'urirJo uels pu€ r"IToJ olur uorsr^rp e lset8ns pFoc l"ql ql?oqs eql ur uorl"cr"rusp ,{l?punoq Jo I€rJol?ru 'ut{€.{) Jo ou sI eJeql l?ql luer?dd€ sr lI tcoJJoc sI aoIA Jo^aqclql6 (€96I segol "uts ol peanpor oJBse^"el eql l?ql pu€ xolroc enJl ? slueseJdeJql€eqs lualn$ns eql lEql paunss€ 'ue{leJ) sI 1r qclq,^Aut pasodord ueeq s"q eJnlcnJls e^rl"uJell€ uV (Lg6I ses"q Jeel ;o suorlrod I?u"q? luoJlnaop eql -,{qpepuno:rns srx€ ruels e;o dn epeu eq ol petunss€ ueaq .{11zreue3el"rl e€eproruJocrT?Soq} Jo crlsrlolr?J?qc s3qJusrq ol€lnJllJ" eyL :wals ,{SoloqdroN

'(Z/6I uoslrlA) poqsllqnd ueeq ^p?orl€ se\I ou)oru)al snue8 eql uorsr,\er 'posr^eJ Jo v eJB"rJe.rlsny ur lusseJd Sureqs? pesruSoceJDJeueB xrs eql Jo e^g .radsdslql ul 'Bxel luenlrlsuoc JJor{l ^ueut osrsSocoJpu? €roue8 eql eleeullep ,{lJ"elc oloru ol 'sJerllo Jo 'se^rl"lussoJdeJ elqlssod uooq s"q lr Jo suerurcedspeup pooB pu€ atuosJo lEl.roleu pol{cld ro qse.ggo ,{11rge1e,r"eql qll,^A 'sercedspue ereue8 oq1 q}oq os"q o} q3lq,r uo 'uleql sJelr?J?gc oql o-lenp-,(pred pu" ol olq"lr"As ppq o^?q s}s[uouox€l eql luql Jo,{lrcned 'el?qop I"LrelEruJooo oql ol enp ,\ll.rBou00q sBq srqJ alqBloprsuoJJo esn€oeql uesq s"q ereue8 eql go uo4drrcsrunc:rc eq1 'e8€lqurass"elercsrp ? s? pesruSoceJ-,{lI?JeueB ueeq e^eq e€eploluloarl"S eql ellq,4A. ',{ynue; eleredes " se pel"erl ueeq ue,\o e^eq f,oql :.{lrru"J -qns Jo equl Jo slo^al oqt l? .{lrur"J eql Jo lso:r oqtr uo{ prler€dos flsnou€A ueeq e^?q sre,rou pecnper pue suels ,{qsJUqllu oee3erpodouoqJoql Jo s.requeu al€lncr ? egJ uollJnpoJlul

srequraLuu*rlerlsnv-Brrxo eqr Jo ^ue ol ro ,r u.toooDg or ere^eqr""ot dt'3'{'j?,J'3fot#1],: FIesoJaoJoru eq ol Jeedde D!uo)!eal pue 'Dlu.to,fqlod 'nBatsoolJS 'Dlaba18al 'Dt,.lpsoloH eJeue8oqJ enssrlsnolu,{qauejolqc eql ur sproJolasSulJeJ ur pue .lo,{\ogqcee ur uoure}seuo rluo 3ur^"q rII (paieSo€aseJeq sr tr qcq,r wot!) unaaDotqu{ snuoSeqt ulo{ srdJrp pult sre^\og oFuroJlo elrporqdelureqreqlre seq (sercedsEZ gtlt{') op)psotog sro.rou .{lelrlos sEq pue snolceolp sr (sorJodseuo gtrt ) pluro?l8al otpoiqdeureq lErtueJ eqt pue aleur ere sle,{\ou oql q.rq.r ur selnuJ,{cpera,{\og-€ ,{JelJrxe ur poBueJ& sJo,{\ogJroqt} e^eq lero}el 'seteqd (selredso^g q]l,() oiSa$oDps pue (crd,tlououl s Wrq ) Dlu.toriqrad ereue8eql -srrloq ureqlnos puE sreqlou aql qloq uLpotnqLrlsrp .{topr/\ sr 'f DlulorD)os a.I'.J.{\ 'ue8 ltoJs V 'erl€rl ueaJo uerpul eql Suueproq ser.rlunocur punoJ sr',{ou slr^A C'dDl,)DsolDH -sn\/ ot.rurapue ore ^ou uo8 st!,^A Dtuin8al pnr?''Aou u.3 slrlA-C 'dD8alsoraps 'J'{ooIJ 'ereu63 C d nuor,(qlD{ eqt Jo eerqJ (eEoc?rpodoueqJ)aD2tarootlus eqrrl eq] ur ergueS o^U Jo se^ltElueserderuerlBrtsnv eql roJ pelueserdsl uolsl^or rJruouoxel V '(eeererpodouallJ)oeerurorrr*s Jo ser.a.rs u€rl'rlsnv ",{, J. ""o(,9g9tytt;i,il:,ltiftiil


nrr€qrel{ uerlerlsnY ure}se \ 'D uoslrlA In"d ,{g

(oeecelpodouaqJ)ouelurorll€S Jo sa.rrodsuellerlsny oql Jo uolsJAery

086l (I) t lo^ "rslInN 4 NuYtsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980

No detailed investigation of the anatomy has been undertaken in the present studJ; it is aooarent. houever,-that there are considerable differences in the morphology of the it"- d.t*."n'difl.rent members ofthe Salicornioideae. In all speciesthe young internodes have a central stele surrounded by a water tissue which consists of thin-walled parenchyma cells filled with a (usually) saline sap. Around the water lissue are one or more layers of chlorenchymor"ri pa[idde cells Covered by an epidermis. Th-e epidermis- conlains nLlmerousstomata wLich are easily visible with a hand lens; these always have their pores trace arises on each side of the node; aliened transverselv to the stem axis. A single 'leaf' it aivides into three, the central branch passing upwards to\\ards the tip- while tbe lateral branches cuive downwards into the \\ater tissue below tbe node. Each trace branches repeatedly to form an anastornosing network in the-aqueous tissue, the degree of anastombsis vaiying between the different species. In all Australian genera.of the Salicornioideae the'decurrent branches fronr one leaf trace also anastomose with those of the oDposite trace so as to form a complete network around the stem; this union takes olace even ir Pachycornia tria dru wherc the chlorenchyma is absetrt in two opposlte iertical strips whichdelineate the apparent decurrent foliar tissue. The ultimate branches of the vascular network terminate either as simple vascular strands or as club-shaped clusters of tracheids (tracheoids) situated just beneath the chlorenchyma. The former is the case in Pachycornia, Sarcocornio, Scletostegia tenuis, ard Halosatcia indica, while ih" luttat occurs in Sclerostegis arbuscula, S- discttticulqta, Tegicornia and mosl species of Hqlosarciu. De Fraine (Dl2) stated that iL Salicorniq the vascular network arising from one leaf-trace does not anastomosewith that of the opposite leaf-trace, a situation which is contrary to that observed in Australian members of the Salicornioideae and is also contrary to the observations of Fahn and Arzee (1959) on speciesof Atthtocnemum, , ittd Sqlicornia. In the branches of all three traces the phloem tissue faces towards the outside of the stem and the xylem the inside. The palisade tissue normally aonsists of two or more layers of cells which may be sharolv differentiated from the aqLreoustisstre las in Sar.ocotnia) or may merge into it throush a zone of cellsof an intermedjatetype (as jn H halocnemoides).In one species compiex both the stele and ths tissue of the palisade layer differ markedly from that found


Fig.]d.el- Halosarciornrllrar longitudinal sectionthrough outer-tissues(a-epidermis, b-palisade tjssue wiih clear 'passage'cells betweengrolps of chlorenchymouscells, c thick-walled chlorenchymousiso- diamelriccell). d parenchymatou\cells \ ilh \ascular\lrand5). 'sroqlne osoql.{q poqsrlqndeq llr.r lunoaaepoltEtep arour V u[uo. sjod sqoaEl D lA S pu€ trtloie] J l{-oJntrnt]s ed,(t zuer) IEcrd,{}e sr srql,l

'plorol.s-. 'el'{q.ueJolqc-q 'srLLrroprda-e)praralos peuel.qt ^lptnsaur,^togstumyffi}iffi}:HJl :preralcspeue)icrqt flua^e 8ur^\oqsDrolfanbatnb oltro)o DS-V :ELu,(qouerolqJur sprerelcs Z ern8rJ


tou sr uoqcunJ rreql fnq (196I) uo{lol ,(q ,s11ece8essed, pell?c or' "r"r, trr"roro,rff l3 satcodsreqlo ,{ueur ur punoJ osle sr enssr:lop"srled eql ut sJlecssolJnoloc Jo runlnatloJV .p .elnl?lncs",\ *(9L6I la urloreJ osl? oes) Ierrlloo ou sr eJer{l luels eql ur :Jod€l crJloru"rposr q}"e-ueqspu?lls .r"Jncs?,\ el?lncrlot 9q1 Jo lJo,rleu.sJloc " s3q JBel sq1 ur'rlcry,r enssr] snou.dqcueled ^q utBlJepun sr srrll cr.rleuBrposr pep^\-{crql Jo ,,t,roJelSurs "_ sr qcrq,r urqlr,\\ sllecJo ,ror e18uts? s}srsuor utrls puB .aDaloslos Jo ,eeecerirodJ"el oql qloq Jo enssq eprsrled "ql qDI ploslDs vI eql ecu?lsur ro; -oueqJ_eql .reqlo ur punoJ T attaju.to)ltt1seql ur enbtun eq o1 srzedde ensstl Jo -seqrJl '(1 !l ep€slpd Jo ed,{l srql q8noqtly 3rg) e8e qlr.& pegruArt seruoceqflluenbarg refel s[it :senssrlsnoanDE pu? 0pESrTEoeql uoe,rloq ql€eqs snonurluoJ " tu.loJqcrrl,r slloa slloru,(qcue -Jolqc culou€rposr pellB,r\-JcrqlSuqlg-osolc Jo Jo,{EIelSurs e sr enssrl ep"srTedoql u[{lrd\ 'st?ruols .snoudqaue oqt Jo qr?o qlBouoq pelenlls sl sllor snoufqcuololqc Jo Jotsnlc V -rogc oql (ueql Je{crql lrq,retuos 1nq) o1 edeqs Jelrurs Jo slloc sselJnolocI"cupurT,{r Jo urnFc4eJ ? ur los sllec snoru,{qcuelolqcao srelsnlc lceduroc Jo dn ep"u sr pue :a,{r1 elaurse sr enss4 op€sll?d eqt sercedssrql uI .uesln"d (qtuag) wntrt1eo1sola1.y pue-,see11 Jo ''eurelg-gun suaplq'f lutllo_lollo LunwaLoo,tLlt,lvepnpur ol ue{el eloq sr qcrq,tt ,o1e1 yeldur nsvaso)!pu! 1/ Jo slsrsuoc oc srqj : aDaM.to)lIDSegl Jo sloqluelu u€rt?.llsny Jerllo Il? ul 'uoslr^\ 'C oeoruroarlesuerlsrlsny InEd NuytsiaVol. 3 O) 1980

abaxial trace cymute stele


c abaxial \\ bract--..r\ ll1illZ rtace \ trace \-'' \\LfZ ---- \/ "' -/-cymule (J n r\ stele $em /o tl stele \v \,,Q D a-) c\

" 6t) latetal ,/ / ltace

\_) a) /^t oo \-) OC

of triad Fillrie 3. Halosarcialepidosperma, vasculature of :A--Abaj(ial view of vasculature ;i"ri;;;;r, b-filS.ii-';Aii;5f n"*e,; C c-T.s at levelsindicated in fisureB (alldiasramatic)' eseq ot e.erl f 'epourwels ot a.er1 r ,.^o1 q ,x.,rno-i(:,]ffiejYij#{ Jo Frxeqe 'olnLulclrrauso^ lceJq 'Luets roclcln-o'soiert ltrotDl lerSrtse^ p para^\og-euo,{&llrxe Jo elels-c Jo elots q'ocer} }ielq -E) sle^el tuereup rle sre.'!\ouq8norqt pue polo^\oU-euo" ern}elncse^ a\or^ SJ C[ J:elnul,{c 'Dtov[IunJo Jo lBrx€qv g :uortcaslEurpntr8uol lecrtdo V :Je,rou olrureJJo ernteJncsE^ DM.tottSaJ V efiatJ

'uosltl eeoruroirFs lrerl€rtsnv C Ined 8 NuytsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980

\n Sarcocornia, sclereids occur in the palisade tissue (Fig. 2)j these may be evenly thickened or they may have a spiral thickening. Sclereidshave not been observed in other Australian Salicornieae, but they do occur in both species of true . i.e., A. glaucum (Delile) Ung.-Sternb. and in A. subterminale (Parish) Standley which are respectively Mediterranean and North American in their distribution. Inflorescence:A detailed discussion of the inflorescencein the Salic:ornieaewill, it is hoped, be the subject of a future paper; for the present it is sufficient to indicate that it consists of decussateaxillary clusters of flowers, each cluster being sessilewithin a common bract; there are no secondary (or bracteoles). The axillary clusters are in most species arranged in a spike-like structure and the whole then called a pseudo-spike (although actually a thyrse). In several speciesof both Hulosarciq and Sclerostegiathe spike very soon becomes intercalary in position through vegetative growth at its apex; it may then eventually have the appearanceof a normal branch. A few species,e.g. Tegicorniauniflora ?,nd Sclerostegiameclullosa, have the llowers (or flower clusters) in the axils of "foliage" and no obvious compound inflorescenceis formed. In the majority ofthe Sqlicornieqethe axillary clustersare three-flowered. Each cluster has generally been accepted as constituting a cymule (a dichasium); due to the congested arrangement of the flowers, however, and the fact that they are sessileon the inflorescence axis, the vasculature of the cymules is difficult to determine. ln Halosercia lepidosperma (in which the verticils are relatively widely separated)it is apparent that an aiillart stele composed of many vascular strands forms a dorsiventrally compressed,somewhat globular reticulum and terminates in the central flower of the cymule (Fig. 3). It gives rise to a pair of smaller lateral steles which terminate in the lateral flowers of the cvmule. Each of the steles gives rise to a (bract?) trace on the abaxial side of their respective flowers, and also to a pair of lateral (bracteole?) traces, while the traces themselvet divide to form a pair of club-shaped spurs or tracheoids (the possible nature of these traces is discussed later). Since the vasculature of the axillary flower cluster consists of a central and a pair of lateral stelesthe classical view of its structure being that of a cymule is accepted. ltr Tegicornio uniflora only one flower is presentwithin each of the leaflike bracts (Fig. 4). This flower is served by an jnflorescence stele which terminates in the flower and gives rise to a pair of small globose lateral steles that are embedded in the axial tissue below the base of the . These lateral steles are presumably homologous to the lateral steles of the cymule vasculature in Hqlosarcia and therefore it is probable that the solitary flower it Tegicornia is the result of reduction from a three-flowered dichasium. In Surcocorniablaclriana and S, quinquefiorafive or more flowers are found in the axil of a bract. This cymule is similar to that found in Halosarciq except that each of the lateral branches of the cymule stele gives rise to a monochasium (in fact a drepanium) composed of from two to severalflowers. 'Ihe Flo-'ers: flowers are surrounded by succulent bracts or leaves and in some cases are completelyhidden by these. The perianth is gamotepalous,at leastin the bud, and bears 2 4 terminal lobes. The number and position of these lobes is normally constant within a . In Sqrcocornia there are two lateral lobes, an outer adaxial lobe and usuallyan abarial lobe (nhich may be very reduced);in Halosarciathere are two lateral Iobesand an abaxiallobe which may be either insideor outsidethe two laterals;in fectu- cornia lherc are two lateral lobes: in Tesicornio l]nercarc two lateral lobes and an inner abaxial lobe; in Pachycorniathere are t\,\,o lateral lobes; $hile in Sc/erostegi.lthere are two laterallobes with or without an inner abaxiallobe.

The imbrication of the lateral lobes follows a regular pattern; the situation can be most readily observed in Halosarcla where the flowers are always in triads and, depending on the species,the outer florets always have one or other of two possible types of imbricaiion. In some species,e.g. H. halocnemoidesand. H. pergrunulsta ihe outer fiorets usually have the outer lateral lobe overlappingthe lobe nearestto the central floret (Fig. 5C D), in others. e.g. H. inJica the reveise iithe case(Fig. 5A-B). The central florei h-asits imiriic- -.t

'Je^e,roq 'sercedssltil ur :lex€q? sr s[{1 pu" pe^Jesqo ueeq ser{ eJ?]1 euo f,lno ofi{lun otu.tottSaaul (Do,tpsoloq ur eeJql 'Dturo)o).t,S ur JrroJ)seqol qlu?uod oq1ol uolllsod pu€ 'sec"Jl raqunu ur pot"leJ glueued e]" ,{eql €rouo8 qroq ul tBrll sr dlrTrqeqoJdeql Dlulo) 'Je^e,ror{ -or.rrg ur luase:d o.r?sacBJ:l rnoJ ecurs :€nssn qlu€r.lod ee{ eq1elerleued ,{1en1ce 'solootJBJq lou op soleJl erll s" ,{ll?rcodso pu" lc"Jq Jo segrlsa^Jo oJuesordeql o}Ecrpur Ieru sro.rou DpJDSjIDH ur seJ?Jl eeJql eq1 '(sproegcerl) srnds pedeqs-qnlc ur.roj o1 '(E '3rj) spuo roql 1€ olEJJnJlqseJ"Jl eql ses"J Ile uI enssrtqlueuedl"rx? elrugepur eql urqlr,r ol€ullurel soaell eql ure8e lseprs slr ol sJeqlo eql pu? es€q qlu€ued eql Jo ur8J?ru eql o1 sessed qJrq,lt ouo 'soJeJl eerrll eJ" eJeql DLutadsopldalDDJosolpH uI 'se[ssqIEIXeq" Jo Ie3lc"Jq Jo I"Ixe eql ul umrueJ :o.;Ies1r qlueuad eql eletleuod seJ?]] or{trJoqlerl,\\ ouruJetep ol elqrssod lou sr 1r senssrl(l€olmJq to) l"rx" pu" IEJoUeq1 ueo,\\loq uotl?ttuo -regrp ou ereq sr ereqt se :(trnJC uo qd"J8eJed ees) srx€ ecuecseJouureql luo{ sJe,uogeql 'slc"Jq 'oseq uee,rleq puelxe qcrq,r saleld lllp€l oql pue Je,rol Jo Jeddn oql qluulred eq1;o suoruod posnJoqt dn epElu enssrteqt ur eleur{ujat ,{eqJ '(9 8rJ) seprsJnoJ eql r{J"o 'r{lu"rJed Jo Jo ol euo oq1 Jo es"q eql ol eJolselnlrt,{J eql uor3 ssed ,{leleredes qcrq,r soJ"J} JnoJ ar? eJeql Duol)p'lq 'g pue o.top[anbwnbotu.rotottog u1 eJE seldrcuud 'Jene,roH lueredde I€JeueBur€ ec eur,{c ,{:e11rxeoql Jo eJnl"lncse^ oql Jo ruolqoJd JoSJEIeql ur pe,\lo,\ur Jlestr sr pu? pegu?1, FILnJuJJq lou serl qluer:ad egl Jo e.rnl"lncsB^ eqJ .(lr€nsn'errds eqr ,.,o4 erque srleJ pue r' p""l"'i'ffifr.fi:i.";i";li,ii"Xt"'3fr"}",ji 1rn{'saprcwawopq esnlqo sr qlurued eql qcq^\ ur esoqtrelrq,,!\ ? ur sa uorl"crJqur oqt e^"q 'es€q 'Uos 'xede III€Jrd-,(t ua{uns slr ruo{ {?^\? sl?el lrnJJ ur pue sureure: pepunoJ € s?q qluured oq1qcrq,r ur serJedsesoqt snqt :pees eql Jo edsqs €qt pu? qlu?uod eql Jo ernlxel pu? ed€qs eql qlr,r pel"loJJoc leq,\\euos sr uorl?cuqur go eddl eq1 pocrldsrp eq o1 seqol erll Jo lqds o1 qluerred er{l esn"J ^Btu Jeqlur e^rss"u ,{lo^rl"leJ er{l Jo ocuo8Jeueeql pu? Il"rus sr e3urJooql soriods ouros ur ecurs pnq egl ur pe^losqo lseq eJBrllu"uod eql Jo soqol oqJ 8rJ) roLllo qcee se3€[[r JoJJrur s? sle]ou eeJql uoD"rrJqur eql G 'Je^e,roqJo JI" Jo e^?g sp?rJl elrsoddo eql :peurruJelepueeq 1e. lou wq qcrq,r Jouu?ur " ur e{rds eql dn seu"A pue (1ge1eql o1 ro lqEu eql 01 Surddepe^o e l) ,{rleurru,{sJeq}re ur uorle ptt. J :osou,n DD.tDsotDH-apuEv :sprril errsod.roBur^\oqs seqol r{}ue 'r"itil'i'Kil:X#i"!{!;"ff

'uosJrlA eeolurorllEsuErt€rtsny C ln€d (l) 1980 l0 NuYtsiaVol 3 the inflorescencestele is extremely condensed and remains of the other traces may have ileln to.t f fie.41. Perianthtraci. havenor beenob'er\ed in suchspecies a.s.H iudic.a ,'ndH. oruin6sauhere the floweris not'.'nk'inlo the inllorescenceaIi5 and thrsposctbly oiouil.i ,opport for a bracteole origin of the traces since in tbese speciesthere is no non- iloral axialii..ue *hich mighl repre.enlve"rigial proph)lls.




3r9 78

B{ c-l ,E )zg ' ..<" \ V--4:l t/ ''Jd/lT-----7\ )r:/l 5 ) I

1 'l

quinquefon,lasculature of infforescence:A-L S tbrough-central flower: B to Fir])rc-i.S.-if',-u*rt 6. Saftucomta -\lele i "in,ral llorler at diflerenllevel. ta bracl Irilces.b of axillrry clm(rle'.c lrace ; ";;;iui-;id"';f;;;"i. aj-"e to abaxial side of flower, e-traces to lateral side of flower, f-ovarv, g-perianth, h upper bract, i-lower bract, j-stele of axis). ,EIJID€I eql punol€ ureruer sre,{e1,tre; r,{1uo Illeouou pu? o,{rqrue Sutdole,top oq1 Iq poqldiqe 'DlLuo)o)tDS ,{Je8.r"Jsr ru.rodsopue?qI lde)x? )tidlLt.to)tlDsuBllBrlsuy sroue8 'rsuroJ 'Lls.rDrupLrIHJo ll3 Jo poss 3rnlEur oq] ur lueserd sl SFIJ (9161 :9961 :t96T "(Iuelos T eleqrqo11)LuredsHed s" peJolsdleSJ"l sr eeecerpodoueq3Jo peeseqt uI uerunql€eqI 'ota,to)oJ,!DSqlr,\\ uErll tltJ.tosoloHpur-' trtJlso./r/JS qlIA\ eJoru et? olaloJ 'Jo,\e,roq 'sJelJ".r"qc -trpDd Jo sdrqsuorlrlar t"q:l tsoSSns Jerllo :"leuo8 raqlo oql uI pe^lnJ ro lrlSr"rls s lJfq ou,lo)oJ.t?S pul. otu.tociQ1co4ur ped"qs eorJs-esJorJsr o,{rqluo 3ql 'olq€usl JoSuol ou sr uollEJgrss?lcJrjeueS"{ur u€ JoJ Er.reluJeseql osn oq} 'srolc"reqJ al€IpeuuelulJo ,{leu"A e 'u^\ou{ Jo 'tUIq llqlqxe qclq,{\ Jo eulos el3 S3I30OSaloot l1]Jleql r\\ou 01 elq"lle^e J"I.lelBuIeq:l ur uorlcurlsrpl"eu " pe3npordsrql elrq,\\:€lsel eql pue dJ"rrJederll ssrupr€rloql uo 'I Jo Ilo.rrluo pes?q srelc€r"qc uo (6161) lc"lg tr tr Fq suor:ltos o^\t otul pet?Sorgesere,\\ (DtJJosoloH 'er) tunLuauJotqt.tl/snue8 eq1 ur sorJodsu€Il?rlsny eqJ glueued SuDIn.IJ ro drecrred eql sseupr"r{ aql o} ol€uol odord -([es]e^ur sr ttlJJosolvH uI elso:l :tp '8ur{"odsJo 'ellluq Jo sseupJ"rl oq:] ,{l1ureueg pu" prurl sr lr pDJpsolt2q ser3odsJoqlo uI 'DD.otsoloH 'DtBatso,taps'Dtu,nJttq)DJ 'p!uto)o).t?SJo alrqs\ Jo sorcodselrlos pu" uI snouelq -uauJ sr .re-,{"IJelno srrll :(JadoJd "1s31eqt) .ra,{"I Ja}no uE pu" 'Luredsuod pue o,fuquje 'sJo,(el eq1 o1 pe4ddr ,{1eso1csr qctq,m (ueurn8el eql) re,{"1 snorteJquleruJeuur ue o,lrl Jo pesoduroc sr lr:,ocpoos aql 8ur,{rp uo peJell" -,{ll"uel"ru tou su"8Jo ^\eJerll Jo euo sr pees oql ecurs ecu? odrur J"lncqed Jo sr lr Ia^el sarcedseql lV sorcedspu" €leuo8 qtoq Jo uorleurrttucsrp erll JoJ s.r3lc€J"qcrrlsou8erp sopr,ro.rdpees eql aoatu.to)Itas oql uI .parst 'o]?ls 3:l3rp0ru '(npln4nnp -relur u" -,{dnccoto'(suua1 S ur se) ll ur peppoqule S ur s") srx" oqt tuo{ ee{ eq ,{?ru qorq,r drecrrad pr"q " ,{q pspuloJlns sf",,lr[Esr peas aql DlSalso.tapsul 'eJueas0lSn{ur eq1 .1odecep eq1 uo .,{1uoselrurlu;e8 ,{lq€runsordlr :pogru8rl e{Uoceqqcrq,r Jo qloq srx€ aJu3sseJouurpsoJq oq] pu€ sos"q 13"1qeql ^q popuno.rJnssr pees erll olu,toJtttPltJuI '(qou€rq oqt Jo ed aluof,oq ,rou sBq qcrq^\) srxr alrds oq] ur SuruelJllll ,{J?puoces lesuo erll pu? rurepued uorl? 'onssrl Jo 'go Jo -LuJoJeql uo l"JrlJoJ pu? slJ€rq Surpunoljns eql qlr,,!\3rrol" lser ^ll"nlue^e or? slollrnrJ erll :,{ls^rl€le8e^ ql,ro]8 senurluoc xed" 3Irds eql-elrq,r slc"Jq eql urqlr,r pesolf,ue pu? srx" erll ()1 p3qJe11€ur"ureJ lnq eJnleul ueq,r peqs ^l3:lBrpeuur lou eJ? slell[l.rJ aql (odtocurk 11 3'a) ontosololq Jo sorJsdslBre^es uI srx? ecueJseJo!:ureql o] es€q ,{\oJrBu .rreqt Suop peqc"ll" e]" sre,r\ou eql 1nq "ldes l"Ixe l€.rouJelurou eJe eJeql sercedseseql ur :srx€ Jepuels ,{le^rleJ"dtrroJ e uo uorsserdeplo r"Js e ,(1uo Sulteel €.rque dorp '3 llBurs slellrn{ erll (osoutnu[ g e) serceds ,{lrrofeur eq} ur lnq idrecrred puz qlurued eql 3o 'srx? Jo uoruod z purqeq 3ura.ro1pu? poosoql Sursodxe olrds eql Jo sel?ldSurlErpEJ erll urorJ,{e,re r?ot oslB slsltnlJJ a\Il (sdploLaaDopLlH 3 e) ot)tDSoloHJo seraodsoruos ul 'de,u" IIP.J dftrrred pue qtu€ued eql olnl,r srx? eql ol perlJ€l}" ureuls] olurl lroqs E roJ .f,eu paes 'lr erll Jo ol lueregpr drecrred erll sur€ueJ eqt qll^\ es"q Jrorll luoJJ sepuloJd pees eql 'snqt Jo 1l€J s:lel]rr14eql ueq^\ :poos oq] Jo 8[ruodu oq] qlJ^\ u,rop s{eoJq pu" urql dleruerl -xe eroq sr qlu?ued eql Jo uoruod I?rx€ er{I sa1e1deql pu€ qlu€rJod oo{ oq} uee,rloq sdolo,\epeuoz uorssrcsq"eql ecurs(gtu"uad luoJeqp" Jo uorlJod " qlr,r) elrds eql uo ut"rueJ eldes eseql posnJ eJe qlueued eq1Jo seprsIeseq eql rJcrq,r ol "ldes e{rl-el?ld uroJ 01 sJe,rou eql uee,\\leq 3nssrl J€rx" 3rl1Jo uorsn.rlur 3ql -,{qpesnec eq 01 r"edd€ ssorsserdop lual"dds osoql :srx1l p"oJq s:)I uI suolssordop deop Jo JoqLu[u z 3ur,ree1eJuecseJo!:ur eql uror3 ,{r,tr J"ol (peos pue d:rot.led qll^{ qlu€ued) s}aprn4 oq1 Dturo)o).tDsuI : wl 'uJocsrp 01 llncurp fle^ sr pu€ rllu?ued eqlqlr,r esng-,{rur srql dnJuod snou"Jqrueu e rllr,{\ sercedsesorll Jo etllos ur :,{poo,r Jo elllrJq eq u"c lr lm{ ur olrl,r',{qseu Jo snou"Jqluour oq ,{11eqrurfzur llsr\\ ,{l"Ao oq1 ,,(q1rdro 4111r:q'd8uodseruocaq ol eJnlxel ur pe8u?q, ol?q ,{rur 1r e8rls Surlrnrj eql 18 :snou"Jqlueur .ro ;ualnccls eq ,4eursrseqlue 1" gluuued eqJ

II eeeruroarlesurrll?.rlsnv uoslr^ D lnEd 12 NuytsiaVol 3 (l) 1980

,Se:r.'The flowers in most genera of the Salicornieaeare basically but- they may be funclionallyfemalE through lhe failureof rhestamen. to fully develop:the lalter staieis esoeciallvnoticeable in flowersborne lowards lhe ape\ of an inflorescence.

ln Teicorni(t the plrnt. are strictl\ dioeciou. nhile in both Pachycomiaand Sclerost?gia the la-teralfloueri of a triad are male and lhe central hermaphrodite. In Halosatciq indica only bearing female flowers have been obseNed in lndia and *;in aisome localities only female plants have been found whereas il others the speciesis hermaphrodite. ln spite ofthe apparent absenceofeither male or hermaphrodite flowers, plants of H. irdiro whlch were obierved by the author at Townsville, set -in abundance. In several other species of Hqlosarcia at some localities only female Dlants hare been noted and in these the style and stigmas are often folded back on top oftbe ovary and remain within the perianth;seed is formed, and apparentlywithout fertih)ation being-possible. (See also comments under 1L pergra ulqta ssp.queenslandica and H. leploclada.)

Both apomixis and dioecy are probably far more widespread in the Australian Sa/i- cornieae tbin is reported her;. He;barium material, however, does not provide-a good guide to the prevalance of these phenomela since abodion of is of frequent 6""nrrence and aooears to be oftelrelated to environmental factors.


When Linnaeus wrote the first edition of his SpeciesPlantarum (1753) he recognised only one genus, , in the group here referred to the Salicornioideae. Robert Brown (1810) was the first person to describe a membet of this subfamily from.Australian mater\ai (Salicomiu qrbttscltla). at the same time he recorded S. rzllca Wiltd. as being pr_esentin.Australia although the specimenshe referred to this nane in fact belonged to otner specles.

In the first half of the lgth century several genera were described as segregates,or as close relatives of the genus Salicornia, and into three of these were placed speciesbased on Australian types, or speciesthat had been recorded from Australia. The genera with Australian representatives were Halocnemum Bieb. (1819), Sqrcathria Raf. (1837), and Arthrocnentui Moq. (1840). A non-specialist, working with very imperfect material, has difficulty in assessingthe merits of the different genera, and it is not surprising that Bentham (1870), when writing up lhe Salicornieae for the Flora Australiensis, chose to recognise only one genus. Saliturniq; he noted that the material available to him was unsaiisfactoryand that living plants should be examinedin order to obtain a proper appreciation of taxonomic affinities. Subsequently J. D. Hooker (1880) described two furlher genera, Tecticorniq and Pachycornia, in both casesbasing them on a single Aus- tralian species; he also recognised the presencein Australia of the genus Arthrocnenum, in which decision he was largely following the revisions of the Salicornieaeby Ungern- Sternberg(1866, 1876). The circumscriptionadopted by J. D. Hooker for Australian taxa was acceptedby Volkens (1892)and in a modified form by Ulbrich (1934). The onlv nerson after Bentham to revise the Australian Salicornieae as a whole was J. M. Bla;k'(1919) who distinguishedthe salre geneia as those recognisedby Hooker. Black noted the importance of the seedcharacters when circumscribing speciesbut unfortunately many type specimenswere not available to him and the material he studied was seldom in a condition suitablefor critical analysis.

* Tiilken (196?)records having observed a stamenin someflowe$ in materiallloln Lourcnco Marques. -..I

'ZgI 'd Joord uI poppe elou oas i!

'V 'e'r) Cbolt ( pttt,lf) wnrlpu! unwano.tqtlv ,uerprlsny, (g) ( bo4 (e1ue6)wn)nol8'te^ pu" boIN ( rr.rol _ 'rEL 'r, ) LunlqJDlsoooM wnso)ltn.U e.r) wnwawo.tqUy .uBtlBrlsr]y-rr1xg,(7) 'boW (.lus) 'rE^ 't' .v .e.r) suDrlpDl wnsnltn.r/ pu€ bo1[ (1) Lunsu1ul Dttlloru.tDs(t) (bolq (rg g) Dlnsnqn 'v 'e'r) DlSaisoraps(Z) '(bo1t1tunwt.ta8uo1aq'V 'e') sIWDIsotDH(l) : 3 e :"raue8e,rg o1 8uo1eq o1 p€roprsuocorerl_serJads popnlcur (9tr31) uopuel-urnbor{ [q peuuep,{lleurBrJo '(8r6f) s€ snue8eqI ltors Ag possn.srpsBtl\ ulnluau)otqltv elu?u oqt Jo uorl€rgrd&otceleqJ 01s" uoqsenb oqrsesr?I ueqr srqr #:#r':WiK'H"X;,.{;,*"* . i$:Hf:Ti*1i:fi Alluorcgns eq ol Jeprsuor I sercedsJo sdlol8 o,rl eqJL .,1,unLuaa)o,t1,]f!, Jo sloqtuolu uerleJlsnv agl puc-DluJoJo)tos sllue8 eql ueo.rloq Jelc?J€r{cur elBrpeuJelur eJoJe.reqlele (Je,rou fsgl:uollrsod ur l€rx?qe Jeqlo oql pu" I€rx?p€ ouo qcee o; suautuls o,tr1Sirr,teq u! puE enssrl"ru^qJu€Jolr{J Jql ur sptoJeJcsur?ld Sur^?qur e,\rlJurlsrpol€ (.quJJtS-.Aun \evPq) uDnold l, pu€ AetpuBls (qsrrEd) alDalwlatqns.7) sercedsuErt?r1snv-?.uxo o,\\1 eqJ uerpul-u?ouBJJelrpet\ eql ur Jeqlou" pu" "ruloJrTEJ ur sercedseuo suraluoc 'sorcads-€aJp .wnwau u?rlBrlsnv eql ol uoqrpp? ur.snue8 srql (g/61) tto.g ,{q pastuSocersV -JotqJtV sE_LUr\ouI ^[ensn snueSoqJ ur sJrJJdsJql Jo {lnq eq} Eur^?ol tno pele8erEasueaq e,teq r.reue8 (cruropuo ^ll€au Jo) rrtuepuo Jo Jegurnu B dnoJ8 puoJes slql ulqll,^& 'pees aq] ur (ruredsued) uounql€ lu?punqv (t) 'uour"ls (l?rx€q€) elSursE qlr,r s:e.uo1g(g) 'aqol gtru?uad IerxepEu" lnoqtr,r sro,rolC (Z) anssIl?ur,{qruoJolqc ur sprorolcs.Ioecuesqy (1)_ : srelc€reqc bur,rolloJ Jqt uourtuoJ ur e^uq FJqI petpulutucslpaq ,{eur,{eql l€ql sla}ceJegrJo uorleurquoc e Aq Aluo sr lr pue A;oLorldJorrrte^\ou ul ruJoJrun ,{lJl"J eJ" srequtour Surureruereq1 'pees oqt ur (uJedsuod) uetunqls Jo aiuosqv (t) 'uatu"ls Frxpq€ ue pu? l?rxBp" ue qloq qlr{{ sJe,rolc (€) 'eqo1 qluerred lerxep? ue rpr.r sle,rolC (Z) 'enssrl "ru^qouoJolqc ur luese.tdspreJ3lcs (I) : sJolJeJ€qJ-3ur^\olloJ eql Sutssessodur o,\Dcurlsrpy qctrl/r\DlLr.tuoJ,!oS punog sr dnor8 'sdnoJ8 1s:g egl uI lcurlsrp .,{ro,to,r1 olur popr^rp eg uua aDaMfi)qDS u"rTeJlsnv eqJ ',{tlunoc lBqt urqlr,{ rotseJu" uourruoJ 'otutoto) ,oJoJaJerll Ir ruo{ pa^lo^s tlgeqotd /rS loJ ldeJ\J e^eq srl"Jlsnv Jo aDalanJlpseql'senedssnoue8rpur-uou.,{ueolprp,(aq}uer{lrJL{loqceeo1,{1ru!gereleei8 pe,roqs (snue8;o onrl:eds::_.ry)sJrJ€ds uuU"llsnv eql tDlLt,to)o).tosur psceld ereq sorceds Jql JoJ lCJJXA'leqlluJrBdd" JaqlJnJ sE\\ ll JqtJt lBqr utqtt,r punoJuorlEue^ eql JoJ '1ocs pelol?J ,{lolenbep?ur . q loded Jql JelJ? uJ^J .s;de.luol .rr.reue8peldeice eqi 'Jr feqi lurr?dd" eueceq alau)oJryoc u"tTeJtsnv eql Jo uo4e8rlso.lur luese:d oq1 Burrnq exel ueqzrlsny ,{ueur selu€u eql slcoge lr_eJurspessncsrp lequnJ eq uollr" srql qu:e1g_.Buq (epeq) Jo 'y llr^\ 'l.: LurcnolS se u,rou{ ,{llca:.toJ^\ou sercodsaq1 fq utruuautot17l7 snue8 eqf;o uoaijlgO7i -olcel eql porlsrlqelso-€Josl" eH (staquJetu uErlellsnv or,r] oql Furpnycur) qlutocyog go sercedspruue:ed oqtr poc"ld eq rJJll,td olur Dlu,toJo)tDs snuef, ateu ? peqrJcsepoq,.lr (g16l) ffocs f'y ^q pa,rer^er ero,r e"eprorurorrleg ,([ur3qns aq] ulqlJ.r erouo8 eqJ

'uoslu €I aeerurorrl€Suerlu4snv C InEd NuytsiaVol 3 1980 14 O) of the- genus.and it was Moquin later (1849)'Ung6rn-Sternberg modified his original circumscription of the original specres frrth;;'i;fi;"J ty (186?, 1876) who-retained *"siltj"j#if:}"'l; l']iftix:f{*r"$l*,r*ti{,Jlrufi {v{i"r#.1t#'."i,fsalicornia i,i.ii ii,l vlqll ;r. i;;,i. ii.". A. maciostuchyum)since he included fruticosa lillf ii,!ut!'i{;fo:Pn'\:g;;"'#39::"1H::x'ili:il; +H'*,:lli1"":,"iiru:xE: in a posthumolspna5;rllriii.t "iirr'la.q"i"'t .""!!o! "i 1t9.q*"s. Unfortunatelv, lld+t',*,'mru';;:ifilJ:"KiJ"#H #J"'.]"il'?:rili:ih;;;;i, in.i,o,o;.,." i"iJrriJ ui"t t. u1rri.rr. ii is apparentthat the lectotvDehas to be selected ir'i"*ii"",rv originally from one of the threespecles t.r"i."Ji" ift" g;iirs by Ungern-sternbeigofthose. and A' ir"iro"J tu Moquin;ihe choiceis therefoiebetween '4 indicum,A' arbuscula' n.tcrostacit)um( A. glctucum(Del.) Ung.-Sternb)' ^,,,$:"1':TiHiX:llil',,:i"'li3:T:,JJt;'ff:::'fid;-;'ll]:1iiiS?'U?i:jilq',}F:i il'#i',',:',r#fl)*t;i*15q,',i;p..:'"9* jJ"fTiil;'g.#'*',tr#,'."+ldJert$ require a new generic name. If-- i"iL,iedtoArihrocnemum *"t0,:"ii?.*;lij,t;?J:"i;lJl:f5",#1"*i'1:ffi'iffi; would requirea new genericname i )(i!: 'rl"" ;iil'!ii"fl ;?iit"!,.;i?;"#f il; ntt..:'"";x'tm'nu"tll,':t$"l t,}ff;jfi leclollpe' rr""" i..."iiu t.-iLetuieoby ScoLt1l9i8t: to choo.e A glautrm ir\ the the sp-eciesI' Of the four alternatrves only.;:'J**"*:f three can be seriously considered since l'l;l:;:rul,y"**:,'.,:n #t3'"?:ii""Y;-i,:i'f.TJ'3i!'a:'3f;'"ffii been iisl r ;"d iiluli.h fr-sj+).'ii rh" two namesA- ittdicumand A' arbusculahave never glaucumas the tvpe' Arthroc- ;;;;;;i;t ,yp;;. irl.t.roi. t.-ains onlv to accept.l "#'ti:l"i rlr,srlri{*[lif:i':r:ri:t1?:i'l]?ffji:'rli iffi, i$";'xtll are thereforehere placed in a new genusHalosatciq

SvstematicPosition group It is not intendedin this paper to critically disorssthe rank to which the col- by f"qr*fiy i"fl"J-r".pttlt"t ifto'utabe accorded,e\cept lo"rernark that it is considered all reaentworkers to bea natulalgroLrp clearly separable from, although-obvlously closely generathat developedaround ;;i"1;-i;; G-iest ol tt'e chenop"odia'ceae.ihe-group of " tii ii-i'siii-rnio wasfirst recognisedas belongingroa distinct tibe, the salicornieae", 11.",:n"tltglll;":"';'s:*ilil$:fJ"%'nT[:il"[J;;"'i.tii*^i'i:Hi]'lPJi:l ..i"i.".t r and L lbrrch(l9l4l as a 'ubfamlly tsaliconrioideae.rof the Chenopodiaceae iiriri.ir'oi' iJ"a ri.Juti.otn loia.u. into two tribes.the Haplopapli'leaeand rheSalicnrnieqe' all the ih" l;1i;; beine subdivided into the subtribes Halostachyina.e,and salicorniinae; the Halo- 't;;;;;';;;l ';.i;;ii;t';;;""r;*"i" t"r"rt"a to the tribe salicornieae with Tecticorniq tn ;;1.'i;; reJin ihe snlico'r1zae. The distinction made bv Ulb^richin recognising ii'"-r"'i*" ,rutiiu* wai basicalty as to \.\,herherthe opposite bracts of the inflorescence "rii"f.!j r"i" "i ii"d or free. T(at this is not a natural character for use in subdividing this and the A stralianrepre\entllives i. apparenlfrom the lack of correlalionbetween Sclerostcgia ;i;;t;;;;";;t.;:" iu.i in rr';' p.e'.nt t"ut'ntnt the generaHolo\ar'|ia and some species ;;;h .;;;;p;"ies with free bracts and specieswith united bracts' In .-l DtuJoJloS : snuo8 ed,{J 'po^rnc'rq'rBrrs o.{rqrue :luosq€ 'snoeJ€lsn.rJ roruspunq? "ffif,T:n'"rt#.HJ3?i,?XTjJ^':"'i:tJ#: ol snoupJquJurBlsJl :l?rrue^ paas .snoec?lsn.rJto ,{Buods01 snou"lqusu dreJoJd.puE qlreued 3u!4nU (g) g seruSrls:eTrssas &r,1O .(eler8uerodsz:1e1)relncolp sJJqlup :uorlrsod -rorralsod-rotralueur pereld ,oeg ,Z Jo suaialg ,{puenbe:1 -peqoT 'snolcdJ}olue8 .luosqg 1 luolnccns t-f {ZJ Utaoltad selo3lJEtq Jo slc"tq ,{.rEpuo3os:selnul,{c polo,t\ou-e ,fu?lJrx? ,elrsses Jo dn epeur dlpnsn esr.(q1e1q-e1rds e ur pe8ue.rre lenxosrun Jo ellpoJrldEru.lrq .r.?a. [o1J lJpoura]ur) elJrlJpqJ"€Jo x€dE orll !uu poqolrq ,fqsog.luBcgru '(snueb le -dISUI.u?iu[uJoJ uxtL?J1snv-e]lxoouo ur elnmrxeldruepu€ etpuJelle)el?uuoc 'elrsoooo .serJJuBrq sr,lra7 et?ln3l:U" ,{lluolpdd8 luelnJJns rl]l1{. sqnll to s(lnJqs oBaruroJIIaSaquJ .aaoproruJoJllBsdlluBJqns

'sercods e oBu"J er{l uorsuelxe luzcgru8rs " eleclpur qcrq,r ;o :p"pa11o"Jo spJoJar lle deuu o1 epeur uee{ suq ldruettr uy^ oroplos ueeq e^Eq qcrq,\\ "x?l esoql ]oJ ldJJxt pJlrJ sl serJedsqcee go sueurrcedsunu"qJer{ go uorlcales e ,{1ug suerurcadggo uoqelr3

'ss?13 Jo-elnlc€Jnu"u or ur s1ue1deseql;o seqs?eql Jo osn oqtruro.U esoJ? puE Dlu,tultDs Jo serJedsJoJ erueu qsrTSuA,(Fee reqloue sr ,1ro,trsse18,etueu uourruoc eqJ poqddEe..,pceq rlluenbasqns ou,"u errr ,.r,,{d-;:ppX1l":t::,;t:lfflilLil"rXlT;*t"j'il1 JOJ '^fqPLl|nqJJdpuE \l?r srql ur pJ.n o:lc ,t DJodolnaDluto\lcts rue;d ;etseot qsr;3u1 eqJ el{crd E se lo qse{ loqlre url?e puE.)sEt\ qJrq,\\ ,aeecerdy-eq1 'Mnwttrlow !s.rlTlls ;o .riqLuoii Ielsuor E wnwqjuJ o1 pellddu dJlerlrur ss,r erueu srql :,dr:ir4 :1j ep jqreq, eur?uqcueJC eqt tuo{ seuoJ JleslgqJq,r .eroduzs.eruEu qstl8uA rorTl"e eql uro{ pe^rJep sl JlltlotuEspro^\ Jqf peJJaJeld-\t.tJo,r\se13. eLu€u rql sEJoUIuJJJJ oLuos ur q8noqt;r '.SJJlqdur"S.s" Ot pJJJeJel,{11eltu:3 er1tl1cn9 V a)E)oatu)o.'tlDS Jrlt Jo \JequteLuJqI .arqduas, orl|BuaqI

'ltlalullDs 01 pepteJ,tlesolc q8noqllt €loue8 u"ll?Jlsnv Joqlo eql ruo4 .DlrrzsolrrH lJurlsrp ,{lleelc sr Dluloro)1os snue8er{J snue8oql uaqwow (olncsnqto.5 ',{Soloqdroru Jo qand:rjiy-"iza1iora1rg -r6q1osqi uo prue slr ut Dluto)[tpDJ pu?rl ouo dqi 'stultolilpqD!lerog uo seqJeoiaae snued eql .g q8norql oDtDSolDH snue8 'uoslrlAJ eql ot po{urT ,{1ree1csr (7/61 lJurlsrp os eq ol lsJU 1€ peruoos q)rqlt' ,otuloJlDal snua8 oq1 -aoavroJuos u?llsJlsny eql uqll^r uonecurss€lJcueueS,reu " lJe.ro ol epEut eteq st 1duretr1uo11 "rl€llsnv ur punoJ EJeueAerrqdru"s erll ecr:1d,{oq1gcrq,r olur 'aDalulqlps .sre1io,n11e eqr4 orp pesruSorerrlcuql1 pu" ltocs qrog :erllo tsour pue (re6I) qclrqln petdopu _,{q tderuo_cp"orq oq} peurele: a,rrri 1 pue ,41iue3puilsrp e arinuei'eidjj sz sorrqdues eqt Jo uortruSoJor luerr?,r ol lerlurlsqni ,tpuerjgni eq o1 ieedde lou seop slqJ aeoceJpodouorlJer{l Jo lsoJ erll Luo{ uorle:udes reeycr-lruracf 1ou op se,r1es,.u:ql Aq sJelc?J€qcIBJ_og oql ecurs so,\"al pu? Iuels eql;o ,{Soyoqdrouratlbtun JLII uo-,(la8reJ uorlcB srqt petroddns eH eEer?rurocrT"g,{Iuu; eql paleliurer 191611llorg.IpuoreJ flrurcr^.aqrur) oe4 olrnb er",{eqr qrrq,r ul esoqrol (Elr€rlsnvu*urld "r;ll:l'r"jt;?"j; petrun.{lr"elr_qtl.rselrds ruorg .,(8o1oqd:ou s1r ur uoqrsue:1r slrqrqxilrua adsos,u)irI onti -solpJTJ soraJoseuo oJrq,r'slc?Jq pelrun puu ee{ q}oq o^"q,{€ur 1ue1derurs eql uo se{rds {uoslr/ 9I et6rurorrles uerlellsnv D Ined

i NuvtsiaVol. 3 (1) 1980

Key to Genera 1. Perianth with truncate or rounded apex (outer face); stamenstwo; seedsorbicular' sarcocornia ;br;;;;;;;;;-;h;ped, pernperm abient ...... s' 2 .'ii;;;;;'t.ii;* Feriuirrtr rarious; slamens soliraiy. with perisperm 2. in axil of foliage ieaves - 3 Tegicornia 2*.i.i;;;;;;;il":-n"*"i.a..v.,tes(triads),usua1lyinspikeJikeinflorescences floweriof triad male,central hermaphrodite 3. Lateral 2J . Flowers of triad hermaphrodite or female 4. l;;i i;il;;;;"ti, d"rttv, divaricate;embrvo annular " " l' Pachvcornia .'Oonosite i;;i i;b;; insignificait, t"atio"t; emutvo * siraight 2' Sclerostegia 4 Halosarcia 5. bracti united...... 6 5'! 65ffiii;;;;;i; i;];.;;"ch other 6. i'ri""ir *-rril, rl.t"""i"r,^ot'itti"u, ; p.tiuothgamotepalous : 4' Halosarcia succulent(eventuallv 6{<'it*j. i'i;;; ;;;;;h';i short-livedp"rettttials;'' perianth of two . ilt".i'ril, pt"*o iip"it Tecticomiat

l. PachYcorniaHook'f' Hook.finBenth. er "*. " 'l r{o.ok:!., 3:X:SlTSli#H*I(ir1-#,jirliilllIih"iT'iill?il*111. lr !'rl?S}tiilhi'xlo;.Tsii:*3,1;Linn.soc. 7s:36e (le?s). Du arf rlrabswith )ucculentslems. Leqvcsoppo5ite, of shortfleshy-spurr apparently of flowers O."ril."l"io"g int"inoa". tnRot"t.encea spikeJi[e thyrseconsisting-oflriads. i"irri "iii, oi oppositedecurrent bracts. _F/on.er,rdimorphic, the lateral-male^ and ill-r"" fruit' irr"'L"t.iirt"ii"" phridite Pertanr, gamot€palous,.membranbus, unchanged. in .iio-"rl-rotirurv(a'baxial in centralffou-er). dvary witha solitaryovule artached to base: ly tiiangutat.papitlose Friit.: peric.arphard' fusedto and sunken ;i;;;;;;;;;.; cenhal. f ir-,|*.Jov ,pit "-ixii. Senabiuii"lar; testathint embryoannular;perisperm Type species:P. triqndru(F. Muell.) Black A singlespecies endemic to Australia' (ornu Orieinofname: from a Greekuord pachy rhickand a Latin.word a horn'bur Frenchword ;.1r";, i,j#i;;"ilri. " i,f, if,'" nameSaiicornia which i' a tarinizationof the 'salicot'.

