24 — THE HERALD. Mon., Oct. 26. 1981

.fN Town libraries need friends ... page 13

Rain tonight; Manchester, Conn. cloudy Wednesday Tues., Oct. 27, 1981 Ultra Lights — See page 2 Irralb 25 Cents Bombs ‘-C T c Showdown score London is looming 2

LONDON (UPI) - Police . searched an Oxford Street depart­ ment store today for a bomb the in Poland IRA claimed it planted Monday NewKXys! along with another that killed a 7 bomb disposal expert trying to dis­ WARSAW, Poland (UPI) - “quickly reviewed the situation in mantle it. Solidarity said defiantly today its the provinces, established contacts PoUce repeatedly cordoned off general strike Wednesday would with the local party organization various areas of the city in response demonstrate that “nobody can tell and police.” to a flood of bomb scares today, us we can’t strike if it is necessary." It said one task group near many of them prompted by frantic The government accused the union Bialystok in eastern Poland in­ residents encountering unidentified of “holding a pistol to the' tervened to clear up an Inefficiency packages. government’s head.” in purchase of sugar beets for a In the most serious incident, As troops deployed in towns sugar processing plant. Charing Cross railway station was across Poland on the eve of the one- “This time not just the govern­ evacuated while a massive search V hour walkout. Solidarity issued in­ ment is at stake, but it is the whole ‘ I ■. X '• operation was carried out. structions to its 10 million members nation, the state and Poland,” Pap Monday’s explosion in a ham­ calling out everybody except said. burger bar on the city’s busiest workers in vital services. The Communist Party in Olsztyn shopping street UUed a bomb dis­ “The strikes affect the defense of and Bialystok ordered party posal expert and created havoc -pulfflVaONO U^yet- the country,” the official armed members not to take part in the among shoppers at the beginning of forces newspaper Zolnierz Wolnosci strike and Polish radio said the par­ i.-" t\ > rush hour. IS oprioojA)—. said. “We cannot play with the fate' ty in Bydgoszcz was in a state of A caller with an Irish accent of our homeland.” readiness to react to union telephoned the British news agency decisions This sketch shows how the terrace will look on Charter Oak Street. The terrace will The news agency T'AP warned Reuters an hour before the explo­ workers against ahi iig the right to Nearly 300.000 w orkers w ere sion and claimed bombs had been behind the former Brass Hammer restaurant overlook Charter Oak Park. strike. already involved in wildcat strikes. ■"Wj'WWigw planted in three Oxford street shops In Warsaw, loca. *v issued Solidarity said efforts were under — the Wimpy hamburger bar and strike instructions 'n's way to end the strike in the western two department stores — nearly one millio irity province of Zielona (ikira, which has Debenham’s and Bourne’s, just a idled 150,000 workers since '' ' s ' j4 «^v, members. mile from Buckingham Palace. It said all union met: Thursday. It said a governmeht team headed by deputy Agriculture 0 Following the fatal blast in the Zoning board allows take part except those in hamburger bar, bomb disposal medical, transport, schou. v Minister Andrzej Kacala left for the experts working with sniffer dogk city transport services, lui region for talks over union demands found and neutralized a device in processing and medical supply in­ to reinstate several fired members. Debenham’s. ’The search for the J l ’f '•^'4-^ - dustry, radio and television and the third bomb resumed in Bourne’s this cafe terrace addition power industry. Warsaw radio said a government morning with a portion of Oxford It said all Solidarity members’ commission sent to Inveatlgate street remaining closed to traffic. should wear red-and-white arm- economic losses caused by the 4 t >*« <*4r.» * i It was the third IRA bomb explo­ By Lisa Zowada open terrace to be built off the back assuring the owners of the house bands and buildings should be general strike in Tarnobrzeg sion in London in 16 days and the decorated with flags and banners. Herald Reporter of the building, but with the con­ bordering the easterly side yard that province, which has idled 120,000 C outlawed Irish Republican Army ditions regarding the height of the he would keep noise on the terrace “The strike will show our govern­ workers since Friday, began talks warned from Dublin that the The Zoning Board of Appeals Mon­ railing and the terrace exit. "at a minimum.” ment that we will defend our with the strike committee at the renewed bombing offensive would day granted permission to James F. The board is requiring that a six- He added that there will be no members, that nobody can tell us huge Stawola Wola steel mill. ■ , ‘i * - : - - . V - ■'• continue until British troops leave and Richard P. Farr to add to foot high railing be placed around music played on the terrace and that that we can’t strike if it is In Zyrardow, near Warsaw, Northern Ireland, noting ttot even terrace to the former Brass the perimeter of the terrace. patrons will be seated, not standing, necessary, and that our mass, with Solidarity chief Lech Walesa met . . : " -r '. V. children were not immune. Hammer Cafe. Concerned that children in the “which should make for a more for­ Lech Walesa at its head, represents with representatives of the 12,000 vC. ' 'll-' *’' '-A 'l! > E ' "Let the British people take note The Farrs, the owners of the area might try to play on the terrace mal atmosphere.” the greatest number of people in our workers — mostly women textile '• '‘■’;” the IRA statement said: without some reservations by the will be 10 to 15 feet above the Board member Edward conditions.” today will be fully deployed by ft.:? Scotland Yard identified the vic­ board concerning the es­ ground, too high for a child to jump Hachadourian, calling the former As Solarity prepared to strike, Wednesday when the 10-million - y V '; tim of the Wimpy blast as Kenneth tablishment’s recent reputation. on to. Brass Hammer cafe “a pit,” said he hundreds of special military task member Solidarity union stages a R. Howorth, 49, a former army The cafe had featui-ed "exotic” The board also granted variances was concerned about whether or not forces sent to small communities onehour national strike in direct demolitions expert who had been dancers, which enraged neighbors, for a smaller-than-required easterly the owners would have much control around the country to help local defiance of government demands. ^ V.-' with the Metropolitan police since who chvged the entertainers were . side yard and the construction of the over the way the business was run in authorities preserve order and han­ “There are no justified reasons to 1974. performing obscene dances. addition within 400 feet of the e.i- the future. dle vital economic jobs, began their announce a one-hour strike on “ When he (Haworth). went in, But James F. Farr assured the trance to a public park and resider- James Farr said that in the years first full day of work. Wednesday and to put forward there was a slight pause and then board that the new establishment, a tially zoned building. The terrace, he and his brother had been leasing It still was vague as to just what threats of other wide strikes,” a there was a loi^ bang and debris "pulM»fe,” would, under the new once constructed, will overlook the building a pattern had developed functions the task groups, apparent­ Communist Party communique said and glass splattered all over the management, be one that Charter Oak Park. in which the former leasees would ly consisting of four or five men Monday. “Every action of this kind street and across to the other side,” “Manchester will be proud of.” Donald Denley Jr. told the board, come to them before the lease was each, would have. deteriorates the economic situation one witness said. The board grants a special before the variances ipere granted, up and give them the names of Zolnierz Wolnosci said the groups. in the country.” ■ ’The blast created chaos among request for the 20-feet'by 30-feet that he had spent, much time others who would be taking over the thousands of shoppers., who fled lease. when police loudspeakers warned “0>n9equently, we didn’t have them to clear the area. Early much control over the way the es­ Finland's president evening traffic was snarled by the tablishment was run,” Farr said. confusion. It's not the roof But, he added, the Dentleys as The bomb shattered the managers would have more say in restaurant exactly one hour after a There is no truth to the rumor that unfinished joints in.the roof, but it the business “for the first time in 20 resigns, cites health switchboard operator at the Reuters the new roof at Manchester High delays work on the roof to correct years.” news agency received a warning School is leaking. Superintendent of those problems. "Beiieve me, we have no desire to that three bombs had been planted Schools James P. Kennedy assured Work on the roof, when it can HELSINKI, Finland (UPI) - embarrass the town with go-go girls President Urho Kekkonen, whose Only one in Oxford Street stores. ' the Board of Education Monday, -^ p rroceed, is going well, aboard again,” he said. 2 The water that has been poiuing ^member Barbara A. Higley, who “Finlandization” policy forged “We want to upgrade our image close ties with the Soviet Union but into the ti^ floor during the recqnf went up on the roof last week, and make Manchester, the neighbor rains is the result of unfinisjied,^ reported. preserved Finland’s formal and ourselves proud of the es­ neutrality, resigned for health ultra light IQO’s vrork, Kennedy said. The contractor has started putting tablishment,” Farr added, “and I The rain does double duty in down the giant rubber sheets which reasons aifter 25 years in office, the Bums gets know the Denleys, with 49 years government announced today. causing problems at the school, will seal off the school from rain­ experience in the business' behind Kennedy noted. Not only does it drops and rumors of non-functioning Kekkonen, 81, resigned after a come throu^ the open drains and roofs, she said. Please luin to page 8 seven-week illness caused by a blood gi\es you the Merit DOT post circulation problem in his brain that 7 left him unable to resume official duties. HARTFORD (UPI) - ’j. WUUam The resignation, apparently taste idea. Bums, formerly deputy secretary of written with a trembling hand, was the Office of Policy and Manage­ accepted by the cabinet in a brief efi ment, was sworn in today as the. Inside Today's Herald session early today. state’s transportation com­ Elections will be held Jan. 1718 to missioner, replacing Arthur B. pick 300 presidential electors — Powers who resigned Monday. Problems in schools In sports leading political and public figures At the swearing in. Gov. William — who will choose Kekkonen’s O’Neill called B m u "an old friend” Votars in Harper Creek, Mich., narrowly reject a i.inHa Reddy paces East Catholic girls to HCC cross country championship while East boys finish successor Jan. 26, the government Urho Kekkonen and "dedicated and competent in­ tax increase, which means that their town may become the third Michigan school district to close second despite individual win by Steven Kittredge said. Analysts said they don’t expect dividual.” ... Two ex-local residents in national spotlight ... his resignation to cause a change in of such ? 1 .ffiire as (<> In a perma­ Bums, 62, who lives with his wife because of financial problems . Page 3. Page 9. the nation’s relationship with the nent hinurance,” he said. and two children in West Hartford, Soviet Union. Kekkonen’s health had been has served as OPM’s deputy Kekkonen will remain in office un­ failing rapidly for a year and he was secretary since January and bad til his successor is sworn in Jan. 27, visibly weak during a trip to the been director of public transporta­ the government said. Soviet Union in November 1980. tion and executive assistant to the Index Prime Minister Mauno Koivisto, After he was stricken last month MERIT transportation commissioner from In Connectlbut 57, the nation’s acting president his speaking ability and mem*hU%> Morria Inc. IMI Classified___ .. . .22-23 . . . . . 2 roads and highways in the face of ... A classroom giMe on the Ku Klux Klan prompts Peopletalk...... “I have been struck with illness Recent polls showed Koivisto, the That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Ultra Lights "limited fiscal resources” would be a debate on racism ... Page 7. Comics ...... 19 Sports...... 9-12 and, because of it, I have been un­ leader of the Social Democratic his chief priority. Editorial ___ ...... 6 . . . . 17 5 mg "tar',' 0.5 mg nicotine Television ...... able to take care of my task as the Party and a former governor of the av. per cigarette by FTC method Powers turned in his resignation Central Bank, favored by 70 percent R^ular& Menthol after nearly three years, saying he president,” Kekkonen told the of the voters. Political analysts said is "absolutely mentally exhausted” cabinet in a signed statement Play Newspaper Bingo ... daily on comics page written Monday. he was almost certain to win the up­ and wants to spend more time with coming presidoTitial elections. his family. (Story on page 7) “ And now the illness is found to be 2 - THE HERALD. Tues., Oct. 27. 1981 THE HERALD. Tues., Oct. 27. 1981 - 3

NATIONM WEATHER 8EAVICC FORECAST tft ’ AME8T 10>2a-01 News Briefing y \ 3 0 0 0 I * 30.00 Reagan may be able COLD

Three charges If' are dropped . to win AWACs vote

TEMPfMlUACt WASHINGTON (UPI) - Although MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI) - A judge the Senate appears to be on the dismissed three of the 14 drug charges — irOMD-— unsure brink of killing the administration’s against Elvis Presley’s former physi­ I," proposed Saudi arms deal. Presi­ cian, a decision expected to bolster dent Reagan may be within grasp of defense arguments that he did not over­ BATTLE CREEK, Mich. (UPI) - WEAIMER FO10CAST pulling off a major upset and getting prescribe addictive medications to his Voters in a third Michigan school it through Congress. Israel sees patients. \TEriP district, unsure of their economic Sources say at least tour Senate Attorneys for Dr. George C. future, rejected a hefty property tax foes of the $8.5 billion package have breakthrough Nichopoulous were scheduled to open hike despite the threat of a shut­ offered to switch to Reagan’s side if their defense today after the prosecution down of local schools. their single vote would save the deal closed its case Monday and (Criminal Weather In a record turnout Monday, from a congressional veto. By United Press International Court Judge Bemle Weitunan directed a Harper Creek voters refused to ap­ Opposition leaders now say they verdict of acquittal on the three charges. prove a three-year, 26 percent Israel predicted a breakthrough in have 54 firm votes against the “I’m excited about it,” Nichopoulous property tax hike by a 152-vote package — three more than are negotiations with Egypt on self-rule for said. “I think it will help us a lot. I know margin. Palestinians, and Israeli Prime Minister Today s forecast necessary to halt it — with at least it will help me a lot.” School officials say the only alter­ two other senators leaning against Menachem Begin asked Washington to Defense attorney James Neal, a native to closing schools sometime Occasional drizzle rain and log today. High the proposal. A Senate vote is dispatch a senior official to assist in the former Watergate prosecutor, would say in December is a 25 percent spe^ed-up autonomy talks. temperature in the low 60’s. Rain heavy a t times scheduled for Wednesday. only that his first witness would be a doc­ program cut and widespread The foes who have offered to An Israeli official said Egypt's agree­ tor. He would not comment when asked tonight. Lows in the 50’s. Rain and drizzle ending teacher layoffs. An emergency ment Monday to focus on the creation of Wednesday morning but remaining mostly cloudy switch sides have done so individual­ if Nichopoulos would testify in his own school boaid meeting was set for ly and not as a block, though they a Palestinian council in the 'Israeli- U Pl p h o to defense. Wednesday afternoon. High temperature in the upper Thursday to determine if enough 50’s. Wind becoming southeast at 10 to 15 mph today are aware of each other’s offers, occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip Weinman granted the acquittal after cuts could be made to keep the could be the key to concluding the 29- then shifting to the northwest at 10 to 15 mph late tonight sources say. 2 determining the state had not presented 2,850 students in classes. month-old talks. Today In history and continuing on Wednesday. Regardless, Reagan is likely to enough evidence to substantiate charges Under state law, a new election urge them to all step forward “There’s a good chance ... they’ll find that Nichopoulos illegally over­ cannot be held for 30 days. By that a way to reach the breakthrough point,’’ On Oct. 27, 1904 the first practical subway began operating In New together and give him their support. York City. City officials and financiers occupy the fron^ rows of the prescribed medication for himself and a time, officials said the five-school Reagan met Monday with six a top aide to Begin said after the Israeli cancer patient, Robert Deason. Extended outlook district will be bankrupt unless deep leader and visiting Egyptian Foreign cremonlal flatcar In this scene at the City Hall station. senators and plans to confer with a One count concerned prescriptions cuts are immediately made. dozen more before Wednesday’s Minister Kamal Hassan Ali agreed in Extended outlook for New England Thursday through “ Now we may have to close Nichopoulos wrote for himself, and two vote. UPI photo Jerusalem to ministerial-level talks Saturday: down,’’ Harper Creek School counts concerned those he ordered for Magsachuselts, Rhode Island and Conneeliculi Two previously uncommitted Nov. 4. two months ahead of schedule. Reagan may negotiate on nuke Deason. Superintendent James A. Brouwer Sen. William Armstrong, R-Colo., who was previously uncom­ “From the prime minister’s point of Fair weather Thursday through Saturday except a senators announc^ their decisions 7 Nichopoulos still faces 11 counts of said. “We can’t cut enough of our mitted, Monday announced his support for the AWACS sale. view," the aide said, “this (autonomy chance of showers Friday night. High temperatures in U PI p h o to Monday, with Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., WASHINGTON (UPI) - President not deploying Pershing missiles or overprescribing addictive pills to programs and still stay open for a Armstrong talks to reporters after returning to Capitol Hill from council) is the key to all the other the upper 50’s and 60’s Thursday and Friday and in the saying he would vote “no” and Reagan would be willing to negotiate a cruise missiles in Europe if the Soviets Presley, singer Jerry Lee Lewis and full school year.” Bodies of Haitian refugees who drowned when their sailboat Willian Armstrong, R-Colo., an­ the White House. topics” in the long-stalled search for proposal not to deploy nuclear weapons 70’s on Saturday. Overnight lows in the 40’s except in the agree to remove their 600-miies range seven others. 50’s on Saturday. Brouwer said unless the drastic swamped lay along the beach Monday after being pulled from nouncing he would vote “yes.” agreement on self-rule for 1.2 million in Europe, provided the Soviets disman­ cuts were Implemented by Nov. 9, SS-20 missiles, which carry nuclear the surf at Hillsboro Beach, Fla. At least 33 died. As of today, UPI’s tally is 56 bying, Reagan is preparing a memo The Colorado Republican told Paiestinians. tle their potent SS-20 missiles, a warheads. Maine, New Hampshire: Fair Thursday and Friday. the district will be forced to close in senators against or leaning against for the Senate that will outline reporters the strongest argument spokesman says. Chance of showers Saturday. Highs in the 50s to lower early December. Speakes said the administration feels the sale, 40 senators for or leaqjng safeguards and Saudi assurances made in favor of the sale was that Earthquake 60s. Lows in the 30s to lower 40s. “Qosing the school would be the At the same time. White House the “zero option” is “something to look for the sale and and four undecided. Saudi Arabip will be more Iranian spokesman Larry Speakes said Monday Vermont: Fair Thursday. Increasing cloudiness least acceptable alternative,” regarding the use of the new at under ideal conditions, but not at Despite these and other counts forthcoming in helping move the the wdministration believes the anti­ Friday. Mostly cloudy Saturday. CJiance of occasional Brouwer said, “(but) there aren’t weapons in the package. present.” rocks Mexico rain Friday and Saturday. Highs near 60. Lows near 40 showing Reagan trailing. White Earlier this month the House Mideast peace process forward. nominated1 nuclear protests in Euro|>ean capitals MEXICO Q ’TY (UPI) - Emergency many alternatives left to us. We can Haitians came House press sec-etary Larry The protests abroad, reminiscent of Thursday and Friday and near 45 Saturday. overwhelmingly rejected the “I believe there is a real chance last weekend were not representative of crews worked around the clock to cut but we’re talking about 25 per­ Speakes said Monday, “ We’re close. By United Press International most Europeans. the anti-Vietnam war demonstrations in package. For it to be vetoed by that Saudi Arabia will move our way restore electricity to parts of Mexico cent of the budget.” But there’s still a way to go. I think Congress, both chambers must pass and become more deeply involved in President Sayed Ali Khamenei NATO defense ministers last week, the 1960s, has caused some concern in As an alternative to closing, White House circles. City shaken by aftershocks to a powerful National forecast our chances are improving every resolutions of opposition. the peace process,” said nominated acting foreign minister Mir feeling pressure from the peaceful earthquake that destroyed houses and Brouwer said, he planned to ask the day.” • “I take no pleasure in such a Armstrong. Hossein Mousavi today as Iran’s new marches that drew several hundred thou­ They may serve as a prelude to talks By United Press International Los Angeles cy 70 64 .... board to consider a system-wide left dozens injured, authorities said. City & Fest Hi Lo Pep Louisville pc 63 51 i 0 in larger boat In St. Louis Monday night, Reagan vote," said Leahy, who urged , Four other GOP senators who met layoff of 19 teachers and 11 other prime minister following parliament’s sand persons, endorsed the so-called on theater nuclear forces in Geneva on Two aftershocks recorded Monday at Albuquerque c 67 36 .... Memphis ^ 57 46 J3 aide Lyn Nofziger said he spoke Reagan to withdraw the package with Reagan Monday said they Anchorage pc 33 36 .... Miami Bech pc 83 80 .... school workers, elimination of all recent rejection of his first choice. “zero option” as a possible negotiating Nov. 30 between Secretary of State the Nationai (geological Station in during the weekend with a senator remained opposed to the sale. They Asheville pc 63 56 .67 Milwaukee c 40 36 .... athletic, extracurricular programs before it reaches the Senate floor. Mousavi. editor of the ruling party position with the Soviets. Alexander Haig and Soviet Foreign Mexico City reg ister^ about 3 on the Atlanta cy 67 64 .06 Minneapolis c S3 94 .... HILLSBORO BEACH, Fla. (UPI) a resident saw a crowd of survivors who said he would announce today a are Roger Jepsen of Iowa, Mark An­ and hus transportation. “It is not too late yet” newspaper Islamic Republic, was It would provide for the United States Minister Andrei Gromyko. openended Richter scale, said station Billings cy 61 47 .... Nashville pc 86 S3 .77 — Thirty-three Haitians who walking down the beach, the women switch to the “yes” column. Nof­ Leahy said Reagan called him drews of North Dakota, John Dan- Birmingham cy 67 51 1.06 New Orlens pc 72 S3 .... In addition, food services will be proposed as the head of the new employee Reynaldo Mota. drowned off an exclusive beach sobbing hysterically. By dawn, ziger did not identify the convert to Friday to seek his support. forth of Missouri and Bob Kasten of Boston r S3 51 .46 New Yoili r 57 56 JO cut at elementary and junior high revolutionary government in a letter Electrical crews worked day and night Brownsvll Tx.c S3 40 .... Oklahom Cty c 80 SB .... were ferried to Florida in a bodies were washing ashore and the Reagan’s position. “I told him 1 thought it (the Wisconsin. Khamenei sent to parliament, a to restore power to some sections of the Buffalo r 56 54 J1 Omaha c 56 40 .... schools and the school day be freighter and ate a hearty meal outline of the swamped sailboat Reagan maintains the package, AWACS package) was badly botched Reagan also met with Sen. Frank Republicans weigh tax hikes Chrlstn S.C. pc 80 71 .40 Philadelphia r 80 50 J3 shortened by iV* hours. spokesman said. capital blacked out by the minute-long Charltt N.C. pc , . _ ^ 0 O 1.18 Phoenix c 87 50 .... before being put aboard a became visible offshore. which includes five AWACS radar and his comment was something to Murkowski, R-Alaska, who is un­ As Michigan’s economy has The official Pars news agency said main earthquake Saturday night, a Chicago pc 53 44 .... Pittst^gh r 50 SO .40 homemade sailboat for the final, ill- Leonard Rowland, an official with planes and other aircraft equip­ the effect that ‘you go with the cards decided. The White House had also today an explosion damaged the office of WASHINGTON (UPI) - Senate raising other taxes by $3 billion in fiscal Gevelandefar" - 56 56 .... Portlana Me. r SO 47 64 worsened, the number of school dis­ fated run to shore, officials said the Immigration and Naturalization Republican leaders, fearful President 1982. powerful temblor that hit 6.5 on the Columbus cy 61 56 .15 Portland Ore. r 60 56 10 ment, is vital for Middle East you are dealt’ or something like invited Sen. David Boren. D-Okla,, Air France in central Tehran Monday Dallas c 63 30 Providence r 57 SO 03 tricts in financial trouble has grown today. Service, said the small boat’s cap­ Reagan’s new round of budget cuts won’t Richter scale, municipal authorities security. But foes fear it would fuel that,” Leahy said. who is leaning against the sale. But and blamed "counterrevolutionary His tax proposals totaled $22 billion Denver pc 70 30 Richmond r 70 68 ■r steadily. State officials say the state Medical officials said the victims tain, identified as (jharles Joseph, get through Congress, are considering over three years. said. Des Moines 54 36 St. Louis c 40 36 a Middle East arms race and add to Armstrong announced his support he declined the invitation and said groups” for the blast which shattered Mota said six smaller aftershocks Detroit r 56 51 .40 ^ I t Lak Ctypc 60 48 .. cannot bail out the local districts. were healthy and all had eaten a ful­ and the three-man crew anchored the area’s instability. he would announce his decision recommending that tax hike proposals Senate Fiiuince Committee Chairman m for the AWACS sale after meeting windows. were recorded later Saturday — the Duluth c 41 31 San Antonio c 73 .... On Oct. 16, officials in Alpena in ly cooked meal just two hours the vessel in rough seas before dawn In addition to his personal lob- with Reagan at the White House. today. be substantially increased to ease moun­ Robert Dole says he expects Congress to El Paso c 76 37 San D i^o cy 72 64 .... northeastern Lower Michigan before they drow n^ in choppy seas and left. ting budget deficits. pass a bill raising some taxes next year. biggest 4.5 — after the main quake that Hartford r S3 51 San Francisc r 63 56 .... police said leveled houses and injured Honolulu r 83 71 San Juan r 88 73 .23 closed classrooms for 6,800 students early Monday. “The captain and crew swam Congressional sources said Monday Tax hikes of $50 billion pver three years Indianapolis cy 56 40 Seattle r 50 53 J 6 following rejection of a millage ashore, telling everyone to stay put” OPEC price are possible, be says, but not necessarily dozens of people but killed no one. Jacksn Mss. pc 83 SO Spokane r 86 51 .... GOP leaders ate considering $50 billion Jacksonville cy .02 Tampa pc 86 72 .... request. Another vote on the levy Ronald Wright, Broward County because they would bring help, likely. About 500 calls for help swamped the to $70 billion in tax increases over the Red O oss switchboard, including about Kansas City c Washington r 86 83 .77 was set for Saturday. medical examiner, told UPI that Rowland said. Dole, R-Kan., said his panel could find Las V ^as pc 80 SO WichlU c 56 30 autopsies revealed the victims ate a accord seen next three years, including raising taxes Little Rock c 48 42 Last week, voters in the Detroit A survivor told what happened Ex-hosfages to appeal more than $60 billion in tax hikes but that 80 for heart attack victims although no C on cigaretts and alcohol. suburb of Taylor rejected a 20.4-mill “fully cooked meal aboard a mother next. no decisions have been made to do so. fatalities were recorded, spokesmen for GENEVA, Switzeriand (U PI)-O PE C levy and schools for 15,900 students ship” before being transferred to a “We could see the lights of the “It’s not a question of whether we can the relief agency said. officials today predicted rapid agree­ Reagan, who got a record cut in per­ were to close Nov. 13. Officials, rickety, homemade sailboat that hotels. Then a huge wave — higher sonal income taxes through Congress find it, it’s a question of whether meanwhile, hoped to have another later capsized off Hillsboro Beach. than the mast — hit and turned us ment on unified prices when its oil Congress would pass it,” he told a ministers meet Thursday and one in­ last summer as part of his economic election in December. “This absolutely confirms it that over,” one of the Haitian survivors, recovery package, has already proposed reporter. S.C. threatenedr Three other school districts — the Haitians are telng taken off the Pierre Luco, 20, said through an in­ dismissal of their suit dustry official said an expected increase Lottery in the cost of Saudi Arabian oil will raise Pontiac, Lincoln Park and Romulus larger boats — the freighters — and terpreter. He said two smaller petroleum prices by “dimes.” with flooding — need an infusion of new tax money placed into rickety sailboats and left waves followed. to remain open. In Pontiac, voters to somehow manage to make it to Fort Lauderdale yacht dealer LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Thirteen case, argued Monday, was to see if deprived of life, liberty or property “We expect and plan for the meeting to Waldheim wants third term New Hampshire Mon­ they would be permitted to sue the without due process of law,” Davis T Numbers drawn in New former American hostages vowed to last just the one day and it is our hope have reject^ the last eight millage shore,” Wright said. F.M. Sloan said sailors call the sort By United Press International England Monday; day: 6282. requests. Including renewals. The autopsies indicated they of wave Luco described a “rogue appeal the dismissal of their $5 governments of Iran and the United said. and expectation that there' will be UNITED NATIONS (UPI) — U.N. the meeting strictly confidential and not (Connecticut daily: 260. Rhode Island daily: 9021. States for $5 million. Most of the 13 hostages were with Secretary General Kurt Waldheim A cold front pushed heavy showers “ No other state is having the kind drowned, he said, but they also wave” which, he said, can reach a million federal suit against the agreement," an OPEC spokesman said. prematurely inform any outsider of its Maine daily: 154. Vermont daily: 289. governments of Iran and the United Davis filed the original suit last Davis when he entered the court sought re-election today to an un­ decision. across the lower Mississippi Valley into of economic problems that Michigan showed the victims had eaten a sub­ height of about 24 feet and tear a All 13 members of the Organization of New Hampshire Sunday: Massachusetts daily; States, saying $12.50-a-day is not Feburary on behalf of John D. Monday. precedented third five-year term but The Council officially recommends a New England today and threatened has,” said Rohet McKerr, associate stantial meal of cooked chicken, small boat apart. Petroleum Exporting Countries were 7351. 3386. enough compensation for their 444- McKeel Jr., and now represents a In addition to McKeel, other faced strong competition for the U.N.’s candidate to the General Assembly for South Carolina with Hooding. state schools superintendent. rice, potatoes and pork — a meal Philomise Louis said she was sit­ scheduled to attend the session, in­ day ordeal. dozen other hostages who have since hostages taking part in the suit in­ cluding Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani of top post from Tanzanian Foreign election but the Assembly has always ' A flash flood watch was posted late The Harper Creek millage that could not have been prepared ting in the boat near her mother proposal, calling for a nine-miU hike aboard the tiny sailboat. when the wave hit. “She didn’t have U.S. District Court Judge William joined the action. clude Billy Gallegos, Charles Saudi Arabia, the spokesman said. Minister Salim Ahmed Salim. given unanimous approval to the Monday for the mountains and foothills He said the case involved con­ Wesley Scott, William B. Royer Jr., recommendation. of South Carolina. in the first year, eight in the second “The food in the stomachs in­ time to say anything before she was Gray granted a U.S. government The powerful Saudis, pumping nearly The U.N. Security Council called a motion and dismissed the suit Mon­ stitutional issues and he would pre­ Donald A. Sharer, Leland Holland, half of OPEC's daily output of 20 million closed session meeting to initiate the In the 15-member (Council each perma­ Showers moved along the Gulf (Joast and seven in the thii^ and final year, dicates they ate' no later than two thrown into the water,” the young hours before their deaths. They day, ruling President Carter was sent the argument “that an in­ David Roeder, Regis Ragan, Paul barrels of oil, hold the key to any accord. two-stage election process, apparently nent member — Britain, China, France, states and the Tennessee Valley. More was rejected by a 2,532-2,380 vote. It woman said. Her mother died. couldn’t have gotten that food within his executive authority when dividual has the right to bring action Needham, Duane Gillette, Alan B. However, industry insiders warned first to decide proc^ures and then tur­ the Soviet Union and the United States— than an inch of rain hit Crossville, Tenn., Almanac would have raised enough new funds The surviving Haitians were taken to eliminate a $1.5 million deficit. aboard their sailboat, it had to have to the Krome Avenue Detention' he reached agreement in January against a sovereign state.” Golacinski, Malcolm Kalp and Thursday's meeting could run into ning to actual balloting. can veto any candidate. If there is no Roanoke, Va., and Cincinnati. The issues, Davis said, included CJiarles Jones Jr. About three-fourths of an inch of rain The owner of a $50,000 home In the come from the freighter that ferried Clenter, where they will be held until with Iran to free the hostages. problems despite the confidence of Ciouncil President Jaime de Pinies of veto, nine votes are required for elec­ “We face this as the first step in whether the hostages had a case Scott's wife, Elizabeth, has also OPEC officials. Spain asked members to keep events in tion. soaked Birmingham, Ala., Monday. southwestern Michigan city, would them to the Florida territorial they go through immigration By United Press International have seen property taxes climb waters,” Wright said. hearings, a process expected to take our journey,” hostages attorney against Iran at the time of their im­ joined in the action. from $861.75 to $1,087, or $226.25 an­ Wright said tuberculosis was James Davis said following Gray’s prisonment, whether the presiden­ While reporters questioned Davis Today is Tuesday, October 27, the 300th day of 1981 weeks, authorities said. outside the courthouse, a man nually, if the tax was approved. detected in three of the victims and ruling. Davis said the decision tial agreement with Iran is valid with 65 to follow. Police throughout the area were saying he represented a group called elephantiasis in a fourth, but overall alerted to be on the lookout for the would be appealed. pertaining to the hostages, and The moon is new. the Mass Proletarian War Oim es captain and crew. Officials did not The hostages contended the $12.50 whether there was a taking of The morning stars Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and he said they appeared in good Tribunal of U.S. Imperalism Saturn. health. say what charges, if any, would be per day they received from the valuable property rights. F eopietaik government was not sufficient and The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in attempted to read a statement ac­ The evening star is Venus. Party set Thirty-four other Haitians who filed against the four men when and also were aboard the craft survived if they are caUght. Uieir action challenged Carter’s July, he said, that a settlement in cusing the hostages of "war ■ Those horn on this date are under the sign of Scorpio. crimes." Manchester Grange 31 plans its after swimming to shore against a The drownings came less than 24 executive agreement. the commercial cases filed after the Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president of.the United States, monthly card party Oct. 28 at the A court guard attempted to stop was bom October 27, 1858-. strong undertow. The 30-foot boat hours after the Coast Guard cutter “The agreement was within the takeover in Iran was valid, but it did Rodney gets respect Grange Hall, 28 Olcott St. at 8 p.m. 1:apsized some SO yards off an “(jhase” made the first successful executive authority of his not rule on the hostages. the man and a scuffle started, with The playing will be open to the exclusive beach lined with luxury (Clarter’s),” the judge said. “It may The president doesn't have, the both men wrestling on the ground. Rodney Dangerfield has finally gotten some On this date in history: interception of Haitian refugees on The fight ended after less than a public. Prizes and door prizes will oceanfront villas and high-rise con­ the high seas under the Reagan ad­ not have been wise, but he wanted to power to overrule the Fifth Amend­ respect. The quick-thinking comic had scheduled a In 1871, the political chief of New York’s Tammany be awarded. Refreshments will be ment of the (institution-providing minute and Davis allowed the Hall — Boss Tweed — was arrested on charges of dominiums. ministration’s tough new immigra­ get them (the hostages) home.” 2 concert in Murfreesboro, Tenn., but was forced to served after the games. The tragedy was discovered when The initial part of the plaintiffs’ that “no persons shall be ... spokesman to continue reading cancel because of slow ticket sales. defrauding the city. tion policy. Dangerfield didn’t give up. He scheduled another In 1904, the first practical subway began operating in concert at the smaller Grand Ole Opry House in New York (jity — from the Brooklyn bridge to 145th Nashville Sunday and managed to sell most of the Street in Manhattan. 4 more suspects sought seats. In 1961, the United Nations adopted a resolution Apparently, it’s bangerfield’s wife who doesn’t protesting Russian detonation of a 5(>-megaton atomic get any respect. , bomb. “My wife is dunA,” the comedian said. “ I told 7 her the kid was ^ ile d . She said all kids smell that Man, holdup linked way ... I askedya cabdriver to take me some place for action and^he took me to my place.” HianflifHlpr Hpralb NEW YORK (UPI) - A former Black ficers who pursued the two men in Queens. 37, and Samuel Brown, 41, were sent, to the DAIRY STORES Panther, a rre s t^ in a shootout with police, He was to be arraigned today in the F ^ e ra l Correctional Center in Otisville, may have been involved in the $1.6 million hospital. N.Y. Official Manchester Newspaper Brink’s holdup bungled by members of the Clarkstown, N.Y., Police Oiief Robert A convoy of 24 police vehicles accompanied USPS 327-500 Cl, No. 23 Weather Underground and Black Liberation Schnakenberg said police suspect that Burns, each pair to the two facilities. PUMPKIN ICE CREAM Army, Investigators say. one of several Panthers indicted on bombing The FBI said there was no evidence to link Katharine Hepburn Rodney Dangerfield Ben Vereen Published daily except Sunday and certain holidays by' the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square The New York Daily News, meanwhile, charges in 1968, also was involved in the any foreign organization with the radical and Rock vs. country Manchester, Conn. 06040. Second class postage paid at reported today that warrants have been attempted Brink’s holdup. group believed responsible for the Brink’s Manchester, Conn. POSTMASTER; Send address drawn up for four more suspects in last Ballistics tests confirmed a .38-caliber robbery and shootout in which O’Grady, UCORICE CHIP ICE The members of the Styx rock band relax on the Glimpses changes to The Manchester Herald, P.O. Box 591 Tuesday’s holdup, saying Rockland County bullet found in Smith’s pocket was fired by Nyack poli,ceman Waverly Brown and Brink’s road by acting out their favorite routines from Mel Quote of the day Manchester, Conn. 06040. , ’ District Attorney Kenneth Gribetz described Police Officer Edward O’Gredy, wbo was guard Peter Paige were killed. CREAM But FBI spokesman Roger Young Brooks’ ’’Blazing Saddles.” So when the band hit Ben Vereen will host the “Skaters for Koch” them only as “known fugitives.” slain in the shootout following the botched Buffalo, N.Y., “Saddles” stars Bert Gillian and To subscribe, or to report a delivery problem, call 647- Thus far, four people have been charged in heist in Nanuet, Schnakenberg said. suggested the principal focus of the investiga­ Old-fashioned quality Halloween taste treats made fund-raiser at the Roxy for New York City Mayor tion was an effort to determine the scope and Slim Pickens were invited. and mayoral candidate Ed Koch ... Rosonary 9946. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday the Nanuet, N.Y., robbery that left two by Shady Glen. Pickens joined Styx onstage after the show and Katharine Hepburn is still going strong at age 74. policemen and a private guard dead and Gribetz said “other evidence” also in­ extent of the apparent radical network so far She opens soon on Broadway in “The West Side Harris is in London for a revival of Arthur MiUer’s through Friday and 7 to 10 a.m. Saturday. DeUvety told the crowd, “I’m a country music fan.” The should be made by 5 p.m. Monday through Friday a i^ bv police Monday conclusively linked Sam Smith dicates that Smith participated in Brink’s uncovered. Waltz,” and her film “On Golden Pond” with H en^ “All My Sons” that opens Oct. 27 ... Elliott ( ^ I d , robbery, but he declined tb elaborate. Investigators believe that remnants of the For a delicious party-time color combination, crowd booed. Lou Jacobi and Alice Ghostly are starring in a Los 7:30 a.m. Saturday. — a 37-year-old man kilM in a shootout in and Jane Fonda is scheduled for release in Weather Underground fugitive Kathy white radical Weather Underground and the serve Shady Glen Pumpkin and “The radio in my pickup is permanently welded Angeles production of Neil Simon’s “Q>me Blow Suggested carrier rates are $1.20 weekly, $5.12 for one Queens last week — to the ambush. December. She told Life magazine she never would Boudin was among the Brink’s holdup Black Liberation Army were responsible for Licorice Chip Ice Cream! to a country station." More boos. “This is my first Your Horn” ... Sandy Hill, who from 1977 to 1980 co­ month, $15.35 for three months, $30.70 for six months rock concert.” Applause. retire, and she expressed her dim view of the acting and $61.40 for one year. Mail rates are available oii Police spotted Smith and former Black suspects already arrested, and authorities, the heist. profession she graces so well; “ Acting? A child can hosted ABC’s “Good Morning America” with David Panthers member Nathaniel Burns, 37, fearful of a possible attack on the Rockland Police suspect they have formed a new “The closest I’ve ever been to rock and roll is Hartman, has sign^ on with CBS as a sports news request. Roy Qark and Willie Nelson. ” More boos. act. Have you ever seen little Freddie driving a car with the same license platies as County jail where Miss Boudin and her three radical group called the “May 19 (dalition.” Bartholomew in 'Captains Courageous?’ He was reporter on the show “(jBS Sports Saturday- co-defendants were held, transferred them TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS IN MANCHESTER “ But this band has turned my head around.” To place a classified or display advertisement, or to a car used in the Brink’s ambush. Burns was In raids last week on apartments in New brilliant. He was 12. If a child can do it, you can’t Sunday” ... Faith Stewart-Gordon, owner of New arrested foilowing the ensqing shootout. from the New City, N.Y., facility to twonmre York and New Jersey used as “safe houses” H40F. MIDDLE TPKF. onRT 6 Open Daily anid Sun Parkacie Branch open Mon thru Sat Cheers. report a news item, story or picture idea, call 643-2711. John C and Bernice A Rivg Owners say it’s all that sensational when a grownup does it, York’s Russian Tea Room near Carnegie Hall, has Burns, held overni^t in Kings (bounty secure federal institutions. by the radical group, police seized bomb “The only thing wrong with these boys is their written a book with food writer Nika Hazelton hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Uuough William J H(xh. Enecuflve Manager taste — 'Blazing Saddles’ is their favorite movie:” can you? It ain’t like writing a book or painting's^ Hospital in Brooklyn after it was disclosed he Miss Boudin, 38, and Judith Clark, 31, were manuals, weapons, (Uagrams of the Queens picture!” titled, “The Russian Tea Room Cookbook.” had suffered “blunt abdominal trauma,” is taken to the Metropolitan (directional Criminal Quirthouse and six city police charged with attempting to ifill six police of­ (dnter in lower Manhattan. David Gilbert, stationhouses.

