Sixth of - 3D MODEL ONLY Parasurama (The Angry Man)

Scan Hindu Heritage


updated 4. 12. 2020 | published 18. 11. 2020


Parashurama (IAST: Paraśurāma, lit. with an axe) He carried a number of traits, which included aggression, warfare and valor; also, serenity, prudence and patience. Like other of Vishnu, he was foretold to appear at a time when overwhelming evil prevailed on the earth.The class, with weapons and power, had begun to abuse their power, take what belonged to others by force and tyrannize people. corrects the cosmic equilibrium by destroying these Kshatriya warriors. Though a warrior, his representation inside Hindu temples with him in war scenes is rare (the Basohli temple is one such exception). Typically, he is shown with two hands, with an axe in his right hand either seated or standing. In the regional literature of , he is the founder of the land, the one who brought it out of the sea and settled a Hindu community there. He is the only Vishnu avatar that co-exists with other Vishnu Rama and in some versions of the and respectively. - a mission to document Hindu sculptural traditions.

Art & Design > Sculptures rama parasurama indian india idol hindu god beard axe

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