Fire Damages Condominiums
P'i"'lI"""""'rr·''''-"I''·'ln~'··'·',··' ,..." - ", -,- .... "... If ~ - ~. ,"',' ~ ' ' '" .-' ' .,. ,., ," , .. .,.. .. ' -,"'... ......... ..-- 'r .,..,.'....., .........,.,.. ,," ...... ... ... ...- ," .... ... ........ - • - , SouthWS$t l~cro~ilm CO. .aWl 1!l. YMd..ll Box 1.0054 .4 ~l :'aw ,Tx, 79991 . ,• . 25c PER COPY • The '. NO. 62 IN OUR 36TH YEAR RUIDOSO. LINCOLN OOUNTY, NEW MEXICO 88345 . MONDAY, DECEMBER 7,1981 RUIDOSO CONSTRUCTION UP 31 PERCENT OVER 1980 • ~November's building exceeds million . 3.5 . , . Monthly valuation of new construction In construction. Through November of 1980, Apaclie HlUs, SFD, $24,480. dwelling «SFD), $34,740. ::::-:::--~blte:-MilII!1~"1!; SFD, $71,160. Palmer Gateway, commercial, $53,180. Ruidoso went over the $3.5 mll1lon mark the total stood at $16,787,960, meaning that. Holiday Acres, SFD, $24,000. Palmer Gateway, commercial, $8,000. Cherokee, SFD, $36,240. Town and Country Estates, commercial, for the flrsUime In November, with three construction activity Is up by ap- Airport West, single family addition, Alto Lakes, SFD, $40,000. Forest Heights, SFD, $28,840. $123,800. large condomlniwn projects accounting proximately 31 percent this year over last. $11,520. Deer Park Woods I, SFD, $31,860. White Mountain V, SFD, $32,960.. for most of the total. Palmer Gateway, commercial addition, In November of 1980, permits wer~ ~~ Mountain Unit IV, 25-unlts con- AIrport West, commercial, $24,000. White Mountain lV, SFD, $50,800. $57,240. The actual total of $3,506,720, based on a dO:~~M:~'~:i~'IV, Towh and Country North.I, SFD, $26,880. Forest Heights, SFD, $30,080. Juniper Hills, SFD, $24,000. valuation of $20,per square foot, broke the Issued'on $1,184,100 worth of col)Struction.
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