« THE HERALD. Tues.. Oct. 27, 1981 - 5 4 - THE HERALD, Tues., Oct. 27, 1981 ; Despite higher birth rate Teacher claims move violated her contract “unsettled” state with an interim Assumption and St. - Bridget’s violations, but claimed that unusual federally-funded Title I remedial the fall to determine where staff is By Nancy Thompson needed, Mrs. Hill said. principal. Schools to the program, made last- School enrollment falls Herald Reporter circumstances regarding funding reading program, has been The MEA also said the contract minute changes in staffing and the number of schools and employed by the Manchester school The MEA said, however, that staff was violated because Mrs. Wagner necessary. The schools did not Kennedy said elementary Based on known births and the bearing age is the largest ever. children served made the action system since 1966. She has taught at allocations could have bMn made Although the local birth rate is up A remedial reading teacher Mon­ did not have a personal conference receive final word on funding until enrollments will be about 1 percent Oct. 1 enroilment data, the school "Even assuming a declining birth Verplanck School for the past six without transferring Mrs. Wagner, slightly, the overall school enroll­ day aaked the Board of Ekiucation to necessary. with an administrator prior to her late August, Mrs. Hill said. less than previously projected. administration'predicts that enroll­ rate, the total number of births The board is scheduled to rule on years. She also taught at Lincoln, whose move violated seniority ment will fall faster than previously rw ind her transfer from Verplanck transfer. She was Informed of the “We don’t feel seniority is a fac­ Enrollment projections are done ment will drop to 7,474 in 1982 ; 7,173 should go up,” he said. the grievance at its Nov, 9 meeting. Bentley, Robertson, Washington and clauses. predicted, a school official said t6 Keeney Street School, charging move at a staff meeting in tor,” said Wilson E. Iteakin Jr., twice a year, in the spring based on in 1983 ; 6,951 in 1984; and 6,761 in Board chairman John C. Yavis said, Nathan Hale schools. School administrators noted that Monday. The increase will probably not be the move violated her contract. September. assistant superintendent of schools. actual births for the previous year 1985. however, that he would not support According to Carol Hill, director the teachers’ contract includes a Superintendent of Schools James enough to reverse the overall trend The Manchester Education In addition, the MEA said Mrs. “The education of children is the and in the fall b a s ^ on actual If those projections are carried sending Mrs. Wagner back to of the Title I program, transfers are clause placing educational benefit to P. Kennedy told the Board of Educa­ of declining enrollment or to avert AssoclaUpn, representing teacher Wagner was not notified of her right overriding factor.” tion that a minor boom in births to enrollments. out for another five years, the es­ Jacqueline Wagner, said the school Verplanck School as she requested an annual occurrence among the Ti­ the students above teachers’ seniori­ the need to close schools. The board ty in determining transfers. to MEA representation in- a Deakin said uncertainty of staff local women — an increase of 4 per­ As of Oct. 1, 7,814 students were timated enrollment for 1991 is 5,740 plans to close at least two elemen­ "administration violated the contract because the school year would be tle I staff. In recent years, transfers assignments has always been part of enrolled in the Manchester schools, students, about 250 fewer students have been made in September, "We were looking at what would grievance procedure and the MEA cent in the first four months of 1981 tary schools in the next, five years. by transferring Mrs. Wagner well under way. was not told of the involuntary the Title I program — and will over the same period in 1980 — will Kennedy said. Of those, 4,021 were than previously predicted. without a personal conference to If the Board of Ekiucation does although the teachers’ contract be the most effective assignments, “The 6,000 (enrollment) is not at seniority,” Mrs. Hill said. She transfer, both procedures required become part of all federal not be enough to win the battle of in grades kindergarten through six; The 10-year prediction includes an discuss her opinion, without con­ determine that a contract violation requires teachers to be notified In programs, with changes in funding 3,619 in grades seven through 12; assumption that births will increase probably the-maximum we can June except under unusual cir­ called the transfer a “compliment” by the contract. declining enrollment. sidering seniority, and without in­ has taken place, it does not have to The administration said the un­ and anticipated cuts under the V 80 in Head Start; and 94 in the 1 percent each year, an assumption expect in 10 years, and it’s more award the remedy requested by the to Mrs. Wagner’s skills as a teacher, Based on the number of actual forming her of her right to MEA cumstances. Reagan administration. Regional Occupational Training Kennedy said is justified because likely to be 5,700 or in that range,” Transfers in the Title I staff are citing Keeney School’s size, open settled status of federal funding, births in the past five years and the representaUon. MEA, Yavis said. combined with the addition of official Oct. 1 school enrollments. Center. the number of women of child­ Kennedy said. The administration admitted the Mrs. Wagner, a teacher in the until stnrtpnts are tested In classroom arrangement and The Candidates Are Saying Hearing slated

’There is one big issue and that is While acknowledging that many Streets are no substitute for Higley urges the tax dollar,” she said. “The departments in the town govern­ classrooms.” federal government has declared a ment have “trimmed their budgets “Second, we must instill in our on alarm rules no arbitration $1 billion deficit and the state a $250 to the bone,” Mrs. Lingard students a genuine and fundamental UPl photo million deficit. All these deficits criticized the Buckland fire house as respect for authority, parental and more than nine percent ol the Board of Education incumbent Police Chief Robert D. Lannan has will filter down to the an “abuser of our tax .dollar.” otherwise. Nothing should be taught scheduled a public meeting for department’s total calls, he said. Gilbert Lewis, coordinator of the investigation into the MBTA Barbara Higley has urged the in our schools to undermine this fire, holds charred employee records. The fire, of suspicious municipalities. What does this “All efforts to negotiate a settle­ Wednesday at 10 a.m. to discuss the Based on an average of 30 minutes per '"rejection of binding arbitration to ment or disposition of this firehouse traditional respect.” origin, caused heavy damage and massive deiays in the Boston translate into but critical reviews of proposed town ordinance regulating the call, for two officers responding. Minor settle local education disputes”. present spending habits and the have been stalled by the Democratic “Third, our drug laws should be estimated that false alarms cost $30,000 transit system Monday. Mrs. Higley added that “binding installation and use ol burglar alarms. need to approach the next fiscal leadership,” she added. strictly and uniformly enforced. a year in salaries alone while diverting arbitration helps no one, except All interested members of the public year with the utmost caution.” “On reflection, the underlying Drug use should be discouraged and officers from legitimate calls. False perhaps, the high-priced out-of-town are invited to attend the meeting, which Mrs. Lingard said the Democrats issue of the people's tax dollars has all courses dealing with the use of will be held at the police station, 239 East alarms also create the "cry wolf” syn­ arbitrator”. drugs should be forceful in this dis­ are out of touch with the voters. indicated some reckless abuse.” Middle Turnpike. drome, which may lead an officer to “I resent the idea that locally couragement.” become less alert when responding to an ■ Boston subway fire elected officials and educators can­ “These economic trends did not According to assistant town attorney happen over night,” she said. “Cer- Malone calls “Fourth, traditional values that Malcolm F. Barlow, the proposed or­ address with repeated false alarrqs, he not settle their grievances. Binding have made America great should be arbitration means that the tainiy, since last fall, people have dinance sets the following restrictions. said. been aware of the proposed radipal positively cultivated: honesty, in­ Proponents of the alarm ordinance, taxpayers of Manchester might be for discipline • Alarm systems must be registered changes on the major programs of dividual effort, hard work, personal like Deputy Mayor Stephen T. Cassano, under investigation held hostage to the decision of an ar­ with the Police Department, with infor­ our country: the rising inflation and Dr. John Malone, candidate for integrity, loyalty to family, church believe the measure will make alarm bitrator who, once he is paid, leaves mation including the name of a person to the shrinking value of our tax dollar. the Board of Education, today and country, and a decent respect owners more responsible. town, leaving us to foot the bill for turn off the alarm. BOSTON (UPI) — Arson in­ to work while MBTA officials Yet, leaders of the majority party voiced his support for stronger dis­ for fundamental liberty.” his decision. • Alarms which use a siren sound vestigators searched the worked feverishly to switch power on our Board of Directors are the cipline in our schools. The decision of an arbitrator has a similar to that of emergency vehicles The board of Directors tabled a deci­ fireravaged control center of to a backup generator. sponsors of proposals on our voting Malone said: Air quality report direct impact on local education would be prohibited. sion on the ordinance at its Sept. 8 Boston's subway system today for Many commuters chose to drive, ballots of some of the most “First, we must do away with the budgets and, ultimately, on our tax HARTFORD (UPI) - The state • Defective alarms would be illegal. meeting. clues to the cause of an early mor­ creating huge traffic snarls and excessive amounts of money to be ‘open campus’ approach to educa­ rate. That is the responsibility of the Department of. Environmental • Automatic dialer systems, which Cassano said the public meeting is ning blaze that destroyed sensitive delays of up to an hour on roads requested for some time.” tion. Parents hold their children ac­ elected Board of Education and the Protection forecast good air quality dial the police emergency number being held both as an informational ses­ files and stranded thousands of rush- already clogged by morning rush Mrs. Lingard said the best way to countable at home for their elected Board of Directors. I don’t across Connecticut for today. The repeatedly when set off, would be illegal. sion to explain the ordinance to the hour commuters. hour traffic. fight inflation is “to look to decrease whereabouts. Teachers and ad­ want to forfeit that responsibility,” DEP reported good air quality Under the proposeil ordinance, an public, and also to gather input from “We are classifying it as a fire of Power was switched over and ser­ taxes.” ministrators must do the same. statewide on Monday also. alarm system would be allowed six false vice was partially restored to all Higley continued by saying “bin­ those who will be affected by the very suspicious origin,'' alarms in its first year of operation and measure. Massachusetts Bay Transportation lines by 7:30 a.m., transit system of­ ding arbitration may prove to be a disincentive for good faith four each year after that. Authority General Manager James ficials said. Herald photo by Tarquinlo The first two offenses beyond that Public comments at the meeting will Four MBTA workers in the bargaining”. O'Leary said Monday after inspec­ S' would result in $25 fines. Each offense be weighed in drafting the final'version ting the building's gutted first floor. building at the time of the blaze “If both parties know that binding Fire calls of the ordinance, which will probably arbitration is lurking in the Students at t ie Creative School of Hairdressing show off protesting the state’s plan to stop licensing hair- after that would bring a $50 fine, with a He estimated damage at $1.5 were evacuated safely, officials maximum yearly penalty of $1,000 to any appear on the board’s Nov. 17 agenda. million said. No injuries were reported. background, one of the parties some of the 8l.|^n8 they carried Monday at a rally In Hart- dressers. Cassano said. might be less likely to give its full IRA.KEOGRSEP firm or person. The blaze came amid strife Fire investigators determined an Police Capt. Henry “Bud” Minor said Kenneth Spector, an expert in alarm between MBTA management and accelerant was present when the effort to bargaining. Besides, the Manchester systems, will serve as a professional two parties will have to begin their the department answered 3,095 false the Boston Carmen's Union, which fire began around 4:30 a.m. and Monday, 12:45 p.m. — alarms last year, including break-in, consultant at the meetings and answer represents more than 3,000 of the raced through the first floor, negotiations by deciding who to hire Hairdressing students march any technical questions about alarms, as an arbitrator. ’That strikes me as Medical call, 806 Bluefield armed robbery, water flow and fire system's 6,700 employees. knocking out power and com­ Drive. (Town) alarms. The false alarms constituted Cassano said. The subway system has been munications equipment at the a waste of time and money.” Concluding, Higley reiterated that Monday, 3:33 p.m. — plagued with delays since the union operations center. Unnecessary call. Box 431, ordered its members last week to Gov. Edward J. King offered a “the elected officials and educators of Manchester can. solve their own Bennet Junior High School. work “by the book " in protest of $10,000 reward for information to (Town) Seminar License delay protested disputes without high priced outside strict new work rules. the arrest and conviction of the ar­ Tuesday, 7:31 p.m. —Car “I'm not suggesting that there sonist or arsonists and ordered state assistance” fire, 122B New State Road. by state Attorney General Carl Ajello, who was any connection between that troopers stationed at eight key About 31 students and instructors of the was disputed by Thayer Baldwin, director of (Eighth District)) said licensing should be retained. (labor unrest) and this fire,'' MBTA substations at night to pre­ Creative School of Hairdressing in. Health System Regulation for the Depart­ McCavanagh Baldwin had asked Ajello to decide if it was O'Leary said. "But I want it to be vent possible vandalism. Manchester marched with colored balloons ment of Health Services. made clear that the MBTA has no Paul Connolly, vice president of Baldwin said he believed state licensing, legal for the state to prepare a test and to D ontbuy , clarifies stand and picket signs outside the state Depart­ intention of backing away from the Carmen's union, said the union for administering and monitoring of hairdressers have the hairdressing schools, not the state, > Be informed ment of Health Services building Monday to conduct it to save money. these reform s" planned to ask the attorney Incumbent Democratic Director protest a slowdown in licensing for their and cosmetologists was still needed. Union officials cast suspicion on general's office to conduct a John McCavanagh last week called stay on top of the news— “That impression (plans to deregulate) is Ajello said, however, that the department subscribe to The profession. was required to give the licensing exam, and insurance that the MBTA after learning the fire separate investigation into the for removal of all non-essential The local contingent joined about 170 other ‘ incorrect,” he said. “We intend to license. had destroyed files on the blaze. educational requirements for town Manchester Herald. For We intend to test.” that it would not be proper for the schools to home delivery, call 647- hairdressers in protesting the state’s failure conduct the test. workmen's compensation program, “It looks very suspicious to the jobs. everyone to conduct more examinations for licensing. Baldwin said the agency would conduct a 9946 or 646-9947. which has been the subject of an Carmen’s Union,” said Connolly. He However, in a story published in Lawrence Camera of Meriden, a hair­ test in mid-December for the estimated 500 ongoing internal investigation. said the union had pressed for the Saturday’s Herald, the world “ Non- hairdressers and cosmetologists waiting to be “Generally speaking, we don’t feel that’s doesn’t fit. dresser and legislative chairman of the 2,500- appropriate or proper,” Ajello said. “We Nearly 300,000 daily riders were workmen’s compensation investiga­ essential” was inadvertently left member Hairdresser and Cosmetologists licensed. After that, he said, the matter will have a question of governmental authority forced to wait on chilly subway plat­ tion because many workers had not out. Association, told the gathering that the state be given to the state legislature to remedy forms or find another way of getting been receiving their checks on time. McCavanagh said he is not calling personnel and funding shortfalls that led to and responsibility.” Would you buy a suit from someone who Parking was phasing out Its role in monitoring the Baldwin said a possible remedy for the fun­ for the elimination of all educational profession. this year’s problems. only had one size? So why buy insur­ requirements, but only those found Mre. Prentiss said the state has been ding situation would be to earmark the $25 who is hairdressers’ licensing fees to monitor the ance from a one-company agent who to be non-essential after a Board of ban set The last state licensing examination was systematically decreasing its foie in the Gjmmoner criticizes Directors review. held In June, he said, and tests planned for licensing and monitoring of hairdressers. She profession and not siphon off 80 percent of the can only sell you policies from one McCavanagh said the iSsue was Nov. 1 August and October have been canceled. said licenses for instructors, salon operators money, as is now done, to pay for other ser­ company. Theresa not her way to prompted by the rejection of Joseph “If there are no exams, then anyone could and manicurists have been eliminated, and vices in the health department. buy insurance. From an Inde­ work In a salon or barber shop, which of that the requirements for a registered hair­ Mrs, Prentiss said she wholeheartedly sup­ Reagan economic policy Diminico for the Senior Citizens The police department Center Director’s job because he course Is dangerous," said Geraldine Pren­ dresser or cosmetician have been lessened. ports such a move. She said she would like to pendent Agent like me. An has issued a notice that the “We want rules, regulations,” said Mrs. see the three state inspectors whose positions Independent Agent represents does not have a college education. winter overnight parking eiigibie. tiss, dean of Creative Hair. NEW HAVEN (U PI)- President We will gather information to fight McCavanagh pointed out that Wal­ She said hairdressers work with strong Prentiss. “We want to be governed by were eliminated this year be reinstated to en­ ordinance will take effect several insurance companies-not Reagan is “flying blind on supply- Reagan’s efforts. He is deliberately ly Fortin, the center’s former direc­ somebody in authority. We want to upgrade sure high standards in the profession. Nov. 1, and violators will chemicals, which can cause burns if not used just one-so he can help you ch(X)se side economics’’ and making trying to destroy sources of infor­ tor, did not have a college degree. properly. “If students are not trained or our profession, not downgrade it.” If the licensing issue is resolved, Mrs. “guinea pigs of the American mation.” be ticketed. She said lax state regulations would allow Prentiss said, no further protests would be the policy that best fits your needs. The ordinance states that given exams,” she said, “we’li Iwve people in people,” says the Citizens Party’s Commoner also attacked major salons that haven’t had the training.” some schools to shirk their training respon­ necessary. However, she added, the hair­ And your budget. So whether you there shall he no parking Starting January 1st, dressers may still pursue their cause at a 1980 presidential candidate. corporations, saying they had Democrats called Camera said the state was gradually sibilities. need homeowners, auto, life or busi­ Barry Commoner, who was listed "caused basic political problems on any public highway or deregulating the Industry, but that position Mrs. Prentiss took heart in the statements major anti-budget cutting rally on Nov. 7. on the ballot in 30 states and won because they are able to invest big spenders designated municipally ness insurance, contact me. I’m the 250.000 votes in his presidential bid, capital as they wish for profit own^, leased or operated everyone is. more-than-one-company agent. also said the Citizens Party would maximation, not for the national in­ Republican Board of Directors off-street parking area or work to show that Reagan did not terest. candidate Joan R. Lingard today lot between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. while the ordinance is have a mandate from voters for his “Corporations have sho'vn this in­ charged the Democrats with suppor­ As of Jan. 1,1982, changes in Federal law will allow policies. eptness recently by buying other ting big spending issues in a time of in effect. A n d re w s runs Water report Capt. Henry “Bud anyone who has earned income to open a retirement plan. "Reagan is making guinea pigs of companies instead of reinvesting austerity against the wishes of the YOUT^^ependent ] of the American people. Reagan is money and capital. Capitalism is in­ voters. Minor said the ban has If you have an existing IRA, KEOGH or SEP plan, the “Have they (THE Democrats) been extended to April 30, .htsumnceglAaBHT flying blind on the side of supply side herently weak. Something must Savings Bank of Manchester can show you how to improve economics,” Commoner told the happen because capitalism can’t lost their ability to be in touch with and he asked motorists to in 1st District MIVVSS VOM FIMST Yale Political Union Monday night. continue to exist,” he said. the times and the pressing needs of cooperate with the or it, right now. If you don’t already have one, we’ll tell you how "Now he want? all of us to fly blind As for his future plans. Commoner the people?” asked Mrs. Lingard in dinance. you can take full advantage of the new benefits as soon as due Wednesday a statement. In addition. Minor said, HARTFORD (UPI) — Former state NAACP IWiiieie ttMiioiie ceiwpewY too." said he had been “drafted by my they’re available. leader Ben Andrews says he will seek the Commoner said the Citizens Party colleagues” for the 1980 presidential Mrs. Lingard said this is not the studded snow tires are per­ issueless campaign it has been mitted only between Nov. Financial advisor David Garaventa, CPA, and Joel Republican nomination to run in a special election "wants to shatter the myth of the race and “only ran for president to fin The lonji-awaited report on the cost op­ “I was under the impression that would called. 15 and April 1. to the vacant 1st District congressional seat. Independent Insurance Agents Reagan mandate It's just not there. build the Citizens Party.” Janenda, attorney-at-law, as well as our own Retirement Andrews said Monday he will formally announce tions available to Glastonbury customers take place during July.” Plans Administrator, Ray Tucker, will explain how the new his candidacy before a Nov. 23 (30P nominating of the Manchester Water Department But in September, Zinsser wrote to of Connecticut Inc. convention. He would be the fifth Republican can­ should be available Wednesday, General Weiss, complaining that “the time is laws work and answer all vour questions. long overdue for a resolution of this didate seriring the seat left vacant with the death of Manager Robert B. Weiss said today. Bar still opposes issue.” Re-Elect JIM McCAVANAGH Rep. WUllam Ck)tter, D-Conn. Several options for Manchester to Andrews, who has been executive director and supply water to Glastonbury’s Weiss said at the time that the report LET THESE LOCAL BIG I AGENTS cameras in urt “A Man Who Has Earned Your Trustr Tim e; president of the Connecticut NAACP and worked Mlnnechaug area are under considera­ from former Public Works Director Jay with the Upper Albany Community Organization in tion. Glastonbury residents, at public J. Giles had just come into his office. He FIT YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS 8:00 p.m ., Thursday, October 29 Hiuiford, said he could deliver a strong vote in the hearings held in May, questioned the said he hadn’t had time to review it, NEW HAVEN (UPI) — The policy-making body of the lohn H. Lappen, Inc. Connecticut Bar Association has overwhelmingly reaf­ capital city. ! pc^ntial costs of the various water- because of a heavy workload, but he in­ Clarke Ins. Agy., Inc. Insurance Management firmed the group’s opposition to putting news cameras He said be was the only Republican in the field s u ^ y options. dicated it would be released within two Manchester Center, Inc. •Manchester and microphones in the state’s courtrooms. Place: who could penetrate the Hartford political base The Glastonbury customers will have weeks. Manchester Zinsser said he was under the impres­ The negative voice vote Monday marked the second Jim McCavanagh Piano’s Restaurant, Bolton, CT held by Secretary of State Barbara B. Kennelly, the to chose between just domestic service Charles \t. I.aihrop time this year the bar association’s House of Delegates or both domestic and fire service. sion that the issue would be ready to go Crockell Agency, Inc. t ^eaks For ALL The likely Democratic nominee. before the Board of Directors at their Manchester Agency, Inc. has rejected a “cameras in the courtroom” proposal. Andrews said he was prepared for a primary if be “ It seems to me that this report should The W.J. Irish In*. Manchester People Of Manchestert October meeting. However, the matter The latest vote was taken on a recommendation Please call: failed to win the convention endorsemeht. have been made public long before now,” Agency never made it to the October agenda. issued two months ago by a panel of Superior Court He Has Earned Your Andrews ran unsuccessfully against Cotter in state Sen. Carl A. Zinsser, Manchester, Manchester , l.esperanf‘r Real Estate Mrs. Anders, 646-1700, to make reservations said this morning. “I would hate to be Weiss said the delay was, ’’ just a Rodney T. Dolin Agy. judge that cameras and microphones be allowed at Support On November 1978. Two other Republicans In this year's field, Manchester & Insurance, Inr. J one of those people on Manchester Road matter of getting a staff report from the Manchester some judicial proceedings under certain conditions. 3rd. I former Hartford Mayor Ann Uccello and f However, the bar association’s vote will carry no for­ Wethersfield lawyer Lucien DiFazio, are also who want to know if they will be ap­ Public Works Department.” The Glastonbury town manager was Donald S. Gendveai In*. John L. Jenney Agency Rivard Agency, Inc. mal standing when the state’s judges meet as the Rules former Cotter challengers. praised $8,000 or $3,000.” Manchester Zinsser, whose district also includes not available this morning. Agency, Inc. Manchester Committee of the Superior Court to decide whether to iSavingsBank State Rep. Peter Fusscas, R-Marlborough, and ktenchester implement the plan. ' Colleen Howe of Glastonbury also are seeking the Glastonbury, has criticized Weiss and There are 265 Glastonbury households the town administration for taking so that would be affected. Raymond E. Gorman Jewell-England The judges are expected to hold public hearings next Board of Director Candidate for Manchester 'of Manchester GDP nomination to run in a Jan. 12 special election Insurance Agency, Inc. Robert J. Smith, Inr. long to prepare the cost information. In*. Agency, Inc. Manchester month on the plan, which is said to have strong support to fill out Cotter’s term. Manchester from Associate State Supreme Court Justice John A. 14 offices east of the river in Manchester, East Zinsser said Manchester and Manchester Hartford. Bolton. Andover, South Windsor and Si>eziale. who named the committee that drew up the Glastonbury officials met on July 17. The inside story Ashford. Alsu Express Bank locations in Eastford. “One commitment Manchester made Independent Insurance Johnson Insurance Urhanetti Ins. Agency plan. Scotland and Sprague. Member F.D.I.C. Jack Anderson tells the inside story in BIG MAC Focus/Food on Wednesday (at the meeting) was to have sample ap­ Center, Inc. Agency, Inc. Manchester Speziale. currently the state’s chief court ad­ 5 “Washington Merry-Go-Round’’ — every Support The Entire Democratic Teami Menus, recipes and shopping tips are featured in The praisals done, with the idea of coming up Manchester R ochester ministrator. will become chief justice of the Supreme day on the opinion page of The Herald. Court next week Ad Sponsored By: Fftenos to We«t:ioct Jim SlcCavenagh, doe tweaney, Traaiurer Manchester Herald’s Focus/Food section, everjr with a final assessment,” said Zinsser. Wednesday. THE HERALD, Tues., Oct. 27. 1981 — f> - THE HERALD, Tues., Oct. 27, 1981 Powers steps down as transportation chief OPINION / Com m entary later then Gov. John Dempsey ap­ HAR’TPdRD (UPI) - ’Transpor­ state representative said a Sept. 21 had little to do with his decision. whom he would SBlect to succeed late Gov. Ella Grasso in December accident that left his 10-year-old In a letter of resignation to Gov. Powers. Powers said he expected to 1978 to succeed former Transporta­ pointed him to the state’s Water tation Commissioner Arthur B. tion Commissioner James Shugrue. Resources Ckimmission. Powers has resigned his state post son, Christopher, seriously Injured William O’Neill, Powers said his return to his insurance business in son’s accident “made me realize Berlin and may do some part-time Powers had become a friend and The grand jury probe of the DOT after nearly three years, saying he made him realize he should spend was ordered in midSeptember by more time with his family. that I should now devote my time to lobbying work. ally of Mrs. Grasso after she is “absolutely mentally exhausted” defeated him in a 1970 primary for Associate Supreme Court Justice and wants to spend more time with “Enough is enough. My wife and I my family and my personal Powers was the second state com­ Just made a decision. I’m absolutely business.” missioner to resign in less than a the Democratic congressional John A. Speziale, the state’s chief his fami^. nomination in the 6th District. court administrator. Powers, a 25-year veteran of mentally exhausted,” said the 51- O’Neill had no comment other month. Economic Development Rock-'em, sock-'em politics proves a myth Commissioner Edward Stockton Shortly before Mrs. Grasso died of Chief State’s Attorney Austin J. elected and appointed public office, year-old lowers. "My son’s acci­ than to release a three-paragraph resigned on Oct. 15 to go into private cancer in February, Powers McGuigan, at the governor’s announced his resignation on Mon­ dent was the crowning blow.” letter accepting the resignaUon, request, had investigated the Powers said a one-man grand jury thanking Powers for his years in business. purchased and distributed green and day and asked that it be effective white bumper stickers with the department for alleged conflict of immediately. He was the second investigation into allegations of state service and wishing the com­ Powers, a former 10-term mayor The current 'issueless campaign" their opponents—they called them that the Democrats have majorities behaving with expertise one normal-^ of Berlin and president of the message ‘"Thank You Ella.” interest, collusion with suppliers, on both the Board of Directors and ly expects of professional' state commissionei' to resign in less brlbe^, kickbacks, bid rigging, missioner’s son "a full and complete double billings, and other ill Manchester has upset one of my • Republicrats"—of being out of larceiiy and other corrupt practices recovery.” Connecticut Conference on In 1959, Powers was elected a the Board of Education.) sociologists. > > than two weeks. state representative and four years questionable buying practices. preconceptions about the place. touch with the common taxpayer. . ’The former Berlin mayor and in the Department of ’Transportation ’The governor gave no indication Municipalities, was appointed by the From the West Side of the River, They made sweeping statements Manchester Spotlight Some 53 percent of respondents I won’t bore you by examining where 1 previously worked, —sometimes they bordered on the said they thought town government another campaign “issue” at this Manchester seemed like one of outrageous—and were branded has been efficient and business-like. time. Suffice it to say that none is a Sarasin those bedrock communities in which simplistic by the main regular-party Dan Fitts Sixty-five percent said they thought particular grabber. Parents of retarded ask people wear their passions on their candidates. Editor the education system filled the sleeves and politicians wheel and Anyway, the leader of this needs of the students^ The only people making the really wants his colorful bids for office this year', deal zestfully and noisily. irreverent group was a lawyer who That’s hardly rough stuff. To be leveling radical criticism at the in­ state to withdraw brief Before I came here, 1 figured a only recently had moved to West sure, the respondents weren’t en­ Hartford from Andover. He seemed tirely' pollyannish. Only a thin cumbents, are the fringe can­ ■ HAR’TFORD (UPI) - A group of argued the state’s only obligation to mentally retarded in state in­ debt paid political campaign in Manchester stitutions to conditions that existed would be nothing like the sedate, out of place among the tweedy oh- majority thought they were getting didates; the Edward J. Wilsons, the parents with children in state the retarded was to provide “food, ‘’75 years ago.” - ! HARTFORD (UPI) - Former politely run and utterly boring ones so-responsible West Hartford office- their taxes’ worth from Manchester Bonnie Clapps and their supporters. facilities for the mentally retarded shelter and supervision.” tion have shown a singular lack of persons who were queried Sen. Lowell Weicker, R-Conn., who Rep. Ronald Sarasin says the time that occur in West Hartford. But I seekers, and he typified for me the town government, and 57 percent Imagine how utterly boring this says it is “shocked and appalled” by McCoy, who has two sons at taste for their opponents' jugulars. answered, and accusing the campaign would be without them? state arguments that the in­ has a retarded 3-year-old son, also Southbury, and other association has come for the state Republican was wrong. East of the River politician. I said they didn’t think town govern­ Central Committee to pay off the While they are less pretentious and Republicans of amateurishness. The ment was listening to the needs of And yet past experience shows they stitutionalized retarded only have a has criticized the state brief and members also discussed a number It took a white for me to come to expected to find a tot of people like more plain-speaking than their Republicans have countered that right to custodial care. said Monday he will file his own 5250,0(X) debt remaining from his un­ him occupying the upper niches of the neighborhoods. The same probably won’t do very well at the of abuses at the Southbury Training successful campaign for governor in this conclusion. The reason I was counterpart, the average West Hart­ their poll was not amateurish and ’The Association for Retarded friend of the court brief arguing percentage also detected a polls. School, which they said resulted 1978. predisposed to find Manchester Manchester government. ford candidate, they haven’t landed that the Democrats are just em­ Citizens in State Institutions called states are obligated to train and from “chronic” understaffing. deterioration in the quality of life The inescapable conclusion is that educate the retarded. Sarasin confirmed Monday he has r politics more boisterous was my It didn’t surprise me that the any body blows that I’m aware of barrassed at what it says. on Gov. William O’Neill to disavow previous experience of East-of-the- Independents Party failed to get here “over the past several years,” Manchester government is pretty the arguments spelled out in a legal ’The briefs stem from a suit filed He said he was aware of broken considered filing suit to force the yet. and there’s only a week to Elec­ But what shocking revelation did but “years,” “years,” but without well run, and most residents are on behalf of a patient involuntarily bones from lack of supervision and committee to pay the debt, but said River politicians. many votes in West Hartford elec­ this controversial poll contain that brief prepared by the state attorney tions. What does surprise me is that, tion Day. necessarily pinpointing elected of­ content with it. In other words, in general’s office and filed with the committed to a Pennsylvania men­ residents forced to eat meals in he hadn’t taken action yet. He said The only colorful candidates in has the Democrats so upset? after observing Manchester politics Take for example the controversy ficials for blame. that respect; superficial differences U.S. Supreme Court. tal hospital. three minutes because of too few he will attend a meeting of the cen­ West Hartford were those who ran Well, 6R percent of the tral committee tonight where the for a while. I don't think they would about the Republicans’ poll this So far, the poll controversy has aside, Manchester and West Hart­ ' “We are appalled and shocked by O’Neill’s news secretary, Larrye staff members. on a slate known as the summer. The Democrats have had a respondents said they thought they deBear, said the governor would not debt will be discussed. been as big as any other in the cam­ ford are much alike. The Connec­ this position,” the parents’ group ‘The association asked O’Neill to Independents Party. They were do very well here, either. lot of fun ridiculing it, noting that comment directly on the "It’s (suit) been a consideration had been treated with respect by paign. And yet it boils down to the ticut River may not be the great wrote Monday in a letter asking order an Investigation into in­ proud of being mavericks, accusing Till'. POI.rriCI A \s in this elec- only a small percentage of the 3,000 elected officials. (It should noted O’Neill to order the “erroneous and association’s request until he had as time has gone on and not very one party accusing the other of not divide that it is cracked up to be. received its letter. adequate care that led the federal much has happened,” Sarasin said damaging” brief withdrawn. government earlier this month to “’This assertion flies in the face of But deBear said the brief focused in a telephone interview from a on a “very narrow legal area” and hold up nearly 51 million in funds for Waterbury motel. all that is known by professionals as the Southbury. school. well as by parents, about retarded even if the argument was accepted The 5250,000 is owed by the citizens and their undeniable ability by the high court, “it won’t effect ‘The U.S. Department of Health Sarasin for Governor Committee An editorial to profit from rehabilitation, educa­ the quality of care in our state in­ and Human Services notified the and dates back to the OOP’s aborted tion and training,” the letter said. stitutions.” state Oct. 13 it was delaying pay­ effort to thwart the late Democratic ’The legal brief was quietly filed in Garreth ’Thome, commissioner of ment of 1966,000 in matching fimds Gov. Ella Grasso in her re-election U.S. Supreme Court last July by the the state Department of Mental because of abuse of physical bid in 1978. state attorney general’s office. It Retardation, had expressed the restraints and lack of professional ‘It’s (debt) been dragging on for Reagan meets contends the state had no legal right same view when the brief was dis­ staff at the school. three years and somehow it has to closed last week, adding, though, he be brought to a head,” Sarasin said. to provide training or education for The Southbury facility school is the retarded. disagreed with McGregor’s position. Leo McCoy, president of the newly formed Association for “It can’t be ignored. The friend of the court brief However, the association’s presi­ one of two large state institutions "If somebody said that was how for the retarded. It has a capacity Retarded Citizens in State Institutions, said Monday he has the game was going to be played in Third World drafted by Assistant Attorney dent, Leo McCoy, told a news con­ called on Gov. William O’Neill to take action. General Francis J. MacGregor ference the brief would return the for 1,060 residents. „ 1978 when I ran, they could have found another candidate,” Sarasin There are plenty of selfish exploration of energy sources in said. “It’s amazing how the rules Third World countries, and he change.” reasons why the United States Classroom guide controversial State GOP Chairman Ralph should hope the Third World can was lukewarm, to say the least, Capecelatro said the central com­ overcome its seemingly about giving developing nations mittee felt it had a “moral hopeless economic troubles. equal say with the industrial obligation" to pay the debt. But he These mainly tropical coun­ ones about uses of development said members were worried about tries have the majority of the aid. Anti-KKK groups debate racism assuming legal responsibility for it. “People would like to bail them world’s population and a signifi­ But at least he bothered to at­ out, but they don’t want to liable cant share of its natural tend the conference, which is important to remember that the don’t argue that a segment of socie­ could give rise to the belief that publication. themselves personally," HARTFORD (UPI) - A “The ADL took the position that resources and in their increasing more than the Soviet Union did. classroom guide aimed at under­ Klan is only the tip of the Iceberg, ty is racist. But we’re saying the “maybe I should be racist, since Capecelatro said. the most visible and obvious iban is not representative of our everyone else is,” said Ms. we needed to rewrite the whole “We have been willing to help and desperation are growing more It is one of the paradoxes of this mining youthful sympathy for the document," said Robbins Barstow, Ku Klux Klan has drawn the manifestation of the entrenched society, that it’s basicaliy a small Sonnenschein. _ we’re still trying to find a way to do militant and dangerous. As the era that the United States, extremist group.” Debate over the issue widened director of the CEA’s Instruction so,” Capecelatro added. He said, arms race intensifies and despite its essentially benigh National Education Association and racism in our society.” and Professional Development the AntiDefamation League of ‘The ADL repudiates that position, “It sounds like semantics, but it’s this month as the curriculum guide, however, that the state GOP nuclear missiles become the form of government, is far more more serious than that,” said “Violence, the Ku Klux Klan and the Department. “They felt that the currently has “nothing extra " in its B’Nal B’rith into debate over the although it believes the classroom is emphasis was such that it needed a pariah in most of the rest of a proper setting for exposing the Weber. Struggle for Equality,” was dis­ budget. property of every two-bit dic­ depth of racism in the nation. substantial revision.” tator, the responsibilities for the world than the tyrannic and Both organizations are as Klan. Ms. Sonnenschein sees a danger in tributed in schools nationwide. The campaign's creditors range suggesting to young people that Unveiled last month, the guide The em p h asis on from banks to the Southern New disaster increase. brazenly imperialistic Soviet vehemently anti-Klan as they are “We disagree unequivocally with “ institutionalized racism." said divided over whether the Klan is an that thesis,” said Frances M. bigotry is the norm. already has been used in a half England Telephone Co., a Baltimore Like it or not, we have to come Union. But the Soviets didn’t go “I don’t think you’re going to fight dozen schools districts in Connec­ Barstow, was arrived at only after public relations firm and a Meriden aberatlon or an outgrowth of a deep­ Sonnenschein, the ADL’s national “considerable soul-searching.” to terms with the developing to Cancun, giving the U.S. an ly racist society. education director. “South Africa is the Klan by telling students that ticut. company that specializes in bumper society is racist,” she said. “In fact, Last week at a meeting in San “We stand by everything we have stickers, pins and other political nations, and unfortunately excellent opportunity to improve The curriculum guide, prepared a racist society. Racism is written written,” he said. “Dismissing the the Reagan administration to its image. by the 1.7 million member NEIA, its into law. In America, it is not. How the danger is that it’s going to Francisco, the ADL’s^ national paraphernalia. polarize society even more.” executive committee issued a state­ Klan as aberrant is too often a way The Sarasin campaign committee date has shown little inclination The U.S. and the Third World affiliate Connecticut Education can you possibly put both countries of avoiding the larger issue of Association and ’The Council on on the same plane?” “It will make black children think ment criticizing the ^ id e for “in­ consisted of Sarasin, formerly of to make even a show of atten­ can't even begin to come to grips they have no hope, give them the dicting American society as innate­ racism in this society. But let me Beacon Falls and now a consultant Interracial Books for Children, ‘"The difference is whether we add, if someone else has a slightly ding to their concerns. with their mutual problems if chronicles the Klan’s violent hatred live in a racist society or a society idea that they have no chance if they, ly racist.” in Washington: Richard Nicolari of live in such a racist world,” she Last month, before the guide was different interpretation, let them Ansonia, executive director, and That's why the Cancun talks of they don’t understand the first of blacks and Jews. with strong elements of racism,” put out more information. We en­ last week were so important. It thing about each other. No doubt But underlying the historical said Malcolm Weber, the ADL’s said. distributed, the education ^oups sat James Uberti of Woodbridge, cam­ For white children, the assertion down with the ADL to discuss the courage that.” was Reagan’s first personal con­ Reagan has been regarded as an Open fomni / Readers' views presentation is the view that, “It is Connecticut regional director. “We paign chairman. tact in a give-and-take forum ogre throughout much of the with large numbers of Third world, for, among other things, Send letters to; The Manchester Herald, Herald Square, Manchester, CT 06040 ★★★★★★★★★★ REPUBLICANS ★★★★★★★★★★ World leaders. Although news his apparent tilt towards the Budget bids top $3 billion yh accounts of what actually oc­ racist government of South Federal: President Ronald Reagan — Republican Slate: Walt Joyner, Elsie Swensson, Carl Zinsser — Republican curred during the conference Africa, and his push for more would also like Johnny to have the costs, such as school fun­ of the suggested recipes are either Because of the real concern for HARTFORD (UPI) - the requests were unlikely prepared by the agencies Local: STICK WITH THE WINNING TEAMI are sketchy — the media were military spending. At Cancun he the people of Manchester over the option to study a foreign language, to go anywhere. at OPM’s request. ding, Medicaid, and debt blatantly cariogenic (decay- State agencies have filed 4 barred from the main was there in person, and maybe years, the various members on the beginning in the lower grades. ‘‘In the best of ail 0PM Secretary Anthony service, he said. Town Directors Dentist's producing) or greatly increase the budget requests for the “We’re going to attempt proceedings — it appears that his considerable personal charm probability of fracturing teeth; and Board of Directors have taken great Bonnie Clapp knows that more., next fiscal year totaling worlds, this is what they Milano must file a ten­ money for the school budgets alone, (agencies) would recom­ tative budget with Gov. to hold it as close to last differences between the on some converts. finally, as if it were not bad enough strides in offering the town people a 53.4 billion, but a budget of­ year’s appropriated l^vel variety of programs, both will not help make Johnny read; ficial says the sums are mend doing,” he said. “It’s William O’Neill by Nov. 15. developed and less-developed Even if it didn’t, dialogue has response that the average child will probably not realistic to think that ‘The governor will present as possible,” he said. worlds got a full airing. bring home 2 or 3 pounds of junk recreational and cultural, and best better, etc. She is proposing, more the products of begun between his administra­ through her “back to basics” plan, a - wishful thinking than that level of appropriation his budget for fiscal 1982- To the Edilor: food, Mrs. Angle has the audacity to of all for the very young, on through Reagan stood firm on several tion and the developing world. better scholarly integrity for the- realistic goals. will be recommended this 1983 to the Legislature in offer these recipes to us “in and including the elderly. February. issues, and no doubt caused Maybe nothing much will come My sincerest congratulations for a Manchester school system. J. William Bums, deputy year.” timely article—Solving the case...your trick or treaters want I especially want to thank all the secretary of the Oiffice of Bums said the agencies Bums said the budget some hard feelings. For exam­ of it right away, but there at members of the present Board of Frank U. Lupien" Halloween Problem—how to keep something before they hit the road.” Policy and Management, also submitted a second set 0PM will hand O’Neill ple, he rejected establishment of least is hope where before there Directors for their sincere concern 21 Sunset St. ‘ next month will be as close MERCIER treats,’, from hurting young teeth. How absurd!!! said the total figure was of budget requests that a new organization to accelerate was nothing at all. for the Elderly and for providing were 10 percent below as possible to the current Board ol Directors Since Halloween is not high up on Since the bacteria in dental plaque- about 5400 million more them with the nicest Senior O nter than the budget for the current spending. The 52.9 billion budget. Most in­ the list of favorite holidays of den­ change sugar into decay producing Ciam U Diet Stto4ua around. current fiscal year. He said lo w er budgets were creases would be in fixed Smii,. M MUw. ttw. tists 1 was immediately impressed acid in 20 seconds and that acid DIANA So, I again say thanks to Robert E d t W r i a l by the prominence of this article remains in the mouth for V t hour, it Weiss, my boss and General Berry's World (front page of the food section) as seems to me that it would be greatly Manager, and to the Board of Direc­ Points well as the amount of space devoted beneficial to reduce the amount of r plaque by brushing and flossing tors for their interest in the elderly Dave Dampler to it (W page). I was further im­ and opening the door for bigger and pressed to find the material one’s teeth prior to eating all the better things to come for them. presented quite informative and to candy, etc. (thus reducing the Fo r Walter J. Fortin Show US a lot of trucks parked, the point—at least the first 2 or 3 amount of acid formed) as well as 33 Eldridge St. at a diner and we’ll show you a^ paragraphs and 2 or 3 in the middle. afterward. diner with a large parking lot. B oard o f Unfortunately, somewhere A little creative thinking will Walter J. Fortin Is retiring as director of the Senior Center. between the headline and her name produce a host of snacks that are not From the looks of it, the pizza we' Ed ucation and title Mrs. Angle, I can only harmful to teeth, and hopefully, as a ordered with everything on it must MERCIER PAZDA SYLVESTER result of such creative thinking and assume, forgot what the article was have been dropped on the floor. ’ Board of Education supposed to be about. conscientious home care, the I found the hypocrisy in this arti­ Kristinas of the world will not have Breath **Dave is committed to OB cle to be ludicrous. It was an Insult three cavities the next time they see n- to the intelligence of every reader their dentist. helping Manchester as well as to the'professionals who Yours for better dental health. of air iHanrl|PBtrr Hpralb schools provide the best gave their time and knowledge to Howard M. Kofi, D.D.S. WWE & CHEESE PARTY i contribute to what was seemingly, 315 East Center Street To the Editor; Celebratino 100 yaara possible education for and could have been, a very I hope Bonnie Clapp, the Indepen­ of community aarvica Hpt FUND RAISER worthwhile venture. dent candidate for Manchester’s Founded Oct. 1, 1881 his children and yours.** For example; in the past I have Board of Eklucation, is elected on B f S s ? given toothbrushes and a neighbor of Thanks the 3rd of November. She is like a Publishsd by ths Msnohsstsr Fri, Oct 30th 4-8 PM .PIR80NNEL ADMINISTRATOR, V PRATT A WHITNEY mine has always given pencila—but breath of fresh air with her down to Publishing Co., Hsrsld Squats, DAMPIER MALONE HEAVISIDES HIBLEY J not only are our homes still intact Msnchsslsr. Conn. 00040 Tsiaphona .MASTER'S DEOREE, earth, common sense ideas about (203)043-2711. 28 Woodbridge Street but the kids really loved them; last to all what should and should not be taught V BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION year I treated 9 patients in one week in the public schools-. .. Msmbar ol Unhad Prsaa Inlsr- .MARRIED, INOV. t alone for teeth that had been frac­ To Ihe Editori Bonnie Clapp wants Johnny to natlonal and Audit Bursau ol Clr- *5** Per Person V FATHER OF TWO -culaUona. (£) »vMiA. me tured on granola bars—hardly what I Now that I am down to the final read better, know how to writ* .BUSINESS AND LABOR RELATIONS VOTE REPUBLICAN1 3 r d . would call "not us harmful for days before my retirement, I would better, and be able to do his math “Everyone b Weteemer V EXPERIENCE "You know the big nothing, the vast void astro­ teeth;” an expert is quoted that like to express my sincere thanks to problems quicker and easier. Sfie Richard M. Diamond, PubHahsr Dan FHta. EdMor M d FSr Sy CwmuMm To Buct Joan Headquarters 647-8960 nomers discovered, the other day? I'VE FOUND raisins are not so go^ for the the town fathers who have helped wants Johnny to study the wonders PaM For Oy Commltlaa la Uael Da«a Patnplar, Max QMII, CHy Editor Uweutd. Carolyn Mbarla, Traaaarar 4 - ANOTHER ONE!" teeth—yet three of the recipes call me tremendously over the past 27 of science and learn more about the Floyd WHSanw, Troaaurar FaM For Oy napubSean Toam CammMIta, Mary Flaloliar, Traaa. for raisins; as a matter of fact, all years. history of his oura country. She f- •

