Editor’s note:This year, the Communist Editor’sParty of China note: Thisis celebrating year,Editor’s the Communistthe note: 100thThis anniversary Party year, ofthe China Communist of its is founding. celebrating Party China of the China 100th Daily is anniversary iscelebrating publishing theof its 100th founding. anniversary China Dailyof its founding. is publishing China Daily is publishing a series of stories looking at the tremendousa series changes of stories that have looking occurreda series at the ofin tremendous stories provinces, looking changesautonomous at the that tremendous haveregions occurred and changes municipalities in provinces, that have occurredunderautonomous the in provinces, regions and autonomous municipalities regions under and themunicipalities under the leadership of the Party. They also includeleadership stories of the of thepeople Party. andleadership They places also that ofinclude the have Party. storiesleft indelible They of thealso peoplemarks include andin storiesthe places Party’s of that the path peoplehave to leftglory. and indelible places thatmarks have in leftthe indelibleParty’s path marks to glory. in the Party’s path to glory.

The Xiong’an Railway Station in HebeiThe province. Xiong’an Officially Railway launchedThe Station Xiong’an inin HebeiDecember, Railway province. Station it is a Officially portal in Hebei to launchedthe province. Xiong’an in Officially December, New Area. launched itPROVIDED is a portal in TO December, CHINA to the DAILY Xiong’an it is a portal New the Xiong’anPROVIDED TO New CHINA Area. DAILY PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY

HEBEI HEBEI HEBEI Population: 75.9 million Population: 75.9 millionPopulation: 75.9 million Hebei reportsHebeiHebei reports solid reports progress solid solid progress Area: progress188,800 square kilometers Area: 188,800 square kilometersArea: 188,800 square kilometers

Beijing Beijing as it tacklesas itas tackles‘big it tackles three’ ‘big tasks ‘bigthree’ three’ tasksTianjin tasks Tianjin Hebei Hebei Hebei

City cluster, Olympics Citypreparation, cluster, CityOlympics Xiong’an cluster, Newpreparation, Olympics Area construction preparation, Xiong’an New all Xiong’an making Area construction Newheadway Area construction all making headway all making headway GDP of Hebei GDP of Hebei GDP of Hebei By LI LEI in Beijing Byed LI to LEIlife atin aboutBeijing 300 constructionBy LI LEI in Beijingsites edprovince’s to life at aboutopening­up, 300 constructioned tohas life atinjected about sites 300province’sinhalable construction particulateopening­up, sites province’s matterhas injected withopening­up, a inhalable Unit:has trillionparticulateinjected yuan inhalablematter with particulate a matterUnit: trillion with yuan a Unit: trillion yuan 3.60 3.51 3.62 3.60 3.51 3.62 3.60 3.51 3.62 and ZHANG YU in Shijiazhuang andin Xiong’an,ZHANG YU and in “significantShijiazhuangand ZHANG progress” YU in Shijiazhuanginmomentum Xiong’an, andinto “significantits economicin Xiong’an, progress” growth and “significantmomentumdiameter ofprogress” 2.5into micrometers its economicmomentum or lessgrowth intothat itsdiameter economic3.17 of 2.5growth3.40 micrometers diameter or less of 2.5that micrometers 3.17 or less3.40 that 3.17 3.40 has been made in flood prevention, hasand beenhas become made ain milestone floodhas beenprevention, in its made mod­ inand isflood considered has prevention,become a ahealth milestone and hazard has in itsbecome— plum­mod­ a milestoneis considered in its amod­ health ishazard considered — plum­ a health hazard — plum­ hree tasks that dominated the transportationhree tasks and that education dominated hreeprojects thetasks transportationthaternization dominated process. and the educationtransportation projects and ernizationeducationmeted 50 process. projectspercent duringernization the process.period meted 50 percent duringmeted the 50 period percent during the period agenda of North China’s Hebei there sinceagenda the city of Northwas set China’s up inagenda 2017. Hebei of NorththereDuring sinceChina’s the the Hebei 13thcity wasFive­Year thereset up sincePlan, in 2017. theHebei city wascomparedDuring set up inthe with 2017. 