Daily Current Affairs MCQ’s with Explanation Android APP 11th & 12th July 2020

Telegram: @ambitiousbaba Q.1. Nadaun Police Station ranked as one of best Police Stations of India. In which state it is situated? नदौन पुलिस स्टेशन को भारत के सर्वश्रेष्ठ पुलिस स्टेशनⴂ मᴂ से एक के 셂प मᴂ स्थान ददया गया है। यह ककस रा煍य मᴂ स्स्थत है? (a) Telangana / तेिंगाना (b) Assam / असम D (c) Jammu & Kashmir / ज륍मू & कश्मीर (d) Himachal Pradesh / दहमाचि प्रदेश (e) Odisha / ओडिशा Nadaun Police Station ranked as one of best Police Stations of India. Nadaun Police Station of Hamirpur district in Himachal Pradesh has been ranked as one of the best Police Stations of the country. Certificate of Excellence was provided to this Police Station by Union Home Minister Amit Shah Governor: Bandaru Dattatreya Capitals: Shimla (Summer), Dharamshala (Winter) Chief minister: Jai Ram Thakur

daily_current_affairss Ambitiousbaba.com Telegram - @ambitiousbaba Q.2. India’s First State-Level ‘E-Lok Adalat’ has conducted by ______High Court. भारत का पहिा रा煍य स्तरीय ‘ई-िोक अदाित’ ______हाई कोटव 饍र्ारा आयोस्जत ककया गया। (a) Chhattisgarh/ छत्तीसगढ़ (b) Jharkhand/ झारखंि A (c) Maharashtra/ महाराष्र (d) West Bengal/ पस्श्चमबंगाि (e) Karnataka/ कनावटक Ans.2.(a)

Exp. Chhattisgarh has set a new milestone at the time of ongoing Covid-19 pandemic on 11th July with the state high court organizing nation's first state level e-Lok Adalat and disposing nearly 2270 cases by resolving cases through mutual agreement through video conferencing. Note: About Chhattisgarh Chief minister: Bhupesh Baghel Governor: Anusuiya Uikey Capitals: Bilaspur, Raipur Q.3.Which of the following organization has signed an agreement with the Qatar-based Education Above All (EAA) Foundation for Projects worth $100 million for quality Primary Education for Out-of-School Children?

नन륍नलिखखत मᴂ से ककस संगठन ने कतर-आधाररत "एजकु े शन एबर् ऑि" (EAA) फाउंिेशन के साथ आउट-ऑफ-स्कू ि ब楍चⴂ के लिए गणु र्त्ता प्राथलमक लशक्षा के लिए $ 100 लमलियन की पररयोजनाओं के लिए एक समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर ककए हℂ? (a) / वर्श्र्बकℂ (b) Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank D

(c) International Monetary fund / अंतरावष्रीयमुद्राकोष (d) Asian Development Bank / एलशयाईवर्कासबकℂ

(e) New Development Bank / न्यूिर्े िपमᴂटबकℂ Ans.3.(d)

Exp. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Qatar-based Education Above All (EAA) Foundation have signed an agreement to carry out $100 million in joint projects to put out-of-school and at-risk children into quality primary education. “The two organizations will implement projects in up to 10 countries to ensure that at least 320,000 out-of-school children, including refugees and internally displaced children, realize their right to a quality primary education.” The 10 countries initially selected for projects are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New , Philippines, and Sri Lanka. Q.4. Which country’s Battalion has won the annual “ Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Environment Award” for 2020? ककस देश की बटालियन ने 2020 के लिए र्ावषवक "संयुक्त राष्र िेबनान अंतररम बि (UNIFIL) पयावर्रण पुरस्कार" जीता है? (a) Pakistan / पाककस्तान (b) China / चीन D (c) Bangladesh / बांग्िादेश (d) India / भारत (e) Afghanistan / अफ़ग़ाननस्तान Ans.4.(d)

Exp. Indian battalion wins UNIFIL environment award. An Indian battalion stationed with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) has won an environment award for a project that aims to decrease waste generation, reuse plastic, build green houses and compost pits. Q.5. Which country’s 2018 tiger census has set a new Guinness Record as largest camera-trap wildlife survey? ककस देश की 2018 की बाघ जनगणना ने सबसे बडा कैमरा-रैप र्न्यजीर् सर्ेक्षण के 셂प मᴂ एक नया गगनीज ररकॉिव स्थावपत ककया है? (a) Russia / 셂स (b) India / भारत (c) England / इंग्िℂि B (d) Indonesia / इंिोनेलशया (e) Bangladesh / बांग्िादेश India's tiger estimation for the year 2018 has entered the record books as it was awarded the Guiness World Record on 11th July for being the largest camera-trap wildlife survey.

