Austin Families in Kent, the Source of Several of He Probably Came from ""Bampton, Devonshire, As ·A ..Our ...Settlers
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~~ c;~ J~t-irr~· /-J /h~ -~ F~7·~ p~a"'" '?JV- p f!_, _i ( ..J-( /''( Ii(/ 1 G:q. l/ISTORI' OF F//R.11/NC'/ON. J n11:-< /\u,.;T1;-.; was a native or En~lnnd. and came fron Brunswick to tlw township. I h.: was a snldier under Gen \Volfe, and shared thl! fortu11l'S of that victorious ~eneral in the battk fought on the plains of /\hraham, near CJuebec Sl!pt. 13, 1759. I l o.! was also in the Continental J\rn1; during- the Revolutionary \Var. ;\Ir. Austin was the firs sexton in town, and served in that capacity many years. Iii! settlement was on ri\·er-lot No. 461 west side, opposite tht Center Vi ll age. Mrs. Austin, famili;1rly known among th• early settlers as "(;ranny Asten," was a native of Cape Ann and one of those rare women full of energy and capable o great endurance. As a doctress she rendcrd efficient scrvic• to the inhabitants for many years, and was largely employer in midwifery, a branch of medical practice in which sh excelled. Few children were born in the township for th first fifteen years after its settlement, at whose birth s he di· not preside. I !er field of visitation was mostly confined t the settlements on the river, occasional ly, however, extendin to what arc now the towns of Stark and New S haron, an also to Strong aml Avon. When visiting her patients at distance, she frequently went and came by boat ; while ; other times she would travel miles on foot, braving th merciless storms of midnig ht, and allowing no obstacles t prevent the accomplishment of her purpose. The tow records state that "Jerusha Asten died in J esse Gould house, October ye 6, A . D. 1804." J osE1•11 Il.\TTI.E made the first im provements upon fron lot No. 33 1 west side, in 1787. Ile also made the first ir provements in what is called the !Iolley neighborhood, i 1790, and erected t he first framed barn in t hat part of ti township. 11 is marriage with Eunice J\ laloon, in 1784, w; the first solemnized in the township. The ceremony w: performed hy Dummer Sewall of Bath, in Joseph I Iollancl i r j' loµ;-ho usc, a rude dwelling wi thout a floor. A quarter of h:iked lamb was served to the guests on the occasion, b they had no knives except t hose they carried with the1 1\1r. Battle's death probably occurred in 17981 and his wiclo Other references; . 1 Charles E.Nash; History of Augusta, ' Maine; page 179. George Uugustus Wheeler, V.D. ;_ His'tory of Brunswick, Topsham., and Harpswell,lja.ine; p.876 -~ ( :,· ( (· J HISTORY OF YORK If NEW SETTLERS OF THE THIRD DECADE Folgate, a hamlet in the parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, l in the east end of London. He signed the Submission in moved from Dover to York. She had been g-ranted admin- 1652, and when he sold his share in the mills on Gorges -i~ation of her late husband's estate in July 1662, and Creek in 1652 it ended his connection with the town and he Pierce ~~d become her surety. She was living in 1670 disappears from the records. (Deeds ii, 9I), and both of them were rrobably killed in the massacre on Candlemas Day. Inventory of his estate WILLIA:V! ROGERS was taken September 26, 1692, by :\fatthew Austin and For half a dozen years this settler lived here, 1651- J a~es Plaisted,. his nei&hbors, and amounted to £35-3-6 . i655, and occupied scarcely any space in the local records. (Ibid. v, 75). His name is not perpetuated in the town, as He was a juror in i651, also a defendant in an assault and he left only two daughters as issue of his marriage: battery case same year; signed the Submission in 1652 1. Jane, m. John Bracey. and got a· land grant on Gorges N eek. The next heard of 11. Anne, m. (1) Alexander l\.IeNair and (2) ::\falcolm Mcintire. him is in 1660, when he was..administrator of the estate of William Garnesey of this town, and as late as 1671 he was MATTHEW AUSTIN settling up some late claims against it. He probably re moved to the Isles of Shoals before 1660 (N. H. Deeds iii, eJtJ/£?