HELPING PEOPLE SAVING 2 019 ANNU AL RE PORT FOSSEY At the beginning of the decade, there were just 880 mountain gorillas in the world. And community forests in were nonexistent, leaving the majority of Grauer’s FUND 2010 gorillas without any formal protection.

We launched our work to conserve community forests in Congo to help save Grauer’s gorillas. The Nkuba ConservatIon Area started with six DECADE 2 2012 families and 700 km of forest.

IN 2014 Grauer’s gorillas were named 2017 We celebrated our 50th one of 25 Most Endangered . anniversary, making us the world's longest-running and largest 2016 Fossey Fund trackers received organization dedicated entirely REVIEW Disney Conservation Hero Award. to conservation. Mountain gorillas were reclassified from critically endangered to endangered— 2019 one small step further from extinction. We celebrated 2018 the retirement of tracker We launched a campaign to Jonas Nubaha, 2018 create our first permanent home in who has been Africa, The Ellen DeGeneres Campus. with the Fossey Fund since Dian herself was at The decade closed with the news that the population had reached Karisoke. 1,063. We almost doubled the size of the Nkuba Conservation Area to 1,300 km2. Thank you, Jonas, 2019 And we grew our field sta by almost 60% for your lifetime of since 2010. work in support of the gorillas of the Virunga. As we enter a new decade, we salute you, the people who help us change the game for gorillas. Your support enables us to be on the ground every single day ensuring a future for the species. It inspires our determination to improve the communities that surround gorilla habitats and to develop the next generation of scientists in Africa. We are FROM steadfast in delivering ’s vision to save gorillas from permanent extinction.

We can celebrate our accomplishments and milestones because of the commitment THE and investment of our supporters. You help make this lifesaving work happen.

As you review our annual report, you will see not only factual and financial updates, but more importantly, the impact you have had. Our collaborative approach helped mountain FUND gorilla population numbers continue to climb, and completely halted the of Grauer’s gorillas in the community forests where we work in Congo. Our scientific studies are enhancing our understanding of how the changing climate affects the gorillas and the larger biodiversity of the region. And we continue expanding our work on the side of conservation—in 2019 we increased our livelihood and food security initiatives with the aim of lessening pressures on the gorillas and their forest homes.

Helping People, Saving Gorillas. This remains our focus and is, as you can see, yielding impressive and measurable results.

We often refer to those early days when Dian made it her mission to save the mountain gorillas, setting up two small tents in the heart of the —just one woman, determined to make a difference. Today, over 50 years later, more than 200 researchers, trackers and conservationists continue her work. The building of our first permanent home, The Ellen DeGeneres Campus of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, is underway in . It is a symbol of our long-term commitment and, when finished, will be a center for conservation, education and inspiration.

Our successes are real, but they are fragile. We must continue to push forward in our relentless pursuit to protect gorillas and the biodiversity of their habitats, and to support the communities that surround them. Together, we will continue to change the game for gorillas and, ultimately, for us all.

We hope you enjoy reading about how you helped make a dierence in 2019. Judith C. Harris Tara Stoinski, Ph.D. Chair President and CEO Board of Trustees Chief Scientific Ocer PROTECTING GORILLAS, SAVING OUR PLANET

Mountain gorillas are one of the world's few conservation success stories, growing from a few hundred individuals in the 1980s to their current numbers of more than a thousand. But news from around the planet is troubling.

We are concerned about climate change, which is a very real threat to the gorilla populations we work to protect. Indeed, we’ve already seen differences in mountain gorilla habitat that are indicative of climate change, such as fluctuations in temperature and rainfall. These shifts can affect the gorillas’ food supply, cause thermal stress, increase the chances that they lose habitat to forest fires (as we saw during 2019 and beyond in Australia), and enable the emergence of new diseases for which the gorillas have little or no immunity. Climate change is also likely to have a significant effect on the human populations living near the gorillas, which in turn puts more pressure on the gorillas themselves. For example, as food and water supplies of local human populations are affected—such as in a drought that reduces crop yields—the already considerable pressures on the forest as a source of food and water are likely to increase even further.

To save the gorillas, we need to look beyond the gorillas. We need to protect the fragile ecosystems of the forests and mountains where gorillas live and raise their young. And we also need to advocate on behalf of the gorillas' forest homes, which are literally the lungs of our planet and one of our best natural defenses against climate change.

During a time when our planet’s species and fragile ecosystems are under threat, the gorilla conservation story gives us hope. We remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring a future for gorillas, their habitat and the communities that surround them. In 2019, the Fossey Fund continued to build on our partnerships with neighboring communities so that gorilla populations remain healthy and their future remains secure. Baby gorillas love to play. Top left: Baby Uhiriwe swings from a vine. Bottom left: Baby Umukuru gnaws on his vine. Right: Up close and personal with 15-year-old Ishyaka of the Mutobo group. OUR Gorillas we monitor were injured or killed by human-related causes such GORILLA ZERO as poaching or snares. PROTECTION Acres of gorilla BY THE habitat protected: 350,000 Person hours spent protecting gorillas NUMBERS 150,000 and their habitats. The increase in the gorilla population shows that our people-centered approach to conservation is working. We provide daily gorilla protection in Rwanda and Decline in snares found in the the Democratic Republic of Congo; conduct scientific research on the gorillas areas we monitor in Rwanda, and larger biodiversity of the region; train the next generation of conservationists which we attribute to the in Africa; and help local communities thrive, for effective, sustainable success of our programs 40% targeting suspected poachers. conservation.

Number of years our sta in the field has (combined) in service 1,300 to gorillas. In 2019, we were thrilled to have 10 surviving babies amongst the groups we protect in Rwanda. Top left: Kira, Top right: Sururwanda. Bottom left: Kira. Bottom right: Inararibonye. Successful conservation is made possible by solid scientific research.

For more than 50 years, the Fossey Fund has been the leader in the field, studying all aspects of gorilla biology and the ecosystems in which gorillas dwell, contributing enormously to what we know about gorillas. Our acts as a hub for researchers and students from around the world, whose findings advance our knowledge about these magnificent creatures and help us to better protect them and their habitat.

For conservation to endure, we must also equip new scientists with the skills they need to succeed, which is why we continue to grow and expand our work training the next generation of African conservationists.


• In Rwanda, we added five new scientific staff, including three gorilla research assistants, one biodiversity research assistant and a post-doctoral student. • In Congo, we created our first biodiversity team to monitor plant and diversity in the forests where we work. • In collaboration with the Rwandan government, we expanded our research to include three new mountain gorilla groups to better understand behavior, feeding and ranging patterns of gorillas living throughout . • We initiated studies of golden monkeys in Gishwati National Park—a completely different habitat from nearby Volcanoes National Park. These data will help us develop the first action plan for golden monkey conservation, which is being led by our own Deo Tuyisingize. • Our researchers worked with more than 50 collaborators to author 24 scientific papers on topics such as how gorillas grieve, factors influencing male reproductive success, gorilla habitat use and population growth patterns, amphibian and bird conservation, and bamboo regeneration patterns. • Our scientific work was featured in popular press outlets such as Smithsonian Magazine, Forbes and the Associated Press. • We supported 22 students from the University of Rwanda to conduct in-depth studies for their senior theses. • 313 Rwandan undergraduate students participated in our undergraduate field courses. • We offered internships to 24 recent university graduates to provide on-the-ground training. • 33 staff members received support to pursue their undergraduate and graduate degrees. “The Fossey Fund's program to train young African scientists is more than wonderful, useful, and helpful; it created in me a conservation spirit, it increased in me the desire to protect the ecosystem.”

