WRITTEN QUESTION E-3503/07 by Donata Gottardi (PSE) and Sepp Kusstatscher (Verts/ALE) to the Commission

Subject: Quarry and cement production plant at and

This question is designed to draw the Commission's attention once again to the project to extend the quarry and build a cement factory in the municipality of Caprino Veronese in the province of .

The earlier question E-0752/07 explained that the area concerned borders on the site of Community interest SCI No IT3210022 and the special protection area SPA No IT3210041 and that a cement factory would have an extremely adverse effect on the environment and the lives of the local community.

The present situation is that a screening study of the environmental impact on the SCI and the SPA carried out by the company that owns the quarry has been submitted to the province of Verona. The screening concluded that there is no need for an environmental impact assessment because 'it is unlikely that there would be significant effects on the Natura 2000 site ' East' (SCI/SPA IT 3210041)'.

Does not the Commission consider that the local authorities involved - municipality, province and region - should demand that an environmental impact assessment be carried out in accordance with Directive 85/337/EEC1 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment (the EIA Directive, as amended by Directive 97/11/EC2 and by Directive 2003/35/EC3) with regard to this project to extend a quarry and build a cement factory?

Does not the Commission consider that the local authorities involved should demand an environmental impact assessment of the cement factory project, not least in order to determine whether it is necessary to progress from the 'screening' stage to a proper environmental impact assessment of the adverse effects on the above-mentioned SCI and SPA?

Does not the Commission consider that in this specific case of a project to build a cement factory, Directive 96/61/EC concerning integrated pollution prevention and control should apply and that no authorisation can be granted without ensuring that the general public will have opportunities for actual participation at the appropriate time?

1 OJ L 175, 5.7.1985, p. 40. 2 OJ L 73, 14.3.1997, p. 5. 3 OJ L 156, 25.6.2003, p. 17.

674731.EN PE 391.842