For DFG use only RP Proposal Application F Proposal No. Region (Pages A13-A18) Section 1: Summary Information 1. Project title: Health of Threatened Fish: Role of Contaminants, Disease, and Nutrition 2. Applicant name: University of California at Davis 3. Contact person: Dr. Swee Teh 4. Address: VM:APCB, 1321 Haring Hall, University of California, Davis 5. City, State, Zip: Davis, CA 95616 6. Telephone #: (530) 754-8183 7. Fax #: (530) 752-7690 8. Email address:
[email protected] 9. Agency Type: Federal Agency State Agency Local Agency Nonprofit Organization University (CSU/UC) Native American Indian Tribe 10. Certified nonprofit Yes No organization: 11. New grantee: Yes No 12. Amount requested: $953,448 13. Total project cost: $953,448 + in-kind services from DFG and USBR 14. Topic Area(s): Primary: At-Risk Species Assessment Secondary: Ecosystem Water and Sediment Quality, Estuary Food Web Productivity 15. ERP Project type: Primary: Research Secondary: Monitoring, Pilot/Demonstration 16. Ecosystem Element: Primary: Bay-Delta Aquatic Food Web Secondary: Contaminants, 17. Water Quality Primary: Toxicity of Unknown Origin and Contaminants Constituent: Secondary: Nutrients and Oxygen Depleting Substances 18. At-Risk species Threadfin shad (Dorosoma petenense), striped bass (Morone saxatilis), Sacramento benefited: splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus). 19. Project objectives: Determine the biological effects of contaminants, pathogens/diseases, and nutritional status in threatened pelagic fishes and establish baseline health 20. Time frame: 2 years (July 1st, 2011 - June 30th, 2013) ERP Proposal Application Form Section 2: Location Information 1. Township, Range, Section: and Please see 3. Location description the 7.5 USGS Quad map name. 2. Latitude, Longitude (in decimal Cache Slough degrees, Geographic, NAD83): Liberty Island – DR2068: 38.329, -121.693 Cache Slough: 38.295, -121.742 Barker Slough Pumping Plant: 38.276, -121.797 Cache Slough N.