(1924)' Frg' 11' 1. Pachycorniatriantlra (F. Muell.) J. M. Black, FI S' Austral' 206 Afthrocnemumtriad,'m F. Mue' ,.Fmsm (1868)norn. superfl, based on precedrn Dr:r3eirff"r,|;:git6iif_t,ri._i. i;##rll.5ix-"T; $3il H:i:g[iJxii::iti:n:rl"'';ril';,;;l:;,?]'u*fi:,"o",',"J.:i;#B;i"'''.',1.'ii."'Y'3iffTb,'.'ll] (r9t7). "Near lower Darling Lectotype: above the ju,nction of the Darling on the Mur-ray and on the (holo: 71400) u, fut"io*n the Murray ai Lake ", Dea' 1853,F' Mueller MEL lecto, nov. Diraricarely branchedbrighr greensubshrub ca. 50 cm high. lnternodescylindrical r-2.. ions';ih it'ri.k tigid i.uti lob"t ca. 3 mm long that are ciliolaretowards their ;r;";';; ;;[; ;arou.s utiie opposite ciliolate groores which run for length-of internode' lobesacicular ;;;;;;;;;;il.;"id, t-z cm lbig.0 s- l 2 cm wide' bractsconsested' the iil'.,-"*fr liLiicare forming a-decurrentgroo\e at their union._ f/owerssteeply ascend- from upperand i;;.;;.4';; t,ong,free {ercipt nearlheii ba5e)from eachother and i;"".;6r;;i;- P"iionth ^r^lrrunous. dorsiventrally compressed'irregularly fimbriate

t SeeP. G. Wilson(1972). -t

(zl 02916 'elelolel 'urnsoldoa runlLujodsrled :snlellno lell^ol IoA snl3aj o,{lqua 'eocelsnJc 'Lunlaele :eIAoEI + rolrnuel €lso] :Lunoplo^o uoues suepnJcul oululuo eullues lunrnp lllnldj?t -Ired:suapnlJur olnauln suelsls.red LunrqtuBrrod - Jrlrr,c. rrlnlenuelle olsnqoj oJ,{ls uI oaldE'Lonoplo^o unue^o :elerx"qE'Ltrnuelrlos uellrEls :Lunqof€-Z rotr^erq ttlnl€delou-rE8 LLrnlqlu€ued :.rr.rr1i. stllpoJqde -uJjoq snqrlerlueJ 'srlnJsElu snqrlerelel snqrjou 'aelse8uoa "oploclds :eouerseJouul Bqol-Z-qns €lelEIIp 'snlelncrue 'snll,{qcle orlpoul eJrde'EtEupe rlnE. Elrsoddo etualn.rns tlto! raqgla Isenb srlrrl,rr{ ',\ou 'ue8 'uoslrd! g d sl8olsoralJs Z

'sas"q ]J".lq pue slx" scuecsalouul 'o^Jqure '(se,loor8 eql uorl"agru8rl erll pu" J€lnuu€ erll luer:nrep pue seqol-;eoye8rel) Jo 'eJu"cgru8rs 'd ,{SoloqdJoura^rl€lo8r^ eql eJe cueue83o eq ol .reprsuoJI qcrq,\\pvg'D.tpu'!lJ qsrrSuqsrp qcq,r sro:loeJeqcenbrun eql '"]ELuBrls pu" sqlueued rBlItuIS el"q oslu feql :ellpo.lqdeuJeq l€.rluof, eql pu? el?ur er? s.re,rou I€JelBI eql qclq,\\ uI ecuecse]ouul edfl J€llurrs e sl.q (a8atso.taps ur sarcedspeqrJcsep ,{I,$eu sql pu?) selaodsosaql Jo Jo 'olnsnqn 'sintat LIcEg S sercedspetelar flesolc eql pepp" ,{llEcrSol (8/6I) ltocs pu€ Daalso.ralcg opnlcur ot sr os (6761) 1cr1g ,{q po8r?lue sD.r orutottqto{ snuo8 aqJ '1ue1d e1oq,r eqt Jo qt3ep eqt lltun ecBld e{sl 01 lou r?odd" plno,\\ srql ses?ceuos uI ol tr sesnEJsrxE eql ,{eJepeql Illun 'sJEe,{ 'eruq !o )€eJq Jo'Je,\o,roH I€JoAes",{lqrssod eruos ro;1ue1d eql uo sur€uroJo.rnFnJls eql pees eql Jo uonuln]?Luoql JelJ" serplr ql,roJ8 enurluoJlou sJop JJuJJSelcnUureq] oJUIS 'ql'\\ol3 ,{rzpuocesseoSjopun srxe elrds dpoo,r eql eJegt smual DBa$oepS ul l€ql trlo{ lu€Jeglp ,{lle}ueurspunJsr'ueql'uorlrpuoc srqJ eJnlrnJls eloq,\\oqlgo .{1rp11os1un1ue,r.e eglJo esn"c erll sr qcrq,r 'pouru8rTeruoceq 'efrds eql srxs p?olq oql pu? 'dr"cued eql 'slce.rq oql 'Je^e,uoH Jo Jo es"q eql poosoqt Jo uorlBlnl€ur eql qlr,r sseulJrrll ur es?e.rJurtq8rls e st ereqt q8noqlp ecrld e1el lou seopIlr^rp" I"rqru"J ol enp srr"Ee4ds eql go SutuelJlql fJ€puooos 'a^rlcurlsrp osl? sr ruredsrredyerluec pue ofrqure ped'uqs-ooqsosrogslr qlr,\\ peesJ"lncJrc orll 'serceds ,/os1rs " Jo t€ql ot rrlurrs Sureq eruE]€edd? l?Jeue8eql :SuDIcEIsr elrssrlop?sJFd eql qcrq,r ql€o[eq pus soqol oql Jo uorlcuni eq1 ruo{ lueJ.rncepse^oor8 o]Isoddo ssossod qcrq,t solcrlJ" poqol ,{llueuruord .,{:e,rSur,req ur elqe)r"uel sr DJpUDltlDlu.torftptld roslrN 's8uudse.rlv ltu :(HIXAd) zrrT 'e8urpoU IHIXEd) tOS 't96TT O ' Jo S S.9 ttSI } J lo N rtuZ :(IN) alppaaddl) , .,tlntt SH el"^,{rEII Jo A\ rLuZ : tntl aJ u.laquoN '(HIdAd) )anqrslU 8nv 'orFooSle, rlu ar,{ry 'snqtuez 'aje-Ir.'Il_61 I Jo a t:(HJdad)'su.&oc 69€9 O U :(HIdad) tr€I pox W sra8uol{:(HJdgd) O|ZS,mua1 rry o8'eg:D!t $ny ua$211 e)p-r:(r!nr)qruaic.r.t6sr,Ernplj,^{:(-rar,{) zll,tq)s.,!1,urrln:,+"ogr*",',gi,;151;ti,.'{';';"ii':& ')r€J 'H 'ar6, 'rr",1r"^ s!lt!,U H l'Bn EnV lt eeqrr.re{lo g 1u I :('IEI ) s!!l!,U t ^n^ ,rl7rtfl ^e,,nr^pue Eu,lr'c ro uorl3unr:(rsw) aosuolttltt .a .,' r,.f1flr'1fl,i3#t{;K':!}Eh^'rH;;'T:i 'I de1r'{ ercrlsny pu"lur Jo setl€ u?a€uelE :uolnq!4sl6 ',{e1c 'IlqpulnseJd 'eseql -,{qureFepun sr los eql ur lnq suorlenlrs dpues Jo ,{ltoAErBruo{ pepJoceJuooq sBq 1r :llos oul[1s l?q,roruos lircaq ut tlpnsn :7o11qog 'e{rds ^ecep dq pesEelarpees 'leJluoJ 'qloorus 'snouerqrueuJo ruredsued :.r?lnuu? o,{Jqujo :u,rorq "lsJ} :Jeloru€Ip u[u Z 'ec 'J"lncrqro pars srx€ ,{poo,r eq} olur ue{uns ,(ltueJedd" pu€ ol pesnJ ',(uroq '{crqtr d.I?cuod :snoueJqruerurlluBuod :ru.ru lnq .(qltd slcerq :,{poo,\\ pue slc€Jq es€q 'r€ln8u"rJl )tlr{l Jo puz srxe lpepuedxe ,{lecrecs a1ds Bu4tn.q ,{1,{or:ru suruS4s :pelJesxe 1ou '(peue eg ,{11e:lua.trsrop)8uo1qo ,'(y,trorreu'!urg el,{ls :slxe e{rds ol posnJ'}uelncJns 'lEa\JeL 'lnols '3uo1 '€J 'Suolqo |JD^O luoru€lg urru e .tatqwV. (?utqo1 ollugopul rlll^\ slarog 1ere1el)seqoJ el"crJqtur lerxrqe;o rrcd e qllar lerou l"rluo3 :eJn od? l€uluuol eql l€ 'uoslri LI )ErlurorrlpsuerlerlsnV D Lnpd 18 Nuvtsiavol. 3 (1) 1980

Type species: Sclercstegialerur (Benth.) P. G. Wilson (Salicornia tenuis Benth)

Dwarf sftraDs,seemingly lealless,glabrous; branches when young of articulated cylindrical to sphericalsegments (intemodes) which are cup-shapedto twolobed at apex; segmentssuccrilent, the fleshy outer portion ultimately shrivelling and falling away from thi woody axis. Inflorescenceeither a spikeJike thyrse consisting of triads of flowers (cymes)immersed in the axils of eachlleshy bract, or of triads dispersedamong the branch segments;bracts free from each other or united in oppositepairs. F/ou'ersdimorphic, hoiizontal to almost verticai in positiol, the central one of the triad hermaphroditeand the lateralones male; perianthgamotepalous, membranous or 11eshy,with a pair of laterally placedimbricate lobei on the anterior (abaxial)side of the oriflce and sometinresa small abarirl inner lobe; solitary (abaxial in hernraphroditeflower); style short and stout, passing into the ovary; stigmas 2, narrowly triangular, papillose. FtLtit: periaflt]:' remaining membranous or, when originally succulent, becoming sbrivelled; pericarp firmly crustaceousor woody. Secrlovoid; tesla thin, smooth or faintly granular over the embiyo; embryo straight or slightly curved with the radicle inferior; cotyledonscon- duplicate;perisperm copious. lateral.

Five species,all endemicto Australia (includingTasmania).

Origin of the genetic name: from the Greek words scleros (hard) and sl(€os (shelter); refering to the hard pericarp.

The genus Sclerostegiamay be distinguishedfrom the other menbers of the Sali- cornieaeby a combination of two characters,(l) the dinorphic flowers,the central one of the triad being hermaphroditeand the lateral ones nrale,and (2) the straight or only stightlycurved embryo rlith copiouslateral perispern:. The first characterby itselfclearly difr'erentiatesit froni all other membersoflhe tribe exceptfor Pqchycornia:this genusis distinguishedby its annular embryo and by its unique vegeiativecharacters.

Sclerostegiatexuis, S. metlulktsa, and S. ruonilifornis possessmembranous which persistin this conditioneven when in fruit. In thesethree closely related species the flowers are nearly vertical in position, with the apertures(which are dorsiventrally flattened) at their summit. The aestivationof the perianthlobes is not clear; in some flower buds studied there was a pair of laterally placed conduplicatelobes (with each of the lobes over-lappingon one of its margins and under-lappittgon its other); in otherflowers only the imbrication on the abaxial side of the perianth could be distinguished,the adaxial lobing beingeither absentor not apparent. ln all casesonly the aestivationof the central hermiphrodite florets was noted iince that of ths lateral florets is difficult to observe. ln S. crrbusculathe perianth is succulentand fused to the upper bract but the flowers are otherwise similar to those ofthe preceding three species. In S, tlisqrticulata the flowets are almost horizontal, the perianth succulent, and the aperture on the outer truncate face. In this casethere is a pair of large lateral imbricate lobes ald a smaller inner abaxial lobe which links the lateralpair together.

In all speciesof Sclerostegiathe pericarp becomes hard and completely enclosesthe seed rvhich has only a thin testa. ln S, monilifbrntis, S. medullosa, and occasionally in 'spike' S. orbuscula,the (or fertile branch) continues growth vegetativelyand the shrivelled bracts eventually become sloughed off along with the old flowers and fruit. In S. tenuis the spike-axisalways undergoes thickening and lignification. The steleof this axisconsists (in the mid inlernodal position) of two setsof vascularstrands, one set on each side of ihe transverselyplaced alis (seeFig. 14F). Lignilicationand eventualsecondary thickening of the stele results in the forrnation of two opposite vertical bands between the pairs of triads (the bands beirrgtlrerefore opposite and decussate,changing their position at each node) causingthe fruit to becomemore and more deeplyimbedded in the spike axis. As the steleundergoes this thickening the woody pericarpalso grows in thicknessalthough not so markedly. 'tq[op ol u.:do a'le elep oq1 l€ql suorl]olloJ Jeqlo oqt l€ql ruorJ luelouP os ',(alpJ"aJo sI eroq lueuruorr^ueeq] tnq'(gOZe ,4,OV'9€6I IIIdV 6l ,{ J) opr"l3pv r"ou ls"oJ el{l uro4 polo3lloc ueeq a^€q ()1pel"ls sr uolulJeds euo su?d -'{"lc uro.IJ3u.rot 3A?q ol J"edd€ uortnqrJlsrp str sl[u{ uJerluou ejolu eql ruo{ ?ll"Jlstlv uJelsel\ ur epeur 'auotseurrlJo suorlcollooelrq,r re^o s,ror8 1r ereq,\\ureld Joql€llnN eqt Jo utErPLUurJqlnos 'eprsfiq '-,{uo1s eql Suole peerdsepr,r sr sercedseql lnq ,{lleaBr8? s" ]o st leltqrq aql pJocJl (sep16 q1rro5 ,reN ruo{ esoql fll"rcedso) suelurJodsunlr"qraq eq! Jo l\uE :loltqDH 'poos es€elero1 ,{11eurpn1r8uo1Sutpr^Ip -,{lFnluo^adrtclred 1s:e,tog eleru pelle^IJrls oql o1 -'(1p.ra1e1posLrJ pu" qlu?ued,,tup eq1 ,(q pepuno:rns dr"cuod ,{urorl ll"Ius 'sp"ul proloqo ue jo Surlsrsuol retlEl eql Jo r{J€a pu" slJtrq eleredss olur dn 8ull"eJq 'eJnlElrl usrl,{\'e]rds eg1 pe,nnc, pq8rls odrqrue :utr\orq el"d'qloouls 'snou€Jqueur €lsel :8uol ulru g. 'BJ 'pro^o '(e)llds srxe o1 sJe,\\ou eql 01 l 3o leFred) l"cllJe^ faas 're^oI"Jol"l pesnJ pu" qlu"uod (el€loor" .{11en1ue,re),{qseu urqt eql .{q pepunol.lns l[€ .(uroq '3uo1 'l"crlJe^ 'pro^oqo ruur ,.I €c -,{lp"oJq dszcued :Jtn,tg relr8uttrl ,(l^\o]]"u,fuo^ srtuStls lpapesxe 1ou eldls :Ja,uou ql3ue1 Suole slx" alrds o1 posn; pu" qlu?uod ',(qseg Jo 1zcr1:0,r. 'eqol o1 (1s:g 1r) luereqpu pue tuD^O Ssol ruru EJ taqtuy ;z\xeqe) Icnl:l I '€ JorJelu? reuur ll?rus " pu" soqol el?cnqur pue I"Jel"J 3uo1jo -ntd ? (lolou I€lluec Jo) seqol :ec€JJnsJelno eq] SuolE e.rnlJed" erll qtl,\\ .{qsog ,{1ert1oe,{1pn1ua,te lnq xed"l" 'll?uls snou"lqueru lsJU lE qtuoual eaJel Je,rou (olrpollld?ruJerl) Iel:luaa sJe,\\og(elEru) :]c"rq Surpuelqns ,{q perncsqo ,{ll?nr?d ^luo 'J"lnFu"rJ} pu" e1"3ur1j1p€IJl I€rel€l 'leqloJo (ecegrnspesodxe lelno) xed€ :lJ€Jq Jaddn eql 01 JI€rl lvurxord ur lueroqp€ lsJU 1€ qt"s 01 pesnJ- lel"lurlur'sry? elrds o1 se13uzlq8r:1e spet.ll ur spitrol! xe,luoc ,{11q3t1sro urBreurreddn 'J"cueqdsrtrleqec"J.rns lolno'rorllo qc"a ur04 (JJ{ }soLu[[]o) JJ{ leluozrroq '3uo1 slc€.rq elrsoddo :(OZ) selcrlr? olr:lreJ:(ot€ls peup ur ruu eph\ urlu Ot-E E-9 7) 1-g'l€urlurel rutu (02) g 'lurupull^c Il,tor.r"u 'el"lncunped .,(llroqs uoqt pu" ro 0l I"re]E[ '(dJp sa7r15 (elelrcquap dler"r ro) arrlue ul8r"Lu 'prqol ,{ltunlq puE -'{luorts -tue^ x3d€ '3uo1 '-,(qsou ueq,{\ )to"lq ue13o)ueer8 lq8rrq 01 llnp ruru 9 e plo^oqo o:l LuloJlelop seIsIuB : repueq saq)uqlg q8rq ruur 9.t f.O qn.nlsqns pepunor poqcu?rq ,41e1tcue,rtq '()'SNVJ :osl 'HIU3d :o1oq)gggg uosllu'D'd '6961 '3nV '"rl"rtsr.rv 'a,UZ./It 'S,9t.82 'e{"1 9 urelsei(\ sreBuoll ;o pue N .ad,q

urnLLtepoltu sapn.tlil ur1.uro. ouruuro'runr"^oqo unrclr.rrr.d :srlr€upe,#Yiii3:r:ffi:tlf.1# 'sn8uol 'Ec 'Llrneplo^oqo (oleloere lxnrxop) olueinaans olqlrrcr.rgd fi lulu I,I elel srtrr{ ololjelxe 6rcp+ur orcgrJo'umtuelnaJns anrytrDt.tal ru8elu rleilu$'rAJEd seJBJelE[serou:l]eaunr ealde'lleuuoa 'sol€luozuoq 'l,rElrl3Jrarlues 'ocleJ.srp 'ee8uol srrolJ e.rorJelxo or.p,.l eEelJejq : LLrErpul|:tl ' € LuLu (02) 'e€ecuplrrl{r 'a€tBln.unped 's.leuluue} etsn8u€ te saltra}tl )ottu)rs oAnI (otelncBLFp ole.l) 0l-S 'olBqoJ 'lFuol16,\ oJSelul olrr8rEttr esntqo le Jalr^arq eJrde trlLtr 9 € Isplo^oqo Je^ saurroJ!3lop .urrllrf 'tE'ZT '3ll 'I ^ou ds'uoslllA'C d sle1nrl1.tBslpBl8alsoralrs

sFual 'S 't stxe f,poo,tt oql ur poppoquo pue ,{poo,tt dr"aued :lrn{ ur ,(poo,r pue Surluo3eq'lesupurl,(] 01 plo^oqo selJl e eluei'+t {crqt 'stloocBlsnrc slruJoJllluoru'S srx?,{poo,lt € ur peppeque lou dl"Juod € 'dJp 'plo,\oqo illnr; ur ,{qttd pu" plo^oqo ol J€lnqola SullrloJeq solJlll? ell eg t lou JeuJoJ erll .lo J"Jrurlsslp]oqlro salcllr? e^Il?le3e^ pue eJruel':F€ V l€Jupull,{c'g esoltnparu'S srxe,{poo,\\? ur pepp€qrue1ou drecued 'e1qt :el€lncrluop ,{1pe>1.ruruseqol JEel :lmupull,{c selcrlre e,\Ilele8e^ pu€ eI oC € € SurpnJloJdlou eJ,{ls:snou".tgruou qluBlJod.*Z 's EFOsnqft z (fup ueq,r -,{llprcedse)lrnr; ur Surpn:1o:d pur^ p.trq ol,tls :.,(qsouqtu?ued Z seqcusJqelll duole se^"el eql sTIx"eq1 z 'palrun Jo ur tnq se{rds ur lou sro,rop rql ro dJJ€olcs:lc€Jq elrsoddo eql q:}ll\ so{Ids'+I BlslnJrtrsslp's I reqlo qc?oruo{ oa{ E.€.rqetrsoddo oqt qtr.r se{rds I a$a1so.ra1cg;o solradsoql ot do)I 'uoslr^A a€oruro.rlesuErlErlsnY c Inrd 20 NuytsiaVol. 3 (1) 1980

Distribution: Central and southern Australia, in Eremaean and suberemaean areas, south of 26' lat. and east of 144' longitude. Map 2. Ne$iSouth lYales: 18 mi w of white clifls, E. a Constable4600 (NSW); 16 kln Nw of Milparinka,G M. Cunninghama^d P. L. Mihhorye.1091(NSW); Tero Ck. Stn.,30"3'S, 142'50'E, 2 Dec.1968, P. Martensz (AD,CANB, NSW). SouthAusttulia:3 km S of LeighCk., Hj. Eichlet12s82 (ADl; EvelynDowns, 8 Oct 1953,E. H. Isine (AD); 80 mi W ol Penang,6 Sept.1962, M. E. Phtllips\AD); 8 Inj S of WhjteWells, 28 Arg. 1947,J H. lI/illis(MEL). WesternAustralia:5 mi E of Kalannie,K. M. Allan48 (PERTH);9 mi N of Carnarvon,T. E. H. APlin 1565(PERTH)i 2 rni E of Norbemxn,J. S. Beard5204 (PERTH); 3miNof Coolgardie,E M Bennett 3257(PERTH)i 6 Ini W of HamelinSIi., J. ll. Greefl1409 (PERTH); Jimba Jimba, Gascovne R., C. ,.4 Gardier614l (PERTH); WindimurtaStn., 19 Aug., 1976,V. Semeniulc(PERTH); Jimba Jimba Stn., D. C. Wilcox158 (PERTH). Northen Tertitor!: HenburyStn., T. S. Henshall789 (NT); FinkeR., 1889,W. F. Schwatz(MEL); Gle11 Helen-AliceSprings Rd., 1 mi W of OrmistonGorge turr'-off, A. C. Beauglehole24247 (PERTH). Sclerostegia disatticulqta exhibits little regional variation apart from that which might be expected from the same speciesgrowing in diflerent environments. However, at jimba Jimba, in the Gascoyne River area of , is found a variant with more deeply lobed articles which, with the bracts, are prominently denticulate on their margins(Wilcox 158and Gardner 614l). The speciesmay be recognised by its slender spikes with free opposite bracts, and bv the manner in which the spike breaks up when mature into single bracts and compact tiiads each of which contains a single seed. The specificepithet has referenceto the general disintegration of the mature infructescence.

2. Sclerostegiaarbuscula (R.Br.) P. G. Wilson, comb. nov. Fig. l3A-D, 35. (1810).-Arthrocnemumarbuscula (R.Br.) Moq, Chenop Enum Salicornia'\13 arbuscula R.Br., Prod. 417 i840).-Halocnemumarbustula (R.Br.) F. M. Bailey,Synopsis Qld. Flora 409(.1883). Pachlconia ar-rr.lcr1a(R.Br.) A. J. Scolt,Bot. J. Linn.Soc. ?5:369 (1978). Lectotype:Port Dalrymple, Jan. 1804,R. Brown (3074)(holo: BM) lecto. nov. Much branched s/rrab to 2 m high with ascendingbranches. lrlicler slightly glaucous or dull green, obovoid, ca. 5 mm long, shortly lobed, entire. Spikes terminal to both main and lateral branchlets (sometimes sessile),of 2 6 articles, slightly torulose (articles laterallycompressed), succulent; bracts shortly lobed, united in oppositepairs and almost enclosing the flowers. F/orers ascending,intimately fused to each other and to the upper bract, free from the lower; lateral flowers (these occasionally aborted) male and smaller than the central hermaphrodite flower. Perianth fleshy at lateral margins and apex, membranous abaxially with the aperture at or just below the apex on the outer face; lobes 2, lateral, rounded and overlapping but becoming obscure with emergenceof style and anther, sometimes also with a small abaxial lobe. Otary fused along vertical length of spikeaxis, passing distally into a short stout style; stigmasnarrowly triangular. Fruit: perianth shrivelled, weak; pericarp thick and hard, deltoid in lateral view and passing into ihe thick hard persistent style which is exsertedfrom the perianth. Seedvertical, elliptic, ca. I .5 mm long; testa pale brown, thin, smooth except for faint granulation over radicle; embryo slightly curved, perisperm lateral. Hqbitat: Sclercstegi(tarbusculq (in its typical form) is coastal or near coastal jn its dis- tribution and frequently occupies marshes subject to occasional inundation by the sea. Distribution: Prineipally in coastal areasof southem , Victoria, , , and south east Western Australia. Map 3, NewSouth Wales: Currarong, 20 June1970, L. A. S. ./drr?sol(NSW). yictoria: GriffrthIs., A. C. Beauglehole19487 (PERTH); Goat Is., ,4. C. Beauglehole32158 (PERTH); Hastings,Jan. 193'7, A. Meebold(NSW); Port Phillip,1848, F. Mueller(MEL). (MEL); (HO); Tasmania:C. Wickham,King Is., 1885,Dorron RalphBay, F. H. Ldng'7154138 DoubleCreek, 28 Feb.1976, J. Iv. Pdrham(PER'|H)t S arm of R. Derwent,F. .4. Rodwar (NSW). '( d d (JV) aoswtltlll/ 't 'N '8soloo5: (^ 'g 'INg) ,a.v.r.ro):{ 'S68 qe4 'u^\otswerllr/tyIgZE L6 'y'gggt SN NVJ t/ t 9I qlroN:(SNVJ) 9€eaos toJ\l rclv Z'eurnoqlal^Ilrod'errei Jo lDnolI :Euolrr^ :s,{\olloJse ere lueld srql Jo spJoreu punoJ ere,r s1ueldelrrpeurelur ,{lluereddr arll qcrq,r ur l€ql s" eeJs I"JeueB eules eql ur pelielloc uJ3g e^eq DJDInLlo,8Dd puE 'elq?u?^H pln)snq,to'S q:log Surqqu elBJJod lur"J seq ure8e pees o.rnl"urur eq1 pu€ sr 'oo{ soqol qlu€ued oerrll oqt Jo uowcuqur oqt -{lFrlr"d er€ storou oLll (u s uoswqnlll) uoDrelloc Jeqlou" uI Surqqu el?cJod lurt1 s"q puB psruJoJepsl peoseql !xede,4qsege ur les soqol ll"d " -,{ldrurss"q qlu"ued eq1 puz reqteSol pestg eJu slarog sq1 ( u s IeJ3lEIJo 'S uosuJol {) uorlJalloo eLro uI olnJsnq)o Jo seLu8tlspuB elfls eql e^€q lnq sJe^\ou elrporqd"r"u:oq el?q suoruroadsasaqL pppap.t8lad g pue oln)snq,to S uee,\\loqel€rporu -Jelur eq 01 r€aqo? qcrq,r suorlJollos ealql el'uoc erJolcr^ Jo ls"oc qlnos eql uroJc :lrDts.n .r.oz6t.uerrzpuu 6r6r .cec iT ,BleuelD.,1,,/ s .N .r ,tz6r.,-rtJiq,fri:i1r{;i,;i]ll;tii85d :(CV It€) s,rolloJ sE er? suorlcolloc eruos uox"l elo.tcsrpB sr 1r Jeqleq,r .ro ur8uo prrq,{q go sr lu?ld srql reqloqA\ ur"l.reose01 ,{JesseJeuer€ suotl"Alesqo ppr1 'qnsnqfi 'S '€rnlxe} 'eqol ur Aur{Jel u€8Jo ue ur snou"lqueu Ieu?q€ Jeuur slloraqo tnq llutrls " sBq qlueued eql :o!8a$otaps uI s? sr sle.\\ou eql Jo xes eql DlwstlqrD S JoJ lensft sr sE 3ur,{rp uo tlrl{ orll punoJ€ lc"Jluoc lou saop puB ernlxel ur,{rllrd sr qcrq.n elrds 3ur1tnrj t st;q 1uuld lo:lErpeuJelur,orll ,{Soloqdroru I?roB s}r ur letuJouq" ,{y8urueesst 1uz1d stql :DlJ.tosolou snuJi 0q1 Jo sJequletu pug t:InJsnqto s u00,r1eqtlqeq ur elerpeuJslur .{ltuer"dde lueld ? op€ul usoq oauq suorlJelloc pue ^lrlecol aur?s eql ur ,rot8 sercads Jo 'epr?topV 'er1e.r1sny DD.tDSoIDHle.Ja/'es puB olllJSnq.toS r?ou lseoJ erll 3uo1e qlnog u1 'oJncsqo lueluotU egl 1? sI uoxel su{l eJuEu eql pu? polrelloJ ueoq sEq pees ejnleur q}r,r oN '3ur,{lp Jo l"rJel"u uo edeqsrroql ureler slcrrq -,(q1rdeqt elrq,tt 'Surpeerds,{let€cr-lr^rp o.lu pue '(uot1cas ,elrsses '(t9Su.Igt{ ssoJcur tplnJJro)uloJ ut l"prosdrlle el€ selrds eqt lueld sql uI ' 'Y 'c 's.thl '9881 'ourlo.r€J 'll^tr 'orzoI 't 'ururuo) atas pue HJUEd uostll/l ,lrqBq d Jo ,4d.Lu)t Zl) €rTBltsnv uJalsol& uJelse,r-qlnos ur pelce oc ueeq s?rl pue ecuecseJou -ur 'S luaregrp ^Je^ € qlr,r l\q'oln)snqfi Jo esor{l o} sJe,rou relurs q1r,n lueld y '(H,Luad) 'v ' 'ieq z0€9arlou d ptqt:(Hrurd ) ttztgL'goztgL vttD H v erqe1rsI :"rlErsnv uralsed\ 'ut8r:o :s,rolloJsu ele seydutexg ptrqdq jo e:e,{eq11rq1 slse8Snseluels -{Jluol€dde eru s1ue1deserll 1?rl1lcq eql pu" "et? }?q1 ur pelcelloJ ueeq e^eq serJedso^\l eseql uoo,\\leqruJoJ ur el"rpeujalur queld euog ..roq;a8ol,tror8 s1a;o/ -tlluout S puB DlnJsnqto S ?ll"Jlsnv uJelselA Jo lseoc qlnos oql uo ,{?g allloslsl lV 'uorlces-ssoJJur rBIncJrceJ€ selclll€ eql Erla.rlsnv uJelsed\ ur s?eJeq,r 'e{rds eq1 o1 ecutrtedde uo,\eu[ u? ecnpo.]d ol s" os pesselduoJ ^llerelel l"q,\\euos 0r" solcrlJ" eIu3J erll erT?llsnv qlnos ur pul? sel€ls u.r3ls"3srll uI 'sol3ods lollel eseql ol lc€J ur s8uoleq (DU)snqD Dluto)UDSJepLrn) u.rrq,4q pelrc eqt qrnur : (peqrrcsepun iem er.u{ l'iril'te qj'q.,n sanaasnl idto| 'H lerret"u Jo'H -uls puB saplowauJol'tl tflt^\ DUJSnqtoo8a$o.laps pesnJuoc (0/gl) Lueqlue8 'enssrl lJeJq eql Jo ,(€rep eql qlr,'\\ ,{r,nu II€J uerll pue Jl?e,{ouo tseeTte 01 dn loJ srxp eql ()1perlJEll" ureureJ ,{Bur sleprn{ eql qcu€rq e LuroJo:} ql,rolS penul}uoc seq eTds eqr etoqiA .selcr ? eql ,t?Jop oql uo sJnJco ,{lqerunsejd uot;rrSelursrp Jeq nl slellrn{ elrsoddo :ted e Jo 'solcrlJ" 3o surEluocqcrrl,r Jo qc"a el"J"des olur dn sIeeJq e{rds eq} pu" d.lp elllocoq srllueued pu" slJeJq,eql ,{JI€uJloN rlJueJq e^r1€1e30^? ruJoJ ol q}ror8 erunser feu ouo ,{11e -uors?cJoqBnoqll" lolLpu".rq r el"unulol ,(Jl€f,rd,{lsolrds eql DlnsnqrD D!Satso,tal)SLrl 'e1"1s peup eql ur peJunouold olour uo,le sr teFeJeqc srql ilmr; ur ueq.r e1fls SurpnJlold pJ?r{" oJueseJdeql ,{q ,"leuef pel?leJ esoql uro4 pu" 'snuo8 Jo Jo oqt 3o sercedsJerllo uro{ peqstn8uqsrp ,(llpeel oq teru n1ncsru1too8a\sotal)g 't "d 'r"1.,"q3.,"ro ;r'.{eg e}rloerst:(Htugd) 8Z0traq,{aN t pturaszrrC ^* *{2.\7fllf!#"::;!t#t 6\ay) rda,{s 3 o 6s6l rd.Sbz {pa rret^\oJ:(CV) 816ttrlanqnpDlx y'J r'ued0l.lo^ lelul or^\oqooJ:((Vl dJrJ 'rprelJpv .rnoqrH rolno :(CV) O '!h ' '[lrH 0ZI X _r,V td.€. ,,(ale{ 6ltSI )alqlg st oore8uE trodsordJo N ru{ S I :(Ov) 00gl . 41oJ }urod:oltDusnv qUoS 'uoslrl^ IZ eeoruroJlsSuerle.rlsnv C Ined Nu)lsir Vol.3 (l) 1980

3. Sclerostegiamoniliforrnis P. G. Wilson, sp. nov. Fig. l3E H.

,4rilc/.//lobovoidei ca. 5 mnt longi, lobis apiculatis inlegr:ls l f{orescentla.teflnlnaleb demum inter- catares,i Z (6) articulis,bfacteis inc-lu!], dimidio superioredor'si-ventraliter applanati. orificio ternrinali. perianthiummefibl.anaceum; stylus r'obustus in perianthio incluslts. InJiuatescenliasrcca rnterdum rnonrll- folnis; verticilli bractearum obovoidei vel sphaerici,medullosi, 5 6 mm diam ; periaothium men]bran- aceun; pericarpiumcrLrstaceum ad axem adnatum, Iype. W. bank of Lake l(ing near causeway! Western Australia, margin of salt lake, srrbshrub 0 l nr high, lrticles dull green and slightly glaucous, 29 Sept. 1910, P. G. l|/ilson 9983(holo:PERTH, iso:AD, BRI, CANB, K, MEL, NSW). Much-branched ca. I m high with slender branchlets. ,4rtlclesdull green, fleshy,obovoid, ca. 5 mm long; apex lobed, apiculale; margin scarious,entire. Splkes terminal (becomingintercalary with age)of I 2 (6) articles;bracts similar to the vegetative articles and enclosing the flowers. ./t/ouer'ralmost erect, ca 3 mm high, dorsiventrally natteneddistally, thJaperture terninal, coalescentin lower two-thirds to each other and to upper bract,'free from lower bract except near base. Perianth rrrembra\ous; central florei-with a pair of abaxial imbricate lobes reachinghalf-way to base of flower; lateral flowers irregularly lobed. Anther ca. 2 mnr lottg. Ovary narrow, fused to spike axis along vertical length of flower, continuing outwards as a stout style; sti-gmas-narrowly triangular. Fruitlng spika dry, sometimesmoniliform, the bracts broadly obovoid to spherical,pithy, 5 6 mm diameter,completely obscuring the flowersi perianth + erect, membranous; pericarp crLrstaceous,adbering to spike axis; style weak, not exserted. Sccd ovoid, ca. t S n:rmlong; testa thin, smooth, pale brown; embryo slightly curved; perispermlateral. Hqhit(it: Modentely saline areas in peliodically waterlogged siluations. Disttibutiotl: South-western Western Australia from Br.rllfinchsouth to Lake Grace and eastto IsraeliteBay. Map 4. llestetn Aunralia:Lake King, ,-1.S. Georye9355 (PERTH): 7 2 lni E of Pt Malcolm,R- HnatiukT 61203 aPERTH):23 mi N of Bullfinth.P. G. Witson8'736a (PERTH); Mt. Le Crandto Luckv Bav,P. G. ll/ilsotl ioot+(pEnrg); IsraeliteBay, P. G. wilson10081 (PERTH);Pine Hill,20 km N of Mt. Ragged,P. G. Il4tuon10101 (PERTH). Sclarostegiantonilifitrll?,s resembles the western variant of 'S.lerlis which was described by Ewart and White as a distinct species, Salicornia donqldsonii. In S. monili/brmis the habit is more branchedand the articlesare obovaterather than cylindrical;the scarious margin of the lobesis also lessprominent. The main distinctionbetween the two species, however,lies in the fruit: in S. lrt?r/sthe pericarpbecomes woody, fuseswitb, and becomes immersedin, the enlargedwoody spike axis,while rn S. uoniliJbrn'i.sthe pericarpis thinly crustaceousand does not fuse with the spike axis which at first remains slender' The bracts of the latter speciesdo not shrivel but become pithy, retain their spherical shape, and then renain around the fruit while the spike tip continues to make vegetative growth. The bracts disintegrate with age and are eventually sloughed ofl with the enclosed fruits. Sclercstegiaarbusculo is also sinrilar to S. mo ili/brmis but may be distinguished by its feshy perianth which is totally fused to the upper bract. Intergradation between thesetwo speciesis discussedvtder S, qrbusculo.

4. Sclerostegiatenuis (Benth.) P. G. Wilson, comb. nov. Fig. 14.

Salicot ia tenais Benth., Fl. Austral. 5'.204 (1810). Pachycornil tenuis (Benth.) Black, Trans. Roy Soc. S.A.43:363(1919). Le(:tot))pe:"Howitt's Expeditior.r"(holo: MEL 71381; iso: K) cf. J. M. Black, op cit. 364. seealso commentbelow. Saliconia.tonatdsonii Ewafi et White,.1. Roy. Soc.N.S.w. 42i !94 (1909).-,4r/hrccnemumdondldsonii (Ewartet White)C.A. Cardn., Enunl. Pl, Austr. Occ.39 (1930). -.!

'slc?Jq 5I1}o1 secrdes1n:e Sutpterds urJg s€q pu" s/,lral S lecrdfl eql ur uuql slred sll llu ur reSr?l:eq1er sr tueyd slqJ (SZ8I p.l7tpid puD aosuag) ullnq"ltl"A lEeu selu^Nqlnos ^\eN u.reqlJouur punoJ sr ]u"uB^ elq"eJrlou.req'louv 'qcuEJq Jo e{rds orll Jo -,{"cepI"nlue^o pue qtBep eqt uo peqs ,'{luo sr peeseql pu€ 'qcu"rq r jo uorlrod " 3uoJeq ,{eru qcrqm 'olrds oql uI pasol3uasr ,{.rr,roeq1 ela1s erlt Suroe{crqt-{rrpuoros pu€ uorleouru8llerlt qtl\\ :(CtI 3rl) slx? peJ"ld Jo lBntua^e'spue.Ils flesJe^su"Jt eql Jo opts qo?e uo les eoo r"lnJsE^ Jo sles o,\\l Jo slslsuof,allds 8uno,{ oqt elels oqf slnLtal ur s€€Jeq,\\:e.rnlJnJls llerq eqt tseJ erll qlr,r perls ,'([entue^e sr Jo S Jo 'slBe,( pu€ elets eql Jo oprslno eql tjo sr (dJ€cued Surpunor.rrs q]l^\ pees) lrn4 eq:] lEJo^es ro3 qt,ror8 ssnurluoc qru"Jq eqt pue .{relecrelut soutoroq elrds eql aJorl,r Dn.osoloH Jo serJedsesoqt u1 p1o s.rre,{ serlcu€rq ur peppeqrueseuoceq e{rds eql 1?q1 l"re^es )crql 'Je^e'{.oq '(lluosplDuop llnseJ eql qtr.r ,{lolrugepur senurlooc serurloruosqlroJ8 e^rlel38e^ 'r1ler1sny '3ur,r,roc^\o3 u Dlu.to)tlDS'serJedslcurlsrp " s" peqrJJSops"^\ rlJlq^\) ure1ser11 ,{ oI€.1 l€ punoJ tueu€^ eqt ul qJuEJqJo serloorluac,te1 e [1uo 8ur)npoJdpo^Il- or{ssl qlnor8 e,lr1zle8a,tsrlll sos€f, ur:xede rreqi qld\oJae^rlpleSe^ penurluoc eql ()1enp lsour l€ 'l f.r"l"Jretur ourooeqsourleuos selrds eqI srxEJlrds eql ur peppeqruepees eql qlr,r tnq stut.to,filtuotuS ur punoJ l"ql ol J€|lurs 33ueJ€edd"ruroJrJluolu € erunssepue d8uods puu urJU oruoJeq e,\.erJslf,"Jq erll 'Je.\e,\\orl'suorl3oJloc ouros ul srx" ,{poo,r oql ot Suua,loo 0 urql " u.roJ ol Ie^uqs .{llzurrou eltds 8urlln{ eql Jo s}c?rq eql enual DEaJSo.lapSuI i s rlo :(^AsN) t,Et.ts, .s..uerur.j :6E;\\\):l;pfr'!i:?n3t'?,t11"ti3ff ,,l,Hr:,|;tlY;:,N r.zr sszt s 'eIr.I '.)Et uostDll ttqtr srotuol l : (,\A.11V)8ttz uotu{S E O sur)doH ,. r". ^ ,r,,".rr;t|tr!,q,,{); .EroLuool\ (Hfugd) S0t8 l'.rprrzr7.rV Jo gN ltlr 0I :(Hlxgd) 8SZ8 p s)pl)ozn'J 'tsrlllplr,tt ru) :(Ay) tt jLJ,1,r'E,{uooBuI) ru) :(IACV) rr7,1ro ', I,{ lt\t Jo ,{\N',{\Cy) Z ILt 'e}sn8nv Jo S 08 T'uls euurdeupn^:(gNvJ StlZ )pDlV I ) td Jo ,^ASllu t :D1ortsnl qtuos '! 'ernplrwr'eu:('tzv,t)s!r!.4.1 'rred 'EllEid-EllBA\ H r'oe6tr.oer ,nr.q.u.rrrnxlfisjliliT;jf'elle^\€lley'A tr('kX'#&ii e)E I Jo oprsA\ :(HtIad) LL90l aloqalSnDagJ / ale-I]o EN rtu € rr7.ro,rrr,1 ; 'y .e68r.ra^ru y 'euoro)rrrrnl^r pur rurrlec Jo '.o""", 't".(J3$)o?'ll,'if^'i#;tu,tl]:,1:Y:fft^i['i1'#'ellnqeluel p sutllo) w :(l sN) 9u8l Prrrrra I pueuosuag H c JoIAS trLr 9l :salDt4 qtnos ^a N 'so)E.l leruod gLvsd!1!qd E tv ro^au{c :(taht) lprlg'tLgt eqt pu€ oo e{ oqt o""^r"" rp,l#1"*}ffi 't d€I,\l BrlErlsnVJo s?orsu"o"uerg :u.)ltnqlttsl0 : '(iggre51) runsd,43 'l pu€ (lJ€N) tl€s uollru.rocJo ssrlrlu"nb Ienbe lsotule Jo dn €peru )IEs 7Z.I qll^{ .{rlJ 'l ,(\eeq " ur SrIr^\oJ8se,u (lt uostll1 V n) ^eH Jo N ur{ 8€ "r sel"y'Arllros r\\eN ur epeur o uorlJeTlocV ,{"lc Surfllepun qtr,t ,t1lunsnlnq slroseur["s Jo ,{lolr?^E ur puno1 :]DuqoH f 'leJelel luredsued :lq8r"Jls o,'(lqLuo S 'rlloorus 'urrll 'pro^o 'peuesxe :u,rorq el€d "lsol : Suol ruLu E E. Z ,{1,uollru pa.r5 lou el,{ls T :slx" e{rds dpoo,r pe8J"lue oqt ur ,{llErelBl poppaqruo ,{1lun1ue,tepu" -{poo,r pu" Icrql Ir drecued:snou"rqrueurqluerred:luelsrsred pue,{qlrd'lJos eseqlro'slJ€rq oq}Jo sur"urol p '-{poo,r '(ruJoJrlruour I pelle^uqs eql ,{q pere,roc ,{prlSrTsseurleruos) Ieprosdrlle fl,ro]rBu alds 8uuw.g 'Jel[8uBr.r] ,{l,nolleu suur8rls :ol{ts u olut Surssud 're,rog rll8uel e lnots Jo s, lecr1re,r8uole srxu elrds o] pasru',\\orreuI.toAO pegol ^p"ln8eJrr starop l"Jet"J:seqol el?cuqllrr Jred € rltr,r leJou :snouerquaru yluDlJad lceJq roddn €ql 'xed€l"rxcq€ Jo 'puE Ierluec 'leurouel ()1pesnJ Jeeu ldeJxe .r3rllo qcse ol spr[{l-o^\:l ur luecsolEoJ lErurxoJd'lJoJo olru]3de oql',{ll":}srp pJuollsg ,,{1Fr1us,r.rsrop'q8rqutu eJ lsoLuF s.ra,ro1J selcr E u 'sJo,\\og t 'sJr"d e,\]lule8e,reql ot lslu lB Jslrurs oql Sursoloua'3uolLuLu Ef,'poqoT,{nq8Is t 'selJrl]" elrsoddo ur pelrun slc"Jq :ruJ ls€el 1?JoJ ,{[e^rleleSe^ ql,\\oJg Surnurluoc-,{llEnsn 'xed" Z I '8uol 'Jepuels 0I g Jo erll sp.rl?,\\olpe,ro]J"u ruJ Z ec srllds (elulncrluep ,{lfq8rp .I dlelBl) oJrlue 'ur8J?ursnorJ?JS pBolq " qll\\ (elrlncrde sourrl3luos'esnlqo ol pepunor -l 'l€cupurl^J soqol oqt) poqol fp.roqs xade l3uol uror 0l r?c ol e]surqru -{l,roll"u ueer8 I el"d salcrlJ" : JepueF splllJLo2,tg q8lq lu 9.0 ol qnqs-qns peqJu€Jq ,{le}"cu"^rC '^ou '3ur,roo,,rro3 olrel'() :osr :/E?l/ 191,1 :oloq) L t tpo)J'l.tr'p06t ldos :adlqo1ca1 'Lroslrl 'D eEeruro.rlesuerJertsnv Ined 24 NuytsiaVol. 3 (1) 1980

J. M. Black (1919)noticed that the seedsin one he examinedhad rotated 90' relative to the inflorescenceaxis. Material I have studied suggeststhat while rotation sometimesdoes take placethis is not usuallyas nuch as 90', and is presumablya passive responseto the thickening of the axrs. Lectot!-prf cation: Bentham (1870) cited four collections with his description of Salicornia /?,?ri.tas follows: (l) Victorian Expedition; (2) Mitchell; (3) Howitt's Expedition, and (4) McDouall Stuart's Expedition. The lectotype was selectedby J. M. Black (1919) as being the specimencollected on the Howitt Expedition (MEL 71381). The specimen (in herb. K) from the Victorian Expeditionis conspecilicwith the lectotype. The collection from the Major Mitchell Expedition("Irterior of New Holland, 1838",herb. K) is Sarco- cornia quinquefora(Ung.-Sternb.) A. J. Scott. The sheetat K of the collection made on McDoual[ Stuart's Expedition containsthree specimens,one being Halosqrciahqloc- nemoidessubsp. lotlgispicqta P. G. Wils., a secotd H. pergranulqta ssp,ekngataP. G. \Nlls., and the third a vegetativ€ fragrrent of another (unidentifiable) Halosarcia species. The description drawn up by Bentham combined in it the features of the various collections seenby him. The specimensfrom the Howitt and Victorian Expeditions(,t. t€rarr sensu lectotypico) Bentham consideredto be of male plants, and those from the other expeditions 'two to be of female, but he expresseddoubts as to whether the plants of the sexes'were conspecrhc.

