Rham Seniors Get Diplomas I It’S She Urged Them Not to Stick Their
24 - EVENING HERALD. Wed,, June 18.1980 *■ ilmtrliPBtpr Introdudns Cambridge Box: T- |Vol. XfclX, No. 222 — Manchester, Conn., Thmrgdav. June 18,1980 • Since 1861 • 20e 1 J Second body found Slain baby’s mom sbot u ANdOVER- The body of the month-old son Thomas in the to find the missing woman. examiner’s office in Farmington. Dr. woman found in a wooded area of An driveway. Hart found the baby in his Galvin said it appeared that the body dover Wednesday afternoon has been When police responded to the call driveway when coming home from hadn’t been in the area for any length " , r identified as that of Mrs. Eiizabeth they said the boy did not have any life work Tuesday evening. He sub of time. f T , Hart, 29, of 774 Manchester Road, functions. The initial cause of death, sequently c a ll^ the police. Glastonbury. She was the mother of ’The woman’s body was found in a Police said residents of the area, 4 . ' / " according to police, was severe head where the body was found, said the 14-month-oId Thomas Hart, whose wooded area off a power company injuries. area was frequently used by young body was found in the driveway of his Hart's wife, Elizabeth, was not at maintenance road in Andover, by a people for parties. Police declined to home Tuesday. Her death by gunshot home when he made the call to Connecticut Light & Power Co. say whether a weapon had been has been classified as a homicide. police. She had been missing since lineman about 100 yards off the recovered or if they had any further State Police of the Colchester Tuesday night.
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