ITW ITS Lman .at IIM M as 44S- W i it aw ii* n . w LKUV4 II4S4 n* MS14 . S T» It t* II . S that hands provide this. CeiM SUCCESSFUL ty, or safety. This Is agreater the reward. _ ana is is i* Laatn I.a 4 B7 US 41 aw- w OS- Ill 17 OS* MS- V, yea supply me with saae very MUM U HI I* IV. IV! LMMr I a 7 Mt M* nv4>S. . w wunlon: l I.4at 7I lit I7S I4S II — * judgment on bow sure you are Almost an) stock broker LILC* 1.71 7 111 I7S 17us* - v> watiiai IF i \m a itv, »*_ •. haste laltrnutlta ea toads? lll.HtlB • Ml V MVt MVi. '. 177 of getting your money back at and some commercial banks 4c 1 SI IS I IS. S IIUMI.I fa»T H* II* as- s wantwtnrk*r ntt aatt it a aw. * R.T. latUaaa W 4* IS 4V.. * LaTac J4> I aa IIS It* WhaalF loll Mt UW UW aw- '. INVESTING maturity and your interest on will transact a bond purchase Ml It Wt US* S LKtrlJatH U7 II IS* ISS- ' whirid I.H 7 tn as aw as- w Answer: A bond Is a loan by I IM U-ll S lilt Lrtaa til M tat IMl tW I IS- C schedule. Ratings of AAA are tor you. Bonds usually trade in -M-M- ts WMKaklMI SM UW Uvt UW. W you to a private corporation or the highest, but AA and A are $5,000 units, but brokers are j a • ns a -s MOIC .71 11477 » a* IIS. IVt Wkkat ,tl S 171 II IS* ll • w MtcMH M 7 1* Wt, f. It*- '. governmental agency, at a set H 174 4S 4W at,. S WUIIomi' 11] m UW IIW IIS- * considered Investment grade. generally willing to purchase Mtn i.ti i lit a av> WlnnO I.tlll »] 41W 41 41 . S linn i JIM a IIW II in MaaM.tta nt mt u*a*- s wmnboo 17 1» I 1* I rate ot Interest payable to you Commercial banks are al- in S1.M0 or 12,000 amounts if mfmm n • > ait Ms. s 1 mi—ii MI is Mt is* s • " »i at it* it US-'-, wtiwtti i .40 s iv ns itw its and a definite maturity date units (par value) and are , |1,*M The buyer usually pays lowed to buy bonds carrying you wish. The commission on MaHiM a* .mis v.-i urn iti a* ii*M*. Vt —K-Y-l- when that loan must be repaid. Kfrm Mt t m I*} is. is- s i.a • at si* siwa . vt xarea 111 lie S3 as SIS. I* quoted al say 85, ttU orMOJ. ''"accrued Interest from the date ratings down to BBB, which bonds Is less than on stocks, MarMM M t tl IIS IIVSIS. . W lattCa 1 I »7 174 IIS IIW. Vi Most bonds are Issued in $1,000 •Man ' 13 "1 7S 74 ManM .int at us intIt*. W Zanltha 114 471 14* 14 UW. W meaning J850f «9tt. ll.OJO pax «jfthe last semiannual Interest has some speculative aspects often»»tor up tot 10.000 MtOat t 71 a* IS «*- v, aartM i.a i ta itw itv.11*. Vt Capyr hjni by Tna AuocMMd Pratt 1171. 4 IM tv. SS Is- V, JIII n n* m, aw. w Bond prices rise and fall as KM M IS IS IS— S 171 MS !<•IIV,- Vt Interest rates change. Let's roatmn si it at. » • - s . 1 IM MS MWM m «i a is is is . JH 47 BW lSlt MV, say you hold a bond paying 8 PnsMrJtr i m •* is is. * 1 t IM1 S MW as- v, _ Mil 1174 a 41 us- w percent, which is selling at IM. KlBKl W» IM It anitt II -IV. us. s Ktttt* 17MM avi as aw*iw McOanO.M t 4t7 ata » Is ift&ssggs Market closes mixed when interest rates rise to I McOf dl M 1 141 lit. 17 as- vt m a mt Ms as- s I I IM avt IIS17S. Vt percent. Your bonds will drop I 41 11* II IU- 1 i at i tit a* it*a a ->, NEW YORK (AP) - Selec- up yesterday with the help of Widespread forecasts of an- Nationwide turnover In In price to around 89, so that Mta .mi an as aI** itsIS- Sw .i.iit a a »* SyaSna. 14 SO US II IM. S •MrO ITtIS 477 R* MViSTW.l tive buying in blue chips apd short-covering — repurchasing other Increase soon in theNYSE-listed Issues, Including the Vt coupon (Interest) rate T.ttttal II IS IS IS . MarrLy M I n4ts ll llvt IIS some other depressed Issues of shares by traders taking prime lending rate were trades in those stocks on re-will yield the going rate of 9 Tartat ail • ts lit l*i MaaaPal.alll SM a* IIWus- w UVtMtrt 4M IS IVt IW- S MOM i.Mbii m a* 17*its.r. enabled the stock market to profits on stock they borrowed fulfilled after the close In New gional exchanges and in the percent. Conversely, when in- UatrdM Ml 1-B IB l-tl-l-Jl HWSUII.44 4 415 ISV. HIS us- s MMM 111 771 av> SIWas. s turn In a mixed showing yes- and sold earlier. York when Chemical Bank over-the-counter market, terest rates In general drop, USPIHT a t at us us us- s its- v. mvMet a t 7S uv. iivt us MJn»L 1441 41 It* It* raised Its basic rate on big came to 3I.M million shares. Maall 4.M I 7*1 MW 47*MW. S terday after last week's root. Among the gambling Is- your bond's selling price will 7 at ivt i is* s MS- Vt . j in « its II •» MdMtr .141 a] IS* IIVi The Dow Jones average of sues, Bally Manufacturing business loans from II to 10% rise, so that II too yields the MaMDh) II 774 IS II IS- S The NYSE's composite in- CoapflgM tv TN Aaailltlld l>ra» Hit. MS. S rose 1% to UK; Caesars World percent. going rate, currently. MOMOMM I 471 MVt It* N Industrials, which had faUen dex edged up as to 54.71. MMDUIJSI 41 HV. II M - V. tacked on 3 to *S%, and Har- An executive of th» Federal FoolaOlea MtnlHi l.t! I M H* IIWIll, a record NOB points last week, Standard 4 Poor's index of The high level qf Interest Moroanl.a I U4 47* 47*47*. S rahs, which said It had taken managed to recover 145 to National Mortgage Association 4*9 Industrials rose JJ torales today make bonds a UarRacl.MII 5F4 II a* av.- w an option on some Atlantic Mama 111 SM O* 41*avi. s UMl told securities analysts yester- Mill, and S*Ps MO-stock more attractive Investment MIFuall.Mll M MV. BV. City, N.J., property, jumped «s-s But Men held a 1-1 edge on day, "It ta difficult to envision composite Index was up .tl at than In times past when they nvisTai i.a I aN aw M i any significant decline k In- paid only I percent or 7 HCF1 HUM] alt. tt* MS. I* gainers In the broad tally at It 11 HLInd l.aW tFIII It* II .1 the New York Stock Ex- Resorts International class terest rates during 1979." percent. Today long term A HIT I F WB II* IIS CranlteviUe, a textile pro- HtMKoia t at 77* ITW ITW change, with more than l.MO A stock climbed 5^ to Mft, The dollar, meanwhile, hit and AA rated issues will yield ais 147 a* nw as-s lmes declining for the sixth and Resorts class B shares new lows against the Japaaese ducer which posted a loss for close to 9 percent, short term Ml a 17 VM 17 • W gained 1% to 41 on the Ameri- yen and the West German the third quarter, dropped 1% Issues nearer 8.5 percent. NMDMI.t7i i m n i ait as- s straight sesaisa. mipa) ta i a n is a*- * can Stock Exchange. mark In foreign exchange. But toll*. These an not bad rates to pin MMOwtl.a I MS 17k IIW Notable gainers among the NitaMc u at MS aw as* w blue chip and glamor stocks In the airline group. UAL as the day passed the US cur The Amei market value In- down for current and future NMISH i a t MMas a* aw •Mai l.a I lit MH; Delta 1% to reacy recovered kome of Us dex, which had tumbled by tints. > l Ft IIW a* nw. w Btt owws n*- nets Machines, up J, at 171; «H; TWA % to M, anearld y losses, and that news more than ll percent last ii* a* II*. * Eastman Kodak, ahead 1 at II, Eastern * to W*. seemed to help prop up the 1 weak, gave up another 1.97 to IHWM - asa"-.w & and Xerox, up 1* at Oft. Analysts said the general stock market. ut i _ ma. M tt. tvi wt . Analysts said some other market was still struggling Volume on the Big Board Classified Way ^me£&~&~~ mm i MI. Issues, such as the gambling with concern over rising in- totaled MM million shares, off la the over-the-counter a stvti - wt market, the NASDAQ com- The Action L Jtartlf) >J1 7 ai|M 111 * USUS. * and airline stocks, that ted terest rates and the dollars a btt from Friday's 43.(7 mil- •,... ..!• i ; , I H44 . ITITSS . V. been battered last week moved problems n (orelga exchange: BontotaL i posite Index dropped 1.18 to Hvtecpi.M F n n i . 542-1700 inn 14 SHREWSBURY. MJ. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24.1978 Television Today New York Channel* - - 2, », 3. 7. 9, 11. 1.1 J Is hired by a their dWHualonmern. (90 ABC MEWS TM • LOTTERY PICK-IT TO TBU TM DATMOOAMC w *.0M4M 10 IMQ iMsT W father, only la dunovar • ABC . BHADV BUNCH Ml VSPvESOAYNMHT 1*00 tar. urs emu*, WRIT) MOVIE -Doneer Paaa: that he he* resty bean MUOY MMCH BANFORO AND TtCTACOOUOH ADAM 11 I The Hoed To Bervtvef tricked Mo carrying a JOKER'S WLD ABC NEWS (7) M0VK -(DRAMA) •• • OVER EAST Hoet: BOWLMO FOR ItoWanTnaatoryelltw Slara: Robert Fuller, shipment of drug* f * STAUIAPST "Ms* the Blood OH My m Hugh Down*.. Quest: XLARI triumph of lha hwnan Diana Motal*. An Amer- acroaa tha Mexican TODAY lean pioneer wagea a border (R)Baneoek: No Henda'^Sa BurtLan- f i mm, author. SpRTft MM A t#flwtnrt Or COW caater. 'Joan Foajalne. deaperets fight to aave Sign Ol The Cross' Stare: NEWS exptoratlo* oMh* bond* Att#r nOl MlRpCNV MMI the l*aa of Ma temey • • STARSKV AND George Pepperd. AMERICA AND HE*, MAMSTMAMNa 000 COUPLE between dooMMd men In kWa a pub owner la a rTHE EXCEPTIONAL ASKWHYY a bnrlaj. oehumanlzlnfl trapped by a Mzzard ki Brodertck Crawford. (R) CRITICS the Mgh Sierras aa star- tight, he meets sght who DICK CAVETT iMtrHHkm (3 hra.) • • THETONWHT • PUBLIC vation forcea them Into a nulnna—I Klim BA Si BULGARIAN SHOW • MEETINQ HOUSE: I* a btterre plan by s BHOW Quest host: DavW choloe woraa than CANDIDATES 7S reepected detective who Brenner. Quests: Dick 6:M DAM.Y DELAWARE PROORAM • MACHEIL-LEMRER death. (2 hra.) SJOIUNDPAOOCSTO sate hi* own deedly Shawn. Chad Everett. AW LOTTKWV • PENNSYLVANIA REPORT • • THREE'S COM- • MOV«-(D*>AUA)* LOTTERY • MAMA PAPAOATOS WASHBMTOSMT N system of leaUee Into Joeeph Sorrentlno. (80 MC«W PANY Jack and Janet motion to avenge the "Meduea Touch" 197S « CM NEWS • CROSS WWITS S ILOVCLUCT lac* the danger of loalng rape of his young < • jtOOAN'S HEROES Richard Burton. Lee 7:30 SflLI. NARY • • CMaay to a fast-taking daughter. (60 mini) Remlok. A men can wM • EVENING WhM Ralph Malph la • •TUESDAY MOVIE guru who datzlee her into • MOV*-(SUSPENSE) dlaaater on Ma anemia*. MAGAZINE -Peddling hypnotized to oar* M* OF THE WEEK Adama believing her place la at *• "The Houee By the TenakM mounta as lha Backwards WHh Wrong Irlght attar a tornado Woman' Star*: Beau 1 Ma alde-and a dlatant Lake" 1B7T Brenda powers Of telekinede Way Woolen, 'She's warning la poalad, Ma Bridge*, John MM*. Th* commune. Vaccaro, Don Stroud. unfold. (PQ) (2 hra.) Waiting For Spaee Iota of tear oauaaa Mm BASKETBALL •lory of sn American (Paid Subscription penaKtedln the Australia 11:30 • «O¥« to lanpt lata by *ugg**t- Indiana Pacara va New yaisrroRS- Televielon) Chic model of the 1840'a and Ma -

igoes | HIM seafood UWMMII t II J0*M-IM0mSuiIpi».. II JO AM II 00PM rnG SK 2SSSZSI

2200 Hwy. 35 Township ol Octan 493-2404 °0ne mile sooth of Monmouth Mall on Hwy. 35

i^ni'mh IWI Snuffy Smith Dennis the Menace SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24,1(78

JUGHAID AST ME BLESS HIS TEU HIM HE TO FIND OUT LEETLE CAN GIT ME A rossword puzzle CHK1 r_ POT HOLDER FERVOf ACROSS 33 Arabom 57 - dig 20 Usurper BIRFDflY 34 Daan Martin Ivukjar) 2 Place at $1 lights risk 64 Navy VIP 28 Contents o» 14 Author ol • norao "Camwn' constst chambar ISBaolvwi (7 Certain 26 Son or SO itOotarbil thcTV china 27 RigginB 17 AodMtu 44 EidMnant colactiont nMQ ISStMrirTt •46 FnnUin'a • -sights 26Onraaad mothv (takaahnl 24OMT 19 HM- 46Chanvlon: 89 Turning 31 MaBiaubJ. 21 Mkt-EMt G«r. toolt hOMkv) 48 Unto mMMnto 22 WaMch DOWN VVHYDONTWU 24 Praparafor 1 Gambling I HAVE TO SEE acting «*y 36Cartak< JUST CLEAN THAT " IFAMVOFIT 27 Mongol 52 Capuchin Iramawork UP WITH A/MOP? SOT m HER tnDMflWft monkay rWa 40 Frutt drink DNamMkM S4Rip«ning 3 Takattw 43 Vaapucci ofBondo otharsMa 46RaaaVbaaa 32 GoMMrok* 4 MOM 47 Inebriates SModam: 4tUaaa VaMardWaPuatoSotwd: abbr. plMOM 6 Eva's off- SOTanaa •pring Phyar 7 Hofticul SI Dogma turetool S3 Aspirato SLokit SB Country daughtar Wide: abbr. 9 Oneolttw 58 Gratia VfloHW.MQM. 1 cm m WTHE WAY ITS AOM 59 Dam hi 10 -pin 60 Hirtand 1HATI7SAWRJHSNUM6ER!" 11 Manipulator Pacino of cheek» 62 Sunahin* The Family Circus 12 Oddt'com- ahada IT WOUDMT rMHAfSNOTfBUTl* KTH WHL Joe AND i WILL f so you MEW 63 Uncle, in QOWJUANY panion* >OU ARE NOT Of AGE,THeOOORE «ou«nJ9(roTM(E CONTINue QfEN AN / fOK »tt TO Scotland MOnttJ 13 Ramaindar, •UTI WONT ACTIVELY N4MTCKSTKTHE NURSING AUTOMOBILE k LOSE A BON in France 66Goddeer SERVICE /\ AND A 14 Swab Lat HOW wu »ou surfarr CLINIC/ £-\ CHAUFFEUR? AHOMtr ! » E 1 ^V p B PO 11 II? »3 I nim 1 l 1 • 1 M 1 1 M ••• MM 1 • 1 tit!! rff IBil Mil The Wiurd of Id JdiBBI! • ilH IB dBBBdBB ill rff •dBBB w •BBBI dd rff m rn "Grandma has a new way to do dishes. She BBBB JBB washes them in the sink and dries t\ them off with a towel." r Your horoscope, birthday TUESDAY. Oct. 24 Dame Sybil Thomdlke, Brit- AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. self with extreme care. Bom today, you are so ish actrass. II) - A test of wills from CANCER(June21-July22) sensitive to the moods of To aee what is In store the opposition must not - A personal failure may others that, unless you feel for you tomorrow, find find you wanting. Make at the same time make you yourself in harmony 'with your birthday and read the sure you are prepared to appear successful in the them, you cannot be your corresponding paragraph. give facts. eyes of others. A fair trade. moat productive self. When PISCES(Feb. 11-March you do feel yourself in WEDNESDAY, Oct. IS 21) - In an effort to please, LEOfJuly 2t-Au«. 21) - harmony with co-workers, SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. don't subjugate your will to Analytical approaches you take great joy in work. 21) - An impulsive move another. Keep your integ- may not be conducive to For this reason, it is ex- early in the day could rity - all day long! quick success. You may be tremely important that bring a planned activity to ARIESfMarch 21-AprH 11) over-studying the situation you surround yourself with an abrupt halt - perma- - Let nothing stand in the at hand. happy and intelligent indi- nently! way of your helping an- VIRQO(Aug.23-Sepl.22)- WHO POT THOSE YOU DIO-LAST YEAR.' -> WELLSCMETIMES viduals. SAQITTAHIUS(No». 22- other attain goals that - Misplaced ambition could A "YOUR HOUSE HAS HORHIBLE-UX3KNG THE WORST-LOOKING You may have more than Dec. 21) - An inclination to have so far been elusive. land you in considerable I THE WOffST-lOOKING RAINSUTTERS a little difficulty selecting believe everything you TAURUS(Apm 20-May 20) trouble where old friends V RAIN GUTTERS IVE a life's work; not because hear could cause you to - This Is a good day for are concerned. Be reason- Or EVER you cannot find your niche, make a mistake you'll shelving your own ambi- able. but because you can find tion and helping another regret. LIBRAfSapt. 2J-0ct. 22)- too many of them. Only CAPRICORN(Dac. 22- come to terms with his. haste could spoil your Give! Energy and enthusiasm Jan. II) - Quality is essen- are the keys to today's choice. tial if you are to be able to QEMINI(May 21-June 20) - - You may find yourself in success. Don't allow your Alao bom on this data attain long-standing goals Interest to wane - at least unexpected difficulties this an: Marian C. Cooper, now. Forget about quanti- not visibly. author, Him producer; ty- morning. Extricate your-

Sheinwold's bridge advice South dealer Both sides vulnerable By Alfred Sheinwdd " with the ace of clubs! Be then DAILY QUESTION NOKTH It pay. to remember that ^ »*»* to dummy's aee. parlner wUhon e • AQJ4 your opponents were not born When the spades failed to heart, and the next player VA752 ROW OK. yesterday. They will tend to break, declarer ruffed dummy's Daises. You hold: 4> 7 5 2 S? K OK64 HO mm OF somet CMSUPPOKT avoid dangerous plays If they last spade and got out with a QJ64OQ»5*A3. What •Q5 m Horn'mc, BUT DBKSSB?.. K PCK> «•»? «•?• . . club. He would be safe if the do you say? WIST EAST South won the fast tnck and p)lyw wjlh lhe king of clubl tried a finesse with the u*k of ,& ^ ^ «* „, diamond, ANSWER: Bid three hearts, • 86 • K1093 V109 spades. When this «ucceeded it lmtli M u g^u, h™^ The hand is much too strong he returned to his hand with a West had to take the king of 'of »jump to four hearts. Your OA72 OJ1093 • K108764 • J92 trump and tried another spade c|uot tBi ieid diamonds. This bid il forcing to game and fines* permitted South to make his promises 13 to 16 points, count- SOUTH East won and returned the own quetn u well u dummy's in< distribution as well as high • 752 deuce of clubs. South reasoned |tln- £ diamonds. cards. •9KQJ64 that East could not be leading soUlh would J0 down „ h, 0QJ5 from the king of club* If East pllyti low on &,•, club rt. (A POCKET GUIDE TO • A3 had the king of clubs he would lurn Wett ^^ uke the king BRIDGE written by Alfred Saatfc Wast Nartk East Uke the first spade so that he 0, C|UD, ,„„ get out wilh* SkeinwoM is available. Get could make a safe trump re- i s^^ | eventually your copy by sending II 8 to Pass Piss INT Pass Hagar c ub wou d 39 Paas 4 9 All Pi turn have to start the diamonds, the Red Bank Renter. P 0 TAIESACE losing two diamond Box MM. Los Angeles. Calif. •MS) Opening lead - 910 II Tr»BrtoBt»B—*l South therefore stepped up "*** BffSTFRlBN A*. uJHV SHOULD IT BE I PONT SEE WHY I o? ! ; 50HARDT0GETA CAN'T WE THIS POLE BLANKET FROM A CAT? ANP JUST REACH «6HT ^/1 OVER THERE ANP... 3F -All >^ InbaHl I til il^V \\ Wf*"" m • HCdJa. The Phantem Beetle Bailey . OCTOBER 24.1978 Akaconderi READY WEDNESDAY ONIY 10 AM.

111 L^LBLBHaUaHUlfl i

RED BANK DEMOCRATS OATHen — Formtr Red Bonk Mayor Daniel J. O'Hern, second from right, wot a guest at the Red Bank Democrats' annual fund-raising cocktail party, held Sunday at the Olde Union House. From left an the four candidates for the governing body this year: Stafford Thompson, for council; Mayor Frank McKenna; Edward MeKenna for council, Mr. O'Hern, and Michael Ellegood, for a one-year council term. f Jl Ratafl -pc. coffee y-pc.Coi CTHern charges GOP keset starter set ; undermines confidence RED BANK - Former Referring to criticism by a tinued. Democratic Mayor Daniel J. number of residents and can- Mr. O'Heni said the Demo- O'Heni has acciued. the Re- didates regarding the costs ot cratic team, which Includes publican ud lodeptolwit can- Marine Park renovation work, council candidates Edward didates (or local office of "un- Mr. O'Hern said "the only way McKenna, Stafford Thompson dermining the confidence ot we could have gotten the mag- and Michael Ellegood, would our volunteer firemen, fenlor nificent new park that we will "stand on our record of sup- citizens worker* ud volunteer have here wai through the pro- port and leadership" for the Paifet department" during the grami we used." renovation of the railroad sta- current campaign. The park work was ori-tion, downtown Improvements, Speaking at the Democrat*' ginally supposed to cost and the Westside revitaUsaUon aaaaal cocktail party on Sun- fM.M In state and federal protect. day at the Okie Union House, Mds, but bids came In higher Mr. O'Hern, now com-than expected and the final -1 ask the voters of Red mlaalaaer of the «tate Depart- estimate Is about |i.l million, Bank to study the programs . meat of Environmental Pro- with the difference to be borne of the other candidates and see tection, laid the Republicans by local taxpayers. if they have offered one solu- and Independent* "have run a "It Is not true that we could tion to move Red Bank for- I negative campaign with only have applied for more federal ward. I think you wlU find criticism for our programi but funds for the park," the former none. Then I challenge the vot- with none of their own ' mayor maintained, apparently ers to take a walking tour of The Democratic slate this In reference to a criticism to Shrewsbury Avenue, Wallace year Is led by Mayor Frank that effect made by Dr. Street, and Marine Park and McKenna, seeking his first Arnone recently. see work actually In progress. elected term In the pott. He Is "These funds were all that I think Red Bank wants to opposed by Republican Dr. were available and had to be keep moving ahead and that Michael Arnone and Independ- shared by the Board of Educa- Frank McKenna's team can do ent candidate Paul Zar. tion and the borough," he con- It," lie concluded. 'Adolescent name calling9 jfarj automatic lectrid bUti is charged by Arnone RED BANK - Dr. Michael the Important question of why, crats and Republicans alike - J. Arnone, Republican can- under Democratic leadership, as well as N percent of our didate for mayor, says his op our taxes nave continued to residents, deeply appreciate ponents are indulging In spiral year after year while the service rendered by their "adolescent name calling and neighboring communities have respective organisations," Dr. foot stamping," and should been able to offer their resi- Arnone said. stop their "personal fussln' dents a decided decrease over "And they resent, u I do, and feudln'" and discuss the the past two years." the derogatory and uncalled- Mayor McKenna said that for remarks by Mr. Zar con- the local purposes tax rate, the cerning the expenditure of Dr. Arnone's statement fol- only one over which Borough borough funds for dinner lows several days of charges Council has control, has de- parties given to these civic and counter-charges by Paul clined slightly the psst few minded Individuals as a token Zar, independent candidate for years, although the overall tax of the entire community's mayor, and Democratic rate has climbed. esteem and appreciation," he Mayor Frank McKenna, about Referring to Mr. Zar'i money spent by the borough statements that many of the for parties and dinners, msny parties have been for fire de- Dr. Arnone criticised Mr. for the town's volunteer partment and first aid squad McKenna for the Marine Park groups. members. Dr. Arnone cost overrun, and said that If "It appears to me to be criticized Mr. McKenna for the mayor "had spent one- rather foolish for two grown "attempting to solicit votes by tenth the time studying the and supposedly intelligent men defending those who don't feasibility" ot moving the mu- to square off and throw paper need to be defended. nicipal offices to the Riv- darts at each other about such "I feel sure that the mem- erStreet School "as he has in trivial matters as to who bers of our volunteer fire de- answering Mr. Zar's ridiculous turned In the fire department partments, first aid squads charges," resident* would for selling beer In the fire- and recreation department all nave Information about the house," Dr. Arnone said, realize that every member of cost and practicality of the "while neither have answered our governing body - Demo- proposal. 'Democrats ignore concerns, Fair Haven Republican says up to.lit off! OrierUal & American FAIR HAVEN - William cerning the status of elec- ic platform talks about Jog- G. Bassler, Republican can- trification of the New York gers, but ignores commuters. Indian inspired rugs didate for Borough Council, and Long Branch Railroad." "On the other hand," He has criticized his Democratic The meeting, however, was continued, "the Republican opponents for ignoring con- attended by the GOP can-platform pledge is: To work cerns of residents. didates for election In next toward better service and Instead of confronting the month's general election, Wil- equipment for our dally bus problems facing the communi- liam C. Rue, mayoral can- and train commuter.'" ty, Mr. Bassler said, "The didate, and George Berry, Mr. Bassler, added, "The Democrats are waging a popu- council candidate. improvement of public trans- larity contest. For example, Charging that avoiding lo- portation vitally affects the not one Democratic candidate cal issues is "typical of the non-commuter as well as the attended last Thursday's Democratic campaign." Mr. comnuter. If we cannot pro- meeting in Borough HaU con- Bassler said, "The Democrat- vide safe and efficient trans- portation to our cities, we will! end up in an economic waste- navy, red ikrou Candidates on TV land. "Our goal as Republican «»fY «S» in e*»r> councUmen will be to Insure The incumbent and the volunteers for his father's and stimulate community In- challenger for the con- campaign, tomorrow at 1:11volvement In the continuing ef- king-size heavenly vhite save on w gressional seat in the third dis- p.m. The show will be repested fort to improve commuter ser- trict will appear with mem- Sunday at 7 p.m. vice," Mr. Bassler declared. fitted print sheets goose feather pillows winter blankets bers of their families on "Get- Rep. James J. Howard, i 'i. i. .,...• Democratic challengers In Many beautiful TtwalBiMteinluxi ting To Know You." hosted by running for re-election on the {•mrnaAmlon with pretty cotton Lj H*§ Fluff/, soft, Arlene Herson on Democratic ticket, will be a Ike election are Councilman 99 print ticking, ne.% FuturevuBon's Channel 11 gMtt en the show together Christopher G. KeUy, mayor Brace Coe, the Republican with his wife, Marlenj, andcandidate, and Council can- 4 8 ,ijja^,| U*M ffdheseeuNuv. I ssa, Jeff, who la director of and Nov. i at 7 p.m. Carol Salomon. MONMOUtH MALL—EATOMTOWN, NJ. OPEN MON-SAT. T< > MAIL on PHONE OROE Colts Neck asking state block M rlboro pullout (Continued) t la the IM, which wai distributed to the audience, A tkree-rnember state review board, including me state t flvt pooaWe ttaada which township offldalt might edutattea eoaunlMoaer, the director of (be state DMA* take ot IkeqMttloa. They are: of Load Qovenment tad the tUte treasurer «U review -"AJtew Marlboro to withdraw tod aae what happens


m # ntHntHnHHnlHHHs! Protesting Marlboro's withdrawal from the Freehold Regional High School district at a joint Colts Neck Township Committee and Board of Education meeting are, from left, Arnold Chait, Mrs. Carolyne Saltzbart and Committeeman Nick The Daily Register Keehbler. Mr. Chait is a attorney hired by the board who said the township official's position would be submitted to state officials hy Thursday and Mrs. SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, OCTOBER !4. 1978 17 Salubart is president of the board of education. Greenham expected to be Rumson school super

