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A· D. 1ess .


1835. REPORT

01' THE




DECEMBER 31, 1834.


TRF.ASURER's OFFICE, '! .9.ugusta, December 31, 183,ti. To the President of the Senate, and Speaker of the Hottse of Representatives:

GENTLEMJ!N,-1 lrnve the hom1 r to transmit a Report on the Finances, exhibiting in detail an account of the state and transactions of the 'I1reasury, for the year 1834. Very respectfully, Your Obed:ent Sc.rvant, MARK HARRIS, Treasurer. \ SHEET (A) Di". tile State of'IViaine in account with Ma1.~k Barris, T1~easu1"e:r :f'i"om Jan. :t, to Dec. 31, J SS4, inclusive. Cr. FoR CASH PAID AS FOLLows, VIZ, 1· REFERENCES, I BY CASH RECEIVED AS FOLLOWS, viz. I REFEREJlWES. Salaries of Officers, Schedule No. ! 15,548 97 Cash, balance of last year's account, 8,039 62 Council, " " ,;,, 2,441 00 Dividends on Bank Stock, I 1,100 00 Senate, !Warrant '' 28061 4,743 50 Fines and Forfeitures, Schedule No. 211 121 70 House of Representatives, " " 2805 29,254 50 Duty on Commissions, " " 22 2,052 00 Chaplains and Draftsman, Schedule '' 3 231 00 Justices' Fees, " " .23 348 10 Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, Warrants No. 2757 & 29551 700 00 Notes of Hand or Bills Receivable, " " 16,173 03 Arsenal, Warrant " 2861 150 00 Interest on Bills Receivable, 1 '' " 24124 4,289 36 Board of Internal Improvements, " " 2993 36 00 Land Agency, viz. Clerks in the Public Offices, Schedule No. 411,592 00 From Hodgdon, Land Agent, 8,925 34 Repairs,Furniture & Superintend. Pub. Build'gs, " " 5 1, 137 63 N. Emery, Atty. to D. Rose, 73 23 Roads, " " 6 9,748 18 N. D. Shaw, to be allowed l 64122 I 10,639 79 StatePrison, " " 713,51134 onNotesintheLandOffie,S l, 70,000 00 Militia, " " 8 1,886 74 Funded Del?t, " 261 Pensions, " " 9 941 00 Penobscot Indians' Fund, I 2,000 00 Indians and their Agents, " " 101 2,357 62 Passamaquoddy Indians' Fund, lilOO 00 Land Agency, " " 11 1,777 73 Annual School Fund No. 2, " 23,710 38 271 85 Agricultural Societies, " " 12 654 50 Taxes of the year 1831, 1 Literary Institutions, " " 131 1 ,510 95 Taxes of the year 1832, 141 86 Contingent Fund, " " 14 2,672 08 Taxes of the year 1833, 45,lM 27 Costs in Criminal Prosecutions, I " " 15 8,724 23 Taxes of the year 1834, I 466 41 Miscellaneous Accounts, " " 16 2,256 35 MISCELLANEOUS AccouNTS, Interest on the Funded Debt, " " 17 4,356 06 Received from the Hon. L. Wood- I Pay Roll of Accounts No. 15, !Warrant " 2821 15,253 64 bnry, Sec. of the Treas. of the U. I I Additional Pay Roll of Accounts, No. 15, " " 28221 2,708 66 S. transmitted to the Hon. R. P · ~ 775 00

Greenleaf's Reports, '' " .2812 13 200 00 Dunlap, Gov. of Maine, to reim- 1 Funded Debt, !Schedule " 18 27,500 00 burse the State for support of I 1 Penobscot Indians' Fund, 1 6, 195 15 American citizens at Frederickton, J Annual School Fund No. 1, I " " 2902117,760 94 Cash found upon the dead body 9q 14 20 Cash on hand to balance, 19,286 35 a stranger, S Roscoe G. Greene, for fees re- l 29 24 1 ceived by the Sec. of State, S I Sundries. 10 31 828 75 $ 186,136 12 $ 186,136 12 STATE OF MAINE, TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA~ ~ December 31, 1834. S MARK HARRIS, Treasurer. C1·01u tile Treas1u11 y iu. I 834. Recei1lts into tile Treasui·y in I 834. P.A.YlVIENT OF FUNDED DEBTS, VIZ. Cash, balance from last year, 8,039 62 Loans, 127,500 00 Taxes of the year 1831, 85 Annual School Fund No. 1, 17,760 94 Taxes of the year 1832, 141 86 Penobscot Indians' Fund, 6,195 15 51,456 09 Taxes of the year 1833, 45, 124 27 CURRENT EXPENDITURES, VIZ. Taxes of the year 1834, 466 41 LEGISLATURE-Senate, 14,743 50 Notes of Hand or Bills Receivable, 16,173 03 House of Representatives, 29,254 50 Cash borrowed, 70,000 00 Chaplains and Draftsman, 1 231 00 34,229 00 Penobscot Indians' Fund, 2,000 00 ExECUTTVE-Governors, 1,508 22 Passamaquoddy Indians' Fund, 1, 100 00 Council, 2,441 00 Annual School Fund No. 2, 23,710 38 166,756 42 Sec. of State, Treas. and Adj. Gen. 2,488 00 6,437 22 JUDICIARY-Justices of Supreme Judicial Court 1 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. 4,800 00 Dividends on Bank Stock, 1, 100 00 Justices of Court Common Pleas ' 3,600 00 Attorney General and Reporter, ' Fines and forfeitures, 121 70 1,400 00 9,800 00 Duty on Commissions, Literary Institutions, 1 2,052 001 1,510 95 Justices' Fees, 348 10 Clerks in the Public Offices 1,592 00 Interest on Notes, 4,289 36 Repairs, Furniture and Sup~rintend. Pub. Build'gs. 1,767 741 Roads, Land Agency, 10,639 791 9,748 rn' Boundary, 7. 7 5 00 Militia, United States, on account of N. Eastern 8,919 92 Sundries, 1 53 75 19,379 70 Pensions, 941 00 ---- Indians and their Agents 2,357 62 Coroners and Sheriffs, 558 19 Printing, &c. 3,950 01 Stationery, Book-binding, &c. 1,398 64 Bank Commissioners, 431 83 Fuel, Lights, &c. 608 76 Bounty on Bears, Wolves, &c. 2,374 00 Bounty on Crows, 2,295 58! Agricultural Societies, I 654 50 American Asylum for Deaf and Dumb· 700 001 Contingent Fund, ' 2,672 08 Costs in Criminal Prosecutions 8,724 23 Interest on the Public Debt, ' 4,356 06 Greenleaf's Reports, 1,200 00 Board of Internal Improvements 36 00 State Prison, ' 4/211 34 Arsenal, 475 00 Land Agency, 2,505 48 Samuel Holden, for over payment made by him .1 614 07 Taxes refunded, ' 9'1 72 Miscellaneous Items, 226 56 115,393 68 Cash, balance, . I 19,286 35 $186,136 12

