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Peggy Frew Jack Heath Monica Tan MARCH 2019 Alex Nicol Munjed Al Muderis and n ew book s Patrick Weaver 2 ALLEN & UNWIN and award-winning of Melbourneband Art Fighting. Literary Award. Sheisalso amember of thecritically acclaimed which was shortlisted for theStella Prize andtheMiles Franklin Peggy Frew istheauthorof of afamily incrisisby abreathtakingly talented author. Wood andGeorgia Blain, A spellbindingnovel inthetradition of HelenGarner, Charlotte her disappearance. But thistimeAnnadoesn't come back . before one night, hermother's not too worried; Anna's taken off and rebellious. When fifteen-year-old Anna fails to come home suffering. Juniegrows upbrittle anddefensive, Annadifficult marriage to notice thequiet ways inwhichtheirdaughters are Helen andJohnare too preoccupied withmakingamess of their were gone. paying attention. Andinthemiddleof itallyou, very quietly, some of usbarely madeasound. Noneof uswas listening, or around, bumpinginto each other. Some of uswailed andshouted; We draped ourselves inblameanddisappointment andlurched family, butthenitbeganto empty. We fell out. We madeamess. There was ahouse onahillinthecity anditwas fullof us, our A stunning literary novel from theauthorof theStella Prize-

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Jack Heath is also an acclaimed YA author whose books have sold more than 100,000 copies worldwide and have been translated into several languages. He lives in Canberra.


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Kate London is the author of Post Mortem Soniah Kamal is a prize-winning author. Born Jing-Jing Lee is the author of If I Could and Death Message. She is a former member in Pakistan, she currently resides in the US. Tell You. Born in Singapore, she lives in Amsterdam. 9 of the UK’s Metropolitan Police Service's Homicide Command.

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Alex was just in time to hear the voices of the last of the WWI soldier settlers, and to meet the man who still cut sleepers for the railway by hand in the Pilliga. There was the fourteen-year-old who spent his days at the races, the last Cobb & Co driver, and the silk stockings the Cattle King Sir Sidney Kidman provided to telephonists in post offices all over the back country. It was our history being told by the people who made it. And pity help any reporter who phoned when the beloved radio drama Blue Hills was on air. Now, almost 50 years later, Alex has collected these stories in a book that captures the tenacity, wit and adventure of regional Australians.

Alex Nicol was ABC's first rural radio presenter. He is also an award-winning playwright whose plays have been produced in London, New York, Melbourne and Sydney. 14

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