BUMSON - Dr. WUUam Haven Regional High School at visited the district since the portedly a school adminis- and parents last Wednesday. the permanent replacement salary In the low $40,000 master's degrees in education Greeaham of Pttttford, N. Y, a tonight's Board of Education school board narrowed Its list trator from northern New Jer- "I had positive reactions to the for Dr. John F. Klnney Jr., bracket Dr. Klnney, at the He began his professional ca- suburb of Rochester, is ex- meeting of RnaUsU to two candidates sey, did not visit the district different groups I met," he woo officially left the district time he left the district for reer as a teacher and super- pected to be named super- Dr. Greenham Is the only two weeks ago. Dr. Greenham met with said yesterday. last summer, Dr. Greenham Is Basking Ridge, after more visor of vocal music In the intendent of Rumson-Fslr candidate for the pott to hive A second candidate, re- school administrators, staff Should be be appointed as expected to receive an annual than 20 years here, was getting Sayre, Pa., school system, MJ.875 a year at the time of his with which he was affiliated departure. for three years. Since August, Donald F. At the same time. Dr. Trotter, high school principal, Greenham took graduate Cohen asks why no for BRSA has filled In as acting super- courses at Cornell. He then intendent. He has received went on to continue his studies MM a month for his service, In UNION BEACH - David ern Monmouth County have re- Keansburg's system. yean In flow charges for wa- Ironically, the cost of the application If there Is no mon- at Cornell as a full-time stu- addition to his annual salary of Cohen, a Bayshore Regional ceived Federal funds to re And II Keansburg's lines ter that Infiltrates Into Its flow charges to Keansburg ey available," be declared. dent, and held a graduate as- parir sewerage lines, while art not teed, residents there leaky pipes, according to ststantship there When he fin Sewerage Authority com- could exceed the cost of a new Mr. Shields said that redo- "there la no grant money may end up paying as much as Francis X. Shields, the author- mm ished bis course work at Cor- mlsttooer, would like to know sewer system, Mr. Shields ing Keansburg's sewers would available" to rehabilitate til million over the next It Ity's executive director. Mr. Trotter would continue nell, Dr. Greenham began his whv five communities In south- said, adding: probably cost at least $15 mil- as acting superintendent until career In the Rochester area. "People in Keansburg have lion, but "maybe it million or the new superintendent takes and received his doctorate' beet paying Federal taxes that 13 million." have helped to pay grants for over. from Cornell In 1»M "We will go with them to other towns. It doesn't seem The 47-year-old Dr. Green- Prior to teaching in Sayrei the state, as long at this fair that, when their dollars ham is a native of EUwood Dr. Greenham spent two years doesn't cost us anything," Mr. chairman blasts are being spent elsewhere, no City, Pa., near Pittsburgh. He in the United States Army, Shields said of the authority's funds are available when they is currently employed as assis- serving as an Infantry officer role. He added that the agency need it" . tant superintendent In charge In West Germany. He and hii could even submit the applica- Mr. Cohen said he had of instruction for the Pittsford wife, also a Penn State gradu- tion If Keansburg provided the asked the Federal Environ- school district, encompassing ate, have three children, tht 8 percent matching funds usu- aim card fiasco mental Protection Agency kindergarten through grade 12. youngest of whom is a hlgt ally needed to obtain grant about grant money for There are nine schools In the school senior. "This It an embaresatng tltualloafor DOT and we're Keansburg. "I've brought the monies. district. Although Mrs. Tora Ul not going to let them off the hook," said Mr. Specter. "This question up face to face: What As the situation stands now, Dr. Greenham has worked Doremus. president of the sett the basis for a credibility gap in DOT's operatlqaa." can you do?," he said, "and Keansburg Is paying the au- in the Rochester area suburbs school board, said that she still The question of where the post cards were going to go, the answer they give It that thority for something "we of Pittsford and Brighton since anticipated a decision at tor may have been )ust "a problem with semantics." lit. there Is no grant money avail- don't even want," Mr. Shields IMO. except for five years night's meeting, she added: "J Anew MM. able." went on, noting that the salt when he served as a principal will not comment as to who IIMM said the Bus Bureau has It Inspectors to According to Mr. Shields, If water and sand that comes In the Shaker Heights. Ohio, that person shall be." follow up on bos complaints, one of whom works full time funds are to be obtained, (he with infiltration can wreak school system. Inapectiat the garages buses at garages servicing the Keansburg Municipal Utilities havoc en the authority's treat- Dr. Greenham Is a gradu- Other board members cod- Authority would probably have ment faculties and Increase ate of Pennsylvania State Uni- (acted also would not confirm end result It that all the complaints were la- to submit the application. "But maintenance and operation versity, from which he re- or deny the pending appoint- Amone said, "Maybe Thursday (at the there it no use in making an costs. ceived bachelor of science and ment. •tweea CNJTB reps tad Mr. GUhooley) there aataton as to what the correct procedure was." ^Hl that Mr. Gthooley had called POT last mplalnl cards and was assured s had cooperated la dealing OK's library expansion |HBi thai just because Mr. Uilhooley hadn't ly WARREN R1CHKY dren's programs and re- the Children's Room, which, The library trustee urged >lat cards, be didn't watt to MATAWAN - The Re- sources at the library were so she pointed out, has a seating board members, In addition to ^^Boatee program." gional Board of Education last popular that youngsters often capacity of It sending letters as a group, to entive maintenance night unanimously supported must be turned away because According to Mrs. contact their Council members I," said Mr. Spector. noting tht proposed ll.H million ex- of a lack of space. McKeough, the existing t.4M- individually and "let them ^•ordsday's meeting wouM apanalon of the Aberdeen- In pointing to the close rela- square-foot Horary cannot ade- know your views" prior to the redtp." Matawan Public Library, and tionship between schools and quately hold half of the M.MO planned Dec. I Joint Council ited Mr. GUhooley with and hi expected to send letters to the library, Mrs. Ayanlan said: volumes that it owns. For an meeting, when the expansion stttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttHsK a* the governing bodies of both "Children don't lean their area with the population of project will be discussed. it a Wtoa committee ^Kn the communities urging their sup- basic skills by watching tele- Aberdeen and Matawan, the In other action, Harvey •ompany to meet periodically in order port of the plan. vision, they learn them by said, the library Is currently Goldman and Kathleen In asking lor the board's reading." U.MI to H,M0 volumes short. Wtelkopolski of Arthur Young ilable backing. Lori Ayanlan, a li- Although the ll-ytar-oid li- Mrs. Ayanlan asserted that 4 Company, Newark, pres- brary trustee, pointed out that, brary added a CklMrta's the |I.U million pricettg ented the 1177-78 audit review among tke U municipalities In Room In 1171, Mrs. Ayanlan would be applied over a » to the board. The audit showed Monmouth County with Inde- commented, the addition was year period and would cost the that, from 1177 to 1171, the MQdMt Bbnrlcs, Abcrwcn- Inadequate even when its owner of a IM.MI home about district's budget surplus bad Matawan ranked 11th In the dropped from (135,441 to doors were first opened. y •umber of books owned by the Dolores McKeough, direc- "The question Is tot wheth- •TIB* ttbrary per capita and In terms tor of the library, said that er we can afford te nave this Mr. Goldman told the board of she* room within the li- before going to the board that the low "free balance" n brary. addtUoa, but can we atlord not aeetiag but night, she counted to have this addition," the the budget might present « Mn. Ayanlan taM that chil- UchaWrea and three adaMstn U an unanticipated. MMMttl 11 The My Re«faler iREWSBUflY. N J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24.1976 Decorating with art works

Ask five people (or an opinion of a painting, lithograph or because the colors Mended so beautifully " (Photo bottom Interiors print and you will get five different, subjective answers. right) Aak those same five people why they bought a specific piece Another Fair Haven family was looking for • painting with of art for their home or office and you will get more objective great strength and color definition to match the size, mood and •iuwtri because the buying process tends to be an extension of deep colors of their Mediterranean dining room.(Photo bottom the do-it-yourself decorator's arm, left.) To best Illustrate bow people In this area combined their Doctor Charles Sills, with professional offices In Tinton subjective taste with a flair for picking art for Its decorative Falls, selected a quiet Voorhees shore scene which blends "lightness," room settings were photographed, using the works tastefully with his contemporary decor and cork wall. (Photo at of watercolorist Donal Voorhees, Atlantic Highlands. Each left.) reflects one or more of the following decoratlng-with-art ap- And then there Is that one spot In every home that needs proaches: special treatment — an alcove, a room that's broken up In just 1. Color coordination with the room. the wrong place — handled with impeccable taste by a Rumson 2. Tielng In with the mood or theme of the room. family by combining a Louis the XVI table and chair with a I. Style of the room furnishings (colonial, modem, tradi- Voorhees original watercolor and touches of leaded glass and tional country, etc.). brass. (Photo at right.) 4. Personal preference for an art form by: % You've seen how other families or Individuals decorate with a. Artist - collectors' approach - for Investment value or art. And you're probably thinking that all it takes Is money. style. Right? Wrong! The watercolors In the room settings shown here b. School - abstract, realism, surrealism, etc. could easily be lithographs or limited edition prints used within c. Medium used - watercolor, oil, pen and ink, pastels, etc. your persona) decor...and the cost is only a fraction of the d. Type — original paintings, lithographs, prints, etc. original painting price. For example, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Beck of Fair Haven Remember: When you plan to decorate or redecorate, art capsultzed why art in Its many forms has become so Important and the way you use It should be an extension of the subjective as a "decorative finishing touch" to a room setting. They said, you and your personal preferences In home furnishings. Look CUSTOM REUPHOLSTERY "When we bought Tls Autumn' from the Voorhees Gallery, we for new and exciting ways to combine the two. You will be were sure the artist had painted it with our living room In mind happy with the results. SALE! STANDARD CHAIR to 1 cushion $ 18500 Fabrics to $12.00 per yard. Wide assortment of beautiful first quality STANDARD SOf A materials from the to 3 cushions finest Mills in America. ALL WORK DONE BY 00 MASTER CRAFTS- 375 MAN I CALL: 747-25431 FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE


Beautiful, functional jWall-to-wall carpet comes in box and fun to be in...

While the price of every- and quantity needed easy to soft touch is appreciated bly does more to cozy up a dynamite decorating at do- thing has risen steadily in the calculate. underfoot. room than any other home it-yourself prices. . .out of a Q Kjtchen box! past few years, one home Myriad constructions are To install, here's all you furnishings item. Its unifying furnishing item's cost has available, loo, from velvet do. properties make rooms look For free literature dealing designed just fallen faster than autumn plush to sculptured shag. Peel off the protective larger and keep floor house- with carpet-square installa- leaves. One brand-new shag carpel paper on the back of the keeping down to a minimum. tion, write: Consumer Ser- vices, Dept. M978, Advanced technology and square line is available in square (note arrow direction, It makes sense this fall to Armstrong Cork Company, jbr you by sophisticated manufacturing seven tone-on-lone col- and be certain that all run the try your hand at one of the same way). . . place the car- Lancaster, PA 17604. methods have made carpet a orations, and is ideal for easiest ways around to gel pet on the floor, and press. A better buy today than it was small or large areas where a over two decades ago. plumb line is advised for in- stallation to begin in the cen- WSOD-MSSE Monry-tavlng Innovation Common scents ter of the room. Edges are MIRROR MIRROR ON Not only are scientists and precision cut, and when the Some Kitchens are mostly tor engineers developing in- ©Many homemakers have squares are installed prop- cooking, but a Wood-Mode kitchen creasingly superior products not used air fresheners be- erly, there are no visible THE WALL for less money, they're de- cause they were a visible in- seams. is tor people since it's custom dication that a house is not designed and custom built to (ill livering every conceivable Since autumn days mean WHO CREATES YOU the needs ol the life you live. color under the sun, as well naturally fresh. winter's on its way, Ihe look as new ways to meet the one Hidden ami of warmth is as important as BEST OF ALL? rising factor in carpel You have a choice ot cabinetry In New small round plastic its feel. Psychologically, car- The artisans of 3rd Avenue oak, maple, cherry or distressed afTordability—installation discs for home and car air pet makes a room "feel" pine In a wide variety of styles and cost. deodorizing have a stick-up warmer. Glass know that mirrors are the The 12" x 12" carpet (ape and adhere unseen. Catpel unifies genuine hand-rubbed finishes so beautiful way to reflect your the decor of your kitchen can be square is the answer for the Wall-to-wall carpet proba- would-be handyman. A less- home's loveliness. See our as Individual as the design. In ad- (han-skilled person can elim- "Wall of Mirrors" and original dition, Wood-Mode offers another inate the high cost of labor by FREE furniture designs in glass. unique advantage-cabinet Inte- putting down a roomful of riors of vinyl which are attractive, carpet that looks profession- durable and easy to keep clean. ally installed in only a few hours. PANELING Visit our showroom soon. See how What's more, high-quality CLINIC Wood-Mode can add the beauty foam backing and adhesive and convenience of custom-built are built into the product. Saturday, October 28, 10 A.M. cabinetry to your kitchen. Easier than easy, there is vir- tually no muss, no fuss, with this wall-to-wall carpet thai M0NM0UTH BUILDING CENTER comes "out of a box," and no 777 MUWSIUBY AVE. SHUWUURY additional padding io buy. 35 THIRD AVE 222-6213 LONG BRANCH Armstrong has packaged 747-5220 4ft FREE PARKING ADJACENT TO STORE carpel squares ten to a box for availability throughout the U.S. It makes squares UP TO easily portable from the store SHOP & COMPARE Phil Rlzzuto Says: H8 r6 A t Whenyoiij to buy a < COLONIAL • MODERN CONTEMPORARY THEMBNEYSTBRF TABLE*DESK "ALYSSON IN QUALIFIED BORROWERS

Go to a ikxk ym ..... (am lo in. WINDOWLAND" Are Now Eligible For Whuh meant. w? must kttp a bsg vontty ol ttwn NOW THRU NOVEMBER 15 on hand Plenty of wall clock i. tnonrtrjondgrond DECORATIVE JOANNA CLOTH WINDOW SHADES 30%-50% OFF Mlto IH our tthcllon of: CALL WEAKEST BRANCH Of FtCt SHADES • GLASS • CHIMNEYS WOVEN WOODS REPLACEMENT PARTS HARPS • AND MORE) 30%-50% OFF SMCUl DISCOUNT* OH HOVfUtDI

899. * Ymmr ALYSSON WINDOW WORLD OF CLOCKS SHADE CO. INC 320 Highway 35 — MkMtttow tm&wnm l~Ovt Of Area CALL TOLL FREE 411 MAIN $1. AVON Optn di»y I a.m.-S :J0 1 M».«r»*f flee-Mr »M| ra Friday EM. UN* p.m. IM CERTAIN CITIES. E 449-9206 OPEN MON. THRU FRI. UNITED FMKAWtLAME —• OMLr-MON-tAT 1*4 y 741-7717 tTQU..-i*T.»TPS NJ TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24.1976 How to work with your interior designer Once you have agreed Is eiperteace for you, and U you •} NINA LEE They can begin with an empty wpinlilon. In- hobbles, la- dal rttjaanaMBlt, auay coat- space or use existing furniture. atalaUon and bookkeeping, the tenets and way of Me - so ryratatmrUlbtavoMtd work with a darigaer. ap- •*•• tattt suggestions jft« Aa accredited interior de- They can make the most of make* kit profit by your Interior may be person- Always arraage a first proaca this ptraoa wtth eta- »• rt«»w th» designers to-


Mwy tint t iMpti 9 WALL ST. AT HWY 35 mill end shop .-FRI. 7:30-5:30 RED BANK .7:30 to 5:00 BALE PRICES BASED ON PICK-UP of red bank NOT WSKMtNLt TOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS H-5500 137B-BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY, NJ TUESDAY OCTOBER 24.1978

Natural materials a top choice CHECK THIS OUT! By US KING * Natural, ami just far country rooms. They're also At the world wound ut at home in urban tellings, grows ever more hectic and where they create unex- • Elegant Wall Mirrors Uncled, we seek to create pected ouei home environment! thai will * Ooa'i go overboard with • Custom Picture framing bring ui wnpfc beauty and tree trunk tables. One is rcMorative calm. And that enough in the avenge room tubim the twecptni popu- Add more, and your room \f • Custom Designed larity of the natural otcont- wiH take or a camping-out h Mirror Walls For the uluralt arc to .'.Quarry tile, whether •craw and comfortina IV glued or iwglazed, is a fool- • • Bathtub Enclosures colon an ncmral. the pat proof flooring material for term artleu. and Ike ihapct natural rooms. Undated tile relaxed. So you wind up with now comes in suck huet as • • Glass Table Tops the ume food fceKaci that sand, fawn and dark brown come from walk. Also think of using Tile Naturally" booklet '30 decorator. on top of ceramic tile floors. mosaics for a wall plaque, the cents). Another booklet tells "I've heard it said that Try a hemp version, animal * Wicker adds marvelous coffee or dining table. This you how to set tile you self (25 those elements compatible skins (make yours the fake texture, but don't overdo it. would be still another way to cents). Write Tile Council of 10-16 Maple Ave., Red Bank 741-1063! outdoors are equally so in- variety to show your respect Limit it to one or two major add accent color. America, P.O. Box 2222. doors," he continues "But for nature), or an Indian pieces. To find out more about Princeton. N.J. 08540. (hat's loo pat. It takes a fine geometric. (Native and * Use some bold accent •ye to add those color »c- primitive crafts are very at colors to save your room I Cents and surprise elements home in natural decors.) from the blahs. The best way The Jersey shoes most exciting store that'll save the room from * Greenery galore will to get spot color is with pil- prove great assets to most lows, pottery, and area rugs. natural schemes. But plastic * Explore the decorative ' | Despite hit insistence that pots are a no-no. Use natural possibilities of ceramic " the natural scheme more than clay opts, or tile yourself mosaics (those tiny I or Iny other is a very personal some handsome planters., 2-inch tiles). They give you natter, Mcllvain neverthe- " If you don't have a green nature, PLUS color and tex- less agreed to offer some ture . Treat yourself lo a plaid hints for do-it-yourself de- thumb, plop dried grasses or cattails in baskets or glass floor or flamestitch pattern in coratort enamored by the subtle neutrals, ranging from ' natural look: bottles. DECORATORI ; Best doesn't have to be expensive - Since your home is an in- selves. Andersen Corpora- When an old window is vestment in living as well as tion of Bayport, Minn, sug- removed, there's a rough savings, it won't pay divi- gests that when you buy ma- opening to fill, just as in new WALL UNITS dends if neglected. Properly terials, it pays not to skimp. construction. In many cases, maintained and improved, it The leading manufacturer of stock-sized windows can be will pay a high yield in com- windows and gliding doors purchased to fit the opening -fort and convenience and in adds that good materials are from local building supply the avoidance of costly repair not necessarily the most ex- dealers. 8AVE HUNDREDS bills caused by extended ne- pensive. glect. What you need, says An- If the new windows don't OF DOLLARS on today's - Your home also represents dersen, are products lhal fit the opening, some carpen- decorator look... now you can a substantial stake in the look good, are well-made, try will be required. Ander- local community. In general, easy to lake care of and last a sen, which manufactures create this great look and save... home improvements tend to long time. vinyl-sheathed Perma-Shield raise neighborhood stan- One of the more popular windows and gliding doors, - dards and property values. do-it-yourself projects these points out that the best re- $ If handy with tools and ex- days Involves window re- placement window is the best perienced in carpentry, placement. Il should be a rel- window you can buy because homeowners can save money atively simple job for an ex- they are likely to be around SAVE 400 „_ by doing many lobs them- perienced handyman. for a good many yean. great 3 piece unit with four glass doors, four lights. Top center door lift* up and locks Into position, exposing Illuminated bar AT. compartment. A great look In black oak and white melamlne...

