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in 2009 witii funding from University of IVIassachusetts,



THE REGISTER, mmuti states ©aUnlrat%

For the Year




Sascftil Knformatfon.


138 Washinrton Street. —


Snn There will not be any eclipse of the Moon in the course of this year. Of the Mercury, which is more there wUl be three, viz : two by the Moon and the third by usually termed a transit of Mercury over the Sun's disc. partly visible in the State The first will happen on the 1st of February, and will be and an- of Louisiana, but in no other State in the Union. The Sun will be centrally lon- nularly eclipsed on the meridian of the place, in latitude 15 deg. 12 min. North, gitude 154 deg. 15 min. West.

Nearly The second (the transit of Mercury) will happen on Saturday, May 5th. the whole of the transit will be visible in New , as follows, viz :—

Sun's lower limb rises 36m. after? 4. 54 n^ j^ . the be^nning of the transit, $ . •

Apparent Conjunction, 7 20 27 " . j^fgan time Nearest approach of Mercury to the Sun's centre, 7 41 42 " ( at Boston. Second internal contact, II 42"

Second external contact, - - - - - 11 7 17" Viewed through a telescope (the eye being carefully protected from the Sun's light) Mercury will appear as a small round dark body, passing across the Sun's disc.

The third will happen on the morning of Friday, July 27th, and will be visible throughout the .

At Boston it will be visible as follows, viz :

Beginning at 7h. I6m. 46s. M. "%

Apparent Conjunction, - - - - - 7 59 8"i Mean time at Boston. Greatest Obscuration, 8 6' 35 " | End at •-.-905"-' Digits eclipsed 4 degrees 49 minutes on the Sun's south limb.

(HF The Compiler of the Register has endeavoured to be accurate in all the statements and names which it

contains ; but when the difficulties in such a compilation are considered, and the constant changes which are occur-

ring, by new elections, deaths, &c. it is seen at once to be impossible to attain perfect accuracy. He therefore dis- tinctly states, that he declines this responsibleness, and only presents information to the best of his knowledge. INDEX.

Academies in Mass. - - - 137 Deaths in Boston - - - - 239 Additions aad Corrections - 245 Dispensary, Medical - - - 155 American Education Society 146 District Officers of U. S. - American Institute - - - 139 Duke's County Justices, &c. Aniiierst College - - - - 131 Antiquarian Society - - - 140 Eclipses - - - - - Andover Institution - - - 136 Education Societies - 146 Army of the United States - 216 Essex Justices, &c. - 47 Asylueis ----___ 151 Eye &. Ear Infirmary 156 Assessera ______236 Atbeneums - - _ _ _ 160 Federal Courts, Sittings of 191 Attorneys in Boston - - - 36 Fellows of Mass. Med. Soc. AUorneys, Cir. Court, U. S, 192 Fire Society -----. 150 Auctioneers in Boston - - 237 Fire Department - - - - 233 Franklin Justices, &,c. - - 85 Banks in Mass. - - - . 169 fiarnstable Justices, &c. - 67 General Court ----- 22 Perkshire Justices, &c. - - 78 General Association in Mass. 113 Bible Societies . - - - - 142 Governors of Mass. - - 20, 21 Bishops in U. S. - - - - 113 " of the several States 217 Branches U, S. Bank - - 168 Brigade in Boston, 3d - - 250 Hampden Justices, &c. - - 88

Bristol Justices, &c. - - - 63 Hampshire Justices, &c. . 57 Bunker Hill Monument - - 160 Handel and Haydn Society 160 - - - 128 Churches and Ministers - 114 Health Commiss., Boston - 232 Charitable Societies - - - 150 Historical Societies - - - 139 City Officers in Boston - - 230 Hospital Corporation - - - 154 Colleges ----- 128, 132 Howard Benevolent Society 150 Common Council - - - - 231 Humane Society - - - - 150 Constables in Boston - - 237 Congress, 22d ----- 185 Inland Bills of Exchange - 184 Consuls, American - - - 198 Insane Hospital . - - - 154 " foreign in U. S. - 202 Instructers in Publick Schools 234 Cong. Charitable Society - 112 Insurance Companies - - 176 Convention Cong. Ministers 111 Counsellors, &c. in Boston 35 Judiciary of Mass. - - - 37 Cou-ncil, Massachusetts - - 22 Judiciary of U. S.- - - - 189 County Commissioners - - 37 Justices in Boston - - - 33 " Meetings of - - - 41 Justices throughout the State 46 Court Counsellors, Cir. U.S. 192 Judges in Mass. - _ _ - 46 " S. J. Massachusetts, - 37

« S.J. Calendar of - . 39 Lyceum ------159 «« C. P. Calendar of - - 40 " Common Pleas - - - 37 Marine Societies - - - - 141 - " Municipal - - - - 37 Masonic Societies - - - - 248 " Police ---:-- 37 Manufactories in Mass. - - 247 " Probate ----- 42 Marine Hospital - . - - 156 Custom House Officers - - 193 Masters in Chancery - - 91 Index.

Mechanic Association - - 151 Sabbath School Societies - 148 Meclianics' Institution - - 159 Salaries ----- 177, 189 Medical Society of Mass. - 156 Savings Bank in Boston - 153 Medical Dispensary - - 155 Schools Public, Boston - - 234 Medical Sciiooi - - 135, 158 Seaman'^ totiety - 153 Middlesex Justices, &c. - 51 Secretaries of Departiiients 188 Militia of Mass. - - - - 97 Senate of Mass. - . _ - 22 Ministers and Cliurciies for " of United States - - 185 tlie several Counties - - 114 Solicitor General of Mass. - 37 Missionary Societies - - - 143 Standing Committees of House 30 Municipal Court - - - - 37 Joint do. do. 31 Stages from Boston - - - 240 Justices, &;c. - 71 State Prison, Uflicers of - 161 JNTaval Force of U. S. - - 214 Suffolk Justices, &c.- - - 33 Navy Yards 215 Supreme Court, Mass. - - 37 Naval Agents, &c. - - - 212 " " of U.S. - 189 Navy of United States - - 208 Newton Institution - - - 136 Temperance Societies - - 152 Norfolk Justices, &c. - - 82 Tlieolof:ical Institutions - 136 Third Brigade, 1st Division 250 Overseers of Poor, Boston - 232 Tract Societies ----- 149 Twenty-second Congress - 185 Peace Societies - - - - 149 Piiysicians in Boston - - 237 Undertakers in Boston - - 236 Pilgrim Society - - - - 160 Unitarian Association - - 148 Plyinontri Co. Justices, &c. 60 United Slates Army - - - 216 t'liiice Court in Boston - - 37 United States Mint - - - 197 Pupiilntion of U. S, - - - 228 United Slates Debt - - - 226 " of Mass. ----- 17 Universities ------128 " ofTowns and Cities - 239 Useful Knowledge Society 159 Postage ------195 Post Towns & Post Masters 91 Votes for Governor - - - 252 Probate Courts ----- 42 Ward Officers ----- 234 Rates of Wharfage - - - 243 Will of Stephen Girard - - 248 Representatives of Mass. 23, 219 - - - - 131 " of United States - 186 Worcester Co. Justices, &c. 71 |

JANUARY, 1832, begins on Sunday. FEBRUARY, 1832, begins on Wednesday.

New Moon, 1st day, 5h. o2m. evening. First Quarter, 9ih day, 6h. 29m. morning. Full Moon, 15th day, lOii. ySm. evening. Last Quarter, 23d day, 7h. 38m. morning.

Mj W| Observable Days, &c. | r. ^ s. r.® s., t. sea Pleasant eel. inv 6 5®set. 11 22 ^i4 I ^ 25 Pur. V. M. or Cand. foi' the 5 5 5 50'eve. / 316 Mid tides. season. 3 5| 6 51 40 Y'd L. son. 8h. 20m. 2 5 7 53 1 12 5th Sun. past Epi. 1 5| 8 56 1 46 A violent 5 10 2 22 storm 58 611 5 3 may now 57 6 morn. 3 46 •^ 95 he 56 6 11 4 45 106 expected of 55 6 1 19 6 5 117 Quite high snow or rain. 53 6 2 27 7 34 12A 6th Sun. p. Epi. ® Peri. 52 6 3 34 8 57 I3I2 Cool, 51 6 4 38 10 I Valentine Day. tides. 49 6 5 35 10 54 Saturn sou. lii. morn. 48 6©ris.ll 4.' hut Jine. 47 6, 6 11 morn

Ghent tr. rati. Cong. 1815. 45 6i 7 21i 19 7*s set Ih. morning. 44 61 8 28 1 G

Septuag. Sun. Sudden 43 6i 9 34 1 40 changes. 41 610 36' 2 11 Grotvs 40 6 11 38; 2 47 born 1732. 39 6 morn. 3 22 LoAv much 37 6 36 4 2 St. Matt. fner. 36 6 1 32: 4 46 tides. A driving % Apo. 34 6 2 26 5 44 Sexagis Sun. storm 33 6 3 17| 6 57 may he 31 6 4 4 8 1 expected. 30 6 4 44 9 32 Y'd L. south 6h. 43m. 29 6; 5 25,10 23

VENUS will be morning' star till July 27.. ..thence evening star to the end of the year. JUPITER will be evening- star till February ii!4....theDce morning Btar to the 16th of Sept. ...thence evening star the rest ot the year.

MARCH, 1832, begins on Thursday. APRIL, 1832, begins on Sunday.

New Moon, 1st day Oh. 18m. morning. First Quarter, 7th day, 9h. 5m. evening. Full Moon, 14th day, llh. 16m. evening. Last Quarter, 22d day, llh. 28m. evening. New Moon, 30th day, lOh. 56m. morning.

M|W| Observable Days, &c. S. If.® S.| f. scu 4th S. in L. M. L. S. A 43 Oset. eve. 3 storm 41 8 3 52 is near. 40 9 13 34 St. Am. Frequent 38 10 23 24 Sat. sou. 9h. 32m. 37 11 30 6 Pretty showers. 36 morn. 53 "*s set lOh. ® Perig, 34 37 41 5th Sun. in Lent. More 33 36 29 high tides. rain. 31 28 6 24 30 15 7 26 Cooler unih 29 55 8 43 Spi. set midnight. kigli 27 30 10 7 winds. 26 2 11 15 Mid tides. Changes to 25 ® ris. morn. 6th Sun. in Lent. very 23 7 21 5 22 8 24 45 Franklin died 1790. 21 9 24 1 18 warm. 19 10 22 1 50 Bat. Con. & Lex. 75. 18 11 17 2 34 Good Friday. Becoming 17 morn. 3 7 rather ® Apog. 15 7 3 39 Easter Day. Low dry. 14 53 4 17 tides. 13 1 33 4 54 11 2 10 5 35 St. Mark. Much 10 2 44 6 20 warmer^ 9 3 15 7 18 l^B set 8h. 47m. 8 3 45 8 30 with great 6 4 14 9 54 1st Sun. p. E. L. S. signs 5 4 45 11 5 Lou. ced. U. S. '03. of rain. 4 ®set. eve.

MAY, 1832, begins on Tuesday.

First Quarter, 7th day, 3h. 21m. morning. Full INIoon, 14th day, Oh. 40m. evening. Last Quarter, 22d day, 4h. 34m. evening. New Moon, 29th day 7h. 12m. evening.

M|W| Observable Days, &c. | r.^ s. |r.® s.| f.sea 2 7 8 12 Gen. Elec. R. I. & Conn. 1 7 Inv. Cros. ivarm with 7 frequent ^ Peri. 59 8 Bona, died 1821. 58 2d Sun. p. E. showers. 56 Mid 55 tides. _ More Si rain. 53 ^^ 7*'s set 8h. eve. 52 Fine for 51 ' planting. 50 3d Sun. past Easter 49 More 48 rain 47 may be 46 Great frost 1794. expected. 45 Rather 9 Apo. 44 Duns. Dark Day 1780. 43 8 4th Sun. past Easter, low 42 8 Very tides. 41 8 fne again. 40 8 Unsteady 39 8 weather for 38 8 some days. 38 7*s rise 4h. morning. 37 5th Sun. past E. R. S. 36 Tides QiwYe fne 35 increasing. for 35 (Old Elec. Mass.) the 34 Asce. D. H. Thur. season. 4 33 JUNE, 1832, begins on Friday.

JULY, 1832, begins on Sunday. AUGUST, 1832, begins on Wednesday.

SEPTEMBER, 1832, begins on Saturday. OCTOBER, 1832, begins on Monday.

NOVEMBER, 1832, begins on Thursday. DECEMBER, 1832, begins on Saturday,

Full Moon, 7th day, 3h. 43m. evening. Last Quarter, 14th day, 7h. 47m. morning. New Moon, 21st day, 9h. 52m. evening. First Quarter, 30th day, 3h. 25m. morning.

s. s.| M|W| Observable Days, fc c. | r.^ Ir.# f.sea 1 7 Rather cooler, 26 13, 6 55 2 G IJAdv. Sun. with 27 12 8 3 frost 28 15 8 46 4 N'ot unpleasant 28 17 9 27 5 Y'd L. rises 7h. for 30 2410 8 6 Nicholas. the season. 30 33 10 41 7 Pretty JVoiv look 30 I ris.jll 35 Con. ofV. M. high out 31 5 41 morn. 2d Sun. in Adv. for a 31 6 42 21 tides. driving 32 7 54 1 7 • Peri. 32 9 7 57 storm. 32 510 16 45 Lucy. Very 32 5ill 29 33 Wash, died 1799, ag. 68. as 5morn 23 7*s sou. lOh. fine for 33 5! 35 23 3d Sun. in Adv. JJea as 6 35 Grows a3 7 57 more 33 9 5 Jup. sou. 5h. 40m. 33 9 54 Mid. unsettled. as 55 10 35 St. Thomas. JVow expect 33 5 ©set. 11 12 tides. some 33 5 5 1311 58 G 4th Sun. in Adv. snow, as 6 2ev.38 2 Peace sign, at Ghent, '14. 33 6 56 Christmas. # Apo. as 7 53 St. Steph. Quite as 8 50 St. John. fne as 9 49 Inno. Low as^ain as 5 10 47 7*s sou. 9h. tides. Cool 32 511 38 1st Sun. p. Chris, but 32 5 morn. Silves. pleasant. 32 5i 39 6 14

Population of Massachusetts. 17 CEJS'SUS OF THE TOWJVS IJY MASSACHUSETTS FOR 1810, 1820 & 1830.

The Census of Boston in 1800 was 24,1 in 1810, 33,250 ; 1820, 43,298 ; 1830, 61,392. ESSEX. 1810 1820 1810 1820 1830 Wilmington 716 786 Salem 12,613 12,731 13,886 Townsend 1,246 1,482 Ipswich 3,569 2,553 2,951 Te\Vksbury 943 1,008 Newbury 5,176 3,671 3,803 Acton 885 1,047 Lynn 4,087 4,515 6,138 Walthara 1,014 1,677 Gloucester 5,943 6,384 7,513 Shirley 814 922 Rowley 1,682 1,825 2,044 Pepperell 1,333 1,439 Salisbury 2,047 2,006 2.519 Lincoln 713 706 ^Venham 554 572 612 Ashby 1,103 1,188 Manchester 1,113 1,201 1,238 East Sudbury 824 962 Haverhill 3,070 3,912 Natick 766 849 Andover 3,164 3,889 4,540 Tyngsborough 704 808 Marblehead 5,900 5,630 5,150 Burlington 471 508 Topsfield 815 866 1,011 Carlisle 672 681 Amesbury 1,890 1,956 2,445 Brighton 608 702 Beverly 4,608 4,283 4,079 West Cambr. 971 1,065 Bradford 1,369 1,600 1,856 South Reading Boxford 880 906 937 Lowell Methuen 1,181 1,371 2,011 HAMPSHIRE. Middleton 541 596 607 Northampton 631 2,854 Danvers 3,127 3,646 4,228 Hadley 1,247 1,461 Newburyport 7,634 6,852 6,388 Hatfield 805 823 Lynnfield 500 596 617 Pelham 1,185 1,278 Hamilton 780 802 743 Southampton 1,171 1,160 Saugus 960 South Hadley 902 1,047 "West Newbuiy 1,279 1,586 Greenwich 1,225 778 Essex 1,107 1,345 Amherst 1,466 1,917 Belchertown 2,270 2,426 MIDDLESEX. Ware 996 1,154 Chavlestown 4,954 6,591 8,787 Chesterfield 1,408 1,447 Watertown 1,531 1,518 1,641 Granby 850 1,066 Med ford 1,443 1,474 1,755 Wovthington 1,391 1,276 Cambridge 2,323 3,295 6,071 Williamsburg 1,122 1,087 Concord 1,633 1,788 2,017 Norwich 968 849 Sudbury 1,287 1,417 1,424 Cummington 1,009 1,069 Woburn 1,219 1,549 1,977 Westhampton 793 896 Reading 2,228 2,797 1,806 Goshen 652 632 Maiden 1,384 1,731 2,010 Middlefield 822 755 Chelmsford 1,396 1,535 1,387 Plainfield 977 936 Billerica 1,289 1,380 1,374 Easthampton 660 712 Groton 1,-, 1,897 1,925 Enfield 873 Marlborough 1,674 1,952 2,074 Prescott Dunstable 475 584 593 PLYMOUTH. Sherburne 770 811 900 Plymouth 4,228 4,384 Stow 1,221 Hingham 2,382 Boxboro' 474 Scituate Newton 1,709 1,850 2,377 Duxbury Framingbam 1,670 2,037 2,313 Marshfield Dracut 1,301 1,407 1,615 Hull Weston 1,008 1,041 1,091 Bridgewater Lexington 1,052 1,200 1,541 Middleboro' Littleton 773 955 947 Rochester Hopkinton 1,345 1,655 1,809 Plympton Holliston oiiQ 1,041 1,304 Pembroke Stoneham 468 615 732 Abington Westford 1,330 1,409 1,329 Kingston Bedford 592 685 Hanover B 18 Population of Massachusetts.

1810 1820 1830 1810 1820 1830 Halifax 900 749 709 Shrewsbury 1,210 1,458 1,386 Warehara 851 952 1,885 Lunenburg 1,371 1,209 1,318 Carver 858 839 970 Dudley 1,226 1,615 3,155 Hanson 917 1,030 Harvard 1,481 1,597 1,601 N. Biid^ewater 1,480 1,953 Grafton 946 1,154 1,889 W. Bridgewater 1,055 1,042 Upton 995 1,088 1,157 E. Biidgewalei- 1,435 1,653 Hardwiek 1,657 1,836 1,835 L. Bolton 1,037 1,229 1,258 1,927 1,633 1,688 Taunton 3,907 4,520 6,045 Sturbridge 1,072 02 1,718 Hehoboth 4,866 2,740 2,468 Holden 1,4 1,584 1,790 1,861 Dartmouth 3,219 3,636 3,867 Leominster Western 1,014 1,112 1,189 Swanzey 1,839 1,933 1,677 Douglas 1,142 1,375 1,742 Freetown 1,878 1,863 1,909 Braintree 912 888 825 Attleboro' 2,716 3,055 3,215 N. Spencer 1,453 1,548 1,618 Norton 1,598 1,600 1,484 1,490 1,626 1,695 Dighton 1,650 653 1,737 Petersham Charlton 2,180 2,134 2,173 Easion 1,557 1,803 1,756 Templeton 1,205 1,331 1,551 Rayiiham 1,154 1,071 1,209 Athol 1,041 1,211 1,325 Berkley 1,014 1,060 907 848 986 1,010 Mansfield 1,030 1,223 1,172 Oakham Fitchburg 1,566 1,736 2,180 New Bedford 5,651 3,947 7,592 Wincheudon 1,173 1,263 1,463 Westport 2,585 2,633 2,773 Paxton 619 618 597 Somerset 1,199 1,116 1,024 Royalston 1,415 1,424 1,494 I'roy 1,296 1,594 4,159 Ashbuvnham 1,036 1,230 1,403 Fairhaven 2,733 3,034 Northboio' 794 1,018 994 Seekonk 2,775 2,134 Hubbardston 1,227 1,367 1,674 Pawtucket 1,458 Westminster 1,419 1,634 1,695 BARNSTABLE. Princeton 1,063 1,261 1,345 Barnstable 3,646 3,S24 3,975 Northbridge 713 905 1,053 Sandwich 2,382 2,484 3,367 Barre 1,971 2,077 2,503 Yarmouth 2,134 2,232 2,251 Ward 540 608 690 Eastham 751 766 966 Milford 973 1,160 1,380 Falmouth 2,237 2,370 2,548 Sterling 1.472 1,710 1,789 Harwich 1,942 1,980 2,464 Berlin 591 625 692 Truro 1,209 1,241 1,549 Gardner 815 911 1,023 Chatham 1,334 1,630 2,134 Boylston 902 820 Provincetown 936 1,252 1,710 Phillipston 916 932 Wellfleet 1,402 1,472 2,044 Dana 625 664 623 Dennis 1,739 1,997 2,317 W. Boylston 632 886 1,053 Orleans 1,248 1.348 1,799 N. Brookfield 1,095 1,241 Brewster 1,112 1,285 1,418 Miilbury 926 1,611 DUKES Southbridge 1,066 1,444 Edgartowu 1,365 1,374 1,509 Tisbury 1,202 1,223 1,318 BERKSHIRE. Chilraark 723 695 691 Sheffield 2,439 2,476 2,392 NANTUCKET Stockbridge 1,372 1,377 1,580 N. Marlboro' 1,832 1,668 1,656 Nantucket 6,807 7266 7,202 Egremont 790 865 889 WORCESTER. Pittsfieli 1,665 2,768 3,570 Lancaster 1,694 1,862 2,016 G.Barrington 1,784 1,908 2,276 Mendon 1,819 2,254 3,152 Sandisfield 1,648 1,646 1,655 Worcester 2,577 2,962 4,172 Tyringhara 1,680 1,443 1,351 1,277 1,592 2,034 Lanesboro' 1,303 1,319 1,192 Leicester 1,181 1,252 1,782 New Ashford 411 358 285 Rutland 1,231 1,262 1,276 Williamstown 1,843 2,010 2,137 Sutton 2,660 2,056 2,186 Beeket 1,028 984 1,065 Westboro' 1,048 1,326 1,438 Richmond 1,041 923 844 Brookfield 3,170 2,292 2,342 Lenox 1,310 1,315 1,355 Uxbridge 1,404 1,551 2,086 Windsor 1,108 1,085 1,042 Southboro' 926 1,030 1,080 Peru 912 748 729 Population of Massachusetts. 19

1810 1830 Alford 523 570 512 Otis 1,111 981 1,014 "W. Stockbri. 1,049 1,034 1.203 Hancock 1,049 1,165 1^053 Washington 942 750 701 Lee 1,305 1,334 1,825 1,763 1,836 2,643 Mt Washingt. 474 467 345 Daltiin 779 817 791 Cheshire 1,315 1.202 1,0-49 Savoy 711 852 928 Clarksburg 231 274 315 Hinsdale 822 822 780 392 431 454 )RFOLK. Dorchester Roxbury Weymouth Dedhana Biaintree Medfield Milton Wrentham Brook line Need ha in Medway Bellingham Walpole Stoughton Sharon Cohasset Franklin Foxboroug] Dover C^uincy Randolph Canton FRANKLIN. Deerfield 1,570 1,868 Northfield 1,218 1,584 Sunderland 551 557 THE M^t$^^tW^^tt^ MtQiuttv.


Governors of Plymouth, chosen annually by the People. 1620 John Carver 1644 Edward Winslow 1621 William Bradford 1645 William Bradford 1633 Edward Winslow 1657 Thomas Prince 1634 Thomas Prince 1673 Josias Winslow 1635 William Bradford 1680 Thos. Hinckley, zcha 1636 Edward Winslow held his place, except during 1637 William Bradford the interruption by Andros, 1638 Thomas Prince till the junction icith 1639 William Bradford chusctts in 1692.

Governors of Massachusetts under the First Charter, chosen annually by the People.* 1630 1646 John Winthrop 1634 1649 John Endicott 1635 1650 Thomas Dudley 1636 Henry Vane 1651 John Endicott 1637 John Winthrop 1654 1640 Thomas Dudley 1655 John Endicott 1641 Richard Bellingham 1665 Richard Bellingham 1642 John Winthrop 1673 1644 John Endicott 1679 1645 Thomas Dudley

After the dissolution of the First Charter. 1686 , Prest. the people, and Simon Brad- 1687 Sir Edmund Andres, street elected President, zoho Governor. in 1691 was chosen Gov- 1689 Sir Edmund deposedby

* In 1628, the Company in England for settling Massachusetts Bay chose Matthew Cradock, Governor, and Thomas Goffe, Lieuten- ant Governor, but they never came to . Governors of Massachusetts. 21

Governors of Massachusetts under the Second Charter, appointed by the King'. Governors. Lieutenant Governors. 1692 Sir William Phios 1692 William Stoughton, to 1699-1700 Earl ofBellamont 1702. 1702 May. The Council. 1702 Thomas Povey Joseph Dudley 1714 Feb. The Council. 1715 William Tailor March. Joseph Dud- ley. 1716 1723 William Duramer 1728 William Burnet 1729 1730 1730 William Tailor 1740 1733 1753 William Shirley 1756 Spencer Phips 1757 ^pril. The Council. Thomas Povvnal 1758 Thomas Hutchinson, 1760 Francis Bernard to 3770. 1770 Thomas Hutchinson 1770 1774 Thomas Gas:e 1774 Thomas Oliver

Since the Revolution. 1774 October. A Provincial Congress. 1775 July. The Council.

Under the JVeio Constitution, chosen annually by the People, Governors. Lieutenant Governors. 1780 , to 1785 1780 Thos.Cushing, toFeb.28,1788 1785 , 1787 1788 , 1789 1787 John Hancock, Oct. 8, 1793 1789 , 1794 1794 Samuel Ada.Tii. 1797 1794 , May 20, 1800 1797 , June7. 1799 1801 Samuel Phillips, Feb.10,1802 1800 , 1807 1802 Edward H. Robbins, 1807 1807 James Sullivan, Dec. 10, 1803 1807 Levi Lincoln, 1809 1809 , 1810 1S09 David Cobb, 1810 1810 , 1812 1810 "William Gray, 1812 1812 Caleb Strong, 1816 1812 William Phillips, 1823^ 1816 , 1823 1823 Levi Lincoln, Feb. 1824 1823 , Feb. 6, 1825 1824 , July, 1825

1825 Levi Lincoln. J 826 Thomas L.Winthrop.

Note.—Those Lieutenant Governors whose names are in italics, acted as Governors protem. 22 Government of Massachusetts.

©fbil ^obevnment of i^assadjusetts, For the Political Year, commencing January, 1832, and ending January 1833.

His Excellency LEVI LINCOLN, ll. d. Governor. His Honor Thomas L. Winthrop, Esq. Lieutenant- Govetmor. COUNCIL. Hon. John C. Gray Hon. Henry Hubbard William Ferson Josiah J. Fiske Luke Fiske Howard Lothrop Joseph Bowman Patrick Boies Elijah Swift Secretary to the Commomcealth, Edward D. Bangs, Esq. Chief Clerk, Samuel Austin. Clerk, William Tufts. Treasurer and Receiver General of the Commonwealth, Hezekiah Barnard, Esq. Joseph Foster, 1st Clerk. J. I. Linzee, 2d Clerk. Offices in State-House.

SENATE. Hon. William Thorndike, President. Suffolk, Hon. Charles Wells, Alexander H. Everett, James T. Austui, James C. Merrill, Otis Everett, Benjamin T. Pickman. JSsser, Hon. , William Thorn- dike, Elias Putnam, Ebenezer Bradbury, William Johnson, jr. Robert Cross. Middlesex, Hon. Elihu Cutler, Daniel Richardson, , jr. Nathaniel Austin, Francis W^inship. Ply?nouth,ilon. Benjamin Ellis, Gershom B.Weston. JVorfolky Hon. Joseph Hawes, John Endicott, Samuel P. Loud. Bristol., Hon. Nathan C. Brownell, Ebenezer Daggett, Samuel French. Worcester^ Hon. John W. Lincoln, David Wilder, William S, Hastings, James Draper, Rufus Bullock. Representatives.. ..Suffolk. 23

Hampshire, Hon. Chauncey Clarke, Joseph Cum- mings. Hamfiden, Hon. Enos Foote, John Wyles. Franklin^ Hon. Elihu Hoyt, Enos Smitli. Berkshire, Hon. Wilbur Curtis, Russell Brown. Barnstable^ Hon. Jchn Doane. J^antuckety Hon. . Charles Calhoun, Clerk, W. P. Gragg, Assistant Clerk, Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood, Chafilain, Charles C. CutUng, Page.

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Hon. WiLLiABi B. Calhoun, Speaker, Luther S. Cushiiig, Clerk. Rev. Howard Malcom, and Rev. Ralph W. Emerson, Chaplains. SUFFOLK. Boston Samuel Austin, jr. Lincoln, EbenezerH.Little, Cyrus Alger» Samuel DanielMessenger,Thomas Aspinwali, George Blake Motley, John B.M'Cleary, James Bowdoin, John P. Thomas Minns, David BigeloWjFrancisBrinleyJr. Moody, Thomas Melvill, Daniel Baxter, jr. Levi William F. Otis, William Brigham, Joseph T. Buck- Parker, Thomas W. Phil- ingham, David L. Child, lips, Abel Phelps, John S. Wm.H. Eliot, (deceased). Perkins, Edward G. Pres- Jabez EUis, Luther Faulk- cott, Edward A.Raymond, ner, Joshua B. Flint, Henry James Ridgway, Benjamin H. Fuller, Daniel L. Russell, Reffrey Richard- Gibbens, Charles G. son, WilliamRitchie, Simon Greene, George Hallet, W. Robinson, William Nathl. Hammond, Richard Sturgis, John B. Wells, D. Harris, Prentiss Hobbs, John Wheelwright, Redford James L, Homer, Edmund Webster, Henry Williams, Kimball, Winslow Lewis, Aaron Willard, jr. Joseph Lewis, William Chelsea Lawrence, Charles ESSEX. jimesbury Lowell Bagley, Andover Samuel Merrill, Joshua Colby, jr., Thomas Amos Spaulding Bailey Beverly Robert Rantoul 24 Representatives.. ..Essex.... Middlesex.

Boxford Charles Peabody Manchester John W.Allen Bradford Jesse Kimball, Marblehead Joshua O. Geoi'ge Savary Bowden. William Hawks, Danvers John Preston, Samuel Knight, Robert John Page, Nathan Poor, Orne, Frederick Robinson Jonathan Shove Methuen John Russ Essex MiddLeton EphraimFuUer Gloucester Gorham JVetvbury Joseph Gerrish, Babson, James Goss, Sam- Moses Pettingell uel Giles, Samuel Gilbert. JVeiuburyfwrt William S. George Haskell, Nehe- Allen, Charles H. Balch, miah Knowlton, Samuel Thomas M. Clark, Wil- Lane, Aaron Plumer liam Davis, William Far is, Hamilton Azor Brown Moses P. Parish Haverhill Ephraim Cor- Rowley Thomas Payson liss, James Davis, Thomas Salem Hokon J. Breed, G. Farnsworth, Caleb B. Nathaniel Frothingham, Le Bosquet William Mansheld.Stephen Ifiswich Josiah Caldwell, C.Phillips, William Ropes, Joseph Dennis, Stephen Jacob B. Winchester Pearson Salisbury Reuben Evans, Lynn William B. Breed, John Colby Jonathan Buffum, Joseph Saugus Joseph Cheever Currier, Jacob Ingalls, 1^0fi afield Jacob Towne,j r. Francis C. Newhall, Ste- Wcnham Moses Foster phen Oliver, Eleazer C West jYeivbury Daniel Richardson Emery Lynnjicld Bowman Viles MIDDLESEX. Acton Francis Tuttle Holden, Lot Pool, John Ashby Cushing Burr, jr. Svveetser, Daniel Tufts, jr. Bedford Amos Hartwell Chelmsford^ Billerica Josiah Rogers Concord Joseplv Barrett, Brighton Daniel Austin John Key es Burlington William Winn Dracut Joseph B. Varnum Cambridge Amasa Davis, Dunstable Temple Ken- James Hayward, Samuel dall King, Josiah Mason, jr., East Sudbury Isaac William J.Whipple, Tho- Gleasoii mas Whittemore Framingham Luther Carlisle Cyrus Heald Belknap Chariestown Edward Groton John Boynton, Cutter, John Harris,01iver John Rockwood Representatives.. ..Worcester. •25

HoUiston John Haven, Shirley Abner Johnson South Reading Lilley Hojikinton Samuel B. Eaton, Lemuel Sweetser Walcott Stoneham Peter Hay Lexington Ambrose Stoiv llf Boxboro' James Moreli, Charles Reed B. Brown, Lyman Bigelow Lincoln George Russell Sudbury ' John Hunt Littleton Joel Marshall Tenvksbury Jonathan Lowell Ebenezer Apple- Clark, Alpheus Smith ton, , Maynard Toivnsend Paul Gerrish Bragg, William Davidson, Tyngsborough Joseph Willard Guild, Artemas Butterfield Holden, OliverM. Whipple Waltham Jonas Clark, Maiden Lemuel Cox, John Viles James Crane Watertoivn Charles Bemis, Marlborough Levi Bigelow Levi Thaxter Medford John Sparreil West Cambridge Benja- J\atick min Locke JVewion Matthias Collins, Westford John Kenrick Wcstoti Samuel Hobbs Pefifierell Abel Jewett Wilmington Heading John Batchelder, Woburn Samuel Abbott, Warren Parkins Joseph Gardner, Stephen Sherburne Calvin Sanger Nichols WORCESTER. Ashhurnham Nathaniel rey, Zachariah Sheldon Pierce, Hosea Stone Gardner Timothy Hey- Athol Eliphalet Thorp wood Barre Archibald Black, Grafton Harry Wood, Gardner Ruggles Sanriuel Wood J5(?We«Jonathan D.Merriam Hardivide Moses Allen Bolton Barnard Nourse Harx'ard Buyhton Ward Cotton Holden Asa Broad,Samuel Brookfield John Bliss, Daman Rutus Harrington, Abra- Hubbardston Henry ham Skinner Prentiss, Moses Waite CViar/^onlssachar Comins, Lancaster iohn G. Thurs- Ebenezer White ton Dana Reuben Sibley Leicester John Hobart, Douglas David Holm an John King Dudley George A. Tufts, Leominster'WMeYCsiYter, Abiel Williams Carter Gates Fitchburg Ebenezer Tor- Lu7ienburg C2 .

26 Representatives. . . . Hampshire

Mendon Caleb V. Allen iSouthboro^ Dexter Fay Lebbeus Gaskill, Daniel Southbridge Larkin Am- Thurber midown, Oliver Hooker Milford S/iencer Rufus Adams Millbury William M. Sterling Jacob Conant, Benedict, Elijah Waters Thomas Wright Neiv Braintree Joseph Sturbridge JamesJohnson, Bowman Thomas Merrick J\^or(hboroui(k Jotham Sutton Joshua Armsby, Bartlett Reuben Waters JVorthhridge Sylvanus Temjileton Leonard Stone Holbrook Ujiton Elisha Fisk North Brookfield Jonathan Uxbridge Joseph Day, Cary George Willard Oakham Washington Allen Ward Zebulon Cary Oxford Ira Barton, Westborough Nahuni Harringtonjoshua Mellen Paxton Tyler Goddard W. Boylston Silas Newton Petersham JosephGallond, Western Pardon Allen Micajah Reed Westminster Charles Phillifiston Abel White Hudson, Cyrus Windship Princeton Charles Russell Winchendon Wm. Brown jRoz/a/s/o^BenjaminBrown Worcester Luther Burnet, liiitlarid Joseph King jr., , Otis Shrewsbury Nymphas Corbet, Jubal Harrington, Pratt Nathaniel Stowell HAMPSHIRE. Amherst OliverDickinson, J^'orthamfiton Samuel- 2d., John Leland Parsons, Jonathan Strong, Belchertonun Justus For- Oliver Warner, Eliphalet ward Williams C/zes/'er^f/

Lee Stephen Thacher Sandijfield Uriel Smith, Lenox Lyman Judd Josiah H. Sage Monroe Savoy Mount Washington ShrffieldHoYai\oL.Warr\er JVew Ashford Stuckbridge Isaac Curtis, Mno Marlboro' Newton Thaddeus Pomeroy Kosson, Benjamin Whee- Tyringham Samuel Far- ler, jr. Otis Samuel Pickett Washington Stephen W. Peru Cytus Stowell Newton Fittsjield Jonathan Allen, West Stockbridge Martin 2d., Thomas B. Strong, Hcndrix Jireh Stearns, Nathan WUliamstoivn Ebenezer WilHs Emmons, Reuben Young Richmond Eleazer Wil- /'FmG^so7-DanielO.HolbrGok liams NORFOLK. Bellingham Stephen Met- Medway Warren Lover- calf ing, Joseph L. Richardson Braintree Isaac Dyer, Keedham Rufus Mills Minot Thayer Quincy Edward Glover, Brookline John Souther Canton James Endicott Randolph David Blan- Cohasset James C. Doane chard, Joshua Spear, jr. Dedhara , Roxbiirylo\\x\. Champney, Richard Ellis Isaac Davis, Jonathan Z^orc/res^crEbenezerClap, Dorr, Samuel J. Gardner, Joseph Clap, Abel Cush- Joshua Seaver, Jacob Tidd ing, Benjamin Fuller Sharoyi Jeremiah Richards Fcxborough Henry Hobart Stought on Jesse Pierce Franklin Stephen Kings- Wal/iole Harvey Clap bury Weyfnouth Lenuiel Hum- Medjield i^ Dover Calvin phrey, ^ Leonard Tirrell, Richards Noah Torrey Milton James Campbell, Wrentham Allen Tilling- Thomas Hunt hast BRISTOL. Attleborough AbijahM.Ide Easton Elijah Howard,jr. Berkley Adoniram Crane -AczV^^ftiyewWarrenDelano, Z)flrr7?20Mr/zBradfordHovv- Sampson Perkins, Joseph land Whelden Dighton Nehemiah Wal- Freetown George Perkins ker, David Hathaway Mansfield Elkanah Bates Representatives. . . .Plymouth. . . .Barnstable. 29

J\''ew Bedford John Bur- Seth Whitmarsh rage, Thomas A. Greene, Somerset Luther Wheaton Edmund Gardner.Chavles S-wanzcy John Earle, Be- VV. Morgan, Thomas najah Mason Mandell, Benj. Lincoln, Taunton Pardon Tillinghast Troy Simeon Borden, Norton Asa Arnold Barnabas , Antho- Pawtucket Remember ny Mason, Azariah Shove Kent TVest/wrt Jonathan Davis, Raynham Ellis Hall Abner B. Rehoboth Lloyd Bos worth H. Handy Seekonk Nathaniel Reed, PLYMOUTH. jlbington James Bates, Edward P. Little John Gushing, Micah Middleboro* Bradford Pool Harlow, Tisdale Lincoln, Bridgewater Samuel Nathaniel Staples, Reland Leonard, jr., Holmes Tinkham, Benjamin P. Sprague "Wood, Luther Washburn Carver Thomas Gobb JV. Bridgewater Eliphalet Duxbury Gershom Brad- Kingman, Jesse Perkins ford Pembroke Mast Bridgewater Joseph Plymouth BarnabasHedge Ghamberlin, jr., Azor /Vi/w/z^pnJonathanParker Harris Rochester Charles J. Halifax Zadock Thomson Holmes.EbenezerHolmes, Hanover Horatio Gushing Amittai B. Hammond Hanson Scituate Edward F. Hingham Thomas Loring, Jacobs, Peleg Jenkins, Marshall Lincoln,Nicholas Gushing Otis B. Whitney Wareham Thomas Savery Hull W. Bridgewater Samuel ^in^s^onSpencerBradford Dunbar Marshfeld John Ford, jr. BARNSTABLE. £a/725f^o!6/eHenry Crocker, Eastham Michael Collins David Hinckley, William Falmouth Thomas Fish, Lewis, Charles Marston Elijah Swift Brewster Elijah Cobb Harwich James Long, CAc^AamJoshuaNickerson, Sidney Underwood Joseph Young Orleans Elisha Cole, John Dennis John Baker, Oren Kenrick Howes Provincetown Isaac Small 30 Committees of the Senate.

Sandwich Benjamin Bur- IVell/lcet Joseph Hoibrock, gess, Shadrack Freeman, 3d., Benjamin R. Witherell Elisha Pope Yarinouth James Crow ell, Truro James Small, John Joseph White Kenny DUKES. Chilmark Smith Mayhew Thaxter E.dgartown Leavitt Tisbury Eliakim Norton NANTUCKET. J\''a7itucket Hez. Barnard, David Baxter, Isaac Folger.

Messenrrcr to the General Court, Jacob Kulin. Jlssistant Messengers, Elijah W. Cutting, Jacob Kuhn, jr. Page to the House, Charles Pitts. Messenger to the Governor and Council, Jonathan D. Robins. Watchman of the State House, Thomas Aves. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE SENATE. On the Judiciary. —Messrs. Saltonstall, Hoar, and Hastings. On Probate and Chancery.—Messrs. J. T. Austin, Merrill, and Lnud. On Education.—Messrs. Richardson, Cross, and Curtis. On Agriculture.—Messrs. Draper, Johnson, and Daggett. On Bills in the Second Reading,—Messrs. Merrill, Lincoln, Hastings, Cross, Richardson, and Doane. On Engrossed Bills. — Messrs. Brownell, French, Curtis, Hawes, Putnam, and Smith. JOINT STANDING COMMITTEES. On Accounts.— Messrs. Hoyt and Bradbury. On Roads and Bridges.—Messrs. Winship and Cum- inings. On Roads and Canals.—Messrs. Lincoln, and O. Everett. On 7 owns.—Messrs. Wilder, and French. On Ciaima.—Messrs. Wells and Foote. On the Militia Messrs. Brown, and Austin. On Parishes.—Messrs. Endicott, and Bullock. On Fisheries.—Messrs. Doane, and Ellis. On Banks and Banking.—Messrs. Burnell, and Wyles. On Mercantile Affairs and Insurance.—Messrs. Pick- man, and Weston. On Public Lands.—Messrs. A. H. Everett, and Clark. On Alanufactures.—Messrs. Hastings, and Browi»ell. On the Library. —Messrs. A. H, Everett, Saltonstall, and J. T. Austin. Committees of the House. 31 STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE. On the Judiciary, Messrs. Fuller, of Boston, Biiss, of iSpringfield, Holmes, of Rochester, Barton, of Oxford, and Levering, of Medway. On Matters of Probate and Chancery. Messrs. Mann, of Dedham, Whipple, of Cambridge, Spaulding, of Andover, Child, of Boston, and Tufts, of Dudley. On Edncation. Messrs. Greene, of New Bedford, Bowdoin, of Boston, Allen, of Newbury port, Edwards, of Southampton, and Emmons, of VVilliamstown. On Agriculture, Messrs. Jewett, of Pepperell, Carter, of Leominster, Brown, of Stow and Boxboro', Souther, of Quincy, and Fuller, of Monson. On Finance, Messrs. Rantoul, of Beverly, Hedge, of Plymouth, Willis, of Pittsfield, VS illiams of Northampton, and Austin, of Boston. On Elections, Messrs. Keye?, of Coiicord, Bigelow, of Boston, Hudson, of Westminster, Gardner, of Roxbury, and Merrill, of Andover. On Bills in Third Reading. Messrs. Otis, of Boston, Thaxter, of Edgartown, Rob- binson, of Marblehead, Bhss, of Brookfield, and Wal- cott, of Hopkinton. On Engrossed Bills. Messrs. Prescott, of Boston, Crocker, of Barnstable, Harrington, of Worcester, Brinley, of Boston, and Ames, of Lowell. On County Estimates, Messrs. Taft, of Sunderland, Holden, of Charlestown, and Oliver, of Lynn. On the Pay Roll, Messrs. Baxter, of Boston, Thatcher, of Lee, and Eaton, of South Reading. On Change of JSfamesi Messrs. Hartwell, of Montague, Tirrill, of Weymouth, and Stedmao, of Springfield. 32 Committees of the House.

