Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 110 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 110 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 154 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2008 No. 61 House of Representatives The House met at 8:30 a.m. and was in the long watches of the night in honor on behalf of Speaker PELOSI, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- places far from home. Bring them sol- Leader BOEHNER and myself to wel- pore (Mr. HOYER). ace in times of deep loneliness and come not only former colleagues but f hope for a joyous homecoming. very good friends. I am particularly May we all know Your peace that pleased to recognize the former Speak- DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER passes understanding, Your hope that er of the House, Bob Michel. I know PRO TEMPORE sustains us in times of trial, and Your that’s technically not accurate. I tried The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- love that fills the deepest recesses of to get him the votes to get that office, fore the House the following commu- our hearts. but another person intervened. But we nication from the Speaker: We pray in the Name that is above are certainly pleased to recognize and every name. Amen. WASHINGTON, DC, welcome back the distinguished minor- April 17, 2008. f ity leader to the House, a good friend. I, of course, somewhat parochial, par- I hereby appoint the Honorable STENY H. THE JOURNAL HOYER to act as Speaker pro tempore on this ticularly want to recognize my good day. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The friend, Senator Joe Tydings. When I NANCY PELOSI, Chair has examined the Journal of the first ran for the Maryland State Sen- Speaker of the House of Representatives. last day’s proceedings and announces ate, I had a little tiny brochure. On the f to the House his approval thereof. front page of that brochure were two Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- people—Senator Tydings, who had been PRAYER nal stands approved. elected in 1964 and myself in 1966—both Dr. Alan N. Keiran, Chief of Staff, Of- f former Presidents of the Young Demo- fice of the Senate Chaplain, offered the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE crats of Maryland, walking down the following prayer: street. So to that extent, if you’re real- Lord God, creator of heaven and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the ly upset with my being here, Senator Earth, as we open this legislative day, gentleman from New York (Mr. Tydings has some responsibility for we pause to consider the grandeur of MCNULTY) come forward and lead the that. You can talk to him. Your creative genius. We are struck by House in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also, the first Young Democrats con- the vastness of space and the countless Mr. MCNULTY led the Pledge of Alle- vention I attended, the President of the heavenly bodies that light the night giance as follows: Young Democrats of Maryland was a sky. Likewise, we observe with awe and I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Repub- gentleman named Goodloe Byron. wonder Your magnificent handiwork in lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Goodloe E. Byron. He served with me the advent of springtime, often being indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. in the State Senate. He came to Con- moved to worship You for the botanic f gress before me, tragically passed away beauty we are privileged to enjoy. To at an extraordinarily young age, and You alone, O God most high, belong all RECESS his wife, as all of you know, succeeded praise and glory. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- him. A friend of mine for 40 years—she We pray for Your grace to guide the ant to the order of the House of Thurs- was 7 at the time when we first met— Members and former Members of this day April 10, 2008, the House will stand Beverly Byron. It’s particularly good body on this very special day, as they in recess subject to the call of the to recognize you and to welcome all of serve those who have elected them to Chair to receive the former Members of you back to the House. public office and the Nation we all Congress. The Chair will now recognize the love. Accordingly (at 8 o’clock and 35 min- Honorable Dennis Hertel. It’s a par- We also pray for all those who are at- utes a.m.), the House stood in recess ticular pleasure for me to recognize tending the Pontiff’s mass this morn- subject to the call of the Chair. Dennis Hertel because, as some of you ing, that they would sense Your pres- f know, he came to the Congress the ence in life-changing ways. May Your same year I came to the Congress. He spirit empower people of faith to seek RECEPTION OF FORMER MEMBERS left the Congress not at the request of You with all their hearts and minds. OF CONGRESS the citizens of Michigan but at the re- We pause as well to pray for those in The Speaker pro tempore presided. quest of the citizens who served in the harm’s way and their families. Be with The SPEAKER pro tempore. On be- State legislature. They divided his dis- those wearing the cloth of our Nation half of the House, I consider it a great trict up not in three ways but in four b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2445 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:07 Jun 26, 2008 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\2008BA~2\2008NE~2\H17AP8.REC H17AP8 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H2446 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 17, 2008 ways, all that had Democratic incum- Distinguished Service Award and to spite the fact that in ours, as in every bents. He chose not to take any of ask you if you would say a few words to democratic society, there is a lot of them on. They were all relieved by our group. criticism, a lot of complaint, nonethe- that. You have done well in choosing Mr. MITCHELL. Thank you very less, I think every Member of Congress him as your leader for this year. much, Congressman Rhodes. Thanks to has earned and deserves the respect of The chair is yours. Congressman HOYER and to all of our the people for their dedication and Mr. HERTEL (presiding). I want to colleagues here. Let me say that I am their service to others. thank Leader HOYER, not only for his grateful to you for the kind words, Thank you all very much for this very kind remarks today and for tak- Congressman Rhodes, and grateful to great honor. ing the time to be with us but the fact all of the Members Association for the Mr. RHODES. Senator, thank you that he has always come to help us honor that you have bestowed upon me. very much for your comments. I think with our one day of session here as I think it’s fitting that this ceremony the significance of your comments is former Members of Congress. It’s very, of former Members be held in the the fact that you and Members of the very much appreciated that Leader House Chamber. other body do recognize that it is one HOYER with his busy schedule always I recall very clearly when I was elect- Congress composed of two separate and has time to come forward for us. ed majority leader of the Senate and I equal bodies. We appreciate that por- Mr. Jim Slattery from Kansas, the attended the first official function with tion of your comments as much as any- President of our Association, cannot be the Speaker. Prior to the function, we thing else. with us today because he has left our met and I said, well, we have to decide We do have a scrapbook with remem- position as President of the Former who goes first. He said, yes. We can dis- brances from your former colleagues, Members Association to become a can- cuss that, he said, but I’d just like to both in the House and the Senate, ap- didate for the United States Senate in call to your attention that the position preciating your service. And, of course, Kansas for the Democratic nomination. of Speaker is mentioned in the Con- the plaque. Now I will read the plaque And so because he is pursuing that wor- stitution and in the laws of the United since I’ve got my glasses on. Actually I thy goal, we have Jay Rhodes, who has States, but nowhere in either the Con- don’t have my glasses on. been our Vice President from Arizona stitution or any law is there any ref- Senator, you’ve got a lot of these. It and done such an excellent job. Jay erence to a majority leader of the just says that we recognize your life- will step up to become President of the United States Senate. He said, but I’m time of service to this body, this body Association and take on those duties perfectly prepared to discuss who being the Congress, not the Senate, and today.
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