5. Sclerostegiamedullosa P. G. Wilson, sp. nov. Pig. 15. lrric!/l (internodia)cylindracei, 4 5 mm longi,2 3 mm diarn.,demLrm rnedullosi, lobjs acutis rnargini- bus denticulatis.-Flore.r in axilla foliorum positi,fere verticale,ca. 2 mm longi, partesuperiore dorsi- lentraliterapplanato, orificio ciliaris; stylus robustus, in perianthioinclusus. ,.4r1icr1arfraclificans med[l- losuscylindraceus; perianthium menbranaceum; pericarpium crustaceum, ad stelamadnatum. Tlpe; Theldarpa-YandamaStn. (ca. 30 mi W of Milparinka); bushy, 1-2 ft.; locally frequent along small water courseon gibber hill; 2 June 1955,L. A. S. Johnsonand -8. -F. Constabla(holo: NSW 40039,iso: PERTH). Mr.rch-branchedsubshrub to I m high. Articles cy]|lndrica.l,4-5 mm long,2 3 mm dianr., papillose(at leastwhen dry), becomingpithy with age; ape)racutely lobed; margin denticulate. Flowering arllcl"s interspersed anrong the vegetativs and not differentiated from them. F/oireru almost vertical, ca. 2 mm long, dorsiventrally ffattened distally with the aperture terminal, united to each other and in proximal part to upper bract, adherentto lower bract in proximal two thirds; perianth membranous;anther ca. 2 mm long; ovary narrow, membranous,fused to axis along vertical length of flower; style stout, included in perianth ; stigmas narrowly triangular. Frtiting articles pithy, cylindrical ; perianth membranor"Ls;pericarp hard and brittle ca.2.5 mm long, adherentto stele of axis. Seedvertical, ellipsoidal, ca. 2 5 mm long; testarnembranous, colourless; embryo slightly curved; perispermcopious, lateral. Hqbitat: The only indication of habitat is that given on tbree herbarium specimens, of which one, the type, is cited above; the second, from Whynot Stn. (,Sr?l/, "growing Queensland 6069), provides the note among good grass on Borie (Acacia sp.) slope, near but not along drainage line", while the third from near Woomera, South Australia.(Lazarides "co-dominant 8401) indicates that it was \/ith Atriplex yesiceria and Frankefii.aon gently sloping,stony lioodplain". Distribution:Southern Queensland, western New South Wales,and north of Port Augusta in South Australia. The localitiesare too few and too scatteredto obtain a clear idea of the plant's distribution. Map 20. Queensland:Whynot Stn. (38 km SW of Quilpie.),Z. S. S,rl1./76069 (BRI); Whynot,S. Z. E erusr5904 (K). NevrSouth Wales:Wtlcannia, Dariing River, 1885,Mrs. Kennedy(trlEL); crey Ranges,(Baeue en?) 409(MEL); "Koorningbirry"(-Koonenberry), W. Baeuerlen220 (MEL); 5 kn S of BinerahDowns- Fort Greyroad junction, S. ./acrrr3434 (NSW). SouthAustMlia: "Near Spender's Culf", 1881,Lattotf (MEL), Mt. cunson,31"30'S, 137"15'E, M. N. Cole5l (K);7 miNE of woolnera,M. Lazaride:t8401 (PERTH);NEof William Creek,28'21'S, 136"17'E, D. E. Slnon 11313(ADW). -\

-lsn.r.'p.Jnrersor:..,n;uor ..,ur z ".)'urnre^o olal ,,,rs ,"'rdt;tT,'iilg,::ft#1i,iff:ii5jf."*i";::3: -ued :sltualnrans snqrur8rEru'Lunll€ruLu t Ea'auJoJrlJe]ed+ Lunrqlueuad-,irlrr.g srfuof u,Itll I ea snqrlELuFIlsslrLurssrlerq snl,{ls:LunSuol r]ltu 9.I er'sueJnlsu€Jl'LunlueJnaJnsrunaprosdrJlo rlnue,\o runtu -rssrlnurLuolerxDq€ LlrnrpotJl'.llels :sDutw{solf oSuoJruru 2.0 eJ rnue}ol,{ts'tunBsol u,Iru I eJ'tun}nurllr LunrpoJJrlsrd:LunBuoJLuur urnjerJlu€ :snjit)s9w sol! sr^red srqol'sntepunlor otldt : Luneaeu€JqLueLlr Z 'urnlle JelrJer]lnluelno3ns eleJel€l eur8jetu ur u.ruJ€'sueJnlsoe]l'rxnssoJdrxoa lelrlellue -rslop'Llrnlrolo unlqtttD ad ruelrlos 'solenxoslun.rrro/J slJSolutsllepunloJ snqrlEarclEsrqol 'rlElsntue LLrosBqsnsja^ '(rrlecld€ pp) lltl urur9'riuot LuLu9l pe'llE^oqo olsn8uE'rprtru1ln)ulv e0.otp etertsordDqnH ' '9t ' '91 ', 't 'uos1r16 '1 Lt LI s8!l .rou ds C d Broglunalurocfe;

'uoslfi1 (ues1nz4)osoutntd p punore pclluec oDtosolnH sercedsesoql q1r,tr C 4 'sre^\og Jo'seru8rls drqsuorleleJrelncrged " 1se33ns eql Jo uortrsod eql s3 ll3,r sa J"ln8uerrl .{l,$oJJ€u pu" el-,{lspr8u uoqs e ecuessJdeqJ a'atuloJllDs oql Joqueru loqlo Jo 'uorl"urqruoc Jo ,{ur qlrrr lou lnq DDfisolDH snue8 oqt qll,r ooJ3" ur sJe}c"J"qc eseqJ 'l"Jel"l puB snordoJ luredsued :pe^Jnc o,{Jqrue:snoeJ€lsnJ, "lseJ (!) 'uolllsod uI l"rxsq€ pue,{r.4r1osueuelg (7) 'uoqrsod (l"rx"qE) roueJur eql ur 3qol u"rpeu oqt qlr,r peqol-t qlrr"rred (l) :sJelcBJ"qcSur,roIIoJ eql ,{q polseSSnsst sE otJJttsoloH sr'lJea eql ol lsoJ"eu eq o1 reeddr sorllug" sll solcr € ruols polsrtuoJeJrpuneql uo sre,rou eql 8ur:eeq ur pu€ lrq€q ell1rlsorde 8ur^?q ur (enbrunlou q8noqtlu) pnsnun osle sr lI 'sle,rou 'qluBued lenxoslun -,{retrToseql ur pu" eql Jo uorlJesurJo Jeuu€ru pu? ed€qs eql ut aDaluloJllos uprT"Jlsov eql Jo sJeqruoruJeqlo uo.rJ sJelrp DtaJoJtSaJsnueg erJJ

'ellplsnV urets;lAuJoLltno\ ol JlLuepuJsJrJod( JuO 'ocue:eoddr o{rl-:}"ru " seq sercedsadl1or11 otutocrlz5 1ue1deql ol 'D!a.to) 'lELLr 'saBat drqsuorl"leJ slr 01 Surpnll" puB E pro,r leerO eyl r|uoJJ:aMDu./b u131.to 'I".rel"l 'snordocuJedsued :po^rnc ofrque :snoeJ?lsnrJ,{lu1ql "lse} '["cq]o^ esolrded ,{puaurr.uord 'e:}sloocu€T,{I,\\ou"u 'Z s"ur8rls :qluerJed eseq /:,.rrs'lJajo 'luesq" Jo ol psqc"tle ^.r€^o opourur"ls :DtAoUldlDua{ ueur"ls Jo eprs l€rx"p" uo '1"€r1s0^,{r?^o :l€rx?qc -'fuelrTosue.u]e\s :.ta oU[apw poqol ocguo :lruruns o] 'slJlrrq 'fqsog € 1€urrurol polrun ruo{ ee{ Lllaoudd se,\ee[ulels oql Jo slry? orll ur ,{J?lJlossnorcoorp .r./aJ1olC-elnurlu ep"lq-J"el :qt"eqs luolncJns € ur luels eql Surdole^uose^€el elrsoddo eql o1 enp pelurof ,{llusrrddr ptput)Jg qJay }uolnccns sseu"el -[lSurtuoes Ieruue]ed 'uoSIIA|C 'd D.o4liunotu.tott8aa :sanads adtrJ

'unsordocrunrruJaclsrlecl :snlellna o,{rquJe : earels nJJ Jalrnuel elsel: eFarUeA //a!rlas aoonrd"U',o"r"Affi etsn8uesnqllEur6rls 'Lu11rore unu€^o :suesqrunlpouluets :snau!tualsoll eler8llso,{unrrB^o alBrxEqs urnuEtrlosuelu€ts r.lrlDsDut lol] srleJrsrps!lloJ qE'Lunqol-€ Luectda pE'LunletedourB8 Lunluolncrns u./r7,1t -u1)!J)d Lunroutlneaurnjorloj srllrxe ur rrjElrlos Jeorp satoLl srlnurulsrqoJ eletelrp oorpou earde 'eleupe 'eJqelS'eleln.rue IFeJe'€JI,{qdE rlneJ€lrsoddo elualn.Jns olloJ ,rs€nbsruuered e]€rlsotd DqbH ',lou 'uos1r16 ue8 g 4 eproc18al g

'seJcrlle eqt Jo ernlru ,'(q1rdeql 01 ecuereJors?rl leqlrde curJedsaqJ ',(?,r? 01 poos qlr.r dJeJr.rod '(ree.{ II€J eql .roll" pue -{ecep ,{llenlue^e -{eqr tnq " ueql eroru roJ ,{lqeqord) lrn{ erll Jo uorl"uuoJ oql reu" trult aurosloJ ruJls €rl} or p:qJEltB ur"urJr 'sp00spesolcue eql qlr,r 's:lc"rq 'd-rzorred '(sur8l"ru eqJ .re1crq1oq] pu" sJe,rog lcolo oql ot€lncrtuop Jrorll ur pu€) selcrlJBerll Jo edEqs eql u stutol|uoM S uro{ s.roJrp Dso npaw 5 slcrrq ,{qlld -,iq p€punoJ.rnspu? srx? eluolseJouur erll olels erll ol peqcele sr dJ€cued erll sercedsqloq 'snunJlltLo&r 'S Jo 'serceds vr JoJ Jo l"ql ol .r"l[uls sr elcrlre Sur:llnr.;eqt Jo e]nl€u eq1 srql oJnlEeJcllsuotJsJtqc € oslu sr lrq"q peqJu"Jq ,{10;ectre,ttpoql e^rtcte8el oql ot Jo 'serlJueJq ecueJ?eddepJ?,rlno ur lecqtlepr Sureq selcr " elr eJ eql erll Suol? flsnonards -uocur perellecs sre,rou Jo sp"ul eql 8ur,\"q ur o^rlcuDsrp s DSo npau DlSaJSo.tapS

ap;ruroJrlBSuerlerlsnV'uoslr/,\'D lnpd 26 NuytsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980

i']?e; BetweenStirling Ra. and Porongurup Ra., Wcstern Austr.alia,34,33,S. I18.4,E. 30 Oct. 1975,P. G. Wilson11626. fenrale plant (holo: PERTH;iso: AD, BRt, CANB. K, MEL, NSW). Prostrateperennial ierb, dioecious. Articles on young branchesglossy, sLtcculent, very narrowly obovoid, up to l5 mnl long, 6 nm wide at apcx, naLrowedto a slender base; apex with roundcd lobes, entire. F/oucr,r solitary, unisexual. peianth ercat, stlongly dorsivenlrally compressed(transvei'sely narrorvly elliptical in cross section), oblong in male liower, broadly obovatein female,slrcculent in latera_lrvingJike margini, thin in centre, translucent,3 mm high: rpex roulded, r,vitha small tcrminal aperlurc surroundcd by 3 small lobes consislingof trvo senicircular posterio-lateralouter lobes and one a.rterior(abaxiai) inner 1obe. Male.flou,er..antber 2 mm long: pistilloderninute, ca. 1 nm long, with a single slendcrstyle ca. 0.2 mm long. Fentalafoter: staminode a minutc llcshytube ca. 0 1 mrn long on abaxialside: ovary cllipsoidai,sLrcculent, tralts- lucent, ca. 1.5 rnm long; style very short: stigmasca. I mm long, orange or yellou,. Ftuitifig,pe!ianth : patellifornr (circular il face view) ri,ith solid sncculentmargins, -rad ca. 3 mm high; pericarp succulent,soft, fuseclto perianth; seed vertical, usually ially orientated,broaclly ovate, ca. 2 mnt long; testarecldisl.r brown, crustaceous,with prominent cotlcentricporcate ribs over the enbryo, smooth e]sewherelembryo curvcd: perisperm lateral.

,Lt l

rakeber*een the strrrine and Porongurup Ranses, wcstern iifiiii,l". if,fi,1'ili'11'{]'6;3ir:*""sah 'prorq uaLuDtS aprs FrxBp" oql uo polrun ar" qarq,{\.lr"d l?Jolpl aql urqlr,\\ ,411ansr.r eqol oql 't soqol:leurLurotoJuuo:Xqsou surSrEru : (pessoJdlr.roJ,{llB.iluo^ lBrxBq"IErpeu 'eseq lsjel?l -rsrop lnq) etuloecrn re^\ou l€.rlueJJo Lllu\l,tdd llEuis € ,{q peqc?lle pu? Surpuecsr fldeets 'Jeqlo rlJee ruo{ pu" slcelq luo{ 33{ r'./r,11o1J sseFs^\ou Jred purluJel 3rl1 Jo 'pe.re,uog-l s:lJ"Jq .roddn :qlu"u3d l"r8rtso'\ " ^q ,,(luo poluescJdor puE ezrs ur pecnpo.r qonLU.ro'eluels,{11unsnpue el?uleJIEJeI?l eq} pu€ elrpoJqdErurerlJo el?{rroJJe,{\og l€JlueJ eqt 'pere,\\ou sto"Jq alpprur :(etrpolld"ureq eerqt -'(ler"r ro) eluels ueuo puE f I 'otrpoJrld3ru.loq 'po.lo,roU-€Ils eletuaJI"JetBI erJl JJ,roUlJeltueJ aq1 stoErq tse,rol :speu:l ur ro ,{.r4r1oss,rr,ro1J (tuelncap lou) ossq llputs " f,q srxr o1 poqJ"lt? pu" (a1n1o,r.urleq,neuros) poploJurot ,{lFrx?p" o^pJuoJ,{ldo3p ee{ ueq.r stc€rq :(peqof Il oqs fte^ seurtor.uos) 'e3{ € ee{ .ro pelrun ,{llq8rls sr"d-lJ?]q elppru erll Jo pu" srr"d-lcerq lsourJeddn er{} Jo slJ"Jq :selJrlJ"3^r:l€lo8e^ eql ol .rEl[ulspuE pelrun.rrBd-]c"rqlse,\\ol:sJr"d lJerq i-Z Jo olrds r?lnqolSqns " atuatsa.tog[u1ol?u]ornJu ,'(luoqs ro etno€ ol esntqo soqol lpeqol lpurorJol',{ssol8 'pesserduroc 'epr,r '3uo1 erll ,{ldeep xed" ,{lleJetel l"q,reluos ruru g ruiu g '€r 'pro,\oqo selJrue :8uol urJ g ":) 'Surpuocs"solLpuDtq et"turllfl Je]eulelpru g.T o1 dn reroc olrl-lglu " SurLuroJ 'snor3eouour-orue8flod 'q.!a4 pluDJad eJBJJsoJd : uor:lducsop3ur^\olloJ eql ruo{ lueredde eq,{eru sz uorlulndod ouo eqt urrltt^\uorl"ue^ olq"reprsuocslrqrqxe luuld srql 'DD.tDsoluH Jo soltods pesrll;reue8" puu sarJedsltq] uoa,\\loq olurp3ur.r€lursr , SoTorld -rour I"JoU pu" eruocserouurur lr..g D,tol/luno!a,rD!8al Jo lrqErl eql sDq qcrq^\ 1urld e jo (eJuEJadsaJo N ru{ 09) e^olsnJl ]"eu epEur ueeq e^erl suorlc3lloc I"Ja^es ,{llueJel{ 81 3rl BroUIunEturor!8al x'ds epresolull luoserdsr arnlrnrrso{r'-lr'cs q3nsou '"rr1'cBJ oqi ^q puu uoqrsod;l:}ltttJtttHll ti ueu?ls -{r"1uerurpnJ" sr srqll"rJf (OI I Srj) qlSuelur Lu!!rl .0 lnoq" srlr :esBq,{Je^o eql Jo eprsl"rxeq€ eql uo csrp e{rl-eleJ\ ^LlsJUe Jo ^ldLursslsrsuoJ puu elnuru st opoutue}s eql re,rog eleoreJ oq] ul ll"rus q8noql ue^o lusreddz ,{lrpeer sr epolDsrd aql ro,\\og el€lu eql uI u"8Jo elpural ]o el?ur eql Jo se8rlso^rpoq sexosrlloq Jo sJe,rog sqJ 'le,\\ou €rll Jo €srq eql otur sessudqcrq,r eJ"Jl ollluuu ? ol oprslerx"qe s:lruo lsu so,lr8osp elels .eJuacseJogur,lJoqs egJ erueJsologurosolu,{J e uro{ po^uop y Dtaro)t8al ur .re.rou ,fuElrtosoql tBql el"crpur plno,r 1r snoSolouoq aJ" €rerle8 o,ul eql ur seJ?Jt eLIl Jr:DlJrosoloFJur sJe,rog l"ro1"l oqt 8ut^.rosseJ"Jl or{l Jo l€ql ol J"l[urs Jeuu?LuE ur osrr? seJEJtl"Je]"I oqJ (S VZ AIC) ol.rssrlJ?|rcsB,\ Jo sdrunlJ .l"lnqol3 ur ol"urLLuol ,{eql ereq^\ qlutlr.ted aq} Jo os€q eql olur ss"d secell l"lot"l o,\\1 eql elrq^\ elcruiu eql olur sess"d euo IEJluec eql gcrq^\ Jo soaBrl ]uouruoJd eelql Luloj 01 sepr^rpelels eqf u.roJ ur peler^JJqqErlJnur qgnoqllt DtJ.tosolDHur punoJ l€ql o:l relrrurs sr n.toE[tunotuttndal Jo le^\og ,{r4r1os eq1 sall3s qcrq,r elels lroqs f'te,t eq1 'eJuecsoJogur u? ur peAu€JJ"lou pu" slrx€ oril rlr sre,trogeq1 8ur,leq ur osl€ sl tI '(sralsnla J"e[ 1etrsllutl ^i"llue ll"urs otul pe1r3er33rlou) fl€lrJos SureqsJe^\og eql ur pu€ stlorceorp fllculs Suleq ur aDalllio)tlDs eql Jo s.teqor€urJeqto l1rl oro{ sregrp serceds stql 'se8uu11dnrn8uo.ro4 puz 3ur1r4g eq1 ',{eq,ro11 uaa,\\leqpelEnlrs a{"1 tl€s eul"s 3rll urSreLUegl ruo{ eur"J ,{q polcelloc 'uoes Jo 'sJolcellot,{q 1 l€ql ruorg uedr suourrcedstullueqrerl oql pe{oollo^o Sureq1r rog 'sJe,rou Ip.roJ'true1d suosrer dlqr:qord oJB luecgru8rsur pue srql Jo lrq?q el"JlsoJd eqJ


emluroJll€SuerlerlsnV'uoslrA\'C Ined

i 28 NuytsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980 abaxial(in lateral flowersusually represented by a minute staminode). Olary ellipsoidal, succulent, not appreciably changing in frnit, attached to base of perianth; style short and stout; stigmasnarrowly triangular. Seedbroadly elliptic,ca. I 3 mm long, usuallyabort- ing before reaching maturity; testa pale reddish brown (almost white when semi-nrature) with 2 3 prominentporcately sculptured ribs on the margins otherwisesmooth, WesternAustrclia: Truslove Reserve 27985 (ca. 60 km N of Esperance),18 ran.1918, G. J. Keighery1829 (PERTH);ibid., 16Jan. 1979, C. J. Rabinsonand, J. M. J(rc, (PERTH),from several plants. Map 5. Hqbitat: Saline sand on margin of salt lake. This taxon is recordedfrom a singlepopulation that is statedby one of the collectors (C. J. Robinson, pers. comm.) to cover many hectaresof saline soil. Robinson also observedwhat he consideredto be the sameplant in a neighbouringarea, but no collections were made. Within the population there is variation in vegetative morphology, in in- florescence shape and structure, and in floral morphology. The plant is anomalous jn several ways in that it does not conform to the structure found in any of the recognised samphiregenera. In particular the following charactersmake it unique within the Sali- cornioideae:(l) The terminal (and often the penultinate) pair of bracts are free from each other, their margins are often infolded, and they are attaclred to the axis by a small base; (2) The spike often ends abruptly in this terminal pair of often llorver)essbracts; (3) The bracts are sometimes shortly 3-lobed; (4) The axillary cymules vary in their flower number from 1-3; (5) The lateral flowers of a cymule are usually female and sterile, or they may be vestigial and representedby a very reduced perianth. A further peculiarity which has not been observed in other speciesis that the spike sometimes appears to end in a terminal flower which is presumably axillary to one of the terminal bracts (while the other bract is sterile)and becomesdisplaced to occupy a terminal and axial position (Fig. 18 Ac). ln its general morphology, its flower structure and in the sculpturing of its testa, this plant is similar to Tegicornia ttnifora, while the cymule character, the sexuality of the flowers, and the nature of the inflorescenceare reminiscent of the genus Halosarcis. The variation in generalmorphology fould within the population suggeststhat this plant is of hybrid origin, a suggestionwhich is supportedby the irregularityof somespikes and the high degreeof sterilityof the flowers. ln additiol, n]ost of the seedobserved appeared to be imnature and to have stoppedgrowing at an early stage;this is apparentfrom the slightly decomposednature of the surroundingtissue or of the seeditself. Further field work is required before a conclusiol can be reachedas to what species might be involved in producingthis populalion but, as suggestedearlier, it seemsprobable that the plant is a hybrid bel\\ee\ Tegicornia uniflora and a speciesof Halosarcia. At presentit seemsunwise to give the putative hybrid a name, sinceits parentagehas still to be investigated, I therefore refer to it by a formula'. Habsarciq sp. x Tegicornia unifora.

4. HalosarciaP. G. Wilson, gen. nov. Allhrocn(mumsecl. Leiospetma J. M. Black,Trans. Roy. Soc.S. Austral.43: 358 (1919). Lectotype: A. leiostacb,um(Be\11h.) Paulsen (: fi. t?dl.asubsp. leiastacb,a (Benth.) P. G. Wilson),lecto. nov. Arlhrotnemamsect. Trachfperma J. M. Black,op. cit. 357. L.ctotype:A. halocnemoidesNees (: l7 halocnemoitles(.Nees) P. C. Wilson),lecto. nov. Atthrocnemumssbgen. Angia themtmMoss, J.S. Aff. Bot. 20: 5 (1954). Ledotlpe: A. indicun('lljlld.) Moq.(: r/. rirdlca(Willd.) P. C. Wilson),lecto. nov. lArthrccnemumasct. 11on Moq. s.str.: Ungern,Sternberg, Salic. Syn. 281 (1876); J. D. Hookerin Bentham ct Hooker,Gen. Plant. 3: 65(1880) p.p.; Volkens in Engleret Prantl,Nat. Pffanzenf. III, la: 76 (1892); J. M. Black,Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral.43:357 (1919); Ulbrich, in Engleret Prantl,op. cir.ed. 2, 16c: 548(l934) p.p.l [&/rrorrrdauct. non L.: Bentham,Fl. Austral.5:201(1870) p.p.] Fruliculiglabti: fti1\uli succulenti, internodiis ut videturarticulatis; chlorenchyma absque scleridibus. Fora opposita,in rinra connatalobata redacta. lnfares.entiaspicoidea; bracteae oppositae, connatae veliiberae; cymulae sessiles, 3-florae. F1rl'"rhermaphroditi (aut ovario vel stan]ineabortivi); periantlrium - sarcedspospq , lp?oJq oql Jo l"J3^esJo sluoutolrnbel lml8o1oce eql ol sE paluJserdsr uotlenlts pesnJuoc" ,eJaqpolrutrTop sE ,eJuls.lu"ilodrur sr srql :paluulurlJJsrp eq ol JJour,{utu eTq€uellt,r {Jo,{\ Jeq rU l"ql lueJedd" st lJ pu" peugop ,{lpeorq ueeq -,{11ereua8 .io^og e.teq sercedi eqj'uosier rtql'ro} eql Jo ern}cnr}s oug 0rll ur pu€ eJu€lBadd? ssolS ur qloq ,tu"ld 8ur^rl eqt ur snot,r.qoorE qcrq,r sJelr"leqc esoLltrI[€ ol uo^r8 oq ol eJnsnf ll[J ,roJle lou op serJedseqt Buileirrrur:csrpro3 errlcerd ;r pesn 0q u"c qcrq,r slolJ"J€rlc eq1 ,{1e1uun1roju1.1.lEr.releu qsa{ Buru[u?xe uoq,{\ snohqo sr srql lJelnJIlJed pue se^lesueqt urqltd\ elq"u?^,{re,r ere sercedsDpJpsoloH leJe^es 'dreorred prrq ? qll.r serJedsDntDSoloH JeLIto ul punoJ leql ol aJu"Eedd€ ut Jl?lllurs,{]e^ sr poos s:)rpu€ ,lcullsrp ,{1l1:uorlceiButaq jo slJlJPIEqJllrJJ pue JJ\\oU ut JJuept\Js\Jl \^roqs \JtJadsJJqto Jql Luo{ .J+rp rJ.fpr./.H ALUOIeUP LUel\sI UrqSnoqllv :JlJJd:eql Jo uotlEs d'J..reofrorr ,,r JlJl.ll JJut\ tuJultEJI I"uortces l"tuJoJ " apr^old 01 l"crlJe.rd peruo3s10u s"q l! ,{llllq€lr"^ IBaJBsltllJo elrds uI

.4q1rdo1snoue:queru uro{ o.rnlxel ur.{:r,r d:ecr.,ecr ,r{Xi?,:j"dl;,",iitilH#,11"Ji; pJsserduoJ or, {l1er1uarrs.ropJo etecunll oq ,{"ur foq}:srxi,; repuels,tte.tnitej r: oluo 1[q" .es:,{qt IeJJru Ar?LuJo sl\? JJuaJsJJoUu!lueJnJtns oql olul luns eq ,{"ur slo,rou eq1 e11 -e{rqs pJrgrpllJ^\ ()1,sauo JEututJJtE SutuuoJ e^rlple8e,\erll ol eJuBlEeddeur lertluapr selrrup ,{JEJ?aJeluroeJrll lo o,r1 o1 peuquoc Bureq uro:; ser.re,r""u""s"logtu, eq1 *'"t .snornb'eLll olur ssed.{11enpur3 .,oq1re.{eru u.,u" ;l:#il*lJjyj5l,lti:il'*''" laD)tu.toJtloSuEtlpltsn sJJquloLu V JqlJo JJqtorq t Jo puDI l)JJE\oleHJo sotJ3d.JJLlto lle u I 'tl dlj) qJJels .ltou^qJuJJolqJ ut qJrJsllJJ JulJLuEtpo\rlleLus Jo qlerq\ snonunuoJ .tr^E"Lrpr-.srlEd rqt qtpru_rq : :l :sllec ssoFnoloc qtr.r posredsrotur (el"rtlols oqt punor?) sTIJi €ur^qruJrolqJ Jo sdrol8 Jo- slsrsuo] puB Je,{pl el8urs " sruJoJ s3lJrlJ" eLIl elssrl .11 Jo epEsrlPdJq) D)lpu|H LtI s[ueg eq] Jo lsel oqt leql pu" oclput orif Jo.s Jo lo,turofeuz uee,tteq uoqcur:lsrpd.reqs r sr oleql .r"lnJtu"d uI ed e,lr14o8e,req1 ,{.uoleue eq1 ul 'trn{ 'le,\\ou:,ecue3soJouur 3b lue.I€dde osJesr lltq pun eql ur u,\\oqs ,(lsnor,tqolsour sr,{14rqri -!B^ sJqJ oeof,?rpodoueqJ ,uon,utottlo! oql Jo rJqurJtu ror11o,{uu ,{lqrssod puz alj -jo JeqllreruJeqlo ,{ue ueql fllllq"Fe,r lnrrSoyoqdrorujoteori s,uoqsoD.tosolng snue8 eq1' '(^qsou) r./rs pue (ryes)srlr{ sp.ro,r loorD eql worJ :atuDu.{oulgtto

guuopJoq uBIpuI oqr serJlu_noJosoqJ uL pu" "rsf?r'r ur pulloJ osle ,r n"rour IJ,li! -snv J " ' ol crurapueoJE euo ldeJxell? r{cry,\\Jo pasru8oJererr sercedsgT snudairqf ul :roueJurolrrp€r lpe,rrnc o,{rque :sroarelsnrc or,".r;13;Tl'f,1t"i"n,tifrtJlli,ffit;::t: 'snoeuJoJ ,sno€c?lsnJt ,,{qlrd /ars .ro d8uods .luelnJJns ,snou€lqualtl 'peqol 'Jepuels.ol,{ls 47uo1tadB\4ntg (t) :IreJnJcns.ro snou€Jqlueu ,l?JUleA,(re^o Z 'Jtetol loseq eqt spre,rol pJl"rnpur sJrurtJruos ,{llenlue^a'olelJlpue pr8rnl ,{11er1rurtuoruelg .lErx"q" ,{J"1rlos ,luolnJ]ns uatuEts:llEr\[qe-lEtpJru " ALlcnsnpu" I?lolEI o,rl) f seqol to snou"Jquou -^lLErtru|sno AqdoLUEHr{}uEuJd ieFrueJ,serceds etuos ur lo (do1e,lapo1 Burlre.;seutrl -Jtuos AJE^oro ueur?lsJql tnq) elJpoJqd"rureqfllensn ,olrssossla,{o1J .luepccns ,eei.; ^IJJEJ ro pet!.un stJErq Jlrsoddo B oql ur rlcsr 'slol{JueJq lt1?lq Jo Irx? selnurfc pore,uog_eorqi nuqslsuoc eql ol ,{Jl€nsn ,(esJ,{ql) Jo'epourJtul I€urrulel eu(c e)ll1-e1rdsi acuaiato{i1 r.lJeaJo )ede Jrll t[ (urgJ?u oql uo snouucs)-uo.rJruu peqolrq ,{qseg luecgru8rsuiue SuruIroJ atrsoddo .sa,1rr7 .ELu^qcre:o1qo . ye.reqdired lu;sqi spreielcs :"s!pourblur JlElnJfl.rEAliuJ.rpddB .squrls tuJlnJJnsJo pesoduoc sla[paolg snojq"l8 J.r",rO 'uoslriA .D .d (s$N) saptorrrDolDLlDD.\DSqIDH :sot3ads od,{J 'UeJrp .snpiqrtelcs srourrrrelsrunsnqrrog onbsqesru,{q.ueJolqa onb e .eu$e 'bollr'lwnaauruqUy runrLurrd{|led:rroH4ureln.rp€r,snte^tnr o,{JqIrIo : LuEerelsn.lr pE ear€uerqluaLuelsal :JrelnJrJ.i1,"],1-"],-*l*199ipe runJpro\o 'runrJgro -nrJ //,'l,as LL.lJJe pe rrnJJpur?roru!-urunrorrl|r:d :runo5er,nrr ;or LunsolJnpoLulne urnsorSuods tne rune3euE.rqLUJruLUnrqluErtrd :rrrrl)r.!. -tllos .I .otnsserdruoJ JLrssosrunrje,\o :olErxEqe unuE ueLuels:rltrxeqeorrtr ta snqrlere]elsnqonp srqol rr:er ]o,runliloec.rn iuirll,tqOourea '.uoslry't\ eteruro.rles uarlErlsnv D Ined 30 NuytsiaVol. 3 0) i980 'incipient' In addition to those specieswhich renrain hidden through a too broad delimitation of others, there are many more which have not been recognised because of the imperfect material which is available in herbaria; furthermore it is apparent from recent collectingactivities that sone speciesare very restrictedin their distribution and it is probable that nany of these remain to be discovered. H.ilosqrcie and other genera The two characters which most obviously distinguish Hqlosqrcia from Arthrocnemunt (i.e. absenceof both sclereidsand the adaxiallyplaced stamen) are of fundamentalimport- ance and suggest that these genera are not closely related. However, the characters which distinguish Helosarcia from Sclerostegia,Pochycornia, Tegicomia and Tecticomia, although relatively obvious, relate to organs which tend to be plastic in their morphology. For this reason I consider that these five genera are closely related and, becauseof their virlual endemism,that they have evolvedfrom a common ancestorwithin Australia.

Key to the speciesof Halosarcia 1. Oppositebracts free from eachother (Fig. 24F) 2 I *. Oppositebracts united (Fig. 24A) .... 4 2. Flowersintimately fused to eachother and to upper bract (Fig. 26) 13. H. peltata 21'.Flowers free from each other and from bracts 3 3. Seedpale brown, concentricallytuberculate over embryo (Fig. 52) 12. H. flabelliformis 3x. Seedwhite with prominent unevenscalelike ribs coveringwhole of surface(Fig. 46) 9. H. Pterygosperma 4. Perianthrounded to truncateat apex 5 4*. Perianthdorsiventrally flattened at apex ..... l'4 6 5. Seedwhite: testaraised into scale-likeribs .... '7 5*. Seedbrown, reddishbrowl, or black, tuberculateor granular 6. Spikeslong and slender,even in outline; seedswith smooth ribs around circum- ference(Fig. 44).... 8. H' lepidosperma 6*. Spikesrelatively short, undulate in outline; seedswith unevenribs coveringwhole of surface (Fig. 46) 9. H. pterygospcrma ?. Seeddark reddishbrown to black, coveredwith concentricporcate ribs (Fig. 42); abaxial perianth lobe often prominent, external 8 7*.Seed brown, variously tuberculate,abaxial perianth lobe small, usual)y inside lateral lobes (external in H. fontinalis) 8. Spikeseven in outline (smooth); bractsciliolate (Fig. 22F) 7. H. doleiformis 8x. Sbikeseven or undulatein outline; bractsentire (Fig. 22A) 6. H. pergranulata 9. Bractsdenticulate or ciliolate;axillary cymules3 7 flowered ...... 10 9+. Bractsentire; axillary cymules3-llowered .... l1 10. Axillary cymules3-flowered; seed concentrically tuberculate over embryo (Fig. 38 41) l. H. halocnemoides l0{'.Axillary cymules 3-5 (7)-flowered;seed concentricallyporcate over embryo (Fig. 67) ...... 5. H. Pluriflora ll. Perianthcrlrstaceous in fruit; seedsmooth (Fig. 50) ....11. H. leptoclada I I *. Perianthspongy to membranousin fruit; seedribbed or tuberculateover embryo 12 12. Branchesand spikesvery slenderand smooth in outline and remaining so on drying (resemblingC.lsuerina branchlets); fruit apex mammillate when mature (Fig.23) ...... 10. H. lYlei 12*.Branches undulate in outline ...... 13 13. Fruitletsfalling entire (rot t€aringat baseso as to exposeseed); abaxial perianth lobe external (Fig. 24C E) 4. H. fontinalis l3*.Fruitlets learil]g at the base to expose seed; abaxial perianth lobe internal (Fie. 198) 1. H. halocnemoides 14. i4a-rginoi anictesand bractsdenticuLaie ot liiiotrt" .... 15 l4+. Margin of articlesand bractsentire ... 18

, 'es?q uJol ruo.rJSurpnrloJd pees :srx€ elrds jo eldes IBtp€J ol p€sru oleq,u qluBued Jo uorlrod purxo:d punore euoz uorssrJsqeue ol lnp :1rdi Luorj,tl,,te Fuuleiq iyleiluoie slaltmq pe^tnc odJqLue:J€lnue.l8 ot qtoout( .si,',ujqlo .o{iquro .re,ros,rol cr.lluecuoa u! sJf]laqnt tuJurulotd ol Buts r{llr\\,snoeJelsnlJ,u,$oJqrlsrppo.l "tsel:BuoI utur .Ec -TBInJJIJ ,proJsrp I ro JrtdrJlJol paag .q1uer:edo1 pesnl flolerurlur ,luacnlsu"Jl -J112\o ,luef,nJSuEJl pue {EJ urq} dleJI]Jd :siJtlq LtIo.rJoo{ puB snoec" ?qc,tutu Jo ,?ur_fup rlo prllJ^lrqs .soqol drlLuoJJq pup lJos Jeqtreqtuot,rad Bwtnig Ie.lel?lurqtr,r pel?nlrs ot .llpus -rJlulylr, JEJnrqdsrruoq eqol lsrx"qE l?rporu :xed€ Jo rl]8uel re^o Burpuetxo ebr"[ soqol l?Je]BJ:pepunoJ ol elecunJl xode :lualnccns quoin4 .(Sirpuarse,{pq8rls le,lrol eql lo) srx] elrds ol l?Jrue,\ soJ"JJusJo,\\ol pue.raddn,xJau ir fesoOxe,ilizi! ,elecunrj ruo{ pu" raqlo qcee uo{ oe4 s,t1,lolJ lDtopnDJdsqns ur JtElnJrluap)errlue 'petrurl stf,"rq .(r1rds 91 :1:1:lt" olrsoddo ot eJu?rErddpu€\run ue Euronpordueq,r) pessoJoruoJ-^JIBJoIEI ,.Lu3rp .slelqJuBJq ro JelnJllJ seJcru"eql rulu € Z I€Jel"l pus ur€urol lEulluretsr)?ds' Qttopnot,'dsqnsur elelrrcrluep)ellue ielunueil! ro pepunoi ieqol ;.urzrp ,pro^oqo urtu €-Z-'3uol urrLrg E fllsoru ro iriro3ielop,repqol8 ,(in6rnel8 ,{1i;ir) 01 .qBIq l1riir Assoldselcru€ :rep[els stalq)uDrB Lu 9.0 ot, q]llqsqnr^lJele 01 Burp"elds-- '('IEhl' )'ev : osr)0 l 6I,rsraror,el|]uq-wer J : adtJ '(St8I) .ld .uur(qo-Ivt Ztg : l ssr..rd seeNeptowau)olDl Lunuauruquy .Aou .qluoJ ,uoslr^A.D .4 (saa11)seprourauJolEq urcxBsolsH .I Bsoqlnq'H 8I Suoy ( urur ql eJ selcrlreertlele8e,l leptslno 0lEJoeru-JleJrJnor,{llueurLuoidslellrnjC *gZ Bl€lnpun'H ,[ { iuoJ urLu, ec soJcttll?r\rlelJge^ :Jprslno,{ssolg pup qloous slaDlllJj .SZ elrssas,{ll"nsnselrds I t9 , :e8"ls Builinrj iu paliorirqsilelnpun slie.r.'g..,ii Bsoulnro'H tT ,utBlpLu :!tsel(nu|lrn{ lp p_JdEq.-dn) uo Jlelnpun {ltqArl.lo JtBJunJ)sLJEJB .rZ , ql (97 .ueu8 BdrEJuts'H 3rgI proroqo 11npsJlrrue:,{rcleJjJlr BurLuoJJq.alldi .,i; elElnJIJnB'H EI ' ' Brg) pedeqslerreq,snocnel8 .eZ QZ solcrue:saqcuelq Burleulture1 se{rds -- tZ d?J luetsrslede Burur:og1ou qr"nl.,ad:pJJs JseJIJJo1 aueld p116es ul Buqltlds ,{1ll:n1ue,re ----, .H l"rperu slollrruC.{:ZZ EfErldAlBJ aZ -.t1uo-peseele: ,Burtirs:ah dr"rued :str"rq pus qlueuod Jo ,{E3rp uo ,1"ilul:j .g7 ,Z s:ll€lq Luo{ puB raq:}oqr"e ulo{ eer3fl1enlue,re slol}rnu.xTZ :it ZZ pe1un,{ll€rolelEepinrS BaJalIBqJ_'I{ qloorus elsal 0Z'[z lelecunrl selcrgy.*gf sluuoJundnc'H o,{rquroJa,\o et?lncreqnt 4ie1 :eleururnczXproqi seic!1ry iii IZ pelrun lo ee.rJstoltrn{ :snoetrB}sn.rcq1uerre4.*lf Jorlloqc?e :ii OZ uro{ Ja{ slellrn{ :Uos Jo,{laded qtueuej - 6I slleceprsrled go snoi t Z Jo tuels Jo enssrl?Lu,(qcuoJoJrJf, :lrn{ ur (,{qlrd lou:}nq) snou"^ ritu"ued.+gI BJlpurH €Z . _ I 3rl ur su urels"q1urr'le4jo enssrl cur{qcue:o1qc:(xed" spr",{o:} Ormr:oO .g1 'H ts"el 1").,(uroll 1rh-4 lr Xqlrti sl€uqtuu z ur8l"ru ,,{ssoJ8 uo oleuql.ugqlu"ued :eleuquru ut8J"ru ro llllp solJr:uy.,.rl up9lu'H t uISJ"ur IetrrdBle ol]luo qlu?uod :elElnue.rJJo elrluo urAJeLLr,,{sso[B selJDlV ./l LL )eo,$'urqtqlueu:d :poa. esodxo ol os"q 1B 8uu€tt slellrn{ :seqol slepn?J ol ileururnie 'H .11,* ,"1ri1.ry.*,91 BuorlJrrlua 6l snour8elrec qlueuod ,91 :eJrluoSurtluJ sl:llrnrJ :seqoJ pepunor peorq qtr.r seJctltv - - 9l slletrepusqedSo s,ror.e-Z Jo enssrl"ru,{qruerolqc :(escq spre,nol lsriei le) sftoue]qureLudtecrJoddtectJod ::snourS€lrll?J snourS€IItl?l Jo:o snouBJquleLusnorrr:roirr:rrr terllrer jinr: tt",]rn.rJ i, 'H 'eZ '3lg ut uirll qluErJed..Fgl'- ' Brlpul 1 ur seruejs;o inssrl cLu,tqruarop] i(esrq1r urol 1ou)e.lr1ue slellrlq :le^o p fu-roqdrecrredi,{qtrd jin_rj u,'q1u,,,r'..1 .g1

aeorulocrlES ,uoslr/ .D LrerleitsnV InEd Nr.rytsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980

Di stribution : Australia (excludingTasmania)' is widespread in Australia and exhibits considerable rari- Halosarciq hqktcnemoides ffi ;:1, :3:ifl;iiT:.liii**:** mj,:jlrllri:*"1j5 $i'"$i::'iTifi whichare noneof the subspeciesit .r.utry' i"iuituitJ iln"i 'p""it"*s can'befound "subsp..,a/oc- in -lip1,ofogy betrieeneach of themani the heterogeneous ;;;;;;;;'.iirtti..ailiii itrectissincition t','J"Ti.i.,Td:Lll distinguishbY namemr l;liiffi B:?l:#'i:i?.'i*?.T,i'ri: desiredto has it seemed irt" pi"t"ntty availablekiou'Jedge, io recognisefurther ta)Q' nol iuii. *iirr :',]:";"'ilii^H'fu 'ii".J",,1'e" ls;f5; T;lJf [hg'1"",:*l**f :.iil.',i:ll,i'*'::::' H' haloc' ;i'ft;,];ffi;"^".i".J it iiii, piesenrin a rnaturestate; therefore' within l"#fl1tr,f"1':U:.i'l:*l';mffi1rufl:1.'.i'"'l;:.xi:1'::';li"'f,f,:"1;;i'l"l''"Tii"if; seed,can be recognisedand described' ThenanreArthrccneffiumhalocnemoideswasincluded.by'Bentham(1870)inthe{:!::'{}ffil.'?:i:{l,fT:{,Ti,+"y?i l*"s*ry,:l.3ri,*';la##i'f:,i;'i":,:3::f:{J M Black (1919) ;;;;J";'"i; .o-uin"t'io" or "u,u"teit drawn from both species- i. noto""n*oittesthe,plant here recognisedas a distinct specres #il;ff;';r;;;ty"ii''fi.',"iii*t"ri, pter!'gospermq' iia iater (1936)also the plant here recogn-isedas H' ?;;;;-;;;riJ"iuut" aih.t"ti""t in habit and in vegetativeand seedmorphologv' ;;i;;'ii perianth; the.lower i;t;;;;-;ii;; Oim"ri -urr..Oty from the latter two splcies_in its. halocnemoitles'wheteas i"t.'!"-*'trrrriri'"nJ inctudeorviihin the largelnteral.lobes in H' outsidethe lateral lobes' i;";";h'F.";;;t;'"itiii iii rt. ptervgospeimait is large and

Key to SubsPecies ir tlHi::ir,\\'ii"li"1!i'i",'.1fif::il3:fi:r'nentiie,robes '."""11a llo'"oo;i3J*" (rarelyaPiculdte) iJni'arld ,tender(up to 8 cm),even in outline;seed semicircular' smooth 2. d;rt;l longislicata on sldes "' lc' subsp seedsmooth Z-. ipii"i""p t; 2 c; long (rarelymore), undulate or evenin ourline; ; [ii#ililk';1"""$:]'" ,G;0",';*u ouut"*ith smoothsidei . rJ' 'or"p,*t'norut3u narrowtv cylindrical, doleiform, or obovoid; seedsub- 3;. B;;iii;i; wittr articles 4 orbicular,granular on sides ""!3.ti;frtl1t;""rt, 4. X;i;il#i;i"ly cylindricalto narrowlv doleiform; spikesslender' obovoid(often broadly so), glossy; spikes undulate in.outlinep. 4,'.Articles lalocnemoides

la. subsp.halocnemoides Fig. l9,4 B, 38 41' lhestrcculent Erecrmuch branched srbs&r',b l0 l5 cm high:branchlets.oon lo.ing lrtlcles glossy(to dtrll),-spii' narrow$ obor oid to sub-globular'2-5 mm long' c.tti;iiis;;;.' 2-3 mm diam'' of "o"*-.ti,*lv z-l.bedro'truniaGl tttttut 0 5 2 5,cm1ong' 1':"llllt"li:ilT#1"""',"i?3iil,llxlf':lllll::T#;:fft*jTf.fT.-#"1'1',1'Ti'T,x?q{

il':*:llr,nx*il'",::L:i'3::iH",TlJi:1,::t',11X#11-Lil"Xi1"iiJ"(:rTT?H granularon sides' i;rs i;r;;;;;;;;iil"uiif triu"t.utut" over embrvo,somewhat a diflerent A'it"i, wide rtnge of salinehabitaLs, each of which.app.earsto,be occupied by Hqbitctt: jnland (Nacl) gvpsumlakes' #;;;,. i;;;A in tiaat satt marshes,around salt and and brackishseePages. I

'sermds loqtro ol polnqrJll?oq,{lJEelJ louu€J qJlq,t ?lsol oql Jo sJelc?J?qJSurdolo,lep eq o1 sreeddu s1ur1d ,elerpau.la1ur,osoql ur punoJ seruDeuos sr qcrrl,r pees ernleurur eqJ sJs,rou peuloJep l"q,r3tuos rllJ,t\ puE llq?q uI el"rpeluJolur s1ue1dpunoJ eq f"ul Jeqle8ol ^\o$ ssrcedso,r1 oql elaq,r sBele ur eculs slncoo ^IqEgoJd owlnLtD.t8.lad pue sapnLudu)opq uee,\\]equorlrzrpr:q,{11 H l1 ! S 'tztulds18uol dsqns pun slnuat dsqns r.uo{ sercedsqnssrql qsm8unsrp ol sdleq pue uorlnqlJlslp s1rgo uot8a'l 'eJu? e uJeqlnos eJour eql ulo{ SurruoJ suerurcedsur peJunouo.rd lsoru sr lelJerEqc srqJ -r?eddE 'slceJq J ue,\eunu€ alrq o1 eryds eql sesn€c erll Jo lueruo8uerre el"ssncopeql 01 onp ,1 'qclq,\\ possorduoc ,{1le.Ia1ey,{pq311s eJB saploutau)olD| 'dsqns ur soprgr elrlreJ eqJ I 'sree-,{ luere.Urpur lnq ?eJ" eu?s eLIluro{ pelcelloc slueld ur -,{cue}srsuoc -uI eruos sr eJerll oJuls eJuaJeJtrpcrloue8 € otr enp}ou pur esuodser Fluouuorrlue u" ,{lqeqold sr qtruEr.redSurlrn{ eq1Jo elnlxel ur uorl?uu^ eq1 ,{1r:nlrur 1r s1e,lr:qsqluerred eql suoISeJcll"rurlJ olq?nbo eJour uro{ s1ue1dur sea:eq,lr'eurllno ur prollep pu" 'lueJnl -suDJl'rulu sr rlcrq,r rlluuuod Surlrnrgr e^?q'suownlrs uo.rJ esoql ol poesJe|urs 'crl{Trtsnv l€lseoc 'le^rg 3ur'rr-'qe1rq,u rllnos Jo uor8el u?eeueJA erll uro{ slu"ld ( V iA u?,lts) ,{lrlr-'roLed,{l eql ruo{ stu"ld qtru dlesolo d1:regee.6e faqJ ,{Soloqdroru o^rteta8e^ ur .{lq"]aplsuoc ,{r"A se^lesLuoqts1uu1d eq1 q8norlll" "or" oql lnoq8noJql uorl"lueu"uJo ur n Julrtulspu? elBnosr peesolll "rl?ltsnV qtnos lrcd ujJlllnos eqt ur pue "rJolcr^ uI Jo t f 'sarc)sorcreqnr ou.{112'1crrd e,req(s6es -",, ;:]i"#i.:ilyjfiH:iiil'[ii'!l:r:I '3e) elluuruerj J?eu uro{ suor:lJelloc oruos poes oql qtr,r seeJ8"sql :(lt 's8rg) luoJoJ Jo 0t ur.redsrredeql Je^o uorl"lnuer8 1q8r1se pue o,{-rqureoql re^o selcJeqnl Jo s,roJ cllluoJuoc qlJ,!\ e]set [^\orq rlsrppo.l " surl pees eqJ €3rE etues eql Luo{ suorlceJloc z lueJoJ oJoru qtl.4\ epEru eq o1 uosrredruoc ,rol1e pu" s8uoleq tr qcrq,n o1 dno:3 sarceds -qns v eql elBJrpur op eseqt ]nq speesoJnlllurur ,{le^ qlr^\ lEuolpllr Suue,rou Jo slsrsuoJ lr :€tleJlsnv urelsei( ur ellu?LuerC l"eu peloelloc s12^\saptouauJolotl g;o :d,'(1 eq1 'solJrlle.r"lnqol3-qns qsrpperrl1l,{\ sqnJqsqns Surro,tog-uou lFurs.,tq polues -erdar 'l eq ,{eur lr oreq :o{"J ll€s puEIUr us Jo uotleloSo,\Jo auoz lsorlrjouur eql l€ luosetd lueyd ,{1uo eql ^lluonbe.U sr tr pu" ,{trurt"s ouallxs spouod pu?lsqlr,r 01 elqu oq o} S Jo 'ezrs l"edde $u"u"A slr Jo eruos ooue:Bedde,{sso13 pur lJq"q lcEdruor ll"rus slr ,{q .t solcedsJeqlo LLro{ peqsfi.I8rrrlsrpftrp"oJ eq ua11ofe.jd saplourarJol"4 'dsqlrs pleg oql uI 'sapouDu)olDLl.i? go sorcedsqnsl€crd,{l eql ol lde]uof, cruIouoxet p"oJq S " dldd" 01 oJqereJeJdsr 1r lueseld eql roJ l?ql eJoJe.rerllulees plno,tr ll suosr.reduoc (i lBcrlI.IJ8uI1?Lu ro; e1"ls elq?lrns e ur snrll eJe,r pue pees €Jnl"ru puq perpnls suaurcsds '(uoll€l urnu"qrerl eql Jo ,{trJoultu ll€rus B -,{luo esn"ceq pas"oJJur sr uolqoJd eqJ S -oJlot 3 IerrqdrrSoeS elqereprsuoc sr ereql q8noqlp) slolJ€Jeqr l"alSolor{dJolu Jeqlo qlr,r 51ueI.r?Asseqt (peqr-rJsepoq u?J qcrq,r Jauu?Lu? ur) olplejloJ ,{Feolc ol alqrssodpe^ord lou s"q 11 lnq slu"rJe,\ peos pesluSoJoreq UEJ saprcwau)olzrysercedsqns eql urqlr,r '€ai?l lue^es 'suolllpuot e :paos orll sI Surleurur.rJsrpur esn JoJ pollns lsor oJoJsroql puE 'peqsrnSuqsrp l€lueru -uoJ[^ue ot e,lrsuodso.r1s?ol sr q3rq,\\ u"3lo eqJ eq plnoqs Ex€l Jerl nJ leql 1se33nsplr.lo,r serJedsqnssrql Jo eruer€oddp eql ur uorl?r.r"A elq"JoprsuoJ eqJ u d 'Ie^ruue^\s'e^oJ po{rv:(Hrdsd) railIDS.v.v,Lln,npue^rt4','j[t'fe{33}:Wl:J!!.:3:dv p 'ueeuuv sr.8 'ururN oIe-I :(CV) tgtg tq\sv I.,J V'ooBrnl :(HfUEd) itl rtltl I/ g -, 6Ie1 :(HJtAd) t99 I ultdv H'A J'Buue).el\lJo f, ltu Z'(HlUAd) 9fl uDllyW t'SuoueegJoS IwtZ :DltD.rlsnv uotsall SI

'eploo:(ov)p,,/"/J 0. s /'sz6r^oN ez' urs €ue'lr^\ :(cv) 6rr t,\ilf;:ff 'H'.gti ""';l'"Jr:3t"/A1I f?;l::; T €.',{eg esnoquels :KIy) )pDtg ,,V 1"'uo}laqlE :((Iy) tZ ^ puv ,41 vol:DllD.ltsllv qtnos 'I -( ', 'looqropun 'serer x ]o ,,,NNrnr 0r rurd:1,'Jdfd) 99ts9 ",or",roor"'l!1f;1X)r?!;9!t:t!;!1;;!^ -I '9 dr11 eqerlsnyurelseid pue qlnos pcrdoJlgns:euopr^ rueJse,r-rluoN:aolnqu$lo

'uoslrld 'D eeeftuorrlpsucrle]lsl1v Ined NuytsiaVol.3 (1) 1980

lb. subsp.caudata P. G. Wilson, subsp.lrov. ,-,l,'/r.ll/idoleifornes vel obovoicli,ca. 3 nrnrlongi et lati, opaci,papillosi; lobi caudalidenticulati. Splrd?5 10 mm longaeapicen'l versus anguslatare; bracteae caudatae, denticulatae. ,Slmen late ovatum, lateribuslaevibus. T1,pe:9 mi S of Pingrup,Western Australia: salt loam: plant 12" to 18" high, dull green; 23 Nov. 1969,K. Newbey3075 (holo: PERTH. iso: CANB, K). Subshrubca.0.3 n high; dersely branched. lrti.ilc.r doleiforn to obovoid. ca. 3 mm lorg and rvide,dull green,papillose; lobes caudate,denticulate. SptA,s5-10 rnm long, ca. 3 5 mm diam., narrowing towards the apcx, circular in cross-iection;articles deeply.concave over cynules, caudate,deltticulate. Sec.1broadly ovate, 1.0 mm long, strongly tuberculateover enrbryo,smooth on sidesover perisperm. Habitat: Margrns of inland saltlakes. Distribution: Lake Grace-Norsemanilrea of WesternAustralia Map 8. WcstetnAsttalia: Lake K rng,,4. .t. Georg,e9157 (PERTH ): LakeKing, 22 Sept. l976, R. dr.r/rrl. (pERTH); LakeCobhan, K. Newber33I 5 (PERTH);Lake cIace, P. c. Wilson82j3, 8276 (PERTH); 9j km N oi Esperance,P. C. Witsan10125 (PERTH); 6 km N of LakeCrace rownship, p. G. i,1ho, 1024t(PERTH). This subspeciesmay be recognisedby its dull appearaltceand by the caudateand denticulatemargins of its articles. Material intermediatebetween subspeciescardata and the typical subspecieshas been collectedin two areaswhere the two subsDeciesare found growing together. The intermediatecollections are as follous: LaLe Cobhun. K. Neube\,33l3,3314,3316 (PERTH);9 mi S ofPingrup,K. Nevbtyl0TT (pERTH). A piant very similar in appearanceto subsp. coLtdqtahas been collccted at Lake Miranda (ca. I 30 krr S of Wiluna, WesternA ustralia);it differs,however, in its seedwhich is noticeably granular or,er the perisperm. For the presentthis must be consideredas one of the indefinite members of the H. halot:nenoidescomplex.

1c. subsp. longispicataP. G. Wilson, subsp. nov. Salicotniatenuis Inon Benth.l Benth., Fl. ALrstral.5: 204(1870) p.pte., not as to lectotype. ,-1rl/.r//ldoleiforfies ca. 5 mln longi. 2.5 nlln diam.,apicen leviterrolunde lobati. S?r.yretenues. aeqlratae,angLrste cylindraceae, 2 8 cm longae,3 mm d iam.; br-acteaeleviter rotunde lo6atae'. Ft.ctituti: perianthium chartaceum,firmum, spiceunltransve6e oblongum. srnrer semicirculare,pallido brunneurm, supraembryonem tuberculatum aliter laeve.

