THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, WANTS. REAL MISCELLANEOUS. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS the Secretary ami myself, to misinformation as to The Springfield ESTATE THE PRESS, faits, and to willful ami deliberate perversions «Γ Republican is recommend- facie to the President whom we wero Charles Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the by scoundrels ing Francis Adams to the Massachu- endeavoring to to anil their CITY OF PORTLAND. bring punishment, setts Democrats lor their Two Good M0N1MÏ ΜΟΙίΜΜί, JULY 31, 183« triemle, for tLe purpose of bringing about a disagree- gubernatorial candi- PUBLISHING Rents. ment between the to PORTLAND CO·, Yacht Wanted. In Board of Mayor and I President and the Secretary, date. But the Democrats are a Gorbam Aldermen, create perverse lot Village—13 rooms—very pleasantly July 22, 1876. } embarrassinent. to the prosecution, and, it At 109 Exchange St., Portland. three walk We do not read letters ami communi- to defeat their and the has no Wanted to hire for (wo commenc- IN located, only minutes to depot. That the Clerk cive notice to all anonymous possible, purpose." Republican hopes that weeks, and City they Early late trains to and f&m Portland. Season cations. The name writer are in Dollars a Year in advance. ist 8th, a good cat ORDERED,parties interested, by publishing a copy ot this and address of the The misfortune of the will heed to its Terms: Eight Tc center·board, tickets low. Both rents only $200. President is in hav- pay any racomziendation. m Seven Dollars a Year it in sloop boat, having a small cabin order in the "Portland Daily Press" Tor three weeks all cases lor iil subscribers paid ad- Also three rooms at No 57 Fore indispensable, not necessarily publication a Gaston is of carrying twelve to Street, Portland that this Board, on TUESDAY, the fif- ing [number of men about him who have their cry, and to the vance. .pable jKirsons, for $5.50 month. to successively, but as a guaranty cl faith. according il in and about Portland. References per Apply teenth day of next, A. D. 1870, at 7£ o'clock good WM. H. J Ε Lteal August been under fire, lie haï stood them Republican is defeat. and security given. Address, stating price. G. A. B.t KRIS, Estate Agent. p. ni., at the Aldermen's Room, will hear all parties \Ve cannot nndeitake to return cr reserve commu- by all, its-meaning THE STATE PRESS Portland, July 27,1876. and in case Box 115-, Boston, Mass. jy29dlw* jy28dl\v* interested in the I'etkions for Sewers in the following nications that are not used. the of several who were proved streets, viz: Ex-Solicitor Wilson is Tiiursday Morning ^it a to be he has received the very generally published every $2.50 For Sale at a State street, from Cumberland to Deerin:* street; unworthy, brunt of ye ir, if paid io advance at $2.00 a year. THE GEOKGE WASHINGTON Bargain. criticised for telling the It Quebec street, continuation of sewer about 600 feet the assault. He has not discovered that "Sylph" story. towards shore was a well known property situated on the ; simply tale hatched a band of Kates of Advertising: One inch of space, the MEMORIAL. corner some of the men were false to him op by # of Park and Gray at Danfortli street, from R. & M. Railroad bridge to and un- length ot column, constitutes a "square." THAT streets, present occupied scoundrels to a of evi· wanted to introduce and sell the finest as a first-class and popular boarding house, contain- Vaughan street; of his confidence until he had explain strong piece $1.50 per square daily first week ; 75 cents per week Portland continuation of worthy been Centennial Memorial of American ing nineteen rooms with all modern conveniences. street, sewer towards dence ol the of one afier; three insertions, or lees, $1.00; oontinuing AGENTS Independ- Hart's villainy of their number. ence For circulars and terms to This can be examined Tannery ; injured by standing by them. every other day after first week, 50 cents. yet published. apply property any time alter tin ce Mr. SKILLIN & NOWELL. o'clock p. m. Terms liberal For in- Newbury street, west of Hancock street ; Wilson believed it to be false and be Half square, three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one particulars 22G Federal at Ε. E. UPHAM & Congress street, continuation of sewer to North week, 50 cents week after. jj29d3w St., Portland, Me. quire CO.'SKeal Estate Agency, ought not to have told it $1.00; per 7 Exchange Street. street ; A Pillsbury Lie. Special Notices, one third additional. and that hereafter this Board will Portland, June 17, 1876. determine and The publishers of the Age received $3000 only in Under head of "Amusements" and "Auction Wanted. jy21dlm if convenience and Ν AST is adjudge public necessities require 1850, the last year of Democratic rule, but when drawing some very car- Sales," $2.00 per square per week ; three insertions the construction of said sewers. amusing f" Λ Live Agents for the best paying business in the For Sale. Stevens & Blaine got the in 1857, the cost or less, $1.50. A Read and printing icatures suggested to him the bard State. Experience not necessary. Call and Passed. leaped from $3000 to 11,000 the first year, and contin- by money Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State Elizabeth a well built, convenient and Attest: Η. I. see for yourself, at Room 5, Boyd's Block, cor. Middle Cape ROBINSON, City Clerk. ued to increase until it reached 30,000. That is the head and soft tail Press" (which has a circulation in every part located one and one- half house money of the Democratic large and Exchange Sts Portland. IN pleasantly story A true Copy, way some of taxes The of the tor tor first For of your go. Journal Is "loyal." national State) $1.00 per square insertion, jy29dlw* J. HATHAWAY. with ell. particulars inquire Attest : Η. I. ROBINSON, City Clerk. —Maine Standard. ticket. and 50 cents nor square for each subsequent insertion. jy20*lm GEO. F. SMALL, Custom House. SELLING OUT. jy21 dlaw4wM Address all communications to The Maine Standard has made the above Political Sews. Wanted, For Sale, of Portland. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. City assertion several times the past four first-class Fly Frame girl. Applv to FARM of twelve acres, situated on the Yar- during The Ν. Y. Tribune says: "Ths Demo- ONE W. K. DANA, mouth road, 2 miles from city, known as the STREET, from the office of the Port- yeais, Its attention has been called to the A crats will hate Carl Schurz more jy-'l>'ltf Me. Place. Also a house and stable on Mechanic FOREland Company to St. Lawrence St., is closed than ever- Saeearappa, Sawyer Our Entire Stock utter of the statement. ENTERTAINMENTS. St., Woodfoid's Corner. For particulars inquire of for repair* until further notice. falsity Eben F. rills- wheu read his Per they letter to Mr. Ottendorfer. Paitucr Wanted. C. ROGERS, on the premises. jylOdlm order, II. 1. liOBINSON, City Clerk. FOR bury knows it is false. In 1874 it stated that OF jy26 <13w PRESIDENT, It will take besides PAKTNER with frurn to in something mud to answer $300 $700 to invest on another Democratic year the cost of A a good paying business in this city. Address Sale or print- it, however." Press For Let. B. was O, Office. my27tf RUTHERFORD HA YES, ing $2800. The Press called attention The 2 Story Brick No. 43 Brackett Street, PROPOSALS. Chicago Tribune has ''private advices House, to the and with 12 furnished rooms, gas and Sebago; all OF OHIO. fact,7 without recourse to the rcc- from Situation Wanted. THAT CLOTHING % Indiana which indicate pretty in lot will be «old or leaned certainly perfect order; large; ords, showed that three times that amount COPYIST, and all kinds of at a on liberal a rare chance to secure a FOR VICE that Mr. the writing, terms; pleasant —AND— GRAXITE PIER PRESIDENT, Ortb, Republiciu candidate for AS moderate salary, by a young lady. Unex- residence ; immediate possession given. Apply to had been paid out. The Standard made no Address Governor of Indiana, will be elected in Oc- ceptionable references given. Ε. E. UPHAM & CO., PROPOSALS will be received until WILLIAM A. at WHEELER, correction or Now it with malidtf "Α.," this Office. Real Estate Ageut, No. 7 Exchange Street. SEALEDMONDAY, the 31st inst, at 2.30 P. M., for all reply. re-appears tober." Mr. Orth is in ♦ V» Λ» 01\ΛΛ Τ»Λ ο(λ«" making speeches jylO eodlui labor and material to build a required "Granite OF NEW YORK, both and Pier" at Saco River, in accordance with ami English German. plans It is not our For Sale. H'.eeification to be seen at this purpose to devote our time to BOARD. office. The Company FOR The St. Louis Globe-Democrat says the de- 1IATTIE E. ! icserve the to any or all bids. GOVERNOR, 2H0 6Î-100 ton* GOODS right reject the SAMPSON, exposing falsehoods ot the Standard, UU well found in sails and Address to lay about Tilden's letter is Drobablv caused » m SCHR.burthen, Ν. M., rigging, — proposals TO BE J. M. P. II. For the next six weeks one could do To Let. &c. Apply to MICA H SAMPSON. LUNT, Sup't. & R. R. SELDEN nothing by the fact that it is to be what is called "a jneziuii ιυυ commercial sc. Jy21 d7t CONNOR. else. But to Us- NICELY furnished room on second story, with show liow brazen a lie the edi- joint production." Tilden to write from the A board in a private family. House contains all CLOSED OUT tor ot that organ can we have ob- beginaing downward, and Hendricks to write modern improvements. Location, Congress Square. House for Sale. For Presidential Electors, get up, from the end The two are Address P. O. Box Me. GOOD con- tained from the ofice of the upward. parts all 897, Portland, 2}t story house, centrally located, — — Al W. THOMAS. Stste Treasurer IK THE GREAT Eargc-WILEIAM but the is « jn2i dtf A taining ten finished rooms, with furnace, gap, BEPUTATION right, trouble to find some kind of NATHAN A. EARWELL, the amounts of money which Fuller & 1 Sebago, and good drainage. There is a good garden, Fuller, mucilage that will make the darned thing with vines, Cur- the H la ROOMS TO Grape Strawberries, Gooseberries, Which Vegetine has attained iu all ot the publishers of the Age, for as stick at the joint. LET. rants, Raspberries and Plums, connected with the THREE WEEKS. parts For £ lectori»: receipted country as a for rooms to let, furnished or house. Apply to CHARLES CUSTIS & CO., 41)3 First .Die/rici—SYLVESTER LITTLEFIELD. compensation prin'.iDg in 1856—the last Bangor, Franklin New in " county, York, CO PLEASANTunfurnished. Prices to suit the limes. Congress Street. jy7dtf Second I. WARREN MERRILL. year of Democratic rule in Maine: 1872 counted No. 4 4J of toil SI reel. jul4d2m Fourth " J. W. PORTER. twenty-seven Liberal Repub- I Great and Good " Amount Fuller & Fuller from the House Lois lor Sale· Medicine, Fifth SETU L. MILL I KEN. jaid ap- lican votes. In 1876 oi these Greatest propriation for "Roll oi Accounts" for leg- twenty-six Pleasant Front Rooms to Let LOT of land 130 feet front by 100 feet deep, Bargains islative printing done session ot Liberals are enrolled as members of and the large number of testimonials which are con- For during the A centrally located, and in a good neighborhood. Representatives lo Congrrne: 1856 stantly being received from persons who have been 4,557 36 and with There is Sebago water and a sewer In the street. Ever offered in Portland. B. Amount same Hayes Wheeler and the Board, at this office. gas, Everj cured its are conclusive of First District—THOMAS REEF). paid parties December 30, club, twenty- Apply to & 41)3 by use, proof its great " apr29 dtf Apply CHARLES CUSTIS CO., Congress value. It is Second WILLIAM P. FRYE. 1856, from the appropriation for t6 seventh CAMPMEËTÏM must lie sold at some recommended by physicians and apoth- " printing.. 2,185 says ho expects to vote the Street. jy7dtf piece price Fourth . Amount paid same parties March Repub- ecaries. As a Blood-Puritler and " 25,1857, as we a Health-Restorer, Fifth EUGENE IIALE. irom the for "Roll lican ticket. That is the are determined to open it has no equal. appropriation of Ac- way the nomina- THE MAINE STATE For Sale or Kent· counts" for woik done in 1856 TO LET Vegetine is not prepared for a fancy drink made 8,000 13 tions are received at the Amount same home of Mr. Wheel- A first class residence, centrally situated on from which debilitates the and paid parties April 17,1857. poor liquors, system REPUBLICAN COUNTY irom the er. Hi State Street; all furnished. Address tends to destroy health instead of it. CONVENTION. appropriation lor additional restoring Roll of Accounts To Let. iL ju28dtf P. O, BOX 1G02. NEW STORE WITH NEW GOODS. Are not the many testimonials given lor the differ- 3,511 65 A Amount Fuller & Fuller out of despatch from Raleigh. N. C~ to the TEMPERANCE CAMP MEETING ent complaints satisfactory to any reasonable paid appro- of Arc Room·. Apply nl persons priation for "Roll of Accounts" for 10U Ucultr between Free and suffering from disease that they can be cured? Read 1858, New York Times says : L. W. TEWBIIEIVT St., FOR SALE to semi to in for done in 1856 and first four Humphrey, will commence Its annual at Great inducements to small deal- the different testimonials given, and no one can quested delegates meet Convention in printing days meeting Congres· jy29dtf ot 1857 member of the Democratic Cantral State House, No. 10 XCuiery direct. ers in Furnishing Goods. Our doubt. In many of these cases the persons say that Lancaster Hall, Portland, on THURSDAY, August 1,343 19 their pain and suffering cannot be as in has TO House is very thoroughtly built and in expressed, 3,1876, at 10 o'clock a. m.,to nominate candidates Total for the Committee, resigned and declared for LET. terms are cases of Scrofula, where, apparently, the whole year 1856 *iO,NJO 4» SËBAGO THISperfect repair. It contains* 15 rooms, bath body for four Governor for LAKE, was one mass of corruption. If Vegetine will re- Senators, Sheriff, County Attorney, County Cost of printing for 1856 as given the Hayes President and Judge PLEASANT, rent of seven room, hot. aud cold water, water closets, gas. Sebago, by sunny rooms, up lieve pam, cleanse, purify and cure such diseases, re- Treasurer, and County to be Pillsbury organ 00 one at 66 Danforth old number. furnace, &c. The lot contains nearly 7000 square Commissioner, support- $3,000 Settle for Governor. Mr. was and Hold Six A flight, St., the patient to health after dif- Difference between actual cost as Humphrey Tuesday, August 1, Days. feet, a fine with &c. Cash. storing perfect trying ed at the State election in shown jy20 rttf garden pears, grapes, shrubs, Positrtely ferent for September. the physicians, many remedies, suffering years, by official records and as- Democratic State Senator from The location is one of the most desirable in the city. Also to a Pillsbury's Wayne is it not conclusive proof, if you are a choose County Committee, and to act on sertion The Mammoth Tabernacle} seating 5000 i>cr- One-third of the may remain on sufferer, you 917,830 49 and For Kent. price mortgage. can be cured? Why is this medicine other business that Dauphin in 1872. J. S. sons, will be used on this occasion. of S. H. If you have any strip this is the performing any may properly come befora the The ab:>ve is a Chamberlain, Inquire McALPINE, such cures? It works in the in the cir- sample of the correctness of Hod· Sidney Perham will deliver the open- PLEASANT Bents, $7 and 810 per month. 205 Middle Street. great blood, Convention. Democratic member ol the of 1872 jul6dtf to leave it. About fluid. It can be LegUture ing address Tuesday, at 2 o'clock P. M. 2 W. W. CARB, p'ace August culatine truly called the Great the statements which the Maine Standard Blood The source of disease The basis oi representation will be as follows: Irom Camden has also declared for Among the speakers in our own State arc jyl9dtf 137 Newbiyy St. For Sale or to Let 10th we shall remove to our Purifier, great origin- county, engaged ates in the blood and no medicine has been the half Hon. Sidney Capt. Gen. Neal ; that does not act Each city and town will be entitled to one delegate publishing past dozen years Governor and Perham, Coyle, Dow, house located. Will ex- to and has Hayes Judge Settle, and will Owen B. J. K. Albion To Let. centrally directly upon it, purify renovate, any just and one additional for votes state Chadbourne, Osgood, Little, lor real in this or every sixty cast for Sel- respecting expenditures. Because the Η. M. J. β. BOARDINGchange estate city vicinity. claim upon public attention. When tue blood be- stump western North Carolina. Bryant, Cyrus Sturdivant, McKelvey, tcnemont of bouse No. 256 dcn Connor ior Governor in A fraction oi Dr. Sprlog St., Apply to 27 Pearl St. ju!4tf comes lifeless and stagnant, either from change of 1875, 35 paper is published at it is Reynolds, Joshua Nye. Eminent speakers from corner of Terms moderate. Augusta understood Tte New York LOWER May. Apply to weather or climate, want of exercise, irregular diet, votes in addition to the full number will entitle correspondent of the Bos- other States will be present. J. M. 115 the that its information is STEDMAN, Commercial St., or MAT- or from other cause, the Vegetine will renew from official sources. Reform Clubs and all other any or town to an extra ton Journal writes: "The enthusiasm for temperance organiza- TOCKS & FOX, 31j Exchange St. lew the oft the city delegate. tions are jylMtf FOB SALE. blood, carry putrid humors, cleanse the there are instances cordially invited. Palace, This basis will the Indeed, where it has stat- Clothing stomach, regulate the bowels and impart a tone of give following delegates and ap- Tilden in this city is immense. Take an il- Every eftort will be made to make this the largest ed To Let. Six first-class Houses for sale at a vigor to the whole The conviction is, in the : that statements like these were based and most interesting meeting ever held In New Eng. bargain, body. portionment upon lustration. 1 was at dinner at the Astor Yacht Alarm. 28 all less thau ten minutes walk irorn the Post public mind as well as m the medical that land. tous, thoroughly ■iï.i 229 MIDDLE profession, Baldwin 3 2 official Nor is the fact that ST., the remedies the are Naples reports. these at 2 P. will be a equipped and furnished. Has superior ac- JUL Office, City. supplied by Vegetable Kingdom 7 New House the other and the well known Saturday, M., Children's Meeting. in Bridgton Gloucester 4 day, All commodations. Will be or week Two houses aud three lots of land in Providence, more safe, more successful, the cure of disease, statements ate false the most dis- Superintendents and Teachers of Sabbath Schools lefby day Brunswick 9 North Yarmouth 3 glaringly Mr. came and to A crood in R. for sale or exchange for Portland than mineral medicines. Vegetine is composed of politician, Littlejohn, in. He was Juvenile Temperance organizations are invited ,JUU responsible parties. pilot I., property. Which we are Cape Elizabeth 5, Otisfleld. 2 ">B Also first-class 10 cent, will ex- fitting up regard- roots, and herbs. It is to take and reputable thing connected thereyvith. The to be present and assist in the exercises. charge. Apply to D. II. BURNS, Shipping mortgage paying per barks, pleasant Casco 2 Portland... 43 fresh from the labors of SU Louis. He 19 HENRY R. STEVENS, Esq:- to write as he chooses and himself as Thompson W. L. Cumberland. express IN Middle Street. Good location below the Post Dear Sir—About one year since I found in PRINCE, All bills of 6 mouths standing myself he chooses without any censure. This must Park Office where all the wholesale dry goods and other F. G. Patterson's Beal Estate a feeble condition from general debility. Vegetine L. B. CHAPMAN, Deering. classes of trade are The finest store in will be with our for collec- wae recommended to me a be the Presumpscot located, the lawyer strongly by friend who I. S. WEBB, No. Bridgton. policy adopted by Mr, Pillsbury, the Letter from Carl Schurz. city, with light and airy basement, two entrances, BULLETIN. bad been much benefited by its use, I procured the tion and all of 3 montbs Town committees are to for of the Democratic State two counting rooms, brick safe, and elegant show July loth, article, and, after using several bottles, was restored earnestly requested cbairnjan Committee. Association, counters and to names tables, otner and discontinued its use. I feel ward the of at the earliest windows, fixtures. Will MONEY TO LOAN August 15th, Parties need not health, quite con- delegates possible As attention has been called to this A Calm Κιιι«·ι· ·!" ,fc· f fident that ia no subject, R»nli· of thr be let very reasonably applied for soon. to medirdnfi to ic for to tiio ohuïrirton o» of the Apply bills as we sni)P.rjor jjjQinpnt ecirciiiry county it is to the of first class Real Eeioi^ security, in Portland, wait for us to present those complaints for which it is especially prepared ; proper give cost of state printing Election llajeior of Tilden ■1. E. taxes on committee at Portland. AUGUST MEETING, THOMPSON, ONor vicinity—ltents collected, paid, etc., have not the but our and would cheerfully recommend it to those who ieel in the administration Commission. Houses bought and sold. Apply to F. time, lawyer that need to restore them to June 1876. Bepublican immediate- No. St. on the St. Horse Car they something perfect Portland, 28th, 32J Emery Spring Route. in Real Estate. Office Carl Schurz has a mhU G. PATTERSON,dealer 379J has. health. Respectfully yours, ly preceding and those which followed the written long letter to his 9tli and lOtli. d&w22 Williams' between Myrtle U. L. SU·, Congress street, Block, PETTENGILL, the editor ol and Pearl streets. au28ti Firm of S. M. & Democratic year of 1850 previous to the war. quondam independent associate, To Let. T FORGET OUR GREAT Pettengill Co Whose Friends are his Foes. DON No. 10 State St, Boston. The the New York Staats Zeitung, giving his rea- in No. 35 Franklin following figures, embracing all of the Premiums. Street, opp. SPECIAL SALE at No man has suffered more on account of sons for his support of Hayes. In his treat- ,500 TENEMENTLincoln Park; nine rooms. Rent reasonable CIVES HEALTH, STRENGTH moneys paid out for state printing in those Call at House. jyldtf his friendships than President Grant. This ment of the subject he takes a somewhat For particulars tco Posters and small bills. years, are taken from the State Treasurer's McPhail Pianos A WD APPETITE. misfortune, however, results rather from the wider view of the situation and of both par- jyl7dtd J. C. SMALL, House to Let. ISO Middle St. books: «oc'y. of ties than did Mr. Godwin in his letter in favor Ο M INDIA ST., in Cammett Block, between Con- prominence elements in his character 1855—Blaine and ward wl Prolehhoi· My daughter has received great benefit from the Say .....