:J TH E H ERALD , T ucs., Oct. 27, 1981 - '>

8 - THE HERALD. Tues., Oct. 27> 1981 Series needs little pizazz Obituaries •M, SPORTS Page .0

dent of Manchester most of her life. home today from 7 to 9 p.m. and V*ra A. Dufty Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 ENFIELD - Miss Vera A. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Warren celebrated p.m. of Enfield died Sunday at an Enfield their 62nd wedding anniversary in convalescent home. She was bom in September. Charlaa R. Whaalar Manchester and had lived in Besides her husband she leaves COVENTRY - Charles R. Manchester most of her life. three sons, Owen K. Warren Jr. and Wheeler, 77, of 600 Dunn Road, died Before retiring she was a super­ Harry G. Warren, both of Blast Hart­ Sunday at Rockville General I Ex-Silk Towners in spotlight Schulz sets visor at the Travelers Insurance ford, and Donald F. Warren of Hospital. He was the husband of Co., where she had worked for 40 Manchester; a daughter, Mrs. Irma (Childs) Wheeler. Two men who were once residents of High. Alberto didn’t start running seriously years. She was a member of the Shirley Fay, of Manchester; a He was bom in Oxford and had Manchester figured in the national sports until the family moved to Wayland, Mass., Traveler's Girls CTub. brother, Thomas F. Healy of lived in Green, R.I. before coming news on the weekend. Jay Johnstone of the the present honne. It wasn’t until Alberto was She leaves a brother, Elmore Duf­ Merrow; a sister, Margaret to Coventry to live. He leaves, Harrison of Manchester; and sevdn Los Angeles Dodgers and marathoner Alber­ in the seventh grade in Wayland that he mark again fy Sr. of Las Vegas, Nev. and besides his wife, three sons, Charles Herald to Salazar. started running. several nephews and a niece. grandchildren. Wheeler of Ellsworth, Maine, Earl Johnstone, who has acquired the tag of The rest is now history. Funeral services will be Thursday Funeral services will be Thursday P. Wheeler of Killingworth, and Angle being a flake during a 12-year playing career While attending Oregon, Salazar twice was Shattering his own course mark, Championship Meet Thursday at the at 11 a m. at the Holmes Funeral at 9:30 a.m. at thk John F. Tierney Ralph J. Wheeler of Blast Douglas, as a journeyman outfielder and pinch-bitter, Earl Yost, selected to the All-America track squad in set only last Friday, Cheney Tech’s Portland Golf Course. Home, 400 Main St., Manchester, Funeral Home, 21K,Jf. Center St., Mass.; a daughter, Mrs. Ethel cross country. Salazar has set his sights on Ron Schulz led the Beavers to a 22-33j Cheney’s Jim Mumley took third with buriai in East Cemetery, Manchester with a mass of Chris­ Smith of Coventry, with whom he is a native of this town. Sports Editor Cailed upon for a second tim e to pwnch bit winning a berth on the 1984 United States win over Ellington High in non­ placem ent in 17:26 with Luke Manchester. Friends may call at the tian buriai at 10 a.m. at Church of made his home; a brother, Floyd A. by Manager Tom Lasorda of the Dodgers, Olympic team in either, or both, the 10,000 conference cross country action Jancsek. Brendan Owens and Nick funeral home Wednesday from 2 to 4 the Assumption. Burial will be in Wheeler in Michigan; 15 Johnstone lofted a towering fly ball into the meters and marpthon. yesterday at Wickham Park. Foran fifth thru seventh for the and 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial donations West Cemetery. Friends may call at grandchildren; and six great­ rightfield bleachers for a home run off Ron Schulz toured the 3.1 mile layout Beavers. may be made to a charity of the the funeral home Wednesday from 2 grandchildren. Davis in Saturday’s game which sparked the the family resided on ’Tracy Drive. in 16:41 despite the soggy conditions Ellington stands 9-9 after the loss. donor s choice. to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. private funeral services will be club to a cbme-from-behind 8-7 victory over ’The 23-year-oId University of Oregon grad to eclipse his own standard by eight Results: 1. Schulz (C T ) 16:41 for Memorial contributions may be conducted at White-Gibson-Small Fresh as daisy the New York Yankees. predicted a world record for the marathon second. Matt O’Connor of Ellington 3.1 miles (course record). 2. O'Con­ made to the Manchester Memorial Funeral Home, .65 Elm St., Gordon L. Chapman Earlier in the series, at New York’s and went out and accomplished that in Sun­ Allison Roe, the New Zealand woman who was runner-up in 17:09. nor (E ). 3. Mumley (C Tl. 4. Carney Hospital Building Fund, Haynes Rockville. Burial w ill be in South EAST HARTFORD - Gordon L. Harald photo by Tarquinlo Yankee Stadium, Johnstone singled o ff Goose days prestigious New York Marathon. matched Alberto Salazar’s world record ’The win gives the Techmen a final (E ). 5. .lancsek (C T ). 6. Owens Street. Cemetery, Tolland. -There are no Chapman, 57, of 51 Sterling Road, Gossage, alko in a pinch-hitting role. Salazar’s time for the gruelling 26 mile, 385 marathon run for the distaff side, was in 9-3 mark with their next outing at (CT). 7. Foran (CTl. 8. Adams (E). calling hours. M emorial donations died Sunday at St. Francis Hospital Good pickings No one was happier than Johnstone when yard run was 2:08.13, 20 seconds better than much better physical condition after the five- the Charter Oak Conference (COC) 9. Collier (El. 10. Farrow (E). may be made to the American and Medical Center. He was the hus­ Dodger fans cheer^ him into coming out of Derek Clayton’s 2:08.33.6 established in 1969. borough New York race than Salazar.The 24- Henry E. Lange Cancer Society. band of Gladys (Abbey) Chapman. Funeral services for Henry E. Pic An’ Save food store opened today in the returned to the grocery business foliowing a the dugout to take a bow, after the homer. ’The Salazar family called Manchester year-old blonde is no lat bloomer in the Funeral services will be Lange. 81, of 47 Campfield Road, Walter A. Kelly Sr. former Top Notch food store on East Middle brief retirement after seiiing four food stores Although gone from Manchester for nearly home for nine years, I960 to 1969, Alberto marathon. She showed her heels to all female entmts in the Boston Marathon last April. Wednesday at 8:15 a.m. from the will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in­ Walter A. Kelly Sr., 67, of 349 Turnpike. The new store is owned by he had operated for 30 years. 30 years, it’s nice to hear Manchester, Conn., being only two when the family came from Roe appeared nearly fresh as a daisy when in­ Callahan Funeral Home. 1602 Main stead of 11 a.m. as originally West Bute St., Norfolk, Va., died Manchester resident Anthony Balboni, who mentioned via radio, television and in print Cuba. terviewed in teevee immediately folowing St. with a mass of Christian burial at planned. Oct. 26 in Norfolk. He was the hus­ that Johnstone was a Nutmegger during his Aiberto Salazar starred in the 10,000 meters Catholic boys completition of the race...Bob Clifford, 9 a m. at St. Mary's Church. Calling The services will be at the Holmes band of Vivian J. Kelly. eariy yq«th, while a collegian. He was third in the 1980 form er Blast Catholic and Williams College hours are today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Funeral Home, 400 Main St. There He leaves two daughters Mrs. Olympic trials for the 10,000 meters. He has run only two marathons, in New cross country star, took part in the New York p.m are no calling hours. Mr. Lange and Jacquelyne Mantlow of Manchester Predicted record Marathon. Clifford copped the 20-kilometer his wife, Edith, would have and Mrs. Patricia Ogren of York the last two falls and won both, with run in Manchester last June as part of the celebrated their 62nd wedding an­ Rockville; three sons, W alter A. Zoners OK terrace Enough can’t be said for Salazar, the record-shattering performances. Edith A. Dwyer New England Relays. He’s now a graduate finish second Alberto’s older brother, Ricardo competed niversary in January. Kelly Jr. of Marlborough, William slender 23-year-old native of Cuba who once Edith A. Dwyer, 90, formerly of continued from page 1 In other business: foot tower with a 10-foot antenna at student at Harvard. J. Kelly of Willimantic, and Edward attended Bowers School in Manchester while in track while a student at East Catholic Manchester, died Monday at a • The board granted a MAACO the existing building at 391 Broad Despite the winning effort of Jayvee competition saw East Bloomfield convalescent home. She Karan L. Hills D. Kelly of East Hartford; three them, will help us do that.” Auto and Painting and Bodyworks a Street. Steve Kittredge, East.Catholic boys' place four in the lop 10. Tim Howard sisters, two brothers and 13 The lease on the establishment is was the widow of John E. Dwyer. BOLTON — Memorial services special exception for the construc­ • The board denied the request of cross country team had to settle for was second with a time of 16:59 with grandchildren. undergoing some legal com­ She was bom in Manchester on were held in Seattle, Wash., on Oct. tion of a new grage at 520 North Connecticut Valley Video for a runner-up honors at yesterday’s Ray Papineau third in 17:02. Brian He was a member of St. M ary’s plications. Curtiss Heinz, who ran Nov. 22, 1890 and had lived in 15, for Karen L. Hills of Seattle, Main Street and a variance to erect special exception to permit addition Hartford County Conference IHCC) Harvey fourth (17:07), Matt Catholic Church and a member of ‘Winning race could make me rich man’ Manchester most of her life. She form erly of Bolton, who died on Oct. the exotic dance bar, is suing the facility within 400 feet of a of the use of coin operated elec­ Championship Meet at soggy Falkowski sixth (17:161 and Steve the AA for 17 years. Funeral ser­ Dwight Sherban and John Marin, to residentially zoned dwelling on the was a member of St. Mary's CIhurch 8. tronic video games at a self-service Goodwin Park in Hartford. Byrne 12th (17:37). vices will be W^nesday in Norfolk. whom he sold the business, charging of Manchester. She was the daughter of Mr. and same side of the street, providing gas station at 484 East Middle Turn­ Xavier High of Middletown, Also placing for the Eagles were The Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home She leaves a daughter. Mrs. Mrs. Howard (Lois) Hills of Bolton. breach of contract. screening is placed on that side and pike. The board said, in denying the defending state Class LL and Open Billy Ciaglo 13th. Bill Siewertsen is in charge of arrangements. Charles (Dorothy) Claughsey of She also leaves a sister, Mrs. Sean parking lot lighting is directed into request, that the games wouid be a champ, took conference honors with 14lli. Daren Damboragian 25th. Memorial donations may be made to Heinz, who leased the building Bloomfield; two grandchildren and (Susan) Michaels of Antioch, Calif.; the lot only. drawing card for young children 30 points followed by East’s ac­ Mike Barry 27lh. Bill Zerbe 34th, St. Mary's Church or to the charity from Farr, said the lease he sold to three great-grandchildren. and a brother, Kevin Hills of Bolton. • ’The board granted A A A of Hart­ who could get hurt with the high cumulation of 39 points. Alex Chmelewski 38th. Colin of the donor's choice. Sherban and Marin is valid until Salazar has opportunity Funeral services will be ford’s request for erection of a 50- volume of traffic in the area. Buechler 43rd. Tom Howard 51st. She attended Bolton schools and 1984. He also said he can make a Northwest Catholic took third Wednesday at Tl a.m. at Watkins Chris Rowe 54th, Paul DiPietro 56th was a 1969 graduate of Bolton High legal claim to some of the facilities with 80 points followed by South Funeral Home, 142 E. Center St. Wesley G. Barbrick and Jim Archambault 59lh School. at the bar, in lieu of the money he Catholic 107, St. Paul 160 and St. with burial in East Cemetery. EAST HARTFORD — Wesley Varsity results 1 Kittredge (ECI charges Sherban and Marin owe Thomas Aquinas 207. Friends may call at the funeral G ordon B a rb ric k , 67, o f 152 14:58 for 3.1 miles, 2 Cartelli (X ). 3 him. Health board to meet K ittred ge turned in a 14:58 home today from 7 to 9 p.m. John Roger Broanan Ellington Road, died Sunday at clocking over a 5,000-meter (3.1 Santos (N\V), 4. Swift (Xl, 5. Memorial donations may be made to EAST HARTFORD - John Roger Manchester Memorial Hospital. He In motioning for the granting of conlinued from page 1 with pure water supplies. of lifetime make m ile) lavout to outdistance runner- Gauthier (X), 6. Rowe (ECI, 7. a charity of the donor's choice. Brosnan, 64, of 363 Long Hill St., was a form er Blast Hartford Police the request, board member Harry John Salcius, sanitarian with the up Tom Cartelli of Xavier by seven Hixson (SCI, 8. While (E C ). 9 died Sunday at St. Francis Hospital officer. Reinhom said “ for many years the seconds. Mike Santos of Northwest Bonaiuto (X), 10. Fesla (X). health board Health Department, will speak oh NEW YO R K (U P I) - There is no dollar contracts. I don't hide my Allison Roe of New Zealand, who Salazar also revealed that he Mary H. Warren and Medical Center. He was the Funeral services will be Thursday building (the former Brass took third place followed by a pair of The Advisory Board of Health will restaurant cross connections. .j question that Alberto Salazar has feelings.” was I13th overall Sunday but set a plans on getting married on Dec. 21 Mary iHealyl Warren. 81. of 33 widower of Isabelle Brosnan. at 8:15 a.m. at Callahan Funeral Ham m er) has been an eyesore and a Xavier finishers. meet in the Municipal Building Hanna P. Marcus is tentatively the opportunity of a lifetim e now. Salazar also didn't deny what is women's world record with her time — and that he might just decide Goslee Drive, died Monday at Funeral services will be Thursday Home, 1602 Main St., East Hartford blot on the community of East's John Rowe secured sixth hearing room today at 4:30. . set to speak on the Human Services How much he will capitalize on it, common knowledge among track of 2:25:28.74, was on Salazar’s side. never to run a marathon again. At Manchester Memorial Hospital. She at 9:15 a.m. at Newkirk & Whitney with a mass of Christian burial at 9 Manchester. place with a time of 15:36 with Thomas F. Ferlazo, an en­ Council, and Irene Smith, chairper­ however, is open for ^scussion. and field athletes and officials — the “ I think I am an amateur the earliest, he said, his next was the w ife of Owen " P e t e " Funeral Home. 318 Burnside Ave. a.m. at St. M ary's Church. Friends Vinne White eighth for the Eagles in “ 1 think the integrity of those who vironmental analyst in the Water son on the Advisory Board of Health Salazar won his second con­ fact that leading runners get paid athlete,” Roe said, “ but I have a attempt would be at New York next Rain washes Warren. with a mass of Christian burial at 10 may call at the funeral home 15:43. will be running it and the r^u tation and Sewer Department, will speak may address the issue of secutive New York City Nbrathon secretly to appear in major races. strong belief in open running and I year. She was bom in Newburgh, N.Y. a.m. at St. Isaac Jogues CJiurch. Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Steve Matteo was 11th (15:50) and of the owners assures that it w ill be on cross connections, the possibility paramedics. Sunday in a w orldrecori tim e of 2 “ Everybody knows there are agree with Alberto about what he on July 7. 1900 and had been a resi­ Friends may call at the funeral p.m. Mike Hebert 13th (15:55) to round an asset to the neighborhood.” of mixing non-potable substances The public is welcome to attend. hours, 8 minutes, 13 seconds, in­ under-the-table payments,” he said. said.” “ Now that I have the record, I out contest out the Eagle scoring. Jack creasing his advertising desirability “They (athletic enforcers) try to Roe and Rodgers competed in the don’t see the need to run,” he said. “ There’s a chance that I might not.” Fitzgerald was 22nd and Mike dramatically and placing him in a presient an image of a pure athlete, Cascade Run-off in June, the first Rain and wet grounds washed out There was also the opposite Downes 25th for East in varsity ac­ position to profit as enormously as which is hypocritical. I don’t think race organized by road runners with last night's East Catholic at V'inal extreme. Barry Weisberg, an assis­ tion. , Downtown panel seeking Labor officials Bill Rodgers has. it’s deceptive. No one is being led prize money offered. Eight of those Tech soccer game in Middletown. tant district attorney from New Kittredge, Rowe and White After Rodgers won the New York on.” who accepted money were The tilt has been rescheduled $9.2 million bid York, was the last of the 13,360 secured all-HCC recognition. The and Boston Marathons four times Rodgers is still reaping the suspended by T^he Athletics Saturday morning at 11 o'clock at top 10 achieved that honor. each, he became a nationally known benefits of his past triumphs. He Congress; Rodgers was deemed in­ finishers, some seven hours after Palmer Field in Middletown. “ I was very pleased with the figure, opened his own sporting withdrew from Sunday’s race late nocent since he didn’t accept his 14,496 had started, and he said he East is al.so slated to face St greater police protection recounting votes progress of the team ," noted East goods store and started his own line Saturday night when a snag earnings and Roe was cleared when finally achieved his goal. Thomas .Aquinas Friday afternoon ■ I HARTFORnHARTFORD (IIPI) (UPI) — AFSCME also said i it Coach Jack Hull, “ W e're further lowest for plant of running gear. He admittedly developed with one of his sponsors, she deposited her winnings in a fund “ I’ve been trying for three years at 3:15 in New Britain and a win people,” he said, addressing the for use in police street patrol might Labor officials were still in filed a “prohibited prac­ along than I anticipated for this By Lisa Zowada made around $2S0,0IX) last year from and then he neglected to tell any supervised by the New Zealand to finish last,” he said. “ I had to would give the Eagles outright committee, “ should get down to the help the problem by making the the process of recounting tice” charge Monday with time of year. Vinnie White ran a Herald Reporter running-related activities and has marathon officials of his decision Athletics Federation. stop and get something to eat a few possession of their second straight dirt. Come down to Main street police more visible. votes today to decide the the state Board of Labor tremendous individual race." he Associated Construction Co. of Hartford was the championed the cause for open not to run, which caused con­ TAC currently has an experimen­ times to do it this tim e.” HCC championship More police protection is needed some Friday or Saturday around 11 winner of a close runoff Relations against- the added. “ The police won't be' sitting on apparent low bidder today, with a base bid of $9,- professional road racing. siderable confusion at the starting tal Grand Prix system under way on Main Street, especially during p.m. and see.” election between two un­ SEIU, claiming illegal their motorcycles for their entire 2%,000 for contruction of a town water treatment O th e rs , lik e 1972 O ly m p ic line. with the same stipulations — having the evening hours, the Downtown “ I'm even afraid to come down ions seeking to represent telephone calls were made shift, they'll be walking around, plant on Spring Street near Mount Nebo. marathon gold medalist Frank Race director Fred Lebow, who the runner place his winnings under Coordinating Committee said this here then,” he added. 7,500 state clerical to employees participating too,'” said Genral Manager Robert The firm was one of five that submitted bids for Shorter who was 117th Sunday in has had a stormy relationship with TAC’s guidance. But Salazar, like One-half of 'Irish Connection' morning. Phyliis Jackston of Jackston employees. in the runoff. Weiss. the project, part of a $20 million water improve­ 2:25:45, have also done rather well. Rodgers over the issue of whether most leading road runners, doesn’t Local merchants on the com ­ Avante Real Estate at 789 Main St. Labor officials Monday Gary Foster, AFSCME “ But you have to remember, if we ment undertaking. But Salazar doesn’t see himself prize money should be awarded to care for that idea. mittee, concerned with what examined some of 263 director in Connecticut, said there were groups of teenagers want more patrol, we're talking using his success in quite the same leading finishers, put part of the “ Who knows what TAC will do wandering gangs of youth on Main challenged ballots to deter­ said the union received General Manager Robert Weiss said the spread in front of her office last spring, about more money," he added. way. blame on himself. with that money?” Salazar said. Street are doing to its re^tation, mine if the American numerous complaints from between bids was small and concluded that the con­ blocking the sidewalk and forcing “ I don’t think I ’ll ever be like Bill “Maybe it was somewhat my “ They can do whatever they want Members of the committee Federation of State, (^ n - clerical workers who in­ tractors had sharpened their pencils for the bid­ said they want mbre visible police other pedestrians to walk out to the fault,” he said. “ I didn’t pay much with it.” suggested that perhaps police patrols dicated they were called ding. Rodgers,” he said Monday. “Not patrols. street to get around them. ty and Municipal Given Roe’s and Salazar’s at­ Other bidders and their base bids were as that what he’s doing is wrong, but to attention. I should have talked to Treacy brothers "Most women are afraid to go during the daytime could be cut Employees or the Service during the weekend by peo­ Missari suggested the committee me winning races is more important Billy a long time ago. titudes about prize moneys their downtown when it's dark." said back and additional officers could be Employees International ple identifying themselves follows: ask Police Chief Robert Lannon to than finishing seventh and getting a “ He felt I was too harsh in m y op­ amateur status could be in doubt by Michael Missari of Paul's Paint and assigned to night patrol. Union would represent the as SEIU representatives. G. S. Nasin, Willimantic, $10,700,000. attended its next meeting to hear its lot of money.” position to prize money, but I had to the time the 1984 Summer Games in “ If we have the police around then clerical workers. “ The clerical employees Morganti, Inc. Ridgefield, $9,975,000. Decorating Center. complaints. Then again, Salazar admitted, be, because I didn’t want to jeopar­ Los Angeles roll around. And the the teenagers won’t congregate,” An AFSCME spokesman were falsely accused in C. H. Nickerson Co, Torrington, $10,018,798. "1 don't think a lot of people in Committee members said they “ Winning this race could make me a dize anyone’s eligibility.” talented pair had differing opinions this town know how bad it is. You Ms. Jackston said. said 181 challenged ballots these telephone calls of Wescott Construction Co., North Attleboro, Mass, hoped the addition of motorcylces rich man in the future. 1 make my In fact, Rodgers was still in New about that. remained unchecked at the voting twice in last week’s $10,940,000. While Roe said she would race entries living from running. I think it should York Monday, doing promotional end of the day Monday. election and of other im- work and working out with fellow “ definitely try the Olympics''in The runoff election was priorities,” Foster said. be open. Everyone wants it to be. "Everyone makes Bill Rodgers marathoner Tom Fleming — who 1984,” Salazar shrugged and said. held last Friday after By Earl Yost Woman sues over injuries also owns a sporting goods store in “ It wouldn’t be the end of the world out to be a bad guy, but look at AFSCME and the SEIU Sports Editor baseball players and their million- New Jersey. for me if I didn’t go.” A Manchester woman is defendants in a suit filed plaintiff are permanent,” and other items. collected the most votes in One half of the “ Irish Connection” suing the town for more last week in Rockville LaBelle said, “ and she will The town must respond a four-way race held last that dominated the 1979 Manchester than 17.500 for injuries she Superior (Jourt. neVer be able to get about to the suit by Nov. 10. month. Ballots counted Five Mile Road Race will be back said she suffered when she The woman’s attorney, as a well person, but will Friday showed AFSCME Thanksgiving morning, the Treacy tripped over a hole in a John D. LaBelle Jr., said be greatly restricted in all ahead by 60 votes. Reddy indiyidual champion brother act, John and Ray. grassy sidewalk median at his client suffered a severe her activities.” With the entry list passing the 1,- a local shopping center in shock to her nervous LaBelle said his client 200 mark for the 10:30 holiday run, July. system, numerous cuts and was forced to undergo long the most notable forms were sent in Naomi Fitzgerald of 251 bruises and a hip disorder periods of hospitalization to Will Hadden, race chairman, by N. Main St., named the when she trip p ^ over a and convalescence, in­ town and K LI Associates of HCC the Ireland-born Treacy brothers. hole in a grassy sidewalk East girls retain curing costs for home Two years ago, John Treacy, a East Hartford, owner of median at the shopping health aides, homemaker DR. JOHN MALONE’S Providence College grad and two- the 266 North Main Street center. services, drugs, x-rays, time world cross country champion, shopping center, as co­ "The injuries to the hospital and medical care led the field in record-shattering t u cross country crown time of 21:26. His older brother, O Ray, was second in 22:25, the third FOR OVER SO YEARS fastest time ever recorded here. ' With eight shutouts to Its credit in third in 13:34. sweep the top seven places in the Others in the “ Irish Connection” in 1979 were Mike O’Shea and Bren­ PLAY For Education: the dual m eet season, it wasn’t an Blaglette thinclads secured five of jayvee competition with Karen dan Quinn who placed fifth and unfamiliar sight as Blast Catholic the next six placements with Robin Posh peck the individual winner with People often ask us what they sixth. •CONTROL SPENOINO girls’ cross country team swept to Kaminski (13:37), Sue Byrne (13:47) a clocking of 14:57, the same time Last year the Treacys were should say when attending a its second straight Hartford County and Felicia Falkowski (13:50) turned in by ruiuier-up Kathy Evans. •IMPROVE BASIC SKILLS among the missing on race day /tim PAP£R Conference (HCC) championship fourth thru sixth and Ellen Evans Arlette Hoch and Patty Doyle •MAINTAIN DISCIPLINE visitation. were third and fourth respectively, although both fil^ entries but n yesterday, at Goodwin Park in Hart­ (13:58) and Alice CJiarest (14:10) O’Shea took part and chased winner •RESPECT PARENTAL RIOHTS ford. eighth and ninth respectively. both in 15:00, for Blast with Michelle Charlie Duggan across the fini^ The Eagiettes, 1^' iiPthe dual The top 10 finishers garnered all- Brotvn, Michelle Freiheit and Julie line by finishing second. We tell them to relax and be meet season for a second con­ HCC recognition. C iszew ^i fifth thru seventh. The 24-year-old John ’Treacy, a secutive unbeaten cm pa ign , had a “ The girls ran very well. All seven Kate Sullivan was ninth, Kristen themselves. Their presence Is graduate student at Providence, is a total of 18 points to far outdistance of our varsity runners finished in the McGee 11th, Sherry Ostrout 14th, former Ireland Olympian and still enough to let the family know runner-up Northwest Catholic’s 53 top 10 and as the score indicates we Karen La very 20th, Eileen Madden one of the top distance runners in points. St. Paul was third with 77 almost scored a shutout on all the 31st and Lynn Trocciola 33rd for the they are not alone. the world. points. South Catholic took fourth other teams.” noted Blast Coach Sal young Blaglettes. R ay T rea cy , 26, a sen ior at ELECT DR. JOHN MALONE with 117 points. Aquinas only had Manglafico. “ They are very promising for the Providence, has been a shining light three runners entered and didn’t “ All we have left to do now is to future,” Manglafico referred to his John Treacy Ray Treacy again this season with the Friars in have a team total. gear up for the states,” he added. jayvee contingent. Blast is defending state Class L Results: 1. Reddy (BIC) 13:01 for cross country competition. ’Treacy, Blast’s Linda Reddy was an easy Tw o years ago, John Treacy 2.4 miles, 2. Kittredge (EC), 3. like his younger brother, was an All- 20:50, which would lower the stan­ Vote RepuUiiKin individual victor as she toured the champ and w ill try to defend Its predicted-he’d set a record and did, dard established in '79. HOLMES^ crown next Thursday, Nov. 5, at Wendell (SP), 4. Kaminski (EC), 5. American college selection in cross iOO MAIN Sm iT • MANeMsm.CONN 2.4 mile layout In 13:01 in the cool, literally running away from a field Race officials expect a starting Wickham Park over a 4,000-meter Byrne (EC), 6. Falkowski (EC), 7. country the last two years. PULL DOWN LEVER 16B wet conditions. Teammate T erl Kit­ of nearly 4,000, ’This time, he figures field of 4.000 registered runners. (2.5 m ile) layout. Casey (NW), 8. Evans (EC), 9. ’The brothers hail from Waterford, HOWARD L. HOLMES ARTHUR G. HOLMES tredge secured runner-up honors in he’s tout the Five M ile course in I'leadline is Sunday. Nov. 15 to enter. OnNovemlMrSnl. NORMAN M. HOLMES HOWARD M. HOLMES 13:21 with St. Paul's Paula Wendell Manglafico also saw his Blaglettes Charest (EC), 10.'Bazzano (NW). Ireland. _____ Odf CnwiiilIlM To H.rt Mrtotwj Jrtw M w». T tm ia n i.______V THE HERALb. l ues.. Oct. 27, 1981 — 1 1 10 - THE HERALD. Tues.. Oct. 27, 1981 I Series needs little pizazz Steelers impressive

