Fire Damages Condominiums

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Fire Damages Condominiums P'i"'lI"""""'rr·''''-"I''·'ln~'··'·',··' ,..." - ", -,- .... "... If ~ - ~. ,"',' ~ ' ' '" .-' ' .,. ,., ," , .. .,.. .. ' -,"'... ......... ..-- 'r .,..,.'....., .........,.,.. ,," ...... ... ... ...- ," .... ... ........ - • - , SouthWS$t l~cro~ilm CO. .aWl 1!l. YMd..ll Box 1.0054 .4 ~l :'aw ,Tx, 79991 . ,• . 25c PER COPY • The '. NO. 62 IN OUR 36TH YEAR RUIDOSO. LINCOLN OOUNTY, NEW MEXICO 88345 . MONDAY, DECEMBER 7,1981 RUIDOSO CONSTRUCTION UP 31 PERCENT OVER 1980 • ~November's building exceeds million . 3.5 . , . Monthly valuation of new construction In construction. Through November of 1980, Apaclie HlUs, SFD, $24,480. dwelling «SFD), $34,740. ::::-:::--~blte:-MilII!1~"1!; SFD, $71,160. Palmer Gateway, commercial, $53,180. Ruidoso went over the $3.5 mll1lon mark the total stood at $16,787,960, meaning that. Holiday Acres, SFD, $24,000. Palmer Gateway, commercial, $8,000. Cherokee, SFD, $36,240. Town and Country Estates, commercial, for the flrsUime In November, with three construction activity Is up by ap- Airport West, single family addition, Alto Lakes, SFD, $40,000. Forest Heights, SFD, $28,840. $123,800. large condomlniwn projects accounting proximately 31 percent this year over last. $11,520. Deer Park Woods I, SFD, $31,860. White Mountain V, SFD, $32,960.. for most of the total. Palmer Gateway, commercial addition, In November of 1980, permits wer~ ~~ Mountain Unit IV, 25-unlts con- AIrport West, commercial, $24,000. White Mountain lV, SFD, $50,800. $57,240. The actual total of $3,506,720, based on a dO:~~M:~'~:i~'IV, Towh and Country North.I, SFD, $26,880. Forest Heights, SFD, $30,080. Juniper Hills, SFD, $24,000. valuation of $20,per square foot, broke the Issued'on $1,184,100 worth of col)Struction.. 16'unit con- White Mountain I!I, SFD, $49,060. Deer Park Woods n, SFD, $63,060. Enchanted Forest, SFD, $31,720. previous record (September of tilts year) The following building permits, Ilsted by dominiums, $458,920. .. Sierra Blanca, SFD, $46,000. Paradise Canyon,SFD, $18,720. McCarty, single family addition, $11,800. by $1 mll1lon, subdivision or locatlon, type of structure Carrizo Lodge, 31l-unlt condominiums, Golf Course Estates, SFD, $49,360. Las Lomas, single family addition, White Mountain lV, SFD, $33,700. So far tilts year, building permits have and valuation of construction, were Issued $359,720. Woodland Ridge, SFD, $28,120. $3,506. Forest Heights, SFD, $37,800. been Issued for $21,999,205 worth of new last month. Eldorado Helllhts, sinltle family Apache Hills, SFD, $28,120. Sun Valley, SFD, $7,660. White Mountain lV, SFD, $53,880. Village .Twelve Ruidoso galleries staged , trustees open house to promote fine art Promolers of the first art gailery open "It was a beginning for us. It got people Smith said. She also added that the group -- house arehopil)g the idea will be a growing will probably Dot wait a whole year for in who had never been in before," said "",I~- I ,,"J.. " anot~r open house. "We'd Uke to have ('!'tt ,ttrt""*,,,f .", ... ' ,"'.';",. to me t one. Thursday and Friday evenings 12 art Sonya Smith, one of the organizers. e galleries participated in an open house. All of the participating galleries iden· right away." ....\ -. ,It Final hearings on two plannlng and designed to promote Interest In fine art tified themselves as part of the open house Although some galleries experienced :1 available in Ruidoso. with red and green balloons hanging more traffic thaD others, most agreed the zoning regulations are Included In the outside. Most of the galleries also served open house was a start.on promoting art In agenda for the regular meeting of the wine and cheese or other forms of refresh­ the area. Ruidoso trustees, 7:30 p.m., Tuesday at ments to visitors as they toured the Participating galleries Included: Jim the VllIsge Administrative Center. gallery. Pless Gallery, Fenton Gallery, Armadillo Studio and Gallery, IDternatlonal The first regulation, Ordinance 81-24, The idea for the event stemmed from regular open houses that take place In Galleries, Artisan Shop and Gallery, The requireS approval of rezoning petitions by Woodshed Gallery, The Blue Gem Galle..,-. the trustees and amends the zoning ap­ SCottsdale, Arizona. In SCottsdale, the tour Is conducted on a regular basis, In TwentY-Twenty. Gallell', Smith Umlted peals process. The second, Ordinance 81­ Gallery, McLean's Gallery, Crucis Art 25, restricts replattlng of previously which local residents dress up, visit the subdivided or platted land. galleries and then go out to dinner, Bronze Gallery and Gallerla de Watkins. LOOKOUT ESTATES fire as seeD from.mldtown Ruidoso last Thursday aftero"OD. other items on the agenda are: "We'd like to work with restaurants to "This idea will grow. We will deflnltely - Additional informallon on the offer to be open next time we have an open house. n continue it," Smith said. purchase Ruidoso Natural Gas Co. - A request from LIncoln County to lease village