CI) KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXII, NO 135 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1985 89 Y'lound~.d 11 KILLED IN BOMBINGS OF TWO KUWAIT CAFES KUWAIT (UPI) -- Authontles KuwaIt AIrport remaIned clos­ pressed a search today for ed today to departIng flIghts those responSIble for plantIng to prevent the bombers from bombs that exploded ~n two sea­ fleeIng the tlny PerSIan Gulf front cafes, kIllIng at least state, the offICIal KuwaItI 11 people and woundIng 89 oth­ news agency KUNA reported ers The bombIngs came amId a se­ The blasts occurred SImulta­ curIty clampdown Implemented neously, rIppIng through a cafe after the attack on al-Sahah's In the Salmleh Dlstrlct of the l~fe kIlled four people -- 1n­ capItal and the Sharq cafe, sev­ cludlng the bomber -- and InJur­ en mIles away on Arab KhaleeJ ed 12 The KuwaItI monarch es­ Street, where a SUICIde car caped serIOUS InjUry bomber made an unsuccessful at­ The KuwaItI CabInet met late tempt In May to kIll KuwaItI Thursday In emergency seSSIon ruler SheIk Jaber aI-Ahmad al­ to dISCUSS the bombIngs and Jaber al-Sabah saId efforts were beIng made Protesters demonstrate outslde the South Afrlcan Embassy 1n "The blast made chaIrs fly "to catch the culprIts " No ar­ Washlngton, 0 C (UPI Photo) and lImbs were flung through rests were reported and no the aIr and blood covered much terrorIst group has yet come Against South Africa of the place," saId a WItness forward to claIm reponslbility to one of Thursday's explOSIons for the attacks SENATE PASSES BILL WHITE HOUSE CONFIRMS IMPOSING SANCTIONS STINGER SENT TO PAKISTAN By E MICHAEL MYERS WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The UnIt­ clude U StraIners Unlted Press Internat10nal ed States has sent PakIstan por­ "We have Informed the SOVI­ table antI-aIrcraft mISSIles ets of our deCISIon In the con­ WASHINGTON -- The Senate IncludIng bannIng new AmerIcan and new aIr-to-aIr mISSIles to text of our expressed concern Thursday nIght passed legIsla­ bUSIness Investment In South help defend agaInst ~ncreaslng about IntrUSIons Into PakIstanI tIon l~poslng restrIctIons on AfrIca and the sale of Its gold attacks from AfghanIstan by eI­ aIrspace and VIolatIon of ter­ AmerIcan goods and bank credIt COIns In the UnIted States The ther SOVIet of Afghan pIlots, a rItorIal IntegrIty by communIst to South AfrIca to pressure conflIctIng bIlls WIll be set­ WhIte House offICIal saId today allcraft from AfghanIstan," the regIme to dIsmantle Its tled by representatIves of the The deCISIon to send the spokesman Edward DJerlJlan saId apartheId pO]ICY of raCIal sep­ two chamber~ portable mISSIles, known as Plans by the admInIstratIon aratIon RepublIcan Party leaders In St~ngers, was made even though to prov~de Jordan WIth StIngers The bIll, passed 80-12, the Senate hope theIr chamber's many In Congress are wary of have been repeatedly delayed would Impose an ImmedIate ban veLSlon WIll prevaIl In lonfer­ foreIgn sales of such weapons, because of congressIonal oppo­ on bank loans to South AfrIca, ence because of concern PreSI­ 100 of WhICh were sent, accord­ sltlon But last year PreSIdent block the sale of computer dent Reagan, a Republlcan, WIll Ing to The New York TImes Reagan authorIzed the sale of eqUIpment that polIce could use veto any tougher sanctIons StIngers are deSIgned to be StIngers to SaudI ArabIa on an to track dISSIdents and ban the "ever) new dollar that flows fIred by a person holdIng the emergency baSIS, ~n response to sale of nuclear technology to from the Unlted States to South launcher on one shoulder, mak­ threats to SaudI ollflelds from PretorIa Afllca IS a new brlck In the Ing them an Ideal weapon for Iran The House of RepreseDlatlves wall of apartheld," saId Demo­ terrorIsts seekIng to down aIr­ By Invok1ng an emergency, has pa~sed tougher sanctIons cratIC Sen hdwdrd Kennedy lIners Reagan was able to aVOId con­ A WhIte House spokesman saId gressIonal scrutIny, the TImes Accordmg_ To Shultz PreSIdent Reagan recently ap­ story saId proved "expedIted delIvery" of The IndIan government IS wor­ SIdeWInder mISSIles preVIously rIed that advanced mIlItary Vietnamese Work Program Precondition on order "plus a number of the eqUIpment IS sought by PakIstan baSIC StIngers" along WIth tech­ to prepare for pOSSIble con­ To Permanent MIA Mission In Hanoi nIcal support, WhICh could In- flIct WIth IndIa By TED CHAJ~ Unlted Press Internat10nal Amal-Controlled Radio Names KUALA LUMPUR, Malaya -- The mIlItary support In the regIon, UnIted States l~ prepared to called for an "all-out war" on Hijackers Of TWA Jetliner base a permanent MIA m1SS1on In terrorl~m and endorsed an ASr.AN BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) -­ cal sources saId It came from HanOI If VIetnam agree~ to a proposal for IndIrect negotIa­ State-owned BeIrut radIO today JudICIal offICIals In ChrIS­ work