Red Bank Lumber Rag. *W* J, New Energy-Mizer" Fireplaces NOW ALL J At last! A built-in 3 UNITS *• fireplace that won't COMPUTE This three piece unit rob your home approximately 107 Inches wide, 78 of heated air. h/ it trw £tc*« Indkalad.) "" Inches high. Never again at this low, low price. Here Is your once In a life- Glass doors «•"&• stop room tiff.M timi e opportunityti , Hln while supplies Heated room air from going air returnt) up chimney if! to h< JPKEUNT GREAT / SAVINGS OH THIS GREAT «"iiS"CMKT Outside air M"iir OMIT intak «"i1S" NU DOWN WARDROBE feed fire WITH CLOTHES BAR, TWO SHELVES ABOVE. 40" wide x 21V deep. R«g.*MJ6 NOW Built-in heating chamber warms room air Stop in today to see the new, do-it-yourself, Energy-Mizer Fireplaces from Preway . . .the only practical design for today's needs. ALL ACCESSORIES AND PIPE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE. WE'LL HELP vPrkM ctsa t cant- 0«r i ' wn lesev i*e« see prawct yser swdiete, waM casus ftf eavvafY' START YOUR FIRST FIRE BY GIVING YOU 2 LARGE BAGS OF Store Hours:' ( KINDLING WOOD FREE, WITH THE PURCHASE OF OUR ENERGY OPEN LATE M0N.WED. & FRL'TH »30l MISER ONLY AT: TUEa,THURS.*SAT.'Til6! I ThtM charg* canto accapM at Gaieo... See pages 19 & 22 Red Bank ol this newspaper •action for more Red Bank Lumber Wai FeTaHw Lumber Sale*. 1121 HIGHWAY 35, WANAMASSA 9 Wall st. at Hwy 35. (I MlM Nttm #r AfeMIfy rOHC Ctftm) 741-5500 Ample Free Parking... 774-3456 MOM-FRl 7:30-530, Sat 7:30-5:00 SHREWSBURY. N J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24.1978 21 Harmonious contrast gives rooms new look

**«; <«> let a ready new makes its own decorative cal, comfortable basis (or the too* by mixing old looks— contribution with a display of room, the eye-catching ef- ofieSSnL"!^ *m ,^tteMi.*.^tint\o china. fects of more exotic acces- miiuiiui iiciriim ciisiiiuls "ink about some changes With SK Products' solid sories make it decoralively uaamW o««tk * WALLPAPER that will enliven your outlook furniture to give the practi- different aru etciting AM. of mt «U ratts in the winter months TJ* old hard-and-fast rules FASHIONS of decorating have been re- taxed to such to extent thai "i you is Treat Yourself and[Your to a successful wnious blend. ' I I Home to a New Exciting Look! "•™"P<, woods should Vi PRICE •Imlla/and the lines of the TUlure should be compali- i: you should not mix deli- ate Louis XV style with SALE •DRAPES • MINI-BUNDS Early Americas because • VERTICALS Jhey would fight each Buy t Roll From Stock •CURTAINS Wer—visually, at least 5 «'i often better .and safer, Buy 2nd Roll At >/i Price • VALANCES • BEDSPREADS to mix Airnitiut with the ac- W»*ortes you use as a back- • CORNICES • SLIPCOVERS ground • T This dining room is a good • WOVEN WOODS • UPHOLSTERY example of mixes of quite dif- ferent periods and cultures. • FABRICS • WALLCOVERINGS The one thing that everything • FURNITURE • BUILT-INS las in common, though, is hat it is American all the way • ACCESSORIES • PLANTS tecause all Ihe furnishings n indigenous to this coun- ry. It is the cultures they CALL print from that are so differ- nt. 951 Hwy. 35 North 229-6294 ' The native American In- HIIEIIIIS- FOR APPOINTMENT lian heritage of the South- Middletown west provides Ihe color scheme and background, Blend earlier American irilb vaur Early American 671-0978 PERSONALIZED, IMAGINATIVE. PATIENT SERVICE •bile Ihe traditional furniture borrows its styling from the Colonial Eastern pan of the Little things country. The hand-rubbed country add to decor E finish that enriches the iral grain of the SK Prod- It's Ihe little things in life that count and. very often, > furniture is restful and the same thing holds true in .jving. Even so, it seems the sphere of home dccoral- lite at home with Ihe very stic patterns and colors it's those small touches, . ) polished patent wall often whimsical, often im- •ring in an American In pulsive, ihe knick-knacks i Shawnee design, thai grace your shelves and e classic-leg table has a tables, the paintings and if top and two leaves posters that hapg on your lily expand it from walls, that truly personalize M Inches in diameter to a your home and make it an ex- ,_ h of 66 inches. tension of you. Comfortable Catkin-style You may want lo project " ' s make mealtimes more different parts of your per- •ling. The large triple sonality in different rooms. .•I hutch conveniently The kitchen, often a bright PITTSBURGH PAINTS DEVOE * all the necessary china, and cheery room, can be- ir, linens and more, and come, especially for the per- son who loves to cook, a fa- vorite room, and Ihe first place where he or she will lpful hints begin to accessorize and per- A Rugged Latex sonalize. new booklet filled with Hang things on the walls. lul remodeling hints for Putting up a pegboard is an [•owners is available attractive way of displaying i Ihe Aluminum Siding everything neatly, and it is rmation Bureau, eminently functional as well. LATEX HOUSE PAINT o help homeowners Your favorite cooking tools, :l the right siding, the $J00 ENAMEL cookie cutters and decora- [lei includes information tive pot holders as well as M different kinds of sid- pots and pans, can spice up atd siding accessories. your kitchen and become an I Ihe various ways siding integral part of your decor. ON I be installed. Since you'll probably be Itatsts Btisttring & Peeling Kvanitf or a free copy of "A doing most of your formal SALE •(owner's Guide Io entertaining in your living posing Siding," write to room, you've probably gone I Aluminum Siding Infor- to a good deal of trouble in •»•»-•' Ilion Bureau. 250 West choosing your furniture and »UM, »m&mp Street. Dept. M-6. New accessories. Add little k. N.Y. 10019. •ouches with ihe same care.

No wcatordtfa* attar — pMrigNovar wtaon Limited Time Only tikynpirofln ifrMrOT or Do your walls have dtw.AAtaMbMuVto •waMahguMW*) Ky-*.* LATEX HOUSE i5jr~*"jjaSi JiiLLi /perRallon the Rill blahs? nW4T,FMorOI«Mh. 14.30 W MWMUiANT SIPGARD LADDERS 1195 IXTHMOtlATlX you mm on Mi h>

12 vSnLomMrung 1« FOOT El*rto> lotn — MPOOT W«a MfOOT MPOOT VINYL LATEX ttraoT

•FW. ••HM ADORN INTERIOR ***ri LATEX A wall cries out for color... tor a «MCH Reminder of a time or place shared with VINYL AOmiC •35 Ijfamily or friends ... such as an early MOHOtOSS PAINT USG JOINT USG USE , inorning snow scene in the mountains. BRUSHES And when you want to introduce a new •81° REMOVER COMPOUND READYMIX jjitocal point on a wall or in a room, go to the „„§* £ Kncommon ... visit thevDonald Voorhees •Sallery in Atlantic Highlands. For there is an Uncommon artist with the ability to bapture the STOP LEAKSULATEX SPANISH fii'mood" of a scene with subtlety of form and 1978 PATTERNS C..I. I STUCCO or SAND nione • • •an artist whose work is s01^111 a(ter bv 'galleries and museums all over the country. FIRST QUALITY Roof Coating FINISH PAINT The painting shown here is just one . of a series of original watercolors, lithographs FAMOUS BRAND i h\d limited edition prints you may now 450 ' fte at the Voorhees Gallery. f Come in today and discover why WALL COVERINGS PIHTAW00D Ubnald Voorhees is an uncommon artist . HEAVY CANVAS land why you will want to redecorate that PRESERVATIVE wall or room around hisvwrk. AU PURPOSE Original Paintings from $225. DROP C95 Original Lithographs from $60. Limited Edition Prints from $12. CLOTH •Artist-touch" custom Iraming also available at the Gallery at moderate prices. MIDDLETOWN LONG BRANCH MANALAPAN 549 Route 35 Downtown Route 9* UptnSun 8:30 3 00 128 Broadway Gorden'j Corner Rd. Mon .Wed .f ii, til 9 Optn Sunday Optn Sunday Upm ht nl 9 Kon.WeA.Fii.til 9 0Hm ^201.291-3262 Moft thru Sal. 10am to Spm Sun. ?prn to 5pm UI'lllllii

21 TheEMyRegkttr SHREWSBURY. N J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24,1978 Designer tips on winning race

If you think you've got can literally trace its history your old furniture. Nomad or linens and dishes. With the problems with small rooms back to those colonial days. not, follow Carter's advice units rearranged, the desk and even smaller storage lh« collection it called when you furniture-shop, becomes a oar and the space, consider the "good '' Hay i arket.'' Carter calls it and buy with an eye for flexi- shelves offer shelter for the old days" of our early Amer- "anyone's remedy for up bility. sutreo and such in the family ican forebears. light floorspace." room. P—Ma imty tmrmtuum Newlywcd? About to re- WUdaai froaa Ike put Once upon a llaa* For example. "Haymar- tire? Carter says your prob- ket's" stacking storage units Carter's point is one those When the stales were still lems are surprisingly similar. can double up in the living Early American ancestor! of colonies, and the "great" Both of you may be moving room as a drop-lop desk ours would understand: look room was the »«/v room (and into smaller rooms, with less (complete with recessed for furniture that can do dou- the homeowner often had to storage space. be architect, builder

Space-saving trundle beds trundled out at night and out-of-the-way by day. Ta- IS GIVING AWAY ONE bles dropped their leaves and hugged the walls after meals, freeing floorspace for sweep- SHEET OF PANELING ALL PURPOSES—Choose all-purpose furniture for an all-purpose room, ing or square dancing. advises Roland Carter, designer of the new Haymarket collection. Versatile Space shortage wived , .storage units here let a tiny dining areo function with largess as study, bar, Nowadays, with our ABSOLUTELY FREE! " library and gathering spot for family meals. "live-in " rooms, small houses and storage-shy apartments, about the only FOR EVERY TEN SHEETS PURCHASED thing we're not short of is the Tribute paid to craftsmen need for space-stretching, multi-purpose furniture. ARE YOUR ROOM ! Savannah. Georgia, cicy of warmed by the reflection of Like the softness of a Designer Roland Carter oobMestone streets and bal- firelight on the walls. That's Southern drawl, 01' Savan- DIMENSIONS APPROXIMATELY??... oonied townhouses, river nah paneling gives your has come to the rescue, with the warmth of 01' Savannah a versatile, modular collec- front thops and old sailing paneling. home a welcoming appeal. ships. Here the twentieth tion of furniture that solves For more information 9x13 10x12 11x11 12x14 qmtury meets the eighteenth Rich, deep colon today's problems in an old, about beautiful 01' Savannah il > legacy of aged houses country-warm manner. 01' Savannah is a real pine pine paneling, write to 9x14 10x14 11x12 12x16 and buildings, treasured and face veneered panel, availa- Georgia-Pacific Corp., 900 Colonial heritage lovingly restored. ble in W thick, 4' x 8' sheets S.W. Fifth Avenue, Just out from Heywood- 9x15 10x16 11x16 12x4t BcuUMIr antique in four rich shades. Portland, Ore. ¥7204. Wakefield, a company that Blacksmith Pine has a deep OR BIGGER? ' Old Savannah's colonial smoky color. past is charmingly reflected Chandlers Pine's golden ip Us architectural style with tones capture the gleam of HOW ABOUT TWO ROOMS? a European flavor. candlelight. Light and airy Georgia-Pacific created Carpenters Pine has the HOW ABOUT A MANSION? OT Savannah pine paneling freshness of a summer morn- a* a tribute to the craftsmen ing in Georgia. And Tanners of those earlier days. Pine's deep reddish-brown Chances are you'll need at least Like its namesake, 01' tone will give a welcoming Savannah paneling has a feeling to any room. . slrong colonial character. 11 sheets!! And its warm tones give a 9*1 a peaceful tcenel glow of Southern hospitality Decorating is made easy We stock over 50 assorted selections to choose from. And to any room of your home. when you select 01' Savan- what a way to beautify your environment not to mention The warmth of wood nah paneling, because its mellow tones set a serene, re- your wallet. Faithful rendering of the laxed mood, whatever the ONLY AT marks and scars of aged room. wood give 01' Savannah (he well-worn look of planks All-conquering See Pages 19 & 20 from a tailing ship.. They can be used near little el this ntwspaptr saclion Imagine the captain's places with giant odors: cat cabin fitted with wood panel- litter boxes, garbage pails, lor men ltd lank Lumber Salts. ing as mellow as 01' Savan- toilets, hampers and in the KITCHEN IN PINE — Brighten your kitchen with a nah. Or the family kitchen of kitchen for cooking odors. light and airy pine paneling like this 01' Savannah an old plantation house, Stick-Ops by Airwick. Carpenter's Pine. Lum Paneling purchaatd through 9 Wall St. at Hwy 35 * this sal. mutt b* ot (h*. tarnt kind. Limited lo itort atock Red Bank, 741-5500 only. Mon-Fri. 7:30-5:30. Sat 7:30-5:00


MM S HUEt HOUTH FHOM UT0HT0WN CMCLf BEAUTIFUL WINDOWS ONHIOHWATII Continuing Our 1 FOR YOUR HOME FLOOR CLEARANCE SALE Must make room for our remodeling of six decorated rooms filled with new ideas and furniture, created by our own designers. The painters and wallpaper con- tractors want the room empty by the end of the monih.

THIS THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCT. 26, 27, and 28 Choose from a selected group of • Chairs-all kinds • Chandeliers • Sleepers • Dinette Sets • Recliners • Lamps Call For Our FREE • Sofas • Bedding And Accessories i Shop at Home Service 477-6666 15 CHANDELIERS 100 PICTURES We'll also provide)/. Take your $rn 1 each Pick O\J. /2 Price • Slipcovers • Bedspreads • Shades • Upholstery •WovenWoods •Quilting All merchandise must be taken by December 15. Free Delivery - All goods "As Is" • Mini or Vertical Blinds Credit cards & our own revolving plan are welcome. DECORATIVE FABRICS AT DISCOUNT PRICES Come Early For Best Selection! MILL ENDS—REMNANTS—SECONDS Arthur Lasky's IWH Ail I Allen (iiillcry PRINTS 'N PLAINS 500 Brick Blvd., Brick Town, NJ. FREE PROFESSIONAL DECORA TOR SER VICE 477-6666 1270 route 35, middletown «71 MM daily 10-9; sat. 10-5:30; sun. 1-5 tor browsing uirc TAKE GARDEN STATE PARKWAY SOUTH • EXIT 88 fiee delivery - m«ler charge • visa • g.ex.c. and revolving charge ! Hours: Mon: TUM. Wtd. Sal. fO-6 Thurt.t Frl. til • SHREWSBURY. NJ TUESOAY. OCTOBER 24.1878 Oilers trip Steelers as Campbell romps PITTSBURGH (AP) - Oilers' 14, but Bradahaw threw drive. The Steelers, still off to intermission tied toe score Rookie Earl Campbell three tacompletions as toe the best start of their 41-year 10-10 smashed for three touchdowns last-ditch effort fell short history, countered with a 68- Pastorini completed • 11- and the Houston Oilers held off Houston, which has handed yard touchdown drive In the yard pass to Barber and a 16- a late Pittsburgh charge for a the Steelers their only three second quarter. yarder to Mike Renfro, both on 24-17 victory last night, knock- home losses to AFC Central Bradshaw found Swann third-down plays to lead the ing the Steelers from the Na- teams since Three Rivers Sta- kneeling In the end zone with a third-quarter touchdown drive tional Football League's un- dium was opened In 1170, took 25-yaid scoring toss after a that put the Oilers ahead to beaten list. a 7-0 lead four plays into the scramble. A fumble by Hous- stay. Campbell ran 3 yards for Campbell, who rushed for second quarter on Campbell's ton tight end Hike Barber set the touchdown. 80 yards on 21 carries, scored 1-yard touchdown run. up a 30-yard Roy Cerela field Campbell's 1-yard scoring on runs of I, 3 and 1 yards Oilers quarterback Dan goal that gave Pittsburgh a run In the final quarter came against a defense that had al- Pastorini, a clutch passer on 10-7 lead with 5:43 left in the one play after an offside penal- lowed the fewest points in the third down all game, hit Ron- half. ty nullified a fumble recovery league through seven games. nie Coleman with a 23-yard But Toni Fritsch's 39-yard by the Steelers near the goal The Steelers' offense, pass on third down to spark the field goal one second before line. which began the game leading the NFL in scoring, got a pair of touchdown passes from f quarterback Terry Bradshaw But he was intercepted by Herzog put head Houston safety Kurt Knoff at the Oilers' 1-yard line with about 3 minutes left, and an- 9 other drive fizzled at the Hous- ton 11 with 10 seconds left. on chopping block After a weekend In which such favorites as Los Angeles, KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP)-Whitey Herzog Denver and Oakland were says he knows he put his head on a chopping beaten, Houston climbed to 5-3 NAILED— Houston Oiler running block by firing Charley Lau, the popular bat- Steeler lineman John Banaszak. Banaszak read the and moved within two games K Rob Carpenter Is pulled down by Pittsburgh play and threw Carpenter (or a loss. ting coach of the Kansas City Royals. of first-place Pittsburgh, 7-1, in "It's very difficult for a manager to sign a the American Football Con- one-year contract and fire a popular coach," ference Central Ddivislon. the Royals skipper said yesterday in a news The Oilers, the only AFC conference. Central team to win In Pit- "I stuck my neck out and hfaelieve every- ,.A.'s Garvey, Lopes tsburgh this decade, broke a thing will work out." 10-10 halftime tie with a 70- Herzog indicated Lau's status was one thing yard touchdown drive in the he needed to get resolved before agreeing to third quarter that ended with another one-year contract with the Royals, Campbell's 3-yard run around which he signed last last week after much ead AP's All-Star club the left side hesitation. With 10:23 left in the game, "I played with Charley in 1961. so he's a NEW YORK (AP) - First baseman Steve Garvey. and Campbell dove 1 yard for a second baseman Dave Lopes of the National League champion personal friend of mine," Herzog said. "I still touchdown to complete a 78- feel he Is a personal friend of mine. I just feel Los Angeles Dodgers are among those named to The Associated yard march and give the Oilers Press' 1978 All-Star NL baseball team. that 10 guys on the same ball club can't stand in a 24-10 lead the same place in the better's box, hold the bat The Cincinnati Reds and San Francisco Giants also placed Pittsburgh struck back be- two players each on the All-star team in the nationwide voting the same way and hit alike." hind Bradshaw, driving 50 Lau, who is reportedly close to signing a by sports writers and broadcasters announced today. yards tor a touchdown that Third baseman Pete Rose and outfielder George Foster contract with the New York Yankees, stressed came on a 6-yard pass to Lynn a philosophy of hitting line drives to all friends represented the Reds on the blue-ribbon team while San Fran- Swann with 5:20 to play. It was cisco's Jack Clark nailed down one of the outfield positions and and did not emphasize home runs. Swann's second touchdown "I'm not home run crazy," Herzog said. "I Vida Blue the left-handed pitcher's spot. catch of the game. WHITEY HERZOG The rest of the team consists of Larry Bowa of the Eastern know we've got a big ball park, but I want our After Jack Deloplalne players to swing hard and get the ball to the Joe Burke announced that relief pitchers Mar- Division-champion Philadelphia Phillies at shortstop; Pit- grabbed the ensuing onsides tsburgh's Dave Parker in the other outfield slot; catcher Ted outfield. I don't want to see those dribblers to ty Pattin and Steve Mingon had signed two- kick for Pittsburgh, the year contracts, leaving lefthanded pitcher. Simmons of the St. Louis Cardinals behind the plate and San second base all the time." Steelers drove to the Oilers' 15- Herzog said Lau had done a tremendous job Larry Gura as the club's only unsigned player. Diego's Gaylord Perry the right-handed pitcher. yard line before Bradshaw's Parker, the unofficial league batting champion with a .334 with Royals' players George Brett and Hal "I hope we can sign him," Herzog said, "I pass was intercepted by Knoff HcRae, but added. "I do think there are other think he wants to play here." average and second to George Foster in RBI with 117, polled the near the goal line. most votes, in. Foster, who led the league for the second year people on the ball club who could do better. My Burke said he had met three times already The Steelers got the ball with Gura and had scheduled another session In RBI (1M) and home runs (40), collected 245 votes. Clark, who philosophy Is that some people have to crowd again at the Houston 41-yard the plate and some have to stand in the middle with him yesterday. hit .W and knocked in N runs, made the last outfield berth with line after a punt with 1:45 left. 174 v»4es, just 14 ahead of Los Angeles' Reggie Smith. of the box. Not everybody can stand away from "I gave Larry a ballpark figure and he and Bradshaw's 11-yard scramble his attorney were supposed to get back with Garvey, who helped lead the Dodgers to their second the plate." Davey Ltfes Sieve Garvey carried Pittsburgh to the me," Burke said straight NL flag with a .116 batting average, 11 homers and Hi Also Monday, Herzog and General Manager RBI, was t runaway choice for first base with 31S votes to !4 for Pittsburgh's Willie StargeU. Lopes, a .278 hitter who smashed 17 home runs and stole 45 Vermeil feels frustration of closeness .bases, had a tougher time beating out San Francisco's Bill PHILADELPHIA (AP) Philadelphia Vermeil said losing only 14-7 to the Cowboys of the coach and the players," noted Vermeil, "I am proud of the tact that we shut them Madlock The Dodger second baseman outpolled the Giants' Eagles* coach Dick Vermeil said yesterday in Dallas just creates more frustrations. who drew a costly 15-yard penalty for arguing out in the second half." Vermeil said. "I was innelder 173-141. that holding the defending champion Dallas "You see how many little things kept you with an official when the Eagles were attempt- very pleased with the 93-yard drive on which Rose, whose record-breaking 44-game hitting streak was the Cowboys to a one touchdown victory held some from getting the job done," Vermeil explained. Ing a last minute drive for a potential tying we went in and scored. We had some very weU talk of baseball this season, was a shoo-in at third base over positive things, "but It doesn't help you sleep " "It is frustrating from both the standpoint touchdown executed plays within the drive." Philadelphia's Mike Schmidt, winning by a landslide margin of 204-14. Cincinnati's switch-hitting hustler finished the season with 116 hits and a MI batting average. ( 9 Bowa, long considered by many to be the best fielding shortstop In the NL, also was among the best hitting this season NFL's silly Sunday just incredible with a .294 mark. Bowa polled 268 votes to 74 for Cincinnati's DaveConcepclon Simmon'! was runaway choice at catcher, beating out Phila- By JON FALK spots, given the fact that there are two overdue bered by those patient thousands who have delphia's Bob Boone 287-42. Simmons led the Cardinals with a Don't call it upset Sunday. Call It Silly extra wild cards this year. Only Cincinnati The Giants, who have been rebuilding waited all those long, cold years average, including 40 doubles in his hit total, and hit 22 Sunday. (0-8), St. Louis (0—8), San Francisco (1- for a decade and a half, won more than a QUICK KICKS: Giant Dr John ho ers and drove in 80 runs To the everlasting credit of the bookies, 7), and Kansas City, San Diego and Detroit football game when they beat the Washing- Marshall will determine today if offensive Blue had an 18-10 record (or the Giants this season, posting a this past Sunday may have been the most (all 2-6) can be ruled out of that playoff ton Redskins for the fourth straight time tackle Ron Mikojczyk will have to undergo sparkling 2.79earnedrun average and 171 strikeouts. Perry, one Incredible in National Football League his- race. Sunday. They won a battle of wills. knee surgery Marshall performed tests on of (he major leagues' oldest pitchers at N, had a 21-0 record, a tory. Baltimore's opponents score an aver- With half a season to play, the New Despite the use of the play that will the big guy yesterday and will continue to 2.71 ERA and 154 strikeouts to show for his year's work. age of 28 points a game. So the Colts give York Giants and the New York Jets are become a legend — the old flea flicker, the test today. Montreal's Ross Grimsley was second In the voting for the up six and beat Denver. still very much alive with 5—3 records. Of Giants won the game by for once doing With safety Beasley Reece definitely Itf landed starter with 07 votes and Burt Hooton of the Seattle over Oakland? New Orleans the two. the Jets have the tougher road — something they had set out to do That is. lost for the season with a broken leg, the Do< jers finished ninnenip in the right-handed voting with 28. over Los Angeles? Never, not on the same that Is, the more difficult schedule. whip the Redskins, those hated foes, physi- Giants had several players in for tryouts Sunday. But it happened, and the NFL has It will take more than the remaining cally. Those who recall how Washington yesterday They will probably sign a new a log Jam now for playoff berths and only eight weeks to analyze what Is happening whipped Dallas physically on Monday safety this week. eight weeks to clear up the mess. in the NFL. Perhaps some of the estab- night TV this season will realize what a The Giants are now plus 12 in the turn- Sports transactions It Is the best thing, of course, that could lished powers got off more slowly because task that was for the upstart Giants. over category That is, they have taken the MttoMl Lt4M6M happen to the NFL. It will hypo ticket sales of the shorter preseason schedule. If so, it For the Giants, it was a turning point ball away via fumble recoveries and in- LO5 ANGELES DObCERS-Slontd Manny Moto. out1itid*r, to a ont-VMr con at those stadiums, such as the Jets, which were a grievous fault. They now realize that they can beat the big terceptions 12 times more than they have given it away - a vital statistic. pitctwr, to the SI, Loull ***** • POOTtALL are not already sold out for the year. Maybe the benefits of the draft are guys, take It to them, dominate them It In chono* tor John Scott, out- NFL The way things are now, 22 of the finally starting to turn the balance of There may be other turning points in Sunday's game at New Orleans will DETROIT LIONS-Plactd Ktn , iVNSAS CITY ROVALS-Slgntd Sancton, dtttnilvt and, on tn» inlurtd ft- league's 28 teams are still alive for playoff power in the loop. If so, it is a boon long the future, but Sunday will lone be remem- sun at 2 p m Mofty Pottln and Jltvt Wtngorl. pltchtri, ttfvt Mil. Slpntd Davt Purtltory, dt tolr** controct*. ttfitlvt taChM. Bucky: The silent hero who exploded in Series NEW YORK (AP) - Bucky Dent may be the only member East title. Then he contributed three hits that drove in four runs of the world champion New York Yankees with an identity in the Championship Series against Kansas City and followed crisis. with his hefty World Series production against Los Angeles. "I try to keep my mouth shut and go out and play the game Dent never will forget the homer in the Boston game. That's of baseball," explained the veteran shortstop, named the most because he knew he wasn't supposed to be hitting In that valuable player In the 1078 World Series. situation. The Yankees had been pinch hitting for him late in In the soap opera atmosphere of the Yankees, where many games, and with two men on base and two out in the controversy is king, that approach is extremely unusual. And seventh Inning and New York trailing 20, it seemed time for a even Dent admits that the policy is sometimes difficult to follow. hitter who could swing with more authority than Dent "Sometimes, when that other stuff is going on, you think to "I thought of it going to the on-deck circle." Dent said. "But yourself, 'When Is this gonna stop?' But I've learned it's better with Willie (Randolph) hurt, they couldn't do it. They were to keep my mouth shut." stuck with me." At the same time, Dent keeps his glove open. Considered one of the American League's top defensive shortstops, Bucky Then Dent stuck It to the Red Sox, and the Yankees' soap lives at the bottom of the Yankees' batting order, carrying a bat opera weaved into the playoffs and World Series. only because baseball requires It. He is the No. 9 hitter in a nine- "Last year was so different," he said "I was so grateful man lineup, a sultaole spot for a career .155 hitter. "That's when the 1977 season ended. It was like having a million pounds where I belong," he said of pressure off me. We were supposed to win. You know, the But Dent turned tiger at the plate during the Series against best team money could buy and that stuff. With all the problems Los Angeles, drilling 10 hits In 24 at-bats for a .417 average and we had, it just wasn't a fun year." driving In seven runs. Those fancy numbers earned him the car Then came this season and more adventures, including a •warded to the MVP by Sport Magazine as well is a trophy string of disabling injuries as the Yankees feU 14 games behind - presented by basebaall Commissioner Bowie Kuhn. in July. But somehow it was different for Dent. TUB DPtMARO—New York Yankees' Bucky Dtnt and Sport Magazine's 1978 World Series Most Valu- The MVP award capped • dramatic month for Dent. He "This year It was fun," the shortstop said. "The team grew *: ta

