Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 109 CONGRESS, FIRSTSESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 109 CONGRESS, FIRSTSESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRSTSESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2005 No. 67 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. ject to the call of the Chair to receive bers who spent a great deal of the time The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. the former Members of Congress. around their holiday and before in the Coughlin, offered the following prayer: Accordingly (at 9 o’clock and 3 min- Ukraine trying to make a difference, Eternal Father, You have taught us utes a.m.), the House stood in recess trying to help a fledgling nation really that even good leaders must them- subject to the call of the Chair. bring about the birth of democracy. selves be led; that wise legislators f They were successful. must themselves have a wiser guide; RECEPTION OF FORMER MEMBERS Just yesterday here in the House we that wielders of power must themselves OF CONGRESS announced Members to serve on the serve under a higher power. Be to all in House Democracy Assistance Commis- this Chamber that leader, wise guide, The Speaker of the House presided. sion. These are Members who are going The SPEAKER. First of all, I want to and higher power. to go out and work with emerging de- say good morning. On behalf of the Grant to the Speaker of the House of mocracies. They are going to provide House of Representatives, I am very Representatives and to all who serve or expert advice to parliaments and to pleased to welcome you all back. Some have served here as Members, as to all parliamentarians in selected countries, of you served before the time I was in positions of public trust, that lofty and one day they can bring those expe- here; some of you were colleagues that vision, deeper wisdom and that stew- riences and that expertise to your or- I had the great honor to serve with. ardship of power that will lead this Na- Meetings like this present a unique ganization as well. It is our vision that tion to peace and prosperity and bring opportunity. We get to tell you every- your experience, your expertise begin true righteousness and lasting justice thing that we are doing here, and you to meld and blend with what these upon this Earth. get to tell us everything we are doing Members of Congress are trying to do. Such gifts come from You alone, wrong. You become more seasoned as So you see, our goals really do mirror Heavenly Father, so we turn to You, former Members, and we certainly ap- one another. both now and forever. Amen. preciate that. Seriously though, I am I want to thank you once again for f always glad to see this group and hear your continuing work on behalf of the American people. THE JOURNAL about all the great things that each of you continues to do for our Nation. Before requesting that the gentleman The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- My good friend from the Midwest, from Kansas, Mr. Slattery, vice presi- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- Dan Coats, somebody who I attended dent of the Former Members Associa- ceedings and announces to the House college with deep in the Midwest, is tion take the chair, the Chair recog- his approval thereof. one of those people. He started his ca- nizes the distinguished majority lead- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- reer representing Indiana in the House er, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. nal stands approved. of Representatives. Dan then moved on DELAY). f to the Senate, where he served for 10 Mr. DELAY. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I appreciate the words that you just PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE years until 1999, and then served as am- bassador to Germany from 2001 until spoke in honoring our former Members The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman February of this year. Dan is certainly that are here today, and some that are from Texas (Mr. DELAY) come forward a worthy choice to receive the Distin- here in spirit. and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- guished Service Award, and I would Friends and honored guests, I want to legiance. like to extend to him my sincere con- welcome you back home. It is an honor Mr. DeLAY led the Pledge of Alle- gratulations. to have back again the Association of giance as follows: This organization serves a valuable Former Members of Congress, a very I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the purpose. From your work on college esteemed organization. I have to tell United States of America, and to the Repub- campuses teaching young people about you, Ms. PELOSI has been encouraging lic for which it stands, one nation under God, the value of public service, to your me to join your organization for some indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. work abroad in places like Germany time now. f and Japan, you spread the good news Former Members Day is always a treat for me, because when you put 2 RECESS about the importance of our demo- cratic government and our institu- decades of your life into an institution, The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the tions. it is always reinvigorating to see so order of the House of Thursday, May 12, I had the opportunity last week to many friendly faces from days and bat- 2005, the House will stand in recess sub- meet with a delegation of former Mem- tles gone by. As I look at both sides of b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3559 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:12 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H19MY5.REC H19MY5 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H3560 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2005 the aisle, Beryl Anthony is here, who Beverly Byron (Maryland) ates an attitude amongst your families showed me kindness. As a freshman I Rod Chandler (Washington) and your friends that some days the walked in, and he as a Democrat actu- Dan Coats (Indiana) burden of the Nation is greater than ally wanted to meet me and wanted to John Conlan (Arizona) what besets most human beings in work with me. Larry DeNardis (Connecticut) their lives. We want to thank you all Jim Slattery and Dan Coats had a Joe Dioguardi (New York) again for the service that you have ren- great deal to do in changing my heart; Tom Ewing (Illinois) dered and that you continue to render Leader Michel, who tried to teach me Lou Frey (Florida) as you serve as members of the Asso- patience; Bill Alexander really taught Martin Frost (Texas) ciation of Former Members of Con- me a lot about the legislative process; Don Fuqua (Florida) gress. and Ron Mazzoli sent a grandchild to Bob Hanrahan (Illinois) This is our 35th annual report to Con- my district, which I greatly appreciate. Margaret Heckler (Massachusetts) gress. Our association is nonpartisan. He is not voting yet, but we are work- George Hochbrueckner (New York) It has been chartered by Congress, but ing on him. Marjorie Holt (Maryland) receives absolutely no funding from the We did not always agree on every- Bill Hughes (New Jersey) Congress. We have a wide variety of do- thing back then, and I suppose we still David King (Utah) mestic and international programs do not; but the fact is we are all part of Herb Klein (New Jersey) which several members and I will dis- the same heritage of service to this Ernest Konnyu (California) cuss briefly. body and to this Nation. No matter Ken Kramer (Colorado) Our membership numbers approxi- how long you have served or when, if Peter Kyros (Maine) mately 570. Our purpose is to continue you have sat in this Chamber, you John LaFalce (New York) in some small measure the service to helped write at least a bit of America’s Jim Lloyd (California) country which began during our terms history. Much more importantly, by Ken Lucas (Kentucky) in the Senate and the House of Rep- staying active in the Association of Andrew Maguire (New Jersey) resentatives. Former Members, you are still serving Romano Mazzoli (Kentucky) Our finances are sound. We support your country and still helping to make Matt McHugh (New York) all of our activities via three income history. Bob Michel (Illinois) sources: membership dues, program In your post-congressional careers, Clarence Miller (Ohio) grants, and our annual fund-raising many of you have gone on to bigger Stan Parris (Viginia) dinner. In addition, we have had the and better things. There is life after Howard Pollock (Alaska) good fortune of a bequest by the widow Congress, and we understand that. Will Ratchford (Connecticut) of a former Member of Congress, Frieda Many of you have stayed in Wash- Jay Rhodes (Arizona) G. James, who was married to Ben- ington and served here, and others George Sangmeiser (Illnois) jamin Franklin James, a five-term Re- have returned home to do the same. Ron Sarasin (Connecticut) publican from Pennsylvania, who has But regardless of where you are and Jim Flattery (Kansas) generously endowed much of what we Steve Symms (Idaho) how you are spending your time, every- do. Lindsay Thomas (Georgia) one left behind here in Congress still During the presidency of my es- Wes Watkins (Oklahoma) feels your presence and still builds on teemed colleague, Larry LaRocco of The SPEAKER pro tempore.
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