TREASURER'S OFFICE., AUGUSTA, ~ December 11, 1834. 5 MARK HARRIS, Treasm·e1·. SHEET (C) showi_ng the Debts and Rf;sources oC the Treasm•y at the commeucenent or the year; the Expenditures and Re­ ceipts of the Treasury durmg the year ;-and the Debts and Resources of the Treasury at the end of the year 1834. Debts due from the Treasury at the co11imencernent ofthe ywr 1834.j I /Resources of the Treas'Uiy at the commencem.ent of 1824. Funded Debt, per Schedule (H) 91,966 75 Cash-balan~ of account, Permanent School Fund, 2,907 01 I Bank Stock-Augusta Bank, I 8,039 62 Penobscot Indians' Fund, I 4,000 00 Maine Bank, 10,000 Cumberland and Oxford Canal Lottery, I 314 51 Notes of Hanl or Bills Receivable, 5,000 15,000 00 Annual School Fund No. 1, 19,389 31 118,577 58 Taxes uncolleited of years prior to 1831, -- 47,436 491 35 43 Taxes uncolle¢ted of the year 1831, 1 Taxes uncolleeted of the year 1832, . 50 08 Taxes uncolletted of the year 1833, 192 321 -r urrent Expenditures of 18S4, per sheet (B) 45,341 50 116,095 45 115,393 681 State Tax ef the year 1834, I I 50,410 88 1 The Pay Rolls of Accounts of 1834 No. 15, (after I Miscellaneous Receipts of 1834, per sheet (B) I deducting $6 02, for two small errors in the same,) I I 19,379 70 amounted to 18, 158 61 / There have been already paid and charged 17,962 301 leaving a balance, per Schedule (M) 196 31 Debts due from the Treasury at the close of 18'H.

Funded Debt1 per Schedule (F) 134,466 75 Resources of the Treasury at the clOse ef the year 1834. PenobscotStock Indians' in the MercantileFund, invested Bank, in ll I 5,804 85 5,804 85 Notes of Hand or Bills receivable per Schedule (L) 31,263 46 I Passamaquoddy Indians' Fund, Bank Stock-Augusta Bank, 10,000 II I/ Permanent School Fund, 1,100 00 lVIaine Bank, 5,000 15,000 00 Annual School Fund No. 1, balance, I 2,907 011 Bank Stock-:-Commercial Bank, designed l --, j Annual School Fund No. 2, 1,628 37 as an rnvestment of the Penobscot 6,000/ 6,000 00 I Cumberland and Oxford Canal Lottery, I23,710 38 Indians' Fund, { Balance of Pay Rolls of 1824 No. 15, 314 511 Taxes uncollected of years prior to 1831, 35 43 I 196 31 170,128 18 Taxes uncollected of the year 1831, / 49 23 1 I Taxes uncollected of the year 1832, 50 47/ I Taxes uncollected of the year 1833, I 217 23 Taxes uncollected of the year 1824, 49,944 471 I Cash on hand, per Ledger. 19,286 35 121,846 641 I $356,014 21 ~'!_~~'~ TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ? December 31, 1834, S MARK HARRIS, Treasm·e,·. SHEE'r(D) Trial Balance oC the Treasurer's Accounts Cor the year 1834. Salaries of Officers, Council,. 15,548 97 Cash, balance oflast year's Account, Senate, 2,441 00 Dividends on Bank Stock, . 8,039 62 4, 743 50 Fines and Forfeitures, 1,100 00 House of Representatives, 121 70 Chaplains and Draftsman, - j 29,254 50 Duty on Commissions, I 231 00 Justices' Fees, 2,052 00 Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, 348 10 Arsenal, 700 00 Bills Receivable, 150 00 Interest on Bills Receivable, I 16,173 03 Board of Internal Improvements, 4,289 36 Clerks in the Public Offices, 36 00 Land Agency, 1,592 00 Funded Debt, 8,862 06 Repairs, Furniture & Superintend. Pub. Buildings. I42,500 00 1,137 63 Itoads, ------Passamaquoddy Indians' Fund, 1,100 00 I 9, 748 18 Annual School Fund No. 2, State Prison, · ------23, 710 38 3,511 34 Taxes for the year 1831, 1 Militia, .... ------85 1,886 74 H H 1832, Pensions,. 141 86 Indians and their Agents, 941 00 " " ]833, I 2,357 62 45,124 27 Agricultural Societies, " " 1834, 466 41 Literary Institutions, 654 50 I Contingent Fund, 1,510 95 I 2,672 08 Costs in Criminal Prosecutions, Miscellaneous Accounts, 8, 724 23 1,427 60 Interest on the Public Debt, 4,356 06 Pay Roll of Accounts No. 15, 15,253 64 I Pay Roll of Accounts No. 15, additional, Greenleaf' s Reports, 2,708 661 1,200 00 I Penobscot Indians' Fund, I Annual School Fund No. 1, 4,195 15 / Cash, 17, 760 94: 19,286 35; I $154,029 64. l---,..---,- __ _ $154,029 64 STArrE OF MAINE, =---.. TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ( December 31, 1834. S MARK HARRIS, Treasurer. SHEET (E.) Edimate o:f· Ex11enditu1·es and Receipts £01· the yeai· 1 S3ii.

ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES. ! Legi.slature-Senate, 4,743 50 House of Representatives, 29,254 50 Chaplain and Draftsman, 231 00 34,229 00

.Executive- 6,437 22

Judiciary- 9,800 00

Clerks in the Public Offices, 1,600 00 Repair:,;, Furniture and Superintend. Public Buildings, 2,000 00 Roads, I0,000 00 Militia, 15,000 00 Pensions, 950 00 Indians and their Agents, 2,500 00 Sheriffs and Coroners, 1,000 00 Printing, 4,000 00 Stationery and Book-binding, 1,500 00 Bank Commissioners, 500 00 Fuel, Lights, &c. 750 00 Agricultural Societies, 700 00 Asylum for deaf and dumb, 1,000 00 Contingent Fund, 3,000 00 Costs in Criminal Prosecutions, 10,000 00 Interest on Public Debt, 7,500 00 Law Reports, 1,200 00 Board of Internal Improvements, 2.000 00 State Prison, 4,500 00 \rsenal, 500 00 School Fund, arising from Tax on Banks, 23,710 38 Balance of last year's School Fund, 1,628 37 Cum. & Oxford Canal Lottery, 314 51 Redemption of the balance of the Requisition Loans ( 24,500 00 ,,. made to Banks last year, 5 Pav Rolls No. 15, 196 31 Miscellaneous, 1,500 00 TOTAL, $~5!9 SHEET (E)-Continued. ESTIMATED RECEIPTS.

Cash, balance from year 1834, 19,286 85 'faxes of the year 1832, 50 47 do. " 1833, 217 23 do. " 1834, 49,944 47 Tax on Banks, 26,000 00 Duty on Commissions, 1,500 00

Sales of Public Lnn

\ (F.) In closing this communication, the Treasurer respectfully adds the following REMARKS. The Clerks of the J ndicial Courts and the Sheriffs of the several Counties, have been prompt in the discharge of their duties, connected ,vith this Department. A Resolve, of 24th February last, authorized the Governor and Council to procure the sum of50,000 Dollars, upon the credit of the State. By an order