The Contis, George Junior and Senior, have helped playoffs, claims the top position in the county, with St. John along with Asbury Park. They will decide the verdict oa Aabury Park High School's football team come of age Vianney, also undefeated in five games, second. Both clubs Nov. 4, when they meet In Asbury Park. quickly thia fall will have earned enough quality points If they win this After Ocean Is Rarttan, up to eighth from ninth of a weekend. Eleven points are needed to qualify. A victory for George Jr., who took over the head coaching job for the weak ago. The Rockets have won three In a row. Including a each team will give them both II. Blue Bishops this year In place of Ed Hudson, now an dose one over ninth-place Neptune which enters the Top II assistant with Shore Regional, guided his team to an upset Hatawan Regional, back on the beam and hoping for a for the second time this year. victory over Ocean Township on Saturday, and replaced playoff berth In the N.J Su.e Iiterscholatic Athletic Keansburg Is a sleeper. The Titans, making their first the Spartans as the number six team on The Dally Reg- Association's post-season tournament, Is third, but faces a showing on the Top II. have won four in a row and are once I ister's Top 10. The Bishops were seventh a week ago, and real test against Toms River South on Saturday. A loss again making a bid for the Central Jersey Group I playoffs. Ocean was sixth. would create a nearly Insurmountable barrier en route to George Conti Sr., who used lo coach at Mater Del High that goal. THE DAILY REGISTER a. MlMMSjW (4-1) School, has joined the staff at Asbury Park under his son. Once-beaten Red Bank Regional, still clamoring for TOP II I Asfcary Park (4-1) The team, 4-1, under Conti, has lost only to unbeaten Point another shot with Shore after suffering a 1M setback three I. Share Reg. (M) 7.0eeaaTw».M) Pleasant Boro weeks ago. Is fourth on the list. The Bucs could meet Shore I. St. Jeai Vlaaaey * he carries out his fakes. Peo- Lutschaunig scored four goals TINTON FALLS- A pair outshot, 22-11. Gale, son before losing to Southern UKlolvd Pr«u colite* toolball poll, with f.Arkomot 4-1-4 (He are always tackling him California. The Crimson Tide rirtt-ploct volts tn portnttwtci. wown r« 10.UCLA i-14 and assisted on the other two of fourth-period goals by Pete John McKenna had eight Madison had a 11-13 spread cord* ond lotol points Points based on tl.Houston S-14 •when he doesn't even have the as Christian Brothers Morris gave Wall (13-2-1) Its saves for the Caseys and Pat In shots, but MMdletown's had dropped as low as eighth. 10 Hll il U I!-Nil 1) 1110-f-l I II Arliono Slol. 110 4S431': IMHHMMjrl S-M ...bsdi." Academy routed SI. Joseph's victory over Monmoulh (7-8). Mooney stopped 15 shots for St. Steve Springsteen turned away Nebraska, Maryland, I mioMmo IMI 144 ULMMsMM Stall lit Southern California, Texas I.Pmn Sloto Mil 1«4 l.M IS PMstoirgk S-14 " Curry has run for 542 yards of Metuchen, (-1, yesterday In Wall outshot Monmouth. Mary's. 12 shots. Joe Glenn had eight lAlotomo »U l«l MCoorgio S-14 In five games for a (O-yards- scholastic soccer. 15-7, with Wall goalie BUI Red Baak 1, Hunts*) FH 1 saves tor Madison. and Michigan all moved up one tNWrotta . 114 IM! 1/ Purdut S-14 SMaryMM • 144 tM II.Novr «»• 137 per-carry average. Lutschaunig's four goals McNeil stopping six shots. RUMSON- A fourth period iSouthomCot in m It.Notro Domt 410 SH 'Tom s-14 HI M.CIomton S-14 JI Others elled gave him 20 for the season, and Red Baak Calhalle 4, goal by Earl Chatto enabled Benjl lltnton, Red Bank he also has 11 assists St. Mary's (Elh.) 2 Red Bank to tie Rumson. Regtonal's senior quarterback, Tom Rafferty scored the ELIZABETH- John Rumson-Fair Haven's Jim Ocean netters Casey gals down Rams threw two touchdown passes other two goals for CBA (8-4-1) Woods, J.J. Morrisey, Paul Ross scored the only goal for RED BANK — Julie Kane captured two events to lead Red and completed 10 of 18 passes and he had two assists. Lang and Ed Bob Grammer the Bulldogs in the second Bank Catholic High School's girls' gymnastics team to a fpr 118 yards Friday night The Colts had a 10-t advan- scored the goals and Joe Pico quarter. I7.W-N.M win over Southern Regional yesterday. '.against Hanalapan. In one captured 12th tage In shots with Colt goalie had two assists as the Caseys Rumson dominated the Kane took the vaulting and floor exercise (or the Caaeys. •stretch he was nine for 10 in Joe Raymond stopping nine (3-10) topped St. Mary's. match with a 33-13 shot advan- Ocean Township High School's girls' tennis team romped to Denlse Daurla paced the Rams with victories In the beam and ' completed passes. The onesnots. Ed Trampiengo had both tage. John Klrkpatrlck had 12 ltm 12th triumph In 13 outings by blanking Raritan yesterday. bare. .passes that went Incomplete saves for Rumson while In other matches St. Rose blanked Red Bank Regional, St. :was dropped Brooks Martin stopped 10 shots John Vianney topped Monmouth Regional, 4*1 and Howell Dandy Don not present for the Bucs. defeated Manasquan, 4 %-%. Eagle girls NEW YORK (AP) - Don Meredith was not in the announc- Mlddlettwa Saitk 1 Stephanie Moray, Robin Slutsky and Beth Barrett all copped ing booth last night for ABC's telecast of the Houston Oilers- MadJsM Central I singles decision for the Spartans. The Rockets are now 7*8 on bfat Raritan Pittsburgh Steelers National Football League game - simply MADISON TOWNSHIP- the season. because he didn't have to be. ' * Jane Zarowni and Meryl Dave Black's goal In the third Tami Amltay got the Golden Falcons off to a good start with Nadler scored the goals at "Meredith's contract doesn't Include all the games," said quarter enabled Madison to tie a 6-3, M win over Holly Cummlngs, but SJ V roared back to grab ABC spokesman Irv Brodsky. lilddletown South (4-6-6) Middletown South. thsir eighth win. Monmouth Is now 7-12. Meredith's contract — reportedly for 14 games a year — blanked Raritan, 2-0, yester- Eric Lenzlng scored Mid- Howell (11-4) got straight set wins from Elvira Falsetto, was not Increased when the NFL schedule was boosted to 16 day In field hockey. dletown's goal in the second Eileen Pronek and the doubles teams of Jerri Lynn Firmann games this year. and Diane Watson, and Leslie Woods and Maria Zappl. The Big Games played weekend of Oct. 28 Blue Warriors are now 11*7 on the year. Daadlln* Thuraday Oct. 26 at S p.m.

Jtmilttr Shtthon (I) d. UuVnxttuhrtr. 6-t. •r>om.o l,*0 S Kothv Fay (S) d. Michelle Lynn, 6-2.4-0 Freehold Today D Raritan • Middlttown So. Jtran Fllislmmont-Jennifer Fleming (S) d. Wendy Oenton a • T.R. South • Motowan a l»l: fete, I M, ti.Nt), Clmt Soblna Rovlgocl ILlparl) Ambre Sololre (Ingrotlla) ... si Jtrwy Pol (&rowi») Mkhellt Crtipt SMKon Htoviy 151 d DtbWt VwiVtlthoveo *•!•• Oreflon (Poloiiolo) LouraH«M,*-1.J-S D Manasquan 0 Howell NoWej Wood (Duke) Stacey Time (Frifdmon) a i Komo Cltitt (Hodti —, p Justly Smoke IBoldochlnu) Hontom Honk (Rlcco) Armbro Pigeon (Fedarkkl II trt:-««, lM,l),lM,Clfflf. «. MM VMW I. «»••.» Hit. 1 Fort Wolkoto (Cruwt Eyre Banker (Porotarl) Sir Porttr (Russell) IS-I On* And All (Kelly) D Central O Brick T«ml Amltoy (Mid. Holly Cummlnfli, lsT D Far Star N ilrtgrimlol SnoOowN (R. Flllon) 10 1 Rum Twill (Stafford) , M | *"*"* Ou* IMolody) Lobo Warrior (Fuico) ...... Captain Lokc (Glneill 10 1 Buddy Von (V(ncl) CMnlu »luilk (51 d. Cloudlo Markl. • 1.1-0 • Marlboro D Holmdel " . Hjodi ftudl (Faranci) Foxy Cram (Belatel .15-1 FrUkey First (Kelly) y\ Ithbool tRlcco) Clolr Strv (SI d. Donna Buih.6-0.l-] • C,Vi Tartar (Vlllonle) , «h: Pote, iM, Joey Senator (Dohtrty) ... 7i Blonlc fiyrd (No Driver) D Monmouth D Monolapan . Forward Bay (Morrlmy).. Fj Hal IHundertpfund Drextl Babe (Schmlgfll . i.j \.*droll Cosh {No Driver) . nUdoll MIctMillt PauaHumco • M: Pact, I M, »••*•, Mam, Sllll Faithful (Tafone) Honest Lad (H. Flllon) ...4 1 SdlnlCIOlr Fron IFawcell) D Asbury Pork Evil Dukf (UnQtr) Kino Cotton (Parolorl) Scotty Jo Knight IBovoil Jr.) Lli Peterson Joonne Prlmo (St d. Kothy Peiwllumt D long Branch ...*-l Gondolfo (Oondto) Lynn Gorrobronl, 1-1 Jvtllle (Poqtwtt Spring Born (lelotcl Mori Romeo (Scarpa) ...41 IMh: Pace. 1 M. ll.sw, Clmt DShore a Franklin Street IVftelHl Hoppv Circle ID. Flllon} Farmstead Shannon (Kovoltrf) ... 1-1 Night ftogut (King Jr.) Hew*It 4 rl«ll. U. M Lord John C (No Driver) . is-i AHon Dell (No Orlver) D Kevport O Freehold Results «h:Poce.lM,»,M».CIm#. Doctor KnOK (Marshall) D Keonsburg SIBpnonle Moray d. Elltcn Ll«l)ermon, M. I-). lit: POM. l lm Dancing KoM IDonerly) .>,,... 16.60 Miss StreaKer (Kelly) ... ;i Rtgol Dtitiny (B. FIMonl D EiactoMtMH Cop Houser (Blum) 7.3 Rumpleillltifcin (Agnltllol . RoWn SluUfcy d. MourMn Qulnn. »-3.1 *.»-]. O R.8. Catholic D St. Joseph's (IR) Mlti Noncy* Girl (Iresnohan) B«m N Barren d. EllMn Oulnn. t-4. 6-3..»-l 6.40 310 2.M 7th: Poce, I M, ll.S4t Noble Escort (R. Fillonl ...M RIPpinoaGIri (Fodgtrt) S.M 4.40 HC Jolly (Tolorw Jr.) 17,00 S.20 6.70 Grateful Joclyn IH Flllon) 93 Combat Hanover (Porolarl) DHarvord D Princeton a Big Spender (Bavoil Jr.) King Abbot (Bremahon) ... ji Woody Harvest (Butler) IM PMtl OortaondKorhy KarnoKd LltaKarplnuil and Korm T J Dancer (Rim*ID 3.60 Royal Appeal (Kelly) 3.M3.0Q Petite Mot (Fogtloroncl 4.10 Alton Eoarr (Andotpho) 15.I Roman Dreom I Campbell > Korpmikl. 6 3, I-l. O Rutgers DColmnbia a Tritoctat MlilS 71 Hiatto M U\¥> Btlh Samana and Kartn Kacondn d. Paula Vaholo and Su< Mown, M: Pate. 1M.SI.fM 34.7-S, 74. OtytheCIKKtllY) .MO IO.20 MM: Pace,lM,H,S4* SELKCTIONS • Jits D N«w England -.P Prince Reel (Fogllorone) /JO 4.30 Tutly Girl iGogllordl) 6 H 3 M 3 60 Misty A (Grttn) 3.00 Dominic Hanover (Glorglonnl) ... 4.40 J.40 1 - G V's Tartar, Justly Smoke, Lobo Warrior Mokstlc Jeff (Coiaiantl) 4.60 • Gionts . D Mew Orleans E.ectol JH31 M ] - JetUIr, Alcove, Shadydak Tlffaay Irtf: Tret. 1 M.llS.ttt D Atlanta g Eric B Sharp (Smilh Jr.). 3 M 7 60 3.00 ft*: Poce.1 M,l^;•• ) - Sablaa Rovlgatl, Galng Thru, Eyre Baakrr D Los Angeles Gatepost Tiger (Murray) 3.20 3.00 DovevChormeMl-oud1*^l S.0O3.«J,PO Noble Fonty IDouplalie) e.OO Rockvltl(Wlco*Richardion) ... II 0010) 4 - F J Hal, Spring Bora, still Faithful Prev Total number of points scored by all teams. TIE BREAKER - Exacto i-l tll.W Htllo Kolhy iBelotcl # eo a 4th: Trot, 1 M.12S.H0 EHClo N tfl.M 5 - Mac Direct, Soda Scolt, Nevelt Gaase '-JJhchEn&hooXiulBeloter... 9.OOS.IO4.O0 Ittti Paci.tM.U.S** I - Frisk) First. Dmel Babe. Scolty Jo Knlgkt jOverllll (DeCompble Jr.) 17.406.40 Win Honour H (Dontrty) 4.10 3.40 7 SO trans * 'Ctevono (Conwl) 3.60 AdorosStor W(Beachy) 7.00 3.60 7 - Steady Shore, Bearkporl, Rocket Dillon CxaclalMlTf H Armttro Victor (Bresnobon) 3.60 Addrne fth: Pict,lM,tl.2M El ado 17 Ml. M t - Miss Streaker, Noble Escart, Cap Uaaser * MoybeHiatKSIotford) 7.2O3.M2.U it Hi: Pact. 1 M, II.TM * - Bionlc Byrd, Oae Aad All, Iskbaal City and State Lyndon Rum (Green> 4 On J 00 Spill Decision [MeMol 4602. H 3.00 * Alow (Conwil • » Cbrtslmoi Knight IDeVltls) 4.00 3.40 II - Major Speed. Night Rogae, Shore Black alutkiWtA - SI •' E>o(taHIWH Jeeves Mlnbcf (Butler) 3.40 T 6th.PK*,lM,S2,m TriMctal-11 llN.rt II - Regal Destiny, Doctor Knox. Alton Dell vtvpnonw * EM Long (H Flllon) 6.10 4 60 1 10 Attendonce: 3,2*0 BEST BET: Mac Direct N (5th) Proirl* fothion(BfMrwhon| 4.20 3.60 Handle: 1434,049 Mall or d*llvw to: Football Contest, The Dairy Reglattr. OM Ftoglattr Plaia, Shrewsbury, N.j. 07701 by S P.M. $1145 TrwwMyOctae. includes new lluid FOOTBALL CONTEST RULM Meadowlands tonight D Road test D Clean sump & screen* AU. ENTHIES MUST M. IN AH ENVELOPE D Remove pan D Adjust bands & linkage* iti: u,m, cum , I v* A «f, * pur. Blacktall 4 IK, Vflei 12 1 Mo|of Majestic (US) Solomon*.. .. iji I* t Adda Nlcheli (Ml) No Boy Bold Bay HI*) Kelly Ill Never Rome* (170) Londklnl IS I Rate Ahead (IIS) Cailoncdo ..e-l D Visual inspection D Replace pan gasket & fluid HO POSTCARDS ACCEPTEO in.1 Metaphof (MS) Broctiol* MonopoNit IltSI McCouley. 4 1 Cross tnt Bridge (l»> lannelll) .12-1 Tunerup (111) No Bay ... S-l ft* ,Clm|,J Foolith Tfocy C 11*1 Tonner 10-1 Guilty Cont«•• -* Ijlei (113) Mite SI King Bold Reality (IM) Tonntr . 10-1 Bonduht (115) Bratclate Flmh Wound (116) NM -IS I Clomlcallr Petted <1151 No Boy M East Texas Red UK) Solomon* . 10 1 Filler King (IIS) McCoulev li Block Rock Rood (10*| Nied .15 1 1*1 Plaoe! S1M.K, JIM) Tuckeritown (ID) Flgueroo 10-1 Sell: IWjm. Clmt.. lye Fill.,* Ft Conodlon Jet (lit) Adorns ...Jl 'wtwraapplMabt* Plan, SMM, M Place. •kelched lacalnNe! fSry Turfs Lightening MIS) No Boy HI Bfoomiloch Brood 1116) McCouley • sa,iM Chlelcon c 1091 Vaiquti ... II .• CoolSv r 1109] Tefrouft I.' fovorlle Tone (116) Thomas Do the Bump (114) NaBoy..,. SI Thundefpoqu* I 111) P*f*i ,15-1 tonne reproduced aloe- „• M •,Clm« .lire.irp.tJFvr. Beavrr River (110) Mlie Mr. Llncroti (W) Safctr IM Swiss Red (10ft) Blum ...tVl Irontcally are not aimauBMile. Imperkil Order MID Tbomoi II I CynlhiotWhlitie (lit! Monci Dominion |1») S*NNHe«au,...... M Diamond Tolk (tit) No Boy .10-1 tooasaoiaafj, etaajlewlniMr More Than Heori (IU| Ado mi IM Cullnory Art (116) Pogono DonHornliMIMocBtNt 3 1 Hold V»ur Ticket (1U) Tanner . ..111 Wl 99 999n9HH9Q Uf TO All emrtea muat be Mi «te GlerwsiGortfenlll*) Brgcaole 10 I One More Princess 1117) ArellaM.... Satvtt's JtytlUiSetvatr .. 10 l Th* Boss s Bird 1116) Tonner ... .121 doBMt to ate toM numbtr ol Pride ol R*ot IH.I Soge lil AnllosWoy H0S1 Flooeroo 15 I Roma" Zipper I1WI Map** . IM EKpletlv* Deleted tile) Perci . We flx transmissions because we know how. Mill Bee's Dell 014) Thomas IJI Polyondra (113) MotB*tti *l Cltfc (li4i Maftav ...i-l n*ry Rultf (111)0 poMa eo«nd by a» iMmt Portogr Path (ill) Mite i\ Merlin iMtMIllS) No lay . 10 1 :::.¥! Mon.-Fti. 8 to 6. Sat. 8tol. onlheeeneMicant. }Q Dtor (lie) Perret S-l HydeMlis (lll)Ca ..III Renwmbei. this is a prcwntive italnterance service. Fiery Hrart (III) MocBeth • I MAieKHet* . J vet* IM SKLKCTIONS If you already have uonsimssion ptcMems, «sk Mark an "X" In «w aqium MusGitto (1071 Ftgueroo H Ido Delhi (114) He Boy III OOPO#MB 'KS IMMH VOU b%* Stern ScvnwidOtr Blum 10 1 Small ItoHHim Cor«e*» - Met. CM* taMwer, MM»P«HS( about our other reliable services. qr^PaV ^aW ^HVH W 9 BSBnV BflaPP ird !>*.»• AH»,J ye Aw*. (M ATI Ytfi Debbv I Turn (III) McCorton • I - PMtf«e ratli. rtfry Heart, J* Dear TNetoakweoDMe Brtdge thtMMl (117) WocBeth 3 I Satin Ooncet (III) Brecciete 11 I M a «e m* you aatiel «w «l SNK RotoeonlllJI Whlttly 17 I Walei Moione (I7t) Oonialei . M - CMHIIII. Uyal Mlu. BrMge the MM! •w leanwww m a utmiwa . W «*» Momwltc Dv Well (tW) Mlnefvlnl II Mlntfy ) Hurrlcon* 1114} Poge»e 101 locally omaaHtaptnttdbrroiuCtlmm Mat Cfnfiloun (115) Nicd S-l Ntaaefolor (1101 CauKwi 4 I - IWWIve. B#M St*cf. P«icht SvrrtMt ceuntu a toaa loyeurMai. Min»Hob(on(113|NoBoy tt-1 Mr.. Warrant 1131 Maple Jl - BMver River, Fsvtrttc T«M, OM Marr Priicess Loyol Mist. (1011 Mire 4 1 Chanciantoory (1171 No Bo, . 13 I Forest Hitler (111) Thomas. 10 I QutenlHMintMocBetr. ».M -ScMatiwal. Water NatoM, Qieea Lib Shrewsbury Ave. at Rt. 35 Th (114) No B CotneslonPicUIDNoBoy IS I 4 1 Lmi*Cr»gltU)I»Nlcoki IS I Tlf*r tteorl (IIS) Somytt -ftper Hit. Fan Director, Baetfakl Oman Ruter (Kr?) NoBov IS I - Dtatottt. D« Ue Baata, Daa Htra Htrt (I3B) Brocclote IM Sensational (MS) Vttwita ..Jl Shrewsbury By pamcipaiing in m contest, trie winner w winnerj euneulv Muslve d») Maple I 1 m: »IUB>, Altw.. I y*s- • Par - Caaadtea IH, Expletive Delete, Silver CAM consent to the use ol their name, address and photooraphtn hew Poncho Softtooi (130) Mot Beth 41 Super Hll |I15) Thornbufg... FuM Dierclaw (121) Th« BEST BET: Dan-lalta (MR) 542-6822 stories and/« aovertislng promotion ol frits contest without further wrxtnetsbon. > 1. Autos F.* Salt 2. Auto* For Salt Tiger SHREWSBURY. NJ TUESOAY. OCTOBER 24. 1978 25

53 Domestic Help 71. Mtrdmialst SLEEP m HELP -ClawiwuM.d For Sole moke bedk, IrowHiB. MONffl, •»•»> polls* ftoon, wotf *Aml»wtt CMklut and mntim moots Throe yeors ••- M-nOT - *a


CRAW PRIX tfn - Dakua Ac M Situation. Wanted IllH a»c»llaM RIUMPH TR 7 lt» - bulltM co» 144IUI; t»ll dtltao. OJJtJ MM. a» Wookdoyl. Female call OTjE Ejt. OS; tyoMaat and wookontH, Jfl-zSJI MONO* IfM CIVIC CVCC - FM- ntMar, kuiHM. ui/FM radio. VEGA - wn, flOMl cond(tr»n, four SMMIai. tuMntatm. makt •Mti, tour-cyllMoV. mow (tfn, ttoat ofiorT mtMt Mil. Moving, IM-ttll. COUCH -Lear, KtTtON CHEVROLET CO. VOLKSWAGEN IH7 - SauKtbock. rovoo, dretoew bookcooe, Itw f. U Cotontown IIVIVI T •LOTnlll V v*i Ikuvin, nfJvU^ Can aK-MD. i RaciOT SS MMM tamo body work UK H11OJ, ofttr I