-~~&, Of this prominent ~ $- ~ citizen and resident 8oa), and nothing more is heard of him after 1673. of Cider Hill nothing definite is known as to his origin. There were numer WILLIAM GARNESEY ous Austin families in Kent, the source of several of He probably came from ""Bampton, Devonshire, as ·a _..our _...settlers. A Matthew Austin of Tenterden died in 'William "Garnse" signed the Protestation Roll there in Tenterden (the home of the Tilden emigrant) in 1554, and 1641, and his widow Elizabeth returned to Pinhoe, Devon, a Mat!hew of the same parish, tailor, died in 1609, leaving a nearby parish, after his death. His first appearance here a family. Others of this Christian name resided in \Vve was in November 1652, when he signed the Submission, A_ddisham, Wickhamb.reaux at the period of the emigratfo~ and in December following he had a grant of ten acres on ?i our Matthew. He 1s first of record in July 1653 (T. R. Gorges Neck, which was officially confirmed to him and i, 2I). At that time he was thirty-three years old, having laid out in July 1659 (T. R. i, I7, 28). He must have died been born in 1620 (Deeds i, I63), and in 1659 he became shortly after, as in i66o \Villiam Rogers was appointed sergeant of the military company; in i665 he was first administrator of his estate. As far as known he left no elected Selectman. He held this latter office in 1669, 1670, issue here. i671, 1672, 1673, 1676 and 1678. He was a weaver bv occupation (D_eeds iv, 66). He was an "uncle" of Jeremy JOHN PIERCE al?-d Joseph Tibbetts of Dover, perhaps through marriage with a daughter of Thomas Canney of that town, but later This settler, who followed the occupation of a fisher of Y <?rk. If so, he married a second wife, lV[rs. :Mary man, came to York in 1653 and received a grant of land (Davis) Dodd, daughter~Nicholas Davis, and widow of on Gorges Neck, bordering on Bass Cove, where he lived George Dodd of Boston. She survived him and married for about forty years until his death. Nothing occurred in for a third husband \Villiam \Vright of Boston and later his life of particular int;erest. He signed a memorial to of York ~Dee4s vi, 75; ix, 33), and in 1714 was a widow l\fassachusetts protesting the failure of their government for the third time. Matthew Austin drew his will Novem to give them a stable protection against political agitation; ber 19, 1684, "a little before his death," but it was not grand juror 1666 and 1667, and somewhere after 1662 he allm":ed by the court because it was "not so Clearly & l\1e married :Mrs. Phebe Nash, widow of Isaac, who had re- I thod1callf done to the understanding & satisfaction either l 222 ? of authority & some others of sd l\1athew Austines relations, l.. 223 ~~d '~ ),.;, 6. I sr£8 I l3is ki.r.s. /a.i<.tL, <:;,. f/a11 fJ -d;~r/eJ~ Jt3S. ~ £.H.if/~ ;f';cLz_d z-~ ), "'- = /&3.:Z- /7o3 , E £e?z e2 er 3 /lus/,.;, /'-'7 - I 7 7.J /'lq /i t;2., )1&e ! /Ju.s /, n 1 1 ~1 - !Kt0f NI #te&m. ~ /tn 177 8' - 181/-( J~t!!-5 #ctli:e-) ~),I(_ :i... - lo?S" Jt/ ~ //. q If. £1~d I~ J,tA- 1)7. //~ ~ 4-&/,.n 6-/t. 1fe ,d. 204117t£ 3 1/Va IL~ ~~ ~ .;i.,1 :r~ 11°1 AJl'i~ /Pvei /;, 2P l4f L~ ?I!. 1 L/e!I, ~~ . 0 I !fad 1c7 1-&. >~ IV.a -/t-~t/ y /-/u-.shJ1 ~ J It oe-c, . 17"!./ h'?HcJ /-Jd~s /. Ocf 17S<f 6-2-;~ ,..,"1.,,rr-'<)11 10- t 117 ."'1.(2-) :l ?.. .r~11s1 w&1(J<e.J .Jaa L 31~d J~ a..6 j /k,/.t11 -'Ht (i .J /)pY'L / j 7 ~ 7 El'J a-f:ir((_ F6 '(- , d. 2- 1-- lJcc . I 76 / I/ ~ /ltf<-' - L8 ;;_o ~ fz.) :Ltf 11~· n~t Efeq n{)Y 1~11~71. -'------'---- Yc hvi ~ 1n ,LIt:!!')f r7 ~ /J U-Sh~ £. I /f~ _ 17 3 ~ I r77o - /})~yt".'>f _ 7 ~Ii It. I I ?Ii - llee hy />efl/lt',f- I },,.-r'l. j?7S" ar ;1/G-""1 ,Srrl j-rd, 4>J. ~/~~:Fy-u,e_p/ //rr1/) --- E7/#sk r• /fc-~) ;A ;ft:'"',~ j/, 6~11~ ~ /V.Y t / f ~s k~-z ..&r-n /7 7f, ·;~ ~ ~4.rJ I I .J~ tr/ Lev/ k-1;'1 / #Mf 6JJ_ · Afe )2~ If SU-IL,- - rJ J~_c Au:sM I /t". ·-1· lf~f ..2.) //dd~ ~ fr·1 .6 -It 11 6, ~rae-cl ~t-1 (J'~'-d Alber!- 8eM~~ 1r 0 g._ 7 March, 1914. March, 1914. 19 ·aodford, late of Austin-Gates 16, 173 1. She was a daughter of J acob 1tors. [Contributed to GENEALOGY.] Adams and was born Febmary 4, 1711, the estate of Abi ln reply to C. A. 1\1.\437), in July and died October 1754. They lived in Suffield, and in Sheffield, Mass.