JOIKT STANDING COMMITTEES. On ^^ccounts. Messrs'. Whitney, of Deerheld, Ellis, of Boston, and Savary» of Bradford. On Public Landsy Roads and Bridges. Messrs. H. Wood, of Grafton, Breed, of Lynn, and Ellis, of Dedham. On Raihvays and Caiials.

Messr . Hayward, of Cambridge, Phelps, of Hadley, and Moody, of Boston. On Banks and Banking. Messrs. Sturgis, of Boston, Thaxter, of Watertown, and Clark, of Newburyport. On Fisheries, Messrs. Pope, of Sandwich, Thayer, of Braintree, and Loring, of Hingham. On Manufactures. Messrs. Lawrence, of Boston, Dewitt, of Oxford, and Hoxie, of Adams. On Mercantile Affairs and Insurance, Messrs. Phillips, of Salem, Russell, of Princeton, and Hallett, of Boston. On the Militia. Messrs. Kimball, of Boston, Phillips, of Salem, and Butterfield, of Tyngsboro*.

On Parishes and Religious Societies, Messrs. Kimball, of Bradford, Mason, of Northfield, and Cobb, of Brewster. On Public Lands. Messrs. Strong, of Pittsfield, Barrett, of Concord, and Harris, of Charlestown. On Tonvns. Messrs. Bancroft, of Chesterfield, Howard, of Easton» and Bigelow, of Marlboro'. On the Library, Messrs. Bowdoin, of Boston, Willard, of Uxbridge, and Otis, of Boston. Justices of the Peace in Boston. 33 SUFFOLK. Judge of Probate, Joseph Hall, Boston. Register of Probate, John Heard, jr. do. Register of Deeds, Henry Alline, do. County Attorney, James T. Austin, do. County Treasurer, William Mackay, do. Clerks of S. J. CouH, and Court of Common Pleas. John Callender, John Stickney, and Charles A. Parker, of Bostoa. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE AND OF THE QUORUM IN BOSTON. WilliamDonnison Sam'l J. Prescott Andrew Brimmer Joseph May Stephen Codman Samuel D. Parker Edward Jones William Minot Andrew Ritchie William Spooner John Knapp Alexan.Townsend Israel Thorndike Loammi Baldwin Benjamin Guild Thos. H. Perkins Benja. Whitman David Sears Benjamin Parsons Gardiner Greene Wm. Simmons Wm. Stevenson William Parsons Augustus Peabody William Sullivan John Parker Francis J. Oliver Benj. Gorham Samuel Hubbard Joseph E. Smith John Callender Joseph Head Edward D. Bangs Tristram Barnard Thomas Perkins Benjamin Russell Joseph Tilden Timo. Williams Joseph Hall James Allen Thomas Melvill Francis C. Gray Peter O. Thacher John Heard, jr. Alexan. H.Everett Warren Dutton Wm. D. Sohier Thos. W. Phillips Wm. H. Sumner John T. Apthorp James C. Merrill James T. Austin Daniel Sargent Zebedee Cook, jr. Sam'l H. Walley Edmund Dwight APPOINTED TO QUALIFY CIVIL OFFICERS. William Donnison, Daniel Sargent, Edward D. Bangs, Samuel Austin. " JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN BOSTON. William Taylor John Williams John Stickney Wm. C. Aylwin Henry Codman Henry Cabot Thomas Dennie Redford Webster Benjamin Pollard Sam'l K. Williams Joseph Coolidge Richard D. Harris James Phillips Samuel Snelling GeorgeBurroughs Thomas Clark William Mackay Amos Binney JosephWoodward Phineas Blair Joseph N. Howe Nathan Hale Josiah P. Cooke Edw. Tuckerman Charles Bradbury Abra. W. Fuller Sami F.M'Cleary Nath'l P. Russell 34 Justices of the Peace in Boston.

Benjamin Rand Edward Brooks Wm. H. Gardiner Henry Sargent Franklin Dexter W.R.P.Washburn Samuel D. Ward Bradford Sumner Ezra Davis Samuel B.Barrell Samuel A. Wells Ninian C. Betton Dav. S.Townsend Francis Gardner Samuel E. Sewall Caleb Loring Richard Fletcher Abraham Moore John C. Warren Thos. J. Ecldey William Barry ^ James Jackson John Cotton Josiah Quincy, jr. George W. Coffin A. A. Dame Heman Lincoln James Hall Andrew Dunlap Charles Sprague Turner Phillips J. R. Adan Isaac Stevens Joseph Lovering Theod. Lyman, jr. William Appleton Joseph W.Revere Benj. T. Pickman Eben Ritchie Dorr Francis Bassett Henry Alline Sidney Bartlet Samuel Swett J. J. Loring George S.Bulfinch William Sturgis Samuel D.lJarris Darius Boardman Charles P. Curtis Henderson Inches John W. Quincy Thomas Power James Bowdoin David Henshaw George Gay Josiah Bradlee Thomas Kendall J. W. Davis Edmund Kimball David L. Child William P. Mason Thaddeus Page William Ingalls Horatio M. Willis William Tile ston Daniel Parkman William Parker ThomasWetmore Nathan Gurneyjr. Bryant P. Tilden John G. Ik)gers Prince Snow Geo. W. Brimmer Thomas W.Ward Charles Wells Charles Hayward Sam'l Hammond Daniel Baxter Nath'l G. Snelling Elbridge Gerry Charles A. Parker Ebenezer Francis Sam'l G. Perkins Francis Brinley,jr. Sam.Frothingham George Bond Theophi. Parsons Isaac Winslow Joseph Austin John W. James George E. Head Henry Bass Wm. J. Hubbard Charles G. Loring Gedney King Joshua Blake Benjamin Rich Isaac P. Osgood Samuel Perkins Francis Welch Lynde Walter Franc.H.Williams Samuel May William Knapp Caleb Eddy DanielMessenger Wm. T. Andrews Sam. T.Armstrong John Tappan B. D. Greene Samuel Tenney George Ticknor John B. Davis John F. Loring Eliph. Williams Ezra A. Bourne Wm. Foster Otis Sam'l P. Gardner George A. Otis Jonathan Porter Edward Cruft John S. Lillie Thomas A. Dexter Henry J. Oliver George Hallett Edward G. Loring George Morey Chandler Bobbins Justin Field Henry H. Fuller Isaac Waters Joseph T. Adams John C. Gray Benj. R. Nichols John A. Lowell Counsellors at Law in Boston. 35

Moses Wheeler Russel Jarvis Samuel B. Barrell Willard Phillips John Binney Thompson Miller James F. Baldwin Abbot Lawrence Perez Loring John Johnson Daniel P. Parker James W. Paige Hen. W. Kinsman Isra.Thorndikejr. OctaviusPickering Norman Seaver Henry F. Baker Pliny Cutler Francis O. Watts Moses L. Hale Ellis G. Loring George W. Otis John S. Wright Benj.LyndeOliver Ed.Wigglesworth Thomas C. Amory Wm. T. Heydock Joseph Willard William B. Dorr Rob't Treat Paine John P. Bigelow Nath'l I. Bowditch Ward Jackson Asa W. Paine Franklin H. Story Jonathan Davis JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN CHELSEA. Joseph Stowers, David Floyd. NOTARIES PUBLIC IN BOSTON. Wm. Stevenson Charles Hayward Thomas A. Dexter Samuel J.Prescott John J. Loring John Johnson Stephen Codman John W. Quincy COUNSELLORS AT LAW IN BOSTON. Rufus G. Amory Benj. R. Nichols David Townsend William Prescott Joseph E. Smith James C. Merrill George Blake Angus. Peabody Benjamin Parsons Sam'l F. M'Cleary Francis Basset William Sullivan Sam'l K.Williams ThomasA.Dexter John Williams Wm. C. Aylwin David A.Simmons John Heard, jr. Benjamin Guild Francis C. Gray Peter O. Thacher JosephHarrington Henry B. Smith Thompson Miller William P. Mason John Pickering William Simmons Horatio M. Willis James Allen William D.Sohier Charles P. Curtis Warren Dutton Phineas Blair William Parker John Knapp Abraham Moore Moses Draper Samuel D. Parker Thomas Power Henry H. Fuller William Austin Josiah P. Cooke George E. Head Zach.G.Whitman Charles G. Loring Sherman Leland George Morey Alex. Townsend Benjamin Rand Richard Fletcher James T. Austin Abrah. W. Fuller John C. Gray William Minot Henry Codman Edward Brooks James Savage George Gay Franklin Dexter John Stickney Samuel D. Ward Willard Phillips Samuel Hubbard Samuel B. Barrell John R. Adan 36 Attorneys, Sheriffs, &c., in Boston.

Andrew Dunlap Wm. H. Gardiner Francis O. Watts Abraham A. DameW.R.P.Washburn RobertTreatPaine Francis Gardner Samuel E. Sewall Nath'l I. BoAvditch Bradford Sumner John B. Davis Ed. Wigglesworth Edmund Kimball Sidney Bartlett David Lee Child Thos. W. Phillips GeorgeS.Bulfinch HenryW.Kinsman James Bowdoin EbenRitchie Dorr William B. Dorr ThomasWetmore FrancisBrinley,jr. Ellis Gray Loring John G. Rogers Asa W. Paine Joseph Willard Isaac P. Osgood Wm. J. Hubbard Edward V. Child Jonathan Porter Fran. H.Williams Edward Blake Wm. T. Andrews Edward G. Loring John C. Park John P. BigeloAv William F. Otis William E. Payne Ninian C. Betton Josiah Quincy, jr. Elias H. Derby William Page Norman Seaver ATTORNEYS AT THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT IN BOSTON. Richard S. Fay Wm. G. Stearns Edward Pickering Wash'n P. Gragg AugustusH.Fiske Richard Robbins GeorgeS.Snelling Jona.Chapman,jr. Aurelius D.Parker Henry B. Rogers Daniel Parkman Charles R. Lowell Edw. G. Prescott Charles F. Adams Sam'lH.Walleyjr. ATTORNEYS AT THE COMMON PLEAS IN BOSTON. Geo. E. Winthrop Edmund Quincy Charles T. Parker Wm. Pratt, jr. J.Winsl. Whitman J. W. Fenno Michael Lovell Charles C. Paine Ploratio Shipley John W.Whitman James M. Barker James L. English Arthur W. Austin John H. Gray F. C. Loring William Elliot, jr. Thomas K. Davis Benj. B. Thatcher Isaac McLellanjr. William Amory Rob't C. Winthrop J.LewisStackpole Gren.T.Winthrop Edward S. Rand Francis O. Dorr Arnold F. Welles John Devereux Winsl. W.Wright Samuel A. Burns John Codman Richard Hildreth Josiah E. Challis Henry J. Sargent HamiltonHutchinsIvers J. Austin

Sheriff, Charles P. Sumner, Boston. Deputy- Sheriffs, Luke Baldwin, James Dennie, Henry H. Huggeford, and Prince Snow. Offices, Court Street. County Jailor, Stephen Badlam. CORONERS. * Boston, Prince Snow. Chelsea, David Floyd, Joseph Stowerar. Courts in Boston. 37 SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. Justices, Hon. , ll. d. of Boston, Chief Justice. Hon. Samuel Putnam, LL. D. of Salem. Hon. Samuel Sumner Wilde, LL. D. of Newburyport. Hon. Marcus Morton, LL. D. of Taunton. Attorney General^ Hon. of Dorchester. Solicitor General^ Hon. Daniel Davis, of Cambridge. Refiorter of Decisions^ Octavius Pickering, Esq. Boston. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Hon. , Chief Justice. Hon. , Leominster. ') &^^^rU^f^ Hon. John M. Williams, Taunton. ^ w?ri« Hon. David Cummins, Salem. 3 '^^"^^^' MUNICIPAL COURT IN BOSTON. Hon. Peter O. Thacher, Judge; Thomas W. Phillips, Clerk. James T. Austin, Attorney. Stephen Badlam, Crier. The Municipal Court is holden the first Monday in each month. POLICE COURT IN BOSTON. Benjamin Whitman, ) William Simmvins, > Justices. John Gray Roj^ers, ) Clerk^ Thomas Power. Assistant Clerky William Knapp. The Police Court sits every day at 9 o'clock, A. sr. and at 3 p. m. for the trial of criminal causes. The same is also a Justices Court for the trial of civil causes under 20 dollars, and is held every Wednesday and Saturday, at 9 o'clock, a. m. The salaries of the Justices are 1500 dollars each.

COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The Court of Sessions and Commissioners of ^^S^' sub- •ways are abolished, and County Commissionera ^ stituted in their stead. D 38 County Commissioners.

ESSEX. Asa W. Wildes, Newburyport, Chairman. Stephen Barker, Andover, William B. Breed, Lynn, Joseph Winn, Salem. MIDDLESEX. Caleb Butler, Groton, Chairman. Augustus Tower, Stow, David Townsend, Waltham, Abner Wheeler, Framingham. PLYMOUTH. Thomas Weston, Middleborough, Chairman. Jared Whitman, Abington, John Collamore, Scituate.

Sfiecial Commissioner^ Daniel Mitchell, Bridgewater. HAiVIPSHIRE. Charles P. Phelps, Hadley, Chairman. Alvan Rice, Chesterfield, Ithamar Conkey, Amherst. Sfiecial Commissioners^ Oliver Smith, Hatfield, Elisha Strong, Northampton. BRISTOL. Noah Claflin, Attleboro*, Chairman. Lemuel Tripp, Fairhaven, John Mason, Swanzey. Special Commissioners.^ Abner B. Gilford, Westport, Ichabod Lincoln, Taunton. BARNSTABLE. Samuel P. Croswell, Falmouth, Chairman. Matthew Cobb, Barnstable, Obed Brooks, Harwich. Sfiecial Co7ntmssionersy Elisha Pope, Sandwich, Orren Howes, Dennis. DUKES COUNTY. Matthew Mayhew, Chilmark, Chairman. William Davis, Tisbury, Ichabod Norton, Edgartown. Special Cominissioners^ John Hancock, Chilmark, Ber- nard Luce, Tisbury. NANTUCKET. William Coffin, Chairman. Josiah Hussey, Zacheus Hussey. WORCESTER. Jared Weed, Petersham, Chairman. Aaron Tufts, Dudley, Edmund Cushing, Lunenburg, William Eaton, Worcester, Supreme Judicial Courts. 39

BERKSHIRE. Luther Washburn, Pittsfield, Chairman. Peter Briggs, Adams, Lyrr»an Brown, Sandisfield. Special Commissioners^ Edward Stevens, New Marl- borough, Levi Belden, Lenox. NORFOLK. Samuel P. Loud, Dorchester, Chairman* William Ellis, Dedham, Lewis Fisher, Franklin, Nathaniel Tucker, Milton. FRANKLIN. Horace W. Taft, Sunderland, Chairman. Thomas Longley, Hawley, John Arms, Conway. Special Commissioners, RufusSaxton, Deerfield, Thad- deus Coleman, Greenfield. HAMPDEN, William Bliss, Springfield, Chairman, Joel Norcross, Monson, Reuben Boies, jr., Blandford.

Special Commissioner ^ Robert Emery, Springfield.

Calendar of the Supreme Judicial Courts* LAW TERMS. Suffolk and Nantucket.—Boston, 1st Tuesday in March. Essex.—Salem, on the 6th Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday in September. Middlesex.—Cambridge, on the 3d Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday in September. Bristoly Plymouth, Barnstable^ and Dukes County.— Plymouth and Taunton, alternately, on the 4th Tues- day next after the 4th Tuesday of September. Worcester.—Worcester, on the first Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday in September. 5er^s//zre.—Lenox, on the second Tuesday in Sep- tember. A^or/b//^.—Dedham, on the 5th Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday of September. Hampshire, Hamfiden, and Franklin. —Northamp- ton, on the Monday next preceding the 4th Tuesday in September. 40 Court of Common Pleas.

NISI PRIUS TERMS. Suffolk,—Boston, 7th Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday in September. J\rantuckct.—At Nantucket, for the county of Nan- tucket, on the 1st Tuesday of July. Essex.—At Ipswich, for Essex county, on the 8th Tuesday next after the 1st Tuesday in March. Worcester.—At Worcester, for W^orcester county, 6th Tuesday next after the 1st Tuesday in March. Middlesex.—At Concord, on the 2d Tuesday in April. A''orfolk.—\\. Dedham, on the 3d Tues. in February. Bcrka/iire.—At Lenox, for Berksliire county, on the 10th Tuesday next after the 1st Tuesday in March. Plymouth.—At Plymouth, for Plymouth County, on the iOth Tuesday next after the 1st Tuesday in March. Hamtishire. —At Northampton, on the 7th Tuesday next after the first Tuesday in March. Hamiiden.—At Springfield, for Hampden county, on the eth Tuesday next after the 1st Tuesday in March, and on the 1st Tuesday in September. Barnstable and Dukes.—At Barnstable, for Barn- stable and Dukes counties, on the 9th Tuesday next after the 1st Tuesday in March. Franklm.—At Greenfield, for Franklin county, on the 6th Tuesday next after the 1st Tuesday ia March, and on the "Zd Tuesday of September. Bristol.—At Taunton, for Bristol county, on the 7th Tues. next after the 1st Tucs. in March, and at New Bedford, on the 2d Tuesday in November.

Calendar of Courts of Co?nmon Fleas. Suffhlk.—Boston, first Tuesday in January, April, July and October. Essex.—Ipswich, on the 3d Monday of March, and Sd Monday of December.—Salem, 3d Monday of June. —Newburyport, 3d Monday of September. Middlesex.—Concord, 2d Monday in September, 2d Monday in March, and second Monday of June.—Cam- bridf^e, 2d Monday in December. //aw/i5/(ir^.—Northampton, 4th Monday in March, Sd Monday in August, and 3d Monday in November. Plymouth.—Plymouth. 2d Monday in April, 2d Mon- day in August, and first Monday in December. County Commissioners. 41

Bristol.—At Taunton, on the 2d Monday of March and September, and at New Bedford, on the 2d Mon- day of June and December. Barnstable.— Barnstable, on the Tuesday next suc- ceeding the 3d Monday of April, and the first Tuesday in September, Dukes.—Edgartown, on the 3d Monday in May, and the last Monday of September. JSIantucktt —Nantucket, 4th Monday in May, and 1st Monday in October. W^orces^dT.—Worcester, 1st Monday in March, 3d Monday in June, Monday next after the 4th Monday in August, and 1st Monday of December annually. ^erA-s/fj're.— Lenox, 4tb Monday of February, June, and October. A''orfolk.—Dedham, 4th Monday in April, 3d Mon- day in September, and 3d Monday in December. Franklin.—Greenfield, on the 3d Monday in March, 2d Monday in August, and 2d Monday in November. Hamfiden.—Springfield, 3d Monday in June, 2d Monday in October, and 3d Monday in February.

Meetings of the County Coinmissioners. Essex.—Ipswich, on the 2d Tuesday of April, and on Tuesday the 16th of January.—At Salem, on the 2d Tuesday of July ; and at New bury port, on the 2d Tuesday of October, and on the 4ih Tues. of December. Middlesex.—Cambridge, on the 1st Tuesday of Jan- uary, and at Concord, on the 2d Tuesday in May, and on the 3d Tuesday in September. Hamfisliire. —Northampton, on the 1st Tuesday in September, on the 1st Tuesday in March, and 1st Tues. of June and December. P/t/zTzowM.—Plymouth, on the 3d Tuesday in March, and on the first Tuesday in August, and on the 2d Tues- day in December. Bristol. —Taunton, on the 4th Tuesday in March, and on the 4th Tuesday in September. Barnstable. —Barnstable, on the 2d Tuesday of April, and on the 2d Tuesday of October. Dukes County.—Edgartown, on the Wednesday next after the 3d Monday in May, and on the Wednes- day next after the second Monday in November, —

43 Probate Courts in Massachusetts.

A^antucket.—Nantucket, 3d Monday of April, and 2d Monday of October. W'^orcfs/cr.—Worcester, the 4th Tuesday of March, the 2d Tuesday of September, and on the 3d Tuesday of June, and the 4th Tuesday of December. Berkshire, —Lenox, on the last Tuesday in April, and on the last Tuesday in September. JSTorfolk.—Dcdham, en the 3d Tuesday of April, and on the 4th Tuesday in September. i^rcwA'/m.—Greenfield, oa the 1st Tuesday in March, on the 1st Tuesday in September, and on the 2d Tues- day of June and December. ira7«/i^^«.—Springfield, on the 2d Tues. of April, and 1st Tues. of October, and 4th Tues. of June and December.

Calendar of Probate Courts. SUFFOLK. At the Probate Office, in the County Court House, School Street, Boston, every Monday except the first Monday in each month. ESSEX. At the Probate Office in Ipswich, on the 1st Tues- day in February, March, May, June, August, Septem- ber, November, .and December.—At Salem, first Tues- day in January, April, July and October, and the third I'uesday in February, May, August and November.— At Newburyporl, on the last Tuesday in March, June, September and December.—At Haverhill, on the 3d Tuesday in April and October.—At Gloucester, the 3d Tuesday in January and July.—At Marblehead, on the Wednesday following tlie first I'uesday in April and October.—At Lynn, on the Wednesday following the first Tuesday in January and July. MIDDLESEX. At Cambridge, 2d Tuesday in January, August, and

November ; 1st Tues. in March ; 3d Tues. in May, and Tuesday next preceding 2d Monday in December. In Concord, 2d Tuesday' of February ; 2d Tuesday in April ; Tuesday next preceding 2d Monday in June and September; and 3d Tuesday in^November. InGroton, l.st Tues. in May, last Tuesday in September, and last —

Probate Courts in Massachusetts. 43

Tuesday in December.—In Framingham, last Tues- day in June, and last in October.—In Charlestown, on tlie 3d Tuesday in February, and the 3d Tuesday in August.—In Woburn, on the 4th Tuesday in April. In Chelmsford, on the 1st Tuesday in October. HAMPSHIRE. At the Court House in Northampton, on the 1st Tues. of each month in the year, except July.—At Amherst, on the 2d Tuesday in April and October.— At Belcher- ton, on the 2d Tuesday of February and August, at the house of J. H. Clapp. At Chesterfield, on the 2d Tues. in May and September, at the house of E. Clapp. PLYMOUTH. At Scituate, on the 1st Tuesday of(March and June, and last Tuesday of August and November.—At the Probate office in Plymouth, on the 3d Monday of Feb- ruary and May, and on the 2d Mondays of April and August, and on the 1st Mon. in December.—At East- Bridgewater, on the first Tuesdays of April, July and Oct.—At Middleborough, on the first Tuesdays of May, August and November.—At Rochester, on Wednesday next after the first Tuesdays of May and November. BRISTOL.

The first Tuesday in each month, as follows : —At Taunton, in January, March and August ; at Norton, in July and Novem.; at Dighton, in June and December, and first Friday after 1st Tuesday in every month, ex- cept June and December ; at New-Bedford, in May and October ; at Freetown, in February ; at Seekonk, in

September ; at Troy, the last Tuesday in June, and at Westport, the last Tuesday in July. BARNSTABLE. At the Probate Office in Barnstable, on the 2d Tues- day of January, February, March, June, and September. —At the house of Jabez Howland, in West Barnstable, on the 2d Tuesday of July and Decem.—At the house of Joshua Hamblin, in Yarmouth, on the 2d Tuesday of August.— At the house of William Fessenden, in Sand- wich, on the 2d Tues. of November.—At the house of David Lewis, in Falmouth, on Wednesday next after the 2d Tuesday in November.—At the house of David Ken- drick, in Harwich, on the last Mondays of March and 44 Probate Courts in Massachusetts,

October.—At the house of Elisha Crocker, in Brewster, on Tuesday next after the last Monday of March and October.—At the house of Henry Knowles, in Orleans, on Wednesday next after the last Monday of March and October.—At the house of Joshua Y. Pierce, in Welfleet, on Thursday next after the last Monday of March and October.—At the house of Ezra Crocker, in Coatuit village, on the 3d Tuesday of May. WORCESTER. At the Probate Office in the Court House in Worces- ter, on the 1st Tuesday,of every month ; at the house of Mr. Wright, innholder in Templeton, on Thursday the next after the 3d Tuesday in May, and on the 3d Tues- day in October ; at the house of Elijah Hammond, inn- holder, of West-Brookfield, on the 2d Tuesday in April, and 4th in October ; at the house of Mr. Rand, jr. inn- holder in Lancaster, on the 3d Tuesday in May and November ; at the house of Mr. Moses Chapin, inn- holder in Uxbridge, 4th Tuesday in May and Novem- ber ; at Barre, on the 3d Tuesday of August and Jan- uary ; and at Mendon, on the 4th Tuesday in May. BERKSHIRE. At the Probate Office in Lenox, on the 1st Tuesday in each month, except September, in which month the Court v^ill be holden on the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Wednesday.—At Major Griswold's, in Great Barring- ton, on the 2d Tuesday in February, May, August and November. —At Mr. Tower's, in Lanesborough, on the 2d Tuesday in January, April, July and October. NORFOLK. At the Court House in Dedham, on the 1st Tues. of each month ; at Quincy on the 2d Tues. of February, May and August ; in Roxbury, at or near the Town house, on the Wednesday next following the 2d Tues. of February, May, August and November ; in the first parish in Wrentham, on the 3d Tues. of May, August and November; at the Factory Village in Medway, on the Monday next preceding the 3d Tues. of Febuary and November. —This alteration of the Probate Courts in Norfolk County to be in force from and after the 1st day of May, 1832. Acts of the General Court. 45

FRANKLIN-. At Greenfield, 2d Tuesday in February and March, 3d Tuesday in June, 4th Tuesday in August, 2d Tues- day in October, 1st Tuesday in November, and 3d Tuesday in December. At Conway 1st Tuesday in January and 3d in July. At Charlemcnt, 3d Tuesday in May and October. At Wendell, 1st Tuesday in February, and 3d Tuesday in September. At Warwick, the day following 1st Tuesday in February, and the day tbllGwing the 3d Tuesday in September. HAMPDEN.

At Springfield, nine times ; at Westfield, twice ; and at Monson, twice in each year, at such places and times in said terms as the Judge shall appoint.

ACTS OP THE GENERAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. By an Act of the Legislature of March 12, 1830, the Courts of Pro- bate have concurrent jurisdiction with the Supreme Judicial Court and the Court of Common Pleas, in granting licenses to Executors, Administrators, and Guardians, to sell, for the payment of debts and legacies or taxes, or for the support or legal expenses of Wards, the whole of any real estate, where a partial sale of the residue would be greatly injured. — The Judges of Probate Courts have authority to adjourn as they shall judge necessarj'. And when prevented by sickness or other reasonable cause from attending a Court, his Register of Probate may adjourn the same by his direction.

By a further Act of the Legislature, of Feb. 16, 1831, the Courts of Probate of the respective counties in this Commonwealth, have authority, upon the petition of guardians of minors and others, exec- utors and administrators, to license the sale by auction of the real estate of their wards, testators and intestates, in all cases where the

Supreme Judicial Court now have authority to grant such license : and the person or persons so licensed shall give the bond, notice, and take the oath which are now by law required, when license is granted by the Supreme Judicial Court. Provided, that no such license shall be granted until after such notice has been given to all persons inter- ested therein, as is directed in the tenth section of the act to which shall this is in addition ; and provided further, that an appeal be allowed from any order, decree, sentence, decision, or denial of any Judge of Probate respecting any petition for such license, in like manner as in other cases. 46 Justices in Massachusetts.

JUSTICES throughout the Commonwealth^ arranged according to t/ie dates oy their Commissions. Nathan Dane Beverly VVm. P. Walker Lenoxr Artemas Ward Boston Thos. Weston Middieboro* Bezaleel Taft Uxbridge Nathan Chandler Lexingt. Benjamin Pickman Salem David Cummins Salem Perez Morton Dorchester Jesse Putnam Boston Nath'l. Morton Taunton Marcus Morton Taunton Daniel Davis Cainbridge Nathan Willis Pittsjield Harrison G. Otis Boston RusselFreeman N.Bedford Daniel Kilham Wenham Stephen White Boston William Prescott Boston Salem Oliver Fiske Worcester Jairus Ware Dedham John Lowell Boston James Fowler Westfield Charles Turner Chelsea Stephen Barker Andover John Davis Boston Hezekiah Barnard Mintu, Groton Edmund Cushing Lunenb. Cambridge Thos. L. Winthrop Boston George Blake Boston Jacob Hall do, Thomas B. Adams Quincy Hercules Cushman Mid- E. Starkweather Worthing. dleborough Ephr. Williams Deerfield John Merrill JSTenvbury Boston John Endicott Dedham N. Mitchell^. Bridgeiuater E, Bridgenv, Sam'L S. WAAe. Nenvburyfi. Ezra Mudge Eynn Samuel Putnam Salem Joshua Danforth Pittsjield John Welles -Boston Timothy Fuller Cambridge Nathaniel Bowditch do. Mark Doolittle Belchert, Peter C.Brooks Medford John Mason Swanzey John T. Kirkland Boston Bezaleel Taftgr. Uxbridge Samuel Crocker Taunton Jonathan Phillips Boston John Pickering Boston Sam'l. C. Allen J^orthjfield Samuel P. P. Fay Cambr. George Hull Sandisfield Silas Hoi man Bolton James Savage Boston Richard Sullivan Brookline Joseph E. Sprague Salem B. W. Crowninshield Salem Nathan Brooks Concord Thomas Greenleaf Quincy H. A. S. Dearborn Koxbury Josiah Quincy Cambridge Daniel W^ebster Boston "William Reed Marblehead Lemuel Shaw do, Samuel Porter Hadley Joseph Kittredge Andover Abrah. Holmes Rochester Jonath.Dwight Sfiringfield Joseph Locke Billerica Josiah J. Fiske Wrentham Leominster John Locke Ashby Ebenezer Fisher Dedha?n Henry Hubbard Pittsfield Justices of the Peace in Essex. 47 ESSEX. Judge of Probate, Daniel A. White, of Salem, Register of Probate, Nathaniel Lord, jr. of Ipswich,

Register ofDeeds ^ Ralph H. French, of Salem. County Treasurer^ William F . Wade, of Ipswich. County Attorney, Asahel Huntington, of Salem. Clerk of the Courts, John Prince, jr. of Salem. Judge of Police Court, Salem, Elisha Mack. S'pecial Justices of said Court, Ezekiel Savage, Joseph G. Waters Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Andover Mark Newman, Hobart Clark, Samuel jYewbutvjfiort William Farrar, Samuel Merrill, Woart, Jonathan Gage, Nathaniel Swift, Amos Ebenezer Mosely, Ste- Spaulding phen W. Marston, John Beverly Joshua Fisher, Cook, jr. Robert Rantoul, WiUiam Salem John Punchard, Thorndike Moses Townsend, John

Bradford Benjamin Parker P rince, j r. Ich abod Tucker, Danvcrs Gideon Foster, Ezekiel Savage, Benjamin Joseph Shed, John Walsh Merrill, Leverett Salton- Gloucester Henry Phelps, stall, Daniel A. White, William W. Parrott Amos Choate, W^illard Haverhill Israel Bartlett, Peele, D. L. Pickman, Stephen Minot> Moses Amos Hovey, John G. King, Wingate, Jas. H. Duncan, Joseph Winn, Elisha Mack, Leonard White John Saunders, Jonathan P. Ifiswzch John Heard, Asa Saunders, Freder. Howes, Andrews, Nathl. Lord, jr. Joseph Peabody, Gideon John Choate Barstow, Joseph Ropes, Lynn James Gardner, , Joseph G. Robert W. Trevett Waters, Ralph H. French Lynnfield Asa T. Newhall Salisbury Samuel Nye, Marblehead Nathan Bow- Jacob Brown, Edward en, John Prince Dorr Methuen Ben Osgood Tofisfeld Nehemiah J^ewbury Jacob Gerrish, Cleaveland Afifiointed to qualify Civil Officers- Nathan Dane, John Punchard, John Saunders, John Prince, Leverett Saltonstall, Ichabod Tucker, Daniel A. White, William Woart, Asa Andrews, Amos Choate, Charles White, Henry Phelps, Nathaniel Lord, jr, Stephen Minot, William W. Parrott, Jabez 48 Justices of the Peace in Essex.

Farley, Jeremiah Nelson, John Prince, jr. Jaiijes H. Duncan. Justices of the Peace Amesbury Robert Patten, James Goss, William Whip- John Morse, Eliphalet pie, Ebenezer Pool, jr. Graves, Lowell Bagley, Samuel Lane, VVilliam Stephen Sargent, jr. Will- Pearce, jr. Aaron Gidding, iam Nichols, Robert Cross, William Beach, Israel Daniel Weed, Edmund Trask, Samuel Worcester, Whittier Thomas Stevenson, Joseph Andover John L. Abbot, Stacy, Daniel W. Rogers , G. P. Osgood, Hamilton Joshua Giddings, Wilham Johnson, jr. Elijah Matthew Whipple, Azor L. Herrick, Amos Blan- Brown chard, Nathan W. Hazen Haverhill James Ayer, Beverly Thomas Davis, Oliver Morse, Charles Jonathan Smith, Abraham White, Nathaniel Ladd, Kilham, Amos Sheldon, Isaac R. Hov/, Moses Mer- Albert Thorndike rill, Enoch Foot, Nathan- Boxford Parker Spafford, iel Hills, W'illiam Bach- Jonathan Foster, Moses eller, Barnard Brickett, Dorman, George W. Saw- Warner Whittier, David yer, Solomon Low, Abijah How, Rufus Longley, Northey, Charles Peabody Ephraim Corliss Bradford William Green- Ifiswkh Asa Smith, Jabez ough, Daniel Stickney, Jes- Farley, Joseph Farley, se Kimball, Amos Parker, Thomas Manning, William Moses Parker, Jonathan Conant, George W. Heard, Kimball, Eliphalet Kim- Timothy Appleton, Charles ball, Jeremiah Spofford Kimball, Ammi R. Smith, Danvers Eleazer Put- William F. Wade, Joseph nam, Benjamin Crownin- Dennis shield, Zerubbabel Por- Lynn Elijah Downing, ter, Andrew Nichols, Geo. Richard Hazeltine, John Osgood, John W. Proctor, Lummus, Jacob Ingalls, jr. Nathaniel West, William Eleazer C. Richardson, Sutton, Elias Putnam, Isaac Story, Isaac Gates, Daniel P. King, Jonathan William B, Breed. Shove, Asa Gardner Lynnfield Daniel Need- Essex Jonathan Story, ham, Bowman Viles, Josiah John Dexter Newhall Gloucester John Manning, Manchester David Colby, Isaac Elwell, William Delucena L. Bingham Pearce, Joseph B»Manning, Marblehead Joshua Pren- Justices of the Peace in Essex. 49 tiss, Nathan B. Martin, Ronvley Benjamin Proctor, Asa Hooper, George Bar- Joshua Jewett', Thomas ker, John G. Hooper, Gage, Amos J. Tenney, Robert Hooper, John Hoo- Samuel Pickard, Benjamin per, James Appleton, John Smith Sparhawk, William B. Salem Henry Elkins, G. Adams, William Elliot S. Johonnot, Samuel Ropes, Methuen Stephen Barker, John Derby, Larkin Thorn- John Russ, Jonathan Cur- dike, Jonathan Hodges, Sol- rier, Joseph W. Carleton, omon S. Whipple, John Joseph Griffin, jr. , William Story, Gage, Stephen Barker, 2cl. Pickering Dodge, John John Tenny W. Treadweli, David Middkton Daniel Fuller, Putnam, William Fet- Ezra Nichols, Pelatiah typlace, Thomas Need- Wilkins ham, Stephen C. Phillips, J^envbury Moses Little, E. Shillaber, Asahel Silas Little, Josiah Little, Huntington, John Rus- Daniel Hale,ThomasHale, sell, Humphrey Deve- Samuel Newman, Silas reux, Warwick Palfrey,jr. Moody, Orlando B.Merrill, Peiiey Putnam, Joseph G. Moses Pettingeil, Daniel Sprague, William Mans- Adams, 3d. Joseph Little, field, E. Hersey Derby Seth Sweetser, Hector Salisbury Samuel March, Coffin, Joseph Gerrish Samuel Walton, Dudley JVeivburyfiorC William Evans, Nathan Long, Cross, William Bartlet, Henry M. Brown Thomas M. Clark, Asa W. Saugus Jacob Eustis, Wildes, Andrew Frothing- George Makepeace ham, Edward S. Rand, Tofisjield Jacob Town, jr. John Porter, Solomon H. W. N. Cleaveland, Nehe- Currier, Caleb Gushing, miah Cleaveland,Benjamin George Titcomb, Moses C. Perkins Parsons Parish, Henry Wenham Moses Foster, Frothingham, John An- Nicholas Dodge, jr. drews, Moses P. Parish, West J^ewbury, Daniel Samuel Phillips, John Emery, Thomas Hills, Ed- Brickett mund Hills, Eliph. Emery

JYotaries Public. Andover Nathaniel Swift Gloucester William Fer- ^et;er/z/ Albert Thorndike son, Thomas Stephenson Danvers John W. Proctor, Haverhill Charles White, John Walsh Gilman Parker E 50 Counsellors, Attorneys, &c. in Essex.

Jfiswich Jabez Farley Salem Ichabod Tucker, Lynn James Gardiner, John Prince, jr. Ezekiel Benjamin Oliver Savage, John Punchard, Mardie/iead'S a.thar\ Bowen Jon. P. Saunders, John Rus- JVewbury/iort John Porter, sell, Joseph G. Waters William Woart, Daniel Salisbury Samuel Nye, Foster Edward Dorr

Counsellors at Law. Amesbury Robert Cross Stickney Andover Hobart Clark, A'eivbury Jacob Gerrish Samuel Merrill, Amos Newburyfiort Ebenezer Spaulding Mosely, Stephen W. Beverly Nathan Dane, Marston, Asa W. Wildes, Thomas Stephens Caleb Gushing, Moses Par- Danvers John W. Proctor, sonsParish,NkthanCrosby, John Walsh William S. Allen Gloucester Joseph B. Salem Leverett Saltonstall, Manning, Thomas Ste- Benjamin Merrill, Jchn G. venson King, Larkin Thorndike, Haverhill James H. Dun- Solomon S. Whipple, John can, Stephen Minot, Isaac Foster, Joseph G. Waters, R. How, Gilman Parker Asahel Huntington, Eben- Ifiswich Isaac Andrews ezer Shillaber, Rufiis Lynn Robert W. Trevett, Choate, Stephen P.Webb, Isaac Gates, Jeremiah C. David Roberts Attorneys at the Sufireme Judicial Courts Methuen John Tenney Nathaniel J. Lord Salem George Wheatland, Attorneys at the Common Pleas, Amesbury Joseph Warren Newburyfiort George Lunt Newcomb Salem John S. Williams, Andover NathanW.Hazen Francis B. Crowninshield, Haverhill Charles Minot Henry Field ilfar6/f/^CGf/Nathl.P.Knapp Sheriffs Joseph E. Sprague, of &lem. Deputy-Sheriffs, ^TwesSwri/ James Worthen Haverhill Charles L. Andover Moody Bridges Bartlett Danvers Stephen Upton Ifiswich Theodore An- Gloucester Joshua P. drews, Michael Brown Trask Justices of the Peace in Middlesex. 51

Saltsbunj John Colby Nenvburyfiort Gilman Lynn William Chadwell White Marblebead Samuel Nenv Rowley John B. Bowden, 3d. Savory Methuen Josiah Osgood Salem Nehemiah Brown Prison Keepers. Ifiswich Michael Brown White J\i'e--wburyfiorC Gilman Salem Nehemiah Brown Coro7iers. Amesbury Ichabod B. Sar- Samuel Viall gent Lynnfield John Upton Andover John Adams, AfarA/e'Aearf Nathan Bowen Nathaniel Swift Methuen John Sargent, jr. Boxford Daniel Adams Amos Barker, Jonathan Bradford Jonathan Kim- Merrill, Ben Osgood ball, jr. Amos Parker Newbury Orlando B. Mer- Danvers Jonathan Shove, rill, Daniel Adams, 3d. Stephen Upton Kewburyfiort Gilman Essex Joshua Giddings, White, John Cook, jr. David Choate John Moody Gloucester Elias Clough, West JVewbury William James Goss Pilsbury Haverhill Enos Bradley, Rowley Jeremiah Jewett Oliver Morse, Enoch Foot, Salem John Panchard, Nathaniel Hills, John Thomas Needham, Will- Marsh iam Mansfield Ifiswich Michael Brown, Salisbury Edward Dorr, William F. Wade Jacob Brown, EUas French Lynn William Rhodes, Tofisjield J. Town, jr. Eleazer C. Richardson, MIDDLESEX. Judge of Probate^ Samuel P. P. Fay, of Cambridge.

Register of Probate ^ Isaac Fiske, of Weston.

Register of Deeds ^ William F.Stone, of Cambridge, County Treasurer^ John Keyes, ot Concord. County Attorney^ , of Cambridge. Clerk of the Courts^ Elias Phinney, of Lexington. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Brighton Gov\\2im. Parsons Buttrick, John H. Ashmun Cambridge Abraham Big- Charlestown John Soley, low, Asahel Stearns, Abra- William Austin, Rufus ham Hilliard, Ephraim Wyman, L. M. Parker^ 52 Justices of the Peace in Middlesex.