NEW YORK (UPI' - What this World Series needs is basic baseninning mistakes. And $20 million man Dave we each won by one run, were three of the most exciting and hope for the best. “To me there’s no more pressure Winfield was so happy about finally getting a hit he than first time I pitched in the Series,” he said. “Too a little pizazz games anyone could associate with,” said Lasorda, who After all. besides the Los Angeles Dodgers making called for the ball. also chanted, “The Fall Classic, The Fall aassic,” often you create your own pressure. If I don’t pitch the But like a team serious about winning, the Dodgers their usual comeback, the New Aork Yankees owner Yankee owner George Steinbrenner added more daf- way I’m capable of, the Dodgers will beat me. routing Oilers,26-13 are making sure to capitalize. They have already come breaking his hand in an elevator, the Dodger infield finess to the Series Sunday night by reporting he had “It all boils down to this. If we play like we did the last back in two post-season series and need just one victory plaving in handcuffs, the Yankee outfield performing in scuffled with two belligerent Dodger fans in a hotel three games in Los Angeles there won’t be a seventh in two games in Yankee Stadium to complete a third. leg'irons, the IXxiger manager hugging everything that elevator, breaking a hand. game. But if I pitch like I’m capable of there will be a PITTSBURGH (UPI) - The Oilers did about theirs after racked Steeler defensive line. minutes into the period, Stabler con­ moves, and the Yankee baserunners acting like con­ They believe this is their year. "I was coming down the elevator to have dinner,” seventh game.” Pittsburgh Steelers have been up watching their frantic second-half Starters such as John Banaszak, Joe nected with Dave Casper on a 52- fused roadrunners on a freeway, what has really "There's several guys on this club who realize this Steinbrenner said in an interview with ABO television Los Angeles first baseman Steve Garvey, hitting .3671 and down too often this season for rally from a 163 deficit go for Greene and L.C. Greenwood were yard scoring pass that brought Monday night. “There were two people, one in the in the postseason, agrees that this Dodger team is naught. kept on the bench, while younger happened” them to make too much out of the Houston to within 13-10. Well. Dodger right-hander Burt Hooton opposes New elevator and one holding the door. One had a beer in his different than the ones that lost the World Series to the impressive 2613 Monday night vic­ Each team was coming off a total players took over. Then, on their next series, the York leftv Tommv .John tonight with a chance to give hand. Then he said some things about New York City Yankees in 1977 and 1978. tory over the Houston Oilers that breakdown in its previous game “ It’s a good feeling to know Oilers pulled off a fake punt on a the IXidgcrs their’first North American title since 196fl. and the people who live there. “’There’s a special feeling in the air that this is our pushed them into a first-place tie caused largely by an inconsistent there’s people there that can pick fourth down and three from the No. Johnny Carson will not he the home plate umpire. ‘The last two games “The next thing I knew he hit me. I'm getting too old year,” said Garvey. “We’re finally out front after a long with Cincinnati in the AFC Central offense and needed a win in their you up like that," said defensive Houston 35. Instead of punting, Cliff "This team is loose and that's one big reason why we for that. I don’t condone that sort of thing. I get tired month of October when we never seemed to have the Division. “I still don’t know what nationally-televised game as much back Mel Blount. Parsley completed a high soft 31- do so well in tight situations." said the Dodgers' Jay once in a while of people knocking New York. The fight lead. If and when this Dodgers team wins, it will be the ‘real’ Steelers are,” quarter­ for confidence as for the standings. Still, the Oilers did manage 307 yard pass to Adgar Armstrong. Four “ Needless to say, this win is a big Johnstone, who clouted a key two-run. pinch homer in we beat ourselves’ was started not by me. We were treated beautifully in quite an achievement. “I think it’s time we won. ’The op­ back Terry Bradshaw said after he yards total offense — just 56 fewer plays later, with 5:53 left to play, one for our football team,” said than Pittsburgh. Biles saw that as a Game 4 to spark an 8-7 triumph. Los Angeles. portunity is now in our grasp and we just have to take it. threw under steady rain at Three Fritsch tied the game at 1613 with a If the Dtxlgers are loose, they sure belong in this Rick Cerone "I’ll say something for Tommy Lasorda and the We’re out to prove something to everyone who’s been Rivers Stadium for 208 yards and Pitfsburgh coach Chuck Noll. bright sign, but Stabler, who passed 44-yard field goal. Series They have yet to play a crisp, flawless game and Dodgers. They never gave up. He kept saying they critical of us in the past that we couldn’t win the big Herald photo by Tarquinlo two touchdowns — including a six- for 230 yards, shrugged it off. At that point, Bradshaw said, the they still lead, three games to two New York once led wouldn’t give up and they didn't. It’s a different team game.” yard scoring toss to John Stallworth “When you lose it doesn't m atter,” Steelers decided they had to get this affair 2-0 and has taken considerable pains to wind than the ones we saw in 1977 and 1978.” Los Angeles third baseman Ron Cey, beaned by a Rich Neck and neck that broke a 1613 tie with 3:41 left to Stabler said. “I get no satisfaction aggressive too. “I didn’t want to get up in the, danger zone might be their last year in a Dodger uniform and they’re Hooton and John have faced each other already in the Gossage fastball Sunday in Game 5, “will play unless he play. ‘This win is from it. Like earrings on a pig — it cautious," he said. "I have a tenden­ "The last two games we beat our.selves. ' understated gonna walk out as a winner," said Johnstone. Series, with John emerging the victor in Game 2. experiences dizziness Tuesday,” said a Dodger llling’s Vincent LIscomb and East Catholic's Brian Harvey “ We have to be able to do this doesn’t make a lot of difference." cy to do that.” The people who probably got the Yankee catcher Rick Cerone Dodger manager Tommy Lasorda just keeps praising “ I’m hoping and praying Hooton can lock it up spokesman. battled right to the wire in the ninth grade race at last Satur­ every week,” added defensive back On first down from Pittsburgh’s a big one’ most satisfaction out of the game own 31, Franco Harris ripped off a Yankee outfielders Reggie Jackson and Bobby Brown and hugging. You get the feeling that he’ll put the tomorrow because he was the guy who pitched the big Yankee third baseman Graig Nettles, bothered by a day’s 10th annual llling Cross Country Invitational at MCC. Ron Johnson, whose interception of ballboys in the Hall of Fame if he wins this thing. one against the Astros and the Elxpos,” said Lasorda. badly sprained left thumb, remains a day-to-day a Ken Stabler pass with a little more were the 52,732 persons in the rain- 35-yard gain — his longest of the helped cost the Yankees a game with fielding blunders. LIscomb edged Harvey for second place with each caught In soaked stadium seats and the Larrv Milbourne and Aiirelio Rodriguez have made "The three games we just played in Los Angeles, that John said he will take a relaxed attitude to the mound proposition. than two minutes left put the game Chuck Noll season — and got 15 more yards 14:05 for the 2.1 mile course. out of Houston’s reach by settling up national television audience who when Ted Washington was called for stayed around long enough for the tackling him out of bounds. Three t r - - a final Steeler touchdown. The Oilers, conversely, also have exciting fourth quarter. plays later, a Bradshaw-to-Jim Bird remains key been up and down too often this The first half, during which Smith touchdown play was nullified season for them to make too much “ We’re halfway through and 1 think Pittsburgh took a 13-3 lead, was fair­ by off-setting penalties, and two Ex-Dodgers' star Weather of their fourth loss in eight games. we’ve met the challenge. We begin ly dull: The Steelers twice fell short plays after that, Bradshaw hit Yankee Stadium jinx “Losing a game or two isn’t im­ the second half of the season in what on third down and settled for Dave Stallworth with the six-yard scoring NEW YORK (UPI) - Celtics prepared portant unless it’s the last game or 1 think is a good frame of mind and Trout kicking 16yard field goals, toss that put Pittsburgh up for good. Periods of rain, possibly two of the year,” said first-year in pretty good shape physically.” and the Oilers’ usually accurate Trout missed the extra point. Pete Reiser dies heavy at times, were Houston coach Ekl Biles. “If we con­ “This kind of game does wonders Toni Fritsch missed a 42-yard field About a minute later, Johnson in­ forecast for tonight’s sixth tinue to get this kind of effort from for your confidence,” added goal. The third quarter was a tercepted Stabler on the Houston 20 scoreless affair, enlivened only by and returned the ball to the 12, and was .309 in 1947. game of the World Seriies our team, we’ll win our share of Bradshaw. “We were aggressive, PALM SPRINGS. Calif. lUPli - for Dodgers thus far to defend title gave them a lot of looks and at­ Campbell's fumble on the four plays later Harris plunged in games.” Harold "Pete " Reiser, the 1941 His lifetime batting average was between the Los Angeles Still, the Steelers had to feel a lot tacked them from all sides.” Pittsburgh 31. for the game's last touchdown. National League batting champion, .295 with 58 homers. Dodgers and New York Yankees. better about their playoff chances And they held Elarl Campbell to a But the action was fast and "It was,” said Smith, “a typical died at his home Sunday following a During his career. Reiser was in­ NEW YORK (UPI) — The Los Angeles Dodgers ball for the Yankees to win that year,” snapped BOSTON (UPI) — Let’s see, the defensively. furious in the final stanza. Two Los Angeles leads the Lasorda. “’That team wasn’t that good.” after their performance than the mere 56 yards desp'te an injury- Pittsburgh-Houston game.” lengthy respiratory illness. He was jured 11 times by running into out­ return to their House of Horrors tonight knowing* last time we left the But beyond Ford and Archibald, 62, field fences and had to be carried off Series, three games to two. they’ll have to exorcise a demon before they can Lasorda disagreed with critics who have labeled Heavy rains fell euphoria was sweeping the city there is little that will make op Reiser was a slugging leader for the field. His injuries inspired the claim their first world championship since 1965. the quality of play in this World Series unfit for Lit­ posing coaches call for the cyanide throughout most of Mon­ after the team had annexed Title the Brooklyn Dodgers with a .343 creation of the outfield warning The National League champions, coming off a tle League. “’The three games we just played in Los pills. is still day and Game 6, scheduled No. 14 at the expense of the Houston average in 1941 when the team won track and padded fences. In 1952 he three-game sweep at Dodger Stadium that gave Angeles, that we each won by one run, were three of trying to prove himself but his main Pats still have confidence sta n d in g s for 8:20 EST tonight at Rockets. , the National League pennant and retired, troubled by headaches, diz­ them a 3-2 lead over New York in the World Series, the most exciting games anyone could associate And Larry Bii^ was proving that drawback is that he is neither a lost the World Series to the New zy spells and a nervous stomach. All Yankee Stadium, could be take the field in Yankee Stadium tonight with their with,” said Lasorda, who was chanting, “The Fall point guard nor an off-guard. in jeopardy if the rainfall his vocabulary, in particular a York Yankees. told, he had suffered five skull frac­ top postseason pitcher, Burt Hooton, going against Classic, ’The Fall Classic, that’s what it’s all scatological reference to Moses Rookies Tracy Jackson and Charles Reiser had a .558 overall slugging tures and seven brain concussiohs. continues. Tommy John, an ex-Diodger who beat them 3-0 in about,” even before the news conference began. Bradley, maybe even Glenn Hagan, The National Weather Malone’s diet, was more graphic but can't win football games Football average that year and the following In reply to his critics, he once Game 2. Lasorda, noted for his ebullient manner and sense than the wisp that passed for his could help but will need time, as do Service said that in addi­ CCIL year he led the league in base said. "When people tell me I played The Dodgers have lost six straight games at of humor, illustrated the Dodgers' relaxed air by moustache for two years. most first-year men.. tion to the possible heavy w. 1 . t. w. 1. t. stealing too hard, 1 tell them that's how I got Yankee Stadium dating back to Game 2 of the 1977 getting off some one-liners at Johnstone’s expense. Bird has shaved off the moustache Then there’s always the intriguing FOXBORO, Mass. (UPI) - Coach gained more yards or passed any might not show it. The reason, he showers, widespread fog Wethersfield 6 0 0 0 Reiser played 10 years in the up to the majors." World Series, when Hooton beat them 61. Asked if he would vote for Garvey in a political (“I feel much lighter now” ), but lit­ possibility that owner Harry Ron Erhardt doesn’t think his New better against them,” Erhardt said. said, was turnovers. 6 0 would move into the New 4 1 0 0 major leagues between 1940 and ‘T ve never felt intimidated by New York or election, Lasorda replied, “Of course ... Steve’s tle else has changed for the Celtics Mangurian will cash a few of his C- England Patriots have lost any con­ “But it’s tough to overcome nine "At the beginning of the season, Hall 5 1 1952. losing three years during the In 1954. he returned to baseball as York area tonight. Mild Yankee Stadium,” said Los Angeles first baseman helped me taste the fikiits of victory a couple of Notes and extricate Danny Ainge fidence — just too many games. penalties when you get into there was a combination of tur­ Penney 4 1 0 5 1 0 temperatures, between 50 as they prepare to defend their title Windham 4 2 Second World War. He was with tjie a manager in the Brooklyn farm Steve Garvey Monday. “There’s a special feeling in times and I’d vote for him in a second.” in the upcoming NBA season. Nor­ from unemployment. Ainge has The enigmatic Pats fumbled and position.” novers and penalties and we weren't 0 4 2 0 and 55 degrees, were 2 Dodgers until 1948. later playing system, and for two years managed the air that this is our year. We’re finally out front “What about Johnstone?” someone asked. mally, they would be just returning “Celtic” written all over him and bumbled their way to a 2622 ioss to The defense held the Redskins to playing defense that well. But the E. Hartford 2 1 2 3 1 forecast for gametime. Simsbury 2 3 1 2 3 1 with the old Boston Braves. the Kokomo Dodgers in the Class D after a long month of October when we never “ If they ever put Johnstone in the Cabinet, I’m from a road trip at this time, but the would give Boston something they the Washington Redskins Sunday, a 230 totai yards but was victimized last three outings, the defense has W ednesday’s outlook Conard 1 2 2 1 3 2 Pittsburgh Pirates and Cleveland Midwest League. seemed to have the lead. gonna start buying Russian war bonds,” Lasorda NBA moguls moved back the don’t really have — a gunner from defeat which leaves them at 2-6 and been good. It's the number of tur­ looks brighter with partly Fermi 1 4 0 1 4 0 Indians He later coached for the Dodgers “1 think it’s time we won. The opportunity is now quipped. “But one thing about Jay — he’s a total original league Tap-Off time by two the guard spot in the mold of an An­ all but assured of a post-season with novers is what really makes a Nicknamed "Pistol Pete." Reiser after the team moved to Los cloudy skies and warm in our grasp and we just have to take it. We're out professional. He prepares himself diligently for drew Toney. relatives. The latest loss, the fourth difference. Manchester 1 5 0 1 5 0 temperatures expected. w e^s so as not to conflict with the Enfield 0 5 0 0 6 0 acquired a reputation for being Angeles and he was a scout for the to prove something to everyone who’s been critical crucial pinchhitting situations. World Series. What must be emphasized, and in as many games on the road, was "They know they can play with accident-prone He was hitting 350 Chicago Cubs at the time of his of us in the past that we couldn’t win the big game. “Of course, you may not find him when you need The assumption was that someone what was overlooked in the made possible by nine penalties, six ‘We made some anybody. But they have to win a few HCC O’all in 1942 when he ran into the center- death. We’re due back in Yankee Stadium but the com­ him, but if you do, he’ll be ready.” glve^ a fig about the first two weeks euphoria, is that last year the fumbles, two interceptions and close games like this." the coach w. 1. t. w. 1. t. field wall in St. Louis chasing a line Reiser is survived by his wife, plexion of the Series has turned and we’re not Los Angeles third baseman Ron Cey, beaned by a of a season that now will drag into Celtics came perilously close to erratic play by the special teams. mental mistakes’ said. Xavier 2 0 0 6 0 0 drive He finished the season at .310 Pat, who lives in the Palm Springs referring to the past.” Los Angeles reserve Jay Rich Gossage fastball Sunday in Game 5, “will play June, or just about when the Red repeating their 1980 playoff routine And as if to underscore the team’s Erhardt said he wasn’t sure if NWest Cath. 2 1 0 2 4 0 and the best he ever hit after that area, and two daughters. Cey ready Johnstone, the antithesis of Garvey’s strait-laced unless he experiences dizziness Tuesday,” said a Sox prepare for their first West when they lost to the 76ers in five strange ways, the Patriots are the linebacker Steve Nelson would come South Cath. 1 1 0 3 3 0 personality, credits Dodger chemistry for the Dodger spokesman. If Cey is advised not to play, Coast road swing and a month games. Philadelphia was merely only club in the NFL with a losing Ron Erhardt off injured reserve for next Sun­ St. Paul 0 1 0 2 4 0 club’s desirable position. Lasorda said he will start either regular outfielder before the Patriots open training one intelligent possession away record which has outscored its op­ day’s game at Oakland against the East Cath. 0 2 0 1 5 0 “This team is loose and that’s one big reason why Pedro Guerrero or utility man Derrel Thomas at camp. Be that as it may, the Celtics from eliminating Boston in five, and ponents. Raiders. He also said fullback Sam to return we do so well in tight situations,” said Johnstone, third. will open Friday night against could have done it in either games 6 “We made some mental mistakes Cunningham, who scored a TD Sun­ Soccer who clouted a key two-run, pinch homer in Game 4 Hooton, who was named the MVP of the NL ’ !' Washington as they hope to become or 7. That they didn’t is as much due but not more than any other year,” day, would see plenty of action next NEW YORK (UPI) — Los Angeles to spark an 67 triumph. "TTiere’s several guys on Championship Series against Montreal, will not be the first NBA team to repeat since to their own ineptitude as Boston’s Erhardt said Monday. “I don’t think by a 76yard punt return by Mike weekend. c e ll. Dodgers third baseman Ron Cey, this club who realize this might be their last year in adjusting his style to fit the dimensions of Yankee 1969, when the Celtics did it in Bill tenacious defense and opportunistic our club has lost its confidence. 1 Neims and a TD run by Joe w. 1. t Pts ■14 struck in the head by a 94 mph pitch a Dodger uniform and they’re gonna walk out as a Stadium. Russell’s final year. offense. didn’t have that feeling up until now, Theismann off a broken play. Wethersfield 10 0 1 52 from Rich Gossage in Sunday’s winner.” “My theory is that anytime a pitcher tries to do The Celtics enter the 1981-82 Look for the Celtics and Sixers to but you’re bound to secondguess Erhardt praised the play of the Simsbury 10 0 1 52 * World Series game, joined his team­ Johnstone, a member of the 1978 Yankees, anything differently, he will end up in more trouble season with the same strengths and again battle it out for the best yourself. defense, which aiso recorded two Hall ^ 8 2 1 42 mates Monday and “will play unless scoffed at parallels between that world cham­ than he bargains for,” said Hooton, who boasts a weaknesses that saw them through record in the Atlantic Division, and “The thing that bothers me more sacks. Manchester 6 4 1 32 he experiences dizziness Tuesday,” pionship team and this year’s New York club. 1981 postseason ERA of 0.32 in 27 2-3 innings. “I last year’s hectic campaign and perhaps the league. Barring injuries than anything else is that we get in “Defensively, we did everything E. Hartford 4 4 3 26 said a team spokesman. “I felt that the ’78 Yankees were so damn good know I’m very optimistic about going in and win­ playoffs. Up front, they are unsur­ to any key players (Bird, Archibald, position to get it done (score a we set out to do,” he said. “All they Fermi 4 6 1 22 ’The Dodgers, winners of three we could lose the first three games and come right ning it. It would be a big thrill for me and it would passed. In the backcourt, they are Parish, Elrving, Maurice Oieeks), touchdown) and we don’t. At the earned was 14 points. We gave them Conard 3 8 0 15 consecutive Series games after back,” said Johnstone, who was interrupted in his be a big thrill for all of us. It would be quite a decidedly less powerful but have the two should again meet for worst, we should be 4-4.” a field goai and the punt return. Windham 2 7 2 14 dropping the first two, meet the answer by Los Angeles manager Tommy Lasorda. trophy.” added some new faces which may, Elastem Qmference title. The 2-6 start, the exact opposite of “But we played our poorest Penney 1 9 1 7 Yankees tonight at 8:30 p.m. EST in "Yeah, and (Reggie) Jackson had to get hit by a in time, alleviate the problems of The only difference this year is Ipst year, has coaches and players special teams in a long time. We Enfield 1 9 1 7 the sixth game of the World Series age (in the starters) and in­ that the winner is likely to get a perplexed. The Patriots’ offense fumbled a kickoff. We were kicking HCC O'all in Yankee Stadium. “I feel fine,” experience (in the reserves). much more demanding opponent, rolled up 409 yards on a rainy day off to their 12 and 15 and the ball was w. 1. t. w. 1. t. Cey said when he boarded a Tuesday In Bird, the Celtics have the most like Los Angeles or Seattle. And but bad to settle for field goals twice coming out to the 30. They got a lit­ East Catholic 8 0 0 10 1 0 n i^ t flight for New York. “ All the Acted strictiy in self-defense dynamic and brilliant player in the should the (Celtics prevail, we all inside the 10 and at the end, a costly tle better field position th ^ we’d Xavier 6 2 0 9 2 0 like.” TONIGHT tests checked out. They were exten­ game. No one does as many things, will wait in anticipation for Bird to bolding penalty and a dropped pass 6:30 This Week in NHL, ESPN St. Paul 4 3 0 4 6 1 sive and everything seemed to be with and without the ball, as Bird give another culinary discourse on on a perfect screen play spelled Despite the disappointing first- South Cath. 2 6 0 3 8 0 half, Erhardt said the Patriots have 8 - Dodgers vs. ^’ankees, Ch. 8, OK. I hope I can play Tuesday night and he is the key to any hopes of the meals of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar defeat. WINF, W PO P NWest Cath. 2 6 0 4 8 0 but there are still a couple of things George's hand in plaster cast repeating. or Gus Williams. “I don’t know anybody who has improved, although the record Aquinas 1 6 0 1 9 0 to check out. We’ll see. We probably Last year, starting all 82 games. c o c O'all UPI photo won’t decide until Tuesday after­ w. 1 . t. w. 1. t. The owner said the two men con­ Bird was the only forward in the noon.” NEW YORK (UPI) - New York players in a friendly way.” Rocky Hill 8 1 0 9 2 1 Scheduled starting pitchers in tonight’s World Series game at tinued to make remarks. And when NBA to lead his team in both scoring Cey was hit in the head in the Yankee owner George Steinbrenner, Steinbrenner’s left hand was Cromwell 4 1 4 7 1 4 Yankee Stadium are Burt Hooton of Los Angeles and Tommy Steinbrenner replied, one of the men (21.2 points per game) and reboun­ eighth inning Sunday. He was who once fired Manager Billy Mar­ heavily bandaged as he and the Coventry 4 2 1 1 tried to swing a bottle at the Yankee ding (10.9). Along with Cedric 5 4 John of the New York. examined Sunday night, Monday tin following a brawl with a Yankees departed from three air­ RHAM 4 2 2 6 2 2 owner. Steinbrenner said he Maxwell and , the trio morning and later that afternoon by marshmallow salesman, arrived at port buses. He walked briskly past Series resembles Little League play E. Hampton 4 3 2 4 4 3 punched him and knocked him to the is as talented as any front court at Dr. Stephen Levi, a neurologist at Yankee Stadium Monday night with reporters but stopped briefly to both ends of the floor. Bolton 3 3 3 4 4 3 Centinela Medical Center, and given his hand broken from a fight with ground. Portland 2 3 2 4 4 2 A fight among the three ensued, The frontcourt does lack the so- Ponies remain unbeaten permission to fly to New York. two Dodger fans at a Los Angeles ft: Cheney Tech 1 5 3 4 5 3 the source said, and when the called “small forward” such as a NEW YORK (UPI) — They should’ve In Saturday's fourth game at Dodger “Ron is able to fly,” Levi said. hotel. Steinbrenner, whose left hand Vinal Tech 1 5 3 2 6 4 elevator reached the lobby, one of Julius Erving or a Jamaal Wilkes played this year’s World Series in Stadium, with the score tied 66, Rodriguez “There won't be any danger there.” was in a plaster cast and whose B. Academy 0 6 2 0 8 2 Bolton pony football team has allowed only six points this year. the men was on his knees and the but that hasn’t detracted from the Williamsport, Pa., except that maybe the Lit­ opened the seventh with a single to left center remained unbeaten with a 42-0 Bolton's next outing is' against right hand was swollen, said on ‘George wouldn’t Celtics’ fast break. Reserves Kevin tle Leaguers wouldn’t ^ve the Yankees and Sports ABC-TV Monday night that he was other one was huddled in the back of and decided to try for two. Ten feet from se­ shutout last Sunday of Colchester. Coventry at Ellington’s gridiron the elevator. McHale, coming off a fine exhibition Dodgers the field. cond, he started his slide — head-first instead Field Hockey Chris Young scored on runs of 5 Sunday morning at 11:30. acting in self-defense. season, and swingman I couldn’t blame them a bit. Parade “1 was coming down the elevator punch anybody’ Steinbrenner said he entered the of feet-first — but he dove much too soon and CCIL O'all and 3 yards. Mike Fenton tallied on M.L. Carr provide valuable depth up You have to go back more than 35 years, to have dinner,” Steinbrenner said. lobby and found a security officer. haif-scrambling and half-crawling to the bag. w. 1. t. w. 1. t. a 3-yard run, Chris Morianos scored front. possibly to the war years, like when Chuck Milt Richman Jayvees triumph “There were two people, one in the But the owner said by the time they he was tagged out. Simsbury 8 1 1 9 1 1 on a 5-yard run, Greg Fenton on a 25- 1 9 Rich Gossage The backcourt is faced with the Hostetler nearly broke bis neck tripping over In the same fourth game, Davey Lopes of Meet elevator and one holding the door. returned to the elevator the two fans Wethersfield 6 1 2 8 1 2 yard run and Chris Mulcahy tallied Blast Catholic jayvee soccer team l»S!8S same problems of last year, and the third base in the 1945 Series between the the Dodgers was safe at second in the sixth One had a beer in his hand. Then he were gone. Manchester 4 4 2 4 4 2 on a 15-yard TD strike from QB Ted upended Coventry High, 4-1, yester­ two principals are a year older. Tigers and Cubs, to find a more amateurishiy inning on Reggie Jackson’s error and then said some things about New York The incident was not reported to Windham 3 3 4 3 3 4 Brown day in Coventry. Pat Lonergan is the man who runs played World Series than this one has been so stole third without as much as even a look City and the people who live there. the police. Hotel officials could not Conard 3 3 3 4 4 3 Bucky Taylor, Charlie Anderson, scored three goals and Brian the Celtics machine and he must far. become a dirty word. “Nobody likes to prac­ from Ronnie Davis, pitching for the Yankees “The next thing I knew he hit me. comment on the Sunday night alter­ confirm the details of the incident Fermi 3 5 2 4 5 2 Tom Mulcahy and Scott Arseneault Harkins one for the young Elagles, 5- stay healthy and productive for the Such basics and fundamentals as bunting tice bunting anymore,” says former Dodger at the time. Davis never even bothered I’m getting too old for that. I don’t cation. and said they were conducting their Enfield 3 6 1 3 6 1 led a staunch Bolton defense, which 3-1 for the season. gears to click. , who may properly, backing up throws, sliding correct- holding him on. Is that supposed to be cham­ condone that sojit of thing. I get tired Although it was reported the own investigation. manager Walt Alston. Hall 1 8 1 2 8 1 be the most underrated player in his .ly and a runner holding on second base with If you were watching Game 3 Friday, you once in ^wEIIe of people Imocking Yankee owner suffered a cut lip pionship baseball? position, is an ideal complement to less than two out jwben the ball has been hit in may recall there was an unusually long delay Can’t you just hear old Casey Stengel, New York. The fight was started not during the fight at the Hyatt- Archibald both offensively and Wilshire Hotel, bis face appeared front of him, have been either completely ig­ before Bobby Murcer came up to pinch hit for wherever he is, asking, “Can anybody here Volleyballers lose No. 15 by me.” nored or foitpitten. Both teams in this World Rudy May in the eighth in^ng with Larry play this game?” Steinbrenner said the incident did unblemished kfonday. Celtics turn Series have been guilty of sandlot-like, Milbourne on first and Aurelio Rodriguez on There was a time when the Yankees not reflect on the Dodgers or their “He must have caught it in an Soccer schoolboy lapses, the Yankees even more second with none out and the Yankees executed better than any club in baseball. Coming within a set of pulling out Karen Wright played well for the fans and praised the team which elevator,” relief pitcher Rich McEnroe wins its first win of the season, Silk Towners, 0-15 for the season. Gossage joked about his boss’ in­ than the Dodgers. trailing, 5-4. They no longer do and that could be because back Denver holds a three games to two advan­ At times in this series, the Yankees have Manchester High girls' volleyball Manchester annexed the jayvee jured hand Sunday night. “ George A bunt was obviously in order but Yankee some clubs with estabiished stars have a tage in the World Series. “We were TOKYO (UPI)—Top-seeded John given a remarkably good Imitation of Ray manager Bob Lemon had to find some one tendency to overlook the basics. Practice stiil SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (UPI) - team couldn't get the critical third match, 9-15. 15-10 and 15-9. Michelle treated beautifully in Los Angeles,” wouldn’t punch anyone.” Boys 10 and under McEnroe of the United States Milland in The Lost Weekend, and maybe who could lay one down. A hasty conunittee makes perfect, though, but who bothers prac­ scored a game-high 26 set and remained without a win as it Quey and Judy Dalone played well he added. “I’ll say something for A source on the Yankees said Sun­ turned back compatriot , for the young Indians. day that Steinbrenner had left his Manchester Red Marauders 10 that’s why they trail three games to two and meeting followed, which is what occasioned ticing anymore? Remember when the points Monday to power the Boston fell to Simsbury High at Clarke Tommy Lasorda and the Dodgers. 62,62, Tuesday to move into the se­ Celtics to a 136112 victory over the Arena. Manchester’s next outing is room and boarded the elevator at and under squad whi|q>ed Windsor keep getting their boss, <3eoi^ Steinbrenner, the delay, and Murcer did manage to bunt the coaches would hit balls to the outfield before They never gave up. He kept saying cond round a |300,000 tourna­ Denver Nuggets in the 9th annual Scores were 6-15, 15-4. 6-15, 15-4 Wednesday against Wethersfield at approxinlately 8 p.m. PST when two Locks, 10-0, last ^turday ‘and hotter and hotter under the collar. ball into the air on the third baM side. It the game and the outfielders would rifle the they wouldn’t give up and they topped Fannington, 62, Sunday at ment. “I served better than him,” Jim Palmer, the Baltimore Orioles’ three- wasn’t a good bunt and it was fool, but ball back into the plate? You have to go way NBA Hall of Fame exhibition game, and 15-8. Clarke Arena at 3:30. didn’t. It’s a different team than the men in their 20s got on. Charter Oak Park. said the 22-year-oId McEhiroe. “He time Cy Young winner, is a pretty perceptive Dodger third baseman Ron Cey made a back for that. the last preseason game for both ones we saw in 1977 and 1978.” According to Steinbrenner’s ver­ wasn’t serving well and felt sion of the incident, one of the fans Tony Wright scored three goals, fellow. He’s doing color commentary for diving catch of the ball, then got up and The last World Series I can remember teams. Steinbrenner, who flew back to Dan Kelsey and Somlit pressure from that.” ABC-TV and before Sunday’s fifth game in where both teams executed particularly well Boston, the defending NBA cham­ Rick Meagher..No. 20..5-8, 175 New York with his team, apparently said: “You’re Steinbrenner, aren’t doubled Milbourne off first. Sychitkokhong two apiece and Mike No. 3 seed Jose-Louis Clerc, of Los Angeles, be said to me, “Aesthetically, For some mysterious reason, Milbourne was the one in 1975 between the Cincinnati pions, jumped to a 43-26 first-- you?” Steinbrenner merely nodded. Argentina, advanced to the second pounds...Born, Belleville, On­ vented most of his anger in the Callahan, Daidd Stephenson and Mo this hasn’t been exactly the best World Series had beaded for second base. He explained Reds and the Boston Red Sox. Somb pet^Ie quarter lead with Bird scoring 12 B ow ling “Yeah,” continued the Dodger rouiid 1^ defeating Paul McNamee, tario Nov. 2,1953.. Graduate of elevator. Moriarty one each for Manchester ever played.” later be thought the ball was fair, but since rate that one among the best World Series’ points. Terry Duerod sparked the Boston University, 1977.. “For a man who had lost three fan, “you’re going back borne to of Australia, 62, 6-4. ‘ thow animal fans with that in,the win over Locks. Thebc^? With all the bumbles and fumbles when do you run even on a fair ball that has a ever played and I have to agree. It was the Celtics with a 12-point second Acquired from Montreal for straight George Steinbrenner was in ^lohn Ek^cher had three goals and Chris Lewis, of New Zealand, that have been committed, it comes closer lo most exciting one I’ve seen in the past 30 quarter as Boston streiiked to a 77-62 up team of yours, aren’t you?” eliminated American Terry Moor, 6 chance of being caught? draf’ picks.. Played 27 games a relatively good mood,” said a Stephenson one in the win over Far­ approaching the worst. ■ There were also some horrible exhibitions years. It h ^ everything — including, of halftime lead. Duerod came off the I’OW DKH PI KF- Mary Wright 188- AARP- Dot Roberts 176-496, Jeanne Yankee official, who was aboard the At that point, Steinbrenner 4, 7-5 and American Tim GulUk^ 186-531. U ura Rapson 175, Marilyn last season with Whalers..Pro snapped: "I’m tlr^ of all this stuff mington. Moriarty, Matt Clough and Let’s take the bunting, for example. It has of sliding in the Series. course, the necessary fun^mentals. bench midway through the quarter Luckas 6i78-496, Harriet Giordano team flight. “He talked with the Rick Schneider alio played well for routed Japan's Eijl Takeuchi. 6 1 .6 and was 6f0r-8 from the floor. Meyers 186-488. Carol Schubert 477. since 1977..Excellent about New York, especially snwrt :->»>S«*8ftaftWft«*S«iSft!8S«4iSfiSiSS»fSS*95SS^^ 453. Carl Gloss 524, A 1 Pariseau 515. coaches and Bob Lemon construc- the 162-1 winners. Eve Feder 455. Vicky Glass 455 speed. Single. tiveiv and he talked with most of the aleck remarks about my team.” ■ y 12 - THE HERALD, Tues., Pel. 27, 1981 THE HERALD, Tues., Oct. 27, 1981 — 13 Penn State holds The Arts/Travel/Hobbies Scoreboard Leisure TV'Novies / Comics onto first place Am 'fr remaining, including three with NEW YORK (UPl) - Penn State 40 first-place votes from the 42 Mou PiU Longtin 306, Kaz Pasechniak 106, A n d y coaches who comprise the UPl’s ranked teams. A fter Miami (F la .) First downs 13 21 coach Joe Paterno realizes the dif­ Husbes-yards Sue Cote 175-179-462, PhylU Hufford Board and accumulated 628 points and a game against North Carolina 2fr-*76 3^-lU7 ficulties facing his top-rated Nittany Passing yards 231 196 179, Linda Skoglund 189-462, Marge I R o o n e y out of a possible 630. State the following week, Penn State Sacks by*>ards 3-30 1-12 Places that need same friends Lions. DeUsle 469, Kris Me Laughlln 456, 1 ^ . Pittsburgh, a 23-10 winner over is at home to Alabama and Notre Return yards 163 M Penn State, now entering the most Hockey Passes 1&--24--1 I4*-88->l Shelia Price 459, Terry Priskwaldo Syracuse, held steady at No. 2, Dame before a possible national Punts 6r-«)Ji Syndicated may be numbered is the library’s HE HAS HIS favorite difficult part of its schedule, 6-46.4 481, Sue Hale 466. By Adele Angle receiving the remaining two first- championship matchup with Fumblcs*lost 0**0 Coluinnlat bookmobile. Bookmobile hours patrons, of course. One such became just the second team this PenatUcs*yards t^-41 6-C4 place votes and totaling 587 points. Pittsburgh to close out the regular Foous Editor have been reduced by almost half patron died recently. Mrs. Vic­ season to successfully defend its No. Time of possession 28:10 *3]:f0 North Carolina, rated No, 3 last season. ' All those cookies leftover at In Focus in the last two years. It’s just one toria Bliss of Westhlll Gardens, 1 college football rating Monday in Individual Leaders By United Press International 3 NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE the sparsely attended “ Apprecia- of the services library officials week., uffgred its first defeat in RUSHING — Houston-Campbell Lansing Open Harney says, was a shut-in who balloting by UPl's Board of The second 10 consists of No. 11 Hy United Press International At Lansing, Mich., Oct. 36 sevefTgame^— a 31-13 loss to South Wales Conference Stabler 3*0. Coleman Pittsburgh* tfon Day” at Whiton Memorial Adele Angle are now taking a second look at. was very particular about her Coaches. The Nittany Lions. 6-0 North Carolina, No. 12 Washington Harris 17-M, Pollard Smith l-Ll, 1. Mark Roth, Spring Lake Heights, Carolina — a\id tumbled to No. 11. Adams Division N.J.. Lf-8-1. 9JH7| Library Sunday didn’t go to Focus Editor The truck is a gas guzzler. One reading. She loved travel books. following a 30-7 victory over West State, 60-1, No. 13 Oklahoma, No. 14 W L T Pts. GF GA Bradshaw 4-4. silence. Southern California, the) only team PASSING—Houston-Stabler U’.'23*l—23* 2. Earl Anthony, Dublin, Calif., lf>-e. waste. librarianisays it gets barely three Finding travel books in large Virginia, now must prepare for Montreal f. 0 3 13 48 19 9.792 other than Penn State to hold the Michigan and No. IS Washington. r. 2 2 0. Parsley’ M-0-31. PUtsburgh*Bradshaw Branch librarian Shirley S. miles to the gallon. It costs the Miami (F la .) - rated No. 19 this Boston 12 37 33 3. Gil Sliker. Washington. N.J., 17-7. print was no easy task. No. 1 rating for more than one week Also, Iowa, rated seventh last Quebec 6 4 0 12 46 36 14^8-1“*208. 9.6T6. Sarkis says the goodies were library about $12,000 this year to week — on the road. "They are one Buffalo 4 2 3 11 29 31 RECEIVING — Houston-Renfro 4*79, 4. Joe Hutchinson, Scranton, Pa.. 12*11* librarian Clarence R. Walters. up en masse at public hearings (three weeks), defeated Notre week, fell nine spots to No. 16 after r Campbell 3*(*1), Casper 34)3. Coleman 1* divided up antong library board' run the bookmobile, which is five “ She wouldn’t take anything of the better teams in the country,” Hartford 1 4 3 28 34 1. 9.611. Sparky I The head of the state library put when library programs are under Dame 14-7 and moved into the No. 3 losing 12-10 to Big Ten opponent Patrick Division Burrough 2-7, Wilson M l, Armstrong f. Joe Bcrardi, Brooklyn, N.Y., 16*7*1, members, guests and staff. A years old and, according to one because it was there,” Harney said Patemo of Miami (Fla.), 4-2 Philadelphia 7 0 1 U; 36 18 2*39. Pitt^urgh-Harris 2-6, Smith in a plea for local people to form the budget ax. spot, followed by No. 4 Clemson, 7-0, Minnesota. Florida State is rated Pollard 3*28, Stallworth 4-74. 9J!S. boxload was even sent over to the source, breaks down all the time. recalls. with two losses coming to Texas (14- NY Islanders 6 1 1 13 7. 24 6. Boysic Huber, St. Louis. 13-9-2. 9/f4, a Friends of the Library chapter and No. 5 Georgia, the defending No. 17, followed by ■ No. 18 Ohio f’ittsburgh 4 f. 2 10 36 47 $3.70. staff at Mary Cheney Library. T H E L IB R A R Y 'S $500,000 Thomas E. Harney, 28, is the Anyway, there are many more 7) and Mississippi State (14-10). " I NY Rangers 3 6 0 6 7. 41 in town. national champion. State, No. 19 Miami (F la .) and No. Copyright 1981 by UPI' i. Pete Couture. Windsor Locks, C^nn.. “The announcers of sports events The cookies were baked by budget for 1981-1982 is only 2.5 library technician who takes the Mrs. Blisses around town who’d think Miami down there will be our Washington 1 8 0 2 29 44 If.Ji Q MQ Min What’s a Friend o f the Library « Rounding out the Top 10 are No. 6 20 Arkansas. Campbell Conference NEW YORK (UPI) - the United on television and radio fail to un­ members of the Perennial percent higher than the previous truck out twice each week to visit be even more isolated if the toughest football game so far and Press International Board of Coaches Top 8. ' J^n' Forst, U Grange. 111., 1&8. chapter? you ask. Texas, No. 7 Alabama. No. 8 Ohio State, after a three-week Norris Division 9.492. 12.600. derstand that those of us who watch Planters Garden (Tub and the year’s budget, according to shut-ins and nursing homes such Bookmobile became a thing of that includes Nebraska.” W L T Pts. GF GA 20 college football ratings, with first* It’s what Manchester’s finan­ Mississippi State, No. 9 Nebraska absence, returned to the Top 20 lace votes and records in parentheses. 9. Chuck Pierce. Dallas, 13*11, 9,<2, or listen enjoy having a thought of club also donated a flower library director John F. Jackson. as Manchester Manor and Laurel the past. Penn State, which moved into the Minnesota f. 2 2 12 37 7 $2,400. cially ailing libraries need right and No. 10 Iowa State. while Missouri and Brigham Young Winnipeg 4 2 2 10 37 30 P. Penn St. (40) (00) 628 arrangement' made by With more cuts probably Manor. I hear one man who attended top spot last week for just the se­ 2. PitUburgh (3) (frO) fa 10. Gip Lentine, Big Bear Lake, Calif., our own about the game occasional­ now and badly. dropped out of the ratings. Detroit 3 4 2 8 26 37 166. 9ia. 12200. Jacqueline ^ tto n of 74 Timber heading this way from He says the big truck carries Sunday’s Appreciation Day may Penn State has five games 8 43 46 3. S^them Calif. (6-1) .*i22 ly. It’s hard to think while you’re cond time in their history, received Chicago 2 3 4 4. Gemson (70) f<01 11. Larry Laub. Santa Rosa. Cdlif., 14* Friends of the Library are just Toronto 2 4 2 6 32 7 10. 9,301. $2,000. Trail. Washington, and a Board of about 2,000 books at a time. “ It be thinking about starting a 6 38 41 r.. Georgia (6*1) 441 listening, and all of us wish they’d that. Friends. Concern^ friends St. Louis 2 f. 2 6. Texas (f-l) 341 12. Dennis Lane, Kingsport. Tenn.. Il­ It’s too bad m ore people didn’t Directors intent on coming up was never designed for gas Friends of the Library chapter. Smythe Division ls. 9388. $1300. shut up once in a while. There is who are willing to speak up in the l-klmonton 7 3 0 14 f2 39 7. Alabama (6-1-1) 301 show up. And not just because with another “ bare bones” economy,” he says. He’s an attorney in town and a 8. Mississippi St. (6-1) 270 13. Ed Rcsslcr, Merrimack, N.H.. 10-14. simply no need to fill the air,, wall- library’s defense. Chapters 1.0S Angeles 4 f< 0 8 44 44 9371. $1,800. they missed out on some top budget, the library needs some “ It’s the only outreach former librarian. But he’s not Teltscher Vancouver 2 f. 3 7 28 37 9. Nebraska (t-3) 266 around the state do everything 10. Iowa St. (f-l-l) 214 14. Mike Aulby, Indianapolis, 10-14, to-wall, with words. notch oatmeal cookies. strong citizen advocates right program we have for the elderly sure and not ready to go public Calgary 2 f; 2 6 32 36.. 9X0. $1,700. from staging used book sales to Colorado 1 6 2 4 23 44 11. North Carolina (6-1) 207 The worst recent development is The afternoon open house in­ now. outside of Meals on Wheels,” he yet. 12. Washington St. (60-1) 162 If. Alvin Lou. El Cajon. Calif. 10- 14, buy new library books to showing (Top four in each division qualify for 9349. $1,600. the pre-recorded interview. They’re cluded a short talk by state One library service whose days says. I hope he does. Stanley Cup playoffs.) 13. Oklahoma (3-2-1) 83 first top IL Michigan (r-2) 82 16. Wayne Webb. Tucson, Ariz 11- 13. using them on both radio and televi­ Monday's Games 9312. $1/00.t1 Ml" (No Games Scheduled) If;. Washington (6-1) 79 16. Iowa (:>-2) 77 17. Frank Allenburg, Mesa, Ariz.. 10-14, sion. They’ll talk to a dozen of the Tuesday’s Games 9.196. $1,400. 17. Florida St. (f-3) 69 players a couple of days before the (All Times^EST) 18. Ohio State (f*2) 40 18. Jeff Morin. Cleveland. 10-13-1. 9.ir0, star out Philadelphia at Montreal, 8;0T. p.m. 19. Miami (Fla.) (4-2) 37 $ 1300. game and then, during the game, Fklmunton at New York Islanocrs, 8;0r. 20. Arkansas uis at Buffalo. 8:r p.m. S. Jay Robinson. Van Nuys, Calif.. 7- Winnipeg at Chicago. 8:X p.m. Methodist. sidering what w ill happen next, and Teltscher. of the United States, 17. 8312, $1.70. Calgary at Minnesota. 8:7. p.m. 24. Mike Samardzija, Farmington Hills, suddenly you have an old interview lost to compatriot Bruce Manson, 3- Quebec at Colorado. 9:7 p.m. Mich . f-19. 8344. $LOOO. Monday's Sports Transactions thrust upon you. If quarterback 6. 3-6 in the first round. Washington at Vancouver. ll;0f p m. By United Press International Baseball Craig Morton throws a touchdown Balasz Taroezy of Hungary, Pittsburgh — Placed inflelder- seeded No. 7, was ousted by Heinz outficldcr Kurt Bevacqua on irrevocable pass and you’re savoring the action, Gunthardt of Switzerland. 6-4, 3-6. 4- waivers. they flash a still pictnre of Craig on 6. Taroezy was the winner of last Dallas - Cut forwards Clarence Kea. the screen and you hear his voice week s Japan and Asian Open tour­ Danny Davis and Brad Branson. talking about something that doesn’t Manchester at war Detroit — Waived forward Wayne Soccer nament. Football Robinson. interest you at all for the moment. Australian Houston — Waived forward John Stroud A sports fan wants to add his own defeated Tom Gullikson. of the New York - Acquired Atlanta's 1962 color comments to the game. He Recognize your neighbors In any of these old Herald photos? United States. 6-4. 5-7. 6-1. and No. 6 second-round draft choice in 1962 in doesn’t want to be spoon-fed. I enjoy An exhibit at Whiton Memorial Library has dozens of prints seed Wojtek Fibak. of Poland, return for surrendering right of first refusal on free agent guard Mike Glenn. Manchester Spirit Monday Night Football but I’d be taken during World War II. The photos will be at the library's eliminated Mel Purcell, of the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE battle — Waived forward Jacky Manchester Soccer CHub Spirit United States. 7-6, 3-6. 6-3 By United Press International Dorsey. just as happy if they didn’t have King’s Daughters Room through Saturday. Below left photo American Conference College nine year olds downed thd Bill Scanlon, of the United States, anyone announcing the game except shows Manchester soldiers doing their bit at the War Bond win­ East Kansas State — Named Dick Towers Burlington 10 year olds, 3-1, last who upset Bjorn Borg, of Sweden, in W L T Pet. PF PA director of athletics. Frank Gifford. For the most part, dow at Camp Blending, Fla. Below right photo shows two f. 714 186 ir2 Saturday and bowed Sunday, 1-0, to this tournament last year, swept Miami 2 1 Stephen F. Austin — Fired C3iarles he just tells you what’s happening soldiers inspecting a Pioneer parachute at the plant here. The Buffalo r. 3 0 67 181 128 Simmons as athletic director and football Glastonbury. past Ricardo Cano, of Argentina, 6- NY Jets 3 4 1 .429 I6T 202 coach, effective at the end of the season. and fills in some things you might town’s public health nurses (bottom left) worked long hours New Kngland 2 6 0 70 190 183 Hockey Brian Nelligan scored two goals I. 6-4. not have known or noticed. I sort of during the war. Baltimore 1 7 0 17 148 271 Minnesota — Assign^ left wing Ken and E ric M orris one in the win. Rod Frawley of Austraiia. Central Solheim and center Warren Young to Richard Henrys, Scott Marcantonio like Don Meredith, but I certainly ’ semifinalist in this year's Cincinnati f. 3 0 67 194 Ifl their farm team in Nashville. Pittsburgh f 3 0 JBS 174 iro and Jad DeQuattro played well for wish be and Cosell would not feel so Wimbledon championship, came Houston 4 4 0 JOO ISB 163 the Spirit. Erik Wolfgang had an obliged to earn their pay by talking from behind to beat Peter Rennart, ('Icveland 4 4 0 .roo iro 172 nonstop. of the United States, 4-6, 6-3. 6-4.* Local flavor with MCC West assist. Kansas City 6 2 0 TTO 207 163 Bill White, Kevin O’Donnell and Japan’s No. 1 pro, Tsuyoshi Fukui, San Diego f. 3 0 .67 73 187 T H E O T H E R N IG H T 1 Ustened eliminated compatriot Shozo Playing important roles with the successful Manchester Denver f 3 0 .67 ir>4 112 Keith W olf played w ell in the loss to Community College soccer squad this fall have been Oakland 3 f. 0 .37T 98 133 Baseball Glastonbury. The Spirit are 5-4-1 for to the first five innings of the first Shiraishi, 6-4, 62 Seattle 2 6 0 70 1(H 171 World Series game on my car radio. A field of 32 world-ranking players Manchester members Scott Goehring (left) and Gluhosky. the season. National Conference I got home to watch the last four in­ > | S . led by John McEnroe and Borg are Cougars have racked up nine straight wins and con­ E:Iast Boys 12 and under taking part in the week-long tourna­ clude the regular slate this week in road tests Wednesday at W L T Pet. PF PA nings on television. CBS Radio bad l*hiladelphia 7 1 0 .UTr 183 112 Manchester boys’ 12 and under ment at the indoor Olympic Vince Scully doing the play-by-play Mitchell and Saturday at Rhode Island Junior College. The Dallas 6 2 0 .70 197 167 club scored two wins last weekend, Memorial Gymnasium. NY Giants f. 3 0 .67 164 121 World Series Schedule and Sparky Anderson, the Detroit locals are hoping for post-season play. By United Press International whipping Burlington by a 7-1 count St I»uis 3 f. 0 37T K6 200 (Los Angeles leads series, 3-3) Hgers’ manager, doing the color Washington 2 6 0 70 17 191 Oct. 20 — New York f. Los Angeles 3 S atu^ay and nipping Avon " F ” , 4-3, Central Oct. 21 New York 3. Los Angeles 0 commentary. IN r. 199 Sunday. Minnesota 3 0 67 188 Oct. 23 — Los Angeles f. New York 4 For Detroit’s sake, I hope this Tampa Bav 4 4 0 .roo 143 128 Oct. 24 Los Angeles 8. New York 7 Mike MacDonald had three goals, roo 197 170 DetPHt 4 4 0 Oct 7 Los Angeles 2, New York 1 ' Jay Snyder two and Shaun Brophy road company Casey Stengel Is a ftRICfi DEFENSE Things not any better for Irish (jrecn Bay 2 6 0 70 136 184 Oct. 27 - Los Angeles at New York, better manager than an announcer. Chicago 2 6 0 70 126 198 8:20 p.m. FXT and Mark Vigeant one apiece in the West x-Oct. 28 - Angeles at New York. win over Burlington. Mike Sardo, He’s sort of the illiterate listener’s MONEM J t / U X San Frannsco 6 2 0 7TO 191 140 c/ BONDS ^ couraged. If we can have five more SOUTH BE ND . Ind. (U P I) - just m e.” said Faust. “ I just hope I/)S Angeles 4 4 0 roo 191 180 3:20 p m F-ST Todd Guntulis, and Ted Miller Howard Cosell. He talks as if he wins at the end of the season, we’ll x-if necessary Things aren't getting much easier we don’t have any letdown. We Atlanta 4 4 0 roo 222 162 played well defensively. knows a lot about baseball but all he ORDERS have a great season.” played a great game against a New Orleans 2 6 0 70 98 163 for first year Notre Dame football Sunday’s Results Brophy had two goals and Snyder ever gives us is cliche after cliche. I Notre Dame plays Navy this week tremendously talented team in coach Gerry Faust. Cleveland C. Baltimore 28 and J eff Cappello one apiece in the sometimes suspect that’s all there is His team is o ff to the worst start but still must play No. 1 ranked Penn Southern California and I think Buffalo 9. Denver 7 I’hiladolphia 29. ^m pa Bay 10 win over Avon, avenging an earlier to know about baseball. in 18 years. The media is asking him State on the road and Miami of there is character enough on this defeat. Dan Callahan, Chris Lyder Detroit 31. Grer^Bay 27 If a businessmen goes to a foreign if he thinks he is qualified to coach Florida before the end of the season. club to come back.” St Uuls 30. M ^ K oU 17 and Scott Altrui played well for That follows a schedule that has Notre Dame hasn’t lost four of its Washington 24.^ England 22 ^’Bowling country, be often studies the on the college level and there are New York Giants 27, Atlanta 24. OT Manchester, 9-3-2 for the season. reports he might have violated seen Notre Dame play at Michigan first six games since 1963 when the New Orleans 17. Cincinnati 7 language so he at least knows the and Purdue and host Florida State Irish won only two of nine games. 5»an Francisco 20. Los Angeles 17 basics. If CBS is going to pay Ander­ NCAA recruiting rules. Worse yet Dallas 28. Miami 27 and Southern Cal. # for Faust, he was injured on the In Faust’s entire M oeller career, Chicago 20. San Diego 17. OT son to announce the games, he sidelines in the first half of the 14-7 ” 1 know some people think the he lost only 17 while winning 174 Seattle 19. New York Jets 3 might pay us the courtesy of taking hardest part of our schedule is Kansas City 28. Oakland 17 Sports State loss by Notre Dame to Southern Cal games over a 17-year period. Monday's Result CUNLIFFE AUTO- Larry Seretto a crash course in Elnglish at Berlitz behind us,” Faust said. “ But I know f’ittsburgh 26. Houston 13 last Saturday. Blood had to be Ironically, a visit to his old stom­ 184-464, CHiris Plumley 195-455, Dave before he does it again. Stengel with Penn State and Miami ahead, ping grounds resulted in reports he Sunday. November 1 drained from his knee on Sunday Atlanta at New Orleans. 1 p.m. Castagna 176-440, Dan Vignone 153- made himself a folk hero with his we still have a tough set of games in after a USC defensive player ran may have violated recruiting rules. Baltimore at Miami. 1 p.m. 431, Joe Tolisano 164-427, Jim Moore f'hicago at Tampa ^ y . 1 p.m. T uesday fractured English but there was into his knee, knocking him down front of us.” Notre Dame likely will The Cincinnati Enquirer said 186-425, Dan M cAllister 424, Tom Cleveland at Buffalo, 1 p.m. SOCCER often a kernel of wisdom buried and producing a noticeable limp. have to play those games without Moeller gave a pep talk in the Houston at Cincinnati, I p m. O’Connor 157-152-423, Steve Enfield at Manchester, 3 p.m. somewhere in his sentences that 'T m out for the season as far as tight end Dean Masztek, who in­ Moeller lockerroom during a recent New York Jets at New York Giants, 1 Williams 174-422, Carl Bujaucius p.m. Portland at Cheney Tech, 5:15 made them worth translating. running out of the tunnel, " Faust jured his leg in the Trojans’ game visit, which an NCAA official said San P'rancisco at Pittsburgh. 1 p.m. 158-417, Bob M ike 408, Adolph Coventry at Bolton, 3:15 said. “ I ’ll be okay. I'd rather have and may be out for the season. might be improper contact with an Seattle at Green Bay 2 p.m. Kuszaj 152-413, Hank Frey 403, Art There’s no gold hidden anywhere in Dallas at Philadelphia. 4 p.m. Manchester at Conard (girls), some wins than a good knee.” "W e ’re still pretty beaten up, not athlete. Cunliffe 400; John Fox 398, Jhn Sparky Anderson’s pigeon English. Detroit at l.^s Angeles. 4 p.m. . 3:30 Faust hurt the knee playing high Kansas City at San Diego. 4 p.m. DeAngelis 392, Mike Lappen 156-390, Most of it is meaningless any way school football but said he hadn’t New England at Oakland. 4 p.m. St. Paul at East Catholic (girls), Soccer picks St. Louis at Washington. 4 p.m. Jim Evans 151-390, Scott Smith 390, 3:15 you say it. been troubled much by it until he Monday. November 2 Elmil Roux 156. “ A club that’s winning don’t have reinjured it in the game against the , KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) - The Gridder charged Minnesota at Denver. 9 p.m. HELD HOCKEY Hall at Manchester, 3 p.m. no problems,” he said. He always Trojans. Major Indoor Soccer League unof­ C IN CINNATI (U P I) — Junior run­ LaV A E D U S TY- John Cermola GIRLS VOLLEYBALL uses the word “club” instead of "You notice it. it hurts ficially declared St. Louis Universi­ ning back Leo McClelland of Tem ple 221-205-615, John Kozicki 235-598. Houston 0 3 0 IfF-W East Catholic at Rockville “ team.” That’s baseball expertise, I sometimes, but I ’m trying not to ty the best college team in the coun­ University made bail Monday and Pittsburgh 10 3 0 12--26 Bill Foster 231-556, Ernie Whipple GIRLS SWIMMING guess. think about it,” Faust said. try by selecting four of its players, was released from jail, where he Pitt-P'G Trout 19 203, Bob O liver 21I1-501, Ken Oliver Pitt-Smith 46 pass from Bradshaw East Catholic at Manchester, 3:30 While Faust isn’t noticing the pain including top pick John Hayes, in its had spent the weekend on charges of I trout kick) 213-201-573, Bruce Moquin 206-551, Wednesday ABOUT THE Yankees and in his knee, he is also trying to ig­ annual draft. The St. Louis grand theft. Hott-FG Fritsch 34 A1 Senna 203, Ralph Dukett 21^563, Pit-FG Trout 19 ^ SOCCER Dodgers, he said, “ Both these teams ) ’. " f nore criticism that the Irish made a Steamers, who acquired the first McClelland, 22, of Philadelphia, Hou-Casper f2 pass from Stabler Rich Higgins 214-219697, A1 Senna MCC at Mitchell, 3:15 are very professional as far as the mistake in hiring a high school selection in the draft in an 11th hour iPYilsrh kick) was arrested Saturday for allegedly 203. Manchester at Northwest Catholic coach to serve at one of the nation’s deal with the New Jersey Rockets Hou-PG P'rilsch 44 ^ . Big Leagues is concerned.” stealing an overcoat valued at |4S0 Pitt-Stallwnrth 6 pass from Bradshaw major football universities. An in­ for future considerations, took the (girls), 3:15 When someone threw a bottle at a from a downtown department store. (kick fail^i U.S.MIXED- Dave Neff 234-579, GIRLS VOLLEYBALL terviewer asked Faust if he thought forward Hayes Monday to kick off Pitt-Harns I liin (Trout k)ck) Lee Cote 203, Ernie Whipple 208, Dodger outfielder, Dodger manager A-f2 732 Wethersfield at Manchester Notre Dame had made a mistake in the four-round draft. John Kozicki 208-204-214-626, Reggie Tommy Lasorda came out on the hiring him from Cincinnati Moeller The Steamers, the league field. ' High School. Faust replied, “ No. Do runnerup last season to the New “ I know Tom my good enough so you think they made a mistake? “ I York Arrows, then selected forward Local sports featured be don’t let nobody throw no bottles know what people say sometimes Armando Betancourt of Indiana at his players,” Sparky all- and they all have a right to their opi- University with their own first- Len Auster, Herald sportswriter, keeps you informed W AiritD Manchester Lodge )|(73 Americanized. ^ nion. But judging upon the improve­ round choice and 12th overall selec­ about the local sports world. Read the latest in his ment we had against USC. I ’m en­ tion. “Thoughts ApLENty,” regularly in The Manch^ter When Laaorda left a wild pitcher Herald. TO BUY Aimual Sports in the game while he Walked a man with the bases loaded, Sparky laid, CLEAN “ Tommy done a great thing there.” Tuesdayp Nov. 10 1 couldn’t figure out why It was a Henderson charged TOPQUAUTT Golf at Dinner 7 FJL Dintion *150 great thing, but Sparky said it would DALLAS (UPI) - day after testimony by CHIL-D06S BLACKLED6E COUNTRY CLUB U S D (MRS give the pitcher experience next Former Dallas linebacker Henderson and George HAMBURQ8 Through th« month of Novombor i t Featuring it tim e he waa in that aitnation. Anderson, who said he was Thomas ’’Hollywood” FR. FRIES CARTER ARNOLD DEAN — Sporta Ohador WTIC^ A fter four inninga with the acore struck on. th.e head during Rmducad rsfos start on Nov. 2 ' Henderson has been , TAKE-OUTS ‘TERRY TATA — N.L. Umpha 4-0 in favor (rf the Yankeea, he said, ordered to pay $1,226 in an argument Dec. 6, 1978. WMkdayK 9 ho