Iryt,: Finke River ncar Junction with Palm Creek,24'06'S, 132.52,E, Northern Ten.irorv: on shingle of river bed; stems seni-prostrale; 24 Aug. 1967, B. G. Br.4.g,r1257 thoJq; NSW).

Suhshrubca.0 3 m high. Artitles barrel-shaped,ca. 5 nm long,2.5 nrm diarl., apex slightlyand obtuselylobed, entire.. Q,rkesle|der, eien and cylindrical,2 8 cm Iong, 3 nm diam., bracts very slightly lobed. F/ ri //e/-r.pericnth chrrrtaceousbut firm whJr matule, transversely.oblong at apex (central frLritlet). Seedsemi-circular, 1.0 mm long, pale brown, luberculatcover embryo, smooth on sides. Flahitut: Pootly drainedsomewhat salile situations. Dislribulion: Central Australia. Map 7. Queensland:Pulchera Waterhole, 30 mi WNW of Sarrdringhan,p. K Zrl: 5t9 (PERTH). "Western N(t1tSou/h Wotus: interiorof NewSouth Wales", 1880 C_ Moor" (MEL 71387). SouthArstralia: Co\\afd Springs, 3 1 Dec.I9^26,. "/ i. -C1"lakd (AD)t Befesford,25 A.'. 1950,J. B. Cletantl (AD); MoolawatanaBorc, R. H. Kuchel2612 (AD); N.W. interiorof SoulhAusrralia, .f . Uinountl ii,o]:t (K, MEL 71379);DalhousieSprings, S. A. Whitc117 (AD). NorthentToritort. ErldundaStn., T. S-.-Hetlshelt55 (NT)t NapperbyStn., T. S. HenshalttOt5 (NT); FinkeRiver, ex herb, F. Mueller(AD 97543201p.pte.). The collection Hanshall 1O15cited above dilTersfrom the others in having shorter and thicker fruiting spikes;in seedcharacrers it closelyresenrbles the type. '\Jplsqloorus rJlr\\ \pJJs JIE^o oql fq pu" 'sellds qloorus 'Jepuels eqf f,q '(e1e1speup erll ur ue.re ecuereedde pedeqslor:uq € ul"leJ sellllr€ osoq^\)s:lelqcuerq repuels slr,{q pasruSocareq ^BLusaroadsqfls srql 'sHu,n^Josru)l:(Hldsd)s8s8

's: 'sellu€lrrurs esolc,roqs surJoJpu?lur pu€ elurll.r"ru eql sJelc"r"qc 'ell"J}snv paes uI :uolleu€^ er{t euIos JoJ lunoJJe -,("rusrql pue IeJrSoloqdrour Jo 'soqsJ"ur IEJluoJ uI punoJ esoql ol luoleJrp,{ro^ suorlrpuoc I"prl ur punoJ sI etrr4 go4 1t 1ueld erlJ ll ul pepnlJur aq flqrssod plnoqs pue DlwtdstBLtol dsqns selqueser l€q,rerrlos al"ls '"rT€JtsnV 'eurd peup eql uI rlJrr{^\ luEld " punoJ sr qlnos t]od Jo -,{}rurcr^erl:} uI 'lgl trpu" ) qJeH ur ere selecqdnp :ptDllst8uol dsqrs saptotuaucolDqH Jo sl (298t ST 6g8I) uolllpedxos,tr"nls ll"noCIct\.f uo pelJollorsr?trl s]Jo sad^tu.{sesoql Suoul€ r-lr suoulf,ods eqt Jo euo uoslrl& C d ( Utuogl smuzl DlEalsoraps ol polroJol ,rou sr qarq,r uorlrelloJllr.roH " uo (616T)lcnyg 1,11,{q pegrd.{1o1ce1se,u ett|eu eql sercedsluereJrp JnoJ Jo so^rl"luoserder sepnlcurqluog ,sl/?r.1a,iou,!o)!los Jo l"rJet"ru 3d-,{ludseql 'u 'luelaJlp ,\l0,\ 0r? slu€lo o,{\:} eql 's.rel3€.reqc pees (pe: :o) Dloculst8uol saplotudDolDqsaprcurdDolDLl 'H u1 ueorS lsso1a sr dsqnssqns D1 elrq,\{olrq^\ .rnoloJrnoloJ ur snocnelSsllocllEln pue ueerS-qsrnlqueern-qsrnlqst ololnao,tS.tadololfiao,td.taaH eJurs elq"sruSoreJ,'(lrseoelq"srudoreJ Alrse e.rE ptDJ!1slzaol Pr ,{erllAerll el€ls qsou oql0q1 ul eqolsqol Je,rol JouurJsuur ll€rus e s?qseq T ou:ntdsr8uoTdsqns ur e1rq,relrq,\\ oqol '(I (lelx"qe) Je,uol rolllo r€lnJrrJ-rues e8rrl u seq qlueuad eq:l olopurltEotl H uI :sqtu"uod 'DlD8Llop'dsqns Jo lreql ,'{q peqsm8[rlsrp ,{lrp?eJeq ,{eru o,t1 atIJ- olnlnuotEnd leql 'e3"1s 'sr H Jo :(l ol J"lrurrs dJe^ Auue,uou eql 1€ otDrrdslSuol dsqns Jo l?uel€or runr.rBqJeH 'sercedsqnso,!\1 eql tlee,rleq uon" -zIpLIq,{qsr eleql roqtaq,r o1ecrpur}ou op uJes suor:}colloc,rej eq1 (srna;7 dsqns ut seprs Jplnu€r8 rllr,r reyncrrc) peesur pur (solcrpe pus sorlcuErqctE3rJ?^rp qlr^\ lu€td uedo lJrq:l 'DtDtdst8aol'dsqns B sr ,tlraai dsqns) llq"q uI reqlo qJee uo.IJ JsJIp,{oqJ s€ llPtus 'dsgr1s 'H seDlpJol oluBs aql ul psl3eJlocueeq s?q srTrrt saploulaa)olotl Jo tuerJz^ y se ul stptplNo r''espo^ rtr^tr'louuog rp,uer roi^ ,"'Ilfl-ly#'J?,S,ifl9J,ffirtXlrys;g;?:r'F^tY#$lf,t3 ') 'qe'I :(}JI)dEd) gttz dofolO J a)Bt : (Hf dJd\ tStZ dotanl ]t€S {qroddeN r,{-rotLlla! tudqttoN :ue3s ueeo e,\?u 'suor:lBn1rs suourrcedsSur,rolloJ eqJ €urJ"s-,{.rel ur punoJ sr lu"rJEA srq} reqr rloddd plno,{\ 1r sueurceds oql 8ur^u"dluoJcz selou 1ecr8o1ooe,\\eJeql ororC ol? o flp€ojq pu? u^ orq qsrpper sr luEr]e^ eql ur rlJlq,{\ pees 0q1 ur punoJ e.reo,{\1 eql u33,r1eqsecueJsgrp '11 snor^qo ,{luo oql et"ts peqp eq1 u1 sercedsqnst€qt repun pepnlcur eq -,(1qeqo.ldplnoqs 'qlr^\ 'ol ol2)lds!8uol dsqns crJl"dlu,{s ,{lqrssod pue .r"Trrurs-,{ra,l sr qcrqm 1ur1d y

e€eruiorrJPSuerlerlsnv uoslrld D Ined .:::;,::,":,il; glaucousplant has beencollected at Lake Barleeand Lake Kins. This rariant reoreseiri the only case in H. halocnemoideswhere the plant is glaucoui; in all other variants of this speciesthe articles are either glossy or merely dull. The flowers and seed of both typical subsp. catenulqta and the glaucous variant appear to be nearly identical. The following three collections are of this variant: WesterAustralia: S sideof MollerinLake, B. C.Mdrr 550(pERTH]; Lake King, east bank near Causeway, P. G, Wilson9991 (PERTH); southem margin of LakeBarlee, p. c. ,,t4tuor88i4 @ERTH). The herbarium material of the glaucous variant of stbsp. catenulata cited above has a djstincti\e appearance. Other collections.howerer. suggesrrhat this plant iDlegrades with other variants of H. halocnemoideswhich are also firund in the Lai

The subspecificepithet refers to the resemblanceof the articles to the links of a chain.

le. subsp. tenuis P. G. Wilson, subsp. nov. Fig. 19E-F. Afiiculiang\tsre doleiformes. ca. 5 x 2 nrm.opacj vel niridr, apicenr, le\iler lobati inrerdunr aoiculati_ margrneIntegro. Vk'? terecytrndraceae l0-25 f70) nrm longae. 2 J mm diam.,apicem roLundhtae vei obtusae:bracleae l€virer undulalae. super clmula-s prolunG concauae.nlargine inlegro. F/a.//.a/l: preflanlnlumnrme chartaceum.levlter exsettum. .t?me,sub-orbiculare, porphyreun, lateribus granul_

Compactto _open_subshrub ca. 0. 3 _m_high. Brqnchletsslender, spreading; articles narrowly barrel-shaped,_ca. 5 x_2 mm, dull. green_(ro-t_glaucous) to glossy,^apJxsllgbiiy lobed, margin entire. Splkesalmost _cylindrical,10-25 (-70) mm long, 2_3 mm diam., apex rounded or obtuse,bracts slightly undulate,deeply concave ovei cymules,marqin enlire' Florerssligllly.prorruding beyond bracts. fiuiting perianrhfirmty cnartace6ui outside.pirhy,.u,irhin. slightly,prorruding from berweenbracis. Seelsub6rbicular wiih 0.8 I mm long, finely tuberculateover embryo,granular on rhe sides, lJ;#1f,.;IJ#lloe. Habitqt: or.near_coastal, frequently "semi-saline.co-astal_ on tidal flats, (the centralAustralia variant on flats"and aroundsalt springs.l. Distribution: coastal_re_gion _of tropical Australia from carnarvon (western Australia) north and eastto_wideBay district (Queensland);also (CentralAustrdtian varlant) norinl ern South Australia and southernportion of the . Map g. P#:#g{;.fi1'i'?iti,"'fi5,::i'r!#":i"}:'#;,/fg6it.1i;'"1?}1,;"111,,.#tgii,;y6tff'u,". Westet Australia: Broome-A. C. Beauplehole48207 p.p. (PERTH); Nobbys Well, ,y, I/. Fitzgerctd(NSW), Derby. R. D. Royce 333sT PERTH T: Wyndham. C. ). Gardncrj 3t'; tFriiirit. Northern Territoty: l0 mi NE of Leguna Stn., Victotia R., R. A. pefty 2590(AD. BRI, CANB. MEL). CentralAustralian Variant South Austrulid: Cootanoorina,5 May 1891,R, Helms (AD, MEL). ,vf!y({L{Tfrj::{'^t#ri&itrlil,i.",,EtTtf'j:"t.'#fl;:Ftry;:,Itr?;;"n",."'",r.S. Henshau - This subspeciesis mostdistin-ct in no_rth-easterneueensrand where it is a sprawrins subshrubof coasralmud-flats. Thereir hasterete branches and ,lendeiipii.i"):l irfi long; the seedis sub-orbicularand is ornamentedwith small tuberclesovei tt; r-mb;; wlrichgrade into_the granulations on r_hesides. The planrfound in rtr" coarturs*u*iri of the NorrhernTerritory and ar Wyndhamin norrh-eaitWe.r.ro eurtialia i;;;;y ;;;;[; to the Queenslandplant but further southalong the westernAustralian coast, e.g. it Derby -!u'c u,)l :(Hrusd) xdslr,, 'a 'uqn^^ -'\ ,il|'t$T],fi6stR :; ,tq 'seIE.IJo s e 08ie , 'qeLuEureJJorA rz 'gif*!;,3r,!-'l. 's8urrcls ere,\ t.lftA :()) 9tI9I uo'^1rtowl/ :(H-LdSd)S€t tqlsDw { eerql Jo S J€ rrrl! :(HI.uEd) .&do7 O's8uudsoarr{I Jo S rul I :(HIUgd) u s ynipug'U'ueeuuv e)].u.t:(HJf{ld) 69f sd ,t/oa, 1ntsnvoIe.I oprs :(HIUAi) aStoa) lurlsnv6111 ep$ :DllDrtsnvu.Dlsau S t, Jo S t6L SJZ Jo N ol 'S 's8uuds d"W "ll"Jlsnv uJelse1\ eerql ol lse,tr-qlnosuceuuv e1aI:LtolllquJste llll 'runsd,{8 'sol€l ro ll?s uoruruoJ Jo .roqlra llss Jo ur8.lEt{ ;lrll9r11 'srxeeqrds 'r-Jelel 1u drecrred pu" qlu"rJod Jo u,rop{?orq uo pesEelorpaas Lurodsopua:po^.rnc odJqurs:qtooLrIs esr,\\.reqloo,{]qrue Je,\o el"lncJeqnl ,{Jl€Jr.rluecuoc'u,rorq qsrppoJ'snooJs 'el"Ao -geqc "'(1urq1Elsel :Bsol urlu ,,(lp"oJqpaas qluerred o1 lueJsel"oJ pu? snou?Jq 'urq} T -rueu drecrred:{Ee,r qlu"uod :os€qroql 1e pessSursodxe srxe uo.U ,{e,re SuuBe} ^ll9nlue^e 'slcErq uorJ pue roqlo qc?eruo{ ee{'stJeJq urqlr^\ pesolJuosDltlt1q stloLrzJ,q -\Jfew t.!t1^O oqol [€rx"q" Ierpeu ]ouur letus E puB eJ"J Ierx€q" uo seqol l?Jol?l eAJ€l rrzd e qlr,r 'elEuqluu pu" peuetl"U r{1yurlue,lrs.ropxede 'urql qupLlad 's!xe JBerr ;o '8uo[ 'SurpuoJs" lJ1rrqJeddn olluocsolBoclnq Joqlo r{Jts trto{ oorJ uruj g.l 01 ,r,/a,11olJ 'sJo,rou SuunJsqo .loletduroJ 'soJnl"ul lrn{ s? urql pue fjp SururoJoq'ewuqrug pus s peqol - (stJ€rq) sel3rtr? elr eJ :^r"l?crelur Suruoreq ,{ll€nsn tnq lsru t? 'selcr].rE1deep 'selcr l?ururo} 9-Z rlll^\ Suol ruur 0I E € eql Jo uorsseJdruocleJel"l eql ol onp el"tllpun trDuourruoJdeurl:lno ur pu" l.roqs sarirrl5 elrrrqrug dpueururord ur8Jeru :olepr.r"Jfluoqs (,rl ^ll?nsn pu" oteurturc?'r"ln8u€ul soqoloql'poqot,{ldoop'3uo1 ruru Er pro^oqo ,{lpeorq '-{ssol8 E Jo ueerS alzd llr.p sal)lul seqcuelq Sulpuelse qll^\ qBIq rLt I ol qnrqsqns '() 'SNVJ :osr'HJUEd 'd '01.6I 'e,$erow :oloq) 8966 uosllll D ldes t €rt€rlsnv urelsel\ Jo S rul S .a.1t "1:l:3l3lJi."lii1"1#'ii:t;; 're,{qcr'oc.eersrr€q.r.rrnuel Brser :Lun'uo[ ,u* r 'n,,,,un,nno lit]"]j;]j$ qll unoceue.rqurouuInrdjeau3d:elrqap'Jnuel LunrqtuBuad:slllnaJo snquog'snqrnuel sralcEJq'EJJrs eroJutn{ 'sn^J€d Snl rrrds snlrsodrednsrlerreqe soqoJ selueuruoJd selEJelEJ rqoJ srlerxeqesnqol'.enuel LunqluDuad uI: 'DErJqurgrlerunrl lleulJddeJalrleJlua,{rsjop 'rJeqrl seurJi^ pe rlrsodxaaxrde pe sanl! rlelrqttlUrlEqol epunJordrlnJtJe :o8uoJ ruttl 'eelBlnpunolrqule w'sa.^oiq arrlds olenqurqeurS.rrru 'slllrpnr. edaes rrreqot 0I 'rBuol9 'replo^oqo srleulErncBsrqol op[€^ trlur € ]lc a+eltlnrl v sn][" ru I pB e^olnun.g .{ll 'J 'uos116 'Z SOI VgZ 8lC ,rou ds D d BluJrqruu€lJrEsolBH 'tt 'Jlqplr12\E st lliuetEulJ\neleSo\ Fluo u:qr 3u ue^e smual dss esruSocerol euo solq"uo oroJ3Jeq:llr lueserd ueq,n :saprcLuaLr)oloq'H 'serceds Jo sercedsqnsJeqlo erll Jo ,(ue uo Jo Jeqlo ,{u€ uo po^rosqo uooq tou seq ernlcnJls lnt srqJ slselu8es elrl-Jeaou et?JBdessnoJelunu Jo dn epEru sll?3 l?rueqds ]Baq etlellsnv uJelsolAJo ts"oc quou eql ruo{ ouroc qcrq,lrsorcadsqns srrll Jo suerurcedseql Jo ,{u€IAI Ie^'1te 'uoxEl lcurlsrp E s3 pJsruSoJoreq plnoqs ll l"r{l ,roqs ,4eurryo,r Jeql.rrulnq srrral dsqns utqlr,,rr pepnlcur oJoq sI lu"u€^ u€JF,JlsrlVIErluoJ srqJ solJrt.l?JaIcql 8ur,\equr ,'(lledrcurrd sleJrp pu? tru"ld egl 01 peesrElrurs seq 1I ?rt"rlsnY ur punoJ sr'srrrcl 'dsqns I"lsBoc 'lrq"q [s]1u0J 'uI Jo lueu"^ ed,{} erlt Jo l"ql 01 J"l[urs al"Jr.rE^rpuedo ue Sur,ruq1ue1d y 'sercedsqnsJer{lo erJl uro{ pelelosr arz deql 's?eJ? of,ursJnJro 01 ,{le{rl ll sr Jou eseq} uorJ s1uu1dur pe,rresqo ueeq serl suorlelndod 1JI. IUOJOJIperll uee,$leq dlrTrq"u€A ou :eqe.rlsnY uJelse/A eefi ,{eFoqu[1 ls€e-ql]ou se! ',{JoluJeI Jo 'pu€lsuoallo eql luo{ pu" uJequoN eql Jo JI€rI urerllJou eql uJeq o[ pu? S?[ uJels"e ruo{ peproco.rserceds srq}Jo Jequlelu,{luo eql sr smual dsqrlssapbLuaaJopq'H 'JncJo 'sletc"J"rlJ 'tre, soop uort"zpuq,{q l"rll -,tle{rTJ€edd€ plno,r 1l lsql os peespu€ '-fSoloqdroruroru olrl?lo3o^ ']Iq"q ur sercedsqnso^\l eql uee,\\leq olerpor"uloluroJB qrrq,r polJollor ueeq o^?r{ slueld lnq (sal toLuau)olDLldsqnsgo 1rq1ueql Jelur,r eql ur JorlJ"eSureq '3lC)'3lc) eq- .tlrrlalslrrlal dsqns Jo 1"rll) seruD Sulle,{\ou8ul.le,trog (3u(8urdd€Fe^o tnq)1nq) lulueregrp enrp e^Eq.{erlle^Eq .{erlJ, (82(gZ q1c sleupnlu eu€s arll ur pexruletur ^\oJ8'lcp,Jur r'pu€ 'pu€ or.ll?dur,{sor gJ" sercedsqnso,r1 Fprl 'dsqns Jo eq1oql dzy:e.rod"llo^o Jo uorSor stql uI saploLuaurolrrtsaplouaurolrrl lurluerJ?A uJoqilou eql ,{lluopr^o Jo 'eqrooJg slu el? qclq^\ slu?ld Jo e3ussord oql ,(q pelrcqdruoc soruoceq uorlrsod oq1 pu€ rtB oeeJurorrlsSueilBrtsnv 'uoslr^\ 'C LT lned 086 38 NuytsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980

_The flowering spikes of this speciessoon become intercalary due to vegetative growth at their_apex. On the maturation of the seed the bracts, perianth, and pericarp become dry and thin; eventually the fruitlets tear away from the spike axis to expose the seed which is released. The vegetative and fertile articles have a noticeably fimbriate margin from which characLer1fig specific epither i. derived.

While H.fmbriata in its typical state has a very distinctive appearance,two collections, that of Mqslin 735 and llilson 6492, are intermediate in morphology between this species and H. halocnemoldessuggesting that introgression does occur between the two taxa. 'tears' - - Of those speciesof Halosqrcict ir which the perianth away from the axis, ,1L .fiybyian is probably most closely related to H. Talocneruoides,for iheir seeds are very similar; in addition, in both speciesthe perianth has a small inner abaxial lobe; howevei, the apex of the perianth tn H. halocnemoidesis truncate whereas in H. fimbriqts it rs dorsirentrally ff artened.

3. Halosarcia nitida P. G. Wilson, sp. nov. Ftuticulusca..0.5 rn altns, Anicali nitidaca. 5 mln longi,margine integro vel Iivetercrcnulato, lobis breviteaacuminatis. Sprc4 terminales,anguste cylindracei; bracteae cupulifbrmes, truncatae, margine in- tegrovel levitercrenulato, lobis breviter acuminatis. F7o,'es liberi, valde adscendentes, parte distafi dorsi- ventraljterapplanatus. Peianthium tenne, margo terminali rotundito vel acuminato. lobis duo. lateralibus. conduplicalis,imbricatis. Fr,ctc&/idemum secedentes semine exposo; perianthium tenue, necinduratumj pericarpiumchartaceum, ad basin,membranaceum; stylus ad basimdurus. Sezrenovoideum, 1 mni longumjtesta valde tenuis pallido fusca supra enrbryo concentrico granularis aliter laevis. Type: South Australia, between Lake Torrens and Lake Gairdner; at the channel at the south-eastern end of Pernatty Lagoon; 23 Oct. 1966, Hj. Eichler 18855 (AD96650459).

,Shrub ca. 0. 5 m high. Branches erect, articles glossy, ca. 5 mm long, margin entire to slightly crenulate, lobes shortly acuminate. Sprkes terminal; bract pairs resembling the vegetativeafiicles but shorter, ca. 4 mm long, becoming cup,shaped with age. F/oweri hermaphrodite, free from each other and from bracts, ca. 3 mm long, steeply ascending, distal half dorsiventrally compressed and slightly winged, apex jusi expoied. Perianth thin (at least when dry), terminal margin rounded to acuminate;lobes two, lateral and conduplicate, imbricate, thin and soft in frrrit- Utricle ellipsoidal, papery, membranous towards the axis; style with hard base- Seedovoid, 1.0 mm longftesta'very thin, pale brown, concentrically granular over embryo otherwise smooth, Fruitlets eventnally tearing away from axis at base.

Habitat: S1longly saline or gypseoussoil.

Distribution: North-western Victoria, central South Australia. Map 19. Ilictoia: No\ tngj,NW Victoria,30 Nov. 1949,A. M. O'Neill(ldEL 10631). SouthAastrclia: SE cornerof Lakecairdner, J. Pickarcl2468, 2469 (NSW); between Lake View Dam and Lake Frome,,fromeDowns, D. E. Synon 803O(ADW, PERTH); S shoreofL. Frome,18 Sept.,1972, D. A. Webb(CANB\.

The nature of the perianth in H. nitida is interesting in that it is intermediate in structure between the type found in E. undulqta and that found ttr H. halocnemoides. ln the material included in this speciesmay be found flowers with only a pair of terminal conduplicate lobes, ?nging to flowers with imbricate lobes covering the orifice on the abaxial rounded surface but extending to the adaxial; in the latteicase a small inner abaxial lobe is present. In those specimenswith the conduplicate lobes the imbrication is of the type found in H. undulata (the lateral florets having the lobe nearestto the central floret overlappingthe farthest away). while in those specimenswith the imbricate lobes the imbrication is of the type found in fL halocnemoidei(the lateral florets having the lobe nearest the. central floret underlapped by that farthest away). Some specimensfas might Deexpecteo, have an lndehnltelmbrrcallon. '01113? 'tllloJlolop 'slol .r,/?,rod. 3l"lnir1u)p urSr"tu l?rl,\\oluos soqol -{llJoqs selcl € :13ejo '.ropu3ls 'elnc? -qcur-rq l.roqs puE seqcu"lq ()1lEulu.rel saltds el"lnJllueP urSl€Lu 1! 1ere1e1 'snoJnelS '.reprtels 'Ei e( :lEq,\\euosseqol ol llnp selJl:lrE saq)untg q8lq Lu I qn.lqsqns SO '1l6qy :o1oq)'1611uttt1tIuo{ ',14')'1961 ^"1{ 'er.{g ollr'l 'Bll€rtsnv qtnos :adfJ l" 'arn,narta-,,u"a u( ru€rncrDerErdns sll€Jrod snuloeauoc sllsor Luna eel,{qchoclo.rla tls61 :tun;uol u'tu,t , lffi 'ullitcuhluor pe :lune]elJeqr LunsolF'lpeturunlq]ueued r/1r, LUnrujlurLr:clurna:euerqtuecu LunldreslJed 'snlBpunlolle^ -,r:,i.,:'"*nruorn..n. run::e,ierqLu:tu uintrero:s teLnctlurp'snquelnSoul'€ slqol xad€:(muol Jlelx"qE olel Mn!|tttDlal lreqll suelra.rq seulcl^pe serolj:eerou-(l) aDlwrJ o"r) rui:rde snsio,r !lrxjoJrllop tg 9-l :otttn:rtuep:urBreru isttnrp LuntuPnbtlB srqol Jell^olq!lnallP :selIJeJB ,a?J/r1S olelnclluap 's. 'sitnrp. 'r.nel8 Lu e. rrlTtllrtr aurtr"Lir LuntLrenbrlPsrqoL le^ IlEdollncDre :sell.el8 l&Dy snlle I UI 'uoslliA 'S /9 3rl ^ou ds D d Broglrnld BlJr€sol€H 'Zl 'sFuuds r.lllrt.tueld slql Jo uoll"IJosse erJl otr s.IsJoJleqltdo cgt:eds eq1 pu 'Dvlnup,tS,tdd'H pw] saprcwaa)opq 11 qloq ut qlu"ued eql seop s" pses eql 3sodx3o1 ollds er11uro:1 ,{e,tleJEel lou seop 1!:3Jquo slleJedu uer{,{\ utuiuod aql Jp!\lnoJLll uo cnoJJElr?rlJPU" tlllq 'JLuoJJqll suolllpuoJ1q€ll Jql JJpull 'olofittotB.tadH LltI\\sB'lxql ^lJ{rI sreeddr1r lnq:1u1s.{rp eql uI pele^urls s,{e,$le'ueos aq1 ur 'sI qluEr.tJdSttr]rn{ eqJ pees o^rFullsrp sll(q peqsln8ullstp,{ltpee: rt:ete,,, 'dsqns iq ,{eor lrnrg ur ueq^\ lnq o\oBuola DJllnuD'!3.tadH se1quresoJsor?eds sIqJ .((]V] .{11 'ldac 'il.6l 'plql uoellqot '6961;nV 'IeerJtuerllr^\ :(,\\CV) seurt{ ldes :(lN) alt J t'd 9Z '-IgIJo aN 'CV) ltu 0t 'evadl|".i. Z6Li 2!I'X a8uudsersnoqlEq:(l SN l $r/2d y'168I IeW Z :o!lo!tsn/ qt oS SN '6 ptr detrN ?rl".rlsnv q:lnos Jo "0.1?uJeqlrou :Ltoltnq!,tts!Q 'eurlPs q11 'saur.rds :lPllqPH ,4lq?u[ssrd pul.Iol€ Sut^\or8 se lu€ld eq] ol .IaJeJuees suotlJelloc IIY l.J; 'cu?ctJeqo1 3u pue.,(qpesolJur pJJs :elrtue paqs slelllnJC u,\\olq qstppolIlep'septs uo qloouls etl 1u:raqpe 'snoel€lsllJJ 'a1e,to 'o,4.rquiei;t,ro paqqu {1:lerrod €lsa} :8uol ulur T €l ,{11un1qpaag 'slxB 'xod" 'drecued snou"Jqruou eql ol pesnJ sp.ll7,\\olsnouBlquelu 1? (i,snooce €rl3 'pelle^uqs 'luelnJJns pue rujg serurleruosJo) ,{qlld qluoltad 8up\,tg ,{re,lo pue qluetled eq 'peqol-€,'pepun ieqol la:lno lulns.uctllles? pu" :lroqs Z o: xodt lerperu l€rx?q" 's])Plq IeJel"l 'ellpo.IrlderuJaq :SuLpuoJa" ruo{ puu Jeq}o qc€e uJorJ oerJ s.tattol! lcqd\Jtuos 'padeLls-1er:eq '8uol ':rrjuo 'e1e1npunurBrcru ,{luorlssolJllr" :leleulelp urur 9. €, "J ruc 8 € :tu '.ropuols'lcere 'stolqcu"Jq 'peqol 'sn 'etenuel]" Ie.lelBI pu? ul"ul 01 leulluJet trllds elllue 'snorn"l8 '. -lsl dllunlq urS]Eru ol IInp selJllr? JepneFsplLPltD,tg q8tq atc 61 ol qn'tqsqns -ur '(HJUAd:osr'918/t s!q 'S 'VL6I 's8uuds 'elleilsnv 11qy :o1oq)ZOt6 uolu,ts 0 ldos tZ elsnoqJ"O qlnos :rrl'fJ 'seluepoceslluejeeqpE ulnld.realed pe lluepnJculouelues'Il.Eelur sr^eelJaIl! '€er'(qcfuodoJte!ln!Ql1.tt'eocelsnL ,eleuro sllecJod snqlluou[uorcl sralJluecuoasrlso] Ltrncelnalper Jodns elsal raars LunlqlutllSd pt urn$EueJquau unldlEruod : unor? :sn8uot uiur J er'uinlr,lo asnlqo snleuuoa 'snllsodJadns -up:quu:tu "risr:,n urLscq (;,tunJJpl.Lnqrrunptelur Ie^) LunsollllpgtuurnlqluelJod trlrr4r selPtJtPlsoclol 'suelnJrJrLues suJurtuoro sllell€qe snrpalLl snqol :sa^orqsel€Jalel lqol:LunlEqoJrll Lunl -olnstisutitltuat'i4:orplunlorrJrde'setuapuersperetl^rl'lroqllsEetc€rqles€ul.I^pesr'/o/!r olSolur SI olplnpunJur8reLU \JLUro.jroloF rJlr\JJq rln.rlre : Ltlelpttllu P]'e€8uolul.8-€'eelenus]le'sanuel,rrlds' 'oreqot S I 'oriatuL r\nrqo rtLS.LnLu LrnPlS le^ rrEdollncrlle :senuel4 rrry snllB||l. oLte snln)lt l ,(r: '99 'A 'ttos1t16 't .H JnZ'3rg ,rou ds D d sllBultuoJBIrr€solBH

'rlso{ cglceds erll ueq,r lutld eqt Jo oru"ruedd€ ,{ssol8 oql ol sopnll? leqllde sSIl 'DfunLtts H Jo spras oqt ol le)Iluepr lsoujl" Suleq 'su 'lurloJlp 'II tipltlu'H Jo esoql elrnb o.le selteds o^\1 eql Jo spoasoql lnq saplowauJolDq ur punoJ l"ql ol Jslrurs sr srxe eltds eq1

6. Halosarciapergranulata (J. M. Black)P. G. Wilson, sp. et stat.nov. halocnemoidesvar.pergranulatum J, M. Black,Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 43: 359,1.33 Ag!6i:""-r^ Lectotype:Railway bridge betweenPt. Elliot and Victor Harbour, 12 Feb. 1919,H. l4/. Andrew(holo: AD 97614357), lecto. nov. -. S-ulsh.rup,er_ect or spreadjng(sometimes decumbent), ca. 50 cm high. Articles cylindrical, barrel-shaped,or obovoid; lobes short, rounded or obtuse; margin-branchleti entire, dull _greenor glaucous(never glossy). Spikes terminal to main or lateral (rarelyrntercalary) to 4 cm long; articlescylindrical, barrel-shaped, or obovoid,frequently laterallycompressed, the bract-pairsunited, entire;triads offlowers includedwithirbracts or ther'rapices_exposed. Flowers hermaphrodite (or in somevariants only femaleflowers present),free from eachother and from upper bract or fusedto a varying extent;abaxial surface_ascending; apex curved, and f continuouswith abaxial surfaie, to truncate; perjanthsucculent, lobes 3,2lateral and one lower rounded(abaxial) lobe which is eithei insideor_outside the lateralsl pericarpsucculent, style slendir. Friitlets free from each other and tlom up_perbract or + united; perianthfleshy, spongy, or firmly chartaceous on the surfacewith pithy interior; pericarpfused to and sirnilai in textur; to perianth. Seedbroadly ovateto circular,ca. I mm diameter;testa crustaceous, dark reddish-brown I

EtErIrE^Ipdlqns p (tue1dpuelur) Surpeerds selrds :tJorolu"ld *[ u EJ!puEISuaanD'dsqns-f, 'Jepuels .E (lu"ld l,tlsroo);cere selrds :luoqorncepJo 8urT,u€.rdslu?ld S Els8uola dsqns q soqol q 'elerel 'lapuols l€tol€[ Surddella^o,{la3J€cs pu€ ,roll"qs qluuusd Jo s3qol ]o,ro[ salrdg.*g J ElelnuerSrad dsqns u seqoJ Surdd?llo^o ^ll"nsn 'luourluoJd qlu"uod : Ielel"l .Z Jo oqol Je^\ol:pessatdluoJ,{11ele1e1 leq,reruos selcrw :eurltlrour €l"lnpun se{rds I1 t luesq" Jo Il€rus,{ro^ aqol qluetradJe,uol :lc€Jq :eddn o1 pur JorlloqJEe 01 posnJ+ sJJrroll.* I s Z snor^qoeqol qlu?uod lc,rol :]Je.rqJeddn u.rolJ pue.loqto rlJ"e uro{ ae{ slo,\\olC .l ,{ salcodsqnsot ,{a)I S' s, 'uoxEl strl:lut pepnlcurler.rel€Lu eql Jo {lnq ;ql ruo.! xtlqSrLs uegtp Dp4nwtSnd dsqns "ele srqt ur 'eloq,raslo pouorluolu s" 'eJurs (peoque{Jrg pu" eSuerg) eprelepy .reeu pollelloc sed,{lu-s osol{l ruo{ eperu ueeq lou suq ed-,{1o1ce1jo 'elulv uorlcoleserlJ D)lputilsDanb dsqts otolnuDfi,lad I{ st (llasspH 8el lJod uorJ) 'DtD)uDttp 'dsqus Jo 'n 'AeI? 'etuoJC qlJnoJ € pu€ Drylnn2.tBJadH Jo sr OpDlg f Jo^rU ruo{) prl]fte 1i.tolltnfl o1 sSuoleq g '3e1'1.re11 e{"-I ruo{) puores "'rlrrrola dsqns l/ Qo1ftia 'U DtolnuD,rS,t)dl/ ol pe.rJeJeleJeqsr (swpg 3o['"uuoouelooJ rqo4) ollo'sed,{lu,{s Joqlo 'H eql 19 uorldrrcsap leulSuo erll slq lseq qrrLl,\{ouo oql osl" sr lr pue otofiuptfuad ul pasru8ooe.rsercedsqns JnoJ oql Jo peerdsepr,trlsour eq1 slueselder od,{;o1ca1se pel"uErsep ejarl uonJellol eqJ 'uoDdn3sopsrq 3ur,{u"druolcesuorl"llsnllr eq1jo uor}cnpord eq1 'I ur pesn u33q e^"q ol J"eod? lnoJ qcrq,\\ Jo suorlc3lloc snotetunu pelrJ {J€l{ [,\ ecurs IporlrJJ sr utnlolnuo.tB,radJEL saploLuauxolDLl l/ Jo uorl"Jgrd-,{lope1 eq1 :uot1o;tt{td[1o1ta7 .eo,\l .reqtre Jo aq uec uor]"JrJqur 3ql Jlostr lerog I?.Uua) oql ur 3lrq,r euo Jelno eql ,4q peddulro,ro lr ]erou l"JlueJ eql o] lsaJt:oueqol eqt e^Er{p"rjl E slotou Jrll :sJrJJdseql tno q 'req}c Jo 'seqoll"lo}El u -q8noJql luetslsuoc ,{liueJ"ddc sr qc"o ol uorl"leJ ur J"Jel€l eql Jo uorl€crJqur arll sl".r3:1"[eqt urqlr,r sr puE sr oqol .l0,roT er]l saplowau)olpq ur s30l0q,\\ 'seqol 'pepunorII?us 'e8l€l l7 l"ro1"l eql sdeFe,lo pu" sr oqol l"rx"qs eql ogtlnuot8tad sanads p -qns uJolso,lt.aqt uI 'saptowanoloLl uror; (sarcedsqnseql peeJdsopr,r Jo lueIJE^ 17 Jo lr put uorrrrrroclsoru eql) ololttuDtBtat[ dsqns BurrlsmSuDsrpJo ,(€,r ,{sea uz sepr,tord pue seDedsqns" lnoqSnolql luetsuoc(^lls3rs€q) sr seqol rllu"ued eql Jo uorl?Juqur oql al orl' rlJ'o .roJ u,rou{ eJ" 's}o['n.rJ ern]l?o, eqJ ';fi:l P Jo 'ou Jo ornlxo] pue edeqs "U, Or" q qluerred eqt uorlrsod puz edrqs oql ']J"Jq Jeddn eql pu€ sle,\\ou oql ue3,rleq uorsnJ Jo J{ Jo luelxe eqt lElncrlJEd uJ uosu€duroc esolc lrurred s,{",{\I€ lou op sorcodsqnsorll jo suorldrrcsep oql uosEeJsrql JoJ 'uorl?ururBxo JoJ pe^JeseJd,{lel"nbop€ uooq sBq I?JrtrJc 'JJ^lou orn]3r]Jls10,{\og ori:l 0J0qA\ uorlrpuoJ r? ur pJUrelerlou Jo ur pslceloc ueeqlou o^€tl slu?rrE^ reqLLlnu dtrsra^rp eql ot ppB uorta^Jeseld spoqleu pu? Jo V 'luouldole^epl€crSoloqdJour Jo suourpuotrleJol elrq,r qtr,{\eJnlxel pu€ ed"qs ur,{lq€Joprsuoca8ueqc ltnrg pu€ sJeA\oUoq1 ecuis ,{s"e s,{D,!\l?lou sr sueurceds luoJesrp uoe,{leq uosu?duoJ 'elq€urlep ,{lJ€alJoJour elB 1"q1 esoql lueseldol ^loleur palrutrtop otoq st sercedsqnseq] puB xeldruoJ Surpe.t8re1uru" LuJoJol medde ololnuolataar .,? serceds '6tut.to.fialop'r? eql dn elcur qJrllr\\ slullr€^ orll- sorcodspelzlrr ,,(1eso1cerll JoJ ldeJxe) srsqlo rrro{ uox€l sql oleururJJsrp01 euo,\\o[" ()1se purls]p os sr uorl"luJtueuJopu€ 'L IJ" 'poos 'us3Jo ed€qs ur qcrq,r eql elqr^Jasqo ,{lrp"er pu€ lu"lsuoJ ouo sr :eqtro3o1sluerrr,l .l 'eauEtBodd? eseql lye 3ur1ur1 sercedsltrurlsrp sr uorlruSocerJo 8ur^tesepreedde o1 s€ Ir sso:8 ur pue ',{Solorldrotrl ul 'lrqBq ur :lcurlsrpos eJ" qcrq,r e|tlos l€orSoloqdJolu l€rou Jo .ll sluu p^ snoleullu sossBdruocueot,fauS.tad jg' uorsr^oJstql ur peqrJcsunclrJsV 'J

JI or per{r€r"Burur?Luor ro 'soprrrord pees eq1 qrrq,r -or, ,r",rt,i''lj:li?J.tJ""lT;?ti?X[1 snql 'eseq JEeu u,\\op Sur1?o.rqr3qllo ,t1en1ue,redrecued pu? qlu€uod 'po,\lnc ofrqluo q: '{cBIq :(eJlueJur poqqrJlou lu€r-rr^auo ur) re,to 11eelecrod pue poqqu ,{ll€ruluoJuoJ ol S' 'uoslrlA It rEollrroorlesuerlerlsnv I In?d 12 NuyLsirvol. I (t) 1980

6a. subsp.pergranulata Figs. 21, 22A C,42,43. Ercct ca. 0 5 m high. Articles obovoid, dull green or glaucous; lobes short and rounded. Spi,kesterminal to branchesor on lateral ascendingbranchlets, 3-4 mm diameter;articles barrel-shaped to shortly obovoid,either circular in crosssection or laterally corrpressed, bract-apices convex. -Flouers free from each other and from bracts, predominantly hermaphrodite,ascending; apex curved, lobes 3 with the large seni-circularabaxial lobe outside(in WesternAustralia) or insidethe laterallobes. Llabitot: Coastalsrvamps, brackish swamps, and marginsof salt lakes. Distributiotl:Western New South Wales,Western Victoria, South Australia,south Western Australia. Map 15. Nel/iSanth l4/ales: L:ake Victoria Stn., l7 Mar. I959,L. A. S. Johnsott& E. F. Constable(NSW 48435); Wentworth.T. M. Whaitel809 (NSW). t/rcldfrdrNW of LakeAlbacutya, Sept. 1887, C. tuench(MEL); l6 lni SE of SwanHill, C. W. E. Moote 3613(CANB);Nhill,,1. C. Beauslehole 199?5 (PERTH); Tooradin, Ocl. 1921, H. B. Willianson(CANBJ. So th Austtalla:Waljarco, B. J. Blaylock382 (AD); Redcli{T, R.J.Chtunock2l19(AD);nearSwanReach, J. B. Cleland37 (NSW); SouthPearson Island, 6 Jan.1923, 1' G. a. OrDofn(NSw). I4/estetn Australia: 24 mi N of Karonie,K. M. Allan 292(AD); Lake Grace,S. Z. -Arerl.lt9080 (BRI); nearDundas Rock, B. R. Maslin2169 (PERTH): I km S of ThreeSpfinss, R. L Sal rr, i568(PERTH). NarlhernTerritot,: "Near the MacDonnailranges", 1889, Rev. Sthwartz (MEL 7l544). This is the most widespread of the different subspeciesof H. pergranulata. It can usually be recognisedby its dull green or glaucousappearance and by the unevenmargin of the spike; on drying it frequentlytakes on a dark grey colour. There is considerableregional variation in the floral morphology and in the general appearanceof this subspecies. ln Western Australia the lower perianth lobe is large and obvious, both in the fresh and dried condition; in South Australia it is relatively small (about one third the width of tbe perianth) and thin, its position being sometimes within and sometimesoutside the laterallobes, while in the dry stateit may not be immedi- ately apparent and with age appears to become fused with the underlying perianth tissue. Around Adelaide is found a variant in which the seedis ovate (rather than circular) with the central region of either side un-ribbed. This variant rangeseastwards into Victoria and gradeslocally into the typical variant; it is also found jn Yorke Peninsula. In New South Walesis found a variant with slenderbranches and spikes;this is similar to a plant found in Yorke Peninsulaand in both caseslooks differentto the tvDicalvariant which is found in therame general area. The subspeciespergranulcttq grades northwards in South Australia into both subsp. elongata and stbsp. divaricata, although the latter two subspeciesappear sometimes to retain their distinctiveappearance even when growing in areaswhere the two occur. In coastal New South Wales it appears to grade northwards into subsp. cpeenslctnclica. Plants which are evidently hybrids between H. halot:nenoides subsp. halocnemoicles and H. pergranulata stbsp. pergranulala have been collected at various localities through- out the overlapping ranges of these two taxa. These putative hybrid plants frequently exhibit defornritiesand sterility of flowers the ovLrleseither not developingor the seed neverreacnlng matufl ty. Plants which are probably hybrids between H. pergrctnulcrlctand Sclerostagiaarbuscula have beencollected in Port Phillip Bay. For furtber conlmentsee under the latler species. On the north coast of WesternAustralia is found a variant in which the flowers are adherentto eachother and to the upper braat. lt is an €rectplant quite differentin appear- ancefrom sttbsp.queenslanditzr which grows in a similar habitat on the Queenslandcoast. In the flowering slate it is very siniilar to H. indica stbsp. leiostachla and in fact the two may be found growing togetheron the coastalmudflats. Possiblyfor this reasonit has been very seldom collected. The two collectionsseen of this north-coastvariant are as follows: WestefnAustrilia. Wyndham,A. S. Geotge1454:l (PERTH): Sir CfahaD MooreIs., P. G. I4/ilson11268 bis.(PERTH).

I r 1ue1dlelseoc slql e^r8 ol:lueserdlz ol€udoJdd"ul suees lI llq€rl Sutl,terds€ s€rlpu€ sdure,rs e,lor8ueur go o8pe prz,rpuel eql uo pnut uI s,ltoJ8lI punog 8ur; lV "rT"JlsnV :.l'loJJDiD8uola dsqnsJo sueurceds ol ecu"J"eddBur:zlrrurs ,{le,r sr'olE}s poup oq}ur 'qcrq,rIEI\taJ '"rT"JlsnV 'punos lu"ld € punoJ sr ulelseiA Jo ts"oc qilou aql uo EUI) lv a. S] 'poes slr 4q poqsrn8uqsrp.{ll€drcuud sr tt sllDultuo/ ruorC (oqol H o r3,rol JJuur e lsure8r s? eqol Je,rol Jetno eBr"J) qluerrad aq] 3urqol eqr ,{q pue 're,\o lprus 3o 'JnoloJ 'l IIe elEJJodpu€ peqqrJflleculuecuoJ sr qJrq^\ poosr?lncrlc sll(q snocn€I8 -: slr fq peqsm8urlsrp eq , Btu Jeu.roJ eql uoJC suDuuuol puu otDtdstBLtol dsqtls tl I-J e. saplourau)oloLl qtoq ol ecu'srueddeuI Jullutrs'el?ls peup eql rll'sI self,odsqnsslqf H 's rlqqeurocsrurL:(Hrurdrit6atwoao:)1)A.y r'alrq,r"r-',,[t"]7$ltt:9Jr"T?3#s"v'-i'Tli D :(,tSN) Dqsuaq'S ' uts IqreddEN:ON) 'ES tZZ//t1 l,9's€dtrenlsJor^Astdtru0I:ON)IZOI'IIO|'! 'o\81 J I8 lo4suaH S J uls ppurlpFf :(HIXCd) ZgtZ dotun1 J ltrs .{qraddEN:,ttotuial ard4uoN p ,{ '1681,{EI,\t ')eel] 'e)irnLurPrn) su4dH a I eulrooup}oo:) :(cv) 98802apqzFnDg ) l' ,o,rorurr';fry'] -t ,s, (IA'N''NVJ 'Idg) 89IIs,r7pr, z "Lrrser.^^os Jo N rLuol 'unu"u"n".r,nt rftllit:TYrXtiS,H#; '91 dryg 'urlurlsnV ;uotfiqlttsle u lpJlueJ o .SE)I€T _( tr[ESpunore sEeJ" eurl"s dFuorls eq1 o:] polclJlsoJeq ol sl"odd€ selcedsqnssr'47 :1o1tqip q 'seqoI eql SulddeFs^o "{pq311spnq ur pu? lslncrqjo-rues eqol (prxuqr) 'seqol l"re]E[ ll Je,\\oIeqt l"nbe lsourp e8rel € qlr,r posodxo pu? el?Jun]l-qns xade :4tuoua4 stxe 'slJ€Jq luo{ pue Jeqlo qc?e ulo{ elrds o1 1ucr1re,r+ fll"nluo^o lnq SurpuoJs?lslg 1" oa{ E '(uoos oleoreJ,{luo sueulneds eruos ur) elrporqd?urJorlstaiaol! sperJl orll .ro,\o e^€cuoc 'peqol 'rol]oqs q ,{[deep ur8J"ru Je,\\ol erll -,{pq8rls lnq sslarll" o^r}"to3o^ ol .r€Irurs slc€Jq '3uol 'l?Jr.rpurt,{r'Jepuels 'slelqcu"lq :roloru?rp ul slelqcu€lq 01 pnbe Lrra9 01 Surpuecse -l uo el"lncunped Jo seqcu"Jq ol sa7ds snocn"l8 'p3qol ,{lesnlqo 'or€rp Ierel"l 'uJoJrelop FuruJel ruru g.Z Ec'Auol rulu g-€ o1 uoqs Eolqcu"lq uo salrlJ.rU q8rq ruj 'l"ruue.rad 1ecr.rpu4,(c'^pooM f, gZ o] po^rl-Uoqsluoqu lcap 01 lroJo l€q,roruos 01 snooc3qJeH 3 '(gNVJ :osr 'nLZLZ xo'H1UEd :o1oq) atq)oaocDn 't'OL6I F ht 'S,9I.02 'A.oe '1"1j7g6y v ^?n 9Z :u?d tl?s :^rotureJ ureq oN I tlqq"U lo gS ror , .ad1f u sol.r.rEJsoqor 'rern'qrorluos rrErx'qp ocror 'sar€nbelqns'sar) rcror :urnsodxe rcrecrde pe l]l.il,i'ri:f illlil II sa,/rlJ srl€Junl eJeJsrepe-rq ' Lu€rp LLrLu eJ'ee8uol rua g pe'o€oJBrpurl{c'selraejS'e!.laeJe aD)lds S,Z '( 'A 'uoslr^A 'q9 JZZ E\J Aou dsqrs D d ElEBuoIadsqns :(

'( 'sJeqlue elr 0J dllueredd€ qll.'r ellporqd"uueq ,{llu€nb€{ e.r? sre,rou eq} €no}trr^ pu" ?rl"r}sr1v glnos 'sroureSolsrelc uroq:lrlosuI ueuo osl" eJB,4eqtr :FuorpunJ lou ,{lsnor^qo puE ler8rlso^ sr :( uou?:ls oql qarq,r uI sJo,trogslurq,{llunsn sor3edsqnspcrd,{1 eqt "rl"ltsrlv uJelse1\ uI 'pJrrnJJo \Br.l\lJqPl Jo uor(nJUoJe :eqrx1a1r1 sLu:o' tr uos"e.r srql JoJ pu? suon?lndod uerlerlsny qlnos uloqlnos eql sr uouuJedseqJ 'sercedsqns Jo lDJrd^l eql;o eSuerpepJocer esr,rreqlo oqlJo q ou lle,r,{lrleco[? ruo{ soruoJ(so8u"U ,{JoluJeI uJequoN eql ..]loJJDtplnuD,tS, d dsqns uorlJelloc ,{luo oql lleuuocJBI,\) Jo J 'oplnuotEnd '77 sercedserll sJoquretuSureq se ,{lpeoJq pe1ee.r1eq ,{1uouec u '?rterlsnv Jo u uJolsoiN ls?oJ q ou eql SuolB ep"u suoUcolloJoqt pu" lu"[d srqtrluesord oql Jo 'ed"qs 'l rcC ulpuoFuaan dsqns ur punoJ 1"q1 uro{ luolaJrp elrnb ur prollep sr qlusued 'selrds 'slolqcuBJq eql Jo eJgrJo oql :lc?Jq Jeddn oql ol pesnJ sJe,rou pu? oler€l l.loqs 'IEI,{ 'su,roo ropuols seq (t 190, uo,ro8) puelsueeno I"rluer tuo{ uorlceyloca13urs y

oBtrurorrlBSu?rlBrlsnv'uoslr^\'O lned 44 NuytsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980 distinct forn]al status,and yet from its habit and localiLyit seemsillcorrect to refer it to the samesubspecies as the Central Australianplant. The following is the only collection seenof the coastalYariant: WesternAustwlia: Derby, 20 Aug. l9'75,V. Seneniuk24 (PERTH). At Lake Buchananin north-eastQueensland has been collecteda which is similar to the Central Australian specimensof subsp,c/olgala; however,fruiting material is requiredto pernit posiliveidentillcation.

