November 22,1884
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DECEMBER LS^i. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 18fi2—VOL- 19. PORTLAND, SATURDAY MORNING, 24, .. .— MISCE LEA N EO i! S MISCELLANEOUS THE PRESS. ENTERT A1KM EN TS. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELL ANEOUS__ _ SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24 the Public. We do not road letters and communi- To auonymotw Frank Curtis,.Proprietor and Manager. To Persons Desiring insurance. cations. The name and address of the writer are in & CO. WE SHALL all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publica- Dec. 28 & W. D. LITTLE CO.*8 Friday & Saturday Evenings, 4 GEO. C. SHAW as a of faith. tion but guaranty good & 24 and Matinee. insurance for (heir Saturday Are furnishing We cannot undertake to return or pres errs com- fiieti'l* and euSMtmers, on ns favorable REAPPEAREN EOF OPEN THIS WEEK munications that are not mod. terms as any other agency iu Portland IMMENSE STOCK They represent the old CHRISTMAS SMITH M£$ fAYER'S one of the finest assort- The Day and Its Duty. Finest Of tlx© of crowns a Ptaix Assurance ments The Christmas of 1881 year of Company The has TOURISTS OF LONDON, ESTABLISHED 1782. exceptional prosperity. country Total Assets,. $5,20(1,372.37 -SALE- grown rich, anil its industrious people for S-ALACE CAR. Liabilities,... $2,090,365.87 IN A PULLMAN CHRISTMAS the most part have found work for their Net Surplus,.I®*? DIAMONDS, WATCHES, willing hands and ample recompense for THE TOURISTS RECORD. their labor. The nation has Losses over thrived, and, and fourteen Paid, $03,000,000. One hundred performances Dried Fruits. GOODS were it not for the terrible deed at the capi- six Mew J’ETOT'ESIjIEI.Y, in New One hundred and ALSO THE Pni- In York, tal last would record the as one of in Philadelphia, Eighty- rei iu. July, year Old Phoenix, of Hartford, Deliesa Layers (Finest Table Raisins). 38 Finest Washed Figs. in this four in •* "" ever exhibited city. the happiest iu its annals. The gain in Boston, Assets, $3,800,000. London Bunch (Choice ). *25 London Layer tin* United States Losses Paid, over $3,000,000. Dehesa ). 22 wealth comfort shows itself in And all the first-class theatres in Musca'els, (Very Large lbs. for 25 andgeneral Extra Fine Muscatel Raisins. 18 Bag 13c.2 to densely packed audiences. Continent’ll, of New York, No season for Choice 14 Finest lavish gift-making. holiday ■ ■ Prunellas.-j? Our Stock will consist of Sale of Scat) commences Wednes- Assets. $4,000,000. 11 French Prunes... RINDS, Usual Prices. Best Valencia Fancy BRACELETS, a time has been marked so much long by dac, Dei .21 decl9ddlw National of Hartford, Fancy S< cdless 18 Extra Choice French Prunes. all sorts of USEFUL and Assets, $1,000,000. Vostezza Currants... 14 Choice expenditure. But while the country has of H Best English Cun ants. 8 Best Turkish Prunes. "9 LAOB I FANCY at and its for the most iriford, » ■ JE*TT&S, ARTICLES Orient, Finest CitrojQ. 25 Fancy Far Dates .... grown wealthy people C. M. A. Leghorn lbs. for 25 M. Asset-, $1,200,000. Can lied Lemon Peel. 25 Molasses Dates (Ex. Fine) 9e...9 moderate Prices. Please part have got riches, many unfortunate ones Shoe & Leather, of Boston, *• Orauge 25 Assets. $1,200,000. inspect before purchasing are needy. They should command our sympa- Commonwealth, cf Boston, Raisins in Quarter, Half and Whole Boxes, a* PLATED elsewhere. thy and active aid. To them we should A COURSEBf FREE LECTURES Assets, $800,000. SILVER: WARE, give of our abundance. The duty of the OF Western, of Toronto, LOW PHIOBS- FOB THE SEASONS a is to make Christmas, so generally merry, ■ day A sets, $1,350,000. Wiesbaden Crystallized Awiorl d Fruits, I lb. Boxes universally so. Lion, of London, “ Cherrie*. ii f*-- FRENCH Cloaks! Cloaks! “ <( CLOCKS, 1881-82, (i As.ets, $1,300,000. Stuffed Prune*, .. $13.00 Cloaks for.$10.00 under the <*r the Maine Chnritable Mechan- Stem i lb. Boxes, .w ».