VOLVO !f» - MS. laar-CVIIMor. tour, ipood. air, AM/FM ttoroo. roof rack. 51. Help Wonted SI. Help Wonted 51. Ht» Wonted ) Help Wonted ytUow, lap laltrtar, ana M0f awararv LINCOLN CONTINENTAL - at. S4.154 mllot, good oconomy win QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTORS - STOP! room for IM wholo gang SI71R. Frlct FULL-TIME EMporloncod mspocton tamllkor with ASK... COCKTAIL LOUNGE - .... okcludai tak and MV foot. Rod Rank trtonk porti owd copottU •* rtodtng YOURSELF colirlna lacllnm Maajilflcant MM Volvo, lit E. Ntwmon SprMat Rd.. NEED EIGHT k ld b Where will I be ond what will I be Ing wlfti pMnry .1 aorftlM praoartv LINCOLN CONTINENTAL MARK III -._..*• company Must hov IncluoM. ootno mllllan-dal(jr vtbm m - Wot or tort o«or. Call »IM " tank 741 saU EXTRA MONEY STEADY WORKERS Ming five ytors from today. II I con knowtodM of color codn ond tht oWl nut who* I am doing now?" Wt havt Inlernlaa? Coll Irwln Cartcholl •lor 4 p-m. VOLKSWAGEN IMO - With 1171 Supor FOR CHRISTMAS 2ND SHIFT ty ta w*xk with minimum wporvUlon et patHlMt to flit bi *h orto whlcfi GIG Raorlori SllHI UI4W Daily-Sunday NING POTENTIAL TO Pltosont working condlltons, good ben MALIIU CLASSIC - Wli. NOW HIRING i develop Wro no/in»< sum STORE MANAGERS VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER H7I - Fac prtntktiMp training In mony field* ovoiloble lor oddltionol salts people convenient food firm seek, people- phone lory .oqulppM. .link, leti bw. ood. Wt Mvt IwwmiN iftiti ttr «i- EHCtlltnl commission spill Clover Be * IUIlllll hi *W OOW OfftCO, nttd Individuals to train for man persons with leadership potential to olty, M4 7400. i position In o growing chain ot irovol. For mort Into, call your N VY W| iit i n | Mk Two three years hard work will insure K REAL ESTATE SALES - Art you In- ftnlenct food stores Salary and a secure %nd exciting future. Cell LLE IfM - ill... and Mooring, AM/FM ttoroo, groon RECRUITER In... REGISTER WHELAN PONTIAC BUICK OPEL .oktMd telligent, willing to continue voor rflls Opportunity for advance »I4US tor appointment _ areal. t* with tan InUrlor aUWnlhn. Encop ltd Bonk Chit! Cutlck Hwy. t FroohaM M wortitoi coMtttHoot. Coll * education, do you wont t>ctlltnl In- it Call 10147)771* for appoint r a a.m. llonal cor 01 Hits. Prlco ncludtt to« 71 m and MV root. Rod RonkVolvo, Uf E p.m. for .vpttalmtft, comt opportunitlts. to bt unlimited? Classified Ads * CADILLAC OCVILLE lt» - HMO Ntwmon Sprlngt Rd.. Rtd lonk tamo Join ont of tht lorgtit ogtnclts In 63 Money To Loan rtthold - Chltt Snydor central Jersey. Rob Grimm Agtncy, mil... AM/FM raaM. ga« c«iom Hr OrH MUSTANG II OHIA lt'4 - roof FORD DELIVERY VAN - 1171, 14' REGISTERED NJ. HOMEOWNERS LADIES-MEN - Work ol homt on tht me and art interested In |o(ning The DEN FURNITURE - $O*B ONItwa cyllndar. Qulomotlc. vinyl top with pin body. ISM mil.. Llko now Coll AUTO MECHANIC — Flnl Clou ond CADILLAC Ht> - Luxury laoan OtV phont, torn IK Xi0 wtMly strvlclng DIETICIAN rtl National Statt Team, call Joanne GETTING NEW START chairs, matchlno brown vinyl. Mr con lurvlooan Mrlptt and rally mlrrort. cltan and Stl 1111 17100. brocktt A only noodapply. Lood porton our cuitomtri 1MH44. Challenging ond diver,ilted oositlon MS-OSOD, ENI. Its dtllon. Asking B>. etWW for DOOM otoitrihlp ERCtlltM pay for professionally oriented individual PAY OFF ALL BILLS FORD 1N4 - W-ton Pickup Truck ond trtngt btnefm. Good opoortonlty LAUNORV - And dry cleaning olttn First National Stole Bonk Edison DESKS. FILES - TttMt choUs, odd :opable of communicating •ffectivtly Equal opportunity Employer M/F for rtfM porton Coll Jim oTFiH Mo dont Sat , Sun . 4 10 p.m Must bt obit tio,HO MO.4/ month Ing machines, typewrlltrs. tftlce to till In during, wttk If nttdodl Apply jvllh medical personnel itott and po CADILLACADILLAC tH* - 'armal I tort. R1, M. EJrtontow. 1411117 TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS tM.QOOSlMf] month eoulpmenl, etc at boraaln prlcts Hew MUST SELL - 1171 Capri, rum good Bright N Clton Laundftttt. Hwy. 15. llents Degree required In foods, nutrl sX,00O*341 n month »KC«ll«nt INTERNATIONAL 1171 DIESEL - II lion, or food service monogement. Pre ust have three years experience. Un- or us*fd A AC DESK OUTLET, I7W AUTO MECHANIC - Enptrltnct rt Hailet Plaia, Hoilet. n shop AM benefits paid Call AMI for JahA, lU- " k wired. Port Monmourh Cull, Hwy. M, vious eiperlrnce In food ler vice pr too Rt. 33. OofclWit. S1I-3W0. LEGAL SECRETARY — Two ytors ration ond ability to asilsl with in 13710. . DINING ROOM - China cltsot, sMole CHIVf LLE ItALlfU »M - OLDSMOIILE STATION W eupcrltnce, dlvcr.illed dutlti Salary service training tssenlloi 3 days o bed. and frotitr. TRUCK INSURANCE RUCK MECHANIC - Diesel tn btf M« partt talli - Cuitom crultor, ll,MO AUTO SALESPERSON - opon. Coll »UW. »S p.m. week Good salory ond extensive bene FREE fuotti ond blndtr. by pnona rience and tools ntctssary Apply in condition, unt. man avalloblt tor tht flgM ptrwn To Mil lit package offered. Coll or send re- rson Schwarti Inttrnationol. (41 W Coil mtw CALL TOLL FREE H0-t»-f71U. AMC'i now lint up ot M« can and LIFE INSURANCE REPRESENT NEW START FINANCING DINETTES - Wood tables, Maptt or CAPRICE 400 »7I - OLOUIOtlLE ItTO - Four< sume to: ont |t., Rtd Bank. Exptrlonct htlpful, but ATIVES — Opportunity |utt knocked RIVERVIEW HOSPITAL 363-2700 Pine with formica tops, s*». chairs rdjaj. _J>« Sterling Thompson wonts you. I from tiltS. direct from factory Call 47MI4I 4 Motorcycles BRENDA GADDIS Proartulvt morktts, creative under PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT otter 1 p.m.. r nie tor appointment. i7t-«M0. Highlands, N.J. 07732. CALL H1-43W DODGE It*) - SporHmor, window PONTIAC CEMANt IW3 - Fouf^ onyont looking tor lost on overage I 542^1700 yone towing ror |wsr on AITERS M/W - For new gourmet FIELDSTONE — Approxlmoieh? 10 von. Ill V-t, outomatlc, txtra rlmi Sodon, 4S,0M. oowor ittorlng, MWOT hour ptr day position You will stand SALE! iff ptr day position You tons, assorted sties, tlto, Redwood root nulii. MB. M JU7 Uok«. olr conditioning, AM/FM I out by your performance ond recog I by your performance I 201-642-0011 plclnic table and tour benches. US.'lron trmM, m*tn. II.m Wumton. Ui-WH nlitd at a ptrson not a number uniform, "furnished" AppTy In person THE DAILY ltd M a ptrson not o number MANAGER — For travel agency, min- outdoor tobte end choirs. IN. BO4A7S DODGE VAN - IMf. ItaMord Ullft imum two years experience Call Ounkln' Oonuts. Route J4 and Brooc ' SJSS'S.r J p n block vinyl root. IM tnglM. ovtomotl 6 Auto Rent/Lease m-im for Interview. REGISTER FOR SALE trornmtulon. powtf itMrlng, m#r Regina floor machine, U. •US DRIVERS - Mull havo out MASON/MASONS HELPER — To In SALES HELP - Part time, weekdays CLASSIFIED ADS DODGE CHARGER If loollv aound, body nttds iwnt < RENT A VAN - Low. low rattl. Coll ond weekends Experienced with house OTIwvr't IktnM ond Kotrlonco. stall lacing, on fir •placet Own equip PAINT - S3 to tt.M o gallon tronomlulon, powor U7i firm Ml Son batw*Mo I w Marty. TOMS FORD. Hwy IS. Koy plonli and dry flowers helpful. Phone »er II. Apply In person, 7 S p.m . Coil mii ntimt and transportation. Steody work All kinds ofttr S. coll Ml MM port, HI-1400. 4tl-Wl, 10-S. seven doyt hore PolntTnn. UW Hwy IS, Hoilet host. It. 35mm slide proltctor, U. • US DRIVERS - SuMHMO.aoaO row benefits Coll JS7 1700 Coll 71731*4 of 717 3B»7 *>« movie scrttn. H Pest holt and ANTED - Delivery personnel, part PONTIAC CATAUNA IfN - ot pay. froquont coll Int. Call Plr- SALESPEOPLE - Retail, responsible, ANTIQUE OAK FURNITURE - well digger, si Coll 717 117) ottor S DODGE IM7 - Vtry good running condition. Great buy me nlghls, must have own cor Apply 7 Auto Insurance •OKMlOmco. M4 41M. lor oppllcollon art time da port-time ta full-time Arto'i largest ond finest selection )73 MUM* Call S44H3f lor interview. person, Lulgi's Pino. 477 Middle WMU Squonfcum Yillowbroofc Rd , Forr FURNITURE - Bedroom suit*, over •MB11 ___ CARPENTERS - WooaMna Vlllogo. d . Hailet. PONTIAC BONNEVILLE AUTO INSURANCE SALESPERSON - For Wallpaper Dt Ingdale. next to HowaM Pork slit dining room set. twin beOi Marlboro Townihlp Olrocllono: Rl 7* FIAT SALES AND ftERVICC - LtvtfM Clton. olr conditioning, njm i portmenl. Full time SipertteirTs Point _ McLAIN, f3lf37l 17 days) drtsser. kitchen set, wrought iron, ma la Station Rd.. wnt to Aralloy Plan, NATIONAL COMPANY - Has open Motors Corp., Map** Avt., **4 Bonk Ing* for two soles person. Initial start Stort, Hwy. IS. Middlttown MI t pt« tables, plus assorted items Call M14SH. g «me. can Hniia anar t ».m. north to L IM Lono ta Morvor APPLIANCES - Be smart, shop tht PONTIAC FIREBIRD - ml. In at I COMPUTERIZED QUOTES Ing sotory to UM0 per month, also osfc tor Bob olttr I p.m. 711-Wt. r_ lion Trallor or coll X\ 44H.. Incentive Income as earned. Col) Mr. warehouse way Best buys in town ANV CAR - DRIVER - AGE SALESPERSON - Wonted for photog- RAY TECHNICIAN - Port lime C«JHtRR - Pan t«J>. lloMo m and Fo«tef dolly until *, 74i~ffOO. _ Barnes Sales & Service. Inc., *»3 »I7 FURNITURE - Kitchen set. corpet CALL 7<71fJO raphy store Some experience Inquire doctor's office Highest salary Coll ing, drap*S, lamps. mlKtlkmepvs LMCF01. an BATTERY ~ For cor, heavy duty, II J. REID HARRISON AGENCY OFFICE - Rental respresentallve. Camera Showplacc. TJt IMS 14J4? Eight monttw-old. Musi sell. M3-JJI7. I - LtMMf, air caMI NI-MU lorge auto and truck rental, Red tank, FURNITURE - Dining roam set" dt SALES HELP — Port-time, weekdays RAY TECMNICIAN - Registered. RRICA • run mpiriT Sot., Sun., muit bt good with figures. censed, must be proficient in Gl X luic gloss top fable with sJi cant and weekends Experienced with house DRIVERS - Check our discounts one AY Send resume to Sox M IM, Dally choirs witti vttvvt mat*. USB. PONTIAC CATALINA If* - Good In low down payments Free quote plants ond dry Mowers helpful Phone eglster. One Register Plata. Clt*t*. U00 Server and a rwotcfclng tMt and out. flow batttry. ttorttr aad M3NI Photnla Brokerage, 41 Hwy trs!ttaSffsr!R Pork. NJ 07m. 4HM11, io-s. seven days Shrewsbury. N J 07791. serving fob**, UM. Italian morMt cof ffl d minor olt work not Jj-i Koypart. bonk SALES HELP WANTED - Musi met. - table. UN Other odd ch*Mrs.ond bonk 741-MM. Eovot Opportunity Em OIL BURNER SERVICE PERSON - tht following requirement!: Ex- BLACK e. WHITE TELEVISON — 1}" 10 Wanted pwytf. M/F. Exptrltnct ntctssary. Toamsttr perience In children's salts, willing to Sllverton«. portable, with new itond & les Two wall units, UM toch CONSTRUCTION HELP — Hard work Health ond Peniion benefits. Sprogu* work lull tlmt including nights ond Babysitting/Child rabbit tors onteno Good ctoer picture. 1741. I. MMMaMJ» »TM Three chest ot drawers, IH eoch RED kANK. H)H0t FURNISHING ON A LOW BUDGET? roil good benefits Apply In person, Long SALESPERSON M-O*» lus n\-au JUNK CARS WANTED ELIABLE WOMAN - To core tor -Checkthe USED FURNiTUttE CEN- FORD im LTD IROUOHAM - I John's Ltd., II Beoch BlvdT, HlpMonoV ret year old and infonl In my home BOXES CorrugotM Pocking up TER OF RED BANK Fine furniture for 741 IO7» Ctiltftt c#n*KHon, booy A-l Mi COSMETICIAN - E K perl triced prt Experience preferred, but not ntcts wy Sat. night ond minimum ont flay piles lor Industry and Moving ond leu. W Shrewsbury Ave. PART-TIME - Bus driver, private power tt—tIng, powtr brohoi. air JUNK CARS - And Iruckl wontod ferred Ideol working conditions and sory, tor light counter work. Good wttk, own transportation, tl- Storage Call 747^W or 4ti-4tn. school, will train. U per hour to start storting hourly woat plus tips, paid GE REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER - Smontng. AiSlng HMO. 4K4U2 Frtt Whour pickup. Top dollar. benefits. 1:10 tp *p m , 40 hour week tenet nectssory, recent references, BEOS - SIS. office choirs, 112, om RITTiNHOUSE Coll bttwtn M p.m. m-4777. holidays, paid vacation, and uniforms Like new. gold. UU or best effer Wl 1449 or ft? ISll •'- :roff PhoriwKy, ^*)-/«'». v Middlttawn Post Office Call LINCOLN MERCURV. Inc. supplied Hours avolloble. 17. midnight stove, 117. round tool*. U. never used K» Hwy. B TTS-ISW Octan Twp CUSTOM ORVWALL - Taptr and fin *HI. after S p.m PART-TIME BUS DRIVERS - Mutt to torn Apply In person only, Ounkln' 17.000 gas furnace, WS »1 S3?l JUNK CARS WANTED Isher. yeor round wort tor established GRAND PIANO SHORE MOTORS HIGHEST PRICES PAID have bus license Apply Bora Buses Donuts, Mr. GUI. 165 Hwy IS. Mid controcfr. Ty sal wy 171-1533. i, N.J. ELIABLE PERSON - To cart tor urn FORD MUlTtkHQ - IHt Aulomollc. Volvo Triumph Oooltr Company, 445 Shrewsbury Avt.. Coll H7W Hwy ». Manataami. 1» 7S G DENTAL HYGIENIST — Port-lime, Shrtwsbury. N.J. two boys, 7:30 to t 30 p.m. Own trans •MleM ilx. •MallMI taodlllori. 41.WQ portation Coll ofttr • p m . IM 5103 Bank one. Stnd Rtsume to Bo> HEAVY DUTY - Corptt cl*anM| M TO"ysrP DOLLAR SECURITY GUARD-Motor Norther BUNK BEOS - US. Boy's bUe. HO STARPIRE - 1174, tactlltnt condl ... JI), The Dally Rtalsttr. ANTED - Person ta babysit in my China- Must Mil FOR USED CARS Monmoulh County manufacturing Two sets snow tires. i*M> ond IIS. tlon Powtr itoorlng. powor broktt SHrtwibury. N.J. 07M1. PART-TIME POSITIONS ome, 7 a.m to 1! noon Mon through LIPPIN MOTOR CAR CO . INC company ho. on Immediate opening tor mounltd. Canopy crib. U5 Tfl 3470 Par rurthor Intormollon. coll su-lllt We need mtn ond women to work day ri Own transportation. 7*10)14 after man ;. •J. M Soyrtylirt. N.J. 7IT-1 DENTAL ASSISTANT - For dynonlc a responsible Individual to till voconcy ond night shifts Hourly rate plus grot CALORIC PORTABLE DISMWASHEH JEWELRY - Ta M1tl« BWl Ham orthodonlc otflct. School tralntd only, as a security guard Experitnct re- FORD MUtTp.NO II - ItH. olr, AM USED AND JUNK CARS WANTED - utltltiTo eaual above overage starling - Good condition. t7s. Crystol chon Ws diamond and nwiH ringt. OaM taptrltnctd prtttrrtd. Exctlltnl quired Salary plus liberal employee radio, red lultrlor. hotCnOQCR* no1 TOP PRICE PAID. wooes. Uniforms supptlerf No e» deiier. s7S. 7*1 SftW broctltl. platinum ana oTamand wrary/bontftts. Stnd rtiunt Ir. ltrlct benefits, retired welcomed Apply In tkot with Roily rImi. IIJM milt• AM CALL 74I-1HI perlenct necessary at wt provide com 3 Domestic Help bracalit. dtomond itud •arrMa». Mtwi conftdtnetto, P.O Boi S71. Rtd Bank, person,to.m. to 13a.m., Mon through CASTRO - W, 1100 I1'!1 armrest stfa. Ina Mos firm ond tokt ovor poymonH plete training. Must bt over ll ytors of dliortta |i»>lr. Mull tall Ca* STRAUR RUICK OPEL WANTED N.J.. 077OI Frl t« Robert Cook, Security Director. 17S Chandelier, fivt-orm, cleor gloss. c3l m nit all doy. tvonlngi until I oge with dependable transportation OMAN - To liveYnoChrlstionhome NINE ACRES ot Ntw ond Ut*d Cort A 1 ust_-d £oCorns Top dollar pold Midlond Giasi Company, Cliff wood CO 44I~te»l. Hwy IS 2444000 Ktyaar* DEPENDABLE PERSONS - For For Interview, coll before tl a.m. or Avt , CI Iff wood, N J Equal Opportunl oom. board ond small salary, or cou OASIS MOTORS (SI) 711 7)00 e. where the man works elsewhere after 1 p.m.. MM3SS. Friendly let ty Employer CHTLORENS CLOTHES - IS Ctnts. More Clossilied THE FINEST SELECTION - 01 now Wl NEED USED CARS Cream Shop. 747 Brood St . ngllshtown or to 44MH9. Fireplace logs, tl 00 Cocktail table. IS Top dollar paid MULLER CHEVRO Shrewsbury. NJ SERVICE PERSON - For air condl Stereo. MS \ota, 135 *7I tl« DISHWASHERS - Apply In ptrton. OUSEKEEPER'LTVE IN — Own on Next Pott Can Win altar 1. LET, Hwy **• Motawon. WMOBO.. tioning ond heating compony. lop poy Llncron Inn. TOO Ntwmon Spring* Rd., Equal Opportunity Em ond benefits Coif Mid State Mcchonl orge room. TV ond bath. Must love Liner oft. ployer col, M 71ft hlldren (two) References 493 1)11 HOLSEY PONTIAC OUSEKEEPER - Live in or oui SI. Help Wanted 51 Help Wanted ITrl. MrW EATONTOWN DISHWASHERS - Full llmt. Call after Ive day wt*k Two In fomlly. Send 1 p.m. PART-TIME - Responsible individual Service Station defences to BOK D-17S. Trie Daily 2. Autos For Sole wonted for counter and miscellaneous Managers tghler. Shrewsbury. N j . 0;roi 1. Auloi For Salt OONUT PtRbUN - fcxp*rl«nc«d . word In tackle store Apply In person son to handle ntghl production, must Long Bronch Fishing Pier. Tocklv Monmoulh & Ocean havt pride In work, ejictllenl working Stpft Counties 1. Help Wanted HELP WANTED condition, uniforms furnished, apply In PART TIME DRIVER - After school 51 Help Wanted Dunkln Donuts, Route M ond ond weekend. Call In tht mornings Growth-oriented petroleum marketer EraodSI. 67IMM seeks Supervisory Personnelta mo n MALE OR FEMALE Male/Female oge newly acquired Gas-only opera- NEED A CAR? EARN MONEY NOW - Tokt orders PART TIME - Driver to transport tions. Service station experience a Branch driver for Rumson. Must have for costumt ll Cll LI C to client* to ond horn Red Bonk day cen- plus Good opportunity tar career od- 1 AIDES • HOMEMAKER - HOME PLANT trot CrtOtOfl o ter. 1).IS ptr hour, M hours ptr week. vonctrneni • serviceable auto. (Van or Station Wag- GET RE-ESTABLISHED HEALTH AIDES - Full or port-tlm* and M-how duty NoiNptrltnctntctt ELECTRICIANS HELPER - *l ttasl on preferred). Call UP TO 48 MONTHS TO PAY •ory Frtt training court* Earn hourly ono ytors txptrtonct In rotMtntlol PART-TIME SALES HELP - Two CONTACT R.A. MOLTEN OPPORTUNITIES wont- plu* mlltoM. Cor and ttltphont wiring Top poy. itoody work, 3S1 »io yean cosh register experience 201-575-6927 noctuory. Call Family A Chlldrtn'i ELECTRICIAN - Caperltncod only THE DAILY/SUNDAY REGISTER quired. somtphV— Equal Opportunity Employer. M 1 14 S«rv4c«, m-tlOO or 54141*0. Loavt nomt ond numbtr. ImimdiRlt optntngt In he i pi u i Must be ( SERVICE^STMION ATTENDANT - JM144J PART TIME - Five days a wttk. th« lollowlng inu: HOMEOWNER SPECIAL ALUMINUM SIDING MECHANICS M'F. Full time, port time, inquire in Circulation Department mornings or afternoon,, light office Rooftrt. Call E«y Bultdor.. EXPElilEMCEO FRONT END person, * a.m. S p.m Ntwbury Exxon, 4tS-IO10 work, insurance background pre UP TO 84 MONTHS IF QUALIFIED ALIGNMENT SPECIALIST -_Cood HO Newman Springs Rd Bed Bonk 542-4000 Ex-257 fet-rtd Coll M10M 7 1 MATERIAL HANDIERS AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC - For *L* " Equal Opportunity Employer AsK for Bob Mcknight •Ign con, mutt havt txptfltnct. own isr, PLUMBERS AND PLUMBER'S SHEET ROCKERS - Topers and fin tool ilwi lmmtW in mixing bulk ond compounding areas Should have knowledge of No Co-tMttn — No aimmldu AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC EXPERIENCED — Truck tfflvor. SHEET METAL MECHANIC- For air High School Chemistry on i*va v Asbury Avt. I Bownt Rd. Q.C. INSPECTORS Olost Dlltr.bwtan,^Tt«ntnl Rd A»WY- 1 j Metal working education - Minimum A A S degree Morgonvlltt. Stum. "tSB- MISCELLANEOUS MOVING A STOP AGE SERVICE MOVE WITH NICK - Far 1011 Froo FURNACE TECHS ntlmotti. Sonlor rotol, olto will Vacuum melting or heal treating background ravtl. Call onytlmo, SoMI«4. VALUABLE COUPON MANAGER TRUCK • AUTO PRODUCTION WORKERS RENTAL 50 CENTS OFF EXPERIENCE ON BOTH TRUCK A CARS PREFERRED e MELTERS Your Next eSCREENERS Established lull Imo Chrysler Plymouth. Mazda and e BLENDERS Intetnalional dealership waking individual capable ol DAIY REGISTER OASSHED AD Experience with processing equipment — n metal work- LIOHT HAULING - Attic generating total customer tatislaction & sliong prolits By Rfesenimg this coupon Excellent pay incentive program, tutl benefits met ing operation Wtien placing you' classified ad hoep matoi medical. Ma mt. plus demonurator Must TOP WAGES PAINTIN6 4 (Strtf. not (Ood Xmtrtt fimllf M have wairanty experience Can Ed Schwarti lor con. EXCELLENT COMPANV PAID BENEFITS DECORATING aCo**actMC*tM«it;; lOential mlerview appointment CALL MR. VICTOR M2-SM0 MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING MM) DECORATING AD MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE Carl B. jam f»uy mm M. SCHWARTZ & SONS METALLURGICAL Per Irta ••llmohn call Call 542-1700 INTERNATIONAL One CoM IMchfckilo:TtMDal)rtoejl»kH 1141 W. FRONT ST. ---«•-• TMonFti* y OM iWflotn Hin. thnrntbrnj, N.J. 0TTO1 RED BANK 747-0787 IN Keyport 26 . TheDMfyRegtoer SHREWSBURY, NJ TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1978 Nubbin

