Liberia Reborn Interview: Dr

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Liberia Reborn Interview: Dr Vol. 2, No.UNMIL 02 FOCUSDecember 2005 - February 2006 Liberia Reborn Interview: Dr. Ibn Chambas Refugee Returns Surge Classrooms Come Alive From the Special Representative of the Secretary-General dations for the return of peace and prosper- ity to the country. The people of Liberia now have an opportunity to transform and develop their country, endowed, as it is, with abundant natural resources and enjoy- ing significant international goodwill. Like any country emerging from conflict, Liberia faces formidable challenges -- eco- nomic recovery, poverty reduction, provi- sion of basic services such as water and electricity, and ensuring effective gover- nance as well as physical security. Other pressing priorities include reintegration of ith the inauguration of the war-affected persons and former combat- new democratically elected ants, promoting human rights, rehabilitat- government, Liberia has ing the judicial system, and genuine social begun a new chapter in its reconciliation to heal the wounds of war. history. President Ellen Restoring a failed state is an arduous WJohnson-Sirleaf is the first woman in Africa task but past experiences have taught us to be elected Head of State. This is a historic that an incomplete peace is often the prel- moment not only for Liberia but for all of ude to renewed conflict. The international Africa. community must stay the course and help UNMIL has been a constant companion the country consolidate the achievements of Liberia on its long march to peace. By made so far. Investing in effective peace- maintaining security throughout the coun- building efforts in Liberia will pay divi- try and helping organize the national elec- dends not only to this country but also to tions, UNMIL, since its deployment in the whole region of West Africa, which has October 2003, has significantly contributed witnessed conflict engulf neigbouring to transforming Liberia from a brutal bat- countries. tled to a peaceful nation. With over 100,000 UNMIL remains committed to Liberia combatants disarmed and former warring and looks forward to working with the new factions disbanded, a stable security envi- government and our international and ronment prevails across the nation today. regional partners to build on the founda- State authority has been consolidated and tions laid during the past two years. tens of thousands of refugees and internal- ly displaced persons have returned home. Skills training programmes to reintegrate disarmed combatants into mainstream society continue. A Truth and Reconciliation Commission has been estab- lished, security sector reforms have been launched and the Governance and Alan Doss Economic Management Assistance Special Representative of the Programme (GEMAP) has been initiated. Secretary-General and Coordinator of These achievements have laid the foun- United Nations Operations in Liberia 2 UNMIL FOCUS December 2005 - February 2006 country on the path of Secretary Dr. Ibn Chambas President. peace and democracy. discusses the organiza- tion’s role in Liberia and the West African region. 6 With the inauguration of President Ellen Johnson- 12 22 Sirleaf, Liberia has begun a 18 new chapter in its history. The Economic Community Liberian refugees are flock- Although the new govern- of West African States has U.S. First Lady Laura Bush ing back home as peace ment faces daunting chal- been a major actor in was among dozens of dig- prevails and democracy lenges, Liberians today are Liberia’s peace process. nitaries gracing the inaugu- takes root in the war-rav- determined to take their ECOWAS Executive ration of Africa’s first female aged nation. Visit us at IN THIS ISSUE Special Representative of the Secretary-GGeneral and Coordinator 4 New Mind-Set, High Hopes of United Nations Operations in Liberia 6 Liberia Reborn Alan Doss 8 Ready, Set, Go! Deputy Special Representative of the 10 A New-look Cabinet Secretary-GGeneral for Operations 12 Interview: Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas and Rule of Law Luiz Carlos da Costa 14 Women: “It’s Our Time!” 15 Humanitarian Appeal Launched Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-GGeneral for Recovery and 17 Annan Appoints Sanctions Experts Governance Jordan Ryan 17 UNMIL to Help End Sanctions 18 Photo Gallery Chief of Public Information Christine B. Koerner 20 Interview: Luiz Carlos da Costa 22 Refugee Returns Surge Editor and Head of Publications Mathew Elavanalthoduka 24 Making Liberia Gun-Free 25 Recruitment Begins for New Army Staff Writers Yuko Maeda 26 Regaining the “Cuttington Edge” J. Wesley Washington 28 Classrooms Come Alive Design and Graphics 29 First Human Trafficking Case in Court Paddy Defoxy Ilos, II 30 The TRC Constituted Photos 32 Let’s Hear The Voice of Youth Eric Kanalstein 34 Safe Water Saves Lives Published by the Public Information 35 Helping Victims of Leprosy Office, United Nations Mission in Liberia 36 Namibians Contribute to Peace 37 Two Hours to Freetown [email protected] 39 Liberians Speak