John M. Fiske, Joseph Sherburne Calvin Sanger Tufts, Nathaniel Austin South Reading John Hart Chelmsford Jcel Adams Stow Rufus Hosmer, Au- Concord Abiel Heywood, gustus Tower Joseph Barrett, Samuel Tyngsboro^ Daniel Rich- Hoar, jr., John Keyes ardson F.ast Sudbury Jacob Tenvk&bury Edward St. Reeves Loe Livermore Framingham Jonathan Waltham Theodore Ly- Maynard, Josiah Adams man, Luke Fiske Groton Amos Bancroft IVatertown Levi Thaxter, Lexington Elias Phinney Nathaniel Bemis, Tyler howell Luther Lawrence Bigelow Marlborough Samuel Gib- West Ca?ndridge William bons, Joel Cranston, Ben- Whittemore jamin Rice, William Dra- Westford John Abbot per Wilmington "William Blan- Medford Nathaniel Hall, chard, Wm.Blanchard,jr. Abner Bartlett Weston Ebenezer Hobbs, JVewion John Richardson, Isaac Fiske Amos Alien Woburn John Wade, Wil- Pefifierell John Walton liam C. Jarvis Jlpjiointed to qualify Civil Officers. Abraham Biglow, Samuel Hoar, Joseph Barrett, Abiel Heywood, Joseph Locke, Rufus Wyman, Amos Bancroft, Isaac Fiske, Josiah Adams, John Keyes, Cyrus Baldwin, Elias Phinney, John Walton, Leonard M. Parker, Timothy Fuller, Samuel P. P. Fay, Abner Wheeler. Justices of the Peace. Acton John Robbins, Ab- John Baldwin, Zadock raham Conant, Francis Howe Tuttle, Simon Hosmer Boxbord* Oliver T. Davis, Ashby Alexander T. Wil- Samuel Hayward, Eph- lard, Amos Willington, raim Whitcomb Stephen Wyman Brighton Edward Spar- Bedford Amariah Preston, hawk, Francis Winship, Thompson Bacon, William Life Baldwin Webber Burlington Abiel Winn, Billerica Blaney Abbot, William Winn, Sylvanus John Parker, Samuel Wood Whiting, Francis Faulk- Cambridge Levi Hedge, ner, Marshall Preston, Edmund T. Dana, John Justices of the Peace in Middlesex. 63

Williams, Richard H. Framingham Abner Dana, William Hilliard, Wheeler, Luther Belknap, William J. Whipple, Wil- Ephraim Parkhurst, Wil- liam F. Stone, Levi Far- liam Buckminster, Joseph well, William Hill, Luther Ballard, Warren Nixon, S. Gushing, Charles Saun- Jonas Clayes, Moses ders, James Hayward, Edgell, Henry Richardson Abraham Edwards, Ed- Groton William Nutting, ward T. Channing Caleb Butler, Stuart J. Carlisle John Heald, Park, Noah Shattuck, Jona. Heald, John Nelson Bulkley x\mes, Abel Tar- Charlestown Oliver bell, Bradford Russell, Holden, Timothy Walker, Calvin Boynton Isaac Warren, Thomas Holliston John Mellen, Harris, George Bartlett, John Fairbanks, Elihu James K. Frothingham, Cutler, Nathaniel Johnson, Paul Willard, William Elias Bullard, Abner John- Gordon, Abraham R. son Thompson, Edward Ev- Ho^ikinton, Thomas Buck- erett, , jr. lin, Nathan Phipps, Samuel William Austin, Chester B. Walcutt, Joseph Val- Adams, Arthur W. Austin entine, Matthew Metcalf Chelmsford Wm. Adams, Lexington Joseph Fiske, Cyrus Baldwin, Samuel Jonas Bridge, John Mulii- Davis, Caleb Abbot, Na- ken, John Muzzey, Wil- thaniel Howard liam Chandler, Samuel Concord Tilly Merrick, Fiske, Nathaniel Mulliken EUsha Wheeler, Stephen Lincoln Samuel Hoar, Patch, Daniel Shattuck, Elijah Fiske, Charles Aaron Warren Wheeler, Joel Smith Z)Mns/a6/eJonathanBennet, Littleton Jonath. Manning, J. Cummins, James Swal- Simon Hartwell, Benjamin low, Temi)le Kendall, Dix, Jonathan Hartwell, Josiah Cummings Ithamar Beard, Timothy Dracut Israel Hildreth, Prescott James Varnum, Israel Lowell John R. Adams, Hildreth, jr. David Blood, Elisha Glidden, Nathan- Life Hamblet iel Wright, Elisha East Sudbury William Fuller, John S. C. Bridge, Othniel Tyler, Knowlton, John P. Robin- William Sherman, J. W. son, Kirk Boott, William Hayward, Phineas Johnson Hilliard, jr. John L. Sheafe, 54 Justices of the Peace in Middlesex.

Pelham W. Warren, Sam- Stoneham Peter Hay uel H. Mann, Elisha Ford Stow Moses Whitney, Maiden Bernard Greene, Isaac W. Mulliken Benjamin Blaney, Charles Sudbury Ebenezer Plymp- Lewis, William Barrett, ton, William Hunt, Abel Nathan Nichols, Ephraim Wheeler, Asher Goode- Buck, Edward Wade now, Josiah H. Adams, Marlborough Richard Far- Thomas Stearns well, Daniel Stevens, Levi Teivksbury Wm. Brown, Bigelow Samuel Worcester, Josiah Medford Nathan Adam^, Brown, William Rogers, Dudley Hall, Turel Tafts, Alpheus Smith, Luke Jonathan Brooks Eastman Natick , Wil- Totvnsend Samuel Brooks, liam Goodenow, John At- Aaron Keyes,PaulGerrish, kins, William Farris, Richard Warner Chester Adams Tyngsboro^ Ebenezer Ban- JVewton John Kendrick, croft, Robert Brinley, Josiah Bacon, Samuel Sam- Calvin Thomas, Josiah son, Ebenezer Starr, D. Danforth, Joseph Butter- Jackson, William Jackson, field, John Far well, jr. Asa Seth Davis, John H. Rich- Batterfield ardson, Matthias Collins Walthain David Town- Pepfierell James Lewis, send, Jonathan Coolidge, Abel Jewett, Luther Ban- John Clark, John Bright, croft S. L. Dana, Isaac Bemis.jr. Reading John Weston, Josiah Childs, Thomas Daniel Flint, Timothy Sanderson Wakefield, Edmund Par- Watertcwn Thomas Clark, ker, Daniel Chute, Joshua MosesCoolidge,SethBemis, Prescott, Joshua Putnam, Luke Bemis, Amos Liver- Caleb Wakefield, George more, jr. Abijah White, Flint Charles Bemis, John Clark Sherburne Joseph Ware, West Cambridge Jeduthan John Bullard, Isaac Whit- Wellington. Thomas Rus- ney, Dalton Goulding sell, Benjamin Locke, Shirley^ Thomas Whitney, James Russell, Walter Benjamin Hartwell, John Russell Edgarton, Stephen Long- /'Fes^^rrfThomasFletcher, ley, Nathaniel Holden, N. H. Groce, Jonathan Adolphus Whitcomb Prescott, Joseph Keyes, South Reading Thaddeus Benjamin Osgood Spaulding, Burrage Yale, Weston Alpheus Bigelow, Thomas Emerson Counsellors and Attorneys in Middlesex. 55

jr. Isaac Jones, Benjamin Bill Russell, Sylvanus James Plympton, Wyman Rich- Wilmington Samuel ardson, Benjamin Wyman, Eames, James Jaques Charles Carter Woburn Joseph Lawrence, JVotaries Public. Cambridge William J. Ho/ikinton Samuel B. Whipple, Luther S. Walcutt Gushing Lowell John R. Adams Charlestown John Soley IVatertown Nathaniel Be- Concord Nathan Brooks mis Groton Caleb Butler Counsellors at Law. Ashby John Locke Luther Lawrence, Elisha Billerica Joseph Locke, Fuller, John L" Sheafe.Wm. Marshall Preston Hilliard, jr. N. Dearborn, Cambridge Abraham Hil- William T.;Heydnck, Geo. liard, Timothy Fuller, Wil- B. Shaw, John P. Robinson, liam J. Whipple, Asahel Luke Eastman Stearns, Samuel P. P. Fay, Maiden Charles Lewis Ephraim Buttrick, Luther MarZ^oro'William Draper, S. Gushing, Daniel Davis, Richard Farwell John H. Ashmun Medford Abner Bartlett Charlestown William Aus- Newton Amos Allen tin, Joseph Tufts, William Peiifierell James Lewis Gordon, Paul Willard, Reading Joshua Prescott Justin Field, Isaac Fiske Stow Rums Hosmer Chelmsford Joel Adams Tewksbury Luke Eastman Concord Samuel Hoar, jr. Townsend Aaron Keyes JohnKeyes,NathanBrooks, Tyngsboro'' Daniel Rich- John M. Cheney ardson Framingham Josiah Ad- WatertownTwlQV Bigelow, ams, William Buckminster Levi Thaxter Groton Caleb Butier,Brad- Westford John Abbot ford Russell, Geo. F.Farley West Cambridge James Holliston EUas BuUard Russell Hofikintm Sam'l.B.Walcutt Weston Alpheus Bigelow,jr. Lowell John R. Adams, Woburn Wyman Richard- Nathaniel Wright, Elisha son, William C. Jarvis Glidden, Samuel H. Mann, Attorneys at the Sufireme Judicial Court. Charlestown Arthur W. East Sudbury Edward Austin Mellen 56 Sheriffs and Coroners in Middlesex.

L(nvellSe\h Ames, Francis Pefifierell Samuel Parker Hilliard Waltham Isaac Bemis Newton Jona.H.Richardson Attorneys at the Common Pleas. Groton John Wright Pefifierell Asa F.Lawrence Loivell Samuel F. Haven, Tyngsboro^ Charles But- Francis E. Bond, terfield Barnes Wesfford John W. P. Abbot Sheriff, Benjamin F. Varnum, of Lowell. Defiufy- Sheriffs. Billerica Thomas SunMier HofikintonTi^wxeY I.Cobum Cambridge Levi Parker Lowell John Kimball, Jef- Cambridge-port Abraham ferson Bancroft Edwards Maiden Thomas O. Charlestown Isaac VVeth- Brackett erbee Reading Abiel Holden Concord Moses Pritchard Stow Abraham Conant E. Sudbury Micah M. 7owwsenc?QuincySylvester Ratter Tyngsboro' Joseph Butter- i^raTwzw^Aam RufusBrewer field

Crier of C. P. and Crier of S. J. C. Levi Parker, of Cambridge. Gaolers— Cami.Nathl. Watson, Concord Abel Moore. Coroners, %4cton Luther Conant, Simon Coburn Winthrop E. Faulkner Dunstable Edmund Page. Ashby Alexander T. Wil- James Swallow lard, Ezekiel Colman E.Sudbury Co\\vn% Damon, Bedford Michael Crosby William Heard Billerica Thomas Sumner Framingham Rufus Brew- Cambridge E. W. Metcalf er, Henry Richardson Carlisle Jonas Parker Groton Abel Farnsworth, Charlestown lo\h2iva John- Benjamin Moors, David son, Joseph Hunnewell Child, William F. Brazer, Chelmsford Ebenezer Par- William A. Bancroft ker, James Pitts Holliston Loammi Little- Concord Jonas Buttrick, field Abel Moore, Anthony Hofikinton Nathan Phipps ^V^ight Ze:rzw^ionDanielChandler Dracut David Blood, jr. Littleton Jonath.Whitcomb Justices of the Peace in Hampshire. 57

Lowell Luther Marshall, Bryant Josiah B. French Shirley Stephen Longley Maiden Ebenezer Wade, Siow John Patch, Abraham Theodore L. Stiles Conant Marlborough Isaac T. Zew;t56wrz/ThomasClark, Stevens, Levi L Whitmore Job Kittredge Meclford Nathan Wait ToivnsendQyxmcy Sylvester JVatick Leonard Perry Tyngsboro* Joseph F. Kenuton Joseph Jackson, Bancroft jr. Benjamin Fuller Waltham John Clark Pefifierell Abel Adams, West Cambridge Jeduthan Luther Tarbel, jr. Wellington Reading John Temple, jr. Westford Levi Heywood Daniel Flint Weston Nathan Fiske, Sherburne Jeremiah But- Luther Harrington ler Wilmington Joel Jenkins, South Reading Jeremiah Josiah Gillis

HAMPSHIRE. Judge of Probate^ Samuel Hinckley, of Northampton. Register of Probate, Samuel F. Lyman, of do.

Register of Deeds ^ Charles Hooker, of do. County Treasurer^ Daniel Stebbins, of do. County Attorney^ Charles E. Forbes, of do. Clerk ofthe Courts^ Solomon Stoddard, of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum, Amherst Samuel F. Dick- Israel Billings,01iyerSmith inson Northampton Sam'l. Hinck- Belchertown JosephBridg- ley, Lewis Strong, Solomon man Stoddard, Isaac C. Bates, Chesterfield DyerBancroft Charles A. Dewey Hadley Charles P. Phelps Westamhton Sylvester Hatfield Benjamin Smith, Judd Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Joseph Lyman, Rufus Graves, Solomon Stoddard, Sam- uel F. Dickinson, Mark Doolittle, Ferdinand H. Wright, Joseph Bridgman. Justices of the Peace. Amherst John Dickinson, Timothy J.Gridley,Zebina , Gideon Dickinson.LuciusBoltwood, Stetson, John Strong, Rufus Isaac Robbins, Asahel Graves, Ithamar Conkey, ThayerjChesterDickinsonj 58 Justices of the Peace in Hampshire.

Enos Dickinson, Osmyn son, John DicksOT, David Baker, , Mack, jr. Matthew- Elijah Bolt wood Smith, jr. Belchertonvn Mason Shaw, Northamfiton Asahel Pom- Justus Forward, Myron eroy, Charles Starkweath- Lawrence, William Bridg- er, John Taylor^ Ebenezer m an, Justus D wight, Anson Hunt, Daniel Stebbins,Fer- Moody, Jonathan Olds. dinand H. Wright, Samuel Chesterfield Thaddeus Wells, jr. Roswell Hub- Baker, A. Rice, Isaac bard, C. E. Forbes, Tho- King, Timothy A. Phelps mas Shepherd, Richard Cummington Nehemiah Phillips, , Richards, Ebenezer Snell, Samuel F. Lyman, Oliver EliphaletPackard,William Warner, Christopher Swan Clarke, Charles P. Hunt- Basthamfiton Thaddeus ington, Eliphalet Williams Clapp, John Luddin Theodore Strong, Theo- Enfield Benjamin Har- dore Wright, Charles wood, Eliphaz Jones, Hooker Ephraim Richards, Epaph- Norwich John Ellis, Aaron ras Clark, William M. Hall, S. Kirkland, George Lathrop Dunlap, Joseph Stanton Goshen William White, Pelham Henry Kingman, Oliver Taylor, John Wil- Isaac Abercrombie, John liams, Timothy Lyman Rankin, jr.Oliver Smith,jr. Greenivich Thomas Pow- Ezra Brown, - ers, Laban Marcy, Warren man, Ziba Cook P. Wing, John Warriner, Plainfield James Richards, Mason C. Darling John Hamlin, Iram Pack- Granby David Smith, ard, Elijah Warner, John Levi Taylor, jr. William Mack Belcher Prescott B. Brigham, Hadley Giles C. Kellogg, Samuel Henry, Stacy Lin- Moses Porter, William zie Porter, Israel Scott, Justin South Hadley Elihu W.Clark,Alpheus Osborne D wight, William Bowdoin, Hatfield Samuel Partridge, Josiah Bardwell, Daniel 2d. Elijah Bordwell, Warner, Edward Hooker, Austin Smith, Joseph Jonathan Ely Billings, Remembrance Southamptm Asahel Birge, Bardwell Frederick Judd, Asahel Middlcfield Matthias Smith, Chapman, Timothy Clark Pavid Mack, Joshua Dick- Ware , Joseph CounsisUors and Attorneys in Hampshire . 59

Cummings,HomerBartlett, Bodman, Elisha Hubbard, Alpheus Demond, Aaron Joseph Bodman, Gross Gould Williams, Elisha Hub- Westhamfiton Joseph Kins- bard, jr. Daniel Collins ley, jr. William Hooker, Worthington Jonathan Sylvanus Clapp, John A. Brewster, Dan Daniels, Jo- Judd, Bela P. Clapp siah Mills, William Ward Williamsburg William JVotaries Public. Belchertoton Mark Doo- JVorthamfiton Daniel Steb- little bins, William H. Moseley C/^esrfry?f/i/ Dyer Bancroft Ware Homer Bartlett Counsellors at Law, Amherst Samuel F. Dick- Hatfield Israel Billings inson, Simeon Strong, Hez- Northamfiton Samuel ekiahW. Strong, Ithamar Hinckley, Isaac C. Bates, Conkey, Lucius Boltwood, John Taylor, Lewis Strong, , E.Dickinson CharlesA. Dewey, Charles iSe/cAer^owTz Joseph Bridg- E. Forbes, , man, jr. Mark Doohttle, jr. Samuel F. Lyman, Mason Shaw, Myron Law- Charles P. Huntington rence South Hadley William C/ies^er/ieZc? Dyer Bancroft Bowdoin, jr. Edward F. Greenwich Laban Marcy Hooker Hadley Giles C. Kellogg, Ware Homer Bartlett Justin VV. Clark Attorneys at the Supreme Judicial Court. Enfield Epaphras Clark, Williamsburg Elisha Hub- William M. Lathrop bard, jr. Ware Henry Starkweather Attorneys at the Common Pleas, Belcherton Edward E. Worthington A. Rising Clarke Sheriffs Joseph Lyman, of Northampton. Defiuty Sheriffs. Amherst Zebina Dickin- Northamfiton Austin Smith son South Hadley Joel Miller Belcherton Simeon Dwight Ware William Page CAesfer/e/c/Asahel Bryant Worthington Daniel T. Enfield Rufus Powers Hewett

Defiuty Jailer i Cephas Clapp, Northampton.

Crier of Courts ^ William Bolter. 60 Justices of the Peace in PlymoutlL

Coroners^ Amherst Solomon Keyes Austin Smith, William W. Eastman, Rufus Kellogg Partridge Belcherton Elihu Sandford Felham Wells Southworth Chesterfield Francis Bur- South Hadley Josiah Bard- nell well Southafnfiton Asahel Mnfield Rafus Powers, Chapman Alden Lathrop Worthington Josiah Mills, Goshen Ambrose Stone Elisha Brewster JVorthamJitonAhmv Hunt, PLYMOUTH. Judge of ProbatCy Wilkes Wood, of Middleborough. Registei' of Probate, Jacob H. Loud, of Plymouth. Register of Deeds, Rossetter Cotton, of do. County Treasurer, Rossetter Cotton, of do. County Attorney, Kilborn Whitman, of Pembroke. Clerk of the Courts, John B. Thomas, of Plymouth, Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Duxbury Seth Sprague, Pembroke Kilborn Whit- Judah Alden man East Bridgeivater Bar- Plymouth Zaccheus Bart- tholomew Brown lett, William Jackson, N, Hanover David Stcck- M. Davis, John B.Thomas, bridge R.Cotton,William Thomas Hanson Calvin Tilden Rochester Charles J. Hingham Ebenezer Gay, Holmes, David Bacon Jotham Lincoln, Samuel Scituate Cushing Otis, Norton John CoUamore, Samuel Kingston John Thomas A; Turner Middlebord' Wilkes Wood, West Bridgeivater Daniel Abiel Washburn, W. Howard, Bourne, Zachariah Eddy Apfiointed to qualify Civil Officers. Daniel Howard, , Wilkes Wood, Abraham Holmes, Kilborn Whitman, Hector Orr, William Baylies, Nathaniel M. Davis, John B. Tho- mas, Ebenezer Gay, Thomas Loring, jr. Charles J. Holmes, Jesse Dunbar, Isaac Stevens, Jacob H. Loud. Justices of the Peace. ./^^me-^owBenjaminHobart, Pool, John Cushing, James Jared Whitman, Micah Bates, Ezekiel Thaxter Justices of the Peace in Plymouth. 61

Bridgewater Solomon Al- Joseph Clift, Constant F. den,jr. Nathan Mitchell, Oakman, John Thomas, Daniel Mitchell, Benjamin Charles Macomber, John Pope, Nathan Lazell, jr. Ford, jr. Caleb F. Leonard, Arte- Middlebord' David Rich- mas Hale, Avery Fobes, mond, Martin Keith, Seth Solomon Hayward, jr. Miller, William Canedy, Carver Nehemiah Cobb, Jacob Bennet, Thomas Benjamin Ellis, John Sava- Sturtevant, Charles ry, Samuel Shaw, Thomas Hooper, Levi Pierce, Seth Cobb Eaton, Abiel P. Booth, I. Duxbury , Stevens, William Nelson, Samuel A. Frazer, Isaiah Oliver Fierce, Peter H. Alden, E. Weston, Seth Pierce, Samuel Thompson, Sprague, jr. Gershom B. Paul Hathaway, Arad Weston Thompson, Reeland East Bridgewater^ Hector Tinkham Orr, Isaac Alden, 3d. JsForth Bridgeivater Abel Sylvanus L. Mitchell, Kingman,Joseph Sylvester, Wallace Rust, Welcome Eliab Whitman, Silas Young Packard, M. Packard, Halifax Obadiah Lyon, E'.iphalet Kingman, Linus Zebad Thompson, Dexter Howard, George Clark, C. Thompson Jesse Perkins Hanover Reuben Curtis, Pembroke Alden Briggs, Melzar Curtis, Alex.Wood, A^nthony Collamore, Tho- Benjamin Mann, David masTurner,Peter Salmond Prouty P/i/mowif/zBarnabasHedge, Hanson Charles Cushing, Nathaniel Russell, Benja- Oliver Whitten, Thomas min M. Watson, John Hobart, Isaac B. Barker Thomas, Josiah Robbins, Hingham Martin Lincoln, William Brown, Joseph

Joseph Wilder, j r. Edward Bartlett, Jacob H. Loud, Thaxter, William Gordon, William Clark, William Solomon Lincoln, jr. Fran- Spooner cis G. Ford, Caleb Gill, jr. riymfiton Isaac Wright, Hull Samuel Loring, jr. Zenas Bryant, jr. Jonathan Kingston James Sever, Parker, William H. Soule Thomas P. Beal, Nathaniel Rochester George King, Thomas, John Sever, Eli James Ruggles, Gideon Cook, John Gray, Joseph Barstow, Caleb Briggs, Sampson Elijah Willis, Thomas MarshfieM Elisha Phillips, Basset, Joseph Meigs,Jesse F 62 Counsellors, Attorneys, &c. in Plymouth.

Martin, Joseph Look, Phil- Wareham John Fearing, ip Crandon, Lothrop Per- William Fearing, B. Mur- kins, Butler Wing, Joseph dock, Seth Miller, jr.

Haskell David Nye - ScUuate Edward FJacobs, West Bridgewater Jona- J. B. Turner, Anson Rob- than Copeland, jr. John E. bins, Samuel Tolman, jr. Howard, Samuel Dunbar,' Jesse Dunbar, Ebenezer T. Austin Packard, Zephani- Fogg, Isaiah Alden ah Howard JVotaries Public. Plymouth John Thomas ScUuate John Beal Duxbury Studley Sampson Wareham Sylvanus Bourne Hingham David Harding Middleboro* Wilkes Wood Rochester Elijah Willis Counsellors at Law. Abington Jared Whitman, JYorth Bridgewater Eliab Benjamin Hobart Whitman Duxbury Samuel Stetson Pembroke^ Kilborn Whit- East Bridgewater Aaron man Hobart, Welcome Young, Plymouth Nat. M. Davis, Bartholomew Brown John Thomas, William Hanover Alexander Wood Thomas, Jacob H. Loud Hingham Ebenezer Gay, Rochester Abrah. Holmes, Solomon Lincoln, jr. Charles J. Holmes Kingston Thomas P. Beal, ScUuate Ebenezer T.Fogg Joseph Sampson Wareham Seth Miller, jr. Middleboro' Wilkes Wood, West Bridgewater Wm. Zechariah Eddy, Isaac Baylies, Austin Packard Stevens,HerculesCushman

Attorney at the Sufireme Judicial Court. Plymouth Gustavus Gilbert

Attorney at the Common Pleas. South Bridgewater^ Benjamin Latham; '

Sheriffs Nathan Hayward, of Plymouth. De/iuty Sheriffs, Bridgewater Dion Bryant Hanson Nathaniel CoUa- E. Bridgewater Joseph more Chamberlin,jr. Hingham Elijah Lincoln, Halifax Seth Allen ^m^-^^owSpencerCushman Hanover Horatio Cashing ilf/c/of/f^oro* Lemuel Briggs, ;

Justices of the Peace in Bristol. 63

Joseph Jackson Rochester Nathaniel Has- JVorth Bridgeivater Benja- kell min Kingman Scituate Nathaniel Clapp Pembroke David Oldham Crier ofthe Courts, Nathaniel Wilder of Middleboro'. Gaoler and Kee/ier of the House of Correction, Putnam Kimball. Commissioners of Wrecks^ Paul Merritt, of Scituate Samuel A. Frazer, of Duxbury. Coroners, ^bington Lebbeus Gurney Tilden Bridgewater Mitch. Keith Middleboro* Samuel Carver Nelson Barrows Thompson* Joseph Jack- Duxbury Benjamin Alden, son, Ebenezer Stowbridge Studley Sampson North Bridgeivater Tho- East Bridgewater Lot mas Wales, jr. Whitmarsh Pembroke Nathaniel Lo- Halifax Cyrus Richmond ring, Peter Salmond, jr. Hanover Levi Curtis Plymouth Benjamin Drew Hanson Nath'l. Collamore Plymfiton Thomas B. Har- Hingham Job Loring, jr. rub Samuel Hobart, James Rochester Nathaniel Has- Stevenson kell, David Peckham, jr. Kingston Jedidiah Holmes, Scituate Elijah B. Turner, John Gray Abiel Cudworth, Isaiah Marshfield William Lewis, Alden, Ebenezer Stetson James Dingley, Wales Wareham Perez F. Briggs BRISTOL. Judge of Probate, Hodijah Baylies, of Dighton. Register of Probate, David G. W. Cobb, of Taunton Register of Deeds^ Alfred Williams, of do. County Treasurer^ Horatio L. Danforth, of do. County Attorney, James Ellis, of do. Clerk of the Courts^ James Sprout, of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Attleborough Ebenezer William Wood Daggett Easton Daniel Wheaton Dartmouth Elihu Slocum, Fairhaven Alden Spooner, Zebedee A. Macomber, Nathaniel S. Spooner, Jo- Joseph Gilford seph Tripp Dighton Hodijah Baylies, Freetown Job Morton 64 Justices of the Peace in Bristol.

Mansfield Solomon Pratt John M. Williams, Asa JVew ^e^rfif Lemuel Wil- Danforth, Francis Baylies, liams, Eli Haskeil, Alden James EUis, John W. Sea- Bradford, Stephen Merri- bury, D. G. VV. Cobb, hew, Paul Spooner, Apol- James L. Hodges, Jonathan los Tobey Ingell, James Sproat Raynham Seth Washburn Troy Joseph E. Read, Norton Ephraim Raymond, William B. Canedy, James Ford, Hezekiah Battelle , Pawtucket Oliver Stark- Westfiort Abner Brownell, weather Abner B, Gifford, Anselm Taunton Jones Godfrey, Bassett

Afifiointed to qualify Civil Officers* Nathaniel Morton, John W. Seabury, Joseph Tis- dale, John M. Williams, Asa Danforth, Lemuel Macomber, James Ellis, Samuel Crocker, James L. Hodges, Charles H. Warren, Russel Freeman, James Ford, Elijah Ingraham, Eli Haskell, Hezekiah Battelle, David G. W. Cobb, James C. Starkweather. Justices of the Peace. Attlebcrough Jacob Bolk- Walker, Barnabas Crane, com. Israel Hatch, Noah Seth Williams Claflin, jr. Lemuel May, Easton John Pool, Shep- Seneca Sanford, Abijah M, herd Leach, Calvin Brett, Ide, Elkanah Briggs Rowland Howard, David Berkley Simeon Chase, Manley, Joshua Gilmore, Barzillia Crane, Adoni- John Tisdale, Cyrus La- ram Crane, Barzillai throp, Elijah Howard, Hathaway, Jabez Fox, Charles Hayden, John John Dillingham, Samuel Seele, Howard Lothrop French Fairhaven Ansel Gibbs, Dartmouth Abraham Rounsevil Spooner, Levi Tucker, Holder Slocum, Jenny, Asa Swift, Alfred Thomas Almy, Jeptha Ash- Nye, Jabez Taber, Lemuel ley, Laban Thacher, James Tripp, Rowland Gibbs T. Slocum, Bradford How- Freetown Benj. Weaver, land, Henry H. Crapo Ebenezer Pierce, Earl Dighton ' Caleb Chase, Sampson,Hezekiah Mason, Richard Wascoat, Thomas Elr.athan P. Hathaway, B. Richmond, George Benjamin Burt, Thomas Walker, Israel Anthony, Bump, Jabez Taber Thomas S. Baylies? John Mansfield David Gilbert, Notaries in Bristol. 65

Rowland Green, Mason Morse, James Blanding, Cobb, Benjamin Billings Joseph Nichols New Bedford William Seekonk Allen Hunt, Cal- Rotch, Roger Haskell, vin Martin, Samuel Allen, Abraham Barker, James Jesse Medbury, Nathaniel Howland, 2d. Samuel Read, jr. Rodman, Timothy G. Somerset^ William Reed, Coffin, Benjamin Lincoln, David Anthony, David C. H. Warren, Kelly El- Gray, Elisha Slade, jr. Ha- dridge, Nathan Bates, Na- nan Wilbour, Wheaton thaniel Hathaway, John B. Luther, Edward Slade Smith, John A. Parker, Swanzey Thomas Peck, Richard Williams, Wm. WiUiam Mason, Henry J. A. Bradford, John S. Gardiner, John Winslow, Russell, Ezra Bassett, Mason Barney, Benjamin James B.Congdon,Thomas B. Sisson, Eliab Williams, A. Greene Thomas E. Warning Morton William Burt, Taunton Joseph Tisdale, Isaac Hodges, Samuel Alfred Williams, WiUiam Morey, Laban M.Wheaton, Hodges, John Reed, Na- Lemuel Perry, Jacob Shep- thaniel Leonard, Thomas ard, Cromwell Leonard Lincoln, CharlesRichmond, Paivtucket Collins Darling, Abiathar Leonard, James ApoUos Cushman, Elijah Sproat, William A. F, Ingraham, James C. Stark- Sproat, Jacob Chapin, weather, Ezra W. Samp- Ichabod Lincoln, Crom- son well Washburn, George Raynham Nathaniel Brit- B. Atwcod ton, , Jphn Troy John C. Borden, Gilmore, Eliab B. Dean, Hezekiah Wilson, Benja- Godfrey Robinson, Amos min Anthony, Charles Hall, Amyntas Shaw Pitman, Joseph Gooding, i?£"/io6o

Taunton William A. F TVoyJames Ford.Hezekiah Sproat Battelle

< Counsellors at Law. Di^hton Eliab Williams Laban M. Wheaton Easton Cyrus Lothrop, Pawtucket A]3ollcs Cush- Daniel Wheaton man, Collins Darling, E. Fairhaven Nath.S.Spooner W. Sampson Freetown E. P. Hathaway Seektmk Ezra Wilkinson Mansfield David Gilbert Taunton Francis Baylies, J^ew Bedford Lemuel James Ellis, D. G. W. Williams, Charles H. Cobb, WilliamA.F. Sproat, Warren, Timothy G. Jacob Chapin * Coffin, Russell Freeman, Troy James Ford, Heze- William J. A. Bradford, kiah Battelle, Joseph Hath- John S. Russell, Ezra Bas- away sett Westfiort Anselm Bassett Norton Laban Wheaton, Attorneys at the Supreme Judicial Courts

Taunton Horatio Pratt, \^, Dan forth, Theodore L. Sidney Williams, Horatio Lincoln Attorneys at the Common Pleas. New Bedford T. Dawes J\rorton Earl P. White Elliot, John Burrage, John Taunton Henry Williams, H. Clifford, Hugh Mont- H. G. O. Colby gomery Sheriffs Horatio Leonard, of Raynham. Deputy Sheriffs- Attleborough Leprilete Gordon, jr. Sweet JSTorton ' Timothy Smith Berkley Dean Burt Seekonk Church Gray Dartmouth Daniel How- Swansey Charles B. Wins- land lov/ Dighton Crocker Babbitt Raynham Samuel Wilbore Fairhaven Jonathan Wil- Taunton James Woodward, bore John Baylies Freetown Gilbert Rounse- Troy Harvey Harnden ville JVest/iort Adam Gifford, Mansfield Charles Day Frederick Brownell JVew Bedford William Gaolers, Joseph W. Dean, of Taunton, Williams Read of New Bedford. Justices of the Peace in Barnstable. 67

Crier ofthe Courts y Oliver Soper, of Taunton. Insfi. ofFire Arms^ Remember Carpenter, Attleboro'. Commissioners of Wrecks, ^c. Charles Grinnell, of New Bedford, and Prince Sears, jr. of Dartmouth. Coroners. Attleborough Peter Pawtucket John Medbury Thacher, Samuel Tyler, Raynham Amyntas Shaw Elisha May Rehoboth Thos.Carpenter, Berkley Dean Burt 2d. John Brown, Elijah A. Dartmouth Henry Tucker, Read, Israel Brown, Crom- jr. Samuel Barker well Bliss, Joseph Srniih Dighton William Wood, Seekonk John Miller, Crocker Babbitt Caleb Carpenter, Ezra Easton Rowland Howard, French Daniel Macomber, Joshua Somerset Philip Bowers Britton Swanzey Benajah Mason, Fairhaven Isaac Vincent, Israel Gardner, 2d. Jonathan Wilbur Taunton David Carver Freetown John Nichols, Edward Crossman, Benja- George Pickens, John P. min Ingell, James Wood- Law ton ward, Oliver Soper, jr. Mansfield Simeon Greene Troy Sheffield Weaver, JVorton Isaac Hodges Harvey Harnden JVew Bedford Ephraim Westfiort Jonathan Brow- Kempton, William Gor- nell, Peleg W. Peckham, don, jr. Frederick Brownell BARNSTABLE. Judge ofProbate^ Nymphas Marston, of Barnstable. Register of Probate, Abner Davis, of do. Register of Deeds, Lothrop Davis, of do. County Treasurer, Ebenezer Bacon, of do. County Attorney, Nymphas Marston, of do. Clerk ofthe Courts^ Abner Davis, of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Barnstable Isaiah L. Chatham Richard Sears Greene, Abner Davis, Orleafis Benjamin Seabury Nymphas Marston, Mat- Sandwich Elisha Pope thew Cobb Yarmouth Elisha Doane, FalmouthS^m. P.Croswell, John Reed, James Crowel), Braddock Dimmick Timothy Reed Brewster Elijah Cobb 68 Justices of the Peace in Barnstable.

Jlfifiointed to qualify Civil Officers. Richard Sears, John Reed, John Seabury, Braddock Dlmmick, Elijah Cobb, Nathaniel I-ewis, Joseph Sampson, James Crowell, Elisha Pope, Samuel P. Croswell, Isaiah L. Greene, Abner Davis, Seth F. Nye. Justices of the Peace. Barnstable^ Joseph Blish, wood, jr. James Long^Na- Benjamin Hallet, Asa than Underwood, Elijah Young, Jabez Howland, Chase Freeman Marchant, Loth- Marshfiee Gideon Hawley rop Davis, Timothy Phin- Orleans Isaac Sparrow, ney, WilUam Lewis, Ben- William Myrick, John jamin Lewis Kenrick, John Doane. JSrewster'iosQ.i^h. Sampson, Richard Sparrow Jonathan Freeman, George Provincetown Asa S. Bow- Copeland, BenjaminBerry, ley, Thomas Hillyard, Jeremiah Mayo, Dean Solomon Rich Bangs Sandwich Benjamin Bur- Chatham John Seabury, gess, William Handy, Isaiah Nye, Joseph Atwood, Melatiah Bourne, William James Wood, Joseph Young Fessenden, Seth F. Nye, Dennis Stephen Homer, Zenas Nye,ShadrachFree- Nathan Stone, Jonathan man, Heman Tobey, Lem- Nickerson, Jonathan uel Ewers, Henry Law- Bangs, Orren Howes, Ne- rence, Joseph Hall, Ben- hemiah Baker jamin Bourne, William H. Mastham Samuel Free- Fessenden, Charles H. man, Elisha Mayo, Joshua Freeman, Elisha Perry, P. Atwood, Jesse Collins Ezra Tobey Falmouth Francis Weeks, Truro A.Hinckley, James Nathaniel Lewis, Thomas Small, John Kenney Fish, Shubael Lawrence, Yarmouth Gorham Lovell, Ebenezer Nye, Ward M. Joseph Hawes, Henry Parker, Richard S. Wood, Thatcher, Isaiah Bray, John Jenkins, John Robin- William Greene, Sylvester son, Elijah Swift Baker, Joseph Eldridge, Harwich Isaiah Chase, Welfleet Josiah Whitman, William Eldridge, Obed Reuben Arey, Benjamin Brooks, Nathan Under- C. Witherell J^otaries Public, Barnstable David Crocker Chatham Isaiah Nye Brewster Isaac Foster Mastham Samuel Knowles Counsellors, Sheriffs, &c. in Barnstable. 69

Falmouth Samuel P. Cros- Lothrop well Sandwich Wm. H. Fessen- Harwich Isaiah Chase, den Anthony Kelley Welfieet Josiah Whitman Orleans Richard Sparrow Yarmouth James Crowell, Provincetown Thomas WiUiam Greene Counsellors at La%v» Barnstable Nymph as Sandwich Seth F. Nye Marston Far7/2ciM?A John Reed, Tim- Brewster Geo. Copeland othy Reed Attorney at the Supreme Judicial Court. Orleans, John Doane. Attorney at the Common Pleas, Falmouth^ Zephaniah Bennet.

Sheriff'y David Crocker, of Barnstable. Deiiuty Sheriffs. Barnstable Luther Hiuck- Orleans William Myrick ley, John Bursley Sandwich Lewin Pope JBrfw^^er Benjamin Berry, Yarmouth Charles Sears Benjamin Foster Provincetown Thomas FalmoiLth George W. Hillyard Donaldson Crier of the Courts, George Blish, of Barnstable. Gaolery John Bursley, of Barnstable. Commissioners of Wrecks, i^c. Thomas Fish, Fal-

mouth ; Melatiah Tobey, Sandwich ; Joshua Small,

Truro ; Daniel Comings, Orleans ; Obadiah Doane, Eastham ; Isaac Hardy, Chatham ; Jolm Adams, Provincetown ; Anthony Kelley, Harwich. Coroners. Barnstable Asa Young, Sandwich Heman Tobey, James N. Howland Lewin Pope Brewster Joseph Smith Truro Levi Stevens, Jonas Dennis JonathanNickerson Stevens, James Small Eastham Tim^othy Cole Welfleef. Josiah Whitman, Falmouth Consider Hatch Jeremiah Newcomb Orleans Henry Knowles Yarmouth Joseph Hawes Provincetoivn'SoXouioxiKida. Overseers of the Marshfiee and Herringfwnd Indians* Gideon Hawley, Kilborn Whitman, Charles Marston, 70 Justices, &c. in Dukes. DUKES. Judge of Probate^ George Athearn, of Tisbury. Register ofProbate, Cornelius Marchant, Edgartown. Jiegister of Deeds, Samuel Smith, of do. County Treasurer, Matthew Manter, of Tisbury. County Attorney, Thomas Dunham, of do. Clerk of the Couru^ Cornelius Marchant, Edgartown. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum, Chilmark Matthew Ma)^- mas Cooke, Daniel Fel- hew lows, jr. i^d'^-cfr/ownWm.Jernegan, Tisbury John Davis, Geo. Cornelins Marchant, Tho- Athearn, Ebenezer Skiff Afifiointed to guaUfy Civil Officers. George Athearn, of Tisbury, William Jernegan, Tho- mas Cooke, of Edgartown, Matthew Mayhew, of Chilmark. Justices of the Peace. Chilmark John Hancock, John P. Norton, Leavitt Simon Mayhew, Harrison Thaxter P. Mayhew Tisbury Thomas Dunham, Mdgartown Theodore G. ElijahHillman,DavidLook Mayhew, Elihu P. Norton, Attorneys at the Court of Common Pleas. Edgartown Theodore G. TVsi^wrz/ Thomas Dunham, Mayhew, Leavitt Thaxter Ebenezer Skiff J^otaries Public. Chilmark Henry Allen hew, James H. Beetle Bdgartown Cornelius ZiS(57/rz/ Thomas Dunham, Marchant, William May- John Holmes Sheriff, Isaiah D. Pease, of Edgartown.

Defiuty Sheriff's. Chilmark Thomas H. Tisbury Peter Norton, jr. Lumbert

Commissioners of Wrecks, life. Thomas Mayhew, 2d. of Edgartown ; John Hancock, of Chilmark. Coroners. Chilmark William May- Edgartown Peter Pease hew Tisbury James Cottle Guardian to the Indians of Chafiaguidici, Daniel Fellows, jr. Justices, &/C. in Nantucket. 71 NANTUCKET. Judge of Probate and County Attorney^ Isaac Coffin. Register of Probate, Timothy Hassey. Register of Deeds, Christopher B. Hussey. County Treasurer, Peleg S. Folger. Clerk of the Courts^ Benjamin Gardner. Justices of the P^eace and of the Quorum. Isaac Coffin, Walter Folger, Josiah Hussey, Daniel (^.offin, William Coffin, Zaccheus Hussey, Benjamin Gardner, Martin T. Morton, Barker Burnell, Peleg S. Folger.

jififininted to guaUfy Civil Officers. Isaac Coffin, Zaccheus Hussey, Josiah Hussey. Justices of the Peace. George Cannon, Uavid Allen, Charles Bunker, Zac- cheus Hussey, Thomas Macy, Christopher B. Hussey. J^otaries Public, Benjamin Gardner, Josiah Hussey, Charles Bunker, Zaccheus Hussey. Counsellors at Lanv. Josiah Hussey, Charles Bunker. Attorney ar the Su/weme Judicial Court, Charles K. Whitman. Attorney at the Common Pleas, Isaac Coffin, Walter Folger.

Sheriffi, Peleg S. Folger. Defiuty- Sheriff, David Allen. Coroner, Elisha M. Hinckley. Commissioners of Wrecks, Nantucket George Myrick, Worth George Myrick, jr. Tris- 2 uckanuck Island Andrevr ram Barnard, Benjamin Brock WORCESTER. Judge of Probate, Nathaniel Paine, of Worcester. Register of Probate, Theophilus Wheeler, of do. Register of Deeds, Artemas Ward, of do. County Treasurer, Anthony Chase, of do. County Attorney, , of do. Clerk of the Courts^ , of do. 72 Justices of the Peace in Worcester.

Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum, Ashburnham JosephJewett Oxford Jonathan Davis, Athol James Humphre3^s Sumner Bastow Barre Nathaniel Jones, Oakham Wm. Crawford,] r. Eleazer Jann.es, Nathaniel Petersham Hutchins Houghton Hapgcod, I^ewis Bigelow Bolton Stephen P. Gardner, Rutland Rufus Putnam Nathaniel Longlev Sterling John Robbins, Brook/ield Suneon Draper, Thomas H. Blood William B. Banister S/ie7icer James Draper CharltQji Salem Town, Sutton John Spurr Temfileton Josiah Howe Dudley Aaron Tufts Uxbridge Benja. Adams Hubbardston Samuel Swan Westborough Nahum Leicester Nath'l.P. Denny Harrington Zcowizws^frSolonaonStrong, Westminster Michael Gill Joseph G. Kendall, David ^'^crcd'.sffr Nathaniel Paine, Wilder Theophilus Wheeler.Dan- Mendon Daniel Thurber iel Waldo, Abijah Bigelow, Millbury Aaron Peirce Rejoice Newton, William Milford Parley Hunt E. Green, William Eaton, JVorth Brookfield lliomas Isaac Goodwin, John Davis, Hale Pliny Merrick, Samuel M. J\''ew Braintree Joseph Burnside, Samuel Jennison Bowman Apfiointed to Qualify Civil Officers* Nathaniel Paine, Oliver Fiske, Theophilus Wheeler, Jonathan Davis, James Humphreys, Silas Holman, Theodore Jones, Edmund Gushing, Joseph G. Ken- dall, Nathaniel Houghton, Warren Rawson, Nathaniel Jones, Sumner Bastow, Moses Smith, Abijah Bigelow, William S. Hastings. Justices of the Peace. Ashburnham Abraham George Fitts, _Lymati I^ow, George R. Gushing, Sibley, Gardner Ruggles, Silas Willard, Hosea Stone, David Lee Nathaniel Peirce Berlin Jonathan D.Merri- Athol Joseph Pierce, Eli- am, Thomas Brigham phalet Thorp, Theodore Bolton Amos Parker, Jones, Clough R. Miles, Samuel S. Houghton William H. Williams Boylston James Longley, Barre Seth Lee, Samuel Aaron White, Jothafn Lee, jr. Ephraim Wilson, Bush,MatthewDavenport, Justices of the Peace in Worcester. 73

Nathaniel Davenport Hinds, John Park Brookfield Jesse Bliss, Holden William Drury, Heman Stebbins, Rufus Ethan Davis, Samuel Da- Harrington, Ebenezer mon Merriam, Alanson Haaiil- Hubbardston D. Wood- ton ward, Henry Prentiss^ Charlton William P. Rider, Aaron Gates Zephaniah Brown, John L,ancaster Josiah Flagg, Davis, Samuel Hall, Sime- Jacob Fisher, Jonas Lane, on Rich, 2d. Jonathan Levi Lewis, William VVinslow, Rufus Mixer, Willard, Nathaniel Chan- Harvey Dresser dler, Moses Smith Dana A polios Johnson, Leicester A. Flint, John Stephen Johnson, Ephraim King, Waldo Flint Whipple Leominster John Gardner, Douglas Benjamin Crag- Joel Crosby, Bezaleel Law- gin, Amos Yates, Warren rence, William Perry, Levi Humes, Robert P. Church Nichols Dudley Jeptha Bacon, Lunenburg Esek Whiting, George A. Tufts, John William Harrington Brown, William Winsor Mendon Nathan Very, Fitchburg Joseph Downe, Warren Rawson, Elijah Ivers Jewett, Payson Thayer, Esek Pitts, Wil- Williams, Ebenezer Tor- liam S. Hastings, Abel rey, David Brigham, Fran- Wilder, Ahaz Allen, James cis Perkins, Clement Jew- S. Warner, Caleb Hay- ett, Oliver Fox, Charles ward, Samuel Allen, Ben- W. Wilder jamin Davenport Gardner Smyrna Glazier, Millbury Caleb Burbank, William Whitney Asa Waters, Rufus Barton, Grafton William Lamb, Simon Farnsworth, Simeon Amasa Roberts, Jonathan Waters, George W. Liv- Wheeler, Harry Wood, ermore Pardon Aldrich, Charles Milford Adam Chapin, Brigham,jr. John Claflen, jr. Gustavus Hardwkk Daniel Ruggles, D. Peck, Newell Nelson William Cutler, Jason Neiv-Braintree Henry Pen- Mixter, Samuel F. Cutler, niman, Jonathan Nye, Samuel Billings, Joseph Samuel Mixter Stone, Ebenezer Perry, Korthboro' Stephen Wil- Joseph Knox liams, Phineas Davis, Harvard Isaac Whitney, Cyrus Gale, Joseph Davis, Jacob Haskell, Ephraim Martin L. Stow G 74 Justices of the Peace in Worcester,

Northhridge Adolphus Southborough Petey Fay, Spring, John Fowler Willard Newton, Jonas JVorth-Brookfield Daniel Ball, Benjamin Champney, Gilbert, Eli Forbes, Wm. Jesse Draper, Perley Adams, Nathaniel Dodge Whipple Oakham Washington Al- SouthbridgeYve^Q.Y\ck W. len,Joel Jones, James Allen, Bottom, Ebenezer D. Skelton Felton Ammidon, Oliver Hooker, Oxford Abijah Davis, Linus Child Abishai Lamed, IraBarton, S/iencer Jonas Bemis, Sar- Stephen Davis, Richard dina Muzzey, Frederick Olney, Josiah S. Prentice, Howe, William Pope Isaac B. Hartwell, Richard Sterling Moses Thomas, Stone James Wilder, Samuel Peter&ham Henry Ward, Sawyer, Alexander Dustin, William Parkhurst, Jared Jonathan Wilder, Jacob Weed, Joel Bryant, Aaron Conant Brooks, jr. Sturbridge John Philips, PajT/onNathanielCrocker, Ephraim Morey, John Jonathan Hubbard, Brad- Holbrook, George Davis, dyll Livermore, Jonathan Jared Lamb, Edward P. Grosvenor, Nathaniel Phillips, Roswell W turner, Lakin David Wright, Gardner Phillitiston Elijah Gould, Watkins, Erasmus Hol- Abel Piper, Oliver Powers, brook James Stone, jr. John Sutton Jonathan Leland, Doane Datiiel Tourtellott, Jonas Princeton William Dodds, L. Sibley, Daniel Tenney, Jonas Brooks, Charles Samuel Taylor, WeIcon\e Myrick, Charles Russell Whipple, Christopher C. Royalston Stephen Batch- Baldwin elder, jr. Salmon Godard, Templeton Ephraim Stone, Thomas J. Lee, Benoni Benjamin Brown, Lovell Peck, Rutiis Bullock, Walker, Leonard Stone, Franklin Gregory, Tim- Samuel Lee othy Lewis Uliton Ezra Wood, Elisha Hutland Tilly Flint, Joel Bradish, Eli Warren, Davis, Calvin Howe, Ro- Daniel Fisk, jr. land Wheeler, Daniel Uxbridge Samuel Read, Walker Frederick Taft, Abiel Ja- Shrewsbury Nymphas ques, Joseph Thayer, Jon- Pratt, Fortunatus Harring- athan Gregory, Joseph ton, Balch Dean, Henry Adams Snow, Nathan Howe Ward ]Q\in Clark, Solomon Justices and Counsellors in ^Vorcester. 75

Sibley, Thomas Drury, jr. Jos. Whitman Zebulon Carey Winchendon Enoch Kidder, Wettborough Moses Grout, Ephraim Murdock, Jacob Lovett Peters, Silas Wes- VVales.Reuben Hyde, Isaac Morse Nahum Fisher Worcester James Wilson, West-Boylston Robert B. Samuel Brazer, William Thomas, Joseph Hinds, Jennison, John W. Stiles, Barnabas Davis, Joseph Artemas Ward, Charles White Allen, John W. Lincoln, Western Harvey Sessions, Benjamin Chapin, Otis Reuben Cutler, Pardon Corbett, Alfred D- Foster, Keyes, Daniel Hitchcock, , Isaac Joseph Ramsdel, Isaac Davis, William Lincoln, Patrick, Barlow Freeman Charles G. Prentiss, Joseph Westminster Abel Wood, Stone, Thomas Kinnicut, Jonas Whitney, Edward Daniel Henshaw, Nathan Kendall, Merari Spauld- Heard ing, Simeon Sanderson, JVotaries Public, Brookfield Seth Field Oxford Ira Barton iancasfcr Nathl. Chandler Uxbridge Jonathan Greg- Leicester Horatio G. Hen- ory shaw Worcester Theo. Wheeler, MendonWiUiSim S.Hastings Isaac Goodwin Milibury Lewis Mills Counsellors at Law. Athol Clough R. Miles Denny, ^Valdo Flint i?

Bottom, Linus Child rrbrces^erNathanielPaine, Sturbridge George Davis Samuel M. Burnside, Re- Sutton Jonas L. Sibley, joice Newton, John Davis, Christopher C. Baldwin , Pliny Mer- Temfileton Lovell Walker rick, Isaac Goodwin, Al- Uxbridge Benjamin Ad- fred D. Foster, Emery ams, Bezaleel Taft, jr. Washburn, Isaac Davis, Joseph Thayer William Lincoln, Thomas Westboro^ Nah. Harring- Kinnicut, Charles G. ton Prentiss, Daniel Henshaw, Westminster Simeon San- Henry Paine derson Attorneys at the Supreme Judicial Court. Bolton George R. M. Hastings Withington J^orth-Brookfield Daniel Boylston Matt. Davenport Gilbert Douglas Joseph Prentis Westboro^ Onslow Peters Z^wof/eySaml. Robinson, 2d. Worcester William N. Hardivick Joseph Knox Greene, Jubal Harrington, Mendon Charles C. P. William M. Towne Attorneys at the Common Pleas. Ashburnham George C. Shrewsbury Wm. Pratt Parker Southboro' Francis Dean,jr. Brookfield Amos Crosby Southbridge Benjamin D. Barre Charles Wadsworth Hyde Dudley Peter C. Bacon Western Barlow Freeman Leicester Silas Jones M^orceiter Da\id T. - Lancaster Solon Whiting, ham, Maturin L. Fisher Joseph Huntington Sheriffs Calvin Willard, of Worcester.

Deputy- Sheriff's. Ashburnham Charles Hardivick Timothy Hath Stearns away, jr. Athol Abijah Hill Lancaster Lyman Moore Barre Seth Holden Leominster Micah R. Ball Brookfield Daniel Newell Leicester Billings Hobart Dudley Sam. Robinson, 2d. Mendon Seneca Hills Fitchhurg Samuel Davis Milford Clark Ellis Grafton John Wheeler, jr. JVbrM^oro'JamesMaynard Harvard Emory Barnard Oxford Samuel Smith -^o/f//?nWilliam D.Chenery Princeton John Whitney Hubbardston Luther Clif- Petersham CephasWillard ford Rutland Asa Mathews Coroners, &c. in Worcester. 77

i9otithborough'L2LV^m'^Q w- Ufiton Wilson Rawson, 2d. ton Westminster Henry Cool- Sterling Samuel Houg;hton id.^e, jr. Sturbridge Benj. Bullock Worcester Charles A. Sutton Edmund J. Mills Hamilton, Edward H. JV.mpleton Joseph Upham Hemmenway Uxb ridge Royal Thayer Crier of the Courta^ Silas Brooks, of Worcester. Keeper of the House of Correction^ John F. Clarki Overseers ofthe House of Correction^ Isaac Goodwin, Nathan Heard, John W. Lincoln. Gaol Keepery Asahel Bellows, Worcester. Coroners. .4shburnham Wm.Stearns, Mendon Caleb Thayer, Samuel Woods Andrew Penniman jithol Joseph Pierce Milford Clark Ellis Barre Seth Caldwell, Seth Millbury Reuben Barton Holden J\^ew-Braintree Jona. Barr Bolton Joseph Sawyer, jr. Oakham Fred. A. Presho Boylston Levi Pierce Oxford Rufus Harris Brookjield Simeon Dra- Petersham Eber Hapgood, per, John Wood Cephas Willard Douglas Aaron A. Wallis Princeton John Dodd, Dudley Jonathan Day Moses G. Cheever Fitchburg Oliver Fox, Poyalston Jonathan Pierce Ivers Jewett Rutland Calvin Howe, Je- Gardner Moses Wood duthun Green Grafton A. Kimball, jr. Southboro* Dexter Ball Isaac W. Wood Southbridge Jeremiah Harvard Aaron Whitney Shumway,Lemuel Dunbar Hardwick Lemuel Har- Sfiencer Sardina Muzzey, rington Walter Livermore Holden Henry Bullard, Sterling Moses Thomas, William Urury, jr. Farnum Ebenezer Pope White Sturbridge Simeon Fiske, Lancaster Richard Ha- Edward Phillips ven, Nathaniel Rand | Sutton Thomas Harbach Leominster Abel Carter, Temfileton John E. New- ton, Nathan Bryant, jr. Lunenburg Peter Brown, Ufiton Daniel Fiske, jr. Eli Page Uxbridge Phineas Chapin G* 78 Justices of the Peace in Berkshire.

Ward John Rice, Alvah Winchendon Sam'i. Noyes, Drury Obadiah Walker, Mark Westboro^ Nahum Fisher Whitcomb Western Josiah Putnam, Worcester William Eaton, Joseph Field Lev; is Bigelow, Timothy Westminster Jonas Miles, W. Bancroft Luke Bigelow

BERKSHIRE. Judge of Probate, William P. Walker, of Lenox. Register of Probate^ Henry W. Bishop, of do. County Attorney, John Whiting, of Great Harrington. Clerk of the Courts^ Charles Sedgwick, of Lenox. County Treasurer, Joseph Tucker, of Lenox. Register of Deeds, South District, Moses Hopkins, of Great Harrington. Middle District, Joseph Tucker, of Lenox. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum,

w^rfanwJ.Q.Robinson, Peter Wheeler,EdwardStephens Briggs Otis Lester Filley JDalton John Chamberlain Pittsfield Jonathan Allen Plgrernont Alanson Nash Richmond Noah Rossetter Great Barrington Moses Sandisfield Eliakim Hull Hopkins, John Whiting 5'/if/^e/r/ElishaLee,Robert Hinsdale Thomas Allen F. Barnard, Eli Ensign J^anesborough Wolcott Stockbridge Thaddeus Hubbell, George N. Briggs Pomeroy, Samuel Jones, Lenox Joseph Tucker, Henry W. D wight, Theo- Daniel Williams, Caleb dore Sedgwick Hyde, James W. Robbins, West Stockbridge Robbins Wm. P. Walker, Charles Kellogg Sedgwick IVilliamstoivn Douglas W. Nev) Marlborough Ben- Sloane, Deodatus Noble jamin Sheldon, Benjamin Afifiointed to quaUfy Civil Officers, Joshua Danforth, Moses Hopkins, Lyman Hall, William P. Walker, Joseph Tucker, Douglas W. Sloane, Ezra Kellogg, John Whiting. S. Jones, T. Whitney, L. Washburn, George N. Briggs, Horatio Byington, Eliakim Hull, Jabez Bosworth, Josiah Q. Robinson, William E. Bray ton, Daniel N. Dewey, Charles Sedgwick. Justices of the Peace in Berkshire. 79

Justices of the Peace. j^dams James Cummings, Dewey, William Dewey, Thomas Robinson, Nathan GilbertFord,RalphTaylor, Putnam, Isaac Brown, CharlesW.Hopkins,Perley Jonathan Richardson, R. D. Whitmore, David Ives, Brown JeremiahColgrove, Increase Sumner William E. Bray ton, David Hancock Ciideon Martin. Darling, Samuel Bowen. Rodman Hazard, Griffin ThornasFarnum ,Benj a min Eldridge, John Gardner, F. Robinson, William C William Lapham, Augus- Plunket, Isaac Dean tus L. Smith, Silas H. Alford Elihu Lester, Nor- Gardner man Lester, Hugo Dewey Hinsdale Nathaniel Tracy, Becket Benj. C. Perkins, Artemas Thompson Gaius Carter, Timo.Snow, Laneshord' Peter B. Cur- Luke Barber tis, Lyman Hall, Timothy Cheshire John Welles, Whitnev, Calvin Hubbell, Warren Southworth, Dan- W.H.Tyler, S.C.Curtis, iel Brown, Ethan A. Rix, Truman Tyrrell, jr. Alger- Moses Wolcott, Nathan non S. Hubbell, Naaman Sayles, Russell Brown Barnes Clarksburg^ Silas Shippey, Lee William Sturgis,James George T. Waterman, Whiton, Stephen Thacher, Salah Clark John B. Perry, Abijah Dalton Thomas Greene, Merrill, jr. Nathaniel Tre- Gideon Deming, David main, jr. William Porter, Carson, Grenville D. jr. Walter Laflin, Charles Weston M. Owen, Hubbard Bart- Egremont James Baldwin, lett Andrew Bacon, Wilbur Lenox Charles Worthing- Curtis, John Hollenbeck, ton, Charles Mattoon, Moses Loomis, Josiah Mil- Henry W. Bishop, Caleb lard, Samuel Newman, Belden, George I.Tucker, Ephraim Baldwin Solomon Cole Florida Nathan Drury, Mount fVashingtonCharles Zadock King, Daniel Patterson, Merritt Smith Thayer, jr. JV. Ashford Keyler Kent Great Barrington Miles J^tw Marlborough Isaac Avery, Ezra Kellogg, Turner, Joseph Fitch, Ja- George Beckwith, Jacob son Warner, Salmon Kas- H. Van Dusen, James A. son, Warren Wheeler, Hyde, Benjamin Rodgers, Levi L. Smith 1. L, V, Dusen, Grotius Otis Roderick Norton 80 Justices of the Peace in Berkshire.

Ardon Judd, Samuel Pick- Deming, John Ward, Par- ett, Joseph Hunt, Bavil ker L. Hall, Ralph Little, Seymour, Elijah Owen, jr. Edward F. Ensign, Jere- Pd-rw Cyrus Stowell, Wm. miah Shears, HoratioL. War- Frizell, Thomas Frizell, ner, Rowland Wharfield, Henrv Peirce Samuel H Bushnell Pittsjield John B.Root,Tho. Stockbridge Elisha Brown, B. Strong, Butler Good- Eilijah Brown, Joab Plumb, rich, Joseph Merrick, Cyrus Williams, Isaac Thomas A. Gold, Calvin Curtis,) r.Horatio Byington, Martin, Daniel B. Bush, Alan son Bennett,Theodore Phineas Allen, James D. S. Pomeroy Colt, Lemuel Pomeroy, Tyringham Elnathan John Churchill, Luther Pratt, John Garfield, Tho- Washburn, Henry H. mas Garfield, John Lang- Childs, Samuel M. M'- don, Lawson D. Bidwell, Kay, Oliver D. Dickenson, Ezra Heath, Egbert B. Samuel Root, Ezekiel R. Garfield, Eli Hale Colt, Matthias R. Lancton, Wafihirigton William G, Edward A. Newton, The- Ballantine, Wm. Noble odore Hinsdale West Stockbridge Christo- Richmo7id John Bacon, pher French, Amasa Spen- William S. Leadbetter, N. cer, Luther Plumb, Miles Reddinj^ton, N. Pierson, jr. Morgan, Melancton Lewis, Linus Hall, Abel D. Clark, Martin Hendrix Erastus Rowley Williamstonvn Reuben Savoy Snellum Babbitt, Young, Daniel Foster, William Ingraham, Liber- Luther Bartlett, John Mills, ty Bowker, Edward Keyes Danforth, Lyman Babbitt Hubbell, Samuel Tyler, Sandisfield Erastus Beach, Gershom T. Bulkley, Ste- William Bettis, Daniel phen Hosford, Thomas Sears,Lyman Brown,Jabez Bingham Daniel N.Dewey, Bosworth, Thomas Twin- Samuel Smith, Gideon ing, Uriel Smith, Samuel Tyrrell Merrill Windsor Robert Walker, Sheffield Silas Kellogg, Asahel Wright, Noah Samuel Shears, Andrew Green, E. Baldwin, Andrus, Jared Canfield, Amasa Converse, jr. Asa Azariah Root,MinorO wen, H. Capen, Daniel O. Hol- William Ashley, Elijah S. brook J\/btaries Public*

Pittsjield James Buell, Amos T, Loom is Counsellors and Sheriffs in Berkshire. 81

Lenox Henry W. Bishop 5/ze^>/f/ Robert F.Barnard Sandisfield Thomas Twi- Stockbridge Horatio By- Ding ington Counsellors at Law, Adams Thomas Robinson, Sheldon Nathan Putnam Ods Lester Filley Dalton Henry Marsh PittsfieldThom-ds, A. Gold, Rgremont Lonson Nash Calvin Martin, H. Hub- Grtat Barrington John bard, Luther Washburn, Whiting, James A. Hyde, Matthias R. Lanctcn Increase Sumner Sandisfield Thos. Twining Hancock Silas Gardner Sheffield Robert F.Bar- Hinsdale Thomas Allen nard, Edward F. Ensign, Lanesboro* Calvin Hub- Parker L. Hall bell, George N. Briggs Stockbridge Samuel Jones, Lee William Porter, L. D. Henry W.Dwight, Hora- Bidwell tio Byington XewoorWiUiam P.Walker, West Stockbridge Robbins Henry W. Bishop, George Kellogg Tucker Williamstown Daniel N. j\reiv Marlboro^ Benjamin Dewey Attorneys at the Cojnmon Pleas. Adams (north) Daniel Pittsfield Parish Williamstown Henry Ray- l^ee (south) Franklin mond Sturgis West Stockbridge John Z. Lenox Joseph Tucker Goodrich Nent) Marlboro* — Turner Sheriff, Henry C. Brown, of Pittsfield« Deputy Sheriffs, Adams, JVorth vil. Reuben Lenox Oliver Drury Whitman Lee James Wakefielci do. South " Robert J^ew Marlborough Dan R. Briggs Adams Alford Stephen M. Otis Elam P. Norton Church Pittsfield John Pomeroy Dalton Roland Foot Pichmond Ebenezer K. Great Barrington Isaac Williams Avery SandisjfieldStepheuF?i[mer Hancock John Gorton, jr. Sheffield Robert R. Root Hinsdale Riley Watkins Stockbridge Sidney A. Lanesborough Jabe? Hall Sweet See Appendix. 82 Justices of the Peace in Norfolk.

Tyringham Barnabas Bid- Kellogg well WUliamttown Solomon West SCockbridge John Bulkley Gaoler^ Joseph Palmer, of Lenox. Crier of the Courts, Daniel Williams, of Lenox. Coroners. Adams Jeremiah Coles- Powell, Mark Pike grove, B. F. Robinson, Eli O^z's Samuel Picket, John Northam, Reuben Whit- Fay, jr. man Peru Eli Pierce Alford Stephen M. Church Pittsfield John Pomeroy, £>alton Oliver Porter Reuben Brooks Egremont Elijah Willard Richmond Phineas Rich- Great Barrington Samuel ards Rossetter, Ezra Kellogg, Sandisjield Erastus Rice Isaac Avery Savoy Melvin Bowker Hancock John Gorton Sheffifld Norman Kellogg, Hinsdale Walter Tracy Robert Waterman Lanesborough Stoddard Stockbridge David P. In- Hubbell gersoll Lee Daniel Couch, Abner Tyringham ElijahGarfield Taylor West Stockbridge Hiram Lenox Alvah Morrell, Pomroy, John Kellogg John C. Hunt Williamstonvn Solomon JV*. Marlborough Stephen Bulkley, Manning Brown NORFOLK. Judge of Probate^ Sherman Leland, of Roxbury. Register of Probate^ , of Dedham- Register of Deeds t Enos Foord, of do. County Treasurer, John Bullard, of do. County Attorney, , of do. Clerk of the Courts, Jairus Ware, of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Bellingham Eliab Wight Dorchester Samuel P. Braintree Minot Thayer Loud, Amasa Stetson, John Cohasset Elisha Doane, Bailey James C. Doane Medfield John Baxter, Dedham Samuel Haven, Daniel Adams James Richardson, Eras- Milton Amos Holbrook, tus Worthington, William Ellis Randolph Samuel Bass Justices of the Peace in Norfolk.

Roxbury Joseph Har- rTez/mow^i^EliphaletliOud, rington, Joseph Heath, Christopher Webb EbenezerSeaver.Sherman Wrentham Cornelius Kol Leiand lock Sharon Benjamin Reynolds

Afifiointed to qualify Civil Officers. Ebenezer Fisher, Samuel Haven, Lewis Fisher, James Richardson, Jairus Ware, Joseph Harrington, E. Worthington, Josiah J. Fiske. Justices of the Peace. Bellingham John Bates, Moses Draper, William Stephen Metcalf, Elias Oliver Cook, Asa Hall, John C. Dover Hezekiah Allen, Scammell Calvin Richards BraintreelB.mes Holbrook, Foxborough Seth Boyden, NathanielThayer,Solomon Elias Nason, Abijah Pratt, Thayer, Stephen Thayer, Melatiah Everett, Joseph Jonathan Wild, jr. Asa Warren, French, David Holbrook, Franklin Lewis Fisher, Ezra W. Sampson Joseph Bacon, William Brookline Joseph. Goddard, Makepeace, Wm. Make- Oliver White, Benjamin peace, jr. Elihu Pond Goddard, Thomas Griggs, Medfield Moses B. Hard- Charles Wild, James Leeds ing, William Peters Canton Adam Kinsley, Medway Joseph L, Rich- Thomas Tolman, Thomas ardson, Thaddeus Lever- French, Joseph Hodges ing, Seneca Barber, Lu- Cc^hasset Thomas Bourne, ther Metcalf, Warren Lev- Henry J. Turner ering, Levi Adams, Luther Dedham Theron Metcalf, Metcalf, jr. GeorgeElliSjJohnW.Ames, Milton Joseph Rowe, Calvin Whiting, Jona. H. Asaph Churchill, Jason Cobb, John Guild.Jeremiah Houghton, Francis Daven- Draper, Enos Foord, Tim- port, Nathaniel Tucker, othy Gay, Horace Mann, Nathan C. Martin Richard Ellis, John K. JVeedham Peter Lyon, Briggs Benjamin Slack, Elisha Dorchester Thomas Tiles- Lyon, x\aron Smith ton, Thos. Moseley, James Qjiincy Edward Miller, Humphrey, Benjamin Ful- Lemuel Brackett, Daniel ler, Abel Cushing, Henry Spear, Noah Curtis, John Gardner, Edward Sharp, Whitney J. M. Gourgas, jr. .

84 Counsellors and Attorneys in Norfolk.

Randolfih Seth Turner, Drake Micah White, John King, Stoughton Peter Adams, Isaac Thayer, Joseph Robert Swan, Elijah Ath- Lynnfield,J onathanWales, erton, Jesse Pierce, Abner jr. Benjamin Richards, Drake Aaron Prescott, Seth Walfiole Daniel Kings- Mann, Zenas French, bury,Phineas Ellis, Harvey RoyalTurner,SilasPaine,j r. Clapp, Trueman Clark Roxbury Abijah Draper, Weymouth Samuel Bailey, William Heath, Nathaniel Cotton Tufts, Lemuel S. Prentiss, Samuel J. Gar- Humphrey, Fisher A. diner, Joseph Curtis, Kingsbury, Noah Torrey Charles Davis, Peter G. Wrentham David Hol- Robbins, John Bartlett, brcok, Rufus Mann, Sam- Joshua Seaver, John J. uel Druce, S. Bugbee, Eb- Clarke, Nathaniel Curtis, enezer Blake, John Chee- David A. Simmons, Lucius ver, Benjamin Shepherd, M.Sargent, Charles W. jr. Calvin Fisher, Lewis Greene Harding, George C.Wilde, Sharon Nathaniel Gould, Allen Tillinghast Enoch Hewins, Tisdale J^otaries Public, Cohasset Thomas Bourne Martin Dedham Ebenezer Fisher, Roxbury '^aevrnzxi Leland, jr. Erastus Worthington D. A. Simmons Dorchester Nathan C. Counsellors at Lanv Canton Thomas Tolman Milton Asaph Churchill Dedham Samuel Haven, Quincy Edward Miller James Richardson, Theron Randolfih John King Metcalf, Erastus Wor- Roxbury Joseph Harring- thington, Jonathan H. Cobb ton, Samuel J. Gardner, Dorchester Samuel P. Sherman Leland, David A Loud, Abel Cushing Simmons Foxborough Melatiah Weymouth Christopher Everett Webb Medjield Daniel Adams Wrentham Josiah J. Fiske, MedwayWa-rren Levering George C. Wilde Attorneys at the Sufireme Judicial Court. Dedham. John W. Ames W^^T/mow/A FisherA.Kings- Qwz'wcy JohnM.Gourgasjr. bury Randolfih Aaron Prescott Justices of the Peace in Franklin. 85

Attorneys at the Common Pleas, ikf^cj/?f/c/ Silas P. Holbrook Roxbury J. J. Clark Sheriff, Elijah Crane, Canton.

Deputy Sheriff's. BelHngham Elias^ Cook Medivay James Fisher Braintree Asa French Medfield Enoch Bullard Canton Thomas Kollock JVeedham John W. Slack Dedham John Baker, jr. Roxbury John Hovey Timothy P. Whitney i?rt77(ic'//2//ThomasHoward Dorchester Stephen Rob- Stoughton Lemuel Gay inson Wrentham David A. Fisher Coroners. BelHngham Calvin Fair- Zachariah Lovell, James banks, Horace Metcalf Fisher Braintree Asa French Milton Phineas Davenport, Canton Samuel Black- Samuel Mardin, Alpheus man, Joseph Downs T. French Cohasset Thomas Bourne Needham David Smith, Dedham John Baker, jr. Daniel Ware, Rufus Mills Mace Smith, William K. Quincy Daniel Spear, Gay Roxbury Joshua Seaver, DorchesterY,. Withington, Aaron Kingsbury 3d., Oliver Billings Sharon Elijah Hewins, jr. Dover Jonathan Battle Stoughton Luther Swan, Foxboro^ Shubael Pratt Lemuel Gay Franklin Preston Metcalf, Weymouth Silas Binney Eli M. Richardson Wrentham Paul Fisher, Medjield Henry Adams James Whiting, Nathaniel Medivay Ralph Bullard, Ware,jr. David A. Fisher

FRANKLIN. Judge of Probate^ Richard E. Newcomb, Greenfield. Register of Probate, E.lijah Alvord, of do. County Treasurer and Register of Deeds., Hooker Leavitt, of Greenfield. County Attorney, Richard E. Newcomb, of Greenfield. Clerk of the Courts, Elijah Alvord, of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Ashfield Elijah Paine, CAar/(?7wo«?SylvesterMax- well Bernardston Job Good ale Deerfeld Elihu Hoyt, Asa H 66 Justices of the Peace in Franklin.

Stebbins, Epaphras Hoyt Thomas Longley Greenfield Jerome Ripley, Heath Ephraim Hastings Richard E. Newcomb, J\orthJield Obadiah Dick- Elijah Alvord, Hooker inson Leavitt, George Grennell, J^ew Salem William Whit- jr. Daniel Wells, Franklin aker Ripley, Horatio G. New- Rowe Solomon Read comb Wendell Joshua Green Naivley Edmund Longley,

Afifiointed to qualify Civil Officers, Richard E. Newcomb, Elijah Paine, Joshua Green, Samuel C. Allen, Elijah Alvord, Sylvester Maxwell, William Whitaker, John Nevers, Hooker Leavitt Justices of the Peace. Ashfield Levi Cook, Enos Ebenezer H. Williams, Smith, Henry Bassett, Elisha Bogue, Samuel E. Thomas White, Dimock Field, Stephen Whitney, Ellis, James McFarland, R. Saxton, Simon D. Wolf, Russell Bement Aaron Arms, John Wilson Bernardston Polycarpas Erving^s Grant Fordyce L. Cushman, Jonathan Alexander Allen,Caleb Chapin,Henry Gill Seth S. Howland, Barnard, John Brooks Joel Lyon, John Bates Buckland Samuel Taylor, Greenfield Elisha Root, Japheth Chapin, Levi Asaph Smead, Samuel White, Joseph Griswold, Pickett, David Willard, John Porter Thaddeus Coleman, Julia Charlemont George Wins- Smead, Ambrose Ames, low, Asahel Judd Isaac Newton, 2d. Alansoa Colraine John Drory, Dan- Clark, Henry Chapman iel Willis, Calvin Smith, Hanvley Hezekiah Warri- Samuel Coolidge, George ner, Edmund Longley, jr. Eels. Charles Thompson, John Tobey, John Vincent Isaac B. Barber, Daniel Heath Benjamin Maxwell, Dennison, jr. Roger Leavitt, Ebenezer Connvay John Arms, John Tucker, Sylvanus Max- WiUiams, William Bil- well, Luther Gale lings, Austin Rice, Chris- Leverett Roswell Field, topherArms, AsaHowland, Erastus Field, Eliphalet Charles E. Billings, Elisha S. Darling, Isaac Wood- Billings bury, Alpheus Field Deerfield Pliny Arms, Leyden Hezekiah New- Counsellors and Attorneys in Franklin. 87 comb, Peleg Babcock, David Wells Elisha Chapin, George Shutesbury Abner Smith, Mowrey Josiah Reaman, jr. Na- Montague Benjamin S. thaniel Macomber Wells, Jonathan Hart- Sunderland Caleb Hub- well, Apollos Gunn bard, Nathaniel Smith, Monroe Martin Ballou Wiliam Delano, Horace J\''ew Salem Nahunn Bry- VV.Taft, Luther Rot ant, Hoi acf Hunt. Abner IVarwick Caleb Mayo, Smith, Frederick H. Allen Jonathan Blake, jr. Justus NorthJieLd Elisha Lyman, Russell, Ashbel Ward, Asahel Sawyer, Obadiah Emery Gale, Joseph Ste- Dickinson, Asa Olmstead vens Orange Josiah Cobb, Amos Wendell Jonathan Whita- Woodward, Parley Bar- ker ton, Thomas Cobb Whately John White, Si- Rowe John Cheney, Wil- las Frary, Justice White, liam Taylor, Ebenezer Seth Smith, David Stock- Merrill, Noah Wells bridge, jr. Luke B. White, Skelbume A'aron Skinner, Chester Bardwell,2d. Dan- William Wells, Apollos iel Brown Barnard, Elam Kellogg, JVotartes Public. GreenJieldFra.nk\mR\p\ey Deerfield Aaron Arms Counsellors at Law* Ashjield Elijah Paine Hooker Leavitt, George Charlemont Sylvester Grennell, jr. Daniel Wells, Maxwell H. G. Newcomb, Henry- Conway William Billings Chapman Deerjield Plinv Arms, J\r. Salem Norman Smith Elijah Williams, 2d. Northjield John Nevers, Greenfield R.E.Newcomb, Samuel C. Allen Attorneys at the Sufireme Judicial Court. C/iar/fwon; JosephP. Allen Alvord Gill Benjamin Brainard J\rew Salem Frederick H. Greenfield David Willard, Allen Franklin Ripley, James C. Warwick Henry Barnard Attorneys at the Common Pleas. Colraine Isaac B- Barber, Montague Jonathan Hart- John Drury well Deerfield Aaron Arms JVorthfield Asa Olmstead Gill Hiram F. Stockbridge Sunderland Horace W. GreenfieldAXmon&vdXn^vd. Taft 88 Justices of the Peace in Hampden.

Sheriffs John Nevers, of Northfield.

Defmty Sheriffs. Ashjield Anson Bement Montague Benjamin S. Bernardston Hatzel Pur- Wells pie J\r. Salem Daniel Felton C^ar/^»zon^OrrickPackard JVorthJield Richard Colton Colraine Robert Riddle Shutesbury Henry Allard Deerjield David Wright Warioick Abner Goodell

Deputy Gaoler y David S. Jones, of Greenfield. Crier of the Courts^ David Wright, of Deerfield. Coroners* J3ernar^srowHatzelPurple Leverett Sylvanus Field C/far/emo?2?WaitstillHast- A^orthjield KicXvAvd. Colton ings Ore n^-e David Cleaveland, Conwoz/ ChristopherArms Abijah Hill Colraine Daniel Donelson Sunderland William Greenfield Isaac Aber- Delano crombie, jr. Wendell Samuel Brewer Inspector of Fire Arms^ Roswell Field, of Leverett. HAMPDEN. Judge of Probate^ Oliver B. Morris, of Springfield. Register of Probate^ Justice Willard, of do. Reg. of Deeds a?id C. Trcas.., William Rice, of do. County Attorney^ Oliver B. Morris, of do. Clerk oftke Courts^ John IngersoU, of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Blandford Alanson Knox Oliver B. Morris, Justice Granville Patrick Boies Willard, George Bliss, LongineadoTJ Ethan Ely William B. Calhoun, John Palmer Amos Hamilton, Howard James Stebbins West Springfield Samuel Southnvick Enos Foote Lathrop, Heman Day ^;n«^;?e/a? John IngersoU, WestfieId Elijah Bates Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. , John IngersoU, Elijah Bates, James Fowler, Oliver B. Morris, Justice Willard, Eli B. Hamilton, George Bliss. Justices of the Peace. Blandford David Boies, Reuben Boies, jr. R. Blair, Justices of the Peace in Hampden. 89

Lyman Gibbs, Reuben Gideon Styles, Joseph M. Boies, Orren Sage, Enos Forward, I Tzall Rockwell, Boies Heman Laflin Brimfield Piiilemon War- Sfiringfield Joshua Frost, ren, John Wyles, Francis Bezaleel Howard, Robert B. Stebbins, Asa Lincoln, Emery, Joseph Pease, Lewis Williams Daniel Lombard, John Chester Martin Phelps, Hooker, Solomon Hatch, Daniel Collins, AsaWilcox, James W. Crooks, David Forbes Kyle, Edmund M. Bryant, William Bliss, Hubbard, Lewis Collins, Richard D. Morris, Jesse Pendleton, William Rice, Granville Israel Parsons, Josiah Hooker, George James Cooley, James Ashmun, George Colton, Barlow, Hezekiah Robin- Orange Chapin son, Elihu Stow, Asa Tolland William Moore, Seymour, Francis Stebbins, Eleazer Slocum, William Charles F. Bates, Joel Twining, jr. Henry Bliss Root, Eleazer Slocum Wales James L. Wales, Holland David Wallis, Alfred Needham Elbridge G. Fuller, John Westfield Jedediah Taylor, Wallis William Blair,Isaac Wells, Longmeadoiv Gad Col- Augustus Collins, W. At- ton,' Joseph W. Cooley, water, E. B. Hamilton, Seth Taylor, William Azariah Moseley, Lucius White Wright, Norman T. Leon- Ludlow Benjamin Sikes, ard Josiah Syms, Nathaniel W. Sfiring/ieldRo\2iuA Bur- Chapin bank, Charles Ball, Timo- Monson Jacob Thompson, thy Horton, Justin Ely, Ede Whitaker, Joel Nor- Amos Worthington, The- cross, RufusFlint,Timothy odore Ely, Solomon Loth- Packard,Jonathan Torrey, rop, Luke Parsons, Alfred Erasmus Norcross, Reuben Flower, Henry Ely, James A. Chapman Kent Montgomery Edward Wilbraham Abel Bliss, Taylor Robert Sessions, Walter Palmer Aaron King Stebbins, Samuel F. Mer- Russell Isaac Palmer,John rick, William Knights, Gould, Reuben Bradley William Wood, Calvin Southwick Jos. Forward, Stebbins, Jacob B.Merrick, Saul Fowler, John Mills, William S. Burt 90 Counsellors, Sheriffs, &c. in Hampden.

JVotariea Public. rj^sir^(?MCharlesDouglass Sfiringjield John Howard, West Sprinqjidd Justin Justice Willard Ely Counsellors at Law. Blandford Alanson Knox Calhoun, John Hooker, JSrimJieldYrsincis B. Steb- William Bliss, Richard D. bins Morris, James W. Crooks, Granville Patrick Boies, James Cooley Wilbraham Wm. Knight Mo?2so^zErasmusNorcross, Westjield Elijah Bates, Reuben A. Chapman WiUiam Blair, Augustus Palmer James Stebbins Collins, Eli B. Hamilton, Southwick John Mills James Fowler, ^Norman Sfiringjield Jona. Dwight, I. Leonard jr. Oliver B. Morris, John West Springfield Samuel Howard, Justice Willard, Lothrop, Caleb Rice, Sol- George Bliss, William B. oman Lothrop Attorneys at the Supreme Judicial Court. GranmV/e Charles F. Bates Westfield Wm. G. Bates Springfield Wm. Dwight Attorneys at the Com?non Pleas. Blandford Russell A. Wil- Dwight son Westjield Joseph Hunting- Springfield William C. ton Sheriff] Caleb Rice, of West Springfield. Deputy Sheriff's. Blandford Curtis Knox Pa/7«

Deputy Gaoler y Harvey Chapin, of Springfield.

Crier of C, of Com. Pleas ^ Henry Brewer, of Springfield, Coroners. Blandford Rufus Blair sell, Harvey Chapin Brimjield Alvin Janes Westfield Wareham Monson Joel Norcross Shepherd Palmer John Frink fV.SpringfieldHemanDay Southwick Gideon Stiles Wilbraham William Clark Springfield Ebenezer Rus- Prover ofFire Arms^ Thomas Warner, of Springfield; Post-Offices in Massachusetts. 91 MASTERS IN CHANCERY. Suffolk and Kantucket. William Minot, John Brazer Davis. Essex. Rufus Choate, of Salem. Middlesex. Nathan Brooks, of Concord. Plymouth., Bristol^ Barnstable and Dukes. Charles J. Holmes, of Rochester. Charles H. Warren, cf New Bedford. J^orfolk. Sherman Leland, of Roxbury. Worcester. Joseph G. Kendall, of Leominster. Emory Washburn, of Worcester. Berkshire. Robert F. Barnard, of Sheffield. Hamfishire^ Hampden and Franklin. Justice VVillard, of Springfield.

POST-OFFICES IN MASSACHUSETTS, WITH THE POST MASTERS* NAMES. Abington Elihu Hobart " South Milton Barrows '* East Godard Reed Bernardston Gid'n Ryther Adams Peter Briggs ^ar7z.5/a6/e Matthew Cobb Alford Daniel Barrett " Mills Nath'l Hinckley Agaivam Asa B.Whitman W. ^anzs^.AlbertHowland Amesbury Jonath. Morrill Barre Charles Lee *' West Edmund Sargent Belchertoivn Mason Shaw Acton Silas Jones Bellingham H. Barber, jr. Afnherst H. W. Strong " East Thatcher Clark Andover Nathaniel Swift Berkley Asahel Hathaway Ashburnham'Ssim'LBsLrrett Beverly Jonathan Smith Ashby Alex. T. Willard Berlin Addison How Ashjield Levi Cook Becket Eliada Kingsby ./fssowe^RobertStockbridge Billerica Marshall Preston Athol Clough R. Miles Blandford Luther Laflin Attleboro^ Milton Barrows *' North Lyman Gibbs do. North Israel Hatch Bolton Amos Parker c?o.£a«?OryUIeS.Balcolm Boston Nathaniel Greene 92 Post-Offices in Massachusetts.