I of the Governor and Council, the Treasurer ,vas employed to perform that business. Pursuant to that Order, he immediately issued proposals, and, on the 16th June, negotiated a loan of $20,000. In con­ sequence of the pressure in the money-market, d nring the last season, no forth er sum could be obtained. An offer to fornjsh $10,000 more has recently been received and accepted. And the money is accordingly expected at the Treasury in a few days. It is believed that a loan, redeemable at a more djstant day, might be obtained with great­ er facility and on more favorable terms. A Resolve, of 26th February last, directed the Treasurer to require of certain Banks a "Temporary Loan" of $50,000. The amount lYas promptly REMARKS. furnished by the Banks, under an expectation that it would be replaced atan early day. The Treasury has been enabled to repay only $25,500. It seems desirable that provision should be made for a speedy discharge of the balance. The Permanent School Fund, amounting to $2,907 01, arising under the Act of February 23d, 1828, on account of military services of the late war, yet remains in the Treasury. Before the annual interest can be distributed, according to the intent of the Act, some further enactment on the part of the Legislature is necessary. In the amount of State Taxes, yet uncollected, several small sums, amounting in all to $25 43, were assessed in six different years prior to 1831. As it is not probable they will ever be collected, it \ is suggested that the Treasurer be authorized, by a Resolve, to cancel them on the books of the Treasury. Some embarrassments have· been found in the collection of taxes upon unorganized plantations.­ Under the operation of the new Law upon that subject, several warrants have been returned unsat­ isfied, with an expense charged to the State thereon. By the foregoing exhibit, it is apparent that the Expenditure of the State ·exceeds the Revenue. Some recent enactments, of permanent character, such as the appropriation of the Bank Tax to primary schools, the remission of the duty for entries RE\lARKS. of actions in tlw Judicial Courts, and the increase of expense in the Military Department, withdraw from forty to fifty thousand dollars annually from the operative fonds of the State. And no system­ atic provision has yet been made to supply the deficiency thereby created. How far it is practicable or expedient, that a system should be adopted for defraying the ordinary expenses of the Government, without resorting to the practice of temporary loans, is a subject wholly within the province of the Legislature. ST ATE OF MAINE, T'REASURER's OFFICE, t Augusta, December 31, 1834. 5 MARK HARRIS. Treasurer

I \ \ SCHEDULE, (H.) Funtled Debt d11e Januai·,· t, 1834. .. =-...,...,,,,..~-~-- = - - --~------·-- - .. A~wunt. -Date of ~he Resolve au- I To whom due. I \Vhen redeemable. thorizing the Loan. I IDols. I Cts· ~~~~~~~~~~~----~~-·---~----~- 1 1830, March 11, lDaniel Cony, . \I At the pleasure of the State, after 13th l\Iay, 1838[10,000 00 " '' " Joseph S. Cabot; " '' " .22d May, 1838\10,000 00 " " " Joseph S. Cabot, II " " " 29th July, 18381 5,000 00 1831, April 2, Union Bank, At the pleasure of the State, 3,000 00 1832, March 8, Canal Bank, or Lucy ~ I" " " 1, I 5 000 00 Deane, ~ I ' " " " !Bank of Portland ; " " " " 5 '000 00 " " 1., Casco Bank, '' " " " 5,000 00 1833,February 25,,Ce. ntral Bank, \" " " " 20,000 00 " " " \Valdo Bank, )" " " '- j 5,000 00 1833, March 2, Augusta Bank, " '' " " 5,000 00 " " " !Mercantile Bank, ,,, " " " 15,000 00 " '' " Gardiner Bank, I" '' " " 2,500 00 " " 4 Reuel Williams " " " " 11 466 7 5 ' ' ' ToTAL, $91,966 75 ~ STATE OF MAINE, TREASURER'S OFFICE AUGUSTA, { December 31, 1834. ~ .:HARK HARRIS, Treasurer. \ SCHEDULE, (K.) Fundetl .Debt o.Cthe State, due 31st Decen1be1·, I S34.

The Debts, due 1st January, 1834, as specified in Sche

Date of the Res0lve author- I To whom Due. I \Vhen Redeemable. izing the Loan. ____I 1834, February 26, ranal Bank,-- IAt the pleasure ol~ the· State, I 1,500 00 '~ " " Bank of Portland, " 500 00 " " " Casco Bank, " 1,000 00 500 00 " " " IAugusta Bank 1 ",, " ,," " .Gardiner Bank, 1,000 00 " ,, " :Lincoln Bank, " 1,500 00 ·., " \ Exchange Bank, " 1,000 00 SCHEDULE, (K.) Continued, " " " ritizens Bank, . / At the pleasure of tbe State,1 I ,000 00 " " " Manufacturers' & Traders' Bank, " I 2,500 00 " " " Commercial Bank, " 1,000 00 " " ,," rreemans' Bank, I " I 750 00 " " York Bank, '' 500 00 " " " Ticonic Bank " I 500 00 ,," " " Manufacturer;' Bank " I 1,000 00 " " Merchants' Bank, ' '' I 2,500 00 " " " Franklin Bank, " 750 00 1,500 00 " " ",, !Kenduskeag Bank, " I " " Bangor Commercial Bank, " 1,500 00 " " " Thornastcn Bank, " I 500 00 " " " !Northern Bank, " 500 00 " " " South Berwick Bank, I " 500 00 " " " !Maine Bank, I " I 2,500 00 1834, February 24, Jones D er At the pleasure of the State~ , 20,000 00 Y ' after 16th June, 1839, I TOTAL, $134,466 75 - STATE OF MAINE, TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ( December 31, 1834. 5 MARK HARRIS, Treasurer.


/ ~CHEDULE, (l.4.) Schedule ot· Notes on hand, or Bills ReceiT• able, December 31, 1834.

Date. When payable. Amount.

1832, July 9, Sept. 20, 1835, 291 77 1833, Aug. 6, on demand, 180 00 1832, Oct. 24, Oct. 24, 1834, Endorsed $700,88 2102 61 " 1835, 2803 49 " " 1836, 2803 49 " 1837, 2803 49 " ",, 1835, 2224 65 " ,, 1836, 2224 65 ,, 1837, 2224 65 " 1834, Endorsed $581,86 581 8,5 ,," 1835, 1163 71 " 1836, 1163 71 " 1837, 1163 71 1832, Sept. 2.4, 183.5, 595 73 ,, :, " ,, " " 1836, 595 73 " 1835, 595 73 '' I 4, " 1836, 595 73 " " " 1835, 1191 46 " " " 1836, 1191 46 " 1835, 1191 46 '' ",, 1836, 1191 46 1835, 1191 46 I 1836, 1191 46 TOTAL, ==:~----$31,263 46 TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ( December 3 J, 1834. ~ MARK HARRIS. Treasurer.

' SCHEDUI~E, (No. 1.) Salaries oC the Officers of" the Governn1ent, ·paid in 1834. A..l\iOUNT OF EACH-QUARTER'S SALARY. IITo!al am't Names and Office. INo.a~ 4th Qr. \\No.ofl 1st Qr. \\No.of\ 2d Qr. \\No.of! 3d Qr. !I paid each lw•t. \ 1833. iW't. 1834. 1 W't. j 183-1. W't. \ 1834. : i Officer. 1 SamuelE.-Smiih, Governor, 121221 3750011~9011· s22:•1 • " II 38322 Robert P. Dunlap, do. 2s26 375 00 2sss I 375 001129381 375 ooll 1125 oo Roscoe G. Greene, Secretary of 8tate, 2123\ 225 00\\2827 225 00:\2889 \ 225 oo\129S91 225 ooll 900 oo Mark Harris, Treasurer of State, 1 , Adjutant General, ggll~~~~I ggll~~~~ i!g ggll29401 225 00'1 !~g gg ~~~:I i~~ i~~ I 2!141 198 00 198 00 A. B. Thompson, do do Prentiss Mellen, Chief Justice S. J. Court, 2726 450 00 2880 450 00 2891 450 00 2944 450 00 1800 00 Nathan Weston, Jus. Sup. Jud. Court, l21;21 375 oo 2ss1I 875 oo 2s92 s,s oo 2942 375 ool 1500 oo Albion K. Parris, do do do do 27281 375 001128321 S75 001128931 375 001129431 375 00111500 00 Jonathan P. Rogers, Attorney General, 2730 250 00 Q50 00 , do do 2834 50 00 2:395 250 00 2946 250 00 550 00 John Fairfield, Reporter of Decis. S. J. C. 12729 150 00 2883 150 00 2894 15() 00 2945 150 00 600 00 Ezekiel "\i\~hitman, Chief Jus. C. C. Pleas, 27311 300 001128351 800 00112896 300 00112947 800 0011200 00 David Perham, Justice Court C. Pleas, 2782, soo 00 2836 300 00 2897 300 00 2948 300 00 1200 00 27 33 300 00 2837 300 00 2898 soo 00 2949 300 00 1200 00 John Ruggles, do do do 1 Joel Miller, Warden State Prison, Joshua Talford, Keeper of P. P. at PortlarHl, 273527341175001,1283811750011289911750011295011750011 81 251 2839 81 25 2900 81 25 2951 81 25 70000325 00 Executors of , late Land Agent, 2840 727 75' 727 75 --- j --- I ------15548 97 1 ·rar.ASURER's OFFICE, AuGU!.TA, i December St, 18S4. ~ MARK HARRIS, Treasurn·-