Printed by Buck Press Ltd., Accra, Ghana December 2005 - February 2006 UNMIL FOCUS 3 NEW MIND-SSET, HIGH HOPES By Mathew Elavanalthoduka No one can envy the challenges facing political affiliations. President Johnson-Sirleaf as the leader of The deep wounds that need healing ome call it a revolution. Only a war-ravaged Liberia, literally reduced to were inflicted by men as was the mindless handful of countries in the ashes with no electricity or running water, destruction of the economy that now needs world have seen women rising high illiteracy and unemployment, and to be built from scratch. Liberians are to the pinnacle of leadership. tens of thousands of young, scalded men upbeat about having Ma Ellen -- a grand- This ultimate political privi- and women living on the margins of the mother and a technocrat to boot -- to lead Slege has eluded women even in many rich society after surrendering their weapons. the healing and rebuilding efforts in the and powerful countries boasting long Many Liberians still remain in displaced country. “She’s our man,” they had camps and refugee shelters in neighbour- declared during the electioneering, dis- years of democracy and the belief in the ing countries. The unresolved conflict in pelling doubts about any perceived gender ballot. Côte d’Ivoire, which shares a porous bor- inadequacy of their new leader who once The disbelief surrounding the election der with Liberia, can potentially unravel worked as a waitress to support her educa- of Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf as Liberia’s pres- the nascent peace in the country. tion and later climbed career heights at the ident, and Africa’s first female president, Yet, Johnson-Sirleaf’s electrifying UN and the World Bank. No wonder many is still very much in the air. Killed, raped, speech at her inauguration was proof Liberians look up to Johnson-Sirleaf, a enslaved and abused, women and girls in enough that the Harvard-educated econo- former finance minister known for her Liberia have been among the most brutal- mist is unfazed. “We will create the social integrity, as their saviour. ized in the world for decades. They were and economic opportunities that will “Let us be proud that we were able to the principal victims of 14 years of blood- restore our people’s dignity and self- ultimately rise above our intense political shed in the country. Can the rise of one worth,” thundered the “Iron Lady,” soon and other differences in a renewed deter- among them to the pinnacle of their coun- after recalling the inhumanity of confine- mination as a people to foster dialogue try’s political leadership be any less ment, the terror of attempted rape and the instead of violence, promote unity rather momentous than a revolution? ostracism of exile she had herself experi- than disharmony and engender hope rather That is a question many keep asking. enced in the past. Describing Liberians as than disillusionment and despair,” she said But there are more questions. Can she a “strong and resilient” people, she exhort- at her inauguration. Words of inspiration deliver? Can she help her country rise ed them to come together “to heal and for a people who have witnessed nothing from its ashes? rebuild” the nation, regardless of their but violence for more than a generation. A 4 UNMIL FOCUS December 2005 - February 2006 wake-up call to a blighted continent that has the largest concentration of dictators SECRETARY-GENERAL’S MESSAGE lording over the poorest people in the world. extend my warmest con- Johnson-Sirleaf acknowledges the gratulations to Ellen international community’s significant Johnson Sirleaf on her investment to bring peace to Liberia. But inauguration as President she knows only too well that the new- of the Republic of found peace cannot be consolidated and “ILiberia and Africa’s first elected woman sustained without bringing development to Head of State. I also congratulate the the people for which Liberia needs contin- people of Liberia who, through a peace- ued international assistance. ful and transparent electoral process, Secretary-General Kofi Annan was have given Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf an his- quick to recognize the “pressing chal- toric mandate to lead the nation towards lenges” facing the country’s new post-war a future of lasting peace and stability. administration. Congratulating the people The establishment of a democratical- of Liberia on the peaceful and transparent ly elected Government in Liberia brings elections that handed down a “historic to a close the two year transitional period mandate” to Johnson-Sirleaf, he called on stipulated in the Accra Comprehensive the international community to assist the Peace Agreement of 18 August 2003. I new government to “consolidate its commend Charles Gyude Bryant for his UN Photo/Mark Garten authority, build upon the stability estab- leadership of the National Transitional lished so far and deliver basic services to Government of Liberia during the transi- the people.” Annan also assured Liberia tion period.
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