Legislative Manual

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Legislative Manual THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES e 0' -V /r 4'a/ V MAINE LEGISLATIVE MANUAL. 1867. Compiled by the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House. AUGUSTA: STEVENS & SAYWARD, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1867. STATE OF MAINE In Senate, January 29, 1867. Ordered, That the Secretary of the Senate be directed to prepare a Legislative Manual for 1867, containing a diagram of the Senate Chamber and the usual statistical matter, and that three hundred copies be printed for the use of the Senate. THOMAS P. CLEAVES, Secretary. House of Representatives, January 23, 1867. On motion of Mr. PERKINS of Kennebunkport, Ordered, That the Clerk of the House be directed to prepare a Legis- lative Manual for 18G7, containing the usual statistical matter, rules and diagram of the House, and cause the usual number of copies of the same to be published for the use of the House. F. M. DREW, Clerk. JK CONTENTS. PAGE. ' Civil Government, . 1 Heads of Departments, 2 Senators by Districts, 3 Senate of Maine, . 4 Representatives by Counties, 6 House of Representatives, 11 Rules of the Senate, 16 Rules of the House, 24 Joint Rules of the two Houses, 40 Memoranda, 45 Standing Committees of the Senate, .... 47 Special Committee of the Senate, .... 48 Standing Committees of the House, .... 49 Joint Standing Committees, ..... 62 Joint Select Committees, ...... 61 Executive and Legislative Officers of Maine from the organization of the State, ....... 67 Judiciary of Maine, . , . .71 Table showing the Tuesdays on which the several terms of the Supreme Judicial Court are to commence, ... 73 Reporters of Decisions, ...... 74 United States Senators, . ^ 75 Representatives in Congress from Maine, ... 75 State Institutions, ...... 77 County Officers, ....... 79 Councillor Districts, ...... 85 Length of Sessions of Legislature, .... 86 iv CONTENTS. CIVIL GOVERNMENT OF THK FOR THE POLITICAL YEAR r^ P ^•7 GOVERNOR: JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN, OF BRUNSWICK. COUiNClLLORS: IIIRAM RUGGLE3, Carmel. MARSHALL PIERCE, Saco. EVERETT W. STETSON", Damariscotta. GEORGE W. RANDALL, Freeport. AARON P. EMERSON, Orland. JOSEPH A. SANBORN, Readfield. JOHN S. BAKER, Bath. EPHRAIM FLINT, Dover, Secretary of State. CYRUS H. RIPLEY, Paris, Messenger to Governor and Council, Governor's Staff: SELDEN CONNER, Fairfield. THOMAS AV. HYDE, Bath. GEORGE VARNEl'', Bangor. JOHN M. BROV/N, Portland. Governor's Ppivate Secretary; CHARLES H. TRUE, Attgttsta. HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS. Secretary op State. EPHRAIM FLINT, Dover. Deputy Secretary—James H. Cochraue, Monmoutb. Chirf Clerk—J. R. Milliken, Portland. Treasurer op State. NATH.