6c. subsp.quecnslardica P. G. Wilson, subsp.nov. Spicaeercctae. anglrste cylindmceae, 2 3 mm diam.,blacteis undulalis. Flrfirsexposi, ad bracteas superusconjuncti vel partibusdistalibus liberis, ad vicinaslibeli vel conjuncti. Pcriaillhiumlobi lalerales sinui:lobus abaxialis ut videturabsens. 71pe: Townsville Common, Queensland,coastal nudflats, 24 Feb. 1917,P. G. Wilson s.n.,(holo: PERTH, iso:BRI, CANB, K, NSW). Open straggly, often decunrbent subshrth lo 25 cm high; branches slender. lrlicles cylindrical to barrel-shaped,ca. 5 mm lorrg on branchlets,dull to glaucous,apex very shortly and bluntly lobed. ,9pllresnarrowly cylindrical, I 3 cm long, 2 3 mm diameter, bract pairs rvith undulate margin. F/owers either totally fused to upper bract or free at distal edge,either free l'rom or fused to each other. Lower perianth lobe not observed; lateral lobes sinuous. Habit qt : CoLstal nrud-flats. Distribution: Queensland coast iit least from Burketorvn east and south to Brisbane. Qacensland:Cooktown, S. T. Blake21876 (BRI); SerpentineCk., L. Durringto 593(BRl); WhyteIs., L. Du]1it1gtolr-1337 (BRI); Marmon,Mar. 1920.,y. D. F/'alr./s(BRI); 48 km N of Burketown,7. J. tdl1 590(BRl); Port Aima, Oct. 1919, a. Ilassell(AD, BRI);Townsville, W. Macnae 12.3 p.p. (BRI); Curtis Is., 21 Apr. 1962,l4/. Mdcnae (BRl); NLrdgeeBeach, 6 .llrly1940, l' S. Sr?/, (BRI); CribbeIs., ydn Rolen 9365(BRi). This subspeciesappears to contain three variants but these,with lurther collecting, may be shorvnto be representativesof a continuous cline running around the east and north-eastcoast of Australia. The variants di1lerin the degreeof fusion of the flowers with each other and with the upper bract; in the variant found near Townsville (whicl.t includes the type) the flowers arc free from each other and, at their distal margin, fron.r the upper bract (at least when young); in the southernvariant (Brisbaneto Rockhampton), the flowersare tolally fusedto the upper bract (the epidermisbeing continuousover both organs)and to each other in the distal half. A singlc colleciionfrom Burketowr in the Gulf of Carpentariahas spikessimilar to the southerr \'ariant but with the flowerstota]ly fused together. Plants fronr all localitiesoccupy a sin.rilarhabitat (coastalmudflats or mangrove swamps)and have a virtually identical vegetativeappearance and habit; for this reason it does not seemprolltable to trrakeformal laxonomic divisions within this subspecies. Tlrere is no indication that subsp.queenslondica grades into the inland subspecies nor does it appea-rto hybridize with other Halosorcia speciesrvhich occul in the same area and habitat, but it nay fornr a clinal relationshipwith the coastalvariant of subsp. peryra ulatun which occurs in southern Nerv South Wales, a supposition that again can only be confirmedor otherwiseby further collecting. lt may also gradewestwards along the north coastof Australia into the variant of subspeciespeigranulate fotnd on the north coast of WesternAr.rstralia; here tbe plants are erect,with the llorets somewhatadnate (but not fused)to eachother and the upper bract. In none of the collectionsexamined have any fertile stanens been seenand, in fact, I a study of material which is at a stage,or in a condition, suited to investigationhas in all casesshown that the flowersbear a staminodewhich consistsof a nrinutevestjge about t 0.1 mm long. In some flowersthe stignlasbecome exserted but in others they renain

I iul€d?.I€d luolxr euos o1 e.res:Dedsqns o,\\l Jql q8noql uaLe DwBuop u 'dsqns jreril jsueSro qlr,u Dto)l.tDtrp dsqns Jo uorssJJ8orlur3o uoqse88nsou sr o,r1 eq1 ll uee,\\loq uorsoqoc oJuesqeue olur sdole^ep uolssardep srql qlftos eql u Jo ol JequnJ uo^o 'l sltlPlo uJ :lJEJq eql puE_s.lJ^\ouoql ueoMlaquorsseJdop 3 e^eq uon?col ur alerpeuJel[r sluslo :serJedsqnsTeJtd^l eql olur qtrnos oql o1 sepe:3 D]oJtJot!,tpsercedsqns eq; e ol sr"edd€rr r{crq.\\ orur e'ssq qluurred s',^,,.olil'J";ltJ:it:ilffI?ffil,iJli#lt$;t#T q uoosJrEJrlJp,{-r:r Sulaq lnq luJ\Jrd<^Enle (lq"qoJd sr eqol qtunr-r:d11er:.eqi1 i:mo1 :r11 3 'sJe,\\oupue qlog,J_o^o lJeJq snonurluoc sr s[u-raprdeaql lc?J ur :elnlufc orll Jo sJequou u leqlo ol pu? .slolqau"Jq '( lcerq :addn oql ol pesnJ dlJleruDur :le sre,nog JqJ Iplolpl uoqs uo ouroq ere pue Burpee:ds ,{l8uo.rls:..ruqclj.n so4rds goqi s1r,tq'perrri e -docer leJupriq-fc eq A"Lu 1T suon€nlrs u?anuoJe Jo 1ue1dpuelur ue ,{pculs sr sarcodsgnsstql s ''urs .tr^t:kJy) ..rJ"*oi,i/fff"''J#{v{ :(rN)zr,z ,. a orEC rsozapqatln-r , n ,{,,:l:Wil;8 s .(HLlAd) .) .V ,Buerot LEILSntotla6noag Jo IdN ru)l /[ rr7./olr.{Z J J '6T6t ,su,i\oq tPW1t.41J t3O'o{rnog }ro{ :(^dSN) 9Ig 1uo1naluu)1).W 9 qeq*,(l:sapll Orrrp,f*/ ,{ -(,tSN Ippoy BnV ' pU etooleg,allr^sprrg .uoup,296I o 't06t t/.'t96l'rr^ru 6 : (lUg) ,{lnlI€,oln3JoS :{ SN) rrrrlJ J1 qeC uESrltnl :(IUg) .J .V,9t6I uz1 ,e:un]e1io1,1puJ7saa)afr l 4r"€r 9 !'( '91 d€l ."tl"Jlsnv qtrnos 'eIJo1JIA ulo:ls"e-rllJou 3 uJelse^\-quou 'soFi& qlnoS ^\eN ,pu"lsuoonO u.rolso.ll uJelse,r-ql[oS :uolnqu]sle q 'slos our1"s_{l3uoJ1s ur 1ou,{pueredde :su€ddelc puEIuI:tolrqDH S ,pees p , eseeloJo1 u,trop Surleerq ,{llenlue^e Jorllo8ot pu? e{rds ol poqJEll" Surureluor qluer:ed .n1o1nuo.rf.rad.dsqni .seqoT Sutlntg ur sp paas le-rolel eql epJsulJo oprstno 'J€lnf,lrJ-rluJs'snouEJqurJur .xed" l0r{lro Jqot (lEr\pq€)le,rol Jo rllguol durpu0lx0'J"[nJJrJ-rtues ']usurruold .J]"JI]qur Juo JJ]noJqt IlpEo]q saqolI"JelI.l :Lltup!Dd 'pesl?J ,{Jlq8rls oJlueJ oql elsJunJl xed€ :tceJq Jeddn ol ptr€ Jeq}o qcee posnJ ').sdu 'elporqdeuraq-rJtr,r o} lE pJsodxo lo olerueJloqllo "r,/a.r1olJr.uoilces-sso:c ur relncrir -1_ sJrpd ()1dn rnr,i\,.ruup g.e,ur,BuoI 'slelqJjrerq_atelnpun IJEJq:salJrlJB0Z luru urc 6_1pcuputl,4c troqs ,{re,r uo ,{1ensn ,sl?ru"lrp sa7id5 .peqo1 ;uei:a 'p[o^oqoTelenl kpunyq x6ae r{sI^JJi ot IEJIJpUrllJ sleFlJul?.rqvo saplj.tk, q8lrl tU I ol q/?rqs]reJo esueo .Z.I ,gL6I .EnV (Oy iopq) L6br.taqa/4 :seunppues :?rl?rl -snv 'A,It"6tl. 'S/ .etoqrat"IN .uoo8"-Itt qtnos 9to9z ?.roqcuoo) Jo S ur{ g srepdoo ;ad,t 'cnI\odlJd 1 c saletJtel\oqol \nJJeuerqrurLu.5ttEl Jt J-tLuJ\.rtrt\eqe snqol :sJpueJn llpJuquretel srlErrtpl tqol qlu9uad |leJunll LuJJ.dc.DJunfuoJ

-Bororoq plnoqs (eqt 'srerJ'r"qc.rrqro uorJ .l?ql,u"as", ,rr""HtJf;J:$$lil] ,otp)ltDtlp lreclp ' lnq poleloJ ,{lesolc ,{lluephe etl- pvl. Dlpaplsuaanb ,serJodsqnso,r1 eq1 prnoqssrsoqru?.J^o eaels,{rr"o ue r€ l€'er"u qserr ,i""f;ll';;JLi:t$i?:ffiii;i5t'}i,,?t1 ienssrl qluer:ed_8ul{lrepun oql q1!.{\posn_J seuoceq ll e8ets ,{[]?o ue ie leql snoriegil -€lp lrid tnq luosord sr eqol srql ]Brl1elqrssod sr tr q8noqtte pe^resqouoJq seq:qo1 11erxeqe1 Je,lt.olou :ur? eaun sr sercedsqnssrql ur qluelred eql 3o .{BoyoqdroLu:srra:d eqj 'uorl?lurs lepn " ol pel?lot lou dlsnorlqo sr uo4cnporder go epou srql (opolcoldal g ur'3.e) secuetsurreqlo ur ,rele,roq luoqepuiur o1 'sosBJ irprj lcefqns"sr qcrq,\\ l?llq€q orll ol poleloJ eq eseql ur plnoc uorlrLtpoldeJ Jo oporu ctlc(uode u€ Jo uo4dope eqJ slo,rog e1:ureg,41uo seq esr,ro{tl slegpnul lelseoc-uo slr,bri osle LIcrq\ Dclput dsqns_ottpur ,? Jo lu€rJ?^ oql trBrll AurlseJolul sr 1r pue crueSoueqlred eiu U slu€ld oql l€ql l€odde plno,r 1I peru-roJsr poss es€r Joqlre ur pu€ qluerred eq1 urqlr,r o

'iuosirlA oEorurolllesuerlErtsnv D In€d Nu)tsi] vol. I (l) 1980

7. Halosarcia doleiformis P. C. Wilson, sp. nov. Fig. 22F G. Salicotnialeiostachya Benlh., FI. Austral.5:204 (1870) p.ptc., as to "Drummond,(Helb. F. Mueller)", not asto lectotype. Frutialosusad0 5 m t$. Arliculi gla|.lcescenles,doleitbrmes, ca. 5 mm longi,in statusicco medul- losi, apiceleviter lobak), nrargine ciliolato. Splcd?1er'minales, anguste cylindraceae, altenuatae, ad 15 mfi longae,laeves et medullosac;bracteae conlertim iNbricatae (segmentis undulatis), rotundatae, ad vicinascbalescentes; lhcies abaxialis valde adscendens. Perianlhium versus apicem succulentum, margine adaxialiciliolato: lobos laterales superposilss. Spiu rt'udif(/a grisea,laevis; bracteae siccae, n]eduilosae, confertimimbricatae, lloribus occultis; perianthium nreduilosum; pericarpium tenue, molle, ad perianthium adhaerens,Seme, fere circulare, ca. I mm diam,;testa clustacea atroporphyrca, cum costis corcentricis prominentibusporcatis ornata. I,1.,pe.Murchison River, ca. 8 km E of Mt. Narryer, 26"30'S, 116'20'8, rounded shrub 0.3 0 6 m high,2 Sept. 1910,P. G. l4/ilson9914 (holo: PERTH, iso: CANB, K, NSW). ( s Low spreading rounded subshrubto 0 5 m hi1h. Arti(:las dull green, doleiform, c ca. 5 nm long, pithy when dry; apex slightly lobed; margin ciliolate. Spikestenninal I to branches,narrowly cylindrical and attenuate,to l5 mm long. grey, smooth, and pithy ( when mature; bracts closely sheathing,the opposite melrrbersconnate and forming an c undulate segment,margin ciliolate. F/ouers hermaphrodite,in disjunct triads, steeply ( ascelding,coalescent to eachother lateralJyand frequentlyto upper bract, apexrounded, t somewhatexposed. Perianthsvcculent towards apex with its upper (adaxial)edge forming a a thin ciliolate border; lorver (abaxial) lobe prominent, semi-orbicular,ciliolate, over- lapping the large lateral lobes; anther ca. I rlm long; ovary membranous,free from I perianth; stigmas slender. Ftuiting spike grey and smooth in outline, tbe bracts dry, f pithy, closelysheathing so as to obscurethe fruitlets; peria|th pithy; pericarpthin and soft, adherent to the perianth. Saed flat, almost circular, ca. I mnl diameler; testa li crustaceous,very dark reddishbrown, concantricallyribbed all over, the ribs with porcate sculpturing;embryo slightly curved; perispermlateral. Seedreleased on decay of spike. T

Disttibulion: South-westernWestern Australia from Shark Bay south to Northam and T south-eastto the Norsemandistrict. Map 3. s WesternAuslrcha: Lake Ninan, T. E. H. Aplin 731(PERTH); Western Auslralia, J. Drummod s.n.(K, L MEL, Nsw-syntype of Salicotnioleiosnchya). Dirk HartogIs., A. S. Gearyel1609 (PERTH); 16 km u S of Mt. Jackson,K. F. Kanneally4'741 (PERTH); 145 kln E of Norseman,P. G. Wilson10116 (PERTH); (r 93 km N of Esperance,P. G. Wilson10129 (PERTH). '7' L Hctlos.trcie doleiformis is closely related to, and in some situations sympatric with, .R H. pergranulata. lt may be readily distinguished from the latter species by its barrel- N K shapedarticles which becomepithy witb ageand rctaintheir form, by its smooth attenuate spikes,and by the ciliolate margin to the arliclesand bracts. In the mature fruitlets of H. pergronulatathe perianth either remains fleshy and eventuallyshrivels or it becomes SI lirmly chartaceouson the outside and retainsits deltoid outiine (from above),in either CI case the fruitlets fall arvay from the spike axis. ln H. doleilormis the perianth becomes lr dry and pithy, similar to the bracts in textLrre,the whole spike being brittle and readily ir fragrnenlingbetween the articles. The seedsof the two speciesare virtually identical. II

Specirrenswhich are ilternrediate in forn] between H. dolei/brnis and H. peryrunulutt ol have been collected;examples are as follorvs: Goomalling, T. E. H. Aplin 714; 8 km S th of Coorow, A. S. George2310; 15 kn E of Wagin, P. G. Wilson8270 (all herb. PERTH).

The specificepithet refers to the barrel-shapedappearance of the dry articles. fc The flower of H. cloleit'brntisresembles the soulhern Western Ar"rstralian variant of in H. pergrafiulatq(i.e. in having a large rounded outer abaxial lobe), and therefore,con- ol sideringthe virtual identity of the seedsof the two species,it seemslikely that the two ,s planls have arisenin this region from a common ancestorin WesternAustralia. As is th noted elsewherein the text, the forn taken by thc llower of H. peryrcnLlalain other areas tr( of Australia differs considerably from that found in H. doleilbrnis. St

L l"rll or uorrf,npoJlurruecor " sr lr l"qr lse88ns01 sBqrns e.r' Brl'.rlsnv qlnos'ro"-:f;ji S1 -selloc .,{tnluos ,reJ erll Jo sorlrlEJoleql qtueolsuru eql ur uouluoc ssel]p,J s?,r tueJd er{l SI .3e[ ,ur8z16 .ru"qluog leql slso88ns stql (uluoJ) sr'?/,{/ e1e1 pu" ,r,q su:ap1qou,rircyog o. repun poprll]ur ss,r qcrq,r .,.ta ,l,ggl .tco ,egueu anl/\!_g FurlJrls Jo qtrou sel"l ll"s Jo -t urd.I"JAL,luees uooq 0^"rl ol JorJd .,{Jtunoc 006t op"Lu suollceJloco,n1,{1ug polcaJ"_U?sur JC syauueqce8turerp eprsp"or SuolB lueserd lpuenberj sr pue puil[oo,tr go Auuirep ji11 .,,ro1oj .€ll"Jlstlv qclq,\\ sBo.r€ourT"s polsolc-,{l,reu oqt .rep"^ur ,{lt€o uB sr lI ure1se16;o -qlnos Jo 1se,tr orll ur s:roeds e.rrqdurs uoruuroc lsour erll Jo auo st otutidsopial onrniilil1 '( srcedsorrerlro ut D.to{Mn s tnq D!u.to)B;)rJor€ql or J$i$:"rli;iJti:}-}':";::i't ;\"!: D1 pJJs JqJ (qt 3U) utsJl oqt Jo eJ€JJnseJrlue eqt lelor puz qfuor eJ? squ oql qrrq,\{ ur p3.s Jrll Aq pse eurllno Jllrlrlpullrllr,r soTds lroqs s1r,{qpeqsrn8urlsrp flrp"er aq,{eur selJoosJoDEI eql qtqr!\ .H :spees seq osle qJ!,4^\Dtu.DLIsoStr)arI yltfr\ posnJuocue3q s?q 1r ,{l "rJ"qraq uI ?els_otues Jql ur Eur,lloJ8 serJedsDDtpsoloH .lJqlo u?rll (ocuereeddt ur .o.,tuqrui crtorolqc sp.re,trotSurpuel) uoor8 qsr,rollo,t eroru € Jo _,{llensnsr tr pleg-elil u1 aql Je^o_sque{rl-olBJs culueJuoc rlloouls qlt,r Jtlq.{\ 3J" LlJrq^\spe3s slr ^q pu" se{rds leJupurT^r ^lue^e Suol s1r fq pesLu8o:e: Xlipear dq i'ew iita,Tioptlal rttTitololl' Jo '(HI!JI\ 'erEqlrd e1 6166ut\M4 , d pu€Surlrw uee,rloq:(HlUed) /90€ ,{r9,r2N). | :(tt.r)' QtlantN'd dul4 '698I ''rr','ptqt :(e9tlt.{LgttL.liw).tat!ant4| 'rsr{) .taFnllJ '198r ''u1..Bd :9-irillo:9,1l.e?p {o r.rr\lNrq.l rlu.rrI*ii,ii;fre;:";#!!u. i/J .be6t qtql ,ii!}'ii 'U {!"'fill#,,1,i:?"i;!?''}34'"/j""ii?#'$ rJ t98I 16t.o 3urlrr1gnurllls1oJo ilNp Ji 'tulo.lEr{:,!tl^r-Ys.{ INVJ IUg) /o,/./.,.,,,1, 00bt rdb ht uems,rt poo,{s-rngpoo\^\rng:Gra3al:tHtdld)OOZ9L oozistilip;H:i lnttDuHA ldlo.qry:g.:1yq).!::!:::ry:f-'WSr^Ilo N lrurLu t:(HIXEd)t:(HtXEd) 2tror,f.v_Ll:-}_-',"]1^s'.1 Lru : r,iao,3 .v4;uiae7,1i1e1 .IH .lotul8€tt '.tul.llaa)S t''rlp8epsiNJo I .4r.4,r€ .r3.:a,rra t-If 41 :(Hlugd):(HlUgd) 6l€0-z6l€02ntoz.Dtqtg -/r1{r7E_/r1{rtE .!tl IH !3tullaloq sa)o]ssalss16;g :(H:Luad) 0tz0zofzoz ralt.taltplg l3 rd 1i1egp1gptogpto:(HJxld):(rriuia).qztotl qtuo))n uopSao),rrdroJ 'tolul prEH,ropp czt0ri t lJluf,{prEH rrpp tutoJ:(HIxqt)otot/lauu)s rt.v,ur8B^4rocrttlar:rIJrjfr) :0 Sry,lyvr;'gv:2;::tili'"'if,J;??f,;I,;g:ilrfi?e#t;,xi#,"#.J'" ^l'ru*uy,:"i;t*:,j tu' 'rd Jos r!,)0r 'errrr

LV aeeru.roarlESuerlprlsnV'uoslt/i|D lned 48 NuYtsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980

This speciesexhibits no apparent regional variation and does not appear to hybridise with any other member of the genus. The specific epithet is derived from the Greek words lepidos(5cale) and sperna (seed); referring to the scale-like ribs on the seed.

9. Halosarcia pterygosperma(J. M. Black) P. G. Wilson, comb. et stat. nov Arthtocnemum halocnemoldes var. ptcrygospermum J. M. Black,Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 60: 166(1936) T),pe: Movnt Victor Station, 24 May 1936, C. M. Eardley (holo: AD 97614361,iso: MEL 70586). Spreading sr.ibs.4rabto 0 5 m high, with slender divaricate branches. l//lcl"s narrowly to broadly obovoid, ca. 5 mm long, dr.rll green or somewhat glaucous. Sprkes terminal to n.rainand lateral branches,cylindrical to ellipsoidal,to 30 mm long and 5 mm diam., with up to l5 articles;bractpairs unitedor apparentlyfree, i deeplyconcave over cymules; opposile cymules contiguous. Flov,ers free, or adherent to each other and to bracts ai least towards axis, arranged vertical to axis, deltoid in shape from above with both adaxial and abaxial sides horizontal; apex truncate, quadrate to transversely oblong, 1.5 mm long and wide, 1 2 mn high; perianth succulent; lobes 3 in centre of apex, entire or denticulate, the lower lobe semi-circular and overlapping the pair of curved lateral lobes; anther ca. I mm lotg. Fruiting spiftelelswith thin shrivelled bracts forming septa- like plates between the disjunct whorls of fruitlets. Fruitlets deltoid from above, to 2'5 mm long, considerably exceeding bracts and readily shed when mature (the seed totally enclosed),perianth chartaceous,glossy, hollow (somewhat mucilaginous around seed when immature); pericarp membranous or apparently absent. Seed thick, ovoid, ca. 1.5 mm long, pale fawn to cream coloured; ollter testaraised into corrugatedscaleJike ribs over whole of seed(or the cells of the ribs + separateand forming curved to uncinate hairs); embryo slightlycurved; perispermlateral. This speciesis distinctivebecause ofits fruiting spikesin which the fruitletsare arranged in prominent whorls considerably exceeding the bracts. The perianth of the fruitlet is papery and glossy,which, \\ ith the white ovoid seedswith prominent unevenribs, clearly disLingui.herH. pterygosptrma from other species. The distinction between the two subspecjesnoted below is not sharp for in collections of subsp. /tel/g.)sperma which come from areas towatds the western end of its range the articles are ciliolate and the ornamentatioI] of the testa is somewhat intermediate between rherypical \arian(. ofrhe tuo subspecies. t Key to subspecies ( l. Vegetativearticles with rounded to obtuselobes; testa raisedinto scalelike ribs t#itf,t;:t;*r"Tftt" I t *. Veg.tuiiu"artictes *,ittr u..i-inut" o, upilutut"iou"r; i"rt" J;..'"f I uncinatehairs which may be united towardstheir base ...... b. subsp.denticulata l ( I 9a. subsp.pterygosperma. Fig. 46, 47. I I Articles \vith rounded to obtuse lobes, margins entire to ciliolate. Spites f cylin- c drical; fertile articles undulate. Perianlh: lower lobe entire. Seed. testa raised into h scalelike ribs. c I Hqbltat: Maryin of salt lakes. I Disttibution: WesternNew South Wales and Victoria, central and south-westernSouth Australia, south-centraland south-easternWestern Australia (from Shark Bay eastwards). I Map 17. A 'ZI d"tr l Ell"rlsny '(' u.lolse^\ uJalso,r-qlnos '€rluJlsnv rllnos urelsa,r-qlnos '€uolcr^ uJelseld :uoltnqu$to 'sorlrJEcoT ql pu"lur peur?Jpdyrood ur osle lnq sel"l il"s punor" ,{l["nsIl .lrllgrr? 'peas pu? dJ?Jued pesolcueqlr,{ peqs slallrnrJ 'Iujal?l 'o,{Jgrue uuedsuod :pa^Jnc o,{rqule :qloorus + esr,rreqlo le^o J?[nue]8 ,{[?culueJ 'snoec"lsnD 'u,rorq 'l"crldlllo 'pJrIl -uoc ?tset:8uol luur rlsrppor .(lpeorqpaas ol '1ue1sts;ed 9.T I 'rllu€r.rod os"q e[-,{ls:,roloq snouEJquou ol posnJ oroq,r xede le snoecelsnic -u 'ocuereeddz elsllnurueru e 1r 3ur,1l3qluerred ruor; dltq8lls SurpnrloJd pue xe,ruoc druct:ed '8uol 'tc?]q '8uoy :(pol"rnpur lou) drltrd pue rurg ruul Z-g.l puo^eq Surpuolxe s1a14ntg urur 9.0 ?c :e1n8uuu1,{I,\\oJ.r?u s€rrr8rls :es?q l€ peue)crrll pus lroqs dJal el,{ls :qlueued 'EJ luo{ e0{ pue snou€JqLuou lsJg le ,'{JE^O SuoI ruru I JJqluV seqol I?Jel"l Jo rl"d eql ^q paddelre,to eqol 'xede erluec ur ltln8u"ul eaA:uo'Kqse]u el 'elmunJl ["rx"qE ;o U]aD!.rad 'el?Jp?nb xod" :slf,"Jq !uo{ pu€ Jeqlo r{c€eluo{ ee{ 'srx" e{rds ol r?lnclpuodred s.ra,r{o/J 'snon8rluor selnur,(3 sle,rou eql Sursodxe ,{loe{ 'pto:}lep soqol 'pelrun sJr"d ?u ellsoddo oql 'lJoqs srJr.rB' Jolau3rp ruru g . y-E . '3uo1urru gZ ol 'Jepuels'l"urtuJet ra11ds 'otrelnctdt 'el?rTrce'el"cunJl 'ueor86 'uello,rs '8uol seqolJ"el ul8ruur IInp lou Iuru g €J selsllr" :lecupurJ^c ,{I,\\oJreu pue ,41uo,le'.ropuols ,fue^ slalq)utt,tg '{colslooJ eql uro{ 'qBI{ Sutstre sruels elel8rlseg yere,lesr{lJ^{ ,{lluenbo{ ui I ol ptauatad,(poo,{ peJE '696 '{r?lg 1tcdo !r{ f lr'(,4ASN "lgl,{ 'V06I 'ldes 'so)el '3ur^\oc,roJ :osri :oloq) l90l rpox hl tlBs r?ou :adt|opaT u3 (616I) '69€: 3oS .,{oUsuerl '{.etB (e}rqtA eq 'S6lt[ ] €t ler]snv S 'etlq,l[ ,\l f le ue^\A) ldltr!utnuaDo.r.U.tv (606I) tt t :Zt selp/lt|SN oos ,{oU f te ]Je,(Jptll Dlarc)llDs su '6V'8V'J-yt(, 'Aou 'D '0I 3rJ qruoJ'uosll!\ (olU, lr€.trg) ElrrssoleH d A to Ialdl {t: SI '(Hltad) euolsuqofA U'tr6l eunlgZ'plqt :(Htugd) Ezglla8roaj p0 '5' adeJ :(HIUad) as.roaD 'poot.eil oIe'I :(Hldf,d) 28plqtnq 'qJeogU'uorpn€re) 'lJ 9610I S t, r'IC LO'I J N olrt{ ^}qBIE ooroor{ :(HMd) tgt uollv X erprrl Jo N lru 6 :DllD4snVuDfa/ll '/I d€hl eli '€rl?rlsnv 'qr?og o{ urelselA elr11 ,{1q8rg eqt 01 }s€o-qtJou poetJet{ e{eI :uolJnq!.ttslo .SE)I?T 's{eero 'slsu '(tetseoc p0 ll?s Jo sur8reur pu€ 1epr13uo1e I"pll ur nau rc) 1e1seo3:1o11qi1j ftl 'es?q Jreqt spl€,\\o] I -?l pellun selurlouloseJ€ qcrq,{ s.rr"q el?ubun Jo s,roJ qlr,r peJeloc "1s31.pazs 3}€Illtlluop oqol Je,rol :Lliuo!]dJ au\)r1o ur Jeln8uElll dlesra^suerl eJ"JJns Jolno oql qlr^\ ^llelsrp I€J lcur:lsrp l- Jo spEul o^oq" o^"cuoc ,{lpelJsru pue po:[un Joqlre slc?]q :secrde popunoJ EJI 'ol?lortro 'soqol qlr,t leprosdqle srllds surSJ"ru ol"lnJrds ro el?urluncE qun\ sapulv '(HJXAd:olor{) '0r6t 'tl.|U '[u. qt( IIC0I aBnaD'S rdas oullesuedo :uoer8 tq8r.rq+ ''S / 9 'rll?rtsnv sli 0Z qnJqs :3d"J lselA-qtJoN H {oorJ arp.rs^ Jo ,t\S lur 9 ure1se16. ad.{-6 'srlEujosrlerjes s!?ur3un sllro eeJelleqcrlsal ol"Jncrluep 'eBraqll IlelxEqeolperrr oqol Lutltqtuou)d ueln8uerllesro^suerl rrorratxe oI3EJ eloJIe eeJoqllur$Ide pe eeelaerq )DdS 'srleinarde slqo1 Iar :oeeprosdrlle o]€lo[r. ourS.retrl IeA srleu[un.e luorelnalue trli 'E ',rou 'q6 ytz 3ll dsqns'uoslrid D d €lslnclluap dsqns

'(HIXAd) '/''J'rrotpIgraD 0010t".,s12 t d'pe88ed llr'{Jo N url lZ :(HMd) It€8 aosltlLl JoN ru) S0€ '(e{ :(HJUEd) ?/os1.'/111rlood urtalul?H pue :(HIUEd) p.ropto 'E ' roqreltnNI(HJUgd) 6ZZ8 'uts, d Jo S '916I V 'ueouovS'Il 299 utDtDl4l 7 ? €llrcl€rpunt'{l(HI>JEd) lntpug U rEhtr8Z e)e'I :(H,Ldad) eVitII 2stoa) SouBH :(HIdAd) .V ,uls "8ueN:(IlLdEd) aloqalsnDag 'J S t,'st {rtc IL Jt!^aO 0ga6t t/'ueloesroNJogN UDIt !(Hrdad) Llzz'goL ulldv ? ?'J'sllol SulllonblpnD:o!lDu'1tv utatsalt .!H.arolu€uoox .t ,zo8t.""r :kry)$nzr )atr.!E :(r s),tu1 ors :?.vlllg&{i;f1?,rf..,X,':#:iir"il;A :(p 'AAIN) s! 3nV 'er8uo,{\o:):(HJUEd) auDlopow oIe'I:0ASN'CV) !,U _rt rr'SS6I 6Z ',{[SN 'tUA ZSg'qv) N'toodqe^d'emplrlN 6t atoullln) |'veftro Io ESS lur 8 :(HIXAd 6 a]oat nJ I Jo S rn Ot :o4ot)!/l OSI' ll SN) /rrlryrly 7'tL6t t O 0t'(llrH uolor{) lepupsuo(f :talou ttolos $aN ruoslrl^ aEerurorrFSuErlErlsnV {)| lned 086 s0 NuyrsiaVol. 3 0) 1980 Pt

,//c1.)r,rd:Landrook Lal-e.A.C. Beauglehole l98i,l (PERTH);TyrrellCk., 5 Sept.1965,J H. Willis(MEL); 8 lri \ ol \ou ingj,lqlo, ,i/../. ,/iranpi \MlL). SouthAl.trclia: S of LakeBring, D. E. Srnon 3391(ADW,CANB, K); nearMaralinga, S. W.trne2OtO3 (AD). t( tfestuntAl:;tnlia: 2 mi W of Waeel,Z E..H. Apnn665 (PERT H); berweenDundas Hills andLake Lefroy, J. D.. B!.!!tl..yPL); Lake Lefroy,7 Nov. 1891,R. Hetms(AD. MEL, NSW); Corvcowing,Jdy 1904,i. rr-.r,1051 (NSW,syntyp_e); ibid-., Aug. 19-04,M. Ko.h 1051(NSW, synrype); ibid., Dec-.1904, M. koch l05l (K, stntype);Lake Biddy,22 Sept. 1971, C- I/.Malcolm (PERTH). Halosarcia lylei nay be readily identified becauseof its slender branches, which are sinrilar to tlre branchesol Casuqrina;in addition, the maml-I]illiformappearance of the fruitletsclearly distinguishes it from all other species. The fruitletsare siinilar in struclure tl to those of H. halocnemoicles and, as in that species,the seedis shed with the perianth; 1T however,in H. lylpi 11't"seed is alrrost totally enclosedby that structuresince the fruitleti p are oriy sliglrtlyembedded in the spike axis, rvhereasrn H. halocnemoicleJthe prominent interfloral radial septaof the axis are fusedto the proximal portion of the perianth,and an L abscissionzone forms uell above the base of the flowef causingthe seedto be exposed I on the releaseof fruitlets. the w The plant found in South Australia has thicker inflorescencesthan does material Ji from Victoria atrd Western Australia, and in South Australia the seedis I.5 mm long whereasin WesternAustralia it is onlv 1 mm. I 11. Halosarcia leptoclada P. G. Wilson, sp. nov. T Fruti(uhls p^Nrs. diffusus ad 30 c'' artus. Rdml gracires;articuii t€res, doliiformes vel aneuste obovoidei,apice breviteret obscurelobato, integro. SprcaearrgrLsLe ellipioideae. a,l l0 m;; l;;;;;: o bract-eaeconlertim imbricatae, + truncatae. F/o,r,' occukr, inirio iLl r rcinascoalescentunr, Oasim veiiuj P nrembfanaceunl:apiceI truncdt!\.lobis lateralibusprominentibus, iobo medioabaxiali idterno: stairin :ler'le\el drr'en\.o\aflu|l r'rembr.lnaccunf,hti'11; libr.,semine incJr.unr; peridnrhurr ffLsLJceLrr ext[a muricatum,apice lruncato late ovato; pericarpiunrtenue, basim versusabsens. sraea oratLrrn, rl ca 0 B mm longum;testa nembranacea, straninea, laevjs.

?]lre. Western Australia: Mt. Sandiman Stn., north-east of Carnarvon; on saline stony h uplalrds, Aug. 1969, D. G. lltilcox 53 (holo: PERTH). L . Small divaricately branched delicate.sahsh,b ca..30 crn high. Braircles sle^der; w articles terete to doleiform or obovoid. 5 ti nm long, dull to gtaLious; apex with small, (F rounded,.and enlire lobes. Spr'kes ternrinal to main and lateral 1l bianihes, narrowiy 2 ellipsoidal, of 4-10 articles, to l0 mm lorg; bracts closely inrbricare, the opposite pair (F united.with^ i horizontal margin. F1o|,er-sin l contiguoustriads, obscurea'bytr;;ls, abaxial surface ascending,at firsr idherent_laterallyto neighbouringno,"tr, to.,pp"i bract(excepttowards.apex), and ir prorimal third to lower brait, ca. I -'t )ong. periinth succulent_atapex, thin towards basei itpe\ trLrrrcale\ith a pair of proninent lateral lobes and a srrall inner abarial lobe. Starnenabsent, or present and sterile. Ovarv lc nrembranous. Fruiting spike: bractsshrivelling on drying and eventuallyfa[ine as ptare'_ r1 like rings frorn.the slerder spike axis. Fruitlits free-fron each other ina rrJ. rria.ir, ol standingvertical to spike axis, broadly ovoid in lateral view, ca. 1.5 mnl long, contpletely 1S enclosingthe seed;perianth forming a thin crustaceousinner layer uhich i, ,ilootr.r *irr.,ii nl but areolate-mu ricate on outside, apex + trLlncate,broad-oval in outline and slishtlv conical in_centre due to projectiog lateral lobes; pericarp thin, membranouso. u6'r"ni fir towards.the base. Sced ovate, ca. 0 8 mm lorg; testa membranous,very pale fawn It coloured, smooth or with very fine longitudinal lines over enrbryo; eirbryo io.''"rhut fr curved; perispermlateral. prominent. in The_epithet leptocludais derived from the ,/eplos' 'clados', two Greek words slender,and ol branch; it refers to the slender branches.

The speciescol'lsists of two \ariants.rhich are nrorph ologically very distinct and hr geograpiically disjunct. Due to the_irharing almost identicalfriit I i'r treuti,rgth"m ;. ln subsprcciessincc I considerit probable that further collectingrvill indicate that-trrey aie flr clinally related to each other. B 'HIUEd 'I pu3 ) tB ?urq.roLleql ur luase.rder1? uorlrelloc srqi .Io selEJrldnc sJoqtuselllroJ e^€q sle.\\ou i. ul st eql :,{tquepl sll Jo uI"l]3J eq o1 olqrssodlou si 1r Pulr p3^r3sordflpeq ueeq seq (pnq sr qcrq,u) IerJolEu eql f,ncl'Dsnl)ut dsqff apnl)oial g jo ecuertaddr'; IElouoB oql s?ti P z06l roqo]ro ur (qr:ed rreu) sulpJdSuIuu"J tp s,{\etpuv|JoJ ,{q aptlu uor}JellooV 'rroxsl JJurlsrp" sp poslu8ocalaq plnoqs1l Jeqlou,\\ro p 'puq,{q E sI lI rellleq,\\fes o1 elqtssodtou sI 1I alqBlr!^eIEIloluLu 3ql Luoli {rEl€Jrrlul euroceq,{puenbe:1 se{rds eql pue ,srl,)r/ dsqnsJo suotlJelToJleqto eql uBql lsnqol eloul sI :lt lr :,{J"^o pue uerurls elrlrej e rltr'{\sre,$ou s.reoq (19t6 a1roat s y) Sutjt8utd r"3u Luo{ uor:t3ollooz eoursetrpo:qdrruroq ,{1?Lruou sr :}uulderlt sorltlulolleqlo ur lcql {lJ1ll sl ll ui '8uIX el?-l r?au Luo{ runt.rBqJoLluI pu" Sullalcet^{l"eu uollelndod e uI plcu ]U l8uelPur ^t eql ur pe^Jesqoueeq seq I s? liorJ?nlrseqt sr srql qlu"tJcd 3ql ulqll,\\ peploJsurBlue.l ,4lFrurou1r:lc"J ur'e8r3tue s,{r,rF 1ou seop"tugrls oql ssrlodsqnsslql ul :JpolJll}uuJlqPslu UI -8oJeJ \r ,{l ou s?q pu? (8uol ruuj 2.0 EJ)etnurLll sr rsrrTrrt|dsqnsut epoulut"lS-JLIJ ]uJsJld _s ?uoJrurrt .0 :ec :eq1ue(ep.lets pauJoJ-JJe,\\E oplpotbl dsqnsul qgnorJll"pe^Jesqo 9 lnq) ..reqtieir'u1 -e ueeq sreqiue alnreSe.req iercadsqns (xedt;qluur:ad eqt qtl{\ rlsng ole {eql 'rsrlrrl 're,rou ,{r dsqns ur tseal l" crll ur) jEeq uoqs t sB opnjloJd ]rn{ uI rprq,\\ leqol qluzrred 1ere1e1tueurttlord 3ut,ri:q ur.rtqnced sr opol:toltla1DDtDSoIDI'J setsods eqJ JE 'qluElleo oLll ultlll^\ JE posol3uourBori.r.{11uenbc:1 spru8rls erJl leqt lo?,Jerll ot sloJajlstllrde JulrocLsqllseql 'sl 'ror:;r?pdJ;\f;'t"ff']itY#l ' d ltl arl,q.41 './ eerqr "lf*!,lt1i:t1'f;fl, Lzzt / r siu,rds:y '11rg ro s jlLrr) f.I. :1g113aj 119ri.47z5 7 seui;1:(Hluid) ttz€ tr./irN i

BsntJuldsqns ql I 'io: xed?le ol€JunJl()1 pepunol (lo^\oUul) qluerrodipto,toqo ,{l,torJ?useJcluV epulcoylel dsqns "l l xedt spru,tol peueltuu dll3rtuo^rsrop(lo,rog ur) qlue ed ipodurlslelrlq ol l€JuputT^JsalJIuY sarcodsqnso1 ,{ay :(t:

.eoru.rorrllrsuurlurlsny'uoslrA\'D lnld Nuytsia Vol. 3 (1.)1980

Halosarcia Ieptocladasubsp. inclusa x H, pruinosa? A plant which is intermediate in appearance between 11. leptor:ladassp. izcla,ra and H. pruinosa has been collected near Three Springs and at Ajana, Western Australia. A description of the putative hybrid follows: Small much-branched rrlr./ll to 50 cm high. Branchletsthin. Vegetativeartlc/es doleiform to obovoid, 3-8 mn long, dull to glaucous,with shallow broadly rounded lobes; margin broad and scarious, entire. Spl/ces terminal to brancblets, short, of 3 6 articles, the bracts similar to but shorter than the veeetativearticles. circular in cross-sectionand somewhatswollen to give the spike an uniren appearance.ca. 3.5 mrn dram. Flowers obscuredby bracts(the triads contiguous),free fronr each other and from bracts;abaxial side steeplyascending; perianth beaker-shaped,lorver half rvith fleshylateral valls, Lrpper (distal) part membranous and somewhat dorsiventrallycompressed, apex wide, open and truncate,in bud consistingof a pair of lateral eqlritantlobes which are not apparent at anthesis. Frltititlgs?ike: bracts thin and shrivelled;perianth + horizontalwith ascend- ing strongly dorsiventrallyflattened tongue-like apex, walls thin and soft, deeply honey- combed outside,smooth and glossywithin; pericarp membranoLrs,absent towards base. Seerlovoid, ca. I mn long; testathin, very pale brown. smooth; embryo slightly curved; perispermlateral. Distribttian:Ajana and Thlee Springs. S.E. of Ajana,6 Aug. 1976,R. Hnatiuks.n. (PERTH); 5 km S of ThreeSprings, by sahlake, 2 OcI. 1916,T. & J. Whaite4225 and 4226 (PERTH).

12, Halosarciaflabelliformis P. G. Wilson, sp. nov. Fig. 8, 24F H, 50, 51. Ftutic lo.\asad 20 cm altus. Atticuli allqusteobovoidei vel doleiformi,ca. 5 x 2 5 mm, nlar.gine Ieretruncato integro. Spic.r?cylindraceae vel aliquantumattenuatae, 20-40 mm longae,ca. 5 mnrdiam., in anrbitolaevi, apice obtuso vel rotundato. Btacteaaoppositae. librae, flabelliformes, facie exteriori trapezoidea.lclo/es ad axemspicae verticales, ad vicinaset bracteasliberi, apicetr'uncato, trapezoidea- Pet[anthiumsucculentum, parietibus ]ateralibus et apicecrasso, pariete adaxiali tenui; lobis laterali duo, magni; lobus abaxialisminutus, tnlernus. OrariumIenue. SpicaJiuctifetu demum in parte discreta secedens;per-ianthium in dimidiis translucidissecedens; pericarpium Dlembranaceum, librum. Serrez Fig applanatun,lale ellipticumca. 1 8 mm longunr;lesta tenuis, transllLcedd, super radiculam tuberculata, chi alilerlaevis. Type: Jrst behind Webb Beach (34"27'S, 138'16'E), South Australia; 30 Jan. 1977; R. J. Chinnock3368 (holo:AD, iso: K, MEL, NSW, NY, PERTH). Ha '\"loody perennial to 20 cm high. Branches ascending; articles dull to glossy greer, Th narrorvlyobovoid to barrel-shaped,ca.5 x2 5 mm, marginalmost truncate, entire. Spi/ces (2) terninal to main and lateral branchlets (not sessile)cylindrical or somewhat attenuate, an( 20 40 mm long, ca. 5 mm diameter,or"rtline smooth, apex obtuseto rounded. Opposite lsl bracts free from each other, flabelliform (from above), trapezoid on outer surface, not an( obscuring the flowers. F/or,ers vertical to spike axis, free from each other and from upper the and lower bracts; perianth succulent,translucent; sides and apex thick; adaxial surface very thin in n.redialposition, apex truncate, trapezoid in shape,with two thick lateral lobes which occupy most of the surfaceand a very small triangular inner abaxial medial lobe, anther I mm long; ovary thin and weak, with a pair of short weak stigmas. frrli/lr€ 13. spl,te eventually disarticulating into separate bracts, perianth halves, and pericarps with enclosedseed; perianth translucent,pericarp membranous. Seedflat, broadly elliptical, aprc ca. .[.8 mm long; testa thin, translucent,with severalrows of small tuberclesover the rolL embryo, otherwisesmooth. adi "Samphire lobi Habitat: Coastal: association, forming a band below lhe Arthro(nemum- lnt Salicctrniazone on wet blue-greyfine silty muds" (6de R. Chinnock in sched.);"Centre IENL of gypsum swamp" (1ideT.G.B. Osborn in sched.). lont Distribution: Only known from the coast north of Adelaide, and from Flinders Is., off Ty] the west coast of Eyre Peninsula,South Australia. Map 11. dul SouthAtlsltalia: Port Parham,R. .,r.Chirnotk 2984,3363.3364, 3365, 3366 (AD); WebbBeach. R. "/. C,{1"- no.k 33'71(,\D), Port Plilne, R. J. Chhnocl(3375 (AD); St. Kilda swamps,23 Mar. 1923,J. B. Cleland (AD); FlindersIs., 8 lan. 1924,T. G.B. Osborn(AD, NSW);St. Kilda (13 km N of Adelaide),7 April wht 1924.A. B. Bhlck(AD).

L ,(qsor.; ruo{ (ee.rJlsotrllu lo) et{ slJelq :popuhol {ed" uoq,t) .ulplp ruru g ,Buo1u[u g1-g '.selcrg" .slalLlJu?rq :1,trp 6.ol dn Jo put^lerupurl^J ^lpuorq troqs o1 leuLturelsaTidg uei1,i I!J .{11e1cedse)relnuer8 ur8reu ielelnrrde fpu:nba.r;-pucpaqol 1rr.1^iLuosxadelFuoi uiru 'asollrded'ueer8 .q8lq E.l6 .'pro^oqo el€d IVtp sdptl,ty ur 1 oj qdtlsqns peqcuu.rqqcn l,\l

J( suapocesolLrer e lrln'r]apDDIIDII .s!^rel .Eruunrq 'urnre\o_ DtdS oprJled,srnuatets6t :Lun8uol l "_, lrrrr.,S lrrnlJUntuoJLunrqtue'rrd pe .Luns\rrdruoJi:rilijerel rrun*o11np:ru !l!]_! .Lun\ollnperu onuoi ulnroJeJIJJo:

'€I 'f 'trl€rrsnv '


'esi -fe -pr 1U€ uec Jod I"I)

Pur srll u13 UIJ(


.O oEaruroarl€Srr€tlerlsnl/ toslr^\ l0!d 54 NuytsiaVol 3 (l) 1980 I each other, not imbricate,sub-orbicular on surface'with broad scariousentire margin; "unrut"t *itt separatedfrom each olher. F/orers hermaphrodite,compact, aligned at S iinf,ion*fa. ro spikea\i-, frrseCalong entirc length lo eachorher and to lateraland rrpper , prorimrl oiu.,. f6,u distinguishrbleb) 'lighl-indenlationin 'trrfrcc of 'piket' and along h.rlf to lower brict. Periqnih succulent;apex truncate; lobes 3, lateral lobes large and s veitical, protruding from spike,overlapping the small inner hemisphericalmedial abaxial l1 'iuionilobe. Aither ca.-2 5 mm long. Ovary membranous; style arms delicate' Ftuiting (latera1) n "ny lpithy crustaceoLriwhen dry) with prominently .exserted vertical h iou"i; p.ti"uip it.tin, pittty, leterally compressed,fused to and scarcelydistinguishable k from pirianth. See,lovaie, ca. l 3 nrm long; testa thin, pale brown, smooth; embryo .urt"i, oetiro.rtt, latertl. Releaseof seedby separatiol i].ndeventual decay of perianths (I in the spike which breaks away from the branch Habitqt: Maryin of salt lakes. sl c DistribLiion: Western Australia, from Lake Macleod south to Northam itnd east to fr Kalgoorlie. Map 11. WestenAasttalia:Lake Annean, Aug. 1971,H G Balcer(PERTH); S of HameljnPool' E M Be trct.t p 10193(PE-RTH); D^iI\ :iidipEnisl; Nangastn., A. bevii 20 (PFRTH);Lake M acleg-dr.4.-'! -999189 II ls5IPFRfHr:Jibberdrns.\4Koch|171 rl"r',."I'..,r. S. t ""iii it+roipEnTHr;Come\vae,t.fJut-'\t o ilifij;iii"INiVEtrnatt.s..tzsepr'te'oJ.IowrlrPLRIH):lb\mSof\^jdsremoolLhaR4Sattrev ilie-f pbtiii; u..eers Lake,'7.& J. wn"iii qis e:ERTul; 2l lni Sof ThreeSpiilcJ.l,{1 Whoite4227 ipniitii *iia. r.-c . ,r'ilson6402 (PERTH); Lake Raeside. P c t/i/so, 7558(PERTH)' sl The specific epithet refers to the peltate appearanceof the bracts. c upper and lateral bracts, h H. peltata the perianths are intimately fusgd with .the tI continues to the fruiting and i' theii proximal hilf with the lower bracts. This condition o branches' The lateral stage; when'mature, the spikes eventuallyfall entire from the tl spike like a duck's beak lobis'of the perianti prominently protrude fronr the mature ir (verticallypositioned); this givesit a characteristicwarty appearance' le The flowers and fruit of this speciesresemble those found in ll leptoclada lo which a it is probably closelyrelated. o

(Paulsen) comb. nov. Fig. 27D-F, 53. 14. Halosarciapruinosa P. G. Wilson, II Arthrocnemnmpruinonlm Paulsen, Dansk Bol Ark. 2 (8)i 63,Fig 25 andpl 6f 3 (1918)' c b Type. Carnarvon,31 Oct. 1914,C. H OstenJbld349 (iso:K). L Much branched sab-shrubto 1 m hl1h. Articles obovoid, 3 8 mm long, often greyish ci sreen: lobes rounded, entire. Spllrcsteiminal to branchesor to short lateral branchlets imrelv resrilel.narrowlv cvlindriial, t 5 3 5 (10,crn long.3 5 mm dilnreler'occa\ionall) 'horlly barrel-'haped.closell overlapping' conLliuing growLh vegeialire15.Brcls I marsin "lisht'ivundulate. enLire.' F/ouei.sfertile or with eitherthe slamenor ovary sterile, coallscent"toiach other and fused to Llpperbract in proximal half, e'tirely concealedby bracts; adaxial side horizontal, abaxial side steeplyascending, extreme apex dorsl- p, f ln ventraily compressedlcute. Perianth fleshy but rather thin with a pair of^large con- duplicaie lateial lobes and a smaller oblong to deltoid inner abaxial lobe Ovtrr" lhir, a1 free from perianth; style slender. -Frrilirg b,'.Icls spongy, remaining shortly cylindrical at oi cup-shaped and jmbricate. Fruittets i.otally enClosedwithin the bracts, eventually te free fiom each other and from bracts; perianthbrittle, areolate,muricate on the outside but with a firm crustaceousinner Jayer;pericarp free from perianth, thinly crustaceous T at aDex.membranous or absentbelou. Secrioroid, ca. I rnm long; lesta membranous B pale'brown, faintly concentricallygranular over embryo, otherwise smootbi embryo P ilis.hrlrcu^ed: peii.permpromineni and forming a lareralbrrlge. Bractsand frttitletr separating-fronr each other and from the slenderaxis; perianth splitting in erintually IT medial sagittalplane to releaseseed. 4 lr Hobitat: Moderalely saline situations both coastal and inland.

