GDR Bulletin Volume 2 Issue 1 February Article 3 1976 Visiting Lecturers various authors Follow this and additional works at: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License. Recommended Citation authors, various (1976) "Visiting Lecturers," GDR Bulletin: Vol. 2: Iss. 1. gdrb.v2i1.322 This Announcement is brought to you for free and open access by New Prairie Press. It has been accepted for inclusion in GDR Bulletin by an authorized administrator of New Prairie Press. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. authors:-3 Visiting- Lecturers theory in the GDR, including recent dis• (for example, history, sociology,etc.) are cussions and influences of Western theories, being invited from individuals or groups, especially "Rezeptionstheorie" but also including graduate students. The topics structuralism and other critical modes. An should be of interest to an audience outside oi interesting possibility might be to discuss German, too. It is planned to have presenta• to what degree such developments had an in• tions in the form of summaries or a set of fluence on the reception of bourgeois avant- theses, rather than long papers, and to have garde literature and/or on the production of a discussant for each. literature in the GDR. No papers will be Please submit ideas by March 15, 1976, read in the seminar. Proposals for discus• in duplicate to the co-chairpersons: one sion topics, which might take the form of copy to Gisela Bahr, Dept. of GREAL, Miami papers to be distributed to participants University, Oxford, Ohio 45056, and the other beforehand or presentation of short theses to Evelyn Beck, Dept.