\N G. HIGHBORN, Stockton. Chief CTerA;—William Caldwell, Augusta. Ad-jutaxt General and Acting QuARTERjrASXER General. JOHN L. IIODSDON, Bangor. Major General First Division, M. V. M., James H. Butler, Bangor. " " Second " '• Wm. II. Titcoml), Rockland. ' " Third " " Wm. W. Virgin, Norway. Attorney General. WILLIAM P. FRYE, Lewiston. Land Agent. ISAAC R. CLARK, Bangor. Bank CoMirissioNERS. AUGUSTUS C. BOBBINS, Brunswick. FRANCIS E. WEBB, Winthrop. Superintendent of Common Schools. EDWARD BALLARD, Brunswick. State Librarian. GEORGE G. STACY, Kezar Falls. Superintendent op Public Buildings. GILMAN TURNER, Augusta. SENATORS. NATHANIEL SENATE OF MAINE. NATHANIEL A. BURPEE, Pkesident. THOMAS P. CLEAVES, Secretary. RESIDENCE. P. 0. ADDRESS. Adonirara J. Billiugs, Freedom, Freedom. Henry Boynton, Detroit, Detroit. Luke Brown, Bridgton, North Bridgton. Nathaniel A. Burpee, Rockland, Rockland. John C. Caldwell, Ellsworth, Ellsworth. Jcsiah Crosby, Dexter, Dexter. Adna C. Denison, Poland, Mechanic Falls. Isaac Dyer, Skowhegan, Skowhegan. Parker G. Eaton, Prospect, Prospect. Joseph W . Fairbanks, Farniington, Farmington. Alexander Fulton, Bluehill, Bluehill. Jonas Greene, Peru, Peru. John Q. Ilambiin, Lovell, Lovell Centre, Samuel F. Ileiscy, Bangor, Bangor. Nathaniel Ilobbs, North Berwick, North Berwick. Isaac T. Ilobson, Wiscasset, Wiscassct. Samuel A. Holbrook, Frecport, Freeport. Partmon Houghton, Eastport, Eastport. Moses R. Ludwig, Thomastcn. Thomaston. Jeremiah M. Mason, Limerick. Limerick. Frederick J. Parks, Pbipsburg, AVinneganco. George W. Perkins, Hallowell, Hallowell. Joseph W. Porter, Burlington, Burlington. John H. KamsJcll, Atkinson, Atkinson. Thomas B. Head, Wayno, AVayno. Frederick Bobie, Oorhain, Gorhaui. Charles E. Weld, Jiuxtun, \Ve.-t Buxton. George A\ iiigale. Cherry (ield, t'lierryfield. Window. ^ Ln Doot. r^ SENATE. RESIDENCE. P. 0. ADDRESS. Eben Woodbury, Houlton, Houlton. George W. Woodman, Portland, Portland. Joseph T. Woodward, Sidney, West Sidney. OFFICERS. NAME AND OFFICE. RESIDENCE. P. O. ADDRESS. Nathaniel A. Burpee, President, Rockland, Rockland. Thomas P. Cleaves, Secretary, Brownfield, Brownfield. Prentiss M. Fogler, Ass't Secretary, Augusta, South Hope. Jabez Marriner, Messenger, C. Elizabeth, Portland. James H. Banks, Ass't Messenger, Freeport, Freeport. Herbert M. Heath, Page, Gardiner, Gardiner. 1* 11EPKE8ENTAT1VES BY COUNTIES. ANDROSCOGGIl^ COUNTY. UP 15f 51 Id:: 129 13' 133 134 137 IS I3C 14" Jake E. «»). !*«: UUfj. 10ft 110 111 HL' 113 I! no i2< AlbioB V- ritec. Cfru B<^^. 1U3 104 Dbndgc Vagp. John tL Gili f*3 84 X WabieU. ChM. C. Smtct. II FtCTfciBi. 6cck a. Oaak. 1. E. ItavttM. Jobn BtTTT. tMatj. te«t:WTiUe. 45 16 -r~T t Prrkiu. G M. Ctaue. 13 14 >. Jote B. BukcUe;, - McArlknr. Alfrad B. JaM>. TuBothr I>»Be. ), C. Legion. '. Koudmui. Enpnt ti FrTC BUM. taUbridix- Gibfc^ Okv p. B«atT, ObdMb « ^ Gbfrk;. C t HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. STATE OF MAINE 1867. Z.EWI8 BABKER. Bpeako. # c REPRESENTATIVES LY COUNTIES. CUMBERLAND COUNTY, (Continued.) Pbinney, Clement . Westbrook. Parley, S. F. Naples. Shepley, George F. Portland. Wagg, Elbridge . Yarmouth. Wells, Ebenezer . Freeport. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Chick, Isaiah Madrid. Farmer, Samuel , Rangely. Hall, Orria New Vineyard. Howes, F. M. New Sharon. Tainter, Alsworth Carthage. HANCOCK COUNTY. Clark, Seth H. Tromont. Crockett, Levi B. Deer Isle. Grindle, Lowell Brooksville. Hale, Eugene Ellsworth. Merrill, John M. Surry. Saunders, John P Aurora. Watson, Joshua Sedgwick. West, J. H. Franklin. Woodman, T. C. Eucksport. KENNEBEC COUNTY. Barton, A. H. Benton. Beal, Ambrose Monmouth. Berry, John Gardiner. Blanchard, G. W. West Gardiner. Chase, M. V. B. Sidney. Foster, Reuben