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II ~\ \ .\..,.~~ \,_..,._ :;; \ix,l'll l J..'- 11 ~i.~nt~ I ~ ~,J- 1 \N.A\ I. l1 \,'\<; \.l.....\.~~ "-......... u.1...J ~\ II I ~~ !I \J 'i \l'-1 \ ""\_ '- ~ M..W.'ti .. i I ! \ !I l\.ll);l. Lj\ ! i I ii ll u 11; ! ll fl I I ! ll 1 i / 11 ll I! I : 14 I i I fl 111 l5 : 11 !1 i I I J1 I 11 I • I I 11 Ii I ! 11 1! Ii i ' I l1 i Ii I i I I TTJl -! 1111 • I JI I TTlTT l 11 11 l i i i I CITIZENS COMMITTEE ON FUTURE DIRECTIONS FOR THE PEACE CORPS c/o INTERNATIONAL DEYELOFMENT CONFERENCE 1401 New York Ave., N.W., Suite 1100, Washington, D.C., 20005 Phones (202) _6JB-Jlll ~rd of Dtrtrton February 27, 1986 Nicholas W. Craw /'rnilkflt Cah'in H. llaullrnoa Andrra E. Rice ,Alu_u, frrd Thompson •...., hnidr11ts Dear - ~ ~a id Member: I~ Pinkau 7 S«rrt•ry Jamn Ekstrom You know from our February 21 co1TJTiunic-ation that we are Trrt1s 11rrr moving ahead with the National Seminar. The preliminary program Miuri~ t . Albnuon is now at the printers and will be mailed early in March. Con1rnsman Don Bonker Lrontl J. Cu1illo Today I would like to Invite you to two meetings: Harlan C~·rland Will iam A. [)(Jano 1. March 26, 1986, at 9.30 a.m. for an Exceutive Committee meet- Juduh T. Guskin Michatl Han·ry ~ at the off ice of the International Development Conference, Oa\id H. Hunsbrf1rr lliOl New York Ave., N.W., Suite 1100, Washington, D.C., 20005. Roland Johnson Purpose: To discuss and further develop the draft Program Con1rnsman Jim Lach Schedule. We are working on program details right now and will Wilham E. Moffru Pairick Sat'tOmandi mail an up-dated draft in March before the meeting. Of course, 8ryan1 Wrd1t all Board members are welcome at the meeting of the Executive Committee. a Board of Directors meetin , ice. Purpose: To review all preparations for the National Seminar, cially with respect to partici ation and fundraising. I very much hope you will participate in one or both of these meetings. Sincerely, '/ u'-:_,J_7 Andrew E. Rice / L../~ /1--e ~;t: .. ;CA- - ...(, (/\ ~ //\-"\, _,)) r 52- cYfe, 1.--) cr~~r (_,.....-t,.-.-v---t' ~I ~ l/ (} :; · ~~! ///.,'\ __() ..... .J ~ :> -~~ ~ c"~jl FEB 19th- STEERING COMMITTEE MINUTES continued REPORT ON Feb 19th meeting with Nick Craw, Denver continued 2. Identified Potential Sources and Targeted Funds A. Peace Corps/AID underwrite printing, etc.($10,00~ $20,000 B. Individual RPCV contributions for general support (10-15 at $1000 each) $10,000 C. Industry- Sponsor Keynote Speakers- 20 speakers (sell 12 at $2000 each) $24,000 D. Industry- Sponsor Scholarships for Host Nationals (list sponsors on program) $10,000 E. Industry- Scholarships or reduced fees for students and recent RPCVs (list on program) $ 5,000 ·F. Print and publish Final Report $ 5,000 G. In-Kind Grants $10 ,000 H. Banquet Sponsor $ 5,000 I. Congressional Franking Support (Don Bonker/Jim Leach) TARGET= $89,000 NEXT STEPS OUTLINED- Taylor Promotion Committee- 1. Send out Newsletter with press releases to: local and regional RPCVs national RPCV organizations foreign nationals on CSU campus and other campuses 2. Contact by letter national news magazines and media magazines- follow up by phone (Skog) 3. Form Colorado Advisory Board, invite by letter and phone contact (Albertson) 4. Write and encourage special interest stories with mention of Seminar- nationally and locally (Skog) 5. Work closely with Denver Fair (April 12) and California Reunion (June) to tie into Seminar (Albertson, Leeper) Fundraising Committee- 1. Refine and tailor budget- identify saleable budget components 2. Identify funding targets and sources, design and send proposals, phone follow up (Albertson, Tate) 3. Sc)edule of Goal Markers and Fall Back Positions (Albertson, Taylor) Logistics and Programming Committee- (Warner) 1. Set up i niti a 1 brochure schedule 2. Prepare scholarship, student fees, and host national info for brochure 3. Get CSU photos 4. Set up office- fund # , telephone, stationary, etc. 5. Get Continuing Ed credit- put info in brochure 6. Update newsletter on speaker info (Lester Brown, Bill Moyer, etc.) Country Specific Committee- (Leeper) 1. Write up homestay info for brochure and ~ewsletter- identify hosts (Ludgate) 2. Set up Mon nite activities, Tues breakfast, Tues afternoon (Leeper, Ludgate) 3. Identify regional RPCVs for general support contributions 4. Build volunteer network and bank, build Wewsletter mailing list NEWSLETTER ROUGH DRAFT- Heaton Copy deadline 20th of each month Each committee should provide an update of month's activities and news at the least- typed, double spaced, delivered to Albertson's office, 203 Weber MINUTES OF FUTURE DIRECTIONS SEMINAR FORT COLLINS STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Feb 19, 1986 1 pm, Rm 210 Lory Student Center NEXT STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING- Feb 26th, 1 pm, Room 206 Lory Student Center REPORT ON Feb 13th, Washington DC Board Meeting- Albertson 1. Budget approved- Albertson,Chair of Executive Board Fundra6ing Committee Andy Rice, Bill Delano, and Jim Ekstrom, members 2. Program Outline- Each day to have a theme- Respondi ng to Diverse and Changing Needs of Partneri Countries Promoting Mutual Understanding with Hosts Promoting Understanding of Others Among the American People d . ~ Each theme to have three spgJ~¥rs- Primary Speaker (ex. Lester Brown) Host Country National- keen analyst (9 speakers total) PC Staff person- addres PC viewpoint Each theme to have 5 or 6 panels with 4 to 6 papers eac~ mixing American and host country viewpoints (approx. 80 people at each panel discussion, 36 total people on panels) Each theme to have 25 to 30 discussion groups daily of 10-15 people to produce discussion papers SEMINAR FORMAT TUESDAY EVENING- Ini tia l Keynote Speaker- Loret Miller Ruppe, PC Director (accepted) WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY- AM (approx.