them, so why mess up their life?” he Don’t stomp roaches said. " I f that’s what they want to do, TAHLEQUAH, Okla. (UPI) - let ’em finish it up however they New groups offer help Aku, a professional racing roach want.” from Hawaii, won the First Annual A second Mn. Bill, said Monday World Championship Cockroach his parents were back in their home Race, beating 12 opponents on the and said he was relieved the issue 2.5-meter course. was finally settled. Johnson, 88, and to young incest victims Aku, sponsored by Honolulu radio Mrs. Johnson, 77, had been staying station KSSK, ran the course in a with Bill while the case was pen­ record 4.4. seconds Monday. He beat ding. DEAR ABBY: Please give more DEAR ABBY: Tears of anger " I t ’s probably a good thing to let competitors with colorful names publicity to a problem that has been burned m y eyes when I read the bygones be bygones,” Bill said. "M y like Secretariat II, The Mighty Byte "in the closet” much too long. It letter from "Smothered in Maine,” parents have their house back and- and Speedy Gonzalez in the race, concerns incest and child molesta­ who claimed her mother-in-law was they have people to take care of Dear which was broadcast live to Hawaii. tion. doing too much for Karla, her 2- them ... She (his mother) is really The roach, trained by Hawaiian When this catastropic crim e hit year-old granddaughter. ("She has happy — she got her house back.” Abby comedian Andy Bumatai, braved my family of highly respectable, bought her way into our lives,” she Abigail said, "and 1 am sick of it.” ) Collector’s Corner chilly winds and the feet of about 700 educated people, I handled it all fans at newly established Cucaracha wrong. In our case, it was a grand­ Van Buren She ridiculed “ Ganuiias’s” offer Mama panda to baby-sit every weekend and Downs on the Northeastern State father. Half the family was out­ University campus. resented all the lavish gifts she PEK ING (U P I) — A panda fitted raged. The other half thought the "In my home town of Waianae, first half was overreacting, or showered on Karla. cockroach racing is a big sport,” with a radio tracer and living in the ’This is m y Gamma: Beware the coin possibly that we were mistaken Bumatai said. wilds of Sichuan Province has given Thank you for your generous gifts birth, scientists reported. about the intentions of a loving old The event was sponsored by grandfather. that often allowed m y parents the NSU’s biology club in an attempt to The official Xinhua News Agency extra money to add to m y education said U.S. and Chinese scientists at Out o f fam ily loyalty, we did not Box 952, San Jose, Calif. 95108. abolish prejudice against prosecute. We were wrong. Because this is a non-profit fund. cockroaches. Entries were r^uired Wolong Panda Conservation Center ’Thank you for providing time for that is not a coin Consequently, nothing has been done organization, please enclose a long, to be of native American lineage, heard a baby panda crying in the lair my mother and dad to be alone to get the offender the help he needs. seU-address^, stamped envelope of Zhen Zhen, a 10-year-old panda, together. and for a small fee the club rented Abby, this crime must be stopped. for a reply. By Russ MacKendrick and tried to approach but were Thank you for letting me bake numismatic world several years before the familiar out racers. I am certain there is much more of driven away by the mother. cookies in your magic kitchen and Red Book that coin people look for so eagerly every Ju­ It going on than most people realize. Beware the coin that is not a coin! The birth occurred about a month never mentioning the mess. ly. The child must be the first concern. The inscription within the hexagon ("Minimum legal ago, it said. Herald photo by Pinto ’Thank you for the nights spent in ’The first Red ( “ A Guide Book of United States Nice to hear from you ’Then treatment (forced, if need be) D E AR A B B Y i I ’m 39 and work in weight of oblique milled old Fur. Rupee 171.198 prs” ), Zhen Zhen is one of the pandas your big bed, and for not being cross Coins” ) appeared in 1947. The first blue (“ Handbook of MEMPHIS, Tenn. (U P I) — When Big impression for the sick offender. Please let your the stockroom of my father’s makes its purpose obvious enough — it was made to fitted with radio tracers as part of a when I threw up on your comforter. United States Coins ... With Premium List” ), came in a disgruntled citizen wrote to readers know that ignoring child sportswear store. A man about my check the weight of a certain silver coin somewhat save-the-panda effort sponsored by Cub Scouts of Pack 112 present dinosaur track footprints to For my first roller skates, for 1943. It was two years in the making. Dick Yeoman had former President Jimmy Carter to Impressions. Scouts are (from left) Jeffrey Rubacha, Tony molestation hurts everyone. father’s age (60), who happens to be smaller than our 50-cent piece. the Chinese government and the telling me when Grandpa went to the help of C.E. Green, a Chicago dealer, and Lee call him a “ bungler,” he didn’t Mrs. Sarah Elsessel, Washington School librarian. The scouts Salafla, Damon lacovelll, Jayson RIghenzI with the troop W I’THHOLD M Y N AM E AND C ITY a good friend of my father, works But what about the DOBLONE DOPPIO D1 World Wildlife Fund. Heaven, for holding m y hand at the Hewitt, the publisher of the "Numismatic Scrapbook expect a return letter thanking him recently visited Dinosaur State Park In Rocky Hill to make the mascot, LanI lacovelll, looking on. with me. ’This “ friend” steals SPAG NA? It is calling itself a Spanish double doubloon The scientists observed her DEAR WITHHOLD: Child dentist, for helping me look for Snuf­ Magazine,” in "designing a book to accurately reflect for his "thoughtful expression of merchandise all the time. I’m the — whereas it is really no such thing. It is just a hunk of mating April 13 and later saw she molestation and particularly incest fy.for three days when he was lost, the wholesale market.” support.” ' only one who knows it because there fancified metal made to be put onto a balance pan to was pregnant. Early last month, already have one foot out of the and for all the wonderful years and It has never been as popular as the Red Book because William Loeb, brother of former are just the two of us back there. He help qualify a real double doubloon. scientists concluded she was about closet. ’There is an organization that endless hugs, thank you, Grammle. it is less informative — only 128 pages instead of 256. Memphis Mayor Henry Loeb, said Holiday makes no effort to hide his stealing It is almost as if they were trying to kid somebody into to give birth because radio signals Women polled has proven to be very helpful. There is nothing in it about the Sommer Islands (B er­ Dear heart, wherever you are, I love his note to Carter in Plains, Ga., from me — he just takes whatever believing it is a real coin. The reverse of the rupee frorh her tracer indicated a sudden "Parents United and Daughters you. muda) Hogge money; there are no state coinages, no was explicit in its criticism. he wants as though it belonged to weight is left blank, while the other side of the doblone reduction in movements. and Sons United” chapters have BONNIE Rosa Americanas, Elephant Tokens, Higley coppers, " I can sense how you must feel, him! doppio is ornamented with an eagle, a crown, mace, key sprung up in many parts of the coun­ Pitt Tokens, Continental Dollars, or even the Fugio rejected by such an overwhelming on abortion Should I tell my father, or should I and plumes. turkeys Cents. The earliest coin mentioned in the Blue Book is try. ’This self-help group is affiliated majority of the American elec­ Bike program set say something to this man? Coin weights come up at the big auction houses now with a professional treatment the 1792 half disme. torate,” Loeb wrote Carter. Female cops "C” and then. Recently a Long Island gallery had nine of Students at Highland Park School w ill participate in a program and works closely with the Do you have questions about sex, The grading is less extensive in the blue as compared “ Your consistent bungling of all NEW Y O R K (U P I) — Women are concerned that them offered as one lot with an estimated value of $75 decisions about abortion laws are usually made by bicycle safety program Oct. 28 at 2:15 p.m. in coordina­ courts. While protection of the child DEAR “ C” i First tell the love, drugs and the pain of growing with the red and theke is no reference to the Official things domestic and foreign, in fact, don’t want haircuts and up. ’They were "probably 18th century brass,” con­ plentiful is always given top priority, support "friend” that you’ve noticed him up? Get Abby’s new booklet: "W hat A.N.A. Standards now in use. qnen, the first national survey to poll only women on tion with the University of Connecticut 4-H Program. made it easy for the voters to see KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (UPI) - dition fine to very fine. There was an 8-reale piece abortion showed. A parent who is a police officer w ill be in attendance is provided for families who want to helping himself to your father’s Every TeenAger Ought to Know.” Although seemingly intended for the guidance of the light and change direction after Mayor Randy ’Tyree says he will try marked "P H IL IP V S IIII,” various 4-reale ones, and, The poll, conducted by Yankelovich, Skelly and and the “ talking bike” will also be featured. Parents of work out their problems and stay merchandise, and ask if he has some Send $2 and a long, stamped (35 dealers in buying coins the Blue Book is not close enough 50 years of rot,” the note said. to convince police officials to WASHINGTON (U PI) - Gobblers most notably, a 1708 Carlos III pistareen (West Indian White for the November issue of Life magazine, Highland Park School students, pre-school brothers and together, and even for those who- kind of arrangement with your cents), self-addressed envelope to: to the current market for their taste. Most of the pros Loeb said Carter’s answer was: change their order demanding and other Thanksgiving favorites silver). The very existence of that particular coin found that 70 percent of women questioned were sisters are invited to attend. don’t!" father that permits him to take what Abby, Teen booklet, 12060 are using periodicals like the "g rey sheet” and some “Rosalynn and I appreciate your female officers to cut their hair as like cranberries, fruits and nuts will weight made the auctioneers unhappy, since to the troubled by the fact that decisions about abortion Information is available free by he wants without cost. H aw th orn e B lv d ., Suite 5000, even have electronic tickers. The trading of gold and kind message. We share your love description in the catalog they .added this lugubrious short as their male counterparts. be in plentiful supply at reasonable writing to: Parents United, P.O. ’Then check it out with your father. Hawthorne, Calif. 9(050. silver as commodities is quieter lately, but a few laws are usually made by politicians and judges note, “ ...may turn up later, offered dishonestly as a and concern for this great country Police Chief Bob Marshall issued prices this holiday. months ago it had coin valuations on a roller coaster. who are men. La Lache meets and are grateful for your thoughtful the order and it has caused a stir Turkey supplies are expected to pattern.” To note a few price differences: Take the popular The survey, which sampled opinions of 1,015 expression of support.” among women officers. be 20 percent to 25 percent larger ’The upshot is — make sure the coin is a con is a coin. wheatie cent, the 1914D in good condition — it is $65 in women from all areas of the country, also found 56 "Nutrition and Weaning” w ill be the topic of the Nov. Officer Dohna Pence said Monday than last November, the Agriculture the blue, $85 in the red, and a starry-eyed $105 in a percent of those responding said they felt abortion 4 meeting of the Manchester evening group of La Lecbe Marshall’s order was an effort to Department said Monday in its an­ ’The 39th edition of the Yeoman Blue Book will be current Coin Trends. Another wheat, the 1931S is $20, was morally wrong. League. Couple home after "humiliate and denigrate” woman nual turkey prediction. Dizziness may ready in a few days. It may come as a surprise to hear have $30, and $40. If you are dealing with a chum, settle on 20 Sixty-six percent of those questioned said they The meeting w ill be at the home o f Cathy Cyr, 38 Cone officers and to justify the Police Most of the increase in supplies that this one, “ the buying book, ” came into the son drops eviction felt the women they knew who had elected to have St. at 7:30 p.m. Elaine Waite, 58 Briarwood Drive, 647- bucks and you can both be 'jsullen but not mutinous.” Department’s failure to hire more will be due to turkeys held in cold abortions had done the right thing. 9844 has further information. The price of the 1982 "Handbook...” is $3.50. If not W ICH ITA, Kan. (U P I) - An woman. storage. Cold storage supplies on Legal abortions were favored by 92 percent of the found locally, and another dollar and send to Western elderly couple, who staved off their Tyree said the order was "too Nov. 1 are expected to set a record Publishing Co., Dept. M, P.O. Box 700, Racine, W153401. respondents in cases where pregnancy posed risks son’s effort to evict them, plan to re­ restrictive.” any of several at 5 percent to 40 percent above last causes About Town The Stock No. is 9050. to the woman’s health; 88 percent approved of abor­ main in their red brick home as long Marshall said he wants officers year’s levels. Eastern Star meeting tion in cases of rape, 87 percent if the fetus had a as they are able to care for neat for the World’s Fair scheduled The department's marketing . DEAR DR. LAMB — I am writing Meanwhile, wear some support Today, Oct. 27: Regular circuit book and trading night genetic defect and 86 percent if the pregnancy had hose or pressure bandages around themselves. in Knoxville next year. He said specialists said shoppers should be Temple Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will meet you regarding my unbalanced condi­ for the Manchester Philatelic Society at Mott’s Com­ resulted from incest. your lower legs and see if you get Ed and Elizabeth Johnson were beginning Nov. 1, the women must able to find "just the right size fresh Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Temple, E. Center tion. I am lightheaded. ’This condi­ AARP to meet munity Hall, 587 Middle Turnpike East. The doors open Fifty-nine percent opposed the Human Life any help from preventing pooling of evicted from their longtime home keep their hair cut above the top of or frozen turkey at an attractive Street. This meeting will be a change from the previous­ tion has been gradually getting at 6:30 p.m. Amendment, a proposal before the U.S. Senate Your blood in your legs. That sometimes Chapter 604 A A R P will m eet Nov. 4 at 1:30 p.m. at the by their son, Clarence. their ears and hair may not protrude price, especially when compared ly announced schedule. worse the past few inonths. I have declaring that human life begins at conception. improves circulation to the brain Knights of Columbus Hall, 138 Main St. Entertainment Clarence Johnson, a 50-year-old more than 1 Vi inches from the scalp. with prices of a year ago.” The program will be renewal of the obligation and a been under a doctor’s care for The Life article concluded, "Despite objections Health when you are standing. will be by the “ Senior T rio” consisting of Helen Bum- engineer, would not discuss the "W e weren’t told before we took Fresh cranberries, apples, winter study of rules and regulations. A teacup auction will several years because of weakness they might have on moral grounds, not one major D E AR DR. LA M B - Please help ford, Ethel James and Jim Brand. case, but relatives said he was the job we would have to look like pears, dried prunes, raisins, sweet follow the meeting. in m y legs. He says poor circulation grouping — including the most politically conser­ Lawrence Several new members joined the group in September. merely trying to get his infirm men,” said officer Cindy Clark. “ I potatoes, rice, dry beans, peanuts to my brain is the problem. I have A me with my fingernail problem. ’They vative — believes a woman should be legally denied Lamb. M.D. are thin and brittle, everytim e I ’They are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Anielio, Mr. and Mrs. parents to move to a place where went to every interview in a dress. and filberts will be plentiful, which had a brain scan. When I step out in the right to choose an abortion if she determines bump them they crack. When I was Leonard Bayek, Mr. and Mrs. Merton Bell, Dorothy they could be looked after. ” We don’t feel the world is going to the department defines as "more an open space, such as crossing the that the procedure is necessary.” younger I could wear them as long Collier, Francis Ckircoran, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dodge, But late last week, Clarence be impressed to come in here and than enough for requirements.” 'street, I am sure! am going to fall. as I wanted to without breaking Margaret McCooe, Wanda ’Turgeon, Genevieve Mar- decided to drop the case. see a bunch of women looking like Record crops of California Any suggestions would be most ap­ them. I take gelatin capsules and a coux, Margaret Nicola, Mr. and Mrs. William Dalton. ’ ’There’s nothing 1 can do for men.” almonds and walnuts are expected. Whiton Library preciated as my doctor seems to drink that contains gelatin, but it Jeanette IViley, Alva Rusconi, Olga Roax and Trudy Pecan production will be 84 percent think there is nothing more he can brain that are related to position Scheer. larger than last year’s drought- do. sense and maintaining your blood hasn’t helped. I take calcium, phosphorous and vitamin D cap­ The group is planning a trip to the Coachlight Dinner stricken crop. ’The medicines I am taking are pressure when you are standing. sules. Still no improvement. Is there ’Theater tosee "M arne” on Nov. 11. Buses will leave the Q>uple spends night A long list of foods will be in Hydergine, Aldomet, Antivert and ’The sensations from your eyes, lists new books anything I can take that will give me Knights of Columbus parking area at 11 a.m. and return adequate supply next month. That Reunion planned Hydrodiuril. I am active, still drive ears and position sense from nerves stronger fingernails? about 5:30 p.m. means there will be enough to m eet and seem very alert. My blood all over the body, are integrated in D E AR R E A D E R — ’They may not normal needs. cookbook pressure and cholesterol are good. the brain to give you proper balance. The class of 1971 of East Catholic High School will New books at Shahan — Living almie liking ’This is discussed in more detail in be stronger but you can help stop with 1,000 reptiles They are potatoes; onions; fresh have its 10th reunion Nov. 27 at Willie’s Steak House It DEAR READER - You fall into Manchester’s Whiton breakage. Gelatin w ill not help. It is vegetables; fresh grapes; oranges; i t ! : a ccHnplete guide to living on the category of what is called the The Health Letter number 9-10, Diz­ Scouting Day slated starting with a cocktail hour at 6:30 p.m. Dinner will Memorial Library: your own lemons; grapefruit; canned, frozen ziness and Vertigo, which I am sen­ a poor protein, in the sense that it is security force by banging on the follow. Thomas — So long .until “dizzy patient.” Tliere are in­ Oct. 31 will be observed as Scouting Day. Manchester COLUMBUS, Ohio (U P I) - Jean- and chilled citrus juices; canned ding you. Others who want this issue an incomplete protein and does not building’s doors. Music will be provided by "Sunshine” for dancing. tomorrow: from Quaker Hill to creasing numbers of people who boys, 11 or older, interested in joining a Scout troop, nine Moore’s boyfriend thought it Fiction can send 75 cents with a long, contain all the essential amino acids non-citrus fruits and juices; dry Members of the reunion committee have sent notifica­ Kathmandu have faintness, dizziness and related should go to the Mary Cheney Library that day anytime was an adventure, but she found it “ At first it was pretty creepy,” T im e-L ife Books — Roofs and of a complete protein. You are peas; processed vegetables; canned tion to class members. Any member not contacted Daley — Year of the dragon: a problems. stamped, self-addressed envelope from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. pretty frightening to be accidentally said Miss Moore, laughing about the novel siding better off with good food sources sweet potatoes; frozen snap beans; should call Richard Ckmti, 643-2181 or Ann M arie Ladyga Some episodes are caused by ear for it to me, in care of this Boys from the third through the fifth grades are in­ locked overnight in the Columbus incident. " I t took me about an hour D e Larrabeili — The bunce Underwood ~ Hostage to heaven such as the meat and dairy groups. frozen sweet com ; and frozen green Burney, 872-6608. problems — that is particularly like­ newspaper, P.O. Box 1551, Radio vited to join the Cub Scouts. At the library, they will be Zoo’s Reptile House with some of to get comfortable. It was scary at Ebersohn — Divide the night: a Junior Room You probably have some drying / peas. mystery ly in patients beiow age 50. Many of a ty Station, New York, N Y 10019. referred to the Cub Scout pack or Boy Scout troop in the world’s most poisonous snakes. first, but then it was just funny. We and thinning as is common as you Fast — The legacy Fiction and non-fictlon these patients have true vertigo, Some of these problems are made their neighborhood. And Miss Moore said Monday she were cracking jokes about it.” Hairis — The last great love get older. Nails are like skin and 1 /iflaiirli._ Adler — The cat that was M t meaning a sensation of the b ^ y worse by medicines commonly used For more information call David Parry, Monday would have found it a lot more Higgins ^ Luciano's luck behind today. Your doctor may have done need to be moisturized, (jover your Her boyfriend, a law student, was Irving — The Hotel New moving when it is not. Other through Friday from 8:30 a m. to 4:30 p.m. at 525-1112. I Hrralft frightening if she’d known that some Singles program set Banks — The Indian in the cup­ nails with. Vaseline- and put on a calm throughout their 13-hour Hampshire patients have the form of dizziness too good a job in controlling your of the cobras have escaped in the board fingercot to keep the vaseline there. ordeal. Talk show slated Jaffe — Mazes and monsters Coffin — The gruesome grapn that people experience ‘when they blood pressure or lowered your salt past. Itfarzollo— Halfway down Paddy Leave it on each n i^ t when you go "P e te thought it was an adven­ HARTFORD —"One is a Whole Number,” is the witch start to faint. too much. ’That happens particularly Catechetics tonight Miss Moore, 24, and her boyfriend, Lane Crews — Light to bed. ’That w ill stop the drying. ture,” she said. HARTFORD -The Hartford theme and title of a new Jewish Identity/Awareness It is. a difficult problem to in older patients. Ask him if he can Peter B. Ruffing, 25, both of Colum­ program for the Jewish single scheduled Sunday from Meyer ~ Confessions of a Crocker — Cooky book Fingercots are those little rubber Part of the adventure was hearing Jewish Community Center, 33f. homing pigeon: a novel diagnose and often even more dif­ refer you to a neurologist to check Catechetics.classes of Concordia Lutheran Church bus, spent a casual Sunday strolling 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at ASK House, 1040 Prospect Ave., D eLage — The old witch gets a tips for fingers you can buy at your some pretty unusual sounds. Bloomfield Ave., West Hartford, O gilvie — The silent ones surprise ficult to treat. Some are caused by on the brain function for you, if he will meet at the church, 60 Pitkin St. tonight at 6:30 and — Ezcellent women drug store. Even small businessmen through the zoo. will liost a talk for single people Hartford. Goldin — Geothermal energy: a poor circulation to centers of the has not already done so. the Bible study group will meet at 8 p.m. R ^ers — Love play But at the end of the day a securi­ "W e heard some different noises Nov, 3 at 7:30 p.m. The theme of the The program will be co-sponsored by the Greater hot prospect On Wednesday the Children’s choir will rehearse at Valin — Dead letter Hall — The mystery of the have cash flow problems. ty guard inadvertently locked them at night like the alligator splashing talk will be “ Chavurot.” Hartford Jewish Federation and the Hartford Jewish 6:30 p.m. and the Concordia Choir at 7:45 p.m. ’The Bible in the Reptile House, where the 1,- Non-fictlon caramel cat around,” said Miss Moore, a A Chavurah is a group where one Community Center. Lem ke x Places and faces; a discovery group w ill meet Thursday at 9:30 a.m. and at 100 r e s id e n t s in c lu d e 25 physical therapist at St. Ann’s can share the home celebrations of "One is a Whole Number” will give participants an Barthel — A death In California picture book 1:30 p.m. Uie golden age group will meet. rattlesnakes, five alligators, eight Hospital. Jewish holidays, study Jewish opportunity to examine issues of cultural, social and DeMille — Reprieve: a memoir Nixon — ‘‘The mysterious queen On Saturday the Worship and Music Committee will Dowling — The Cinderella com­ of m agic Cure for loneliness: cobras and a 16-foot anaconda. The couple spent most of the night history and explore topics and issues religious concern. plex: women's hidden fear o f in­ Showers ~ No measles, no meet at 9 a.m. They were released 13 hours later on the floor outside the curator's of­ of Jewish identity. Refreshments and kosher lunch w ill be included in the dependence mumps for me Your newspaper carrier depends on at 7:30 a.m. Monday after they fice because it was the warmest For more information call the |10 registration fee. Babysitting will be available on U.S.N.O.S. - Tide tables 1961 Van Leeuwen — More tales of his collections each week to pay his caught the attention of the zoo’s place in the building. center 236-4571. request. Reich - 7 The Viennese pastry Oliver P ig Church women celebrate Meet other loners' bill, whether or not he has received Church Women United in Manchester will celebrate payment from his customers. When Yankee Traveler World Community Day on Nov. 6 at Second stitchery, raising a few flowers. DEAR DR. BLAKER - How Congregational Church, 385 N. Main St. he doesn't get paid, he has to dip Perhaps you could send this letter could anyone, like that 62-year-old Women are invited to bring a bag lunch at noon. The on to that poor woman in your Into his pocket to make up the woman in your recent column, go to worship service will be at 1 p.m. column. the same park every day and eat at | Ask Since 1943 Church Women United has celebrated difference. Newport has marathon, photos, Currier and Ives prints World Community Day to emphasize unified action for the same place and complain that justice and peace. The theme for this year’s celebration she is lonely? Dr. Blaker DEAR READER — I’m going to do one better. I am printing it for is, “ ’The Last Commandment: Put Away Your Sword.” By Eve F. Wahrsager Thames Street and Wellington For more information, call the Luce.was a pioneer in industrial of wild berries that grew on the cucopvst and most popular pictures Your reply was kind and instruc­ You can help make a small Karen Blaker, Ph.D. everyone to read. How often people The service has been written by the women of the ALA Auto and Travel Club Avenue, past the Ida Lewis Yacht Preservation Society of Newport photography, documenting the early banks of the Piscataqua River. in the world.” tive but too gentle. I wish you had forget that the best way to get is to Greek Orthodox Church and draws upon the liturgy of businessman from going under If Club and then along the scenic 10- County, 118 M ill St., Newport, R.I. growth of industry in the Worcester Today, the Banke preserves the Romantic love scenes, family told her to "Get interested in peo­ give. You are a very wise and, ob­ their tradition. W E LLE SLE Y, Mass. (U P I) - mile Ocean Drive, ending back at 02840. ’Ilie phone number: (401) 847- area. Today, the E.B. Luce Co. is maritime and artistic history of the pets, historical events, great ships, ple, for Pete’s sake.” you pay your carrier viously, very happy person. It must Those looking for something to do the school. 1000. America’s oldest photographic area. political satire, fam ily registers and After m y husband died 15 years give you a great sense of satisfac­ the weekend of Oct. 3UNov. 1 may Tom Grundy of North Smithfield, laboratory. The company produces Homes of sea captains, sailors, motto cards retailed at easily affor­ ago, the couples we used to see when he calls to collect. Thank you. tion to know that you have created want to visit Newport, R.I., and take R.I., and Pat Robinson of Cam­ The career of Eklwin B. Luce large photo murals and transparen­ firiiermen and ship wrists still dable prices. Printed in huge quan­ socially stopped inviting me to I’M CONCER^ED ABOUT: this satisfying life lor yourself. in the Ocean State Marathon, an bridge, Mass., will be back this year (1881-1938) is well documented in cies. stand. Working craft shops — tities, almost every American events. It seems that widows con­ Mother’s Day cards and Christ­ PEOPLE, exhibit of 19th century photographs to defend their titles. the Museum of Our National ’The Museum of Our National staffed by blacksmiths, potters^, owned a print. stitute a threat and besides, an odd mas mail come in bundles, often ad­ OUR TOWN, made from rare glass plate For more information, call (401) Heritage’s new show, “ E.B. Luce, Heritage is located at 33 Marrett weavers, leatherworkers and fur^ Come enjoy this glimpse of IBth woman with no escort is a social dressed to ‘My Other Mother’ or Manchester Herald THE QUALITY OF LIFE. negatives, and a show of Currier and 88,5-1382. Photographer.” Along with 140 Road, Lexington, Mass. The niture makers — produce modem century American life as w ell as the liability. ‘Auntie.’ Ives prints. ^ All the mansions are open through black and white prints, and studio museum is open Monday through objects based on traditional Banke’s permanent exhibits for the So. to fill up the holes, I started in­ I have come to the conclusion that Manchester Conn The sixth annual Ocean State Nov. 1, daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., portraits, visitors to the museum in Saturday from 10-a.m. to 4 p.m. techniques. Boat builders and ap­ regular admission price. Until Nov. viting ‘loners’ to my home. Some one lifetime is not sufficient to enjoy RE-ELECT Marathon begins at 11 a m. Nov. 1 at if you’d like to stop by while you’re I.«xington, Mass., can see a life-size Starting Nov. 1, Sunday from noon prentices custom-make wooden 15, the Banke is open from 9:30 a.m. were just kids in need of a friendly all there is to be sampled of life. Got a news tip? Rogers High School in^Newport. The in the neighborhood. reconstruction of L u c e’s to 5:30 p.m. F ree admission and dories, skiffs and row boats. to 5 p.m. After Nov. 15, open only by shoulder and a listening ear. What a ’There are so many simple pleasures BARBARA WEINBERG 2..500 xunners will race over a 26- During the winter. Marble House, Worcester studio — complete with parking. .Teleplione: (617) 861-&560.- Strawberry Banke is now hosting appointment, at 10:30 a.m. and 1:M ball I'v e had! I found that the world to be savored — like geese going If you have a news tip or story mile. 385-yard loop course. They will The Elms, and Chateausur-Mer will prons Antique cameras and lenses, an exhibit of Currier and Ives prints p.m. ’Two guided tours for groups is full of people who need someone south in the fall, bird songs in the id'-; i.k Manchester, contact City BOARD OF DIRECTORS pound past the Bellevue Avenue be open weekends from 10 a.m. to 4 including a rare 18 by 22 inch Seventeenth century settlers that w ill run through the holidays. are available. Admission: adults to ask for advice, to offer consola­ spring, stray animals to feed and Editor Alex Girelll at The VOTi DEMOCMTIC NOV. M 647-9946 mansions, once home to the Vander­ 14.50, children $1.50. Manchester Herald, telephone 643- M d For By CommlMM To Ito-eiael Bartiara WalniMrg; p.m., also on Fri., Nov. 27. Hunter mahogany field camera, are part of named Strawberry Bahke in Currier and Ives prints were adver­ tion for some sorrow and to feel leaves turning color. And there are Jolin ThempMn, TtMS. bilts and other industrial magnates, House is open by appointment. the exhibit. Portsmouth, N.H., for the quantities tised by their creators as "the Call (603) 436-8010 for mom infor­ there is somebody who cares. hobbies galore — painting, music. 2711. to Memorial Boulevard, along mation. THE HERALD, Tues., Oct. 27, 1981 16 - THE HERALD, Tues., Oct. 27, 1981 Jessier really Tuesday TV

