University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository UNM Yearbooks - The irM age Campus Publications 1906 The irM age, 1906 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "The irM age, 1906." (1906). This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Campus Publications at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in UNM Yearbooks - The irM age by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. 4-\.t- pDlf'- ~~ .. , ~~uv;~- lu." 'f/1. 'II' ...~ 1<1t Jr>r 1<10 or • «Jo~) 2 ~ <ai~Do/L ~ ~~ aJu 1If. Cl. Wtglft l:tulltr. ttlll~tr attb !ritnb, lJI htbirattb iD'IJU Jirulk "-n tX¥rt.. lml of t~t rlllligr aplrtt ~t ~u taugiJt u. to luuma. Jl'nrrworb This hook is notMng more nor less tfwt what if is. PnF.~IDBXT W. G. 'l'JGTTT JrrBibrnt William ~. Wig~t. William George Tight was born in Granville, Ohio, March 12th, 1865. He gxaduated from Dennison Univemty, with the degxee of B. S., in 1886 and obtained his M. S. in the following year. For four~ teen years he was professor of Geology in his Alma Mater, and at intervals through this period he studied at Harvard and Chicago Univemties. It was during this time also that he worked up the thesis which secured for him the Doctor's degree from the University of Chicago in 190 I . This thesis, "Drainage Modifications in Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky," was published by the United States Govern ment and is known as Professional Paper, No.