The Legislature
MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) DOCUMENTS PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE, OF THE STATE OF MAINE, DURING ITS SESSIOl" A· D. 1ess . ./1 UG UST.fl_: WILLIAM J. CONDON, ........ PRINTER. 1835. REPORT 01' THE TREASUH.ER OF THE STATE, ON THE FINANCES. DECEMBER 31, 1834. AUGUSTA: WILLIAM J. CONDON .....PlUNTER., 1835. \ STATE OF MAINE. TRF.ASURER's OFFICE, '! .9.ugusta, December 31, 183,ti. To the President of the Senate, and Speaker of the Hottse of Representatives: GENTLEMJ!N,-1 lrnve the hom1 r to transmit a Report on the Finances, exhibiting in detail an account of the state and transactions of the 'I1reasury, for the year 1834. Very respectfully, Your Obed:ent Sc.rvant, MARK HARRIS, Treasurer. \ SHEET (A) Di". tile State of'IViaine in account with Ma1.~k Barris, T1~easu1"e:r :f'i"om Jan. :t, to Dec. 31, J SS4, inclusive. Cr. FoR CASH PAID AS FOLLows, VIZ, 1· REFERENCES, I BY CASH RECEIVED AS FOLLOWS, viz. I REFEREJlWES. Salaries of Officers, Schedule No. ! 15,548 97 Cash, balance of last year's account, 8,039 62 Council, " " ,;,, 2,441 00 Dividends on Bank Stock, I 1,100 00 Senate, !Warrant '' 28061 4,743 50 Fines and Forfeitures, Schedule No. 211 121 70 House of Representatives, " " 2805 29,254 50 Duty on Commissions, " " 22 2,052 00 Chaplains and Draftsman, Schedule '' 3 231 00 Justices' Fees, " " .23 348 10 Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, Warrants No.
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