Offices and Names Directory (formerly Organizational Unit Directory) An alphabetized listing of divisions, departments, offices and associated personnel August 2014 General Information: Dial 00 from on campus; 529-1809 from off campus Send revisions during the year to
[email protected]. The National TTY Relay Service (711) can be used to access any number at Miami University. Units that can be reached directly via TTY are the Office of Disability Resources at 513-529-1541, the Miami University Police Department at 513-529-2222, and the on-campus emergency 911 service. - 1 – 8/14/14 Miami University Offices and Names Directory Accountancy, Department of 926 Chestnut Lane, 529-1266; fax 529-1436 3094 Farmer School of Business, MSC 1002 Senior director: Jerry Wright 529-6200; fax 529-4740 Interim manager, gifts and records processing: Wendy Mason Chair: Marc A. Rubin, PWC Professor Senior technical services specialist: Sheila Wright Professors: Senior technology support analyst: Gabe Campbell Brian J. Ballou, Ernst and Young Professor Director, prospect research: Madeleine Truax Philip G. Cottell Jr. Associate director, prospect research: Margaret Nelson Dan L. Heitger, Deloitte Professor Data analyst: Brian Smith Thomas M. Porcano Research associates: Associate professors: Sarah Chernitsky Timothy Eaton Carol Klumb Anne M. Farrell, PricewaterhouseCoopers Assistant Professor Senior program assistant: Kelly Katz Andrew Reffett Program associates: M. Dale Stoel Judith Hannon Assistant professors: Cindy Keller Po-Chang Chen Lacie Peterson Jonathan H. Grenier Marcia Reece Eric J. Marinich Mary Richardson Dara Marshall Allene Robertson William Moser M. Dale Stoel COLLEGE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES AND APPLIED SCIENCES: Visiting assistant professor: Senior director of advancement/development: Ellen Paxton William Brink Assistant director: Sarah Templeton Wilson Qing Liao Burke Regional director grant development: Amy Lamborg Senior lecturer: Regional grant and development writer: Amy Stander Jan E.