71. Merchandise 71. Merchandise 71 Merchandise 221 Holmdel For So It For Sale For Sale ttSOLUTtO*. To«e notice mat the Holmdtl HAMMOND & BALDWIN KITCHEN - Round maptt I STOVES - Be smart, t*e* the wore o ZL Movtmfear I. ft* 4* «* all house woy t*il buy* in town ftarnts PIANO AND ORGAN I. US Sol*, and Service. Inc «*J WW roam at CanSTaf tdwai Braad o . Keypart, N-J. priwillf time CENTER STUOlO COUCH - Doy bed. gold cor far the tallowing. LARGE WING CHAIR _ Floral pol A.tVc"toV.'on"^*^'*mb*'r » t97l to •em %n duroy cover, clean. Ill FURNISHING ANO DELIVERY Dlvttlav. * Allentxro convert on eiisting resident* into a OF mt STATKM WAGON PKme Ma corporal* business office heodauortert TO THE KtVPOUT Otd ytu MM* LEVOLOB RIVIERA •LINOS for Crui Construction Compony lo BOARD Of EDUCATION VERTICAL BLINDS TAftLCS - GtMt-to* CKhHNI. two **d (Died at 9S1 Holmdel Rood ond de Comp.*«* aaii.lticali.wi ma form We Are NJ.'S. tajM«t ond a4mi PwMA. iltnated at Block 13 Lot 11 on th* Call MI 444* Holmdel Township TOM Mop. and that o at bid for tht prtaoaod wart are an file Largest and Oldest copy o> ttte determination, together ot the Off ic* of Meftaar. af Uucotlon, THE USCD FURNITURE CENTER in Central Ichaal, BraaC Mraai, Kt - Piano Dealer 1*7 SfM-tMbury A-e , Rtd Bon* with pertinent documentation relating V >i a fca n u ll t part. Ntw Jtrsey, and Mftot may be LIMAS - Pick y B#*m H««««M ond Why Noi. to this motter. hat b**n filed tn the •aNhn, OWO. MI, E«» Cu> Forms. Rt S30. office of the Township CLerk ond it rtctlvtd by pros»tc«v« hltttm, MM rle. rlrtm arm Plovtr pwioi THREf PIECE - Morcury drum t*t. available for inspection during reguior oppiicatMMi, during awfJit— bawnTlB MM, «wr« and lorn hyn N*«dt Iwo am until4 Mpm LARGE DISPLAY OF LIVtNG ROOM «T - Ttw**^, i*m\, »SI Call »I «/i; «ft(K 4 Bids mu*l bt mast* an •tonaord GRAND PIANOS. flva-»t*ca MnMf room wf, MI hwKh TIRES SntMn. CfaU. wfcittwdllt, ""••""""'HO^Dei. TOWNSHIP propotol forms in Hit manntr dctio tw« «nd toote*. MM trestle ((NH te*tt. PLANNING BOARD - rtajulrod by tK* ip*cft M MAIN SKEET MHtMiMHf MormvUt Cotiofitr MARGUERITE M PESEUK AJRRY PARK 07711 two cheit el drawtrt. tw vanity, or* l)U«l Ml be *ncf Coll *« jiff' ***'"* l"-d*i* *•** 101 Apartments 102 House* For Rent III. Houses For Sole 140 Real Estate Wanted Opt* tMty t to t, Sat. ll» ) Op— tun ntan-S TWIN ANTIQUE - Spooltod. like new LONG BRANCH - Cedar Ftrtt SHREWSBURY - Two bedrooi BRAND NEW 140 s ZStKeonsburg Gardens, spacious one ortd two home, in lovely neighborhood, UfO Thre* bedrooms, It master btdroom, Ktyport Board of education, P O Boi Mi nj» Afency DiNAMCE E1TASLISHINO THE AN port thereof is awarded to the bMder. INVEST - In pt>ur grandchild's Itftui pt*c*t. eitellenl condition UQO LONG BRANCH - Altonlic Avt-. Otant acres, tlreploc*. garogt. two bofht SuAL MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM the bidder shall furnish th* Per buy them on •fftiaue. oriental rugs WAi NUT TWIN SCO - US, triple %i* rooms, ktdt, utilities free |utt U1S ?47*434 STATE^ENTALS Bkr BUY OR SfLL —Your horn* through tormanc* Bond or other securltv r*. After tpm 471 4Mf Ll^flNflS C7F BETTER HOMES - In SALARY RANGES FOR THE OF- wicker furniture, Claltonn*. Victrolo '" night itond, t» 747*41* STATE RENTALS Bki on otflliott of th* ioro*tt real *stal* quired os guoronly v tndemnltlci KeaniburgMlddletownHoilet FICES AND POSITIONS OF PERSONS kaoutitul oriental carvings, mirrori compony In tht world-Century 11 MINK COAT - full kangth. natural •TTS 1374 Holmdel oreo THE SMOLKO AGEN EMPLOYED BY THE I0ROUGH OF The guaranty occow bed* chatrt, over 1O.M0 item. Collet, MATAWAN AREA - Three-roam 103 Rental j To Share Coiant Realtor. >.. ?«4 Multiple lltt Block Diamond Ranch, tit* 10. four WALNUT - Drtwtr. Chttl of drawer* apartment, adults preferred One CY. W4\b. Wd shall bt glvtn in the amount at ton lor needt more ilwinaspoc* 17 Prat ytert old, HOP Evt> , ?<7 ii// month security Inquire Ralphs Shore ptr ctnt OQM ot the bid. but not in —Ct Avt . Afiontlc Highland* Jtt441T mirror. 1100 Maple choirt. 171. ROOMMATE"- Wole to "shore o new MATAWAN LIST WITH exceii af twenty Wtawtaml dollars woicr. it. vacuum cleaner, 110 Repolr IU Mom SI Motowon house In Toms River. Retpontlbie per COLTS NECK - Zimmerer Custom N COAT Full length, til* I}. thot soid Ordlnonce shol _. (1»,000. ond may be given at Ma option tan. early to mid 30 * preferred II built four«*droom Center Hall Coioni Ct ury tv UM St*reofurnlat)l*ondtMok*r,.7l MATAWAN - den Gardens, bio. on* "* sLwii* *^ to provide the following position ond of th* bidder by a Certified Check. KINDLING WOOD ond two bedroom apartments starling minutes from Pork woy Catt 370-1111 Ol on prestigious Glen wood Rd Two Cashier s Check or BM Bond from a Solid cherry double bed. IN Itl M'O WASHERS Be smort, thop the war* fireplace*, den. fomtly room, central MATAWAN^-UST "WITH" solory in th* Unclassified Services tor Lor#e baas. II SO NEW AND ANTIQUE - Wicker porch ' DUM *ay Bett buy* in town Barnes ot 11)0 Corpallng throughout. Air con- reputable inturonct company 1 ditioning Lots of parking Swimming oir. targe wooded lot, By Owner Century 31 Van t Agency the yeof 1971 a* being MH KtoUV oft Wicker Botkel III Sl*t ond Service. Inc , 4*3 Ml i 104 Winter Rentals 11*9.SCO 94* 44M SECTION I. Tht right is r«»erv*d to r«|*ct ony RED BANK LUMBER pool ondTennlt Court* Vour very own Dtpuly Treasurer it,M0 00 annual or all bids It OttnWd" to th* intereit of patio Walk lo shopping and NY. City ELLEN S. HAZELTON. REALTOR SELLINTVOUR HOUSE"? the Keyport Boord of Edwcotitn t Wall SI Ml IMP SEA BRIGHT - Newly corp*t*d, SECTION II commuting M3 4010 bpen 9 o.m.-l Member Real Estate Exchange W* will buy direct Call 72 Garage Sales furnished, efficiency aporlment* ond AH ordinances heretofore enocltd by Tht successful biafler •hall to rt pm, Monto Frl CLOVER REALTY, 3447400 KINDLING WOOD motl nit* Dally'eekl/mthl * Borough of Kffantburg which are quired to comply with the provltiont et Largo bags, tl H Yard Sales MIDDLETOWN - One bedrooi FAIR HAVEN "- Cap* Cod Four .consistent with any part ot this or the New J*rt*y Prtvolllny Wag* Act. dinonce are hereby repealed Chapter 110 of Ihe Lawt of 1943. effec KEANSBURG - Block ond while TV. aporlmenl, convenient location t]1S bedroom, two baths, living room with RED BANK LUMBER per month Guaranteed lowe*l prices SECTlONIII; live January 1. 1974. i Kimboli piano* Buy with con IS 1971 Emerson oir conditioner unit pet month includes oil utilities Col t Woft It __ 741 SMO This ordinance shall be effective upon DONALD A HILL. Secretory tence with our to yeor part* ond lo Kitchen fool* ond chain Simmon* Butirtets Administralor block leather *ofobed Outdoor lounge 105 Summer Rentals its postage ond publication according 61 Business MODERN APARTMENT -~HtQ. to low and shall be retroactive lo Oi to Keyport Boord ol Educollon d c nd many hous*he EJ FREEHOLD MUSIC CENTER transportation, best time to coil be for* FAIR HAVEN - Two story Colonial, ' bet. Slh 1971 Keypori, New Jersey Hi far Appointment 447 47M article* CeaCheapp Frl l ond SSot.o , Marl Opportunities noon 49* 0416 two-oath Chalet Flr*ploc* three bedrooms, r > baths, living room 152 Boots A PUBLIC NOTICE OCt 14 I1I*J> U Highland BlvB d 717 Qt90 Ith flreploce, tormol dining room. golf court*, tennis courts, booth ond Public Notice Is hereby given that PIN 8 ALL MACH(Nf»S - Sky lab, MODERN GARDEN APARTMENT - _ it HI kitchen, wall lo woll carpel ! Accessories th* above ordinance was duly adopted Jubilee, and many more All In e> i __ _ . . - , Two bedrooms, ovoiloble immediole country club Clot* to all r*sorts Ihfouahout. screened porch, paneled 23* Mlddletown *ni condition booun fti-Sul 77 Pets And Livestock ly No pels Colt between fS, 364-IS44 zn-ssd recreation room Principal* only on first reading by the Borough Council of Ihc Borouah ol K*ansburg. County of NOTICE "A WRITTEN PVAYER PIANO Off AN VIEW - One bedroom garden 7417177 oportmenl* with oc*an view, un Monmoulh. State of New jersey on the Please be advised that the Town 90% rt«tor*d S700 Advanced And Beginners IM Furnished Rooms nth day of October, 1971 and thol said ship Committee meetings scheduled Coll **:**4i furnish*d, free pool, balcony llfS pei FIREPLACE ISO * 7 DOG TRAINING month I-* pm., m I73S 400 Ocean Four king sue bedrooms II mostei ordinance will be considered tor final for November 7, 1971 hat been con GUARANTEE" FURNISHED BEDROOM - Prtftr j 16 SFORT FISHERMAN -Very loo adoption at O meeting ot told Borougfi celled because of Ihe General Election, POOL TABLE Clotttt eves and Sot afternoons Blvd., Long Bronctv, 07740. bedroom suit* with wolkln closet, two ! hours. flberglo*.»Sh.p ondtroller. twe ON YOUR INVESTMENT Good .hope Acr.e.,oriei US adult lady, lo live with a senior cltiicn. full batht. 14 dining room, scltnc* Council to be held ot the Borough Hall ond the meeting lor November 14. 1971 Boysriore Companion Dog Club BO* lotiki 7|7 W93 otter S p m, ?4HQ4* in private home. Call 717 J319 kitchen, paneled gome room, full dry Church Street kcon*burg, New Jersey hat been conceded due to me league of a*Mtu RED BANK 31 RIVERSIDE AVE Jl LUHRS I960 - Sport Flihermon KEANSBURG - Furnished rooms ond basement, garage, ilote foyer, two on the 1st day ot November. 1971, at Municipalities Convention They will BELGIAN SHEPHERD - Pure bred, Repowered In 1*76. very good condl I 00 P M or a* soon thereafter as th* RIVERVIEW TOWERS turnlthtd apartments tone oil baseboard heal. hold two action mertingt on November "INTEREST FREE" QUEEN ANNE CHAJRS - (4). high two years old, spayed, good with chil- lion, will occept ony reasonable ofler matter con be heard ot which time ond "THE VERY FINEST IN MELMEO AGENCY •r 31. ifHotlPMInlhe FOR 2* MONTHS back; I/S *och f reruh wolnut round dren B**l offer 741 «« LUXURY HIGH RISE 7I74U9 or 717 «SI 7I7-3M7. Z, place public hearing will be held prior omotTownihlpHoll, t W|enilon table Que*n Ann* leg*, 1100 DUTCH GREAT DANf FreelcgooC Overlooking tht Navetink Rlvtr 31 CLASSIC CHRIS CRAFT - Cabin to ihe final passage of sold ordinance Kings Highway. Mlddletown ON GROWTH Tuiedo I' toto, 1100. Executive de*k, HAVE BUYERS-NEED LISTINGS and all persons will be given opportunl Cw ••!•*• one saw iw a»e* 141. Pine Stereo cabinet, tWO 747 0699 home, housebroken, loves children, 108 Commercial Cruiser. In water, double planked. Hilda Colds*. good watchdog 791 WW We wont yout... To h*lp us keep rents ot Coll Iht Kerr Agency, Inc Mohooony hull, boot In good condition. ty to be heord concerning the some Township Clerk their lowest By maintaining 100V oc Rentals 634 River Rd . Fair Haven, 741-4477 twin engine* need work, sleeps foui Morlamj Splelmon OCt 14 14 W FREE TO GOOD HOME - Attack and Borough Clerk cuponcy we or* effectively keeping HOLMDEL-LIST WITH $300. WlfKir obedience troln*d Shepherd Wolf, of ai^ n i *m oft*r *. rents low Studios starting ot S?7S, one JU SO FT - Of plush professional Cnetury 7) Von s Agency Oct. M 114 40 tedionofe mole cot. Coil after 7. 1*71 BAVLINER MOSQUITO bedrooms starting of |}40. tweofilc* spoc«, on Brood SI, Red Bonk, 54* I Ml Tht Mlddletown Township Com Part-Tim* REFRIGERATORS - •* smart, shop 170 9760 j_ bedrooms starting crt SSOO, three In converted Colonial horn* Modern ittee will hold public hearing on Ihe the worehoute way Beit buy* tn town KEYPORT - N*. FREE BEAUTIFUL bedrooms also Tostetulty decorated Ideol tor doctor, oppeol in the matter th* toning boord Borne* Sole* 1 Service. Inc , 493 Ml) im ranch, tlni.... ORDINANCE $650. WHHY whit* kitten* dentist, lawyer, engineer. Plenty of AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR cos* tor Joseph J UeRoy, Jr on Otto REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER - G E 74i 1403 after * p.m. Central air ond htot, gal cooking, parking USD per month Von Horn Coll 364 3171 or BOAT INSURANCE THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN bar 76, 1971 of 7:30 PM In th* con LITTLE SILVER — Adorable ranch. FUII-TIIM balconies, 14 hour doorman, TV secur- Agency. 747 4100. » FREE quote) and binders by phon •QUIPMINT IN THf BOROUGH OF terence room of TownthlpHoll. I Kings FREE PUPPIES - Germon Shepherd ity, swimming pool, sauna, marlno, seven rooms, three bedroomi, two CALL TOLL FREE •» 171 Vw KIANSBURG, COUNTY OF MON-Hlghwoy Mlddletown, N.J. ond port Huiky Hove II. also underground parking Rental ol ATTRACTIVE - Modern office InT*- full dry basement with laundry CAPE DORY H - Flberglos Sloo, MOUTH ANO ITATE OP NIW JIR HMdo Colllson N.IH SACRIFICE MOVING - Dining foom Call 471-tJ/e seorch center. Red Bank. Avolloble In plus ploy ond work room, full Township Clerk limiai IIIIWW at* flee open seven doyi a w**k. Call Bob two, three, tour room* or loroer unit*. 1974. Three soils. ISH.P. englnt, depth SIY ANO PROVIDING FOR THE IS fable, six chain, Iwo leaves Asking walk up ottlc Convenient to schools Ocl 34 13 30 «i»mlii| —» led* GOLDEN"MTRIEVflt PUPPIES - Clccon* ot »1 741 1737 Low/*nt. Full services 741 9Sf5 finder, lite lines, much more, SHOO IUANCI OF 1113MM BONDS OR 11*5 Recreation room bar. asking MS ond shopping. Principals only 741 It*.3 7f9-09?4 NOTES TO FINANCI THf COST Two Rattan headboards, otking W0 BROAD ST. — Red Bank. Modern of' MIDDLETOWN - Three bedroom Co THEREOF pair China terylc* for 11. cream wl"- room, dining room, *ot-ln kllchei , _ flee tulte*. *75 per month. Private ionlal. three months old, stin under DINGHY'S - Ell, Skimmer, Dyer, . MAIS CHOCOLATES The Mlddletown Towwsnlp Com gold Orginally MOO, asking 1735 Poki.. HORSE — U handt, nine yeoi new, dishwasher, wall to wait corpel king. 741 1113 before I p.m. Rocor builder's warranty Prim* ar*o. By Sumner, Zodiac. Metieler. It you con I BE IT ORDAINED by Ih* Munici- (able, seats eight Asking us Plus, mittee will hold a special meeting on 3 MUSKETEIW-M t MS Palamlno Gelding, lumps, vertatll* Ing, fenced yard, walk to stores, U?i Compony, ull CENTURY It Col-ens LENTZE MAHINA - For Wanton Boy propr lated tor the purposes at staled In PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given taH-amployod CHANDELIERS, 110 each, DESK, IIS. FULLY FINISHED ATTIC COLOR TV, nn«% work. »», twoBIKES — Three speed girl s, 2»", ex dining room, 13SQ. 747-3461. Agency. Ask for Mr Coieni or Mr boating In-out berthing strvlc* for Section I hereof. to all perunt thai a puMlchtarfng was A SEPARATE INCOME SECTION III. * OMAI TMM lUilNHS SNOW TIRES, G7I«1S. used M0 mile.. tellent condition, 140 Mont U", five RED BANK - Super spot in lilplo Nettles, »l-r41-76M. power ond soil boats. IS la M Used held on September » ItTI, at which COTTAGE ON PROPERTY boa^MltrjriT-fin. II It hereby found, determined and hearing on oppllcofion for permission KM WHMNM I WIVES. speed, like ntw, M0. 741-HM. vtry private, room tor kids, IMS r*ntt ENGUSHTOWN — Office, four rooms, TOP RESIDENTIAL AREA declared by this council at follow* GARELLI *MOPED 7479414 STATE RENTALS Bkr to build on addition to present living KM MOM MHMUMN (Alt: ideal location, parking faclliti*t Call CLOSE TO BEACHES LYMAN - MAKO, Marquis. Sobre. ioj Tnot the maximum amount of tri ot second level on Block 17, SOLID BRASS LAMPS - 170 each. t17S or btlt offer. 779 7579. bctorc I 30 RED BANK - AMI 44*^333 or 446/113 AND SHOPPING Ouronoutlc. Boston Whaler, Johnson, bonds or notes to bt issued by th* Royal portobl* lyp*wrll*r, MS. Call a.m. or oft*r 5 30 a.m. turnlthed one-room efficiency near OMC. EZ Loader, supplies Borouah tor the aforesaid purposes os offer 4, *Tt-OOp* FOR RENT- Primebuslnttt location Bry . Marine. Neptune 77S-73A4 described In Section I hereof is Twelve Mr. Warren SCHWINN CONTINENTAL — 10 town ond hospital Responsible busl :ot*d on Hwy. 35 in Mlddletown, Ide $67,900 STAINLESS STEEL~- Counttrtop net* or retired person preferred. Ret ol tor Lawytr, Accountant, Doctor, thousand three hundred fifty ond no/ In Aabury Park rang*, hood and woll oven, gat, good ertneet ond security. 74)43*4. New Jersey's 100 1111,350 00) Dollar* •tc For further detolls, coll BERG (bl Thol the estimated moxlmum inapt, im. MO O04 Man's oik*, tpttdomtfer and rock. AGENCY, 8711000. Complete Marine Center lor Inspection in th* Municipal Build 201-776-9000 RED BANK - Ladle* special, 1140, amount to be raised tram oil sources by Ing. ot the Borough of Sea Bright. N*w STEREO - Hi Fl, AM/FM rodio plus move In. All utilities free, (sate oreo). HIGHLANDS - 3M0 sq. ft., tuitoble 747*434 STATE RENTALS Bkr WHELAN Jtrity. UMAX* TU.I My tap* deck, In cabinet. W0 oulo repair or auto body. 1300 ptr Guldo Truttinl Call 717-4144 81 Sports Equipment ftUMSON AREA - We hov* **v*rol month plut utilities Seuclrly required REALTY GROUP REALTORS SECTION IV. Ihtrtso Truffini very desirable turnlihed and tin- •(.914*1 842-7565 Thot there Is hereby outhor ii*d ih* Appliconlt FUERGLAS DAIWA SPORT - 1JO0, furnished rental* available Immediate issuance of negotiable bonds of Iht Oct. 74 U.W ONMOUTH BEACH - One-year-old IIS cenllmeten. Better blndlngt, ly Apartments and hom*t Irom 1IS0 Suitable auto body or repair, Borough ot Keansburg In an aggregate 1 lolonlol, four bedrooms, 1'n both*, for- iclpol omounl not exceeding poles, Koillngecboott, 9 /, AiklngilM per month -onth plus utilities Security required. or bell otter 741 3440 Real Estate Emrhonae mal dining room, living room, family Ive thousand three hundred titty 244 Tlnton Falls 1-2144. room with brick fireplace, laroe kltch ond No- 100 (117,35« 001 Dollars, for the Joseph G. McCue NOTICI Make It Yourself I Realtor MIDDLETOWN - Colonial building In tn. Principals only. tWOOO ffl«tO purposes of tlrtonclng th* cost of Ih* commercial location, Hwy 34, will On Thursday, November 1. 1«7I ot 83 CBs/Electronics I4217U NEEDS WORK 170 * Improvement described In Section I rent port or all. Ideol tor attorney. FLAGSHIP MARINE t \i pm ot Ih* Municipal Center Spoclou* house with four bedrooms, hereof pursuant to local band law. con RUMSON - On* bedroom, un- Kcounlant or entrepreneur, looking Municipal Marine Basin Borough of Tlnton Foils. New Jtrsey. REALISTIC - Three chonnel CB two boths, lorg* living room, dining stituting Chapter I ot Title 40 A ot Tht furnished, qulel, mure oreo. $775 per or chormlna site with ample parking, Atlantic HhBTilondt or such other ploct ond time at the Irontcelver. two weeks old. MS. Coll room, modern Kitchen on treed t*nc«d Revised Statutes of Ntw Jersey Tht 7VI 4737 oner 6. month Includes heat and hot wafer. ent negotiable. Coll TI7-7U0 or •toord may odlourn to 1**rtotter. Ih* 00' lt Owner wont* often 29V5AO0 form, moturltl** and other details ol 773 3000 •4) 3700 told bonds shall bt determined by a Inton Fall* Zoning Beard of Adlutt Western Look MELMEO AGENCY ntnt shall consider on application by SEA BRIGHT - Two-room apartment, subttqutnt resolution adopted 84 Merchandise OFFICE SPACE - Hwy. 35- Mid-671 1650 SAILORS - Art you having trouble pursuant to low. Solomon Binderhaff and Bernard furnished. (735 per month Including all dlelown, 310 sq ft. In professional 4EW LISTING-LOCUST - Circa getting your sailt washed ond repaired SECTION V Buinili for a Us* Variance ond Sit* utilities, reody far occupancy Nov. 1. tiding. IU5 per month. 47) t«U Wanted •00 * Coioniol. Beoutlfully restored or new sails mode? Contact us Borngof That pending th* Issuance Of tht Plan Approval on Lot 3, Block IS. Tin toll 147 1*4 ond renovated, t*l on acre of woods, Boy Sails, IS Firtl Ave . Ationtlc High serial bonds outhorlied In Section IV ton Falls. N.J. Oocvimenb relating to OFFICE FOR RENT - Rumton, IM sq. lands. W113I3. this application moy fet viewed al th* SHREWSBURY - Two-Mdroom. kids, l.i tictllenf location suitobie for a lardens ond brick patio*. Three hereof, there Is hereby authorized the laundry, tree utilities, appliances, «S5 tedrooms. l'i baths. Including large Issuonce ol Bond Anticipation Not*s office of the Tlnton Foils Borough Hall CASH. awytr, accountonl, Imurancc. etc. THUNDERBIRD FORMULA 70' i' 1977 weekdoys from 9:00 a.m. to 4:0 p.m. 747-W _ JTATE iSJNTAL5 Bkr, Available Immediately 1375 per master bedroom with own dressing for the Borough ot Ktansbura In on INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES 111 VI Mtrc Crulltr. In •xcept holidays. SPACIOUS - Onebedroorn, ocean- month, utilities. room and bath. Raited hearth, old fd'outboord, cuddy cobln with agoregott principal amount not to ex Ocl 94 IS* E. Newman Springs Rd. -Ick flreploce In fomlly room head, carpeted, camper top, mooring ceed Twelve thousand three hundred Shrewlburv J^httOO tronl, carpeting, heat and air condl Real Estat* Enchong* fifty ond No- 100 1117,350.00) Dollars tionmg. Beach club lacll Joseph G McCu* cover, winter storage cover, lets than PUBLIC HQTrtl Real,or ay d e dea u •0 hourt, Ilk* new, very fast. 741-1716, pursuant to the local bond law. con- ALL LIONEL T.RAIN^ lliei Included WSO o month UiJin stituting Chapter ] of Tlti* 40A ot th* An ordlnonc* *ntltltd "An Or DelifM your linnte Dad and 14137*0 wood floors, shutters, paneled walls oft*r 4 p.m. dinonce Creating An Emergency Ap Or Flytr. Top cosh opprolsol. W*-»f3 SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS - WycMlom •~" lHI 1119SO Revised Statutes of New Jersey. Tht voprlatlon Requiring Aparovol ot ih* ROFESSIONAL OFFICE! - Slngltt WINTER STORAGE - Look ut ovtr (arm. maturities ond other a*taiis of lid with Nine Western lets. ALTO SAXOPHONE - Playing condl CENURY 21 COZENS, Realtors ocal Finance Board 40AT3S,3IC» Pro r suites In Downtown Red Bonk AL' ' Ind*o*nden1ly Owned now for a 1979 slip Convenient loca- said bonds shall be determined by sob Wide-bummed cowboy lilts Iding 111.000 Planning Boord Consul lion, reasonable price. .AIRE FARROW AGENCY, 741 14», •13 Rlv*r Rd Fair Haven tion, a friendly atmosphere, owner * ttquent revolution adopted pursuant to tont and Legal F**s was pr*s*nttd for »nd long, warm mittens lit easy Coll 717 in RED BANK - 331 Brood St., thre* 74174J6 work allowed Surlside Marina, Sea ntroductlon ond first reading on Stp ANTIQUES - Anything old. Furniture, office suites ovoilobl* ranging from Bright. Coll *47«44 days or »v*t SECTION VI. 3CEANPORT - Customli* this four tember », 1971 by Mayor and Council to crochet ol synthetic worsted hi ls dll ll Top 102 Houses For Rent on* room at 1115 per month toon entire WINTER STORAGE — Atlantic High- It it hereby determined ond de ~ .ugh ot Tlnton Fold and on Octo ioor of 4O0M ft- ot 1400per month Air bedroom Colonial, while It II under dared by thlt Council at follows Quick, too. Pattern 873: Direc- construction Big kitchen, family room lands Heated warehouse available for 1971 wot finally adopted ond EATONTOWN - Giant two bedroon conditioning, carpeting, decorollng. boot storage. Reasonable Call (a) That the bonds or notes Htued approved. i tions lor Men's ind Boys' Sues oil utllltiet included. Ample on-ilfe with fireplace, formal dining room. V j under this Ordlnonce shod bear In- ANTIQUES - GATEWAY AN- in multi-family, kid*, pet* ok, 1170 bolhs Coll tor site Inspection and mare 191-0500, Mrs. Lorun. Gabriel E. Spec tor Mayor 747-V434 STATE RENTALS Bkr parking Minimum one year lease Coll terest at the rot* or rates a* permitted Small, Medium, Large included TIQUES, Rl. 36 and Homestead Ave . mner, Walter Zlmmtrer & Son,details. ItteODO. E.A. ARMSTRONG Borough otTinton Falls Leonardo. Wl S2S0 AGENCY, Reoilor. SSS Prospect Avc . 154 Recreational Atlett: Marlboro Township, MM per month, LI tile Silver. 741-4S00. Jeromes Reed Clerk , SS.ll plus utilities. Paicotlft Rtalty, RED BANK - 157 Brood St., RedOCEAN TOWNSHIP - Wayside Woods Vehicles . —HgaHon .. Sfl-VIOO. Oct. 24 WHO IS FAIREST Bonks neweit financial /professional ond Long view Vlllaoe Elntt now oulhorlied to be Issued Is ftn HO) PUiLICNOTICI 11.50 for each pattern Add OF THEM ALL?" HIGHLANDS - SmoH, three-room cot center, nearing completion ond ready homes froIrom W7,S0fl»f7100 . ColColll Il MS RV VEHICLE INSURANCE years. An ordinance »ntl|l*d "An Or TRY 143-1449 or occupancy. All suites air condi- FREE quote* and binders by phone. Ic) Thai th* supplemental debt 40< each pattern tor first class tag* Suitable adults. 1175 per month dinanc* Creating Art Emergency Ap plus utilities. Security required. tioned, carpeted and decorated Avail- OWNER SAYS "SELL" CALL TOLL-FREE I0M27 9703 statement at required by Section propriotlon Requiring Approval ot Th* able space remaining ranges from on*. 4OA 7 10 ot the Reviled Slatutet was airmail and handling Sand To: "STAMPS 1973 APACHE CAMPER~~^ .ocal Flnonc* Boar/toH 35 3(c) Pro- room offices at HOO per month to .500 ion 1 mi** this centrally located lour prior to the postage of this Ordlnonce viding 110,000 For Preparation For US Plot* blocks, ilngltt, sheets, oc HIGHLANDS - Coiy country cottage, tq ft. suites Ample on-til* parking Call after 3 p.m. cumulations, Canada Great Britain bedroom MlddUtown split level Large 741-7144 W on first reading, duly mode and filed in Snow Removal wot presented for In- Immediate coih. JO.-S77IO1.. room for kids, carpets, itrat. HIS Minimum one-year leas*. Coll owner, -ear yard backed by trees offers great the Ottlc* of Ih* Municipal Clerk, ond reduction ond tint reading on Scptem 74J-*434 STATE RENTALS Bkr. ... tr Zimmerer & Son, 94* 3400 or said supplemental debt statement TURN YOUR DIAMONDS INTO >rivocy tor reloxatlon and play Fea- MOTOR HOMES FOR RENT btr 74, 1971 by Mayor and Council of HIGHLANDS - Five room haute, two 944-471? ures large kllchen, P/» batht, living FREE MILEAGE I INSURANCE show* that the gross debt as defined in Borough ot Tlnton Foil* and on October louro Wh.el.r DOLLARS - Convert Old Jewelry to said law Is increased by the outhor bedrooms, 1760 per month, plus utui REO BANK - Beautifully renovated, room, fomlly room. Walking distanc* CALL AND CHECK OUR LOW. 17. 19ft was linolly adopted ond op Coth DON PON'S JEWELERS Will Un and security. Coll otter 6 p.m., to schools, shopping, church and trans LOW RATES. 229-O473. Nation of sold obligation by sold lvtd Buy from private owners and estates. century old building In professional Twelve thousand three hundred fifty NtMdlecroft Dept. 61 oreo. Low rent, lost suit* left, 4747 9100 portotlon Asking «7,f00. SLIDE ON CAMPER - 1971, self con Gobrlel E. Sptctor Mayor ANTIQUE CLOCKS REPAIRED AND talned. tleep* six. Coll weekend* all ond No/100 1117,350.00) Dollars ond th* H OL MO EL^-Spoclout five-bedroom, issuance ot sold obligations outhoriud Borough OT Tlnton Foils Th« Doily Register JEWELRY DESIGNED. 7t9 Rlv*r Rd., *ED BANK — 311 •rood' St.. n*it fo day or offer 5 on weekdays, 946-27M Attctt: Folr Haven, N.J **1-6W. two-story home sltuoted on large lot. Colonial Bonk, iott lovely Brood Street ACADEMY AGENCY Qy this Ordlnonc* Is permitted by Sec M HWY, 33 HAZLET, N.J. Jeromes Reed Clerk WANTED - Utility Trailer, mutt be In UU per month, security ond refer home now avolloble tor profettlonai lion 40A 14 of sold loiT Oct. 74 15 10 •a 1(1, Old Chthu ML New good shape. Large size Deferrable encei required Carl F, Zellcrs, Re occupancy New owner* will modify to 739-2231 SECTION VII. Call before 10 p.m 547-14*1 oltor. 946-4443. suite. Abundant oft street parking Call QUICK OCCUPANCY 130V Thrtt Thot the total amount ot tht pro- York, NT 10011. Print Name, 791^500, Mr. Lolrd. spaciout bedrooms, 1'.* botM, 14 sci- :e*dt of Ih* obligations authorized by 250 Other Public Notices IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ence kitchen, full dry batement, thi* Ordlnonc.* which moy bt expended Address, Zip. Pattern Number. Red Bonk-* roomt 137S STORE — All g47MOO. __ TINTON FALLS - Sycomor* Pro iki, descriptions, prices on available Mock, onswer* fo kilo, ho* choker with Th* full faith and credit of th* •w Jersey 07703 tals dally, never o fte for tenant. e.slonal Building, (odlactnt to tame*. APPLEBROOK REALTORS, Associated Humane Society too. chll Borough of Keonsburg is hereby Furnished ond unfurnished homes and KEANSBURG Parkway), now completing ultra 13 Av*i ot Two Rivers. Rumion, dren arc htarttoroken, goad reword pledged to the payment ot principal. apartment* TEICHER AGENCY, RE- House tor reni US Shore Blvd. modirn addition, Immediate occ- and int*r**t on oil bonds ond not** TH COUNTY COURT I ••(•••••••> tilt ALTORS, Til Oceanport Av* , Ocean _ Co" 344 I73S or 344-XM citpancy Unlimited parking; beau ittued pursuant to this Ordlnonc* ond * DIVISION KEANSBURG -Unfurnished apart tltully landscaped. Space avoMoble tor SHREWSBURY RIVER COLONIAL - port. S4J-3SO0, Little Silver Point. Superb deep water the turn required tor such payments ment, second floor, one bedroom, liv- any medical specialty, will finish to than In eoch year on any ot said bonds ...LACTIO BIIMIHI) - Mortem flv* roomt. big ing room, kitchen, sun porch, bolh with dock. Handsome stone bulkhead, pro K notes outstanding, b* Included In th* tor kldt, pets, nice area, only 1260 tub and shower, Included In rent, rt- Call 547 4413 fesslonally landscaped with lovely wnuoi budget ond raised by to*, r IXIHO D«TI roii HIMINO 747*434 STATE RENTALS _Bkr. frtgtrator, electric, hot water and heat. •hod* trots and rock garden Spacious MISSING TOY POODLE - Black, an rooms, four bedrooms, flrtplac*. mag wllhout limitation as to rat* or amount 1735 per month. One month security swtr lo 'Shadow ", seven month* old, BELFORD — Roomy five-room apart- nlflcent sun porch, full attic ond base upon all the taxable property in Ihe N THE MATTED OF THE APPLICA- ROW Of Softness printed Pattern required Single or couple preferred 110 Wonted To Rent hot yellow collar. 7I7-71W. Reward. ment. 1IW plus utilities. After I p.m.. ment Choice location with spectacular Borough TION OP DENNIS SRILLEK TEDBV Middle oge or over. Cooking gos extra PERSON - Who called Frl. nloht 775 *fS7. view*. Principals only. 1325,000 SECTION IX. e T 0 A r HeNAWt Coll 7I77M7. HOUSTRENTAL - On or before Dec about Amtthyst heirloom, please bring 0rDEN;fs T , , .VASfM s 74M0I3. This Ordlnonce shall take etfect EATONTOWN - Carpeted one itt. Keyport High School area. Three immttUattty to King Jomet Nurilng twenty (70) days alter th* first pubtlco Thli matttr being opened to Ihe bedroom, kids ok, modern utras, 1710 LEONARDO - One-bedroom house, bedroom*, basement or aoroge pre- THINKING OF - Selling or buying? Horn*, to discuss higher reward. I om Court ty the Forl Wonmoulh Lenol Ser rtd. R*r*renc»«. U4-t4tl, anytime. lion thereof, after final passage 7479434 STATE RENTALS Bkr. bath, kitchen, living room, tunporch, Call TRANS EXECUTIVE REALTY deal and hov* different number. pursuant to law. ?,'.".