SCHEDULE, (No. 2.) .,,,,....,...... ~~~-...-,~ ~:be::r ·1· Amount. Warrant. Pay Roll of the 7th Session of the 13th Council, 2737 414 00 " " '' " 1st " " " 14th " 2903 l,195 00 '' " '' " 2d " " " 14th " 2927 295 00 " " " " 3d " " " 14th " 2983 223 00 ,," " " " 4th " " " 14th " 2989 209 00 '' " " 5th " " " 14th " 2991 105 00 $244100

TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA, l December 31, 1834. 5 MARK HARRIS, Treasurer. \ SCHEDULE, (No. 3.) A.mount paid to Chaplains and D1•aCtsman of the Legislature in 1834.

Number of I A I \Varrant. mount.

Rev. Benjamin Tappan, Chaplain1 2814 10 00 " Josiah Houghton, " 2819 10 00 '' Eliphalet Gillet, " 2815 10 00 " William A. Drew, " 2818 10 00 '' Allen Putnam, 2816 10 00 " Henry A. Miles, 2817 10 00 John Potter, Esq. Draftsman, 2820 171 00 $231 00

TBEA.SURER's 0F1''ICE, AucusTA, ~ December 31, 1834. 5 MARK HARRIS, Treasurer. ' SCHEDULE, (No. 4.) Amount paid in 1834 to the (;Jerks in the Public Offices.

Number of Warrant I AmounL I George Rogers, ln Secretary of States Office, I 2745 I 35 88 Charles Waterhouse, " " 28:23 220 00 " " ! 2867 168 00 " " i 2937 162 00 R. W. E. Brown; 2824 31 00 " " " I 2869 I 32 50 Louis 0. Cowan, " " 2825 i 10 62 James L. Child. " " 2843 I 27 50 Hiram H. Hill,' " " 2842 I 75 00 E. P. Russell, " 2841 I 51 00 Oliver Frost, " 2844 168 00 Samuel A. Banister! " I 2868 27 00 " " " I 2960 I 7 00 Philip C. Johnson, 2979 40 50 Mark Harris, For Clerk.. hire in "Treasurer's Office, I 2803 336 00 Joseph Sewall, For Clerk hire in Adjutant Genl's Office, 2802 I 200 00 TOTAL, $1592 00 ------TREASURER'S OvFICE, ( Augusta, December 31, 18S4. 5 MARK HARRIS, Treasurer \ SCHEDULE, (No. 5.) A1nonnt paid in 18311 f'o1.. l?epairs, Furniture a1ul S1111c:s· oCPubHc Buildings. ------..,_ :=~~ ·~~~....,...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,~~N~u~1P~L~e~r~o~f~-r""'."'"~.~~~n~1o~t.~111~t--. Warrant. -~ _,---..,.,.,~ ~-...r--.. _.,,...... John Reed, Supermtenctant, Resolve, l\Iarell Jo, lt5:'H1, 2959 100~ "" """' 00 " '' " March 10, 1834, 2862 50 00 ,, ,, '' March 4, 1833, 2739 100 00 William V. & 0. Moses, '' March 13, 1834, '2804 70 00 Reuel Williams, '' March 13, 1834j, 2793 817 63 TOTAL, $~}~7 63

TREASURER'S OFFICE, { Augusta, December 31, 18~34. S MARK HARRIS, Treasurer.

SCHEDULE, (No. 6.) A.mount paid Cor Roads in 183~ I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~~=~=~======'!'!!!=-~ .:_·-·--·---- _, __.=-~.c_· ... -""..~=--~_,.. .. =~~= ·=~~ Agents. Roads. I Date of Resolve. I N\~'ma\:er otf I Amount, 1 I I it ran • I Silas Barnard, 'Road-in Penobscot -County,!'February ~8, 1sss: ·, 2760 ·, 1,200 00 Road to connect the Baring and Moses True, Houlton Road with the United March 4, 1833, 2766 100 00 !l States' Military Road, Moses True, March 4, 1833, 2780 70 73 Silas Barnard, March 7, 1S34, 2778 S26 65 " " " 7, 1834, 2779 65 60 Jabez Bradbury, I I " 8, 1834, 2781 131 97 John C. Glidden 8t Charles Miller, " 7, 1834, 2777 1,842 08 Sewall Prescott, February 28, 1834, 2785 105 60 Stephen Emerson, March 4, 1834, 2787 1,205 50 Miller & Gli

TREASURER'S OFFICE, ~ Augusta, December s .., 1884. 5 '.\-iAH.K HARRIS, Treasurer.

~ SCHEDULE, (No. 7.) Amount paid in 1834, Coi· the State P1~ison, exclusive oCthe Warden's Salary.

To whom paid. For what purpose, I Number of I Amount. I Warrant. I John O'Brien, Inspector, 274{l I 42 00 Joel Miller, Warden, Salaries of Subordinate Officers; I 1 '' " " " " " , :;~~ ~:z zi Henry Ingraham, Inspector, 2847 1 81 00 Joel Miller, Warden, Salaries of Subordinate Officers, 2887 I 613 34 '' " '' " " '' 2954 935 00 TOTAL, $3511 34

TREASURER'S OFFICE, l Augusta, December 31, 1834. 5 MARK HARRIS, Treasurer. \ '

SCHEDULE, (No. 8.) ~1-monnt flaid on account ot· tile lllilitia in J 834.

No. of I 'l'o ,,,horn pnitt I F .Amount I or what purpose. I vVarrunt. \ I I I N uthanid Stevena:, ---IFor tlrn-r·ent of Land 011 ·,vhich the Gun Hou13e tltand;", per) llc;-;olve of Feb. 28, 1834, - - - 1 2783 2:2 00 Peleg MitchHl, Pei· Resolve of March 11, 1834, - - - 2797 10 00 Jo.;eph Sewall, Repairs of State Arsenal, at Bath, 2794 75 00 Alfrcu .Marshall, !Per Resolve of March 4, 1834, - - - 2782 10 87 Samuel .Moore, Per Resolve of March 7, 1834, - 2791 8 00 Abner B. Thompson, Foe repairs of Gun Carriages, &c. - 2871 900 00 do do For the purchase of Musical Instruments, 2872 500 00 do do IFor re1fairs of Gun House in Portland, 2933 50 00 .James W. Webster, For erecting a Gun House in Belfast, I 2971 150 00 Joseph Sevvall, Flannel, Laboratory, &c. - - 2795 150 00 haac Hodgdon, Pei· Ret:

TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA,~ December St, 1834. 5 MARK HARRIS, Treasurer. .... SCH.EDULE, (No. 9.) Pensions, 11aid in 1834.