$12,303 04 grees and Federal Sts., containing 13 rooms, Letter from Prof. J. K. Paine, which are admired than from 1857—Stevens aud Sayward of Mr. Tilden. We make room for some of use of the Vegetine. Her declining health was a generally such 18,405 69 gas and Sebago. Possession given immediately. of Mneic at Harvard 1858—....d o do BUSINESS Ap- College: source of anxiety to all of her friends. A few 12,997 62 the more important portions of his able DIRECTORyT to JAS. R. LUJST great as are as defects. Gen. Grant has 1859—....d o do very ply &CO., Druggists, bottles of the Vegetine restored her regarded 11,218 06 ju28dtf 546 Street. Cambridge, November, 1875. health, strength statement, and in assure oar readers Congress J. & Co. and N. H. stood his friends while under Are. doing so, Messrs. MacPhail & Co. : appetite. TILDEN, always by Tjtai for four Booksellers and Stationers. Burleigh Insurance and Real Estate years $54,956 32 that they will find every word we Gents—It gives me sincere pleasure to fe&tifv to Agent, The fiercer have been assailed the closer tjuote worthy ΒΟΥΤ βί, No. 01 Middle Street. Picnic to Let No. 49 Sears Mass. they Average cost for four years 3Ι3.7.ΊΑ ON FOGG, Wagon the excellence of your Piano Fortes. My long Building. Boston, of careful attention. He tirsfe considers he has stuck to them. Thh results in Cost Democratic year 1856 40 reasonable (erms for excursion parties; good acquaintance with your instruments has convinced to 229 part 940,«CiO will remove Middle Street Democratic expenditures year over THE FINASCtAL QC err ION. ON liorses and safe driver. to me of their superiority as tone, action GAINED FIFTEEN POUNDS OF per Apply regards iivui i-j vmivu uio Book Binders. iiuMu uiuuuui uv/wi-j uun ιιιυιυ Republican 9 JOHN and durability, and I heartily recommend them to 7,091 41 Yon know fully as well «3 1 wn. A. Room Primera' BAY, about do. and have «{UINCY, 11, 219 Brackett or 11 Commercial Wharf. the as the very best square pianos August 10th, FLESH. from his belief in the of the men If Mr. and his often enough admittel No. Ill St. St., public among integrity Pillsbury friends can extract lb-., fact in your paper, Exchange, Exchange jj-6 dim* made in the country. Very truly yours, that, with reference to who have won his friendship. Honest him- comfort from the above facts we the tinaucial question, MMALL & 8HACKFORD, IV·. 35 Plum JOHN K. PAINE. SouTn Berwick, Me,, Jan. 17, 1872. any congratu- the Street. H. R. Republican party ig assuredlv not all that House to Let. FORMERLÏ COGIA HASSAN STORE. STEVENS, Esq:— self but charged with all manner of late them. lie may also himself it should but Dear Sir—I have had in its worst duplicity, congratulate be, tb;4t it is much "rounder," on of »U. JOHNSON, the Ueut- The Best Upright as well as Square Dyspepsia the than [ItQURE Jyl4 etf form for the last ten years, and have taken hundreds he naturally infers that the same that his persistent and whole, the Democratic party. The Carpenters and Builders. L ial, over 11. H. Day'», foot of Free Ht. charges glaring misrepresenta- Pianos sold at Lowest Prices of dollars' worth of medicine without history of the list lew the dtf obtaining any when made his are has ca'.led forth the years, votes in Con- WHITNEY & MEANS, Pearl Street, op- j«30 relief. In last I commenced the against friends, false. above extract from official the — taking gress, estions in the — BT September single states, party posite tbe Park. since which time my health has Since the lime he became as a so ! Vegetine, steadily prominent records damaging to Mr. organs, fi'.nush evidence that a To Let. Buzz ! Bite ! food well and I have Pillsbury's party. indisputable Slap improved. My digests ; gained heavy of the to of flesh. are in his character, motives and acts have This sort of Mr. is too Majority element, Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. WO flrst-clasj Tenements let in Fremont SAMUEL fifteen pounds There several others soldier, lying. Pillsbury, stupid and "soft-money" Place, Park. of E. THURSTON, Protect Your Homes and Save Hundreds this and all have obtained ».'dout all the lust of repudiation that ex- WALTER CORKV & No. Τ opposite Inquire PONCE, place taking Vegetine; been assailed until he has come to accept to be useful even to the Democratic CO., Arcade, corner Middle and or JOHN 0. PROC- relief. Yours truly. party. ists, are to be found on the Democratic side. 18 k?ree Street. Exchange St, TER, 25 Exchange St. ju21tf îor Street Block, of Dollars in Paint and Fixtures. THOMAS E. MOORE, slander and detraction as the portion ot every Brace up and devote yourself to another Now. if such a party—which still almost daily GEORGE A. WHITNEY, N·. 56 Ex- Aâent Overseer of Card Room, Portsmouth Co.'s Mills. as I write, shows itself through its in 81. Maine,_3_Free man who occupies a prominent public posi- branch of fictitious majority change Upholstering of all kind· writing. the House of Representatives hostile to hard done to order. E. T. tion. himself the rooms at Ko. 10 Atlantic street, up stairs BXJRÎEIOWES, Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists· Outraged by basest calum- money—would nevertheless have us believe, SIXHas, Sebago, Cemented Cellar, &c. A very JJO U1M nies, he has turned a deaf ear to the The Democrats made a very poor shorç In that the hard-money interest wonld be safe in Horse Shoers. pleasant rent for a small charges family defence of their its hands, it must of necessity give ns, both by A- jne2Mtf T. S. LAUGH LIN. maie against his friends. More than partisan naval report in the E. JIORRILI, YOUNG, Experienced that; explanation and by acts, stronger] guarantees Horstshoers at No· 70 Pearl St. Douse the wrongs he has suffered have had a tenden- Friday and Saturday, which is not to than we should require of a party with better nov5dtf SaiRIEIElsrS to make him the of such of his be wondered at, inasmuch as it is antecedents. In order to deserve confidence, A — — cy champion Desirable Rent. AND absolutely tbe Democratic convention should at least have Pattern and Model Maker. friends as have been with indefensible. If Robeson is charged irregulari- Secretary guilty adopted a hard money platform, free from all J. I. UAKKOIK, 250 Fore Street, Cor A New Frciicli Roofed ties. of high crimes and misdemeanors it is stipulations and compromises, and then have ol Cross, Portland· Cottage, SCREEN DOORS, plainly the of nominated for the presidency—and no less for Very situated, near the Horse at For Sale ! One of the most unfortunate of the resi- duty the committee to move for his pleasantly Cars, in Linen the vice-presidency—candidates whose Woodford's Corner : will be let to a small Wire, and Cotton Screen Goods princi- Photo graplier. family. in dent's and the one from which he impeachment. Instead of after in to the hard Apply to WARREN SPARROW, DEALERProprietor of the Best Sliding Screen the friendship that, charg- ples regard money question stood A. ». DAVIS & No SO Middle Street. Market. It is made for either the inside or outside of him the reach of doubt. Less than this CO., jul6dtf 194 Middle St., or on the Premises. will suffer most in the public estimation is ing upon all sorts of transgressions, they beyond the window, and may be raised to the top or taken THE MARITIME could not have been demanded. And what has out at of the sash. he manifested for Gen. turn over the to the Plumbers. pleasure, sliding independent that which Babcock. report judiciary commit- the Democratic party done in its convention? To be Let. A Good Common Screen for Fifty Cents. Don't In the war he was a member of the Presi- tee simply to avoid to After arraigning the Republicans for great JAMES MILLER, No. 91 Federal Street RENT of 7 Room* at 196 Franklin buy the Fainted Linen Netting as it is not clear and being compelled bring sins of to raise a dnst for A Street. Price $200. Inquire nt will keep out the air. Wire is very much more dura- Machine dent's staff. He there gained Gen. Grant's evidence to sustain their allegations. And omission, chiefly tbe 69 FRANKLIN STREET. ble and better as well as cheaper. All work done in Sewing* Co., concealment of its own far worse record, it Roofers. jul3dtf and men who the best manner and warranted to suit. Having Ma- confidence esteem. When be assumed style themselves reformers and de- proposes as the only measures the re- «V· N. McCOY & 28 *2» «t Street. specific CO., we can do work for less than any Carpenter of the To Let. chinery OF ST. JOHN, Ν. B., the duties of Chief Magistrate, Babcock be- claim till they are hoarse concerning the peal resumption bill of January, 1875! can afiord to. You and I have been of tbe same oplnioa Real Estate PLEASANT Lower Rent of 5 at 38 Portable and Folding Frames and Cano- became his confidential Of of the administration are Agents. rooms, Canopy secretary. course corruption ready to that the resumption bill of 1875 was insuffi- JOHN A Chestnut Street, fur $15 per month to a small pies always on hand. These frames can be adjusted C. PROCTER, No. 9.» Exchunge offer lor sale tbe wliole of the Gen. Grant could not believe that aid with their word and vote this cient in its details, but of value as the distinct Street. family. Apply to L.TAYLOR. by a peculiar clamp to Bed, Crib, Cradle, Louuge, Babcock piece of &c in a minute's and are promise of the acceptance of spccie payments my27dtf 178 Commercial Street. Sofa, Chair, Desk, time, was the unscrupulous and unworthy man he sheer rascality. indispensable in travelling, lor children, or in cases on the side of tbe government. You and I Stair has since to Builders· To Lei. of sickness. proved be. When, therefore, it during the session|of this Congress have con- if. P. No. 252 A LIBBÏ, Fore Street· cor. was out that Babcock WAsmxTOX special says that the demned every attempt to repeal the resump- Cross St.· in on the comer of High l.d Danfortb St., given was indicted for Delano's mill. NO. 230 MIDDLE ST., tion bill as a raancouver of the inflationists. HOUSEin the best of repair, has 9 100ms and Democratic attempt at G. JL·· HOOPER, Cor· York and large connection with the whiskey frauds, the repudiation through With truth bave In Maple pantry, good furnace, gas and Sebaro water, good Over Palmcr'e Shoe Store. perfect you declared the Streets. the Bland silver bill is a notice- cemented cellar, woodliouse and large "anlen. In- MASON & HAMLIN President could not believe that the man he already having Staats Zeitunn thzt "such a irepeal without at qiure at No. 18 High Street. ahlft effrtPt. Iinnn ίτην«ρηηΐΛηΙ·. sennrHiaa the same time some meas- had known so long, was a knave. Conse- accepting practioal Watehes, Jewelry and Silver Ware. mylCdtt PETER HA SNA. Cor. Cross & ForeSts., ure for spccie payments would be a moral vie- Manufactory Contained in tbeir Treasury Department lias information that J. A. MERRILL &- 139 CABINET ORGANS. quently when Babcock denied it and his iuij υι luo luuaiiuuioio. χ uu nuu jl huuw CO., middle St To Let. jul3 PORTIiAXD, MK. (ltf J. A. MERRILL. foreign buyers already indicate an that for two years the battle of the _ A. KEITH. friends him that the conviction of unwilling- past cry PLEASANT rent of six Cor. Charlotte and Maiii Sis. pursuaded rooms in perfect order; Excelled by uo others. At reduced prices. Factory, ness to make inflationists has been tha repeal of the resump- «as and Kent Babcock was a of a to large purchases of our bonds, A gas Sebago. $250, Apply to L. part conspiracy con- tion act, and if now the Democratic platform TAYLOlt, lj8 Commercial street. myl2-tt STONE & It of because the bands only read in Warcrooms 3 Free St. Block. DOWNER, consists nect the President with the whiskey frauds, payable coin, iH acting upon the finance question presents and do not coin. The as its only specific demand that the To Let. he quite naturally took say gold discussion of resumption although unwisely bill shall be repealed, honest hard the bill has disclosed the fact that while all every uioney The easterly half of residence corner of Free SAMUEL THURSTON, Planers, side with his private secretary. In so doing, man who seriously considers the question, will and High streets, now by W. H. An· CUSTOM HOUSE BROKERS Engine Latlies, bonds of States and occupied he was led to do which at least gold railway corporations ask: What does this mean? The reason can Ldereon. Esq. Possession given tirst of Way. myll AGENT. dly things place of contain the word the United certainly not be that which the platform itself inquire P. W. LIBBÏ, AND Speed Lathes, Drills,Screw him in a false position. Ile would not gold, States aprI8dtt 42 FORWARDERS, puts forth, that the promise to resume is in Exchange St. bonds simply use the word coin. Artistic Cutting Machines, Milling believe the testimony against Babcock. To itself the hindrance to resumption, for among Photographer rational it is an unheard of that Store to Let. the President it was a in which people thing KO. 28 STATE conspiracy The biography of the Kev. E. D. Winslow a man was unable to his debt be- Ko. 122 Commercial ST., Machines, Ma- pay simply 257 1-2 MIDDLE street, next below Centering Bristow and Mr. Wilson were STREET, & now Secretary written is cause he promised to do so. that demand STOKEDana Co., occupied by Joshua Hobbs & — AND — by himself, published. Perhaps it No; Sou. Possession to cruîh and as was incorporated into the platform for the giveu immediately. Apply nt 90 chines, etc., engaged Babcock, his wae possible /or such a scamp as he even to PORTLAND, ME. Daniorth St. C. simple purpose of the inflationists OXNAltD, enemies intimated to involve him. The pacifying — — render some service aprll dtf Centre Deak Rotunda, Custom House, with to the cause of virtue by and binding them to the party by concession. Ήΐ Ο f rtrtnilWÛ/l liAÎmnnn t»'*« ««·! * I, « CARD. This is no mere conjecture. Tne chairman of To Let. deducing the valuable moral which a career /GRATEFUL tor tlio very liberal patronage BOSTON. officials was the the platform committee opeuly declared in the uatural consequence. The like his furnish. But even vJ" received at my present piace of business, 1 am ΓίΛΗΕ IHiICK HOUSE No. 74 Danforth Street TOOLS AND ATTACHMENTS COMPLETE. might this oppor- convention that this platform was a compro- to announce that about shall i all pleased August 1, '76,1 containing the modern improvements In Particular attcution to the enter- extraordinary letter sent to district he has thrown in a mise, against which the hard mouey of remove to more given attorneys tunity away vain pursuit party convenient quarters, due notice of quire at No. 10 Central Wharf. states had which will be ins and forwarding of merchandise The is all by first-class makers, and respecting the of men accused or the eastern already strongly pro- given; in the mean time I shall conti- jnelS dtf machinery testimony after martyrdom. The only of his been used on work is in work- portion tested. And they have nue to wait on customers as usual; having arranged arriving at POET OF BOSTON', also >'ew having very light good convicted of tho same was justly protested, ing order. crime, another which will bo read with is as this a passable substitute to my reception room so York, Philadelphia and Portland. story pleasure the because, you yourself admit, was demolished the late THE FAVORITE FUEL. It will be sold as it now stands, or in lots to suit result. The to try the matter before a "moral victory of the inflationist»." The thoroughly by explosion; hoping we are attempt account of his while from strict attention to the wants of L. AMSOIST Having unsurpassed facilities, purchasers. sufferings fleeing by my patrons to a court was still extreme inflationists in the convention were favors. to forward goods with Can be seen at any time at the Factory. military another. The com- Persons who merit their prepared prompt- justice. have been swindled by not satisfied with this compromise; naturally 1 Remain very Resj»ectfully Yours, ness and dispatch. Catalogues and prices can be obtained on anplica· munication of the character of the tion to Messrs. Ε. T. KENNEDY & 83 Prince testimony him will fiud consolation here. so, for a compromise never because it Ρ H OTOG RAPHE R, Business entrusted to our care will CO., considerable satisfies, ju!7dtf fëntauusn oats, 425 bust» t ariey, apr17 te ry. damage amounted many Vinalhaven; Glive. Warren, fni Surry ; Porto Rico, sonal offrent. He will uo doubt exoress his been. In order to secure tbe election of Tilden 8J0 bush rye. to Portland ! [ Special to the Sunday Times.] great distress prevails. Wentwortb. Bangor ; Carrie 11 Spollord, Haskell, Coming Μ. A. ITI. D. to a further extent in the course of and Hendricks, it had become now Toledo, July 28.—Flour Wheat is firm; THOMAS »AI\E¥, feelings Fonicrjr iu I'ittNlicld. uecossary Do Molkte, nephew of the Prussian tie],J quiet. Deer Isle; R 11 Wilson. Clark, Pawtucket; Carrie L the me to ele- to strike at the bureau offices of No 1 White Michigan 1 extra White Cure of ft'arliul Iîeafue»* οί Hie Bcr. Office I!»!» l-i t'*n«rru Mlrrcl, campaign. It does not occur to the navy de- has killed von Fischer, au officer ol 204; Michigan Hix, llix, Deer Isle; Alice B, Basset, Richmond,Me; Mr. 31).—A mail the and to cast marshal, 1 30. Corn steady; High JVMxed low Mixed at K. of lflr. vate Mr. Hayes toademi-god because be is a 1'ITTSFIBLD, July young by partment a stigma on the Secretary in a duel. 50Jc; Wm Thomas, Llttlejohn, Hallowell; Mary Farrow, Oa^i-lt CSrcetie, Formerly oecupie»! by Dr. Daveis. the guard, no 4?c at 39c. Oats are is univer- of tbe This was not a impérial 49Jc ; grade ; damaged quiet ; Foss. Grace and Free candidate for the presidency, but he name of Orlmdo Briggs, whu has beeu study- Navy. political question from Galatz that 34c. Bangor; Cushing, Hamilton, Lew is ton, July 8,187G. Uourx-lO to U A. HI., i in 3 P. 1*1. Λ telegram reports seventy rejected Wind. Kenuebec. sally as a man of integ- but one involving the good uame and honor of have revolted bbls Frisbee, Du. Sir: mai! ilJtwH recoguized scrupulous ing law with C. Λ. was taken iuto thousand Tfloberbesacns against Keceipts—600 Hour 0,090 bush Wh^at, 45,000 Cld 27th. ior Ligiithill,Dear a Farwell, a and he asked that harque investigator. Butman, Havre; rity, of a stroug feeling of honor, of quiet man, it should be treated in Caucasus and are bush Corn, 4,0C0 bush Oats. to have name in a few since ou a of the Kuislans overpower- tell Eliza J Palmer, Stevens, Log un a. Although unwilling my appear man who has fulfilled ail du custody days charge forc- in that light. bbls energv—a public ing the garrison. Shipments—500 flour,24,090 bush Wheat,20,000 Cld 28th, ships Zouave. Mears, Bremen; Melrose, public.print. I ilo in justice to yourself and in the him with name of J. Mr. Gariield said bu>h Corn, bush Oats. ties which have ever devolved upou ing the Hon. M. Coffin of this that after much labor the 3,000 Neil, New Orleans; barques Golden Sheaf, Thomp- hope of helping others who n»ay have t he misfortune JOHN J. PERRY, committee on naval affairs of of make this statement success, and in every respect without reproach; to a note of The uoti was made had laid an egg .tllNOIt TKLKGBA9IN. Sr Louis, July 29.