Sietera.’ (Rated (R) (2 hra.) ^ CharMs's kngaH 1:30 ® Tie Tec Dough GD Love Amoricen Style gentle person (B) Collogo Football (Contlnuaa 9 Beet Of The NFL 1976 Houston FrewnDayUmalRutgarsva Alabama Oilers and 1979 Pittsburgh Steetere Tuesday ^ h lig h la (R) @ Tlw tveral Of ■oyn* Cnila, 9 Laurel And Hardy PartllQIannCofbattandKurtRuBtall Maureen McCormick (left) and 1:35 •tar In this family apacial that talla of CD Newe-Weether chool oblo tha advanturaa of an American Eve Plumb, as Marcia and Jan 1:40 SNewspaper of Manchester High School — Space U couitesy of The nchoster Hlarald •choolboy in Ireland who. along with CD Moment Of Meditation Brady, respectiveiy, are a pair of iof many skills hla Irieh friend, becomea Involved in VOL. XXXXVIll — No. 6 beautifui brides as they participate 2:00 an eaplonage plot aurrounding a CDMovle-(Adventure)*** "Oodle •• dafeoting acientiat. in joint nuptiais in ’DIE BRAOY My Co-Pilot" 1946 Dannie Morgan. ( 9 Dr. Scott Oil HabrewafCofltln- GIRLS GET MARRIED, on "NBC Raymond Maasey. The W.W. II story, UBy James J. Doyle uaa From Daytime) of the Flying Tigers Air Force- W SportaNowFirafcomplete Tuesday Night at the Movies," Oc­ :;1JPI Reporter tober 27. eguedron.(2hrt.. I3mlne.) •porta r e p ^ of the day'a aporta D Joe FrankNn Show Youth hypentnoa. 7 HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - But before the ceremony can 9 Sporta Update The latest sports O TV Community Collage: take piace, there are some results for the West Coast sports Wolf promoted ” Just about every movie or Undaratandlng Human Behavior humorous but troubiesome ques­ fan. television fan knows tee 9 Jafferaona 9 star Trek (9 Jim Rockford: Private tions that have to be answered. 2:30 shows face of Robert Tessier, but iQyaattgator Robert Reed and Eiorence ® SportaCenter few know the name. The v t Humanitlae Through The Arte Henderson also star. (8)0vernlght Desk Best ofthe day'a face is unforgettable, an e:06 r e p o rts : Newsdesk, Freeman in campaign (S) Nawa W orld Dally newa The success of this movie pilot Raporta, Sports Update and angry hood ornament. hlghllghta, national and reunited the TV family for a short­ Moneyiine. talent international. He is currently seen on a lived series reunion last winter. But 2:40 9:30 television commercial audiences love a wedding, hence, CD News The wolt is becoming extinct in babysitter while they are out hun­ This is tee first year that Illing O JCBSNawa 2:45 North America. Perhaps because ting. punching out a bag of Gp BuHaeya the repeat nuptials. 9 Movie-(Drama)** "Rip-Off" an^ Bennet have combined to form ThWWaak In Tha NHL KerenBlack.LeeVanCleef. Whena Because of a predator-control potato chips. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME. extinction of wild life is so tee Manchester Freshman Football 0 0 9 NBC Newa TV coMFutoa M en ctt. MC safecrack er is doublecroaaed. prevalent in the world today, the program carried out by the U.S. He recently was seen in 9 9 Nightly Bualneaa Report during s diamond heist, a woman general public has become immune Government, the wolf has been Team. Under tee coaching of Mr. ‘‘Cannonball Run,”' 9 Bob Newhart Show comes to his bide. But he's badly Masse, this team has become highly 9:96 wounded, the police are closing in eliminated from more than 95 per­ punching out Roger Moore 9 Nawa end the womanhasa secret she'enot to it. polished. Although there is no longer Extinction is real and is cent of the former 48 states. and in scores of movies and 7KM> 8:30 telling. (105 mins.) any rivalry between these two ® CBS Nawa 9 Dick Cavett Show profeeeordiecoversthathiatroubles 3:00 happening now. Extinction is a Exclusive of Alaska and Minnesota TV shows is usually seen CD Thp Fat Albprt Hallowppn have Just begun when he finally finds ( E M.A.8.H SpueWFat Albert andhia pale learn 11:30 CD Movie-(Drama)** "Fury On schools, they now play East 3 ) Kojak Aphrodite, the amazingly beautiful tragedy, and if in 50 years or less, in the entire United States, fewer punching out people, cars, ® Jiyppet Show aleaaonaatheyplotthelr'creepieat, Wheela" 1971 Tom Ligon, Conrad Catholic. 0 ) 9 ABC Newa 3 ) Benny Mil Show Greek goddess of love. (Repeat; 70 Bain. Youth plunges into the world of the whale, the harp seal, and the than 100 timber wolves remain. walls and everything else bad^aal. acarieat' apook night ever. mlna.) (E You Aaked For ll^oat: Rich (Repeat) 3 ) 9 ABC Newa Nlghtllne racing and demolition derbies. ( 119 from jukeboxes to large Little. Featured areamdnvrhohanga Anchorad by Ted Koppel. 12:30 eastern timber wolf are gone, the They have done exceedingly well D ll• r v Griffin mins.) animals. by hla toaa from a helicopter, an D Maude D Hogan's Heroes ^ This Week In The NHL (R) blame will be ours; each and But these few are in serious Auatralian boomerang thrower. D 9 Laverne And Shirley D six Million Dollar Man so far and are on their way to a (B) ESPN’aSportaForum-Tueaday ® Movie-(Dreme)** "Perallax 9 Bionic Women In reality, is be a relaxed Kenya’a Jungle Ilona, andBrazil'a 3) Movie-(Mystery)*^ "Dr. everyone of us who refused to danger. They are in danger from EdttSon View" 1974 Warren Beatty. Hume 3:10 perfect season. In a very well played, American barefoot doctor. Cronyn. A reporter uncovers a Cyclope" 1940 Albert Dekker, see...to care. sport hunters, trappers and gourmet chef, sculptor, ar­ 9K)0 CD Community Calendar game for this young freshman team, 9 SportaCenter conapirecy behind the deaths of Janice Logan. Diabolical doctor, 3:25 Perhaps because of stories like livestock ranchers—from those peo­ tist and linguist, as violent CD CBS Tuaaday Night Moyip deep In Peruvian jungle, traps his they trounced East Frosh. These 9 The Secret Of Boyne Caatle, 'Sunburn' 1970 Stare: Farrah several witneesee to a political CD Thoughts To Live By eeteaeinalion. (106 mine.) assistants In weird apparatus which • Little Red Riding Hood” or movies ple who don't value survival, life. as a valentine card. Part 111 Qlenn Corbett and Kurt Fawcatt.CharleaGrodin.An 3:30 young athletes have become a very Ruaaallatarinthlafamilyapecialthat 9 0 9 The Tonight Show reduces them to miniature people. -Tessier’s screen smile is inaurance agent hirea a lovely GP AM Night Weather Service like “American Werewolf in Lon­ Because nothing can stop these peo­ tellaoftheadvantureaof an American Gueete: Tony Rendall, Jim Stafford. (Op mine.) precise mechanism and are a credit vroman to poae aa hia wife ao he can (B) ESPN’s SportsForum (R) sardonically cruel, befit­ •choolboy in Ireland who. along with (60 mins.) don." the wolf has been done a ple from killing the wolf, there is no to their schools, their coaching mix with the beautiful people in 4:00 tragic injustice. Regardless of the ting a medieval inquisitor. hla Iriah friend, becomea involved in O Newadeak A ninety-mlnutenews 9 9 Tomorrow Coaet-To-Coest GDPKAFullContactKarateTitleto telling how much longer he will be in staff, and most of all, themselves. Acapulco and aolve a poaaible final. Gueete: Rex Reed. Lena Horne. (90 In reality his smile is gen­ an eaplonage plot aurrounding a inaurance fraud caae. (2 hra.) , Be Announced (R) reasons for the injustice, it is high existence. For this reason it is im­ I defecting acientiat. 9 Movla -((^medy-Drama) ** H mlne.)- 9 News They have what it takes to be an out­ 3 ) 9 Three’a Company Jack. 9 Benny Hill Show time the wolf is given some justice. perative that concerned persons get tle, his laughter loud and 9 Faatlval Of Faith Janet andTerrl become enanarled in "My Pal Qua" 1062 Richard 4:30 Photo by Strano standing team, and it shows with a 9 Super Pay Carda WIdmark, Joanna Dru. Father and 12:35 a riotoua tangle of mlaunderatand- 22 Alive It's time the many misconceptions involved in a campaign to stop wolf often. (S) Moneyline Financial, buaineaa son find understanding and love with CD Adam 12 strong offense bote on the ground inga when Terri aaaumea that Jack ia Movie-(Muelcel)***^ "On The •nd conaumer newa. with heavy the girl who runs the playschool he concerning the wolf are cleared up. butchery. The Class of 1982 is preparing itself to meet Tim Ellis, vice president; Harry Veal, His arms are a gallery bf romancing the wife of Janet’s boas, Town" I960 Gene Kelly, Frank and in tee air, complement^ by a •mphaaia on the Walt Street day. attends. (2 hra.) gSinatra. Three sailorsonleavein New Many probably think of the wolf as If the wolf is designated as our of­ the challenge of senior year. Recently, class treasurer; Jerry Tucker, secretary; and Ken tattoos, and they present andJanetbelieveaadoctoriaaetting 1:00 hard-hitting defense. Newa 9 ABC Captioned Newa □P Rat Petrol York City find romance. (2 hrs.) a vicious creature. An animal who something of a mystique. up a love neat for Terri. (Closed- 11:35 ficial national mammal, then there officers were elected. They are, from left, Marshall, president. B M o vte-fC o m ed y)** **Roadle*’ Captioned; U.S.A.) (May be 9 College Football Review (R) 5:00 1 Hawaii Five-O would "eat us up” if we came will be protection for this dog-like The pictures needled into 1BS0 Meat Loaf. Art Camay. A Jack pra-empted by coverage of the CD (8) People Tonight An hour of 3 ) Prayer Among tee gridders are some out­ of all tradea and companion to rock 12:00 anywhere near him. But this fear is his. skin have a meaning, World Seriea.) pereonelity news, interviews and 5:04 animal, at last. But we must all standing freshman, in fact, quite a Robert Tessier mualcianafollowahlatruelovewhoia 3 ) CBS Late Movie Alice; ‘Sex reviews. CD Newt but one he does not easily determined to make it with Alice (S) College Football Florida State Education' Alice searches for a way totally unjustified; The fact is there make our collective voice heard. few. For tee linesmen there is big vsLSU(R) Entertainment Tonight 5:30 disclose. He requests par­ Cooper, Roy Orbiaon and more. to axplain tha facta of life to Tommy, Movie-(Comedy) ** ’’Roadie" (D Morning Stretch is not a single documented case of a Support the campaign Wolf for matedPQ)(2hra.) OM o v I p -(D ra m a )...... King but learna that the school’s aex Emil Addabbo who is one of tee tri­ Solomon's Mines" 1837 Cedric 1980 Meet Loaf, Art Carney. A Jack non-rabid wolf ever attacking a National Mammal! If you won’t do don for a small privacy. Arthurian legend film in you got older the bridges 9 Sneak Prevlewa Critics Gene education class is way ahead of her. 8 Hardwicke. Paul Robeson. A daring of ell trades and companion to rock captains playing bote offensive nd Slakel and Roger Ebert review the (Repeat)McCloud: ’Sharks’ human in North America. His nose is a residual which he plays tee royal weren’t high enough for a safari goes into the African wilda in muaiciene follows his true love who is it for the wolf or for yourself, sup­ defensive tackle, Ken Modean who lateatfilma. McCloud bagina an investigation of /Hotucfl/coficm ii/ ClassI favors focus geneological benefit of In­ torturer. good jump, so I started •earchofamiaaingaxplorerwhowas determined to make it with Alice nrrtMTATK ee exit aa silveii lane Like his relative, the dog, the wolf port the campaign for the sake of plays tee other offensive tackle, and 9 Entertainment Tonight loan aherka and la charged with Cooper, Roy Orbiaon end more. EAST HAfTTFONO sse-een looking for the legendary diamond Interfering In the work of another BANOAtN ISATmn DAILY is a very affectionate animal. The posterity. Then future generations dian heritage, as distinc­ “In this one I don’t like jumping from tee tops of 9 M.A.S.H. mines of King Solomon. (2 hrs.) (Rated PQ)(105 mins.) Scott Mumley playing defensive 90varEaayGueat;LyricistSammy detective. (Repeat) FNtST SNOW ONLY St.SO 0 9 Odyaoey‘Bath Waters’ The 1:06 birth of a pup is an important event will be allowed to hear the tive as Cyrano’s. But it has to kill people,” Tessier the miils.” D Carol Burnett And Friends tackle. These tackles have Cahn. Hoata: Mary Martin and Jim discovery of a lathal amoeba in the CD Cherlfe Rose Show for the pack. The mother even been broken several times. smiled over a plate of It turned out to be good Hartz. (Cloaed-Captioned; U.S.A.) (D Racing From Yonkere mysterious, awesome howl of the spearheaded their lines into an hot apfThga baths of Bath, England, 1:10 Recently be underwent shrimp-stuffed sole and a practice for his movie 7:29 provideaarcheologiats.engineera. Mweway 9 U8AF ReHgloue Film carries the pup around to show him wolf. Write to Fund for Animals, 9 SportaCenter awesome unit and are one of the 9 Dally Numbera and geologists with a unique 1:16 off. It has also been observed that Inc., 2841 Colony Road, Ann Arbor, surgery to repair veins glass of white wine. "I debut years later as a stunt 9 Dr. Scott On Hobrewe on jurisprudence main reasons why they beat the 7:30 opportunity to excavate the famoua ® Movie-(Music) **H "TImee 9 FMitaeylelendAwoman doctor, wolves will leave their pups with a Michigan 48104 — Judi Egan damaged in so-called keep teem alive so I can man. ^ PM Magazine apa and team about the Romans who Square" 19iB0 Robin Johnson, Trini .\N .AMERIC AN Penny Freshmen, a team that has ® M In The Family who dialruat a all men. la in for a terror Alvarado. Two young girla meet In e “safe” movie fights. make, them feel, ohm, His movie career began built the baths 2,000 years ago. filled adventure when she drinks a VVEREWCJLE only lost twice in the past five years. You Aeked For It (Cloaed-Captioned; U.S.A.) (60 psychiatric hospital end agree to these discussions, He is an experienced pain.” ® Family Faud potion that transforms her into an For the past 11 years, MHS has leaving them with a much broader in tee early 1960s when he mlna.) 'Jump' into Tim es S q uare end IN LONDON Ken Krajewski both offensive and 3D Entertainment Tonight Hoata: axotic. violent beauty; and a favored a unique class called law StU Q 4 deeper insight of the a n im al h a n d le r, a He speaks French, the came to Hollywood with 8:30 becomes the infamous‘Sleaze view of a convict. defensive, Neil Ramsey, who plays Tom Halllck, Marjorie Wallace. Ron PolyGram Pictures ------, Varied programs and order. This is not an ordinary laws 'untry and learn how A truthful point of view of what is professional carpenter, ar­ Canadian Fretich patois several motorcycles for Hendren. A aegment on Bob Hope ia 3 ) 9 Too Close For Comfort guard, and Ed Jarvis who plays bote Chaos enters the Rush household \ I niM.r.al ...... tist and sculptor and featured. law class, since rather than dealing they ii with respect to going on right around us, is easily offensive and defensive end have called Canuck, Spanish, - rent to movie companies. when Henry’s free-spirited niece, with books alone, it directly involves all side ■ g -he convict, the speaks five la n ^ g e s and Italian, Japanese and One day, an actor who 9 In Search Of April, arrives complete with obtained, as Mr. Zatursky upholds also turned in continuously solid (S) CNN Sporta A report on what'a backpack, tambourine and bicycle, our country’s law-and-order system. victim a. - • ■ ■ nforcers. an understanding that nothing goes several Indian dialects several Indian Dialects. didn’t know how to ride happened and what’a ahead in and becomes part of the family performances at their respective rta. Three days a week, two classes ' fluently. refused to try. The director despite her shenanigans with weird in science fields To maintain on view, a varie- beyond the walls of the classroom. positions. MJ^.SJ4. meet at the police station for an In fact, his private life “I more or less had to put Tessier on tee bike and mualclan friends who send Henry up ty of learning experiences is used. The honesty goes both ways, as the f the wall. (May be pre-empted by hour and a half. Each morning the belies his image. Tessier— learn languages. I was filmed it. coverage of the World Series.) The most fun Manchester High School has a there is a first-ever competition For instance, the classes were instructors and guest speakers tell 6 ) MacNelH.ehrer Report Also there are a great many a French name prohounced brought up in French and He went from there to 10:00 Cinem a continuing reputation of producing sponsored by NASA. This runoff, students enter the building and are exposed to convicts in the following us of both the g c ^ and bad sides of Benny Hill Show money can bto' | allowed through locked doors into exceptionally talented backs. , Tess-ee-ay — is French and English and we were called doing stunt work. He also 9 Barney MUIer outstanding, science students. This supported in conjunction with the manner. the law. 7:60 D9HartToHart the heart of the Manchester Police Among teem are; Eli McFoly, Bren- Seneca Indian on his ‘Savage,’ with tee accent worked in special effects 9 9 Marriage la Alive And Well excellence is a result not only of the National Science Teachers Associa­ First they discussed their feelings It is a great benefit to have an of­ (S) Televtalon Tonight Preview on Station. about prisoners. This talk was ficer adding to the conversation. don McCarthy, Dave Mazzatta, mother’s side and French on tee last syllable. There as a m in ia tu re prop the beat beta for televiewing that Joe Namath, Judd Hirsch and Jack Hartford Storrn superior teaching staff, but it also tion. is open to pupils in grades 9 night. Albertson star in this comedy that At the station the students are Dave Chase, Jeff Canard, Ken Mem- and Alkonkian Indian on is no French word for In­ handler, making many of examines marriage from the Tran»-l.ux College Grthur^ can be traced to the extracurricular through 12. directed by intriguing news articles After all, he knows the law and can 8:00 A thenrum — I Hate seated in the “conference room.” nand Greg Turner, tee outstanding his father’s side. dian. the props himself. CD Buga Bunny Howl-Oween viewpoints of three different men; a Twin — All the Marbles 7, projects undertaken by the students. Prospective participants are that aroused the students’ interest answer tee students’ questions con­ wedding photographer, a writer Blondes 7:30, 9:30. This room consists of one long table tailback who whould have a fine Bob, the preferred name, “In tee area near Lowell, He starred in tee TV Special Animated apacial atarring 9:10. — Carbon Copy 7:15, p g ...... Currently, there are several op­ offered the chance to propose space and concern for individual cases. cerning rights, immediately. Buga Bunny. Witch Hazel meeta her •eeking to remarry one of his East Hartford career at MHS. was bom and raised on tee Mass., where we lived on a movie “The Last of the ex-wivea.andaneldertycomicwhois tions available for those who take an experiments which will be per­ surrounded by large, soft chairs. Guest speakers from probation of­ The class will soon see our justice match in Buga aa they compete with Poor Rirharda — Eye 9. Here they may enjoy coffee, soda, fices and juvenile courts were about system in action. Future trips are The quarterback Jim Fogarty has old Pawtucket Indian dairy farm, there were a Mohicans,’ and has had each other to create tha beat recipe being prevented by hia son from of tee Needle 7:30, 9:30. Vernon interest in supplementing their formed aboard the space shuttle. for a acary Halloween, then try them marrying a secretary 60 years hia exhibited a great deal of poise and reserve lands in lot of ethnic dozens of costarring roles, J^ior. (Repeat; 60 mins.) Cine 1 & 2 — Continen­ scientific knowledge. Most of these Regional winners, approximately tea or candy—at their own expense, to add yet another view of the people scheduled to tee court house in out onDaffy Duck. Porky Pig. Speedy Showraar Cinema — of course. These fringe benefits are that are labeled criminals. Manchester as well as tee one in maturity and will do very well here Massachusetts. He learned neighborhoods, Italian, usually playing the bad Qonzatea, Sylveater and Tweetle 9 Freeman Reports A one hour Mommie Dearest 1:25, tal Divide 7:15, 9:20. — programs are accessible in the twenty, get the chance to also. Pat Cooney is another hard hit­ to live with nature and Pie. (Repeat) national call-in. In-depth talk ahow permitted because the pertaining Then, they were exposed to con­ Hartford. Cutbacks, however, have Spanish-speaking, French. guy. with a live audience. 7:10, 9:45. — Carbon Copy Superman II 7, 9:30. Greater Hartford area, yet are open demonstrate the facets of their ting player who has done well at ^ PM Magazine rules are those Of the police station. victs from the Correctionai Institute been drastic and the funds for this ;today still uses his V^en you walked through The macho savage must CD Movie-(Drama) •••• “Patton" O Tu««day Night At Th* MovIm 1:20, 7:20, 9:35. - Paterni­ Drive-Ins to ail those who can attend. experiment in a national competi­ linebacker and center. 'knowledge of herbs and those areas, it was better if 1970 George C. Scott. Kart Malden. 'The Brady Girls Get Married’ 1061 not the high school, in Enfield, as mentioned in last program have been deleted. be in. He gets up to 500 Stars: Maureen McCormick, Eve ty 1:05, 7:35, 10. - Arthur East Hartford— Closed For instance, on Nov. 6, the March tion. Then, up to twenty winners These athletes will provide tee roots in cooking for you could speak the letters a day, as many as TheatoryofWWIIQeneralPatton;hia of Dimes Human Genetics Sym­ earn the opportunity to have their At the heade a ^of f thetl table are seated week’s paper. Following this con­ Law and Order at MHS is a very battlea acroaa North Africa. Sicily. Plumb. Robert Reed. Marcia and Jan 1. 7:25, 9:50. - All tee for the season. frontation, students discussed a special class. It teaches tee judicial depth that Manchester High needs himself, friends ai^ the language. It saved me most major stars, Europe.andwiththewar department. Brady decide to tie the knots with Marbles 1:40, 7:i0, 9:40.- East Windsor — Closed posium will be held at St. Joseph project performed in space. Mom Elgin Zatur^y and Officer James (PQ m hra.) their respective beaus, but before to become an outstanding team. two sons who live with many times.” following a major movie the double wedding can take place, for tee season. College MHS's Florence Levine is and dad would be proud. McCooe. These men start off in­ program called Scared Straight, system of America, and upholds vD 9 W orld S arlea, Game 9 If Body Heat 1:30, 7:15, 9:50. MHS needs to have a solid bench, !him. He has three other Tessier started daily appearance or TV show. neceaaary, ABC Sporta will provide there are aome humoroua and Manchester — Reopens MEm STREEP JEREMl IRONS coordinating this program, which The annual Junior Science and tellectual discussions that often lead another program in which convicts honesty and respect for the troublasome questions that must be — An American Werewolf and to have that, they need a lot of '.children. work, as do many children ‘‘And you w ouldn’t coverage of Game 9 of the World Friday. will be limited to eighty par­ Humanities Symposium will take to very controversial debates. Much attempted to help kids who are policemen, This program deserves Seriea from the city of the American answered. (Repeat; 2 hra.) in London 1:50, 7:30, 9:55. talented and dedicated players to The 6-foot, 1-inch, 210- on farms, at age 9. Rural believe some of them. 9 ConnecMcut Prime Time Mansfield — Reopens ticipants This workshop is spon­ place at Wesleyan University on of the class time is spent discussing walking in their footsteps. great recognition, as it is tee only League Champion. If a aixth game ia — The French Lieutenatn's All of these different viewpoints one of its kind in tee state of Connec­ make tee team grow. They will be a pound, heavily muscled ac- New England also provided They’.re mostly from not needed, altemateprogramming 9 Independent Network News Woman 1:25, 7:10, 9:45. Friday. sored -in cooperation with the March 15 and 16. Our illustrious in­ current events that deal with the welcome addition to the Indian team '.tor recently finished a playground. “There were women... They write and will air. 9 BaHleOfTheWestlandsThIa Connecticut Science Teachers stitution normally sends two justice system. widen the thoughts of the students. ticut.—Sharon Hlers (DMovle*ease under tee spell of an evil elaborate models. Or. Carl Sagan « S. iwhsx. »r- », ■. S. Pr^byCFi ly backward jig-saw jum­ prime time is so heavily PARTIES OF SIX OR MORE-RES A MUST tee Coep program. rate best overall will win a bag full sorcerer named Dyslexia. ble. In their eyes, the word offera the viewers the illusion of Traditional roles of The students participate in group of goodies. laced these days wilt be being on th e planet M ars, and He also enchanted her “saw” becomes “was.” •p e c u la te s on the future when and social activities. Major events disappointed. Those During the Christmas season father, the king, making 123 is perceived as 321 and vehicles have combed and explored which the organization sponsors in­ DECA plans to have a party for the him think she was a frog. seeking momentary escape the planet's entire aurface. women viewed clude the annual student takeover of tee letter “p” becomes tee from a “reality” in which (Cloaed-Captioned; U.S.A.) (60 needy children of Manchester. The Prince Charming, who mine.) King’s Department Store and tee letter “b.” world news trots like a The other day in English class we myself in a diffident situation. For fashion show this year will take drove a taxi in San Fran­ The film explains all e Mo«(«'Clw>p*lra’ Partll. 1963 student coordinated fashion show. place in tee spring. rabid dog between bad and ElizabethTaylor.RichardBurtonThe were examining the change in the instance, when recently I was in­ cisco when he wasn’t out • aga of the Nile, involving that, but tee improbability horrendous will be traditional male-female roles, and troduced to a gentleman older than Every year DECA students have DECA would like to see more in­ rescuing beautiful factor of a cure in tee Claopatra’a torrid romances with gratified. Caeaar and Marc Antony. (2 hrs.) the awkwardness this change brings been exposed to the marketing in- volvement in their organization. If princesses, was not, I, 1 politely extended my hand, then dustry through their work hands of Joe Holliday, por­ 8:01 upon society. For years women have withdrew it, then extended it again. you are enrolled in tee Distributive however, to be fooled. trayed with brassy gusto ( E a Happy Oaya experiences at King’s. The It’s teat kind of a movie. always been the supressed sex, they In short, I was unclear whether it Education Program here at MHS, Brandishing a mighty IQ fpO' . were constantly being viewed as managers of tee department store why not look into DECA? You will apd mounted upon a great was proper for me to make the first agree to allow tee students to be in fragile or worse than that - dumb. motion of a handshake. not; only gain a greater insight in­ Photo by Strano charging ego, be rode to total control of tee store while to the world of business manage­ M oreqffoi^W e Sure there are a few dumb blondes Has the entire female species D.E.C.A. (Distributive Education Clubs of America) students her rescue, slew the in every crowd, but nowadays leaving only a few highly positioned ment and retail but you will also be sorcerer and taught her to PLAY reached such a point of total con­ employees to take care of legal involved and exposed to the many Judy Piedolo (left) and Susan Huhtala (right) dlsplay^school than ever. women are asserting themselves fusion? Society needs to set strict book store T-shirts as Mrs. Pat Englebrecht, head of program, . read and write. more and more. Their role in socie­ matters. Due to the closing of social activities of tee club. — K.C. Unfortunately, her BODY guidelines, either you run a King’s, Mrs. Englebrecht is ti B.F. smiles approvingly. ty is definitely changing. bulldozer or bake muffins. There is -father, the king, still As I view the womens’ movement searching for an alternate location Jf/£h/SPAP£P • thought she was a frog so no interaction between the two for tee takeover. HEAT I see three different and distinct . she went away and got a A\ the temperature rises, categories of liberators. There are groups. The fashion show has been a I suppose men have a hard time -Job in an antique store, the suspense hej^ins those who are staunchly pro­ favorite event of tee students for •married the prince and dealting with this problem also. many years. Last fall tee Fashion Who says a dejidous womens’ lib, those who are hazy and They too are unsure whether to lived happily ever after. unsure about the whole idea, and Bug of Manchester donated many ^ Tlie foregoing synopsis is T-Bone Stealt Dinner has shake a woman’s hand or not. articles of apparel. The show is held those who are mildly opposed to the Maybe we should all wear signs. r.not to denigrate “ The to be expensive? Not movement. It’s the group in the mid­ in Bailey Auditorium and the ■ Mneess and the Cabbie,” Ponderosa! We serve an Wouldn’t teat be interesting, each students model tee latest seasons dle that^pulling the fast one on having a personal name tag stating which CBS airs tonight affordable T-Bone Steak fashions. : ftom S-11 p.m., EST. It is a society. Unfortunately, the people whether he or she wanted to be Last year tee Manchester Chapter that Is broiled to your order who are in the grey area, as opposed delii^tful faiiY tale and Manchester—199 ^>encer Street and served with a Baked equal or not? of the DECA organization was eM«vyo**e I (Silver Lane) to the black or white, make up the Of course, suggesting that we “Valerie BerUnelli is tee Potato, Warm Roll with honored by placing Carol Dube into most delectable afflicted Hartford—On Proroect Avenue majority of the female population. I, divide ourselves into two separate tee national competition. Carol was -pinJ ^ 1 (one block north oi King's) Butter and All-You-Can- myself, am unstable about the whole categories is absurd. Frankly, I like Incess since Sleeping Waterbury—496 Chase Ave. thing. a Connecticut state winner in tee . »e«t? h K«uty — an analogy not (west of Waterbury Plaza) Eat Salad Bar... all at this my position. It makes life in­ field of accessories which was a 1_ Daily In The Herald Windsor—590 Wim&tr Avenue everyday low price. I think that women need to keep teresting. I suppose in the future I’ll lost upon the script writer. (In Windsor Shopping Center) division of fashion retail and But any real examination New ^ ta in —lOOT West Main Street their feminity in terms of style of look back and read this article and __ r ~ T (adjacent to the Motor VeUcle Dept.) t 1901 PtHxterosa System Inc sales Carol took an exam on of the mysterious malady At Pariicipitmg Sleakhouses dress and manner, but I also agree laugh at such a ludicrous possibility. which she scored highly. The exam PLEASE CALLTHEATRE with equal wages for both men and Then I’ll calmly pin on my name tag called ' dyslexia is See Comics Page! included questions on knowledge of marginal. Dyslexia, which FOR SCREEN TSRES women. and go back to baking my muffins. management of running a store and So many time I have caught -MB retail sales. Unfortunatelv. she was 7- 18 - THE HERALD, Tues., Oct. 27. 1981 THE HERALD. Tues.. Oct. 27. 1981 — 19 Annie — Leonard Starr