To whom paid. Date of Resohe. INumbe, Am't. of Warrant.•1 each \'V't.

Oliver Perkins, February 3, 1S32, 2721 48 00 George Sawtelle, March 2, 1833, 2747 24 00 Ebenezer Dunlap, February l 0, 1833, 2740 36 00 Timothy Hall, Jr. March 4, ISHl, 2741 4S 00 Thurston Card, January 20, l~~7, 2753 24 00 .Tames Barsiow, January 30, IS;33, 2754 48 00 Nathaniel Cushman, February 25, 1825, 2752 48 00 George Brooks, January 31, 1833, 2755 48 ()(l Heman Nye, Febnrnry 9, 1833, 2i[i9 48 00 Lewis r::isbcc, January :n, I833, 2763 48 00 .John Carlton, 2d. l'ebruary 18, 1832, 2773 36 00 Herbert Savage, February 14, 1834, 2775 36 Ol) ) February 23, 1825, James Pomroy, 2iG4 36 GO I~ and J.Harch 5, 1830, Valentine 'Cook, February 18, 1826, 2758 36 00 Nicholas Pierce, February 4, 1832, 2772 54 00 I' John Hobbs, lUarch 30, 1831, 2792 30 00 Edward J. Gay, February 1, 18:34, 2786 50 00 David Sevey, February 9, 1838, 2774 72 00 William W. Quimby, :tu arch 8, 1832, 2860 18 00 Herbert Savc1ge, February 14, 1833, 2936 36 00 Oliver Perkins, February 3, 1832, 2952 48 00 Thurston Card, January 20, 1827, 2967 24 00 Nieholas Pie1ce, February 4, 1832, 2968 27 00 William W. Quimby, March 8, 1882, 2:)i4 18 00 ToT.A.L, $94100 ~- 2 'rRF.ASURER'S 0Ff'ICE, AUGUSTA,} December 31, 1834. MARK HARRI8, 'l'rtasuru·.

l. SCHEDULE, (No. 10.) Amount paid on account oC Indians, in 1 S34.

-, Number of To whom paid. For what tribe. I l Amvun!. l I \Vanant. Jonas Farnsworth, Agent, - - - I Passamaquoddy, 2749- lOU UU I I t='f\ r~A John Francis & Sebattis Neptune, -- - IPenobscot, 2765 ;"'u vv " " '' - - - " 2770 25G 98 Peter Goulding, Agent, -- Passamaquoddy, 2788 I 142 64 Mark Trafton, " -- - - - I Penobscot, 2931 1,800 00 Sickness & Funeral I Town of ,vinslow. - 2790 I 8 00 - ofa Penob't Indian. I TOT.AL, _$23~~}~

TREASURER'S OFFICE, ( Augusta, December 31, 1834. S MARK HARRIS, Trwsurer_

h SCHEDULE, (No. 11.) A1nount paid to tbe Executo1•s of" D. Rose, late Land Agent, being· £or tile balance due him on his Agency Account.

Number of Amount. I \Varrant. 11-. E.x.eentors D. r..,ose, 1· 500 00 -cl ,, Per Resolve March l 1, 1834, 2873 .; ' '' " " " " 2992 1,277 73 ToT A:t, $_ffi773

TREASURER'S OFFICE, Augusta, December 31, 1834. MARK HARRIS, Treasurer. \ SCHEDULE, (!io. 12.) A1nount 1mid Cot" encourage1nent o.C Ag1"icult1n"al and Ho1.·ticultund Socie­ ties in l 834.

To whom paid. To what Society. li'\o. ~~'~.I Amount. ! I EIIjah Wood, rrreasurer, East Somerset Agricultural Society;------I 2G90j 65 OU Calvin Blake, " " " " 2928 100 00 John Mussey, " ICumberland Agricul. and Horticul. Society, 2975f 139 50 1 Pecallis Clark, ,1. \Penobscot Agricultural Society, ~ j 2977/ 63 00

Samuel Chandler, " Kennebec Agricultural Society, i 29861 287 00 $654 50

TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ~ December 31, 1834. ~ MARK HARRIS, Treasurer.

SCHEDULE, (No. 13.) A.mount paid to Litera1.9y Institutions in 1834.

1,,.,;,.,;.... I I Number of I Amount. \ Warrant. Bowdoin College, I 28851 1000 00 " " I 2886 I 10 95 Westbrook Seminary,\ I 28141 500 oo _$1510 95 TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ~ December 31, 18S4. ~ MARK HARRIS, Treasurer, ... SCHEDULE, '(No. 14.) Amoiu~t paid out o.t· the Contingent Fund in 1834.

To whom paid. I No. of W't.1 Amou t. Roscoe G. Greene, Secretary of State, 2736 12 00 .A.H. Hodgman, 2737 22 00 .Joseph Chandler, P. lVI. 2746 94 31 John White, 2799 79 87 Ira Berry & Co. 2807 I300 00 William M. Sanders, 2798 15 50 Asa1:ih R. Nichols, 2813 12 15 Joseph Chandler. P. l\'I. - 2808 88 06 Ed ward Williams, 2849 101 00 .Joseph McLellan, P. M. - I 2856 2 74 Charles vVaterhouse, - I 2859 15 00 Louis O'Cowan, 2863 12 88 John \Vebber, 2850 I 51 72 Ira Berry & Co. 2870 171 15 Thomas Nickerson, 2855 3 22 Ira Berry & Co. - 2875 1800 00 Joseph Chandler, P. lVI. 2864 85 60 Zebulon Bradley, 2854 50 65 Nathaniel Clark, I 2956 6 00 John O'Brien, - I 2957 6 00 Edward Williams, 2958 6 00 Allen H. Cobb, I 2961 44 Zina Hyde, 2962 1102106 67 Asa Redington Jr., 2963 114 67 Joseph Chandler, P. l'v!. 2964 228 21 James vV. vVebster, 2970 20 00 Ecl'\'Vard vVillianis, 2976 vVashington ,voo

TREASURER'S OFFICE, ( Augusta, December 31, 1834. ~ MARK HARRIS, Treasu,·er.

SCHEDULE, (No. 15.) Costs in Criminal P1~osecutions, paid in 1834.

Amount ot Amount Name of the each paid each County Trea~urer. Cu11nty. \ ~v·,~.f I \Varrant. I County. Samuel Burbank, York, 2851 I 828 031 1 '' ,, ,, ~985 247 491 ---- 1,0i5 5"2 Thomas Todd, Cumberland, 27 44 1.365 41 " 2935 750 12 Mark Harris, 2998 560 02 ~~12,67G 55 William M. Boyd, Lincoln, 2751 " 2848 437 72 " 2973 337, 981 - I 937 01 1 Francis R. Morgan, !Hancock, 2710 104 46 1 104 46 George S. Smith: !Washington, 2748 1,101 80 " " " 2853 101 42 ---- I,20.'J 22 William W oart, Jr. Kennebec, 2852 307 36, 5-13 801 29341 851 16 Alanson Mellen, Oxford, 2756 148 17 Joseph Philbrick, \Somerset, 2742 ~~1247 01 " " '' 2972 25G 69 ---- 503 70 Levi Bradley, IPenobscot, 373 ~4 12953 ---- 878 24 Frye Han, Waldo, 135 141 " i27712857 I _212 06 347 20 TOTAL, $8,724 _23

TREASURER'S OFFICE, ~ Augusta, December, 31, 1834. 5 MARK HARRIS, Treasurtr.

