
Our Community Work in

orking together with community-based partners, we support efforts that Wfocus on saving and improving the lives of women and children, preventing disease among the most vulnerable, and strengthening the health care workforce.

Improving Maternal Promoting the Health & Infant Health of Children & Youth

Jhpiego SOS Children’s Villages To contribute to the overall reduction of maternal and neonatal For more than 20 years, Johnson & Johnson has supported deaths, Johnson & Johnson has partnered with Jhpiego to get efforts bySOS Children’s Villages to create a brighter future men involved in the birth preparedness planning process at three for thousands of vulnerable children and families around the health facilities in the of Province, . In , the company supports programs to prepare Mozambique. With support from Johnson & Johnson, Jhpiego orphaned and abandoned children living in SOS villages to become will increase the capacity of health care providers and community self-sufficient and productive adults, as well as family strengthening health workers to provide high-quality couple-focused counseling programs that promote economic self-sufficiency, improved on birth preparedness and complication readiness planning psychosocial health, and parenting skills. Currently, J&J in facility-based antenatal care and community settings. The supports SOS programs in , , , Mozambique, goal of the project is to increase the numbers of men who participate , , and that benefit in at least one prenatal visit and to raise community approximately 11,000 children and families. awareness about the importance of facility-based prenatal care and delivery services – a combination that strongly raises prospects for a healthy childbirth for both mother and baby.

Empowering Women & Girls

Planet Aid To increase the attendance rates of girls in primary schools, Johnson & Johnson is supporting efforts by to train 14 female students to become student-teachers at primary schools in the rural areas of Mozambique. In addition to positively impacting approximately 350 girls, the project seeks develop confident and skilled female teachers in rural areas At SOS Children’s Villages children are raised in a loving family, sheltered in who are dedicated and compassionate about girls needs and a safe home, and receive quality education and health care their education.

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