State's Poiverless in Gas Crisis
Ml* I MB M littk big I, me the matchup jackal. 9 Ubtion to the nm MMHMB includes • yeMuw, I Ml I •triped tee-shirt and a da i .iiopp red kit There you go, you re ail Mt," Suooo Myt ei»nuniB» his handiwork The make-up job he did on my face earlier revealed him to t* mor* thao a heard UMH competent fashion coordinator - he is lop-notch nuke-up artist And his clown walk and big top hijinks sandg, be it a performer to boot — Mt Jut another warned me to keep y face at all time», grew A pretty (ace. without effort, la fact, I couldn't have let them •am '^^mmmmmmmmm ' Jeff Martin photo. Simon SimplewiU is a clam in the ring and slip I'rum my face if I wanted U out His made-up smile is supplemental, almost SeeAetawi, •••»» Si of I Orr the reporter Scott Orr the clown The Daily Register VOL.101 NO. 312 SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1979 15 CENTS Jacobson: State's poiverless in gas crisis By MARK MAGYAR "And if the retailers do go on strike, which I hope they fishing" Sunday if the federal Department of Energy does not Mr Jacobson said "Gov Byrne asked the major oil com- State house Correspondent don't, all I can suggest is that we go to our respective pews and meet its demands panies last week to consider sending an additional five percent TRENTON — The lines of odd-numbered cars were shorter pray," he said "At the state level, with our allocations "The retailers are absolutely right that they can't maintain allocation to New Jersey, which they have the discretion to do, at Shore gas stations yesterday, but the supply situation practically exhausted, there's nothing more we can do.
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