

'urirJo uels pu€ r"IToJ olur uorsr^rp e lset8ns pFoc l"ql ql?oqs eql ur uorl"cr"rusp ,{l?punoq Jo I€rJol?ru 'ut{€.{) Jo ou sI eJeql l?ql luer?dd€ sr lI tcoJJoc sI aoIA Jo^aqclql6 (€96I segol "uts ol peanpor oJBse^"el eql l?ql pu€ xolroc enJl ? slueseJdeJql€eqs lualn$ns eql lEql paunss€ 'ue{leJ) sI 1r qclq,^Aut pasodord ueeq s"q eJnlcnJls e^rl"uJell€ uV (Lg6I ses"q Jeel ;o suorlrod I?u"q? luoJlnaop eql -,{qpepuno:rns srx€ ruels e;o dn epeu eq ol petunss€ ueaq .{11zreue3el"rl e€eproruJocrT?Soq} Jo crlsrlolr?J?qc s3qJusrq ol€lnJllJ" eyL :wals ,{SoloqdroN '(Z/6I uoslrlA) poqsllqnd ueeq ^p?orl€ se\I ou)oru)al snue8 eql uorsr,\er 'posr^eJ Jo v eJB"rJe.rlsny ur lusseJd Sureqs? pesruSoceJDJeueB xrs eql Jo e^g .radsdslql ul 'Bxel luenlrlsuoc JJor{l ^ueut osrsSocoJpu? €roue8 eql eleeullep ,{lJ"elc oloru ol 'sJerllo Jo 'se^rl"lussoJdeJ elqlssod uooq s"q lr Jo suerurcedspeup pooB pu€ atuosJo lEl.roleu pol{cld ro qse.ggo ,{11rge1e,r"eql qll,^A 'sercedspue ereue8 oq1 q}oq os"q o} q3lq,r uo 'uleql sJelr?J?gc oql o-lenp-,(pred pu" ol olq"lr"As ppq o^?q s}s[uouox€l eql luql Jo,{lrcned 'el?qop I"LrelEruJooo oql ol enp ,\ll.rBou00q sBq srqJ alqBloprsuoJJo esn€oeql uesq s"q ereue8 eql go uo4drrcsrunc:rc eq1 'e8€lqurass"elercsrp ? s? pesruSoceJ-,{lI?JeueB ueeq e^eq e€eploluloarl"S eql ellq,4A. ',{ynue; eleredes " se pel"erl ueeq ue,\o e^eq f,oql :.{lrru"J -qns Jo equl Jo slo^al oqt l? .{lrur"J eql Jo lso:r oqtr uo{ prler€dos flsnou€A ueeq e^?q sre,rou pecnper pue suels ,{qsJUqllu oee3erpodouoqJoql Jo s.requeu al€lncr ? egJ uollJnpoJlul srequraLuu*rlerlsnv-Brrxo eqr Jo ^ue ol ro ,r u.toooDg or ere^eqr""ot dt'3'{'j?,J'3fot#1],: FIesoJaoJoru eq ol Jeedde D!uo)!eal pue 'Dlu.to,fqlod 'nBatsoolJS 'Dlaba18al 'Dt,.lpsoloH eJeue8oqJ enssrlsnolu,{qauejolqc eql ur sproJolasSulJeJ ur pue .lo,{\ogqcee ur uoure}seuo rluo 3ur^"q rII (paieSo€aseJeq sr tr qcq,r wot!) unaaDotqu{ snuoSeqt ulo{ srdJrp pult sre^\og oFuroJlo elrporqdelureqreqlre seq (sercedsEZ gtlt{') op)psotog sro.rou .{lelrlos sEq pue snolceolp sr (sorJodseuo gtrt ) pluro?l8al otpoiqdeureq lErtueJ eqt pue aleur ere sle,{\ou oql q.rq.r ur selnuJ,{cpera,{\og-€ ,{JelJrxe ur poBueJ& sJo,{\ogJroqt} e^eq lero}el 'seteqd (selredso^g q]l,() oiSa$oDps pue (crd,tlououl s Wrq ) Dlu.toriqrad ereue8eql -srrloq ureqlnos puE sreqlou aql qloq uLpotnqLrlsrp .{topr/\ sr 'f DlulorD)os a.I'.J.{\ 'ue8 ltoJs V 'erl€rl ueaJo uerpul eql Suueproq ser.rlunocur punoJ sr',{ou slr^A C'dDl,)DsolDH -sn\/ ot.rurapue ore ^ou uo8 st!,^A Dtuin8al pnr?''Aou u.3 slrlA-C 'dD8alsoraps 'J'{ooIJ 'ereu63 C d nuor,(qlD{ eqt Jo eerqJ (eEoc?rpodoueqJ)aD2tarootlus eqrrl eq] ur ergueS o^U Jo se^ltElueserderuerlBrtsnv eql roJ pelueserdsl uolsl^or rJruouoxel V '(eeererpodouallJ)oeerurorrr*s Jo ser.a.rs u€rl'rlsnv ",{, J. ""o(,9g9tytt;i,il:,ltiftiil lJBINqY nrr€qrel{ uerlerlsnY ure}se \ 'D uoslrlA In"d ,{g (oeecelpodouaqJ)ouelurorll€S Jo sa.rrodsuellerlsny oql Jo uolsJAery 086l (I) t lo^ "rslInN 4 NuYtsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980 No detailed investigation of the anatomy has been undertaken in the present studJ; it is aooarent. houever,-that there are considerable differences in the morphology