Waterville. Jones, Alfred H. China. Morrill, Josiah F. Chelsea. Perkins, Levi Windsor. Stevens, John L. Augusta. Titcomb, Samuel Augusta. ^. Walton, George W, Wayne. Whittier, Obadiah Vienna. REPRESENTATIVES EY COUNTIES. KNOX COUNTY. Bickford, Calvin . REPRESENTATIVES BY COUXTIE> PEXOESCOT COUNTY, (Cgntixued.) IjUlUg, JUUU iV. 10 REPRESENTATIVES BY COUNTIES. WALDO COUNTY, (Continued.) Harden, Clark M. Swanvillo. Monroe, Nahuin P. Belfast. Parker, T. H. Islesborough. Prescott, Ezekiel . Liberty. Richardson, E. P. Knox. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Allen, John T, Centreville. Buck, Albert G. Robbinston. Crfffin, A. P. Addison. Davis, E. Adams . Lubec. Downes, George E. Calais. Leighton, J. C. Millbridge. Paine, Charles B. Eastport. Talbot, F. Loring East Machias. Tyler, B. W. Alexander. Wilcox, S. A. West Lubec. YORK COUN TY. Barrel, C. C. York. Brackett, Uranus 0. Berwick. Clark, James R. Biddeford. Dame, Timothy . Elliot. Fenderson, Ivory . Parsonsfield. Hanson, Samuel . Buxton. Hanson, William H. Biddeford. Jewett, William . Alfred. McArthur, Wm. M. Limington. Merrow, A. D. Acton. Nowell, Samuel Sanford. Parker, J. D. Kittery. Perkins, Albert . Konncbunkport. Roberts, Jeremiah Waterborough. Sawyer, Charles C. Saco. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. LEWIS BARKER, Speaker. FKANKLIN M. DREW, Clerk, RESIDENCE. P. 0. ADDRESS. 126 Allen, Daniel Fairfield, Kendall's Mills. 40 Allen, Daniel R. Cumberland, Cumberland Center. 35 Alien, John T. Centerville, Columbia Falls. 107 Allen, Oliver Hiram, Hiram. 115 Atkinson, William Embden, North Anson. 48 Atwood, William E. Kenduskeag, Kenduskeag. 5 Eailey, Oscar D. Auburn, North Auburn. Barker, Lewis Stetson, Stetson. 71 Barrel, C. C. York, York. 78 Barton, A. H. Benton, Benton. 109 Beal, Ambrose Monmouth, Monmouth. 91 Bean, Benjamin Montville, Liberty. 64 Berry, John Gardiner, Gardiner. 123 Bickford, Calvin Warren, Warren. 118 Bishop, Cyrus Franklin pi.. West Peru. 119 Blanchard, G. W. West Gardiner, West Gardiner. 125 Bradford, Phillips Turner, Turner. 81 Brackett, Uranus 0. Berwick, Berwick. 75 Brown, Benjamin M. AYest Bath, Bath. 28 Brown, David Hampden, Hampden Corner. 49 Buck, Albert G. Robbinston, Robbinston. 58 Bucknam, J. A. Minot, Mechanic Falls. 30 Chase, G. M. Portland, Portland. 65 Chase, M. V. B. Sidney, Sidney. 151 Chick, Elisha Clifton, East Eddington. 137 Chick, Isaiah Madrid, Madrid. 11 Cilley, J. P. Rockland, Rockland. 33 Clark, James R. Biddeford, Biddeford. 62 Clark. Seth H. Tremont. So. West Harbor. 12 MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE. SEAT MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE. 13 RESIDENCE. P. 0. ADDKESS. 24 Jackson, S. R. Brunswick, Brunswick. 141 Jewett, William Alfred, North Alfred. 16 Jones, Alfred II. China, China. 37 Jordan, J. B. Webster, Webster. 131 Kenniston, William Boothbay, North Boothbay. 51 Laing, John K. Passadumkeag, Passadumkeag. 36 Lapham, William B. Woodstock, Bryant's Pond. 18 Leighton, J. C. Millbridge, Millbridge. 140 Libby, Isaac Bradford, East Bradford. 148 Lord, David Porter, Kezar Falls. 44 Lord, Tobias Standish, Steep Falls. 138 Marden, Clark M. Swanville, Swanville. 15 McArthur, Wm. M. Limington, Limington. 116 Merrill, David W. New Gloucester, New Gloucester. 20 Merrill James H. Norway, Norway. 101 Merrill, John M. Surry, Surry. 124 Merrow, A. D. Acton, Acton. 93 Merry, Dependent