£ > Area towns Region •at-Yorge VEaOPfi.'HEAVEN KNOWS -IT 'S (WEBEP wm WWBS- BY JOVE, M ean WHILE. HEH-HEH/ SOYIK’ WEITN HOW LONS THAT SHIP Astro-graph mMTnmm&tome, I HAPNT [s a o z e K LOOKAT'EH/ Crossword HERE Off HAS BEEN senem OH IT, f o r PETE'S SAKE/. NOTICED/ * E M O t FiaHTWOVER A n d o v e r ■ m O C E M OWR THEBE.'LOO* Sr IT/ STILL-NO m u Bolton / C o v e n t r y HATTER. Highlights this kiiuwieoge and ellmniaia « 42 Laugh Answer to Previous Puzzle OetohatlS, 1311 b a d habit. ACROSS In the year following your birth­ A RK S (March 21-April 13) An boisterously day you'll begin to assart your­ associate will show loyalty to 1 Accounting 44 Rover's friend Closings are issue self in areas where you may ypu today by supporting the agency (ebbr.) 46 Austrian have be3n a bit reticent In the position you take against 4 Latch capital EAST HARTFORD — ’The new United Parent- past. Somehow you’ll sense another. With this persona aid, 8 Feudal chief 50 Horse groom In Coventry campaign that conditions have changed Teacher Coalition has decided the main issue it will you gain strength. 12 Hail 54 Nuclear favb ra b ly In you r behalf. T A im U S (ApA NM M y M ) It'S 13 Nerve part agency (abbr.) face this year is school closings. ’Hie group S C O R P IO ( 0 ^ 14 41 0*. 2 1 ) H’s not dHlicult to make up your 14 Retponiibility 55 Indian not wrong today to taka charge organized Monday n i^ t. mind about what you feel Is 15 Mae West garment of any situation where you see right today. You’ll spare little Dominic L o m b ^ i, former president of the PTA role 56 Cigerette (sl.) others are faltering. In fact, time In letting others know your Council, proposed forming the coalition as a way to they'll probably welcome your d e c is io n s a re firm . 16 Confuse 57 Long-nosed Taxpayer party doesn't hedge Motley’a Crew — Templeton & Forman 18 Envelop fish unite the voices of the 18 schools while keeping the lead. Romance, travel, luck, oeMSS (Stay 21-June 20) This PTA and PTO groups intact. resources, possible pitfalls and Is an excellenl day to accom­ 20 Small bird 58 Homeric poem career for the coming months 21 Goltyi 59 Poems known primarily for its ability to force other’s moves, she said, and would plish necessary tasks. You back, it has to be done,” he said. ’The coalition is made up of three parents from are all discussed In your Astro- have a reservoir , of strength, 7 23 Scene of the 60 Female saint 11 Summer time 39 Poetic foot By Richard Cody the annual town budget m eeting to "At times we have too much provide a forum for communication each of the parent-teacher groups from each Graph which begins with your and you won’t easily be side­ HEEHEE,„ym IF W' EARL TAKES 5 crime (abbr.) (abbr.) 40 Holy men Herald Reporter referendum. overhead,” Whipple said. "A t Town Hall between the two boards. school, three teachers from the Elast Hartford birthday. Mall $1 for each to tracked. t S A IP J DIDM'r HALLOWEEN , 27 Turf 17 Rends 43 Shaped like Astro-Graph, Box 489, Radio CANCER (June 21-July 22) /MVPANyVtBATSr 30 Eskimo DOWN 19 Monster an egg we have three people doing a job that one Education Association and an administrator from City Station, N.Y. 10019. Be VERY, V ERY CO VENTRY-G ood God, you can t say RliNMNG O.N the slate for Town im p r o v in g communications at all Those whom you love will be 32 Learning , 22 Sillier 45 Babylonian used to do. We have a town clerk, an the supervisors’ unit of the association. Student sura to specify birth date. grateful for the concern and Council is incumbent Joyce E. Carilli, levels Is the goal of all the tickets. 6ERI0U6Uy .. 33 Antelopes 1 Windstorm 24 African river deity they beat around the bush. assistant town clerk, and now an assis­ 3AOITTARIUS (No*. 21-Oee. Interest you take In their affairs council representatives from the town’s two high 34 One horn 2 English river 25 Join forces 47 Complains veteran Douglas S. Whipple and new­ They criticized the Republicans for 21) Thera comas a time whan today. What you do now draws X L What do they want? tant to the assistant town clerk.” He said schools and representatives from the Synergy 3 Egg (Fr.) comer Waltqr "Kit " Hurlock. Whipple taking credit for things they haven’t even you need a littia solitude y o u e ven c lo se r t o their h earts. carriage 26 Sharpener 48 In good order They want to cut taxes and govern­ there are other places in town hall where Alternative High School will also be asked to join. 4 Dipped out spent four years on the council from 1975 done, or have done shoddily, they said. In order to recharge your ener­ LEO (July 21-Aug. 22) Once y 35 Meceo coin 27 Flat pieces 49 Measure of ment spending. They want to put more personnel could be cut yet services main­ gies and regroup your forces. 36 But (Pr.) 5 Oxygen 28 Spun land rr - 1979. He is a registered Republican, the Mrs. Bissonnette said they are taking you sense your basic Inner money in your wallet. tained. T o da y b e c k o n s you to d o so . strength, you'll be able to han­ 37 Folksinger compound 29 Got up 50 Compass Where do they want to cut from? other two Democrats. credit for suing the state for about $85,- CAPMCORN (Dae. 224«i. 19) dle any situations that may Seeger 6 Lettuce 31 Genus of point New bridge opened Thera Is a good chance friends Extraneous town personnel; programs Geraldine Bissonnette, president of "W e have to evaluate the existing 000 owed the town on the Salvation Army confront you today. You’ll let 38 Beset 7 Knurl rodents 51 Bore into the group, was running on the ticket, but programs,” Mrs. Carilli said. "W e have land purchase. ’The state has promised to may lean on you a bit more others know you’re no push­ 40 More tender 8 Hang around 33 Muzzle 52 Jackie s 2nd in the Board of Education's budget. VERNON — ’The new bridge on Dobson Road, than usual today. I don’t think over. 41 Big name in 9 Singleton 36 Honorary diK husband pulled off last month. She changed her to go back to basics. If jobs have to go, pay after the town filed suit. you’ll mind assuming some of "Zero budgeting," they call it. over Interstate 88, was opened to traffic today as VIROO (Aug. 22-SepL 22) golf 10 Manage 37 Interstice 53 Muck then they have to go.” their burdens. How are they going to do it? mind early this month, and though she But Mrs. Bissonnette said the money is weas the relocated eastbound entrance to the Intellectual challangas stimu­ I0Z7 AQUARHIt (Jmi. 20-Fab. 13) late you and bring out the best cannot now be legally on the ticket, she She said the new positions have not in­ not in town, and that the council waited 4 11 Quickly. highway, located off Dobson Road near Campbell Hrst place is within your reach 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 associates herself with it. She is cam­ creased town services, but have only In your today. If you’re put to a When? until almost $30,000 in interest payments Avenue. today, so If you end up in sec­ test, you’ll score high. Winnie Winkie — Henry Raduta and J.K.S. As soon as they're elected. paigning as a write-in candidate. added to town spending. built up before doing anything. ’The coun­ ’The relocated eastbound entrance will replace ond position It will most nkaly LKRA (Sept 21-Oct 21) Once 12 13 14 In a Herald interview Monday, "W e’re going to have to cut instead of cil waived having the state flip the bill the on ramp located off Route 83. ’That ramp will be be because you didn’t apply you decide you want something Why? what you have to offer. adding programs,” Hurlock said. today you’ll put an your efforts 15 16 17 That's what the people want. taxpayers candidate said the town for the interest, taking it as a loss. closed permanently. Pisces (Fab. MMarch 20) and know-how to work to j . K . e . It's that simple. The underdog spends too much, and townspeople pay Mrs. Bissonnette said the school Taxpayers said they also want to make ’The new ramps are part of the reconstruction and You have a wealth of back­ attain It. Chances are you’ll get £ 18 19 20 taxpayers association ticket, now too much. budget is especially susceptible to the public aware of the revaluation the widening of the highway through Manchester. ’The ground and axparlenca to draw n, with this kind of positM ^ P U T A upon. Today Is a good day to push . whittled from four to three candidates, "1 think the town is overspending,” tighter use of the tax dollar. She said in town is having done. They said that ■ present Dobson I ^ d , south of the highway, will make a concerted effort to use (NCWShAPOt B n O W n S E ASSN.) 21 23 24 25 26 cannot be criticized for hedging, as the Hurlock said, “ and the majority have 1975, when the schools had a population although revaluation will drop the mill become a dead-end residential street. had enough. W e're going to take their of 2,288, they had a totai budget of $2.54 rate, taxes can increase. 1 Democrats have for not saying whether 27 28 29 30 31 their platform requires more money, nor lollipops away from them.” million. Now, she said, although popula­ Mrs. Carilli said, “ if you elect a He said the time has come to stop fun­ tion has decreased to 1,856, the budget Democratic majority to the council, all MEANWft/LE... ■ can someone claim they have taken false Late buses to run 32 33 credit, as has been said about ding luxuries, and to start "zero shows about $4.3 million. you’ll get is increases.” budgeting—keeping only those things in “ We have to put more controls over HEBRON — ’The RHAM Board of Education has WELL, CONNIE. ■ ■ Republicans. Logically, they really can't Hurlock said times are rough. 35 36 the budget that are mandated and the Board of Education on how they "Somebody (town employees or agreed to run late afternoon buses for junior and 1 PO N 'T SE E ANY be criticized for taking false credit, since Bridge NEEP FDR KEEPINS YOU WEAN ■ ■ necessary to maintain town government spend money,” she said. A liaison com­ taxpayers) is going to get hurt, and some senior high school students. this is the first year the association has .. I C A N 38 39 40 and to bring back quaiity education. mittee between the council and the board aren’t. ’That’s in the future. But it’s going The buses will run Mondays through ’Thursdays at YOU ASBW ANY put up a ticket. LONSER. 6 0 ■ In the past, the association has been “ If the times call for something to cut would be one way of monitoring each to happen,” he said. 3:30 p.m. Because of the limited seating capacity HOME? 41 on buses, students are asked to sign up one day in ■ advance in the main office in order to have a seat 44 46 47 48 49 Prisciiia’s Pop — Ed Sullivan Parents get health forms reserved on the bus. Abnormal play wins ■ 50 51 52 53 54 When North raised to two I K N E W T H A T Parents of Coventry’s Grade 6 to 10 students will be Y WHATF1AV0RI6 \ spades. East felt that he W O U U P T H I N O U T 55 56 57 receiving new physical assessment forms issued by the Leaf pickup scheduled could well aiford a three ‘lOtlR HOMEAVAPE 1 state. NORTH 10-27-11 diamond bid. South went to ICE CREAM GCHNS Y ------THE O?0W P.' SOUTH WINDSOR — ’The town’s annual leaf 3QI7S „ TO BE STUART LIVER AMP CNONS / 58 59 60 The health assessment is more extensive and requires three spades. West might tr a blood test, hemoglobin or hematocrit for the detection collection program will start next Monday. In the VKQIOJ well have lumped to live of anemia. first week leaves will be picked up in District I 3(41 diamonds, but merely bid (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN) «J( four and North got into the Parents are given a choice of having the physical done which includes all streets east of Avery Street. WEST EAST spirit of things By going to either by their own doctor or the school physician. If In the second week pickup will be in District 2 four spades. which includes all streets between Avery and the ♦ e 3K 9 they wish to have the school physician do the physical, W82 VJ9754 West probably should CELEBRiTY CIPHER ^ the forms should be returned by Nov. 1 so that these line formed by Ellington and Buckland roac^ 3K10974 3AJ5S have gone to five diamonds. COabrity Ciphar cryptograma are crat ed from quotations by tamoua peop«a. paetN ’The third week pickup will be in District 3 which 6A9JS1 6X9 The penalty couldn’t be a and praaent. Each Mtar In the dptvar stands for aoottwr. fodsy's c*ja.-O equaN P. examinations can be scheduled. severe one and be had no Ml __ includes all streets west of Buckland Road and SOOTH south of Sullivan Avenue through and including defense against four spades. 3AJII411 If be bad opened a heart “OGJMKL MO OHFNCP EO OFZOAI Main Street. In the final week pickup will be in VA6 as most players would, lo-x'y I 3Q District 4, all streets north of Sullivan Avenue and South waulouln win inI rdummy. EO DAH GCHDJI MD MKOGMJHO.” west of Ellington Road. Residents should rake 310(74 take a winning trump finesse, draw the last trump Captain Easy — Crooks & Lawrence Agency picks new name leaves to the curb and remove all foreign objects. Vulnerable: Norto-South — BEJCF BAEKKMKL. Dealer East and wrap up the game. But The Board of Directors of Community Health Service, West electea to lead the IQ PREVIOUS SOLUTION:’’The head bone is connected to tha Inc. of Columbia-Hebron-Andover-Marlborough has an­ West N«rta Eut Sm U of diamonds. heart bone — don’t let them come apart." — Alan Alda Officers injured IV 13 East took his ace and was 0037 nounced its new name: Community Health Care Ser­ DbL 13 13 S3 now able to set the contract vices, Inc. EAST HARTFORD — ’Two police officers were 43 43 PiM Pan by use of an expert conven­ injured Saturday when their cruisers collided with Put tion. ’This name was selected from over 40 suggestions and a third car on Main Street. All three vehicles were At trick two he led his has been approved by the Secretary of the State’s office. ueen of clubs, not the king, extensively damaged, police said. Opening lead: 310 ’The name was changed because the towns of Coventry at held and be continued with Officers Michael J. Lefebvre and Richard L. the king. and Lebanon have been added to the corporation and the Zachorewitz were treated at St. Francis Hospital ’This abnormal play told addition of their names to the title would have made it for head and neck injuries. ’The driver of the third his partner, that he, Blast, too cumbersome. By Oswald Jaceby held just the doubleton Ung- car, Allen C. Peichert, 18, of West Hartford was Manchester Herald aid A la i Seatag queen, so West overtook ms also treated for minor injuries, UPI photo Community Health Service is a non-profit public partner’s king with the ace health nursing agency that provides several services, in­ Peichert was charged with reckless driving and West’s double of South’s and led another club. Sooth FAMILY Cover protects snow cluding nursing, physical therapy, home health aide, with using a motor vehicle without the owner’s per­ one spade was one of those m lM that club with the mission. Police said one of the cruisers was modem negative doubles queen of tramps, but East medical social work, well child clinics, nursing service to overruffed with the k i^ . demolished and the frame on the other is bent so designed to ask partner to Aiiey Oop — Dave Graue Workmen cover man-made snow at Jiminy Peak to be the first U.S. ski area to offer the senior citizens association, flu clinics. bid rather than for penalty. (NIW SPAFn ENm PRISK ASSN.) Peak Ski Resort, Hancock, Mass , with "Sno- summer alpine sliding and winter alpine that it may also be declared irreperable, police Community Health Care Service serves the towns of said. OWLY, T coat," a new product which protects snow skiing ori the same day. GVAN! GETAWAY, H 'AT"S TH'W AY,KID.' NO ,1- 1- TURN AROUND SLOWLY, Columbia, Hebron, Andover, Marlborough, Coventry, Peanuts — Charles Schulz YOU on BAT.' NEED TCRY NOW/ MY NOSY ONE, AND MAI from melting. The cover enabled Jiminy and Lebanon. NO SUDDEN m o v e s ; GAMES •TH5 IS/W COLLECTION 1 iCNOh) SOMEONE U)HO T M s I* Um ' i block on your •fwO 'It seemed like (money) wasn't going to end' OF BASEBALL BU00LE HASARARE“H0NUS SUM CARPS... WA6MER" c a r p ... ffOQoo r r WINDSOR (U P II - Curtis Stoldt "It just seemed like it wasn’t rotted burlap bag provided “ proof New Haven, said authorities were robbery. tate three years later. r and his girlfriend had experienced going to end,” said Stoldt, 23, of positive" that the money was the uncertain who could lay claim to the Four days after the robbery, a Windsor police Detective Murray good luck finding old bottles off Windsor. “ I couldn't believe it, I loot from the April 11, 1957, robbery money. massive search was undertaken Killen, who was the investigating of­ Must Be Won Marshall Phelps Road two weeks thought I'd hit some money someone at the former Hartford Machine "W e’ve been asking ourselves the when a Suffield youth found an un­ ficer in the robbery, said he believed Each Week ago and so they decided to return to had hidden there instead of going to Screw Co. same question and we just don’t derground hideout that Kolakowski authorities in 1957 had searched the the area and try again this past the bank.’.' know,” he said. “ It’s possible an in­ had used. area where the money was found by Frank and Ernaat — Bob Thaves Details of Rules weekefid. Stoldt said he and his girlfriend, Riccio said police were unable to surance company m i^ t have paid a Police found $1,621 in a jar buried Stoldt and Ms. Golden. and Stoldt began digging in a random "W e covered the territory. We Andrea Golden, 22, of Hartford, determine the exact amount of claim on the money and in that case, about 160 feet from the hideout and How To Play spot in the wooded area and his luck later found ^00 in a box of facial figured right along that it was REAU Y? WOW! POES MONEY do esn’t MEAN alerted police Saturday after un­ money because the bills were “ in they’d get it. We’re investigating YOUR FREE BINGO CARD struck again — uncovering what buried in the same - territory,” earthing a pile of coins and then such lousy condition.” It was turned that possibility.” tissues at Kolakowski’s sister’s ME KNOW ITS WORTH THAT MUCH TOME... UNDER "8 is T Bets 1. A free Bingo Card from The Herald is Killen said. “ We knew dam well.” available to all families in the circulation police confirmed Monday was the coming onto a "vein of money” over to the FBI, which will try to Police never solved the robbery house, where the shootout between HJanV-FlVETHOOSANP Police declined to give the area of The Herald loot from a $66,573 unsolved payroll more than a foot deep. determine the amount and verify but believe it was pulled off by a Kolakowski and authorities took POaARS?/ ON TV " TONIGHT specific location where the money 2. There are six different Bm go gam es on robbery 24 years ago at a local fac­ Police Detective Cmdr. John Ric- the source through serial numbers. Hartford man, Francis Kolakowski, place. each card. Each set of Bingo numbers are tory. was found, fearing treasure hunters cio said payroll stubs found in the Terry Shumard, an FBI agent in 42, who died by his own hand after Authorities, however, were unable I T SfiifSroFFr clearly marked with the Gam e number and he killed an FBI agent in a shootout to connect the $2,621 to the robbery would descend on the area looking cards must be kept intact. HOW TO PLAY with authorities a week after the and returned it to Kolakowski’s es­ for more money. 1. When each Game starts, anci sub­ sequently every night, a selection of numbers will be published in The Herald. If any of these numbers appear in the Game Talks due in strike TMkufS '•'•7 on your card cross them off. 2. Each day The Herald will publish a due MERIDEN (UPI) - Ad­ passed without a contract settle­ RE-ELECT to one number, the number that goes In the percent. The hospital said it has ministrators at MeridenWallingford question box. Use your skill and knowledge ment. No talks have been held since offered a package which would offer Hospital and the union representing NOW OPEN! ACT FAST! to identity this number, if it appears on your the strike began. salaries of about $18,000. Tha Born Loser — Art Sansom card. In the gam e being played, cross it off 220 striking registered nurses will Hospital spokesman James Shiels Administrators decreased the 3. When you have crossed out ell the resume negotiations Wednesday at said he didn't know what form the number of patients in the 230-bed SPACE LIMITED numbers in the Game as they have BILL DIANA appeared In The Herald you may claim a the request of mediators. IM M EDIATE OCCUPAN CY Our Boarding House — Carrcil & McCormick^ new discussions would take, but hospital shortly before the strike. HOW WH0JI SMCeze. I6 € T A winner. Both sides said they would comply "When the talks left off our proposal Supervisors and licensed practical HOW TO CLAIM with the request Monday by state TOWN DIRECTOR m r r r z ^ •feesuUDHEiT;' ajrw H EM icoo6H , 1. To call Bingo, you must ring 643-2711 was on the table.” nurses were caring for fewer than Mini-Storage Space mediator Kenneth King and federal //MP rt/£PMON£. WaULD' PCP leerAPIRTY UXJK?"" between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. on the next Negotiations broke off with each 100 patients Monday. Individual Storage Areas publishing day after your last number has mediator William Hannon to meet JUST SPR/f/T£P UND£R HIgSfM M EP side far apart on the issue of wages. The walkout is the second by From 5’x10’ Up appeared in The Herald. for talks at an undetermined loca­ K/CR ANP RPW R £ s T R R P W m Also at issue was a pension plan for registered nurses at "H E GETS THE /T/WRP/EIP/1 • a m 2. You M U ST have your card with you when tion at 6'p.m. Wednesday. you telephone. the 220 registered nurses. Meriden-Wallingford in two years \D oirr BEueve m The nurses, represented by the 3. Make a note of the last number you The union was seeking a two-year The nurses’ previous contract,' • Month to Month Rwital RERAS ERPUaH THUCHPOWN crossed off. I.e.. the number which gave Connecticut Health Care JOB DONEl” • 2 4 H o u r Sa cu rtty / contract that would give which was extended from its Sept. P O W E R F O R A you a winner. • 7 0.01. - 7 p jn . Aeetm • Storags Space from S'xlO’ up Associates, walked off the job 6 a.m. experienced nurses an annual salary • SUPPORTED HIGH SCHOOL SPACE ERUTTLEt PRIZES AND JUDGING Friday when their strike deadline 30 expiration date until last • S n o w R s m o v a l 1. The prize for Bingo is $100 It will be in excess of $20,000, an increase of 24 RENOVATION » t W OvartMsd Doors ti ’Thursday, was reached after a nine- 7»E awarded to the competitor who successful­ hour strike two years ago. • TrsHar Truck Sm Lanss ly calls in Bingo. • SUPPORTS MORE HOUSING SIPPER 2. All num bers will be published as they are The union is affiliated with FOR THE ELDERLY STEN.S 1 x3 drawn out in order from top to bottom, in District 1199 of the National a r p t r e r the event of two or more claims on the Burglars steal pumps Hospital and Health Care Workerp y / c T o p y Winthrop — Dick Cavalli same day on different numbers the winning • SUPPORTS TOWNWIDE RE - / Union. 73 W aatSIrM card will be tha one containing the earliest PAVING PLANS FOR ROADS number drawn CO LU M BIA — Some unknown firm went into business in January, RockvM. OT oaoea COyrXl KEALLi' OF COURSE. 7HBRE I'M SURE m SN TO O P WHO PUTS 3. In the event of more than one winner the burglars broke into the new D&S and that the loss was still being • SUPPORTS RETURN OF TWICE B EUEVE IN AOJflTBEAPEVIL... THE LUMPS IN NR 1 O W M E A l-. prize wilt be shared. CLUE FOR NUMBER TO Pump and Supply Co. last weekend evaluated. He said the burglars took A WEEK GARBAGE PICKUP M ana (M l) 171-1713 THE DEVIL? 4. The judge's decision is final and no cor- and made away with about $30,000 in responderKe or interviews will be entered PUT IN BOX only pumps and switches, and left into pumps and related equipment, • SUPPORTS RETURN OF V T i the tools alone. “ They took the big 5. On the day that a Bingo is successfully Jack Banny'a police said. money stuff that’s easy to sell,” he LEAF PICKUP Individual Storaga Areas called in. The Herald will announce that the Parents to meet F ro m S’k IO* u p game has stopped snd scrutiny is taking “m gt”7 They said the robbery took place said. place. The winner will be announced the sometime between noon on Saturday ’The Illing Junior High School D im DESERVES YOUR VOTE! following day. or. in the event ot a false call, and 7 a.m. Monday morning, when He said entrance was gained by Parent Advisory Council will hold 5 ?I?A P IT h?N? the gam e will be continued. the inside salesman, Michael breaking the lock on the front door. its first meeting Wednesday at 7 (PulllMfrl-B) 10-3.7 Snedeker, opened the place up. Police ask that anyone with any p.m. in the school cafeteria. There are no suspects, they said. All Interested parents are invited n r information about the theft call the I0-2T MKU Snedeker said this morning the Colchester barracks at 646-6604. to attend. THE HERALD. Tues.. Oct. 27, 1981 — 21

20 — THE HERALD. Tues- Oct. 27, 1961 BUSINESS / Classified ■■H ^eB B SB SB B I^V B B B ai^^B nB B aB B B SSB B SB aB B B SB SSB SSSSB SSS^SB B aaB aB B SB aB B SSB K ______Variable rate mortgages a gamble

Numbingly high home purchase prices, out-of-control really sour, (it could). In addition, it’s not just a matter of how often your Manchester Herald Brings mortgage in t e r ^ rates, soaring heating and lighting Flexible rates only compound your risk. These bills, rocketing property taxes—all these add up to the r monthly payments change, but how often your interest mortgages may feature a variable interest rate, with flat conclusion that only 5 percent of all U.-S. families Your rate changes. You could be tied to a contract that .says the variation tied to almost any “ index” —even the your payments change only every three years. But if the can today prudently afford an average-priced 180,000 bank's own money cost. interest rate is changing every six months, you could be home. Money's This means that if interest rates drop, your monthly either increasing your loan term or increasing (not New housing starts are down almost one-third in three payments could drop. But I ’ll wager your payments Worth reducing) the amount of your outstanding loan or both. years; sales of used homes also are off drastically. won’t. The lender could peg the rate to an index that MORE MANCHESTER NEWS Builders, real estate firms, all connected with the field Sylvia Porter A big drawback of the “ flexible” mortgage is that while goes up fast and comes down slowly. But even if the in­ it may be written on the basis of 20 to 30 years of are reeling. Yet some still are buying. > terest rate is tied to a standard index, your payments monthly payments, the lender may have an escape How can they afford it? "Creative” financing. could rise precipitiously. "Virtually every sale I’ve made in the past year is a clause which says the loan can be renegotiated after five They can’t go much higher? Real estate expert Alan ‘take back' mortgage by its present owners, says a Long years. “ Renegotiation " is bafflegab. Crittenden, California-based publisher of the Crittenden It means the lender can say: “ You owe the entire Island real estate agent. And a poll of savings and loan mortgage financing, although they also can represent Report, shows that monthly loan payments would have amount now, b orro w er" If rates had dropped in those associations nationwide shows that almost 40 percent of increased risk for the homebuyer as well as (for) the nearly doubled in the past five years, based on five years, fine for borrowers. But if the lender calls these institutions are writing “ creative mortgages." lending institution.” adjustments for short-term rate changes and would your loan, you could bet the rates will be upl What’s more, the ^ n s o r of the poll, American Is that an understatement! have been up amost 50 percent when adjusted for THAN ANY OTHER PAPER! (Job hunting? Sylvia Porter's comprehensive new 32- Mortgage Insurance Co., predicts two-thirds of these S You are starting at an extemely high interest rate—16 mortgage rates in that same time. page booklet “ How to Get a Better Job " gives up-to- & Ls will be writing the new variable rate contracts percent, 17 percent, 18 percent a year. At these levels, In one instance, the jump is from about $525 a month date information on today's job market and how to take before 1981 ends. you will be paying hundreds of thousands of dollars back to more than $1,000. In another, the climb is from the advantage of it. Send $1.95 plus 50 cents for postage and for a typical ^ ,0 0 0 mortgage on a typical $80,000 home same $525 to more than $750. Could your own budget It’s write them — or go out of business. Says AMiC handling to “ How to Get a Better Job " in care of this over a traditional 30-year loan life. stand a $250 to $500 a month rise—along with a surge in president Claude K. Pope, “ Adjustable newspaper, 4400 Johnson Dr., Fairway. Kan. 66205 So even a traditional fixed-rate mortgage at today’s costs for heating and light, insurance, food and clothing, mortgages...offer homebuyers a new flexible form of Make checks payable to Universal Press Syndicate.) Still Only 20o Per Copy! loan cost levels is a terrible risk if the economy turns and transportation? —Manchester at woork- Record earnings New gold