13th its Five­Year 2013 levels,During Plan, it added.the Hebei 13th Five­Yearcompared Plan, with Hebei its 2013 comparedlevels, it added. with its 2013 levels, it added. province over the past few “The constructionprovince over of theXiong’an pastprovince Newfew overmade“The the effortsconstruction past tofew adjust of Xiong’an“The its industrialconstruction New made ofThis Xiong’an efforts year marked toNew adjust themade startits industrialofefforts the 14th to adjustThis its year industrial marked the startThis of year the marked14th the start of the 14th years have made remarkable years have made remarkableyears have made remarkable Area has forged ahead with efficiency, Areastructure, has forged which ahead expertsArea with and has efficiency, officialsforged ahead structure,Five­Year with efficiency, whichPlan periodexperts structure, (2021­25), and officials which and expertsFive­Year and20 16Plan officials2017 period2018 Five­Year (2021­25), 2019 2020 Plan and period (2021­25),2016 2017 and2018 20192016 2020 2017 2018 2019 2020 Theadway, said Dongfeng, secretary Theadway,and the saidlandscape Wang Dongfeng,is Theadway,dotted bysecretary said cranes Wang andDongfeng,said the was landscape too secretary “heavy”. is dottedand the by landscape cranes saidisWang dotted was said too by his “heavy”.cranes administration said was willtoo “heavy”.con­ Wang said his administrationWang said will his con­ administration will con­ of the Hebei Provincial Committee of the of the Hebei Provincial Committeeof the Hebei of Provincial the Committee of the and construction sites,” Wang said. andProvincial construction governmentsites,” andWang construction said.figures sites,”tinueProvincial Wang to said.push forwardgovernment withProvincial thefigures three government tinue Ttootal push figuresvalue forward oftinue importswith tothe push three forward withTotal the value three of importsTotal value of imports Communist Party of China. Communist Party of China.Communist Party of China. In the run­up to the second Olympic showedIn the thatrun­up its steelto the capacity secondIn the dropped Olympic run­up to to theshowedtasks second and that Olympicbuild its steel the capacity provinceshowed dropped that into its toan steel taskscapacity andand dropped buildexports theto provincetasks and into build an the provinceand exports into an and exports He was referring to the coordinated GamesHe was to bereferring held in China,to theHe morecoordinated was thanreferring 70 Gamestoless the than tocoordinated be 200 held million in China, Gamesmetric more totons thanbe heldover 70 in China,lessinnovation than more 200 thanpowerhouse million 70 metricless withthan tons a200 moreover million innovation metric tons powerhouse over innovation with a morepowerhouse with a more Unit: billion yuan Unit: billion yuan Unit: billion yuan development of the Beijing­Tianjin­He­ developmentsports venues of and the otherBeijing­Tianjin­He­development facilities have of the sportsBeijing­Tianjin­He­the period, venues compared and other sportswith facilities the venues peak have andof otherthe“self­reliant” period, facilities compared supply have chain withthe andperiod, the a strongerpeak compared of “self­reliant” with the peak supply of chain “self­reliant” and a441.0 stronger supply chain and a stronger 441.0 441.0 bei city cluster, preparations for the 2022 beibeen city completed, cluster, preparations and anbei additional city for cluster, the 2022high­ preparationsbeenmore completed, than for the320 2022 million and an beentons additional incompleted, 2011. high­ andmore poolan additional ofthan consumers. 320 high­million tonsmore in than 2011. 320 millionpool tons of 2011. pool400.1 of consumers. 400.1 400.1 337.6 355.1 337.6 355.1 337.6 355.1 Winter Olympic Games and the con­ Wintervoltage Olympicelectricity Games transmissionWinter and theOlympic project con­ GamesvoltageMeanwhile, and electricity the thecon­ transmissionnumbervoltage of high­techelectricity project transmissionMeanwhile,It will also project proceedthe number withMeanwhile, ofthe high­tech opening­ the numberIt will 307.5of also high­tech proceed withIt thewill opening­ also proceed with 307.5the opening­ 307.5 struction of the Xiong’an New Area. structionwas also completedof the Xiong’an as partstruction New of event Area. of the prep­ Xiong’anwasfirms also New topped completed Area. 9,000, as almostpartwas of also eventtripling completed prep­ the asfirmsup part of topped ofits event coastal 9,000, prep­ areas almostfirms near tripling topped the Bohai the9,000, up almost of its tripling coastal the areas up near of itsthe coastalBohai areas near the Bohai Progress on the bulk of these tasks is arations,Progress he on noted. the bulk ofProgress these tasks on theis bulkarations,level of inthese he2017, noted.tasks and is the arations,number heof noted.small levelGulf, in he 2017, added. and the numberlevel in 2017,of small and theGulf, number he added. of small Gulf, he added. expected to continue over the coming expectedMoreover, to