Eric Ndasyishimiye Former University of Rwanda student

“We are thankful to you for your support. From this project I received two sheep and also got to participate in a sheep raising training, which helped me understand how to care for my sheep. I wish to earn some income from the sheep from selling manure and o spring and to stop relying on poaching for money when I need it."

Fidele Hakizimana Community member In 2019, more than 20,000 people were helped by our community programs. People-Centered Conservation

The Fossey Fund’s community outreach this year has focused on food security, education and livelihood initiatives. In 2019, our programs helped more than 20,000 people living near the gorillas’ habitat.

Food and Water Security Education Livelihood Initiatives Lack of food and water access for local Ensuring long-term conservation requires Our livelihood programs aim to lessen the communities poses a major threat to that people living near the gorillas—both need for people to use the forests to wildlife, as people in need will rely on the children and adults—understand the value provide sources of income. This past year, forest as a source of protein and water. A of the gorillas and their forest homes. That we started small-scale community projects major focus of our people programs is why we work in 15 primary and nine to farm bamboo and to cultivate includes increasing access to food through secondary schools to deliver conservation mushrooms as both an alternative protein a variety of techniques, such as improving courses, provide teachers with training on source and a product they can sell. We farming practices, increasing crop diversity, how to teach conservation, sponsor helped build pens and provided veterinary developing fish farms and planting kitchen debates, and organize and support nature care so families can raise livestock, using gardens. We also build or rehabilitate water clubs. This year we also helped launch the the manure as fertilizer in their kitchen infrastructure, which reduces the need to first ever summer camp for conservation in gardens and selling the excess. enter the forest for water. Rwanda. Our adult programs focus on educating local religious, political and community leaders by taking them into the park to see gorillas and hosting dialogues to learn about their conservation concerns. Congo: The Next Conservation Frontier

In 2001 we expanded into the Democratic Republic of Congo, the only place on earth where Grauer’s gorillas live. Grauer’s gorillas are critically endangered—their numbers have declined by 80% over the past 20 years, leading them to be considered one of the world's most endangered primates. Unfortunately, most of them live outside of formally protected areas and relatively little study has been done on them. We wanted to change the downward trajectory for these gorillas, so starting in 2011 we developed a plan to work with local landowners to create a community-developed conservation zone: the Nkuba Conservation Area (NCA).

In 2014, the Congolese government passed a law enabling the establishment of community-based conservation areas. The NCA represents one of the first of these initiatives, which are based on voluntary commitment of the local community. Community members near the NCA agree not to hunt endangered wildlife; in exchange for this agreement, we provide employment and invest in the development of local communities. They become the drivers of preservation rather than being excluded from it. Our Nkuba project began working with six families who together owned 700 km2 of land. The NCA is now comprised of 12 families and 1,300 km2, roughly 40% the size of the state of Rhode Island. It acts as an important carbon sink, holding an estimated 25 million tons of carbon. And we know of no gorillas killed in this area since we started working here.

In 2019, together with the landowners and local government, we applied for formal, legal recognition of these areas as community conservation forests. We also continued to invest heavily in our community programs supporting the people of Nkuba and surrounding villages during the year, improving the lives of over 2,000 individuals living in the area. We provided technical training and support to encourage communities to develop fish farming, animal husbandry initiatives and agro-forestry and farming in order to reduce their dependence on . Building a Future for Gorillas

In 2018 we launched our dream to build our first permanent home in Rwanda. Having grown our teams and programs dramatically since Dian’s time, our ability to expand and sustain our conservation work had become limited by our impermanent physical structure and its location. Thus, we embarked on an ambitious project to create a purpose-built campus aimed at amplifying our ability to ensure a future for gorillas and help the people who share their forest home. Through a lead gift from conservationists Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi, we are now hard at work on creating our new home, which is scheduled to open in mid-2021 and will include state-of-the-art laboratories, a computer lab and library; classrooms; a public exhibit; and housing to host visiting researchers and students. With a focus on locally-sourced materials and ecological restoration of native species, the campus will embody our mission to conserve the natural environment. It will also represent a major investment in local communities through creating jobs and providing basic skills training.

Most importantly, The Ellen DeGeneres Campus of The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund will be a place not only to INFORM, but to TRANSFORM people into conservationists.

1,250 people employed $4.75 million invested locally in jobs and materials 35% female construction workforce 50% of leadership roles occupied by women 150,000 native plants sowed The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund has a long-standing reputation for meeting the highest standards of financial excellence and nonprofit management. We are rated as a four-star organization, the highest rating by Charity Navigator, the 2019 principal nonprofit watchdog and largest independent charity evaluator.

We take the same care and precaution with our financial resources as we do with our field resources, and we work tirelessly to ensure FINANCIALS that every single dollar received is used to its full potential.

FY2019 REVENUE FY2019 REVENUE Individuals 2,271,608 Reimbursed Expenses <1% / Other <1% Foundations 1,251,160 Organizations 529,306 In-Kind 6% Corporations 303,137 Memorials & Bequests 15% Government 795,829 Individuals 34%

Memorials & Bequests 992,363 Corporations 5% In-Kind Contributions 490,781 Foundations 19% Reimbursed Expense Income 36,487 Other 54,909 Organizations 8% Government 12% TOTAL REVENUES: 6,725,581 * Capital Campaign Contributions 8,139,466

FY2019 EXPENSES FY2019 EXPENSES Karisoke Research Center 1,834,035 Congo Program 718,305 Education & Science 1,010,910 Congo Program 17% Total Program Services 3,563,250 Management & General 235,254 Karisoke Research Center 43% Fundraising 432,349 Education & Science 24% Total Administrative 667,603 TOTAL EXPENSES: 4,230,853 Fundraising 10% * Capital Campaign Expenses 79,902 Management & General 6% Change in Net Assets 3,268,439 Net Assets Beginning of Year 14,299,373 * Throughout 2019, the Fossey Fund continued expansion activities of our capital campaign to fund our purpose-built, permanent campus. NET ASSETS END OF YEAR: 17,567,812 Change in net assets is a reflection of our fundraising eorts and future pledges restricted for the design and build of this campus, estimated to be completed in mid-2021. During our 52 years of stewardship of the mountain gorilla, we’ve learned that conservation takes a community. We rely on our team of dedicated trackers and scientists in the mountains, our local government and community partners, and thousands of caring conservationists around the world.

We depend on you.

Our donors, friends and supporters make our work on behalf of these majestic possible. We thank you for your generosity, passion and confidence in our work. Every gift makes a difference for the gorillas and the human communities in their midst.

Thank you.

