U.S. Steps in to Block Merger of Banks LBJ Message to Be Cost Balancing Formula
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U.S. Steps in to Block Merger of Banks Weather SEE STORY BELOW Some cloudiness this morning then fair with gradually moder- ating temperatures this after- HOME noon, tonight and "tomorrow. High today 25 to JO, low tonight In low to mid-20s, high tomor- Red Bank, Freehold row la Ms. Outlook Friday, part- Long Branch FINAL ly cloudy, little temperature I 7 change. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90 ,£JO. 142 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1968 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE LBJ Message to Be Cost Balancing Formula WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- talks—a halt in U.S. bombing of ence for one-half hour after John- basis most commonly used before ed to rise another $4 billion, John- dent Johnson gives the nation to- the North and "other acts of ag- bill, a housing measure is likely financing Jheir children's school- son concludes his speech, and the advent of the unified budget- son obviously is faced with a need to be the next order of business. night his formula for balancing gression"—still was under ex- eight Republican governors will ing. was said to run between $145 bil- to alter the Capitol Hill-atmos- Administration sources predict- • Proposals for child health care Ihe financial demands of the Viet- haustive examination. jointly discuss the message with lion and $150 billion, compared nam war against the need to phere if he hopes for acceptance ed the President would support a for new and expectant mothers To an election-year Congress newsmen Thursday morning. with the current fiscal year total of social welfare programs call- curb crime in the streets and to bill aimed at providing funds for may be presented. already breathing fire about any A new "unified" budget, taking of between $136 billion and $137 ing for expensive outlays. The President also has indicat- rehabilitate riot - breeding city increase in spending, the Presi- into account for the first time in- billion. low - income families in urban slums. Safe Streets slums to build their own homes, ed he thinks private industry dent is expected to disclose that come and outgo from huge gov- The expected deficit would in- should do more to make jobs The President is expected to re- expenditures will be $11 billion ernment trust funds, was said to Senate Democratic Leader with the government subsidizing clude receipts from a proposed 10 Mike Mansfield predicted a safe- interest charges above 3 per cent. available to slum residents. Tax iterate in his nationally televised higher — possibly a little more — be geared to a "significant drop" incentives may be suggested in per cent income surtax which streets bill will be high on the The Issue of funding rent supple- State of the Union message to a for' administrative purposes than below the $18 billion or $19 bil- this field. Congress shelved last year and list of presidential recommenda- ments and the antipoverty pro- joint session of Congress that he in the current fiscal year ending lion deficit this year. In the area of curting crime, is exploring every avenue that tions. gram will have to be fought out June 30. Sources reported Tuesday the which key members predicted Rep. Richard H. Poff, R-Va., pre- might lead to peace. again. Republicans are prepared to re- total spending program definite- won't be enacted this session un- Mansfield said that when the dicted Johnson will drop his op- But advance indications were spond at once to Johnson's pro- ly will be below $190 billion for less there's an equalized reduc- .Senate can untangle itself from There are reports Johnson will position to court-controlled wire- that North Vietriam's latest stat- posals. GOP congressional lead- the fiscal year beginning July 1. tion in spending. ask for some changes in a higher tapping except in national secur- ed conditions for opening peace a prospective Southern filibuster education bill, to provide aid for ers have slated a news confer- Administrative spending — the With Vietnam war costs expeot- ity cases. Poff heads a Republi- against a pending civil-rights lower-middle-income families in can task force on this issue. 