The Miami__ ~ __ ..... v_Student ....

_~.~.0IU0_ ,..,...... - Est. 1" PboDts: 58-1111. ~ 111. stees turn down coed proposals

...... -. IIlb LuoIao __ SlI,_ contract for raw3Vat.ioa and ~ Ihe ...... "- IIIe _. """'" Ibo. JlnK'lion to the Edpr SUllman-.KeIJey .'tho..- 'III '-' led .. 10 _ HI"lUH on the western campul . Uall u.n would be .... tiDd of edioD on lids Wnt.n ill 1m • criUcal period 01 IT ALSO SHELVED a propou.l (or • t .....Uon " be CODIinued "and we can't minority of lrwtee and Oxford city COUDdI ...... It. Yelun we .. to achieve (oc representatives meeting to disc:uss COD­ the traaIIlkJnIl lac 01 \be melns to thoR cerns. A minority deJttgaUoa of each group vaI.- to would quaUfy the meeting UDder Obio'. Sunshine Law. Shriver said the city BOARD atAIRMAN Scot KnisJey an­ council had agreed to the propoeed swered tMl no action by the board was meetings ir a majority of each group wu neceelJlJIled by the preserllIIlion of the present. The board turned down the offer. ~. Visitation Committee Chairman Noah Under the studtnt input procedure Reaven expressed to the board the belief adopted by the board .t it5 lAst meeting. that dismissal from a coeducational "Ihis proceu.. does not obligate the facility for a "major visitation violation" board 10 talle action on an issue." I..ike was too stringent a rule, and that its ap­ lither aaencY items lhllt normaUy reached plication had been misinterpreted by the •he boord. howe..... both propouIs had Office of Residence Learning . received support of Residence Hall -1ft BOARD P.s:e 1LlIIe- Counc.U. Leglslative AlH:mbly and Student STUDENTS procHCI from th~ sundial in South Qud to nUoaale I.n • prlVlt~ medias: wblle the rest of l);e Alf,irs Council. Roudebush tbU to mHt with PresideDt Shriver uo...... lted peacefuUy . Tom-"'lldIeO photo. The board instructed the Administration yesterday. Six members ollbe CrGl1fd h~ard Shrh· ~r '. 10 CIIrty nn (or an evaJualion of the Western program and its needs (or such ntangements and to present the e\l.iuation .t ils next April meeting. The instruction was included in the resolution by the board 10 alend the shared-public facility arrangements indeCmitely. Students confront Shriver Approval of the continuation (ollowed the Administration', ';highly positive About 2SO students gathered peacefully completed," be explained. ''1be paper­ Western students, was DOminated by the coodemnatioo_ assessment" 0( the beneftci.l aspects of outside Roudebush Hall yesterday after· work for all the items discussed would have studeots in attendance to act as spokes­ During the raDy, Bowman said that the coed housing arrangement. noon while six representatives of the group constituted masses of materia1, vo1um· person to bear ideas from the Ooor. " It was Miami bas a syslem, " but~tbitisa fallacy." went inside aod discussed the process by inou:s in nature, which would preclude, in mosUy a brainstorm .session to determine ETHERIDGE REPORTED that which two student proposals wert! placed the time span of one meeting, any careful exacUywhal happened SatW'day morning, Bowmao questioned Shriver's use of his progress of the legal aid service had been on the Board of Trustees' agenda Saturday. consideration of the materia). '. why it happeoed and wbat can be done poo.r.-er. "How far do you carry powu? hampered by the refusal of two BuUer The students presented President Phillip He went 00 to say that the "decision to about it," Bowman said_ Should they have the power to censor the whole body!" County Bar Association members to act as Shriver with a letter which condemned his present the material as reports rather than The Sunday night crowd dete.rm.ined they student consultanls. The board instructed action of condensing the proposals [rom reso1utiOO!l was not a lightly considered v.-ould march to Shriver's office MODday -SH CONFRONT page seve.- Etheridge to explore the possibility of resolutions to reports which did DOt require: matter. It was a tie:si.n: for the board to and submit to him the letter of utilizing area law school students or action by the board. engage in dialogue among themselves and prOfessors to stalf the service. The letter described Shriver's action as with members oC the audience. which they "unjust" and "arbit.ra.ry" and stated that did." the "teal questim lies in the whole Discussion continues decisioo-making process" which has HE POINTED om that the t'No consisted of "systematic exclusion 01 proposals in question were discussed students." during the meeting for approximately an ove r A lumnae razing Shriver and Robert Etheridge, vice hour and a hall. By STf:VE KLEiN president of student affairs met with .. It would seem than an hour and a hall Discussion for the ruin& r

