89 Y'lound~.d 11 KILLED IN BOMBINGS OF TWO KUWAIT CAFES KUWAIT (UPI) -- Authontles KuwaIt AIrport remaIned clos­ pressed a search today for ed today to departIng flIghts those responSIble for plantIng to prevent the bombers from bombs that exploded ~n two sea­ fleeIng the tlny PerSIan Gulf front cafes, kIllIng at least state, the offICIal KuwaItI 11 people and woundIng 89 oth­ news agency KUNA reported ers The bombIngs came amId a se­ The blasts occurred SImulta­ curIty clampdown Implemented neously, rIppIng through a cafe after the attack on al-Sahah's In the Salmleh Dlstrlct of the l~fe kIlled four people -- 1n­ capItal and the Sharq cafe, sev­ cludlng the bomber -- and InJur­ en mIles away on Arab KhaleeJ ed 12 The KuwaItI monarch es­ Street, where a SUICIde car caped serIOUS InjUry bomber made an unsuccessful at­ The KuwaItI CabInet met late tempt In May to kIll KuwaItI Thursday In emergency seSSIon ruler SheIk Jaber aI-Ahmad al­ to dISCUSS the bombIngs and Jaber al-Sabah saId efforts were beIng made Protesters demonstrate outslde the South Afrlcan Embassy 1n "The blast made chaIrs fly "to catch the culprIts " No ar­ Washlngton, 0 C (UPI Photo) and lImbs were flung through rests were reported and no the aIr and blood covered much terrorIst group has yet come Against South Africa of the place," saId a WItness forward to claIm reponslbility to one of Thursday's explOSIons for the attacks SENATE PASSES BILL WHITE HOUSE CONFIRMS IMPOSING SANCTIONS STINGER SENT TO PAKISTAN By E MICHAEL MYERS WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The UnIt­ clude U StraIners Unlted Press Internat10nal ed States has sent PakIstan por­ "We have Informed the SOVI­ table antI-aIrcraft mISSIles ets of our deCISIon In the con­ WASHINGTON -- The Senate IncludIng bannIng new AmerIcan and new aIr-to-aIr mISSIles to text of our expressed concern Thursday nIght passed legIsla­ bUSIness Investment In South help defend agaInst ~ncreaslng about IntrUSIons Into PakIstanI tIon l~poslng restrIctIons on AfrIca and the sale of Its gold attacks from AfghanIstan by eI­ aIrspace and VIolatIon of ter­ AmerIcan goods and bank credIt COIns In the The ther SOVIet of Afghan pIlots, a rItorIal IntegrIty by communIst to South AfrIca to pressure conflIctIng bIlls WIll be set­ WhIte House offICIal saId today allcraft from AfghanIstan," the regIme to dIsmantle Its tled by representatIves of the The deCISIon to send the spokesman Edward DJerlJlan saId apartheId pO]ICY of raCIal sep­ two chamber~ portable mISSIles, known as Plans by the admInIstratIon aratIon RepublIcan Party leaders In St~ngers, was made even though to prov~de Jordan WIth StIngers The bIll, passed 80-12, the Senate hope theIr chamber's many In Congress are wary of have been repeatedly delayed would Impose an ImmedIate ban veLSlon WIll prevaIl In lonfer­ foreIgn sales of such weapons, because of congressIonal oppo­ on bank loans to South AfrIca, ence because of concern PreSI­ 100 of WhICh were sent, accord­ sltlon But last year PreSIdent block the sale of computer dent Reagan, a Republlcan, WIll Ing to The TImes Reagan authorIzed the sale of eqUIpment that polIce could use veto any tougher sanctIons StIngers are deSIgned to be StIngers to SaudI ArabIa on an to track dISSIdents and ban the "ever) new dollar that flows fIred by a person holdIng the emergency baSIS, ~n response to sale of nuclear technology to from the Unlted States to South launcher on one shoulder, mak­ threats to SaudI ollflelds from PretorIa Afllca IS a new brlck In the Ing them an Ideal weapon for Iran The House of RepreseDlatlves wall of apartheld," saId Demo­ terrorIsts seekIng to down aIr­ By Invok1ng an emergency, has pa~sed tougher sanctIons cratIC Sen hdwdrd Kennedy lIners Reagan was able to aVOId con­ A WhIte House spokesman saId gressIonal scrutIny, the TImes Accordmg_ To Shultz PreSIdent Reagan recently ap­ story saId proved "expedIted delIvery" of The IndIan government IS wor­ SIdeWInder mISSIles preVIously rIed that advanced mIlItary Vietnamese Work Program Precondition on order "plus a number of the eqUIpment IS sought by PakIstan baSIC StIngers" along WIth tech­ to prepare for pOSSIble con­ To Permanent MIA Mission In Hanoi nIcal support, WhICh could In- flIct WIth IndIa By TED CHAJ~ Unlted Press Internat10nal Amal-Controlled Radio Names KUALA LUMPUR, Malaya -- The mIlItary support In the regIon, UnIted States l~ prepared to called for an "all-out war" on Hijackers Of TWA Jetliner base a permanent MIA m1SS1on In terrorl~m and endorsed an ASr.AN BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) -­ cal sources saId It came from HanOI If VIetnam agree~ to a proposal for IndIrect negotIa­ State-owned BeIrut radIO today JudICIal offICIals In ChrIS­ work progr~m, U S Secretary ot tIons on CambodIa revealed the names of the gunmen tIan East BeIrut State George Shultz saId tod~y In a closed-door seSSIon, who hIjacked a TWA JetlIner, They pOInted out, however, Shultz, who IS on a 13-day Shultz later saId he would be kIlled a U S Navy dIver and set that It would be VIrtually Im­ ASIa-PaCIfIC tour, later pre­ recept1ve to a ~peclal U S - off the 17-day hostage cr1SlS pOSSIble for offlc1als In the pared to go to Perth, AustralIa, SOVIet meetIng on ASIa's securI­ It saId they would be prosecuted ChrIstIan SIde of the dIVIded to dISCUSS a WIde range of top­ ty, a senIor U S offICIal saId The radIO, WhICh IS In maIn­ CIty to apprehend the hIJack­ ICS, IncludIng milltary cooper­ The offICIal saId the meet­ ly Mo~lem West BeIrut and now ers as they are In West BeIrut atIon Ing IS a "dIstInct posslbll1ty" controlled by the ShIIte Moslem The hIjackers of the TWA Shultz, ~peaklng to forelgn based on PreSIdent Reagan's In­ mIlItIa Amal, named All Younls JetlIner forced pIlot John Test­ mln1sters of the Assol lat10n ItIatIve for hIgh-level tdlks and Ahmed Ghorbleh as the paIr rake to shuttle for two days be­ of Southeast ASIan Nat10ns but there are no ImmedIate who commandeered TWA FlIght 847 tween AlgIers and BeIrut, where (ASEAN), also reaffIrmed U S plans for one on June 14 after It left Athens they murdered Navy dIver Robert tor Rome Stethem and were JOIned by be­ The same men were named In tween 10 and 12 compatr1ots radIO broadcasts durIng the crI­ "InvestIgatIons are under KWAJALEIN WATER OK SIS, but those Identlflcat10ns way to determIne the 1dentlty By PAT ROBBINS were never confIrmed of the other sky pIrates as a KMR PubllC Affalrs Offlcer Today's report also mentIon­ prelude to a search for theIr ed All Atwal, who was arrested whereabouts and the takIng of The water problem announced of the lInes In these two aleas In Athens before he could board the relevant JudICIal deCISIon earlIer thIS week was due to and the chlorIne reSIduals the BoeIng 747 and was later to punIsh them," the radIO saId mInor stagnatIon caused by a have been Increased to pre­ freed In AlgIers In exchange An offICIal for Amal saId lack of water flow In the two clude any further problems for the release of some of the that the group had no ObjectIon areas where contamInatIon ap­ Island-WIde test samples more than 150 passengers on to the hIjackers beIng brought peared In Wednesday's test re­ show that the water ~upply IS the plane to JustIce But, he sald, they sults Th1S stagnatIon problem now back to normal and all wa­ BeIrut radIO gave no attrIbu­ had not been ldentlfled and has been solved by a flushIng ter may be used as normal tIon to the report, but pOlltl- could not be found , . LOCAL/WORLD NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1985 Worship Services CATHOLIC Saturday Mass (AntIcIpated) TOGII, TOGA, TOGII 5 15 pm, Island Memorlal Chapel Loosely draped sheets ln Sunday Masses a varlety of patterns and 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel colors conjured up the days 9 15 am, Island Memorlal Chapel of anClent Rome as teens 11 15 am, ROl-Namur Communlty Center gathered at Le Jeune Spot Monday-Frlday Masses for a toga party July 5 9 15 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel The nearly 50 youths Confesslons who attended the dance, Monday-Frlday, 9 am, Blessed Sacrament WhlCh was from 8 to 11 45 Chapel Also In the chaplaIn's offlce, call pm, danced to top 40 tunes 82116 beforehand, and ln Tr 835, call 84535 spun by Summer Fun aSS1S­ beforehand tant Kelth Forrester Plctured at left, from CHURCH OF CHRIST left to rlght are Wlnners Sunday worshlp lS held at 9 a m In ln the contest for the best Room 20, George Seltz School Vlsltors are togas Scott Welkle, flrst welcome For more lnformatlon, call 82613, place, Danna Nelson, second 82639, or 82451 place, and Chrls Smart, thlrd place CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Contest Judges for the Servlces are held ln Room 18, George best one-plece outer gar­ Seltz School PrIesthood meetlng lS at 8, ment, WhlCh was mandatory Sunday school at 9, sacrament serVlces are for admlttance to the dance, at 10, and the Rellef Soclety meets at were chaperones, Youth Dlr­ 11 a m Vlsltors are welcome For more In­ ector Rlchard Allen and For­ formatlon, contact Mark Hanson, 82885 rester SerVlces on ROl-Namur are held at 8 a m In the ROl-Namur Communlty Center Call Len Cooper, 99660, for lnformatlon, and (Photo by NATE JACKSON, Rlchard SmIth, 99467, for transportatlon Kentron Photo Lab) PROTESTANT Sunday mornlng worshIp serVlces wlll be held at 8 and 11 at the Island Memorlal Chapel Chaplaln Rlchard G QUlnn wlll preach the sermon entltled "The Devll Made Me Do It " Speclal mUS1C at both serVlces wlil be provlded by Mark Horne slnglng "Oh God of Earth and Altar," accompanIed by Jerry Deener Sunday school classes for all ages are held at the George Seltz School at 9 30 Adults are present to asslst newcomers ln flndlng thelr classrooms The Sunday evenlng worshlp serVIce on ROl-Namur WIll be held at 4 o'clock due to range actlvltles The serVlce wlll be led by Chaplaln QUlnn ln the Communlty Center Gospel serVlce wlll be held Sunday at 7 p m ln the chapel JOln us for an In­ formal tlffie of song and worshlp Of Trip To Japan KYC To Show Video From KWAJALEIN YACHT CLUB The regular meetIng of the KwaJaleln Yacht Club, to be held Frlday, July 19, wlll feature speakers Leo Nolan and Jlm A Not e 0 f T han k s Parenting Reed The two yachtsmen WIll present a vld­ eotape and talk on thelr recent salilng To all resldents of KWclJaleln and i{01- Boosted Your Child's Namur Dottle and I would llke to thank trlp to Japan In the Taro Room of the Yok­ we Yuk Club each of )OU for your klndness and thought- Self--Esteem L.a.tely? fulness durlng our rELent crlSls YOUI Hot pupus WIll be served, and a short gesture hav been deepl) appreclated and buslness meetlng for club members only wlil By PATRICIA ~CCOP~ACK begln at p m has carrled us throu~h our 0 dedl wlth much 7 strength We Doth thank \UU all from the NEW 'lORK (lIPI) -- In chIld-raIsIng, a Non-members are cordIally lnvlted to Vlew the vldeo presentatlon, WhlCh wlll get bottom ot our hparts -- Dottle ~nd Halley Pdt on the back lS betler than a slap ln McNeal the face or qnywhere else And pralse works under way at 8 30 bLtter than nlt-plcklng Kimij Kararik Tok Korn The rdts on tre back, pralse, kInd words Surf And Sun KlmlJ kararlk tok ko~ 1S tne Marshallese and ot'le1 tll] Pgs that boost self-esteem way to say welcome, llterally -- "We lTIake help chlldren cope wIth stress And If they AS OF 12 Ot A M you no longer strangers " can do thal, there's less of ~ chance that Fnday. Jul) 12, 1985 Dally ralnfall Glenn and Wanpen CllPe, wLth t~elr son, they WIll he pUbhovcrs when asked to try Ta, 13, arrlved on KwaJdle_d1 June 27 after drugs or Bet Into qny other self-destruc­ Monthly tot81 Yearly total a four-year abs~nce (Jen~ r~turns to hlS t1V( beh{v10r TOMORROW ON KWAJAL1IN posltlon as the suppl) e~i~u~tor for ~IR, HOVIng d network of people thelr own a Job he held from 1978 to l%l 1he Cllnes dge~ and othErs to talk to also helps Chll­ SunrIse 6 37 a m Sl111"et 7 12 p m come from Lexlngton, ~v , whelP CILnn work­ dren cope WIth stress Unpopular or frIend­ Hll lnrlSt-' 3 01 a m ed at the Materla~ RC1~lne 4 38 a m 13, respectlvely Ferndnd£L, employed as A ~demv 01 PLcilatrlcs, sald the dIctum '-,Ul)..,C: t 7 12 p m ~loonbet 5 41 p m TIde p m KMR/GFR, COllles from 1 'Jrt l ordC'n, Ca Ihe ,hout praIse Instead of reproach or bellt­ H1 3 14 a m 5 2'-3 38 4 1 ' famlly's thoughts on arrJval rc that the tlJllp IS hislcl on research showlng chlldren Lt' THIL 9 47 a m 1 3'-9 22 p m 1 4 ' lsland lS "beautlful, Inger than expected, '" I'll lngh ..,elf-e",teem better cope W] th so- FllR TOT AI HlRECAST CALL 84700 and where are the 2,700 ft 'rh- aL o" 1nc! eclot] anal pressure -- stress COMMENTARY HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1985, PAGE 3