land for a county branch ASPEN TREE Fire damages. office building. I, 2340 Sudderth - Report on bids for a hot mix plant aDd Study'slated a street striping machine. - Presentallon of revised schematics for the police building. condominiums - Introduction of the resolution for the March municipal election. School board Cause of Thursday's fire at Lookout especially clothes. No one was Injured In - Schedule of 1962 holidays. onproposed Esu.",s Condominiums, which resulled In the fire, and a small dog owned by Belinda meets Tuesday an ·estimated $120,000 in damage, Is Fisher was rescued by flremeD. :•••:;1":":':":':::,.::::::::::::::::::::::::5:::::k:::::':.:'::::':R:::·:':e::::::'P:·:::·:O::::':·r:·::t:::::::':·:·:·:::::':·:':i~. believed to have been flreplace ashes left The Magcobar unit was badly burned. on the reardeck of one of the units. An adjoining unit, owned by Charles Ruidoso's Board of Education will meet "As near as we could figure out, a lady Martin of Roswell, was partially burned. .~:: Tuesday night at 7:30 in the Nob Hill Cleaned out a fireplace and left the ashes The third unit from the end received slight Elementary School Cafeteria. mesa airport out on the back deck." Fire Marshal smoke damage,· according to insurance Agenda items include: Derald Waltrip said this morning. representative Rich Seeley. w:~~~~~ a~lat~~a resort~::: - Proposal on grounds maintenance The blaze began In an end unit owned by "Itcould have been a lot worse if we had 1:1 Neil Wilcox concerning lawn care. The question of Whether agricultural will focus on the coexistence question at Magcohar Mud Company of Odessa, had that wind," said Waltrip. "We were . overcast. All lifts are open but :!.!:i.: - Approval of supplement to bus driver experimeDts and a proposed regional the recommendation of SBAC and the Texas. The condo was being used by two out there till 9 or 10 p.m. Then I got called :::. none of the expert trails on the operator's contract. airport can exist together on Fort Stanton Federal Aviation AdmlnIstration. Odessa couples, Paul and Belinda Fisher hack out at 12: 30 a.m., to put out some :::: upper mountain are open. ;:;: - Approval of ski program for the 1981­ Mesa will be examined In a new federal New Mexico state University conducts and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nethery. The more of it - insulation that had fallen.on Conditions are rated as fair. 62 school year. study, the Sierra Blanca Airport Com­ agricultural experiments on Fort StaDtoD group bad arrived Wednesday. the floor had caught fire." - Approval of ltirlng D'Aun Berrv mission rSBAC) learned Thursday. mesa under a land lease arrangement with According to Nethery, the foursome had The Forest Service fire fighters asslsled Fugate as a substitute bus driver. the Bureau of Land Management (lJLM). gone to Sierra Blanca Ski Area for the day. the Ruidoso Fire Department In hattling Eagle Creek - Only the - Superintendent's report concerning a Fred Heckman, SBAC chairman, told Heckman noted that if the study in­ As they returned to town, he said, they saw the blaze. "The Forest Service bunch was beginning arOO Is open. Skiing portable school building; announcing lhe commission that the National dicates that coexistence of tbe two land the smoke and returned to find the condo a lot of help on that one," Waltrip said. He conditions there are Ilsted as administrative office business hours Academy of Sciences study Is part of an uses is feasible, SBAC can then again they had beeD staying in was on fire. and fireman Danny Garcia crediled the very good. during the Christmas vacation and review appropriations bill that awaits President apply to the United States Department of Nethery said that his group lost many foresters with preventing a spread of the of procedures when weather or road Reagan's signature. He said that contracts the Interior (a parent agency of the BLM) personal belongings in the blaze, fire beyond the two units. conditions are questionable. have been prepared for the study, which for land for the airoort. .......•• • f--· .-. ~ H_ "", . -;-. ~~:'::' ""<"1 ~" "'.' ,• "", .':~ , . .- . " ~ " I ; ':."t, ~\', ! .," , SMOIOl: CONTINUED to billow from the roof of the eDd condo where the fire ATEARFUL Be1fJada F"'ber Of Odessa, TeDs, clutches bel' small dog, Bollllle, as WATER IS DmECTED through aD upper floor window and tbrOugh the tOOl a. started for some time after the blaze was brought -UDder CODtrOt. InsulatiOD she watches ffrelnea. TheterrierWas Ie«In the coDdomlDl1JDI that Mrs. Fisher and f!remeD work to brlng the b1alle UDder control, FIre P4arsbaJ DeraldWallrlp1lO.ted smoldering betweeD the celIlog and roof was partof the reasOD, . her husbaDd were occup)'lng with ber \lIirents. A Ruidoso flreDlllD rescued the that IosUlatioD bW'lllDg betweeD the roof and ceJ1lDg of the two end nulls made It animal, and t/ie Odessa groUp's IoslIeII werelimited to persoDal belongings, necessary to tear partof the roof a'Wll)' to getatthefire, '.
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