Dian Fossey Leadership Circle Manjul Dixit Lisa Kohn Our Donors The Dian Fossey Leadership Circle is a Julia and Dorfman Christopher and Betty Kosseff community of donors whose generous annual Thomas and Connie Dotzenrod Veeni S. Kumar Supporters and friends from around the support enables high-impact results for gorillas, Mary Drazan Douglas and Suzie Kutz world made our work possible this year. their habitat and the communities near them in Lee Ehmke Brigitte Lacouture While we are unable to gratefully Rwanda and the DRC. Donors who give from Lee W. Ellenberg Donata Lancelotti acknowledge each and every one in this $1,000 to $9,999 annually are welcomed into Katy M. Emde Barbara S. Leitzel Annual Report, we want our donors to this circle. Stuart Engs Carolyn S. Levin know that every gift – large and small – Aurora Estner Nisha Ligon has a direct and meaningful impact on Individuals Mike Filippi J. Linahan the survival of the wild gorillas we protect Stefanie G. Abramson Randi and Nathan Foster Erica and Ken Liss and study. We thank each of you for Mr. Roberto and Mrs. Monica Aguirre Jim and Linda Francis David S. Litman and Malia A. Litman investing in gorillas through us. We hope Sam Alfstad Charles Franz Robert R. Littman to keep earning your trust and Anonymous Connie C. Frazier Kristen E. Lukas, Ph.D. enthusiasm! Duane A. Anderson Vicki D. Friedberg Joan Luria Victoria P. Anderson Anonymous Anonymous Linda C. Arbaugh Diana and Andrew Frost James and Mary Ann Macie Digit Society The Digit Society of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Johnny and Armstrong Deborah K. Fulbright Joshua Mack Fund is a distinguished group of individual Scott Atkinson Natalia and Dennis Gaitsgory Douglas Madison donors whose substantial ongoing commitment Amber Auman and Robert Auman Evelyn Gallardo Elizabeth Magee to the Fossey Fund embodies the spirit of Dian Kelly K. Avila Robert Garner Jamie M. Manders Fossey’s favorite gorilla, her beloved Digit. Digit Helen Ballard Francois B. Gaudin Victoria Marone Society members ensure the survival of gorillas and Addy Barrett Edward M. Gerstein Jon and Diane Marquis through annual gifts of $10,000 and more. William D. Barrett Errol E. Ginsberg and Annette Michelson Beth K. Marrus Bartels Barbara and Kenneth Glaze Robert and Doretta Marwin Anonymous Severin Bartholdi Melissa Goforth Scott P. Matthews Christopher D. Bierly and Anthony and Carol Battaglia Yue Yun Goh Ken McClain Margaret E. Boasberg Frederick H. Bear Karl Griffiths and Anne Maye Craig and Susan McClellan Paul Bischoff Anonymous Marie Grill Timothy McCracken Hal and Diane Brierley Alexander A. Belinson Kenneth and Elizabeth Gunn Andrew and Sherry McDonald Cindy and Robert Broder Rosamond L. Bennett Glenn T. Hammons Carl E. McGill David and Denise Chase Anonymous Patricia L. Hampton Anonymous Andrew and Mary Jane Cooper Linda M. Betzer Eva H. Hanks Jan McSwain Mikael Doktar Charlotte L. Bischel and Robert W. Stone Kathryn S. Head and Linda A. Delma Francis X. Melvin Alison L. Doone Allison Blackwell David and Gail Hecht Susanne Meyer-Sparenberg Philip and Catherine Edwards Helen Blanchard Joan Hero and W. William Baumgardt Patricia Michaud William and Julie Evans Jennifer Blythe Polly V. Heyward Anonymous Nickolas and Cheri Faust Robin Boyer Alexander Hill Kathleen A. Monahan and Michael Mullen Maria Cecilia Fiorucci and Cherri Briggs and Richard Wilson Thomas and Ann Hill Marco A. Monsalve Giuseppe Santoni Lorrin C. Brown Stephen and Martha Hixon George and Clara Moreno Patricia W. Forrest Larry Calvin Ellen Hoberman John D. Moritz Alan and Karen Fox Emilee H. Cantieri Linda S. Hodges Andrew and Jennifer Murdoch Gyuri Gattyán Barbara Carroll Elizabeth A. Holland and Gene S. Brandt Thomas J. Myers Rita Grolitzer Valerie Casey Jane R. Horvitz Emily M. Nett Judith C. Harris and Robert Singer Tamarah Castaneda Dean Howard Anonymous Richard A. Horder Samuel M. Chen Karen Jain Carolyn Norin Milla Jovovich Kim M. Ciborowski Kathy L. Jamison Martin Nutty Meredith LaBonge Dion F. Coakley Linda A. Jasper Mark and Vickie Nysether Peter W. Laskas Lee and Mariella Compton Carlton and Stephanie Johnson Anonymous Dennis P. Martino Marie-France Côté Anonymous Jason and Elizabeth Oberhand Gene and Lynn Monroe Frank and Julie Crispigna Alicia G. Jones Jonathan O'Donoghue Sandra Jo Moss Michael and Eileen Crowther Fernando Juarez Lara Olsha David B. Posner Andy and Betty Jo Currie Frank Junker and Saiqa Seed Khan Armin Osswald Sandra and Harold Price Jason D'Amelio Thomas Kasteel Michael O'Sullivan Rebecca F. Rooney Christy A. Davis Carol A. Kauffman Jill W. Over Carol Ann Smallwood and Anonymous M. Hope Keating Margaret A. Overaas Scott R. Smallwood M. Leslie de Runtz David Keith Hosahalli and Ganga Padmesh Tara S. Stoinski Thomas Detelich Lisa Kennedy Mary Lee Paoletti Dan and Katie Sullivan Melanie L. Devore Diane Kero Dennis E. Pate Mr. R.E. Turner, III Sharon Dewar Susan Killeen Patricia Pavlish Julie Dietz Anonymous Keith Peterson and Francois Roux Lancelot and Patricia Disley John and Robin Klein Anonymous