Brady's People: The dumbest radio station ever by James Brady

I don't know how many radIo of the garbagl of the lamenta­ Cub"llls have always been able Iron Curtaln The VOlce of statIons there are In FlorIda bll Marlel bOlt 11ft of 19bO to he lr AmerI~aT' b'lseball, AmerIca and Radlo Free Europe but now thpre's one more and ~end bick career crlmlnl1s Dr Ruth Westheunt.r, ,nd the do a pretty good Job But If It's called RadIo MartI, It and the InSdne to theIr Cuban latest NBC and CBS news Just you lIve In Plnsk, you can't broadcasts slrlctly In SpanIsh, orIgIns by tunI~g In But no, that lIsten to WJR In DetrOIt or It cosls you and me $10 mIllIon It seem' d to m Ike sense We ~asn't good enough ~e had to to WCBS In New York 1he Cu­ a year, and It may be the dumb­ dIdn't want tle crooks lnd the have RadIO Hartl bans can and do heal our sta­ est Idea SInce the Edsel nut cases ano some decent, antI­ fhIS IS the brlll1ant no­ tIons, and plenty of them speak Jose MartI was a great and Castlo Cubans would go free tlon of Charlps I HICk, the and understand Engllsh patrIotIc Cuban leader, FIdel RadIO V~rtl has kliled off head of the u ~ Infolmatlon But bureaucrats have never Castro IS d conmle, Havana IS the deal Or rdther Castro AgenLY, d former been known to leavL .. ell enough 90 mIles from hey West Those has, In a fIt of plq~e What nurs~ng home tycoon, mOVIe alone It wasn't enough that are the facts Now here's why Rad10 MartI lS supposed to do producer, and polItIcal con­ Havana could lIsten to WIllIe RadIO MartI IS so dumb IS to broadclst In Splnlsh tribuLor Jnd pal to PreSIdent Nelson and Howard Cosell aDd After about 25 years of hurl­ about 14 hlurs a day on a pow­ Reagan Cr lt lCS oi the RadIO Madonna on a Fort Lduderdale Ing Irsults back and forth erful trdnsmltter so that Cu­ Hal t 1 sc berne \Var ncd vJJ ck Cas­ statIon No, we hdd to havp

(and not so COIncIdentally, bans can presumably get newr , tlO would chew -ugs ind bIte RadIO MartI cuttIng off cIgar afICIonados sports and entertaInment un­ people If IL wellL on l:lne and Nm" we've got It And we In thIS counlry from smokIng tarnIshed by the commIe brush that's pxactly what's happened stIll have the Cuban baddIes legal Havana cIgars), WashIng­ But If you ever ha~e been Nu~ Cdstro SlVS he May pull cloggIng up our JaIls And SOIDe ton and Havana fInally found to Cuba you know that any num­ out 01 tbe dnt 1-111 JackIng dgree­ pretty n1ce people down In somethIng last December we ber of ~erlcan conmerclal ra­ ment and lllay not ouly Jam Ra­ Cuba may hdve 10sL theIr last, could both agree upon dIO statIons, some of therl from dlo Hartl but ~ay try to dIS­ best hope ever to get out A deal was struck whereby South FlorIda broadcastIng In rupt the slgnals uf our com­ Thln~ of Radlo MartI the some Cuban opponents of the Cas­ SpanIsh, ale earily recel~ed melL:lal slatlons HIo needs next tIme some cra7Y t~] lcks tro regIme and theIr famIlIes In the Havana area And trat at dll thIS? Why bott~r? an Eastern fllght out of Or­ would be releaseJ and permItted nIght, becausE' of the '1ature ( f There's no ratlonal parallel lando Or thp next lLme you to come here for polItIcal asy­ radIO waves, these U S sta­ to the SJtu"tlOll In Europe feel lIke smokIng a 000d Ha­ lum At the same tIme the UnIt­ tIons are heard rdther clearly where we brnadcdst Arreclcan vana CIgar ed States would get rId of some throughoul ~ost of Cuba news and propagJnda behInd the Copyrlght Klng Features PETER WEAVER: MIND YOUR MONEY $$$ Just $39 pEr COIn When you get GIVing Young People camera lnot Just a snapshot Recognizing SWindles your COIns, 'lOU rna) be shoLked Lamera) and a tape rt'corder to learn tbat you could have for InterV:lEWS Some of the "The U S IS In the grIp of gotten the same thIng -- maybe Some Lifelong Skills students were work.Lng on VIdeo the most devastatIng epldemlc better -- at your local COIn prOductIon projects whIch, of of Investment SWIndles and shop for only $12 lhere hds been a lot of talk course, r

The Kwa]ale1n Hourglass lS an unoff1c1al publ1cat10n author1zed under the prov1s10ns of AR 360-S1 It 15 publ1shed by Llobal ASSoc1ates Monday through Fr1day (pxclud1ng hol1days)

at the d1rect10n of the commandlng offIcer U S Arm} Kwalale1n Mlsslle Range, Marshall Lotnrland1ng OffJcer Col W1111am A Sp~n lslacds undt:r contract DASG60-S2-C-0063 llllS lS an offset publH.at10n, wHh a dally Puhl1C Aff11ro Off1cer Pdt Robb1n~ C1rcu1atloo OF 1 950 lhe V1ews dod 0p101on_ expressed hereln arp not oPLessar11y those Ed1tor Courtney Ddnko of the DcparrmLl1[ of the Allny LOlllmunJcat10ns should t<' addresseJ to the Hourglass, P 0 Local News/Feature Wrlter Patr1cla Evprett Box 23, APO San Fr,nC1SCO 96555 ot call 83539 (AUTOVON 254-3539) Matenals appeallng Copy Edltor Clrculatlon Jeanne Vlncent 1n the Hourglass may not be rep~lnted wlthout the dpprovql ot the lommandlng offIcer, ~ports Wr1ter Ruth Horne U S Army Kwa] lleln M1ss11e Ran~e All wdnt "de and noL1ces musL bE' subrn1tted on GA Form S02S R-4 by J 2 l() P rn the work1ng day prl,o t,o rubllLdt10n WORLD/LOCAL NEWS PAGE 4, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JULY 12, l~,)