SCHEDULE, (No. 16.) Miscellaneous Items paid the several Towns and Individuals following, agreeably to Resolves and Appropriations of the Legislature.

To what Town, or to whom paid. No. ofl IWar't. Amount. Town of Cornville, - 2811 26 46 " Dennysville, 2809 49 84 Willard Snell, 2768 53 75 John Merrill, 2761 60 00 Samuel Holden, 2762 614 07 John Dunning, 2801 3 04 Charles L. Eustis, 2784 21 42 Roscoe G. Greene, for Books, &c. - 2866 200 00 Roscoe G. Greene, " Stationery, - 2865 250 00 Roscoe G. Greene, " do. 2s11 I 250 00 Ira Berry & Co. '' Printing, 700 00 Pay Roll of Accounts, No. 13, 127761 2 40 Pay Roll of Accounts, No 14, 25 37 TOTAL, ~;!~~ TRu.suRER's OFFICE, AuousTA, ~ December 31, 1834. S MARK HARRIS, Treasurer.

SCHEDULE, (No. 17.) A.mount paid COI'· Interest on State Debt in 1834.

To whom paid. 1~~,?{. I Amount Reuel Williams, 2738 688 00 Joseph C. Cabot, 2769 375 00 Bank of Portland, 2876 125 00 Canal Bank, 28771 125 00 Casco Bank, '28781 125 00 Augusta Bank, 2881 250 00 Gardiner Bank, 2883 125 00 Mercantile Bank, 2882 250 00 Daniel Cony, .~845 250 00 Union Bank, :"965 150 00 Joseph C. Cabot, l2s84 375 oo Central Bank, 1,287911,000 oo "\'Valdo Bank, 2880 250 oo Daniel Cony, 2889 2.50 oo Skowhegan ·Bank, 2982 18 06 ToT AL, $4,356 6(; TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA, l DecemlJer 31, l8~H1. MARK HARRIS, Treasurer.

SCHEDULE, (No. 18.) Scbedule o:f Payments, made to Banks in repayment of the temporary loans, required of them by the Resolve of February 26, 1834.

Names of the Bank INo ~f. Wn,'ts. IAmount Augusta Bank, 2904 500 00 Bank of Portland, 2905 500 00 Bangor Commercial Bank, 2906 1; 500 00 Canal Bank, 2907 1,500 00 Casco Bank, 2908 1, 000 00 Citizens' Bank, 2909 1, 000 00 Commercial Bauk, 2910 1,000 00 Exchange Bank, 2 911 1, 000 00 Franklin Bank, 2912 750 00 Freemans' Bank, 2913 750 00 Gardiner Bank, 2914 1,000 00 Kenduskeag Bank, 2915 1,500 00 Lincoln Bank, 2916 1,500 00 Maine Bank, 0917 I 2,500 00 Manufacturers' Bank, 2918 1,000 00 l\Tanufacturers' & Traders' Bank, - 29 l 9 2,500 00 lVIerchants' Bank, I 0900 2,500 00 Northern Bank, Skowhegan Bank, 12980&;:;~ I 1,~gg gg South Berwick Bank, I 292s 500 oo Thomaston Bank, 2924 500 00 Ticonic Bank, 2925 500 00 York Bank, I 2926 500 00 25,500 00 :Mercantile Bank, in part payment of a loan of 1833, 2,000 00 ---- ToT AL, $27 ,500 00 TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ( December 31, 1834. 5 MARK HARRIS, Treasurer, ' SCHEDULE, (No. 21.) Fines, ·ForCeitm•es, &c. received in I S94.

Of whom received. County. Amount.

James Stackpole, Jr. Ag't.lKennebec, 119 70 Harrison Blake, Cumberland, 2 00 .$~-~ TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA, l December 31, 1834. ~ f MARK HARRIS, Treasurer.

SCHEDULE, (No. 22.) Duty on ~ommissions, received in 1834.

Name. Office. 'Duty.,Total.

CouNTY OF YoRK., Jonathan Morgan, Justice of the Peace and Quorum, IS John Trafton, do 5 Hiram H. Hobbs, do 5 Nathan Elden, Jr. do 5 James Bradbury, do 5 Solomon Brooks, do 5 Alexander Mcintire, do 5 Arthur McArthur, do 5 Samuel Pearson, do 5 Timothy Shaw, do 5 N. Wheeler, do 5 Aaron Hagens, do 6 Nathan Clifford, do Through the State 5 Jeremiah Goodwin, do 5 Archibald Smith, Jr. do 5 Joseph Woodman, do IS Daniel Goodenow, do 5 Edward E. Bourne, do 5 Solomon Strout, do 6 Joseph Prime, do 5 James Goodwin, do 5 Nathan Dane Appleton, do 5 John Sayward, Jr. do 5 Barnabas Palmer, do 5 Charles N. Cogs,,.•ell, do 5 Tobias Purinton, Justice of the Peace, 5 Moses Hammond, do 5 WiHiam B. Holmes, do 6 Simeon Lewis, do 5 Joseph Dame, do 5 Abijah 13. Wright, do 5 Jeremiah G. Miller, do 5 Augustus Johnson, do 5 Leonard F. Trafton, do 5 Joshua E. 'fread\'1rell. do 5 Andrew Hobson, do 5 Frederick D. Edgerly, do 5 Samuel Loy, do 5 Owen Burnham, de 5 Elijah Allen, do 5 Benjamin Titcomb, do 5 Stephen Hopkinson, do 5 Joseph Wells, do 5 Joseph Davia, do 6 SCHEDULE, (No. 22.) Continued. Isaac Mitchell, Justice of the Peace, f, Samuel Page, do 5 230 COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND. James Ford, Justice of the Peace and Quorum, 5 John Webb, do 5 Moses Quimby, do 5 Theodore Ingalls, do 5 William Cummings, do 5 Godfrey Grosvenor, do 5 Toppan Robie, do 5 David Quimby, do 5 Luther Fitch, do 5 Augustine Haines, County Attorney, 5 Hugh D. McLellan, Justice of the Peace, 5 Elijah Hayes, do 5 Lewis Hardy, do 5 Elisha Strout, do 5 James F. Otis, do 5 William B. Gooch, do 5 Jabez C. Woodman, do 5 Daniel T. Pierce, do 5 Jonathan G. Hawks, do 5 Greenfield P. Thompson, do 5 James C. IIill, do 5 Peleg Curtis, do 5 Benjamin Weber, do 5 W. White, do ·5 William Lowell, Jr. do 5 John Hancock, do 5 Jacob H. Read, do 5 Solomon Crosman, Jr. do 5 Jacob H. Clements, do 5 John M. O'Brien, de 5 Samuel Ingalls, do 5 Livy Buker, do 5 Nathaniel Badger, do 5 William Randall, do 5 Edwin Fernald, Inspector of Fish, 5 Nathaniel Hasty, Jr. do 5 180 COUNTY OF LINCOLN. Thomas McCrate, Justice of the Peace and Quorum, 5 Willmot Wood, do 5 Isaac G. Read, do 5 David Fales, do 5 Abner Knowle~, do 5 Moses R. Ludwig, do 5 Daniel Harmon, do 5 Rufus Sewall, do 5 'l'imothy \Vellman, do 5 Solomon Metcalf, do 5 SCHEDULE (NO. 22.) Continued.