Jarrod and Catherine Phillips Dennis and Sue Umshler Jerome Leiber Charitable Foundation William E. Wockner Foundation John and Nuri Pierce Richard D. Urell Joan Cullen Charitable Trust William Ewing Foundation Laura S. Powell and John A. Hartman Sue Van Boven John & Marilyn Wells Family Foundation William H. Anderson Foundation, Inc. Roberta N. Quiat Hannu Vesterinen Kari & Fred Barton Charitable Foundation Nader Rahmanian Marcia J. Vigren Kayne Foundation Organizations Shweth Rai Ole A. Vikshaaland Kona Foundation, Inc. Conservation Effort Samuella D. Ramsey Roberta E. Vogt Larry & Amy Weiss Joint Revocable Trust Arapahoe Ridge Elementary School Janet Ratliff Yvonne von Kamp Larry Ellison Foundation Arcus Foundation through the Stephanie Reid Brandee L. Wagner, Ph.D. and Leo S. Guthman Fund Institute Paul and Adrienne Rennie Eric D. Bischoff Link by Link DAF Association of & Aquariums Anonymous John and Gillian Wagner Loti C. Woods and Dale A. Weiler AZA Ape TAG Conservation Initiative Donna C. Rich, MD Andrea G. Watt and Robert A. Teitelbaum Charitable Fund Barringer Construction Barbara F. Rodes Elizabeth Werner Marana Webber Tost Charitable Fund Birmingham Myron Rosenthal Rainer Werner Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Abigail Ross Danielle Westfall, MD Mark and Anita Johnson Charitable Fund Columbus Zoo & Aquarium Victoria D. Rosskam Sage and Doug Wicinski Michael and Ina Korek Foundation Trust Combined Federal Campaign Cheryl Rothman Raymond Wildung Milligan Family Foundation Dallas Zoo John F. Rubin Marc Willensky Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation Dickerson Park Zoo Rhoda A. Runzheimer Catherine S. Willis Mott Philanthropic Friends of the Open School John Rutjes Joey and Melissa Wilson Orange County Community Foundation Gemperle Family Farms Kerry Sarnoski Royce E. Wilson Peter and Kristan Norvig Family Fund Houston Zoological Gardens Linda Sayler and John McClure Cynthia W. Wilusz Lovell Peter Fogliano & Hal Lester Foundation The Indianapolis Zoological Society Robert Scavo John Wise Reynolds Family Foundation The International Primatological Society Scott and Jodi Schaeffer Roddy Wong Robert A. Waller Foundation Lincoln Park Zoo Joel and Alice Schick Alan C. Woodbury Rosemary & Ted Lassiter Foundation Little Rock Zoo Pierre F. Schlemel Philip and Penelope Wright Ryan Tree Foundation Louisville Zoological Foundation Shaun M. Schneier Lilach Yanai Sanghrajka Foundation at Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Roy Schuelke Wayne Yarbrough Schwab Charitable Oklahoma Zoological Society Gerry Schwartz Sharon Haugh Foundation Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo Martha L. Seeligson Foundations Shawn Perine Memorial Fund Partners In Conservation at Felice B. Seeman Aaron and Patricia Blumberg Foundation Shulman-Rochambeau Charitable Columbus Zoo and Aquarium Morris H. Shafter Aldrich Family Charitable Foundation Foundation SeaWorld & Busch Gardens William J. Shanahan Amazon Smile Foundation Sondra J. and Stephen R. Hardis Conservation Fund Thomas E. Shepherd, Jr. An Anonymous Fund c/o Charitable Trust Woodland Park Zoological Gardens Susan L. Siegmund The San Diego Foundation Stolpman Family Charitable Giving Fund Zoo Atlanta David S. Singer Bellomy Family Charitable Trust Susan Julia Ross Fund at Zoos Victoria LaNette C. Six Bloomstein Family Charitable Fund Arizona Community Foundation Clarence Smith Brickman Gross Family Foundation The Andrew D. Zacks Foundation Corporate/Business Robin Smith and Eric McCallum Charles Crane Charitable Trust The Broder Foundation Adobe Systems Incorporated Anonymous Chauncey and Marion D. McCormick The Bruce G. Geary Foundation Big A, LLC Lynette Y. Snow Family Foundation The Coffman Foundation Bremick Pty Ltd Lawrence I. Solomon Connie and Bob Lurie Philanthropic Fund The Double Eagle Foundation Cosmoproject SRL Elizabeth Steele at the Jewish Community Federation The Godfrey W. & Jeanne S. DISTINTEC Stephen Steiner Daniel K. Thorne Foundation, Inc. Kauffmann Foundation Endangered Species Chocolate, LLC Shan Steinmark David P. Tenberg Charitable The Lance Douglas Revocable Trust Google Anne Stern Foundation, Inc. The And Victoria Dreyfus Gorilla Logic, Inc. Hollis R. Stern David Zuckerman Family Trust Foundation, Inc. InfoSol, Inc. Sandor and Faye Straus Gift Fund at Fidelity Anonymous Maine Beer Company LLC John Strelecky Dextra Baldwin McGonagle The Myers Family Charitable Fund Nature's Path Foods, Inc. Jan and Susan Suwinski Foundation, Inc. Anonymous OppenheimerFunds, Inc. Caroline Ten Have Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund The Ruffee Family Charitable Trust Oracle America, Inc. Yoka Terbrugge D-S Family Fund Anonymous Peake Ranch Winery Sheree D. Terra Anonymous The Vanessa Viso Separate Property Trust Recycled Ideas Robert and Gail Tober Frances Seebe Charitable Trust The Winston-Salem Foundation Terra Incognita Ecotours, Inc. Anthony Tozzini Gale Epstein Charitable Fund The Wise Family Trust U/T/A Thanksgiving Coffee Co., Inc. David and Deborah Trainer GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Thomas B. Stevenson Charitable Fund Vacations To Go Eric and Melissa Trautman Harry L. Willett Foundation Title Family Foundation Virunga Gin Caroline W. Treadwell Horne Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Violet G. Young Charitable Trust Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Janet Trettner Hufty Foundation Von Felsinger Fund Joanne Truffelman Ina Kay Foundation Walt Disney Company Foundation Steven and Joanna Tschudy Isdell Family Foundation Westcliff Foundation