—Flour is unchanged; son, Glasgow; Proteus, Orcutt, Dunkirk; sclis Etna, Deing deprived hearing, place $125. Super- in a man in whom the desire to restore and which it labelled "a doubt." The result of all fine Fall 2 75 @ 3 00; extra do 3 25 3 75; double cx- Stettin H Macomber, Williams. Jackson- glauly. i have been alHictcd with deafness my pre- of are lo @ Sawyer, ; I about four months since, payable in one year Λ number unemployed workingmeu a 4 00 4 25 left ear for over six and it has been Attorney :il aw, serve honor to the government spriugs from its work was that it was in doubt whether the 11 do at @ ; treble do 4 75 @ 5 25. Wheat ville; Orient, Brown, Bangor; Mary F Pike, Good, months, growing have a maps meeting and parade in Tompkins No 2 lied Fall excited and Katie Ρ Luut, worse, almost incessant noises and it. the natural tendency of bis nature, and not at the Merchauts' National Bauk in Water· Secretary of the Navy had done anything im- higher; Irregular, opened and Lopaus, Boston; Nettie Walker, producing Square, New York, today. They propose t> at 1 27, dvanced to 1 3), closed at 1 28; No :» Red Fall Ingalls, St John, NB. greatly inconvenienced me. You have wholly re- 49 1-3 EXCHANGE ST.. trom artifice or affected feeling. It is as hut the was cot detectid until re- peachable or not. So it turned the egg over to quito ville, forgery relieve their rniuds to Wickham. at 95c. Corn—No 2 Mixed at 41 @ 41 Oats— No 2 Passed through Hell Gate 27th, brig Nellie IIus- moved the by a short and painless opera- well that in his official he has auotber committee to be sat on the Mayor £c. difficulty A1A1NE. known capacity matter during at 31c. Provisions firmer with small ted, Brewster. New York for Bristol, E; sells Albert tion, so that 1 can hear as well iu that as in my other POICTLAIN'D, cently. The has, however, boju coin- The Idler won the with the Wan- only jobbing jan2l dlwHtf repelled the bad elements of party and sur- summer, aud if possible, to be Hatched. It' the yacht race, trade. Hogs steady. Jameson. New York for Gardiner; Martha car. 1 would earnestly advise any one troubled aud released. It is rumored derer second and Countess of Duffereiu Candago, rounded himself with those mo.-t deserving of promised Briggs Secretary bad done anything impeachable the the Receipts—i'300 bbis tiour, 3G,000 bush wheat, 40,- Nichols. Carlou, from Hoboken tor Boston; Walter C with deafness to apply to you lor relief. respect, lu the presidency he would therein that this is rot the first attempt ol Briggs iu articles should be presented aud the House third. 000 bush corn, 70,000 bush touts, 000 bu&Li bailey, Hall, Hall, New York for Boston ; Venus, Claik, do C. K. DAGGETT. Ε. H. RIPLEY, tbe 2000 bush rye, G00 hogs, 00 cattle. ior Pembroke; Herald, Hall. Irom do for not be less successful, as through his should vote on them, but if not matter The Schuylkill Coal Exchange eudorse the Rockland; Mcilon Met'ond l*ariwli especially this line. do for Somerset. bit. HiIC;i3TlXIJLIj has for years devoted Church, decided of a term he would shuuld be to of 15 cents ton the Milwaukee, July 29.—Flour Who at firm Achorn, Nichols, rejection second LTo the Associated Press.] permitted drop. advance per agreed upon by quiet. ; Ada F from Ν York his attention to the treatment, relief and No 1 Milwaukee 1 ; hard do at 1 12 No 1 Passed do 28th, schs Whitney, wholly withdraw from the influences which would sur- Mr. Mills of Texas, favored tbe majority re- coal combination. 06$ ; Milwau- cure of Undortalior. tûooiln-lii Ui'lrgolCH iroiu Saco. at No 3 for Kennebec; J & II Crowley, do for New Bedford ; Blindness, Deafness, Catarrh, Consumption was followed Mr. Willis of kee 90ic; Milwaukee at 79c. Corn is round him all to excite in him any port and by New steady; F do for Boston; Hannibal, do tor and all diseases to these unfortunate respectiully inform the citizens ot Port- opportunity 29.—The Democratic cau- The Cocheco cotton mills in Dorer, Ν. Η., No 2 at 45 @ 46c. Oats are dull ;No 2 at 29c. is Maiy Cushman, leading other emotion ibau that of a Biddei'okd, July York, on the same side. Rye Rondout for Jas Bliss, irom aftections. Ile may be until further WOULDland that lit) is prepared to furnish t enia·*, making single have shut down for 30 days. quiet; Νό 1 at 62£ @ G3c. Barley id No 2 do; Jachin, Haverhill; consulted, cus chose a to Hale and defeuded steady; York notice, at the i'aMkelNand of all at term honorable. This is no extravagant praise, in Saco to-ni.®ht delegation the Messrs. Frye Ilotcson Spring at 65c. Hobokea for Bath; Lookout, New lorLubec; Cirave-t'lolhca, styles, and favored the The dory Centennial was passed the 231 in R do lor J II fm do for the shortest possible notice. Everything connected but it has tbe advautage of being true. The convention favorable to the nom- minority report. Receipts—3,600 bbls flour, 56.000 hush wheat. Holmes, Wiscasset; Bartlett, Congressional lat. 46 5i, Ion. 35.22. All well. with the management of funerals, day or night, will realization of tbio feature of reform seems to Mr. Kelley of Penn., attacked the report of Shipments—8,000 bbls tiour, 22,000 bush wheat. Kennebec. PREBLE HOUSE, PORTLAND, ination of Hon John M. Goodwin. sell Lizzie receive attention. Residence Ko. 219 Federal, tbe and Mr. a member of are the on PROVIDENCE—Ar 28th, Raymond, prompt me therefore as thoroughly secure through majority Harris, the Grasshoppers devastating country Detroit, July 28—Flour quiet and at 6 00 Ou and of feblOdtim Adrireiwea the Biildtforil steady Lord, Perth Amboy. Monday, Tarntlay Wednesday corner ol Temple St. Tildeu. Fred committee, said it was partial and that uo offi- the western borders of Minnesota. 6 40. Wheat—old is dull and new each Hayes as through @ lower; is firm ; Sid 28th, schs Ocean Belle, (Br) Wasson, Portland; week, com ni eu «in g July IN7G. knew the which were made extra White at 1 new 1 : But it has always been a very important Republicans. cer charges against John Hernan whipped James Collies in a Michigan 28; 21 No 1 White Phonix. Dodge.. Kennebec. ju28 sut f him until the democratic members Michigan old oftered at 1 25; No 1 Amber ottered at Dr. Π. T. w lido* matter to ree, not only that corrupt officials Hon Fred addressed a crowded au- had fur- in PAWTUCK ET—Ar Z6th, sell Fair Dealer, Snow, Douglass prize fight Philadelphia Friday. 112; new at 1 06. Corn is The Natural should be brought to punishment, but that the nished it to the press. unchaugcd; No 1 Mixed Bangor. iHatfiielic Phyaieian, dience at the Ilepuljlicau headquarters thia Non-commissioned officers and privates have at 54 @ 55c. Oats are firm; White Mixed be source Mr. lvasson of said the report of the 35jc bid; RI—aid 28th, sell Maud Mullock, Bick- He shall lay band s on them and they shall healed most profitable of corruption—a system Iowa, President BRISTOL, & There was much enthusiasm. of the naval sent a petition to the and Congress 33ic. ford, Calais. Woodbury Moulton, of plunder—should be checked by a permanent evening. majority committed in insinuating bbls bush !tO'i Cumberland, Cor. of Elm Ml. asking the promotion of Major Beno and Capt. Receipts—750 flour, 5,000 wheat, 1500 VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 20th, schs Amos Walk- dtf and thorough reform of the civil service. Tbe Democratic Flag Raiaiiijt. dishonor against Secretary Itobeson, was an bush corn, 2000 bush oats. novH Benton for their bravery and judgment in sav- er, Gilchrist, Baltimore lor Boston ; J H Converse, INVESTMENT BANKEHS, aud the most a act of cowardice. Shipments—1800 bbls tiour bush 000 question, important question is, The Democrats to-night had grand jolifica- ing his command from annihilation. 15,009 wheat, Yeatou, do tor Eastport; Wm Penn. Hart. Amboy how this be attained? it I am con The previous question was then seconded and bush corn, 5,000 bush oats. tor G W Elizabethport for may Now, tion. Five beautiful were raised. Fire Saugus; Rawley. Rawley, flags over It is now that both Tilden and Hen- vinced that Mr. Hayes will undertake with the matter went till Monday, to then tiko reported Cincinnati, July 29-Pork is firm at 19 00. Lard Portland ; Korct, Dunham, Gardiuer lor New York. v# ûi\i;aic&iige ©ireci, WM. H. MOTLEY, works were let oil aud crreat crowds throcced nrenedence of other business. dricks will issue tbeir letters this week. TiMen *·'"■— « ni Sid ecus L· aim Connecticut. honest will and carry out irilh all energy ex- > "I '-"A ϋ.ϊ 20(ii, stanuisn, A TTADVrV 4 W TAW Λ was then will aalnre to hard 13(5. Bulk Meats are active; BOSTON—Ar 28th, Bobs Charlie Morton, Pike, actly such a thorough reform as that for which the streets. The City Hall was packed, where recess taken till evening money. moderately shoulders OFFER FOU SALE sold at 7£ @ 70c, closing at 7|c bid, 7£c asked clear Loudon, (Frank Kramer was lost overboard July 3d); 1 hare striven, what right have you to assert Evening Ne«aion. There is great excitement iu tbe stock ex- ; OVER ί. Γ. Hon. J. M. Goodwin presided and Hun. E. F. rib fides at 9| @ 9gc, closing at 9$: clear sides at 10; Oriole, Baker, Baltimore; Skylark, Small, liobokcn. FARIdNGTON'S, that by supporting him I tread my convictious A change iu Philadelphia caused by decline in Bacon is firm and Cld sell Portland. delivered an address. large number of speeches were made on unchanged ; shoulders at (aj S| ; 28th, Nettie, (Br) Britt, under foot? Have 1 reasons for these convic- Pillsbury Hestonville city railway shares from $40 to clear rib Hattie A various subjects, the House remaining in ses· s'des at 10$ @ lo|; clear sides at 11 20 ^ Ar29th, scbs White, Bellaty, Gonaivcs; 180 Middle Street. tions? Let us see. In his letter of The Republicans are for another It is rumored that two tirms will sus- 1125. Live fair to at 6 40 Amos Walker, Gilchrist, Baltimore; Mark Pendle- FH-UilimLM)$ acceptance, preparing siou till 10 o'clock. None of the speeches were $30. Hogs quiet; good light (eg juiij dlf ivhinli in thie roanonf. Ιαονοα far huhi ml thn ro 6 GO do 6 Port Hobo- celebration. ot pend. ; heavy 50 @ 6 75 ; receipts 267 ; shipments ton, Pendleton, Johnson; Hyue, Oliver, grand any public importance except one by Mr. 930 head. Snow, do. (ιοιιι 5 1-2 to 8 coût. publican as wcli as the democratic pltaform, of J. C. colored nominee ken; Union, l'a) iug per Orowncd. Morrison Illinois, chairman of the committee Corbin, Republican Old 29th, brig Arc«>t, Small, for Dundalk, Ire; scbs ΛΙΜΊΙΙ Κ S. B1KD, HI. O. has the clearest and com- Cleveland 29.—The Petroleum market is My. Hayes presented on ways and meaus^on the subject of bis tariff for state school superintendent of Arkansas, July Hattie M Crowell. Crowell, Kennebec; Lulu, Snow, of civil service reform with Lewiston, July 29 —This afternoon Everett slightly weaker; standard White at 15. pletest programme bill, which, however, he said, would not bo declines. do; M I) Haskell, Carter, Philadelphia; Advance, 67 EXCHANGE STREET. OFFICE 4M EXCHANGE MTREET, which I am acquainted. Untiring and impar- Holt, six years }f age, fell from a raft into the the New York, July 23.—Cotton is Eddie F Treat, presse! during present session. The Herald says 151 uford Winsoa's testimo- firm; Middling Waldron, Hampden; Hodgdon,for ηον2ί) Povtlaud, M aim. tial prosecutions and punishment of dishonora- in the rear of uplands ll$c. Portland. deodsnly pond Androscoggin block, and ny exonerates the President. The Tribune Jyll tllin ble officials; no more appointments by tha re- New Orleans, July 29.—Cotton srtong; Middling GLOUCESTER—Ar 28th, sch J G Drew, Wodlin, was drowned. His body was recovered. thinks, on the contrary, it implicates him, and 43 quest of members of Congress; no removals ex- THE uplands ll^c. Cadiz days. FISHING TACKLE, fatal Accident. INDIANS. the World calls on Bristow to open his mouth BEVEULY—Ar ech Ban- Iff. C. cept for deficient service ; the official no longer Charleston, July 29.—CottoD 27tli, Victory, Johnson, PATTEN, for his own credit. quiet; Middling gor. Guun, Revolver* and Ammunition of all the tool of and fideli- Mrs. Sullivan while on uplands at 11c. party; honesty, capacity to-day, standing the NEWBURYPORT—Sid 28th, scbs George Gilmau, kinds. Agent for l^alliu Α ΚηηιΙ'Μ and ty the only claim to official promotion, Co. A. 1st artillerp, 55 men, lett Boston Sat- Savannah, 29.—Cotton and firm Powder. Practical Expert Accountant, thereby track, was struck by a train on the 'Androscog- Dcmikid from Silting Bull. July quiet ; Mid- Warren. Calais; Florida, Grant, Rockland. Orange Wholesale and ICetail. the total abolition of the system of plunder; urday ui^ht for the Black Hills. dling uplands logo. PORTSMOUTH—Ar 28th, scbs Ella, Hatch, and Guns and Fishing Kod« repaired. gin railroad and was knocked over an embank- 29.—An official from 145 COMMERCIAL ST. the reform secured by legislative means. Do Omaha, Julj telegram Wilmington, July 29—Cotton is nominal; Mid- Ruth Τ Carlisle, Smith, Philadelphia; Tantamount, ment. Her is Fort Laramie a courier arrived from Perth you know of a better programme? Would not recovery doubtful. says just dling uplands 10jc. Pendleton, Amboy. T. B. DAVIS, accounts, partnership settlement», its realization fulfill all which I have advocated the lied Cloud agency says Ked Cloud told him FINANCIAL AND COiftTIEItClAL Republican Fias; Raiding. Louis ville, July 23.—Cotton firmer; Middling up- FOREIGN POUTS. INTRICATEetc., etc., adjusted. Previous business written, in accordance with convictions? that Horse was coming into the agency lands 11c. Corner Federal and and all work services my 29.—The un- Crazy Temple Streets, requiring competent promptly Skowiiegan, July Republicans very soon ; that his band is now on the Sid fm Cronstadt July 21, barque Graham's Polly, executed. between debtors and credi- HAH HAYES THE COURAGE TO CARRY OUT HIS way Augusta, 29.—Cotton in 1 13 Compromises furled a this in July goo demand ; Mid- New York. my POBTLAND, UIE. sueod3m tors effected, financial of debtors large campaign flag evening the there, and that twenty lodges had already ar- Foreign Export*. lie. Clapp, ability investigated, PROMISES? dling uplands Arat ElsinorcJuly 2L barque Leventer, and settlements effected when desired. of a crowd. med. Crazy Horse has sent word to Captain Vesper, presence large Appropriate HALIFAX. NS. Steamer Falmoutli-1805 bbls Norfolk, Baltimore for Konigsberg: Instruction in a that he would see shake July29.—Cotton quiet; Middling up- book-keeping to limited number. He has shown that the substance of civil ser- made. Egan him, hands, flour, 7 packages boots and shoes, 275 pa- lands at for speeches were Music by the Slcowhegan packages loge. Sid fm Antwerp July 27, laïque Sarah, Tilley, Dli . HA Business from tbis city and vicinity rcspcctfully vice relorm is clear to his mind, but make a treaty and be friendly. Indians lately per, 2525 lbs starch, 1 wagon, 25 bag3 corn, 80 packa- United States. THAYER, solicited. completely Bind. Great enthusiasm was manifested. talk you deny him the courage and the ene/gy arrived won't about the fight and pretend ges merchandise. Havana IHarket. Sid fm Gloucester, E, July 27, sch Annie R Lewis, Ample references in this and other cities. which are in order to Pillai. that they know nothing of it. United States. mar7 TW&Fteodtf necessary successfully Havana. July in demand Lew^s, PHYSICIAN AM) meet influences. Moral cour- A council wes held at the Foreign Import». 29.—Sugar speculative Ar at Queenstown July 28tli, brig Clara J Adame, SUKGEON, strong opposaiDg Washington, July 30.—Postmaster Cheyenne camp. and No 10'to 12 d s at appoint- prices higher; 7| @ reals McFadden, Baltimore. age in one thing implies moral courage in oth- A white courier was detained there to talk over CAPF ISLAND. NS. Br Sebr Lightfoot-1400 No 15 to 20 at ■■•ate of ed—Alvin O. Keene, Kockville, Knox county, per arrobe; 9i @ 10J reals; Molasses Ar in Penartli Roads sch Wm Philadelphia, ers. Have considered bow mucb the from civil to authorities. boxes canned lobsters to Portland Packing Co, 20^ No 7 to 10 at 7 7 July 28, Frederick, you perhaps, change military Sugars, @ J reals; Concentrated Su- Boston. D. W. Maine. bbls 7 do cod G fish. 9 Ames, — — moral courage must be inferred of a candidate Many opposed it. Ked Cloud has mackerel, oil, qtls pollock gars fair to good quality at 4£ reals ; Muscovado Su- CAN BE FESSENDEN, expressed to Sid fm Demarara July 27th, brig Shannon, satisfaction at the Fears chickens master. gars nominal 10 to 13 in Moore, for the Presidency who opposes the most pow- change. are appre- ;Centrifugal Sugars,No boxes New York. NB. Br Schr Ida bbls 9i @ 9$ and in hhds at 10 reals. VRISE at erful official influence of his party by such a . hended that any attempt to deprive the Indians IIILLSBORO, May—1C12 reals, 9| @ Stock Sid fm Kingston, J, 1, sch Helen Maria, CONMULTKD OF IHARUfi Attorney Law, to C A Β Morse & Co. in the warehouses at Havana and Matanzas July Look, programme? He stands at the of of their ponies and arms will meet with resist- plaster 25,100 New York via Savanna-la Mar. beginning boxes and 1300 hhds. Receipts for the week 3500 at liis rooms in OFFICE IIV STANTON BLOCK, the in which the of the candi- ance, as tbey can muster a force well Ar at Cieufuegos July 24th, brig Ε II Rich. Paine, campaign policy large boxes and 1,200 hhds; exports for the week 21,500 while the number of at New York. date would dictate to him necessity of keeping Dcalrnclirr. armed, troops the poet Daily Domestic boxes and 4000 hhds, boxes and 4000 No. 31 1-2 Exchange Street. Fire in Millbur)'—I.o« Receipts. including 10,500 Ar at 24, ech M M favor with all influences of es- is verry small. It is thought they will allow hhds to the United States. 50 Sagua July Knowles, Woostor, Mechanics' Hall Janl8 dtf strong party, By Boston and Maine Ratleoad.—Fridry— Molassesnominal; de- Boston. Building. those «140,000. themselves to be numbered without grees polarization 4 reals hhds 3 pecially already organized. Yet this can- opposi- Boston Kef. Line 13 cars oil, J Η 1 do Hour, per keg. Empty 50 Ar at 24, sch M M The Doctor 1b a 30—About half 3 Bonney @ 4 00 gold. Sagua July Knowles, Wooster, didate issues a manifesto which, in its com- Wobcester, July past tion. J Β Fiske 2 do flour, C Β Varney 1 do flour, C Η Boston. Lumber easier; White and Pitch at prehensive and o'clock yesterday afternoon, Are broke out in The repoit made by John Marsh in forward- Merrill 1 do clapboards,S W Thaxter & Co 1 do corn, P£nc $32 @ 33 Ar at Cardenas 26 th, brig Ange lia, Evans. N. sbarply-deftned requirements, gold. Sooks dull; box hhds 17 July Graduate of both the Allopathic and FRED. is in itself the severest criticism of the Mowry Lapham's old mill in lirowuville in ing the memorandum book to L. N. G W True & Co 1 do corn, llolway & Robinson I do 7J reals; sugar @ 18; New York. DOW, existing belonging molasses hhds 21 @ 22. shaved at The was two stories a H F Heald 1 do Kimball & Co Hoops dull; long Sid North of Hatteras misrule. Is this want of courage? This candi- Millbury. building and Ilichardson, is contradicted by W. H. H flour, flour, Nutter, $45 $50 M. 26tb, barque Lepauto, Mears, Homoeopathic Schools, ibbardp, 1 do sbookss, Ε & Co 1 do Κ C Jewett @ ψ Β F ATTORNEY AT LAW, date to the members of thai in half high and used as a picked bouse for who arrived this met Corey felloes, Ski fm North Sydney, CB, 28tb, ship Metcalt, says Congress Lap- evening, having Kicbard- 1 do & Uo I do Farweil Mills 1 Freights—There is lack of ship room; loading at ham's brick mill a few feet bran, Phelps cotton, Blanchard, (from Elsinore) tor Mirramichi, to load tor has been in extensive for Dis- case of bis election must ol him no large distant. The son and a coach load of passenger it Hole reek Havana foi the United States per box sugar I practice twenty years. they expect do cotton, Grand Trunk Railroad 5 do merchandise, 12J @ Daisy Belfast) eases of the and skill- flames with and in on 1 hhd 4 50 5 hhd Europe; brig Boynton,Appleby, (from Eye Ear, Throat and Lungs, 173 middle concessions of to the spread great rapidity twenty the 2(ith inst. Maine Central Railroad 12 do Portland 25; per sugar @ DO; per molasses at Street, • patronage; politicians, merchandise, 2 lor Richibucto, do do. fully treated. Also Chronic Diseases in all forms. minutes the building was in Railroad 2 do 50 (si 3 00; loading at ports for the United States that electioneering work will no longer be valid wrapped flames, Troop» oa their way to Gen. & Ogdensburg merchandise, Portland Ar at Cow Bay 27th sch Willie S The Doctor's success in both acute and Terry— box sugar 75 1 00 ; per hhd 4 50 4 75 inst, Sheppard, chronic dis- UIE. as claim to an tu the President who has foundation to roof. Soon the fire commnnicat- New. do merchandise. @ sugar @ ; per rORTLAKD, office; Nothing hhd molasses 2 75 3 00. Reeves, Cork. eases, warrants the assertion that he never fails ed to the brick mill which was flvo stories and By water conveyance—1000 bush cornmeal to G. @ Spanish gold 223 @ 223£. fm apl3 d6m*ttf beeD twice chosen, and was "willing" for a New York, July 30.—A special from Fort Exchange firm. Sid Cow Bay CB, 28th, brig Kossaek, Smith, for to cure where a cure is possible. third that whoever would undertake a hall high and in a few minutes the W. True & Co. New York. term, such upper Buford of the 21th inst. says that Col. Otis and psrtion of the was one sheet of flame. Ar at St John, NF, Ju'.y 18, sch Charlotte Augusta, Office Honrs Ο to 14 A. 1 to and Ο C. P. BIBCOCK. reforms must deny himself the ambition building his detachment of have arrived and market»· Itt., 5, For an troops European Holmes, Eastport. de8 to S F· JUL iebl7sneodtt of a second term. The man who in the critical nearly hour the tire raged iu this build- JBouton fetock Market would proceed the next day to join Gen. 29—12.30 P. M.—Consols at 96 Arat Halifax 28th, ech Czar, Hammond, Rich- MODEL MAKER & before election has ing, the walls remaining until the floor timbers Terry. at the Brokers' London, July 13-1G JOBBER, period sufficient courage Thero is no news of importance from Gen. LSales Board, July 29.] lor money and account. mond, Me. had wheu with a or Irom MANUFACTURER OV and fidelity to bis convictions to issue suet a fallen, they fell terrible crash is $2,000 Eastern Railroad 7s. notes. Ar at St sch from Hemorrhage Bleetliug the Terry. Nothing known here of the rumored London. 29—12.30 P. M.