** 'rogrom. otlcn.r. lor theploln spaciout grounds, 1750 a month plut till. Dennlt trlller Terry, ror o ut 1 1 791 3400 or »t Mil. PUBLIC NOTICE HIGHLANDS - Ihre* rooms, suitable !i ! *.* Call 7T.-13W. K[ Al t •> r A I SvSm Public Nolle* it hertby given that uogment to ouume onoKer mmt CM LITTLE SILVER — Nov. 1 occupancy, br entry ol on order tiNlno a dot* tor WALKER t WALKER mt above ordlnonc* was duly odopled odults. 117S per month plut utilities. two bedroom, living room, tot-in FOK SAl E the hearing thereof; REALTORS 211 Special Notices on first reading by Ih* Borough Council Security required W1-J144. kitchen, big recreation room, choice Srirewtoury Office 741 H12 ot the Borough ot Keonsburg, County of It It on Ihlt M TuSItoJmtf win MAMAN MARTIN CENTURY 71 COZENS. Reoilor* KEANSBURG - Three rooms, heat plus utllltle*, Call 741 1196 or 671 I Hi A BE ROE E N -743 Or chard! block 313. A NEW 43-HOUR - Morning reel ** kilerttt an said amount for ttw Mrifltov el July 1971 to date »l thTsoSe^S Potiem Dept. 420 ond hot water supplied. 1150per month "Independently Owned" lot J. UOM net to seller, S0XH. Realtor tot* licensing course, Nov. 1314. H2S coslt of salt. Tht subscriber will sell in t*t to ttw person who bWsmtamo^int Call 717 0611 if no onswer cajl 9*4 1731 113 River Rd. Fair Hovtn 714) *30*1 P.O. Box S1H. Rlv Monmouth Institute, 741-0771. due sub|tct to redemption at tht lowest rett ol interest, twt In no cat* The Doily Register KEYPORT CLUB VILLAGE - On* W-MH •«**dlng 11% ptr onnum. Tht paymenttor th * sal* shall b* (t>od* b*f tr* the and two-bedroom apartments avail ^J conclusion of tht salt or tht property will bt r*told. f ' A NEW LISTING - A terrific home In : only wilt b* accepted Ir able, heat, hot water, cooking gas sup Rumson Five oeorooms. four barn,, KEANSBURO- Building lot. MMIOD. plied Close to NY but line Free pool l.repkKC tn living roam, den plws sMtwolhs and curb Corner Woodtlde Any porc*l or rtal propertytor whic h fh*fe than be no other pwrchat* Col* 744 «13 between VS. Mon. throuafv 131. Houses For Sale f*mllly room. Heated ivn room. Love Awt. and Grove PI. UNO 7|7 3tH will to struck oft ond soldlo the Township o! Cotto Ntck for r*d*rnptlon ol tn not IM. st, *t» r«t, ly, deep, treed tat with full mocodoni THENUMMRTOUtt taw id bosketboll court. Excellent 138 Mobile Homes m mu. fm nmi, w- I am blue and torwiy because oreo. ionvenlent I«co1lon, A Ulna TOruavotn, litSJN. OtBS, OP. SIZE mi JTTU I'm looking lor new owners. 101. Commercial CENTURY 71 COZENS, -. RUWfl. I'm a nice ranch with lull GARDEN PARK MOBILE HOMES - QUUSfftDAD- Rentals Irvdependenlly Owned" Btthany Rd , Mwkt. AtfwH Mrh. Wo** Lett be prKtiul-you get basement and landscaped • 13 River Rd Fair Haven *o snapptng on* NY. bus. ft*-*il, ground^ on a quiet shady 741 -7«M Al any time b mote for less S when you stw! HAZLET - Moorte horn* Urx—m. mm mmmu via stieet in Muiganville My oul- ASBURY PARK - Sole by owner. dtn. eitendtd UvMf roam, centra, ok. Send l« new f Ml-WINTER Laroe two tomily hows*, newly rs> wo*htr. drytf. FWUMM* VwltUt la 21,000 sq n (I Door 9,000 ades ate aluminum, and my OwHICiXe Including tkt namt al FASHIONSTOSEWCATALOG His modeled, new heollna system, wall-lo Mtw V*i* ah c«nttr. lll.MI. C«H 542-1700 sq « . 1 How 12.000 sq It) mbides are all nicely done up wall corp*tlno Ui.ffc Call for more rti-lttl. $1.50 coupon for free pit details. 7*1 71M taitgito loading, ratrottl sd- and just waiting (or you. iWJ^S^'nTt'.^SrJerhtie.-.r.d tf/n of four cNoice. 75* Please call soon artrlilttlatm: mg. prrvate partung str condi- ASSUME VA MORTGAGE I »nito 5 pm Dairy •lack Lai tioned. sprmWarad Pubkc COUNTRY SIDE \ Balance 17*.000 Monthly payment IJW '• » Ctaitnlnc. (include, principal, Inlerest, loies and Sal 1:30 am to 12:30 pin U i Moraartl VMttli ' BROKERS, IMC. •nuiront el. Lovely three bedroom WE ARE MOVING - Homittt. mj 747-1100 or N1.7S9-1HS ranch- ond more W3JM. PAUL P. Two sMs E«^ca«dMl.n. '•••••*ee«e*eeee*ee«e«ee*eeeeeeeeeee BOVA. INC, Realtor, .71 7544 • I CW I'. 14, 11, NO SHREWSBURY, N.J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24.1978 2T Down that long road before WASHINGTON (AP) - leading business spokesman, Finally, on Aug. IS, 1171, The country hit been down totd reporters the other day. Nixon surprised the nation by "tkat very familiar road" AFL-CIO President George Imposing a (May wage and before, Ge.ier.l Electric lieany, labor's top spokesman, price freete and then in- Chairman Reginald Jones says criticizes the guidelines ap- troduced the most elaborate of the upcoming Carter anti- proach as certain to work controls program since World Inflation program. And he's against workers. And private- War II. It required virtually absolutely right. ly, he has indicated he would every union wage hike and big There is virtually nothing in prefer mandatory controls. buslnes price increase to be the program — which Is ex- Here, in brief, is a sum- approved by the new Cost of PPLIES R MAINTENANCE pected to be unveiled by the mary of the various anti-lnfia- Living Council. f PORTAiLi TO4LIT DENTAL president in a nationally tele Uon actions and programs by The program succeeded in I ART AN5 DRAFTING SUP vised speech Tuesday night - the last five administrations, holding inflation to 1.4 percent that hasn't been tried before. starting with Kennedy: In both 1971 and 1972. But after Administration sources say In 1W3, following a year in controls were relaxed in early Carter will announce which consumer prices In- 1(73, prices soared again be- guidelines for wages and creased only S.7 percent, con- cause of pent-up wage and prices, not unlike the cern over potential inflation price pressures and Nixon de- guidelines approach to com- prompted Kennedy to an- clared a new (May freeze in •lot Uioorkiclpol batting inflation that was nounce voluntary wage and June, this time on prices alone -j*. or, hortby SSSfl^rS! taken by former President price guidelines linked to prod- Another controls program taftamaraacrlbodbytoMLow. John F. Kennedy in 1M2. uctivity. followed as inflation for the Inflation was 1.2 percent in In a 1175 analysis of ti.j year reached 8.8 percent, a Wdonlhtonmtoutttdt.andoddrtiMd the first year of Kennedy's Kennedy program, Congress' post-war high. But in 1974, the WU«1 IJJ oM AKTS£lot 41 at to tht Monmowth County Board ot Roc guidelines, and is about 8 Joint Economic Committee •IWM. on th«taa mo p ol Iht Borwiah of nation Commts.lontri.PO Bo. JH administration decided con- Llncrott. N.j. 077M Bids mutt bt dt- percent now, reflecting a said the guidelines were gener- llvtrtd at tht ploct and btfort tttt hour trols were not working and racnotlMKil pufpoM. mtntloMdabovt steady worsening despite the ally successful in the short run. lifted them entirely. »»jsasr*fIb) The titlmaltd maKlmuem "During tht ptrformonct ol this orrtMnt ol boMt or notes to bt Issued contract, an contractors art roqulrtd efforts of five administrations with inflation of no more than With controls removed, Mr MM purpose It at ltoted In Section I to compl'y wit"*h" th**"o rtrtQulrtmtnt. t ot PL. Iffic, IIT-• to bring it under control. 1.1 percent in a single year. prices and wages soared, in (c) Tht estimated coil ol told Th.._t Monmouth Cot jtty Board of purpOM lii »q»quool to thhe amount ol t Rtcrtotlon Commlstlontrt rtstrvts Some critics of Carter's But in 1965, with the war on part the result of the four-fold approprtotlototl n MMr.II n moddi ttwr. mt rlahl to wolvt any informant lit In, program worry that he is tak- In Vietnam and President fht fMC*M thtrtof ovtr lh« tald tttl or to rtloct any or all bids, and to increase in world oil prices. motto maximum amount ot bonds or award contracts In wholt or In port II ing a path inevitably leading to Johnson unwilling to raise tax- notti l« b* luwtd tMfttor btlno tht dttmod in tht btst Inttrtst of mt Inflation for aU of 1(74 was 12.2 •Wftytf Bt MM told down poymtnl tor Boordtodoso. mandatory wage and price es to pay it or for his "Great percent, still the post-war re- No blddtr may withdraw hit bid A 4. Tht following oddltlonol within thirty (90) days lollowlng the controls, even though the pres- Society" programs, budget cord. -.^..jrt art twrtby dtttrmlntd. dt dale of bid opening ctarto*. rtcltad and ilottd: TTht Monmouth County Boar* ot ident is expected to disavow deficits and prices both rose Nixon's approach then was (at Tht MM pwrnota dotcrltMfl In RtcrtatMtcrtatMtn CommlislontrCommlislislontrl t shall rt any Intention of using controls. and Inflation became serious Sacfloll]«! Itiii OMK orSinaitct tt not • stfvt mt righih t to holhodl bidi s for tuty to slow the economy by raising cwrrtfft oxpma and li a proptrty (40) days prior l d f tt Carter has tried several ap- tor the first time since the Ko- •Nth tr»T>rou»n may taXl"ot By ordtr ot Tht Board ot Ntcrto interest rates and tightening lion CammistJontrs ol tht County ol proaches to inflation In his It rean war. Monmouta. the money supply. The the ex- KM MM or Hull bt iptclolly IIHIIM VICTOR E GROS5INGER. Chairman months in office, each a little Inflation went from 1.9 pectation was that this would on proptrty iptckilly btnttlttd thtrt Jomtt J.Trunctf. Stcrttory Dlrocfor tougher than the last, but infla- percent in 1965 to 4.7 percent in remove upward pressures on ' (•iThtptrlodofuMtulntuaftaM Oct 14 lit K purpott within tht llmllallom ot laid tion has gone from 4.8 percent 19U. Economists now feel both wages and prices. Latot lond Law. according lo tht rta •onoblt lift rhtrool compjtd from tht 150 otH«r Public Notkii In 1S76 to 1.8 percent last year Johnson erred in not raising However, the economic dott of tht MM bond) outhorlitd by and an expected 8 percent this taxes. The Federal Reserve slowdown was not successful iMibondordlnonctliMytor. STAMllYf tPBCTO* lc> Tht Suppea Otbt year. Board made about the only and the economy sank into the Carter inflation adviser SWlMntnt required by Mid low hat And inflation of 4.8 percent His approach from the out- bn duty moat and Mod In tht Offlct Both business and labor anti-inflation move, tightening 1974-75 recession, which was was still regarded as a serious set was to encourage volun- Barry Bosworth said last week SKfttSFOf thhee BorougBoog h CttrCtrk and o complttt •wtWH4WH4 dpllatdupllcattt tatrtottatrtot hot Wen leaders wish Carter wouldn't the money supply and raising the longest and deepest since problem. tary wage and price restrain- that if the new program fails, THtd In tht oftkt of tht Director of the (MvttlOA of Local Government Services resort to guidelines, even interest rates over Johnson's World War II. Although Carter took office able guidelines earlier this the only remaining altar- In tht Ooportmtnt ol Community At though they recognize he must objections. Mrs ol tat Stott ot New Jersey, and Gerald R. Ford took office in 1(77 declaring he wanted year. natives "are the cruel choices such stottmtnt shows mot tht arott do something. Some of Johnson belatedly recom- doM Of tht Boroogr. ot defined In sold in 1(74 and initiated the much standby authority to impose What will come next if the of a severe recession or man- low it increased by tht oumorliaHon ot Carter's closer advisers are mended a tax increase for 19(7 scoffed-at Whip Inflation Now, datory wage and price con- tht bondi and nottt pro vlded for in mis mandatory wage and price new program doesn't work will bond ordinance by U1,MO and tht Is- among those who doubt the and supported voluntary wage or "WIN" program. It was en- controls, he soon decided he be determined by what hap- trols." •uonco tl MM obltoaflont oumorlttd OiOPF««lf ««TMU« iAIN»U«V by MH bond ordlnanct it ptrmltttd by guidelines approach will be and price standards for busi- tirely voluntary. didn't need such authority, and pens to inflation during the But those too have been mt tHCoptlon provided In porooropn plaint In any more successful than ness and labor. Inflation did ease in the af- (g.OtsoWSecl&rHOA -37ottaMlawlo aVmoT Sr^nofZ he doesn't now have it. next year or so. tried before. tttt 4ob* llmltattont prescribed by MM co« upon tht doltnoant In Carter's previous efforts. Richard M Nixon took over termath of the record 1(74 with Rul* 4:71-1 should not Id) An agareflote omount not e« in 1969 with inflation worsen- price burst, dropping to 7 coadjitg V,m for items of e«pen»e tun u t Borough and tht within twtflty (») dam htrtafter, be Borfcah shall bt obllgaM to Itvy od pobllshtd In tht R*d lank Rtalsttr o JERSEY SHORE Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gullman Rumson, son, Oct. 21. vaHiraam taxes upon all tat taxable ntwtlMptr printed In Red Bonk. N.J . property with tht Borough for tht tor two tit wtokt tucctul vtly, at Itott Neptue (Lenita Livingston), 21 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scala onct in toch wttk; AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, Mr. and Mrs.Philip Campbell Ave., Port Mon- (Anamary Graeber), 40 Col- that sorvtct upon tht dtfndonl ol th« This bond ordinance tomptolnt and Of tht Ntlict ol Ordtr lo Curatola, (nee Sharon Giacon- mouth, daughter, Oct. 19 eman Ave., Red Bank, daugh- • effect » days after the first onswtr as ttrvkt subttttwtod for ptr , en thereof oher flnol adop- sonol strvict of aroctn within tht dina), 1435 Rustic Drive, Ocean Mr. and Mrs. Robert ter. Oct. 21. \, at provided by MM Local Bond Statt, bt madt within talrry-flvt (351 Township, daughter, Oct. 18. Bernfeld, 455 Tenth St., Mr. and Mrs. Clifford STATIMIHT Tht Bond Ordinance published efc5S9WJBi»Jt_.. Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Lakewood, daughter, Oct. 20. Wulkan (Ellen O'Brien), 1 herewith had been finally adopted an dont by roglstortd or ctrtllltd mail, Octobtf 17. ntt and the fc doTpertod return receipt rtQutittd ond olto at the Siclliano,(nee Philomena De- Mr. and Mrs. Marion Maripit Place, Middletown, at limitation within which a lull. action addrtst of his mtthtr with poitol In ris!), 1322 Locust Drive, Brand, 27 Hollywood Ave., or e/aceedtng questioning the validity strudlons to dtllvtr to addrttsot only, daughter, Oct. II. of such ordinance con be commenced. but it tht addrosstt rtfustt to claim or Asbury Park, daughter, Oct. Leonardo, daughter, Oct. 20. Mr. and Mrs Keith Doyle as provided In the Local Bond Low. has to accost dtllvtrv af rtfisttrtd or MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - Two new tennis courts and two new basket- beau, so run from the first publication ctrtintdmoll, strv » •rtglibt moot by 18. Mr. and Mrs. James (Gertrude A. Lynch), 38 Grant ol ftrfi stole me#it. ordlnory moll within told thirty five boll courts are teatures of Hillside Park in Middletown, renovated over the JEROMES. REED I3i) days ptriod ond orool of such str Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lore, Keelen, 300 Red Hill Road. Place, East Keansburg, •orougn Clark vice bt shown by ofttaavkt (nee Maureen Allard) 33 Middletown. daughter, Oct. 20. daughter, Oct. 22. summer momths with federal Economic Development Administration funds. A After some delays In funding, the improvements were accomplished In early Oct. U m 10 Broadway, Freehold, son, Oct. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Got- Mr and Mrs. Richard A. 18. tesman, 532 Union Lane, fall. Nelson Iglesias, second from right, project engineer, hands keys to the Halbeisen (Deborah A. Belle- facility to Mayor Robert J. Eckert. Others, from left, are Joseph R. Vuzzo, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wiley Brielle, son. Oct. 20. Mi Shrewsbury Ml Shrewsbury gue), 140 Washington St., township business administrator; Helen Simmons; Dee Crenshaw of the . toromli Boroiujft (nee Janet Goodman), Boston Mr. and Mrs Joe Field Jr., SayrevlUe, son, Oct. 21. Hillside Civic Association, and at right, John Campbell, Mlddletown's recre- Way, Asbury Park, daughter, 142 Wall St., West Long Mr. and Mrs. Keith ation director. Oct. 14. Branch, son, Oct. 20. Rechten (Carol A. Dcvaney), TION 1. That Chapter ft. Vehicles ond Traffic, Article Ml ond Article MONMOUTH MEDICAL Mr. and Mrs. A Emlliano J8» West Prospect Ave., CUf- X, on hereb• y amtndt-wndedtoreodostollowsd to read as follow ; AUTICLt IIII LimitinLimiting Usee Ooff Stree Streett s to Certain Clasi of Vehicle SS »I CENTER Zapanta, S07B, Borden Apart- fwood, daughter, Oct. 22. Bum and Trucks with specifieteemed aroorosui welohtweights excludedtxcudtd, ments, Third Ave.. Long ;. BustBuses onand Trucks wtlannweighinrelOhlng HIni eexces tens ootl thtt sptclfitd grots wtlghwtg t arae Lug Branch Wrtby oKCludtd from thestrothft itrttTs ot r parti of itrtettrtett dttcribtd In SchedulSchdf l eV V, Branch, daughter. Oct. 20. JB fft-fa, tictpr t for tat pickuJkkop ondd dtilvtrdelivery off mattmaterialr (otsi on such iitreet ' i ond Mr. and Mrs. Prorflrlo JERSEY SHORE tKCtpt tor municipal vehicles. MM Schedule V being attached to ond mode a part of this chopter. Gato, 3M Third Ave.. Apt. 16, RIVERVIEW HOSPITAL Neplane ARTICLE X Schedules SS M-23. Schedule V: Buses and Trucks with Long Branch, son, Oct. 20. Specified Cross Weight Excluded. Red Bank Mr. and Mrs. Louis In accordance with me provisions of U *tH, buses ond trucks welghln" Prusinovski (Renee Hopkins), War the specified gross wetghn •*• »«cluded f "•- *_...... — -. .^. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne itreeti or ports of streets except for the pickup 117 Oceanport Ave., Ocean, 19 Sharon Drive, Ocean, son, such streets and except for municipal vehicles: Gregus (Antoinette Feiss), (4 port, son, Oct. 20. Woodcrest Drive, Freehold Oct II LIMIT STRiBT Township, daughter, Oct. 19 Mr. and Mrs. Steven tHtnry Strttt tltrttt within borough II illt JM Other Public Notlcti Laurtl Strttt Mr. and Mrs. William Whit- Feldman (Anita Bobes), 115 • Obrt Place _ street within borough limits COIIItiCTED MIETINC Bimbler Blvd., Ocean,' son, Sllvtrbrook Rood Entire street within borough limits NOTICa PON TME beck (Margaret Kemprowskl), Thomot Avtnut Entire street within borough limits TOWNSHIP OF OCE«N Oct 20. White Rood Entire street within borough limits 31 Lincoln St.. Red Bank, son, SECTISECTIOON 1. This ordinance shall take effect upon Its passoge ond Plomo (olio nodco tMrlltx Town publication according to low. •dip ot Octan Homing Boord .III MM Oct. K. 0 Spockil Work Moollno on Oclobtr IS. Mr. and Mrs. John The foregoing ordinance was Introduced at a meeting of the Borough IWtotMSPM In fht Towmhlp Won Council ot Shrewsbury on October Is. Ifrt ond will be considered tor flnol ogor'i Coocui Room. Town Hall. Otal Thornton (Sandra Silvestri), bile t\ arlng at tht Council mttllng to bt htl.d_ Ni 13. 1 Wonmouth Rdi. Ookhunt. N J Tho nunlclpol bulMlna, Brood Sfrett & SycoComorm o Avtnut, purpoM of (hit mooting li tor tho ro 221 West Front St., Keyport, is who with to bt htord will bt glvtn on opportunitop y to vlow of tno Draft Zoning Ordinance Theater propoMd for Iho Townjnlp of Ocooft son, Oct. 1(. No official action will b« loCpn BoroughC Glngtr Btrgtron. Stcritory Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rob- erts (Carol Ann Wills), 275A Spring St., Red Bank, daugh- tickets 244 Tlnton Falls 144 Tlnlon Falls 144 Tlnton Falls ter. Oct. If Mr. and Mrs. Roger Peter- HEADQUARTERS OPENS — Luncheon, balloons, campaign speeches and m the Borough of Tlnton Falls.osef December 11. son (Mary Hrabosky). 324 on sale campaign excitement were enjoyed by Mlddletown's loyal Republicans as Public Notice is hereby given thai I, Ann C. Ervln. Collector of Toies ol the Borough ot Tlnton Falls, Monmouth Sherwood Drive, Cliffwood County. New Jeoef, will sett at r>ubtlt: Auction on the 31st doy of October mi at 10 00 AUT In tht Borough BuUdlnft. 5S4 RED BANK - Area theater- the local GOP headquarters opened in Middletown Shopping enter, Rt. 35 and Tlntan Ave. Ttnlan Foils, New Jersey, the herelnofter described ktndt. Beach, daughter, Oct. 19. SoM tands will be wM to me«e Hw amount ot municipal tttm chargeable against me some on the list day of lovers are purchasing their New Monmouth Road. John Rossomondo and Joseph McGrath, GOP can- December, 1*77, exclusive, however, of the Hen hw Toxes far KM yeor If71 as computed In Ibe following liil. which Mr. and Mrs William J. Broadway Theater subscrip- didates tor Township Committee launched their three mobile headquarters MKtudes InsKetl en soW amevnt to the dote ol law together with cost of sale. Property win be sold at public vendve to sveh persane e* wHi Pt^chpte^the same sub|ect hi redemption at the lowest rate or interest, but In no case in excess at Miller (Joann P. Longo), 343 tions at a brisk pace, accord- units, which will be used for distributing literature and absentee ballots and Article 4, Chapter S, Trtte M ol the Revised Statues of New Jersty 1*74. CUffwood Ave , CUflwood. son, ing to Doris O'Donnell of driving voters to the polls. Bruce Coe, 3d District Cngressional candidate, iiMPropartr tafntorct Lion.M,"" 'and acts supplementorv thereto ond amendatory thereof Oct 20 •t I* ••* nama t tr parMfpersonMs against whom soM Vaies hove been tain on account of eoch po. eel Holmdel. co-chairman of the and Freeholder Ernest G, Kavalek, who seeks reelection, were among "*M«•mwutl, the •wnts she-m below n^r^Hieliiej^townmo* me property. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Monmouth Arts Foundation's Republicans delighted with the show of support. From left ore Mr. Kavalek, ' " m.M McSorley (Holly Wilson), (4 (MAF) Theater Committee. Mr. McGrath, Mr. Rossomondo and Mr. Coe. li 8 KB Wallace St., Red Bank, daugh- MAF's Broadway Theater ter, Oct. 20. I7I.U Series opens Nov. ( with Mr. and Mrs Thomas Kill- Carolyn Jones and James ffi an (Cynthia Cooney), 173 For- Drury in the Neil Simon com- P if m.w est Ave., Keansburg, son, Oct. edy " California Suite." The in.M inw 20 Blackstone Magic Show comes Mr. and Mrs. William O. in December. "Side by Side by Glendlnnlng (Colleen A. Sondhelm" with Hermione CahUl), a« Kings Highway GingoW in January, and the East, Middletown, son, Oct. 20. big Bob Fosse musical "Chica- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vac- go" with Orson Bean in Febru- caiella (Cathy M. Watson), 15 ary. AU performances are at High St.. Matawan, son. Oct. the Monmouth Arts Center in fitn n. Red Bank. p Dr. Bertram Feinswog of m.v Mr and Mrs. Henry Fant (Theresa Husenitza), M Ocean Rumson heads up MAF's The- MM ater Committee with Mrs. Ul.ll Ave., Ocean Grove, son, Oct. M. O'Donnell. Committee mem- Mr. and Mrs. David Stone, ben include Margaret Gable (Barbara Hassell), 1(1 of Tlnton Falls, Raye Poindet- ter of Holmdel and GaU Van NEW TEMPLE PRESIDENT- Myra Ostroft, third from left, was recently 5 Wedgewood Circle, Eaton- installed as president of Temple Shalom of Matawan. Norman Katz, left, was Z^&ZJX&Z&^XXX.XZlfSS!,"* — town, daughter, Oct. II. Pelt of Keyport. Also assisting are Joan Kearney of Little Sil- Installed as first vice president of the congregation and Robert Silver, right Mr. and Mn. Michael J. as second vice president. Also shown are, second from left. Rabbi Bernard «fttr HM stnfkt of nottct H rodttm. tactot mat tht right to n Campanella (Colleen M. Ken- ver, and Katja MitcneU and o* MH 'kt or notkt whtn tht Municipality Jack Tomlinaon of Holmdel M. Zlotowltz, the guest speaker at the Installment, who serves as director of 1 ny), # Avenue of Two Riven, the New Jersey-West Hudson Vol Council of the Union of American Hebrew * Runuon, daughter. Oct. 21. ': Ticket information is avail- able at the Monmouth Arts Congregations, and the congregation's Rabbi Henry M. Weiner, second from - Mr. and Mn. Antonio Mua right. (Lori Wilson), 54 Lenox Ave., Center 28 The DkssfyRegfeter TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24, i»78 • Labrecque to review intersection plan -.' • a ,•" FAIR HAVEN-Studies by tersection and stop there. "The three major capital pleted with the acquisition In dispose of Items toe large lor putt InlbmaJfy la b»dget talks coaaty nsghMfrs for Improve- Coundlwoman Nancy E. needs in any municipal road August of new raid depart- weekly pickups, may deposit wen former Mayor Robert ments to the Fsir Hiven Ridge Kern, who was Initially con- area are the resurfacing of ment equipment, them In a huge container at Matthews, Thomas Roads intersection wUl be re- cerned that the light might be roads, the reconstruction of Mrs. Kern said that under the public garage, Allan Labrecqae, EUxabeth SchnHe, viewed by Henry F. a standard stop light and pose roads, and the maintenance stated imposed budget caps Street Waller Johnson, Edward Pitts. Ubrecque, borough engineer, problems when motorists had and repair of municipal (ceilings) the borough cannot The complete breakdown Eleanor A. EUls, Jeanne according to Roy W. Nelson, to stop on the hill on Ridge roads," he said undertake Us own major road Thursday of one sanitation Bag**, Margaret MulUn. Kern- borough administrator Road, said last night she pre- "There la no state aid or Improvements. truck has reduced to two the merer Edwards, Joseph Borough Council last night ferred the alternate proposal. federal aid available for re- Council has delayed • de- that will circulate Seaanr. Henry Thomas and approved plans (or a new In another move toward surfacing," he continued! In cision on participating finan- Coriane BoooroL flashing traffic light, curb cut- potential road improvements, addition, be said there Is no aid cially In the Shrewsbury River sanJtattoa track Is expected Is Council accepted, wttt re- backs (or better turning radius William G. Bassler, Re- for reconstruction, and II per dredging project. The Dredg- bedesrvered in February, Mrs gret, an application for retire- and visibility, and new stop publican candidate for cent of the municipal roads are ing Committee has requested a Ken said ment, effective Dec. II, from signs at the intersection. Borough Council, urged the not eligible for federal funds. £40 donation from towns it The Recreation Com- MeMn P. Stout, tax collector. Councilman Douglas Sauer governing body to contact lo- "No state aid Is available for represents, according to Mr. said tne protect will be under- cal legislators and ask that a maintenance, and federal aid Nelson at 4 Road work Marled taken at "00 direct cost to the state aid program for munici- is not permitted," he declared. Mr. Rue opposed a blanket p.m fcndaj Mrs Shafer utd taxpayers." The 164,115 pal road improvements be re- He said it is "obvious" that contribution In that amount be- The parade will befit at RUMSON - Construction project is being financed by Instituted many local roads are de- cause some of the municipal- KastwiH SchMl ana end at work at Ridge Road and federal and state funds, he He said that according to a teriorating. Reinstating state ities have more tributaries the fin bonne. River Road. Batgham Avemue la expected nid. report on local highways and aid, which had been a tradition than other. whan Judging will take place. to continue through this week, When Councilwoman road programs, released last since MM, he said, is "critical Mrs. Kern announced that ts# refreshments will be according to police. Residents Katherlne C. Shafer ques- month by the State, County for a town like Fair Haven regular monthly cleanups will and other motorists are urged tioned the value of the light, and Municipal Government where our resources are lim- be suspended for the next Mayor Kiely named a 12 to take an alternate route Mayor W R. "Ed" Kiely said Study Commission, state aid ited. three months to accommodate committee to assist whue the work, which includes it would give motorists a bet- for municipal roads was dis- Although some road Im- the borough leaf pickup pro- council In municipal budget a widening of the Intersection, ter chance to approach the In- continued in 1(74. provements have been com- gram. Residents wishing to preparation. Named to part lei- is under way. MOROANVILLE GROUNDBREAKM Monmouth Utilities Authority I mlssloners Lawrence S. Grossman 0* , iweig break ground recently faf Kozloski offers plan to ease parking Morganville sewerage collection i> tlon work on the S6.7 million pro|*et be completed by the fall of iv7«. Tht' Register Slalehense Bureau are situated, with a method of sary by a state department or and said he had a copy of that In older communities with dents, but they are sometimes ment will pay M.I million toward Mif. TRENTON-Leglslation regulating non-resident tran- agency. city's entire parking plan. small lots, where a house may trapped by an ordinance they the state will pay S356.OOO. The sy»fj designed to permit municipal- sient parking while not penal- "This is a matter which I "I believe that a well-drawn have a short driveway or none requested In self-defense," he sewerage service to 462 homes In tf ities to regulate resident park- izing residents attempted to deal with several ordinance, along the lines that at all, families, particularly said. section. Ing through the use of stickers The bill would permit mu- years ago, and was told that It I have seen, would make pro- those with two cars, often face He asserted that his bill has been introduced by As- nicipalities, through the enact- would be unconstitutional," visions for residents, visitors, parking problems because the would eliminate that problem semblyman Walter J. ment of ordinances, to Issue Mr. Kotloski said. "However, contractors and various em- street In front of their home '. Kotkiekl, D-Monmouth. parking stickers to all resi- there Is some rather convinc- ployees and provide munici- has been designated a "No Mr. Kotloski said that the dents who quThTy for them and ing evidence to the contrary." palities with a method of reg- Parking'^ tone, Mr. Koiloakl proposal would provide munic- regulate the parking of vehi- As an example, he cited the ulating non-resident transient explained. ipalities such as Freehold and cles on the street. It also stipu- resident parking program in parking while not penalising "It has been made a 'No Oceanport, where racetracks lates that no approval Is neces- effect in Cambridge, Mass., residents," he said. Parkin)!' zone to protect real- Your First