I 'eprs ,sp€r.ll l€rx€quuo Surpuaas€,{ldoels'slJejq,{qpe:ncsqo ,{1e1o1druor snon8rluof, ur 'ernl?ru 'uollo,\\s ,ruJU + ,vrdiorur uaq,t,{)Iloc serurleuros ]eq,\\euos sFelq :Jeleru"rp utul 'eJ'auol 'ruroJrcnlo'saqcu"Jq .oltlue ,elecunll t lur Z T ()1 lpuloua:l,raylds rl ul8.r€ru 'uroJrelop 'qatq uI 3u lsrocnu18 saplLtY ru S.0 01 gn-rils Surprelds peqcu"rq-qc_rl1{ '(HJd:Id slellrr o^Jq! 'y y ,luepr^e :oloq) ,0ll tbt$ry :t/6I ,{lnt 0€ :q8[l ruo 0t-gz lroloc anlq :ouoo]{ snout pue pu"JpeH uoo^\loq ,(e,\\pru ,{lel"rurxoldd" 'esnoqp"oU ld elgpu€S Jo N ru{ tI ..adu SNOEJ eprstr e1sel,:u,nSuol ruru Er 'Luneplosdrlleoleurlcld€ ,,arst _suepacosI run$€lsnlJ Luerrdepe [eI *"..""";;il::] ,{llPnt unld.tD!.tad rlellr8esoueld ur 'LLrn$etsntropnrJ t wtjl|luDlraA irlrsbdrsdnssrlepic ne 'srpuerS 'srssuo ,rurileireidde I"crJp srlereltlsrqo[ ,olpewoqol Lunr elelxuqe elre] :gnuo] .retrlB snqrlerelaliriqrlarrea 'ulql relrl€rtuo^-rsJop LtteTrdewntqvDLtad suapueJsp€ eplp^ sllarxeqe sar!p,+:rtrunfuoJ erelur €elrElq tllnc rl! -Lurxojd DJed'seluaaselpo:) sulrdns sEelrBJq le seul:)tA'tllnJro srelae:q s>,ro7j, ieso:eqns Lunluep Lunpjetur -uoJ 'aEprlunl '€c 'eE8uol .seurogeecnri ,salaurturel tuntuenbrle etluru oeelaElq : Luelp LuLLrt ruc azldg -rsJol 'o-r8elur 'oleJunrl 'ranEIS .srllll- 7-J T ourSjsru setuto.lirlop !tnt/JV ar E,g pe snlecrru,rrp sr4,rr1l,rg ,iq p€ '99'b9 ')-VLZ..3rl .^ou .ds ,uos1r16.D .d ,9I Bt?lnclrnEBlrrssol8H '3urdl l\[eu( 'sercedstcurtsro ru slelq: s€ pezruSoJeJoq plnoqs 1l roqlorl,r peuru.rotop oq uec lr aJoJeqpeJrnbo.l ere suorjceiioc qsr- J. '61t8 'eerJEl^l .1.,y,lsrnqpu{1 raqunc 0818 saP!.ntzD7y'l Jo ES ur{ Lz " 69zg sapLl\zoT lo ,^(N ru1 tl :(HJXEd II") uorx"l srq] lueserdersuorlrolloc Bur,lAolloJeql .(u,rorq u"ql Jeql"J)rnoloc,r€rts eled € uo 3ur1e1seryds 8urlrn{ erll ur pu" selcrlJ"olelorTrc {r"p'peqol 'esollrded ,{la}noe ,{1o1nururSur,lrq ut psowntd ruo{ sJeJrp :tI s3tJeds 'lc"J '-,{"lu ,? lerlt q1r,r eper8rolut ur pve Dsoam ll 01 e.lnlcnJlsSuqrn.g ur ie1lu,ris,fte,tsr qcrq,n .lhtr 1ue1dr polcrl1oo ueoq s€q rrlel1snv qtnos ur ]slnqpu-,{l pu" eel.r1:Ji uee,{\leg 'slollrn{ eqt Jo SsrlllJds eqt ,(q pesrele.rsr peassql puE teqlo qJ"e ol posru eJes)eJo} eql Djtlrct.lntt qclqi '11 l€11r8€s ul eqol l"rpeu eql oJllJsqo ol s€ os Jerllo rlcee depe,lo pue e8rel ol" seqol 'paploJ leJelrl.11 aql ellq,r -{lpre,\\ur soLuo3eqpue lelleLus qJnru sr eqol lerx"qe ar1!Dsoumtd uy :sur8.reu slr uo ,{Iuo I dBl.re^osoqol IEJelp[ eql pus p"o]q pu? eB.r"Jsr oqol lBrx"qB aql I€3q DlolnJ!,o1ol/ uI oqol IBrxeq?I?lpaur s,{q pel"l€dos eJ" feql oprs (le,\\ol) l?ryeq? oql uo I€JeI (xode eql l" sr qJrq,r) ecuuo eql uo :pesseJdluoc,{llellue^rsJopoJe,{erD sr 3ut1l 'el?JlldLrpuoJ_olnJ" leqtr 'slJ€. e.r" seqol lslot"l eql qloq uJ qsrn8urlsrpot llllcgrp al€ o,rt eqt uorlrpuoc .77 iurJe,\\op 0q1 ur pu" olzln)unD l1 ut l"ql ol lulnurs sr Dsa,uln,td ul q;utrred eq1 'sleJog SutpuecsedJdeols eqt pu" slJulq Aurlrn{ fllJor{s ,Dltlnpan.H leoupurlfc u.rg eql ,,{qpeqsm8urlsrp eq ,(eEr 1r qorq,'\\uo.rJ ol o.rBsercads sr41 Jo sdrr{s LZZf, -uoll€loJaqJ apJslrlo€r{l uo el?crJnlusr l"ql qlu"ued snoeJelsnlJLUJU " e,\eqpue.leqlo Ia4l/ti r qc€eruo{ eteredosrlcrq,$ s}op1n:; fq puE (lr^rrqs tou op s}Jerqeqrj edeqsrriql ureier €l€T -aq1 .uorlnqut\rp ulc qcrrT,ltse{ids 3urlrn{ str ,{q pesluSoJJ.rJq ,{pru.ll epr,r u qcns qtl^\ lusld " ruo{ pelcadxe eq,(pru s",{SoloqdJour ut eJqeu?,\l3rJ,retuos st Dsouln.rdDlJ.tDSolDH 'ueru"ts Jql uetl) relpl ,{TqEtJprsuoJpeJnlEru lnq I"uorlcunJ 01 1' su,r,{l€^.oeql Jerl}eq^\J?ol3lou s€,\\ sJoqtour pu? sJo,uogelu:ij ,(11ngpr:q-suor$011o5 'Je^e,roH lJ eru,os ,{J"Ao leuorlcunJ-uou ,{lluoJEdd" u" puB uoruEls elr oJ " Jo ,uetu€ls ler8rlse,re pse ,{re^o elOJeJe qlr,r sJor\ouon?q o} J€edd?popl.lls suorlJolloclsotr l sqlu ztDT 'eleaNo)et '.GLt9 appua(ldttD .snop'Luv 99Zt X dr IN) , e)e.I Jo ,ruro, t 'r,o,.,r-'f;r*f;ffrl o,{rq '916I 'lood 'tL6I ,errepu lHIxEd rrr2J ,,v T. , ]des urBUpH:(Hlufd) rrlttH H (lnl 6z ri^ ru){ elqs :(HJU3d) a8.tuD lllessorrll ..rrplnog Jo IA 9.1 166Z S ,/ rlrt :()) S8Lltd,lJutD) O I :DrD)tsnVura$all (l"r€ raq!q.a.'e SulJ! rsys'g 'A '{Eedlo lurod.srrJpou or uosrared rd:(a+jl*la,*,rszfr:fK.'t"""{,]l]bt'ie;t"r}? )oton uemeseeqJ rul :(gNvJ) apo! . ,auXauetuual,q .IJ-l:Dltutrnyqtnos l?rx1 Jo A 0St 9tS N el prrB -,r/.!. 'toodqe,r.-I :(HJdfd) apttrllnnag .rre

'uoslly'^ aearuJo3rl€sur?rleJlsnv D Ingd 086I 56 NuytsiaVol. 3 (1.)1980 coalescentto each other and to upper bract, fused to lower bract in proximal h a.lf Petianth strongly dorsiventrallyflattened at apex, thin above and below in medial position -but a. with lhick lateral rvalls, at first succulentbut soon becoming crustaceous;abaxial face s of flattened apex with a large rounded n.rediallobe which is overlapped on either side by snrallerauriculate lobes, thesebeilg continuouswith the flat adaxial margin; anther ca 1 2 mm long; style short and firm ivith two short stigmaticlobes. Frrillels obscuredby a: bracts,firnrly fused laterally to each other, adaxial margin verticalto spike axis, abaxial a margil steeply ascending, apex strongly dorsiventrally flattened; perianth crtlstaceous, la thin in mediai position and readily splitting in sagittalplane, lateral walls firm; pericarp c( laterally comprissed, membranous and hyaline apart from the thickened apex, free fron.l R perialltir. Seel ovate, I nln long, adherent to the pericarp; testa thin, pale brown, b concentricallygranular over enrbryo; embryo curved. Seed with pericarp releasedby j the decayof the spike and the sagittalsplitting of the perianth. cl 1T Hqhitat: Saln\e clay pans. al DistribLttion:Norlh-western Weslern Australia, predominantlyin near coaslal situations. t€ Map 13. cl tl W?st?fn ALstnlia: 6 5 km from BeagleBal roadon Wrlle Creekr aad. 4 C. BLdaglehole 48198 (PERTH); 43 km S of LagrangeMission turnoli', A . C. Bcakglch.'lc 4827q (PERTH I ; I 6 nri S of VlanringHead, ,4. S h George6623 (P;ERiH)i LakeMacleod, May 1911,M. Le ,is(PERTH); 13 mi E o[ Broome!4..r4ro!]!l!t q( 6578-iAD,CANB, K,.PERTH);2mi NWof well 24,Canning Stock Route, B. R.Maslilt 2252 (PERTH)i 50 km SW ol Onsiow,A. A. Michelt 5l5a(PERTH); Pt. Hedland,13.v.19?1, G. I. Parletliet(PERTLI). L Halosqrcia quri(ulqtd is closely related to H. syncatpa; they have similarly shaped tI flowers, (which are fused together), and virtr.rally identical seed. It diflers most obviously v, in havirg the spikes lerminating the branches,and in the lobing of th€.perianth; the (l fruitilg and floweringspikes look very differentas do the generalhabits of the two species ,5l for ir H. aurit:ulatathe articlesare barrel-shapedand o[ a bluish glaucouscolour whereas in H. slncavpa they are obovoid and green.

Holosorcia pruinosa, has a similar appearanceto H, quriculqta but diflers in the shape (P of its spikes,th; Iobing of the perianth (no abaxiallobe or only a very small one) and in having free fruitlets with muricatelateral walls to the perianths. n All the collections studied of H, auri<:ulatahave a bluish glaucous appearance, a & of characterwhich lrppearsto persistthroughout the life of the plant. h ln H. quriculatq the llowers are fused to the lower bract in their proximal half; this is unusualin the genuswhere normally fusion only occurswith the upper bract (if at-all). w Becauseof this fusion the fruitlets remain attachedto the lower bract when the spike is broken whereas in other speciesthey preferentially adhere to the upper bract. ol The specific epithet refers to the small ear-like perianth lobes which are positioned ht on either side of the large rounded abarial lobe. tft D I 16. Halosarciasyncarpa P. G. Wilson, sp. nov. Fig. 29E G. Fruticulosusdecurnbens vel erectus,0 2 1 m altus. Arli(\li 1^Ieobovoidei, ca. 5 mm longi et hti. api.ulalr,rnargine denri'ulalo \el rnLcgro.Sp;.dP p_irIum lernrinale'.jam intercalere' norer - oblecli. oI vicinascoale.iente.. fec.e aba\rale rildc ad.cendenre.P, ti'rnthit'n praeler latos hlerale' lenue.apicem pl fructifera intercalaris; dorsiventraliter applanatum; lobi duo, laterales conduplicati, imbricati S,rl.a ln bmcteae demum ienues, siccae(vel interdlrm medullosae),fructiculis obtectis (vel interdum den]um.ex- positis);perianthium crustaceunt vel coriaceun(in medio lenui) ad.vicinasconjunctum; pericarpium CC iiberum, later'aliterconpressu$, spongiosum vel crustaceum,dd apicelrln..durum 'S?menovoideum, fr ca. 1 2 mlrl longus,ad pericarpiuN+ cdhaerens;teitl mernbraDacex,palJido brunnea, supra embryo concentricoeranularis. Perianthium fructiferum demum in plano sagitalifissum, seminibius et pericarpio liberatum- in rype. WesternAustralia, Lake Grace, by mainTarin Rock LarkeGrace Road, 33'7'S, 1i8"27'E.bright greensub-shrub 0 5 m high, on edgeof salt pan, 7 May 1969,P. G th Wilson8271 (holo: PERTH,iso: CANB, K, NSW). € ol€rl sqlu",ued eql ?JlolcIA put urolsed\ ur oJlq.r oqol lsrx"qu Jouul snol^qo lnq Il€lus .D qlnoS uI xeldruoc eql ulqll,t\ "x?l oq1SulqsmSupslp ul ^llnculp eql "rl?llsnv luenlllsuoJ '"II"J}snY sesrercur ,{lsnor,rqo snll '"rl?Jlsnv qtnos IJr of)sngfi DlSaJSotapSqlt,{\ puE 'H urolse/ ur Jncco ot s.r?odd€osoulnJd puB DJofpan ll qll.4AuoIl?zIpIJq,(H _'pe^lo^ul sr uoxuj eiro u"ql ororu l"ql slseSSnssolJods slql -,{qpe}rqrqxo F}IlIq"uBA l"ol3 eqJ oJ( o^ '-{r"l"JJalIII s,{e,tp st eltds Sutltnr; ult eql l"rJl os ,{le^I1Ele33^qt^\ol8 enulluoc selld" llaql sos?JII? uI :, s" ^u?!u s€ ul?luoJ ,(dru sd>1rdseql suIJoJ Jeqlo ur lnq sJlJru" I T {go 3o lstsuor ,4Jql ul.loJ lecld,'(1eql uI 'peJS :sr :ezrsur ,{lqereprsuoc.{re,r seytds erll pJsolJursll qlrt dlerr.redeql eseoleJ_olou?ld LUa 1u;1rSeieqj au61utr1ds ot steltrn.rJor{t SuLtoJIe (ruesqe ro) snouulqrueu st qluepod qcee3o uorgod prpau eq1 e1nur,4ceql;o sJequour Sutrnoqq6teuoql 01 dJIBJel"lposnJ e.I" gcq,tt sqluerred oql Iq selJsdspolD1e: ruorS peqsrnButlstp -,{ltpuel eq Kernod.tD)u{s DlJlDsoloH

., llor }s I ',..ta 'eBu€J ' 'puoLuwnJe 're^u u€,{\s,, pul- anlf SullJIlS sl?Upues,, eld d ,,IrpDllo1 J' .l/Jo N r:eururr16,, :(JAi,^{ s,tolloJ s€ eJEeseLIT'DdtD)u{s o.lo,\\suerurceds oql Jo eelql Ile) 'lo^o,\\oq 'pellc Jo 'saplowaDoloq :serJedsI€uor1rpp" go suerutcedspepnlcul 0q l€uel"ru eqJ pr puc.DUJSnq,tD a8a$oJapS ruo{ ^Uelqc pe^t.lop sJelcEJ"rl. uolwulqtuoc " DD,tpsolDHpolsrsuocrzTnrsrqrD D!a.'u!tos'lJ:::,1;;:ff,;) Jo Jo t,:"J,H;.;;:i),,,iY,,,"^ ST '(il

SIt DlDppun H od,to,tuts ot,ttoso1o11 ',{A(V) 'Suoroo) uokts g Cr Jo 't961 'elnsurued{Hldad n8t)t pua ro^\o'I :(AV) 996t )PoqV y J e)JoA ureqlnos q.eeg su^\org :D D.qtnY qtnos L Dp)snq)D a8also.raps-odto)u{s ttlJ,tDsoloH UI '(HlUgd) rlosl/ '8uuo)ceN lu)l :(HJ-dEd) 8/98 , d'dnl8urd Jo A € 'OY) eq' raalnl 'ueLuesroN :(HltId) 'taq,tldN) Jo S lLu 6 :(HJUgd SLZ; T'tJ €. 'lolq Jo N Itu tl '.(.tJI^)nLOt oztoz ratplg saIots Jo ANN tu{ 0t alontg S S88L ^"9 tl\"€rsl :nltDttsnYualsalll .kjv) ., .d L99ZaosL ltrH proJrults :0\ OV) 9tSI uor141 'J,{ 'uot8urllelA 'U ')'elnsurued 'qcea{ C Jo aS Itu S :((V) /96t ZrDtl elro^ su.tora :alortsnY llnos '/681 'u€,.no"1 'epoq.,'t1.""* 'adr, 'ere.u*riA '.l1ElN) Dpaa1 anv 9l :('lgr\l) OZ lapDa1 ,r17r1il '€l dsI I ?Il?r1 -snv ujelseiA uroqlnos pus '"rl€Jlsnv qlnos uJeqlnos'"rJolcI.A uJelsey' :uounqr.tlslo 'I"ls€ot osp lnq suorlrpuoc euITBs,{lSuolls .lepun sel"J llss Jo urSl"tu uo lllzdtturt4 :1o1rqo17 'ou"ld l?11r3€sur qluerrod go Suqlllds eql pu" slc"rq ,{EJep q8norql drecued qlltt pees uuodsued :Pe^.Ina Jo Pos€eleJ I"Jel"l 'snoueJqrueu b,{:qrue :o,{:qrue re,ro uotlelnutr8 crlluecuoc lJuIlsIp g1l^\ u,nolq eltd €lsol '8uol 'tllu"Fed ld.rzjrrerjol 1i ruru r,,c'plo^o ruor; oor3'(xede 1e iuereqpe Z.I 'pesseJduoclr2rs peuopr"q ueuo) snoec"lsnjr ol ,{8uods ,{11e:e1e1drectlad :uolllsod lelperu 'r{tu?lled_ ur uJol ro ulgl ?utrnoqq8reu eql- ol posnJ a.IEqclq,\\ sll€,\\ leleleT snoa3ElsnlJ oi ,{.req1ee1qirnt sqluerred :uaq} esodxe o} Sullle^ugs Jo sleDInU eql SuISoIcuo-,itl?}ol + ,{q 'ulql 'ui (u.lg Suruioceq luErJ"A ouo uI) ,(qlrd solLJqeruosJo ,{rp Sultuocoq IIIPnlue^e slteJq latltVs Swlmtg es"q Jraql 1" peuo{clql e.Ie q3lq,lt seur8tls e1e1n311Jo llud e qllll luJg luc pue Jl^ls :(JqoL JsuuI elus B_soullolllos_ qll^\) elBcuqul pue elec[dnpuo3 drr lroL1s lprxEqe 'odeqs 's[",tr 'sn ;1er11e1'3 srqol :p;urtlEU ,411er1ue,ttsrop.'(13uor1s xede ut plollep 1e.rolsl eql loJ srseqluE utql q|uo!{al Sutpuecse f,1dee1seceSrns peue4crql ldecxe tre 'slseqlu?leueqe l€ll !ro,'!\o1ruor3 oe{ 'lcEJq loddn 01 ut pu? .Ieqlo qcee ol luoJsalsoJ ,{q Jleq leurrxord 'sp"ul 8ur!nr1o:d xede qlr,r lnq sl3€Jq fq peincsqo + ur s taittol! solcllJ€ e^Il"le8e^ ?c 1e 'selsl 'xedu 3ql o:l srseqlu€ J?l[urs slcElq €ql e ]ualudole^ep e,rl1e}e8o,t ,{q lB 0I 1 1o Jo ':lrssrs q8no:q1 -,{relecrelulSuluoJoq uoos 'slolqf,u"Jq oqs ol Jo .sal/ds ec€ 'peqol I"Jo}"I IEUIUJT}'[np 'epltl '61e1nci1uop:o errtu€ urS.utu 'elelnclde ,{le}nJ€ 01 fllunlq .Io,{ssol3 puB lnc 'pro^oqo 'yflrq Suol rurlr g '?r Alpeorqsaptl.tY u l-2. O quqs-q,l,s]cere ol luoqlunceo qtu 'uoslr,t aeorulorrLesuerlBJlsnv C lned 086 58 NuytsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980 T

Australia this is absent (or is extremely minute). In Western Australia plants of 1L t syncarpa with very different aspect but with the same fruit type can be found growing l together without any apparent sign of introgression, whereas plants gathered from the t total area of its distribution so vary as to cover the entire morphological spectrum. Much 'syncarpa' critical field work is needed before the complex can be understood. The specific epithet refers to the lateral union of the fruitlels. t f 17. Hafosarcia undulata P. G. Wilson, sp. nov. Figs. 294 D, 56. I F/rtrcrl/oslrramosus. Articaliopaci \e1g1atrci, late doliiformes ca. 7 mm longi; lobi rotundati(inter- dum acuminati),integri. Sp,cdeconicae vel cylindraceae,l0 30 (50) mm longae,3 5 (9) mm diam., a ambitoundulato; blacteae breves, arcte imbricatae, convexae, margine valde undulato, integto. Flores obiectiparte proximaliad vicinaset bracteascoalescenti, aliter liberi, faciesabaxialis plana, leviter vel valdeadscendens, parte distali valde dorsiventraliter applanata; lobi duo,Iaterales, conduplicati, imbricati. Ftucticulidet^om librij perianthiumspongiosum vel crustaceum,nitidum; pericarpiummembranaceum (vel ad apicecrustaceum); stylus ad basimdurus, acicularis. ,ser?e, ovoideum ca. 1 mm longum;testa tenuis.brunnea, fere laevis. Bracteaein statufructifero demum ab axe secedentes;fructiculi in statu integfo cadenti. Type: I km W of Meckering,Western Australia, Mofilock River bed; plant 0 2 m high; 23 Nov. 1967,P. G. llilson 6404(holo: PERTH, iso: CANB, K). Much-branched sub-shrub. Vegetative qrticles dlJll to slightly glaucous, broadly barrel-shaped, ca. 7 mm long; lobes rounded (sometimes acuminate), entire. Sprkes terminal and lateral (when usually sessileby a broad base, the lowest bract pair being very short), conical to cylindrical, 10 35 (50) mm long, 3 5 (9) mm diameter, outline very undulate when fresh, the apex sometimescontinuing growth as a short vegetativebranchlet; bract-pairs short, closely imbricate, fleshy, outer face prominently convex, margin markedly undulate (face very thin in inter-bracteal position), entire. F/owers totally enclosed, united in proximal half to each other and to upper bract; abaxial (lower) surface flat, slightly to steeply ascending; adaxial (upper) surface ascending to + horizontal, distal half strongly dorsiventrally flattened, apex acute; perianth at first fleshy at sides, thin at apex, soon becoming bdttle, ca. 2 mm long; lobes 2 lateral, conduplicate (each sharply folded due to dorsiventral compression of flower), imbricate, extending _. half way along abaxial surface; anther I . 5-2 mm long (frequently vestigial); style linear, thickened towards base; stigmas slender. F,'&ilktu separating from each other (sometimes tardily), apex dorsiventrally flattened; perianth thin, firrn and spongy to crustaceous (especially within), glossy; pericarp laterally flattened, membranous (or crustaceousat apex), usually absent towards axis or, if sterile, then often entirely crustaceous, style base firm and acicular. Seed ovoid, ca. I mm long; testa thin, pale to dark brown, practically smooth (minutely granular over embryo); embryo slightly curved; perispermlateral. Bract-pairs eventually separating from spike axis, the fruitlets falling entire. Habitat: Salir.€ or gypseoussoil. Distribution: Northern portion of South Australia, southern half of Western Australia, and southernportion of the Nofihern Territory. Map 19. SouthAustr.llit!: Dalhousie Springs, P. K. Latz 1795(N'l). WestenAustralia: Cundeelee, P. BoshjellJ2l (PERTH);2 3 mi E of CarnegieHS., A. S. Geotge5545a (PERTH); Lake Annean,R. Hndtiuk(PERTH); Hamersleyestuary, K. Newbq 4900(PERTH); Lake Hinds,P. G. Wilson11649 (PER'|H). Norther Tetritory:Erldunda Stn., T. S. Hetlshdu54 (.NT). Halosarcia undulata may be recogniscd by its sessile,broadly based, lateral spikes and their short markedly undulate bracts. It is probably most closely related to FL syncarpa which may be distinguished by its predominantly intercalary fruiting spikes and by the lateral fusion of its fruitlets (free in 1L unclulata). The fruitlets of H. unclalata are usually very strongly dorsiventrally flattened towards the apex but in some variants they are more obtuse, in which casethey are similar in shapeto those foundin H. pruinosa. In the latter species,however, the perianth is muricate on the outside. Another difference '(HJ-'tlJd) '{ll6 r€^\erol z.!L1a2O // i trJo g tLt]']t0l : otlo tlstlv u)!etl4 'uolpl€reg .D '8 d"tyerrcrlsny ur.tsoy' Jo gS ru{ 09I €c sllrH "{oou"loo) pue €^\€lotr{uoe^\leq ,{lllecol ouo ulo{ '{luo u,$ou) :uounqqlslO sl 'r' '(%t. etortt g o1 puclqrrqs nnapPtr[ uadg:7ot1qrt11 pr Hd 1ro5) ureol u,{\orq-qsrPpereurles ,{11q311suo .L 'u,roJq el"d 'qloouls 'snouErqrueu"lsel:8uolLutu€.I9c'el"^opaas qluetradtuorl e34 "\\oleqsnou"rqoleur 'xed€ dreci:ecl:unlnlldB o)trl-{€eqB q}l^\ qloorus pu" Suolqo xed" l?^snoec"lsnrc,'(lurqr ')IJe1q'snoJJE}s 'slJBrq pue slollln4 o:l pellull ',{lsnol^eld olerl{\ e}€loel" , ldeep J l€lelel '3utpu:r'e e:{ :\tJl-'lq trlorJ pue lJqlo qJEa uoJJ eeJJ J/'///'?'tl slJ\\oU Jo \J0e uluelrJcl '(.r:qteo1'pJdEqc-dlrJ €s w:ror (11irtt.tzdqrrq,* aBrreg uE qtrnr JleJlJqLul\lJelq 'lueisri:icll€l\?qe :i,{.rpue{.r) u^ori1-1rrp ctltJs Suttuttl elelnSrIsture el.&s:leprosdllle -'{re^o 's3qol o'\\l olul :8uol ruru I I EJ r3q1u3;tuJSJld sootDeulos oqol Frx?q" IPLlrsE l€Jel"l (JleurLUnJ") 3ql 'ulql ast^ueqlo 'luelnccns sll"'t qll'{\ papr,rrpFldeap JlBtl I3lslp 'SurpuecseIelol€l'r;Il}o "p'a ur prur1lEU,{ltrlue,rtsrop Pue el"urutncu itiifia llrtsrp 'airporqdnuJrq -prsolruJ (1eta;druor-q'?e or pun".r"iiq'oi .11u11letui"oLd ui p5irun 5rarro/J .prir1 ,"tnlnpun'5iej,tqu,i ,{1.r.o1t .ire.l-lrelq ;eBr: qlrn \rEleJJJlurSurLuoJJq uJUo.'3uol l1ecrrpu,1.{r-tujojisng 'elrises-qns'pro1"l sr4ds qsa4 req,,lresoulnrd pu" oi* oz Ei 'ruor S.I uoer81]srirlq;rurr sniirrecs,to:rzu .{:e,t t -,{1uoqll^\ 3l!cu_11J1 zl x 9t "J'ped€qs1oJJ"q ql 'relaurq 'Er selcrlr-e:airipeeias saq)aorg p tr € Z pu€ qSrq trr I qnrls 8ut1'te:dg pr '() 'gNVJ :osr 'HJuad .{l 'D '",\\"rot{ '"rl?Jlsnv uralser^(\;a.IrtJ ,(I :oloq) 79111uosl!/4 d'6161 IIrdV 6Z Jo E tuI 0T '(,' 'r0uun-rqoplllt?o slAeBI .raJeuE.lqrueru m Lunlt^o urt,rs rllnoaeueJqulellt lolllE tunJ)elsnlJ urtJlot FB p: r?]sel:LunSuol LLTLLT€.I !LunJlel\nrJ olusuriuotd oroluntt ocrtro urrttlo:rP JpLnJord ulnrSlu trln qluelled ^r rrnrrlterrj:o :orp.rr.o.r 'r'Jl/s ,roarn roJ Jelelnpdn ::lrril oetelndnr eRJlJPrq:sllgJllJnlJ nler\. ul :.aiuaou!.,.o 'jq't 'lnlla".'l 'lteulutn.€ 'seluer ,{I :;;;6"4'q .uiattdlepe wnitlt,toua4 r.teuelcldererrle:tuer-rsrop !lelslp alrud ul "p,it"j.i.'A 'lllpoiqdellueq '3ale'uqlut'o€lelnpun -serEoc spolcsrq lJ sEulJl^ pe rlerurxo:d elred ut s2/oLr €Pelc€Jq 'r'i8uot 'ijcu.rolrsnl_ocrlpulIFJ'eeltlnaunped 'selelel€l :r.!"rLi.rl' -nLueo oalui ruur 0z 9I roll^arq lE 'selurojrrlop'rsscl8 '11 az.rdi.Lsournrd.rte.unrt.urLUZlrSt €r llnlLtf sntlELLrI e. snsnJesrl/7tllr-g '8I 'gg 3rg .r.ou ds 'uosll/r|D BsoqFq ElcrssolEl{ d ,{r '(HJUEd) aost!/l,| ole'I :(HJU3d) 9S88 nZ68'eroo1'1 D d'epuertw ^J 'eeJrego)e'I:(H11g6) aoi, -9 i7 e)!'I :(HlUfd) q098aosltll t'd'er..v1 uocl4,t'Dd 1g9g 'H 'l 'en) .{r sreiiir6tti:(Hrxgaj o$9guos1t1,1 9 7 urisr,ye1e1 : (t9s9€I A\sN) " 'l'v : DllD'tsllvurats2/tl :.^\olLoJ\e aJeprJq(q:rrtelrrr.I rrql SA .{l '(t2tDlnpun uI qloous ?lsel esolldzd -(lqeecqou E sossessod!u? 3o"drucried selclurexg H lsotuiE) 'paJ-s eqT o1 sl pees rql op fJLl] u€ql\ pun lJs sle'llog: lql Jo ^\e,J'4lo1 luelarlpt 'sqturrred 'sclrds 'scfurjcuedinoecl;uoqiir >icizlq-setcedspu-e {L1lrd elElntunped FPlosdrlle 01 prolo J\prl suor',,tledsasaql Joqlou" pue aDrypun H uaetleq ptrq'{q t':jo ro :i1o1rprn'11 pJlclu {1aso1rsarceds " .I€qlIOeq o1 rzeddesuorlJolloc .loqoltru ol Jo Jo V nll 'sarceds lcurlsrp€ s" posruSocaleq plnoqslu"ld,{loluJeJ e1! pu" tur uleq:uoN eql i€qt oluclpul .{t';u 1ro'n lequnl leq}o qJ€3 ol bulleqp" sl0llln'IJ-el{1ul '11r uI €llcJlsnv uralsel\ tuo{ esoql luoq sleglp uoLultedssrql pue rrltii, "i1is"i aui,lr:q lou Ien ,{:

This speciesis noticeable becauseof its large pruinose articles which exceedthose of any other speciesof Halosartia. lt is evidently most closely related to H. pruinosa and H. undulqtq as is suggestedby the similar fruits. I

The old spikes appear to remain attached to the plant for severalyears and presunrably a fall only with the decay of the dead branches. The frLritlets are tightly enclosed within I the cup-shaped bracts and are securely held in place by a flange on the underside of the n bracts.. Evidently, therefore,the seedis releasedonly after the decay of the bracts and peflantn. 1 c The size of the articles in H. bulbosa may be partly a responseto the particular soil 9 in which the plant grows for rvhen transplirnted to non-saline sandy loam it develops narrower branchlets. However, the other Hqlosarciq species found with H. bulbosu had articles of normal size; these species were H. halotnemoides stbsp. halocnemoides, a H. pergrunulata srbsp. pergrufiL atq, and H. pruinosa. ( l

a 19. Halosarciaentrichoma P. G. Wilson, sp. nov. Fig. 31A-D. p F,-r1lrr11drr.fdecumbens. ,,{,'/lcrl/i opaci vel glauci,late obovoidei, lobis rotundatis, margine cilialato. o ,S2i.!reterninales, ovoideae, ambito undulato; bracteae tumidae, profunde undulatae, rnargine ciliolato. a F/o/?rbracteis occulti, liberi; lacies abaxialis valde adscendens. Perianthium ler,utler coriaceuln. lateraliter LI compressum,apicem dorsi-ventraliter applanatuln, orillcio terfiinali; lobi lateralessuper facienr abaxialem b inserti,inrbricati, denticulati; lobus medius abaxialis parvus, semi-circularis, iniernus. F,,l/ctlc/.//lliberi, ab aximfacile secedentes, integri; perianthium tenuiter cartilagineun; pericarpium ad apicemcrustaceum, e. basimve$us membranaceum. Sc,ren ovoideum ca.2 n'l loDgum;testa membranacea, laevis, sttanlinea, L Type: Frank Hann National Park,79.2 km E of Lake King township,32"52'5, 120"25'E, Western Aushalia, 15 Oct. 1978, D. Monk 482 (holo: PERTH, iso: CANB, K, MEL, I NSw). w Dwarf semi-decumbent shrub. Articles dtrll green to glar.rcous,broadly obovoid, M ca. l0 mm long, 5 mm broad; Iobesrounded, margin cililate. Spl&csterminal to branches, ovoid, ca. 20 mm long, 8 mm broad, outline uneven;bract pairs deeplyundulate, swollen, Str margin ciliolate. F/owers hermaphrodite, obscured by bracts, adaxial face -1 llofizontal, ol abaxial face steeply ascending. Perianth thinly coriaceous, laterally compressed; apex dorsiventrally flattened with orifice at terminal edge; lateral lobes inbricate on abaxial face, denticulate; medial abaxial lobe seni-circular, small, overlappedby lateral lobes. Fruitlets free from each other and from bracis, readily separating from axis, entire (not tearingat base);perianth cartilaginoub: pericarp crustaceous at apex,membranous towards 21 base. Seel laterally flattensd,ellipsoidal, ca. 2 mnr long; testa membranous,smooth, pale fawn in colour. IO Habitat: Margin of slightly brackish lakes in clay soil. br Distribution:Only known from the type locality near Lake King township, WesternALrs- cu tralia. Map 10. ap lat WesternAustralia: Frank Hann NationalPark, 32"53'S, 120-26'E, around lake (heshin winter),,. N. ml &rl.l?cr336 (PERTH). T1 Halosqrcia entfichoma is readily recognisableon account of its large obovoid articles of which are ciliolateon their margin; these,with the freefruitlets ard cartilaginousperianths, N' clearly demarcate it from other specres. The lake around which the collectionshave been made is relativelvfresh in winter and only becomesbrackish in summer;this situationis unusualin inland WesternAustralia cy and may account for the apparent radty of the species. An analysis of the soil after the na Iake had dried up indicatedan NaCl content of 0.2411in the top l0 cm and 1.05% at lor a depth of 30 40 crl. mi up The specilicepithet is a Greek word for eyelashand alludesto the ciliolate margin z7 of the bracts and leaflobes. ap

t e1,{ys:3uo1rurrl .EJ :::1.3.']:'\J\leq qy" I r€qtuE:pr(serdLuoc{lle-rruerr.-rop puu acn:qo vade leJJlEltuJlnJJns o^\l ruJoJ ot ureldlpltBe. ut ::e1tn.-fer:.zqrz uo peprrrp .Buo; ruru 'lu€lnrrnsqlu"u€d (1dea;< .ql8uaij,oqirnoqbnbi!i 7 :aurpurJSe a.re3rr"1er*eqe lrerq.raddi leqlo qc"e ol luolaqp? .!ra,ro1J .snon8rluoJ.uepprq :lJ-Pry 'arpurtunJe ,t1o1e1driocspzrrl iur8reur e qlr,\\ {|t.ioqspue e:nrqo:jreis par_rp ur otcjuqLur,ti:soo1 :.1311"::.1"_"r]Y919r" 'ruroJrlndnr srJr_-.rq .Buo1 :TIl yl,! z, :rreur"rp LuLu y Lur3 oi.1erupui1,{3,tlmbLreui \eqototeurunJE ,{tuoqs .Buo1 .dj .leri.rpur;(.r )::li.::l y1l-q'snoJnelb _ prpunorqrr* rade ruLu g1 ^['!loJ]?u Jo llnp selJrlJ?:lopuels saqcuotg ,qarq luJ gZ .€J quqs-qns

u:rdroloq)stsztot. x.df :016r .usr rz:rrosxurr",rl';l :fli|?5Ji odpJ^g!-y,J,-":'1.!uo JJEJ:puEIsuJJrO,.urS ureq8uupuEsJo ,,1.1N,46ru 96 aloqrer'e44ej:,j:1na..aai1 "r.:.l1j1l]_rjiyl,y Elnrrper rrdns' ersnJop{Jed ersor : LungsolLuru q:l uinl9^o,drs (suecsclErlell||xold ellPd url 1 ? 'runsollnp-atu 'rxnr8.to! 'runrrqJl run:Seuerquour.untd.ricrrad:suoperes snqq;rotel :ilq]-Tlq tl rel el olJnrJ ur wnyr11rolta,1.sinuel sn1,{1s :runliiielddd

:i{i:,yi.:irij:n::{iip",'#iu'"'#^"i$,iil".'lsil,J,l,.:i..i,J!",,,11;:JH:i;:mg"xx^lyi;t*ljoulutuo {, /o/J .er 9PlPalJqtule\el oJJl( ul JBrUurtunret:trtOrq retle tLtLuS.Z i:ru.Lolrlridnree:iretq ::Y:lq.y,i t'epBuol ,uJ 8 ps :EJJerpurl(J:r.nFues:leurrui:1 :al.l5 ..r1|u,.un3eretlrrrq \rrppunror srqol 'rnuol llrLu Er reJerpuJl. :sn;1i .87 0l c elsn8u€ rlnartre lseiual 4nutog ruc a7 sjlsolnlll.g .Zt .?rl .ds .uos1r16 .C .d ^ou sJurJoJIIndnJBrcrasoleH .IZ

'1rnr; qluer:od ut eq1 .;o ,{cuetrsrsuor flod"d eql o1 sre;ar leqlrde cgrceds eqJ cgrcads-ouour .1-l-ry1uuoo e r.uro;FeLu lr suoU?nlrsJsJrll ur pu" sued,{e1cuo ^TuocJnJJo IItuJpr^J ll El.alpue ,qrucr.riri .i1rd< . dJuJuadsno_uEqderp e puu ,{.radudr ' A.lp eql uro{ ^E^\p llp,J{lrpcer qcrq,r s1e11tnr.;Bur,teq ur eirlcurlsrpsr sercedssrql ue,Ellr:(Hrxad) 8ze aotsapilz,,". ",u"lAi#1$) j'i{?1.,4"fr;1'r1lfT;}T l;i|,.H;}i%,:li# '91 'r:qerlsnv dr6 uJ3lse/&IEJlua) :uounE4ste 'suud .{eJceurles .{pq811s ,l1uo ug :1o\qop 3"91"snordor Lurrd,ued ,5 .prrs ..^-^:tj-q^1]:l: llfly:l :tEpto\d!1r{lpeoLq p., aurptoJue 'l ^lf,.olJ(xJoE l? JJlJrr.ll.lerilrJLuos) snoueLldurp drelued ;poosBur,,olruJ ,snooJepr:qj {loitldLuor'.irltq ol lueJeqp! flJ,oruJoJeJaq,r sl€lncrlol qlutirred i8uoy ruur y o1 ,eleloecrn stalDntJ .snonuel ,qlueried;o l^T:_..y^":-snougJqurJut:TrJ Ilrntur\. seur8rjspue ei,{1s einq'o1peq"n11u IJE^o:buol urm EJ lellluEJleJrldnpuo.r pue .7 .oqoJ Z .esn.]qo 1e.rotel 'qlueijad:j:guo pouelteu ,{ll€rlue^rsrop xade aqr '11u:lnlns urql f:ly1_11]^ .srrerq 1bu) ,_".9-dot l)rg l" puErrqlo qJerol turrrL/p? qrrr,,papn;rur (1aiiyuo l.oLu;s :]:.Yj:. iAldrrls 'snonBu,uol^speul .arrrua.olurun.,r .:glq:":: arrsoddorqt qtrms.i ,.,'oiy j ultsJ"Lu'(dutUp uo p;tulEdJs SulLUoJJq)Jll?JlJqllt X1a.o1t.|re.r'q:.rueip .AuoJ 'leJupulTdt 'seqJuerq LuLu g , urBru,ol tou {lluariddi; }nq (Jpo[ro]ur euo ue4oj T. 9l QZ .o:r1u:,ur8reur 3o slqqcueJqIBJelel tJoqs ot leururJotsayrd5 olejunrl snouecs? qti.aisecidi .,' 'duol trlnr eJ 'pro.toqo .qirq 0I f,lt ottzu salc4to alrlele8el ru T o1 gir,rijs.grr.,rp'iie:E 11, S( 'HJugd .Bnv ev:osr :o1ot1)9yy1 aosrlr4.D.d,896I BZ:qarq ru TI pepoou:srl?rlsnv urolsol&.sH .ec-,ero[ ,ti:"i,t"'ft'ffi5 e.{pueg1o ENa lu{ 9l I uirre,li .yoS ru{ I ..r.LJ .umueqderp pr ?t1,,:!!aq -"'nrdrerued'9:.T::l j'1##}i|tlff umluenbrle ,Lunr8olurunlqrl opn.l:,r.i-,l::i;:t1"11,";'l:l'r',1;jii1i"",{#j:t u! iuiltpioltad :srntiel l,,q€-.'Lunlelo0crn ,siterorel sn1,{1s:unlxSe ltqli€ued ut unloto llecllanpuoc :7 rq61.iunleuelddr ielrlersue.iis:op 5:_r-9 l9-:-9"":I1elqurarn\lurc(eteor rua5rde fl urnrrdn

I .ro^e,{\or{,ororr:prls_rrsnvro rs"ocq .., "u,,il'f',i,{;;:{,"tlffitJi,tlil*ij:i#,,TlJJj.l 't luElO JJueleeddE plpul V ut LUJoJtun{lo,r :r 1r JJJq\1 Jo pul_.t_.JlJJV tsEJ Jo slseOJ Jql .sluerJ€^ l"JIooJl slrqEqutpue trqeLlsr el"rlso.ld lsourl? sr serceds_qnsleJrdfl oqJ JSJqIJo ]ueurluoJdJrolu Jql loJ ssru?ucgtJeds-E{ur epr,tord o1 eperirueeq'szq ldur'enz uB pue ,D)lpu! 8t, -^lrlrqEuBAelql]leprsuoJ slrqrqxe.pequJstunJJrc eJor{ sE Do,tDSolDH aul (D[LpDjsolal .ddsqns . pue saapr4 ur 1sre1lr) 1o,r ueq,r Burlle,ils \llutrbJrJ\tllcls Jln)BLu-tu.tJ\ur,qtueu:d pue \tJeJq :Bunsrsted uJUo qye oqt'.ta;trn.rjpue sJrPd-lJEJq .pii.rnr tq: Surseol:.rput-. aBe qtrn Surrelnrruesrp:>1rri5 leJorejru.re,.l.u:ci Ae o^Jqwa:loDoltlt dsqnsur llnp pu" el"lnrrloJ,,(pur€J) fssol8 puB qloorus ,u,rorq el"d,{Je^ ':]r elsJt.:l"lnJrrJ .eu"ld -srouEJqureur lsoruF 01 el€^o dJp?orq/,aas, IEllrB"s lerporu ur nullrjo\ AllentuJ\J'qtuEuJdol luJlJqpBuJUo.JJ\o (uroqputs pruq dJEJuJd.urqI\ LUr '[uJg lle Eu snoec?lsuc seturleruos pu€ fq1ld ro f8uods pue 13osqlueuad':pepunor xede :q8rq 'pJssJrdruo),{lleJel?l.(rrJrlr/ tu. uru Z Z. l',rer^ oprsur:?-1n8u"ul .dsqnsuildecxe) s;cercj,{ci perncsqo s1a1t1ntg 'f?uods .{1-ro.r-' (.roqiu .dsdrsj r11 + ro a1 sirn-rq :ieotrpu'r1.{rb1 lsrallq plo^o ,{lpeorq .(luesqe 3u atltds Suutnlg fpuereddv serurjeuos) seqol 1tlel"l o} ozls ur pup.rETnrrrJ-rurrs ,urqlr,r Iylog l.ql ot ["rus puB rBln8uelr] eqol lerpeur(erxeqe) re.ro1 :{JrEIJqurU,^ltuJnbJ{ ,JtpJrrqLUI .urql Juo JJtnoeq,t) ,{ldJJpol JtE\le|JBIEI l"JJlelo\\l er{1 t€ .asnlqo IE. soqoT:Glle,\\ J"rol€l eq1 ,{11zrreds:.1fqseg EurLuoJequoos 4luouad lo pJpunoJr.Jdp :6urpu:;se eJpJ(lerx"qp) remol ,pluozrr6q ecuj reddn 0{ 'slyp :pasodie xecleeq1 ro pJsoJJuJ\latelduroJ JrJu ldJJxJe€JJ .ro 1lr.lq .reddnol puE JJqlo qJpJ ot 1U, 'ole1or1rJ luJJsrleoJ pe sra.tro11.lcunlsrp ,{lelelduroc selnLu{r aqi ro :.rrrua.paqo1.{ideeir o1 elecun4 ired -lJe.lq 'pelrun .8uol -t! eq-l stJ"Jq elrsodd6 utc Z ol dn puu pro^o ro Buol urc g o1 dn 'stJlrlJuEJq :e1e1oi1rc lur 311 IEJ9pull{J pue.qtooLls I"Jol"l pu" ur€urol IeurLuJ?}raTrdg ro erilue urdJEu|pJqoIAldJJp ,pe[olleU .IJtq} st) puE pto^oqo l"q,reuos ol el?Jun.r:lpu€ l?cupurT,{J Jo .repuels slelqcu?Jq sap4.tk, .snocnr13 trJtuenbe:g,lauaaad ()1 tul Jo t3oJo luoqlunro(l pu '(.5) 'C 'Elprrl ,reqenbu?JJ ulalx t ..ad,(J tu- sel anbsauued( pur/\\) D;!pa! .(Le6o 'peeqpe1-eulrt\louqrDrll)s ETgse13,6 n,1nq1olsp,Y,],33t,1;i:11 ;l':;5."":,i'""J.,9# EJlrJVf, dort lC te llulrl ul ueurrg:(988llZI:S Erpq lr.1g.lC,re1oog.q .1:191811 €ls o/urrJ 'tu 'drrqurrrs-url8un:dd.(6t8pZgZ:t181 log rul ffuoJlrn lt9 C BrJqurls,urJauI rtus8tibq u::ruLorrte5:,.i5 qrii'r1 :{2,1.pord.36 ui.tro11::oa.iorsir D1a lsl.(661t) .:qcg .rg 5ll Lun.i1:ooujqj..uo4 (pIIrt ) laiDtputtunuanu\uv ZJ y.11 1 1 :7 enep .]riiEN-.:si{),.p11r^i otput fnuoenitg sta' 'uoslr^|c jiu " ou quos d ( plll,^A)aclpur ErJrssolBH .€z ILIL] "to" peueprEqar{l ruo{ peruroJ peas aqr or Bur.ro,roc a>pr-duc eu,.r'fi.#lju1,t"'""oi"""tlr"$f 'uouJruouaLld srql jo .lelqJu"tq . Jp"tu uooq s€q uorl"Brlse^ur pcnuol?u" oN ? q pJJBldJr,Jq\ELu.elrds JrllJo Juo.ro.(opou n or.:lrdr rnoJ.stlEqr)1rre1et1 e Luo.r1 bursrJt?\alrds ont ereq {;tuolbo{ tJd^t JrltBurpnlJurleunlr,r,lie:u uo{ \uollJJlloJ qrl 0tl ro peqsnorsd11enlue,re e:e.{eq1 rDun sr€e,{ "."", '"]li;lili'"'uil,T;l'i:HtIt'i":,I:'.ll eq ^lJ\ eIJAJ\Lll$or8 conulluoJ srve .st5elq ;# alrd::qt sarelteqto u1 lo tredBuipun-ot.rirs aqt -p! rlllr,i sp€rJl elrsoddo oql go pesodLuo.rsluoLu8ts ole.redes olur dn jee:q ,411un1ue,resolrds '(H nullln{ sseql :lolqcuelq l".rol"[ lJoqs B s" (eJolu Jo l?0,{ p) etun ouros JoJ lsrslad,{Eur e{rds erlt selp srx"-eIrds oql oroq.r sesecesoql u1 .s1xepaglu811 ,d.recr.red 't{}u"uJd 'sl:leJq 1jrq1 eql oipue pur pe}pJnpurJq} ol enp e4ds Burlrnr; preq e arir,lrq ur huqserelu,osli; sr luelo Jql :drEJuJd pJdBrls-dl?J{crql sl! sr serJedssrrll Jo elnleeJ Burqsrn8utlsrpy o,4 uI s$ueJeJrp lueJedde eg1 rog lunoJJ€ uolll plllo,r rlJrrl,r po^Io^ur ere r.,""a, offtlrTqtl '(J .olrsses alscrpur ,{"ru 3ur1oe11ocloqung pu" IeJel"l ,411vnsne.rt eserJl"rleJlsnv ulolsold ^l) ul eJnl,r secuecs0logurI?uruJel s?q,{toulrel u.r3qlJoNerll ur punoJ se lu?ld erJJ pel .c eearurorrlEsuerlerlsnv uoslt/ In€d 08( (1) 64 NuytsiaVol 3 1980

is found a planr uhich differssharply from lhat of India and Africa: an In Mclaysia (borh iL trai "n.r.i, habir,.lenderLranches. and narrowcylindrical spikes. The articles ta1 """"[ti"" ,"a i"iiii"t ut" noticeably ciliolate. This plant was referred by. Backer in^ il3;;il;.;i";t r: 104 (1949) to Arthrocnemum in1icum. Btenan' however, in Flora of iiloiJ eurt Africa-Chenopodiaceae 20 (1954), considered the- Malaysian plznt to Ungern- *ri'."' u distinctspecie.. The plant l'oundin Malay'ia was describedby l. i;;;;L;t; o' i. iiiioti,ur, uhich narne was ba'ed on material collectedin Timor and plants i;;il;; iindonesia). on the north coast of Australia may be -found which "G"iv rrratctt those of I ndonesia and which again appear to grade into the common 2. i.","i"un taxon which is here referred to Hqlosqrciq indica subsp leiostachya' articles In southern temperate'This Australia is found a vadant with markedly lobed 2* and a robust habit. plant was described as A. bidens, but again there is no clear 3. separation between it and the Eremaean taxon. Halosarciq indica (as salitornia indica\ was frst recorded for Australia by Robert quin' Brown (1810). Bronn;sde.cription uas largelybased on materialof Sarcototnia iiiflotrt tUne.-Sternb.) A. J. Scott but his ipecies concept was broad and in this case "niomoasseda nutnberof laxa includingH. lrdltc sensularo' 23 Hqlosqrci.t i dica (as Arthtocnemum indicum) was again recorded for Australia (with- orrriaiiiarion) by Moquin {18401. lhis recordna. probabll basedon RobertBrown's shr i;;l;i;;i ior ini tarei rerisionMoqttin (1849)ornitted any -reference lo Australiabul to i."l"iir.tv (a.ndincorrecrly) referred Bro$n. mi\,pplicationof the nameto Halucnentum ln iii,itii ri. C. E. M