—American securi- John, NB, 27th, Alruua, Burns, will also have the after sending showers of burning embers in all di- 15 Boston & Maine Railroad...., July schs Williams. Watch and Chronometer Marker»* manifesto, courage destruction of the steamer "Far West" l y tire. ties—Erie at Newry: 2Stb, Mahaska, Richmond; Lungs. Tool», rections. A barn was next attacked the 25 Eastern Railroad Railway 12$. Ruth H Boston; from ΊιιΐΙκ ninlicul, and Phil·· election to resist whatever hostile influences by It is as a Baker, Codius, Lome, Flower, Hundreds of severe cases have Leer cured Optical regarded canard. Friendly Indians 29—1,30 P. radically Ncheol surround him. flames which with its contents was London, July M.—Consols at 96 11-1G Portland ; 28tb, Rot-iua, Kelley, and D H lugraham, by the use oi Dr. Morse's Inhalations. Also Catarrh Mophical Inntrnmentn, may destroyed. report that 3U wounded warriors had crossed jt and account. From thence the flames to an old Sales at f mouey Ames, New York; Sahwa, Mitchell, Barrington. Throat ciud ail troubles. uiv97An(» Market Street, Printers Exchange, what do look for in this where tbey expect to be received with open 97| buoyant; Middling uplands at do Orleans at delphia; Nettie Β Dobbin, Dobbin, do. Now, you particular lies. The entire building was flooded with wa- 10 do 97 Gd; GJd; arms and with medical stores. sales of 15,000 bales, including 3000 bales tor In port 28tb, ships Ellen Goodspeed, Preble, and Jul POBTLAND. JV1K. dly from Mr. Tilden? Will be oppose this great ter. A large house was fired supplied Maine State 6's. 1889 111 specula- rr boarding by It $3,000 110| .. 1 pecially from the Soath, and which will sur- any $1500 United States 6s, 1865—July—reg.... Frankfort, July securities—New JVX. JL-JI. JE3L. ent are absent, l'tie chance for Eastern It. 7's, 1883—notes 5's. 102Î. kmτ stock only ending $5,000 S L Cros- pass everything which np to this time in our out,until midnight. Λ11 the buildings burned or timoré; Mahaska, Williams,for clo; Burns, this war successfully on the tor Lucy and S'lver history can point to in this line? Will he brave damaged were owned by Mowry of depends making by, Philadelphia; Lee, Ingalls, Lapbam hostile savages take care of their woundeJ aud Tenney, for .New — OF — it and at the cost of his in who his luss at JBnnk Statement. MARRIED. Spray, York; Lahaina, Bough ton, personal popularity tbiscity, places $140,000; insur- tor big own send back their families. Europe. party home the office-9eekers ance $20,000 in liuston companies. The tire New York. 29.—The is the This we passed an Indian of July following weekly that he may retain in office good men and re- took from a heated morning camp bank statement. gearing. 20 Indians on t.lie west side of Intliiscity, July 29, by Kev. (ïeo. W. Bicknell, [Latest by Europen steaamers.] move bad ooes? me to the river. They only Allow tell you, sir, Decrease in loans ... .§1,177,100 Win. F. Bettis aud Mies Λ. were to to tbe Indi- Marceua Wallace, both of Sid fm Liverpool 18th, Esther, Merrill, Providence; that do not supposed belong — — you believe this. The carrying out friendly Decrease in Specie -..1,386,200 Westbrook. Martha Goodburn, Charleston. TO ans. in Bowker, of such « reform more than any other political WASHINUmN. Increase legal tenders 2,325,200 In Gardiner, July 2G, Jas. II. Hassou and MicS Ida Sid tin Gloucester 17th, A U Weeks, Farr, Portland FURNITURE Decrease in 876.700 task, requires, first of all, an unselfish and un- deposits E. Gilpatrick, botu of Chelsea. Passed Goodwin Sands 15th, Sylvauus Circulation Decreased Blanchard, deviatiug devotion to purpose, that which is A WESTERN TORNADO. 253,100 In Bath, July 27, Clias. D. W. Smith and Margaret Green, from Pabellon tor Leith. Reserve Increase 1,158,175 Barefoot. Ar at 15th, Marion Ρ Champlin. Freeman called "singleness of purpose," a freedom from The WhiMkcy Thicvm. Newport demagogic bias and from after Calais. PHLADELPHIA. grasping popular- 29.—The Ar at Snnderland f:om contempt for all wire and Washington, July attorneys of the York 16tli, Albctti, Hinckley, EVER OFFERED IN PORTLAND ity.a pulling political rues ion of auin^r>. York. macinuo uiauacctneiit. is it «wt seutouced Western wlu-skev thieves aru h^ra iu Properly New The ITIorculilc Libnirr Associalion your opïoioo is Mr. Tilden considerable uumber» to secure the or ■*· Itl iuauri. New York, July 29—Afternoon.—Money exccs- Ar at Leith 15th, G Rcuscus, Leighton, New York. corresponds to this picture? As for pardou, atiuinraiiL nt ζ cone. on the of 15 is per call, and the Sid 1m Limerick 18th, Welaka. Perkins, lieifaufc. have the honor to announce that have made it is known to that I like mitigation sentences, of ttieir clients. ετ. Louis, July 27.—Λ toruado over bank statement shows still In this city, July 20. Mies Fannie P. Boyd, ased 24 mu y bo lotmil sit tbey myself, you never, passed larger accumulations. sia tin W»istiH>rc I5ili, J w ±*aiker, tor a Attorney General Taft is understool the northern of years 3 monihs. Brackett, arrangements lor certain other independents, placed the name of generally part this county between 3 aud The excess of reserve is now $23,100,000. Sydney CB. not to favor these 4 at In this city, July 29tli, Fannie P., daughter of the Tilden beside that of Bristow that 1 rec- applications. Upon being o'clock this morning, aud did a good deal of Gold opened 111| and persistently advanced to Sid fin Sligo 15th, Keystouc, Thompson, Delaware might I ate Janies L. Boyd, aged 24 years 3 months. commend the of interrogated this moruiug he said: 'There is damage to outhouses, trees, etc. 112J under large buying orders. Loans opened ilat, Breakwater. candidacy the former in case fences, crops, services ttiis afternoon at 2 GRAND EXCURSION nothing that can be said about it. There seems but later 2,1 and 1 per cent, was paid. The firm- [Funeral (Monday) Sid fm Carrie 46 the latter should not be nominated. I One edge ot the storm struck the extreme from ear of Queenstown lGtli, Winslow, McCart, While ness of is ascrited to t 109 Brackett street. Exchange St., to be great on the gold to-day he probabilities ot for Sundcrftiud. acknowledge the excellence of some of Mr. sensibility subject. There is north part of tbe city auj made considerable In Greenland, Ν. H July 29th, Walter —το— a the passage of the "silver resumption bill ". Howard, Ar at Kobe Osaka Rosetta perfect storm of applications for as racket some of the one of eon of the late Thomas L. May 28, McNeil, BrowD, Tilden'e actions, I notwithstanding could nev- pardous, among houses, which Specie imports for the week, $35,382, principally Capt. Libby, aged 15 years if the Administration were to all the whis- was wreckcd and a and 10 months. Newschwang. er, even in the moit favorable feel try little girl namtd O'l'ool gold coin; shipments to-day, tor the Ar at June moments, cases $300; week, Batavia 2, Eyvor, Littleficld, NYork. and key over again." was killed. coin, and 45.181 in silver since [Funeral services Tuesday forenoon at 10 o'clock, quite easy comfortable in respect to the re- $650,000 gold bars; at the Cld at Rangoon Juuc 7, Carrie Humphrey, Grozcr, The same time iu house of Mathias Libby, No. 31 Liucoln street. PHILADELPHIA, form mission of a man who had old in l/cgi»lalivc Appropriation Commit- January 1,1876, $37,500,998; 1875, $58.- In English Chaunel. A. grown 27, son of G, & 113,729; in 1874, $34,057,250; in 1873, in fhomaston, July Phillip, Henry and tm Co., VIA the school of New York tee. DlETEOUOIiOiac*!.. $38,109,048; Sid Bombay 19th, Lucy Nichols, Nichols, Havre peculiar politicians, iu Adelia A. Dennis, aged 4 years 11 months 16 days. Whitney 1872, $53,162,750; 1871, $5'),937,311. Sid fm Alicante Almciia and and who had developed himself into a most Tlie Flto'iABILITIES FOR TIUC NEXT TWENTY' FOU Κ In Cape 11th, Salista, Griffin, per- committee of conference ou the legisla- Steiling Exchange is dull and quiet at a slight Porpoise Village, (Kemiebunkport) July New York. and at fect master of the political machine before he tive ho uns. decline. We bankers' 60 27th, Susan H. Haley, widow of the late Washington Portland & Worcester Liiic appropriation bill were in session uutil a quote days bills at $4.88£ Sid tin Oporto July C, J Β Brown, Foster, for New bis reform work. And 1 £ 4 8665 llsley, recently keeper of Goat Island Light aud began could not refuse late hour last and made some Was Office Chief Signai. p1 (of par value), and 011 demand $4.9fi£, York. to uight, progress Dicr'T, formerly of Portland. Also, at house ot listen to the opinion of other persons whose toward an against $1.89 @ $4 91 one week ago. Commercial bills boarding Sid fm Bordeaux Flora Prices that will astonish agreement. A communication was Officer, Washington, U.C., > Clement L. William of Ju'.y 15, Goodale, Goodale, fairness I could not and who had known weak, but the supply is not large. Stone, Pope Watertown, aged New Orleans. 13th. doubt, received from the Secretary of the in 62 years. Sept. Mr. Treasury July 31, (1 A.M)j The Sub-Treasury paid out for interest Ar at Mt Tilden longer and better than I—shall I response to a general to-day Hamburg July 15, Washington, Perkins, every one ! whose inquiry recently address- For Sfw England, $157,600, and on call bonds $10,000; total tor the Tickets for tlie round for say opinion in the matter was ol espe- ed to the heads of all executive Hong Kong. trip, good thirty day», departments rain the week, interest, $1,076,000; bonds, $57,000; July in- D ΕΡΛ HT OP Sid fm Gelie Thos Melbourne. cial weight with me? It was own. This relative a during morning, folio.we.1 by clear cool ORG KTEAJflSIlIPg. July 8, Lord, Hall, your to reduction of their clerical force, terest paid to date, $15,866,000; silver paid out in re- would seem like an weather, uortherst to northwest winds aud NAME unbecoming allusion to consenting to a compromise to the extent of 705 demption of iractional currency, including checks FROM FOR DATE SPOKEN. private conversation if you bad not slowly rising barometer. for for the total to Wilmiugton.. New York .Havana Ang 2 Eleven 1. yourself employes. Secretary Morrill, on whose depart- Washington, $150,260 week; date, lat 31 Ion 47 Dollars-$l given up to possession of $3,946,750. Baltic NewYork. .Liverpool Aug 2 May 4, N, 30, ship Corsica. Stetson, fin public your judgment meLt the proposed reduction would fall most New York for San and Stock Mr. Internal revenue tor the Clanbel ..New York. .Jamaica, &c.. 2 Francisco, (fore mainmasts Bankrupt Those intending to the Excursion will leave Tilden. Whoever read your paper last heavily, informs the committee receipts to-day, $350,000 ; Aug join that it would Trains are again ou tfio Missouri, week last Bothnia New York 3 fished.) their names with the Treasurer the winter and spring, had the of see- running $2,051,794; week $2,130,400 ;in July $8,500,- .Liverpool Aug of Association, opportunity the Calilornia 5, lat 47 N. Ion £G 40 W, Jos Fish, trom — Mr unquestionably cripple public service, but Kansas & Texas railroad. 000; same time in 1875, $9,881,268. NewYork .Glasgow Aug 3 July sliip of John C. Procter, No. 93 Exchange street, stating the ing Tilden, when oocasion offerod, very he furnishes a of New York .New Europe for United States. detailed schedule, including lieceipts of customs at New York to-day, $346,000; City York. .Havana,...... Aug 3 number of tickets wanted. unmasked as a and — July 12, Oft'Great forcibly "demagogue grasp- places where reductions in ot for the last Polynesian.. Quebec Liverpool Aug 5 Ormsliead, ship Voyager, Chase, Arrangements will be made with the ho- er will, judgment week, $1,1891,000; week, $1,635,000. from tor principal after popularity'" as a man of con- the at New Andes New 5 Liverpool San Francisco. tels in unworthy department, do the least barm iu case the FOREIGN. Imports York, gold value, for the week, York...Aspmwall.. .Aug Philadelphia tor reduced rates of board, par- and as Calitomia New York. July 17, lat 41 32, Ion 51 40, sell Ε S trom fidence, an unsuitable candidate for the contemplated compromise should $5,168,729,of which $2,048,845 were dry goods, against .Glasgow Aug 5 Newman, ticulars of which will be announced hereafter. prove to be Pereire. New York. .Havre Mexico tor Falmouth, E. presidency. You even found fault with that the $1,536,127 last week,auda total ot $5,200,119; cor- Aug 5 JAMES F. HAWK ES,) Executive legislative ultimatum. Another meeting of of his annual responding week last year, since City Montreel.. ..New York. .Liverpool ...Aug 5 J. W. IÏANKS, part message which had refer- will be held Tin: TURKISH WW It. $5,804,269; January Monday. same time iu China Boston Liverpool... 9 FRANK S. Comwittco. ence to the iinancicl as a "sus- 1, 1876, $175,108,871; 1875, 206,904,141. .Aug Dr. Palmer, of R. says: "Hunt's SWETT, J question, the National bank notes received tor to- Pommerania New York. 9 Westerly, Ï., Increasing Cavalry. An Pasha a redemption .Hamburg ...Aug julyl eodtf picious step backward" as a means of Important Victory—Osman Sardinian Remedy is the most effective medicine I Lave ever adopted The day, $1,150,000; for the week, ; last Quebec... Liverpool.... Aug 12 a with western Secretary of War has sent to the House $7,600,000 week, opening bargain inflationists in Prisoner·, $5,353,000. Shipments of legal tenders for. the Circassian Quebec Liverpool.... Aug 19 used in tor and Diseases. the national the despatch of Gen. Sheridan week, my practice, Dropsy Kidney 10 PIECES EACH, convention for the advancement of recommending 30.—Δ $1,130,000; last week, silver for Sarmatiau Quebec Liverpool —Aug 26 the increase of the Vienna, July despatch says that the $1,000,000; shipments I can safely say Hunt's Remedy has almost raised private aims. You strongly suspected even tbe companies of the 2d, 3d,4th, of the week, $11,000. R. K. (IATLE 5th and 7th rearguard Prince Nikita's army which was the Y, business honesty of Mr. for found so cavalry to 100 men, as was doue for National bank circulation deadjy31eod&wlw Tilden, you defeated a few days ago by the Turks and re- outstanding, $327,870,- iVJliiiuJure Almanac.. 31. unsubstantial his the two regiments on the liio GraDde, and sub- 000, of which $2,099,190 are gold last July unpublished defense of tbe ported in full retreat towards has notes; Saturday of mitting an estimate for the number of men Montenegro, $328,740,000. Bonds held to secure circulation,$340,- Sun rises .4 52 | High water 7.45 AM 300 Marble and 21 and 23 Union oomplaints embezzlement of large sums in had an Top St., now engagement with the pursuing Turkish an increase of $30,000 for the to secure Sun sets 7.20 Moon sets 12.10 PM railroad bonds that felt required in addition to the men 280,000; week; | SPECIAL NOTICES- you obligedto express 25,000 army and defeated it. They laid an ambush deposits tenders outstand- our doubts about which are authorized to till the public $18,700,000. Legal it In tbe Staats Zeitung. To regiments ol for the Turks who unsuspectingly fell into ing $369,772,1:84—unchanged. e to I to cavalry on tbe frontier and Texas to the maxi- it, Library Tables. Ε just you ought add that your opinion aud after a This has been a dull at the Stock Λ* u. 'n: t.l ■ sharp encounter the Turks were day Exchange. XJ S EL mum of 100 men to each company, of 25.000 MARXISTE Plasterer, Stucco. routed and their The coal stocks are still unsettled and took the lead NEWS. with ana expenses mere completely commander,Osman in the those wbieh lor, sraiJOO. fluctuations. — ly you expressed in public, Pasha, taken prisonei. This victory is consid- AXD — and both were General Sheridan says in the above The sales to-day were as follows: Pacific Mail 1400 Kcnnc's lor and unquestionably correct. Such telegram érai tii« most, imnortanfc at. this innntnra 11 -· FORT OF PORTLAND. iflagic Oil J bought casli, will be sold was alluded to, "The events which have i.vuwu uu»'U UIUU ouaiCD) iiui LUntOlVlll your judgment in the and you will occurred was matter, man Pasha cue of the best of tlie Turkish 2300 shares,do preferred 1500 Rock Island 3500 If have lower llian can be in this yourself find rather after and my best knowledge of Indian and shares, you got rheumatism, bought MASTIC laughable, all this strength generals, and his defeat and will be a St Paul do Nalurday, July 29. USE RENNE'S MAGIC WORKER, that affairs at the and in the field will capture shares, 11,900 shares, preferred 13,2oO OIL. market. your complaint "X am trampling my con- agencies not sad blow to the Turks. shares, St Joseph 100 Lake Shore ARRIVED. If have warrant me at the share3, 14,0U0 you got Neuralgia, victions underfoot," because I prefer to Mr. preseot time in asking for shares, New York Central 100 Ohio & Mis- USE RENNE'S MAGIC OIL. volunteers. 1 Defeat of the uric* near (Jrbiza. shares, Steamship Eleanora, Johnson, New York—passen- Tilden as a reform have no to for 3600 Wabash 300 If have Colic or Whitening, Coloring, Whitewashing, candidate another man objection asking sissippi shares, shares, Union Pacifie gers and nidse to Henry Fox. you got Cramps, who is "not a them as soon as I 30.—Advices from Sclavonic 300 shares, Michigan Central 9400 USE RENNE'S MAGIC demagogue and popularity conscientiously believe their Kagusa, July shares, District Steamer City ot Portland, Pike, St via OIL. lOO PARLOR SUITS &c. services souices of Columbia 3.65s John, NB, If an ν kind of Ache or soeker," and whose motives and character are necessary, but I do not, from the disas- confirm tbe complete defeat of the $55,000. Eastport for Boston. you have got Pain, Cementing, ter that came USE RENNE'S PAIN KILLING MAGIC OIL. universally recognized as elevated above to Custer from a divided com- Turks on the 28th inst., near Urbiza. Tbe The following were the closing quotations of Gov- Sell Geo Λν Rowley, Rowley, Elizabetbport—coal to high ami you will be at the beneficial JOBBl.'VCi PBOJIPTM ATTENDED mand, desire to take the of Montenegrin's 300 Niziuous besides ernment securities: Randall & McAllister. Try it, surprised own suspicion. responsibility ask- captured eilect from a and ot our and the TO. United States Scb Providence. derived thorough faithful use of this manufacture, ing for volunteers now, on Osmau Pacha, 5 guns and several The coup. 6s,1881 120J Spring Bird, (Br) McLean, ADDITIONAL EVILS FItOM DEMOCUVTIO thereby entailing flags. United popular family remedy ; it is purely vegetable; safe we SUCCESS. the an Turks States 5-20's 1865, old Scb Charmer, Providence for Kennebec. cheapest suit sell upholstered, government enormous expense. If Con- attacked the Montenegrin's at Kutschi 115J «ind clean to use or Sold The best assortment ot Centre Pit er·, Brack- It is United States 5-20's,1865, new Seh Anna Currier, (Br) Van Wert, Boston. internally externally. by scarcely necessary for me to at gress will increase the a9 but were Selim 1'aclia was 117jf all dealers in Medicines. one hall Hair. Best all et*·, Cornice··, &c., in the State. speak companies, was done repulsed. wounded, United States 5-20's, 1867 Sch Robt J Leonard, (l-3r) Covert, Boston. pure suits length of other reasons which make a for the two 119| WM. RENNE & Contractor for Concrete Midcwalk», triumph regiments on the Bio Grande, we Λ Great Battle Expected. United States 5-20's, 1868 Sell Emma, Pierce, Bristol. SONS, Proprietors, Pittefield, Mais pure Hair. Driven, of the Democratic undesirable. I can fill 12ll Floor* and Area». party refer them up at once, and will be suffi- United States new 5's Sell Bonum, other they London, July 31.—The Standard's 118g Magnuui Turner, Newburyport. J. XV. PERKINS Λ Agent îor the Salamander Co.'e celebrated among things to the strength which it ciently large to meet the wants of the despatch United States Seh (Br) Swinn, Cape Island, NS— CO., All our Furniture put m the best Felting service, from Kalofat says that tlio Turkish lu-40s, coup .118| Lightfoot, Asbestos Felting lor Steam Boilers, &c. would give to the ultramontane and and relieve the mind of army Currenev 0's. canned lobster to Portland Packing Co. Pipes, element, public constant fear of crossed tbe Servian frontier on 125£ «Senerul AgrntH, Forllnu* kinds. Remember we manufacture, our goods and been 51 from Brig Matilda, Irom Calais for New York, before re- spoils politicians in the overthrow has absconded with over SsO.OOO. Times special telegram says the Turks at Urbt- reported, Georges Bank aggregating can and will sell at bottom, prices. Congress; 628,000 lbs and ported ashore aud towed into is to be dis- of this opposition at tbe next fev after two hours fightim; fled iu an nntrolla- codfish, 18,000 Halibut;27 from. Grand Newport, congressional The Milan House, at Milan Corner, Ν. H., and Western Banks with3,620,000 lbs salt charged and sold at auction. NO. 152 EXCHANGE ST. elections. (3) An intelligent execution of hle Greater part of the army was lost, codlisb; Sell W Government, Slate, tbe was destroyed by lire Saturday. panic. 44 from mackerel trips with about 12,550 bbls mack- Freeman, Robinson, from Rondout for Bos- County, City jy 13 eodlmis OFPIC 13 laws, joined with a just, and hon- Uilil. is surrounded and there is a panic at erel. Mackerel have not arrived ton, with cemeut, went ashore at Naueet 27th. She conciliatory Λ fire at Kent, Ο the very freely this orable policy toward tbe of the Saturday, destroyed are as came oft next day. and Railroad Ronds, people South. Earl Trtbaye, week; they tbipped away fast as they ar- Block. Loss $25,000. The Turk» and the market Sch Agnes, from Kennebec, which went ashore on in tii.den's election. UriMilocd rive, to-day is firm at last, sales. We Wm. E. who was quoteHake at 2 50 ψ qtl Pollock at 2 50 Cedar Point 25tb, came oil and was towed up to Al- À Morrill, assaulted, lobbed Kagusa, July 2'J.