progr~m, U S Secretary ot tIons on CambodIa revealed the names of the gunmen tIan East BeIrut State George Shultz saId tod~y In a closed-door seSSIon, who hIjacked a TWA JetlIner, They pOInted out, however, Shultz, who IS on a 13-day Shultz later saId he would be kIlled a U S Navy dIver and set that It would be VIrtually Im­ ASIa-PaCIfIC tour, later pre­ recept1ve to a ~peclal U S - off the 17-day hostage cr1SlS pOSSIble for offlc1als In the pared to go to Perth, AustralIa, SOVIet meetIng on ASIa's securI­ It saId they would be prosecuted ChrIstIan SIde of the dIVIded to dISCUSS a WIde range of top­ ty, a senIor U S offICIal saId The radIO, WhICh IS In maIn­ CIty to apprehend the hIJack­ ICS, IncludIng milltary cooper­ The offICIal saId the meet­ ly Mo~lem West BeIrut and now ers as they are In West BeIrut atIon Ing IS a "dIstInct posslbll1ty" controlled by the ShIIte Moslem The hIjackers of the TWA Shultz, ~peaklng to forelgn based on PreSIdent Reagan's In­ mIlItIa Amal, named All Younls JetlIner forced pIlot John Test­ mln1sters of the Assol lat10n ItIatIve for hIgh-level tdlks and Ahmed Ghorbleh as the paIr rake to shuttle for two days be­ of Southeast ASIan Nat10ns but there are no ImmedIate who commandeered TWA FlIght 847 tween AlgIers and BeIrut, where (ASEAN), also reaffIrmed U S plans for one on June 14 after It left Athens they murdered Navy dIver Robert tor Rome Stethem and were JOIned by be­ The same men were named In tween 10 and 12 compatr1ots radIO broadcasts durIng the crI­ "InvestIgatIons are under KWAJALEIN WATER OK SIS, but those Identlflcat10ns way to determIne the 1dentlty By PAT ROBBINS were never confIrmed of the other sky pIrates as a KMR PubllC Affalrs Offlcer Today's report also mentIon­ prelude to a search for theIr ed All Atwal, who was arrested whereabouts and the takIng of The water problem announced of the lInes In these two aleas In Athens before he could board the relevant JudICIal deCISIon earlIer thIS week was due to and the chlorIne reSIduals the BoeIng 747 and was later to punIsh them," the radIO saId mInor stagnatIon caused by a have been Increased to pre­ freed In AlgIers In exchange An offICIal for Amal saId lack of water flow In the two clude any further problems for the release of some of the that the group had no ObjectIon areas where contamInatIon ap­ Island-WIde test samples more than 150 passengers on to the hIjackers beIng brought peared In Wednesday's test re­ show that the water ~upply IS the plane to JustIce But, he sald, they sults Th1S stagnatIon problem now back to normal and all wa­ BeIrut radIO gave no attrIbu­ had not been ldentlfled and has been solved by a flushIng ter may be used as normal tIon to the report, but pOlltl- could not be found , . LOCAL/WORLD NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1985 Worship Services CATHOLIC Saturday Mass (AntIcIpated) TOGII, TOGA, TOGII 5 15 pm, Island Memorlal Chapel Loosely draped sheets ln Sunday Masses a varlety of patterns and 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel colors conjured up the days 9 15 am, Island Memorlal Chapel of anClent Rome as teens 11 15 am, ROl-Namur Communlty Center gathered at Le Jeune Spot Monday-Frlday Masses for a toga party July 5 9 15 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel The nearly 50 youths Confesslons who attended the dance, Monday-Frlday, 9 am, Blessed Sacrament WhlCh was from 8 to 11 45 Chapel Also In the chaplaIn's offlce, call pm, danced to top 40 tunes 82116 beforehand, and ln Tr 835, call 84535 spun by Summer Fun aSS1S­ beforehand tant Kelth Forrester Plctured at left, from CHURCH OF CHRIST left to rlght are Wlnners Sunday worshlp lS held at 9 a m In ln the contest for the best Room 20, George Seltz School Vlsltors are togas Scott Welkle, flrst welcome For more lnformatlon, call 82613, place, Danna Nelson, second 82639, or 82451 place, and Chrls Smart, thlrd place CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Contest Judges for the Servlces are held ln Room 18, George best one-plece outer gar­ Seltz School PrIesthood meetlng lS at 8, ment, WhlCh was mandatory Sunday school at 9, sacrament serVlces are for admlttance to the dance, at 10, and the Rellef Soclety meets at were chaperones, Youth Dlr­ 11 a m Vlsltors are welcome For more In­ ector Rlchard Allen and For­ formatlon, contact Mark Hanson, 82885 rester SerVlces on ROl-Namur are held at 8 a m In the ROl-Namur Communlty Center Call Len Cooper, 99660, for lnformatlon, and (Photo by NATE JACKSON, Rlchard SmIth, 99467, for transportatlon Kentron Photo Lab) PROTESTANT Sunday mornlng worshIp serVlces wlll be held at 8 and 11 at the Island Memorlal Chapel Chaplaln Rlchard G QUlnn wlll preach the sermon entltled "The Devll Made Me Do It " Speclal mUS1C at both serVlces wlil be provlded by Mark Horne slnglng "Oh God of Earth and
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