Government Estate of Ralph A. Philbrook Hal and Diane Brierley Walt Disney Parks and Resorts National Science Foundation Estate of Wendy Anne Bergen Cindy and Robert Broder Woodshire at Elk Rim, LLC - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Joel E. Brown Living Trust Michael and Eileen Crowther Brookfield Communities Margot Ely Revocable Trust William and Julie Evans Legacy Society Judith C. Harris and Robert Singer *Capital Endowment Gifts The Legacy Society recognizes our donors who In-Kind Richard A. Horder desire to support the Fossey Fund’s critical work Google Sandra and Harold Price during their lifetime and beyond, thus creating a Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP Rebecca F. Rooney* Please accept our apologies if you legacy of conservation. Mathews Group, LLC Martha L. Seeligson* discover an error in this listing. We would Oracle America, Inc. Cleveland Metroparks Zoo like to be made aware of the mistake, so Estate of Abraham Ringel Zoo Atlanta Columbus Zoo & Aquarium please contact our office at Estate of Alan L. and Claire McPherson Dallas Zoo 1-800-851-0203 or by email at Estate of Michelle Alford Capital Campaign Houston Zoological Gardens [email protected]. Thank you. Estate of April Montgomery Our capital campaign donors have invested in Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo Estate of Arlette Ann Sharp our campaign to build our new permanent home, Pine Trails, LLC - Brookfield Communities Estate of Dr. Herbert G. Jakob The Ellen DeGeneres Campus. Their generosity Sharon Haugh Foundation and Margaret Y. Jakob will change the future of wildlife and biodiversity The Andrew Pachman/Tara Stoinski Estate of Stephanie Drossin conservation in Rwanda, ensuring that the next Charitable Fund Estate of Joel M. Brown generation of conservationists and scientists will The Broder Foundation Estate of Grace Lamoreaux have the resources and support to continue our The Ellen Fund Estate of Louise Trogden work in support of endangered mountain gorillas The Sullivan Family Foundation Estate of Fern Marx and their habitat. The Whitley Family Charitable Fund* Estate of Mercele A. Trudeaux TTMMC Fund Dian Fossey Leadership Circle Manjul Dixit Lisa Kohn Our Donors The Dian Fossey Leadership Circle is a Julia and Louis Dorfman Christopher and Betty Kosseff community of donors whose generous annual Thomas and Connie Dotzenrod Veeni S. Kumar Supporters and friends from around the support enables high-impact results for gorillas, Mary Drazan Douglas and Suzie Kutz world made our work possible this year. their habitat and the communities near them in Lee Ehmke Brigitte Lacouture While we are unable to gratefully Rwanda and the DRC. Donors who give from Lee W. Ellenberg Donata Lancelotti acknowledge each and every one in this $1,000 to $9,999 annually are welcomed into Katy M. Emde Barbara S. Leitzel Annual Report, we want our donors to this circle. Stuart Engs Carolyn S. Levin know that every gift – large and small – Aurora Estner Nisha Ligon has a direct and meaningful impact on Individuals Mike Filippi Michael J. Linahan the survival of the wild gorillas we protect Stefanie G. Abramson Randi and Nathan Foster Erica and Ken Liss and study. We thank each of you for Mr. Roberto and Mrs. Monica Aguirre Jim and Linda Francis David S. Litman and Malia A. Litman investing in gorillas through us. We hope Sam Alfstad Charles Franz Robert R. Littman to keep earning your trust and Anonymous Connie C. Frazier Kristen E. Lukas, Ph.D. enthusiasm! Duane A. Anderson Vicki D. Friedberg Joan Luria Victoria P. Anderson Anonymous Anonymous Linda C. Arbaugh Diana and Andrew Frost James and Mary Ann Macie Digit Society The Digit Society of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Johnny and Karen Armstrong Deborah K. Fulbright Joshua Mack Fund is a distinguished group of individual Scott Atkinson Natalia and Dennis Gaitsgory Douglas Madison donors whose substantial ongoing commitment Amber Auman and Robert Auman Evelyn Gallardo Elizabeth Magee to the Fossey Fund embodies the spirit of Dian Kelly K. Avila Robert Garner Jamie M. Manders Fossey’s favorite gorilla, her beloved Digit. Digit Helen Ballard Francois B. Gaudin Victoria Marone Society members ensure the survival of gorillas Sarah and Addy Barrett Edward M. Gerstein Jon and Diane Marquis through annual gifts of $10,000 and more. William D. Barrett Errol E. Ginsberg and Annette Michelson Beth K. Marrus Sandra Bartels Barbara and Kenneth Glaze Robert and Doretta Marwin Anonymous Severin Bartholdi Melissa Goforth Scott P. Matthews Christopher D. Bierly and Anthony and Carol Battaglia Yue Yun Goh Ken McClain Margaret E. Boasberg Frederick H. Bear Karl Griffiths and Anne Maye Craig and Susan McClellan Paul Bischoff Anonymous Marie Grill Timothy McCracken Hal and Diane Brierley Alexander A. Belinson Kenneth and Elizabeth Gunn Andrew and Sherry McDonald Cindy and Robert Broder Rosamond L. Bennett Glenn T. Hammons Carl E. McGill David and Denise Chase Anonymous Patricia L. Hampton Anonymous Andrew and Mary Jane Cooper Linda M. Betzer Eva H. Hanks Jan McSwain Mikael Doktar Charlotte L. Bischel and Robert W. Stone Kathryn S. Head and Linda A. Delma Francis X. Melvin Alison L. Doone Allison Blackwell David and Gail Hecht Susanne Meyer-Sparenberg Philip and Catherine Edwards Helen Blanchard Joan Hero and W. William Baumgardt Patricia Michaud William and Julie Evans Jennifer Blythe Polly V. Heyward Anonymous Nickolas and Cheri Faust Robin Boyer Alexander Hill Kathleen A. Monahan and Michael Mullen Maria Cecilia Fiorucci and Cherri Briggs and Richard Wilson Thomas and Ann Hill Marco A. Monsalve Giuseppe Santoni Lorrin C. Brown Stephen and Martha Hixon George and Clara Moreno Patricia W. Forrest Larry Calvin Ellen Hoberman John D. Moritz Alan and Karen Fox Emilee H. Cantieri Linda S. Hodges Andrew and Jennifer Murdoch Gyuri Gattyán Barbara Carroll Elizabeth A. Holland and Gene S. Brandt Thomas J. Myers Rita Grolitzer Valerie Casey Jane R. Horvitz Emily M. Nett Judith C. Harris and Robert Singer Tamarah Castaneda Dean Howard Anonymous Richard A. Horder Samuel M. Chen Karen Jain Carolyn Norin Milla Jovovich Kim M. Ciborowski Kathy L. Jamison Martin Nutty Meredith LaBonge Dion F. Coakley Linda A. Jasper Mark and Vickie Nysether Peter W. Laskas Lee and Mariella Compton Carlton and Stephanie Johnson Anonymous Dennis P. Martino Marie-France Côté Anonymous Jason and Elizabeth Oberhand Gene and Lynn Monroe Frank and Julie Crispigna Alicia G. Jones Jonathan O'Donoghue Sandra Jo Moss Michael and Eileen Crowther Fernando Juarez Lara Olsha David B. Posner Andy and Betty Jo Currie Frank Junker and Saiqa Seed Khan Armin Osswald Sandra and Harold Price Jason D'Amelio Thomas Kasteel Michael O'Sullivan Rebecca F. Rooney Christy A. Davis Carol A. Kauffman Jill W. Over Carol Ann Smallwood and Anonymous M. Hope Keating Margaret A. Overaas Scott R. Smallwood M. Leslie de Runtz David Keith Hosahalli and Ganga Padmesh Tara S. Stoinski Thomas Detelich Lisa Kennedy Mary Lee Paoletti Dan and Katie Sullivan Melanie L. Devore Diane Kero Dennis E. Pate Mr. R.E. Turner, III Sharon Dewar Susan Killeen Patricia Pavlish Julie Dietz Anonymous Keith Peterson and Francois Roux Lancelot and Patricia Disley John and Robin Klein Anonymous