—Advices from Sclavonic ; per qtl ;Had- H. M. (X.) soft money majority in tbe House of and stabbed do-jk 2 75 φ' qtl ; Cusk at 3 00 ψ exandria next day. Bnnli. cfcc. CO., qtl ; and Friday night in Boston, by Jacob sources iiuuouiiee that the Servian Col. An- Tongues Stocks, Payson& Representatives; efforts on tbe of tbe Sounds at 8 Ου ψ bbl; Halibut lins at ί) Halibut part Johnson, died Saturday night. The murderer Derivish Pasha on 00; President in behalf of a titch repul-ed Thursday, beads 3 50 at $> bbl ; Pickled Cod at 5 00 DOMESTIC FORTH. resumption of specie is under arrest. ; Smoked lit Nil sibli* iuvtHlui Hl Net'Ui'ilir* cou· while the latter was marching· to reinforce the Halibut at 6c and DEALERS IN payments, which are ruined by tbe iu $> lb; Prepared Boneless Codfish SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 19th, ship Germauia, Bak- majority Lapbam's woolen mill and two hoard- Turks at Sieuitza. The Turks attacked Schek- 5i @ 6Jc $> lb, as to quality. Halibut In NiantIy on lia ml. I the House of Representatives: a continuance of large light receipt er, Belliugbam Bay. houses were in northeast and with last sales Bank at 6} and ft for Ar ju7 our uncertain financial ing burned Saturday at ularc Montenegro wero re- 32c ψ white and 27th, ship Palmyra, Preble. Baltimore. eod3m2dp Hand Bill position for an indefi- Millbury, none on market. Posters, Hills, Heads, Mass, Loss §140,000 ; insurance pulsed, losing 12'J killed. gray; Georges same; Shore fish- POUT TOWNS EN1), O—Ar 18th, barque Eureka, nite length of time; in case of the succession of $00,000. last sales fresh Cod at 2c lb ; Haddock at San Francisco. Government A The Milium I$e lb. Wallace, TO THE Bonds, Mr. Hendricks to the universal carriage continuing Major Geo. D. Sawyer Dying. Mackerel at 10c a piece. NEW ORLEANS—Old Helen M LADIES ! presidency, and 28th, brig Rowley, confusion and a revival of the inflationists' two others came in collision Saturday eve- The Standard's Vienna spe.cial says the death Rowley, Bremen. plans. (2. ) The weeding out of the bad officers ning witfi the Boston and Maine train at"Alton ol the Sultan is expected momentarily. PENSACOLA—Ar 22d, sch Vernal, Simpson, from JBKOWS'S FHE.SCH DRESSINU State and Ν. H. Charles Provide lice Print Clothe iTXaiktt. Galveston. City but also of the good ones; a irre- Corner, Jackson was Power» nnd Koiiiunuin. Securities, tremendous, fatally Ihr GA—Ar sch sistible rush of office seekers Irom south and injured. Providence, July 29.—Priming Cloths market BRUNSWICK, 27th, Jos G Stover, Will make Ladie»' ami Children's Boots and Shoes north The Times' Vienna special says the Porte closad quiet at quotations of previous (a) Clay, New York. that have become rough and red, and Ladies' Travel- to divide the booty; a substantial contin- Extensive fires are in the woods at week—3g 3J NC—-Ar ragii'g has communicated to the powers, through am- for standard and extra 61 χ 61 cloths; sales of the WILW1NGTON, 26th. brig Edith, Mahi- leg Bags which look so old and that they are Ϊ5ΛΛΚ STOCK, uance of tbe and tbe civil service N. J. rusty &c., spoils system Farmingdale, the Roumanian note presented at week 48,000. man, Philadelphia; schs M A McCann, and Nellie ashamed to carry them, look just as good as new. It as party and all tbe A tenement house in bassadors, from Belfast. at machiuery demoralization Haverhill, Mass., was The Porte in turn was in- Carr, \yiil not rub oft or smut when wet. Softens the leather Cards, Tags, Ac., printed shoit which would flow from an Constantinople. Ar 28th, scb l'reka, Moon, New York. No will one trial. Beware 32 that; sundry efforts iu destroyed by iueeuJiary lire Friday night, formed of the views of the cabinets. These Domestic Mar h nr. lady be without it after Exchange Street. the right borne down the and an old named burned RICHMOND—Ar 28th, brig F IL Todd, Maguite, of imitations and counterfeits. For sale everywhere. eodtl directiou, by pressure lady Long to deat'i remove the of any power, much New York. Julv29.—The breadstuff and of partisan interests from apprehension pro- from Philadelphia: Harry Stewart, Larrabee,from all sides. (3.) The The old Pioneer mill at too duce markets have been a little steadier Boston. of false Atbol, Mass was less the majority of the powers, espousing toward the New York: R M Ileslen, Gould, do. B. F. llltOWN Λ* CO.5 rousing hopes among the lawless ele- tiro close of the week. Flour—The market mh 15 sneod6m HILL'S in destroyed l>y Saturday, I/jss S 10,000. warmly tbe cause of Κ jumauia or pressing the opened with ALEXANDRIA—Ar 25th, sch Ague*, llodgdon, MANUAL ment the south by their a better tone under cooler and JI party victory, and temperature, gradu Kennebec; Searsville, art, Boston. — — the increase of Counterfeit silver dimes circulatcd iu New Poite. became firmer for and sound OF terrible excesses and reactiona- ally good grades; No 2 Sid 2Ctb, selis Searsville, Hart, and Carrie for Yolk MeiTinii Victor!©·.· at 2 25 3 lor Belle, DOI>€i£ ry efforts, in spite of the desire of tbe Saturday. @ 15,latter fancy ;Supertine Western and Boston. l>lt It. L. govern- an- State at 3 35 4 common to Social and ment and of the better of J. G. cenlenuial Iliu.oiiAon, July 2'J.—Gen. Lescbjauir 20; good extra Western PORTRESS MONROE—Passed in 28th, brig C S Business Forms. part tbe southern Atkinson, commissioner and State at 4 30 4 65 to choice to such nounces that be caunonaded Osman Pasha's @ ; good do at 4 70 @ Packard, Amesbury, from Rio Janeiro for Baltimore. BY. HON. THOS. E. HI L. people suppress disorders. from Holland, was robbed ot S'.'-IOO iu Phila- 4 White common to HAS ltEMOVED, notice. at him to withdraw 90; choice White Wheat Western BALTIMORE—Ar 27th, schs camp lzvor, compelling Georgie Young, Mar- Every Hu.iiini» )lim Should it delphia Saturday. extra at 4 95 @ 6 00; Fancy White Wheat Western Hani ha»»· Cap)· from kilometres. shall, Richmond, Me; Pearson, Pearson, Pitts- — at 6 05 7 common to — ΗΛΒΒΕΙι Edward Lathrop, mulatto, cut the throat of of the @ 25; good extra Ohio at 4 40 @ ton, Me. TO Κ. LBAVITT.Aiinl. Col Âutilcb, after taking command î»î75: common to choice extra St Louis at Geu. L. at Beckbam Iiros, coal 4 90 @ a 50; Cld 27th, schs Τ S Ι!Ν-'ί Eichouitr I Elm Ml.. Porllainl. Stewart Woodford was told by the Joseph Thomas, U'"gro, Leinan Sieditzi 011 tbe 27th Patent Minnesota extra McLellan, Farr, Portland; J S Μι.,Λ: army, besetged good to prime 5 30 (eg 6 25; Ingrabam. Packard, Boston. jj 15 eoilif President Saturday that he is tired of yard, Providence, Saturday morning. Thomas Meliemed ΔΠ Pas- choice to double extra at 6 30 8 public iest, thereby sunoanding @ 50; shipping extras PHILADELPHIA—-Ar 27th, schs M Ti Peu- NO. GOS CONGRESS STREET, affairs, and intends to to on a cauuot survive. Lathrop w»s arrested an hour 4 40 4 Southern ton, go England visit ha. 65; common, common to fair extra newell. Bath; J & L Bryan, Lee, do; Nellie to Uis afterwards at his at 4 65 5 75 : to choice Bowers, daughter, Mrs. Sartoris, next March. boarding house. @ good do 5 80 @ 8 50 ; sales of Rockport: (lOWntSS NQl'ARG.) PRIVATE SCHOOL, He will Ceitjnje, July 2!) —Official despatches state the week bbls. Spear. Alpine, Marshall, and D Β Ever- very likely travel in for a 112,000 Kye flour is firm at 4 70 ett, Hix, Η Ε Europe year that the Turks who attacked the Montenegrins 5 15 for Cornmeal @ do; Sbubert, King, Gardicer; Yankee 15 MOKPMEWr STREET or two, and return superfine. is in good demand at Blade. Parker, No. 4 Elm Ml., from » lo 10 perhaps home by way of The weavers de- 2 60 3 Bangor. OOlce lloiirx, in Smith's silk mill at Paler- near Medine cn Fridav were completely ($ 00. Wheat firm ; 80 @ 83c for No 3 Ιο China and California. Chicago ; Ar 28th, brig Η υ Cleaves, A. ai Kcsidencr from 4 Ο L*. H. Fall Session opens Mi pi. 4ih. For particulars, eon, N. J,, have struck. *3 @ 85c for No 3 Milwaukee 95c I Cummings, Portland; M., feated. ; 05 for N? 2 gchs Carl D Lothrop, McAllej», Hillsboro, NB; Lain» ωy18 enti jî29«9dtd addrçsg κ. Ε. UA VIM. Supreme Judicial Conrl. SUNDAY SERVICES. THE VETERAN REUNION. MAINE STATE COLLEGE. THE PRESS LAW TERM—WESTERN DISTRICT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS COPARTNERSHIP. AUCTION SALES Present—Appleton, Chief Justice; Dickcrson, Bar- MONDAY MORNING, JULY 31, 187< rows, Danforth, Virgin and Libbey, Associate Justi- ΓΚΕΕ 8TBEET CHUKCH. Official Announcement of llic Pro- Commencement Week at Orono. Dissolution of F. Ο. BAILEY Λ ces. Rev. Λ. K. P. Small, the former pastor, gramme. Copartnership. CO., THE PBE88 WALDO COUNTY. TUE FLORBNCE OIL STOVBS. preached ία the morning aud evening. The Auctioneers and May be obtained at tbe Periodical Depots of Fes Friday.—George F.White in (equity) vs. Anna July 29th, 187G. Commission Merchants morning text was from 1 Orono, is that the tendon Bros., Brunei parties indebted the will please settle At Sailors, in the Town Hall. The is the with Regular sale of Furniture and General Mercian- Watervllle, of J. S. Carter, Williamson lor struction to following pro- Augustas <ί. Sehlotterteck, and all atee plaintiff. Fogler for defendaut. Solomon, and it may be taken also 1876. ) paitlti every at 10 o'clock a. At Batb, of J. O. Shaw. Portland, July 211m 21 10 a.m. Bunyan Bedford jail, and the it Las been decided to hold the camp in- $5,330,572 and 3 p. store 8.» Exchange or not is to tire, t.lia stmlftnta anil ntJhara nr«flp.nt. arid the in îuquirc ai ROM WILLIAMS INS. Hall, THIS (Monday) EVENING, au is oiaivu iuai mu w»|JO lias ueeil and what can or human effort do tlic Company's Office, Railroad Wliarf. CO., July v>uiuagiî prayer to to 11 o'clock. From 11 to 12 o'clock the sev- PROVIDENCK, EC. I. WEDNESDAY, August 2d, at 12 o'clock or interfere CYRUS Gcn. at 81st, at 8 o'clock P. M. permanently closed ία consequenGe of tbe modify with those liws? Grant eral regimental associations will hold their STURD1VANT, Agent. ON M., Merchants' Exchange, we shall sell by but was the STATE NEWS Portland, July 31,1876. jy31dtf order of owners, the C. 261 tons this, building of the Temple with annual Prom 12 until 2 o'clock will Cash ■ Brig Mary Mariner, Election of officers and of building beiug unsafe, and tbat it will bo re- meetiugs. Capital, $200,000 Ν. M., Sails and in adoption all its marvelous finish aDd splendor a be devoted to the usual Rigging good order, newly working amusements, incident now at Men ill's Uniform to be decided. built. out of the laws of nature? one Dissolution ol ASSETS. metalled, lying Wharf, Portland, Yes, but ot the to an island excursion. Copartnership. Mc. Terms at sale. PER The Union Boat Club of this links in that law wasmau with ANDROSCOGGIN COUNl'Y copartnership heretofore under the ORDER. city make an his.reason, brain, At 2 o'clock a grand clam bake will be served. existing Bank stocks $147,040 00 At same time and place will be sold 25 shares and in all linn name of li. W. Smardon & Co., is this excursion to Lake the work he carried out all the laws At 3 o'clock tbo line will be formed for dress Mr. Daniel Strout of Auburn died tuddeuly THE day Providence Gas Co. stock 00 Portland, Bangor & Machias Stock. Sebago about tbe middle of dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Smardon 25,500 Steamship appropriate to such a Was our own cen- after which morning from cholera morbus. having Ν. Y., Prov. & Boston It. It. Co. Stock... 16,800 00 P. O. BAILEY At Auctioneer*. All the being. parade, immediately the tents will Friday retired from said firm. The business will CO., August. leading boat clubs will be in- tennial created and for this Barking Maine state bonds 00 jy27 prepared people by be struck, and at i o'clock tbe steamer will CUMBERLAND COUNTY. be continued at the old stand under the old firm 10,750 d0t vited to tike in a natural law? Was Missouri state bonds 00 part grand regatta to take not one great link in it the leave for tbe in season for com- name, by Mr. Preston, who will all claimn 15,425 Attention Ward 6 & 7 c;ty, arriving The Kennebec Journal says it is decided to pay Loans on bonds aud mortgages, first liens. 33 on tbat occasion. straggles of the Puritans in and the rades to take the train for against said firm on presentation and who is entitled 26,833 place England, evening home. the state muster at Brunswick. It is of Providence notes 00 feeds and of our fathers in this hold ap- to collect all bills due the late firm. City 60,000 Constable's Sale. Council No. sufferings Invitations have been extended to the gener- Bills receivable lor marine premiums It 1, Sovereigns of Industry, will Did pointed to be held the 12th, 13tb, 11th and loth R. W. 9,345 country? not the centennial bells rinc out al officers of voluuteers and the SMARDON, Cash on hand and in bank 26 STATE OF MAINE, I make an excursion to tbe tb is regular army, of J.C. PRESTON. 48,153 Islands week. honor to God as the chooser, and to those noble who Maine September. Cash in hands of and in course of Cumberland, ss. ) commanded regiments during the Me., 1876. Agents CONTINENTALS Tbe order bas men as the instruments HANCOCK COUNTY. Portland, July 29, jy30d3t transmission ! a 08 a purchased team for tbo delive- willing, working of to in the festivities of tbe 44,056 on and will be sold at war, participate oc- finlr-'Argus and Advertiser Copy. Accrued interest writ, public this wonderful national creation? And when Rufus of Pacific Mail notoriety, and 2,397 07 consent of on jy of goods to members. casion, and it is expected that a large number King, ATTACHEDauction, by parties, WEDNES- There niII be a of this the choice is left to men whether Horatio the are DAY, the second of A. at 10 meeting company God, or na- of them will be present. Alger, popular juvenile author, Wanted. Total assets day August, D., 1876, One of Hall's patent safes which was in the Bar $406,299 85 o'clock in the at the rooms of C. A. tor and drill ture, or chance, shall be the ruler of events, do The camp fire will be under the directicn of summering at Harbor, Mt. Desert, where forenoon, organization at the 7 th experienced and referenced Table Girls Eaton, No. 4 Free St. Block, in Portland and said hottest of the fire of Friday night, came out not all at once cry out that God alone is to bo Bosworth 1'ost No. G. A. there are about 1000 visitors. at LIABILITIES. ward near 2, It., of Portland. TAVOimmediately Central House, Old Orchard County, the following i>ersonal property, to wit: room, Vaughan Brackett street our Kuler, lor He alone can save? liow The Beach. made with its contents uninjured. It will be on ex- vividly breakfast at the island will oe provided by Albert Veaz'e, formerly of Bangor, is now a Wages satisfactory. jy31d3t* Outstanding losses 04 A stock of Easy Chairs, with and without loot at 7 1-2 did all realize human $47,440 reets, o'clock THURSDAY EVENING. helplessness and the need Mr. J. E. Jeuks, and the clim bake under tbe resident ol Bar Harbor. He psys one-nine- Dividends unpaid 462 00 Chair Frames and Upholstery Goods. hibition at tbe rooms of F, O. Bailey & Co., to- aud All interested are invited. C. propriety of prayer in the darkest day of supeivision of Cant. William Trefethen. teenth of the tax of tbe town of Eden. Booms to Let. Other liabilities. 5,464 48 Dated at Portland, July 26, 1876. Capt. J. day. the recent war! So in the verse of the Lodging S. D. Constable of text. The Maine Central and .Grand Trunk rail- The Hancock Citizen that the HALL, Portland. I'ennell will act as drillmaster. God tells Solomon what He had says cranberry Lodging Rooiiin nt ItlRN. H. 52 F. O. BA1LEV Ac €U., Auctioneer*. Bncknam & had an insurance of chosen him to roads will issus tickets at the several stations $53,366 -or Colly $1200 crop in Trenton bids fair to be much above the K. WILBEB'8, I5« federal Street. 1876. do; bat Solomon was also warned that he was on their line to Portland Furniitbcd January 1, izzzizzzi PER ORDER. on their property in the fire of Fri- and return for one If the insects do not attack them jy31 dtf destroyed to be true, faithful and strong to do the work also the average. fare; Bangor & Machias Steamboat there will be probably over three hundred bush- day night. to which he had been chosen. In this sermon from Co., except llockland, from iwhich point els. DOW, COFFIN & Dr. SCOTT is most re- The Hard Oaks of have the preacher had discussed the God ward side of the fare will be Tbe LIBBY, having Headquarters Hayes' Battery, Deering challenged @1.75. Eastern, Boston & KENNEBEC COUNTY. EDUCATIONAL. our earthly work, but at another time be markable and success 31, 1876. the Bed Stockings of Workhouse Square to might Maine, Portland & Ogdensburg and Portland gratifying July discuss human obedience as the great pivot & Rochester will free Mr. Abram W. Heath of Sidney, 70 years AGENTS, a match of base ball next railroads, issue return in his treatment of Nerrons and General Order No. 5. play game Friday upon which turns our or our from his mowing machine on Thursday happiness success. tickets to those who come to Portland over old,fell 42 afternoon. But we derive this lesson from our of last week, aud had his band cut olf short at No. Exchange St., Portland. Chronic Diseases. Ton that are Officers and members are to may subject, their roads, and pay full fare one way. The re- requested that if God called Solomon the wrist. He is well. Westbrook jy29 The busy correspondent who pays his board to do a special turn tickers will be delivered at committee doing Seminary. d3w sick should call on him at the U. meet in uniform at THIS work and warned him to be faithful in it. Headquarters with in He headquarters,when the members purchase their The Waterville Mail says that Mr. J. G· "puff," newspapers always confines *V. kj· \jXli\C riCBlUCIlti 8. Hotel at once and be healed (Monday) EVENING, at 8 o'clock sharp. h»s given to each of us something to do, and reunion tickets. Nichols, of that villige, who has charge of the THE FALL TERM BEGINS lulXL·, his efforts to those delicious seaside and moun- our life work is as AUGUST 8TH J. W. Kinsley, Vice President. All members just definitely assigned to us The general committee have secured the ser- carpenter work in the third division of the P. E. beyond pcradventure. who hare not yet re- tain resorts. He is of God as was Solomon's. How And Continue Sixteen Weeks. Eddy, Secretary. a fellow of taste and never important that vices ot Chandler's Band of Portland, to furn- Maine Central Railroad, has just sent to the W. H. Ass't ceived Uniforms can them on we learn the lesson and heed the Bingham, Sec'y. get appli- wastes his sweetness on city hotels. divipe in- ish music for all occasions connected with the office of the Auditor and Paymaster, in Port- For Catalogue and particulars address in G. cation to Lieut. H. S. Thrasher. junction the text: "Take lieed now, be reunion. land, an elegant desk, of his own design and M. BODGE, A. M., Principal. The Maine Association of the New Jerusa- and do Stevens Me. strong it." Tickets to include fare to the islands and re- manufacture. It is a model of convenience and jyl0eod&w4w28 Plains, Per order, lem church is to hold its next annual FAMIL HILL INSURANCE CO. session FIBST PARISH. turn, camp fire Aug. 0, and breakfast and clam elegance. NO POISONOUS DRUGS USED I J. H. B. in this on and 2d bake and it is Eaton School For NO. 28 State Street, Boston. MORRILL, Capt city Saturday Sunday, the The Iiev. W. H. Gilbert,District Secretary ol Aug. lOtb, $1.75, important that The Reporter says the Travellers Insurance Family Boys, P. W- TRTTP. nriforlv. and 3d of This members should procure them up- have concluded to settle the claim of —AT— September. is authentic. the American Bible for New immediately Company Society Eugland, on arrival, to avoid delay.and confusion at the the late Hon. N. O. Mitchell, $7000 CAPI The party who "traded" satchels on the by paying NOBBIDGEWOCK, MAINE. Τα£ΓΦ400,000. gave an exceedingly Interesting address at the boat. and the fees. The claim was attorney's original Term will A8SEIS JAXCAUY 1ST, 1876. down Grand Trunk train Saturday afternoon First Parish church Those intending to be present are notified Spring commence March Si7 lb. CURES PORTLAND POST OFFICE. yesterday morning, occu- $10,000. Bank stocK? can find his property at the Preble. that tbe reunion as aunounced herein, will For Circulars and Portland references address $170,730 00 pying about 45 minutes. After giving a few On Friday of last week a little son of Oliver H. F. Bonds 114,278 00 take place without regard to weather, as ample augl9-tf JÏATON, Principal. Office Hours. to show the of Gould, of Pittston, fell and broke ono ot his Mortgages 166,060 00 figures magnitude the work shelter has been provided at the islands, both Loan account From 7.30 a m to 8.30 ρ m, Funeral Services.—The arms. 19,639 00 and Sundays excepted. funeral services of which the is he for tbe camp lire and the excursion of the Cash in bank Speedy Complete. Sundays open for Carriers and General society accomplishing, passed day Navigation by the Nautrigon ! 23,907 54 Delivery tho late Mrs. A. of There is to be a grand engine trial at Hallo- Premium account from 9 to 10 a m. Quincy Chase San to a few facts to show the of the ef- following. 