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    MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) DOCUMENTS PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE \ ', ',, STATE OF ~AINE. 186 5. AUGUSTA: STEVENS & SAYWARD, PRINTERS TO THE STATB. 1865. JVIAlNE LEC+ ISLATJ\T_E 11ANUr\L. 18fi5. Prepared pur;,uant to order by 'l'HOMAS P. CLEAVES, ~ecretary of the Senate. AUGUS11 A: STEVENS & SAYWARD, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1K65. STA.1,E OF MAINE. IN SENATE, February I, 186f,. ORDERED, That the ~Acretary of the Senate be directed to prepare a Legislative Manual for 1865, containing a diagram of the Senate Chamber and the usual statistical matter, and that three hundred copies be printed for the use of the Senate. Read and passed, THOMAS P. CLEAVES, Secretary. A true cypy-Attest: THOMAS P. CLEAVES, Secretary. OONT:ENTS. PAGE, Civil Government, Heads of Departments, 2 Senators by Districts, 3 Senate of Maine, 4 Representatives by Counties, 6 House of Representatives, 11 Rules of the Senate, 16 Rules of the House, 24 ' Joint Rules of the two Houses, 40 Memoranda, 45 Standing Committees of the Senate, 47 Standing Committees of the House, 48 Joint Standing Committees, 51 ,Joint Select Committees, , 60 Executive and Legislative Officers of Maine from the organization of the State, 64 J udieiary of Maine, 68 Reporters of Decisions, 71 United States Senators, 72 Representatives in Congress from Maine, 72 State, Institutions, 74 County Officers, 76 Councillor Districts, 82 Length of Sessions of Legislature, 83 United States Government, 85 State Governments, 86 IV CONTEN'r8.
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    MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) DOCUMENTS PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE, OF THE STATE OF MAINE, DURING ITS SESSIOl" A· D. 1ess . ./1 UG UST.fl_: WILLIAM J. CONDON, ........ PRINTER. 1835. REPORT 01' THE TREASUH.ER OF THE STATE, ON THE FINANCES. DECEMBER 31, 1834. AUGUSTA: WILLIAM J. CONDON .....PlUNTER., 1835. \ STATE OF MAINE. TRF.ASURER's OFFICE, '! .9.ugusta, December 31, 183,ti. To the President of the Senate, and Speaker of the Hottse of Representatives: GENTLEMJ!N,-1 lrnve the hom1 r to transmit a Report on the Finances, exhibiting in detail an account of the state and transactions of the 'I1reasury, for the year 1834. Very respectfully, Your Obed:ent Sc.rvant, MARK HARRIS, Treasurer. \ SHEET (A) Di". tile State of'IViaine in account with Ma1.~k Barris, T1~easu1"e:r :f'i"om Jan. :t, to Dec. 31, J SS4, inclusive. Cr. FoR CASH PAID AS FOLLows, VIZ, 1· REFERENCES, I BY CASH RECEIVED AS FOLLOWS, viz. I REFEREJlWES. Salaries of Officers, Schedule No. ! 15,548 97 Cash, balance of last year's account, 8,039 62 Council, " " ,;,, 2,441 00 Dividends on Bank Stock, I 1,100 00 Senate, !Warrant '' 28061 4,743 50 Fines and Forfeitures, Schedule No. 211 121 70 House of Representatives, " " 2805 29,254 50 Duty on Commissions, " " 22 2,052 00 Chaplains and Draftsman, Schedule '' 3 231 00 Justices' Fees, " " .23 348 10 Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, Warrants No.
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