Jarrod and Catherine Phillips Dennis and Sue Umshler Jerome Leiber Charitable Foundation William E. Wockner Foundation John and Nuri Pierce Richard D. Urell Joan Cullen Charitable Trust William Ewing Foundation Laura S. Powell and John A. Hartman Sue Van Boven John & Marilyn Wells Family Foundation William H. Anderson Foundation, Inc. Roberta N. Quiat Hannu Vesterinen Kari & Fred Barton Charitable Foundation Nader Rahmanian Marcia J. Vigren Kayne Foundation Organizations Shweth Rai Ole A. Vikshaaland Kona Foundation, Inc. APE Conservation Effort Samuella D. Ramsey Roberta E. Vogt Larry & Amy Weiss Joint Revocable Trust Arapahoe Ridge Elementary School Janet Ratliff Yvonne von Kamp Larry Ellison Foundation Arcus Foundation through the Stephanie Reid Brandee L. Wagner, Ph.D. and Leo S. Guthman Fund Jane Goodall Institute Paul and Adrienne Rennie Eric D. Bischoff Link by Link DAF Association of Zoos & Aquariums Anonymous John and Gillian Wagner Loti C. Woods and Dale A. Weiler AZA Ape TAG Conservation Initiative Donna C. Rich, MD Andrea G. Watt and Robert A. Teitelbaum Charitable Fund Barringer Construction Barbara F. Rodes Elizabeth Werner Marana Webber Tost Charitable Fund Birmingham Zoo Myron Rosenthal Rainer Werner Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Abigail Ross Danielle Westfall, MD Mark and Anita Johnson Charitable Fund Columbus Zoo & Aquarium Victoria D. Rosskam Sage and Doug Wicinski Michael and Ina Korek Foundation Trust Combined Federal Campaign Cheryl Rothman Raymond Wildung Milligan Family Foundation Dallas Zoo John F. Rubin Marc Willensky Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation Dickerson Park Zoo Rhoda A. Runzheimer Catherine S. Willis Mott Philanthropic Friends of the Open School John Rutjes Joey and Melissa Wilson Orange County Community Foundation Gemperle Family Farms Kerry Sarnoski Royce E. Wilson Peter and Kristan Norvig Family Fund Houston Zoological Gardens Linda Sayler and John McClure Cynthia W. Wilusz Lovell Peter Fogliano & Hal Lester Foundation The Indianapolis Zoological Society Robert Scavo John Wise Reynolds Family Foundation The International Primatological Society Scott and Jodi Schaeffer Roddy Wong Robert A. Waller Foundation Lincoln Park Zoo Joel and Alice Schick Alan C. Woodbury Rosemary & Ted Lassiter Foundation Little Rock Zoo Pierre F. Schlemel Philip and Penelope Wright Ryan Tree Foundation Louisville Zoological Foundation Shaun M. Schneier Lilach Yanai Sanghrajka Foundation at Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Roy Schuelke Wayne Yarbrough Schwab Charitable Oklahoma Zoological Society Gerry Schwartz Sharon Haugh Foundation Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo Martha L. Seeligson Foundations Shawn Perine Memorial Fund Partners In Conservation at Felice B. Seeman Aaron and Patricia Blumberg Foundation Shulman-Rochambeau Charitable Columbus Zoo and Aquarium Morris H. Shafter Aldrich Family Charitable Foundation Foundation SeaWorld & Busch Gardens William J. Shanahan Amazon Smile Foundation Sondra J. and Stephen R. Hardis Conservation Fund Thomas E. Shepherd, Jr. An Anonymous Fund c/o Charitable Trust Woodland Park Zoological Gardens Susan L. Siegmund The San Diego Foundation Stolpman Family Charitable Giving Fund Zoo Atlanta David S. Singer Bellomy Family Charitable Trust Susan Julia Ross Fund at Zoos Victoria LaNette C. Six Bloomstein Family Charitable Fund Arizona Community Foundation Clarence Smith Brickman Gross Family Foundation The Andrew D. Zacks Foundation Corporate/Business Robin Smith and Eric McCallum Charles Crane Charitable Trust The Broder Foundation Adobe Systems Incorporated Anonymous Chauncey and Marion D. McCormick The Bruce G. Geary Foundation Big A, LLC Lynette Y. Snow Family Foundation The Coffman Foundation Bremick Pty Ltd Lawrence I. Solomon Connie and Bob Lurie Philanthropic Fund The Double Eagle Foundation Cosmoproject SRL Elizabeth Steele at the Jewish Community Federation The Godfrey W. & Jeanne S. DISTINTEC Stephen Steiner Daniel K. Thorne Foundation, Inc. Kauffmann Foundation Endangered Species Chocolate, LLC Shan Steinmark David P. Tenberg Charitable The Lance Douglas Revocable Trust Google Anne Stern Foundation, Inc. The Max And Victoria Dreyfus Gorilla Logic, Inc. Hollis R. Stern David Zuckerman Family Trust Foundation, Inc. InfoSol, Inc. Sandor and Faye Straus Gift Fund at Fidelity Anonymous Maine Beer Company LLC John Strelecky Dextra Baldwin McGonagle The Myers Family Charitable Fund Nature's Path Foods, Inc. Jan and Susan Suwinski Foundation, Inc. Anonymous OppenheimerFunds, Inc. Caroline Ten Have Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund The Ruffee Family Charitable Trust Oracle America, Inc. Yoka Terbrugge D-S Family Fund Anonymous Peake Ranch Winery Sheree D. Terra Anonymous The Vanessa Viso Separate Property Trust Recycled Ideas Robert and Gail Tober Frances Seebe Charitable Trust The Winston-Salem Foundation Terra Incognita Ecotours, Inc. Anthony Tozzini Gale Epstein Charitable Fund The Wise Family Trust U/T/A Thanksgiving Coffee Co., Inc. David and Deborah Trainer GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Thomas B. Stevenson Charitable Fund Vacations To Go Eric and Melissa Trautman Harry L. Willett Foundation Title Family Foundation Virunga Gin Caroline W. Treadwell Horne Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Violet G. Young Charitable Trust Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Janet Trettner Hufty Foundation Von Felsinger Primate Fund Joanne Truffelman Ina Kay Foundation Walt Disney Company Foundation Steven and Joanna Tschudy Isdell Family Foundation Westcliff Foundation