37,022 UO magnitude order of well ou tbe 17th of which Tem- Interest account Portland, 1876. which were he'd in By Maj. Gen. Chamberlain, August, during EDWARD BREEN, 97 Franklin Ml., 9,372 00 Me., July 7» Francisco,Cal., this city fects which that work and No. 1 of Richmond is to the Torrent produces; demon- President of the Association. pest play Will teach the use of the Arrival and Departure ol mail·· on at the residence of her navigation by "Nautrigon* Friday morning strated by "the of events" that it is not L'eut. Chas. \V. ot Gardiner, for $200. Invented Rev. Dr. Hill of this Persons who $511,009 14 Boston and intermediate offices. Arrive at 12.25 logic Koberts, by city. LIABILITIES. uncle, John B. attend- and The Journal Daniel of have acquired no knowledge of navigation can learu p. m. and 11.15 p. m. Close at 8.15 a and Cummings.were largely rhetorical flourish, but sober historical to Adj't Secretary. saye Libbey, formerly m, 1.00,2.30 truth, in a very short time by this instrument to solve the Losses outstanding $ 9,723 00 and 9.00 m. ed and of a most character. Noth- ΤΠΕ MAINE VETERANS IN China, but now residiog in Albion, fell from a DR. p. impressive say that civil is, in all more or B03TON. problems of time, latitude, longitude, course Kt lnsurance Fund 107,612 80 Boeton and the West. m. liberty nations, scaffold on was azimuth, SCOTT, Arrive at 5.10 afternoon aud ρ ing was which hearts conld Au of Thursday very and distance on the great circle, and several other All other Liabilities 2,310 60 Intermediate or Mails via Boston and lacking loving sup- less directly to be traced to the influence of the adjourned meeting the resident mem- it Way Maine seriously, not fatally injured. problems useful in navigation. The of learn- Surplus 14 Oif Arrive at 12.25 and Tbe and in such bers of several expense 421,362 74—$541,009 Railway. 8.20 ρ m. Close at ply. flower*,choice profusion, Jewish and Christian aud the of tbo Maine regiment* and this method is small. a Scriptures; that In new potatoes are at a dol- iug navigation by very jyl5tf 8.15 m and 2.30 ρ m. of tbe love Augusta selling spoke which it seemed always in circulation of the Bible among the has batteries in the war of the rebellion was lar a and blueberries at twelve a DOING A Great Southern and Western. Arrive at 12.25 p. m. people held, bushel, cents FIRE~MJSIJiESS ONLY. and m. her to win. The services been one of the most efficient instrumentali- on 11.15 ρ Close at 8.15 a m, 2.30 and 9.00 p. m. power were conducted Saturday evening, at the Lancers' armory. quart. Raspberries have not appeared very Risks limited to Dwellings, Furniture, NEW YORK, Bangor, Mattawamkcag, and connecting routes. ties of the past fifty years, in producing not in this market. Bridgton Academy, Churches, Public fierce by Bev Dr. Sbailer, her former pastor, whose Boston, lor the o£ further ar- plentifully Buildings, Arrive at 1.45 p. m. Close at 12.20 p. m. only social but political reforms in the whole ot purpose makiug and Stock of CSoods, PENOBSCOT COUNTY. NORTH ME. Augusta and routes. Arrive at tender and reminiscences of the uuiinvcuuuui. AAO uuuuu aisu for tbe reunion BRIDGTON, Whose is un- connecting 9.00 a. appropriate SUU1U SiriKlUg rangements grand of tbo Maine No Hazards treatment uncijualled and tucctst m. and 1.45 p. m. Close at 12.20 and 5.00 m. The a small was discovered in Special Written· in the cure of NerTonx p. girlhood and early womanhood of the deceased anecdotes to show that still greater advances veterans in this on the 10th and JXth Whig says fire and Chronic Northwestern G. T. R. Arrive at 8.00 a city Dtb, The Fall Term of eleven weeks will commence on ■ mciucm, wilt visit Morning by were in the near not in tbe European Railroad bridge, Friday, in a Sralleled Portland every Tuesday m. Close at 6.30 a. m. while a resident of this were most wel- probable future, only of Col. M. under tbe in- TERM A city, August. G. Atwood occupied the where water could not reach and a lit- Tnenday. Nrpumbcr 14, 1Η7β, ISSUiUNCË" SPECIALTY. through duly, August and September, 1876, com- nations already nominally Christian, but in place it, of A. Lewiston and Auburn. Arrive at 9.00 a. m., 1.45 come to the circle of relatives and and struction Wilson Neveus. B., Principal. Miss menting Tuciolny, July ■ I ih, and may be con- and large friends Mohammedan and heathen the first chair, there was a very large attendance tle Babcock was carried down aud easily extin- P. 6.30 p. m. Close at 5.45 a m, 12.20 and5.00 p. m. lands; Anna Blake, Teacher ot Music. sulted i>rofessionally from 10 a. m. till 9 p. m. at the while all hearts to tbe ex- The guished the flames. Assistants will & Rochester. Ν. H., and intermediate offices. Arrive present, responded Bjmptoms already showing themselves as pro- committee reported in lavor of forming a Competent be employed as the de- DOW, COFFÏN L1BBY, »t 1.30 and 11.25 ρ m. Close at 7.30 a m, and duced through the same And the The Democrat that the mands of the school may require. pressions of heartfelt sympathy for her hus- agency. ap- regimental of a says Mercantile Bank 2.00 ρ m. of the truths is organization, securing band, Mr. Nevens comes highly recommended for charac- AGENTS, band and plication obvious—that it he- of Bangor, whicb surrendered its chatter the U. S. HOTEL North and other offices on the P. & O. R children, most deeply bereaved, and and having a The re- ter and ability, and a profitable school is Conway homes the good people of this state not to distinguishing badge. eighth day of last has collected and confidently No. 42 St., Portland. R. Arrive at 9.00 a m, and 5.45 m. Close at 8,00 only March, expected. Terms favorable for Board, Tuition and Exchange ρ for her parents, who have been called npon to keep our own population familiar with this port having been accepted and the to the stockholders the entire jy29 d3w Health and а. m. and 12.45 ρ m. adopted, paid capital, Rooms. THOMAS H. MEAD, Sec'y. Ntrength restored to thousand* mourn and of all but to deemed incurable, By the Bridgton Stage. Arrive at 3 pm. Close at again again, nntil, iu rapid succes- well-spring blessings; contribute, following officers were chosen : Colonel, M. B. having mado its fourth dividend Thursday, North Bridgton, Julv 21st, 1876. Kemarkable triumphs in Medis a m. every man his towards the which cal Science б.50 have with seven children. share, sustaining lieuteuant completes its huudred per cent. The jy'27 ThM&w30td sion, they parted Lakemau; colonel, CharletF. King; DR. SCOTTS wonderful can be Eaetport, via each steamer. Arrive at 6.00 a m. central society in New York, in its grand work bank will pay to the stockholders a still fur- discovery hardly Tho beautiful the and II. Homo Insurance over-estimated in its for the Close at 5.00 ρ m. hytnu "Beyond smiling of printing and the Bible without major, John Iloberts; Prescott ther dividend its affairs are Co., importance preserva- distributing adjutant, when finally wound tion of HEALTH and LUTE and uis Deer Isle, Sedgwick, Mount Desert, Mill- the I shall be note or comment in all Of itself, method Castine, weeping soon,"—a favorite of the lands and in all lan- Chamberlain; Dr. H. C. up. NEWARK, N. J. has about bridge, Jouespert and Machias, via each%steamer surgeon, White; quar- BOARDING ID DAY brought most extraordinary and remarka- deceased—was most guages. SCHOOL, ble cures in cases of rendered Mrs. The au Arrive at 6 a m. Close at 9 ρ m. feelingly by termaster, G. M. Atwood; chaplain, llev. J. F. Whig says old womau known as Cash Nova Scotia and Prince Edward's Island. Chase. Miss Racket! and Messrs. Stnrlrhr idtm In tbe Mr. Gilbert addressed tbe Eliza fell into the river 22 Pine Me. Capital, $'200,000 OO Arrive evening The officers were a com- Emery Friday night, St., Portland, 6 a m. Lovering. appointed Thursday at Close Saturday at 5.00 ρ m. State street church and and it was ten minutes before she was taken or Mails Allan Line and Beckett, as was also the closiDg chaunt, society. mittee on invitations. Col. lloberts ASSETS JANÛABY 18T, 1876. Dyspepsia Indigestion, Vertigo Foreign per close every Friday introduced out by tbe police. She was droVrned. Tlic Fall Session of thin School for Young at 12.41 m. nearly Cash 42 and Liver and p. "Thy will be done." the subject of forming a permanent organiza- Ladies opens $16,728 Epilepsy, Foreign Mails, via New York, to sail- Pcrnoiini. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Loans (ou collateral) 39,000 00 day previous tion and ing ot steamers, Close at 2.30 ρ m. strongly advocated it, when it was United States bonds 47,375 00 Kidney Complaints, Dr. J. G. Holland is at Dr. E. F. Gardiner of Lubec, who has recent- THURSDAY, SEPT. 21st. and ML Desert. an ηu Municipal and other bonds 00 Express, Augusta, Bangor the East. Arrive West Falmouth Manufactuiung Com- voted to organize in such manner, the organi- Ισ ri>noivo>"■ "or/itin ηThorough day; Portland, second Wednesday; Atlantic, third George Warren, Uiilaundried Hogan has resumed labor on the road. will send or mail Shirts, all finished, Wednesday. Maine carriage builders go outside of tbe State from this district, died at his resideoce in Sac- by express any of the goods Harmless. Chapters—Greenleaf K. A. first Mr. C. H. has invented a Now Sheet Book C., Monday; Mt. for their wood stock it will not be the Farley new torch mentioned. Music, k and made ol R. A. third because carappa village Saturday morning. About a Folios, Wainsutm Cottons of the Pre·». Vernon, C., Monday. for which is novel Opinions material political processions and week was This beautiful is a wonderful received daily by CounciL·—Portland C. R. & S. cannot be obtained at home at prices since Mr. Warren attacked with in- jewelry having [Hall's Medical Ν. Masters, second brilliant and the and nice Linen Bosoms and Cuffs Record, Y., July 1868.] as low as just thing for tbe campaign. sale and at the prices we offer them within Monday. and of quality good as elsewhere. A flammation of the bladder and died from that Many diseases, considéré ! incurable, causing great Mr. Charles W. at limits of all. in countless thousands of onr fellow Com m anderies of K. T.—Portland, fourth Mon- grist with a of bushels an Bean, Berry's printing cause. Mr. Warren is one of the moa whose the Davis & Co. Tor the low o( sufiering beings, mill, capacity fifty C. K. price can in the of day : St. Albans, second Thursday. house, has been Portland and HAWES, majority cases be restored to perma- hour, will be connected with the appointed agent death is a loss to He was nent health under Dr. Scott's Scientific dem- Grand Bodies—Grand first factory. any community. 1—10—29th Battalion.—Members of the Theory, Lodge, Tuesday in of the Soldiers and Sailors Jour- the feet that his mode of diseases May; Grand first in correspondent born, and spent his life in West- 177 Middle Street, Portland. onstrating treating Chapter, Tuesday evening May; A educated, 1—10—2!Kh Battalion are t j meet at of a chronic character is unsurpassed method Grand 3 P. M. Grand Disgraceful Affair.—The excursion a paper at in requested by any Council, Wednesday ; Com- nal, published Philadelphia, the brook. l· or he has been a now in use. All should consult with him years prominent G. A. B. Ball this at The largest Stock In the City. who wish mandery, Wednesday evening. from Lewiston, gotten up by the baud con- interests of the Grand of the (Monday) evening 7i for a cure and as Army Republic. business man and has the speedy thorough advice, Dr. Scott Masonic Relief Association—Fourth Wednes- enjoyed confidence o'clock. Let member be at this has had the most remarkable and nected with one of the Catholic societies, was Father Daniels, of this will every present ALSO gratifying success. day in every month. formerly city, and esteem not only of his business associates made most the riotous meeting. Important business. Reed Organs, cheap for cash or install- Portland School of Masonic disgraceful by element. succeed Father Wallace as pastor of St. Dom- Pianos, Call and Examine ΤΙμίιι. [From tho Boston Transcript, July Instruction— but of his townsmen generally. At the time ment.', Violins, Guitars, Music Boxes, Accordions, 10,1872.] Second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Parties from Ljwistou were there with an inicks. foremost the most liberal and of death he was a Flutes, Banjos. Piccolos, Harmonicas, Clarinets, Standing among his member of the firm of Du. Lighthill, who can be consulted on most successlnl of American ANCIENT ACCEPTHD SCOTTISH RITES. abundance of ale to sell and whiskey was Mr. Blaine is the of Gail Cornets, and all instruments for Brass and String physicians to-day, is guest Hamilton at P. Dr. G. Winiield at Lodge—Tates Grand of first G. & L. Warren, and has long been engaged Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each Bands, in great variety ; extra \ iolin Striugg, Retail Scott, the Asylum Institute Medi- Lodge Perfection, plenty. Quite a number of the crowd were full Wenham. He is cina, corner of and improving daily. in the lumber He at the Preble and Wholesale. Asylum WashingtonSts., Boston. Friday. business. had recantly week, House, Portland, success- Charles Custis & He has risen above the narrow of Council—Portland Oouncil P. of J cond Fri- of bad rum and fight when they arrived in this Kev. C. F. Montgomery, a native of Warren, Particular attention given to orders. Co., prejudices particu- abandoned that business, aud with his son, G. fully operated upon the ears of a lady residing jan31 deodly* lar schools, and by treating patients as their cases day. city. The party numbered five or six hundred, in this and a of without his abilities to sectarian de stjle, graduate Middlebury L. was a on demand, sacrificing Chapter—Dunlap Chapter Rose Croix H., third Warren, Esq., building large woolen in Portland Monday last, restoring her to he has a and went to Little Iiog Island on the Florence. class of who married Miss 403 CONGRESS ST. rules, achieved wonderful success and effect- Friday. College, 18G0, Emily at ed cures that astonished some of the ablest R. factory Saccarappa. hearing. js28ecdtf my5 isdly physi- CONsisTORY-"-Maine Consistory, S. P. S., fourth Ale was sold out of tubs on the island, and Itedington of Morrisville, has just returned DAVIS, cians ot the day. Friday in March, Juge, September and December. Mr. Warren has several times been a mem- soon the rowing begun and continued all day. from Marash, Turkey, where he and his wife Seeds and Cages for all kinds of birds at ber of the board of selectmen and held other The People's Photographer " [From the "New Haven Daily Union."] I. O. O. F. About twenty bruisers caused all the trouble have labored thirteen years for tbe American Kendall & Whitney'?. Sioily Canary Seed 23 places of trust. He was a useful and influen- Dr. Scott's cures in some instances are indeed A Odd Fellowi' Hall, No. 88 Exchange Street. and gave many well disposed people a bad Board of Missions. cents wonderful, in Nervous and Chronic Dis- Foreign They bring with tial member of the Executive per quart. jy28eod2w 180 MIDDLE ST., ''HAMBURGS especially Lodges—Maine, on Mondav ft VMliηtrs■ Anripnt Counci', being eases of long standing. The "Famous name. Tbeie were a great many who were in them four children and a native Armenian, Wyomoke Brothel β, on Thursday evenings; Lieonia, on Friday first elected in 1875. Iron in the Blood. Old No. S09 near Exchnngc 81., or Nerve Food," with which he has had such brill- various of Two of the Mr. iant is the result venings; Beacon, on Tuesday evenings ; Ivy, I)., ol stages intoxication. Montgomery returns in November next, success, ot assiduous scientific re- He leaves a widow, four sous and one The Peruvian vitalizes and enriches Will take pictures for one montli at the have and without second and fourth Saturday. were daugh- Syrup following We just SEVEN search, doubt the greatest triumph in R., Catholic clergymen from Liwistou pres- one son in America to be : opened leaving educated. the tones the builds the prices medical science achieved man. first and third Wed- ter. His eidest son, W. L. Warren, was repre- blood, up system, up yet by Encampments—Machigonne, ent and did their utmost to prevent disorder. cures 12 Card for HUNDRED PIECES new and ; Eastern Star, second and fourth Wednes- in the of broken-down, dyspepsia, debility, dropsy, Photographe $1.00 nesdays Woodford's Cornee.—The shell road which tentative Legislature 1875-G, and his 14 HI in net te some cases three arc days; Portland, first and third Had it not been for them it is quite probab'e chills and fevers, chronic diarrhoea, nervous Photograph* tor .75 6§ΕΓ*Ιη only Sebago Camp-meeting, ress in medical a treatife on Iron as a way. An examination will Bosworth, by heavy tumbler, by seller at science, one made from it. Au extra charge will be made tor satisfy Council—Maine, first and third Mondays In cach W. M. ; D. D. Clougb, W. Chap ; A. which commences Tuesday aud continues six medical testimonials from children. a man who stole money of him, and severely Hannah, agent, distinguished small jy26dlw* any one that the are much Formerly with Marrelt* Bailey & Co., month. W. I. Chas. O. has been fixed at 25 clergymen and otbeis, will be sent prices cut in the and ncck. He bled G.; Hudson, W. O. G.; W. F. days, cents. Saturday physicians, Temple—Forest City, No. 1, every Wednesday jaw profueely free to any address. Scth W. Fowle & Sons, the a has taken the Morrill, P,|W. Ο. T. Tbe election of W. C. afternoon will be for children's meet- lower, goods of finer quality evening. and fainted away. wholly Proprietors, 80 Harrison Ave., Boston. Sold Drums T. was fare Drums, Drums, Those who carriei postponed one week. The lodge unani- ings. The from Westbrook will be 20 cts. ; dealers and handsomer than we mirks of the lighting, we by generally. jy31eodSwlw "FOR SALE. patterns New Store Cor. Free & Cotton Patbiotic ORDER Sons of America—Camps No South Windham liock Sts., are to mously recommended W. F. Morrill for Lodge 15, White 10, Steep 1,3 & 4 convenes over the Eastern Express Office, pleased learn, were largely Lewiston have ever shown beiore. Falls Baldwin The dejected victim caused by the indiscre- Also made to order and one of the and intends to keep a fall assortment ot Plum No Ion evening; No. 3 on Deputy for the remainder of tbe year. The 15, 20, West Baldwin 25, and repaired by Street; Tuesday roughs. tions of those troubled with best workmen in the State. evening; No. 4 on Monday evening; No cents from youth, kidney, Wednesday lodge continues to prosper, has just purchased only twenty-five Upper Battle», Drum and retail trade 2 at School Turner's Cape bltdder and glandular affection, mental and Corps furnished at short UPHOLSTERY House, Island, Elizabeth, Reform Club j: GOODS Friday evening. Meetings.—The club held a a fine organ and had its "banner" placed in a uonway, ryeourg, jorowniieia anil Hiram. physical debility, diabetes, gravel, female com- notice, with the best Drums and at the lowest price to bo found in the of fer and and finn olaeo f ρ α m<- mil «η in «!-><.:*· l.. J — however will find com- City. OWEN & every description Drapery Decora· lioswoBTH Post G. A. R.—Meetings every Friday very large enthusiastic meeting at Knight- This λγίΠ no doubt secure a very attend- plaints, &c., stubborn, MOORE, large PruMsiaa Drams, Drum Heads, Cord. Jyl3 'Itf tire Work. By making a ot this evening in Mechanics' corner of Congress and villc fort and positive cure in DR. BULLOCK'S specialty depart- Hall, Sunday afternoon, which was addressed by room. ance through the whole meeting. Sticks aad all Trimmiaii» constantly on hand ment in upholstery, we propose to place before the Casco streets. KIDNEY REMEDY, NEPHIiETICUM. at Messrs. Pearson, Smith and oth- public every facility for obtaining the newest designs Portland Temperance Reform Club—Head- Merry, Kigby, 15—30—15 jy25eod&wlw and and at lowest Accidents.—Mr. James Bold, tie rigger, Window Frames ! fabrics, prices. Also Window quarters in Priuters' Exchange, 2d floor, Exchange ers. At the close several signed the pledge. A County Convention Delegates. C. K. HAWKS' Shades and Fixtures. And a complete assort- Street. Open and evening. Business bad a narrow escape from a fatal accident Sat- IIakper's Bazar.—This beautiful weekly ment of Koom mh21tf day meeting auu interesting meeting was aiso ueiu m Cape Elizabeth—Col. Chas. E. Paper. at large Haunaford, is a visitor to the When you cannot you wnnt every Mondayevening 7J o'clock. IIo was publication welcome parlor Music 177 Middle Street. fiudjihat at Y. M. C. Δ. urday morning. hoisting a mast into H. Watson, Ε. N. Perry, F. H. Ε. N, Store, Mercantile Library the eveniDg the Hall, when a Harford, circle. The number for the ensuing week has dtr Association, Concrets place iu the schooner Amelia when the Jordan. For Dresser, !)1 ta 77. jj3 call ni For Comfort, Elegaucc and Durability Hall Block. Second Monday in each month. Deliv- number signed the pledge and will become shears been received by Fessenden Brothers, Lancas- of books, 2 to 6, Τ to 9, and fell and the mast with the Gorham—A full Dresser was ter and D. cor- Men, Women and Children who are pntri ery day evening. υ£ the and tbeir bomes are it, throwing up end delegation Hall, Weutwortb, 553Cougress, members club, be- elected. cular to have cany filling* good look- BU Et It OWES Payson Literary Society.—Meetings every of the which struck Mr. knock- ner of Oak street. BROS'., blest and men made bowsprit Boyd ing and serviceable Boot» are J. C. Brunei! & Barnard'» Monday evening, Brown's Block, cor. Brown and ing happy. Where you eau hare ihem nl ahort notice. nprritr erode ing bim down and him Bolh An • I Congress streets, at 7J o'clock. On Tuesday evening the Portland club will bruising badly. Inquiry. The best men in the country use Adamson's Portland institute and public library masts were broken a of Mb Editor·.