Tamted _With AntJfreez~_ Investigation Continues Into Austrian Wine Scare Barge Notice Miramar's Buying Practi~ From GLOBAL SAFETY Spreads In Europe HASFU1GTON (UPI) -- CongresslOnal In­ The barge Islander wlll arrlve at vestlgators say the same folks who brought Echo Pler Monday, July 15 Island BONN, West Germany (UPI) -- Fears taxpayers the alrcrdft ashtray that cost resldents are aclvlsed that the barrl­ spawned by Austr~aCl W~Cle laced wlth more than $bOO dre responslble for a caded area wlll be off llmlts Monday antlfreeze spread to three other European $3,782 valve and a $529 seat cushlon bought Those persons gOlng to and from the natlons today desplte assurances from by a Navy base ln Callfornla Small Boat Marlna must use Lagoon Road Austrlan Chancellor Fred Slnowatz that all Investlgators for the General Accountlng and Elghth Street See route to the the contamlnated Wlne has been conflscat­ Offlce told a subcom~lttee of the House marlna on the sketch below ed of Representatlves Thursday that purchas- Slnowatz told offlclals In West Ger­ 109 agents at the lhramar Naval Alr Sta­ many, where the talnted Wlne was flrst tlon pald "urreasonably hlgh prlces" for dlscovered, that he would "stlck hlS hand such ltems In tlre" lf more of the W1Cle turned A Pentagon offlclal told the Covernment up In west Germafly Slnowatz also pleaded Operdtlons Subcommlttee, hedded by Rep wlth West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl Jac~ B-tooks, D-Texas, there lS a "mdsslve to help contaln the economlC damage re­ lnternal lnvestlgatlon" under way lnto the sultlng from the scandal base's bUylng practlces Authorltles In Brltaln and the Nether­ It was at Mlramar, outslde San Dlego, lands Sdld some of the Austrlan Wlnes where purchases of the overprlced Ish­ were be ng removed from grocers' shelves, trays led to punltlve actlon agalnst an and Denmark also banned certaln brands admlral, a captaln and a commander The after talnted W1Cle was dlscovered admlral was relnstated The Dutch Health Mlnlstry cautloned cltlzens about Austrlan Wlne comlng from west Germany, and the De Telegraaf news­ Four U.S. Marines Dead paper reported a 50-year-old woman be­ Range Operation came 111 from drlnklng talnted Wlne In Okinawa Chopper Crnsh A range operatlon 15 scheduled foe TOKYO (UPI) -- A U S Marlne hellcopter Sunday, Julv 14 2 Killed As Security Committee crashed lnto a mountaln on the lsland of In connectlon wlth thls operatlon, Oklnawa today, kllilng all four crewmen, cautlon arcas w~ll eXlst In the ocean f.Aeets To Plan Beirut Peace a U S harlne Corps spokesman sald wlthln a l80-nautlcal-mlle radlus of By SAMIA NAKYOUL The names of those kllied were belng KwaJaleln Atoll, north of a Ilne J01~­ Unlted Press Internatlonal wlthheld pendlng notlflcatlon of next of lng, but not lncludlng, BlgeJ and Nlnnl kln, he sald lslands, and south of a Ilne JOlnlng, BEIRUT, Lebanon -- A Syrlan-backed The cause of the crash of the hellcopter, but not lncludlng, Ennublrr and Yab­ securlty commlttee to end anarchy In a CH-53D Sea Staillon, was not lmmedlate­ bernohr lslands Unless speclflcally mostly Hoslem West Belrut helt! ltS flrst ly known, spokesman Capt Dan Trout sald authorlzed, no all or sea craft wlll worklng meetlng today as exploslons klll­ "I can't speculate on the cause of the enter or be In the above KwaJaleln ed two people, lncludlng a Syrlan, and crash" But he added, "The weather toddY Atoll cautlon area nor the ocean cau­ wounded elght others was partly cloudy and sunny for part of tlon area between the hours of 6 p m Lebanese government sources sald two the day " Sunday and 4 a m Monday There are ranklng Syrlan army offlcers would later The hellcopter was on a tralnlng fllght no take-cover requlrements for thlS JOln the securlty commlttee of the major when lt went lnto the mountaln In tne operatlon See the maps below for the power hlocks In West Belrut to work on northern tralnlng area of Carrp Butler KwaJaleln Atoll cautlon arCd and thL restorlng law and order ln thL Clty and Marlne Base at 1 15 p m ocean cautlon area at Eelrut Internatlonal Alrport The Japanese news agency Kyodo, cltlng OlflLlal reports from Damascus sald an eyewltness account, sald the hellcopter the two offlcers were headlng for Belrut exploded In the alr before It crashed, to SUuLrVlse thL lmplementatlon of the settlng the area ablaze before flreflghters plan to end a decade of flghtlng agreed ext1ngulshed the fla~es to by ios~em leaders In the Syrlan cap­ ltal londay Reagan To Undergo In lts flrst worklng seSSlon, the commlttee abreed Lo dlvlde West Belrut lnto flve securlty zones under the dl­ Second Surgery Saturday rect supervlslon of flve Syrlan observers, By IRA R ALLEN Lebanese fleld offlcers and representa­ tlves of the maln Moslem mliltla Unlted Press Internatlonal WASHINGTON -- Presldent Reagan has a Financial News "pre-cancerous" growth In hlS upper In­ Dollar closlng In testlne and wlll undergo a second opera­ Tokyo was 242 80 yen tlon In as many days Saturday to remove and In Zurlch was lt, spokesman Larry Speakes sald today not avallable Doctors at Bethesda Naval Hospltal, CLOSING METALS where Reagan, the natlon's oldest presl­ Gold dent, had gone for what was descrlbed as up 2 10 at 315 65 a "routlne" removal of a benlgn "pseudo­ SlIver polyp" from hlS colon, found a "large pol­ up 0 005 at 6 055 yp They sald It could not be removed by DOW JONES CLOSINGS lnstruments they were uSlng to probe hlS 30 Industrlals up 0 90 at 1338 60 Intestlnes and recommended surgery elther 20 Trans up 11 00 at 687 97 Immedlately or In several weeks 15 Utliltles up 1 13 at 168 91 Reagan, In consultatlon wlth hlS wlfe, 65 Stocks up 3 28 at 559 61 ~ancy, chose to undergo the three-hour Volume 120,260,000 shares operatlon Saturday, Speakes sald Reagan SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY made the declslon to go ahead wlth the second operatlon wlth hlS wlfe at hlS slde ------. of unlntentlonally causlng a flre ln the seven remalnlng Amerlcan hostages In clty'S Swan Hotel Aprll 19 Lebanon, tre State Department sald today Briefly '< ~ ~ * ",'c * ROME (UPI) -- The court hearlng the CORK, Ireland tUPI) -- Two "black WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Vernon Walters, papal plot case examlned fllm from a box" recorders found yards apart on the the new U S ambassador to the Unlted bank's securlty camera today, seeklng to Atlantlc Ocean floor were shlpped to Natlons, moved Thursday to replace prede­ document at least one of the numerous Indla today, although some experts cessor Jeane Klrkpatrlck's top staff wlth clalms by the prosecutlon's star wltness doubt Indla has the facliltles to de­ a new team that lncludes a former col­ Mehmet All Agca, the furklsh terror- termlne from the devlces whether a league from the CIA c -r ~ 1st servlng a Ilfe term for shoollng bomb caused the crash of an Alr Indla Pope John Paul lIon May 13, 1981, clalm~ Jet last month ATHENS, Greece (UPI) -- An ~merlcan government team wlll lnspect Athens' the Bulgarlan secret serVlce organlzed the assaSSlnatlon attempt In SL Peter's PEKI"'G (UPI) -- The tnal of an Helllnlkcn Alrport to determlne whether AmLrlcan buslnessman accused of start- to 11ft a warnlng to Amerlcans to avold Square * J 109 a flre that kliled )0 people In the alrport because of lax securlty, a LONDON (UPI) -- Lawyers froiJ1 the a north Chlna hOLel IS belng dlstorted U S Embdssy spokesman sald today Unlted Stdtes Jammed London's central by lnaccurate transldtlon, hlS lawyer tour 1St area today for the second half sald In a ,ITll ten statement released WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The U S admlO­ of the Bar Assoclatlon's annual today Rlrhard Ondrlk, 34, of Houston, It>tratlon, purslllng "qulet but actlve A~erlcan conventlon openlng next WEek l~e flCSt Texas, ~ent 0~ [rlal Thur~da) In the dlplomdcy," lS ln touch wlth a varletv northeastern {lty of Harblll on charges of sources In seeklng release of the naIf ~as held ~n Wasnlngton SPORTS HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JYLY 12, 1985, PAGE 5 Sports World To Play Tuesc!I:iY Softball Roundup (AP) -- The Texas Rangers say they'll make no trade lnvolvlng thlrd baseman American League Names By RUTH HORNE Buddy Bell before Saturday Club General Gary Pelletler hlt a solo homer l~ the Manager Tom Grleve says he's talked wlth All-Star Starting Lineup bottom of the slxth for the Gag II's tying other teams, but thlngs are ln the prelim­ From COMBINED WIRE SERVICE REPORTS run agaInst the Neu Wave, then scored on a inary stage Bell, a 14-year veteran, has couple of fleldlng errors ln the extra been with the Rangers Slnce 1979 He re­ N1W YORK -- Flrst baseman 1ddie Murray elghth for the wlnnlng lun as the Gag shav­ quested a trade earlier thlS week of the Baltimore Orloles and outflelder ed the Neu Wave 4-3 on Dally FIeld Thurs­ * * * Rickey Henderson of the New York Yankees day ln fast-pltch softball Former Dallas Cowboy Wide receiver Doug recelved late support in fan ballotlng to Matt Houston's slngle and stolen bases Donley says he's leanlng toward slgning Win places on the Amerlcan Ledgue ~ll-Star provlded the flrst Gag run In the thlrd wlth the Cleveland Browns Because of hiS te,m, the baseball commlSSloner announced Pat Dowell doubled and scored on Matt Bea­ National Football League veteran status, Thu rsday ver's sacrIfice ln the bottom of the Donley became a free agent Thursday when The starting Amerlcan League team ln fourth, glvlng the Gag a 2-1 edge he refused to report to the DetrOit Lions, Tuesday's showcase event ln Minneapolls The flrst Neu Wave run came In the top who had claimed him on waivers Donley wlll be composed of two members each of of the fourth when Jlm Powell SIngled, ad­ says five teams are interested ln him the Orloles, New York Yankees, DetrOit Tl­ vanced on a steal and scored on Charlle * * * gers and one each from the Kansas City Roy­ Keller's base hlt Solo homers by Pat Rob­ Newlv crowned Wlmbledon tennlS champlon als and Boston Red Sox blns and Gordy Berggren wlth two out in Borls Becker arrlved home today to a cheer­ Teammates JOlnlng Murrav and Henderson the top of the slxth gave the Neu Wave a lng crowd of more than 25,000 people ln in the startlng llneup wlll be outflelder short-llved one-ru~ lead Leiman, West Germany The l7-year-old Beck­ Dave Wlnfie1d of the Yankees and shortstop er -- Wlmbledon's youngest men's tltllSt Cal Rlpken of the OrIoles ever -- rode ln a motorcade slowed by fans The Tigers wlll be represented by catch­ Basketball Highlights and well-wlshers hoplng for a gllmpse of er Lance Parrlsh and second baseman Lou their hero Whitaker while thlrd baseman George Erett By RUTH HORNE of the Royals and outfielder Jim Rlce of The Teen Center TIgers kept the No the ~ed Sox round out the startlng team Bunch scoreless In the flrst quarter, but Baseball Roundup Barring lnJury, the players elected by the Bunch carne back wlth a vengeance to (UPI) -- Nolan Ryan struck out 11 bat­ the fans' ballotlng must play the fIrst trounce thL TIgers 51-38 Thursdav nIght on ters ln seven lnnlngs Thursday nlght, and t~ree Innlngs The rest of the souad wlll the Basketball Court along the way became the flrst pltcher ln be chosen by AL Manager Sparky Anderson of Sheldon Coulon led the No Bunch offense major league hlstory to strlke out 4,000 the Tlgers In consultatIon WIth hIS cOdch­ wlth an lmpreSSlve 26 pOlnts RlCk Cates batters ln a career es and the league offIce scored 15, and Dewayne Carter added 10 Scores ln the National League were Los Hender~on flnlshed second ln the out­ For the Teen Center Tlgers, Johnny Thom­ Angeles 3, Chlcago Cubs I, Plttsburgh 6, fIeld votlng after belng fourth ln the ason and ErIC Gates led wlth elght pOlnts San FranC1SCO 4, Clnclnnatl 2, Montreal 0, next-to-last comp11atlon, and Murray made apIece, a~d Elll Heon contrlbuted SlX Atlanta 3, Phlladelphla 2, St LOU1S 6, up a 30,000-vote deflclt to end at 15 the * * * San Dlego 0, and Houston 4, New York Mets strIng of consecutIve All-Star startlng The Raln Forest proved a lIttle too 3 ln 12 lnnings selectlons by Rod Carew of the Callfornla thlck for the Goal Bu~ters as the Forest In the Amerlcan League Thursday lt was Angels came out ahead 55-50 111 a c1 ose Summer Fun Oakland 9, Mllwaukee 3, Kansas Clty I, ~ltaker, Rlpken, Parrlsh and Wlnfleld basketball match Thursday nIght Cleveland 0, Mlnnesota 5, Detrolt 1, Baltl­ all are repeaters from the AL's 1984 start­ Sheldon Coulon was top scorer for the more 7, Chicago Whlte Sox 6, New York lng team Raln Forest wlth 17 pOlnts, and Jon Pachea­ Yankees 11, Texas 7, Toronto 5, Callfornla Brett plIed up the blggest margln In co followed wlth 11 TIm Thompson pllt 3, and Boston 7, Seattle 1 posltlonal votIng, recelvlng 1,394,334 elght pOlnts on the board votes to the second-place total of 395.636 For the Coal Bustels, Mlke Scott was on by Wade Boggs of the Red Sox Rlpken was target w1th 20 pOlnts SkIP Jones perform­ Mantle: I'm OK the overall leadlng vote-getter wlth ed well With 14, and Roger Meyer added 10 1,398,901 By MILTON RICHMAN The statlstlCS through Wednesday for UPI SenlOr Edltor - Sports the starters for the All-Star Game (start­ Softball Schedule NEW YORK -- Mickey Mantle has a message lng pitchers named by managers) MONDAY, July 1) he'd llke to get out NATIONAL LEAGUE AB R H HR RBI Avg Dally 5 15 Landsharks vs Heaven Help Us He wants the world to know he's stlll Catcher TUESDAY, July 16 gettlng those lnfernal headaches, but he's Carter, NY 284 36 76 11 38 268 Dally 5 15 IntertdIl1ers vs Neu Wave allve and well FIrst Base WEDNESDAY, July 17 The reason he's a Ilttle anXlOUS to let Garvey, SD 349 45 94 13 45 269 Dally 5]5 Gag II vs Heaven Help Us everyone know lS because he picked up d Second Base FRIDAY, July 19 local paper the other day and thought for Herr, St L 300 50 102 3 66 340 0ally 5 15 Landsharks vs Neu Wave sure he was dead ThiS was Monday, hours Thlrd Base after he revealed he had been to a hospital Nettles, SD 209 42 51 8 24 244 in Dallas to find out about a couple of Shortstop Basketball Schedule lumps on hiS neck and hiS perSistent