Jesse Rowell, Justice of the Peace and Quorum, !, Joseph Sewall, do 5 George Rogers, do 6 Nathaniel Greene, do 6 Hector M. Brown, do 5 Jacob Smith, do 5 Henry C. Lowell, do 5 Samuel Bishop, do 5 John Anderson, Register of Probate, HJ William D. Wiswell, Justice of the Peace, 6 Joel How, do 5 Malhcw P. Sr:1ear, do !i Moses St11rbird, do 5 Abiezer Purington, do 5 Wm. G. Rollin, do 5 Chnrles Potter, do b Moses Higgs, do !j Jame3 \Veymonth, do 5 Benrv Kennedy, 5 David Thurlow, do 5 Hemy Willson, do 5 155 Co. oF \VAsHINCTON, William Kelley, Justice of the Peace and Quo1um, b Elijah L. Hamlin, do Ci Leonard Peirce, do 5 Joseph Adams, do 6 Otis Patterson, do 5 Jonathan Upton, do 5 Sullivan S. Rawson, County Attorney, 5 Daniel T. Granger, Justice of the Peace, 5 Caleb Burbank, do 5 Aaron Hobart, do 5 Nathaniel ~ash, do 5 George W. Ruggles, do 5 Bayles Atkinson, do 5 Thomas Nason, do 5 Elias Kelsey, do 6 Luther Brackett, do 5 H. D. Balch, do 5 John Balch, Jr. do 5 Timothy Frisbie, do 5 Mathew Fowler, do 5 Isaac Nash, Jr. do 5 Amasa Wakefield, do 5 110 CouNTY OF 0:xFoRD. Thomas Crocker, Justice of the Peace and Quorum, 5 Timothy Jarvis Carter, do 5 Gideon Cushman, do 6 Stephe!.l A. B. Heald, do 5 SCHEDULE, (NO. ~2.) Continued.

T1' f. Haines, Jus,ice of the Peace :ind Quorum, Luke Riley, do William 'l'. Tuylor, Justice of the Peace, David Towle, do Joseph Turner, do Joseph Dearb(,rn, do r, Samuel Cobb, do 5 Meshach Pike, do 5 Reuben 8. Foster, do 5 John Libby, clo 5 Joseph G. Sw,m, do 0 William Thomr,~on,

COUNTY OF KEN 1, EBEC. Justice of the Peace and Quorum ? Daniel Cony, 5 throughout the State, ) \Viltiam A. Brook!!, Justice of the Peace and Quorum, 5 John Oti~, do Li Robert A. Cony, do b .lapheth Washburn, do 5 Asaph R Nichols, do & James Eme1son, do 5 William I\Jorgrid,ge, do 5 Anthony Coombs, do 6 William Clark, do 5 IJavid EI. I'oster, do 5 Rufus K Lane, do 5 Dwid Morrill, do 5 Sylvanus \V. Robin~on, do 5 George Roliinson, do 5 Sylvester Strickla:1d, do 6 James \V. Bradbury, County Attorney, 5 George Uohinson, Hegister of Probate, 10 George Washington Stanley, Sheriff, 50 Joseph :Fairbanks, Jnstice of the Peace, 5 Alanson !3. Caswell, do 5 SCHEDULF,, (NO. 22.) Continued. Levi Fairbanks, Justice of the Peace, 6 Samuel \iV ells, do 5 Zenas Hatch, rlo 5 \Villiarn Hamlin, do 5 John B. Swanton, do 5 Franklin G:1ge, do 5 Dexter Baldwiu, do Ii Elias 'l'ayior, do LI Jamel! Stackpole, do 6 John II. Ingraham, do 5 Cyrus Kendrick, do 5 Francis G. Butler, do 5 Asa Rf!dington, do 5 Itichard Mills, do 5 Abner Starrett, do ~ R. H. Gardiner, Jr. do 5 C. Vaughan, .Jr. do 6 Thomas Broadstreet, do 6 Moses Kellev, do 5 John Dunn,· do 5 Sewall Lc1ncaster, do 5 Benjamin Porter, Jr. do 5 James 'l'. l\JcCobb, do 6 \Vardsworth Foster. do 6 Job I-i'arriman, . do 5 Francis M. Rollins, do 5 William H. Page, do 5 Zenas Backus, do 5 Benjamin Wales, do 5 \ Ama,-a Taylor, do 5 Jonathan Dyer, do 5 Rufus Dresser, do 6 Joi;:eph D. Prescott, do 5 Augustus S. C. Strickland, do 5 Daniel Craig, do 5 Horatio G. Allen, do 5 Benjamin Sanborn, d11 5 340 COUNTY OF PENOB~\COT. Justice of the Peace and Quorum { .John Hodgdon, through the State, 5 Peleg Chnnd!er, Justice of the Peace and Quorum, 5 Luuriston \Van],

Name of Clerk. Court and Term. I Amount each IAmo"nt p,;,1 by County. I Term. each Clerk. i Jeremiah Bradbury, York, I C. C. P. Oct. Tm. 1833. 25 00 March Tm. 1834. 19 so I --- I 44 30 William T. Vaughan, Cumberland, I C. C. P. Mar. Tm. 1834. 6 00 40 10 --- I 46 10 Nathaniel Coffin, I Lincoln, C. C. P. Dec. Tm. 1833. 19 50 I " Apl. Tm. 1834. I 6 20 " Aug. Tm. 1834. 2 40 I I --- I 28 IO Joseph A. Deane, IHancock,

f. \ SCHEDULE (No. 23.)-Contintted. A. L. Raymond, I ,v ashington, I C. C. P. Mar. Tm. 1834. 99 10 09 10

R. K. Goodeno,v, I Oxlord, i C. C. P . .Jan. Tm. 1834. I 18 10 I 18 10

John A. Chandler, I Kennebec, I C. C. P. Dec. Tm. 1834. I 24 8'.) I 24 80

Isa::tc Hodsdon, I Penobscot, C. C. P. Oct. Tm. 1833. 32 70 I " Jan. Tm. 1834. I 51 SJ I " Oct. Tm. 1834. 3 60 I I I --- I 87 €0 Elias Cobb, I Somerset, H.J. Anderson, Waldo, 348 10

TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA, l December 21, 1834. ~ MARK HARRIS, Treasurer. SCHEDULE, (No. 24.) A.mount 1·eceived in 1834, on Notes in the Treasure1·'s Office.

lJate of Note. Promi~or. By whom paid. I . Amount. r Interest. December 17, 18::W, t:;11::;lia bu pu-ul, 23 20 7 95 January I, 1831, B v lev Lifford, 43 20 7 68 June 10, 1829, IW-.: rn: Vance, Wm. Vance, 4 N ates, 1,15 48 January 5, 1832, 1John Spring, John. Bradley, 745 rs 84 f6 January 26, 1833, IJohn Rockwood, Huntington, 59 38 14 24 14 40 2 January 1, 1833, Russell Kit ridge, / co January 10, 1833, IH. \V. Fuller, Jr. et al.I H. W. Fuller, Jr. 75 50 13 59 October .M, 1832, A. G. Chandler, 122 02 so 51 January 12, 1829, ISamuel Moulton, 23 00 December 19, 1831, Benjamin Bean, 36 00 September 14, 1831, Hiram Rockwood, I!; Roc~,wood, 50 00 7 00 January 26, 1833, ! " " 46 00 2 76