of the it"- d.t*."n'difl.rent members ofthe Salicornioideae. In all speciesthe young internodes have a central stele surrounded by a water tissue which consists of thin-walled parenchyma cells filled with a (usually) saline sap. Around the water lissue are one or more layers of chlorenchymor"ri pa[idde cells Covered by an epidermis. Th-e epidermis- conlains nLlmerousstomata wLich are easily visible with a hand lens; these always have their pores leaf trace arises on each side of the node; aliened transverselv to the stem axis. A single 'leaf' it aivides into three, the central branch passing upwards to\\ards the tip- while tbe lateral branches cuive downwards into the \\ater tissue below tbe node. Each trace branches repeatedly to form an anastornosing network in the-aqueous tissue, the degree of anastombsis vaiying between the different species. In all Australian genera.of the Salicornioideae the'decurrent branches fronr one leaf trace also anastomose with those of the oDposite trace so as to form a complete network around the stem; this union takes olace even ir Pachycornia tria dru wherc the chlorenchyma is absetrt in two opposlte iertical strips whichdelineate the apparent decurrent foliar tissue. The ultimate branches of the vascular network terminate either as simple vascular strands or as club-shaped clusters of tracheids (tracheoids) situated just beneath the chlorenchyma. The former is the case in Pachycornia, Sarcocornio, Scletostegia tenuis, ard Halosatcia indica, while ih" luttat occurs in Sclerostegis arbuscula, S- discttticulqta, Tegicornia and mosl species of Hqlosarciu. De Fraine (Dl2) stated that iL Salicorniq the vascular network arising from one leaf-trace does not anastomosewith that of the opposite leaf-trace, a situation which is contrary to that observed in Australian members of the Salicornioideae and is also contrary to the observations of Fahn and Arzee (1959) on speciesof Atthtocnemum, Sarcocornia, ittd Sqlicornia. In the branches of all three traces the phloem tissue faces towards the outside of the stem and the xylem the inside. The palisade tissue normally aonsists of two or more layers of cells which may be sharolv differentiated from the aqLreoustisstre las in Sar.ocotnia) or may merge into it throush a zone of cells of an intermedjatetype (as jn H halocnemoides).In one species compiex both the stele and ths tissue of the palisade layer differ markedly from that found a Fig.]d.el- Halosarciornrllrar longitudinal sectionthrough outer-tissues(a-epidermis, b-palisade tjssue wiih clear 'passage'cells betweengrolps of chlorenchymouscells, c thick-walled chlorenchymousiso- diamelriccell). d parenchymatou\cells \ ilh \ascular\lrand5). 'sroqlne osoql.{q poqsrlqndeq llr.r lunoaaepoltEtep arour V u[uo. sjod sqoaEl D lA S pu€ trtloie] J l{-oJntrnt]s ed,(t zuer) IEcrd,{}e sr srql,l 'plorol.s-. 