head­ o Smlth, St L 277 35 77 4 24 278 MONDAY, July 15 aches Outfleld 6 30 Non-Stop vs Carlbou CrUIsers Mantle, 53, had made it qUite clear the Gwynn, SD 333 48 103 4 25 309 7 30 Ja11 Blrds vs RunnIng Rebels doctors who looked at him had ruled out Murphy, Atl 311 59 88 21 61 283 8 30 Teen Center Tlgers vs One On One Hodgkin's disease That was important be­ Strawberry, NY 133 23 30 7 16 226 TUESDAY, July 16 cause Mantle's father had died of the diS­ AMERICAN LEAGUE 6 30 Goal Busters vs No Bunch ease at 39 and It had also claImed the Catcher 7 30 Chocklate Thunder vs Double Drlbble lives of three other famIly members while Parrlsh, Det 313 29 83 12 52 265 WEDNESDAY, July 17 they were relatIvely young Flrst Base n 30 Raln Forest vs One On One The doctors in Dallas also had assured Murray, BaIt 289 51 80 13 57 277 7 30 TLen Center Tlgers vs RunnIng Rebels Mantle he didn't have lymphoma, another Second Base THURSDAY, July 18 form of cancer Mantle had told all that Whltaker, Det 309 60 95 15 41 307 6 30 Jall B1rds vs No Bunch "But then the paper came out saying I Thlrd Base 7 30 Non-Stop vs Double Drlbb1e had a 'mysteriOUS Illness' and I began get­ Brett, K C 272 50 96 11 56 353 FRIDAY, July 19 ting all kinds of calls," the former Yan­ Shortstop 6 30 Raln Forest vs Runnlng Rebels kee center fielder said Thursday Rlpken, BaIt 325 61 89 13 54 274 7 30 Chocklate Thunder vs Carlbou Crsrs "I went on TV that same evening and said Outfleld I didn't know what they meant by a 'myste­ Wlnfleld, NY 320 49 93 10 50 291 riOUS illness' I said if it'S like that, Henderson, NY 266 74 96 11 37 361 Only Two KGA Horse Race then they found It " RIce, Bas 335 52 93 16 53 278 Mantle laughed Qualifiers Left Before Open He looked better than he did Monday -­ Ball And Pin Leaders By BOBBI GIBSON more relaxed With better color in hiS face KwaJdleln Golf Assoclatlon "I feel much better today No tie thiS In the Kentron MIxed Bowllng League time," he said, painting to hiS open col­ Thursday Dl.ght The KwaJaleln Golf Assoclatlon WIll lar "I still had a throbbIng headache, Men's Dlvlslon conduct a horse race tournament ln con­ though, when I got up thiS mornIng I took Hlgh Game Bl11 Hale, 211 Junction WIth the August KwaJaleln Open two Tylenol and It went away " Second-Hlgh Game Dan Dlkllato, 202 ~orse race quallfYlng contest entrants Iveryone who came over asked hl.m how he HIgh Serles Bl11 Hale, 576 must speclfy the medal play tOUl nament lTl was feeling, and he said, "flne " Second-Hlgh Serles Russ Kees, 525 WhlCh they are quallfylng The last two Women's Dlvlslon medal plays are July 20 and 21 Twenty-four Sports On The Rod 10 HIgh Game Mable Plerce, 203 low-net players WIll partICIpate In the Saturday on AlRTS 1224 AM radiO it'S Second-Hlgh Game Sunny Ross, 185 horse race Aug 29 at 5 p m Entrants In the Dodgers vs the Cubs at 5 15 a m Hlgh Serles Mable Plerce, 499 the qualIfYIng contest must pay $5 lI1 ad­ Sunday llsten to the U S Football Second-Hlgh Serles Sunnv Ross, 485 dltlon to the $10 medal play fee League championship game between Oaklard lor more detaIls check the bulletIn and Baltimore fhat game airs at noon To reserve the Iron Mlke for practIce, boards at Macy's porcr ~nd the golf courSe Listen to AFRTS for sports' call Speclal Servlces, 83331 clubhouse FEATURES PAGE 6, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JULY 1~, 1985 Zippers Lower Death Rat"" Ann Landers uear Ann Landers Many years ago when I was grow­ Surgeon 'Zips Up' Patients lng up, most people dldn't have cars They used pub­ With Pancreas Operations llC transportatlon. I had been taught dS a Chlld to By CARL KORN glve up my seat to an old­ Un1ted Press Internat10nal er person who was stand~ BALTIMORE -- A Un~verslty of Maryland surgeon SdyS lng Later on, as a young he has successfully subst~tuted ordlnary sklrt zlppers adult, I adhered to th~s for stltches ln 28 pancreas operatlons, dramatlcally practlce. Now the shoe lS lowerlng the death rate for acutely 111 patlents on the other foot. I am "All of us have talked about Zlppers, but lt was a woman In my 60s and passed off as a Joke," Dr H Harlan Stone sa~d Wednes- stlll worklng, not be­ day By uSlng the 7-~nch zlpper -- exactly the same cause I want to, but be­ prol1ferat1on of handguns type used on women's polyester sklrts -- on a patlent cause I must tend to make folks fear­ recoverlng from pancreas surgery, Stone sald he lS able Most days I rlde to ful of strangers. A seat to avold repeated operatlons to change lnternal bandag- work wlth a frlend, but on the bus 1S the least es there are tlmes when I of 1t People are murder­ After some pancreas surger~es, "there ~s a lot of take the bus. Usually I ed on the street and no­ bleedlng and you need to put packlng agalnst the wound," board too late to get a body stops to help It's hospltal spokeswoman Joan Shnlpper sald seat The bus lS an ex­ a sad commentary and I Surgeons are forced to operate repeatedly and use press that takes a short­ have no answers standard stltches to close the wounds The repeated cut to town that lnvolves hour-long operat~ons under anesthes~a took thelr toll many c~rves I often get Dear Ann Landers I am on crltlcally ~ll pat~ents, who recovered only 10 per­ qUlte dlZZY Slnce I must a falr-sklnned, blond cent of the tlme, Stone sald stand the entlre way The female who 18 lnterested Now, Stone sald he can merely unZlp the patlent, bus lS generally full of ln the suntan plll I've change the bandage, and z~p the wound back up -- a safe young healthy-Iooklng men been hear~ng about. They flve-mlnute procedure done at the patlent's bedslde and women, but not once clalm a person can get a The rate of recovery for those pat~ents has r~sen to has anyone offered me a qUlck tan wlth very llttle 90 percent, Stone sald seat. exposure to the sun and "It seems approprlate to use a zlpper to allow us to I reallze thlngs have that the tannlng plll has changed Slnce I rode the change the packs w~thout repeated operatlons," Stone many advantages, the maln bus ln the '30s, but hope­ sald "Its use has dramatlcally slmpllf~ed a complex one belng no wrlnkles problem " fully common courtesy has later ln llfe. not dlsappeared complete­ Stone, ch~ef of the dlvlslon of surgery at Unlver­ The ad clalms the plll ly I llve ln Rlchmond, Slty Hosp~tal, sa~d the procedure has been used by sev­ lS approved by the Cana­ Va , and should you choose eral phys~clans In England, Germany and Belg~um, but dlan agency equlvalent to never before ln the Unlted States to prlnt thlS, perhaps the U S Food and Drug He sald the zlppers are used for flve days to two some klnd commuter wlll Admlnlstratlon It sounds weeks before they are removed rlse and offer an older too good to be true What person a seat today can you tell me about It? A Fellow Traveler -- An Admlrer In Toronto Dear Traveler Ch1valry Dear Toronto The plll Your Individual 1S not dead, but 1t 1S you are referr1ng to be­ not 1n very good health longs to the psoralen fam- Horoscope And there 1S a reason 1ly of drugs One must ===== Fraftces Drake =====:::::::::=== The world 1S not as fr1end­ use 1t w1th great care ly a place as 1t used to because 1t sens1t1zes the FOR MONDAY, JULY 15, 1985 be. Lr1me, drugs and a sk 1 n. ARIES You could get m over your head m Wife Abuse In Brazil (Mar 21 to Apr 19) 9IIIt a busmess or fmanclal deal It's best You can safely confide m a fanuly to consult With those who are top m member, but othefWlSe you should be thelf field Husband Protests Feminist Ideas careful of what mformatlOn you SAGITIARIUS reveal Be silent (Nov 22 to Dec 21) It) TAURUS You and a partner are m agreement By Cutting Off Wife's Earlobes (Apr 20 to May 20) on some Issues affectmg mutual TERESINA, Brazll (UPI) -- A machlne operator angered You're good at handlmg your own secunty, but may be dnftmg m fmanclal mterests today, but you different dlfectlons regardmg other by the femlnlst ~deas h~s w~fe learned by watchlng tele­ need to be wary m dealmgs mvolvmg mterests V1Slon sllced off her earlobes, saylng, "A woman who would be partners CAPRICORN wants to be llke men doesn't need a place to wear ear­ GEMINI (Dec 22 to Jan 19) ~ rlngs " (May 21 to June 20) InterruptIOns could mterfere WIth Osvaldo Pere~ra -da SlIva was be~ng held Wednesday In You should aVOId extremes now work progress today A partner IS a Neither be too cautious nor too good soundmg board for your Ideas the Ja~l ~n Tereslna, 1,320 m~les northwest of R~o de frIvolous You'll fmd somethmg nIce Share your thoughts Janelro He was refuslng to let hlS w~fe undergo plas­ If shoppmg AQUARIUS .d... tlC surgery to repalr her mULllated earlobes, the Jor­ CANCER (Jan 20 to Feb 18) Q?Z nal Do Brazll reported (June 21 to July 22) You may not be sure where you Pnvacy abets the realIZatIOn of stand m romance today A SOCial "Women were born to bear chlldren, take care of your goals Romance IS problematiC engagement With someone from the~r husbands and ch~ldren, and not to gOSSlp ~n ne~gh­ now and not everythmg IS clear on work looks promlsmg BUSIness and bors' homes," da SlIva sa~d, addlng that hlS wlfe the Job front pleasure mIX acqu~red "new feml.nlst ldeas by watchlng so much tele­ PISCES ~ LEO .~ v~s~on " (July 23 to Aug 22) 'rtl (Feb 19 to Mar 20) .-...: There are those who would waste Check legal ramificatIOns m prop­ H~s w~fe, Concelcao Marla V~er~ra Barros, trled Tues­ your tIme now Stay clear of superfi erty Interests It's a good time for day to w~thdraw her compla~nt agalnst her husband and clal types A prIvate conference entertammg or gomg out some place sa~d she would be wllllng to sell the televls~on set, should go well special tOnight WhlCh she descrlbed as "that terrlble thlng that start­ VIRGO YOU BORN TODA'r will succeed (Aug 23 to Sept 22) along any lme that matches your ed changlng my head " Mmor career gams are possible, Ideals Stnve to capitalIZe on your Wear~ng a scarf to hlde her scarred ears Mrs da S~l­ but there will also be some dead umate inventiveness and aVOId get va sa~d she was "ready to forget everyth~ng and take ends Be leery of those who talk a big tlng yourself In a rut Though mtul­ care of the house and my husband " tlve, you do not alway~ trust your fme lIne or promise too much Some nelghbors approved of da SlIva's attack on h~s LmRA mstlncts Overcome skeptiCism and (Sept 23 to Oct 22) lIsten to your umer VOIce for your wlfe Carper adVIce IS helpful, but m greatest achievement Both the arts "That's the only way that she w~ll learn to m~nd," other areas of lJfe follow your own and '>clences are lIkely to appeal to sald Joao Pollcarpo, a vendor ln the Clty'S central mstmcts Evenmg fmds you a bit you You usually have no trouble m market Pol~carpo sa~d he allows hlS wlfe to go out of lackadaiSical makmg a fine Income Blfthday of the house to buy household ~tems only when he or her SCORPIO Rembrandt, painter, Lmda Ronstadt, (Oct 23 to Nov 21) smger, and Ins Murdoch, novelIst chlldren accompany her SPORTS HOURGLASS. FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1985, PAGE 5 Sports World To Play TuescLay Softball Roundup (AP) -- The Texas Rangers say they'll make no trade Invo1vlng thlrd baseman American league Names By RUTH HORNE Buddy Bell before Saturday Club General Gary Pel1etler hlt a solo homer In the Manager Tom Grleve says he's talked wlth All-Star Starting lineup bottom of the slxth for the Gag II's tylng other teams, but thlngs are In the prellm­ From COMBINED WIRE SERVICE RrPORTS run agalnst the Neu Wave, then scored on a Inary stage Bell, a 14-year veteran, has couple of fleldlng errors In the extra been wlth the Rangers Slnce 1979 He re­ NEW YORK -- Flrst baseman Fddle Murray elghth for the wlnnlng run as the Gag shav­ quested a trade ear11er thlS week of the Baltlmore Orloles and outflelder ed the Neu Wave 4-3 on Dally Fleld Thurs­ * * * Rlckey Henderson of the New York Yankees day In fast-pltch softball Former Dallas Cowboy wlde recelver Doug recelved 1dte support In fan ballotlng to Matt Houston's slngle and stolen bases Donley says he's 1eanlng toward slgnlng Wln places on the Amerlcan league All-Star provlded the fIrst Gag run In the thlrd wlth the Cleveland Browns Because of hlS team, the baseball COTIIDllSSlOner announced Pat Dowell doubled and scored on Matt Bea­ Natlona1 Football League veteran status, Thursday ver's sacrlflce In the bottom of the Donley became a free agent Thursday when The startlng Amerlcan League team In fourth, glvlng the Gag a 2-1 edge he refused to report to the Detrolt Llons. Tuesday's showcase event In MInneapolls The flrst Neu Wave run came In the top who had clalmed hlm on walvers Donley wlil be composed of two members each of of the fourth when Jlm Powell slngled, ad­ says flve teams are Interested In hlm the Orloles, New York Yankees, Detlolt Tl­ vanced on a steal and scored on Charlle * * * gers and one each from the Kan~as Cltv Roy­ Keller's base hlt Solo homers by Pat Rob­ Newly crowned Wlmb1edon tennl~ champlon als and Boston Red Sox blns and Gordy Berggren wlth two out In Borls Becker arrlved home today to a cheer­ Teammates JOlnlng Hurray and Hendelson the top of the slxth gave the Neu Wave a Ing crowd of more than 25,000 people In In the startlng Ilneup wlil be outflelder short-llved one-run lead Lelman. West Germany The 17-year-01d Beck­ Dave Wlnfleld of the Yankees and shortstop er -- Wlmbledon's youngest men's tlt11St Cal Rlpken of the Orloles ever -- rode In a motorcade slowed by fans The Tlgers wlil be represented by catch­ Basketball Highlights and we11-wlshers hoplng for a g11mpse of er Lance Parrlsh and second baseman Lou thelr hero Whltaker whlle thlrd baspman George Brett By RUTH HORNE of the Royals and outfle1der Jlm Rlce at The Teen Center Tlgers kept the No Baseball Roundup the Red So'< round out the startlng team Bunch scoreless In the flrst quarter, but Barrlng InJury, the players elected by the Bunch came back wIth a v~ngeanLe to (UPI) -- Nolan Ryan struck out 11 bat­ the fans' ba110tlng nust play the tlrst trounce the Tlgers 51-38 Thursday nlght on ters In seven Innlngs Thursday nlght, and three Innlngs The rest of the squad wlil the Basketball