' / SCHEDULE, (NO. ~4.) Continued. January 17, 1833, John Rocbvood, 58 23 6 38 May 9, 1832, Hiram Roekwood, 47 00 5 29 July 12, 1831, Samuel Vezie, I 250 00 I 38 3;3 November 25, 18:2S, IA. Z. Littlefield, I 206 8,4 8.3 16 !Thomas W. Smith, and January 9, 1833, 77 70 5 14 H. W. Fuller, I I January 1, 1833, IRichard York, ISamuel York, 18 00 January 1., 183.1, Samuel York, "' " 25 00 March 15, 1831, Nathan Small, '' " I 10 00 J a n u a r y 1 , 1 831, 1Nath'I. Lambert, Jr. 5 00 I " " I January 5, 1832, 'Jolrn Spring, • H. W. Fuller, 563 01 23 78 " " " " I I 67 56 January 13, 1832, W. H. Fuller, 135 12 17 14 January 12, 1832, " " 219 37 27 GS January 8, 1832, " " I :251 24 I 16 82 J.H. Hartwell's Accept-1 151 80 14 51 August 15, 1832, ISimeon How, ance, William Vance, H. W. Fuller, 764 25 I 45 85 John Hodgdon, 1, 191 46 I 291 69 308 28 1 29 Adams & Davis, 1 Daniel Spofford, & al. 2,224 65 I 133 48 I I 400 44 Daniel Spofford, & al. I I October 24, 1832, 'Jabez Bradbury, I I 581 86 139 60 SCHEDULE, (No. 24.) Continn,d. Joseph C. Stevens, 2,102 63 699 27 James Reed, 1,191 46 226 18 Joseph C. Stevens, 1,401 74 533 28 September 24, 1832, !Abbe & Bradley, E. H. Lombard, 191 70 57 13 " " " I " ,, " " 595 73 79 82 " " " " " ",, " I 159 66 " ,," " ISalmon Niles, ,," 191 70 57 13 " " " " " 595 73 79 82 I I I 159 66 " ,," " I " " " ,," I " IR. R. Haskins, 383 38 114 26 ''"., ! " '~ 1, 191 46 159 64 " " " " . j " ,, C( I 3i9 30 " " I " " I " I TOTAL, $16, 173 03 4,289 36

TREASURER'S OFFICE, I Augusta, December, 31, 1834. MARK HARRIS, Treasurer.

,- SC.HEDULE (Noo 260) Temp@i·~n~y 1Lo~RBs, :rmuule to the St~te iim 1834, by requisition upon the following Banks, agreeably to Resolve of February 26, 1834. Lincoln Bai1k, 3~00() Gardiner Bank, 2,000 Commercial Bank, 2,000 Freemans' Bank, 1,500 York Bank, 1,000 Manufacturers' Bank, 2,000 Skowhegan Bank, !,COO Kenduskeag Bank, 3,000 Bangor Commercial Bank, 3',000 Thomaston Bank, 1,000 Northern Bank, ] , 000 Bank of Portland, 1,000 Canal Bank, S,000 Citizens' BankJ 2,000 South Berwick Bank, 1;;000 Maine Bank, 5,000 Exchange Bank, 2,GOJ Manufactlll'ers' and Traders' Bank, 5,000 Casco Bank, 2,000 Augusta Bank, 1,000 Ticonic Bank, 1,000 Merchants' Rank, 5,000 Franklin Bank, 1 ,'500 TOTAL, 150,000 Lonn made under the Ueso1ve of February- 24, 1834. Jones Dyer, payable at the pleasure of the!' Government after 16 June, 1839, 20,000 $70,000 c::::::-0:::=-- T.nEASURER's 0FFICF., AUGUSTA,~ December 31, 18:34. \ MARK HARRIS, Treasiirer.

SCHEDUJ--'E, (l\lo. 27.) Annual School Fund No. 2, being tile Ta~ on Ilanks, received in 1834. L Name of the Bank. Whern situated. Ca~i~al I 'l'ax. I Stock. I Augusta Bank, Augusta, 110,000 1,100 Androscoggin Bank, Topsham, 50,000 61 65 Bangor Commercial ? Bangor, 100,000 1,000 Bank, 5 Bank of Portland,, 200,000 2,000 Ca!aiB Bank, !Calais, 50,000 500 Casco Bank, Portland, 200,000 2,000 Central Bank, Hallowell, 85,000 850 Citizens' Bank, Augusta, 60,000 600 Commercial Bank, Bath, I 50,000 500 Exchange Bank, Portland, 100,000 1,000 Franklin Bank, Gardiner, 50,000 500 Freeman's Bank, Augusta, 50,000 456 17 Garrlincr Bank, Gardiner, lOJ,000 1,000 Kenduskeag lhnk; Bangor, 100,000 1,000 Lincoln Bank, Bath, 100,000 1,000 Maine Bank, Portland, 155,000 1,368 50 Manufacturers' Bank, Saco, 100,000 1,000 Manufacture.-rs' and ~ !Portland, 150,000 1,500 Traders' Bank, ~ Mercantile Bank ( !Bangor, 100,000 146 63 for 1333, ~ do. do. do. " 1,000 Merchants' Bank, Portland, 150,000 1,500 Northern Bank, Hallowell, 50,000 I 364 39 South Berwick Bank, South Berwick, 50,000 500 Skowhegan Bank, Bloomfield, 50,000 454 17 Thomaston Bank, Thomaston, 50,000 500 Ticonic Bank, Waterville, 50,000 500 Union Bank, Brunswick, 50,000 500 '\Vnldo Bank, Belfast, 50,000 500 York Bank, ISaco, 50,000 500 23,!lOl 51 Deduct amount overpaid in 1883, 191 IS To·.r.u,, $23,710 38 TB&ASURER's OFFICE, AUGUSTA, t December 31, 1834, 5 MARK HARRIS, Treasurn. it If !~ ,; '-

POSTSCRIPT,-JANUARY 5, 1835. A.mounts due to towns Cor their pi-01101·tions o.C the School Fund o.C the yeat' 1834, arising from the Bank T'ax of 1833.

~~~~~~~~--~~~- COUNTY OF YORK. ! Robbinston, 3.3 36 Kennebunk, 102 19 I' Trescott, 30 50 Lebanon, 116 77 I Whiting, 14 14 3 !l7 COUNTY OF LINCOLN. :oe.s1el,' .5 4 J Cushing, 27 38 Friendship, 25 71 II COUNTY OF OXFORD. Georgetown, 55 2411 Andover, 24 86 Union, 39 54 Brownfield, 44 43 Warren, 85 63 . Hiram, 55 36 Stow, 10 71 CoUNTY OF HANCOCK. Weld, 30 7H Amherst, 8 74 '\V oodstock, 25 JO Franklin. 16 69 Howard's Gore, f> ()!) ~-..'Y

POSTSCRIP'I', Continued. Aurora, 6 541 COUNTY OF PENOBSCOT, Hancock, (balance.) 20 91 Atkinson, 25 73 Sullivan, 23 86 Burlington, 7 28 Waltham, 8 62 I La Grange, 10 60 Mariaville, 12 04 Lee, 17 79 Milford, COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, I 13 81 Madawaska, 117 78 Addison, 35 00 11 No. 4, E. Penobscot River, 8 73 Alexander, 19 22 Baileyville, 8 93 CouNTY OF SOMERSET. BeddingtoQ, 5 40 Harmony, 49 72 Columbia, 34 57 Hartland, 40 42 Cooper, 9 30 I Crawford, 12 36 l CoUNTY OF WALDO. East Machias, 50 35 I Camden, 119 19 Jonesborough, 18 31 Liberty, 35 80 Perry, · 45 30 Princeton, 3 09 TREASURER'S OFFICE, ~ Augusta, December 31, 1834. 5 MARK .. HARRIS, Treasurer.