I (9F01916 'eleyoqtc,{pe16all pue ^lelnuruI sI etu. 'DIq)DJSolal 'Je^o,^\oq'leuel"tu dsqns qll,ld uorsserSorlurJo trlnso.re se ,{yqeqo:d u?lFtl Jo -snv ouos slcr?lq pu" se^eol eq} Jo ur8Jpur el"rTrJeeql ,{q poqstngutlslp eq osl? ,{eru 1I pur i,43oyoqd:our ssoJ? ur pu? \qr.q ur Dtq)olsotal dsqns rrlo{ sregtp setceds-qnsstql S! J ':e1e,r IUI( ur 1uz,4onqeJ" qcrrl,r (roddn eql -,(ll"nsn)Jr?d-lc"Jq " ol peqmll" ut€lueJ lsJU lE 'srxe -ue. slolllnJJ Jo sperJl oqJ Jepuels or{t ruo{ sepr e lcurlsrp s" ,{",Me Ll€JqJIq^\ srled 'doi -lc?Jq erll Jo uoD"r"das oql q8llo:qt u,rop I€eJq otlput dsqns uI se{Ids e.Inl"ru oqJ '(ottpuolsuaanb'dsqr\s .{[u DpfuoJS,!ad 7 ut stseue8 -oueq zd uo slueu[uoc osl? eas) 'crlc[uode ,{1eur:ou sr sorJods-qnssrql leql alqeqord utE .reeddep1no,u 11 Suruncco s?^\ les-peesq8noqlle uess e:e.u gueld epure3 -,(1uoute8e putl 'plog sa{ egl ur pe^resqo s?,r a;rpi.irdsqns ollr^su,roJ 1v Brl"rlsnv uI:lu€IJ"A oql IeJId,{l qclr Jo slu"ld ur Jo'r?cr.rJvurorl s1uz1dfu? ur suelu"ls pug ot elq?utr uooq e^€q 1 eltpo:qde -ruJeq flpruJou eq 01 sJe,\\ogeql punoJ pue enbrquruzoltl ruo{ qse4 uI sueru€}s lUe "J 'ua11o1 l"IJelerrr uarl pa^resqo sercedsluoregrp e nb e o1 Suoyeqol lno peulnl oAerl stuuld elEu I 'sleeqs eql flposoddns €ql peuru€xe e^pq I sos"c Il€ ul lnq urnu"qreq ouros uo peJ"€dd€ ol€q slueuluoc J"l$uls 'peu[u?xo oq s.re\\oUoq] ur suaurEls^uB pu$ 01pall?J eI{ eculs snotaoolp eq 01 serJodseql petunsse "c 'u?ue]g "rT"Jlsnv u.lelsoiN lseoc qlou eql uo pu" qc1' [ Jo 'Je^e,roq 'slue1d 1suoc,{ro1r:re1 uleqlJoN eql uo ererl,rosle pelJolloc uooq e^?r{ :llltruts eJu Jeql€)I ,fuolu]oJ uraq oN aqt ls"oa ls?a oq1 pu" puElsueenat sls?o3 ls"e-rllJou 3U Jo Jo'Dttp0tsolal pu? qlrou eqt Suole ^luo ?ll€llsnv ur punoJ sr 1r ruro; pcrd-{1 sll uI dsqls -e.rl 'o8u"i Jo slu"IrBA I"JoT eql olur seperg 1r erl"Jlsnv ur q8noqlp s1Ilnoq8noJql ,{lITIq"u?^ ellIl ,tre^ palpu! p?oJdsepl{ eql sr srqJ s.{\oqs pu" H ;o sarceds-qnsoql Jo lsoru D[Lt 'tqanp'dr].t (IASN) ZIZ r'ArJrl,! v :DluuzuDJ dnl (9999fLtSN) try,tt,fiqroH x6'sUeluouo q "lnsuluodrrttrl uo( '(gIS8 'uls 'q}noru JN) rr.rrd ? suog 8u!g :(tN) 919t .€rl,{€.W reouro^ru redoU,r".rtt"!rjlj/!J!, 'p3r qBr uoslttt4't 'd 'LL6l qei ollr^su,roJ:(IXA) '11 'equrnr€t :(,{\SN 'SNVJ 'IUO '/ 'tr r')JnZ'uourLuoJ ,6f Jlaad'tJ'2961 ,| 'pe 0SZIt.!.rad luaualtlesJo qlno].l'l:Cda)aDurDI L44 rdy IZ sI srunJ :puDlsuaan1 '6 ' 'uo{lol ,{IIt de141 ecrr;y;o ls"oc tse,r eqtruo .{leuorsucco osle c'l otr uF Surprocce :u1?e3ou?rpul oql Jo slssoc l?Jrdorl oql :€rleJlsnv Jo 1s?oJquoN :uo.unErtsll frr 'slEvpl].ttrr 'glr lppr I : lDllqDH

',,(ssol3pu€ qloouls ?lse} :ot?^o paas' 'Je^o seI. ,(ujoq 'preq dl?cuod !,{8uods qluerrad :sJalwu! 'elr.lneJ ([ s.{?^\le) .{1tueu[uoperd slq 11e'Joqlo qcee ol pu€ lc?Jq reddn o1 pesn; s;a,nolc. lr e^oq" esoql (u"q:l Jell€rusro) o1 azrsut 14n| 'elsrTrce'Surdd"lJo^o '3uo1 + Jr"d lse,t|.oleql ,{laso[t slJuq :s8e qlr,\\ Ia]8 ruc o1 IBnbe 'Jeleruerp '8tlol 'pedEqs7 lnq 1ecrrpu1l,{csa1]|1g a?r qlln ,{uoc Suluro3eq ruur 9 t ruru 0I ol S.Ur lou?q ol I?cLIpull,{JsalJruy JelaLuetplU I ec sl"ru EutLLuoJlptauatad luequlnao( -qll '19 '8rC 'uclpu! dsqns 'E€Z 0slt suaplq dsqns c€Z peqoT.{ldeep -au 'pro,to solcr ? e^rl"le8e^ :peqol ,{ldeep pue e8rrl slJ"Jq Jo 8uu 1se,ro1 e>[dg *g ue( B,{rlr€}solal dsqns qez peqol .(I,\\oll€qsro el€cunrl 'l"prosdrTl€ solJr e o^rl€la8o^ :llurus slc€Jq 8uu lse,uol Jo elrds 'peqoy 'e8e Jo Iecupurl,{c E tE3 € elElorTrc+ uego qu,r\ 8ur[e^uqs selcDJEJo enssrlIBJrlJoc :]JeJe + s:]u"[d xZ se[. ecpul'dsqns eg7 (l€ts€oJ oJrtuo 'e8e l?crdort) el"cunJl + qlr,( ,4{ror soqcueJq solcrlr? :el€rlsoJd ro luequnJep lu?[d Z 'p€Z Jo uot BaJsln[ dsqns stre]q -,{qperncsqo tou Eeltrn{ 'xed€ qcl, :llnp'el"lnJrloJ,(ylureg e1se1:,roleq snou€Jqureru 13 snoecelsuc drecrre4'*1 '1 Pu1 Z slc"Jq,{q peJncsqoi- slollrn{ : .{ssol8pu" r{loours€]sJ}:lo^o JI",(uloq drucrre6 -UJl saJcadsqnso1 ,{ay ol '(l 'sueJ Jo 31C)edocsorcrur e qlr,tt sueurrcedsd.rp ur Jo pu"g € qll^\ UI sueLurcadsqse{ ur pe^Jesqo ,(JrpeeJeq -,{"rt[ ^ruo}"uB o^r}Jurlsrp oqt JoJ'l"uolsru o^.rl?l qlo -e8e,rqlr.tr Surl€op uaq,r oJtpul H 8ur{Jrluepr Jo surour e sapr,ro:d sonssnpo}"raoss" put :ea 'uosirl oerruro5rlesuerl€rtsnv C lned NulrsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980 Pa

23b. subsp.leiostachya (Benth.) P. G. Wilson, stat.et comb. nov Fig. 9. HI Salicornia teiostdchyatsenth., Fl. Aust|al. 5: 203 (1870). Arthrocnanntnt/errsldrrld (Benth ) Paulsen, Dt Dansk Bot. Ark. 2 (8)r 6l (1918);J. M. Black,Tmns. Rov Soc.S Auslral.'[3:360 (19]9). "A. o" Lector)pe:Kyejeron Creek, J. P. Murray(holo: K, iso: MEL 70595and 70596, W. Howitt"),lecto. nov. 'l A. citiolatum Bunge ex Llng.-Sterrrb.,Versuch Syst. Salicornieen69 (1866); Ung.-Sternb.,D. Atti del Yil Bet Cong.Int. Bot. Firenze1874:283 (1876). Ttpe:Fron Timoland Sumbawa,n v. .Sor S. ciliolatumBunge, Linnaea 28: 573 (1856),nomen. Lei A. benthamiiPaulsen, Dansk Bot. Ark.2(8)r 62, pl.6 t.2 (1918). Lectotwe PoirltSanson (Cossacks), W( C. H. Ostenfeldll43 (iso: NSW), lecto. nov. (PI A. brachytachyum Paulsen,op. cit. 64, pl.6 1.1. Type: Carnarvon, 31 Oct 1914, C. H. O:tcnJbld352 (iso:K. MEL. NSW). 5.(

(K. Sut Mt Tin

exl du bri ceI ap to

sle dis far lea an ha sul bu to

to by Ex chr sut Mr Dr

23r Arh Uu )i / Figtlle9. Halosatcia rirdica subsp. leiostaLhJa; Ircfi Derby, Western Australia. Tvt Decumbentto ereclsub-shntb. Articlesthick, cylindricalto obovoid, to [0 mn.rlong, slightly lobed, ciliolate. Spi,ter ellipsoidal to cylindrical 5 40 mn long, with smooth SOI oulline when nrature,bracts closelyoverlapping, the lowest pair smaller than, or equal usf in sizeto, thoseabove it. F/owersinitially fusedto upperbract and to eachother, normally larl hermaphrodite. Fruiting spikes leathery to corky; perianth soft and spongy; pericarp eac hard and horny all over. Seedovate; testasmooth and glossy. ovt '-{ssoP pue qloouJs "1s3} :el€^o paas 'Je^o ?,{uroq pue prrq drrcued :fSuods pu" qlu"rtad rs/r/lrnrJ .rJLl}oq-J?o dr 'e\oqu Uos ol pu" lc"rq:eddn o1 pesn; sta[oli esoqt u"qt poqol ,(ld;Jp Jlor.u PUP ^ti 'aie 'pto,r.o -.rJbr?l ls.rf 1e elcrl:u lsor ol orll qtr,t -,{e:3ot u,rorq eled sa7rd5 e1ulot1tc,411ensn ler 'xed€ 'peqol '3uol tpou011?U q] spre,rol petee{ -{letnre uauo pu" .ldeep ruur 0t I lEq'{\eulos 'pro^oqo '{Jrql 'y?tq Jo uorlces-ssoJcur J€lrlcJrc saptl.lf oI Z o} grJry,tlsnqot 'q:ly1-):osr) lgzlsf./r./dfJ!\!u uet5 rr1,{1

'Ierlsnv ' qiuag (seaN)sudpkt n! .tnlros_ y ueeluro.rr€s q3nsre1't,.o*9itt&l"ot'# lc '')C u;981) 'ssrerd 'Luqe']ls,{s :(6t81)ISI :(Z)tI pord u|bol :(St8I)Zt9 : I [d ur saaNsuaPlq wnuau.otq Y 'C-Alt '01 '3rg 'uoslllA 'd 'cgz ,rou'quoc l. lEls D (s3eN)suoplq dsqns

'stLu.toltapp j? Jo ueurlcedse^Il"leSo^ " st pellc uot:lJolloJpuoruulru( eql elrrl,{\ (tun|oloytt gurqc"oJdde) lu"rJBA lseoc quou eql lueseldor eSuBx ul€pval\l t 'ru"qlueu pu? llrH ocuopr^o-rdruo{ esoql dq po]lc suotlceloc .reqtoeql 3o :sorl:ds-qns eql lueu"^ ueo?ue.le eql sr lr ecurs od,tolcel eql sE uollt3lloJ snll uosoqc Jo 'slll!,^A ;o 1ecrd,{1 ',44, e^el{ I (2961 H 1eos) nr,ro11 V Iq pel,{u"d Jelle] uorlrpedxgSutroldxg "Lrolcr^ " uo ur ,tlq"qord '(loq?l unu"qreq erll uo sr elu?u esoq^\),{€trntUd I -{q Z98I'Je^o,roq 'se,u polJolloJ .'(Fuepr^e lr :uoDrpedxAs.u"nls Il"noo,W uo potJelloJ uoeq e^€q ol (0/8I) u"qluog ,{q pe1r1sse,r (1eer3 uorefe. ;1 uoJJ) DttpDisoel p,1o ed.,{1o1celeq1 'D!pu!'H ruo{ lclrllslp sercedse se 1ue1dslqt esruSooeJ01 o^rlBru.roJUreJou eq plno,\\ slsru?loq u€rs,{plEW ,uer^ eql ruo{ leql esll?eJlnq 1r Jo Jo }urod 'dsq1\s solJods-qnssrqt ol xeldluoc srrllJo l€rJel"u [" poJreJeroloJa]eql e^eq I tt!(q)Dtsolal qlr,\\ sossoJSo.rlur-,{lsnor,tqo eJeq "rT"Jlsrlv quou eql uo pelcelloJ ue3q s€q lr lnq Jo ls"o3 'lc?,J 'pu€ u€Is,{"leJAIeql ol JBlturs ,{'toa,1ue1d y luese:d snue8eq1;o reqrueur,{yuo eql sr ul olqerJelur sr lu"[d srql ers,{ep11 u1 03" qlr,'lr o8relue lou op pue fyoc u€rll dJoql€ol 'otqn\sotal 'dss eJouJ oJ? eJnlsru ueq,r slc"Jq erll octput g Jo JnoloJ u,\\EJ 'lnoloc lectdfl ro -{er? eql e{rlun u,\\oJq" sounss? ,4Fnsn 1r,{Jp ueq^|el"lottlc ^Fcullslp 'Jopuols eJE stJ"Jq pu" seqol-J?ol eql :solrds l?cupurl,{c ,{IUe^e pu€ seqJu"Jq Jopuels s?q 'SJoqurols-uJe?un fq un\olotltt 'tl peuleu s"^\ qJrq,r 'lu?Jd usts,{?1"],,{oLIJ 'punoJ eq ,{"ru su,rrojjo e8uel E 'DJ1pul'dsq\s ro saaprg dsqns qlt,tr uorssorSo:luro1 ',{ onp euors?cco1nq .{1qeco1,'(ue ur tuoserd sr lu€rJ",{ euo ,{luo -,{lFruloN ecue:zedde a^rlcurlsrp ? ur?leJ slueu€,\ ouros uorltl^rllnJ ur eJurs ssrueJesrPSrleue3 ol onp AIUIEUOC ','GoloqdJoru sr uorl?uE^ €rl1 Jo ed ur tue.reJrp f]e^ er€ rlcrq,t sa>1rdspue seqluelq qloq ecnpord,{uur 1utz1doru"s eql suos"es luoJeJrp ur oauls srolc€J IeluoruuoJl\uo ol 0l1p ,{Is[or,rqo sr ,{trcrls?JdsrLll Jo tJ"d lJ ol porlddE ueeq e^€q r{crq,r sour?uIEJo^3s eql luelxo eruos ot surBldxo srql pue su.loJ Jo dlrcrldrllnur € slrqrqx3 Dtrq)Dlsordlssroeds-qns '(t) 0Sl (0 )naua,oossllued-auog. rou{J '()) LO96lr pDg t' ,'Sutdtues i sl Dt|1pDtr4I '(t'a) 'nclt8ulelA U tooq, : sl,g!r/rs '()) 'ael'erodet'.()) 'Su"rEurns 't€6I 'lrSung uuDws,lal gLtg ov )ztunx oto qreH :(t) uuDtatlv ludv rr,1r1 :oN)er.s ztDT x .d,", ,,,"o"r,.^ !t$L'ff[;o;)!'0;!;'!"iN,"i"{"t ii].:ff"f,;in#;,::}:.Zr; zst uosuqor.E.spuersropodore.r..o u"^ ,L"fJ3"ilu1)ofL:3":::;!;'.7q":#ff:E*ii,l#,iJ,,IT'-),1,, '(s, '(Oy) ,lDtrnt 'sllrH uep]Eo :(OV) aot4to.I 'IearJ q8ro-I 'quoN ZI9 [ 1 B. 16z6l SZ0t 'e)oo'JlepuyN A J :KJy) S llDt uo) J , or.{E6{E'l.GfV) pa0laD g T ^oN t :DllDllsnv 11!1oS 'J 't*,!91$X{N6W::!;!:'':"t:fi r'auer€;ueuelr Jo N Lurzr :(Hrdsd) .zr-EsdtopFnt)ds J o' 'Ql 'llrH "uts SN) prlrl{rH ue)or8 :(gNv)) uosudqqtn) , 3 rPdouo :szloll qtnos $aN :(6t09rlAsN) rorrlro1 s t, z {ourqsr.raJoN rrLr st :(gNvJ'I{g) € rrrr*rlla9rrli|'.:#-rt,ol;:::,b 'tr1 de14 'rts,{e1u1,1:"llel}sny uI p?ordsepli& :Lto!4nqlusl6 'sJI"l tlespunoJE puelur puE ls"oJ pttdotl ;totqop

'uosirlA eeeruro.rl€su€rl€rtsnv c Ined 68 NuytsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980 Paul



basir Tvp' (hol


otn€ lapp sepa Seet sufr Hqb Dist Quee 24 Ft West (PER


FigrJJe10. Hllosdrciairulica subsp. bidens; neat Forest Beach, South West of Capel,Western Australia. or tl Photoby B. R. Maslin. whic now Habitat: Moderutely saline areas both coastal and inland. with rt ls Distribution: North western Victoria, southern South Australia. Western Australia south and of 26' latitude and west of 123' lonsitude. Map 14. to h gran (PERTH). Zlclond. 10 mi NNW of Underbool, ,4. C. Beauglehole40385 atT South Atlsttalia: Grange, 19 Nov. 1926,J. B. Clelantl(AD); cooiwa Barrage, Hj. Eichter lj l22 (AD)., N Cowell, C. R. ,alcork (AD). it ha of 895 into Westen Austrclia: Wyold, T. E. H. Aplin 694(PERTH); E of Mtllewa, A. M. Ashby 2591a(AD); Phillips (PERTH). betw River, E. M. Bennett3123 testa This sub-speciesis typically a sub-tropicalplant and is relatively common in the bet\\, southernportion of Australia south of 26' latitude. It occasionallyoccurs in association cells with strbsp. leiostachya in more northern localities but here often appears to be a recent Dert arrival since it may be only representedby isolated bushes. Towards the north it grades gro\\ into subsp.Ieiostachya and with many collectionsit js not practicableto designatethen toa as belongingto eitherone sub-specieror lhe other. tidal wrin Sub-speciesblrlers exhibits considerable plasticity of form; ir particular the spike the 1 may vary greatlyin size,shape and texture. The sizeis much dependenton the €nviron- furtt mental conditionswhich when satisfactorycause the spike to becomemuch longer than the c normal. The corkinessof the spike increaseswith age but the texture is obviously also dependent on other factors. The fully mature fruiting spikesbreak up in a mannersimilar to thrr describedunder :'::: subsp. inclica, but immature frr.riting spikes (those which have not assumed a dull pale i. ;: fawn appearance) of both subsp. bidens and stbsp. leiostathya will often suell up and ;"{; disarticulatewhen placed in water. This reaction is due to the gelatinousnature of the ;;'; cellcontents ofthe bract tissueand the perianth. A simiiarreaction has not beenobserved in anv other soecies. '(ul{l€c 'sr1r[) € surlt?a) ol so{rds 5qt jo bcuElqruosbr5rl} ol sraJolleqlrde cqrcedseq1 p. r?odd" op o,rl eqtt)&.!,)orso,l dsqrs o1 .dsq", aq 1ou luerrlpe si,,rotxoatolnl .diloitilT;l pL eseql SurlJeuuoc punoJ oq ,{ltlrq"u"^ eSuu elelduroc IIr,\\ Jo e ,{pn1ue,r.e1eq1 elqnqo:d sr ell lI Elsol eql Jo uorteluellleulo puE^peeseql edpqs Jqt ur pu? (,(uroq 1ou) d.recrred 'qlu"ueo Jo ,sJlrrll" le eql Jo oJnlxel aqt oqt Jo ;urqol pue JJnt\Jl eq] ur o:}"[orTrco.lepuoJs 8ur^.€q ur otrWDtt'oD!prrl. tiJtput dsqns Luorl eltp DDD:nl dsqns o,tlput DDrDSoloH 'DtolnuD6rad OS qlr,{ flqtssod pop,nrya! .g jo _ H sorceds-qns:oq1o eq1 UE qlr,u drqsuou?lol olrJ] slr p[e1s-lopulL-01pe]rnbel st eBu€Jeloq,$ Er Je^o pleu JoqlrnJ 'dsqns {loa - :sirueS -u 11q D oln[ H s? xelduroo snJl Jo suourceds pegr]uepr e,teq eql -D!pu! ,sr 1 ,pe11urr,tr e) ur lBnsn sr sE rureds ed pus odJqrueeql punoJe,{losolc lg lou seop lr 1eq1 .allr^su,rol sI Etsol eql tBrll ldocxe l€urJou aq o1 s:eedde peas elnl€ur eqJ l" leg I"pp I"luozrJoq lsourllT uB qlr,r pe.reduroJ,(qreq 1e trgpnur erll Jo uort"ullcur elqeocrlou € ol tu( ,{Fuepr^eenp sr 1€ql ocueJoJrpu'DlDlnlrDtS.tad'H pon nlpa!.dss q}r,\ pexrrulelur Bur^\oJB sel punoJ sr lr ellr,\su,roJ l? lnq uotl"rJosse DtJ.tDSolDHet4l ut ouoz " s3rdnrf,o ^qleo 'nlput lculsrp lr lui \v l1 qU.r seorS?:1 (sllrc pouolJrql rllesrls 8ur.{1:apuneql pue slai uo Ilelus Jo,Je^e,roH epesrl€dJo ,rol el8uts eq1ure r) ,{uro1"u" e^rlela8oaur seroedso,$t eql uee^\icl eq: ,dlelued ,qsej puq,,{q ? sI lu?ld eql l"ql s1se33nssrql (selcrll€ Jo edr,;qspue ornlxel '3 .H .d,ss Jo .H J-o uorlBluarrleuJo pul] etnlxol ur a) oplnuo.tBtad pue octput nlpul uea$pg sdI fSoloqdJolu ur olerpeurJolutele su€8lo slr eulos .o:t4tu1.11Jo orll olur Jo,uox"l ]usrJ"^ lecol ,'(lqlldoJJedLursop"JB lr suotlenlrsqloq ur lnq lcurlslpr Sureq;oecueleeAau-eqj suq 'JoqtnE 'ollr^su,roJ l! :(c er{l ^q po^.rosqouoeq s€q:lr s.leq,r l" pu? fq.lao .ol|^su,\\oJ 'pu€Jsl ',{qraq lv lD pu"- eroot\ uleq"lo rrg uo JEeu,e.t ,(D)1fa1.11 rllr^\ s" se) ololnuo.t8 -Jad 11att H Jo sluer.r€,\]ElsBoc Iecrdoll oql Jo euo qlr,r uorl?rcoss€ur 8ut,ro.r8 uooq a^eq ol u,{\ou1 eJe pelpnls suort3olloc erll eelql uo!"nlrs u€ sardncco_{I1ensn pue 'H Jo l"pruelur serceds-qnsDryat aseqtJo leqlo Jo euo qtr^\ pleg eql ut pelercoss?dpueurur6pe:d ir .3urrn1d1nrs 1t :,4SolorldJourpu" lrqeq ur flqutoprsuoJ ser.r?,\]u"ld srql electod qjt,r 'dJcJrJed lile; paes^JelncJrc-qnsr Sur,ruqur prr" utgl " 8ut^"q ur ,pesodxeslellm.rJ put sJe,rog eq1 Sutauq ur qloq _ruo{ stoJrp qcq,{\ lnq seroeds-qnsessql Jo qc"e o} J"Juurs sr rlcrq,r lu"ld " punoJ osp -,{ltuenber3st'rncao ptLlJDlsolrl .dsqns jeordoli 'dsqns Jo lusu"A lels"oJ eqj io Dryu! Dtpul H Jeqtrcejeq,r suor8e: ur Etl?Jtsnv Jo 1sr7oJlBcrdoJl eqt punoJy- :(Hruadr98 lDtfuaH sJ'srrored:(Hruad)6lrr",,"rr",.,',"0*)),it^lr{:":1f';lr:;tfl:i}:# ',{qroq .r" g-gOOlLItlntuau)S 7 reeu :(HldAd) €tqft r1o{aldtltag ) V.rueqpr,{7,\ ,o,plroJl*.t*j) 'uoluu,oJ etll^su.tot:.'rr1') aDnDt\t,rr 'rru,,rpt rs :(,rsN)zrlll*n!,]j);V.11^3" {;tt;};;;t'!3 '6 d?t\l "rT"rlsnv l?Jrdort FtseoJ :uounqlurlT 'scrdorl ur sWA IEprI :tDtlqDH 'uorlslusut?uJo ,uuedsued el€[ucr]oJlur",J rltl^\ puE o[JqruoSurpunolns 'popluu,tt 'snoeutru?lls ,(1asool -{ll?ln3ol.lr "tsel :teleru?rp urur g.1 rc ,leJncJrJ-qns ',roleq 'xed? lraas snou"lqueru ]" snoeJelsnJc dl"Jued :selluq o,\\l olur Buqzjrdei ',{q1rd I"JetEI ,{1pn1ue,re pu" uug rllu€uod :slsl}ln{ SulSlnq qq,\\ rllo3rcnre ayjds 8r.uralj. r8urddel 'J"Jet"lloc 'Z -lo^.o :lou soqol rllu"ued :Jl"q ur :lc"Jq Jeddn o:l Jeqlo 'o.rrtue 'Jl€JUnll lEnrrxold luoJeqpe lnq qcee lr]o4 eeJJ sJred-1cerq:iJlJLu"rp ulru g ,Buol ruJ g _sfiJrol!-el"JIrJo 'peqoJ ,releurerpi Z I"cupurT,(c frytds' ,,(punlq pu" ,{lpoqs sur8rzur ruLu ,Suoj .l"ruueted i-7 rrlrrl 0I-? lpcupurl^c ,{J,roJJ€u seJcrUB: Jepueq spll,paotg luaquncec .() ,SNVJ :osr ,HJUgd :oloq) '9161 '(g,t€"gzl ,S,l.l S)\VLI ltruawds /1 [111t'erlsrtsnvuJetseA "tI) ,{q]ag rzelq ;ad,t; 'elelnaDoJrelr^el 'eeuruejls : urErpLLrul .ec,etelnrjrr-qns,rars .uneceu€Jqlueru ,elset t I .Lunsollnpetu snstaluls?q urneJelsnD_Luacrd? pe unldJeclrecl:suepecas llellr8us ouEld ur wnlqluErjad: ssturol5n:5 sdtaD4:lpntl)DtdS eerSelur'a€teounrj oEelJerq :rperErpurlfr ,ojeqol 'Luprp ,rrlds, olprlrJe osnlqoeui8:eur LLTLLTI Z'r8uol rullr 0l t'ra]erpoti,(Jlsn3ue llnrlrrr, solrre:8tlnruej lsuequrncep sraaar;i '€9'29 .,rou.dsqns ,uoslrl& .d .pgX 3!J C €ocBtnldsqns lsosJrlA'C aBorurorrlesrrrrr|lsnV In€d Nuylsia Vol. 3 (l) 1980

5. SarcocorniaA' J. Scott tl A. J. Scott,Bot. J. Linn.Soc.75: 366 (19?8) S ,Sal'colrrasubgenus Arthrccnemoides Ung.-Sternb., Ver-such ciner Systenlalik der Salicornicen5'1 (1866). l( Lectotlpe:Salicotnia ftrrlicrrd (L.) L., fideA J Scott,l.c. c Salicot]liasect. Pcrcrr?r Duval-Jouve, Bull. Soc Bot France170 (1868), nv' Moss,J. Bot British& s Foreign49:178(1911).Lectot.rpe: Salircrnia per?/?t?/J Miller,fideA J Scott,l.c h ArtllrocfiemumsubEen. Gtmnanthamutn Moss, J.S Afr' Bot 20: 8 (1954) ir Soc S.Austra] 41;365 (1919);J. M Black,fl. [salicorniaavcl. non L. s.str-:J. M. Black,Trans. Rov. o S.Austral. ed.2,321 (1948);J. H. Willis,Handb. Pl. Victofia 2: 110(1972)l Beadle, Evans and Carolin, Fl. SydieyRe8. I8ll (1972).1 c a fAfthrocneftamauct. nor. Moq.s.str-: C. E. Moss,J.S. Afr. Bol 20: 1 (1954);H R. Tijlken,Bothdlia 9: 255(1967).1 I Decunbent to ereat pcrennia,lherbs or sub-shrub.toften rooting at the nodes. h- Jlorcscencea terminal spike-likethyrse consistingof 3-I2-flowered cymes sessilein the p axils of the bracts. Brqcts united in opposile pairs, :r shield shapedon outer surfacc. t( F/owersapparently enrbedded in the spongymesophyll of the succulentaxis, hernraphrodite c or unisexual by abortion (rarely plants dioecious), arranged vertical to spike axis, free a distally from bracts and from each otber, fused towards base. Periqfith succrlent, gamotepalous;apex (outer surface)truncate, exposeC, the orifice a short central vertical ilit; totis 3 or 4, two long laterallobes and a small semi-circularouter adaxiallobe (some- times also with a small simi-circular abaxial lobe). Stantens2" one on both the abaxial and adaxial side of pistil. Oynrl semi-circularto ovoid, succulent;style short; stigmas 2 (3), linear, papillose. Spr/reenlarging in fruit, the axis and bracts not disarticulating at rnaturity. FrLtiting perianth becoming dry and spongy; pericarp membranous, f fused to perianth and both eventuallyseparatilg fronr axis just above their base. Seed vertical, broadly ovate to orbicular; seedcoat membranousof two separatelayers, the testapapillose or with slender(sometimes hooked) hairs; embryo hippocrepiforrr,radicle incumbent,inferior ; perispermabsent. Type species: Sartocornia perennls (Miller) A. J. Scott (Sctliutrniaperennis Miller). About l6 speciesthroughout the world; three are native to Australia, two of wirich are endemic. Origin of name: Fron the Creek word sar-r,flesh, and the Latin word corru, horn, referring 3 to the succulentnature of the planls, the shape of the leaves,and with allusion to the s gents Salicornia (cf. the name Pachycornia). B The genus Sarcocorniq includes speciesrvhich were referred to Sqlicornia by Ungern- s Sternberg(1866, 1876), Volkens (1892), J. M. Black (1919),Ulbrich (1934),and by authors d of recentAustralian Statefloras. However, Moss (1954),T61ken (196?), and BalJ(1964) treated thesespecies as belonging to the genrs Arthroc eml.//7?,a rnove that was accompanled by a misinterpretationof both Standley's(1916) and Ulbrich's (1934) lectotypilication ; of that genus. This lectotypificationrelates back to Ungern-Sternberg'scritical assess- s ments of the genera within the Salicornieae. He recoglised that Moquin's orjginal L descriptionof Arthrocnernumencompassed species belonging to disparategenera and he A effectivelyexcluded all but three taxa, i.e. l. fruticosum var. nlocrostachyur (Moric.) T. Moq. ( , l. glaucum(Delile) Ungern-Sternb.),A. inditunt(Willd.) Moq., and A. arbtrsctrlq tr (R.Br.) Moq. (the last specieswith a query). P. Standley(l914) pointedout the conlusjon D rvhich existed in European floras over the use of the names Selicorniq and Artfuocneftum 2 and later (1916)lectotypilied the latter genus or1A. /niicosnn Inon (L.) Moq.l Moq t, (: A. glaut:utt). This lectotypificationwas acceptedby Ulbrich (1934). Unfortunately ar both Moss and Ttjlken apparently misunderstoodthe inteltion of the earlier authors and consideredthe typeto be A. fruticoslr?s.str., a movewhich ran counterto the intentions of Ungern-Sternberg,Standley, and Ulbrich (see also A. J. Scott, 1978). The genera a Salicorniq and Arthrccnenttunas previously understoodtogether contained fivs distinct 5 groupswhich are hererecognised as separategenera, the additionalones being Sarcocorniu, v Scle rost eg i o and H qlosqt ci u, f(

I epesqedur luJsoid llu3nb3.U sptoroltrs(peuelJlql ,{yle:tdssauttleruos lo) pouo{arql,{lLuroJ '8unof -ruo :ll,{qdoseu ,48uodsurg IJIqI eql ol enp ed€qsSururet3r uJUo sollrlJt Jeplo ueq,tr snoonllS saru,leulos'paqol ,{lelnc" pul .,{puoutruo.tdo1 flelnutLu '8uo[ uIuI gI g l3uI: 'pro^oqofl^\ol?u o1 solJrtr":Jepuols sr,/)LtD.tg .qfltqLu g.0 ol dn 'sopoueql1? ?JEU 'llrequnJep 1ecupur1,{o'Jo 'lDluLD.t)d SurlooJ uoq,\\ esoJrdseectrlluenbe.g lJoJe ol lueqttlnJeO suol slorl suetul:)edsueruopaleJ ,\\JN puE '(ig6l) -S 'ssol lpetrr ,{1arr putleaz^\eN eqt t 'epr"lepy ','{Is't\op \b96 talpnw ! uod:)ditoral ..(i(.Ioperu)roslr"[-t]od i(.t3llnt\.proJ srorl -uolg) aplslopV-lro

'rur EuoJrrv "qu.rars-:'un:(998I)'t.s s.,or\''qurers-'rn -.:nt'"t#i9:;i,tl'7;:"):.,';:t 6s ls{s eqt 'vz Blc (816r)89€ 3ut-r 'ltoJs '[ :E/ cos uurl f ]og I y (qu.rols-8unxo o8urrg)rrogenbulnb slurorof,rus rlrlrl

BuEI{rBIq'S Z pspurlor lioqs qtr^\ esollld",dpsas :s^\ol o^t ueuo eltl,{r Io s.rs.rolll"rtuo:) ,,2 ::] eroganbulnb'g 1 sdrl rrerll 1" EiJII po{ooq serurleuioss.lr"q eltsurLunf,".lopuels L[lL\\ pees :,\\o] elSulsur e!u,'(tJo sl3,\\oll U eql 'S 'eltrIp"J EsoqolS t qtooLlls esr,\\Jeqlo Je,\o el"lllcleqnl paas dlelnurr"upees :seuldc peJe,rou-[ ur sre,{\ou:sepoulp Sunoor lou'qnJqs-qns lco.lg xl (rr11tr.r 7, eu(r qrnout Surl ZI-g slo,\\og:sapou lu 8urlooJ uouo 1r:ruueredfpoo,n esolldseeJJo luoqlunco(I I SBUI l"rxl BluJoJoJrESJo \JrJJd\Jqt ol ta{ -e Lu( I"CI] ':lu3l '€rl€.rlsllv ur polueserderlou sr snue6srrlf e[3u€u1" odeqseql Sunuro; secrdu 'snon8rluoJ Jo 344 el€aunrl rreql pu" I".rluor eql ,roleq eJEsJe^\oll IEJet"l oql qcrq,t ur saur,{l ellp( ftullrxu (pere,rou-g,{1leu:ou) eq} Jo edpqseqt (t) pue :ecuoJsoJouutuE ur 3ur]?urlu.rol 'cc1r. lr"[d erl] Jo soqcu"rq eql Jo Il€ (Z) :sorJedslenuue ,{1uoSurutrruoc (t) :ur.,{llPdrcuud 3tll s.ro.ltrppu? DtL!.to)o).!DSo1 fSoloqdrour I".loU stt ur r?lrLUISsI D!u.tutltls snue8eql -uJ 'iJpolr JlLl 1P flul-rJE 'looJ elleq snortrtue^p"Ll1r,r trqEq tueqLunJop oqt pu1](erouI .1o 9) ellltu-'{Jt uI sr3.\ouJo.reqLunu 3ql eJE apalunJllus €ql sJeqorelllu"Il"Jlsnv .req]o uro.IJDtu.to,)o).tDs sel3aosuoo[uoJ Jo IIE 'Ee Jo 'ullo. o,r1 3q1qsrnSurlsrp ,tltprej qrrq,n slelJ"Jsqcl"uorllppv (l 3c) )Daturu!ps eql Jo 'uels lil sleqluouru?rlurlsny reqto eql ur tueserdlolr JclJtrll{f, r eqt Jo enssrlep"srled eql uI sprorolJspauelrrql ,{lJurrdsro urzld .reqlro3ur,l?t1 ut e^Ilcullslp eJEDtu.to)o).!t2s snLre? eq1Jo sleqluotu-,{SoloqdJotu o,rtl?la8s^. .rlaql uI luesqEueuoql3 pu" pedeqs-eoqsesroq sr ofJqure eql qclq,r ur pJos B 8ur^tq uI pue '(treua8 u"rT"Jlsnv reqlo ut euo) suourels ?9 ql o,'\\lSurAEq ur e^rlJurlsrposlE ere s.rol\oUeqJ luoso.ldoqol l"rx€p€ sttll st aDalalo) '(998 -l1rs orlt Jo snueSu"rlerlsnv leqto ou ur:(oqol l?rx"qe ll?urs ? eq oslu ^EuI oraql) eqol Ierx€p" Jelno J?lnJJrc-ruasll"Lus Ir pLruseqol (l"Je]"D IeJI o^ Jo JIEd " ,{q papunorrns sr ecurJoeqt qcrq,r ur qtuut:ed eql Jo xed" ell]]unJt eqt ,{q eJeuo8potelol oql Jo osotl} ruor; peqsrrrSurlsrpx1p€er aq ue) D!u,to)o).!nssnu33 oql Jo sJeqlualuucrl"rlsnv eqJ 'uoslrA\'D IL .?erurol]rlasuerlerlsnv In€d a-

j2 NuyrsiaVol, 3 (l) 1980 P. tissue. Spikes(l) 2-5 cm long, cylindricalor narrowiltgtowards the apexwhen in flower, 7. 4 5 mm diam. when in fruit; axillary cymules5-9 floweredin a singlerow, centralfloret (quadrate to) oblong or cuneate on outer face. Perianth (in fruit) ca. 2 mm high on outer s. face; adaxial lobe small, sernicircular, outside the lateral pair; abarial lobe minute, triangular to semi-circular,usoally within the lateral pair. Seedcircular, coveredwith s. short or slenderacute hairs, appressedor raised(sometimes uncinate), prominent around periphery, absent from the sides. the frequently lo Nomenclqtural Nolcs. The name Arthrocnemun heptiflortrnt Moss (1954) was publislred posthumouslywhich could acaountfor the confusionwith its earlierhomonym published Moss ex Fourcade in 1941, also after Moss's death. Moss (1954) stated that the H by "S. lo name A. heptifloruizwas a'nom. nov.'; in his synonymy he cited three names,viz. austrqlisSo1. ex Forst. Prodr. 88. 1786 (nomen nudum)i S. indica Hook. Handb. N.Z. pachystachyaBlack Fl. S. Austral. 2. 208 f.l. 1924.non Bunge D Fl. 233. 1864non. Willd. S. tr ex Ung.-Sternb.". Moss* died in 1930and the editors of his manuscriptwere evidently r.rnawaiethat Ulbrich (1934) had already provided a new name for S. pctdrystachyaBlack and that Bentham (1870) had validly published the name S. attstralis (.basedon Solander's 'nont. o' manuscript name). Moss, in calling his name a nov.', and in citing the type as Is. being the Forster specimenfrom ,lvas evidentlyintending a nomen novum for S. australis So1.ex Forst.f., though it is unclear why he felt this required a new name. There is the possibilitythat he was aware of Bentham's'5. qustruli;' and assumedit to E. be basedon an Australian plant. He was, therefore,providing a new name lbr the New Vt Zealand entity. In any case, the name A. hepti/lctrum (1954) is illegitimate being both 10 superfluous and a later homonym. Salic:orniapachystachya Black is distinct from the Zoaland species and is a nomenclatural synonym of Sarcocornia blackiqna. In T6 New Nt his paper Moss also cited specimerrsfrom Sottth and East Africa; these are referled by Tdlken (1967)to A. deatmbensTolken (: Sarcocot ia decumhens(Tolken) A. J. Scott). So of (1954) different The nane A. australasicumwas misappliedby Moss to atleasttwo W species. The New Zealandand New Caledonianspecimens cited belong to S. quinquefora 3t while the African specimensbelong to Sarcocorniq decumbens(Tolken) A. J. Scott (see Tdlken, 1967). The type of ,4. austrclasicutllwas statedby Moss to be a Robert Brown ltl specimenfrom the East lndies in herb. BM: the type is, bowever,a specimenof unknown b( collector in herb. P; the name has been transferred to Tecticorniq 4s T. austrulasirc (Moq.) in quite (see 1972). P. G. Wilson, a species diflerentfrorn thoseconsidered by Moss Wilson, IN Robert Brown applied the name Sali(:ornie intlica Wt1ld. 10 the speciesconsidered Ti here and his application was followed by both Richard and J. D. Hooker. Moquin (1849)recognised a misidentificationby Brorvn and consideredthat the latter's specimens hz (1853, probably belongedlo HalocnefiLtffioLtstrulusicLlm Moq. However, J. D. Hooker o{ (and 1860),who evidentlydiscussed the matter with Brorvn,adhered to a broad obviously th incorrect) concept of the species. Brown (1810)appears to have based his description of S. indica on material of Sarcocornid ? quinqueflorafrom Fowlers Bay, South Australia (cf. his Flora manuscriptat the British Museunr),but his cited distribution of the plant m encompassedspecimens or observationsof severaldiflerent species. ot iL th Key to subspecies It sp Plant decumbent (or shrubby): spikes slender; seed with slender often rurcinate la. subsp.quinqueflora of trichomes .... na Plant caespitose;spikes shortly cylindrical; seedwith short acutetrichomes ...... qu lb. subsp.tasmanica So Ol * The 1954paper by C. E. Moss was preDaredby his wife and by Prof. R. S. Adamson liom notes left by Moss after his death in 1930. Theseeditors addedto and alteled the original manuscript(including W, the synonymy citation); many qf the qonttadictory statementsevident irt this paper could have emanated Lo trom lhgselater additions. Nt '(Htu:ld) 118Itrrxnl,,l1 /T l Lro\.rtsLueJJo s urI 0t'Er'qrpeg,\\oN l(H1dfd) Z!t8 uotlt! r) d uo^.rBU.rrJ:(llldqd),)//irs, Z/61 rdv 6'{pg t.rrlls:(Hfdld).4.r'r.)-/ .) O t / 696t rdv 1Z Eroo^ lo ,'\\:(HIUld) 0Z!t .i.Dttlt.rxf ')'.cloH rlet :DttD)t\hvu.Dte,U (r\\sN) r./r,q\o g t J. tz6t u|f 0t st uosrD.d N :(,^'\sN)r.,lrt\o g t.t t76t uPf8pur/ st srapurH:lr\\SN) //./'r9to g t-L r-Z6turfIsl .untdeNS:Dlln.urn| qrtt)S

:s\\oJIoJ s" a.lr pe\r3sqo aJi.\\ spreJelJsll?rlls qJrq\\ u t'.tttLllnh -ilr?, s suaLlll:)tus r:r1r?p srql uo exEl lJere ol eputu uaaq sPq Jo JPJrLuotruP'suatu lEuorlrPpB lduellE ou luasard1c aroJJJJq] rJJdsurnrJuqreq pirJpJo ritrJoluruJq) ut \prJrJlJslL) 'srolrrrirLll erusse.rdeql elrllslroLLlep ol elqrssod uesq l( sEq rou Jaqlo qlr\\ !pl3J3lJSJerrds 'rJ^J,\\or{ '1ou eruJlq? Jo eJusseJd aql slelerJor flluetsrsuo] ot elqrssod uoeq s"rl ll JO'D.tol/)t1buttb S ot pJ.r.raJr.l,\\ou xJldLuol rq1 urqtr'r pcsruSoorr aq plnoqs salJedsouo uEql erou lrql lsetins plno,\\1l rrli?llsnV ur pe1e11i:-rrdsr uorlcntrs srqlJl sarcJdsJelnJrued r Jo lcird,{t se,rr ed,{1 raqlo Jo eLto (u 1u!)u)oi{/./F. repun pe}eeil sc.r qf,rq,\\) ,/r./.),)..),).irr-S Jo sirJcds u".uJV qlnos oq1 ur l"ql punoJ (1961) ucIlQ-L pu? (paloolJa^o ueeq c,rr:q,{rtu rieql l"rJelEur LUnuirqraq piup Sursn uJq.N q8noqllr,i) luJsrJd sprer3lJs.Io sed.{t qtoq eJa^\ peLrLuE\a 1ur1d ou u1 (l Af 3U cos) punoJ Jra.\\ sprJ.r.lrs piuelJrql flleltds ereq,r erJ1.,ilsnVqlnos LLlo{ pLrl?1?rl"llsnV urelsa^\ trlorJ suoLUrJodsJLrros ur ldJtxe peuelJrql -{FuJoJrun ua3q e.\rq ,{aql 'rere.roq '}uasard u3rlr\\ 'sprorelcs puq ot Jlqs ueeq u3Uo e.\rq puu pulrlrez \\cN ruorJ pLm satrls ur:rJ?.llsnVJI? LU()4 sueurJeLls peururlrxe e,\sq I elooJ -lo osoql uo Surilrr sun cq JaqlJq.r Jo suollD^Jcsqo u\\o slq LUoJ-lreqleq,\\ JpelJ lou sr tr eseJ srql lr ttlg t1.k)lf)itlluDth ur sprerelJs pap.lo:)J: (1.961) u.II9-L ';r'uruljer S lerrds se,\\Jq serJedsqJrq\\ ol IEoJJtou sr 1r uorsnJuoJ Jrurouo\1rl s ol 3ur$o tnq uJql uo pclueoruol (ts6l) ssohJ Purlroz ,\\eN uo4 eueJ,{lqeLunseJdqJrq.\\ I?uJlPLuur .sepreqJerlIullds. prproiiJ (zl6l) elooJ srilJo\\ Jo JeqLLrnuc,{q uo poluatuLuoruaJq sllq Luels cql Jo JnssD cp"srlpd Jqt ur sprJrJI)s Jo oruJsJJd Jqf sr,iorv lD)13oloqd.!oh'

.,,q,1,Nv .dn.or\oJe)rr :(,$sN)t,tn,,t.it:t .,1,., ...\uit';'1,i{,"i 1"li;"1}il'19,;ii,*i",ti,::,||- ',i,",,]i N rll)0r:(cv) ;rtl\tH 7 816rq..{ 6'uorr3qlr:(cv) 6fl ,,,,;tgJ)96t(1:{'Jt'&;i5")lj];;,

..sl;ur) :(oH) tz...)rpq.!,s J N ..i.'.N){rqrrnrr :(r:r,i,r)y.-/s ' y 1'81#].'lt1flt rJr'l}),'r,,,,,)

-s*er'rn\:(l'Hrd).t)s.t4otptnJrDuJ t.'rdurn-ur^\:(rr^,ur.*r,rrtili*,]"nl?'i,#'i;j,y,,,Y;l),,),

.1or'nrs:(r)*r).)tk)t t .ree,,e,rrprrD srrpq,uupH :(l)rs) 18rz,"r,l'i:'.ttl.!:#igi'i,'1,''),;,jd

'02 drt\.rruopol|J {eN pulr pul1ltreZ\\oN ur punoJ oslll :IlrlrrtsnV uJclsJllNlsir-qlnos ur puelur:uo'\rEurcJ sll Lllrou J"J !P ls?or lse'\\eql uo pull'Prl"rl -snv.lo slsrToJqlnos Puu l\1ri iqt pullo.rP sLrorlDnlrslclsroJ rllau Jo I"lsl]o") :uo!lnqt.tlsto

selllllrJol _ eu|l€r]lsa 3o 'irJtrpLrrur .{1tu:rnbr.rj Jru qJrq\\ sLlorJrlllls curles i1etr.repo11 .lollgng

'sJlq (clr?urJrnluauo) JlnrE J3puals qll\\ l.).)( ef,r.llelno uo elceunJ ()1 iuolqo leJo[+ll]rlueJ:11!upur[,{],{lnorruu'3uo1 ruJ g Z sr).i./S qSrq Lu 9.9 ot'sepou eqt tr Surloo.r lDtLul).t,tduaJe ot lueqLunlec I '.1 ssol^ luLtnI)1d,)qs t ':) l qlu.B \3 rePurlosr4n.i/rr7J s J I '69'll9'B ygg 3rg 'urogcnburnbdsqrrs 'u1

aPeru.roarJPSuerleJtsnv uorlr/\\'r) lnpd Nuytsia Vol. 3 (1) 1980

Tijlken (1967)noted that the abundanceof sclereidsin the palisadetissue was often relatedto the salinity of the soil; the greaterthe salinity the more numerousthe tracheids. I have not observedthis correlation in the Australian specieswhere relative abundance appearsto be determinedby geographyrather than ecology.

Tdlken (1967) recognisedthat S. quinque.floradid not occur in southern Africa, as had been stated by Mois (under S. cntstralis)and he described the African segment of the'australis' complex as a nelv species,Afihroc emum decunbens. Tolken compared A. tlecumbenswith both S. quinquefora and S. blachiQnaand stated that the latter two specieshad spiral sclereidswhereas in A. decumbensthey were uniformly thickened. As noted above,spiral sclereidsdo occur in a variant of S. quinquefora.but this variant bas not beenrecorded from near Adelaide,Melbourne, or Sydneyand sinceplants fron these areastend to be more slenderthan thosein wl.richspiral sclereidsoccur it is unlikely that such will be found. S. quinqueflorawas described from material that was collected near thesecities and it is thereforeplobable that none of the syntypespecimens have palisade tissuewith spirally thickenedsclereids.

Collectorshave sometimesindicated that specimenswere dioeciousand Black (1919) found S. quinqueflora to be functionally so, the male plants having ovaries which were sterileand smallerthan thoseof the femaleplant. A study of herbariummaterial suggests that the plants of some localities are dioeciouswith the mnle flowers as describedby Black and the female with small stanrinodes,holvever, in generalspecimens bear what appear to be hermaphroditeflowers. It is not clear how this sexualityis relatedto the piant's distribution or whether it is dependenton environmentalfactors. (For a general discussionon this phenomenonsee J. Heslop-Harrison,1957, 1972.) 'fhe Ecology. ecological conditions which generally operate in segregatingS. quinqueflota ald S. blaclcianqare not clear. Both specieswill grow in situationswhich are periodically inundated, wtth S. quinqueflora generally occurring where the water has zLsalt content roughly equivalentto or lessthan that ofthe seai S.trcocorniablackiana, when allopatric with the former species,often grows in areas which are drier for much of the year or are likely to have a higher salt conleni; it will also grow in salineloam which is very dry 1n the summer and here it adopts a bushy rather than decumbenthabit. Where the two speciesgrow together they tend to be virtually identical in gross morphology. It is interestingto note that in WesternAuslralia the variant of S. quinqueJlorawhich has spiral sclereidsis found growing in conditionswhere water stressis likely to be at timesextreme; this anatomical character may therefore be an advantageousadaptation to thesesituations.

Lb. subsp.tasmanica P. G. Wilson, subsp.nov. Fig. 33C, 72.

P/dr?/.rcaespitosa ad 20 cm alta; caulesgraciles dense aggregati; articuli pfoDinente labatj Spicae brevitercylindracede ca. l5 mm longae,lmm lal^e. PeriInthiumin fructo llrme spongioslrm,apicequadrato ca. 2 mm lato, Semencunr trichomatibusbrevibus acutis ornata,

Type: Bond Bay, Port Davey, Tasmania; rocks on sea edge subject to heavy spray at tin.res,14 March 1954,M. Dqvis 1306(holo: MEL 71455,iso: HO).

Plarl caespitoseor rvith a densecluster of slenderstems to 20 cm high arising from short horizontal stolons. Br4,cles slender.the ilqueoustissue collapsing with age and soon shed along with the outer tissues. ,'{rll(/er plominently lobed, 5 l0 mm long. Splkesshortly cylindrical ca. 15 mm long, 4 mm wide. Ftuitingperiazt.4 firmly spongy; apex quadrate,ca. 2 mm rvide. Secdorbicular, ca". I 3 nlm diameter,covered with short acutetrlchomes.