Boxford Parker Spafford *' Factory George Bird «* West Benjamin Pearl Chilmark Matt. Mayhew Boxboro^ Lyman Bigelow Cohasset Joel Willcutt Bedford Elijah Stearns Coleraine John Drury Blackstone James S. War- Concord John Keyes ner Conway Christo. Armes Boylston Eli B. Lampson Cotuii, Rowland T.Crocker Braintree Asa French Cragie^s Millf C. Shaw Bradford Benj. Parker, jr. Cummington JamesDawes Breiuster Joseph Sampson Dana Apollos Johnson ' Mills Mr. Bangs Dalton J. Chamberlin jB. Bridgewater Sylvanus Dartmouth Abner Tucker L. Mitchell " North John Cummings « South Mitchell Keith Dedham Jer. Shuttleworth »' West Dean Hangs Deerjield Seth Nims Brookline Oliver Whyte Dover John Williams

.S. fiaris/i Mitchel Keith S. Parish Aaron Arms Brighton Noah Worcester Dennis Nathan Stone " Brimfield Marq. Converse South E. Nickerson Brookfield Abrah. Skinner " Fast Thatcher Clark Buckland Joseph Hubbard Dighton E. A. Hathaway Burlington Jacob Kendall Dorchester J. Bradshaw ^vy?e/rf Benjamin Coleman Dunstable Josiah Cum- Cambridge Samuel Newell mings, jr. Cambridgefiort Luther S. Douglas David Hoi man Cushing Doughty's Fall N. Hobbs Canton Thos. J. Johnson Dracut Perley Parker Carver James Ellis " West Daniel P. Coburn • A^or/A Plummer Chase Dudley Wm. Hancock Charlemont W. Hastings Duxbury Seth Sprague. jr. Charlestoivn Arthur W. Eastham Elisha Cobb Austin Easton Daniel Wheaton Charlton Wm. P. Rider ** turnfiike B. Alger Chatham Josiah Mayhew East Becket E. Kingsley * North Isaiah Nye Easthamfiton Thaddeus «» ^r^s; Levi Eldridge Clapp Chelmsford Joel Adams East Brewster George W. * JVo'rth BenjaminAdams Cheshire ^ob\eK. Wolcott East Medivay N. Jones Chester Asahel Wright East Falmouth J. Robinson " Factories S. Henry, jr. East Hamilton Thaddeus Chesterfield Dyer Bancroft Clapp Chico/iee Stephen C. Bemis jB.Cawdrw/^eSam.S.Green Post-Offices in Massachusetts. 93

£. Granville Lyman Root Hanson Nath'l. Collamore £. Sudbury Newell Heard Hartsville W. Edwards East Stoughton Darius Hardwick Saml. F. Cutler Littlefield Harvard Jno. P.Whitcomb jErfg'arrowwTimo.CoffinJr. Harwich Obed Brooks Egremont Jesse Squire, jr. *' South I.P.Nickerson Enfield Eliphalet Jones *' East R. L. Thacher Erving^s Grant Fordyce " West Elijah Chase Alexander Hatfield Jona, Hastings, jr. Essex Amos Burnham Haverhill James Gale Fairhaven Joshua Drew " East John Johnson ** J^orth Gustavus Gilbert Hubbardston John Church Fall River Benj. Anthony Hawley Joshua Longley Falmouth Richard S. Heath Sylvanus Maxwell Wood Hingham Thomas Loud *' 5owfA Thomas Hurlbut Hinsdale Munroe Emmons Falty^s village Cha.CoUins Holden Merrill Davis Feeding Hills Alfr. Flower Holland Baxter Wood Fitchburg David Brigham Hollenbecks N.K.Bills Florida Luke Rice HofikintoniohxiQNoXQWtAnQ Foxboro^ Daniel Everett Holliston Oliver Leland Framingh. Jona. Maynard Holmes* Hole S. Dunham i^mn^/?ri Thomas S. Mann Hyannis F. L, Scudder *' Centre Davis Thayer *^ Por; Frederick Scudder Freetoivn George Pickens Ifiswich J. H. Kendall Gardner Moses Wood Ireland Abner Miller, jr. Gill Benjamin Brainard Kingston RufusB.Bradford Gloucester Wm. Stevens Lancaster Nath'l Rand Goshen Hinckley Williams Lanesboro^T'waQi. Whitney Grafton Sarnuel Wood Lee Hubbard Bartlett Granby William Belcher *• North Ebenezer Nye G.Barrington M. Hopkins Leicester John Sargent Greenfield Ambrose Ames Lenox Wm. P. Walker Greenwich Pliny Allen Leominster John Kendall " village Warren P.Wing Leverett Jonathan Conant Groion Caleb Butler Lexington Jno.P.Merriam Hadky Samuel D. Ward Lincoln Luke Gates " Mills D.Huntington iyft/f/d-n Reuben Sheldonjr. Halifax Obadiah Lyon Littleton Jona. Hartwell Hatfield John Hastings, jr. Longmeadows Wm.White Hamilton Israel D. Brown J^owell William Wyman Hancock P, H. Thomas Ludlow Benjamin Jenks Hanover Robert Eells Lunenburg S. Haywood 94 Post-Offices in Massachusetts.

Lyn7i Jeremiah C.Stickney JVorthbridge Cheney Taft Maiden Benjamin G. Hill JV*. Broohfield Jona. Carey Manchester D.L.Binirham JVorth Andover James Mannfield Solomon Pratt Stevens Marbielitad Rich. Prince A'orthjidd John Nevers yV/a7V6oro' SullivanThaver Northboro* Cyrus Gale Mar-hfield Pr cto Bourne N'.Middliboro Piiilip Colby

Mcdfitld Charles Onion A''. Bridi(twater N H.Cross Medford Luther xAngier " .V. iV. Heman Packard Mendon Jabez Aid rich N.Marshfidd Danl. Phillips •' South E. G. Daniels JV.Plynifiton Eben.Lobdell Met/men Geo. A. Waldo M Leverets Elias Mc Middleboro'* Levi Pierce Gregory •' West Elias Sampson, jr. J\r. Chelmsford Benj. Adams Millin^ton Horace Hunt J^.Uxbridge Samuel Read Middl'field'Da,v\(\M2i(±:]V, JVorton Laban M. Wheaton Mid. Granv. Noah Cooley Norwich Joseph Kirkland Miilbury J. W. Wright Oakham Eben. W Skerry " Grass i7i//Eph. Gould- Orange Josiah Wheelock ing.jr. Orleans David Taylor Milford Perley Hunt Otis Basil Seymour " South Whitman Bates " East Elijah Owen, Jr. Milton Nathan C. Martin Oxford Wm. Sigourney Monroe Martin Ballou " South W. H. Bigelow Monson Rufus Flynt Osterville Josh Scudder, jr. Montague Jona. Hartwell Palmer Amos Hamilton J^antucket G. W, Ewer Paxton Tyler Goddard JVatick William Farris Pelham Martin Kingman JSTeedham Rufus Mills Pembroke H. Collamore NewAshford S-Southworth Pefifierell A. Emerson A'ew Rowley Benj. Little Peru Oliver Nash J^Tew fie

Reading John Weston " East E. S. Deming ' JVorth David Damon Shirley Thomas Whitney RehoboCh GranvilleStevens Shutesbury J.L. Smallidge " Cerzire Jona.WheatonJr. Somerset Elisha Sladejr. Richmond Asa Cone " West Nathaniel iMason Ti^oc/iCi-^erCharlesJ.Holmes Southbord" Francis R. Fay *' Mattafwisset Theophilus Southbrid.l/A.'cYm Amidon Pitcher, jr. South ReadingYSx K.Y2k\Q Royalston Frank Gregory S. Hadley David Chandler Rowe Samuel H. Reed ** Crtwa/ Wm. Bowdoin,jr. Rowley Fred. Lambert S. Orange J. R. Whipple Roxbury Ebenezer Fox S. Leicester, clafipville Ho- *' Jamaica Plains Joshua race McFarland Seaver Shrewsbury C. R. Stone Rutland Rufus Putnam Southwick John Mills Salejn Ebenezer Putnam 5. Wilbraham J. S. Chaffee Salisbury Seth Clark Southampt.l2i's>. K. Sheldon " East Cyrus Deaborn Sfiencer Amasa Bemis, jr. Sandisfield George Hull *' J^orth John M. Gondell Sandwich W.H, Fessenden Sfiringfit'ld Albert Morgan *' East Joseph Hall Sterling Thomas H. Blood *' West Benj. Burgess Stockbrid. Thad. Pomeroy " South Lemuel Ewer Stoneham W. Sweetser " Monument E. Perry Stoughton Lemuel Gay " Buzzard'sBayBethn^l 6-. Oxford G. W. Kimball Bourne Stow Francis Conant S. JVatick Dexter Whiting Sturbridge Alvin Allen Sandy Bay Winthrop Pool Sunderland Wm. Delano Savoy Liberty Bowker Sudbury Jacob Rice Saxonville Charles Fiske Sutton Nehemiah Chase Scituate G. W. Young •* West Eben. Caldwell " JVorth S. P. Merritt Swanzey John Mason ** South John K. Nash Taunton Joseph L. Lord ** fTes^ Edward F. Jacobs " East E. Washburn " East G. W. Young Temfileton Artemas Lee Seekonk Allen Munroe Tewksbury Jacob Coggin " Centre Church Gray Tisbury Willard Luce Sharon Jonathan Cobb Tolland Alfred Webber ** Centre Benj. Reynolds Tofisfield N. Cleaveland Shelburne Walter Wells Townsend Aaron Keyes *' Sherburne Calvin Sanger James S. Walton " Falls Joseph Merrill Troy Charles Pitman Sheffield Edw. F. Ensign Truro H. Gross 96 Post-Ofiices in Massachusetts.

" Korth E. L. Gross West Mendon Willard Tyngsbord* Daniel Rich- Wilson ardson Wales Loring Wales Tyringham A. Miller West Cambridge Henry " South S. C. Buell Whittemore " JVorth Wm. Arnold W. Needha m Charles Noyes Uiiton Eli Warren W. Harwich Elijah Chase

Uxbridge John W . Capron Westminster Timo. Doty Walpoie David MorRe Weston Abraham Hewes " Centre Harvey Clapp ^(fs//.'or?StephenHowland Waltham Nath'l.Maynard W.S/rringJieldE. Winchell Wai'd Zebulon Gary W. Stockbridge E. Kellogg Ware Joseph Cummingsjr. " Centre B. H. Lewis Wareham David Nye Weymouth Cotton Tufts " West Bartlett Murdock " East Lovell Bicknell ** East Thomas Savery " South Jos. Loud, jr. Warwick William Cobb Whately Elijah Ellis ' South Apollos Root " West J. R. Goodenough Watertown Benjamin Dana Wilbraham Wm. Knight Welfleet Josiah Whitman Washington W. G. Bal- " Jeremiah Jones lantine '' South R. Arey, jr. Windsor Hezekiah M< Wendell Lewis Stone Wells W. Tisbury W. Luce Williamsburg Thomas Wenham Ezra Lummus Mayhew Westboro* Silas Wesson Williamstoivn Phineas W. BoylstonThos. B. Davis Cone tV. Becket Wolcott Chaffee " South John P. Jordon W. Bradford E. Kimball Winchendon Mark Whit- W. Bridgeivater Albert comb Smith Woburn B. Buckman W. Brookjield AaronNewell Worcester James Wilson W. Dedham Abner Ellis Worthingtm William Ward Westhampton John A. Judd Wrentham David Fisher W. JSfeivbury Thomas Hills " JVorth Ebenezer Blake ^(?s?(?mNathan Hathaway " South Samuel Druce Waterford JamesWilson.jr. Yarmouth B. Matthews,jr. Westjield M. Ives, jr. " Port Timothy Reed WestfordJ.W. P. Abbott " West Elnathan Lewis TV. Falmouth S. Dillingham " South Thomas Akin Massachusetts Militia. 97 MASSACHUSETTS MILITIA.

[Revised by the Adjutant-General, Dec. 1. 1831.] His Excellency, LEVI LINCOLN, COMMANDER IN CHIEF. Aids de-Camp. Josiah Quincy, jr. of Boston, Pliny Merrick, of Worces- ter, John B. Davis, of Boston, and Emery Washburn, of Worcester, Rank of Lieutenant Colonels. •Adjutant- General, and Acting Quarier-Maater-General. William H. Sumner, of Boston. Rank of Brigadier-General. Fitch Hall, Clerk^ Adjutant-GeneraVs Department. Edward Stow, do. Quarter Master General's do. Henry Sheafe, Military Store Keeper.

Laboratory No. 1, Pleasant Street. [The Adjutant and Acting Quarter-Master-GeneraPs Office is kept in the North-West corner of the State- House, and is open from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. and from 3 to 6 P. M. excepting Saturday afternoons.]

DIVISION AKD DIVISIONARY STAFF OFFICERS. FIRST mVlSlON—Suffolk and Norfolk. Major-General^ Aaron Capen, of Dorchester. Aid-de-Camp^ Aaron D. Capen, of Dorchester. Division- Inspector^ John P. Bigelow, of Boston. Division- Quarter-Master, Fred. W. Lincoln, of Canton. Judge-Advocate, Horace Mann, of Dedham. SECOND DIVISION.—JE.^5ex. Major-General, Benjamin Stickney, of Newbury. Aid-de-Camp, William S. Allen, of Newburyport, Division-Inspector, Division-Quarter-Master, Samuel Phillips, of Andover. Judge-Advocate, Caleb Gushing, of Newburyport. THIRD mVlSlO'N.'-Middlesex. Major-General, Micah M. Rutter, of East Sudbury. Aids-de-Camp, Micah M. Rutter, jr. Newton, Samuel H, Mann, of East Sudbury. Division- Inspector, Joseph Butterfield, of Tyngsborough. 98 Massachusetts Militia.

Division- Quarter-Master, Samuel A. Coburn, of Lowell. Judge-Advocate, William Draper, of Marlborough. FOURTH DIVISION. Hampshire, Hampden and Franklin, Major- General^ Thomas Sheldon, of Westfield. Aids-de-Camp, Charles Ely, of West-Springfield, Wells Laflin, of Southwick. Division-Inspector, David H. Merwin, of Westfield. Division- Quarter- Mast er^ Judge-Advocate, FIFTH DIVISION. Bristol, Plymouth, Barnstable, Szc. Major- General, Benjamin King, of Abington. Aids-de-Camp, Welcome Young, of East-Bridgewater. James H. Mitchel, of do. Division- Inspector, Division- Quarter-Master^ Judge-Advocate, Timothy G. Coffin, of New-Bedford. SIXTH DIVISION Worcester. Major-General, Nathan Heard, of Worcester. Aids-de-Camp, Thomas Kinnicutt, of Worcesterj Wil- liam Pratt, of Shrewsbury. Division- Inspector, Emory H.Bowman, of New-Braintree. Division- Quarter- Master, Edward Denny, of Leicester. Judge-Advocate, Aaron Brooks, jr. of Petersham. SEVENTH T>\Y\^\ON.^Berkshire. Major-General, Jabez Hall, of Lanesborough. Aids-de-Camp, Franklin Weston, of Dalton, Henry Raymond, 2d. of Lenox. Division-Inspector^ Daniel B. Busb, of Pittsfield. Divisioti-Quarter-Master, John Z. Goodrich, of West- Stockbridge. Judge-Advocate, William Porter, jr. of Lee.

BRIGADE AND STAFF OFFICERS. FIRST DIVISION. r Brigadier-General, Thomas Taylor, of Quincy.

1st. jAid-de-Carcp, Francis \N . Davenport, Milton. Brig. ^Brigade-Major, Bradford L. Wales, of Randolph; C Brig.-Quar.-Masterj Thomas Adams, jr. of Quincy. Mas^i(Ausetts Militia. 99

^Brigadier-General, Lucas Pond, of Wrentham. 2d. jAid-de-Camp, Thomas G Ide, of do. Brig. ^Brigade-Major, Truman Clark, of Walpole. C Brig.-Quar.-Master, Shephard Plimpton, Walpole. (Brigadier-General, John S. Tyler, of Boston. 3d. J Aid-de-Camp, John Henry Eastburn, of Boston. Brig, p Brigade-Major, William C. Tyler, of do. C Brigade-Quarter- Master, Joseph C. Brodhead, do.

SECOND niVISION. r Brigadier- General, Josiah Newhall, of Lynnfield. 1st. ^ Aid-de-Camp, Joseph B. Breed, of Lynn. Brig. ^ Brigade-Major, Jabez W. Barton, of Salem. C Brigade-Quarter-Master, Asahel Huntington, do. (Brigadier-General, Solomon Low, of Boxford. 2d. J Aid-de-Camp, William Marland, of Andover. Brig. ^Brigade-Major, Moses P. Parish, of Newburyport. CBrig.-Quarter-Master, Sam'I. W. Stickney, Salem.

THIRD DIVISIOJiT. r Brigadier-General, John Tarbell, of Cambridge. 1st. J Aid-de-Camp, Bushrod W. Young, of Charlestown. Brig, y Brigade-Major, Wyman Richardson, ofWoburn. C Brig. Quar. Master, Abraham Edwards, ofCamb. (Brig. General, George Green, of Townsend. 2d. J Aid-de-Camp, Frederick F. Parker, ofPepperell. Brig. ^Brigade-Major, William A. Bancroft, of Groton. C Brigade-Quarter-Master, Israel Longley, Shirley. FOURTH DIVISION. ( Brigadier-Gen. John Warner, of Greenwich. Aid de-Camp, Joseph H. Sweetser, of Amherst. Brigade-Major, Wm. M. Lathrop, of Enfield. Brig. Quar. Master, Joseph A. Sweetser, Amherst, Brigadier-General, Alanson Clark, of Greenfield. Aid-de-Camp, Luke A. White, of do. Brigade-Major, Hiram F. Stockbridge, of Gill. Brig. Quar. Master, David S. Jones, of Greenfield. FIFTH DIVISION. { Brigadier-General, Darius Miller, Middleborough. 1st. ^ Aid-de-Camp, Warren Murdock, of Wareham. Brig, j Brigade-Major, James R. Sproat, Middleborough. ( Brig. Quarter-Master, Joseph Hunt, of Abington. 100 Field Officers of Infantry.

Brigadier-Gen. William Peck, of Dighton. iAid-de-Camp, Charles Richmond, jr. of Taunton. Brigade-Major, George B. Atwood, of Taunton. Brig. Quar. Master, Samuel L. Crocker, of Norton. Brigadier-Gen. Eben. D. Winslow, of Brewster. Aid-de-Camp, Freeman Foster, jr. of do. Brigade-Major, ,Brig. Quar. Master, Elisha D. Winslow, of Boston.

SIXTH DIVISION. ( Brigadier-Gen. Erasmus Holbrook, of Sturbridge. 1st 1 Aid-de-Camp, David T. Brigham, of Worcester- Brig, j Brigade-Major, Linus Child, of Southbridge. ( Brig. Quar. Master, Alvan Allen, of Sturbridge. r Brigadier-General, John P, Whitcomb, of Harvard. 2d. J Aid-de-Camp, Ebenezer Aldricb, of Grafton. Brig. ^Brigade-Major, Gideon Sibley, of Athol. (.Brig. Quar. Master, George Whitney, of Harvard.

SEVENTH DIVISION. r Brigadier-Gen. Timo. Wainwright, Gt. Barrington. 1st N Aid-de-Camp, Joel Kilborn, of do. Brig. S Brigade-Major, Increase Sumner, of do. ( Brig. Quar. Master, John A. Laffargue, of Sheffield. f Brigadier-General, Ljman Judd, of Lenox. 2d. J Aid-de-Camp, Brig. ^Brigade-Major, Albert G. Belden, of do. CBrig. Quar. Master, John C. Hunt, of do.

FIELD OFFICERS AND ADJUTANTS OF THE INFANTRY. FIRST DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. , William H. Spooner, of Roxbury. Lieut. Colonel, John P. Clapp, of Dorchester. Major, Edward W. Bradlee, of Roxbury. Adjutant, Ebenezer W. Stone, of Boston. Colonel, Charles Lane, of Hingham. Lieut. Colonel, Abraham Thayer, of Weymouth. Major, Elias Hunt, of do. Adjutant, Appleton Howe, of do. Field Officers of Infantry. 101

("Colonel, Otis Wild, of Brainfree. 3d. J Lieut. Colonel, Eleazer Beals, of Randolph. Reg. ^ Major, Orramel White, of do. I Adjutant, Francis D. Holbrook, of do- SECOND BRIGADE. C Colonel, Josiah N. Bird, of Dedham. 1st. y Lieut. Colonel, Luther Eaton, do. Reg. j Major, Ebenezer W. Calef, of Walpole. ( Adjutant, Elbridge G. Dudley, do. r Colonel, Preston Pond, of Wrentham. 2d. J Lieut. Colonel, George H. Holbrook, of Medway. Reg. y Major, Henrj H. Sumner, of Foxborough. C Adjutant, Emor S. Sayles, of Wrentham. THIRD BRIGADE- r Colonel, Thomas Davis, of Boston. 1st. N Lieut. Colonel, Peter Dunbar, of do. Reg, ^ Major, Benjamin H. Norton, of do. (Adjutant, Sumner Crosby, of do. f Colonel, Edward G. Prescott, of do. 2d. J Lieut. Colonel, S. Davis Leavens, of do. Reg. p Major, Ivers J. Austin, of do. C Adjutant, ( Colonel, John F. Banister, of do. 3d. 1 Lieut. Colonel, Josiah L. C. Amee, of do. Reg. j Major, Seth J. Thomas, of do. ( Adjutant, Calvin W. Haven, of do. SECOND DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. Salem Cadets. Captain, Francis B. Crowninshield. r Colonel, Samuel Avery, of Marblehead. 1st. \ Lieut. Colonel, William B. Adams, of do. Reg. ) Major, Charles A. Andrew, of Salem- ( Adjutant, Benjamin S, Newhall, of do. f Colonel, William Pool, of Gloucester. 2d. 3 Lieut. Colonel, John Clark, of do. Gilbert, of do. Reg. J Major, Daniel C Adjutant, Daniel Rogers, jr. of do. (Colonel, Ebenezer Sutton, of Danvers. 3d.) Lieut. Colonel, Jesse Tapley of do. Reg. p Major, Gustavus Atwell, of Lynn. C Adjutant, Hazen Ayer, of Danvers. I* 103 Field Officers of Infantry.


^Colonel, Uriah Bailey, of West-Newbury. 1st. J Lieut. Colonel, Samuel M. Noyes, of Newbury. Reg. ^ Major, George W. Carr, of West-Newbury. C Adjutant, Stephen Adams, jr. of Newbury. rColonel, 2d. 3 Lieut. Colonel, Joshua Low, of Essex. Reg, ^ Major, John Kimball, of Rowley. C Adjutant, Hervey Kimball, of Ipswich. r Colonel, Benjamin P. Chadwick, of Bradford. 3d. J Lieut. Colonel, David Rice, of Andover. Reg. V Major, Jeremiah Hurd, of do. C Adjutant, William "Brown, of Bradford. C Colonel, Amos Tappan, of Newburyport. 4th. y Lieut. Colonel, Fordyce F. Lincoln, of Salisbury. Reg. j Major, Alfred E. Goodwin, of Amesbury. ' Adjutant,


FIRST BRIGADE. r Colonel, Samuel Learned, of Watertown. 1st. J Lieut. Colonel, Elisha Stratton, of do. Reg. ^ Major, Benjamin L. Sanderson, West Cambridge. C Adjutant, Benjamin Dana, of Watertown. r Colonel, William Winn, of Burlington. j 2d. J Lieut. Colonel, James Jaques, of Wilmington. Reg. ^ Major, William Blanchard, 3d. do. C Adjutant, William Tidd, of Woburn. r Colonel, Samuel Chandler, of Lexington. 3d. J Lieut. Colonel, Sherman Barrett, of Concord. Reg. ^ Major, Loammi Knight, of Lexington. C Adjutant, Joseph Meriam, jr. of do. r Colonel, Nathan Adams, of Hopkinton. 4th. J Lieut. Colonel, Abijah Ellis, of do. Reg. ^ Major, Albert Wood, of do. V Adjutant, Homer Tilton, of Framingham* f Colonel, Theodore L. Stiles, Maiden. 5th. 1 Lieut. Colonel, Reg. \ Major, Oliver W. Preston, of Charlestown. ( Adjutant, Benjamin G. Hill, of Maiden. .

Field Officers of Infantry. 1 03

SECOND BRIGADE. "Colonel, Mark C. Sibley, of East-Sudbury '(Lieut. Colonel, William Brigham, of Stow. Major, William H. Wood, of Marlboro'. Adjutant, Horace Heard, of East Sudbury. Colonel, Thomas A. Staples, of Groton. Lieut. Colonel, Nahum Harwood, of Littleton.

- Major, James P. Whitney, of Shirley. Adjutant, George W. Tarbell, Pepperell. Colonel, Coburn Blood, jr. of Dracut.

I Lieut. Colonel, James Butterfield, jr. of Tyngsboro'.

I Major, John T. Torrey, of Chelmsford. V Adjutant, Henry J. Baxter, of Lowell. FOURTH DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. r Colonel, Seth Lathrop, of Wilbraham. Ist. jLieut. Colonel, John Mc Cray, jr. of Palmer. Reg. 5 Major, Ellas Turner, of do. C Adjutant, Isaac A. Cooley, of Springfield. ( Colonel, Clement Stebbins, of Granville. ' Lieut. Colonel, Aaron Bagg, 2d. West Springfield. Major, Levi S. Parsons, of Granville. I Adjutant, Frederick Curtis, of Southwick. Colonel, Warren S. Howland, of Amherst. Lieut. Colonel, Alonzo Cutter, of Enfield. Major, Parsons West, of Hadley. Adjutant, Asahel L. H. Bartlett, of Enfield. SECOND BRIGADE. Colonel, William H. Moseley, of Northampton. Lieut. Colonel, John Kinne, of Chesterfield. I Major, Charles C. C. Moore, of Northampton. I Adjutant, Samuel W. Kirkland, of do. 'Colonel, David Wells, of Shelburne. (Lieut. Colonel, Aaron Spaulding, of Greenfield- Major, Joel Farley, of Colerain. I Adjutant, John J. Graves, of Greenfield. Colonel, Cephas Lawrence, of Montague. Lieut. Colonel, John Powers, of Shutesbury. Major, Warren Horr, of New-Salem. Adjutant, William E. Russell, of Warwick. 104 Field Officers of Infantry.

£ Colonel, William Taylor, jr. of Rowe. 4th. 3 Lieut. Colonel, Manning Shumway, of do. Reg. j Major, Roger H. Leavitt, of do. ( Adjutant, FIFTH DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. Colonel, Leander Lovell, of Plymouth.

I Lieut. Colonel, Nathaniel Ford, of Duxbury. Major, Charles Soule, of Plympton. Adjutant, Rufus B. Bradford, of Kingston. Colonel, Aurora W. Oldham, of Pembroke. Lieut. Colonel, Major, Seth Magoun, ofMarshfield. Adjutant, Horace Collamore, of Pembroke, r Colonel, Abram Washburn, 2d. of Bridge water. 3d. ^ Lieut. Colonel, John Torrey, of Easton. Reg. ^ Major, Martin Cary, of North-Bridgewater. C Adjutant, Dion Bryant, of Bridgewater. r Colonel, 4th. 3 Lieut. Colonel, Thomas Weston, jr. Middleboro'. Reg. V Major, Oliver Eaton, of do. C Adjutant SECOND BRIGADE, rColonel, Lyndall Bowen, of Rehoboth. 1st. J Lieut. Colonel, John B. Read, of Pawtucket. Reg. 5 Major, Caleb W. Baker, of Swanzey. C Adjutant, Henry Luther, of do. r Colonel, James D. Thompson, of New-Bedford. 2d. J Lieut. Colonel, Henry H. Crapo, of Dartmouth. Reg. ^ Major, David Sylvester, of New-Bedford. C Adjutant, Asa Wood, of do. C Colonel, Warren Lincoln, of Raynham. 3d. ) Lieut. Colonel, Stephen L. White, of Taunton. Reg. i Major, Pardon Leonard, jr. of do. C Adjutant, George Danforth, of do. ( Colonel, Ira K. Miller, of Attleborough. 4th. ) Lieut. Colonel, Mason Stone, of Norton. Reg. ^ Major, Willard Blackington, of Attleborough. ( Adjutant, Ira Newman, of do. r Colonel, Philip R. Bennet, of Troy. 5th. J Lieut. Colonel, Philip P. Hathaway, of Freetown. Reg. J Major, John Chase, of Dighton. C Adjutant, John T. Lawton,of Freetown. Field Officers of Infantry. 105

THIRD BRIGADE. (Colonel, Sabin Smith, of Sandwich. 1st. ^ Lieut. Colone], Sylvester Bourn, of Falmouth. Reg. ^ Major, Sylvanus B. Phinney, of Barnstable. C Adjutant"^ Theodore Kern, of Sandwich, r Colonel, Nehemiah Baker, of Dennis. 2d. ) Lieut. Colonel, Horatio Underwood, of Harwich. Reg. j Major, Joshua Wickson, jr. of Dennis. ( Adjutant, Obed Brooks, jr. of Harwich. f Colonel, 3d. 1 Lieut. Colonel, Samuel Stinson, of Eastham. R.eg. j Major, John C. Knowles, of Truro. ( Adjutant, Cornelius Hamblin, of Welfleet SIXTH DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. ( Colonel, Ebenezer L. Barnard, of Worcester.

I Lieut. Colonel, Samuel Stratton, of Holden. Major, Maynard King, West-Boylston. Adjutant, Caleb C. Howe, of Worcester. Colonel, Moses Buffum, of Mendon. Lieut. Colonel, Lewis Johnson, of Milford.

I Major, Alanson Balcom, of Grafton. Adjutant, Amos W. Pitts, of Mendon. ^Colonel, Asa Barr, of New-Braintree. Sd. \ Lieut. Colonel, John M. Fiske, of Brookfield. Regi Major, Hiram B. Clark, of do. C Adjutant, Joseph Knox, of Kardwick. ( Colonel, Samuel D. Spurr, of Charlton. 4th. Allen Hancock, jr. of Dudley. J Lieut. Colonel, Reg. j Major, Jonathan Day, of do. ( Adjutant, Samuel C. Fiske, of Southbridge. SECOND BRIGADE. (Colonel, Joseph Meriam, of Princeton. iLieut. Colonel, Asa Whitcomb, of Bolton.

I Major, Silas B. Fairbanks, of Berlin. Adjutant, Colonel, David F. Bond,of Boylston. ILieut. Colonel, Franklin Harrington, of Grafton. Major, Lawson Bartlett, of Northborough. Adjutant, Willard S. Wood, of Grafton, 106 Officers of Cavalry.

Colonel, Calvin G. How, of Rutland. Lieut. Colonel, Josiah White, of Petersham. Major, George White, of do. Adjutant, Spencer Field, of Barre. Colonel, Luke Lincoln, of Leominster. Lieut. Colonel, Ivers Phillips, of Fitchburg. Major, Joseph Richardson, jr. of do. Adjutant, Reuel Lawrence, of Ashburnham. r Colonel, John Sawyer, jr. of Templeton. 5th. J Lieut. Colonel, George W. Sawyer, of Phillipston. Reg. ^ Major, William Murdock, of Winchendon- C Adjutant, Luke Beals, of Royalston. SEVENTH DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. (•Colonel, Orel A. Thorp, of Sheffield. 1st. N Lieut. Colonel, Joseph Wilcox, jr. of do. Reg. "5 Major, John Chatfield, of Great-Barrington. (Adjutant, Edmund Bush, of Sheffield. r Colonel, Melancton Lewis, of W. Stockbridge. 2d. J Lieut. Colonel, Levi Crocker, of do, Reg. y Major, Charles Webster, of do. C Adjutant, Edson Sexton, of do. SECOND BRIGADE. r Colonel, William C. Plunckett, of Adams. 1st. ^ Lieut. Colonel, Ransalaer Salmon, Williamstown. Reg. y Major, George A. Laphara, of Adams. C Adjutant, Resolved Wood, of do. r Colonel, 2d. J Lieut. Colonel, Reg. ^ Major, C Adjutant,

OFFICERS OF CAVALRY. FIRST DIVISION. Second Brigade. 1 Company. Captain, Joseph Adams, of Medway. Annexed to 2d Regiment of Infantry.

Third Brigade. 1 Company. Captain, Joseph Leonard, of Boston. Officers of Cavalry. 107

SECOND DIVISION. Second Brigade. 2 Companies, Captain, David H. Caldwell, of Ipswich. Annexed to 2d Regiment of Infantry. Captain, Mighill Spofford, of Rowley. Annexed to 3d Regiment of Infantry. THIRD DIVISION. Second Brigade. 1 Company. Captain, Phelps Brooks, of Townsend. Annexed to 2d Regiment of Infantry. FOURTH DIVISION. First Brigade. 1 Regiment. 5 Companies. Colonel, Dauphin Brown, of Tolland. Lieut. Colonel, Dennis A. Parsons, of Granville. Major, John Fenton, of Brimfield. Adjutant, Chauncy R. Baldwin, of Granville. Captain, Moses Loomis, of Southwick. Captain, Charles J. Upham, of Springfield. Captain, Freeman Smith, of Palmer. Captain, Alfred Baker, of Amherst. Captain, Edmund Hubbard, jr. of Chester.

Second Brigade. 1 Regiment. 5 Companies. Colonel, Roderick B. Harwood, of Whately. Lieut. Colonel, David Wright, of Deerfield. Major, Joseph Smith, of Colraine. Adjutant, Charles Smead, of Greenfield. Captain, John Ware, of Conway. Captain. Horace Packard, of Goshen. Captain, Stephen Fellows, of Shelburne. Captain, John B. Putnam, of New-Salem. Captain, Silas Billings, of Hatfield. FIFTH DIVISION. Second Brigade. 1 Company. Captain, Daniel Richardson, jr. of Attleborough. Annexed to 4th Regiment of Infantry. SIXTH DIVISION. First Brigade. 1 Company. Captain, John F. Clark, of Worcester. Annexed to 1st Regiment of Infantry. Second Brigade. 1 Company. Captain, Charles Church, of Templeton. Annexed to the 5th Regiment of Infantry. 108 Officers of Artillery. OFFICERS OF ARTILLERY. First Division. First Brigade. 3 Companies. Captain, Joseph B. Towle, of Roxburj. Annexed to 1st Regiment of Infantry. Capt. Marshal Goodspeed, of Dorchester, do. 1st do. Captain, James Hawes, of Weymouth. do. 2d do. Second Brigade. 2 Companies. Captain, Abijah Pond, of Franklin. Annexed to 2d Regiment of Infantry. Captain, Newman E. Hawes, of Walpole. do. 1st do, Third Brigade. 1 Battalion. 3 Companies. Major, Aaron Andrews, of Boston. Adjutant, Samuel Thompson, of Roxbury. Captain, Thomas Goodwin, of Boston. Captain, Ebenezer Tasker, of do. Captain, Horace Bacon, of do. Boston Sea Fencihles. Captain, Winslow W. Sever, of Boston. SECOND DIVISION. First Brigade. 6 Companies. Captain, John K. Skinner, of Salem. Annexed to 1st Regiment of Infantry. Captain, William Haskell, of Marblehead. do. 1st do. Captain, Timothy Brown, of do. do. 1st do. Captain, Joshua P. Trask, of Gloucester, do. 2d do. Captain, Thomas J. B. Bowler of Lynn. do. 3d do. Captain, Thomas Flint, of Danvers. do. 3d do. Second Brigade. 3 Companies. Captain, Charles Wardwell, of Andover. Annexed to 3d Regiment of Infantry. Captain, John Bradbury, of Newburyport. do. 4th do. Captain, Joseph Flanders, jr. Salisbury, do. 4th do. THIRD DIVISION. First Brigade. 1 Regiment. 4 Companies. Colonel, Abijah Thompson, of Woburn. Lieut. Colonel, Philip Russell, of Lexington. Major, Joshua Buttrick, of Concord. Adjutant, Josiah Clark, of Watertown. Officers of Artillery. 109

Captain, Bela Greenwood, of Boston, Watertown Com. Captain, Abel B. Haywood, of Concord. Captain, John M. Robertson, of Charlestown. Captain, Isaac Cutler, of Concord, Lexington Company. Second Brigade. 2 Companies. Captain, Asa Spauldinj^, of Billerica. Annexed to 3d Regiment of Infantry. Captain, Phineas G. Prescott, of Groton. do. 2d do. FOURTH DIVISION. First Brigade. 1 Regiment. 4 Companies. Colonel, Lewis Fowler, of Westfield. Lieut. Colonel, David P. King, of Monson. Miijor, Henry Dwi£:ht, of Springfield. Adjutant, Joseph B. Sheffield, of do. Captain, Horace Noble, jr. of Westfield. Captain, Henry A. Bridgraan, of Relchertown. Captain, Edward Norcross, of Monson. Captain, Ruel Cooley, of Springfield. Second Brigade. 1 Regiment. 5 Companies. Colonel, Jonathan Belcher, of Northfield. Lieut. Colonel, George Shepherd, of Northampton. Major, David R. Whiton,of Plainfield. Adjutant, Marshall S. Mead, of Northfield. Captain, Hubbard B. Bardwell, of Leyden. Captain, Noah Edwards, of Northampton. Captain, Thomas W. White, of Ashfield, Captain, John Mack, jr. of Plainfield. Captain, William Pomeroy, jr. of Northfield. FIFTH DIVISION. First Brigade. 3 Companies. Captain, Eleazer S. Bartlett, of Plymouth. Annexed to 1st Regiment. Captain, William Morse, of Hanover, do. 2d do. Captain, William Nash, of Abington. do. 3d do. Second Brigade. 2 Companies. Captain, New Bedford. Co. annexed to 2d Reg. Captain, Lamed Wilmarth. jr. of Taunton, Norton Co. 4th Regiment. SIXTH DIVISION. First Brigade. 3 Companies: Captain, Leonard W. Stowell, of Worcester. Annexed to 1st Regiment of Infantry. 1 10 Officers of Artillery.

Captain, Peter Corbett, of Milford. Annexed to 2d Reg. of Infantry. Captain, Peter Clemence, of Oxford, Southbridge Com- Annexed to 4th Reg.

Second Brigade. 1 Battalion. 3 Companies. Major, Seneca Colburn, of Leominster. Adjutant, Edmund H. Nichols, of do. Captain, Nathan Hammond, of Petersham, Barre Com- Captain, Oilman Robbins, of Leominster. Captain; Nathaniel Johnson, of do., Lancaster Co. SEVENTH DIVISION. First Brigade. 1 Battalion. 2 Companies. Major, Isaac M. Taylor, of Lee. Adjutant, Rodney Hill, of Lee. Captain, Abraham Tobey, jr. of West Stockbridge. Captain, Gilbert Monson, of Great Barrington. Second Brigade. 1 Company. Captain, Amos R. Torry, of Pittsfield. Annexed to 2d Reg. of Infantry. DIVISIONARY OF INDEPENDENT CADETS. 1st Division. Captain, Lieut. Colonel, Henry F. Baker. Lieutenant^ Major Jonathan Amory. Ensign, Major George W. Pratt. Adjutant, Captain Grenville T. Winthrop. Surgeon, John C. Warren, m. d. ANCIENT AND HONOURABLE ARTILLERY COMPANY. Incorporated 1638. Captain, Capt. William B. Adams. 1st Lieutenant, Col. Amasa G. Smith. 2rf Lieutenant, Capt. Isaac Davis. .Adjutant, Lieut. John Eaton. Clerk, Lieut. John C. Park. Treasurer, Col. Benj. Loring. Armourer, D. W. Bradlee, Esq. Assistant Armourer, J. W. Hovires, Esq. 1st Sergeant, Capt. Amos S. Allen, jr. 2(£ Sergeant, Capt. Seth J. Thomas. Zd Sergeant, Capt. Stephen Titcomb. Atk Sergeant, Capt. A. S. Liverraore. hth Sergeant, Lieut. Joseph Meriam. ^k Sergeam, Capt. Joseph Leonard. Convention of Ministers. Ill

The Convention of the Congregational Ministers in the Commomoealth o/" Massachusetts Is a voluntary Association, embracing all the Concjrega- tional Clergy of the Commonwealth, but vested with no particular authority or control over the churches. Their meeting is held in Boston, in the afternoon of the last Wednesday in May, annually, at five, p. m. and the following day. After transacting the usual business of the Convention, a sermon is delivered in public before them, and a collection made for the charitable purpose of relieving the indigent Widows of Congregational Clergy- men. The OfBcers of the Convention at present are — Rev. Nathaniel L. Frothingham, of Boston, Treasurer. Rev. Dr. Wisner, of Boston, Scribe of the Conventioo. Rev. Dr. Jenks, first Preacher. Rev. Dr. Osgood, second Preacher. For the purpose of investigating cases of necessity, and of application for the charity of the Convention, there are

two standing Committees ; a Central Committee, chosen centrally, and a Reporting Committee, whose members reside in diflferent parts of the State. The Reporting Com- mittee are required, each year, to investigate the circum- stances of the objects of this charity, whether already on the list, or needing, or applying the first time for aid, and make a particular statement to the Central Committee, di- rected to the Scribe of the Convention, at least one week before the meeting of the Convention. Should any member neglect so to do for two successive years, his place in the Reporting Committee shall be vacated. The Central Com- mittee receive from the members of the Reporting Com- mittee applications and statements of facts in behalf of sub- jects of the charity of the Convention, and, having consid- ered thesame, are tojudgeofthe personsto be relieved, and the proportion to be given to each, and make report to the Convention, on the first day of their meeting, annually. The statements of the members of the Reporting Com- mittee are expected to contain answers to the following questions — 1. What is her age ? 2. What are the number, the sex, the ages, and the cir- cumstances of her children ? 3. What is a fair estimate of her property.'' 4. What is her ability to help herself.^ 112 General Association in Massachusetts.

5. What connexions has she, who are bound to afibrd her assistance ? And in what way do they assist her ?

6. What is her income ? 7. What peculiar circumstances render her an object of

charity ; or make it desirable, that she should have aid this year ? CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Rev. Eliphalet Porter, d. d Rev. Abiel Holmes, d. d. Rev. John Pierce, D. D. Rev. Charles Lowell, d. d. Rev. B. B. Wisner, d. d. Rev. Nathaniel L. Frothingham, Rev. Samuel Gile. REPORTING COMMITTEE. Suffolk. Barnstable. Rev. Benj. B. Wisner, d. d. Rev. . Essex. Rev. Ezra Goodwin. Rev. Peter Eaton, d. d. Worcester. Rev. Brown Emerson. Rev. Aaron Bancroft, d. d. Middlesex. Rev. John Fiske. Rev. Samuel Stearns. Rev. John Chickering. Rev. Sylvester F. Bucklin. Hampden. JVorfolk. Rev. Isaac Knapp. Rev. Elisha Fiske. Hampshire. Plymouth. Rev. Nathan Perkins, jr. Rev. James Kendall, n. d. Franklin. Rev. Daniel Huntington. Rev. Winthrop Bailey. Bristol. Berkshire. Rev. Pitt Clark. Rev. Alvan Hyde, v. d.

The Convention earnestly recommend to all )^oung gen- tlemen who design to devote themselves to the work of the ministry, to spend that portion of time in the study of divinity, which learned and judicious advisers shall think necessary to qualify them for public teachers.