Government Estate of Ralph A. Philbrook Hal and Diane Brierley Walt Disney Parks and Resorts National Science Foundation Estate of Wendy Anne Bergen Cindy and Robert Broder Woodshire at Elk Rim, LLC - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Joel E. Brown Living Trust Michael and Eileen Crowther Brookfield Communities Margot Ely Revocable Trust William and Julie Evans Legacy Society Judith C. Harris and Robert Singer *Capital Endowment Gifts The Legacy Society recognizes our donors who In-Kind Richard A. Horder desire to support the Fossey Fund’s critical work Google Sandra and Harold Price during their lifetime and beyond, thus creating a Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP Rebecca F. Rooney* Please accept our apologies if you legacy of conservation. Mathews Group, LLC Martha L. Seeligson* discover an error in this listing. We would Oracle America, Inc. Cleveland Metroparks Zoo like to be made aware of the mistake, so Estate of Abraham Ringel Zoo Atlanta Columbus Zoo & Aquarium please contact our office at Estate of Alan L. and Claire McPherson Dallas Zoo 1-800-851-0203 or by email at Estate of Michelle Alford Capital Campaign Houston Zoological Gardens [email protected]. Thank you. Estate of April Montgomery Our capital campaign donors have invested in Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo Estate of Arlette Ann Sharp our campaign to build our new permanent home, Pine Trails, LLC - Brookfield Communities Estate of Dr. Herbert G. Jakob The Ellen DeGeneres Campus. Their generosity Sharon Haugh Foundation and Margaret Y. Jakob will change the future of wildlife and biodiversity The Andrew Pachman/Tara Stoinski Estate of Stephanie Drossin conservation in Rwanda, ensuring that the next Charitable Fund Estate of Joel M. Brown generation of conservationists and scientists will The Broder Foundation Estate of Grace Lamoreaux have the resources and support to continue our The Ellen Fund Estate of Louise Trogden work in support of endangered mountain gorillas The Sullivan Family Foundation Estate of Fern Marx and their habitat. The Whitley Family Charitable Fund* Estate of Mercele A. Trudeaux TTMMC Fund Dian Fossey Leadership Circle Manjul Dixit Lisa Kohn Our Donors The Dian Fossey Leadership Circle is a Julia and Louis Dorfman Christopher and Betty Kosseff community of donors whose generous annual Thomas and Connie Dotzenrod Veeni S. Kumar Supporters and friends from around the support enables high-impact results for gorillas, Mary Drazan Douglas and Suzie Kutz world made our work possible this year. their habitat and the communities near them in Lee Ehmke Brigitte Lacouture While we are unable to gratefully Rwanda and the DRC. Donors who give from Lee W. Ellenberg Donata Lancelotti acknowledge each and every one in this $1,000 to $9,999 annually are welcomed into Katy M. Emde Barbara S. Leitzel Annual Report, we want our donors to this circle. Stuart Engs Carolyn S. Levin know that every gift – large and small – Aurora Estner Nisha Ligon has a direct and meaningful impact on Individuals Mike Filippi Michael J. Linahan the survival of the wild gorillas we protect Stefanie G. Abramson Randi and Nathan Foster Erica and Ken Liss and study. We thank each of you for Mr. Roberto and Mrs. Monica Aguirre Jim and Linda Francis David S. Litman and Malia A. Litman investing in gorillas through us. We hope Sam Alfstad Charles Franz Robert R. Littman to keep earning your trust and Anonymous Connie C. Frazier Kristen E. Lukas, Ph.D. enthusiasm! Duane A. Anderson Vicki D. Friedberg Joan Luria Victoria P. Anderson Anonymous Anonymous Linda C. Arbaugh Diana and Andrew Frost James and Mary Ann Macie Digit Society The Digit Society of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Johnny and Karen Armstrong Deborah K. Fulbright Joshua Mack Fund is a distinguished group of individual Scott Atkinson Natalia and Dennis Gaitsgory Douglas Madison donors whose substantial ongoing commitment Amber Auman and Robert Auman Evelyn Gallardo Elizabeth Magee to the Fossey Fund embodies the spirit of Dian Kelly K. Avila Robert Garner Jamie M. Manders Fossey’s favorite gorilla, her beloved Digit. Digit Helen Ballard Francois B. Gaudin Victoria Marone Society members ensure the survival of gorillas Sarah and Addy Barrett Edward M. Gerstein Jon and Diane Marquis through annual gifts of $10,000 and more. William D. Barrett Errol E. Ginsberg and Annette Michelson Beth K. Marrus Sandra Bartels Barbara and Kenneth Glaze Robert and Doretta Marwin Anonymous Severin Bartholdi Melissa Goforth Scott P. Matthews Christopher D. Bierly and Anthony and Carol Battaglia Yue Yun Goh Ken McClain Margaret E. Boasberg Frederick H. Bear Karl Griffiths and Anne Maye Craig and Susan McClellan Paul Bischoff Anonymous Marie Grill Timothy McCracken Hal and Diane Brierley Alexander A. Belinson Kenneth and Elizabeth Gunn Andrew and Sherry McDonald Cindy and Robert Broder Rosamond L. Bennett Glenn T. Hammons Carl E. McGill David and Denise Chase Anonymous Patricia L. Hampton Anonymous Andrew and Mary Jane Cooper Linda M. Betzer Eva H. Hanks Jan McSwain Mikael Doktar Charlotte L. Bischel and Robert W. Stone Kathryn S. Head and Linda A. Delma Francis X. Melvin Alison L. Doone Allison Blackwell David and Gail Hecht Susanne Meyer-Sparenberg Philip and Catherine Edwards Helen Blanchard Joan Hero and W. William Baumgardt Patricia Michaud William and Julie Evans Jennifer Blythe Polly V. Heyward Anonymous Nickolas and Cheri Faust Robin Boyer Alexander Hill Kathleen A. Monahan and Michael Mullen Maria Cecilia Fiorucci and Cherri Briggs and Richard Wilson Thomas and Ann Hill Marco A. Monsalve Giuseppe Santoni Lorrin C. Brown Stephen and Martha Hixon George and Clara Moreno Patricia W. Forrest Larry Calvin Ellen Hoberman John D. Moritz Alan and Karen Fox Emilee H. Cantieri Linda S. Hodges Andrew and Jennifer Murdoch Gyuri Gattyán Barbara Carroll Elizabeth A. Holland and Gene S. Brandt Thomas J. Myers Rita Grolitzer Valerie Casey Jane R. Horvitz Emily M. Nett Judith C. Harris and Robert Singer Tamarah Castaneda Dean Howard Anonymous Richard A. Horder Samuel M. Chen Karen Jain Carolyn Norin Milla Jovovich Kim M. Ciborowski Kathy L. Jamison Martin Nutty Meredith LaBonge Dion F. Coakley Linda A. Jasper Mark and Vickie Nysether Peter W. Laskas Lee and Mariella Compton Carlton and Stephanie Johnson Anonymous Dennis P. Martino Marie-France Côté Anonymous Jason and Elizabeth Oberhand Gene and Lynn Monroe Frank and Julie Crispigna Alicia G. Jones Jonathan O'Donoghue Sandra Jo Moss Michael and Eileen Crowther Fernando Juarez Lara Olsha David B. Posner Andy and Betty Jo Currie Frank Junker and Saiqa Seed Khan Armin Osswald Sandra and Harold Price Jason D'Amelio Thomas Kasteel Michael O'Sullivan Rebecca F. Rooney Christy A. Davis Carol A. Kauffman Jill W. Over Carol Ann Smallwood and Anonymous M. Hope Keating Margaret A. Overaas Scott R. Smallwood M. Leslie de Runtz David Keith Hosahalli and Ganga Padmesh Tara S. Stoinski Thomas Detelich Lisa Kennedy Mary Lee Paoletti Dan and Katie Sullivan Melanie L. Devore Diane Kero Dennis E. Pate Mr. R.E. Turner, III Sharon Dewar Susan Killeen Patricia Pavlish Julie Dietz Anonymous Keith Peterson and Francois Roux Lancelot and Patricia Disley John and Robin Klein Anonymous

