Ellsworth American : October 30, 1918
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€11 Stmerfran. l BUBBCB1FTION _ \vol. AT T YTV PBIOB, (2.00 PBB TliR _r wort!) uaivj__ i.,r*.D„4OT„o.,*i.*. ( ELLSWORTH. MAINE. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBER 30. 1918. No. 44. _*:_T~ ---— -___ ••VVH VI Ml 14 It 11 IS. LOCAL AFFAIRS she settled on her anchor with the falling RbbtrtigrmmtB. tide, and punched a hole in her bottom. She was towed off the Round Sun- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK by Top day, and brought as far as Weymouth ■Pigs for sale Point, where she now lies full of water, Notice of appointments kept afloat her cargo. It will be ne- Prompt, Satisfactory Banking C 8 Cottle—Cash and carry by J A Haynes—Cash and carry cessary to bring her up the river and dis- Girl for second work wanted charge her cargo before she can be re- Meeting of the Rural Cemetery Ass’n. We handle the business of our depositors Double Notice of foreclosure—Wiufield 8 Hmallidge paired. The Round Top, on the way up \ Your Dollars f the river Sunday night, struck Harden’s promptly—carefully—satisfactorily. SCHEDULE OF MAILS Rocks, and is now ashore there and full of Every dollar you earn is of capable doubling itself in AT ELLSWORTH POSTOPFICK. 3 water. Arrangements have been made If you need the services of a time, without any effort on your part to well-equipped except hang on to it. Lj In effect. Sept. 29, 1918. for the Stonington boat to come to Ells- The dollar that we would be to assist in f| slips away willeveutuallygetiutothehauds 3 worth and tow up both the schooner and bank, pleased you any % someone MAILS RKCRIVKD. of .who will set it at work fortune building for W tug. within the of safe 'i Week Day*. way scope banking. himself. 4l Charles H. son of Mr. and Mrs. Prom Wbst-6.47 a 4.16 m. Dresser, The dollars m; p you save, whose From W. H. Dresser of Yarmouth, of f earning power you appropri- !| East-11.ll, a m; 6.38 p ra. formerly Your account is invited. k ate, will make the sum of has been advanced to the rank your fortune. H MAILS CLOSB AT POSTOFFICB Ellsworth, The sooner you to save at this of second lieutenant, having earned this begin bank, the sooner you Going Wbst-10.40 a m; 5.50 p m. ] will see Jl promotion through active service in | your fortune expressed in large figures. IJ Going East—6.15 a m; 3.40 p w. Capital, $100,000 We receive France. Young Dresser was the first Yar- M saving deposits from a dollar up. H Sundayt. {Until Oct 27) Deposits mouth to enter the to France ft on interest the boy war,going and go first of every month. Arrive from the west 8.19 a m. Closes for Surplus Profits, $150,000 in 1916, long before war was declared west 4.40 p m. by this and at the front j country, serving I six months with the volunteer ambulance I Registered mail should be at postofflce half corps. When the United States entered an hour before mail closes. the war, he enlisted in the signal corps, though offeiel a major’s commission if Union IhusT Company I WEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. he would remain in the French army. He to under his For Week Ending at Midnight Tuesday, preferred fight own flag o^Ellsworth,Mauve ] Oct. 29, 1918. as a private. In January last he was transferred to the tank From heavy service | observations taken at the powei station of the War Harbor & Union Rivei division, and was sent to England in Power in Co., Ellsworth. Precipitation is March. He was soon made corporal, given in inches for the twenty-four hours ending at midnight.] passed examination as a first-class gunner, Cape Cod Cranberries, 9c Weather Precip- and was then appointed an instructor in qt, Temperature condition* itatiou Davis one of the English camps. Baking Powder, }4\b can, 8c 4am 12 m forenoon afternoon WHY BE A DRIFTER? Wed 38— 57— clear clear Springdell Oleomargarine, lb, 35c Like a Thurs 35- 56- clear fair KLLSlft ORTH F ALLS. flowing river, some people follow the lines of least resistance Mince Fri 34 54- fair fair Superba Meat, pkg, 10c and wife and spend all their surplus cash for luxuries. is but — Haslam of are Drifting easy Sat 52 53— cloudy,rain rain .17 Leroy Bangor and — of Arthur W. and Cane Maple Sugar Syrup, 12-oz cans, 35c 8un 54 54— cloudy cloudy guests Salisbury wife. accomplishmeut requires determination. Decide to save all you can Mon 63 — 55— cans cloudy cloudy Miss Ethel Crocker of Bangor spent Start an account with the Hancock Rank. 10-lb Circle (R) Tartar 83.20 Tues 57— County Savings Compound, 