Massachusetts Congregational Charitable Society. Annual meeting on the Monday preceding the last Wednesday in May. [This Society was incorporated 24th of March, 1786 ; " for the humane and benevolent purpose of aifording relief and support to the widows and children of deceased ministers. The members may not exceed thirty of the clergy, and laity in equal proportion."] President, Israel Thorndike, Esq. Secretary, Levi Hedge, ll. d. Treasurer, George Ticknor, Esq. Committee for nominating the objects of its charity, Rev. Dr. Lowell, Rev. Dr. Porter, Rev. Dr. Pierce. Bishops in the United States. 113

General Association in Massachusetts.

This body was organized in June, 1805. It is com- posed of delegations from particular Associations of evangelical Congregational Ministers, two from each Association. Its members " admit as articles of faith, the doctrines of Christianity, as they are generally express- ed in the Assembly's Shorter Catechism," and consider these doctrines which have been generally embraced by the churches of , as the " basis of their union.'' This body wholly disclaims ecclesiastical power or authority over the Churches, or the opinions of individ- uals. The essential objects, as expressed in their Consti- tution, are " to promote brotherly intercourse and harmo- ny, and their mutual animation, assistance, and usefulness as ministers of Christ." [HT Annual meetings fourth Tuesday in June.

Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. Right Rev. William White, D.D. of , Penn. Right Rev. Henry U. Onderdonk, D. D. Assistant Bishop for Diocese of Pennsylvania. Right Rev. B. T. Onderdonk, D.D. of , N. Y. Right Rev. Alexander V. Griswold, D. D. of the Eastern diocese, Salem, Mass. Right Rev. Richard C. Moore, D. D. of Richmond, Virg. Right Rev. John Croes, D, D. of New Brunswick, . Right Rev. Nath. Bowen, D. D. of Charleston, S. C. Right Rev. Charles P. Mcllvaine, of Worthington, Ohio. Right Rev, Thomas C. Brownell, D. D., LL. D. of Hartford, Conn. Right Rev. William Meade, D. D. Assistant Bishop for the Diocese of . Right Rev. William M. Stone, D. D. Bishop for the Diocese of Md. Right Rev. Levi S. Ives, Bishop for the Diocese of . Right Rev. Benjamin B. Smith, Bishop for the Diocese of . Methodist Bishops. Right Rev. William M'Kendree, D. D, Right Rev. Robert R. Roberts, Right Rev. Joshua Soule, D. D. and Right Rev. Elijah Hedding,D. D. Roman Catholic Bishops in the United States. Most Rev. James Whitefield, Archbishop, of . Right Rev. Benedict Joseph Flaget, of Bardstown, Kentucky. Right Rev. John B. M. David, Coadjutor to Bishop Flaget, Vincenneg. Right Rev. Edward Fenwick, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Right Rev. Joseph Benedict Fenwick, of Boston, Mass. Right Rev. Joseph Rosati, of St. Louis. Right Rev. John Dubois, of New York. Right Rev. Michael Portier, of Mobile. Right Rev. H. Conwell, of Philadelphia. I. P. Kenrick, Coadjutor to Bishop Conwell, of Philadelphia. Right Rev. J. England, of Charleston. Right Rev. De Neckere, of New Orleans. 114 Churches and Ministers in Boston.


JV. B. C stands for Congregationalist ; E for Episcopalian ; P for

Presbyterian ; B for Baptist 3 M for Metliodist 3 F for Friends j U for Universalis!. Boston. SUFFOLK. First Church, Chauncy Place, Xfith'l. L. Frothingham, C Second Church, Hanover-Street, Ralph W. Emerson, C Baptist Church, Hanover-Street, William Hague, B Old South Church, Washington-St. B. B. Wisner, d. d. C Kings Chapel, Tremont-St. James Freeman, d. d. ? unita- "»"• JP. JV. P. Greenicood, j Church in Brattle-Street, C New^ North Church, Hanover-Street, , C New South Church, Summer-St. Alexander Young, jr. C Christ Church, Sajem-Street, William Crostoell, - - E Church in Federal-Street, Wm. E. Channing, d. d. ) ^ Ezra S. Gannett, \ Church in HoJlis-Street, John Pierpont, C Trinity Church, Summer-Street, George W. Doane, E West Church, Lynde-Street, Charles Loioell, d. p. - C Baptist Church, Baldwin Place, James D. Knoicles, B First Universalist Church, Hanover-St.Sefeasfzan Streeter, U Church of the Holy Cross, Franklin-Street, Xrc Joseph B. Fenwick, Bishop ; Patrick Byrne, Curate, \ First Methodist Chapel, N. Bennet-St. A. D. Merrill, M Second Methodist Chapel, BromfieJd-St. Isaac Bonney, M Bethel Church, Hanover Avenue, Edicard T. Taylor. African Methodist, May-Street, Samuel Snoioden, - M Free-will Baptist Church, Sea St. Joshua V. Himes, B African Baptist Church, Belknap-Street, - - - - B Charles-Street Church, Daniel Sharp, d. d. - - - B Church in Park-Street, C Second Universalist Church, School-St. Hosed Ballou, U Evangelical Congregational Church, South-Boston, Joy H. Fairchild, ------. _C St. Matthew's Chapel, South-Boston, J. L. B?aA;e, - E Hawes Place Church, South-Boston, Lemuel Capen, C St. Augustine's Chapel, South-Boston, - - - - R. C. St. Paul's Church, Tremont-Street, E Grace Church, Piedmont-Street, E Union Church in Essex-Street, Samuel Green, - - - C Green-Street Church, William Jenks, d. d. - - - - C Central Universalist Church, Bulfinch-St. Paul Dean, U Churches and Ministers in Essex. 115

Twelfth Congregational Church, in Chambers-Street, Samuel Barrett, C Bowdoin-Street Church, Lyman Beecher, d. D. - - C Purchase-Street Church, George Ripley, - - - - C Federal-Street Baptist Church, Howard Malcom, - - B Salem-Street Church, George W. Blagden, - - - C Pine-Street Church, C South Baptist Church, (S. Boston.) Bollin H. Male, B South Congregational Church, Mellish J. Matte, - - C Fourth Universalist Society, (S. Boston,) B. Whittemore,\]

Mariner's Church, Fort Vi\\\ , Jonathan Greenleaf, Friends, Milton Place, ..--.-----F Chelsea, Horatio Ms^er, C C CHAPELS. M Mission House in Buttolph-Street. Episcopal Missionary Chapel, No. 46 Washington-Street, Asa Eaton, d. d. Congregational Meeting in Western Avenue. Congre. Chapel in Friend Street, Joseph Tuckerman, d.d. New-Jerusalera Church, Treraont St. Thomas Worcester.

Ministers who officiate at the Public Lecture in Boston, on Thursdays, at the first Church in Chauncy Place, arranged according to seniority. Dr. Porter Mr. Pierpont Mr. Green Mr. Motte Dr. Harris Mr. Parkraan Mr. Barrett Mr. Ripley Dr. Richmond Mr. Capen Mr. Gannett Mr. Whitney Dr. Gray Mr. Frothingham Mr. Young Mr. Alger Dr. Pierce Mr. Greenwood Mr. Emeison Mr. Putnam Dr. Lowell Mr. Walker

ESSEX. Amesbury Benj. Sawyer C Beverly Christopher T. Peter S. Eaton C Thayer C Eiijih Foster B Eber.ezer Robinson C David Damon C David Oliphant C U Jonathan Aldrich B Andover Bailey Loring C Boxford Isaac Briggs C Milton Badger C Peter Eaton, d.d. C Theological Sem. c; Z)a?2c;. Milton P.BramanC Samuel C. Jackson c George Cowles C B James Barnaby B Rufus Spaulding M Charles C. Sewall C Bradford L.Ives Hoadley C F. A. Hodsdon U Gardner B. Perry C Essex Robert Crowell C 116 Churches and Ministers in Essex.

Joslin B Afer^wewSpencerF.Beard C U C Gloucester Hos.HMreth C u Moses Sawyer C Charles O. Kimball B Ezra Leonard U Middleton C Thomas Jones U JVeiubury L. Withington C David Jewett C James Miltimore C Samuel Adlam B Isaac R. Barbour C Aaron Lummus M F Sandy Bay Bartlet L. R. Sunderland M Pease B JVeivburyfiort Thomas C B. Fox C L. R. Paige U James Morss, d. d. E Hamilton Joseph B. Felt C Luther F. Dimmick C JIaverhillDmWey Phelps C C. W. Milton C Samuel H. Peckham C John Proudfit P C Daniel Dana, d. d. P John H. Stephens C Nath'I. W. Williams B Abijah Cross C Aaron D. Sargent M Georg:e Keely B West J^eivhury Henry Otis Wing B C. Wright C T. G.Farnsworth > tt Philo Brownson M Jehiel Smith J ^ U Henry Plumer F. B. i?0TO/f t/ WillardHolbrook C Jjisw. David T. Kimball C Isaac Braman C Daniel Fitz C Ezra Wilmarth B Enoch Mudge M U Lynn Otis Rockwood C Caleb Clark B David H. Barlow C «S'a/e7«Jno.Prince,LL.D. ) ^„ E. Hedding. D.D.Bish. Charles W.UphamJ Bartholo. Otheman M James Flint, d. d. C Shiplev W. Willsoa M John Brazer C Selah Stocking M Bishop Griswold E Daniel Chessman B John P. Cleaveland C F Brown Emerson C Lynnjield C Lucius BoUes, d. d. ? t> Mark Staples M Rufus Babcock, jr. > Manchest. S.M.Emerson C C Marblehead SamuelDanaC William Williams C John Bartlett C Lemuel Willis U E Kilton F. B. Bela Wilcox B F George Sutherland M Jesse Fillmore M Churches and Ministers in Middlesex. 1 17

St. Mary's Church R. C. Saugus 118 Churches and Ministers in Middlesex.

M Shirley Hope Brown C Lexington Chas. Briggs C Russell Streeter U Lincoln Elijah Demoucl C C M Shakers Littleton Wm. H. White C South Reading Reuben Silas Kenney B Emerson C U B X,97y

manHumphrey, D.D. C Ichabod S. Spencer j Bdchertoivn Lyman Benjamin Willard Coleman OUver Stearns — Wakefield William Todd

Chesterfield J^ortokh Petkam Asa Todd Cummington Roswell PlainJieldMos.li^\\cick ) .. Hawkes C David Kimball S David Wright B Prescott EbenezerBrown C E.Hamilton P.Williston C Southamfi, Vinson Gould C Enjield Joshua O'osby South-Hadley Artemas \ q Sumner G.Clapp \ Boies C Goshen HenryB.Holmes C C William Hubbard B Ware Augustus B.ReedC Granby Eli Moody C Parsons Cooke C Joseph Knight MC MB Greenw/c/tJos.Blodget > ^ West-Hamfiton Enoch ) Joseph Patrick J Hale C C Isaac Stoddard M Horace B. Chapin ) U John Truair C

Hadley John Brown, d . d . C Williamsburg Hen. Lord C Hatfield Levi Pratt C Worthingt. J. L. Pomeroy C PLYMOUTH. Abington C Carver Plummer Chase C B Daniel Thomas M Silas Hall Z^wjrdMri/ J.Allyn.D.D. ? p Bridgeivater R. M. Benjamin Kent J Hodges Daniel Fillmore M Ebenezer Gay Joseph Banfield U E.BridgeiuaterYXva\i2\€<. George Pickering |m P. Crafts C John Lovcjoy Baalis Sanford C 120 Churches and Ministers in Bristol.

//c;///a:r Abel Richmond C M M JV. Bridgenvater Daniel U Huntington C Hanover Ethan Smith C B M Calvin Wolcott E Pembroke Morrill Allen C M F Hanson Freeman P. William Ramsdell M Howland C Plymouth James B Kendall, D.D. C Elmer Hewitt U Joshua Barrett C Hlngham Jos.RichardsonC Frederick Freeman C ISicliolas B. Whitney C Benjamin Whitmore C Charles Brooks ' C Thomas Conant B A. U. Swinerton M James H. Bugbee U Joseph P. Atkinson U Charles J. Warren C Timothy R.Cressey B Plymfiton Elijah DexterC Hull M Kingston Jonathan Cole C i?ocAfs^er Lemuel Le- ? q John Allen B Barron \ Josiah W. Powers C Oliver Cobb C M Jonathan Bigelow C Mzr^/z^e?/^ Martin Parris C Samuel Utley C Elijah Leonard C Eleazer Savage B William W. Hall B D. Culver M E U C. S. McReading M Scituate E. Q. Sewall C Middleborough William Samuel Deane C Eaton C Robert L. Kilham U John Shaw C Paul Jewett C Philip Colby C Edward Seagrave B Nicholas Medbury B J. J. Bliss M B Wareham Samuel Nott C B W. Bridgewater C Ebenezer Briggs B B BRISTOL. Attlehord* Dartmouth Daniel Hix B John Furguson Francis Horton C B Nathaniel Wright, jr. U F Thomas Williams C M Berkley Thomas Andres C Dighton Abrah. Gushee C Churches and Ministers in Barnstable. 121

Preston Cummins C B B U M C Easton Luther Sheldon C RehobothT\\om2i'&\erx\on C Lewis Bates M B i^air/mf en W. Gould C B B B L. B, Griffing M Thomas Perry M ^Samuel Drake M Seekonk James O.Barney C Freetownhhw Lawrence B B Stetson Raymond C So7nerset Elisha SladeJr.B B B F H. Walden M Mansfield RJch'd Briggs C Snvanzey Benj. Taylor B Francis Dane M Luther Baker B JVenv Bedford Sylvester M Holmes C U Orville Dewey C Taunton Luth .Hamilton C B Erastus Maltby C Pardon G. Seabury B John West E R C Alvan Cobb C Daniel Webb ?\yr" B Asa Kent S Benjamin C. Grafton B F Amos Binney M JSTorton Pitt Clarke C John B. Dods U Pawtucket Daniel Green B Troy Bradley Miner B Ray Potter B Job Borden B Asa T.Hopkins C Orrin Fowler C U J. M. Bidwell M Raynham Enoch Sanford C Westfiort C BARNSTABLE. Barnstable Henry 122 Churches in Dukes and Nantucket.

Benjamin Woodbury C Sandwich Asahel Cobb C Ezra S. Goodwin Chauncey Richardson M Harwich O Joel Steele Davis Lothrop B Louis Janson H. Thacher M Truro C Marshfice Phineas Fish C Wm. R. Stone M Benjamin Keith Orleans C Welfieet Stephen Bailey C Winthrop Morse B N. S. Spaulding M M Yarmouth Nathaniel Provincetown Nathaniel Cogswell C Stone C Simeon Crowell B Ebenezer Blake M M C DUKES. Chilmark M Fred. Baylies, Mission- C ary to the Indians C -Ecfg-ar^wnJobH. Martin C Tisbury Thos. G.Brown M Epaphras Kibbey M C John S. Dill B Seth Ewer B NANTUCKET. J^antucket Steph. Mason C John Lindsev M Seth F. Swift C William Alley M George Bradburne U Friends (3 Churches) WORCESTER. jlshburnham George Boylston Samuel Russell C Perkins C C N. B. Spaulding M B Athol Josiah Moore C Brookfield Joseph I. Baruch B. Beckwith C Foot C Isaac Briggs B George R. Noyes C i3arre James Thompson C John Chase B John Storrs C U B Micah Stone C U George Sutherland M Berlin Robt. F. Wallcut C M Abraham C. Baldwin C Charlton John WilderJr.C Bolton Isaac Allen C James Boomer B F Gilman Noyes U John W. Chickering C C M Dana C Churches and Ministers in Worcester. 123 B M John Willis Lunenburg ) ivr Ebenezer Joshua Flag^ S Hubbard C Douglas David Holm an C M Jolm Yates B Mendon John M. S.Perry C Dudley JamesH. Francis C C Thomas Barret B Adin Ballou U Isaac Jennison M Jonathan Parker M F ^Uchburg C F Calvin Lincoln, jr. C Perry C MB Millbury Osgood HerrickMC Oarc^werSumner Lincoln C George W. Campbell P Jonathan Farr C Milford David Long C Grafton Moses C, Searle C Charles Virgin M Otis Converse B Christopher Robinson U Hardwick Martin NewBraintree JohnFiske C Tupper C JVorthboro^ Joseph Allen C John M. Merrick C Morse B Ebecezer Burt B Northbridge J. Crane,D.D. C M Amasa Taylor M U F Harvard Washington M Brookfield Thomas Gilbert C Snell, D. D. C George Fisher C Oakham Asa Hixon, jr. C Abisha Samson B C Shakers Oxford Eben. Newhall C Warren Emerson M Thomas Barrett B U Lyman Maynard U ZTo/f/ifwHoratio Bardwell C PaxtQu Moses Winch C B Petersham Luther Hubbardston Saml. Gay C Wilson C Abner D. Jones C B U William Wolcott C jLawcas^

Shrewsbury Geo. Allen C Uxbridge Saml. Judson C B F U U ^a> Ufiton Benjamin Wood C Alonzo Hill \ Dexter B. Bullard B Jonathan Going B U John S. C. Abbot C M BERKvSHIRE. jidams Charles B. Keyes B Enos Marshall B John W. Yfeomans C M M Great Harrington Alford C Gilbert E M Sylvester Burt C Becket Joseph L. Mills C B Hancock B MB M Cheshire ElnathanSweet B Shakers N. Y. Rushnell B ^zVzsf/a/eWm. A.Hawley C Jackson B Datton Eben. Jennings MC Abraham M Egremont Gardner Lanesborough Henry B. Hayden C Hooker C C B Churches and Ministers in Norfolk. 125

Samuel B. Shaw 126 Ministers and Churches in Franklin.

U David Brigham Dover Ralph Sanger C Joseph M. Driver Foxboro" Willard Pierce C T. C. Tiiigley Roxb. E. Poster, d. d.7 ^ George Putnam 3 Franklin N. Em- George Whitney C mons, D. D. Thomas Gray, d. d. C Elam Smalley William Leverett B U Hosea Ballou, 2d. U A/t'G^e/Jonathan Grout C C C David Pease B Heath Moses Miller C Colraine Aretas LoomisC Elder Case B Edward Davenport B M George Robinson B Leyden B Conivay Daniel Crosby C Leverett Jonas Colburn C

. B U Churches and Ministers in Hampden. 127 B 128 University at Cambridge. umVERSITY AT CAMBRIDGE OR . Founded 1638. Inducted presidents. Died or University at Cambridge. 129


President, Hon. Josiah duincy, t-t.. d. Fellows. Rev. Eliphalet Porter, n. d., Hon. Charles Jackson, ll. d., Hon. Nathaniel Bowditch, ll. d., Hon. Joseph Story, ll. d., Hon. Francis C. Gray, a. m. TREASURER. Thomas W. Ward, Esq. PROFESSORS, TUTORS, &c. Hon. Josiah Q,uincy, ll. d. President. Massachusetts Professor of Katural History. Rev. Henry Ware, d. d. Hollis Professor of Divinity. Levi Hedge, ll. d. Mford Professor of Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Civil Polity. Rev. John S. Popkin, d. d. Eliot Professor of Greek Lit- erature. Francis Sales, Esq. Instructer in French and Spanish. James Jackson, m. d. Hersey Professor of the Theory and Practice of Physic. John C. Warren, m. d. Hersey Professor of .Anatomy and Surgery. Hon. Josepli Story, ll. d. Dane Professor of Laic. Sidney Willard, a. m. Hancock Professor of Hebrew and other Oriental Languages. , a. m. Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Jiatural Philosophy. Rumford Professor. Jacob Bigelow, m. d. Professor of Materia Medica. Thomas NuttaJl, a. m. Lecturer on Botany and Zoology, and Curator of the Botanical Garden. George Ticknor, a. m. Smith Professor of the French and Spanish Languages and Literature, and Professor of Belles Lettres. Walter Channing, m. d. Professor of Obstetrics and Medi- cal Jurisprudence. Edvi^ard T. Channing, a. m. Boylston Professor of Rheto- ric and Oratory. John W. Webster, m. d. Erving Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy. Rev. Henry Ware, jr., a. m. Professorof Pulpit Eloquence and Pastoral Care. Thaddeus W. Harris, m. d. Librarian. Rev. John G. Palfrey, a. m. Professor of Biblical Literature, Pietro Bachi, a. m., j. u. d. Instructer in Italian and Spanish, and Portuguese. 130 University at Cambridge.

Charles Follen, j, v. n. Professor of the German Language and Literature. John Hooker Ashmun, a. m. Royall Professor of Lata. Francis M. J. Surault, Insti-ucter in French. Alanson Brigham, a. m. Proctor. Edmund L. Cusbing, a. m. Proctor, and Instructer in Mathematics and JYatural Philosophy. Cornelius C. Felton, a. m. Tutor in Greek. Benjamin Pierce, a. b. "Tutor in Mathematics and Matural Philosophy. Henry S. McKean, a. m. Tutor in . George Hillard, a. m. Proctor. Joel Giles, a. b. Tutor in Natural, Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. Samuel A. Devens, a. b. Proctor. Charles Eames, a. b. Proctor. Oliver Sparhawk, Steward. The College Library contains about 37,000 volumes. The Boylston Medical Library, exceeding 1000 volumes, is distinct from the public Library of the University, The stated time for Examination of the Freshman Class is the first Thursday of the Summer vacation. The Medical Lectures commence in Boston on the 3d Wednesday in October. A course is given at the College between the first of April and last of July. The Law Institution of this Seminary is now opened for the reception of students. The immediate superintend- ence and direction of the School will be by Mr. Ashmun, Royall Professor of Law in the University, who will occa- sionally deliver lectures, and make examinations of the students. Mr. Justice Story, Dane Professor of Law in the University, will reside in Cambridge, and during the intervals of his judicial duties will also assist in the super- intendence of the School. He will deliver lectures upon all the branches of Law belonging to his Professorship j viz. upon the Law of Nature and Nations, and upon Maritime, Commercial, Equity, and Constitutional Law. Vacations. There are three vacations: the First of two weeks from the Wednesday preceding the 25th day

of December ; the Second of two weeks from the first

Wednesday in April ; and the third of six weeks, next preceding Commencement. The Public Exhibitions are on the third Tuesday of October, and on the second Tuesday and the last Monday of the third Terra. Commencement is on the last Wednesday in August. Williams and Amherst Colleges. 131

WILLIAMS COLLEGE, AT WILLIAMS TO WJY, MASS. Appointed presidents. Died or Resigned. 1793 Ebenezer Fitch, d. d. 1815 1815 , d. d. 1821 1821 , d. d. Secretary, Daniel N. Dewey, Esq. Professor of Divinity, Edward D. Griffin, d. d. Professor of Mathematics and JVatural Philosophy, Albert Hopkins, a. m. Professor of Moral Philosophy and Rhetorick, , a. m. Professor of Languages, Ebenezer Kellogg, a.m. Lecturer on Chemistry, Ebenezer Emmons, a. m., m. d. Tutors, Edward Lazell, a. b. Fordyce M. Hubbard, a.m. Vacations. First, 4 weeks from Commencement. Second, 6 weeks from the Wednesday succeeding the 4th Wednesday in December. Third, 3 weeks from the third Wednesday in May. Commencement, first Wednesday in September. , MASS. Appointed. presidents. Died. 1821 Rev. Zephaniah Swift Moore, d. d., s. t. p. 1823 1823 Rev. , s. t. d. Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, and Professor of Divinity, Rev. Heman Humphrey, s. t. d. Professor of Chemistry and Statural History, Rev. , a. m. Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, and Prof, of Belles Lettres, Rev. Nathan W. Fiske, a. m. Professor of the Hebrew and Latin Languages, and Literature, Rev. Solomon Peck, a. m. Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, Samuel M. Wor- cester, a. m. Professor of Mathematics and JYatural Philosophy, Syl- vester Hovey, a. m. Associate Professor ofMathematics, and Natural Philosophy, and Librarian, Ebenezer S. Snell, a. m. Instructer in French, Joseph Alexander Deloutte. Tutors, Ezekiel Russell, a. b. Horatio B. Hackett, a. b. Commencement 4th Wednesday in August. Vacations. First, Four weeks from the fourth Wed- nesday of August. Second, six weeks from the fourth Wednesday of December. Thirdj three weeks from the second Wednesday ofMay. 132 Other Colleges in the United States,

Name. Place. Presidents. F'd I

1 BowdoinJ Brunswick, Me. William Allen, D. D, 2 Waterville, W'aterville, do. Jeremiah Chaplin, D. D. 3 Dartmoiitli, Hanover, N. H. Nathan Lord, D. D. 4 Uiiiv. of , Binlington Vt. James Marsh, D. D. 5 Middlebury, Middlebury, do. Joshua Bates, U. D. 6 . Providence, B.I. , D. D. 7 Yale, New-Haven, Conn. Jeremiah Day, D. D. 8 Washington, Hartford, do. Nath'l S. Wheaton, A.M. 9 Wesliyan Univ. Middletown, do. Willbur Fisk,D.D. 10 , Nev.'-YGrk, N. Y. William A. Duer, LL.D 11 Union, Schenectady, do. Eliphalet Nott, D- D, 12 Hamilton, Clinton, do. Henry Davis, D. D. 13 Geneva, Geneva, do. Richard. S. Mason, D.D 14 College of N.J. Princeton, N.J. James Carnahan, D. D. 15 Rutgers, N. Brunswick, do. Philip Milledoller, D.D. 16 Univ. of Pennsylv. Philadelphia,Penn W. H.DeLancey, D.D. 17 Diekinson, Carlisle, do. Samuel B. How, D. D. 18 Jefferson, Canonsburg, do. Matthew Brown, D. D. 19 Western Univers. Pittsburg, do. Robert Bruce, D. D. 20 Washington, Washington, do. D.ivid Elliott, 21 Alleghany, Meadville, do. Timothy Alden, D. D. 22 Madison, Union Town, do. Henry B. Bascom, 23 St. Mary's,* Baltimore, Md. Sarouel Eccleston, 24Univ. of Maryland, Do. do. Charles Williams, D. D. 25 St. John's, Annapolis, do. Hector Humphries, A.M. 26 Mount St. Mary's,* NearKmmittsbg.do John B.Purcell, 27 Columbian. Washington, Ca. Stephen Chapin, D. D. 28 Georgetown,* Georgetown, D. C. Thomas F. Mulledy, 29 William &Mary, Willi imsburg,Va. Adam Empie, D. D. 30 Hampden Sydney, Prince Ed. Co. do. J. P. Cusl.ing, A. M. 31 Washington, Lexington, do. — Marshall. M.D. 32 University of Va. Charlottesville, do, Prof,Pattersonr/2ai7-?ran 33 University of N. C. Chapel Hill, N. C. Joseph Caldwell, D. D. 34 Charleston, Charleston, S. C. Jasper Adams, D.D. 35 College of S. C. Columbia, do. Thomas Cooper, M. D. 36 Univ. of , Athens, Ga. Alonzo Church, D. D. 37 Alabama Univ. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Alva Woods, D.D. 38 JefFei'son, Washington, Mi. E. B. W^illiston, A. M. 39 Louisiana, Jackson, La, Jere. Chamberlain, D. D. 40 Greenville, Greenville, Tenn. Henry Hoss,Esq. 41 Univ. of Nashville, Nashville, do. Philip Lindsley, D. D. 42 E. Tennessee, Knoxville, do. Charles Coffin, D. D. 43 Transylvania, Lexington, Ken. Rev. Edward Rutlege, 44 Centre, Danville, do. John C. Young, 45 Augusta, Augusta, do. Martin Ruter, D.D. 46 Cumberland, Princeton, do. F. R.Cossit, 47 St. Joseph's,* Bardsiown, do. George'A. M. Elder, 48 Georgetown, Georgetown, do. Joel S. Bacon, 49 Univers. of Ohio, Athens, Ohio. Robert G. Wilson, D. D. 50 Miami University, Oxford, do. R.H. Bishop, D.D. 51 Western Reserve, Hudson, do. Charles B. Storrs, 52 Kenvon, Gambler, do. Charles P. Mcllvaine 53 Franklin, New Athens, do. William M'Millan, A.M. 54 , Bloomington, Ind. Andrew Wylie, D. D. Ss Illinois, Jacksonville, H-l Edward Beecher, A, M. J 56 St. Louis,* St. Louis, Mo.l P. J. Veihaegen, j

* Catholic Colleges ; a large part of th^ students in these belong to the preparatory department. and the times of their Commencement. 133

-" 1 i 1 ;

134 Vacations op the Colleges.

Bowdoin. 1st from Commencement 3 weeks. 2d from the Friday

after the 3d Wednesday in December, 8 weeks : 3d from the Friday after the 3d Wednesday in May, 2 weeks.

Waterville. 1, Com. 4 weeks ; 2, Last Wed. Nov. 9 weeks.

Dartmouth. 1, Com. 6 weeks; 2, last Mon. Dec. 6 1-2 weeks ; 3, Thursday preceding the last Wed. May, 2 1-2 weeks. Vermont Univ. 1, Com. 4 weeks; 2, 1st Wed. Jan. 8 weeks.

Middlebury. I, Com. 4 weeks ; 2,1st Wed. Jan. 7 weeks; 3,3d Wed. May, 2 weeks. Brown. 1, Com. 4 weeks; 2, last Friday in Dec. 6 weeks; 3, 2d Friday in May, 3 weeks.

Yale. 1, Com. 6 weeks ; 2, 2d Wed. Jan. 2 weeks ; 3, 1st Wed. May, 4 weeks.

Washington. 1, Com. 6 weeks ; 2, Thurs. before Christmas, 2 weeks; 3, Thursday before 20 April, 3 weeks. Columbia. 1, Com, to the 1st Monday in October.

Union. 1, Com. 7 weeks ; 2, in Dec. 3 or 4 weeks ; 3, in April 3 weeks.

Hamilton. 1, Com. 6 weeks ; 2, 2d Wed. Jan. 3 weeks ; 3, 2d Wed. May, 4 weeks.

Geneva. 1, Com. 5 weeks ; 2, at Christmas and New Year, 2 weeks 3, in April, 3 weeks.

College of N. J. 1, Com, 6 weeks ; 2, 1st Thursday after 2d Tues. April, 6 weeks.

Rutgers. 1, Com. to Sept. 15; 2, Dec. 21 to Jan. 7 ; 3, Ap. 7 to May 1.

Penn. University. 1, Com. 6 weeks ; 2, 2 weeks ; 3, 2 weeks. Dickinson. 1, In Sept. and Oct. 5 weeks ; 2, in Ap. and May, 5 weeks.

Jefferson. 1, Month of October ; 2, Month of May.

Madison. 1, Com. 6 weeks ; 2, Dec. 25th to Jan. 15.

Washington. 1, Month of October ; 2, Month of May. Western Univ. l, July and August. Univ. Maryland. 1, Com. to 2d Monday Sept. ; 2, Dec. 24 to Jan. 2j 3, Wed. before Easter to 1st Wed. after. Mt. St. Mary's. 1, Com. to the 15th August.

Columbian. 1, Com. to 2d Wed. Jan ; 2, 2d Wed. June to 2d July. William & Mary. 1, Com. to the last Monday in October. Hamp. Sydney. 1, Month of October; 2, Month of May.

Washington. 1, Com. to 3d Wed. May ; 2, 3d Wed. Oct. to 3d Wed. November. Univ. Virginia. 1, July 20 to September 1.

Univ. N. C. 1, Com. 6 Aveeks ; 2, Dec. 15, 4 weeks. ^

Charleston. 1, Month of December ; 2, in April 3 weeks. Coll. S. C. 1, July 1 to the 1st Monday in October.

Univ. of Ga. 1, Com. 1 week; 2, Wed. before 2d Mon. Nov. to Jan I j 3, April 1 to April 15. Univ. Alabama. 1, 4th Wed. in July to 1st Wed. in October.

Greenville. 1, Com. 5 weeks ; 2, 3d Wed. March, 5 weeks.

Nashville. 1, Com. 5 1-2 weeks ; 2, 1st Wed. April 5 1-2 weeks. E. Tennessee. 1, Com. 4 weeks ; 2, Jst Thursday April, 4 weeks.

Transylvania. 1, Com. to 1st Mon. Nov. ; 2, 2d Mon . March, 6 weeks. Centre. 1, Com. to 1st Mon. Sept. ; 2, a recess in March.

Augusta. 1, Com. 6 weeks ; 2, in Feb. 21 weeks from 1st vacation, 4 weeks. Cumberland. 1, Com. to the last day of October. St. Joseph's. 1, 1st August till 15 September.

Univ. Ohio. 1, Com. 6 weeks ; 2, 2d Tues. April, 4 weeks.

Miami. 1, Com.to 1st Mon. Nov. ; 2, last Wed. Mar. to 1st Mon. May.

Western Reserve. 1, Com. 5 weeks ; 2, 2d Wed. Jan. 2 weeks. Indiana. 1, Month of May ; 2, Month of October. ;;

Medical and Law Schools. 135

Medical Schools in the United States. Name. Place. Lectures commence.

Maine Medical School Brunswick February Waterville Medical School Waterville 1st Thurs. March N. Hampshire Medical School Hanover 2 weeks aft. Com. Vermont Medical School, Univ. Vt. Burlington 2d Wed. Sept. Vt. Academy of Med., Mid. College Castleton 1st Tues. Sept. Mass. Med. School, Harvard Univ. Boston 3d Wed. Oct. Berkshire Med. Inst., Wnis. College Pittsfield 1st Thurs. Sept. Medical School, Yale College. New Haven last week in Oct. Col. Phys. &. Surgeons, N. Y. New York 1st Mond. Nov. Col. Phys. & Surg., West. District Fairfield Medical Dep. Univ. Penn. Philadelphia 1st Mond. Nov. Med. Dep. Jef. Col., Canonsburg Philadelphia Med. Dep. Univ. Md. Baltimore last Mond. Oct. Medical Dep. Univ. Va. Charlottesville September Medical Col., Charleston, S. C. Charleston 2d Mond. Nov. Medical Col. Transylvania Univ. Lexington Medical College of Ohio Cincinnati 1st Mond. Nov. Laio Schools in the United States. At Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2 professors and 41. students ; at JVeio Haven, , 2 professors and

33 students ; at Litchfield, Connecticut ; at Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania ; at Baltimore, Maryland, 22 students ; at

Williamsburg and Staunton, Virginia ; at Charleston, , and Lexington, Kentucky.

ECCLESIASTICAL REGISTER OI'' MASSACHUSETTS. The Congregationalists have 492 churches, 118 of whom are Unitarians ; the Baptists, 207 churches, and 12,.580 communicants ; the Methodists, 150 preachers and 8,200 members ; the Universalists, 90 societies the Episcopalians, 31 ministers ; the JVezo Jerusalem

Church, 8 societies ; the Presbyterians, 9 ministers ; the

Roman Catholics, 6 churches ; the Shakers, 4 societies, and the Friends, 15 churches. RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS IN THE U. STATES. The population of the U. States is divided in the following ratio: Calvinistic Baptists, 2,743,453; Methodists Episcopal Ch,, 2,600,000; Presbyterians, Gen. Assembly, 1,800,000; Congregationalists, Orthodox, Universalists, 1,260,000 ; Prot. Epis. Church, 600,000 ; 500,000; Roman Catholics, 500,000; Lutherans, 400,000 ; Christ-ians, 275,000; German

Reformed, 200,000 ; Friends, 200,000 ; Unitarians, Congre., 176,000 Methodists, 175,000; Free-will Baptists, Associate and other 150,000 ; Dutch Reformed, 125,000; Mennonites, 120,000 ; Associate Presbyt.,

100,000 ; Cumberland Presbyt., 100,000 ; Tunkers, 30,000 ; Free Com,

Baptists, 30,000 ; Seventh-day Baptists, 20,000 ; Six-Principle Baptists,

20,000 ; United Brethren or Moravians, 7,000 ; Millenial Church or Shakers, 6,000 ; New Jerusalem Church, 5,000; Emancipators, £ap<.,

4,500 5 Jews and others not mentioned,-50,000. 136 Theological Institutions.

Theological Institution, Andovcr. Founded a. d. 1807, BOARD OF TRUSTEKS. President, Hon. Samuel Hubbard. Rev. Daniel Dana, d. d. Rev. Abiel Holmes, d. d. John Adams, a. m. Samuel H. Walley, Esq. Hon. Jona- than Phillips, Rev. Justin Edwards, d. d. Rev. Benjamin B. Wisner,D.D. John H. Church, D.D.Hon. Wm.B. Banister, Samuel T. Armstrong, Esq. Clerk, Mark Newman, Esq. Treasurer, Samuel Farrar, Esq. BOARD or VISITORS. President, William Bartlett, Esq. Secretary, Rev. Calvin Chapin, d. d. Rev. Jeremiah Day, d. d. ll. d. Hon. William Reed, OFFICERS. President and Bartlet Professor of Sacred Rhetoric, Rev. Ebenezer Porter, d. d. Abbot Prof, of Christian Theolo. Rev. Leonard Woods, d.d. Associate Prof, of Sacred Literature, Rev. Moses Stuart, Broion Prof. of Ecclesiast, Hist. Rev. Ralph Emerson, d. d. Professor of Sacred Literature and Librarian, Edward Robinson. Instructer iyi Sacred Rhetoric, Rev. George C. Beckwith. Vacations. First, 5 weeks from the last Wednesday in April. Second, 5 weeks from the second Wednesday in September. > , _

Theological Seminary, Newton, Mass. Founded 1825. board of trustees. President, Rev. Joseph Grafton. Rev. Lucius Bolles, d. d. Daniel Sharp, d. d. Jonathan Going, Bela Jacobs, Ebenezer Nelson, Henry Jackson, Francis Wayland, jr. d.d, James D. Knowles, Cyrus P. Grosvenor, Howard Malcom, Hon. Nicholas Brown, Jonathan Bachellor, Esq. Ensign Lincoln, Nathaniel R. Cobb, Thomas Kendall, John B. Jones, Elijah Corey, Michael Shepard, Richard Fletcher, Esq. Treasurer, Levi Farweil, Esq. Secretary, Rev. James D. Knowles. PROFESSORS. Professor of Biblical Theology, Rev. Ira Chase, I Academies in Massachusetts. 137

Professor of Biblical Literature and Pastoral Duties^ Rev. Henry J. Ripley. Vacations. First, 6 weeks from the Friday after the second Wednesday in September. Second, 6 weeks from the Thursday after the third Wednesday in April.

Time of entrance, end of the first vacation.

Other Theological Institutions in the U. States. Com. Names. Place.

Bangor Iheol. Sem. Bangor, Me. Cong. Theological School, Can:ibridge, Mass. Cong.Unit. Theol .Dep. Yale Col. New Haven, Conn. Cong. Mass. Epis. The. Sem. Cambridge, Mass. Episcopal. Theol. Ins. Epis. Ch. New York, N. Y. Prot. Epis. Theol. Sem. of Auburn, Auburn, do. Presbyt. Hamilton Lit.&Th. Ins. Hamilton, do. Baptist, Hartwick Seminary, Hartwick, do. Lutheran Th. Sem. Du. Ref. Ch. N. Brunswick, N. J. Dutch Ref. Th.Sem. Pr. Ch.U. S. Princeton, do. Presbyt. Sem. Luth. Ch. U. S. Gettysburg, Pa. Evang. L. German Reformed, York, do. G. Ref. Ch. West. Th. Seminary, Allegany T. do. Presbyt. Epis. Th. School Va. Fairfax Co. Va. Prot. Epis. Union Th. Seminary, Pr. Ed. Co. do. Presbyt. South. Th. Seminary, Columbia, B.C. do. South. West. Th. Sem. Maryyille, Ten. do. Lane Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio, do. Rock Spring, Rock Spring, II. Baptist,

Acad. & Th. Sem. N, Hampton, N. H Baptist. j 138 Academies in Massachusetts.


Principal, John Adams, a. m. Permanent Assistant, Mr. Johnson. Teacher of Penmanship, William Jones. Principal of the English Department, Rev. S. R. Hall. Assistants, John Q,. A. Edgell, Lionel Tenney. Mount Pleasant Classical Instittition at Amherst. Principals, Francis F. Fellows, J. Worthington Newton. Sheldon English and Classical School, at Southampton. Principal, William Bradley, a. m. Round Hill School, at Northampton. Principal, Joseph G. Cogswell.

. Amherst Academy. Principal, Rew. Simeon Colton. Assistants, William S. Tyler, Ebenezer Burgess.

Hopkins, at Hadley, Lewis Sabin, a. m. Preceptor. Louisa Billings, Preceptress. Woodhridge High School, South Hadley. Principals, Jonathan Ely, Rev. David H. Austin. Westfield, Rev. Emerson Davis, a. m. Principal. Lucius F. Clarke, a. m. Associate Principal. Miss Harriet J. Messer, Preceptress. Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass. Incorporated 1824. TRUSTEES. President, Rev. John Lindsey. Treasurer, Rev. Joseph Merrill. Secretary, Abel Bliss, Esq. Mr. Abraham Avery, Rev. John Lindsey, Rev. Tim- othy Merritt, Rev. Joshua Crowell, Rev. Calvin Brewer, Mr. William Rice, Rev. John W, Hardy, Mr. David Rice, Mr. John L. Smith, Mr. Elias Gilbert, Mr. Gilbert Burrows, Mr. Alpheus Hanks. INSTRUCTERS. Principal, Rev. Wilbur Fiske, d. d. Teacher in the Ancient Languages and French, William Magoun, a. m. Teacher in Mathematics, Thomas Ruger, a. b. Teachers in the Natural Sciences, and other English Branches, Rev. John Foster, William G. Mitchell. Teacher inthe Ornamental Branches,M\ss Lucy Winsor. American Institute. 139

Derby Academy, at Hingham. Incorporated Nov. 11, 1784. Funds, $25,000. Preceptor, Mr. Increase S. Smith. Preceptress, Miss Susan Waterman, Assistant Preceptress, Miss Elizabeth Norton. South Reading Academy. Incorporated 1S28. Principal, Rev. John Pratt, a. m. Assistant, Pascal Carter, a. b. Greenfield High School for Young Ladies. Principal, Rev. Henry Jones, a. m.

Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin's Lancasterian School, JVantucket. Incorporated June 8, 1827. Funds, $11,111. President and Treasurer, William Coffin. Secretary, William Coffin, jr. Preceptor, William Coffin, jr. Preceptress, Almira Meech.

American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Incorporated May 5, 1780. Yearly meeting for choice of Officers, 4thTues. in May. President., Nathaniel Bowditch, ll. d. f. r. s. Vice-President, Hon. Joslah Quincy. Rtcordini^ Secretary, Nathan Hale. Corres/20T2ding Secretary, Jacob Bigelow, m. d. Treasurer, Hon. Thomas L. Winthrop. Vice-Treasurer^ Rufus Wyman, m. d.

American Institute of Instruction, President, Rev. Francis Waylandjr. d. d. President of Brov/n University, R. I. Recording Secretary, (iideon F. Thayer, Boston, Corresponding^ Secretaries, Rev. Wm. C. Woodbridge, Hartford, Ct. ; Solomon P. Miles, Boston. Treasurer, Benjamin D. Emerson, Boston. Curatorsy Abraham Andrews, Frederick Emerson, Cornelius Walker, Boston. Censors., Ebenezer Bailey, Jacob Abbot, Boston; C.C. Felton, Cambridge, Mass.