CLIFTON, N.J. — Kidde Inc., reported the highest third quarter and nine-month results .in the company’s history. Eiamings per share for the three months ended Sept. 30 rose 16 percent to 32.30 from $1.98; primary standard earnings per share were |2.66 compared with $2.31 for the year earlier period. Net Income for the three-month period increased 16 percent to $27,070,- 000 from $23,288,000 for the thiid quarter of 1980. i M t Sales rose to $740,408,000 from $6^,790,000. considered For the nine-month period, earnings per share iit WASHINGTON (UPI) — Some say the country’s creased 14 percent. Fully diluted earnings per economic problems can be cured by return to a “gold share were ^.19 compared with $5.43 in 1980 and standard.” But there are many different kinds of gold primary earnings per share increased to $7.15 from standards. $6.29. Net income for the period rose 14 percent. The U.S. Gold Commission, created by Congress to study whether gold should play a role in the domestic or international money system, Monday heard a range of proposals from its own members. The one that would make the biggest change came Confab planned from Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who said the United States should declare gold to be its basic money. Prices STORRS — Financial and research ad­ would be stated in weights of gold. The dollar would ministrators from throughout the Northeast can cease to exist. brush up on the latest developments in the complex The only paper money used, Paul said, would be gold federal contract process at a two-day conference certificates issued by private banks. These would have here next spring. to be backed 100 percent by gold. The conference on “ National Institutes of Health In other words, the fractional reserve banking (N IH ) Contracts Administration’’ will begin April system, under which banks are required to back only a 29,1982 at the University of Connecticut Merlin D. portion of deposits with hard reserves and can lend the 7...... 1 Bishop Center for Continuing Eklucation at the main rest, would be abolished. campus in Storrs. Paul said this banking system, widely used in the I would like to subscribe to the Manchester Herald. There is a $135 fee for early registrants (before world lor several centuries, is “ fraudulent” because it Feb. 15, 1982) and a $155 fee for late registrants. involves lending “ money you don’t have.” Registration information may be obtained by con­ A “true gold standard” such as he proposes, Paul tacting David E. Herman, Office of Grants and said, would solve the problem of inflation by creating Name .. Contracts, Box U-151, University of Connecticut, reliable money. Storrs, a . 06268. Telephone (203) 486-4436. Another commission member. New York Address businessman Lewis Lehrman, proposed simply making T e l...... Apt. the dollar convertible to gold at a fixed price. It has not been domestically since 1933 or internationally since Ramada gains 1971. Lehrman proposed an international system similar to Send To... Manchester Herald the post World War II Bretton Woods agreement, under PHOENIX, ARIZ—Ramada Inns, Inc., which for which nations pegged their currencies to either gold or 1 Herald Square the past three yeam has spent more than $100 the dollar and the dollar was internationally pegged to Manchester, CT 06040 million to refurbish its owned hotels in the U.S., is gold at $35 an ounce. bucking industry trends by posting occupancy gains Another member, Arthur J. Costamagna, a Santa in what can be best described as a “ soft” market. Rosa, Calif., attorney, proposed as a first step merely For the first seven months of 1981, Ramada’s allowing American citizens to convert dollars into U.& domestic company-owned hotels are up in occupan­ gold coins at a fluctuating market rate. cy 3.9 percent over the same period last year. After several years, he said, the country could con­ At the same time, the hotel industry as a whole is sider international convertibility or a gold standard as down in occupancy nearly 2 percent, according to such. industry analysts. The world has never bad a formal system such as Paul “We are swimming upstream in a very soft proposed under which gold is the only money. From 1816 market,” said Juergen Bartels, president of to World War I most of the world was on what is usually Ramada’s Hospitality Group. “ Hotels and the termed a “gold standard” — a system of fixed rates in travel industry in general, are off this year.” which countries defined their currencies as weights of In addition to the money spent by Ramada on its gold. own hotels, its licensees have spent more than $125 The commission’s secretary, economist Anna J. million to renovate Sieir hotels. Schwartz, who collaborated with Nobel laureate Milton Friedman on his monetary history, said that under a fixed gold standard economic problems such as inflation Course set and recession are transmitted from one country to another through fixed exchange rates. Another commissiom member. Federal Reserve HARTFORD—Vice Presidents, managers and Board govemr.or J. Charles Partee said that in adopting specialists in nnarketing, sales and personnel all such a classical gold standard nations would implicitly Imow how challenging it is to build a strong team of Herald photo by Tarqumio agree to share the same economic conditions. It is one salespeople in their individual fields. thing for New York and Texas to make that tacit agree­ A t w o ^ y course here Oct. 27 and 28 will show Bonnie Russell, manager, checks the In­ at 1085 Main St. She lives on Golway ment, he said, but it is unlikely the world’s nations how performance appraisals can help them do ventory at Goodwill Industries Thrift Shop Street in Manchester. exactly that, as well as improve field sales and would agree to it. keep a sales team highly motivated. The commi^ion begins hearings next month. Sponsored by the University of Ccmnecticut ScbMl of Business Administration in cooperation with UConn’s Division of Extended Continuing Education, the course, “How to Implement a Field Sales Performance Appraisal System,” will be held Short-term notes risk to stability in the Hartford-Sonesta. A $475 course fee will include costs of all meeting materials and luncheons during the course. By Mary Tobin Moody’s Investors Service lowered the rating on 20 com­ of comptanies’ inability to borrow long in the bond Registration questions should be directed to (203) UPI Business Writer mercial paper issuers in the first nine months of 1981 market,” Jones said. 'This has become an area of 486-3234. and ra is ^ the ratings on only five. significant risk.” N E W YORK — Prolific growth of the commercial Ironically, the All Savers certificate, conceived to A drop in interest rates that would enable business to paper market, a sign of liquidity problems in business, help thrift institutions and banks recapture money lost go into the long-term bond market to repay short-term Seminar slated poses a significant risk for the whole financial system. to the money market funds, could exacerbate the debt would help but that isn't likely in the near-term. Commercial paper, shortterm unsecured promisory problem if a crunch occurs. Philip Braverman, economist at Chase Manhattan notes issued by the largest and most creditworthy cor­ Money market funds hold 31 percent of outstanding Bank, estimates the Treasury will have to borrow HARTFORD—’^ latest approaches to cost es­ porations, is issued for periods of a few days to 90 days. commercial paper and “there already is a strong flight between $33 billion and $40 billion in new cash in the timating will be' explored in a special two-day It is negotiable and can be called by the lender. to quality paper” by the fund managers, David M. fourth quarter, government agencies will raise $6 seminar to be held in November by the University Henry Kaufman, economist at Salomon Brothers, said Jones, economist for Aubrey G. Lanston & Co., said. billion, municipalities w ill need $15 billion and cor­ Connecticut. the nation’s current problems of high interest rates and There is now a staggering $162 billion of this short­ porations $20 billion. The seminar, titled “Cost Estimating for a weakening economy are intensified by the continued term money outstanding — $6.7 billion was issued in “ The challenges facing corporate financial officers Managers and Ekigineers,’’ is geared towards decline of liquidity in the credit markets. . September alone — and the increasing weakness in the are not only awesome but treacherous. Kaufman said. engineers, managers, administrators, staff and “ Indeed, a noose is now tightening around the credit economy is causing lenders to reassess their in­ persons concerned with manufacturing and fabrica­ markets, painful in some sectors, but not too uncomfor­ vestments. tion. . table in others,” Kaufman said. “ With the potential pressure from All Savers, hard- Classes will meet at the Sonesta Hotel, 5 He said business is in a “ Catch 22“ situation. “Corr pressed companies, some now experiencing a severe Ooutitution Plaxa, on Nov. 9 and 10 from 9 a.m. to porate (iependence on short-term financing continues to liquidity squeeze, are going to find it even harder to 4:30 p.ip. under the auspices of the UConn School of rise at an alarming pace ... at a time when liquidity and borrow,” Jones said. Business Administration’s Management Develop­ capitalization ratios were already historically low.” If huge amounts were dravim from the money funds — ment Program and the University’s Office of No Much of the short-term borrowing is a signal of and this doesn’t look likely — the funds would be forced credit Programs. weakness, not strength, since it represents borrowing to to call or sell the paper to meet the drain. Money funds JDanrh^atpr Hrralb Registration, and fee information may be finance inventories and to meet cinrent expenses. also invest heavily in large bank certificates of deposit tMned by calling Pat Andrews at (!U3) 466-3234,1 In the event of a credit crunch, when lenders are un­ and in Eurodollar offerings by toprated U.S. banks. LIN6ARD by writing her at Management Development' willing to lend at any price,, commercial paper is the But the corporate sector is where the potential for For Dlractor Programs, Box U-565D, University of Connecticut,'' , first hit. Panicky le x e rs call in the paper and com- trouble lies. YflB NBpMMKM N if. JiO! CiwiMii U Qua km Mirk. Tn Storrs. 06268. ''''in ies are unable to meet the call. “Corporate commercial paper has grown prolifically 41 V In one signal of potential trouble in this sector. as a result of high interest charges at banks and because THE HERALD. Tues.. Oct. 27, 1981 — ^^3 22 - THE HERALD, Tues.. Oct. 87. 1981 ADVERTISING ADVERTISING RATES DEADLINE Classified 643-2711 LOOK FOR THE STARS...

NOTICES EMPLOYMENT 1 2 00 nooo the day hetore pubi'cation AUTOMOTIVE Look tor the Ciassifiect Ads with stars; stars help get you better results. Deadline lof Saturday is t2 noon Fnday Mon­ MISC. FOR SALE RENTALS EDUCATION day 6 deadline is 2 30 MISC. SERVICES Put a star on Your acd and see what a difference it makes. Friday FINANCIAL Phone 643'2711 8 I 0-1' !? • t . \i •% • Telephone 643-2711, Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. *0 l-S. HEAL ESTATE

by Larry Wright THESE NEW MAGNETIC TIN ‘N’ CARLYLE n BUSINESS Building Contracting 33 Houaehold Q'ooda 40 CURS ARE (5REAT. and SERVICES farrand used REMODEUNG-CabineU, REFRIGERATORS, ...... *■*! Roofing, Gutters, Room WASHERS, RANGES - Brralh Ottered 31 Service* Additions, Decks, All types Clean, Guaranteed. Parts of Remodeling and St Service. LowV prices!pr REWEAVING BURN Repairs. Free estimates. B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main HOLES. Zippers, urn- Fully insured. Phone 643- Street. 6462171.______brellas repaired. Window goi?. 'Your Community Newspaper' shades, Venetian blinds. KITCHEN COUNTER Keys. TV FOR RENT. ROBERT E. JARVIS - with formica top - $50 or Marlow’s, 867 Main Street. Remodeling Specialist. best offer. Mahogany table 649-5221. F o r room additions, and buffet - $25 each. kitchens, bathrooms, Telephone M7-0CK91. BRICK, BLOCK, STONE - Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted roofing and siding or any •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• PLEASE READ Concrete. Chimney home improvement need. Articles for Sale 41 •••••••••••••••••••••••• ArOclea tor Solo 41 Apartmanta tor Bant 53 Homaa tor Bont 54 Auto* For Sato 01 YOUR AD INSPECTOR - Must have PEOPLE NEEDED TO Repairs. “No Job Too Telephone 643-6712. •••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••.••••■•■••••a***** •••••••••••••••••••••••• experience with air-craft WORK Friday, Saturday or Small.” Call 644-8356 for LOAM SALE - Delivering 5 •••••••••••••••••••••••• ClM«ltt«d aa* ara tU M yards. $60 tax includre. GIRLS Size 14 rabbit fur MANCHESTER MAIN EAST HARTFORD -| AUTO LEASING RENTAL parts. Apply in person: Sunday at one of our out­ estimates. LEON CIEZSYNski boot length coat, leather SOLAR MACHINE, 757 door flower locations. BUILDER. New homes, i^nd, gravel. Call M69504. STREET - Three room Family sized three - Oldies But Goodies trim, Hooded. $60. apartment. Heated, hot bedroom bouse, Limited. Rent-A-Car. Goodwin Street. East Hart­ Work one, two or three additions, remodeling, rec Telephone 6465049 af ter 6 ford. days. Must have car. SDR rooms, garages, kitchens water, appliances. No pets. appliances, yard, kids. $12.95 day, 100 free miles. p.m. Security. Telephone 526 $2w. Locators 236-5646. Automobiles bought, sold, Enterprises, Andover, CT remodeled, ceilings, bath 7047. ONlf to Iho tiz o of ll|^ SEWING MACHINE 742-9965. M&M P&H, Manchester tile, dormers, roofing. (sm fee) rented. 323 (Center Street, 649-2871. Small repairs, ALUMINUM SHEETS FIREW(X)D - Seasoned 4 Manchester. Telephone orlflnal Inoartlon. Error* OPERATORS - established Residential or commer­ used as printing plates. .007 nationwide pillow maufac- remodeling, heating, ft. length. $80 a cord ROCKVILLE - four room MANCHESTER - Huge 647-0908, Ask for Bilf oMdi do not lo**on tfio DISHWASHER - Full time cial. 649-4291. thick, 23x28Mi” 50c each, delivered. Call weekdays, turer has immediate full nights. Must be 18 or over. baths, kitchens and water apartment, no utilities, three bedroom home. rN iy t ttw odvorttsomont heaters. Free estimates! or 5 for $2.00. Phone 646 8^:30. 6460484. refrigerator,,stove. Basement, private 1968 CAMARO 6 cyl., M l M t bo corroctod by an time openings. Call George, 643-2751. DESIGN KITCHENS, Experienced preferred. 2711. They MUST be picked Morrison Street. '$ ^ per parking, children and pets automatic, 71 motor, runs oddMonal buortlon. cabinets, vanities, counter up before 11:00 a.m. only. LAWN SWEEPER - Day shift, 5 day week. Full TOOL DESIGNER - C & M Tree Service, Free tops, kitchen cabinet fronts month, two months'in ad­ ok. Locators, 236-5646 ;ood. Body in fair cond- benefit program including estimates. Discount senior Parker - 3 horsepower, vance. Kids, pets ok, yard. ?lon. Good for parts or Minimum 6 years custom woodworking, PHILADELPHIA HOUSE: self-propelled. Like new. fBanrlirslrr sewing incentive. Apply at experience in air-craft citizens. Company colonial reproductions. References. 646-2834 67 restorable. $400. 'Telephone Manchester owned and Mint cherry mini-chest $250. Telephone 6462943. MANCHESTER • East 649-8623. Pillowtex Corp., 49 Regent ty ^ tools. Company paid J.P. U w is 6469658. $300. Oak wine cabinet, Street, Manchester. EOE. benefits in an air- operated. Call 6461327. Middle Turnpike. Hrrali'i $ ^ . Odd dressers, huge THREE ROOM Available November. Four 1974 OLDSMOBILE condtioned plant. Inter­ ELECTRICAL SERVICES desk, other items. APARTMENT - One per­ PART TIME mornings or viewing 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted LIGHT TRUCKING - Fen­ - We do all types of Elec­ room Cape, basement, at­ OMEGA - One owner, $995. evenings for housewives cing. Attics, cellars, gar­ Telephone 6462439. son preferred. $245 plus gas tic, appliances, yard Telephone 6461691. Dynamic Metal Products SECRETARY for law of­ ages cleaned. All types trical Work! Licensed. Call EXCELLENT heat. Appliances. and mature persons. Earn Company, Inc., 422 North after 5:00 p.m., 6461516. CONDITION: MCS maintenance included. a good hourly wage plus fice. Good opportunity for trash, brush removed. FOR SALE - Whirlpool Available immediately. Heat not included. $390 VW, WE BUY, SELL AND Announcements Main Street, Manchester. KEY PUNCHERS someone with good typing copper tone no-frost Receiver, $125. Two turn­ Rose, 6462482. commission & incentives 646-4048. Picket, Split Rail, N.R. CYR BUILDING tables, Phillips 312, $100. plus security. 6461540 or REPAIR - 1975 Rabbit, 4 while talking on the phone. and shorthand skills. No Stockade Fences installed. refrigerator, $95. 643-6839. dr., 4 speed, $1895. 1974 FLEA MARKET: Every PART TIME previous legal experience COMPANY - New energy Magnavox color TV, sound MCS Series. $100. ROCKVILLE - Three and Call 871-9327. LATHE OPERATORS - 528-0670. efficient passive solar Telephone 5262488. Bug, 4 speed, $1895. 1971 Sunday 10-5. Coventry an­ necessary. Will train. Rep­ only, in large nice looking one half rooms, unheated, OtHcaa-Storaa for Bant Bug, 4 speed, $1495. 1968 tique center, 1140 Main First class engine and EAST OF THE RIVER ly P.O. Box 525, South homes. Additions, cabinet. $35. 6465478. available November 1st, SECRETARY PART turret lathe. CNC LICENSED DAY CARE remodpling; drywalls, Bug, Automatic, $1095.1969 Street. Coventry. Dealer TIME for established local Windsor, Ct. 06074. HOME - Will watch your Doga-BIrda-Peta 43 $275 per month. Three WORKSPACE OR Squareback, $795. 1976 space available. Telephone preferred. Company paid The Connecticut Bank & ceilings. Residential or FIREWOOD - seasoned •••••••••••••••••••••••• Real Estate office. Typing benefits in an air- child or infant days. Call Commercial. Quality rooms, heated, $285 a STORAGE SPACE FOR M^^ercury Monarch, 742-9698. Trust Company SALES CAREER - Career 6460262. hardwood, cut and split: FREE TO GOOD HOME - month, available Nov 20t. RENT in Manchester. No automatic, power steering, essential. Reply Box Y, c/o conditioned plant. Inter­ Operations Center has workmanship. 643-9743. $100 per cord. Four ft. Three year old male gray The Herald. viewing 8 a.m.-4 p.m. minded sales represen­ No pets. Security and lease or security deposit. ar. real clean, $1995. Call RUSSELL S BARBER several positions tatives needed in East KITCHEN CABINETS - lengtn: $80 per cord. poodle. Very good house references required. (^11 Reasonable rates. Suitable SILKTOWN MOTORS 646 SHOP (Corner Oak & Dynamic Metal Products CARPENTRY WORK - In­ FREE DELIVERY. dog. Telephone 643-2207. 8761128 65, Monday thru ARBOR ACRES FARM, Inc., 422 North available in East Hart­ Hartford-Manchester area, Counter tops, floors, sulation, light trucking. No for small business. Retail 6217. Spruce I is now open 11 ford for experienced to sell a full accepted, bathrooms, ceramic tiles, Telephone 847-9097. Saturday. and commercially zoned. a m. to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday INC. an Equal Opportunity Main & e e t, Manchester. job too small. Call David at Boats-Accassorlas 45 Employer seeks full time 646-4048. Key Punch Operators recession proof, renewable wall and floors, 643-8996. CaU 872-1801, 10 to 5. 1971 DUSTER - 6 cyl., thru Friday. 8 to 5 on Satur­ item to local businesses. wallpapering and painting. FIREWOOD - All MANCHESTER - Large dependable car. $350. general poultry farm on o u r EVENING seasoned. Four ft. length, BOAT MOTOR - Electric, days. 646-6659. w orkers. Agricultural DESK CLERK NEEDED No travel. Earn 20K to 30K Senior citizen discounts. DRYWALL remodeled six room, three NEWLY RENOVATED Telephone 742-7839 ...... I...... SHIFT from 6 pm. to in commissions your first Telephone 6463046. . $75 a cord; cut and spUL Fisher 606 12 lb. thrust. bedroom apartment in background desirable, but evenings part time. Plea­ 11 p.m. INSTALLATION and 310 square feet office evenings. Mortgage Loans 8 year. Telephone 528-3343. $90 a cord. FREE New boat battery, used one three family home, (^iet available. Main Street not essential. We offer a sant workiM conditions, taping. New and repair DELIVERY. Telephony sOason. $130 complete. Wheels These positions offer a neighborhood, available' company paid health and - will train. Call mornings QUALITY PAINTING - work. All types of textures. location with ample 1976 MONZA, automatic, MORTGAGE LOANS - 1st , retirement plan. Telephone flexible schedule of 2 to WAREHOUSE DRIVER surface restoration, color 742-9232. Telephone 649-0173. immediately at $450 per parking. Call 6462891. power steering, AM-FM only 643-1555, Connecticut Reasonable prices. Call month. Security and 2nd; 3rd. ALL KINDS. 633-4681 Mr. Fracchia or Motor Lodge, Manchester. nights per week or (East Hartford). $180. consultation, plaster work, anytime, 647-8715. cassette. Asking $2400 or Realty state-wide. Credit every evening Mon. thru Clean cut. Valid Connec­ ceilings, walls, older SET OF spoke hub cajls, 14’ ALUMINUM BOAT, 15 references. 875-4474. best offer. 1973 Maverick, Mr. Mulliken. $120. Everything in HP, Motor St Trailer, 646 rating unnecessary. MAINTENANCE Fri. Our facility has 24 ticut license. Over one home's your pride, our job CARPENTRY WORK done needs minor work, ^ s t Reasonable Confidential. year full time shipping­ - Excellent references. excellent condition. 649- 1142 anytime. HEBRON - two bedroom offer. 6463044 after 3 p.m. SUPERINTENDANT - hour security plus free reasonable. Quality 6391. BASEMENT STORAGE Quick arrangement. Salary plus apartment in receiving experience. Per­ Now booking pre-holiday guaranteed. Additions, apartment, heat and hot ALVIN LUNDY AGENCY, Trainees wanted lor parking. manent only. interiors. James Herbst, water included. Parking, AREA with dirt floors. CUTLASS 1970 - Hard top. Manchester. Full time. garages, rec-rooms and MOVING - Must sell. Pine First room 18% ft.xl5 ft.; 100 Constitution Plaza, FOOD SERVICE Experience necessary in We offer competitive Wilson Agency, 2468514. evenings, 742-8957. leeks. Telephone Dave, cellar, storage, no pets. power steering, power ci7juv)i dining room set with hutch, ANTIQUES St second room 23 ft.xl5% ft. Hartford. 527-7971 ; VEH IC LE plumbing, electrical and salaries plus a 10% shift $370. Phone 2SM128 or 646 brakes, power windows. evenings: 233-6879, 233- premium. FALL CLEANUPS - M/-U1KU. other items of furniture. COLLECTIBLES - Will $30 monthly. 6460717. Mechanically good. $550. MAINTENANCE cleaning. Prefer retired NEWSPAPER 6462685, 647-8175 after 5:15 purchase outright or sell on 6885 reliable man or couple. Those interested are in- Complete lawn Heating-Plumbing 35 Telephone 6462943. ADMINISTRATION DEALER maintenance including fer­ p.m. commission. House lot or NEWER TWO BEDR(X)M MANCHESTER - Several Telephone 643-9674 or 643- vited to call Industrial Locations for 7135. n««d«d In tilizing, seeding, thatching. single piece. 644-8962. DUPLEX - built-in stove Trucks tor Sala and many PERSONNEL Get your lawn ready for SCHALLER PLUMBING­ •and refrigerator. Natural lease. $1.10 per square ft. DEPARTMENT (203) South WIndMr HEATING- Water pump to $2.40 per square ft. 600’ EMPLOYMENT other fields PART TIME CLERK for CALL winter now. Reasonable. Wantad fo Buy 49 woodworK, hard wood 1974 CHEVY PICK-UP specialists. Also, floors. Business couple to 9,000 . Hayes (Corpora­ U.S. Army enlistment offers Bookkeeping Department 244-5620. Jeanno 647-9946 6462728. remodeling service or FIREWOOD - Top Quality three speed, standard. •••••••••••••••••••••••• excellent opportunities for CASH FOR YOUR Proper­ preferred. No pets, securi­ tion. 646-0131. Some rust. Ebccellent run­ Help Wanted afternoons beginning at THE CONNECTICUT repairs. FREE Seasoned Hardwood. Cut, qualified men and women 12:30. Answer customer in­ EXPERIENCED ty. We buy quickly and con­ ty. Telephone 6468778. ning condition. $1,000. CaU Get paid while you learn BANK a MOTHER WILL DO ESTIMATES. Telephone sp lit, DELIVERED & fidentially. The Hayes Cor­ VEIRNON - Professional through top-notch instruction quiries, filing and filming 649-4266. STACKED. $105 per cord. Tony Marinelli, 647-9552 or EXPERIENCED - Mature TRUST COMPANY BABYSITTING In my poration. 6460131. 118 MAIN STREET - 3 and office space. Immediate 64 6 m i. sales person. Apply in per­ and practical experience. records. South Windsor Telephone 649-8332. access to 186.15 minutes to Good pay and benefits and up Bank and Trust Co., call 99 Foundar* Plaza home. Call before 3 p.m., 4 room heated apartments. son. Marlow s Inc. 867 to 30 day paid vacation per East Hartford, CT. KITCHEN HELP 647-9865. Hot water, no appliances, downtown Hartford. 900,- Main Street. Manchester. year Warren Matteson for inter­ Household Goods 40 06108 WANTED: Apply in person •••••••••••••••••••••••• security, tenant insurance. 780 or 670 sq. ft. Telephone Motorcycles-BIcycles 64 Call your local Army recruiter view. 289-6061. EOE. CAKES DECORATED for 649-8531 between 9 and 5. aoa ■ m/f only after 3 p.m., FANI’S COUCH, LOVE SEAT, Telephone 646-2426 9-5 EDUCATIONAL REP - KITCHEN, 1015 Main that special occasion. weekdays. Outstanding opportunity 1-800-423-3673 RHAM HIGH SCHOOL - tables, lamps, bar, etc. MANCHESTER - Retail, 1979 CM-400 T, Excellent full charge bookkeeper for Street, Manchester. Floral and novelty desires. condition, asking $1100. for experienced sales per­ Dollcakes and cupcakes. Telephone 643-9908. Knit Jumper storage and/or maufac- son to represent Phoenix regional school system. FRESH FRUIT turing space. 2,000 sq. ft. to 8900 miles. CaU 523-&49. Fund accounting budget 646-4753. Institute of Technology •••••••••••••••••••••••• Grarefniits and oranges - 25,000 sq. ft. Very recruiting students for and payroll experience DIRECTLY FROM MANCHESTER - Six room reasonable. Brokers KZ400 Deluxe 1978 required. Salary $11,000- WANTED: FULL TIME Situation Wanted IS DO YOU NEED A KAWASAKI, fairing, technical training. Com­ APPLICATIONS NOW Produce clerk. No •••••••••••••••••••***** RESPONSIBLE House- FLORIDA. Orders needed duplex. Available im­ protected. Call Heyman mission Choice of $15,000. Start immediately. F la tte r in g by November 1st. North mediately.' No pets. ^ p e r tie s , 1-228-im. baggage-rack, saddle bags, ^ in g accepted to work Telephone Rham High experience necessary. RESPONSIBLE sitter for the winter? If so, low mileage. $1350. ^ territories available. Call part time. Flexible after­ Apply in person: Highland please call 6462265 before United Methodist (%urch, References, lease, p u rity ••••••••••••(■••■•(•■•a* interview. 602- School, 228-9474 for ap­ COLLEGE student will telephone 646-4790 or 646 required. $325 plus 6201 Ask for Andrea. noon and evening hours, pointment. Park Market, 317 Highland cook and clean in return 8 a.m.; 423-8274 after 6 Wantad to Bant 57 . Mr Terry available. Must be over 18. St., Manchester. p.m. References. Will pay utilities. Telephone 649- , 2555 E. Univer- for room. Telephone 872- Apply within between 2 and AVAILABLE 3647. utilities. WANTED TO RENT? Phoenix, Ariz. 4, Monday-Friday. Tom­ PART "HME/FULL "HME •••••••••••••••••••••••• PARKING SPACE OR IMMEDIATELY - Second MANCHESTER - F ive my's Pizzaria, 269 Blast shift (1 p.m.-lO p.m.) per­ Closers. Good wares for GARAGE on North Street Center Street, Manchester. experienced. Roy Rogers * RENTALS room flat. ()uiet location. or in immediate area. CaU PART TIME - Work at son to wash ana disinfect Appliances included. $400 poultry vehicles and equip­ Restaurant, Spencer 647-0753 after 5 p.m. home on the phone ser­ BOOKKEEPER part or Condominiums 22 p; x P E R T DRESS plus utilities. References ment and other jobs. Must Street. (Across from K- Room* tor Root 52 vicing our customers in full time. Apply in person: Mart) MAKING and General and security. 647-9595 after WANTED IN have own transportation MANCHESTER - Fur­ Sewing done. For 6 p.m. your area Telephone 456- Marlow's, Inc. 867 Main nished condominium. Two MANCHESTER - space for 0876 or 528-6631 Street, Manchester. and license. Call Jim reasonable rates and fast TOLLAND - Females, Fracchia weekdays SECURITY bedrooms, 1V5 baths, full (^ose to 186, in beautiful re-building car. Would lUce PERSONNEL. We need service, telephone 647-8730. FO R RENT IN beat and electricity. WiU between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.. kitchen, dining, living country home. CJiolce of ROCKVILLE. Seven room Arbor Acres Farm, reliable preple who have a room, basement, heat, hot pay. Telephone 646^1. clean police record, car, BABYSITTING N o. 1: combination apartment, second floor, Malbourough Road, w ater and parking in­ AVAILABLE, Martin bedroom and sitting room, $360 monthly. Hot water in­ Glastonbury. 633-4681, phone, and High School cluded. $650 monthly. 646 TV, bath, garage, Kitchen PROFESSIONAL WITH WANTED Diploma. If interested, call School area. Call after 3 cluded. Security required. MATURE DOG seeks EOE. 2081. p.m. 6462094. privileges. ^ weel^. No. 6434421. 1-806922-6789. 2: bedroom with TV and small, quiet apartment. CLERK TYPIST - General MANCHESTER - Two bath, kitchen pri Parking, appUances, cable EARN GOOD MONEY WILL WATCH YOUR TWO BEDROOM desires 742-6684 after 4 Newspaper office work, good typing bedroom 2 full bath condo. CHILD in my home days. $50 weekly APARTMENT - $310 per skills, 35 hour work week. Full time or part time. Wall to wall carpeting, all p.m. Become an Avon represen­ Fenced in back yard. month without utilities. Good starting salary plus appliances, pool, sauna, Lunch and snacks, SHARE 1% baths, kitchen Security and reference* state benefits. Interviews tative. Call 523-9401 or 646 recreation facilities. 3685 for details. provided. Telephone 647- privil^es with working required. Available 10-4, Monday Oct. 26, at 55 Immediate occupancy. 0631. lady. Phone 6467630 days; November 1st. CaU after 6 Aufa^ For Sala 01 Area Advisor W. Main Street, Rockville. Call A1 6460505. 6462297 evenings. p.m., 6469321. I SNACK BAR MANAGER SURPLUS JEEPS, CARS, a t local Community Painting-Papering 32 BARBER OR CONDOMINIUMS: One •••••••••••••••••••••••• Apartmonta tor Bant 53 MANCHESTER - Four TRUCKS. Car Inventory HAIRSTYLIST - Full or College Monday-Friday. bedroom, fully applianced valued $2143 sold for $10tf. Uniforms, hospitalization, PROFESSIONAL room apartment, second Contact Marc part time. Wonderful op­ kitchen, carpet and vinyl PAINTING -■ Interior and MANCHESTER- One and floor in two famUy. $350 Similar bargains available. portunity. Apply Russelfs holidays. Snack bar or food floors, separate basement CaU for Iniormation. 602- service experience exterior. Commercial and two bedroom apartments . plus utlUties. Security and Barber Shop, 195 Spruce with washer and dryer con­ residential. F re e e s ­ available. Centrally references. Telephone 646 941-8014, Ext. 7816. ^ n e Street, after 11 a.m. preferred. Telephone 646 nections, storm windows caU refundable. 0930, ask for Boh. timates. Fully insured. 646 located on busline near 5333 before noon weekdays. and doors, townbouse and 4879^ shopping center and flat m odels available. CADILLAC - 1976 - Coupe BUS DRIVER - Substitutes BABYSITTER WATED: schools. Fur further details MANCHESTER HIGH needed. We will train. Call Telephone 6469404, Peter­ MTHHNntMTIM caU 6467157. School vicinity, three room DeVille - 72,000 m iles. 647-W for occasional evenings man Agency. Good condition. $2700 or Andover School, 742-7339. and days. Telephone apartment in two fantily HOUSBS-APTS. house, ^ p lia n c e s, good Best offer. Telephone 742- 6346. Easy to knit, this simple 6800 - Keep trying. M MiMlM—Mb haml Frustrated? Need parking. ffSO montUy plus V-neck jumper is a ward­ reputable help? A rental utilities. $100 security. PART TIME a .L W ta |k robe favorite. service you can depred on! SALESPERSON to sell REAL ESTATE Available November 1st. ■4S-M21 No. 5992 has knit di­ Recommended by Con­ Telephone 6463362. LEGAL NOTICE subscriptions door-to-door A ersceful style for the rections for Sizes Small, sumer Organizations. with newscarrier two hau-size with flattering Medium and Large (1 6 ADMISSION OF ELECTORS Homes For Sale 23 LEE PAINTING. Interior Check us out and register AVAILABLE evenings a week or Satur­ yoke and button-front. 20) inclusive. Notice U boeby given Uiat Um BouxI of Admiaaioiu of Elector! of Uw •••••••••••••••••••••a** & Elxterior. “Check my T* DUIS, MS* SIJ* Iw sac* today. Efficiencies to 4 hr. NOVEMBER 1st. Two days. Salary plus com­ Wear it belted or not. Rental*. SCLAR Town of Mancbcsier, wiU be bi aoaaion in Uie Mnnlcipal Building, Town kid$ missions. Call Circulation CUSTOM BUILT CAPE rate before you decorate. No. 8386 with Photo- *N Hr |SiH |a as* bedroom townbouse, 1% Clerk’a Offlee, on Monday, November 1, IN I fram »:00 a.m. to 11 :M (Full sh ed dormer). Dependable. Fully insured. REALTORS, 2465217 or baths, private basement, a.m. for Uw purpose of edmiUing ell pereona wbo are found to be manager, Manchester Guide is in Sizes 12% to «MM eM*T 6861978. Fee $150. Herald. 6462711. Fireplaced living room, 6461653. 24%. Size 14%, 87 bust, ap p lia n c e s, h eat. j|40() qualUied to bo Electora. dining room, large 2% yards 66inch. Hi N N H h r MnH monthly. Telephone I 646 IIM Srs.' at Saarliai Tbia aeaslon wlU be held for Uw porpose of edmitUng ONLY Uiose EARN EXTRA MONEY. WORK bedrooms, IVk baths, gar­ INTERIOR PAINTING, Pattams evalM U etUg nas Ym*, N.T. l**N 118 MAIN STREET - four 2877. room heated, hot water, no •••••••••••••••••••••••• penon whose quallficaUoo aa id age wen attained aince October IS and age lot 80x140. Marion E. over ten years experience, in aisas shown. thoae wbow qualification ai to ciUianship or reaidence was attained Robertson, Realtor 646 low rates and senior citizen T* faass, Mfl SIJ* Hr saw ssrsuittst.'* " appliances. $400 montnly. Monies for Rent 54 aince October It. IM I. IS* n r **•!■(* ma Clossified 3 OR 4 HOURS A NIGHT. 5953. discounts. 6469980. 1981 AUDI! with a 88-pag* S e c u rity - tenant in­ WANTED: *nioNo Seetiea’* with faD surance. 646-2438, 9-5 VERNON - Heat included. Dated at Slancbaster this Z7Ui day of October, IM I. EXPERIENCED 360 A.B. direetiena. Price... lIJS . weekdays. HEBRON - NEW CUSTOM INTERIOR AND Ha ■assHh' Kiiu sized three bedroom BOARD OF ADMISSIONS CALL IVAN AT 647-9946 Dick Operator. Telephone BUIL'T 7 room Dutch EXTERIOR painting, IIN Srs. rl SsMtHai « u a T s o t s a a n *T * u * U O L with basement. Kid’s o.k. Nsu T iii, M.T. IN I* M SM snn sMHt WHTjaas. 647-9322; ask for Mr. Colonial. Three bedrooms, paper hanging. Carpentry M aaOH ta *Hn M* Npwna MANSFIELD CENTER - now. Locators 2364646 Mary A. Gelinas, Selectman P Q o e $ AT THE Nasuta. 2Vi baths, firrelace, two Work. FiU tyuw i™ - J-P- E S I 85Srh^SiS7& a & ." a-i»^TnKM HTn«**iTis. Apartments. Newly (sm. fe e )' Raymond R.' Lanzano, Sr., Selectman ------— ----- car garage. BUY DUtEXTr Lewis St Son, 849-9658. New *81 FASHION with M mm ma atammta im ia a . renovated, country setting. Joseph R. Rc}'mlds, Selectman sa*n«f*sjsuMi Two bedrooms. From $2K PART TIME OFFICE help FROM BUILDER AND SnceoM In Sawinn, 1* BOLTON - Carpeted two Edward Tomkiel needed. Bolton area. L.A. SAVE. BUY DOWN ON PAINTING • QuaUty work fllled with •pneuing 6 IN-SM U-M am ma. ma to $325. includes appliances bedroom duplex with gar­ MANCHESTER HERALD to aran anaa kaa M sum SMB. Town Clerk Converse Company. 646 POINTS CONSIDERED. professionally done. After design*. Also 2 BONUS 6 IN as and parking. 233-9660. 426 age. $m ’s. Locators n 6 3117. $89,900. Telephone 6468270. 4 p.m. telephone 647-9490. Coaponat Price . . . $625. 1270. 232-0761.