Habitat. Rocky coasts,usually in situations whele the plants are subject to sea-spray or to periodic inundation by the sea. 's0l1f aql uo llsrus tnq ,{Jcqdr:edeq1 punor" lueutuo:d eJ" qJlqr\\(sdll rteql 1" pepunot) s:rcq ut:ojtllrded 'elnutul Surpr:erdsrllr,r pa.ra^oJ"lsol 'l"lncJrJ seqo[ 3qt ulqlr,\\,{ll"nsn eqol 12rrs'r?lnJrJ-rtues lejelel'.ll3rtrs lerxpqe :soqol I?rel?l eqt Surddr:Iro.ro oqol I1]rxEp":oJp,J.rns rctno uo qarrl lrlru t lrJ (ln'r.rJLr) l1luD!.tad (xed") rceJrns retno uo psd"qs-e3pe,r lolog l"rluel 'srorl 'pele,\\ou l o,\u ur sleJoulsrluef, eqt qlr,r i(pucnba:1 S selnlu,(c,{lEllrxe :lrn{ uI : 'Llr1?rp 'l"lupurl-,{J'8uol urur g "J ruJ E Z srllr/S sp]3Jelcspeuo{crqt ,{llellds sno]aurru q1r,r enssr:lep"sIt"d :lJ,{qdosctu{3uods -,tjp erll ol errp cdtqs 3urul"lor pu" lualstsrcd 'leJuputT,{J '6uo1 I qlterls-Jtol :peqol ,{nloqs.,{ro,rxade ot pto^oqo '{1.nor.tuu orLu0l ol t 'sepou 'q8!q ,!'a1r?lrf te Surtool ([luenbe].] tu 8.0 07'lDtuaa.t,)tlluaqulcep Jo lJaja patrruell .ods uurllrtsnV'S 'etd f 01 sB d (lE6l) BI :0Z loB 4V S t'ssol,{ :?ordr(lolrelnsues (tt6l) ssot\luou r.rln uul.n{ttd)4 yl 'JAoqBuo posBq'(eluEu snorUJadns) 'Failr !61 'S 'epr.rloJ Luou(it6l) 9l I :02 ou rrJelJ 4V ^rns log xe ssaw unroltlh\ ut)ixDa)o.ltlt.tl/

-CV 'SleuelC're^IU ''Ll(1.t1tr1 (IASN :osri :otoq)yDM n f'0Z6I uPl 0Z e8uolrmDtE

-FuI) uou sallr Luou(lz6l) z l'8 :St Iellsnv S ros {od sunrl')r.lg ^ , ,nrrorrrl'}}}!,'i,,jt;; 'lluerd -poorrnsuo paseqlt[6])ZlS:rgl Z pe Lue]uezueudteN tcrolliu3 ur ,l.t.rqln ,rr, tl"rl,fo,r.,"r::; 'It '01.'E-crte : '31-{ (8161) :9/ JoS uur-I 'uoJS (Llruqln) EUEpIJEIqElurororrEs 'Z I 69t f tog f V s c L 'uorleturguocseJrnbor proJcr e eql os llrrJ ur lou sr lllrolcJ^ ]UJ}JJD)lLLoLusat dsqns Jo pollr uorlJeJlo] -,{rellToseql c 'xeldwoc .Ig l r:t.oltattburr, S, orll roJ sr s" peuelJlqt ,'(luo^eoJe,r ,{oql :(ozti, t\ 'L ll?nsn sqDDf 7) uelurcodsouo rII pe\JesqortJJq J\cLl onsstlapvst;ed oql ut spreralJs 1) '1uer roqBrqeq1 e,\Jesepol .rorltoqr"e tuo{ -,{lluerJurlsJegrp o1 :uaddl stueld o,nl eqt Jo sJaqLu3uIBcrd,{} '1cej 'q8noq1le'serJeds lr ur u"ql JoLI]BJlorc€dsqns Jo Iu€l oql pesn e^eq J uoxlrl Jeqlo e ro ouo ol Surlm{-uou Suruglss"oI [llnJUIp erll osneoeg elqlssod sI J"r.releu Jo lou ]l uorlrcllrluepr FJo^rnbeun os lrn{ ssessodlou op escq] 1nq sarcodsqnso,rl aql uaer\\l3q ,{ ,,{3o1oqd-roLusso.r3 ur elerpelu.relureq o1 rreddt qJtq'{\pelJelJoJ ueoq o^"q suolurJeds S J. 'f1e1r1unsruees -,{lqrqrssod JJlll]l srll rlSnoqlle'lueuuorT^ue eql ,{q pecuongutst 'sed,{l (r (aderlsqllrerJod pur) runluaruupurpeos arll .Ior{laq,\\Jo sprJq,,tqeJe lue]eJlp spees 'slu"ld Jo 8ur^eq qJns Jeq:laqrrr"elf, tou sr 1[ eJueJse]ouureuo eql ur pul]oJ ueaqscq sed,{l pees .{louB^ E sosureLlros ur rlSnoqtle 'so'riollJr.r}pelooq J3puolsqtrA\ speasssessod Jo et ot punoJ ueeq .'(ll?l'lsne^uq ur 'saroedsqnsroll"l srql yo suerurredspuz oto/anb 1rn.U Jr .11 -rr,r, dsqns se pesruSooe:ijerl sI r.ltrILl,'\\lu"ld lueqruntep .Ia?J"l " llll\\ 8uol" pelcelloJ ueoq ueuo sug D)tuDLasDlserf,edsqns erJf seuoqJlll 3lnc" :uorls rJlrr\ speese^€q ()1 ]1 'lruj '3^pq el punoJ uooq s-'{".,([e ur (poqs uoeq O^Eqsenssrt lJos eql qcrq,\\ruo.U) sluets Jr 'lo^€,\\oq s1 lapuelsLltr,r puB lrq"q srql qtr,n slutld "lu"ustJ uI :l]q?q slql ldopu suorlrnlts .roqloor plllor\\ JoqtcqMro (slsuoc,{IcoJ) peJJeJe.rdslr of,u3nuuraql o} orlp s, lr lelrq"q Jo o sercedsqnssrql ,{q psldopu ruloJ esolrdso?ccrlsrjelJ"JBqc eql req}eq,\\rpelJ lou sl lI P J( odEr:(rsl^l)LsqnDr',1'ou3q3,{:(IASN) Lzozkrotru "'r.','o.,r.ll1ll)nto(i;::l:i#'!{;ir:}-'iil''"i s1 8ur) 'LLrELl)rrr\\edal :(OH 'gNVJ) sttn] ' st €es)Eerg:('t3N) pulpt)t1g't881 'puetuododeJ lftl N 'l_t6l :(t SN) r'rhrQ J E't'Lt6t url €'ro^ru aqt,{tg:(iASN)srr,1?r6r J q.J 6'[e^c(I td:bluDutsitJ .(lz99t .7,uqlrB!\l aosuqol. llN :Dt.tot)t/l L\\SN) S V 's '17 dr11 lr:o1crr1Jo ls?ooqlnos eqr ,,(lqeqordpu" Eru"urseJ:uot lqu$tq ul

st .BcrurorrlESuprlerlsnV'uoslry't|C Jr1?d 76 NuytsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980

Habitat: Swampy or periodically waterlogged moderately saline soils, frequently in estuarine situations. For notes on ecology seeunder S. quinqueflora.

DistribLltiot!: Coastal areas of Tasmania, Victoria ald South Australia, in Western Aus- tralia coastalas far north as Shark Bay, and inland south-westernregion. Map 22. Victoria:Altond, Pott Pbillip Bay,H. I. Astott302 (.MEL); The Lakes Nat. Park,A. C. Beauglehole31'/ 48]' CornerInlet, Sandy Is., Sept.t952, C. -1.SAcncs (MEL). fd.rmd,'?/a:Ralphs Bay, F. H. LoneI36 (HO); MuddyPlains, L. Rodway660 (HO). SouthAusttalia: 9 km S of CapeBanks, 25 Feb.1945, J. B. Cleland(,AD); 3 km N of Eiliston,Hi. Eithler 191'18(AD); Goolwa,25 Aug. 1970, -a. lJ.,lr/)/r'(AD). WestetnAustralia: Middle DoubtfulIs., Apr. 1977,/. l66ot (PERTH);Garden Is., T. E. tl. Atlin 616 (PERTH);Kins GeorgeSound, R. Brorr (3080)(K); N of StirlingRange, Oct. 1867,F. Mueller(MEL): 2 km NW of Pt. Charles,Fitzgerald River, -K. Ncl'b.,J, 4030 (PERTH). NomanclaturalNoles. C. E. Moss (1954) cited the collection 'Black 8' frorn Glenelg, Sonth Anstlalia, as being the type of Salicornia pachyslachya and he listed this name as a synonyn of Arthrocnenunt heptflorttnt. A specimen in herb. AD, collected by J. M. Black on 20 January 1920at Glenelgprobably correspondsto this and has beenselected "sent as lectotype. It bearsa note in Black's handwriting to say that jt was to Paris as no. 3, 30/1/20"; the no. 8 referredto in Moss'spaper may be a copying error for a "3" on a specimenin herb. P. For additional notes on L heptiflorumFourcade (194l) and A. heptiflorunt Moss (1954) seeunder S. qtinquefloro. Morphological Notes, Sqrcocorniq blqckian.t is rather uniform in appearancethroughout its geographical range (but it becones slightly 1rore robust towards the north-western limit). The papillaeon the testaof the seedsprovide the clearestcharacter for distinguish- ing it fronr S. quinqueflora and, in fact, fronr other members of the genus. In Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia the papillaeare short and rounded, whereasi[ Western Australia, in addition to plants which exhibit this typical form, may be found those in which the papillae are slenderand tend towards the shape of the trichonresfound on the seed of S. tluinqueflora.

In all specimensexamined the palisadetissue had abLrndantspirally thickeled sclereids (fig. 3F) which, in materialfrom much of its range,are usefulin distinguishingthis species from S. quinqueflora (but see comnlent under the tatter). The central fforets of the cynrulesin S. blackiqneare frequentlyin two tiers although the flowers of the lower tier may be vestigial. Old spikesfrom which the llowers have fallen still bear an indication ofthe two tiers in the concavitiesoftheir axes. In the extremervestern limit of its range the single-tiercondition is normal.

3. Sarcocorniaglobosa P. G. Wilsor, sp. nov. Fig. 33F-K. Ftuticulusereclrs ad 20 cnl ahus. Atticuli abo.r'olC,eica. 5 ll]nr longi, apiceacuminato, nrargine integro; textlrra vallo sclereidisspifalibus nunerosis. lnflorescentiaelerminales, articulis sphaericis; cynulae contiguae, 3-f,orae. Peridnlhium 3'lobulr, lobo adaxiale parvo, hemisphaerico(lobo abaxiale absenti). S.,r??,sub orbiculare,ca. 2 lnlrl dial11.;lesta super mdicula ninute tuberculataaliter laevis. t I Type: One Mile Rocks Reserve,33'12'S, 119'46'E, 12 Nov. 1970,A. S. Georse 10502 (holo: PERTH).

Snall erect woody perennialto 20 cm high. ,1rti.1esobovoid, ca. 5 mm long, apex acuminate,margin entire,palisade tissue u,ith abundantslender spira-lly thickened sclereids. I Splkesterminal to branches,of one or two (rarely three)spherical articles ca. 6 mm diam- eter; bractswith outer facedeltoid axisslender, extending as prominent verticalpartitions ,E ; I betweenthe flowers; cymule 3-flowered,contiguous with that of oppositebract. Flouef"t ( hernlaphrodite(stamens lrot alwaysmaturing), vertical to spike a-xis,free from eachother and from bracts but united in prorimal half to radial partitions of axis; apex oblong in C outline (laterally compressed), surfirce curved, ca. 5 mm high, 3 nm tvjde. Perianth. I '9tg .oos .uur-I .?rurosrlps .ZT6T .A ,ourelC /l€ : It fuEtog f snuo8eql Jo ..{trlot€uEaql oq 'o8puqLueJ .9161 suopol,{lorrc Jo spooseqt H,;rt.:"J-, 'qrqef .IAtr,Ise,\ ,.-I .,lA .g 9 ,uriore3 tog eeo.Erpodouer{Jur ernl.nrls Je6.I st6t pue tilbief;3-:1 'uopuol .U !u^\org ueErar(lue^ oEInsuIle e€rpu€lloHee^oN aErolJ snworpold 0lgI '19€-g9t:€, .suerl .aE.ruro.rles -6T6[ .1,^l.f .)iJrt8 lErtsnv S'ros,{ol uerlErtsnvaq} Jo uorsr^elV 'uopuo-I .902_toz:S .0lgT ,rurq}uo6 srsuelleltsnverol{ ululo.rFs C 'pun'l .gsgt LunrelueldsrlBLLretsJS euoeqJ D I,qpl?Fv secusJaJeu

erll Jo ep"ru,toqt ,{pnts polr?lop pu" Buolorll roJ s1q"ql^..' puotxe ..,orl,r 'uoslll& .V I r. #ff5i A Auo^rg pue enpEuej,4{ lowStet\I ,{q pe;ederd ueeq e^€LIsuorlsllsnllr eqJ

BurllrruredroJ^oulsJ eqr ot pu?uorr"r"crerd rreqr olur rro,\\ lruer?c u".ff:f ;ffilf:l.i ot 'Ou1SJ '.{.rtsnpu1 y!LI FJrr?rB tuE I 1:J]J_quEJ 1uey43o uoisr,rrq iqt 1o Brer3 genl! Aq pJsr^JJdnsto pJJ"dJtd aJJ,r slld"JSoloqd edocso:crruuollcJle BuruuecseqJ sluoura8pol^rou{Jy

peleaqse,rurdle,rrsuelxo ueeq seq "ore errr qanoql ue^a punoJ u33q ,"u:#i;"'#: .uoLuuroJ fiiT?:J;,iaa.e,,iro11 uorlJalJoceelq:l erll;o euo) Surrelctyrl JuJu sJl"l-]lEs Jql lE puE lou sr 1r 'pu?lqnJrls ,uoos errqdurese ur pe{oolJe^ollrseo pue tueld lLerusE sr ir lnq suor1ce11oc,r!j oql ruo{ luer"ddu sr u"ql pseJdseprmerou flurelrec lsorul€ sr osoqofi otutotoibg 'qnlqs .S ,sopou JJ",rp lxale ue sr osoqolS egl 1z Burloor pue luoqtulcep seqJuBJq-ur€ru eql_e^eq serJodso,\\:l Jerllo eql sE3Jeq,\\JoJ ,ltqeq slr ur pelJeuer sr '!aN 'H_p\re 'q1r,t",(ueOruoc'uil€lrqeq perrege:d s11 o1o-ptuo.tBrar[a)nsolDH sc- seicids qcni .(.rJl?,\r_ur suorl"nlrs Joup-ur_ s^\oJA osoqolS S qsunou uJ^e ,{eq, suorlen}rs po88oFele,ti eutles go sercedsdpueurruoperd en otog[anbutnhg pie nuutpolq.s qtoq seereql6

eqluo{ puorxosprerorcs eseql :peue{crql ,{11errds e* u.'u;1;i1i1*i#;#;i,fiXtii; sul"luoc pue (snqo8 eql JoJ l€urJou sr s") ssoulcrqt sllec st enssrl epesrled l"ro,\es;o .tuesq" oqJ JJlno Jql. ul?qt-JJt.torlsqJn tu sr seqol l"Jel"J o,rl oq] Jo Jeuur oql pu€ ,tll"lol Dsogolit S ur sl (sJrJJdso,\11 JSJrll ur ll"rus sr t.lcrq,lr)eqol l"rx"q" erll teql ldeaxe oJol,[anbwnb 'S puE .e1r1no .DuDtlJDlq S ur puu.oJ Jsoql o:l utJoJ ur lelrtuts el" saqol qlurr.rod eq1 -JJqnl \lJsJ?osAluo sr qJtq,MpJJs slr ut puBIqEq IJoJJ\lt ut :liJtp ]t "tlplt\nv ut punoJ .selJrtre sarcedso,r:l leqto eq] uorC :1r1.rej1,{re1r1os {11ensn puej pirriiqOs sli fci inuei eql Jo srequletu reqlo ll" ruo{ perlsrn8uttsrp ,{ltp€ej eq teLu DsoqoF otuto)o).lDs uo"^t/14..D eAI Lu{ :(HMd) .V,(.A,9t -S,Zf.€€) lHlXEd) 9960t A,F]lral. Joa 1168It

'luoqunrc"o,tuque :u,rorq erecl no^ ,qroorusesr,rrerrlo er'per ra^o "trtoJ:jffi;,:i,lfi,."; 'snooJsu"rlc,{lurq1 .Eo,J"lncJrc-qns ,l"cr elsel iSuoy,ruul7 e^,dJ?Juedoj 'Llluerrrd'ol .u"ql lueriqpe-f1esoo1 paag tuJ.lJqppIlJsool pull teruJgl"q,ueruos drecued :srxr ilrds^luo:j (_dJeJr.rJd.luJ.lsrs.rad ur pJsolJuJ pees q1r,tt) Sutleredes ,{Jrpeer._{Buods pue ltp Llluol,tad 'esoLulld-qns 'ol"crTep -8a4rru ,Z s"ru8rls :luaJnlsu€.tl ,poll€^\ urql .iade 'll1?Lus tr.tn,t,6' So eJlueJ ur eJguo_:_luosqEeqol :seqoJ eql ,wlncrrc-ru-es 'l1eurs l"rx€q" l"Jel"l BurddeTJe^o eqol (1erxrpe)]addn :xed" q18uelrelrenb-euo roJ euo rouur e{1 ,xede Jo ,tq8r".rts {luzired;o',;uelncc"ns sprlrlt-o,lrt 3uol" Surpuetxe euo Jetno eql a ieqoy p.re1z1i peqolg 'uoslrA\'D :pJrtrroJrlESuetlptrstrV lnpd 78 NuytsiaVol. 3 O) 1980

Dumortier. B. C. J. 1827. Florula Belgica. Tournai. Fann, A. 1963. The fleshy cortex of articulated cheflopodiaceae. J. IndianBot' Soc 42at 3945' fahn. e, and Arzee, T. 1959. Vascularization of a iculated Chenopodiacaae and the nature of their deshvcortex, Amer. J. Bot.46:330-338. Heslop-Hafiison, J. 1957, The expedmental modification of sex explession in flowering plants. Biol. Rev.32:38-90. Hindmarsh. G. J. 1966. An embryological study of fve species of Bassia All (Chclopodiaceae)' Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 90: 274-289(1966). Hooker,J.D.1880,Chenopodiaceae.InG.BenthamandJ.D.Hooker,GeneraPlattarum3:63-66' London. Limaeus, C. 1753. SpetiesPlantarum. Stockholm. Mohabale,T. S. and Solanky,I. N. 1954. studiesin the Ch€nop-odiaceae.II Embryology ofArthroc- nemnmindicum Moq. Proc.Ind Acad.sci. 39 secl.Bt 212-222 Moss, C. E. 1954. Th; species of Arthlocnemum and Salicomia in Southern Africa' J'S' Afr' Bot' 2011-2. scott, A. J. 1978. Reinstatement and revision of salicomiaceae J. Agardh (). Bot. J. Lino. Soc. 75: 357-374. Standley, P. C. 1914. T\\e genus Arthromemum in Nofh America J. Washington Acad Sci 4: 398-399. -1976. Chenopodiaceae,in North American Flora 21: 1-93. New York. Tiilken, H. R. 1967. The speciesof Arthrocnemum and salicomia in southem Africa. Bothalia 9: 255,307. ulbrich. E. 1934. Chenopodiaceae. In A. Engler and K. Pmntl, Die Natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien ed. 2. l6c:379-584. Berlin. Ungern-sternberg, F. 1866. Venuch einer Systematik der Salicomieen Dorpat' 1876. SalicomiearumSvnopsis. Atti congx. Int. Bot. Firedze' 1814:259-343' volkens, G. 1892. Chenopodiaceae. In A. Engler and K. Plantl, Die Natirlichetr Pflanzenfamilien III- la:36-91. Berlitr. \villis.'""uird J, H. 1962. The botany of the Victorian Bxploring -Exp9-dllion(September 1860-June 1861) oi i.liJ-"o"fne""iJ rioin vicioriaduiv isetjNov"i.tuer'1862).I*oc. Rov soc victoda75: 7-268. wilson, P. G. 1972. A taxonomic revision of the gentrsTecticornia. Nuytsia 1 : 277-288'

Fisue fl. Pachyconia lriandn: A-lnqorcscenc€: B-L.S -ceolral hermaphrodiLe.flower;.C- L.s fruit; D-Triad of young flowers. lateral male, central hermaphrod'te; h. 1.5. perlantb apex-la-srele' U-Ur"ct, c-pe.ia"tn, distamen, e-style, f-. g-se€d ). From J. verschuer.2T Aug. 1971. gL.F'€r

i,,,,, r\(r\ --'l

') '(


,uoslr/A 6L aPoruroarlesuerleltsnv D lnpd 80 NuytsiaVol. 3 (1) 1980



D,vaa 1mm

Fjgure 72. Scleroslegia .tisafticulata: A-Inflorescence; B-Triad of flowers (a---{€ntral hermaphodite, b-lateral male); C-Seed: D-L.S. (radial) of fruirlet (c s(ele, d -seed, c thick pericarp. I upper bract, g-perianth, h-lower bract); E-L.S. of central flower (i-stele, j-fleshy ovary wall, k-ovu)e, i-upper bract, m-perienth, n style, o anther, p-lower bract). A-D from P. G. Wilson 8603; E from P. G. Wilson 8850. 19)-02916 'S8t6 ,olrptepnE.I ,u^\otg o8loao S V !!ro{ H ol f, :Ers€tuseJ t^l rllo{ ( ()1v (

!ir)/rz) i1 i-t)%o li ?a



i1\;r '\N l\,,'

l8 oeorurolrlrs u€rleltsrlv uoslti l) lned a

82 Nuytsia Vol. 3 (l) 1980

2 mrn


@ 1mm

Bre 78

Fignre 74. Sclerostegiatenuis: A:l.5. fruiting spike (a bract tissue,b secondarythickening, c-seed, d remainsof perianth, e pericarp, I secondarythickening of pericarp; B-Triad showing the enclosed anthersand stigmasemerging fronr central flower (abaxial view); C Terminal inflorescence:D-Apex of perianthwith emergingstigmas (be1ow, T.S. ofapex);E L.S.through fruiting sprke (g srele,h \tamrnal filament, i seed,j thickenedpericarp); F T.S. inmature lruiting spike (k {hlorenchyrna, I aqueous tissue,m-stele, n-staminal filament, o perianth, p ovary wall, q ovule). Fi A-F ftom M. A. Wilson34; G frornT. E. H. ApliD 2236. c. sh

FI '(l€nolelll .O p.up) €l l uolu,{S urotJ 'qruerrode)r.,,,\ou .r :(dr.cuode) rrnrr.s'l :,u..1,'Jffil;[1T,3:-,n1'n."'t"##:'11.r: s H 5'p""5-.1 '(,ror^ elclue Jo xedv C :sro^\ou e[€tu JErelelpue otrporqdluueq lei]ua. Iprxeqe)sre,rou ]o pet.rJ J :sroA\ouJospErl SurA\orlsLlauErq Jo uorlrod B :qalrBrqSuue.roll V:Dsolppau S2lsoralig 91 e.rnSrg ururI s Il J( p 'I


_uoslrlA aeerurorrl€suerlerlsllv 5 Inld NultsiaVol. I (1) 1980


I l lffiJ"Al'-- ffiw Figr]re 16. Tegicotniau ifora, male plant: A-Flowering branch; B Flower (abaxialview) with enlarged view of perianth lobes; C Apex of flower with exsertedanther; D Anlher; E-Flower, lateral view; F and C Anther in bud: H Stamenwilh pistillode(adaxial view); I Pistillode;J. T.S. ffower(a pistillode, b-staminal filament, c p€rianth). From P. G. Wilson11625.

Frgnre 11. Tegitornia unifora, female plant: A Flowcring branch (a*flowers); B Flower (abaxial view) with enlargedview of perianth lobes; C Flower dissectedto show ovule and lascular trace; D- Ovary wilh vestigial staminode 'a'j E Ovule; F and G Fruiting perianth showing tangential position ol seed;H-T.S. fruiting perianth showingnormal (radial) position of seed;I to K-Seed. From P. G. Wilson I1626. I &ffiffi

'uoslr/a eeoruroJrlesuDrlBrlsnv c lllcd a

NuylsiaVol.3 (1) 1980

r@ l' ,rw"

Fjgure 18. F1dlosdrciasp. x Tegicorniaanifora: A-Tetmin l (a united bracts, b liee bracts, c terminal solitary flower); B Triad with a central fertile flower and a pair of vestigialffowers; C Anther; D-Terminal bract adaxial view); E Triad with central hermaphroditeflower and laleral fen,ale flowe$ (abaxial view); (d stignas, e staminode, f abaxial perianth lobe); F-Central Jlower wilh seed'g'; G Seed.

F om G. Keighery,l8 Jan,1978. .D ,6r.61 ruo{ c pu' E :rr88uosr,/ d LLro,c pueJ :o^oJpe4lv t"f f.T$t^i";t:t*5:rttJ;*;t 'xed" 'ro^\ou :oruoJsgrogul-3 :!!nual dsqnssaptutuaurol2q olJ,tosolog '(tuotuelg 'oqol lerlueJ',(JE^o-a C 'qluellod-q 'slaErq lBuruels-e lerperu p E) ro^iog S..I O : eruerseJogul-J : DrDlnuat.a|dsqns.rproLuaDolDrl DtrrDsoloH (6qol leuur puB Ie 'rer\og lerperu laetq Jo uorlrsod Sur,roqs) ^\ar^ lElxeqe lErlurJ-g :oJuoJserouuI-V :laplowanoloq dsqnssaploaabolo| Dlrtosolog .6I ernBtJ :s

ur! uruz urur9.o s/6.s z ren


'uoslr^\ .O oeorurocrlesuerlErtsnv Jn€d 88 NuytsiaVol. 3 (!) 1980


B'9'76 j".", j .--l D

Figure 20, Halosarcia (a-flower); ftftb ata: A-Terminal inflorescence B-Cental fruitlet 'fefiDiJtalshowing seed exposed at tom base, abaxial view; C-The same, lateral tiew- Halosarcia chartacea: D inflorescence; E-Fruitlet, abaxial view; F-Fruitlet, medial longitudinal section (a-seed, b-base of staminal filament, c-perianth, d-pericarp).

A C from D. and J. Lowry, June 1969: D-F from P, G. Wilsor 7,146. 'tl6l 'reqoloo 'enp?uel^l V trAlruorC 'pees-C :pesodxesre.{\ou perrt rltr.r el.rue elrue{ :selarueolqreJ q8norq] Jo 'dsqns J :seaueasoroljul8uu€aq qruBra y :DlDlnuu8.tzd DtDlnu S.tadDt.tDsolDH lZ 'rn?tJ

tJVl"l ffi

ffi o

ruLUz l-.-..._......


'uoslriA eEeluroorlesu?ll"rtsnv C lned 90 Nultsia Vol. I (l) 1980

O.5 mm


@O smm iill N*

W\':#z \@ tNi-r*- a:

O slnln BiJ'78

Figote 22. Hcilosarciap,"r'granulata srbsp. pergftnulat.!: A Terninal infloresceDce;B FrLritlet,lateral view, showing seedexposed at torn baseof perianth; C-Fruitlet, abaxial view. Halosarciapergtunulata s[bsp. elongata: D Terminal in[lorescence;E-Frlritlet, abaxial view. H.llosarcid cloleiforfiis: F- Porlionofspike;C Fnliller,abarral rieu.

A C from P. G. Wilson,Nov. l9?8; D E from J. Maconochie1032; F-C fro'n P. G. Wilson8310. '€Olt {eq.reN ) Luo{ j C:8ti9 uoslriA D d Luo{ I V 'qluEled Jo esEqurot te pasodxepees 3ur^\oqs'^\er^ lerelel'teltrnrl I :^lar^ 'lollrnrC_f :ecuecsorouur :Dru)dsopldalpDrpcolDH '^\at^ 'loltll1rC-J :(alfts luo.+ Isurturel'tellrnjC C[ tuo4 Burpn.rlordprEq E) .rer^ lerat€l { :eouaosarogurleurttl.rol-V :taltl Dn)asolDq tZ arrStJ

e/-, ,9-

\y/., F '" ' "ttt'

oeelurorrlBSuerprlsnv'uoslr/'D lned a

NuytsiaVol.3 (1) la80 ""',"l

.1afi*-o W E.978 .l;; .

2mm I p Frgure 24. Halosartia ptertgo.\petmdsLjbsp. denticulata: A-Terininal inflorescence;B Central flower, I front view. Habs.ltcilt fontinalis: C Terminal inflorescence;D Fruitlet, laterai view; E Fruillet, d front view. Halosarciu flahellifarmrrr F Terminal inflotescence;G T.S. spike to show fan-shaped bracts:rnd oppositelriads ol flowers(a bract, b perianth,c-pericarp, d seed). H Cenlralfloret, apex. A and B lfom T. E. H. Aplin, BellefinProng; C to E fronr D. E. Synon 9302;F-H from R. Chinnock 3364. 'EtglI uosluA t duroJ] I-C:tS xo3lrl^ C Luo4g_C:8lS0J uoslr/A C druo4J_V .epourtuets-p ,-,._^ fMq\.lpllEqp)slrlrnrl to pEHI I:peas H:ocuocserouurJeuluual C :(sl3etq-o rl^rs rr rl^t< popnlJurbur^ olls rr,'!1oB .dsqns .slellrruJ 'dsqtls S.--l J:psnl)u! Dpolrotdalop)Dsolrll olereclesg Py:__CI:.DpDlroiat DpDt2ofialDnlnvpH lottlle q.:1.i1s-e1 51rds:uujtog g! 3:1orecfret-.9i preq-J) slollruJ Jo lloq^\ q8nolql S-I g :tsLrLJuerqBuqrnJC-V :piutdtba or:itfol6q arn8rg ffi'ffi ,tSf*;.-h-'v _us,e r 't\ W l1(,' "\---z 'tt'%t murgo



.uoslrld .c seolurocrJesuEllDrlsnv Ined 94

bre'78 c


-Central Fie.tr:e 26. Halosarcia peltata: A-'ferminal inflorescence; B flowen, apex; C-L S through vo"ungfiuit (i-u.o"rs, li- perianth,c-sryle, d staminal filament)' From H, G. Baker. I-ake Annean. .ll.6l .8nV .,{r^\o1 ,torl.leljBd.I .D tt C uro{ C_q:116I ,{€l^l €I t[ro4 J_V 'srxEorrds f rrerqro$or | .rueluEIU 'lelrrnrJ reurLUEr\q.rr€rq rrddn-i).,r".,0 ",u, Ll',tji,j*jl,t"f"liiJ:jr";' 'urrJoslrrd...J..:''lrrl\ Ielyeqe lelurJ I :rrurc\oroUutleuturroL q :n"ouiia ottro,ot"ni!1.d.ieri.r:d j puEo{rqluo qI$ pors o.el(ls p'laprq lraol_J.trElq ioOan qt ,i.t_.) qluelred ,]arou ro|l1n111o :t.rqol Ieretel-e).rer^ lerx€qe lPl]uoJ-g :e3u6Jsetouul V :on1nJtn6 btitisololq ,17 aindrj

ruur9.0 ffi NW-}


.uoslrla .c eeorurocrlesuerlErlsnv Ined 96 NuytsiaVol. 3 (1) 1980



:!eb! rE { -- oi

g€ u E5-


;6E 9 PR os .

s*E i E^o s.t E .si.s \=/\

ol n (a

lJi7: (r)-oz9t6

'016I'inv fI',{llEaulro> J ) uro4 D ()1A:6t9TI uoslr^\'D.d rrro4C ol V '(elels-J'eln^o e laerq p 'drscued . 'ueLuels-q 'qlueued E) .r0^\og 'poqaEtle ,e){tds 's5qol S'1... D sre,{\ogl?lalEJ Jo uortrod rllt,u re.'!\oglr.rtn6J J E :od.tDrutsD! osoloq Jo uor]prr.rqLur\\olls o] qtuprr:dlo xedv C :so)lds8ur.re^\ou qtr^\ qruprq elureC J :sro^\ogJo spElrlrllsodclo rqr,^1olls o1 \\oloqLuorJ olarue olr]lac-a:trn.u s-I y:Dlbl pu Lllr.tosolpH.6z67n3rJ uug o gL 6)q

uu ririir\9.o

.D L6 oeriu.roirlESuErlE.ltsnV'uoslri lnDd a

98 Nu)(siaVol. I (t) lq80


F B E h

FiEDre 30. Halosarcia bulbosa: A Vegetarivebmnch; B Flowering bnnch; C-Spike; D--Triad of flowers; E L.S- flower; F Sranrenand ovary;.G-Ovary, H-Sti;mara; I-Fruiting lpike; .f i.S. Fruiting^spike;K-Fruitlet from above;L-Fruiilel from siil!; M-Fiuitlet apex;N U"rriile;o Seecl; P-L.S. fruitlet within bracts (a-pericarp, b starrinal filanteni, c perianth, ti loxel bract.j' A-H fiom M. Denrarzs.n. (cult.); J p from p. G. Wilson 11702. '(re^rd 'uoslrlA .X uD^\S)8a6I qrJ D d uro{ J pue a:t0g plaguerJ rro{ O ol V '(Peos rl 'luoluelg-leururels-3'drerrlrd 'qlueuod prEq J .{8uods-o) lol}!n{ S.I g :ecuocsorogurIrurLuJeJ-g :lu-aplq osqnsDrlput Dt DsolDH '^ et^ sle/ oU peul-( :paas :aruo.sotouur 'qlupDrd 'stJelq lerxeqe Jo ) lEurtura.L-g :(^rE^o p J q ,uetuEts-e) r0^\ogq8norqt .S..I,y :Dwoq) tua blrrosdlrli. .I€ ern8rg ez,eq

'{ I )))l @"

66 eearurocrlpsuerleJlsllv'uoslrd|C lnrd 100 NuytsiaVol. 3 0) 1980


Fr qL " tn r.t ,.9r Figljxe 32, Halosatci4 cupulifonnis:A-Terminal inflorescence;B-Spike; C Triad of flowers, abaxial K view; D-Seed and pericarp; E-L.S. through spike to show developingseed. C From P. K. Latz 518 (resuscitatedspecimen). '2090I 'sllrn3 oSJoeC S V uro{ I ol C :€16ZDeuuog N g ruo{ g pue e :/96I q.ret\t ,{ l ruo{ )

:o.fiqug r:poos I:roaiogJoalor^oprsH:roaiogJoxodv-c:ec"""."r#ii$.Xt);iP;i;:1tr;.'4 '(po.s-p 'dre3ued-. 'suour€ls-q 'qlu€lrod €) olrds Sultrn{ q8norgt 'S :oauaasorouur uoltjod-O :ouDl1)Dlq olu,toJo)llrs 'pe.S :Dzuoasot dsqns uoulanbtqb a-_a Jo J .€[ Dlu)o1o)ros ro^\og Jo xedv g :aruarserouur Jo uollrod V :otolfanb lnb ota.lozo DS eJnErJ

ffi\_--z 6, N@ uuz



'uoslrl^ .c oeerurocrt€suerlErlsnv Jned NuytsiaVol. 3 (1) 1980

Figr]re 34. Sclerostegiddisarticulata: SEM[pholo of seedx 108. V. Semeniuk,19Aug. 1976. '9161 't€ q.C 8Z'uDqred f Z0I xpeosJo otoqd INES,:DliDsnqD DtSrlsorrlrs orn8rl

'!uoslr/A eeerurorrl€Su€rlerlsnv C Ined NLrytsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980

Fig]ure36, Tegicornia/./rr,{or?. SEM photo ofseed x 76, '01? . x 9€ 8rC Jo Irelo(I :brogllut o!ab)!3al Lt.,ftBrg

'uoslrjl eperuroarlEsuerlerlsnv C Ined Nuytsiavol. 3 0) 1980

Flgure 38. Halosarciahalocnemoicles: SEM photo olseed x 102. P. G. Wilson 8698,Alfred Cove. '0It x 8€ 8rC Jo lrete(l :saploaauroloqDDtosolDH 6f atn8rg

'iuoslrld.D oeerurocrlesuerlerlsnv In€d NuytsiaVol. 3 (1) 1980

FiEtJre40. Halosarciahalocnemoicles: SEM photo of seedx 128. P. G. wilson 8650,Jibberding. 'tltx0t ,ll 8rC Jo lreto(I : sapnaaDoloq bn,rosoloH eJntuC

'uoslrl .D rEerurocrlDsuellertsnv lned Nultsia Vol. 3 (1) 1980

Flenre 42. Halosarciapetgranulata: SEM photo of seedx 115. P. G Witson 10106' 'OL 'Rrl .w x Zt Jo ltel3q :btoltlu Snd oDrDsolDE aJn3rl

'uoslrld .C eEeruro.rlesuerlBrlsnv Jned NuytsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980

Fignre 44. Halosarcialepidosperma: sEM photo ofseed x 102. R. A. Saffrey6216. '9rZ '9b x tt 3rg lo lreleq :Da)adsopldaloD)DsolDH ernSrJ

tuoslrl cparurocrFsuerlerlsnv D lned Nuytsia Vol. 3 (l) 1980

Figve46- Halosar(iapterygosperma srbsp. pterygosperma: SEM photo ofseed x 104. N. Macfarlane852. '91, x 9t AH Jo lrell(f : oaradsoit.tai dsgrls otu.tadsdfuatd Di),tosolDH Ll artlSt]

luosJrlA eperurollles ucllertsny C Ined NultsiaVol. J (l) I980

Figtre 48. Halosarcra/.1/e/. 5Et nnoto of seedx 129. A. S. Ceorge 8650. ''Z€ x 8t'3rl Jo llelocl : 1aN m)iosoloH .6Uarrt?rf

.uosll .C eeorurocrleSu€rlerlsnv \ Ined Nuytsiavol. 3 (l) 1980

Figt]le 50. Ealosarciafabelliformis: SEM photo ofseedx 80. R. Chinnock 2984. '889x09 8rC Jo lrEtec : stu.tollllaqDb!D1."tDsolDJ.l I9 err.Rrl

Fignre 52, Halosarciapekata: SEM photo of seedx 135. F. Williams 2. '892€ ulldv H A J 80I x poesJo oloqd WAS :bsoultudDtrlDrolDg t9 etnBtg

'uoslr^A sparurorrlpsuerlulsnv D lned NuytsiaVol. I (l) 1980

Figure 54. Halosarciaauriculata: SEM photo of seedx 122. '\. C. Beauglehole48279. '8/€ '9q x t9 8rJ Jo IreloA :Delnrt.iiD Dpr\solrir ern8rJ

'uoslr^\ 'C 0lloltr.tocllESu€!lDrtsnv inDa NLr)tsiaVol. I (l) 1980

FiglJxe56. Halosarciau (lulata: SEM photo o[ seedx 128. P. G. wilson 8830. '829 uolSurjlg I g0I x poosJoolo qd Iy'IAS:parqbqr D, DsolDH .19 $nirg.

4uoslrl .D oeoruroJrlesu€rleJlsrlv ln"d NuyrsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980

Fignre 58. Halosartia cdf'plla/ar SEM photo of seedx I 28. P. G. Wilson 8939- '0lt x 8S 3r{ Jo lrcte(J:DtD.ttCtln DD)DsolDH .69 .'ntuJ

.uoslry'i\.D eEaruroarllrsuerle.rtsnv Ined Nuylsia Vol. 3 (l) 1980

FtEurc60. Halosarcialeptoclada: SEM photo of seedx l08 B.R Maslin 182 a

.EIII^ '/t6l '9l 'T9 -su^\ol qegtz'uoslrld D d x peesJo ologo hl3s . trlpr! osqns,r,rPal ol DSolDH e.rn8rC

'uoslry'A seersrocrl€surltrrlsnv c InEJ Nuytsiavol. 3 (l) 1980

Fiqute 62. Halosarciaindicasrbsp. jnlacea: SEM photo ofseed x 81. V. Semeniuk,18Sept. 1975,Derby. a

'Sot 'E9 x Z9 8rCJo Ir€pA:oazqn! dsqnsoztput DDlosolDH eJnStC

(uosJrlA eeolsJocrlEsuErlE4sny C lned NuytsiaVol. 3 (1) 1980

FiEDrc64. Tecticorniaaustftlasica: SEM photo of seedx 76. Kalkman, 8W6226, Merauke,New Guinea. 'SrZ x t9 8rj Jo lrrle c :DrlsDlb.ttsk,bta.lo!'lrrJ S9ern8rC

'.uoslrl esoruroJrl?SuErlBrtsnv D Ined NuylsiaVol. 3 O) 1980

Figve 66. Halosatcia fontinalis: SEM photo of seedx 184, D. Symon 9302. a

'!f;t#"E& 'er,tg '196I ',(e1.1'uoq o{e.r uog l.1 J 8II x peosJo oloqd rrgs :D.]oLlinldDp.tDsq",

eesru_rorrlesserl"rlsnv uoslrlA c lnDJ NuytsiaVol. 3 (1) 1980

Fjgrte 68. Sarcocot ia quinqueforusr:tbsp. qainqaeflor.l: SEM photo of seedx 108 K. NQwbey3156' 'iZ€ '69 x 89 8rC Jo lrEloq: o{anburlb dsqnsDroL[anba b Dturo)o.rrs arnSrd

'uoslr?!\'|o oeeru.loJllesuellErlsnv Ined Nuytsia Vol. 3 (1) 1980

Fjgnre 70. Sarcocor ia blaclciana:SEM photo of seedx 108. K Newbey 4030. 'tZ€ 'Il x 0/ 8rC Jo lrelo(I :batuIcolq Dluna@l,S em8ld

'uoslt,{ oeerurocrl?Sueqerlsnv D Itltd NuytsiaVol. 3 (1) 1980

Filjj,le72. Sarcocotniaquinqueflora subsp, tasmanicd: SEM photo of seedx 102. J. S. Whinlay 422. + s fMotTTndnc €tc:Esol€ir elPlncTlresrp eT661so:aTrs

+ uradsoprdal "rrf,esoT€q I etrpueT4 Elujo.iqc€d

.uoslrla.o eeoruocllesuElle4snv In€d NuytsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980

satosarcia doleifolnis + Sclerosteqia arbuscula O s. aff. a;buscula a

o go


Sclelosteqia lenurs - s- noniliiolmis I ,!,. J"._,1. "i T T"i + sap-louoqcoTeq .dsqns sopioreu.o!eq €rrxEsoTeq

v. + r ?+ +\ _++ + t+ +'l '+ **+ \ ++l '+.+ + *i* ++ .1-.+ * +

I et€liqurt:eTcr"soTeq O llurorr6ar x €r.rpsoT€rl a €:oTrrun P-tu:o.r6a

eeerujoalps uBrleJlsnv,uosJlA|C In€d NuytsiaVol. 3 (1) 1980

Haloscarcia halocnenoides subsp. catenutata tr h. halocnemoides subsP. tongispicata t L ,t.

Halosarcia halocnemoides subsp. caudara + 11. halocn4oides subsp. tenuis a (0rF0a9r6

+ EuoiicT:1ua .H O p:oTtrrnTd .H a PsouTn:Id €-Fc:esoTPs

a a


V .rrEurluor .s + P6.€Ina .dsqns prrput .H a €cTpqT .dsqns errpur eTc:psoT€d

ruoslrl eeerurotrl€Su€rl€ltsnv C In"d NuytsiaVol. 3 (1) 1980

. .t3. to t taa a ta

salosarcra ly1ei I un^q.€4sotal .dsqns Eorpu-f .'l tr suapTq .dsqns EJrpur elripsoTpll

- !d:Ecu,{s .s I Efelna1ineer.i€soIPH

'uoslrl!\ '5 aearurosrlDsrr?rlPJlsnv In€d Nuytsiavol. 3 0) 1980


I ^9, I

odo o ' o!. R l

-- Map 15 _l___- -

Halosarcra pelglanuLala iubsp. pelglanulata O H. perglanulara subsp. queenslandica a 111 \ltl

Halosarcia pe.g.dnulata subsp. diva!icata O H. pelglanulata subsp. elongata a T"i"i"i "i O esnlcuT .dsqns Epel.oldaT .Il u epe1.oldal .dsqns epplrold€I elrresoles +---"+a-

i - i-^ -'=l-- f- l, rJ ii l.i i r. ' \i I \ .- --.f r\,. i

i t\ O €lelncrluap .dsqns lu:adso6irafd .{ r O Euredso6.{ie1d .dsqns tuf,odso6.{jo?d prorpsoTpq

t,/ \- )a t a o a,---,-- ' ------.-l . 1i..' ------il --- 1 ir I

'uoslr^a e€eruro.llEsuerJellsnv D In€d NuytsiaVol. 3 (1) 1980

lalosarcia nitida a ri- undutata O

scletostegiarealullosa a sa!coco!nia quinqueflo!a +

rto. O ectueusel .alsqns proTtanburnb .s u Esoqol6 pruf,ococr€s

.uoslrlA.C aeerurocrlBsuerrcIsnv Jned t52 NuytsiaVol. 3 (1) 1980

Note added in proof

The type species of Arthrocnemum is stated earlier in this artic,le tobe-4. Slaucum (Delile) Un-g.-Siernb. (1876); however, the epithel glaucum dates from 1876 since the iornbination- is based on Salicorniq slauca Dellle (1813), an illegitimate name being a later homonym ol S. glauca Stokesal8l2). Some recent authors (seerynonymy) ha\e therefore usid for thJ same species the name Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (M.oric.) C. Koch (1853) which is based on S. macrostachyaMoric. (1820); however, according to Index Kewensis (1895) an earlier synonym exists, viz. SQlicotnia mucron(ttq I ag. (1817), a name which hai nev6r been accepied bi botanists nor has it been transferred to Arthroc- nemum- rJngern-sternberg (1876j appe'arsto have been th€ first person to suggest the synonymy o{5. mucronati with .l. ftaucum atthough he ciid so with a ouery, which was underitandable sincethe description of the former specieswas based on vegetativematerial. Index Kewensis(1895) . provided the samesynonymy and Moss (l9ll) statedthat he.was following that work. Ii is likely that the later authors did likewise since, in each of those oaoers cited above in which the name Salicornia mucronqla is mentioned (except for that of-Ungern-sternberg), the page reference for the original publication is incorr€ctly given as 58 instead of 53. I am not transferdng Sqlicowit mucronatq to Arthrocnemum in view of the lack of evidence that any workeisince Ungern-Sternberg has looked into its correct applicatio-n. Until such a stuiy is undertaken ifwould appear desirable that th€ name applied to the species in question should be Arthroc emum macrostqchyum. The relevant synonymy is as follows: Arthrocnemum macrostachyum(Moric). C. Koch, Hortus dendrologicus 96 (1853);Zohary, Fl. Palaest. 1 :156 (1966); ftfri ei Rateeb, Ft. Libya 58: 51 (1978).-Salicorni(t mqcrostachya Moric., Flora Veneta 1: 2 (1820) n.v. A. fruticosum (L.) Moq. var. macrostachyum (Moric.) Moq., Chen. Mon. Enum. 112(1840). '! Salicornia glauca J. Stokes, Botanical Materia Medica l: 8 (1812), ron Arthrocnemum glaucum Ung-Sternb.. Salicorniavirgrrlca Forsskal, Flora aegyptiaco-arabica2 (1775.1 nom. illeg.non L. (1?53).- S. glauca Delile, Florae aegyptiacaeillustratio 49 (18t3) basedon preceding,nom. illeg. non Stokes(1812); Moss, J. Bot. Brit. & For. 49: 177 (1911). A. glaucumUng -Sternb., Atti Congr. Bot. Firenze 1874:283 (1876);Ball in Tutin et al., Fl Europ. l: 101 (1964); A. J. Scott, Bot. J. Linn. Soc.75: 370 (1977). 2 Salicornismucronata Lag., Mem. Pl. Barrilleras53 (1817);Lag. in G. A. de Herrera, Agricultura general1: 280 (1818)n.v. 'tzl '1.6 ( ) 01916 osl '8s 'slrla .5.d rleppun '16 '99 .sll!\ 'C Ltt d edrBJu,{s ,6t 'slr^A €tBFrquap .dsqns 'slr^d C d 6nt'brr'ab'sr C d Olcelg) elllredso8,{Ield grt'96'W .slr^\ .9.d esoulud .slrlA ttl'9€I'6€'rv 'slr^|C C.d rroglmld gtt d Brlpuelsuoanb.dsqns StI'€t 'slr^ €lBBuoIe.dsqn€ '9b 'slr^A C.d .dsqns '0I '068nr '68 '0t C.d el€rlrB^rp ItI I 'slrd\ .c ({celg) ElBlnuErSrad d 'sIlA .D.d 9nI'0zI't6't9,8€ Blatpd 09r .:tr4 .D; Ep]lru -1rA "i5 9nt'gtr'16'6V't6'Is 9.6 rolq\ ri^i rijrit 6tr 'sIA\ 'g asnlrul dsqns 'slrld.D.dd 6tI'8ZI'€6'0S,ZII,16,Lb '9 €p€Iroldal WT €uredsopldel 'stl/ . :sll,^AI d .dsqns L'l,99'69 O d ( qlueg) B,{qrElsorol rtr'6zI 'sIlA €orBlnl.dsqns gnl 'slrlA C.d LtI '6zt66 '$ 19'n I d (seoN)suopJq dsqns sbl 's[l .C.d ( ptl]A0 Brlpu! 9€ 's|d\ .O.d slnual dsqns 'slrd|C.d qerldq8uol btr'18've' '9E dsqns vnr L8 'sI/ -D.d qElnuolrr dsqns 'slriA .D.d .dsqns '60r-90I. nnt'nt't8 'r€ el?pnBr €tI 96 'slrid (sooN)saprouaucol€q c d .sllld .c '6II svl'nf.I'a6'6t'8IT'26 '29 '9I J sllBulruoJ 9 .slrl srurroJlnaqeu '66 'r€ 'slriD.d .5 €tI 88 d Btslrquu ItI'09 'slrld .c EuoqJ!4ue '9n 'slrl\ .c a[ znr'I9 'slrlA d sluroJplop ItI'001'9Zr'88 C.d s[utoJllndnJ 9Vr 'r9 -slrd\ '9.d Earql€qr LZI'9ZI't6'29 .slrld qe4d,{lBJ '86'56'69 .slrl^D.d n I c.d EsoqFq tzl zzl 99 .slrla .c.d €t?lnclrn€ az EIJIESOIBH 0z Xelrc{ I I d (rg.d) Dpsrq@ ZI rllnureuJoJeH .g SI'8 - _.llenl^l an.rpuD!4 tI ^oJpuels(qsrred) el€urutrotqns n9 . \reslftel tunsoatud z9I b q.o) C ( rlroIAI) run^qc"tsol.1rur 6V I.EIS (elrql\ le tr€,l\a) rr1,q 99 uaslned g{rag) tun[q)D$olal 'DowI t9 tI l.p rt ) luDlPul IL .ssow Lutuol[ltdaq 9L .rJnol utltob[tdaq 8V \rel{ wnu)adso,{BtatdJ;^ 0t llaelg unlDquotSDd.rE^ rt'62 saaN saplouaulolDv 'tl '€T'8 'qurals- zsr 'fl 8un ( leq) runJnEIB tI . boln{ (.1) wnso U)! zz reupj€D V ) G]].ql\\ p ]jrer' g) l&osplDuop L9'99 'quJlts-Bvn anplot . 99 \taslned urn 4q2o I s[q)Drg L9 soeN ,rr./ap?q 99 uaslr]ed lluDt!tuaq €I .bow wtluDuaSuDpq IL ssol I \'ool ) anr|sDlD.ltsno vl .6ot{ (.rg.d) oprsnqD 8Z }]lxelg otuDds,tqluJ .t es . 8Z I.eIg Dru,tads o! a7 tlas OL ssoltl{ tan u aqtuouu t(D .ue8qns - 8Z ssow u ntuaqt uD lEaV va8qlr.s 0L'82'ZI uInueucoJLIIJV roere s,uDt! u,"",,,o" ,,..itx"ljffl.1y3;"::1,''i:*3y',:'.:1j1i,".tflgl1?"1';j":#1xfiii", :ifligilfi serrrENol \opul

€sI !uoslrila.5 eeorurocrlesuErlerlsnv lned (l) 1980 154 Nu)4sia Vol. 3

Halostachys 13 Pachycomia 12,13,16 a/rrrcrla (R.Br.) A. J. scott 20 robusta(F. Muell.) Baill. 16 ,drrr (Benth.) Black 22 trian&a (F. Muell.) Black 16,79,141 Salicornia 12,28,70 subgeo.A ft hro c ne mo i de s Ung.-Stemb 70 sect.Per?D??J Duval-Jouve. 10 arbuscula R.Bt , 20 austrulisBenth. 7l austrdlis Fotst.f , 7l ,rdeu (Nees) Benth. 67 blackiana Ulbticl\ 75 ciliolatum Bfige 66 donaldsonii Ewafi et W\ite 22 effopaea L. 15 ftuticosa (L.) L. 70 sla ca Delile 152 g/arca stokes 152 indica Willd. 63,71 leiostachla Benth, 66 lylei Ev,art et Whlte 49 macrostachyd lj{oric. 152 mucronata Lag. 152 pachystachyaung.-sremD. 75 pachystachya Black. 75 percttnis Mil.1. 10 a uinquefro r a v ng.'Stet nb. 7l rohwta F. M'dell. l6 tenuis Benth. 22 tiandra (F. Muell.) Druce l6 irginica Forskal 152 Sarcathtta t2 zrdica(Willd.) D. Jackson 63 Sarcocornia l3 blackiana (Ulbrich) A. J. Scott 5,75,101, 138, 151 slobosaP.G. Wils. '7076,101, l5o ;erennis (Mill.) A. J. scott quinqueflora(Ung.-Sternb.) A. J. Scott 5,10,71, 101, 136, l5o subsp.tasmanica P.G. Wils. 14,140,150 Sclerostegia 17 arbuscula(R.Br.) P. G. WiIs. 20,81,103,142 disarticulata P. G. Wils. 19,80, 102, 141 m€dulosaP. G. Wils. 24,83,142,150 monilifomris P. G. Wils. 22,81 tenuis(Benth.) P. G. Wils. 22,82,142 Tecticomia australasica(Moq.) P.G. wils. 53,132, 133 Tegicornia uniflora P.G. Wils. 7,25,84,104, 143

Publication dat€ of Yolume 2 Number 6 The publicationdate of Yolume 2 Number 6 was21 December1979.

Weste.n Aust.ali. 9i670/r/so-l M WllllAM C. BROWN, Gov€rnnent Printor,