Indian Attacks Government
Indian attacks government By Rosanne Harvey to become a seperate are not," Mackey said. biUty, the Indians must rely on posed a $22 mllUon cut In the STAFF WRITER organization, hopefuUy under the "The Indians do not, by na non-Indian supporters for train American Indian program which Robert Mackey, a Santee Soulx Office of Management and Budget, ture, concur with the destruction ing, Mackey said. Management would make educational grants and executive director of the Ne Over 300 treaties have been of property, but we do feel that skills, training In health, educa impossible to get. braska Indian Commission, said written by the government se the message has to get out and Uon, law and rehabilitation are The proposed cut would also Wednesday the Bureau of Indian parating the Indians from their perhaps from this destruction especially valuable In work on further decrease the quality of Affairs (BIA) "has no intention land and resources and, with a something good will happen," he the reservation and with tribal reservation schools and create of ever initiating a program which change in the BIA, perhaps the said. councils, Mackey said. severe problems for worthwhile would be a success" for the • Indians could get some of the The vandals should be brought The Nebraska Indian Commis educational programs just be Indians. speciai help they need, Mackey to justice, according to Mackey, sion, which J^fkey heads, has ginning. explained. because their actions were out "History has proved this be been instrug|||^H|ln the appro- Mackey explained that on all He made a distinction between side the law and "we're trying prlaUon o'lf^^V^ million In three Nebraska reservations, a cause they've had 130 years to the "aggreslon" necessary for to work within a system that has funds and prdPI||n <or the San program is underway to hire In estabUsh a program to better the the Indians to survive and the t)een thrust upon us, and to sur tee, Winnebago and Omaha of dian teachers In place of white lot of the Indians.
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