Rumsfeld Refuses to Rule out Possible V.P. Bid Rejected
Vol. 30 No. 194 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Thursday, November 13, 1975 Rumsfeld refuses to rule out possible V.P. bid WASHINGTON (AP)--Donald Rumsfeld There have been rumors since Ford refused to rule himself out yester- dropped Schlesinger 10 days ago day as a possible Republican can- that an ambitious Rumsfeld, Ford's didate for vice president next year. White House chief of staff, had However, Rumsfeld told the Senate been influential in muscling Schle- World News Digest Armed Services Committee considering singer out of office. his nomination to become secretary Under questioning, Rumsfeld said, of defense that "I would not be "I did not have anything to do with SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--A lawyer for seeking anything else" beyond the his departure." Patricia Hearst says a federal judge Pentagon post. In fact, Rumsfeld--who described has scheduled a special hearing for Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D-Wash., himself as an admirer and friend of Monday to consider whether to delay an announced Democratic presiden- Schlesinger--indicated that he Miss Hearst's trial. Attorney Albert tial candidate, attempted to "nail recommended against ousting Schle- Johnson said he spoke with Judge down," as he put it, whether Rums- singer. Oliver Carter following an appellate feld was thinking of staying as Armed Services Committee members court ruling that could affect the secretary of defense only a matter also showed concern about whether Hearst case. The court ruled that a ,'f months before leaving to cam- Rumsfeld would challenge the views judge can exclude time used for psy- aign for vice president on a tick- of Secretary of State Henry Kissin- chiatric exams from a requirement et with President Ford.
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