In 2018, India had as many as 2,967 tigers in the wild, with more than half of them in Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka, according to that year's tiger estimation report.

The paired camera traps were placed at 26,760 different locations across 139 study sites, which generated approximately 35 million photos, including 76,523 tiger and 51,337 leopard photos. Ambitiousbaba.com Telegram - @ambitiousbaba Q.6. In which country World’s Emptiest Airport- Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport is situated? वर्श्र् का सबसे खािी हर्ाई अ蕍िा- मटािा राजपक्षे अंतरावष्रीय हर्ाई अ蕍िा ककस देश मᴂ स्स्थत है? (a) Nepal / नेपाि (b) Myanmar / 륍यांमार D (c) India / भारत (d) Sri Lanka / श्री िंका (e) Bhutan / भटू ान Ans.6.(d) Exp. Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapaksa has informed that on the request of his Government the Indian Government has agreed to not form a joint venture company with Sri Lanka for running the Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport. Q.7. Name the Tropical storm that has recently hit New Jersey. न्यू जसी मᴂ हाि ही मᴂ आये उष्णकदटबंधीय तफू ान का नाम बताइए। (a) Wendy / र्ᴂिी (b) Cindy / लसंिी C (c) Fay / फे (d) Cristobal / किस्टोबि (e) Hanna / हान्ना Tropical Storm Fay made landfall in New Jersey on 10th July amid heavy, lashing rains that closed beaches and flooded shore town streets, before weakening as it moved over New Jersey.

Tropical Storm "Cristobal": Louisiana, Mississippi Coasts.(US) Tropical storm Amanda: El Salvador & Guatemala Cyclone Nisarga: Maharashtra, Gujarat Cyclone Amphan: West Bengal and Odisha Cyclone Maha: The Cyclone Maha in the Arabian Sea has crossed Lakshadweep. Cyclonic storm ‘Bulbul’: Bangladesh and West Bengal

daily_current_affairss Ambitiousbaba.com Telegram - @ambitiousbaba Q.8. Which country became the 2nd Country in Asia to conduct National Polls in the times of the COVID-19 global pandemic after which Lee Hsien Loong became the Prime Minister for second term?

COVID-19 र्ैस्श्र्क महामारी के समय मᴂ राष्रीय चनु ार् कराने र्ािा एलशया का दसू रा देश कौन सा देश बना स्जसके बाद िी स्ससयन िगूं दसू रे कायवकाि के लिए प्रधान मंत्री बने? (a) Mauritius/ मॉरीशस B (b) Singapore/ लसगं ापुर (c) South Korea/ दक्षक्षणकोररया (d) Hong Kong/ हांगकांग (e) Myanmar / 륍यांमार Ans.8.(b) Exp. Singapore voted on 10th July to elect the country’s 14th Parliament, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and slowing economic growth. In the election that had actually begun a day earlier — with voters abroad casting their ballots at the respective embassies in their country of residence — the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) romped home with 83 out of the 93 seats. With this win, Lee Hsien Loong will continue as the Prime Minister of Singapore. Singapore became the 2nd Country in Asia to conduct National Polls in the times of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Earlier on 15th April 2020, South Korea became the first Asian Country by conducting its 21st Legislative Elections. Note: About Singapore Currency: Singapore dollar Capital: Singapore Q.9. Who is the head of the committee revamped by SEBI that advises the capital markets regulator on matters related to regulation and development of mutual fund industry?

सेबी 饍र्ारा पुनरीक्षक्षत सलमनत के प्रमखु कौन हℂ जो 륍यूचअु ि फं ि उ饍योग के वर्ननयमन और वर्कास से संबंगधत मामिⴂ पर पूंजी बाजार ननयामक को सिाह देता है? (a) Amartya Sen / अमर्तयव सेन (b) Nachiket Mor / नगचकेत मोर E (c) R Gandhi / आर गांधी (d) Tapan Ray / तपन रे (e) Usha Thorat / उषा थोराट Founded: 12 April 1992 Headquarters: Mumbai Chairperson: Ajay Tyagi

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has revamped its committee that advises the capital markets regulator on matters related to regulation and development of mutual fund industry. The 20-member advisory committee on mutual funds is headed Usha Thorat, former deputy governor of Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

Earlier in 2013, the panel had 15 members and was headed by Janki Ballabh, former Chairman of SBI.

daily_current_affairss Ambitiousbaba.com Telegram - @ambitiousbaba Q.10. Who is the head of the panel set up by WHO to review handling of COVID-19 pandemic? COVID-19 महामारी से ननपटने की समीक्षा करने के लिए WHO 饍र्ारा गदठत पैनि का प्रमुख कौन है? (a) Ellen Johnson Sirleaf / एिेन जॉनसन सलिवफ़ (b) / हेिेन क्िाकव D (c) Jair Bolsonaro / जायर बो쥍सनारो (d) Both a & b / ए और बी दोनⴂ (e) Both B & c / बी और सी दोनⴂ The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced it is setting up an independent panel to review its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the response by governments worldwide.