—Can tell us Botanio Balsam. go over to Knigbtville and assist in a causing damage $1(% you when and Cough Bankers, clergymen, Cor. Cross and Fore Street. and free to all from 10 to forming Ladies'Fine Shoes, Ten Widths. City Building, Open The Portland Juniors and a nine from where the Argus holds its farmers, lawyers, merchant?, mechanics and 5 and 7 to 9. club. picked prayer meetings for Sure to Come unite in to its remarkable PORTLAND, ME, The French Last s Lewiston a at Little island the benefit of the physicians testifying specialty. Sold by Portland Typographical Union, No. 75 began game Hog "natural vipers" that de- curative ap!7 deodt power. jj31eodlw lo !I3i 1IIDDI.K ST., where will AUG. Ο. LE A V Second Saturdav in each month. Campaign Songs.—Asa Hutcbiuson, wife Saturday afternoon, but at the end of the nounce the Massacre? that they ITT, Hamburg Those find the Mlock of fine Boots PREBLE DAVIS Mechanic Association— second InrgrU 7·) LEAVITT & DAVIS. Maine Charitable aud daughter, of the justly popular Hutchinson inning the Juniors', catcher was struck failed to see Barnum's show might male this in this Country. WATCH DIAL PHOTOGRAPHS. Corner of Congress and Casco streets. First Thurs- jyîdtt NO. 1 GL.11 NTHIBT. of are in town. Mr. Hutchin- iu the eye by a foul ball and and answer as a substitute. ju!2dtt JT1. «. ΓΛΙ.Ίlilt. day in each month. family singers, badly hurt, Viper. Ladies' Fine Boots ! C. H. LANSON, Jeweler, son sung a Blaine at the Cincinnati Con- the game discontinued. Young Men's Christian association-Corner song Itl V THE BEST CONCAVED JOI IVliddle Street» Congress and Casco streets. Every evening. vention and he lias prepared several Hayes aud A full Udo of Ladies' Hand-sewed Boots iu French MobtuArv Maine liusiucss Notes. mate with A SPEl'ULTV Knights of Pythias—Bramhall Lodge, No. 3 Becord.—The following is a list Kid of tbe finest especially adapted to ten- Having arrangements bis Brother, the Wheeler campaign fongs, it is he quality, celebrated Portland pllDtiOODS. which, said, is Thursday evenings; Munjov Lodge, No. 6, Mon- of deaths in this city for the past week, and The Whig says Palmer, Johnson & Co.'s der leet, at RAZORS, Photographer, pre- Sharp*β Preserved Smoked Halibut ami Haddies. evenings : Pine No. will coosent to at Lancaster Hall for the pared to have photographs reproduced immediate- day Tree, 11, Friday evenings. give the mill .4 p. m. Fare down Pilot Sup.... 9 00 @11 00 ommon.... England Hotel, stations, running through Ρ anse u Train» will leave Portland for 9J westward. The vine a 2J@ table kingdom, and are again prepared by the Vt. go* and aIcCLELLAN. and back 10 cents; children half fare. Speoial ar- fruiting requires do ex 1001b. 7 Ή) @ 8 00 etined Johnson, Homiou 8.45 a. 1 2§( ast Steel. for all those 8.00, 10 00 m. to public, especially difficulties and ills at- 5.45 P. ITS for Bartlett and intermediate p. Fveight forwarded from Norfolk to Washington and Steamer Gazelle or Express will make an evening air, rain and dew ; and the best results 100 35 @ 40 erman St'l. tendant this season of the Upper Kesurnius, leave Boniou at 7.30, 8.45 a. upon year. They are par- AVENUE stations. in., Alexandria by steamer Lady of the Lake and Jane trip to Jones' Landing at 7.15. Returning, leave Bulter. hoe Steel... recommended for cure COLUMBIA 3.30, 0.00 p. in., arriving at Portland at are never where one of these ticularly the of : 12.30, Jones' at 9. realized, any tb 25 30 Steel. Arrive in Portland 10 in. Mosely. Landing Family, i> @ pring 12.10, 12.45, 5.00, 8.10, 00 p. from Norfolk to the or WEST PHILADELPBIA, PA. 8.50 A. 1*1. from Bartlett. Freight forwarded Petersburg and JËir* Will make regular trip SUNDAYS is Store 20 @ 25 lieet Iron .. IndigeNtion Dyepepiiia, Jaundice. Upper Por Lawrenee at 8.45 a. 6 00 requisites wanting. 1 .'20 P. M. trom 0.15, m., 1.30,3.15, and Va and Tenn. R. R. to all places in and late Candle». ommon.... of Appetite, General t'o*- Fabyan's p. ni. Richmond, except early tiips. the of most about Debility, This Hotel is situated on Columbia 5.35 P. ML. Irorn all on the South, W. M. Clark, Agent, 24U St., To ripen fruit varieties lb. 13 [. G tiveacMH, and all Johnson, Vt., and stations For I. ο well at 8.45 a. Washington Mould, ρ @ diiesiecN canned Belmont 6.15, in., 1.30, 3,15 p. in. Boston. 35 ussia.. 15 A Avenue, between Avenue and through line. J. HAMILTON, Supt. For ΝΤΕ Λ TIE Κ EXPKENN, Capt. B. C. Deane, a hundred must intervene from flower- sperm @ 37J @ by an.unhealthy «tale of rtfauchester, Concord nud Upper Kail· South days Street, and in close proximity Portland, June 3,1870. u3dtf To all points of North and Carolina by Sea- on and alter will leave until Charcoal. aly 9f@ iz the ntoinach or bowels. Forty·second j roat!* (via New Market Junction) at t>.15 a. in., Monday, July 3, 1876, to the Main Exhibition Building. board and Koanoke Railroad and Atlantic Coast Line of Pearl to frost. is indicated by ripe Pine... ® 12 Lard. 3.15 ρ m. ; at 8.45 a. m. further notice Custom House Wharf, foot ing Ripeness number of οι one hundred and (via Lawrence) C. P. Gaither 222 Hard lb... 13 recommendations might be It contains fifty lodging For Full* at Agent, Washington street, Boston. at 8.45, 10.35 a. m.,ni'd I 45 and 3 ρ m. Return- the Wood, 'egs ψ 12|@ Any pub- txreat 6.15, 8.45 a. m., 1.30, 3.15, 6.00 in St., Dot by the color of berry. lished, but the article is ap well and is by Eastern men, and New Portland & Rochester U.R. and to aU pointe the West by Baltimore & Ohio leave at 11.30 a. m. seed, always Oak @ 15 ierces^lb. 12f@ 13 favorably Known managed p. m. ing, Evergreen Landing 9.30, 2.15, that it is deemed Let the sufferer use and others visiting the Centennial R. K., M. W. Davison, Agent, 219 Wasnington street, 5.30 m. Will make an on and after Unlike the pear, it never ripens after it is Birch, Ma- ail 14J@ 14| unnecessary. Knûïand people For Rochester, Farmiiitftou and Altou p. early trip them a short time to the directions on eac h Exhibition will find home comtorts and very moderate Boston. at 6 a. m. ple ffl 17 addies 15J@ 15| according Bay at 6.15, 8.45 a. in., 1.30, 3.15 p. in. July »>th, leaving Custom House Wharf nor will the cluster mature, after the bottle and be convinced that all is true which is now Rooms $1 per day. On and Through bills of lading given by the above named for and Jones' picked ; Pit Burned. Lead. prices. after Monday, April, 3,1S 7 <». For Kcnucbuttk at 6.15, 8.45, a. in., 1.30, 3.15, Evergreen Landing. jy3dtf said of them. The best article of the kind ever of- Ν. B.—The entrance to Columbia Avenue, from ▲gents. and it is Maple @ 19 heet & Pipe 9 @ 9J 5.30. 6.00 p. in. foliage at beyond destroyed. Frozen fered for the relief of the sick and Belmont. Avenue, is the Globe and Train* will run nw loilom*: Passage $12.50 to Baltimore. To Philadelphia $15. 4'her»e. 8 @ «I Buttering. opposite Hotel, For Nnco nud Riddeford at 8.45 a. 'ig the NEW ENGLAND HOTEL is near the entrante. 6.15, mM For or to Nortolk, Baltimore, Wash- grapes are without value. To protect the lb 10 @ 12 Lcnlhci· 1.30, 3 15, 5.30„ 6.00 p. in. freight passage Verm't.p SOLD ONLY AT DANIEL *"ww' Leave Portland at 7 50 a. or other Information to Factory 10 12 iew HOLLAND,) ιητ»·" iu., For Ncarborougli. II lise Point nnd Old Or- ington, apply and fruit-buds the cgj York, .1 S 4.00 and 6.20 in. E. For the ! wood L.H.COBB. 2.30, p SAMPSON, Agent, through winter, Ν. Y. 9 12 Proprietors. chard lCcnch at 8 45 a. 6.00 Dairy. @ iiglit 25J@ 29$ D. B. dtf 7.50 A. ITJ. Train at all stations 6.15, m., 3.15, 5.30, SAWYER'S DRUG my22 J. M. BOBBINS, ) stof»s between m. 53 Centrai Wharf, Boston, Jslands when the falls much below a lid. 229 STORE, p. mercury zero, Coal—(Retail). Weight. Portland and and ruus to Ε. H. ROCKWELL, Agent, Tlic Commodious, PlauDch and Εη·Ι Sail- Cumberland 7 50 @ 8 00 26? @ 29 Rochester, through Morning Trains will leave Kcnuebunb Is leavy 176 Middle of Worcester. Arrives at Rochester at 10.00 a. no2dt! Providence, R. ing Htcaiurr slight covering essential. Pictou 7 50 8 00 40 St, Cor. Exchange, for Portland at 7.20 a. rn. @ laughter... 35£@ in., (where it counects with Eastern and Bos- Chestnut.... 7 00 7 50 lin. Calf.... 1 00"@ 1 10 FULLER HOUSE, The branches, and the roots also, must be @ store Emmons ton & Maine Railroads.) At Nashua at 11.47 FLOREÎNOB Franklin.... 9 00 @ 9 50 \d Dam'g'd 2Θ @ 23 formerly occupied by Chapman, a. m., Lowell 12.15 p. m., Ronton 1.15 p. in., readily accessible ; and must be drained or &\V. No. 4033 l'onclton Between 40tli Will leave Portland Pier dally at 9 and 10.45 a. m. Lehigh PORTLAND, MAINE, Avenue, Ayer Junction 12.40 p. in., MAINE" Ash 8 00 8 50 iockland c'ek. 110 Piichhurg and 2.15 m., for Peak es' and must be and from @ @ and 41 st Street, 1.25 p. m., and at Worcester at 2.10 p. Cushiug's, Loug watered, duly fed, guarded C 1.umber. where also be found a good assortment of p.m., at Scott's and offer. may connecting with trains South and West. SUNDAY TRAIN Islands, touching Evergreen Landings lb.. 29 30 !Jear Pine, of Trefethen's. will leave disease ; must be protected from winter's cold, Java, @ and PHILADELPHIA. 2.30 P. M. Steamboat Express arrives at STEAMSHIP CO. by way Returning Long Kio 20 23 fos. 1 & 2...43 00 00 Drugs, Fancy Toilet Articles, Island at 9.50, 11.30 a. m., and 5 p. m. Leave Cush- @ @55 Rochester at 4.30 p, m., connects at Kppiug and warmed the summer's sun to insure 3» 35 OU 00 apr29 dtf ■ .eaves ISoston at 8 a. in., arrives at Port- Inland at a. 5.30 at by Cooperage.. @40 Tlie charge for Board will be from for Manchester and Concord, at Nashua ing's 9.15,12 111.,and pjn., arriving xxii'i. oimuftB aim ucauo, No 4 20 00 (jt SOOO laud at 12 55 p. m. at and 12.25 a. m., and 6 p. m. Fare lor round success. The most of to $:J.OO per daj,or from '4.00 lo for Lowell and BohIod. at Ayer .1 unc- SEMI-WEEKLY LINE City 104 perfect system grape- Mol. 45 .15 00 (ιι·2Ι\ 00 L·· aves Portland at 2.30 p. in., arrives at 14 25 cents. at a. m.and City.. @2 Shipping. 50 for Tea, Lodging and tion for ffitchborg and Hoomoc Tun- tiipof miles, Sunday trips 104 calls for a sheltered of mod- 15 S 1150 00 lSo*ton 7 32 p. m. m. for Picnic and Excursions can growing locality Sug.City.. @2 ■pruce @14 JSreakfaMt according to nel Line at Worcester with Boston & 2 p. Arrangements 1 45 1 50 1 lemlock. ...10 00 00 TO HEW YORK. be made at the or to Ο. B. a soil Sug. C'try. @ @12 location of Hoom. Railroad, and goes New Steamer, by applying erate elevation; warm, moist with Pine ( Albany through Sugar lapboarde, Loudon without of Parlor Tars on trains leaving Portland at 8.45 WH1TTEN, Portland Pier. boxshooks68 00 00 ex.25 00 00 A reduction made to Permanent Boarders. change Cars, suitable plant food in it, and a system of @70 spruce @30 there with the magnificent a. m. and 1,30 p. m. and Boston 8.45 a. m. and 6.00 On and after Monday next. July 24th, until further hd. do Ho.l 12 CO 00 connecting Headings, @14 The FULLER HOUSE is few minutes ride from Steamers of the Norwich Line, arriving iu p. m. notice, wdl leave Railroad Wharf, foot of State St.. growth of root, stem, arm, cane, shoot, and 35 Pine 35 00 00 afternoon at 1.40 and Portland Spruce, @55 the Centennial Grounds. Street Cars pass within New ïork at Pier No, 40, North Hirer The Fast Express Train every pleasant p. m., in @24 00 ί ihingles. House to all Pier at hour 2.15 m. cluster, which shall throw the entire plant (Τάνθος: HADZMAMC) one-half square of the parts of the city. at G.00 a. m. regular p. Jylldtl Soft Pine.. 00 Cedar ex... 3 25 3 50 @24 @ Guests wishing to reach the House irom the Cen- Mia te KooniN can be secured in ailvance at leaving Pot*hind at 1.31 p. in. runs through to Boston under the control of the cultivator. Hard Pine 00 Cedar No.l 2 00 2 50 in Three Houmand @25 @ tennial Grounds, take Market Street Cars, at Main Rnrncs Bros., No. 28 Exchange Street and Fotty five Uliuutee,mak- Hoops. 14 ft. @25 00 Spruce.... 1 so (ω l 75 OR WRITE TO close connection with Fall and FOR TnEISLAKDS. secure in the Entrance, and stop at Fortieth Street and Powelton at the DcpoL ing River, Stonington To successful culture, open Short do 8 ft.16 00 00 : 1 50 1 75 Nound Mteamer @17 -aths,spruce @ Avenue. 4.00 ·*. M. Train rung to at Norwich Lines and all Rail 7 ft.12 00 00 Pine. 25 Rochester, stopping STEAM ER JVIACSNET air in New England, most vines need all @14 @2 Guests arriving at Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, all stations. Lines to New York and Philadelphia. Pop'r staves. 16 00 @17 00 Mulches. will make three dailv to 32d and Market Streets, take Market Street Cars 6.20 P. M. Train runs to Gorham. Excursion Tickets to Wolfboro nud Ccutre J1"* trips the sunshine over the roots that it is Spruce.r'gh. @14 00 ί gros. 2 00 2 10 Peakes', aud Little Chea- possi- itar, ψ @ west, and stop at Forty-first Street and Powel- Harbor. New I'ork nud Long It. O. Staves. 00 -Ί OlilMM'N. going RETURNING. Philadelphia Islands until ble to them need to be trained @45 ton Avenue. 'beague furtlur give ; they 'orto Hico.. 45 eo for sale at Boston & Maine It. R. Ticket Office. notice. Copper. @ Guests arriving at any of the other Depots in the Trains leave Rochester at 7.20, 11.25, 11.45 a. πι., so that can Cop. Bolts.. 32 < 40 45 8.50 m. as low as other Leave Portland Pier at 9.30 a. m., and 2 and 6.30 while growing, they be readily Jieniuegos... @ City,can buy an Exchange Ticket, and take the » ar- and p. Ν. B.—Rates by any Line. p. jf.M. sheath- uuscovado.. 32 @ 34 acd at 7*20 A. M. at all arrives in Port- Tickets via all Unes to all for sale at Steamers Eleanors and Franconia m. Returning, leave Little Chebeague at 6.30 and laid down in also need a ket Street Cars going west, stop Forty-first Stops Stations, points | winter; they sys- ing @ 20 •Jew Orleans 05 @ 75 and Powelton Avenue. land at 10 00 a. m. lowest rates. 11 a. m., and 3 p. m. Long Island at 6.45 and 11.15 Street Will until further notice leave Franklin Wharf, tem out Bronze do... @ 20 3arbadoee... 42 @ 45 Rooms be secured in advance for time 11.'25 A. M. Steamboat Express from New Lon- Free from in Boston to other a.m. and 5 15p. m. Peakes' Inland at 7andll.30a. m. of thinning of fruit, and checking may any carriages Depot any MONDAY an bill.. @ 3 75 1 20 makes close connection with the St. John and Halifax. connect with Grand route, up FOR THE ISLANDS Σ weight fruit; foliage per- p. m., Also, with tine accommodations for Manila 14 @ 15 ?itch(C.Tar) ® 4 00 Maine Central and Grand Trunk Railroads. Trunk trains at Grand Trunk Station, ami Maine passengers, making to mature is a disease that afflicts WESTMINSTER this the most convenient and comfortable route for mitted but that wanted the fruit, Manila Bolt Λ'ίΙ. Pitch.. @ 3 75 HOTEL, 11.45 A. M. Train is a train with Passen- Central and Portland & trains at The staunch and commodious freight Ogdensburg travellers between New York and Maine. These Kope @ 15 »osin 3 50 @ 6 00 over 25 per ccntiim of the THE EUROPEAN Car attached, at all and 'lransfer Station. Barge, InLAND and to form root, wood and bud for the next ON PLAN. ger stops Stations, steamers will touch at Haven during the KELLK, DrugN and Dyee. rurp' 35 @ 38 human race. Almost ev- is due in Portland at 5.10 p. m. All trains stop at Exter ten minutes for refresh- Vineyard will run to the Islands this sea· summer months on their to and from New Acid Oxalic.. 17 @ 20 Oil. Corner Irving Place and 161· Street IVew 8.50 P. M. Train is from New ments at llrst class dinning rooms. passage sou for Excursions and year's crop. " ery effort heretofore made through York, York. Suuday tart 55 @ GO ICeroscne @ 21 York. stops at all Stations when arrives J AS. T. Gen. School Picnics. The Barge will not, under any For well iu the in the treatment of this signaled, FURBER, Supt. Passage in State Room meals extra. propagation, plants grown Alcohol gl 2 25 @ 2 40 Port.Kef.P'lr @ 10 in Portland at 10.50 p. in. S. II. STEVENS, Agent, Portland. ap29dtl $5, rouHideralion, run on the Mafcbafh. Liberal One Block irom Union and Goods forwarded to ami from Mon- air are the most ac- Alum 4 @ 5 Devoe Brill't @ 25 disease has been to allay Squaio Broadway. Local Train from Gorham at G.00 a. arrives in Philadelphia, can be made to open desirable, because The most and location in the m., St. and all of Maine. arrangements by applying Ammouia 2 00 @ 2 10 the central, yet quietest Portland at 6.40 a.m. treal, Quel»ec, John, parts CHARLES SAWYER, present suffering— Convenient to the theatres and taken at the lowest rates. climated; and no cuttings can be better carb 20 @ 25 Whale 85 @ so city. great stores, J. M. Sunt, prF reights 123 Commercial Street, trustiug to luck to eflect a ohurches. Elevator and al! modern LUNT, are to send their to the Ashes pot... 6 @ 8 Bank 40 @ 52 improvements. du Shippers requested freight Portland, Mc. than those known as because access to all of the street cars and api Steamers as as 4 P. on the loave ju23dtf "rootlings," Balscapaira. G5 @ 70 'bore 40 50 cure. DR.P.J.CRIFFEN Easy parts city by marne uentrai early M., days they @ Portland. For further information to the roots are in Beeswax..., 38 @ 44 45 @ 50 & CO., after of re- stages. apply white, early spring drawn Porgie years C. B. HENRY General Portland. Bleaching Linseed Ca> 57 sep27d&wlrl0 FF.KBIN, Prop. THE FOX, Agent, FOB HARPSWELL, search, now present to flic J. F. Pier E. New York. • out irom the cutting witboat starting the powders... 3 @ 5 Boiled do.... @ 62 AMES, Ag't, 38, R., the Tickets and State Rooms can also be obtained at 22 On and after July 4th, 1876, Borax 14 @ 18 Lard 85 @ 95 public only leaf bud, and they are then in a condition to Williins' House, Exchange Street. ocldtf Steamer Henrietta, ('apt. G. Brimstone... 4 @ 4£ Castor 110 @ 1 20 RAILROAD. LOWELL, will leave Harps- be set out and to bud out as soon as Cochineal.... 62 70 1 12 1 spring @ j Neatsfoot.. @ 25 USEKING, ME., Lakes well every day, Sunday except- Copperas.... 1JQ) 3 Elaine 07 @ 68 at 6 a. at and with roots formed to sustain Rangeley 1876. frTOJVINGTOâT LIKE ed, m., touching threat little open·, ready Cream tartar 40 @ 42 J'ulule. €. II. Wlllsin"», Proprietor. MONDAY, JULY 3, €liebea|{ue and Look Inland. Returning, will Ex 14 Port. Lead.. them. All vines require one season's logwood. @ @j0 00 —"VIA. leave end of CommercUl Wharf, at 6 p. m. for the growth Gum Arabic. 25 G5 do 10 00 Situated at the entrance of (a* PureGr'd @10 25 Evergreen FOR NEW YORK, above landings. Will come and go by the way ot in the before the final Aloes 15 25 Pure horse cars the head ot Preble nursery planting. cape. @ I)ry do. 10 00 @10 50 Cemetery, leaving St., Trains leave Portland for Ban- AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS· Consens' Island every Mouday, Wednesday and Sat- Camphor.. 30 33 Am. Zinc.... 10 fa) 12 the house half five min- In a vine a trench run- @ Scientifically Portland, pass every hour, g"rι Waterville, Belfast and Dexter urday. Will make excursion trips to Harpswcll preparing bed, dig Myrrh.... 45 Rochelle Yel. 3 31 utes walk from Westbrook Junction on the Maine @ @ MGTON » PHILLIPS! at 111.20 p. m·, 1.-5 p. in. Inside Route every pleasant day, Sundays excepted, leaving Com- .... 7 25 7 50 Central and Portland & Rochester R. at Morrill's This is the Only ning northerly and southerly, thirty inches Opinm @ Eug.Ven red 3 @ :. in. bro- Potatoes new 100 @ 115 very time, ! Three blocks west ol Grand Central neai the St..and W. D· Little & St. horn-piths, bones, spent lime, ashes, muck, Depot, change Co.'s,49$ Exchange For Trefethen's Landing and Hog Island at 6 45 a. mide CO @ 70 Onions, bbl.. 3 00 @ 3 50 restoring freedom of move- Elevated and but minutes from For Moosehead Lake L. W. D. S. Kailroad, twenty ! F1LKINS, BABCOCK, m., 8.30 a. in., 1.45, 4.15 and 6.10 p. m. etc. Street and Chlorate... 28 @ 33 Bermuda.. none ment Wall Street. Λ new ami furnished leaf-moald, turf, scrapings, and elasticity to the elegantly Hotel- MERCHANTS' DESPATCH. Gen. Passenger Ag'.t, New York. President. Returning, leave Scott's Landing at 7.30, 9.00,10.15 Iodide.... 2 65 @ 2 75 Hound hogs.. 8 9 all modern Kates @ improvements. $4 per day. Tickets are now on sale to Mt. Kineo House §p ocl 73 dtf 11.30 a. and m. well-rotted manure may also be added cau- joints. The disease being _· and m„ 12 30.2 10, 3.45. 5.15 7.00 p. Provisions. Liberal terms to families. Free. mnibus from Grand and return as follows: a blood a Returning, leave Trefethen'e and Quinine 2 25 @ 2 30 Mess Beef...10 00 @10 50 poison, of pecu- I Central Bath Landing Hog tiously, but these should be excluded from Depot. From Boston $15.00. Poitland, Brunswick, Island at 7.15 a. 9.15 a. 2.30 5.00 and 6.45 Bt rhubarb.. 1 75 @ 2 (>0 i-x Mess. .11 00 @12 00 liar is CLYDE'S m., m., p, nature, CHAS. E. LELAND, Proprietor and Lewiston .$12.00. Gardiner $10*50. Augusta m. contact with the roots of the vine. When Bt make 40 @ 50 @13 50 Of Delevan House, N. Y.t ana Claren- Albany, $10.00. From Island at 6.45 a. m., and 6.10 p. m. Saltpetre... 10® 17 Ι'Ήϊ,··;"·!250hx Plate. .14 50 00 don Cushing's this is filled to the of inchest @15 Hotel, Saratoga. feb2ld&wly9 Special Rates will be given to Base Ball or Boat Boston & New and will depth twenty Senna 15 @ 25 Pork, Philadelphia, England Tuesday, Thursday Saturday evenings Clubs and other parties, on application to F. E. leave for Scott's at 7.30 m. that ten inches below the Seed canary. 