Massachusetts Historical Society. Instituted at Boston, Jan. 1791. Incorp. Feb. 19, 1794. Statute meetings, last Thursday of January, April, and October, and the day before Commencement. 140 American Antiquarian Society.

President y Hon. John Davis, ll. d. Recording Secretary, Rev. Charles Lowell, d. d. Corresfionding Sec'ry, Rev. Abiel Holmes, d. d. Treasurer, James Savage, Esq. l^ibrariariy Rev. William Jenks, d. d. Cabinet Keeper^ Redford Webster, Esq. Committee for firejiaring and pMblishingod volume^ 3d Series, Dr. Thaddeus M. Harris, Nathan Hale, and James Bowdoin, Esqjs. Standing Committee^ Thomas L. Winthrop, Esq. Rev. John Pierce, d. d. Francis C. Gray, Esq. Nathan Hale, Esq. James Bowdoin, Esq.

Mssex Historical Society, President, Benjamin Pickman, Esq.

Vice-Presidenti Ichabod Tucker, Esq. Corresfionding ^t'cVz/, Hon. John G. King. Recording Sec'ry^ Joseph G. VVaters, Esq. Treasurer, Frederick Howes, Esq. Librarian ^ Cabinet Keeper, Charles G. Putnam. Trustees, ^ Hon. Daniel A. White, Hon. Nathaniel Silsbee, Hon. Leverett Saltonstall, Frederick Howes, Esq. William Gibbs, Esq. George Cleaveland, Esq. Charles C. Clarke, Esq. Publishing Committee, Leverett Saltonstall, Ichabod Tucker, William Gibbs, A. L. Pearson, Joseph G. Waters.

American Ajitiquarian Society. Incorporated Oct. 24, 1812. Yearly meeting for the choice of Officers, &c. 23d of October, (the day on which Columbus first discovered America) and when the same shall fall on Sunday, then on the Monday following. President^ Hon. Thomas L. Winthrop, of Boston. First Vice-President, Hon. John Davis, of Worcester. Second do. Hon. Joseph Story, of Cambridge. Counsellors, Hon. Benjamin Russell, Rev. Charles Lowell, D. D. His Excellency Levi Lincoln, ll. d. Samuel M. Burnside, Isaac Goodwin, Hon. James C. Merrill, Frederick W. Paine, James Bowdoin, Edward D. Bangs, Esqrs., and J. Green, m. d. Recording SecWy, Rejoice Newton, Esq, Worcester. Marine Societies. 141

Foreign Cor. Sec^ry, Rev. Thaddeus M. Harris, d.d . Domestic do. do. Wiirmm Lincoln, Esq. Worcester. Treasurer, Samuel Jennison, Esq. Worcester. Librarian and Cabiiict Keefier^ C. C. Baldwin, Esq. of Worcester. Committee of Publications, Rev. William Jenks,D.D. William Lincoln, Joseph VVillard, Esqrs.

Boston Marine Society. Instituted 1742. Incorporated 1754. Officers elected on the 1st Tues. of November, 1831. President, Charles Tracy. Vice-President^ Joseph W. Lewis. Treasurer^ Thomas Lamb. Secretary., Thomas Enghsh. Trustees, Benjamin Smith, Winslow Lewis, Nehe- miah Parsons, John Cruft, Caleb Curtis, John Suter, Atkins Adams, Daniel C. Bacon, Thomas B. Curtis, and William Austin. Port Wardens, Benjamin Smith, John Cruft, Samuel Nichels. Committee of Relief Charles T. Parsons, Arthur French, John Hodgkins, Samuel Nichels, and Thomas S. Winslow. Committee of Observation, Samuel Quincy, Francis Davis, and Arthur French. Committee of Accounts., Joseph Hall, Francis Welch, and Josiah Bradlee. Wardens and Stewards, George Hallet, Ozias Goodwin, and Arthur French.

Saleiti Marine Society. Instituted March 25, 1766. Incorporated in 1771. Officers elected on the last Thursday in October. Master, Willard Peele. Treasurer., Gideon Tucker. Clerk, Nathaniel Knight.

Salem East "India Marine Society. Instituted in November, 1799. Incorp. March 3, 1801. Officers elected on the 1st Wednesday in January. President, Nathaniel L. Rogers. InsfiecCor of the Journals, William Ashton. Recording' Secretary, Gilbert G. Newhall. 142 Bible Societies.

Treafiurer^ John B. Osgood. Corresponding Secretary^ Charles Lawrence. Sufierintendcnt of the Muaeum^ Dr. George Orborn.

Distributor of Journals y William Story. Salem Charitable Mari?ie Society. President^ John C. Very. East India Marine Hall Corfioration^ Salem.

Incorporated June 7, 1824. President^ Nathaniel L. Rogers. Treasurer^ John B. Osgood. Clerk, Gilbert G. Newhall. Directors, Holton J. Breed, Thorndike Proctor, Henry King.

A7nerican Bible Society. President^ Hon. John Cotton Smith. Secretary^ Rev. J. C Brigham. Treasurer, John Adams, Esq.

Massachusetts Bible Society. Instituted July, 1809. President^ Rev. John Fierce, d. d. Vice- President, Rev. Henry Ware, d. d. Corresponding Secretary, Rev. Francis Parkman. Recording Secretary, Rev. James D. Knowles. Treasurer., John Tappan, Esq. Assistant Treasurer, Charles Tappan, Esq. Executive Committee, to whom applications are to be made for Bibles, Rev. Benjamin B. Wisner, o.it. Rev, John G. Palfrey, Charles Tappan, Esq. Annua! meeting, the Monday before last Wednesday in May, when addresses are made, and a collection taken to aid the objects of the Society.

Young Mens* Marine Bible Society, President, E. G. Farnsworth. Vice-President, Secretary, J. G. Brown. Treasurer, S. H. Turner.

Salem Bible Translation and Foreign Mission Society, Instituted 1812. President, K&v. Lucius Holies, d. d.

1st Vice- Presidentt Rev. James Barnaby. Missionary Societies. 143

2d Vice-President^ Rev. Rufus Babcock, jr. od Vice-President, Rev. Charles O. Kimball. 4:1 h Vice-President, Rev. C. P. Grosvenor. Recording Secretary^ Mr. Ebenezer Seccomb. Corresflanding Secretary^ Rev. JonathanlAldrich. Treasurer, Mr. John Moriarty.

Societyfor Propagating the Gosfiel among the Indians and others in J\''orth Amenca. Inc. Nov. 16, 1787. Yearly choice of Officers, last Thursday in May. President, Hon. Jonathan Phillips. Vice-President, Rev. Eh'phalet Porter, d. d. Secretary, Alden Bradford, Esq. Assistant Secretary, Rev. J. Pierce, d. d. Treasurer, Hen. Asahel Stearns, Select Committee^ Hon. John Davis, Hon. Richard Sullivan, Rev. Dr. Ware, Dr. Harris, Rev. F. Parkman. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Amissions, Incorporated Feb. 1812. Presidejit^ Hon. John Cotton Smith, ll. d. Vice-President, Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer, ll.d. Corresponding Secretary, Rev. Elias Cornelius, d.d. Assistant Secretaries, Rev. Rufus Anderson, Mr. Da- vid (ireene. Recording Secretary, Rev. Calvin Chapin, d. d. Treasurer, Henry Hill, Esq. Auditors, John Tappan, Esq. Mr. Charles Stoddard. Prudential Committee, Hon. William Reed, Rev. Leonard Woods, d. d. Samuel Hubbard, ll. d. Rev. Warren Fay, d.d. Rev. Benjamin B. Wisner, d. d. Rev. Elias Cornelius, d. d. Board of Commissioners of the Society in Scotlandfor promoting Christian Knowledge. Formed 1787. President, John Tappan, Esq. Vice-President, Abiel Holmes, d. Di Treasurer, Samuel T. Armstrong, Esq. Secretary, Rev. John Codman, d. d. Assistant Secretary, Rev. Warren Fay, d.d. Evangelical Missionary Society in Massachusetts* President, Hon. Peter O. Thacher. Vice-President, Rev. Nathaniel I'hayer, d. d. 144 Missionary Societies.

Secretary, Rev. GeorEje Ripley. Treasurer, Benjamin Guild, Esq.

Massachusetts Efiiscopal Missionary Society, i!f Trus- tees of the Massachusetts Episcofial Prayer Book and Tract Society. President, Right Rev. Bishop Griswold, ex officio. Eirst Vice-President, Rev. Asa Eaton, d. d. Treasurer, Benjamin How^ard. Corresponding SecWy^ Rev. William Croswell.

Massachusetts Society for promoting- Christian Knowledge. Instituted Sept. 1803. Incorporated Feb. 20, 1807. President, Rev. Abiel Holmes, n. d. Vice-President, Samuel H. Walley, Esq. Treasurer, Deacon James Melledge. Secretary, Rev. William Jenks, d, n. Clerk, Mr. George Rogers. Librarian, Samuel T. Armstrong, Esq, Directors, Rev. Samuel Gile, 'Rev. William Cogs- well, Dea. William Hilliard, Dea. Daniel Noyes, William J. Hubbard, Esq.

Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, Piety and Charity. Established May 29, 1805. Annual meeting last Tuesday in May. President, Eliphalet Porter, r>. d." Vice-Preside?it, Aaron Bancroft, d. d. Secretary, Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood.

Boston Society Auxiliary to the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions. President, Rev. Daniel Sharp, d. d. Vice-President^ Rev. James D. Knowles. Corresfionding Sec'ry., Rev. Howard Malcom. RecordiJig Sec'ry Rev. William Hague. Treasurer, James Loring. Auxiliary Foreign Mission Society of Boston and vicinity. President, Hon. John Tappan. Vice-President, Hon. Samuel Hubbard. Secretary, Norman Seaver, Esq. Treasurer., Charles Stoddard* Missionary Societies. 145

Board of Managers of the Bafitist General Convention. President, Rev. Jesse Mercer. Vice-President, Rev. Daniel Sharp, d. d. Corresfionding Sec'ry^ Rev. Lucius Bolles, d. D. Treasurer, Hon. Hemnn Lincoln. With three other Vice-Presidents, and thirty Managers.

Baptist Missionary Society of Massachusetts, Instituted May 26, 1802. Incorporated Feb. 28, 1808. Yearly choice of Officers, last Wednesday in May. President, Rev, Joseph Grafton. Vice-President Rev. Charles Train. Secretary^ Rev. William Leverett. Treasurer, Ensign Lincoln. Trustees, Rev. E. S. Williams, L. Bolles, d. d. Bela Jacobs, C. O. Kimball, E. Nelson, Cyrus Pitt Grosve- nor, James D. Knowles, Daniel Sharp, d. d. Rufus Babcock, jr. Jonathan Going, Howard Malcom, William Hague, Dea. Heman Lincoln, Levi Farwell, Esq. Dea. James Fosdick.

Methodist Missionary Society. Presideiit, Rev. Bishop M'Kendree.

"ist Vice- Presidenty Rev. Bishop R. Roberts. 2g? do. Rev, Bishop Snule, d. d. od do. Rev. Bishop Hedding, d. d. A:th do. Rev. John Emory, d. d. 5th do. Rev. William Capers, d. d. Treasurer, Rev. , d. d. Correisponding Secretary, Rev. Beverly Waugh. Recording Secretary^ L. S. Burling. Clerk, Francis Hall. Massachusetts Missionary Society, Instituted May 28, n99. Incorporated Feb. 9, 1808. Yearly choice of Officers, last Tuesday preceding last Wednesday in May. President, Rev. Leonard Woods, d. d. Vice-Presidents., Rev. John Codman, r> d. Rev. Brown Emerson, Rev. Alvan Hyde, d. d. Rev. Elisha Fiske, Rev. Theophilus Packard, d. d. Rev. Heman Humphrey, d. d. Henry Gray, Esq. Hon. Isaac C. Bates. Secretary^ Rev. Richard S. Storrs, of Braintrce. N 146 American Education Society.

Treasurer^ John Punchard, Esq. of Salem.

Assistant Treasurer^ Benjamin Perkins, Esq. Executive Committee, Rev. John Codman, d.d. Rev. Richard S. Storrs, John Panchard, Esq. Rev. Warren Fay, D.D. Rev. Lyman Beecher, d. d. Rev. Brown Emerson, Dea. Daniel Noyes.

Boston Bafitist Evangelical Society, Chairman^ Ensign Lincoln. Treasurer, Ichabod Macomber. Committee, Joseph Converse, Samuel Hill, Benjamin Smith, Stillman Lothrop, S.G.Shipley, Joseph Wcod- cock, Samuel Beal, Amos Bridges, Moses Pond.

A?nerican Education Society. Instituted August 29, 1815. Incorporated 1816. Rooms of the Society, at No. 52 Washington-St. Boston. President, Hon. Samuel Hubbard, ll. d. Vice-President, William Bartlett, Esq. Secretary^ Rev. Elias Cornelius, d.d. Assistant Secretary, Mr. Bela B. Edwards. General Agent, Rev. . Treasurer, Hardy Ropes, Esq. Auditor, Hon. Pliny Cutler. Directors^ Rev. Abiel Holmes, d.d. Rev. Ebenezer Porter, d. d. Rev. Leonard Woods, d. d. Rev. Warren Fay, D. D. Rev. Benjamin B. Wisner, d. d. Rev. Elias Cornelius, d. d. John Tappan, Esq. Rev. Gardiner Spring, d. n. Arthur Tappan, Esq. Rev. John Codman, D. D. Samuel T. Armstrong, Esq. Executive Committee^ Rev. Warren Fay, d.d. Rev. John Codman, d. d. Rev. Benjamin B. VVisner, d.d. Assistant Secretary and General Agent. Financial Committee, John Tappan, Esq. Samuel T. Armstrong, Esq. William J. Hubbard, Esq., Treasurer. The members of this Society amount to about 400, reside in 20 different States, and belong to seven denom- inations of Christians. The Board of Directors who are chosen annually, meet quarterly on the second Wednesday of January, April, July, and October, and oftener if necessary. A Committee of the Board meet the day previous, at 3 p. m. at the Rooms of the Society,

to examine and recommend candidates for patronage ; —besides wtKnn, there are 41 Examining Committees Education Societies. 147 in different parts of the United States. There are seven Branch Societies connected with the Parent Society, and an agency established at Cincinnati, Ohio. Over eleven hundred young men have been assisted in a greater, or less degree,' by the funds. Between 500 and 600 are at present receiving patronage at more than seventy Institutions. Between 300 and 400 of those who were formerly aided, have already become preachers; cf whom, tnvtnty-four have devoted them- selves to Foreign Missions. About twenty have become Permanent Instructers, as Professors or Principals in various Literary and Theological Institutions, and^y^'y more are temporarily employed in the business of in- struction. Not far from seventy have died while pur- suing their studies, or been compelled to abandon their object for want of health. Between thirty 2inA forty have lost their patronage in consequence of not posses- sing the qualifications n quired by the rules of the Society. Those who have been aided by the Society belong to seven denominations of Christians — they are natives of almost every State and Territory of the Union, and have pursued studies at ten Theological Seminaries, ?we72rz/-;/iree Colleges, seventy-seven Academies—To- tal 110 Institutions. AH monies are now appropriated in the form of advantageous loanf>^ and not as a charity. One Thousand dollars constitutes a Permanent Schol- arship; and seventy-five dollars a year, for seven years, constitutes a Temporary Scholarship. All communications to the Secretary or Treasurer, to be sent to the " Rooms of the American Education Society^" No. 52 Washington- Street, Boston.

JVorthern Bafitiat Education Society, President^ Rev. Daniel Sharp, d. d. Vice-President^ Rev. Bela Jacobs. Corresjionding Sec*ry^ Rev. E. Thresher. Recording Sec'ry, Rev. Henry Jackson. Treasurer^ John B. Jones. Directors^ Rev, James D. Knowles, Rev. Ebenezer Nelson, Rev. Rufus Babcock, jr. Rev. C. P. Grosvenor, Rev. Lucius Belies, d. d. Levi Farwell, Esq. ;

148 Sunday-School Societies.

Young Mefi*8 jluxiliary Baptist Education Society, President^ Rev. James D. Knowles. Vice-President^ John A. W. Lamb. Secretary, Gustavus Horton. Treasurer, C. D. Gould.

Americaii Sunday School Union. President, Alexander Henrv, Philadelphia^ Treasurer^ Paul Beck, jr, Phihdelphia. Corresfionding Sec'ry, Frederick W. Porter. Recording Sec'ry, Frederick A. Packard. \* Belonging to this Union are 7,244 Schools 64,215 Teachers; 451,075 Scholars. The whole num- ber of Sunday-School Scholars in the United States and Great Britain in estimated at 1,700,000. Massachusetts Sabbath School Union, auxiliary to the American Sunday School Union, at Philadelphia. President^ Hnn. William Read, of Marblehead. Vice-Presidents, Rev. Daniel Sharp, d. d. Boston. Rev. Warren Fay, d. d, of Charlestown, Rev. Samuel Green, Boston. S-cretary, Mr. Artemas Bullard, Boston. treasurer, Mr. Nathaniel R. Cobb, of do. Auditor, Mr. Charles Scudder. Boston Sunday School Society. Officers elected on the 28th of November. President, Hon. Jonathan Phillips. Vice-President, Rev. Joseph Tuckerman, d. d. Corresponding Sec'ry^ Josiah F. Flagg, m. d. Recording Sec^ry, Thomas Gray, m. d. Treasurer, George A. Sampson.

General Union for promoting the observance of the Christian Sabbath. President, Hon. Theodore Frelinghuvsen, N. J. Correfifionding Sec'ry, Mr. Lewis Tappan. Recording Sec'ry, Mr. Knowles Taylor. 7Veastirer, Arthur Tappan, Esq.

Amfirican Unitarian Association. President, Rev. Aaron Bancroft, d. d. of Worcester. Vice-Presidents^ Hon. Joseph Story, of Mass. Hon. Joseph Lyman, Mass. Hon. Charles H. Atherton, N. H. Hon. Stephen Longfellow, , Henry Wheaton, Esq. N. Y. James Taylor, Esq. Penn. Rev. Noah Wor- Tract Societies. 149 cester, d. d. Mass. Rev. Timothy Flint, Ohio, Henry Payson, Esq. Md. Hon, William Cranch, D. C. Martin L. Hurlbut, Esq. S. C. Hon. Samuel S. Wilde, Mass. Hon. Samuel Hoar, jr. Mass. Directors, Rev. James Walker, Rev.Samuel Barrett, Rev. Ezra S. Garmett. Treasurer^ Henry Rice, Esq.

Foreign Secretary , Rev. Henry Ware» jr. Domestic Secretary, Rev. Alexander Vomig.

Massachusetts Baptist Convention. President, Rev. A. Samson. Bea. H.Lincoln. Fice- President^ ., Corres. and Rec. Sec. R^v. Jonathan Going. Treasurer, Dea. W. Stowell.

Evangelical Tract Society. Instituted May 1812. President, Rev. Daniel Sharp, d. d. Secretary, Ensign Lincoln. ^

Treasurer, Nathaniel R. Cobb. ?

./American Tract Society, Boston. Instituted May 1814. Annual meeting in Boston, last Wednesday in May.

- President^ Hon. William Reed, of Marbiehead. Vice-President, Rev. Moses Stuart, Theological Seminary, Andover. Secretary, James L. Kimball. Treasurer, John Tappan, Esq. Auditor, Dea. Eliphalet Kimball. Executive Committee, Rev. Warren Fay, D. d. Charlestown, Rev. Samuel Green, John I'appan, Esq. Henry Hill, Esq. Rev. Jonathan Greenleaf.

Massachusetts Peace Society. President, Rev. Charles Lowell, d. d. Vice-President, Rev. William Jenks, d. d. Treasurer, Henry J. Oliver Recording Secretary, John Baker. Correafionding Secretary, J. P. Blanchard. N* 150 Charitable Societies.

Howard Benevolent Society. President^ Amos Lawrence. Yreasurer^ Deac. Moses Grant. Secret iry^ Jonas H. Lane, m. d. Standing Committee, John Mead, Frederick Gould, Lewis Jones, Simon G. Shipley, Samuel P. Grosvenor, Benjamin Bennett, Jnsepli Tuckerman, George Vinton, Ambrose Seaton, Daniel T. Coit, James W. Gates, George W. Lloyd, James Kimball, T. R. Marvin, William R. Lovejoy, Alvan Simonds.

Massachusetts Humane Society. Incorporated Feb. 23, 1791. Officers chosen 2d Tues- day in May. President^ Benjamin Rich, Esq. 1st Vice-President^ Rev. Charles Lowell, d. d. 2rf do. Francis J. Oliver, Esq. Corresfionding Secretary^ John Heard, jr. Esq. Recording Secretary^ Rev. Francis Parkman. Treasurer, Henderson Inches. Trustees, Joseph Coolidge, Robert G. Shaw, Daniel P. Parker, George Hayward, m. d. Edward H. Rob- bins, Jacob, Bigelow, m. d.

Massachusetts Charitable Society.

Founded September 6, 1672. Incorp. March 15y |780. Annual meeting for choice of Officers, the first Monday in September, President, Thomas Melvill, Esq. Vice-President, George Hallet, Esq. Secretary, Joseph W. Homer. Treasurer^ Samuel Hewes, of Roxbury. Trustees, George Homer, William C. Hunneman, James Ridgway, Moses Bass, John S. Lillie, Samuel Ruggles.

Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society. Incorporated June 25, 1794. Annual meeting, second Friday in October. Semi-annual meeting, second Friday in April. President, Thomas K. Jones, Esq. Vice-President, John Heard, jr. Esq. Corresfionding Secretary, Lynde Walter, Esq. Charitable Societies. 151

Recording Secretary^ James W. Burditt.

Treasurery Joseph Lovering, Esq. Trustees, James Phillips, Joseph CooHdge, Samuel Perkins, Gedney King, Samuel F. M'Cleary, Charles H. Jones, William C. Aylwin, Francis J. Oliver, Esqrs.

Massachusetts Gharitable Mechanic Association^ in Boston.

Instituted March 15, 1795. Incorp. March 8, 1806. Officers elected first Thursday in January. President, Daniel ?vlessinger. Vice-President, Joseph T. Buckingham. Secretary, Joseph Lewis. Treasurer, John Cotton. Trustees, John Kuhn, Uriel Crocker, Thomas Whit- marsh, Martin Bates, Samuel Williams, Charles A. Wells, Robert Bacon, James Spear, Isaac Davis.

Boston Society for the Religious and Moral Instruction of the Poor. Incorporated 1820. President, Hon. Samuel Hubbard. Vice-President, John Tapjjan, Esq. Secretary, Rev. WiUiam Jenks, d. d. Treasurer, Horatio M. Willis, Esq. Managers^ Richard Cobb, Esq. Rev. Samuel Green, Henry Homes, Col. Joseph Jenkins, Dea. Eliphalet Kimball, Deac. John C. Proctor, Deac. Daniel Noyes, and Deac. Thomas Vose. Boston Female Asylum. Instituted Sept. 25, 1800. Incorporated Feb. 26, 1803. Officers chosen on the last Tuesday in October. First Directress, Mrs. S. Parkman. Second do. Mrs. Prescoit. Recording Sec'y, Miss Abby L. Frothingham. Collecting do. Miss P. L. Frothingham. Treasurer, Mary Otis. 0:5°"The Asylum is kept in Essex-street.

Boston Asylumfor Boys. Incorporated Feb. 24, 1814. President, Gardiner Greene. Vice-President, Joseph Austin. Secretary^ Edward S. Rand. Treasurer, William J. Loring. Managers, Benjamin D. Greene, Abbot Lawrence, 152 Charitable Societies.

James C. Merrill, Rev. Francis Parkman, Edward Reynolds, jr. Edward H. Robbins. The Board meets the first Monday in every month. Q:^ Asylum corner of Salem and Charter-streets. Penitent Females Refuge. President, Samuel T. Armstrong, Esq. Vice-President, John Tappan, Esq. Treasurer, Benjamin Perkins, Esq. Corresfionding Secretary^ Enoch Hale, jr. M. d. Recording Secretary, George Denny, Esq. Directors., Dr. C. H. Snow, L. P. Grosvenor, Esq. Rev. Asa Rand, James C. Dunn, Esq. Benjamin Per- kins, Esq. James Means, Daniel Safford, William J, Hubbard, Joseph Ballister, and Joseph Thayer. Society of the Cincinnati of Massachusetts. Founded A. D. 1783. Incorporated A. D. 1805. Officers elected July 4th annually. President., Judah Alden, Esq. Secretary, John Callender, Esq. Assistant Secretary, Thomas Jackson. Treasurer, Capt. Robert Williams. Assistant Treasurer^ Robert G, Shaw.

American Society for the /iromotlon of Tem/ierance. President., Hon. Samuel Hubbard. Vice-President, S. V. S. Wilder, Esq. Treasurer., George Odiorne, Esq. Auditor., Henry Hill, Esq. Corresfiondirt.g Secretary, Rev. J. Edwards, d. d. Recording Secretary., Enoch Hale, m. d. Mass. Society for the Suppression of Intemperance* Instituted February 1813. President, John C. Warren, m. d. Vice-Presidents, Rev. Eliphalet Porter, d. d. Rev* William Jenks, d. d. Amos Lawrence, Esq. Secretary, Joshua B. Flint, m. d. IVeasurer, Levi Barilett, Esq. Boston Society for the Promotion of Tem/ierance, President, Richard Fletcher, Esq. Vice-Presidents, Hon. William Sullivan, Joseph Jen kins, Esq. William Simmons, Esq. Secretary, Ellis Gray Loring, Esq. Treasurer., Harrison Gray. Institution for Savings. 153

Boston Seaman*s Friend Society^ President^ Hon. Pliny Cutler. Vice-President^ Capt. Benj. Rich. Treasurer^ William Worthington, Esq- Secretary^ Samuel H. VV alley, jr. Esq.

Prison Discifilinc Society. President^ William Jay, Esq. Treasurer, Charles Cleaveland, Esq^ Secretary^ Rev. Louis D wight. Board of Trusteea of Dojiadons to the Protestant Kinscofial Church. Incorporated by the State of Massachusetts, 1810. President, His Honor Thomas L. Winthrop. Vice-Presidents, Hon. Joseph Tilden, Alanson T. Sperry, Jeremiah Mason. Treasurer, James Bowdoin, Esq. Vice-Treasurer^ Gardiner Greene, Esq. Corresfinnding Secretary James C. Merrill. Eecording Secretary, Rev. Asa Eaton, d. d. Managers, Joseph Head, Lynde Walter, George Brinley, John Odin.

Provident Institution/or Savings in the City ofBoston. Incorporated December 13, 1816. Office in ScoUay's Buildings. Open every day, from 9 to 1 o'clock. President, Gardiner Greene. Esq. Vice-Presidents, Redford Webster, Joseph Coolidge, Thomas L. Winthrop, Joseph Head, Joseph Tilden, Samuel H. Walley, Jesse Putnam, John D. Williams, Andrew Ritchie, Jonathan Phillips, Edward Tucker- man, Thomas W. Ward, Samuel Snelling, Samuel May, James T. Austin. Trustees, John Dorr, Gideon Snow, Gedney King, James Savage, Nathan Appletcn, Amos Lawrence, Abiel Chandler, Robert Waterston, Benjamin Guild, Peter O. Thacher, James Bowdoin, Otis Everett, Sam- uel Hubbard, John A. Lov^ell, Nathaniel G. Snelling, Edward Brooks, Samuel Dorr, John C. Gray, Daniel P. Parker, George Hallett, Francis J. Oliver, l^homas P. Cushing, Charles Wells, Ebenezer Chadwick, Esquires. Treasurer, James Savage. Sec*ry, James Bowdoin. 154 Massachusetts General Hospital.

Salem Institution for Saving's. Open every Wednes. from i2 to 1 o'clock, p. m. President^ Joseph Peabody. Secretary, John W. Treadwell. Treasurer, Daniel Bray.

Massachusetts General Hosfiital Corp.oration» Incorporated Feb. 25, 1811. Annual meeting of the Corporation, 3d Tuesday in Jan. Visitors. The Governor, Lieut. Governor, Presi- dent of the Senite, Speaker of the House of Represen- tatives, with the Chaplains of both Houses for the time being. OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION. President, Gardiner Greene, Esq. Vice-President, Joseph Head, Esq. Secretary, Nathaniel I. Bowditr.h, Esq. Treasurer, Nathaniel P. Russeil, Esq. Trustees. Henry Codman, Joseph Ccolidge, George Bond, Francis C. Gray, Benjamin Guild, Amos Law- rence, Jonathan Phillips, Edward H. Robbins, Edward Tuckerman, Josiah Quincy, jr. Benjamin D. Greene, George Hallet, Esqrs. TWO DEPARTMENTS. MC. LEAN ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE IN CHARLES- TOWN. Physician and Superintendent., Rufus Wyman, m. d. Medical Student., . Supervisor, Columbus Tyler, Clerk, Rufus Wyman, jr. A committee of the Trustees visit the Asylum every Tuesday, P. M. (formerly Monday) to admit and dis- charge boarders and inspect the establishment. If necessary, boarders may be admitted or discharged at other times and by any Trustee. No visitors are admitted on any part of the Lord's day. No boarders can be visited except by near rela- tives, or by others at their request in writing. See printed rules and regulations. THE HOSPITAL IN BOSTON. Acting Surgeon, John C. Warren, m. d. Junior Surgeon^ George Hay ward, m. d. Medical Dispensaries. 155

Acting Physician, James Jackson, m. d. Assistant I'hysicians^ Walter Channing, m. d. John Ware, m. d. Sufierintrndent^ Nathan Gurney, Esq. House Physician^ Thomas Sparhawk. House Surgeon, Samuel B. Swett. Afiothecary, William F. Brooks. N. B. Applications for admission to the Hospital are to be made between 8 and 9 o'clock, a.m. every- day, except Su!iday, at the Hospital in Allen street. Visitors are admitted en Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, from 12 to 1 o'clock.

Boston Medical Dispensary. Instituted October, 1796. Incorporated Feb. 26, 1801. Officers elected on the 2d Thursday in October. Chairman, Edward Tuckerman. Secretary, George H. Snelling, Esq. Treasurer^ Gideon Snow, Esq. Consulting Physicians. John Dixwell, m. d. John Randall, m. d. Visiting Physicians. Augustus A. Gould, m. d. Ward 1 6c 3. *• Thomas Gray, jr. M.D. 2. Charles Walker, m. d. '• 4. Henry Dyer, m. d. " 5, 6 8c 7. Martin Gay, m. d. Fort Hill District. Edward J. Davenport, m. d. Broad-Street District.

Daniel T. Coit, m. d. _ Ward 10. Alexander Thomas, M. D. " 11 8c 12. John B. Stebbins, m. d. South Boston. Afiothecary. Joseph M. Smith, No. 138 Washington Street. Managers, Edward Tuckerman, Samuel H. Walley, Isaac Winslow, Benjamin Guild, Gideon F. Thayer, Samuel T. Armstrong, Jonathan Phillips, Samuel May, Otis Everett, Nathaniel P. Russell, George H, Snelling. Salem Disfiensary, President^ Joseph Peabody. Secretary and Treasurer^ Henry Whipple. Managers, Rev. John Brazer, Abel L. Pierson, John Stone, William Dean. Joseph Beadle, Charles Law- rence, Benjamin Pickman, , Daniel A. White, Robert Brookhouse. 166 Massachusetts Medical Society.

United States Marine Hosfiital

For the temporary relief of sick and disabled seamen ; into which all manners who have paid Hospital money are admitted, except those who are afflicted with con- tagious or incurable diseases, or insane persons. The Hospital is situated at Chelsea. j1i(ent^ Hon. David Henshaw, Esq. Physician^ Charles H. Stedman, m. d. Steward^ Hon. Charles Turner. Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. Incorporated Feb. 1827. Managers^ Edward Tuckerman, Edward H. Rob- bins, Robert G. Shaw, George Hallet, Henry Rice, , Benjamin D. Greene, Ebenezer Chadwick William T. Andrews, Edward Reynolds, jr. John Jeffries, William B. Reynolds. l^reasurer^ William T. Andrews. Secretary^ William B. Reynolds. Siirgeonsy John Jeffries, m. d. Edward Reynolds, m.d. The Infirmary is open for the treatment of poor pa- tients, from 12 until 1 o'clock every Monday, Wednes- day, and Friday, at the Infirmary Rooms, Corner of Court and Common Streets.

Massachusetts Medical Society. Inc. Nov. 1781. Annual meeting held in Boston, on the 1st Wed. in June, at the Lecture Room of the Boston Atheneum. Officers elected in June, 1830. President, James Jackson. Vice-President, Amos Holbrook. Corresfiojiding Sec'ry^ John Dixwell. Recording Sec'ry, George Hayward. Treasurer, Walter Channing. Librarian, Enoch Hale, jr.

(For a list of the Members of this Society, see Page 162.) Censors for the Society at Large, and for the first Medical District of the State. Drs. John Dixwell, Rufus Wyman, Walter Channing, George Hayward, Enoch Hale, jr. Censors for the second Medical District. Drs. John Green, Benjamin F. Heywood, Edward Flint, Charles W. Wilder, Gustavus D. Peck. Boston Mechanics Institution. 159

Midwifery tf MedicalJur.Pru.WRltev Ch^Lxmm^^ m.d. Materia Medica, Jacob Bieelow, m. d. Theory and Practice ofPhysic, James Jackson, m.d. Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. President^ Daniel Noyes. Vice-President, Chatles White. Treasurer, Samuel N. Brewer. Secretary, Charles French. TRUSTEES. Ebenezer Wight, Joseph Kidder, Nathan Jarvis, Daniel Henchman, Terence Wakefeild.

Boston Mechanics Institution. President, Charles Wells. Vice-Presidents, Alexander Parris, Stephen Fair- banks, George Darricoit. Recording Secretary., Francis C. Whiston. Corresfionding Secretary^ John Ware, m.d. Treasurer, John Gorham Rogers. Cabinet Keeper, Seth Bass, m. d. 2'he Boston Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knoivledge, President^ Hon. Daniel Webster. Vice-Presidents, Hon. John Pickering, Hon. Nathan Hale. Corresfionding Secretaryy'izzxh Bigelow, m. d. Recording Secretary^ Horatio Robinson, m- d. Treasurer., Henry F. Baker, Esq. , President, Col. Joseph Jenkins. Vice-Presidents, Rev. Asa Rand, Gideon F. Thayer. Secretary, Charles C. Beaman. Treasurer, Theophilus R. Marvin. Cwra^ors, Timothy Claxton, Alvan Simonds, , Enoch Hale, jr. Clement Durgin. Yew-Engla7id Societyfor the promotion of Manufac- tures and the Mechanic Arts, President, His Excellency Levi Lincoln. Vice-PresideJits, Nathan Appleton,Esq. Hon. Henry A. S. Dearborn, Hon. Aaron Tufts, D.L. Pickman, Esq. Treasurer, Benjamin T. Pickman, Esq. Secretary, Samuel Torrey, Esq, 160 Pilgrim Society.

Franklin Tyfiographical Society in Boston. Instituted Feb. 1824. Incor. Feb. 1825. President, Hiram Tupper. Vice- President, John Eaton. 6'("cret'Grz/, Thomas Gill, jr. Treasurer, Andrew Wright. Pilgrim Society. Incorporated January 24, 1R20. Officers elected on the last Monday in May, annually. President, Alden Bradford. Esq. Vice-President, Zaccheus Bariiett, Esq. Recording Secretary^ B. M. Waison. E^q. Librarian and Cabinet Keeper, James Thacher,Esq. Celebration of the landing of tlie Pilgrims, at Ply- mouth, December 22d. Bunker Hill Monument Association. President, Abner Phelps, m. d. Vice-Presidents, John D. Williams, George Odiorne. Secretary, VViliiam Marston. Treasurer, Hon. Nathaniel P. Russell. Building Committee, George Blake, H. A. S. Dear- born, Amos Lawrence, William Sullivan, Thomas H. Perkins. Superintendent and Architect, Solomon Willard.

Handel and Haydn Society in Boston, Instituted April 1815. Incorporated 1816. The periodical meetings of the Society are monthly, Presideiit, Lowell Mason. Vice-President, Increase S. Withington. Secretary^ Joseph Lewis. Treasurer, William Coffin.

Boston Atheneum. Incorporated Feb. 13, 1807. Annual meeting for choice of Officers, 1st Mon. in Jan. President, Hon. Thomas H. Perkins, Vice-President., Hon. Francis C. Gray. Secretary^ William T. Andrews, Esq. Treasurer^ Thomas W. Ward. Librariany Seth Bass, m. d. With 9 Trustees. State Prison. 161

Salem Atheyiei^m, fProfirieiors of theJ Yearly choice of Officers last Wed. but one in May. President, Hon. Benj. Picknian. Clerk, Hon. Eben. Shillaber, Plsq. Treasurer^ George Peabody. Librarian John K. Lebarron.

Boston and Roxbury Mill Corfioraiion. President, John C. Gray. Sec'ry^ Treas.i!f Superintendent, S3.m\,'^\cho\&on. Directors, Charles Bradbury, Lemuel Pope, Abra- hann W. Fuller, Thomas B. Wales, John F. Loring, Ralph Huntington, Eben. T. Andrews, Eben. Chad- wick, John Belknap, H. B.Stone, Samuel Cabot. Middlesex Canal Cor/ioration. President^ Benjamin Guild. Superintendent^ Treas, and Clerk, Caleb Eddy.

Bost07i jiqueduct Corporation. Incorp. Feb. 27, 1795. President^ William Pratt. Sec. ^ Treas. Henry Codman. Agent's Shop, Front-Street. Salem Turnpike and Chelsea Bridge Corporation. President^ Benjamin Pickman. Clerk, Ichabod Tucker. Treasurer, John Moriarty. Agenti Pierce L. Wiggin.

State Prison at Charlestoivn, Inspectors, Hon. Francis C. Gray, Hon. Sherman Leland, Hon. Charles Wells. Warden, William Austin, Esq. Salary S1500 per annum. De/iuty Warden, Charles Lincoln, jr. §800, do. Chaplain, Rev. Jared Curtis, g500, do. Physic ^ Surq-. Wm. J. Walker, m. d. §250, do. Clerk, Oliver H. Bryant, §800, do. Keeper^ William Going, ^500, do. O* IC2 Massachusetts Medical Society. FEJLLOWS or THE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY.

Eben.Alden, -^m^Randolfih M.^eikevjVobleborough Me. WiUard Arms, Northjidd Anson Bates, Barre Saiiil. Adams, md, Boston Nathaniel Bemis, md, Wa- Moses Appleton, Water- tertown ville^ Maine Parley Barton, Orange Luther Allen, Sterling Erastus Beach, Sandisficld Eben. Ames, E. Sudbury R. Brewster, Buxton^ Me. S.Ayer, md, Portland Me. Arlemas BuUard, Sutton Moses Ayer, Norway Me, Ephraim Buck, Maiden Benj. Austin, md, JVenvton David Bacon, jBM:r;o/2, Me. John Andrews, Wendell Benj D. Bartlett, Bath^ Me. Z.B.Adams, md, Boston BenjaminBradford, Liver-

Edwin Adams, md^ Boston more ^ M%ine Samuel Alden, Britlgeiuat. Ira Bryant, Cummington H. Adams, md, Waltham Wm. Bradford, md, Boston Silas Blake, Oti^Jcld, Me. John Bartlett, Roxhury Jas. Bowen,Bloo?n^eld,Me. S.Batcheller, jr. Royalston Reuben Bell, Badley AmosBancroft.M D,Groton Artemas Brown, md, Mfc/- Thos. Bucklin, Hopkinton way John B. Brown, MD, Boston Joseph Bullard, Soiithboro. Josiah Batchelder, m d, John S. Bartlett, M o, -/V. Y. Provincetown Silas Brown, Wibnington Jacob Bigelow, -mu, Boston Wm. Bridgman,5e/c/«Gideon Barstow, Salem Duxhury Calvin Briggs, md, Mar- JohnK.Briggs, M D , Z)ec?Aa77i blehead John Brocks, Barnardston Massachusetts Medical Society. 163

Benjamin Barrett, m d, JohnDixwell, md, Boston ATorthamfiton ElihuDwight, S.Hadley Henry Bartlett, md, Rox- Oliver Dean, Medivay / bury Luke Dewey, Kichmond Benj. Drury, Spencer Henrv H. Childs, md, Theodore Dexter, Boston Fittsfield John Delamattre, Sheffidd Walter Channing, md, Geo. B.Doane, md, Boston Boston John t/. Dalton, m d, Daniel Collins, Lenox Chelmsford David Cobb, ChristopherDean, Colerain Abijah Cheever, Saugus William B. Duggan, md, Hezekiah Clark, Medford D.Clark, JV.Yarmouth Me- Ebenezer Dale, Md, GIoji- VB.n.Col\ir,s,lVil/ia}nsdurg/i cester feuben Champion, jun., Samuel Dodge, md, Wen- fVest Sfiringjield ham /Sannl. Clark, md, JVewton Edward Dickinson, m d, Clap, md, JVorthamJiton j Eleazer Boston '' RuiusCowles, Amherst

Isaac G. Cutler, Amherst Sam uelEmerson , Wells, Me. SamuelClessonjAtfTy^fl/ew Moses H.EUiot, U.S. Army

Caleb Chapin, J^eiv York Caleb Emery, Elliot ^ Me. Atherton Clark, Ashfield Micah Eldridge, J\''ash~ Benj. Chandler. Paris, Me. ua, JV. H. Robert Carr, Hebron^ Me. Geo. Estabrook, Rutland Seth Chandler, Minoty Me. HezekiahEldridge, Boston Anthony Collanaore, Pem- broke Royal Yovj\er^Stockbridge Job Clark, Westfield Joseph Fiske, Lexington Dennis Cooley, Deerfield JosephH.Fiint,MD, JVorth- Elijah W. Carpenter, Bar- amfiton nardstown Dudley Fulsome, Gor- Shepard Clark, Hubbard- ham., Maine ston Saml.Farnsworth,|-Sn

Aaron Cornish,M d , Falmo. Andrew Foster, un^Roxb. Benj. Cutter, md, Woburn Amos Farnsworth, m d, Boston 164 Massachusetts Medical Society.