Court along the way became the flrst pltcher In be chosen by 4L Manager Sparky Anderson of Sheldon Coulon led the No Bunch otfen~e major league hlstory to strlke out 4.000 the Tlgers In consultatlon wlth hlS coach­ wlth an ImpreSSlve 26 pOlntJ Rlck Gates batters In a career es and the league otflce scored 15, and Dewayne Carter added 10 Scores In the Natlona1 League were Los Henderson flnlshed second In the out­ For the Teen Center Tlgers, Johnny Thom­ Angeles 3, Clllcago Cubs 1, Plttsburgh 6, fleld votlng after belng fourth 111 the ason and ErlC Gates led WJth elght pOlnts San FranC1SCO 4, ClnClnnatl 2, Montreal O. next-to-last compllatlon, and Murray made aplece, and Bl11 Heon contllbuted SlX Atlanta 3, Phl1adelphla 2, St LOUIS 6, up a 30,OOO-vote deflclt to end at 15 the * * * San Dlego 0, and Houston 4, New York Mets strlng of consecutlve All-Star startlng The Raln Forest proved a Ilttle too 3 In 12 Innlngs selectlons by Rod Carew of the Callfornla thlCk for the Goal Busters as the Forest In the Amerlcan League Thursday It was Angels came out ahead 55-50 In a close Summer Fun Oakland 9, Ml1waukee 3, Kansas Clty I, Whltaker, Rlpken, Parrlsh and Wlnfleld basketball match Thursday nIght Cleveland 0, Mlnnesota 5, Detrolt 1, Baltl­ all are repeaters from the AL's 1984 start­ Sheldon Coulon was top scorer for the more 7, Chlcago Whlte Sox 6, New York Ing team Raln Forest wlth 17 POllltS, and Jon Prtchea­ Yankees 11, Texas 7, Toronto 5, Callfornla Brett pLIed up the blggest margln In co followed wlth 11 Tlm Thompson put 3, and Boston 7, Seattle 1 posltlonal votlng, recelvlng 1,394,334 elght pOlnts on the board votes to the second-place total of 395,636 For the Goal Busters, Mlke Scott was on by Wade Boggs of the Red Sox Rlpken was target wlth 20 pOlnts SklP Jones perfor~­ Mantle: I'm OK the overall leadlng vote-getter wlth ed well wlth 14, and Roger Meyer ddded 10 1,398,901 By MILTON RICHMAN The statlstlcs through Wednesday for UPI Serllor Edltor - Sports the starters for the All-Star l,rtme (start­ Softball Schedule NEW YORK -- Mlckey Mantle has a message Ing pltchers named by managers) HONDAY, July 15 he'd 11ke to get out NATIONAL LEAGUE AB R H HR RBI Avg Dally 5 15 Landsharks vs Heaven Help Us He wants the world to know he's stlll Catcher TUESDAY, July 16 gettlng those Infernal headaches, but he's Carter, NY 284 36 76 11 38 268 Dally 5 15 Entertalners vs ~eu Wave allve and well Flrst Base WEDNESDAY, July 17 The reason he's a 11tt1e anXlOUS to let Garvey, SD 349 45 94 13 45 269 Dally 5]5 Gdg II vs Heaven Help Us everyone know IS because he plcked up a Second Base FRIDAY, July 19 local paper the other day and thought for Herr, St L 300 50 102 3 66 340 Dally 5 15 Landsharks vs Neu Wave sure he was dead ThlS was Monday, hours Thlrd Base after he revealed he had been to a hospltal Nettles, SD 209 1.2 51 8 24 244 In Dallas to flnd out about a couple of Shortstop Basketball Schedule lumps on hlS neck and hlS perslstent head­ 0 Smlth, St L 277 35 77 4 24 278 MONDAY, July 15 aches Outfleld 6 30 Non-Stop vs Carlbou CrUlsers Mantle, 53, had made It qUlte clear the Gwynn, SD 333 48 103 4 25 309 7 30 JaIl Blrds vs Runnlng Rebels doctors who looked at hlm had ruled out Hurphy, Atl 311 59 88 21 61 283 8 30 Teen Center Tlgers vs One On One Hodgkln's dlsease That was Important be­ StraHberry, NY 133 23 30 7 16 226 TUESDAY, July 16 cause Mantle's father had dled of the dlS­ AMERICAN LEAGUE 6 30 Goal Busters vs ~o Bunch ease at 39 and It had also clalmed the Catcher 7 30 Chocklate Thunder vs Double Drlbble Ilves of three other famlly members whlle Parrlsh, Det 313 29 83 12 52 265 WEDNESDAY, July 17 they were relatlvely young Flrst Base n 30 Raln Forest vs One On One The doctors In Dallas also had assured Murray, BaIt 289 51 80 13 57 277 7 30 Teen Center Tlgers vs Runnlng Rebels Mantle he dldn't have lymphoma, another Second Base THUR~DAY, July 18 form of cancer Hantle had told all that Whltaker, Det 309 60 95 15 41 307 6 30 Jall Blrds vs No Bunch "But then the paper came out saylng I Thlrd Base 7 30 Non-Stop vs Double Drlbble had a 'mysterlous Illness' and I began get­ Brett, K C 272 50 96 11 56 353 FRIDAY, July 19 tlng all klnds of calls," the former Yan­ Shortstop 6 30 Raln Forest vs Runnlng Rebels kee center flelder sald Thursday Rlpken, BaIt 325 61 89 13 54 274 7 30 Chocklate Thunder vs Carlbou Crsrs "I went on TV that same evenlng and sald Outfleld I dldn't know what they meant by a 'myste­ Wlnfleld, NY 320 49 93 10 50 291 rlOUS Illness ' I sald If It'S llke that, Henderson, NY 266 74 96 11 37 361 Only Two KGA Horse Race then they found It " Rlce. Bas 335 52 93 16 53 278 Mantle laughed Qualifiers left Before Open He looked better than he dld Monday -­ Ball And Pin Leaders By BOBBI GIBSON more relaxed wlth better color In hlS face VwaJaleln Golf ASSoclatlon "1 feel much better today No tle thlS In the Kentron Mlxed Bowllng league tlme," he sald, pOlntlng to hlS open col­ Thursday nlght The KwaJaleln Golf Assoclatlon wl11 lar "I stlll had a throbblng headache, Men's D1V1Slon conduct a horse race tournament In con­ though, when I got up thlS mornlng I took Hlgh Gdme Blll Hale, 211 Junctlon wlth the August Kwa]aleln Open two Tylenol and It went away " Second-Hlgh Game Dan Dlkllato, 202 Horse race quallfYlng contest entrants Everyone who came over asked hlm how he Hlgh Serles Blll Hale, 576 must speclfy the medal play tournament In was feellng, and he sald, "FIne" Second-Hlgh Serles Russ Kees, 525 WhlCh they are quallf}lng The last two Women's Dlvlslon medal plays are July 20 dnd 21 Twenty-four Sports On The Rod 10 Hlgh Game Mable Plerce, 203 low-net players wl]l partlclpate In the Saturday on AFRTS 1224 AM radlo It'S Second-Hlgh Game Sunny Ross, 185 horse race Aug 29 at 5 p m Entrdnts In the Dodgers vs the Cubs at 5 l~ d m Hlgh Serle~ Mable Plerce, 499 the quallfYlng contest mu~t pay $5 In ad­ Sunday lIsten to the U S Football Second-Hlgh Serles Sunny Ross, 485 dltlon to the $10 meddl play fee League chdmplonshlp game between Oaklard For more detalls check the bulletln and Baltlmore That game alrs at noon To reserve the Iron Hlke for practlce, boards at Macy's porch and the golf course Llsten to AFRTS for sports' call SpeClal SerVlces. 83331 clubhouse FEATURES PAGE 6, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JULY i 1985 - Zippers Lower Death Rat" Ann Landers Dear Ann Landers Nany years ago when I was grow­ Surgeon 'Zips Up' Patients lng up, most people dldn't have cars. They used pub­ With Pancreas Operations llC transportatlon. I had been taught as a chlld to By CARL KORN glve up my seat to an old­ Un1ted Press Internat10nal er person who was stand+ BALTIMORE -- A Unlverslty of Maryland surgeon says lng. Later on, as a young he has successfully Substltuted ordlnary sklrt zlppers adult, I adhered to thlS for stltches ln 28 pancreas operatl0ns, dramatlcally practlce. Now the shoe lS lowerlng the death rate for acutely 111 patlents on the other foot I am '~11 of us have talked about Zlppers, but lt was a woman ln my 60s and passed off as a Joke," Dr H Harlan Stone sald Wednes­ stlll worklng, not be­ day By uSlng the 7-lnch zlpper -- exactly the same cause I want to, but be­ prol1ferat1on of handguns type used on women's polyester sklrts -- on a patlent cause I must tend to make folks fear­ recoverlng from pancreas surgery, Stone sald he lS able Most days I r1de to ful of strangers A seat to aV01d repeated operatlons to change lnternal bandag- work wlth a frlend, but on the bus 1S the least es there are tlmes when I of 1t People are murder­ After some pancreas surgerles, "there lS a lot of take the bus Usually I ed on the street and no­ bleedlng and you need to put packlng agalnst the wound," board too late to get a body stops to help It's hospltal spokeswoman Joan Shnlpper sald seat The bus lS an ex­ a sad commentary and I Surgeons are forced to operate repeatedly ana use press that tdkes a short­ have no answers standard stltches to close the wounds The repeated cut to town that lnvolves hour-long operatlons under anesthesla took thelr toll many curves I often get Dear Ann Landers I am on crltlcally 111 patlents, who recovered only 10 per­ qUlte d1ZZY Slnce I must a falr-sklnned, blond cent of the tlme, Stone sald stand the entlre way The female who 18 lnterested Now, Stone sald he can merely unzlp the pat~ent, bus lS generally full of ln the suntan p1ll I've change the bandage, and ZlP the wound back up -- d safe young healthy-looklng men been hearlng about. They flve-mlnute procedure done at the patlent's bedslde and women, but not once clalm a person can get a The rate of recovery for those patlents has rlsen to has anyone offered me a qUlck tan wlth very llttle 90 percent, Stone sald seat. exposur~ to the sun and "It seems approprlate to use a zlpper to allow us to I reallze thlngs have that the tannlng pll1 has change the packs wlthout repeated operatlons," Stone changed Slnce I rode the many advantages, the maln sald "Its use has dramatlcally slmpllfled a complex bus In the '30s, but hope­ one belng no WTlnkles problem " fully common courtesy has later ln llfe. Stone, chlef of the dlvlslon of surgery at Unlver­ not dlsappeared complete­ The ad clalms the plll slty Hospltal, sald the procedure has been used by sev­ ly. I llve In Rlchmond, lS approved by the Cana­ eral physlclans ln England, Germany and Belglum, but Va , and should you choose dlan agency equ1valent to never before ln the Unlted States to prlnt thlS, perhaps the U S Food and Drug He sald the Zlppers are used for flve days to two some klnd commuter wlll Admlnlstrat10n It sounds weeks before they are removed rlse and offer an older too good to be true What person a seat today. -- can you tell me about It? A Fellow Traveler -- An Admlrer In Toronto Dear Traveler Ch1valry Dear Toronto The plll Your Individual 1S not dead, but lt 1S you are referr1ng to be­ not 1n very good health. longs to the psoralen fam­ Horoscope And there 1S a reason lly of drugs. One must ===== Frances Drake =====:::::::::::=== The world 1S not as fr1end­ use 1t w1th great care ly a place as 1t used to because 1t sens1tlzes the FOR MONDAY, JULY 15, ]98') be Lr1me, drugs and a sk 1 n. ARIES You could get m over your head m Wife Abuse In Brazil (Mar 21 to Apr 19) ~ a busmess or fmanclal deal It's best You can safely confide m a frumly to consult WIth those who are top m member, but othel" you should be their field Husband Protests Feminist Ideas careful of what mformatlOn you SAGI'ITARIUS reveal Be silent (Nov 22 to Dec 21) ~ Cutting Off Wife's Earlobes TAURUS You and a partner are m agreement By (Apr 20 to May 20) ,.. on some Issues affectmg mutual TERES INA, Brazll (UPI) -- A machlne operator angered You're good at handlmg your own secunty, but may be dnftmg m financial mterests today, but you different directions regardmg other by the fem1n1st ldeas hlS wlfe learned by watchlng tele­ need to be wary m dealmgs mvolvrng mterests V1Slon sllced off her earlobes, saylng, "A woman who would-be partners CAPRICORN wants to be llke men doesn't need a place to wear ear­ GEMINI (Dec 22 to Jan 19) ~ rlngs " (May 21 to June 20) ~ InterruptIOns could mterfere With Osvaldo Perelra -da SlIva was belng held Wednesday In You should aVOid extremes now work progress today A partner IS a Neither be too cautious nor too good soundmg board for your Ideas the Ja1l ln Tereslna, 1,320 mlles northwest of R10 de frivolous You II fmd somethIng nice Share your thoughts Janelro He was refuslng to let hlS wlfe undergo plas­ If shoppmg AQUARIUS tlC surgery to repalr her mutllated earlobes, the Jor­ CANCER (Jan 20 to Feb 18) Q7lt nal Do Brazll reported (June 21 to July 22) t~ You may not be sure where you Pnvacy abets the realIzatIOn of stand m romance today A SOCial "Women were born to bear chlldren. take care of your goals Romance IS problematiC engagement With someone from thelr husbands and chlldren, and not to gOSSlp In nelgh­ now and not everythmg IS clear on work looks promlsmg Busmess and bors' homes," da SlIva sald, addlng that hlS wlfe the Job front pleasure mIX acqulred "new femlnlst ldeas by watchlng so TTluch tele­ LEO .~ PISCES )ItIIbo V1S1on " (July 23 to Aug 22) 'rt~ (Feb 19 to Mar 20) "*f( There are those who would waste Check legal ramificatIOns m prop­ H1S wlfe, Concelcao Marla Vlerlra Barros, trled Tues­ your time now Stay clear of superfi erty mterests It's a good tlffie for day to wlthdraw her complalnt agalnst her husband and clal types A private conference entertammg or gomg out some place sald she would be wllllng to sell the televlslon set, should go well special tomght WhlCh she descrlbed as "that terrlble thlng that start­ YOU BORN TODA\ WIll succeed VIRGO ed changlng my head " (Aug 23 to Sept 22) <11 along any \me that matches your Mmor career gams are pOSSible, Ideals StrIve to capitalIZe on your Wearlng a scarf to hlde her scarred ears Mrs da SlI­ but there Will also be some dead mnate mventlvenes~ and aVOid get­ va sald she was "ready to forget everythlng and take ends Be leery of those who talk a big tmg yourself m a rut Though mtul care of the house and my husband " lme or promise too much tlve, you do not always trust your fme Some nelghbors approved of da SlIva's attack on hlS LffiRA mstmcts Overcome skeptICIsm and (Sept 23 to Oct 22) W listen to your mner vOice for your wlfe Career adVlce IS helpful, but m grpatest achievement Both the arts "That's the only way that she wlll learn to mlnd," other areas of life follow your own and sCIences are likely to appeal to sald Joao Pollcarpo, a vendor ln the Clty's central mstmcts Evenmg fmds you a bit you You usually have no trouble m market Pollcarpo sald he allows hlS wlfe to go out of lackadaiSical makmg a fme mLome Bu-thday of the house to buy household ltems onlf when he or her SCORPIO Rembrandt, pamter, Lmda Ronstadt, (Oct 23 to Nov 21) ~ smger, and Ins Murdoch novelist chlldren accompany her COMICS ------HOURGLASS FRIDAY JULY 12 1985 PAGE 7 GARFIELD 1m DavIs DENNIS THE ME'II"t.'-'rI";' S/NC.E YOU V£ BE£N RAISEii' BY SGLJIRRELS, ED, YOU HAVE A Lor ...... r~j HAVE TO LEARN ABOUT BEINGA CAT ~~ORGOiT~N O~ o 0 o