5 00 @ 5 51) Backs ....24 50 00 Landing p. is. surface, the @25 BOOTH BY", Gen. Ticket Agent, Portland. leave at 10 m. Cardamons 1 65 @ 2 50 Clear 23 50 00 STEAMSHIP LINES. Returning, p. @24 PAYSON TUCKER, Supt. Maine Central R. R. Fare lor Round 'JS renu. young vines of one year's growth in the nur- Soda bi-carb. S @ 8 (®23 00 Trip, Package ju2S d2m of live round L00. Tickets lor sale Sal 21@ 3 „MessHams.... 14 141 FOUR STEAMEB* PEU WEEK. trip tickets, $ at sery, or layers of the season are @ office of & Adam». 22 preceding Sulphur 4M fi, Ricc. Treated We would respectfully call the attention of Rollins, Loring No. Exchange WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY bv Boston and and on board Steamer. set out. A single cane is to be grown irom Sugar lead.. 19 @ 25 Rice, ψ lb... 81 Established 1819. Merchants and others to the superior facilities Street, 62@ Provideuce Railroad via Providence. Special arrangements can be made for Private White wax.. 00® 65 Haleratiin· offered by the TUESDAY and SATURDAY each vine, and two buds are allowed to start Vamilla bean 00 Saleral 'K» th β (ii) 7 by Moonlight Excursions, Monday, Wednesday and @18 JAMES BOYD & Old Railroad via Fail o! blue.. M SONS, Colony Friday evenings. Inquire —when the stronger has grown a foot, stop Vitrei 10 12 River. Turks Is. means of Tlie oldest house in Portland & CAPT. C. H. on t> internally by the America engaged in the Worcester Line 4»oodi* Received al KNOWLTON, Steamer. the weaker otfe by pinching, and in the fall *°·1 35 2 25 2 50 manufacture of Excursion Tickets Depot· dtf @ hhtl.(8 bu.) @ Pills und Elixir—alterna- 'Daily. ju24 No. 3 32 Bonaire...., 2 25 2 — for — trim it off. @ @ 50 one with the other HOSE FOR FIRE PURPOSES. Through Bills Lading given from Boston and prin- No. 10 @ 21 Cadiz,du.pd. 2 25 @ 2 50 ting are sold at the to Sole in the New cipal points in New England to the South and South- SPECIAL STEAMBOAT NOTICE. For vines on the root bed should @ 18 Cadiz in b'nd 1 37 1 75 according Directions. Agents Eugland Slate* tor buildings, tlie Seamless and west. Close connection made at Philadelphia with 10?»· ozs @ 221 To effect a Cotton Linen Iloer, be made as less is Liverpool. permanent Freight Quiet Despatch. the "CLYDE STEAM LINES" to Baltimore, already stated; width need- Dyewoode. 2 25 2 50 RcQuiring and alter Tuesday, Aug. 1st, the magnificent Duty paid. @ cure, the Pills and Elixir MANUFACTURED by the & Maine R. R. _Vcry Norfolk. Richmond, New- Barwood 3 In bond... 1 Boston York Charleston, ON Steamer Lc«* in ίο η will go no farther than ed for a few vines. It should be as favorable @ 37 175 must be used in Freight leaving at 5.ftO p. m., berne and WnNbinseton. Brazilwood. 7 Gr'nd batter conjunc- EUREKA FIRE DOSE arrives in Portland 1.15 m. Millbridge on her Tuesday evening from Port- 5@ 20 box COMPANY. p. NEXT D. D. C. MINK, Oeneral Ennfern trip as possible for the sun's rays, and away irom Camwood... 6 @ 7 Llv.fine sack 1 75 ® 2 00 tion with the Liniment. TICKET DAY. Agent, land, connecting at Millbridge with Stages for We earnestly invite tlie attention of all parties in- OFFICE, 29 Devonshire Street, Ilo-ion. and Fustic 3 M Freight Portland at 'i.30 ni., .lonesport Machias. the roots and shade of trees. It is not neces- terested in the purchase of HOSiC FOU FIRE leaving p. dtf arrives iu York janll Ν. B.—This arrangement will continue about Loawood, Clover, lb.... 17J@ 181 PURPOSES, to the treble web and New β.ΟΟ a. m. Λ EXT only 2 2J Ked 4 25 (Eureka), 353 Commercial 1VIOKN1NO. six weefcs. CYRUS STURDIVANT. sary that it should bs near the building. Campeachy.. @ Top bag @ 4 50 double web ( Paragon),seam less and rubber-lined Street, St. Domingo. 1|@ 2\ H. Grass.bu. 2 87J@ 3 00 Gen'l Agent, Portland. Tbe vines with the canes can be car- — — BOSTON single Peach Wood @ 5! Canary Seed 6 00 @ 6 5J COTTON HOSE, as We take pleasure in referring you to all the Fish STEAMERS. Portland, July 20,1876. jy25d5w ried under walks and Ked Wood.. (ω 21 Moap. and Lobster Dealers, Produce Dealers, pavements twenty feet Neuralgia, Nervous Pros- Manufactured by the Eureka Fi«h. ExSt'mR'l'd @ 8 Fire Ilose Com- Wholeeale Dry («ooile Merc liant*. Whole- The Superior Sea GoingjSteamcrs, or more to a tration, Nervous Weak- pany, and for which we have the exclusive LOW AS BY ANY OTHER LINE, trellis constructed on the east, Cod. per qti.. Family @ 7 sale Ulilliuers and any others of Portland, who ALLAN LINE. ness. agency in the New England States The dura- L'ge Shore 4 25 @ 4 50 No. 1 @ 6} Paralysis, Softening and includes tickets entitling the holder to a F REE are now shipping by this rsute. south or west side of a building. This trel. bility of Cotton for hose is well known. L'ge Bank 5 00 ®) 5 25 Npice». oi tlie Brain, and purposes CARRIAGE IN RONTON (from Boston & Our landing in New Yor* is Pier 40, North River, Small.... Chorea, It is not an experiment. It combines SUMMER lis should be a few feet from tbe 4 00 @ 4 25 Cassia, pure. 38 @ 42 all WEAKNESS caused lightness, Maine Depot to any other Railroad Station in Boston (Norwich Line, foot of Canal Street ) JSERVICE. building, Pollock 2 by strength and durability in a remarkable and For rates and 75 (o) 3 50 Cloves 45 @ 55 degree, and return). Passeugers can take any sta- iurther information, apply to with horizontal wires the LOSS OF has sutilcient thickness of an carriage three-eighths of an Haddock... 2 00 @ 2 50 Ginger @ 20 NEUVE (one-quarter inch) to tioned at tho without J. M. LUNT, Sunt. Portland, or endure the The Fire depot charge. Shortest Ocean Hake 2 00 2 50 Mace (fl>x 8 50 Wool. p:e*eiit. Whiskey P. A· K. ofStato Freig'it for the West by the Penn. R. U., and Sooth greater market value. @ from Kamsey & Co., Diuia^ Rooms, W. B. Field» foot St., every Monday. rain. Fl'cewash'd. 30 34 Liverpool. Hennessey Brandy Proprietor. and at by connecting lines forwarded tree of Commission. @ Sbe gives PRESENT in case, vintage lbCû, 1870 and direct from Wednesday Friday 6.00 P. Insects, disease, and frost are enemies to Corn, do nnwash'd 22 (OJ 24 PAST, and FUTURE in 1873, M., lor and St. John, PASSAGE TEN to Business, stance. Very line old Port and Wines direct Eastport DOLLARS. Mixed @ 62 Pull'd,Super 40 (aj 43 regard Health, Courtship and Marriage, Sberry CAPE ELIZABETH. will leave St. John and the vine. A small insect callcd and also absent from London. Heidsisck en. Bass Pael Ale Returning Eastport on the For Freight or to thrips, at- High Mixed @ «3 Lamb Skins. 30 50 looking up iriends; gives you lucky Champa same Passage apply @ days and numbers to win in from Burton-on-ïrent in and Kilder- Ocean House—J. P. Chamberlaiu, Propri- days. tacks the bud do lois 65 I lotteries: she takes the lihds., Bbls., Connections at Ε. B. NABPHOX, opening and blossom bide bag @ kens. Also same etor. made Eastport for Rcbbinston, St. Agent» ; tbey pains and locates diseases of the body while in an (Hibberts bottling) in casks and PASSENGER Τ3ΪΑΙΛΛ leave Portland cases of and Pts. In the Andrews and Calais. Jn23-ly TO L>on« Wharf. Ηο·ι·η. under fallen leaves and in the unconscious state; and she solicits a test of her Qts. original packages in for Scarboro'· grape crevices bond Sato, Biddcford, Krn- Connections made at St. John for Portland Daily Press NiockLi»i ability as a as her are or duty paid JAMES McGLLNUHY, Ira CALAIS. Digby. Annapo- of wood near medium, powers surprising. by nebuiik. Wells .\oi lh Berwick, NohiIi N. S.. by. Destroy the leaves when porter, 89 Commercial St. apr7eod6m luterisatioual Hotel, W, D. lis, Windsor, Kentville, Halifax, Shediac, Am- Corrected by Woodbury & Moultox, Investment Office Hours—From 9 o'clock A. M. to 0 P. M. Berwick, Conway Junction, Elio t, Simpson* herst, Pictou. Fredericktown, Charlottetown and damp and cold, as the insect then adheres to Kitlery. Portsmouth, Newburyport, Proprietor. P. Ε. Γ. AGENCIES. Bankers, G7 Exchange St. jy2G Conwultntion, $1.00. dlw* Summerside, Salem, Lyun, Chelsea and Bostou al (^"Freight received oh of until 4 them. Wash the wood with a mixture of A New Book CO RNKSH. days i»ailiug kero- Descriptions Par GENTS WANTED il.OO a. m., arriving in Boston at 1 p. m. o'clock p. m. Value. Offered Ashed Xi sene and EtcuUi at the IVnfionnl Capital. Saco, Bidrieford. Heunebu nk, Kiltery, Coruisïi Blouse,HI. B. Davis, Propriclot" A. R. DODD'S soft-soap, diluted with tobacco lea. Gold, 1112 .. 1124 jaOdtt STUBBS, Agent. Government SUMMER RESORTS. AND THE CAMPAIGN OF 1S7G. Portsmouth, Newburyport, The root G'e. 12o| ...12(jJ Hamptons, advektimi.m; louse may be destroyed Government Salem, Chelsea and Boston at DANVILLE JUNCTION. agbkcv, by flooding 5-20's, 1865, 1153 ...116| Just tbe book for the times. Gives a full of Lynn? Government history I.30 p. hi., arriving in Bostou at 5.15 p. ru., in the roots for a few The 5-20's, July, 1865, 117}....118 the National Capital and Government* Clark'* Dining Hall. Clrand Trunk Rail* 121 days. sulphur bellows season for New York and Western connection. INSIDE LINE WASHINGTON BOSTON. Government 5-20's, July, 1867, 119}.... 120 Shows how tbe III. W. STREET, Is government has been managed since Parlor Car attached. way Depot, Clark, Proprietor. the for the mildew used Government Pullman — — remedy freely at its 5-20's, July, 1868, 121Ï.... 121J White 76. its organization. Explains are TO Advertiscments receiued for in the Mountains, howjobs put through 5.20 p. ni. Biddcford accomodating train. every Paper first It is well to GovernmentlO-40'β. ... ,... 118;) ..119 congress. Gives a lull history of the Whiskey ELLSWORTH. United States and British Provinces at tne lowest appearance. sulphur State oi Returning, leave Bidieford at 8 00 a. in. Maine Bonds 109£ ...110£ Frauds and Belknap Scandal. It gives the contract prices. Any information the clusters as a Portland Saco, Biddcford, Menuebuuk, Well», City Motel.—Ν. H. & cheerftilly given protection in advance. City Bonds, Municipal,...... 103 ... .1C4£ lives of Tilden and Hendricks. Higgins Sous, Props Mt. and estimates promptly faurnished. Portland GLE^IÏOUSE Hayes, Wheeler, North and South Berwick, Conway Desert, In City Bonds aid R. R 102 J... 103£ Grand chance tor James Betts Machias, HORACE DODD. Frost the spring often kills the and in Bath IVill open June and Agents. Address, Junction, Eliot, Kitlery, PortHinoulh, bud, City Bonds,. 100 ... 102 15th, clone Oct. I, >76. & Conn. FOXCROI'T. Co., Hartford, jyGt4w Hamptons. Ipswich. Beverly, Salem, Ellsworth and the fall the the Bangor City Bonds, 20 years, ... 102J.... 103J Foxcroft P. 91· Jeiford», Pro- Bangor. Till* ΡΛΡΚΒ IN leaf, ruining ripening Chelsea aud BonIou at (i.OO p. Exchange, KEPT OF FILE AT fruit. Calais City Bonds 100 .... 102 Lynn, On a still when the AGENTS WANTED GREAT an., arriving in Boston at 10.00 p. m. Pullman prietor. clear, night mercury falls Cumberland National Bank,... 40 54 .... 56 r\ FOR THE STEADIER THE OFFICE OF Canal ALrilVEllOUSE, Parlor Car attached. LEUISTOX, National Bank, 100 143 .. 144 UIRAin. below 50" direct radiation, the cause of with for cold, First National Bank 100 135|....136J (NEW,) Night Exprès» Sleeping Car, Lenten ν ι al history Bostou at £.15 a, m Hit. Cutler House,—Hiram Baston, Pro CAPT. DEEHING, N. W. Λ may be checked the Casio National Bank, 100 136 ....138 n. every day (except AkEB SOI*, by slightest covering of uoriiaiti, h., It sells faster than any other book, Our Agcn*, prie tor· Merch ants' National .75 101 ... 102 Mondays.) Will leave Portia ad Bank,.. "Will sold 61 in one Send for one extra terms every muslin, fly-netting or paper. A smoke on National Traders' Bank open July 15, 1S76. copies day. and {100 135J .. 136£ to National Philadel- RETURNIMG, LEWISTON. Tuesday Friday Even- ADVERTININU AGENT», Portland «V. & C. It. agents. Publisdikg Co nt ΙΟ for the windward side of the at Company, 70 .. 80 IIILUKEN, Proprietor». Pa. iuΚ" o'clock Rock- garden kept up Portland Gas Ju6 phia, jj6tlw Leave Boston al 7.30, |9.0© a. m , D<- ti itt House, II. B. Isle, Company,.50 73 ... 75 dtf Wiug, Proprietor Sedgwick, South West and 733 Sausoiu leaves aui Ocean Insurance and at 7.00 p. m., eouncctiug with Bar Harbors Street, rtailadelphia. night by brush, saw-dust is often Companj,... 100 102 ... 104 (Mt. Desert), Millbridge, NJonesj>ort and A. & K. R. R. Bonds W Α ΛΓΦ1? AfiKNTS to canvass for the Steamer» for Ml. Desert and Bar LITTLETON, Ν Η. effectual. 88 ... 90 IT λΧι J. η Macliiasport. Maine Central R. R. Summer XiAJ.authentic and complete Life of Harbor. Pullman Sleeping Car attached. C. J. Stock,... .100 40 ... 50 Resort, Thayers Hotel, II. L. Thayer, Proprietor. Returning, leaves Machiasport, every Monday WHEELKli, 'The rariofio· fhat β*·ο Gov. Haves, our next President, Col. R. H. Con- and Maine Central R. R. Bonds, 7's 90 ... 91 PEAKES' ISLAND. by Thursday morning, at 4 l-'i o'clock. well. Now is the 'l'he are Leeds & tf'rm'gton R. R. 87 82 opportunity, people Tlirongh Tickets to all Points South and West at iTIACHIAS. WEWMI>AI>EKAUVEKTIMIiV«i number. After more than Bonds,100 ready lor it. Β. B. AtiKAT testing and Portland & Ken. R. R. 100 88 ... 3» Toronto Address, Kcssell, Publisher, lowest rates. Pullman Car Tickets for Seats ami sixty Bonds,. 89 Cottage. Peakes'Island,five min- Κ* K" « STEADIER CITYOF ItK Portland & % jlWI a tea walk from Boston, Mass. jy6tlw Berths at Ticket Office. IIHOM) with an experience in thousands Ogdensbur* R.R.Bonds,golo,85 i^ii Jones' Landing, offer a su- No. S Washington Building, handling of advantage to Cars leave Eastern Depot, Portland, direct for CAPT. KILBV, vines for jLMMJWperior private families and ITllLMtKIDGE. fruiting many years, we our desiring a pleasant and somewhat re- FOB Lowell at 1.30 p. m. Will leave every regret l|iT!jS![ j|those Atlautlc CSco· Λ. Portland, Monday Wednes- PROVIDENCE, Κ. I. Drv fleode W holesale Market· UaBJtired location, (a Ehort distance from the Passengers by this line avoid all change. House, HopUiuw, Pro- and at inability to furnish more than day Friday evening» ΙΟ o'clock, anything such anding ana larger houses.) connected jutdtr GEO. BATCHELDKB. Supt. prietor· for Rockland, Camden, Corrected weekly by Locke, Twitcbcll & Co. Everything COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, Belfast, Searsport, Sandy- ESTABLISHED IN 1849. a list as one which advanced ameteurs will with the house is first-class. Sail and row boats fur- point, Buck sport, Winterport, and Brown NAPLES* Hampden cottons. Bags. good. .. 20 @ 23 nished free to boarders. Charges reasonable. 4SI) 4LL ΤΠΒΟΑΤ Bangor. smile at when see it, L^SEASES, (iraud Trunk K. R. of Canada. they Tho Hartford Sheetings width, price. Prints be&fc.... @ 6J Α. V. Elm lloaee, Nathan Church & Sons, Pro· Returning, leaves S. ?I. PETTENCILL Λ CO.'S " jyl2-tf ACKLEl, Proprietor. Bangor, every Monday Standard36in 7J@ 8 medium 5 @ G XJSE prietor*. and Concord and Martha for the table and " ALTERATION OF TRAINS. Wednesday Friday morning*, at tf mar- Heavy. ..36.. 7j@ β common @ 5 o'clock. AUVEUTININU AUENr« ket and the Ives and Clinton Medium. 36.. 7 Pink & NORKIDfïEWOCK. ; lor wine, will fijjg ; buft' G (φ 6} Wells' Carbolic SUMMER ARRANGEMENT Fine 36.. 6® 8 Woolens. Mt. Pleasant Tablets, 1>. No. 10 State St., and 87 Park yield under House. Dauiorth ?Eo«mc, Dauforth. Proprît (o MUg STEAMKR Boston, Row, New York ordinary care, abundance of de- Shirtings. .28.. 0 Bv'rs TJ'ns6-4 1 37J@2 25 PUT UP ONLY IN Κ lit BOXES. On and alter June Estimates furnished gratis fur sirable fruit, not the Flannels heavy 25 @ 37.J "Moscow6-i .2 75 (a)5 00 JflBBSSBLI MONDAY, 19,1S7G, Advertising in al though choicest " On ami after will run as follows: ΝΟΚ ΓΗ STRATFORD Ν. II. CHARLES in the United quality ; medium 14 (eg 25 Cassimereblk.l 00 (α>1 75 July 4,187C, the yHÛ^BPtraing HOUGHTON, Newspapers States and British Prov and this is more " Λ TRIED 1NU Sl'Bli ICE.UKDY. for Island Montreal Willard House, C' 8· llailcy & Co. t* than can be of most va- Blenched C'olloun. fancy. 62 @1 50 Express train Gorham, Pond, CAJPT. OltlM R. sait} " prietor». INGRAHARl, rieties. Good. .36in 10 @ 13 Coatings 3-4.1 00 (α>175 PLEASANT and West at 7.15 a. m. They are so " " MT For sale by generally, and lor Auburn and Lewiston at 6 55 a. m. Will leave Commercial Wharf, Rocklaml, every thrifty, healthy, hardy Medium.36.. 7J@ 8j 3-4 1 50 m 00 HOUSE, Druggists Express 3» I*· GEO. C GOODWIN &>_ O.. Boston Mm, m lor Auburn and PEAK'S ISLAND. TucNday and "Tliureday ιιιοπιιηχΜ at 5 l.'i HILb^t and maUne so that we must Light....36. 5j@ 7 Doesk'ftbr3-4.100 @4 to Express train at 1,33 p. Lew- early, give them BRIDG1W, ME., 12 d4wt J ouch. o'clock, (or on arrival of Steamer City of Richmond Sheetings.9-8. 13 @ 17 •Jeans Kent'y. 16 @ 35 jy Iston. I'uiou Mouse—W. T. Propriétés. AUVLKTINIX; the as " Mail train 1.40 m. at all stations to from Portland,) for Deer Isle, S. W. and Dar Har- ACENT. preference being the most profitable .5-4., 12J@ 16 80 15 Will be open to flic public. p. (stopping " Repellants..,.. (a)l bors (Mt. an lo Medium 10 É'JliisIsland. All are invited at this Auifiicau IXoux Pro- For further 6J@ Long parties place. India St. E. particulars, inquire of of the were DEPOT AT FOOT Ol INDIA ST. Gray, dations essay considered and dis- Tcking good. Vrille· The Steamers Florence and Magnet will run four prietor. CYRUS (Jen'l Medium, A We bave ,n i'ress a new STURDIVANT, Agent, BATES A LOCKE, Brown li'vy 30 9 @ 10| trips daily to this Island from Portland Pier. " City Hotel, Cor. and Green St. Railroad Wharf. cussed at length the members of the Soci- campaign book by a Couicrcs» by Light Medium 30 8® 9 The Steamer Magnet will leave for the J\ I Ml -M.KJΑ Λ College J. K. Hai ti Portland, May 5th. city every pres LfJ# L). no Tickets sold at Rcdnced Kates ! η, Proprietor. mySd'.f fliewapaprr .iilrertiaiiK Agent·, and modifications morning at 7 o'clock. Big pay. Preble St. Gibnon A t ety although slight were cents will secure outfit and territory. Ε. B. House, Cou^re^ o., jySdtf E. PONCE. Proprietor. Treat, To Canada. Detroit, Chicago, Milwau- Proprietors. MAIL· It received a TEriiER.-JUadame Ν. Α. Pub., 805 Broadway, Ν. Y. jy!7dlwt Cincinnati· Nl, lioui*, LINK TO 34 ι· Α ι. Κ ftoir, XF.W YOUK. suggested, general indorsement. kee, Omaha, St. Julian Hotel, Cor. Middle and Plum FORTUNEMaddox, the celebrated Clairvoyant, Fortune Wagiuaw, Hi. Paul, Wall l.alte City, Stn. G. E. Ward, Proprietor. J. H. Teller and Doctress, can be consulted at No. 3 Α SO subscribers Best Wan Bates, late oi I>. K. Locke, ο Locke & Quin- β.1?\Γφϋ daily. Denver, Fraurihco, U. S. Hotel, Junction of Fed- Halifax, Nova cy St. Madame λ1. has had large iu tell- J\.\A till M. Ο family paper. Four §10 00 Cougre»nand Scotia, S. M. Pettengill Λ Oo. Junes, Toledo Blade. experience chromos and all points in the eral Sin. Timothy Wolcott, Proprietor. ing fortunes, searching out hidden or stolen free. »J· M. MUNYON & 41 With connection* to Prmcr of 100 choice lost, Ocean House. CO., Tremont St. Commercial «louse—L· O. Sanborn A fidward In- Send for list newspaper,. &c., and was never known to be at Mass. West an KTIHINW A«JKI*C'V Λ The members of the they understand, their advan- order, will be open to-day for (he season of splendid Capt. W. A. will leave HKIXT- 15th Regiment of Maine a is well with lirst-class Colby, tage to pay her visit. She can foretell the destiny 1870 J. P. CHAMBERLAIN, OUR condition, equipped rolling Proprietor. ♦ Boston Railroad Volunteers aro COUNTRY ami is the best connections and vVharf, every KRM< requestci by the to of friends in auy part of the world and describe stock, making quick- — undersigned them Proprietor, 'SATURDAY at 530 p. m. for WAKEHOIKK, at She also describes all manner AND ITS est. time of any route from Portland to the West. SHOU'll EGAN. assemble Portland, on tho Oth and 10th of perfectly. of disease dti RESOURCES. HALIFAX, direct, making connections with the In- August heir £3^·*PULLMAN PALACE DRAWING ROOM Pi for the ni that flesh is to, and gives medicine for the same. Tue»irr II W. O. Heselton, «ipri· tercolonial Railway, to* New Ulaa- IOC WAS111NUTOX next, purpose participating iu the Complète in the thrilling history of 100 eventful AN1) SLEEPING CARS are attached to the trains Windsor, Truro, STBEKT, BOSTON. exercises, She has given universal satisfaction to all who have ctor. and Pictou, and steamer? for I'riuoe Edward to be held at that time years, also of the great in Portland at 7 15 a. m. 1.40 ni. j by the ditlcrent consulted her in her constant travels ?iuce she was '*Exhibitiou'>—grand leaving and p. few also at Dealer in Wood ami Regimental of our resources in slaud; New Glasgow, N. S., with Lind- Metal Type and all kiiid, ot seven testimonials if deMcription mighty agriculture, liaggage checked trom Portland to Detroit and IVILT0N. organizations ot Maine, and also to form an years old. Good given desired. Boys' Custom Clothing ! sey's Stages for Cape Bre^ou, and at Halifax with Printers' Materials. Advertisements inserted in organiza* commerce, minerals, manufactures, natural and not to Custom House examina- in anj tion if Terms, Gents $1 00; Ladies 50 cents. Ollice bours wonders, Chicago, subject IViltou ΙΕοιι»*·, H ft. tireec. Proprietoi steamers for St. Johns. N. F. paper the United States or al deemed practicable. curiosities, etc., all richly illustrated. A tion. Canadas publishers' r oui 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. noQdtt ItlltS. F. C. CHASE "Century" 53r-RETURMN1.00 foi Portland, aj>29dtf lanldtl Congress octfWtI JOHN POKTEOUS, Agent. to sample, direction,. «Sc., Box VJo'J, Portland, Mama. jaïOtUoUU