2 U.S, Officers Killed in Guatemala ings GUATEMALA (AP) - A pro- malan Congressman Alejandro The government says 26 per- a home in Rockland, Maine, was Castro revolutionary organization Silva Falla, 40, and his 20-year- 000—have died in the last year sons have been killed this month head of the U.S. naval section. and a half. said today that it was reponsible old bodyguard was killed in an by terrorists. The state of alarm for the machine gun slaying of Greene, the group's communica- The FAR said Webber and exchange of fire with the gun- proclaimed by the government tions adviser, was from Oma- the top two U.S. military officers men. Silva's name had appeared permits arrests without charges, Munro were chosen as targets be- in Guatemala. ha, Neb. The families of all three cause Guatemalan army groups on a list circulated in June by imposes censorship, prohibits the men were with them in Guate- created under U.S. orders "dedi- A typewritten communique rightists saying that all who carrying of firearms except by mala. served communism would be ex- cated themselves to sow ter- signed Rebel Armed Forces-FAR- authorized persons, and bans as- From Seattle said the U.S. military mission ecuted. ror and death in the entire coun- semblies of more than four per- Forsten a native of Seattle, is had "ordered the Guatemalan ar- try." The group charged that "the In a third attack Tuesday, gun- sons. I stationed in the Panama Canal my to create groups of assas- genocidal work of such bands of men missed Manuel Villa- Webber, a native of Buffalo, Zone with a supply unit, and his sins" against guerrillas and the assassins has resulted in the corta Vielman, former vice pres- N. Y., who listed Houston, Tex., wife and three sons are there. FAR "decided to mete out jus death of nearly 4,000 Guatema- idential candidate from the as his home, had been head of the The four men were the first tice." strongly anti-Communist National lans." REMOVE 'QUAKE VICTIM — Italian soldiers use stretcher yesterday to remove a U.S. military advisory group in U.S; victims of terrorism in Gua- Firing from a speeding car in Liberation Movement, but wound- Guatemala since 1966. Munro, a temala although more than 1,000 The FAR communique was dis- victim of earthquake through rubble of what once was the main street of the village ed his 20-year-old son. > the Americans' car near the native of Lake Worth, Fla., with persons—perhaps as many as 4,- tributed clandestinely. of Montevago. Montevago was one of several western Sicilian villages leveled by Guatemalan Air Force's head- Monday's disastrous earthquakes. The unofficial toll of dead today rose to 337 quarters Tuesday, machine- junners killed U.S. Army Col. with nearly 1,000 still missing. [AP Wirephoto) John D. Webber Jr., 47, and Na- vy Lt. Cmdr. Ernest A. Munro, Reds Seen 'Out of Steam' 40, and wounded Army Sgt. Maj. SAIGON {AP) — The Com- Westmoreland said in an inter- on U.S. ground units across the John R. Forster, 42, and Marine muriists "seem to have temporar- 750-pound bombs in patterns de- Sgt. Harry L. Greene, 41. view. "Tet is an emotional time country. They inflicted sever signed to break up'troop concen- ily run out of steam," Gen. Wil- when families and friends gath- Greene was reported in critfeal punishment on allied troops an< trations and rip open the jungte Ifafti C;" Westmoreland said to- er. Any display of strength would Installations, but suffered heavier Welfare Staff Unit condition, but Forster was dis- to reveal enemy WdfeitwtysT"*-~*- day as the ground war in South benefit the enemy both psycho- casualties themselves according The big bombers returned this charged from the hospital after Vietnam slipped into another one logically and politically. They like to U.S. reckoning. •eatment of an arm wound. of its periodic lulls. morning to hammep. suspected to develop the image of strength The U.S. Command accused the North Vetriamese bunkefs and The Guatemalan Cabinet pro- Only small,, scattered ground and try-to give the people the Communists of moving troops claimed a "state of alarm"—mod- fortified positions in the demili- Eyes Militant Union dashes were reported. But West- impression they're winning." during the Christmas and New tarized zone three miles north- ified martial law—in an attempt moreland, the top American com- Past Action Recalled Year truces into position for the west of another allied strong- RED BANK — The Monmouth pay for the agency's cleri- local group was. being organized to check a mounting wave of ter- mander in Vietnam, said he an- For the first 10 days after attacks that followed. rorism by both extreme rightists point at Gio Linh, which anchors County Welfare Board Employes cal and bookkeeping staff, in- "some staff members advised us ticipates "a resurgence of enemy the Jan. 1 New Year's cease-fire, Similar truces have been de- the eastern approaches to South Associaton is threatening to creased mileage allowance and to follow the example set by some and extreme leftists as well as initiatives just before or after the Vietnamese took the offen- olared for Tet—the Viet Cong's gangsters taking advantage of the Vietnam. "form a militant union" unless more liberal vacation and sick teachers and other professiona Tet," .the Vietnamese Lunar New sive, invading and temporarily for seven days, the allied for political turmoil.