YoUR e6TIMAT£3 TO HtE'Y, NO /2EPAIi2 MY BOAT ONtE'S IS WAY TOO HIGH / TWISTIN<& '" 1'------, r--__- YoUI' AIZM, BLJOI7'(

By Eugene Sheffer- ACROSS DOWN 16 Total ANDY CAPP 1 Sloping geese 1l<'ablecl 20 Behave ,. 196 0 I., M N!If po'> L to loadway 38 Where the bird 21 Greek Ds! D1N wo;Am raSf de I 5 Instrwnent actIon IS 2 Residue letter I for Arthur 40 Begone r 3 Disfigure 22 Wedther I Marx 42 Fasten 4SmgSing word I 9 BldCk or 43 Where a for one 23 C'hmtmas I Yellow bnght 5 Detest tree 12 }<~skers star 6' -and baubles 13 Opera shone the Man" 24 Church hght 48 Bank (ShaW) service 14 Embrdce abbr 7 Creek 26 Outer 49 She gets 8 Grazing what she land wants 9 "WhIle­ 50 Composer watth'd court Nino their 19 Records 51 Paid flocks " 21 Household 10 French "weeper river 24" -Ado 11 Turkish About Nothmg"


---- land or rull T~ursday' s Sol ut Ion 47 FOI hfy

STEVE CANYON Milton Cantff



OFFICIAL NOTICES PRE-PACK-OUT MINI-MACY'S SAL~ Wall unlts, TICKETS FOR THE RED FEZ DINNER, Polyneslan INVENTORY OF GOVERNMENT-OWNED QUARTERS' vacuum cleaner, sllde proJector, card table luau, Emon plcnlc and dlnner at the Formo­ furnlshlngs (furnlture and appllances) com­ and chalrs, 4 TV trays, rdttan furnlture, sa restaurant are avallable by caillng menced on July 8 Completlon lS expected drapes, rugt> , clotlles and much more Sat­ your favorlte Shrlner Actlvltles are open Oct 31 Inventory count wlll be taken by urday, 8 a m -2 p m back Qtrs 480B to all lsland resldents an employee from Furnlture Warehouse, who wlll accompany the FOM PM crew durlng COMPLETE SEMICONDUCTOR COURSE Includes IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED your Hourglass the routlne scheduled malntenance lnspec­ records, lesso~s, experlments, test set, by 5 30 pm, please call 84190 and one tlon of quarters Occupants presence lS not multlmeter (SOlld state), schematlcs, and wlll be dellvered to you requlred Copy of lnventory wlll be sent to some small tools and extra components occupant wlthln 10 days after count lS tak­ Call H84505, W81107 Asklng $100 NEW ON ISLAND? OR PCS'ING? If so, the Hour­ en Your cooperatlon wlll enable Global glass wants to know Complete GA Form 8035 Assoclates to fulflll contract obllgatlons LISTEN TO IT ALL! Zenlth SOlld state trans­ R-1 and send to Hourglass Vla guard mall causlng as llttle lnconvenlence as posslble oceanlC 11 band AH/FH portable radlo wlth or drop ln slot ln our door to occupants Any questlons? Call FurnlturE adapter plug Orlglnally cost $800, wlil Warehouse at 83434 (Global Supply) sell for $275, or make offer Call W82192, GOT A NEWS TIp? Complete GA Form 8037 and H83789 send to the Hourglass Or call 83539 BECAUSE OF K}ffi-approved aquatlc tralnlng

actlvltles, the Adult Pool wlll not be DISHWASHER, PORTABLE KENMORE, good condl­ .~.~.~.~.~ ~ avallable to the publlC on the followlng tlon, $75 Glrl's Jeans, Jr sz 11, $15 dates/tlmes July 19, 8-10 r m , July 31, New, long-sleeved, blue blouse, Jr sz 13, 6-9 30 pm, Aug 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, pald $25, sell $15 New blklnl, sz 8-10, t SATURDAY SPECIALS t 8-10 pm, Aug 21, 6-9 30 pm, Aug 23, $10 Call M Fratangelo H82840, W81690 8-10 p m (Speclal Servlces) PCS PATIO SALE Saturday, July 13, 7 a m THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL RUNOFF electlon In - noon Lots of everythlng! Qtrs 420B the 1st Dlstrlct of Texas on Aug 3 to I ~ t flll the vacant congresslonal seat left by STANDARD WINDSURFER FOR SALE! 2 salls, the reslgnatlon of Democrat Sam Hall Hall traller, excellent condltlon, $750 Call MENSWEAR reslgned hlS seat ln order to dccept a U S 8277] after 4 30 p m t t Dlstrlct Court Judgeshlp In the flrst spe­ * AMERICA'S FAVORITE MAKER * clal congresslonal electlon held June 29, LOST ·t fl STYLE JEANS t none of the elght cdndldates recelved the RFWARD FOR RETURN OF SHALL PURPLE Toad­ mlnlmum requlred 50 percent of the elector­ Pack backpack, or contents thereof No i LADIES' FASHIONS , ate needed to Wln the electlon Thus, a questlons asked Please call Mlchelle at speclal runoff electlon wlll be held Aug 83413 , * ACTIVE SPORTSWEAR * , 3 between Edward Hargett (R) and James • SHORTS, TOPS, ROMPERS, ETC Chapman If you have any questlons, contact WANTED MaJ Taylor, KMR Legal Offlce, at 81431 PADDING FOR 9x12 CARPET Call 84330 after t DOMEST I CS t (KMR Legal Offlce) 5 p m • * SENSATIONAL COLLECTION ~ FOOD SERVICES DECORATOR PILLOWS t PATIO FOR 1RAILER Call 83721 IN VARIOUS SIZES, SHAPES, YOKWE YUK CLUB WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT Come t FABPICS, AND COLORS' over, relax and enJoy our speclal pupu ex­ PLAYPEN wanted Call 82616 .~.~.~.~.~ ~ travaganza and mUS1C tonlght from 5-7 D1S­ co mUS1C from 9 untll mldnlght Saturday, 400-SERIES AIR CONDITIONER for upstalrs dlSCO mUS1C from 9 p m untll mldnlght If anyone has one for sale or knows of one, please contact us lmmedlately Call TONIGHT IS INTERNATIONAL NIGHT at the Pa­ any tlme at H82695, 438A clflC Dlnlng Room Hawallan, Flllplno, Mex­ lcan, Itallan and Amerlcan foods ~lll be HELP WANTED offered All lsland resldents are welcome BEAUTICIAN, part-tlme Appllcant must pos­ GOLF LESSONS to attpnd sess valld beautlclan's llcense from any state Hours to be approxlmately 24 to 30 AT THE FOR SALE per week Interested persons call Global SPECIAL SERVICES SEARS KENMORE AC 11,000 BTU, $350, used Assoclates 83388 only 6 months Whlrlpool 7,000 a~d 5,000 GOLF DRIVING RANGE BTU ACs, used 4 months, $300 and $250 MACY'S IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for All unlts are In excellent condltlon Call help wlth lnventory to be conducted on CONDUCTED BY Mlke at 82769 after 5 p m Tuesday and Wednesday, July 30 and 31 Call 83595 or slgn up at Macy's Servlce LARRY HARRIS NIKON F2AS 35mm professlonal wlth extra Desk auto electronlc photomlc flnder - 24 - 48 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL AND zoom lens 1 3 8 wlth Vlvltar 283 auto thy­ SPECIAL SERVICES WILL BE HIRING responslble SPALDING GOLF REPRESENTATIVE rlstor strobe and other extras The system, persons lnterested ln part-tlme employment $300 Call W84144, H83718 as llfeguards from July 22 to Aug 10 Candldates need to be at least 16 years TUESDAY JULY 16 4 00 - 6 00 WEDNESDAY JULY 17 4 00 - 6 00 ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER Ollvettl Lexlcon 83DC old and be able to pass a sWlmmlng test THURSDAY JULY 18 4 00 - 6 00 lnterchangeable ball prlnt head Four ex­ conducted by the pools and beaches coordl­ tra heads, Slrlo, Ellte, ~onza, Roma Three nator All lnterested appllcants should extra rlbbons $150 Call W84144, H83718 call Speclal Servlces at 83331 to apply

TEN-SPEED BIKES, 1 year old, need work, SERVICES OFFERED men's, women's, $25 Nlke men's sport shoes, RESPONSIBLE 13-YEAR-OLD BOY NEEDS WORK! sz 9, suede and mesh wlth rubber-cleated 11111 do anythlng, babyt>lt, yardwork, etc soles, $15 Papasan cushl0n cover, $10 New Charge $2 50 an hour, but I'm flexlble It plnk fltted klng bedsheet, $10 82322 Please contact Scott at 82842