o Getting on the dean's list o Finally sending out my laundry 1976 SUMMER SESSIONS o ------__(otherreason) First Term: June 21 - July 23 love, Second Term: July 26 - August 26 PS ~~~r:~~~kc:~-..- .....- ' -'KhI ':~~~Jlotto§~ "(';;'.:::nO:""'=.=)------­ Workshops ~o;;nv-;.,-;; of-;;,S-;t,;;~t"_;ad:;,~Ot;;aa;IdMU~COU;R_:;;. -- - -- .-J A IMle variety of tucher ind teacher orienled ...... orklJ,ops hive been and Y~JlOlfV'Dllp.lVln full OI' ! '),f YOUp.lV")laod.lrd~1I sthcduled throuBhout June, July, and Augusl. Speciil work· shops have: been scheduled 1t the Miami Um'VcrsilY European Center in Luxcmboura and other locitions in Europe. SPRING RING DAY TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Regular Classes April 13 & 14 For. SUm"*, School &llIerin. A diytime schedule of over 500 underB1i1duille ilnd graduate Courses in Comxr: Buslness, ArlS Mld Science, EduCition, Fi~ Arts, and Applted Science. Di,ector of Sum ...... s.uo... 106 Roudebush H.1l UN IlY B Ml,mi UnlverStty Summer Sessions Registration Oxford, Ohio 45056 T •• opIlone 513-529-2921 begins May 3 llYit"s'Nhen rheAttC.Jnoed ~Y'11Ye Will bfo hforf' toheipyou~~~coI~n", U's allO the you dwIt M'tV AnOIf'ved tint on ~eJ OwItae or BankAmencMd - •• AprIl .1...... nm S1'UDEHT ..... "... Architects plan new facility

BJ 1LUlE.l\i' atUPAlUtOFF thoa-d"""'" buI_ ",. CIacimoad 'olaI " III million ""'" the £niIioh cIoputmmt """ It .... udIi_ spk'e..... __ allotted to "'0 eK:b pIoaoioc depert_ state for eapital lm~ be ....,.,.bIe to _.-., lInD " c-P _ """ Part­ 0¥eI' the DOt two ,.,... I:D ...... iD_~. -.1o....-tiac ...... f1Jr ... aJmmittee.. IIIealbwI 01 the a4d,iUoD to the Dew com­ Dome <."•• do,t lie _ . • m.illloII. 1111._ square (00l committee included munieatioos buUdiDI aD· tbooIb ...... _IJ " tldpoted ....jedllDdude 0 _ communications buildio, ~tabYel b'om &lib, 1oea1inc student p,ablieatic:. at propoaed (or "stem c.alDpi'a. CAT, b and bUlla.. ..., f1Jr II~ IWI . 0 the communieaUaa. buiIcbc ",. .... building will ...... ~ .. ; Jolla W"illiamooa. f"eIIMI'Ch creeabouae, a tcieoce never was cIisaaaIed at the facilities (or three Univeraity ...... '''ASG;~IIart. Ubrary, and reoovatioaa for" planninc committee meetinp deparimenlS ind~ a CAT uaoc:iale dean for ~ Cole ..rn.. buildi.... GuId1I because they were. ''aIreacty Ip«