continue the provincial overexpected thegovernment comingto continue and Moreover,over medium­sized the comingthe provincial tech Moreover,firms government reached the provincial andHebei medium­sized government had more tech thanand firms medium­sized2.3 reachedmillion techHebei firms had reached more thanHebei 2.3 millionhad more than 2.3 million years, he told Xinhua News Agency. years,said ithe has told signed Xinhua up News years,32 hotels Agency. he told and Xinhua 19 said85,000. News it hasAgency. signed up 32said hotels it has and signed 19 up85,000.impoverished 32 hotels and residents 19 85,000. in 2016 and impoverished residentsimpoverished in 2016 and residents in 2016 and As part of the push to integrate the healthAs part institutions, of the push and to itAs integratehas part recruited of thethe pushhealth Theto integrate institutions,last five yearsthe and havehealth it has also institutions,recruited seen the andmanagedThe it haslast torecruitedfive lift years them have all Theout also oflast seen absolute five the years managed have also2016 to seen lift2017 themthe2018 allmanaged out 2019 of absolute 2020 to lift them all out2016 of absolute2017 2018 20192016 2020 2017 2018 2019 2020 city cluster, Wang said breakthroughs city14,000 cluster, volunteers Wang assaid partcity breakthroughs of cluster, the effort Wang to said14,000proportion breakthroughs volunteers of the as addedpart14,000 of valuethe volunteers effort of theto asproportion povertypart of the last effortof year the to asadded partproportion valueof a national of of the the addedpovertySource: value last Hebei yearof Provincialthe as part povertyBureau of ofa Statistics nationallast year as partSource: of a Hebeinational Provincial Bureau Source:of Statistics Hebei Provincial Bureau of Statistics were made in areas ranging from indus­ wereboost made logistics in areas services. ranging were frommade indus­ in areas rangingboostthird logisticsindustry from indus­ services. — the service boost and logistics technol­ services.thirdeffort industry to eliminate — the poverty servicethird andahead industry technol­ of the— the effortservice to and eliminate technol­ povertyeffort aheadCHINA to eliminate DAILY of the poverty ahead of the CHINA DAILY CHINA DAILY trial transference to transportation con­ trialThe transference preparations to transportationaretrial concurrent transference con­ with to transportationogyThe sectors preparations — surpass con­ are that concurrentThe of thepreparations second­ with ogyareCommunist concurrentsectors — Partysurpass with of thatChina’sogy of sectors the centenary second­ — surpass Communist that of the second­Party of China’sCommunist centenary Party of China’s centenary nectivity during the 13th Five­Year Plan nectivitythe growth during of the the “ice 13th nectivityand Five­Year snow during econo­ Plan the the13thary growth industry Five­Year of — the Plan manufacturing “ice andthe growthsnow — econo­ for of thethe “icearythis and industry year. snow —econo­ manufacturingary industry — for — the manufacturing this year. — for the this year. period (2016­20). periodm y ”, which (2016­20). has been periodballooning (2016­20). since mfirst y ”, whichtime and has by been the endballooningm y ”,of which last year, sincehas a been first ballooningThe time provincial and bysince the government endfirst of time last said andyear, theby a the endThe ofprovincial last year, governmenta The provincial said the government said the More than 20,000 corporations Zhangjiakou,More than a prefecture­level20,000 Morecorporations thancity in20,000 Zhangjiakou,telltale corporations sign of a progressprefecture­levelZhangjiakou, in the sweeping city ain prefecture­level telltaleper capita sign of city disposableprogress in telltale in theincome sweepingsign ofhas progress per incapita the sweeping disposable per incomecapita hasdisposable income has moved from Beijing and Tianjin into the movednorthwestern from Beijing Hebei, and wonmoved Tianjin the bidfrom into to Beijing hostthe northwesternandstructural Tianjin reforms. into Hebei, the wonnorthwestern the bid to host Hebei,structural jumpedwon the from bid reforms. to about host 18,000structural yuan ($2,774) reforms. jumped from about 18,000jumped yuan from ($2,774) about 18,000 yuan ($2,774) province, which encircles the Chinese province,the games which together encircles withprovince, Beijing the Chinese six which years encirclestheThe games thegap together Chinesewidened with tothe Beijing 14 games percentage six together years withtoThe 27,000 Beijing gap yuan sixwidened years over theto 14Thepast percentage gapfive years,widened to to27,000 14 percentage yuan over theto past 27,000 five yuan years, over the past five years, capital and the wealthy port city, and capitalago. and the wealthycapital port andcity, theand wealthyago.points, port further city, andcementing ago. the strength points,and government further cementing fundingpoints, the to further strengthsupport cementing and government the strength funding and togovernment support funding to support bullet train services were established bulletMore train than services 22 million werebullet people established train in servicesthe of Morewere the third establishedthan industry. 