THREE-FAMILY PATIO SALE Baby clothes, POLICE OFFICER WILL HOUSE- OR TRAILER-SIT, Tonight At The Movies chlldren's, men's and women's clothes Toys, responslble non-smokers Wlfe would llke Yokwe Yuk - Glve My Regards -- new and used Blcycles and plants Qtrs 445A to V1Slt Don Pentecost, Box 1356 83953, 6 30, 8 30, 12 30 -- PG from 8 a m - noon on Monday, July 15 84449 Tradewlnds - Wlndy Clty 8 p m ------R LAST PCS SALE! Carved wood coffee table COMMUNITY ACTIVITlE~ wlth 6 stools, $100, curtalns for 2- or 3- KGA HORSE RACE QUALIFIER To enter place Tonight On Televisiol. bedroom house Ca]l Rlta or Al at 83659 or $5 wlth $10 medal play fee and speclfy Kwajalein see at 491A medal play 7/20 or 7/21 24 low-net play­ ers wlll partlclpate ln horse race 8/29 4 40 General Hospltal KIDS' PAPERBOOK AND COMIC SALE (choose your Info on Macy's, golf bulletln boards 5 25 Nature of Thlngs own endlng books, etc, etc) Sat - Mon , 5 55 CBS News/CNN Sports 12-2 p m ln front of 491A Relleve summer EMON LODGE No 179, F & AM wlll hold a 6 50 Three's A Crmvd blahs - read a book! stated communlcatlon on July 15 All Has­ 7 15 Facts Of Llfe ter Masons are lnvlted The hall wll1 open 7 40 Star Search VHS OR BETA CASSETTE STORAGE SYSTEM Ex­ at 7 pm, work wlll begln at 7 30 p m 8 25 Cagney & Lacey change catalog ltem A255P Have four unused For turther lnfo, contact Blll Merrltt 9 15 Yellow Rose unlts at $10 ea Save postage and hassle 10 05 CNN News/Nlghtllne Call 81370 days, 82517 evenlngs THE MIBA's annual Councll of Delegates 11 05 Tonlght Show meetlng wl11 be at 1 pm, July 14, at Roi-Namur SEVEN GLASS BALLS, 2 kliler clam shells, the Yuk Club, to form a commlttee to noml­ medlum Slze One small bar, rlght Slze for nate new offlcers for the comlng year 5 20 General Hospltal BQ room W81527, H82677 All MIBA members are lnvlted 6 05 CBS News/CNN Sports 7 00 Star Search PLANT SALE Saturday, July 13, patlo 467A, SCUBA CLUB MEMBERS ThlS lS a remlnder 7 50 Dukes Of Hazzard 8-11 a m Many varletles and Slzes that most members' dues are due Check the 8 40 Cagney & Lacey roster at the tank house lf you are unsure 9 30 Scarecrow And Mrs Klng WATERBED, $140 complete Call 83616 eve­ of your status A check for $25 to cover 10 20 ITWlgS" nlngs, or 82155 from 11 30 p m - 7 30 a m the next 6 months can be sent to Box 1344 ENTERTAINMENT HOURGLASS FRIDAY JULY 12 1985 PAGE 9 Television MOVies Kwajalem Saturday S Blackbeard's Ghost, Teen Center 1 p m Kwajalem Friday A BrIstle Face, RIchardson Theater, 7 30 p m 8 00 Space SentInels 10 00 Today Show T Starman, RIchardson Theater, 9 30 p m 8 25 Fllntstones 12 00 CNN Take T,>'O Sinbad And ThL Eye Of The Tiger, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 pm 8 50 Mr Rogers 2 00 Ryan's Hope S Bugs Bunny - Roadrunner MOVIe, Teen Center, 1 p m 9 20 Volt ron 2 25 Donahue (Black Actors) lJ MakIng The Grade, Yokwe Yuk Club, 2 p m 9 45 Zorro 3 15 NashVIlle Gospel N Porky's Revenge Yokwe Yuk Club 7 p m 10 05 Heckle And Jeckle 3 40 Sesame Street GIve My Regards To Broad Street, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 pm 10 30 "Super Grand PrIx" 4 40 General HospItal 1'1 Starman Yokwe Yuk Club, 7 p m 12 00 Hee Haw 5 25 InformatIon SpeCIal o Island Of The Blue DolphIns, RIchardson Theater, 7 30 p m 12 50 Soul TraIn 5 55 NBC News/CNN Sports T Island Of Blue DolphIns Yuk Theater, 6 30, 8 30, 12 30 1 35 Baseball Dodgers vs Cubs 6 50 3's A Crowd U Starman, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 4 35 "Young In Heart" 7 15 Facts Of LIfe W Starman, RIchardson Theater, 7 30 p m 6 10 CNN News 7 40 Star Search E EVIl That Hen Do, Tradewlnds Theater 8 p m 6 40 Comedy Shop 8 3C Cagney & Lacey T BrIstle Face, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30 p m 7 05 It's Your Move 9 20 Yellow Rose H Porky's Revenge, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 8 30, 12 30 7 30 Hlt Clty 10 10 "TWlgS" U Haklng The Grade, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 7 55 The Rousters 12 30 CNN News F Starman, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30, 8 30, 12 30 8 45 Falcon Crest 1 00 Nlghtllne R Stone Boy Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 9 35 "The Hound of Baskervllles" 1 30 TOnIght Show S StoDe Boy, RIchardson Theater, 7 30 p m 10 50 New York Hot Tracks A Island Of The Blue DolphIns, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m l2_0Q _L~t~ ~l~h~ ~I~h_D~v~d_L~t~e!ill~n_ ROI-Namur Saturday S Porky's Revenge, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 11 00 Hee Haw/Soul TraIn Kwajalem Sunday 12 35 RIpley's BelIeve It Or Not BR1STLI fACr BrIan KeIth PhIllIP Alford 9 00 Hour Of Power 1 25 The Waltons Comedy Adv RT 91 G 9 55 Jack Van Impe 2 15 "That Darn Cat" Part 2 A comedy-adventure of an orphan boy's efforts to make a 10 25 ChrIstopher Close Up 3 05 SIX Great Ideas respectable huntIng dog of BrIstle Face, a fun-lOVIng, trou­ 10 55 Sunday MornIng 4 05 Thrlilmaker Sports ble-prone mongrel The dog's favorIte pastIme IS stalkIng WIth Charles Kuralt 4 30 Nature Of ThIngs land tUltles, an actIVIty that subjects hIm to much rIdIcule 12 25 ThIS Week WIth DaVId BrInkley 5 00 OlympLc BOXIng In tIme BrIstle Face proves he's the fastest-runnIng, long­ 1 25 Journey To Adventure 5 50 CNN News/CNN Sports est-WInded fox-huntIng pooch who ever snIffed a Tennessee 1 50 BOXIng From The OlympIc 6 45 SolId Gold traIl 2 40 Ad LIb 7 35 Allce Saturday July 13, RIchardson Theater, 7 30 p m 3 05 USFL ChampIonshIp Game 8 00 The Cosby Show Thursday, Yokwe Yuk Thelter, 6 30 p m Oakland vs BaltImore 8 25 Dynasty 6 30 CNN News 9 15 "Murder She Wrote" EVIL THAT MEN DO , Theresa Saldana 7 00 "That Darn Cat" lO_5Q _N~w_Y~r~ ~o~ !r~c~s ______Drama RT 97 R 7 50 Matt Houston A profeSSIonal kIller IS brought out of retIrement to fIn­ 8 40 "1 Do, 1 Do" ROI-Namur Sunday Ish off a torture speCIalIst who IS workIng In Central Amer­ lO_32 _B~s~ Qf_C~r~oE ______7 00 RelIgIOUS Programs Ica 8 25 Journey To Adventure Wednesday Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m Kwajalem Monday 8 40 "Black Beauty" 10 00 Today Show 9 55 E/R / HIt CIty GIVE MY RECARDS Paul McCartney, Barbara Bach 12 00 CNN Take Two 10 45 Too Close For Comfort TO BROAD STREET MUSIcal RT 108 PG 2 00 Ryan's Hope 11 10 Facts Of LIfe Paul McCartney daydreams about what happens after the 2 25 Donahue (AlzheImer's DIsease) 11 35 Two MarrIages master tape of a new album he's Just fInIshed mysterIously 3 15 ElectrIc Company 12 25 New Tech TImes dIsappears 3 45 Sesame Street 12 55 Comedy Shop/Ad LIb Sunday, July 14, Tradewlnds Theater 8 p m 4 45 Ceneral HospItal 1 45 WIld KIngdom 5 30 New Tech TImes 2 10 Baseball Dodgers vs Cubs ISLAND OF THE BLUE DOLPHINS Cella Kaye, Larry DomaSln 6 00 ABC News 5 10 ThIS Week WIth DaVId BrInkley Adventure RT 92 G 6 30 CNN Sports 6 10 CNN News ThIS excellent, absorbIng entertaInment based on Scott 6 55 Comedy Salute To Baseball 6 40 3's A Crowd O'Dell's award-WInnIng novel tells of an IndIan gIrl who IS 7 55 Scarecrow And Hrs KIng (Ends) 7 05 It's Your Hove stranded on an unInhabIted Island RedIscoverIng her lInk 8 45 Hl~S UnIverse Pageant 7 30 Falcon Crest WIth nature, she combats her lonelIness by establIshIng a 10 45 CNN NeWt> 8 20 T J Hooker rapport WIth the WIldlIfe of the Island 11 15 Nlghtllne _9_lQ _"lh~ .c:.h~l~e~ ______Monday RIchardson Theater 7 30 p m 11 45 _T~e_T~n~gbt_S~o~ __ Tuesday, Yokwe Yuk Theater 6 30 8 30, 12 30 ROI-Namur Monday Saturday, Julv 20 Tradewlnds Theater 8 p m Kwajalem Tuesday 2 45 Ryan's Hope/LIvely Country 10 00 Today Show 3 35 Peter Appleyard MAKING THE G~ADE Judd Nelson Jonna Lee J200 CNN Take Two 4 00 Fdmllv Feud Comedy RT 105 R 2 00 Ryan's Hope 4 25 Donahue (CounterfeIt Products) A hIgh school student, who has faIled out of SIX schools 2 25 Donahue (Ralph Nader) 5 15 General HospItal In three years, WIll be cut off from the famIly fortune If 3 15 FIght Back 6 00 ABC News he doesn't graduate WIth hIS completely IrresponSIble be­ 3 40 LeslIe The Shreve 6 30 USFL ChampIonshiP Game haVIor It's doubtful he'll succeed 4 05 Vegetable Soup 9 30 Knots LandIng Sunday, July 14, Yokwe Yuk Club, 2 p m 4 35 General HospItal lO_2Q _Gle~n_M~l!e~ ~p~c~a! ______Thursday Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 5 20 60 MInutes 6 10 NBC News ROI-Namur Tuesday PURKY'S REVENGE Dan Monahan, Wyatt KnIght 6 40 RIpley's BelIeve It Or Not 2 45 Ryan's Hope/RegIs PhIlbIn Comedy RT 91 R 7 30 SlIver Spoons 4 00 FamIly Feud The gang from Angel Beach HIgh IS back, thIS tIme trYIng 7 55 T J Hooker 4 25 Donahue (ChIldren's Tragedies) to help theIr basketball coach, who IS beIng threatened by 8 45 Baseball All-Star Game 5 15 General HospItal Porky because of gamblIng debts 11 45 CNN News 6 00 NBC ~ews/CNN Sports Sunday, July 14 Yokwe Yuk Club 7 p m l2_12 _N~g~tlIEe ______6 55 Comedy Salute To Baseball Thursday Yokwe Yuk Theater, 8 30 12 30 7 55 MISS UnIverse Pageant Sunday, July 21, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m Kwajalem Wednesday 9 55 "Doctors And Nurses" 10 00 TodlY Show ll_3Q _L~t~ ~I~h~ ~I~h_D~v~d_L~t~e~m~n_ SINBAD AND THE EYE PatrIck Wayne, Jane Seymour 12 00 CNN Take Two OF THE TIGER Adventure RT 113 G 2 00 Ryan's Hope Rot-Namur Wednesday The legendary voyager travels to the prehIstorIC Valley 2 25 Donahue (San Dlego Zoo) 2 45 Ryan's Hope of the North Pole, where he encounters and conquers assorted 3 15 It Flgures 3 10 Merv GriffIn monsters 1 40 Sesame Street 4 00 FamIly Feud Saturday July 13, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p M 4 40 General HospItal 4 25 Donahue (HIgh School ReunIon) 5 25 The Nature Of ThIngs 5 15 General HospItal STARMAN Jeff BrIdges, Karen Allen 5 55 CBS News 6 00 CBS News/CNN Sports SCI-FI RT 115 PG 6 25 CNN Sports 6 55 60 MInutes An allen IS forced to crash land hIS spacecraft l.n WIS­ 6 50 EntertaInment ThIS Week 7 45 Baseball All-Star Came conSIn whIle en route to a landIng SIte Just outSIde WInslow 7 40 lO_4-". _"!,!olly ~n~ !:a~l~s~ ::!..o~n ____ _ ArIZ He transforms hImself Into the Image of a local wom­ 8 30 Who's The Boss? an's recently deceased husband and forces her to accompany 8 55 Knots LandIng ROI-Namur Thursday hIm on a cross-country trek to hIS appoInted meetIng place 9 45 "Dawn" 2 45 Ryan's Hope/InformatIon SpeCIal In ArIzona 12 20 C~'N News 4 00 FamIly Feud Saturday Julv 13, RIchardson Theater, 9 30 p m l2_5Q_N~g~tlIEe ______4 25 Donahue (Punkers) Monday, Yokwe Yuk Club 7 p m 5 15 General HospItal Tuesday Tradewlnds Theater 8 p m K waJaleln Thur sda y 6 00 ABC News/CNN Sports Wednesday RIchardson Theater, 7 30 p m 10 00 Toda" Show 6 55 EntertaInment ThIS Week FrIday, Yokwe Yuk Theater 6 30 8 30 12 30 12 00 CNN Take Two 7 45 CHIPS THE STONE BOY Robert Duvall Glenn Close 2 00 Ryan's Hope 8 35 Fantasy Island Drama RT 93 PG 2 25 Donahue (IntImate ConnectIons) _9_2-". _"!h~ Qt~e~ ~l~t~m'::' ______A l2-year-old boy who lIves WIth hIS famIly on a farm In 3 15 Mr WIzard Montana IS so shocked when he aCCIdently shoots hIS older 3 40 Merv GrIffIn ROI-Namur Fnday brother that he becomes completely WIthdrawn and does not 4 30 General HOspItal 2 45 Ryan's Hope seem to comprehend the tragedy HIS father refuses to show 5 15 The Waltons 3 10 LOUISIana CookIng hIm forgIveness or understandIng untIl he does, and only 6 05 ABC News 3 40 FamIly Feud then can the famIly overcome theIr tragedy 6 35 CNN Sports 4 05 People's Court FrIday Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 7 00 Solld Gold 4 30 Donahue (ProfessIonal Women) Saturday, July 20, RIchardson Theater 7 30 p m 7 50 Too Close For Comfort 5 20 General HospItal 8 15 The Cosby Show 6 05 NBC News/CNN Sports 8 40 Dynasty 7 00 Star Search RIchardson and Yokwe Yuk theater patrons must not place 9 30 "The ChOIce" 7 50 Dukes Of Hazzard trash on the floor DepOSIt trash In the contaIners prOVIded 11 10 CNN News 8 40 Cagne\ & Lacey at each theater 11 40 Nlghtllne 9 30 "Sweeney Todd" Help keep KwaJaleln clean 12 10 TonIght Show AFTV-programs,-tlm;s-s~bJe~t-to ~hange- ENTERTAINMENT PAGE 10, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1985 TELEVISION PROGRAM GUIDE ShowbIZ. Kwajalelll Jennifer O'Neill Gets TV Saturday HEE HAW The Hee Hawers are vlslted by Sylvla, Dorothy Prov1ne, Frank Gorshln, Roddy Box Car Wlille and DennlS Weaver Selec­ HcDowell Exposure On 'Cover Up , tl0ns "Love Over Old Tlmes," "Luther," "HURDER, SHE WROTE" (1984 Drama) ThlS pllot "If I Just Had You," "Walt For The Sun­ fllm has Angela Lansbury playlng the part By SUSAN KING shlne," "You Glve Them Rhythm" of a wldowed aunt who has tlme on her At 15 Jennlfer O'Nel11 became, model be­ SOUL TRAIN The Tom Torn Club and Howard Johnson hands and flnds pleasure ln wrltlng mLrder cause she wanted to earn enough money to buy a are the spec1al traln passengers at the mysterles Her nephew passes her story hor"", "I'm not knocklng lt, but I never found lnvltatlon of host Don Cornellus The Torn on to a frlend, who works for a publlsher modelIng terrlbly rewardlng -- other than lt Toms perform thelr hlt slngle "The Pleasure -- and lt becomes a best seller' Durlng a afforded me my horse," she says wlth a laugh of Love" and Johnson arrlVes Just In tlme weekend at her puhllsher's home, a man lS Although O'Nelll, 36, has concentrated on to Slng "Let's Take Tlme Out" and "Don't murdered and our famous mystery wrIter be­ an actlng career Slnce she made her dehut op­ Leave Me Hanglng On " comes lnvolved ln helplng the pollce solve poslte John Wayne ln "R10 Lobo" 14 years ago, "THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES " (1972 Dra-Sus) the crlme Starrlng Angela Lansbury, Eddle she has returned to the world of modellng ln Based on the classlc mystery by Slr Arthur Barth, Jesslca Browne, Herb Edelman, Ned her new CBS-TV serles "Cover Up " Conan Doyle, thlS fllm focuses on a tltled Beatty, Arthur Hlll, Brlan Kelth In the actIon adventure, O'Nelll plays Engllsh famlly doomed In each generat10n by NEW YORK POT TRACKS Host Carlos Dejesus lnter­ Danlelle "Danl" Reynolds, a hlgh-fashlon photog­ a mysterlous curse Sherlock Holmes lS re­ Vlews Boy George and Culture Cluh, a new rapher who teams up wlth a male model (Jon- talned to solve the strange deaths of the mUS1C vldeo by The Jacksons, Jeffrey Os­ Erlk Hexum) to work underLover for a secret lords of the House of Baskervllie before horne, Hall and Oats MUSl" "Torture," government agency the next descendant lS murdered Starrlng "Blille Jean," "Don't Stop," "Out Of How would O'Nell] descrlbe her character? Stewart Granger, Wlillam Shatner, John Wll­ Touch " "She's s trong-wllled," sre SdYS, "but hope­ llams, Anthony Zerbe, Blll] Bo",les, Ian Sunday fully shL 1S also vulnerable and soft The Ireland "BLACK BEAUTY " Based on the Juvenlle classlc thought of plaYlng a character agaln and agdln NEW YORK HOT TRACKS Host Carlos Dejesus con­ about a wondrous horse and the glr1 who every week has never appealed to me, but I ducts a speclal lntervlew wlth super rock loved hlm Her father glves her the new llke who she lS and I've been ab1e to play her star Blily Joel Also featured are vldeo colt for her blrthday, hoplng the r~spon­ WIth morL humor than I have before She doesn't performances by Irene Cara, Blondle, Fat slbl11ty for tralnlng Black Beauty WIll bore me at all" Boys, Gl0gl0 ln such selectl0ns as "What make her a hetter woman Cast Mona Free­ After appearlng ln A Feellng," "Heart Of Glass" "Reach Out" man, Rlchard Dennlng, Evelyn Ankers more than 20 feature "When Doves Cry " "THE CHOICE" (1981 Drama) A mother who opted fllms, O'Nelll gave Sunday for an abortlon as she and her husband televlsl0n a try about WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY "That Darn Cat " were gOlng through a crlS1S rellves her flve years ago and has (Part 1) A palr of desperate robber-kld­ traumatlc experlence ln order to help her SlTICe been seen In two nappers have made a woman prlsoner ln her unmarrled daughter make her own decls10n mOVles, "LOVL'S Savage own apartment -- and they have been dlS­ ahout her pregnancy StarrIng Susan Clark, Fury" and "The Other covered by a very alert -- cat' The cat Mltchell Ryan, Jennlfer Warren, Largo Wood Vlctlm," and the 111- manages to lnvolve hlS owner and the FBI ruff, Paul Reglna fated NBC serles "Bare ln the case, WhlCh turns lnto a strange Monday Essence " O'Nelll ad­ chase Cast Hayley Ml11s, Dean Jones, DONAHUE Counter felt products, so~e of them mlts she was reluctant Dorothy Provlne, Roddy HcDowell, El sa harmful, corning lnto thlS country from to appear ln TV fllms, Lanchester, Wlll1am Demarest natlons such as Korea, rave labels re­ let alone a serles "I DO' I DO'" (Muslcal) A muslcal for the sembllng those of thelr counterparts "It wasn't my lnten­ stage wlth book and lyrlcs by Tom Jones' James Blkoff and Horgan Cherry dlSCUSS tlon to do a selfles," In song and dance, a story lS presented the problem she says, "especlally one you call your own. ahout a 50-year marrlage that began Tuesday but because a lot of my own projects are flnal­ before the turn of the century Starrlng DONAHUE Dlscusslng the pllght of thelr re­ ly comlng to frultlon To be honest wlth Hal Llnden, Lee Rem1ck spectlve countrles are chl1dren who hdve you, I dld ("Cover Up") mostly because of my Monday come to Amerlca to descrlhe the tragedles productl0n company One cannot argue wlth the DONAHUE TOlned by fam1ly members of Alzhelmer's thelr people are sufferlng Harry Bele­ exposure one gets on TV " dlsease patlents, Donahue focuses on the fonte guests O'NeIll formed her own productlon company so devastatlng physlcal, mental and emotl0nal "DOCTORS AND NURSES" (1978 Dra-Comedy) An she could make the type of feature fllms she effects amuslng daytlme soap opera spoof wlth lIkes to see "I .. ant to make fllms that w11l Tuesday chlldren cast as hospltal doctors and make people feel better when they leave the DONAHUF lon~umer advocate Ralph Nader JOlns nurses -- and adults cast as patlents ,nd theater -- that are reallstlc," she says "I'm Phll to explaln how more Amerlcans can be Vls1tors AddIng to the comedy, the Chll­ not talklng about totally famIly plctures, but Wlnners ln a "buyers market" for such dren act as adults and adults as chlldren fllms that move me I thlnk that'" why 'Rocky' necess1tles as food, lnsurance, automoblles The theme revolves around comlcal sltua­ and 'The Karate Kld' are such blg hltS " O'Nelll and banklng serVlceS tlons ampllfYlng sltuatl0ns ln daytlme says that two scrlpts she's written "WIll both Wednesday soaps Cast Rlchard Melkle, June Slater end up as feature" " DONAHU1 Joan Embery, the popular goodwlll am- NOTE Hature theme wlth adult language SI,e became lnterested In the wrltlng and pro­ bassador [or the San Dlego Zoo, JOlns Phll, Wednesday duclng (she also composes mUS1C and slngs) as­ along w1th a varlety of anlmal fr1ends DONAHUE Phll hosts a reunlon of former hlgh pects of fllm beLause ot her experlence wlth Thursday school sweethearts the late ItalIan dIrector Luchlno Vlscontl DONAHUE Dr Davld Burns, duthor of "Intlmate "}'OLLY AND LAHLESS JOHN" (1973 Dra-Wes) A After appearlng In several fllms (lncludlng the ConneLtl0ns," explalns how marrled people small-town sherlff's repressed, fortYlsh "SLmmer of '42") ln the early '70s, O'Nelll was can be as lonely as slngles WIfe lS flatterpd lnto helplng a young fed up wlth the roles Hollywood was offerlng Friday prlsoner escape the gallows Theu fllght her, so she went to Europe to make mOVles DONAHU1 Donahue explores why there 1S a lacl of lS compllcated by an orphaned Indlan baby "Many actresses were ravlng complalnts about roles for black actors In Amerlcan fl1ms and the young man's wanlng lnterest ln the roles that were avallable ln the States, today Guests are actor Adolph Caesar, Ruby hlS accomplIce Cast Sam Elll0t Clu usually Just as a glrlfrlend The Europeans Dee, J1m Brown and Fred Wl111amson Galagher, Vera Mlles NOTE Hat ure theme typIcally have had a more lntlmate Vlew of fe­ STAR SEARCH It's Round 2 of the semlflnals wlth adult language and sltuatlons male roles and that was my lmpetus " and only one step closer for those who w1ll Thursday Whl1e ln Italy, she had the opportunlty to star wlth Glancario Glannl and Laura Antonelll ln be $100,000 champlons ln the flnals Ed DONAHUE A dlSCUSS10n of punKer phllosophy, Vlscontl's last feature, "Tre Innocent" Dld the Mdlaholl hosts 1n thls "head-to-head" com­ ard reasons for thelr blzarre dress and fllm affect her Hollywood career? "To me It was petltlon behavlor For the ITost part, they appear my first grown-up role," she says, "but I'm to have rejected marlJuana and other drLgs Roi-Namur not sure Hollvwood has ever known who I was "THE OTHER VICTIH " (1981 Drama) A happlly Saturday Unfortunately, lt took about three years to HEE HAW George Jones, Kathy Hattea and Llonel marrled constructlon worker dlscovers hlS ret here and I thlnk a lot of people ln the In­ Cart,,rr1ght JOln the regular Hee Hawers relatlonshlp wlth hlS famlly, hlS communl­ MUS1C "I Always Get Lucky Wlth You," "Mag­ ty, and even hlmself are radIcally chang­ dustrv dldn' t see lt " Ho~ever, worklng wlth the legendary dlrector nlflcent ~lUS1C Machlne," "You Better Treat ed after hIS wlfe 1S raped at knlfe-polnt changed her Ilfe "I felt I was working wlth Your Han Rlght," "You Were Lovlng Me," when he lS away from home Cast Wlillam the consummate master," she says WIth great "Street Talk" Devane, Jennlfer O'NeIll, James Blendlck affectl0n "He probably was the most eloquent SOUL lRAIN Teena Harle and Womack & Womack are and Todd Sussman human helng I've ever met I mean every frame the speclal passengers on thlS run' Teena Friday was llke a palntlng It really changed the way slngs her hlts "M1dn1ght Hagnet" and "Dear DONAHUE Phll'~ guests are professlonal women I looked at fllms, and my asplratlons so far Lover" \\omack & Womack perform "Love who are at a pOlnt ln thelr llves ln whlch as wantlng to do all aspects of fllm He was Wars" anci "Express Hyself " Don Cornellus remalnlng slngle would not be fulflillng very klnd and let me wo~k wlth the edItor It lS t he host "SI-'EENEY TODD " (1981 Muslcal) ThlS smash was very lnsplratl0nal WONDERFUL WORLD or DISNEY "That Darn Cat " Broadway play, contalnlng 26 muslcal num­ (Part 2) The chase contlnues and the bank bers by Stephen Sondhelm, recelved unanl­ ThiS Week On General Hospital robbers arL stlll on the loose The crook's mou~ raves from the tough New York crlt­ J-lrs Jessup, the dlrector of the Port captlve lS stlll afruld for her llfe, but lCS A creatlon of talented playwrIght Charles Home for Unwed Hothers, belleves her hopes are that she wlll be s,ved and Chrlstopher Bonds, the muslcal lS the she knows Jenny from somewhere other than the money recovered In fact, the FBI lS story of the "Demon Barber of Fleet the televlslon statIon Wlll she discover closlng 1n due to the transmltter on that Street" Cast Angela Lansbury, George Jenny's secret? Stay tuned to AFRTS KwaJaleln darned cat's collar'" Cast Dean Jones, Hearn NOTE Mature theme