Jarrod and Catherine Phillips Dennis and Sue Umshler Jerome Leiber Charitable Foundation William E. Wockner Foundation John and Nuri Pierce Richard D. Urell Joan Cullen Charitable Trust William Ewing Foundation Laura S. Powell and John A. Hartman Sue Van Boven John & Marilyn Wells Family Foundation William H. Anderson Foundation, Inc. Roberta N. Quiat Hannu Vesterinen Kari & Fred Barton Charitable Foundation Nader Rahmanian Marcia J. Vigren Kayne Foundation Organizations Shweth Rai Ole A. Vikshaaland Kona Foundation, Inc. APE Conservation Effort Samuella D. Ramsey Roberta E. Vogt Larry & Amy Weiss Joint Revocable Trust Arapahoe Ridge Elementary School Janet Ratliff Yvonne von Kamp Larry Ellison Foundation Arcus Foundation through the Stephanie Reid Brandee L. Wagner, Ph.D. and Leo S. Guthman Fund Jane Goodall Institute Paul and Adrienne Rennie Eric D. Bischoff Link by Link DAF Association of Zoos & Aquariums Anonymous John and Gillian Wagner Loti C. Woods and Dale A. Weiler AZA Ape TAG Conservation Initiative Donna C. Rich, MD Andrea G. Watt and Robert A. Teitelbaum Charitable Fund Barringer Construction Barbara F. Rodes Elizabeth Werner Marana Webber Tost Charitable Fund Birmingham Zoo Myron Rosenthal Rainer Werner Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Abigail Ross Danielle Westfall, MD Mark and Anita Johnson Charitable Fund Columbus Zoo & Aquarium Victoria D. Rosskam Sage and Doug Wicinski Michael and Ina Korek Foundation Trust Combined Federal Campaign Cheryl Rothman Raymond Wildung Milligan Family Foundation Dallas Zoo John F. Rubin Marc Willensky Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation Dickerson Park Zoo Rhoda A. Runzheimer Catherine S. Willis Mott Philanthropic Friends of the Open School John Rutjes Joey and Melissa Wilson Orange County Community Foundation Gemperle Family Farms Kerry Sarnoski Royce E. Wilson Peter and Kristan Norvig Family Fund Houston Zoological Gardens Linda Sayler and John McClure Cynthia W. Wilusz Lovell Peter Fogliano & Hal Lester Foundation The Indianapolis Zoological Society Robert Scavo John Wise Reynolds Family Foundation The International Primatological Society Scott and Jodi Schaeffer Roddy Wong Robert A. Waller Foundation Lincoln Park Zoo Joel and Alice Schick Alan C. Woodbury Rosemary & Ted Lassiter Foundation Little Rock Zoo Pierre F. Schlemel Philip and Penelope Wright Ryan Tree Foundation Louisville Zoological Foundation Shaun M. Schneier Lilach Yanai Sanghrajka Foundation at Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Roy Schuelke Wayne Yarbrough Schwab Charitable Oklahoma Zoological Society Gerry Schwartz Sharon Haugh Foundation Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo Martha L. Seeligson Foundations Shawn Perine Memorial Fund Partners In Conservation at Felice B. Seeman Aaron and Patricia Blumberg Foundation Shulman-Rochambeau Charitable Columbus Zoo and Aquarium Morris H. Shafter Aldrich Family Charitable Foundation Foundation SeaWorld & Busch Gardens William J. Shanahan Amazon Smile Foundation Sondra J. and Stephen R. Hardis Conservation Fund Thomas E. Shepherd, Jr. An Anonymous Fund c/o Charitable Trust Woodland Park Zoological Gardens Susan L. Siegmund The San Diego Foundation Stolpman Family Charitable Giving Fund Zoo Atlanta David S. Singer Bellomy Family Charitable Trust Susan Julia Ross Fund at Zoos Victoria LaNette C. Six Bloomstein Family Charitable Fund Arizona Community Foundation Clarence Smith Brickman Gross Family Foundation The Andrew D. Zacks Foundation Corporate/Business Robin Smith and Eric McCallum Charles Crane Charitable Trust The Broder Foundation Adobe Systems Incorporated Anonymous Chauncey and Marion D. McCormick The Bruce G. Geary Foundation Big A, LLC Lynette Y. Snow Family Foundation The Coffman Foundation Bremick Pty Ltd Lawrence I. Solomon Connie and Bob Lurie Philanthropic Fund The Double Eagle Foundation Cosmoproject SRL Elizabeth Steele at the Jewish Community Federation The Godfrey W. & Jeanne S. DISTINTEC Stephen Steiner Daniel K. Thorne Foundation, Inc. Kauffmann Foundation Endangered Species Chocolate, LLC Shan Steinmark David P. Tenberg Charitable The Lance Douglas Revocable Trust Google Anne Stern Foundation, Inc. The Max And Victoria Dreyfus Gorilla Logic, Inc. Hollis R. Stern David Zuckerman Family Trust Foundation, Inc. InfoSol, Inc. Sandor and Faye Straus Gift Fund at Fidelity Anonymous Maine Beer Company LLC John Strelecky Dextra Baldwin McGonagle The Myers Family Charitable Fund Nature's Path Foods, Inc. Jan and Susan Suwinski Foundation, Inc. Anonymous OppenheimerFunds, Inc. Caroline Ten Have Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund The Ruffee Family Charitable Trust Oracle America, Inc. Yoka Terbrugge D-S Family Fund Anonymous Peake Ranch Winery Sheree D. Terra Anonymous The Vanessa Viso Separate Property Trust Recycled Ideas Robert and Gail Tober Frances Seebe Charitable Trust The Winston-Salem Foundation Terra Incognita Ecotours, Inc. Anthony Tozzini Gale Epstein Charitable Fund The Wise Family Trust U/T/A Thanksgiving Coffee Co., Inc. David and Deborah Trainer GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Thomas B. Stevenson Charitable Fund Vacations To Go Eric and Melissa Trautman Harry L. Willett Foundation Title Family Foundation Virunga Gin Caroline W. Treadwell Horne Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Violet G. Young Charitable Trust Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Janet Trettner Hufty Foundation Von Felsinger Primate Fund Joanne Truffelman Ina Kay Foundation Walt Disney Company Foundation Steven and Joanna Tschudy Isdell Family Foundation Westcliff Foundation

Government Estate of Ralph A. Philbrook Hal and Diane Brierley Walt Disney Parks and Resorts National Science Foundation Estate of Wendy Anne Bergen Cindy and Robert Broder Woodshire at Elk Rim, LLC - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Joel E. Brown Living Trust Michael and Eileen Crowther Brookfield Communities Margot Ely Revocable Trust William and Julie Evans Legacy Society Judith C. Harris and Robert Singer *Capital Endowment Gifts The Legacy Society recognizes our donors who In-Kind Richard A. Horder desire to support the Fossey Fund’s critical work Google Sandra and Harold Price during their lifetime and beyond, thus creating a Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP Rebecca F. Rooney* Please accept our apologies if you legacy of conservation. Mathews Group, LLC Martha L. Seeligson* discover an error in this listing. We would Oracle America, Inc. Cleveland Metroparks Zoo like to be made aware of the mistake, so Estate of Abraham Ringel Zoo Atlanta Columbus Zoo & Aquarium please contact our office at Estate of Alan L. and Claire McPherson Dallas Zoo 1-800-851-0203 or by email at Estate of Michelle Alford Capital Campaign Houston Zoological Gardens [email protected]. Thank you. Estate of April Montgomery Our capital campaign donors have invested in Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo Estate of Arlette Ann Sharp our campaign to build our new permanent home, Pine Trails, LLC - Brookfield Communities Estate of Dr. Herbert G. Jakob The Ellen DeGeneres Campus. Their generosity Sharon Haugh Foundation and Margaret Y. Jakob will change the future of wildlife and biodiversity The Andrew Pachman/Tara Stoinski Estate of Stephanie Drossin conservation in Rwanda, ensuring that the next Charitable Fund Estate of Joel M. Brown generation of conservationists and scientists will The Broder Foundation Estate of Grace Lamoreaux have the resources and support to continue our The Ellen Fund Estate of Louise Trogden work in support of endangered mountain gorillas The Sullivan Family Foundation Estate of Fern Marx and their habitat. The Whitley Family Charitable Fund* Estate of Mercele A. Trudeaux TTMMC Fund BOARD OF TRUSTEES

Honorary Chair Board of Trustees Mark Penning, BVSc Joey Wilson Vice President, Disney’s Animals, Science President, South Region Mariel Aguirre and Environment, Walt Disney Parks and SapientRazorfish Actor and Conservationist Conservationist Resorts U.S. Lawrence J. Ellison Emeritus Trustees Executive Committee Philip V. Petersen Executive Chairman of the Board President and Sole Owner, Brookfield William R. Foster, DVM Chief Technology Ocer, Oracle Communities, Inc. Judith C. Harris, Chair Corporation President and CEO, Birmingham Zoo Conservationist and Citizen Sandra L. Price Glenn L. Felner Nickolas L. Faust Philanthropist and Conservationist Daniel L. Sullivan, Ph.D., Vice Chair Senior Resident Scholar, Center Businessman and Rwanda Advocate Executive Vice President, Emeritus for Spatial Planning Analytics and Rebecca F. Rooney Qualcomm Incorporated Terrance Harps Visualization, Georgia Institute Philanthropist and Conservationist Chairman & CEO, Global Concessions, Inc. of Technology Kristen Lukas, Ph.D., Secretary Tom Stalf Director, Conservation and Science Terry L. Maple, Ph.D. Richard A. Horder President & CEO, Columbus Zoo Consultant and Former Zoo Director Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Partner, Kazmarek Mowrey Cloud and Aquarium Laseter LLP The Hon. R. Kenton Musgrave, Emeritus David S. Singer, Treasurer Alexis Stein Conservationist Senior Judge, U.S. Court of International Greggory Hudson Conservationist Trade Executive Director & CEO, Dallas Zoo Diane Brierley, At Large and the Aquarium at Fair Park Joanne Truelman Mary G. Smith, Emeritus Conservationist Former advertising agency owner Senior Editor, (Ret.) Alicia Grahn Jones Nonprofit boards trustee Lee C. Ehmke, At Large Partner, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP Clare Richardson, President Emeritus President and CEO, Houston Zoo Carlos Vigil The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund Dennis E. Pate Vice President of Sales, E ectiveness of President and CEO, Omaha’s Henry Southern Wine & Spirits of America, Inc. Doorly Zoo & Aquarium