22 million Morepeople than in the22 millionofpeople’s the peoplethird livelihoods industry. in the stayedof the above third 80 industry. per­ people’s livelihoods stayedpeople’s above livelihoods 80 per­ stayed above 80 per­ over the period, he said. overprovince the period, have heparticipated said.over the in period, winter he said.provinceThe past have five participatedyears wereprovince also in greener,winterhave participated centThe during past in five winterthe years previous wereThe five­yearalso past greener, five plan years cent were during also greener, the previouscent five­year during planthe previous five­year plan The high­speed railways include one sportsThe high­speedsince then, officialrailways figuresThe include high­speed showed. one railwayssportswith thesince include energy then, one officialconsumedsports figures persince showed. unit then, of official withperiod. figures the energy showed. consumedwith perthe energyunit of consumedperiod. per unit of period. between the provincial capital Shijia­ between“The achievementsthe provincial arebetween capital encouraging,” theShijia­ provincialGDP“The capital growth achievements Shijia­ falling 21are percent“The encouraging,” achievements during GDP areIn growththeencouraging,” face offalling the COVID­19 21GDP percent growth pandemic during falling 21In percent the face duringof the COVID­19 In the pandemic face of the COVID­19 pandemic zhuang and Tianjin, and another linking zhuangWang said. and Tianjin, andzhuang another and linking Tianjin, Wangandthat another period, said. linkingthe provincialWang government said. thatlast period,year, the the province provincial thatalso government period,managed the to provincial last year, government the province alsolast year,managed the province to also managed to Beijing with Xiong’an, which sits at the BeijingIn a withmajor Xiong’an, boost to whichBeijing the three sits with at tasks, Xiong’an,the said.In which a major sits atboost the to theIn threea major tasks, boost said.achieveto the three an annual tasks, growthsaid. rate of 3.9 per­ achieve an annual growthachieve rate of an 3.9 annual per­ growth rate of 3.9 per­ center of the city cluster. centercentral of governmentthe city cluster. authoritiescenter of the green­ city cluster.centralMore government than 132,000 authorities pollutingcentral government factories green­ cent,authoritiesMore above than the132,000green­ national pollutingMore average factoriesthan of 132,000 2.3 cent, polluting above factories the nationalcent, average above of the 2.3 national average of 2.3 The Beijing­Xiong’an train service has lightedThe Beijing­Xiong’an a free­trade zone train Thein the service Beijing­Xiong’an province has lightedwere train shut a servicefree­trade down, has andzone lightedabout in the 11aprovince free­trade million zonewerepercent, in shut the it provincedown,added. and aboutwere shut11 million down, andpercent, about it 11 added. million percent, it added. halved the time for one­way travel halvedin 2019. the time for halvedone­way the travel time forinfamilies­way benefited travel from in sweeping2019. coal­ families benefited fromfamilies sweeping benefited coal­ from sweeping coal­ between the cities to less than an hour. betweenIn an interviewthe cities towith less betweenthe than People’s an the hour. Daily, cities to lessto­gasIn thanan or interview coal­to­electricityan hour. with theIn People’s projects. an interview Daily, withto­gasContact the People’sor thecoal­to­electricity writers Daily, at to­gas projects. or coal­to­electricity Contact projects. the writers at Contact the writers at Wang noted that machines have roar­ WangWang said noted the that zone machines hasWang bolstered have noted roar­ the that machinesWangThe said average have the roar­ concentrationzone hasWang bolstered ofsaid PM2.5 the the —zone [email protected] hasThe bolsteredaverage concentration the The of average PM2.5 concentration— [email protected] of PM2.5 — [email protected]