Arc" spark machlne from "Frankensteln," Smithsonian To Put Hollywood History On Tour spaceshlp models from "Close Encounters of the Thlrd Klnd" and "Star Wars," costumes worn by WASHINGTON (UPI) -- For mlillons ot mOVle­ to brlng to lIght next March through a travel­ Greta Garbo and Harllyn Monroe, and fllm art­ goers, lmages such as Frankensteln's awaken­ lng exhlb1tl0n entltled "Hollywood Legend and works by the llkes of Edward Hopper and Sal­ lng and the burnlng of Atlanta ln "Gone wlth Reallty " vador Dall The travellng exhlbltlon wlll be put on dlS­ Smlthsonlan staff members hope to add a the Wlnd" have become part of a shared fllm play ln SlX U S cltles and then tour Europe paIr of Dorothy'~ ruby slIppers from The W1Z­ herltage ard of Oz" to the collectlon Photographs, But beh1nd those scenes lay props, produc­ and Japan The show wlll dIsplay roughly 450 Hollywood ~ketLhes, Clnema equlpment, and excerpts from tlon crews and lndustry moguls -- a hldden hlstory the Smlthsonldn Instltutlon wlll seek artlfacts, lncludlng "The Vulcan Travellng actual fIlms WIll round out the exhlblt