, I I , Rappellers repair Rui( ~Uy%..- (irindstone Dam celebr ali, pi urul Sec pll()l()s, Page 2B See ph<.Jl()s, KJ>agc 1()A l" NO. 102 IN OUR 43RD YEAR 35et PER COpy MONDAY, APRIL 24,1989 Copyrlght C 1000 RAlton Pu~bhlng Inc. RUIDOSO, NM 88345 Where ~ s the be~r'? Cub goes Just three lIlore 'Weeks! "-:i". "' ~t up a tree Suno J Big mama bear and and her cub Racing begins May 13 strolled down the mountainside and into the Circle B Campground With just three weeks until the "The response has been over­ According to a news release, Sunday. Neither mom nor cub were trumpeter blows the notes for the whelming," said Keys, noting that Larry Keiter is bringing 1988 triple prepared for the greeting they flTst race of the 1989 season at his job is to be sure every applicant crown winner and champion three­ received by the human beings who Ruidoso Downs Race Track, horses gets a fair review and a chance to year-old filly Dash For Speed, and gathered for a look. are arriving and preparations are receive stall space at the track. California trainer Blane Mama bear took off for the high well under way for the busy track Quarter horse trainers that have Schvaneveldt will hav~~ 1989 West country while baby bear crawled to open. received stall space so far include Texas Maturity winner Cash the nearest poplar tree and that is Clayton Keys, the new stall su­ Jack Brooks, trainer for All Arner­ Legacy in his barn. where the problem began. perintendent, has been burning the iean Futurity winner and a World ClifT Lanlbert, who currently The campgroWld crew, complete midnight oi I sorting through more Champion Runing Quarter Horse, with cameras, gathered for a closer than 8,HOO stall applications. Merganser. Please see Just, page 7 A look as the frightened baby bear scooted near the top of a small 20­ foot tree. There he stayed and stayed. '1: Dozens of instamatics blinked ~ ospital board reviews finances away at what campground owner Johnny Van Winkle aaid was the most entertainment the campers have seen in several weekB. with losses at $200,OO() for year Concerned for the welfare of the bear and the possibility that an by RICHARD A. HARROLD Thursdav proJl'cu->-d. angry moma bear might return to Ruidoso News Staff Writer "We siill take care of those (who "At least nght now we ha Vp a savage the neighborhood, the camp­ Despite a revenue/expense cannot pay'," said Williams good, pOSitive cash now," Keller ground people called Ron Moore of deficit in excess of $~OO,OOU, mem­ ~'or the fiscal year (FY I 19H9, the said the New Mexico Game and Wildlife. herR of thp Lincoln County Medical LCMC is 0r*rating at a npt loss (If ThIS mean:-; LCMC has PBough Moore arrived and cautioned the Center (LCMC) Board remain op­ $231,4H7. This figure IS n"presentt'd funds comlng In lo payoff credltol:' people to move back and let the cub tunisllc. by Rome third party payments and according to schedule, saId Keller. come down from the tree. The The LCMC is a unique facility government rpcei pt.~ that Nl v(. lIot This puts the ho:-;pltal In thp campers did, hut the bear didn't. rWC8use of It.."l hIgh quality. of been collecu'd. as well as $92,000 pmnlIOn to start tht:· next fiscal year Mark Hughes of the Ruidoso patient care, the number of every two week~ to cover employet· lrl a positl\:e manner, saId Keller. Animal Control office was called. physician speciahst.<;; available, and pay Bad dehts are stdl a prohlpm Hughes loaded his dart gun and the high morale of Its penwnnl'l, Secreta.rv of thlJ Hoard. Steven "Our had dents arp getting more put baby beilT to sleep. The face that any mother could love belongs to an 80­ RRid Chairman w.e. "Dub" Wil­ Keller, helieves the sltuatHln is a Moore took no chances that the pound black bear cub chased up a tree. lIams during a regular meeting lot better than what had twel1 Please see Hospital. page 2A bear might fall from rns perch. He crawled up the scraggly tree while the cub was still groggy. Moore o kept one eye on the cub and the other on the nearby brush field Citizen succeeds In silTIplifying village reports where he was sure mama bear was by BRIAN BLALOCK ,John Varley, hut Imp<Js!"lble for a 10~l4P~ hiding. ~~--~~~----- Rl'glonal AIrport wen' rlOth­ Moorf:' gently looped a rope Ruidoso News Staff Writer layman to find reqwred Infonna­ 109 as alamllng as the counCil around the cuh's neck and ann and Have you ever spen HornpLtllng so I1rrl1at rCp()rt IS ()K r()r l)r{)fcssi()l1als ... l)ut tlOn In,'' Baker said. member had reportRd slowly lowered the furry animal to complIcated you RaId to yourself, Baker