DAILY/SUNDAY Centennial NEEDLEWORK CONTEST an Bring your entrf* in by Monday, Ocm



pir.1 plate* Anv klnt) °* •""broidery or quilling designed oy # . " . ZZn embroidertr or quitter on A THEME PERTAINING ft AWam 99U MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HISTORY FROM 187i"J 1978 (people places thinos eoisodas evtntsV


Flrat Plates) Any Kind ot *mbrald*ry or QuIRlng made from al compounded dally, from day ol a 1L MM original or a purchased design which pertains If deposit to day oi maturity. Award 920 food dining or the kitchen.

NEEDLEWORK FOR THE HOME — Any kind ot embroidery or' quilting made from < First PtaM original or purchased design which can be uaaC Award tM Rome furnishings, such as rugs upholstered ptaf pWOWS. CTOMClOWs* Or ptCIUfOS.


First Plac* Any kind ot embroidery or quilting made from I original or purchased design which can tie «om • man or beast - I PLUS CONTEST RULtS- 4-plece Trivet Set 1) Al tntrin must be submitted by Mon- » annual Interest, com- «) Each pant ot r When You Join Hudson City's day. Oct. 30. 1978. or postmarked no pounded dally from day of depotlt •ssr ton mednight ot that oats. - irWtd In or*> i Christmas Club. to day of maturity—whether your Ihtn M ptass as*l 2) AS enures w* be judged by a panel stch rnrasslsni (m m Club Is completed or not. chosen by The RsgisMr OtcWora ot cattgoritsotslailitt Famous Currier & Ives winter aw judges artbaantt scenes decorate this set of beautiful 7) Tha contosi n ossn I 3) Al entries «• bs judged on tie best) ot Monmousi Courty r as well as practical trivets, each beauty, charm, originality and work- rws and tm i AVt" square. 4) M «*w In tie contest must be «n- ») Winners ol Ike ished (no unblocked pillows or un- mounkKl chair Me* kxtwmp*) 5) Al nttoas submsMd to tit contttt must havt TWO label*, each sitting the (nvnv. nmi •win a>wa|S*w nunwjaw Ol thw •Ofcasfll 4tfnd St*9 CtttBOOfV ntl VfMTft (a (UK* I* eitaetl Out MM m* bt You'll have all the money you need for next year's holiday shopping, plus the btsM to( • tnty. tit otitt«loi Htg- bonus of high interest. Savings may be made by convenient deposits of your choice, MAIL OR MHNQ ALL ENTMn in multiples of $1. Interest payment is made on all amounts deposited provided the account remains open at maturity. At Hudson City your Club is renewed automat- krts RozswcwajQ, Chairman ically each year thereby saving you time. FtogMar N*»datwor ThaSundkyRaoMtv iRaaMarFtaza Shrtwatuiy. NJ. 07701 Hudson City Savings Bank The Daily BnckTown Fort Lee New Milton River Edge Cherry Hi* Glen Rock North Bergi Teaneck OitfsldePark Haddonheld Oakland Union CMton Jersey City Oradal The Sunday Cresski Lakewood Paramus Ramsey WtMt LonQ Brainch Emerson Led MONMOUTH COUNTY'S Gf^ATN Freehold Mnburn . Ridgewood Woodbury Heights N j TUESDAY OCTOBER 24 1 »7« Labrecque to review intersection plan FAIR HAVEN -Studies by tersection and stop there "The three major capital pleted with the acquisition in dispose of Items too large for pate Informally In budget talks canty caflaecn lor Improve CwrlhiMnia Nancy E. needs hi any municipal read August of new road depart- weekly pickups, may deposit wen former Mayor Robert meat! lo the F»lr Haven-Ride* Ken, who was Initially con area arc the resurfacing of ment equipment, them • a large container at Matthews, Thomas Road* lalenecUoa will be re- cerned that the light might be roads, the reconstruction of Mrs Ken said that under the public garage, Allen Labrecque, Elizabeth Schulte, viewed by Henry F a standard stop light and pone roads, and the maintenance stated Imposed budget caps Street Walter Johnson, Edward Pitts, labrecque, borough engineer, problems when motorists had and repair of municipal (ceilings) the borough cannot The complete breakdown Eleanor A. Ellis, Jeanne according to Roy W Nelaon. to ttop on the Mil on Ridge roads," he said i-^f^t Its own major road Thursday of one sanitation Bugby, Margaret Mullln, Kern- borough administrator Road, uld last night she pre- "There la no state aid or improvements truck has reduced to two the merer Edwards, Joseph Borough Coundl Ian night ferred the alternate proposal federal aid available for re Council has delayed a de- number that will circulate Scherer, Henry Thomas aad approved plant for a new In another move toward ••facing." he continued in data on participating finan- through the borough. A new Cortnne BonoraL flashing traffic light, curb cut- potential road Improvements. addition, he said there U ao aid cially la the Shrewsbury River sanitation truck Is expected to Coundl accepted, with re- backs for better turning radius William 0. Bassltr, Re tar reconstruction, and II per dredging project. The Dredg- be delivered In February, Mrs. gret, an application for retire- and visibility, and new stop publican candidate lor cent of the municipal roads are ing Committee has requested a Ken said. ment, effective Dec. II, from signs at the Intersection Borough Council, urged the •M ehglble for federal funds ISM donation from towns It The Recreation Com- Melvtn P. Stout, tax collector. Councilman Douglas Saver governing body to contact lo- "No state aid a available for represents, according to Mr. mission-sponsored Halloween said the project will be under- cal legislators and ask that a maintenance, and federal aid Nelson Parade will take place at 4 "Road work Marled taken at "no direct cost to the state aid program for munici- is not permitted," he declared Mr. Rue opposed a blanket p.m. Sunday, Mrs. Shafer said. taxpayers." Tkt IM.IIS pal road Improvements be re- He uid it is "obvious" that contribution In that amount be- The parade will begin at RUMSON - Construction protect Is being financed by instituted many local reads are de- cause some of the municipal Knollwood School and end at work at Ridge Road and federal and stale funds, he He uld that according to a teriorating Reinstituting state ities have more tributaries the fire house, River Road, Blngham Avemue is expected •M. report on local highways and aid. which had been i tradition than other. where Judging will lake place, to continue through this week, When Cooncilwoman road programs, released last since IMS he uid. is "critical Mrs. Kern announced that and refreshments will be according to police. Residents Katnerine C Shafer ques- month by the State. County lor a town like Fair Haven regular monthly cleanups will served. and other motorists are urged tioned the value of the light. and Municipal Government out* rwoyrcts w um* be suspended for the next Mayor Klely named a 12- to take an alternate route Mayor W R Ed Klely said Study Commission. Mate aid three months to accommodate person committee to assist while the work, which Includes It would give motorists a bet- for municipal roads was dis- Although some road Im- the borough leaf pickup pro- council in municipal budget a widening of the Intersection, ter chance to approach the in continued in 1*74 provements have been com- gram. Residents wishing to preparation. Named to partici- Is under way. MORGANVILLE GROUNDBREAKING — Western Monmouth Utilities Authority (WMUA) Com- missioners Lawrence S. Grossman and Arthur Gold- zweig break ground recently for the WMUA's Kozloski offers plan to ease parking Morganvllle sewerage collection System. Construc- tion work on the $4.7 million protect Is expected to be completed by the fall of 1979. The federal govern- RegMer Slateheaae tareaa sary by a suit department or aad said be had a copy o( that In older communities with dents, but they are sometimes are situated, with a method of ment will pay U.I million toward the pro|ect, while TRENTON-Legislatlon city's entire parking plan. small lots, where a house may trapped by an ordinance they regulating non resident tran- the state will pay 1356,000. The system will provide "I believe that a well-drawn have a short driveway or none requested in self-defense," he designed to permit municipal sient parking while not penal- "Tfcla Is a matter which I sewerage service to 462 homes In the Morganvllle ordinance, along the lines that at all, families, particularly said, Ities to regulate resident park- liing rwMwrti attempted to deal with several section. Ing through the use of stickers The bill would permit my years ago. and was told that il I have seen, would make pro- those with two cars, often face He asserted that his bill has been Introduced by As- rtdpellUes. through the enact wotaU be unconstitutional." visions tor residents, visitors, parking problems because the would eliminate that problem, semblyman Walter J. ment of ordinances, to Issue Mr. Kottaaki said "However, contractors and various em- street In front of their home '. Koxloskt. D-Monmouth. parking stickers lo all resi there Is some rather convinc- ployees aad provide munlcl- has been designated a "No Mr. Koiloskl said that the dams who qualify for them and ing evidence to the contrary " ..with a method of reg- Parking" zone, Mr. Kozloski proposal would provide munic- regulate the parking of vehl As an example, be cited the aaariiMinl transient explained. ipalities such as Freehold and cles on the street It also stlpu reaMent parking program aarkiag while not penalizing "It has been made a 'No Oceanport, where ncetracks latei that no approval U neces- • Cambridge " he uid Parking' zone to protect resl- Your First



First Place Any kind of embroidery or quilling designed Dy me embroiderer or quilter on A THEME PERTAINING TO Award $50 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HI9TORY FROM 1878 lo 1978 (people, places thlnos episodes, events). I DESIGNS ON A FOOD-RELATED THEME —

First PlftCS ^n^ ^n<* °' embroi

NEEDLEWORK FOR THE HOME — Any kind ol embroidery or1 quilting made Irom an Flmt Place original or purchased design which can be used in Award $20 "om8 furnishings, such as rugs, upholstered pieces, w *' pinow8 tablecloths or pictures.


First Place Any kind ot embroidery or quilting made trom an Award S10 original or purchased design which can be worn by man or beast. -CONTEST RULES- 4"PI6C8 IIIV9JI SwI 1) At entries must be submitted hy Mon- 5*% »iial, com day. Oct. 30. 1978. or postmarked no 8) Each piece ol needlework may be sub- Wtwn You JOIN Hudson City s later than midnight ot that dale mitted in only one category. No more than live pieces may be submitted by 2) All entires will be judged by a panel each contestant (in any combination ol chosen by Trie Register Decisions ol categories or al In the same category) Famous Currier & Ives winter the judges wilt be final. 7) This contest is open to all residents ot scenes decorate this set of beautiful 3) Al entries win bt judged on the basis ol Monmouth County. Register stall-mem- as well as practical trivets, each beauty, charm, originality and work- bers end their families are prohibited 4V<" square. manship from entering. 4) Al entries in the contest must be tin- 8) Winners ol the contest will be an- ished (no unblocked pillows or un- nounced in The Register on Sunday mounted chair seats, lor example) Nov. 5. 1978. Al entries win be shown in The Register Community Room on S) Al pieces submitted to the contest must Nov. 2. 3. and 4. The Register assumes have TWO labels, each staling ihe no responsibility for work submitted, al- HnWiafl. udf9M sod telephone number though every reasonable precaution will ol the entrant and CM cateoorv in which be taken to protect the work once it is the piece Is entered One label must be received Entries may be retrieved Irom You'll have all the money you need tor next years holiday shopping, ptus the batted to the entry, the other is for Reg- The Register Nov. 8-Nov. 10. bonus of high interest Savings maybe made by convenient deposits ol your choice, MAIL OR BRING ALL ENTRIES TO: in multiples of $1. Interest payment is made on a» arnounts deposrted prowled the (Between October 16th and 30th) account remains open at maturity At Hudson City your Club is renewed automat- (V Iris Rozencwajg, Chairman ically each year thereby sawg you time. Register Needlework Contest The Sunday Register 1 Register Plaza Shrewsbury. N.J. 07701 Hudson City Savings Bank The Daily Register BnckTown Fort la* Aver Edge CtwnyH* QhwiRodt T« The Sunday Register WaatCaJdwa*