< O auspices Trans> Atlantic of Hamburg, Canton Kiager, Crystallized, 12.00 one of the on will be even in the Korn, •• Jons S. Bnow.v, great linen ic Assoriat I.ibraiy ■ 10.00 Buil T he following named g.ntle- Assets, $900,000. Mechanics’ Ing. Northwestern of manufacturers of Belfast, Ireland, was in men have engaged to lecture in ti ls Course: Rev. Milwaukee, .lames P. ■ FRUITS. in with Win. It. Alg-r, Wm. A Goodwin, Esq, Assets, $1,100,000. C3r3F8.ESE3Il«J' &C. A Genuine Mark Down. Buffalo, recently, and conversation 'I. IV Emory Esq., OPERA Baxter. Esq. li, Esq., Ridion, THE OLD GLASSES, ALSO, MESSINA LEMONS the editor of the on Irish and others w ill bo added. FLORIDA ORANGES, Any one in need of a Cloak cannot afford to lose Express affairs, F. K. PRAY, ) MALAGA this opportunity. said that the Irish tenantfarmer, from being C. li. BLAKE, ! Lee. Com. JAMAICA ORANGES, GRAPES, Mutual Life Insurance one of the rack-rented and culti- dec22d3t E. A. JOi DaN, ) Co., VALENCIA ORANGES. oppressed OF NEW Our stock of YORK. regular vators on the earth, has now, the Established iu 1843. by provis- ions of the land act, such protection from a MR.PmE CASH ASSETS, over $92,000,000. ATWOOD & WENTWORTH, —w ill rapacious landlord as is unknown in any Its RATES of PREMIUM are LOWER, it* DIVI- DENDS LARGER, its Security Greater than any 3\t:erw other country. The land court has reduced His Bowling Alley the its Policies lb Open other Life Oomj. any, in WORLD, Per lb. rer the rent of almost all those whose c TO-DAY. Those in quest of exercise are in value. 3o applica to the pubi continually increasing Castanns. 10 Princes, Paper Shell Almonds. Street. *' 509 a to an hour. No we are of- will tind this pleasant plaeo pass She led is and tions it has from Pecans 15 Jordan Congress complete, heard, twenty-five to fifty A Policy for $3,500, on a well-known citizen of 15 Valencia eodtf Filberts. cent, and some even more. Mr. Brown NO 22 UNION STREET. is now 20 Shellbark Walnuts.10c per qt. dec22 some bar- per 31** Portland, English Walnuts fering special dcc2a French Walnuts. 1« Mixed Nuts.16c per lb. believes that the result of these decisions av w eek. Payments for Death Claims ami Endowments, Almonds****. 22 gains this ■ will be that the New Portland Theatre. eragiug $126.00o weekly. decl d3w landlords, finding income from their a fixed amount which is Frank Curtis,.Proprietor & Manager. Don’t forget that our property not likely to be increased, will sell their es- Two One Matinee, Nights gnd Monday With our usual custom, we have put in a large variety of those tates in parcels to their tenants, and invest and Tuesday, Dec. 26 and 27. of last famous French Candies sold only by us. Our immense success $1.50 RUBBER CIRCULAR their money where they can increase their p Tlio PeoDle’s Attraction. ESQUIMAUX season has induced us to greatly increase the variety, and besides the incomes and where they will not be troubled we added various new and is the best for the Inner Soles for Cold Feet! a-sort incut contained in this list, have money with the annoyance and expenditures which Haverly^s attractive styles made, especially for our Christmas trade. in Portland. the of real estate involves. Thus FAMOUS possession Per 11). Per lb. in process of time, every tiller of the soil in 20 GOODS 20 Standard Mixed. A1V.I UUU II ill V/ II 11 U1J UbWV P. Vanilla Chocolate Creamfl. HOLIDAY in XUiUI, .. 20 MARK DOWN JI.W M.nnnn’ Exceedingly Cream Date*.20 Coltsfoot Rock 20 Rock. 20 Aln onds. Crystallised Southern newspapers are meet- Um (SUM!) Walnuts. 20 Napoleon Paste 20 -AT- reporting FLUE Ell) " COMPANY. Cocoanut Creams. 20 Imperial .20 ings of stockholders and directors of manu- Caramels .20 Druggist Gum Drops. 20 FELT SKIRTS and UNDERWEAR at which comfort- MR. JOE POLK. MR FRANK E. AIKEN. Cream Balls. 2«> Imperial Jordan Almonds.20 facturing companies very 20 MR HENRY LINDEN, MR. SAME RYAN, Ice Cream Candy. 20 Cream Peppermin’8. VERY LOW PRICES. able dividends are declared. The Charles- MR. HARRY BELL. MR L. F. 0«ARD, Button Fruit Jellies .20 Cbeckermints. 20 MR. L. F. Boot, 20 Sole for Bazar MR E. JORDAN, TERKISS, F-tncv Sherbets. 20 Wintergreen Lozenges. agents Harper’s ton News and Courier reports the Camper- KATIE GILBERT ns.20 Cream Ron Bons. 20 MISS Rubbers Persian Crea Patterns. doun Mills as used bales of MISS MARIE BATES Shoes, Slippers, French Mixed. 20 Almond Fig Candy 20 having up 5,000 MISS LIZZIEHIGHT. 50c to cotton, manufactured between and from the best manufacturers in the Silk Mufflers, Silk Handkerchiefs, from $2.75, $350,000 worth of and declaied a A Comedv full of Fun, Screaming Situations and world. Ladies’ Waterproof Cork $400,000 goods, Spaikling D aloaue. Sole Boots, hisses’ and Our Candies Silk Silk Umbrellas, Silk Suspenders. twelve cent, dividend for the The Ori-tmas. 50 & 35. Walking Wristers, & per year. Grand Matinee Prices, 75, Children’s School Boor,-, F. A. ROSS CO. RerOrv-d Seals on sale Friday, Dee. 23. Waterproof of and we guarantee same authority says that the Piedmont Extension edges ai’d low heels. Are nude only by manufacturers acknowledged reputation them lE^TggJsl ^717’ear & is about to erect J. H HAVKRLY. Proprie'or. W hiilier’s Heel Protector- chil- absolutely pure. Our Cor. Congress Brown Sts. Manufacturing Company keep dec8 eodtf W. H.