54— cloudy cloudy Sunday with her mother, Mrs. George E. Pettijohn Flour Bran Flakes, pkg, 38c Fog Monday and Tuesday. Gray. Hancock County Savings Bank Judson Fox of Bar Harbor i9 here for a Ellsworth, M arne Libbey’s Evaporated Milk, 12-oz can, 2c I The regular meeting of the literature few days putting his home in readiness club has been 5-lb bag Graham Flour, per bag, 35c postponed. for the winter. The Unitarian Swift’s alliance will meet with Mrs. Harry Wells is here from Boston ! Shortening, lb, 29c Mrs. Ada Lord | next Wednesday at 2 for a few days, called by the death of her o’clock. j Heavy Salt Pork. lb, 30c | brother, Morris Sargent. Suppose You Should Have a Fire To-Night? M's. L. M. Scott, who has been Climax Coffee, lb. 22c very ill Leon G. Flood and Miss Helen Kirk- | of influenza over two weeks, is slowly Patrick of Bangor were here Sunday, I O. W. TAPLEY 3c improving. Onions, lb, guests of Asa C. Flood and wife. Insurance and Real Estate Mrs. P. A Davis of H1 uehill is here to Mrs. Sarah Haslam of Waltham, who spend the winter with her Tapley Building, 69 Main St. Telephones: Office 14, Residence 40-3 daughter, Mrs,. has just returned from a year’s visit on - Ward W. Wescott. «J A- HAYNES the Pacific coast, is spending a few days 1 fT„ r~j3 Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Bellatty of with friends here. GOOD WORK BY WOMEN. CASUALTY LIST. ]~jj^^Cash^on^^arrjy^^3irocer^^nswortl^J Woodland, formerly of Ellsworth, are The death of Harold Crossman occurred receiving congratulations on the bir h at the Saturday morning home of his What Did in Loan Cam- of a They Liberty daughter (Maude Margaret) on Oct. father on the of Maine Men iu Foreign and Home Bangor road, pneumonia, paign in t ounty. 15. Lists of Dead and Wounded. I after a short illness. Harold was a boy of Mrs. O. W. Tapley of Ellsworth, chair- B. Russell is in Ellsworth genial and a favorite KILLED IN ACTION. Percy to-day, | disposition general man of the Maine Woman’s liberty loan SILVY’S GARAGE receiving the hand his He glad from his many i among companions. leaves, be- committee for Hancock county, reports Charles Simpson, Bangor friends. Mr. Russell, who has been sides his father, three Hazel and William Overland and Willys Knight Cars, Oarford Trucks sisters, the amount solicited by the women, for Whitney, Sko^negan located in Bertha Cross in an and Mrs. I Pennsylvania for some time, is ! Henry jBresna- the fourth liberty loan, as |193,050. The E Thera ulf, Rumford Falls now back in Massachusetts. aud one Norman. Burial han, brother, following is the report of the subscrip- L E Grant, Portland SECOND-HAND CARS was at morn- At a joint meeting of the school boards Juniper cemetery Tuesday tions, by tpwns, taken by women: N Lee, Houlton Chalmers touring ear, in good condition. f450. oftbe Franklin, Hancock, Lamoine and ing. Amherst. f 550 George N Bourgue, Waterville East brook school union, held in Ellsworth Morris, youngest son of Mrs. Sarah Bar Harbor. DIED OF Buick touring car, good condition. |350. 10,000 WOUNDS. Miss Adah of died at Saturday, Savage Franklin Sargent, Friday morning their Bluehill. 450 OSCAR 19^7 Ford touring car, good condition. OLSEN, Castine was elected of the union. home here, aged fiftee.i after an ill- Brooklin. superintendent years, 3,650 Samuel J Shuman, Portland ness of several weeks. He besides Brooksville. The Ellsworth Soldier club has on leaves, 4,850 Thaddeus L -PUBLIC AUTO SERVICE- Boys’ Roderick, Farmington hand knitted articles that will be given his mother, one sister, Mrs. Harry Wells Bucksport. 24,050 of three Ernest and SEVERELY WOUNDED. Storage Koorn for Fifty Cars to mothers of soldiers to send to their Boston, brothers, Castine. 10,750 Delraont of this place and Augustus of Cranberry Isles. 5,300 Ovide Lefebre, Rumford '•♦reef, Me. T©1. 125*3 boys. Application should be made to FUsworth, who have the of Ivan E Mrs. D. E. Linnehan, president of the Gardiner, sympathy their Dedham. 1,900 Bicknell, Augusta club. many friends. The funeral was at the Deer Isle 12,700 Merle F Littlefield, Dover home Sunday aft-rnoon. Rev. Henry W. Ellsworth. 38,200 L E McPherson, Bangor The county contest of boys’ and girls’ Conley officiating. Buriai was at Juniper Franklin... 4,850 P C Clark, Wells agricultural clubs, postponed from this cemeteVv’. Gouldsboro. 3.600 PTabrie, Lewiston in Brooms month on account of the influenza epi- A Clean I Mrs. one of tbe Falls’ Hancock. 3.400 MISSING IN Sweep demic, w ill be held at Hancock hall, Ells- Augusta Graffam, ACTION.