The announcement on 9th July follows strong criticism by US President Donald Trump's administration, which accused the WHO of being "China-centric", and US formal notification on 7th July that it was withdrawing from the United Nations's agency in a year's time.

Former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark and former Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf have agreed to head the panel. Q.11. Who has been named as the new officiating president of Hockey India? हॉकी इंडिया के नए कायवर्ाहक अध्यक्ष के 셂प मᴂ ककसे नालमत ककया गया है? (a) Gyanendro Ningombam / ज्ञानᴂद्रो ननंगोबम (b) Narinder Batra/ नररंदर बत्रा A (c) Thierry Weil/ गथयरी र्ेइि (d) Paul Léautey/ पॉि िेओटी (e) Mushtaque Ahmad/ मुश्ताक अहमद Ans.11.(a) Exp. Former chief executive officer (CEO) of Manipur Hockey, Gyanendro Ningombam, has been named as the new officiating president of Hockey India by its Executive Board on 10th July. Following the resignation of Mohd Mushtaaque Ahmad as the president of the Hockey India in July citing personal and family commitments. Q.12. Which state’s short documentary movie ‘Chi Lupo’ has won Dada Saheb Phalke award 2020? ककस रा煍य की िघु िॉक्यूमᴂरी कफ쥍म ‘ची िूपो’ ने दादा साहेब फा쥍के पुरस्कार 2020 जीता है? (a) Meghalaya / मेघािय (b) Telangana / तेिंगाना C (c) Arunachal Pradesh / अ셁णाचि प्रदेश (d) Tripura / त्रत्रपुरा (e) Rajasthan / राजस्थान A short documentary movie Chi Lupo, which is based on the custom of honey hunting among the Sherdukpen tribe of West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh, won the best documentary award at the 10th Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival, 2020 in New Delhi.

Kezang D Thondok, an independent filmmaker, made the documentary. He hails from Rupa in West Kameng district and earlier worked as a crew member in the making of several regional films. However, Chi Lupo is his debut short documentary. Q.13. Who is the author of the book titled ‘His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama: An Illustrated Biography’? 'दहज होिीनेस दी फोटीन्थ दिाई िामा: एन इिस्रेटेि बायोग्राफी' नामक पुस्तक के िेखक कौन हℂ? (a) Tenzin Gyatso / तेनस्जन ग्यार्तसो (b) Howard Cutler / हॉर्िव कटिर C (c) Tenzin Geyche Tethong / तेनस्जन गीशे टेथॉन्ग (d) / िेसमंि टूटू (e) Thubten Gyatso / थूबटेन ग्यार्तसो Ans.13.(c)

Exp. A book titled ‘His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama: An Illustrated Biography’ is authored by one of the Dalai Lama’s closest aides and advisor of over 40 year, Tenzin Geyche Tethong. The biography is a memorable portrait of the , Tenzin Gyatso. The book is to be released in October 2020 and is published by Roli Books. On the 85th birth anniversary of the Dalai Lama, the cover of the book was announced by the publisher. Q.14. National fish farmer’s Day is celebrated every year in India on ______. राष्रीय मछिी ककसान ददर्स भारत मᴂ हर साि ______को मनाया जाता है। (a) 7 July / 7 जुिाई (b) 8 July / 8 जुिाई D (c) 9 July / 9 जुिाई (d) 10 July / 10 जुिाई (e) 11 July / 11 जुिाई Ans.14.(d) Exp. Government of India back in 2001 declared 10th July to be celebrated every year as ‘National Fish Farmers Day’. The initiative of celebrating the Day was first taken by Mumbai’s Central Institute of Fisheries Education. Q.15. World Population Day is observed every year on ______. वर्श्र् जनसंख्या ददर्स हर साि______को मनाया जाता है। (a) 11 July / 11 जुिाई (b) 12 July / 12 जुिाई A (c) 13 July / 13 जुिाई (d) 14 July / 14 जुिाई (e) 15 July / 15 जुिाई Ans.15.(a) Exp. World Population Day, which seeks to raise awareness of Global Population issues. The event was established by the Governing Council of the United Nation development Programme in 1989. It was inspired by the public interest in Five Billion Day on July 11, 1987. World Population Day aims to increase people's awareness on various population issues such as the importance of family planning, This year theme of World Population Day 2020: Putting the brakes on COVID-19: Safeguarding the health and rights of women and girls. Online Mock Tests for Bank, SSC, Railway, JAIIB, CAIIB, Para 13.2 and Others Visit: test.ambitiousbaba.com