'el'{q.ueJolqc-q 'srLLrroprda-e)praralos peuel.qt ^lptnsaur,^togstumyffi}iffi}:HJl :preralcspeue)icrqt flua^e 8ur^\oqsDrolfanbatnb oltro)o DS-V :ELu,(qouerolqJur sprerelcs Z ern8rJ s tou sr uoqcunJ rreql fnq (196I) uo{lol ,(q ,s11ece8essed, pell?c or' "r"r, trr"roro,rff l3 satcodsreqlo ,{ueur ur punoJ osle sr enssr:lop"srled eql ut sJlecssolJnoloc Jo runlnatloJV .p .elnl?lncs",\ *(9L6I la urloreJ osl? oes) Ierrlloo ou sr eJer{l luels eql ur :Jod€l crJloru"rposr q}"e-ueqspu?lls .r"Jncs?,\ el?lncrlot 9q1 Jo lJo,rleu.sJloc " s3q JBel sq1 ur'rlcry,r enssr] snou.dqcueled ^q utBlJepun sr srrll cr.rleuBrposr pep^\-{crql Jo ,,t,roJelSurs "_ sr qcrq,r urqlr,\\ sllecJo ,ror e18uts? s}srsuor utrls puB .aDaloslos Jo ,eeecerirodJ"el oql qloq Jo enssq eprsrled "ql qDI ploslDs vI eql ecu?lsur ro; -oueqJ_eql .reqlo ur punoJ T attaju.to)ltt1seql ur enbtun eq o1 srzedde ensstl Jo -seqrJl '(1 !l ep€slpd Jo ed,{l srql q8noqtly 3rg) e8e qlr.& pegruArt seruoceqflluenbarg refel s[it :senssrlsnoanDE pu? 0pESrTEoeql uoe,rloq ql€eqs snonurluoJ " tu.loJqcrrl,r slloa slloru,(qcue -Jolqc culou€rposr pellB,r\-JcrqlSuqlg-osolc Jo Jo,{EIelSurs e sr enssrl ep"srTedoql u[{lrd\ 'st?ruols .snoudqaue oqt Jo qr?o qlBouoq pelenlls sl sllor snoufqcuololqc Jo Jotsnlc V -rogc oql (ueql Je{crql lrq,retuos 1nq) o1 edeqs Jelrurs Jo slloc sselJnolocI"cupurT,{r Jo urnFc4eJ ? ur los sllec snoru,{qcuelolqcao srelsnlc lceduroc Jo dn ep"u sr pue :a,{r1 elaurse sr enss4 op€sll?d eqt sercedssrql uI .uesln"d (qtuag) wntrt1eo1sola1.y pue-,see11 Jo ''eurelg-gun suaplq'f lutllo_lollo LunwaLoo,tLlt,lvepnpur ol ue{el eloq sr qcrq,tt ,o1e1 yeldur nsvaso)!pu! 1/ Jo slsrsuoc oc srqj : aDaM.to)lIDSegl Jo sloqluelu u€rt?.llsny Jerllo Il? ul 'uoslr^\ 'C oeoruroarlesuerlsrlsny InEd NuytsiaVol. 3 O) 1980 abaxial trace cymute stele bract Irace c abaxial \\ bract--..r\ ll1illZ rtace \ trace \-'' \\LfZ ---- \/ "' -/-cymule (J n r\ stele $em /o tl stele \v \,,Q D a-) c\ " 6t) latetal ,/ / ltace \_) a) /^t oo \-) OC of triad Fillrie 3. Halosarcialepidosperma, vasculature of inflorescence:A--Abaj(ial view of vasculature ;i"ri;;;;r, b-filS.ii-';Aii;5f n"*e,; C c-T.s at levelsindicated in fisureB (alldiasramatic)' eseq ot e.erl f 'epourwels ot a.er1 r ,.^o1 q ,x.,rno-i(:,]ffiejYij#{ Jo Frxeqe 'olnLulclrrauso^ lceJq 'Luets roclcln-o'soiert ltrotDl lerSrtse^ p para^\og-euo,{&llrxe Jo elels-c Jo elots q'ocer} }ielq -E) sle^el tuereup rle sre.'!\ouq8norqt pue polo^\oU-euo" ern}elncse^ a\or^ SJ C[ J:elnul,{c 'Dtov[IunJo Jo lBrx€qv g :uortcaslEurpntr8uol lecrtdo V :Je,rou olrureJJo ernteJncsE^ DM.tottSaJ V efiatJ 'uosltl eeoruroirFs lrerl€rtsnv C Ined 8 NuytsiaVol. 3 (l) 1980 \n Sarcocornia, sclereids occur in the palisade tissue (Fig. 2)j these may be evenly thickened or they may have a spiral thickening. Sclereidshave not been observed in other Australian Salicornieae, but they do occur in both species of true Arthrocnemum. i.e., A. glaucum (Delile) Ung.-Sternb. and in A. subterminale (Parish) Standley which are respectively Mediterranean and North American in their distribution. Inflorescence:A detailed discussion of the inflorescencein the Salic:ornieaewill, it is hoped, be the subject of a future paper; for the present it is sufficient to indicate that it consists of decussateaxillary clusters of flowers, each cluster being sessilewithin a common bract; there are no secondary bracts (or bracteoles).

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