talked With Potl{'r and Bakt.'r doeR not havp a hack­ t() earth. "There has got to be a bett.er way" illlP()SSil)lC t"()r a laYIllan fille} rcquircc.l Varley about the pOSSlhIllty of dp... gTound Il1 accountIng, hut he had The bear was then laid on a Or heard something you SImply veloplng a ft'vIst>d budget rpport. Ir1 dealt WIth hudgets In pnvate hUSJ­ 11 11 11 ill.' 1 blanket in the back of Moore's truck couldn't believe and had to find out i f'( ) r] a t i() a more conventional form, much neRS for almoRt SO vears Baker. and hauled to the canyon to be with for yourRel f? --- - -- -- --- - -~~~~~~~- like that encounu'red in private who has run engtnee~ng and truck morn. Well, .Jim Baker of RUldOf~o bURinesA. seTVlce husine~Res In ()de~sa, Moore called The Ruidoso heard Aomething he simply couldn't whpn' the councd lor's figures came reqUlrp<j to submit to the L,ncal Both agreed and supplIed Bakl'r Texas, and southern Callforrua, News for a fi nal report. believe, when a councillor at a from. (;"ovemm~'nt IhviRion of the New with the hudget~, trial halances knew what infonnation a "I know the people would be in­ Rwdoso VIUage Council meeting Afi-t'r asklT1g around village hall, MeXICO Department of FInance and and what£ver he IH"edpd to husInessman needed from a budgpt tereRted.," he Raid. "The bear awoke reported the new aIrport mIght p<JS­ Hak('r was amaze..d to find counciI Administration. det{'nnme the true factR about. not and in what foml about 9 p.m., and after a few sihly produce an alarmIng loss for ITlPmher:-< wer£> H."Cel Vlllg budget.ary "That report is OK for profes­ only the airport operating condl­ Baker worked WIth the actual minuteR of onentation headed hap­ thiR fiscal vear InfornIatlOn and fig-ureR from the SIOnals like (village manager) tlOflR, but the entIre nllage budget pily up the canyon." Thlfl m~de Raker cunous ahoul same S·t-page H'pOrt the village IS Frank Pott~'r and (finance director~ as well. He found out SIerra Blanca Please see Citizen, page 2A • P()licc rCS[)()H1C! TODAY. t() r()u t nne c a IIs The Ruidoso Middle School choir this WCCkCK1(i presents "Peace Child" at 7 p.m. Wedn9Sdayand Thursday. April 26 Prom nIght waR the apparent and271nth&RMS gymnasiuM. A$1 cause for the RuidoRO Police De­ donation will be taken at the door. partment to have a busy Saturday night with local juveniles. RuidoAo Police reAponded to several calls of juveniles fighting, drinking and partying throughout Ruidoso on Saturday night. B~" ~._......•....•..•....•..•....._ 3A .v ..... » ~., In other calls since last Thurs­ Pe~~~:!~lf;.,': ~ : "' 4 "'_ 4A day, RuidoAo Police reA ponded to a car fire in the midtown area, an ac­ cident with injuries, a shoplifting call and a driving while intoxicated call. Ruidoso Police also responded to numerous alarms at local residents and busine88~B as well as several calls of suspicous activitieR. State Police responded to an ac­ cident Vfith injuries on Highway 244 neat Silver Lake on Saturday aftemo~n. Four people with minor injuries were transported to Lin­ coln County Medical Center by Emergency Medical Services. Three people were released and one was admitted to Public Health Services Hospital in Mescalero. Peace Child Everything was not all hard po­ cide lice business for the Ruidoso Police Students at Ruidoso Middle School to write a musical about the rela­ Department this weekend. Police rehearse for this week's performance tionship between their countries. Per­ responded to a call of a bear cub in of "Peace Child," directed by Churchill formances will be at 7 p.m. Wednesday a tree at the Circle B Campground. Cooke. The musical is about a group of and Thursday, April 26 and 27, at the (See related story in The News.) Soviet and American students who de- Mid School Gym. Admission is $1. • • lIII _ zft._-. IIlI ~.-.. _-.. __= t _. • • ...-. ...-••_•• -....._.. ....-.......--........______ 2A I The Ruidoso News I Monday, AprU 24, 1989 Hospital------------- Continued from page 1A machine is being installed, a proce­ In other business: and more and our applications for dure that takes two weeks. -Keller reported the physician charity are getting more and more:' The remodeling should be com­ recruitment project is going well. said Keller. pleted by mid-June, said Keller. The hospital is attempting to fill "Those of you who pay some­ The hospital deficit would be an positions in primary care, times have to pay for those who even ~ater burden were it not for pediatrics, and in internal Cledi­ don't," said Williams.
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