Elijah J. Ford, Mna^ Me. Walter Hunnewell, md, Edward Flint, Leicester Watertoton Timothy Fisher, Holliston Abiel Hall, Alfred, Me, JosiahF.FlaggjMD, Boston Joseph Huse, Camden^ Me. Joshua B. Flint, md, do. Zadock Howe, Billcrica John Flint, md, Boston Oliver Hubbard, Salem Edward Frost md, East Abiel Hall, jr. Alfred, Me, Sudbury Uriah Hager, Waltham }o\\nM.{jvo^\e.x\ovMethu€n John Hastings, Hatfield James Gardner, md, Lynn Cornelius Holland, Jay- John Green, UDyWorcester point, Maine Joseph Gilman, PVells, Me. Eli Hall, Blandford Jacob Gates, Boston James Hewins, Mectjield Henry Gardner, m d, Israel Hildreth, jr. Dracut Charlestown Amory Hunting, Frankliys Oliver Griswold, Frey- LoammiHarington, Paar/o.t- buri^h^ Maine G. Hooker, Syracuse JV.X^ 'D2i\.\.Gros\&viQV Reading Rufus Hathaway, Duxbu, Daniel Green, Ward Vincent Holcomb, Granv. Otis Goodman, 5. Hadley Levi W. Humphreys, Jacob Goodwin, Southivick Daniel Gould, Reading James Holland, Westfield Wm. Gordon Hingham Benj. W. Hildreth, Marl- Joshua Green, md, Groton borough John O. Green, MD,Z.o we// Charles T. Hildreth, mdJ Tiino.Gordon,MD, Weymo. Boston I LutherM.Harris, Brooklint Abiel Heywood, Concord Thaddeus W. Harris, md, Richard Hazeltine, m d, Dorcheater Lynn Appleton Howe, md, Wey- AmcsHolbrook,MD, Milton mouth David Hunt, JVorthampton I. Stearns, Hurd, m d, Geo.Hayward.MD, Boston Charlestown Enoch Hale, jr. md, do, Isaac Hodges, Adams John Homans, md, do. Abiashai Howard Sturbti. Benj. F. Heywood, md, Saml. Hart, md, Beverly Worcester Edward A. Holyoke, md, Jacob Holmes, Athol Salem NathanHayward/'/t/wioM^A Anson Hooker, md, Fast Gad Hitchcock, jr. .North Cambridge Yarmouth^ Maine Hiram Hosmer, md, Wa- John Hubbard, Readjield^ tertown Maine Joshua H. Hayward, md, JohnA.Hyde, FreefiortMe. Boston Massachusetts Medical Society. 165

Joseph L. Hill, md, East Joel Lyons, Gill Cambridge Rufus Longley, Haverhill VViiislow Lewis, jr. md, Wm. Ingalls, md, Boston B'oston Ivory H. Lucus,md, Sand- James Jackson, md, Boston wich David Jones, JVorth Yar- Jonathan Leonard, jr. md,

mouth ^ Maine Sandwich Benjamin James, IVeston Jolin James, Albany^ N. Y. Nathl.iVriller,M Dji^ra/zM^z Daniel James, do. James Mann, md, Boston Jonatlian G. Johnson, md, Am mi R. Mitchell, jYorth jyeivburyfiort Yarmouth, Maine Saml. Johnson, md, Salem x\riel Mann, HaUowell^Me* Asa Jones, S/iencer John Merrill, md, Port- Elisha James, jr. Scituate land^ Maine BelaB.Jr.nes, Houthampdon ThomasManning, Tfis%vich John Jeffries, md, Boston Chas.Macomber,M(ir5/^/'c/ Reuben D. Muzzy, md, Joseph Kittredge, Andover Hanover, JST, H, . John B. Kittredge, Fra- Joth. Mfmlton, Buckfit. Me. mingham Caleb Miller, Rehoboth Pierson Kendall, Sterling Paul R.Metcalf, Wremham SethKnowlton Shrewsbury Francis Moore, md, Ea- Aaron King, Palmer ton, JV. Y, Moses Kidcler, Toumsend Mos. Mason, jr. Bethrl, Me. j

Henry Kittredge, Tcnvks- Peter Mackie, Wareham I bury Thos. Mason, Dartmouth j Gideon Kibbee, Wilbraham AndrewMackie, Plymouth Pierson T. Kendall, md, Silas Marshall, TemfdetQn\ Sterling Isaac W. Mullikin, Stow Paul Kittredge, Littleton Elis. Mather JVorthamfitcri I.igalls Kittredge, jr. md, John G. Metcalf, md, Mcnr

Beverly don \ Benj. Kittredge, md, Salein Jonas A. Marshall, Md, Fitchburg Geo. Leonard, Taunton IsaacLincoln,7b/^.s7iam,M

Benjamin L. Oliver, md, Mos. Phelps, Hubbardston Salem Thomas Phipps, Quincy HectorOrr, UD^Bridgivat. Nathan Perry, N. Brideiv. Gushing Otis, md, Scituate Thomas W. Parsons, md, Geo. Osgood, jr. Danvers Boston Jose. O. Osgood, jimcsburij Sturgis Phinney, A. York Daniel Oliver, MD, Hano- Augus.T. Parker, Shirley ver, JV. H. Sylvanus Plympton, jr.MD, David Osgood, md, Boston Cambridge Benj. Osgood, Westford Usher Parsons, md. Prov- Geo. W. Otis, MD, Boston idence, R. I. Joseph Osgood, MD,£)ani;. Henry Parker, Grafton Augustus Plympton, md. Amos Parker, Bolton Leonard Proctor.MD, Lex- Abel L.Pierson, md, Salem ington Thos. I. Parker, md, A". Y. Cha's,G.Putnam,MD,Sa/e'm Cyrus Perkins, md, JV. Y. Gardner M. Peck, m d,

Benj .Page,j r. Ha Howell, Me. Foxborough Jas. Parker, Gardiner Me. Henry Perkins, md, -New- Benjamin Parker,MD, Con- buryfiort cord, M H. Nathaniel Peabody, Boston John Randall, md, Boston Ebenezer, Poor, Andover, Ben.Kogers, G.Barrington Maine Alex. Read, jVew Bedford Jona.Page, Brunswick, Me. , Eoothbay., Me. Wm.Payson, Foxhorough PeterG.Robbins, Roxbury Edmund C. Peet, JVev) John Revere, md, .A^. Y. Marlborough Dean Robinson, A'envbury Freeman Perry, Fairha- Thos. Richmond, Westford ven, Indiana Ter. Edward Reynolds, jr. md, NathlS. Prentiss, Roocbury Boston Alfred Perry, Stoc/cbndge Chandler RobbinSj jr. md, Daniel Porter, Wendell Boston Abner Phelps, md, Boston Geo. Russell, md, Lincoln V^m.Parkhurst, Pe^d-rs/fam Horatio Robinson, m d, Benjamin Pond, jr. md, Boston Wcstborougfi GeoParkman, md, Boston George C. Shattuck, md, Josiah Prescott, Farming- Boston ton, Maine AlpheusF.Stone Greenfield Gustavns D. Peck, Mllford John Stone, Sfiringfield John Pcnd, Me'ndon Benj.ShurtlefF,MD, Boston SylvanusPiympton^odwr/z Jeremi.SfJofFord, Bradford 'H?L\h\.V\QVZQiAshburnham Jeremy Stimpson,Z)efl?/^am Massachusetts Medical Society. 167

JohnStockbridge, Bath, Me. Saml.Shaw.MD, Plainjield Jonath Sibley, Union, Me. Saml Smith, Williamsto-wn Foster Swift, U. S. Army Erastus Sargent, L.ee Moses D. Spoftbrd, Rowley John Seabury, Chatham Eben. Starr, md, JVewton Joshua Studley, Hanover IssacharSnell, ^m///ro/2Me. J, Greely Stevenson, md, h. Sprague, Hallowell^ Me. Boston Thos. Sewnll, m d, Wash- D.Humphreys Storer, md, ington, D. C. Boston Daniel Swan, Medford Isaac P.Smith md, Maiden Ephraim Stone, Harvard Calvin Thomas, m d, Daniel Stone, Sharon Tyngsborough Nathaniel Swift, Andover Robert Thaxter, md, Dor- M.Sweet, ParsonKfield^Me. chester Jas. H.Sargent, U.S.Army Wm.H. Tyler, Lanesboro iiA\n Starkweather, Ujiton Abrah. R.Thompson, md. Joseph L. Stevens, md, Charlestoiun Castine, Maine SolomonD.Townsend,MD, Rjchard S. Spoftbrd, md, Boston JVtwburyfiort Joseph Torrey, Salem CalebH.Stickney, J^orivich GridleyThaxter, Abington Thomas Sears, Feru Philip E. Theobold, Wis- Still. Spaulding, Lexington casseti Maine Thaddeus Spaulding, 5. Calvin Tilden, Hanson Reading Enoch S. Tappan, md, Paul Spooner, M Bedford Augusta^ Maine Woodbridge Strong, m d, Charles Trafton, S. Ber- Boston ivick, Maine Saml. A. Shurtleif, Boston PlattB.Tyler, W.Stockbrid. William Sweetser, m d, JacobTe wksbury , Hebron, Burlington., Ft. Maine John M. Smith, S/iencer Ezekiel Thaxter, md, Ab- Cfdeb H.Snow, md, Boston ington JoTiathan Stone, Canton Stephen Thayer, Fairfield Be-nj. Seabury, Orleans Saml. T\\.[js,Ca?nbridge/it. JohnP.Spooner,MD, Boston Alex. Thayer, Mendon Je rome V. C. Smith, md, Arad Thompson, Middle- Boston borough liyndon A. Smith, Wil- Amos I'aylor, Warwick liamstown Augustus Torrey, m d, A sa Story Manchester Beverly J< Dseph Shed, Cambridge John C. Warren, md, S teph. H. Shelding, Natick Boston IV lartin Spear, MD^Z^e-cfAam RufusWyman,MD CAcrie«- E .ben. Stone, MD, Walfiole town "

168 Massachusetts Medical Society.

John Walton, md, Pefi- John W. Webster, inp, fierell Cambridge John Ware, md, Boston Orren Wright, Pittsfield Robt. Worthine;ton,Z,e«ojc William C. Whittredge-, Charles W. Wilder, md, J^ew Bedford Leonimater Asa G.Welch, Tyringhairt Steph. W. Williams, md, JamesM.WhittemQre,MD, Deerfidd Brighton Elias Weld, Abel Wilder, Mendon Timothy Wellington, md, John D.Wells, md, Boston West Cambridge Chas. Wild, md, Brooklinc Chas. Worthington,Z,

Presidents and Cashiers of Branches of U. S. Banks. Philadelphia, Nicholas Biddle, President.—W. Mcllvaine, Cashier. John Andrews, 1st Assistant Cashier* Jos. Cowperth wait, 2d do. Herman Cope, 3d do. Andrew Snmners, Chief Clerk, Transfer Department. Por/jmoKf//, Jeremiah Mason, President.Eben.Wentworth, Cajhiiir Boston, Gardiner Greens, Samuel Frothingham, Portland, Joshua Wingfate,jr. " Scott Greene, « " Providence, Philip Allen, Nathan Waterman, jr. «' Hartford, Enoch Parsons, " J. P. Burnham, * NezvTork, Isaac Lawrence, " M. Robinson, ' Baltimore, William Patterson," John White, « Washington. Saml. H. Smith, " Richard Smith, « Richmond, M. C. Nichols, " James Robertson, ' Norfolk, George Newton, " Joseph L. Roberts, * Charleston, Joseph Johnson, " Peter Bacot, «* Savannah, John Cumming, «' James Hunter, •* Fayetteville, John Huske, Pre! J. W. Sandford, Cash. New-Orleans, Bererly Chew, " Samuel Jaudon, Jas. Saul, Assir t- Lniiisville. S. Ormsby, " Edward Shippen, " C/K'/JroMf , WiliiamCreightODjir. A. G. Claypole, « Pittsburg, A. Tannehiil, " James Correy, '* Lexington, John Tilford, " James Fowler, *' " Mobile, Jonathan Hunt, George Poe, jr. *« Nashville, Josiah Nichol, " John Somerville, * ( St. Louis, J. O. Fallon, « Henry S.Coxe, « « \ Buffalo, W. B. Rochester, J. R. Carpenter, «* Cincinnati, J. Reynolds, « P. Benson, » " Utica, John C. Devereux, Wm. W. Fraasier, •« Burlington, Heman Allen, « Thomas Hockley, «* Banks in Boston. 169 BANKS IN BOSTON. American Bank. No. 70, State street. Capital, g750,000.

J. S. Wright, President. | VV. H, Odiorne, Cashier. Directors, Levi Brigham, Silas Bullard, Benj. Fiske, Paul Farnum, Arthur French, jr. B. B. Grant, William H. Gardiner, George Odiorne, J. S. Wright, Robert Fuller, James K. Miles, John I. Putnam, Teller, Lowell Mason. Book-Keeper, Thomas B. Fearing. Discount-Cltrk, Messenger, Thomas J. Bajlej.

Atlantic Banlc. No. 61, State street. Capital §500,000.

Pliny Cutler, President. ( Benjamin Dodd, Cashier. Directors, Henry F. Baker, Pliny Cutler, Jeremiah Hill, George G. Jones, James Johnson, William G. Lam- bert, William F. Otis, Edward D. Peters, James Pickens, Samuel Philbrick, William Rollins, William W. Stone. Teller, Richard Ward. Book-Keeper, Thomas Drown. Messenger, James Adams.

Branch of the United States Bank. Gardiner Greene, Pres. Samuel Frothingham, Cash. J Directors, Israel Munson, John Parker, D. P. Parker, David Sears, R. D. Shepherd, John Welles, John Borland, George Blake, E. Chadwick, Abbot Lawrence, Richard D. Tucker, Richard S. Rogers. First Teller, Thomas Wiley. Second Teller, Joseph Hall, jr. First Book- Keeper, John Tucker. Second Book-Keeper, Charles Bartlett. Discount Clerk, Thomas Waterman. Assistant do. Collector, G. L. Chandler, jr. Messenger, W. L. Cazeneau. Porter, Wyman Osborn. Discount every day. LoAR Office. Transfer, John J. Loring. Interest, O. W. Champney. Pension, JohnS. Lilley. P Solicitor, George Blake. 170 Banks in Boston.

Boston Bank. No. 46, State street. Capital, g900,000.

Phineas Upham, President. | James C. Wild, Cashier, Directors, Nathan Appleton, Josiah Bradlee, Samuel P. Blake, Samuel Cabot, D. C. Bacon, Joshua Blake, Thomas B. Curtis, Robert G. Shaw, William J. Loring, William Sullivan, Richard D. Tucker, Phineas Upham. Teller, Robert Lash. Book-Keeper, Charles Hammatt. Discount Clerk, Messenger and Porter, George Breckenridge. Solicitor, William Sullivan. Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday.

Citj/ Bank. No. 61, State street. Capital, §1,000,000. Cash. George Brinley, President. | Eliphalet Williams, Directors, George Brinley, Isaac Bangs, Martin Brim- mer, S. D. Bradford, Thomas Cordis, Luther Faulkner, Phineas Foster, James Parker, Jesse Putnam, Charles Thacher, Samuel K. Williams. Teller, Francis Everett. Book-Keeper^ Charles W. Taylor. Discount Clerk, Charles W. Holbrook. Messenger, Andrew Johonnot. Porter^ Augustus Baird. Discount every day.

Commercial Bank. Parker H.Pierce, President. John S. Larkin, Cashier. I Teller, William D. Ticknor. Book-Keeper, Joseph Andrews. Messenger^ Gilman Davis,

Columhian Bank. No. 54, State Street. Capital, $500,000. William Coffin, jr. Cashier. Joseph Tilden, President. | Directors., William Appleton, P. T. Jackson, Amos Lawrence, G. W. Lyman, Thomas Motley, John Pick- ering, Ebenezer Rollins, William Sturgi«, Joseph Tilden J. G. Torrey. Banks in Boston. 171

Teller, Thomas Swan. Book-Kteper, George Gushing. Messenger^ James Keen. Discount every day.

Commonwealth Bank. No. 47, State street. Capital, §500,000. President. Charles Cashier^ JonathanBuffinton, | Hood, Directors^ J. Buffinton, D. Baxter, jr. Adams Bailey, Andrew Dunlap, William Freeman, J. Henshaw, Hall J. How, S. S. Lewis, Elisha Parks, John K. Simpson, C. Hood, Oliver Fletcher. Teller, William Blaney. Book-Keeper, Ezra Fuller. Messenger, Discount Days, Monday and Thursday.

Eagle Bank. No. 19, State street. Capital §500,000.

Titus Welles, President. | John J. Fisk, Cashier. Directors, C W. Cartwright, B. French, Wm.Goddard, Elijah Loring, John Kendrick, John Skinner, Francis Skinner, William B. Swett, Benjamin Thompson, Titus Welles, John Williams, William Almy. Teller, Samuel O. Mead. Book-Keeper, Joshua P. Blanchard. Messenger, Thomas L. Hutchinson. Discount Days, Wednesday and Saturday.

Franklin Bank. South Boston. Capital, §100,000. President. Marcus Charles Henshaw, | Whiting, Cashier. Directors, Edward Crehore, W. H. Delano, Benjamin Freeman, Samuel Goodridge, William Graves, Charles Henshaw, E. Hayward, James How, P. Sprague, T. M. Vinson, Thomns J. Whittemore. Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday.

Globe Bank.

No. 40, State street. Capital, $1,000,000. James Read, President. | Charles Sprague, Cashier. Directors, Abel Adams, Stephen Fairbanks, Henry 172 Banks in Boston.

Hall, John Lamson, Isaac Parker, Payson Perrin, Isaac C. Pray, Jolin F. Priest, James Read, Benjamia Seaver, Enoch Silsby, Ignatius Sargent. Paying- Teller, Calvin Whiting. Receiving Teller^ Timothy Bryant. First Book-Keeper, Oliver Cole. Assistant Clerk, John Adams. Discount- Clerk, Edward S. Irving. Messenger, James Foster. Solicitor, Charles P. Curtis. Discount Days, Monday and Thursday.

Massachusetts Bank. No. 64, State street. Capital g800,000.

William Parsons, President, j Samuel Payson, Cashier. Directors, Abiel Chandler, John L. Gardner, Joseph Head, John Parker, jr. William Parsons, Jonathan Phillips, William D. Sohier, Samuel Torrey, Edward Tuckerman, Isaac Winslow. Teller, Edward Sharp. Book-Keeper, James Dodd, Discount-Clerk^ John H. Bowes. Messenger, Thomas Hooper, Discount Days, Monday and Thursday.

Merchants Bank. No. 87, State street. Capital §500,000.

Edward Eldredge, Pres. | Franklin Haven, Cashier. Directors, Nathaniel F. Cunningham, William Eager, Edward Eldredge, Charles Ellis, Luke Fay, Harrison Gray, Joseph S. Hastings, Mark Healey, John B. Jones, Cusbins: Mitchell, John C. Proctor, William Tuckerman. Teller, Thomas W. Hooper. Book-Keeper, E. H. Severance.

North Bank. No. 26, North Market street. Capital, §750,000.

John Binney, President. | Gurdon Steele, Cashier. Directors, John Binney, Isaiah Bangs, J. B. Brown, Thaddeus Baldwin, Jesse Bird, N. R. Cobb, Isaac Danforth, James Davis, Daniel Denny, Oliver Eldridge, GedneyKing, J. W. Trull. Banks in Boston. 173

Teller, P. H. White. Book-Keeper, William M. Pray. Messenger and Porter, Joseph W. Newell. Discount Days, Monday and Thursday.

New-England BanJc. No. 67, State street. Capital, ^1,000,000. Cashier. Samuel Dorr, President. | Philip Marett, Directors, Samuel Dorr, Otis Everett, Henry Gassett, N. Goddard, Thomas Gray, George Howe, Benjamin Humphrey, Robert Rogerson, Mace Tisdale, John D. Williams, Wilhara Worthington, W. P. Winchester. Paying- Teller, Charles Nichols. Recciving-Teller^FrankYm Greene, jr. Book-Keeper, John G. Nazro. Discount- Clerk^ Elijah P. Clark. Porter and Messenger, Charles Barry. Discount every day.

Suffolk BanJc. No. 65, State street. Capital, ^750,000. Henry B. Stone, President. Matthew S. Parker, Cash. | Directors, Joseph Baker, George Bond, Ebenezer Breed, Ebenezer Francis, Samuel Hubbard, William Lawrence, John A. Lowell, James Means, Benjamin R. Nichols, Jeffrey Richardson, Nath. P.Russell, H.B.Stone. Paying- Teller^ James Burroughs. Receiving-Teller, Stephen Morse, jr. Discount- Clerk, Willard Williams. Assistant Clerk, Edward P. Meriam. Book-Keeper^ Isaac C. Brewer. Foreign Money Clerks, William Grubb, jr. D. H. Belknap, W. H. Hayward, W. Wyman, J. Grubb. Porter, Rand Lord. Discount Days, Wednesday and Saturday.

State BanJc. No. 53, State street. Capital, ^1,800,000. Homer, Cashier. E. A. Bourne, President. | George Directors, E. A. Bourne, Samuel Austin, jr. Benjamin Bangs, Levi Bartlett, Charles J. Cazenove, Thomas P. Cushing, John B. Davis, David Ellis, Samuel C Gray, Jacob Hall, Thomas K. Thomas, Thomas Thacher. P* 174 Banks in Boston.

Paying'Telhr^ JohnDall. Receiving-Teller^ Joseph White. First Book-Keeper^ William E. Vincent. Second do. Henry Pierce. Discount- Clerk, Jonathan Call. Messenger^ S. P. Skilton. Porter^ John White. Solicitor, John B. Davi?. Discount Days, Monday and Thursday.

Tf^aders Bank.

No. 9, India street. Capital, g500,000. David Dudley, President. | Eph.L. Frothiiigham, Cash. Directors, Benjamin F. Copeland, Joshua Crane, David Dudley, Jabez Fisher, Prince Hawes, Jabcz C. Howe, Henry Lee, Deraing Jarvis, Thomas Lord, William B. Reynolds, Josiah Stickney, George Seaver. Teller, Charles P. Blaney. Book-Keeper, Jeremiah Gore, Jr. Messenger, Ebenezer Sampson. Solicitor, Francis O. Watts.

Tremont Bank. No. 41, State street. Capital, ^750,000.

Henry Jaques, President. | James Dalton, Cashier. Directors, Eben. T. Andrews, S. T. Armstrong, Caleb Curtis, Joseph Eveleth, Henry H. Fuller, R. D. Griggs, H. Jaques, J. F. Loring, B. T. Reed, Isaac Stevens, Gill Wheelock, Enoch Train. Teller, John W. Rand. Book-Keeper, Nathaniel Clapp. Messenger, Charles Stearns. Discount every day.

Union Bank. No. 40, State street. Capital, g800,000. Thomas L. Winthrop, Pres. Chester Adams, Cashier. \ Directors, Luke Carter, William Dehon, Samuel Fales, Jeremiah Fitch, Ozias Goodwin, Giles Lodge, Thaddeus Nichols, jr. Ebenezer Parker, John Stearns, T. B. Wales, T. L. Winthrop, Moses Wheeler. Paying and Receiving-Teller, Samuel Parker. Book-Keeper^ Nathaniel Emmons. Banks in Massachusetts. 175

Discount- Cltrh, William Furness.

Messenger, Jonathan Trott. , Porter, Oliver Jaquith. Discount every day.

Washington Banh. No. 471, Washington street. Capital, §500,000. Aaron President. Baldwin, { D. A. Sigourney, Cashier. Directors, Aaron Baldwin, Samuel Bradlee, Thomas Brewer, Josiah P. Cooke, Charles Davis, Windsor Fay, F. Jackson, B. T. Loring. Josiah Stedman, John Thomp- son, Daniel Weld, Moses Williams. Teller, J. J. Soren. £ooA;-Zeeper, Joshua Child. Messenger and Porter^ Jeremy Drake. " " " ' P.Cooke.

Bunker-Hill Bank, at Charlestown, Capital, §150,000. Timothy Walker, President. Thomas Marshall, ( Cashier. .Assistant Clerk, Mr. Brown. Directors, David Devens, Thomas J. Goodwin, Jotham Johnson, Isaac Mead, Isaac Warren, James Bird, jr. Oilman Stanley, Gilbert Tufts. Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday. For accommodation, the Boston Depositing and Col- lecting business will be transacted at the Eagle Bank.

Cambridge Bank. Capital, §150,000.

Levi Farwell, President. [ Martin Lane, Cashier. Directors, Charles Everett, Levi Farwell, William Fisk, S. P. P. Fay, John Trowbridge, Benjamin Bigelow, Eliab W. Metcalf, Edmund T. Hastings. Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday. Salem Bank. Capital, §250,000. Joseph Peabody, President. | John Moriarty, Cashier. Directors, Benjamin Merrill, Thomas P. Bancroft. George Peabody, Daniel A. White, Francis Peabody. Discount Days, Monday and Thursday.

Merchants Bank, at Salem. Capital, §400,000.

Joseph Story, President. | J. W. Treadwell, Cashier. 176 Banks in Massachusetts.

Directors^ Joseph Winn, William Silsbee, Benjamin Cox, Nathaniel Silsbee, jr. Francis B. Crowninshield, John W. Treadwell. Discount Days, Tuesda}^ and Friday.

Commercial Bank, at Salem,. Capital, $200,000.

Willard Peele, President. | E. H. Payson, Cashier. Directors^ Gideori Barstow, John Stone, John W. Rogers, Leverett Saltonstall, Henry King, Philip Chase, Jonathan Shove, Samuel Preston. Discount Days, Monday and Thursday.

Exchange Bank, at Salem. Capital, g200,000. Gideon Tucker, President. John Chadwick, Cashier. I Directors, George Cleaveland, Robert Upton, William E. Hacker, Nathaniel Saltonstall, John G. King, Arche- laus Rea, John C. Lee, Ephraim Emmerton, Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday. Asiatic Bank, at Salem. Capital, g200,000.

Jos. S. Cabot, President, j Wm. H. Foster, Cashier. Directors, Nathan W. Neal, Robert Brookhouse, Pickering Dodge, David Moore, John B. Osgood, Thomas P. Pringree, Thorndike Deland.

Mercantile Bank, at Salem. Capital, §200,000. David Putnam, President. Stephen | Webb, Cashier. JDtrec/ors, John Winn, jr. Stephen W. Shepard, David Pingree, Stephen Fogg, Peter E. Webster, William P. Endicott, Larkin Thorndike, Joel Bowker, Samuel Chamberlain, William Ball, Henry Grant, John Perley, Gilbert G. Newhall, Ammi Smith.

Bank of General Interest, at Salem. Capital, $200,000. Michael Shepard, President. | John Russell, Cashier. Directors, Ebenezer Seccomb, P. 1. Farnham, John W. Fenno, Stephen P. Webb.

Kaumkeag Bank, at Salem. Capital, §200,000. David Pingree, President. Jos. G. Sprague, Cashier. | Directors, Benj. Fabens, Henry Whipple, Stephen W. Shepard, Jonas Warren, Richard Savory, Henry Cook, Benjamin W. Stone, John Norris, George West, Philip R Soulhwick, Joseph Shotswell. Banks. 177

Other Banks in Massachusetts. Name. Place. President. Cashier. Capital, Andover Andover Samnel Farrar A Blanthard 100,000 Mfchanics Kewburyp't E S Rand John Andiewsjjr. 200,000 riioeiiix Nantucket Joseph Chase P H Folger 200,000 Pacific Nantucktt Fred. W Mitcliell James Athearn 200,000 Manuf.&Mecli. Nantucket Daniel Jones Barker Buniel! 100,000 Ne\vbiiry])oit Newburyp't William Bartlett Saml. Mulliken 210,000 Gloiicestei" Cape Ann Wm. W Parroit Henry Smith 120,000 Beveilj' Beverly Wm. Leach A 'Ihorndike 100,000 Commercial N. Bedford Geo. H(Avland Jos. Riekttson 250,000 Plymouth Plymouth Barnabas Hedge Naihl. Goodwin 100,000 Worcester Worcester Daniel Waldo Saml. Jennison 200.000 Central Worcester Benj. Butnam G A Trumbull 100.000 Barnstable Yarmouth David Crocker 1 imoihy Reed 100,000 Mendon Mendon E W Hayward 100,000 Milbiiry Milbury S Farnswoith Lewis Mills 100,000

Blackstone Uxbridge Bezaleel Taft, jr., Jona. Gregory 100,000 Sunderland Sunderland Nathl. Smith Luther Root 100,000 Manufacturers Ware Josepli Bowman Homer Bartlett 100,000 Hampden Wesifield James Fowler Nathl. A Bacon 100,000 Taunton Taunton Saml. Crocker Samuel B King 175,000 Marblehead Marblehead John Hooper Saml. S Trefry 120,000 Hampshire Northampt'n Joseph 1^) man Wm. H Moseley 100,000 Dedham Dedham John W. Ames Eben. Fisher,jr. 100,000 Lowell Lowell Nathl. Wright James G Carney 100,000 Rail Road Lowell L Lawrence 200,000 Oxford Oxford Jonathan Davis Sumner Bastow 100,000 Leicester Leicester Naihl. P Denny H G Henshaw 100,000 Mechanics Lynn Isaiah Breed Isaac Story 100,000 Springfield Springfield Jona. Dwiglitjr. John Howard 150.000 Agricultural Pittsfield Henry Shaw Ezekiel R Colt 100,000 Housatonick Stockbridge Cyrus Williams E Burrill 100,000 Greenfield Greenfield William Pomroy Franklin Ripley 100,000 Pavvtucket Pav.tueket O Starkweatlier A A Tillinghast 100,f.CO Merrimack Haverhill Nathaniel Hills L White 150,000 Falmouth Falmouth Elijah Swift Saml. P Croswell 100,000 Merchants N. Bedford Jolin A Parker Jas. B Congdon 250,000 Dan vers Danvers William Sutton N Lakenian 100,000 Korfoik Roxbury John Bartlett Charles Hikling 200,000 Fall River Troy David Anthony M C Duifee 200,000

Salaries of sundry Officers in Massachusetts Government Governor, ...... ;g3666,67 Lieutenant-Governor, ...... 533,33 Chief Justice of the S.J. Court, ... 3500,00 Three other Justices of the S. J. Court, each, 3000,00 Attorney- General, ..... 2000,00 Solicitor-General, - - .... 2000,00 Secretary, ...... 2000,00 Treasurer, 2000,00 Adjutant-General, 1500,00 Reporterof Decisions in S.J. Court, . - 1000,00

Counsellors, Senators, and Representatives, two dollars each for each day's attendance, and two dollars for every ten miles travel.—President of tlie Senate and Speaker of the House, four dollars per day for each day's attendance 178 Insurance Companies in Boston.

INSURANCE COMPANIES IN BOSTON. American Insurance Comyany. No. 58, State street. Capital, ^300,000. Insures on Marine risks only. Francis J. Oliver, President. Charles Stimpson, Sec'ry. | Directors^ Nathan Appleton, John Heard, jr. Caleb Loring, Samuel May, William W. Wheelwright, Paschal P. Pope, Benjamin Rich, Robert G. Shaw, Isaac Wins- low, Lot Wheelwright, Samuel Appleton.

Atlantic Insurance Company. No. 29, State street. Capital, $250,000.

Francis Watts, President. | Robert Farley, Secretary. Directors, S. D. Bradford, Charles Brown, Martin Brimmer, Daniel Denny, Zachariah Gellison, Thaddeus Nichols, jr. Henry Oxnard, Isaac Parker.

Atlas Insurance Company. Corner of State and Congress streets. Capital, g300,000. Insures on Fire and Marine risks.

Samuel A. Wells, President. | Andrew C. Dorr, jr. Sec. Directors, Samuel A. Wells, William W. Parrott, Stephen White, Phineas Sprague, Joseph W. Lewis, John Borland, Rezin D. Shepherd, Richard Devens, Edward Cruft, Benjamin Bangs, John Harris, Edward Eldredge, James Harris, George B. Blake. Messenger., William Woodbury.

Boston Marine Insurance Company. No. 52, State street. Capital, $300,000. Sargent, President. Joseph May, Secretary. Daniel ] Directors^ H. F. Baker, Thomas B. Curtis, E. Francis, Thomas Parsons, Benjamin T. Pickman, Daniel Sargent, William Sturgis, Thomas W.Ward, John L. Gardner, George B. Cary, Thomas Lee, Robert C. Hooper. Messenger^ William S. Fish. Insurance Companies in Boston. 179

Boston Insurance Company. No. 48, State street. Capital g300,000. Insures on Marine risks only.

Lemuel Pope, President. | P. W. Freeman, Secretary. Directors, Giles Lodge, John Pratt, Nathaniel God- dard, John Bryant, John F. Loring, Moses Wheeler, Wm. Lawrence, Willard Sayles,

Boylston Fire and Marine Insurance Company. No. 475, Washington st. Capital, §300,000. Aaron Baldwin, E. President. | C. Habicht, Secretary. Directors,kiiXou Baldwin, Thomas Brewer, J.P.Cooke, Richards Child, Charles Davis, Windsor Fay, Francis Jackson, Josiah Stedman, John Thompson, J. P- Town- send, Daniel Weld, Moses Williams.

Columbian Insurance Company. No. 43, State street. Capital, §300,000. Insures on Marine risks only. President. J. P. Tappan, Secretary. Charles Bradbury, | Directors, Charles Bradbury, Henry Sigourney, Daniel P. Parker, Ebenezer Rollins, Thomas B.Wales, William Sawyer, Charles Brown, Benjamin T. Reed, jr. James K. Mills.

Commonwealth Insurance Company. No. 63, State street. Capital, §300,000. Insures on Fire and Marine risks.

jr. Jonathan Buffinton, President. | J. Stevens, Secretary. Directors, J. Buffinton, W^illiam Freeman, Nestor Houghton, David Henshaw, Hall J. How, Benjamin F. Copeiand, John Rayner, Charles Hood, Larra Crane, Nathaniel Faxon, Samuel S. Lewis, Scotto Clark, Wil- liam Parmenter, Charles Henshaw, Daniel Shattuck, Larkin Thorndike, Moses W^hitney, Adams Bailey, D. D. Brodhead, Andrew Dunlap, Henry Hatch, John K. Simpson, Philip Adams, Joseph E. Smith, Thomat J. Whittemore. 180 Insurance Companies in Boston.

Commercial Insurance Company. No. 53, State street. Capital, g200,000. Loring, Pres. Samuel Stanwood, Sec'ry. William J. \ Directors, William J. Loring, Ebenezer Breed, D. C. Bacon, Thomas B. Curtis, Henry Lee, William G. Lam- bert, Robert Hooper, jr. John A.Cunningham, Samuel Whitwell.

Franklin Insurance Company. No. 44, State street. Capital, jg3C0,000.

Insures on Fire and Marine risks.

Francis Welch, President. [ Wm. M, Byrnes, Secretary. Watts, Solicitor. A. S. jr. Francis O. | Whiting, Clerk. Directors^ Samuel L. Abbot, Lemuel Crackbon, Wm. Dehon, John Lamson, James Reed, Enoch Train, Francis Welch, Eliphalet Williams, Isaac Stevens.

Firemen's Insurance Company. No. 13, State street. Capital, g300,000. Pres. S, Thomas C Amory, | G. Rogers, Secretary. Directors, Thomas C. Amory, Samuel Austin, jr. Joseph P. Bradlee, John Collamore, jr. Joshua Crane, John S. Ellery, William G. Eaton, Edward G. Prescott, Benj. Seaver, Wm. Willett, J. \l. Wolcott, Benjamin Yeaton.

Globe Fire and Marine Insurance Company. No 36, State street. Capital, §300,000.

William Hales, President. | James H. Lunt, Secretary. Directors, Abel Adams, William Goddard, Samuel C. Gray, William Hales, Henry Lunt, William B. Swett, Atkins Adams, Francis Fisher.

Hope Insurance Company, Nehemiah Parsons, Pres. j Joseph Lord, jr. Secretary. Directors, B. A. Gould, George W. Pratt, Charles Thacher, Phineas Foster, Robert D. C Merry, Philip Ammidon, Thomas Lord, John P. Rice, Befa Hunting,^ JohaW. Trull. Insurance Companies in Boston. 181

Massachusetts Firr. and Marine Insurance Co. No. 45, State street. Capital, g400,000. Nathaniel G. Snelling, Pre?. [ Jacob R.ii?t, Secretary. Directors^ , David Ellis, James Savage, Benjamin M. Watson, Abraham Howard, William F. Otis, Simon E. Greene, N. F. Cunningham, C. C. C. Tucker, Charles Wells.

Massachusetts Mutual Fire Insurance Company.

No. 60, State st. Up stairs. Funds, §300,000. Turner Phillips, President. William Tufts, Secretary. | Directors, Ebenezer T. Andrews, George Bartlett, Edward Brook?, Charles P. Curtis, Ebenezer Francis, John A. Lowell, William Lawrence, Joseph Lovering, Charles Wells, John D. Williams, John C. Gray, Samuel May.

Merchants Insurance Company. No. 38, State street. Capital, §300,000. Insures on Fire ami Marine risks.

Joseph Balch, President. I Saml. W. Swett, Secretary. Pres. Saml. Tenny, Assist. | George Homer, Clerk. Directors^ Henry Hall, Benjamin Thompson, Tasker H. Swett, Elijah Loring, John Williams, Joshua Blake, Samuel Whitvvell, John Belknap, Francis C. Lowell, Arthur French, William Rollins, Ebenezer C Chadwick.

Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company.

No. 50, State St. Capital, §500,000. 3nc. Feb. 24, 1818. William Prescott, President. Actuary, Nath'l. Bowditch. Secretary, j Moses L. Hale. Vice-Presidents, Samuel Appleton, Peter C. Brooks, Joseph Head, Charles Jackson, John Lowell, Harrison G. Otis, John Parker, Joseph Peabody, Thomas H. Per- kins, Willia.Ti Pratt, Josiah Quincy, David Sears, Na- thaniel Sijsbee, Israel Thorndike, Joseph Tilden. Directors., Nathan Appleton, Joseph Balch, NathanieZ Bowditch, John Bryant, John C. Gray, Gardiner Greene Samuel Hubbard, Patrick T. Jackson, Amos Lawrence, Thomas Motley, Daniel P. Parker, George Ticknor,

Thomas Wig^lesworth. , Messenger^ James Scotchler. Q 182 Insurance Companies in Boston,

Mamifacturers Insurance Company. No. 59, State street. Capital, S300,000. Insures on Five and Marine risks. Charles W. Cart\vri2;ht,Pres. Samuel Hunt, Secretary, I Direciors, Charle;? W, Cartwrisht, Anios Binney, William Sbimrnin, John Bumstead, EbenezerT. Andrews, Edmund Munroe, George Pratt, William Parker, Supply C. Thwing-, John Lemist, George Howe.

Mercantile Marine Insurance Company.

No. 62, State st. Capital, §300,000. Nathaniel Meriam, Sec'ry. Joseph Baker, President. | Directors^ Samuel Fales, Jeremiah Fitch, James Johnson, Charles T. Parsons, Thomas Cordis, Peter R. Dalton, Dixey Wildes, Henry Lee, William Davis, jr- John Hooper.

New England Marine Insurance Company. No. 34, State street. Capital, §300,000. Hall, President. John James \ Waters, Secretary. Directors^ James Hall, Peter C Brooks, Josiah Brad- lee, Richard D. Tucker, Joseph Tilden, Ignatius Sargent, Ozias Goodwin, William Appleton, Andrew Cunningham^ Edmund Baylies, Isaac Winslow, jr. Messenger, George Golding.

Neptune Insurance Company. No. 57, State street. Capital, §200,000.

Insures on Fire and Marine risks.

Caleb Curtis, President. | Joseph H. Gardner, Sec'ry. Directors, Timothy Walker, Thomas C. Smith, Wil- liam Austin, Samuel Wheeler, David Devens, John P. Thorndike, David Stetson, B. Lincoln, jr. Caleb Curtis.

Ocean Insurance Company. No. 39, State street. Capital, §200,000.

Joseph H. Adams, Pres. | John Preston, Secretary. Directors^ John B. Jones, William Eager, Mark Healey, Ferdinand E. White, Theodore D. Parker, J. P. Flint, John W. tennO} Dix«y Wild§», E. E. Bradshaw, Edward D. Clftfk. Insurance Companies in Massachusetts. 183

Suffolk Insurance Company. No. 37, State street. Capital, §300,000. Insures on Marine risks onlj*.

S.G.Perkins, President. j James N. Peikins, Sec'ry. Directors^ Samuel Cabot, Charles C. Parsons, George W. Lyman, Samuel G. Perkins, William Lander, Benj. C. Clark, Charks J. Cazenove, Thomas Dixon, Russell Sturgis, Henry Wainwright.

United States Insurance Company. No. 95, State street. Capital, S200,000

Parker H. Pierce, President, j Archibald Foster, Sec'ry, Directors, Benjamin Fiske, Benjamin Humphrey, John J.Valentine, Thomas Winsor, John Binney, Ezra Weston, Newton Willey, Alfred Richardson, Isaiah Bangs, A. C- Lombard.

Washington Fire and Marine Insurance Co. No. 42, State street. Capital, §200,000.

Thomas Lamb, President. | James S. Barbour, Sec'ry, Directors, Thomas Lamb, Benjamin Sewall, John Skinner, Daniel C. Bacon, William B. Reynolds, Otis Everett, Samuel Dorr, Samuel T. Armstrong,

Other Insurance Companies in Massachusetts. J^ame. Place. President. Secretary. Cap. Salem Marine Salem Frtd. Howes Wm. Ashton 200,000 Union Marine " Mos. Townsend Wm. Sage 100,000 Commercial " Geo.Cleaveland Wm. Cleveland 200,000 Oriental " Wm.Fettyplace NaihanPeirte,jr. 200,000 Mercantile " Jolin Winn, jr. Aug. Whipple 150,000 Essex Mutual " Eben. Seccomb Eb. Secconib, jr. 150.000 Woic. Mutual Worcester Rejoice New ton Isaac Goodwin 200,000 Marblehead Marbkliead Nath. L Hooper Saml. S Tr^fry 100,000 Middles. Mutual Concord AhielHeywood Nathan Brooks 100,000 Glouc. Marine Gloucester Wm. Hearce Wm. Saville 100,000 Commercial New Bedford James Arnold Jolin B Smith 100,000 Merchants " Stejih.Merrdiew Wm. C Nye 100,000 Union Marine Nantucket Willium Coffin M Mitchell 50,000 " Phoenix Hezek.Barnard 'I imo. Hussey 100,000 Commercial " M T Morton C B Hussey 100,000 Franklin Mutual Greenfield Elijah Alvord Alanson Clark 100,000 Mutual Fire Danvers Eben. Sliillaber Jos. G Sprague 100,000 Chariestown Fire and Marine, Cap. 100,000. Social, at Salem, 100,000 Hampshire Mutual, at Noithampton, 100,000. Becket Mutual, 25,000 184 Acts of the Commonwealth of Mass.

INLAND BILLS OF EXCHANGE. * By a Law of the Commonwealth, passed June 19, 1819, when any Bill drawn or endorsed within the Slate, paya- ble at any place without the State and within the United States or Territories, being duly presented, shall not be accepted or paid according to its terms, and shall be reg- ularly protested, every Draicer or Endorser, within the Commonwealth, liable by law, shall in addition to the contents, costs and lawful interest, pay damages as fol- lows, viz.—Upon all bills payable within either of the New England States, or New York, three per cent, on the amount,—within New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, or District of Columbia, five per cent, —within North or South Carolina or Georgia, six per cent.—within any other State or Territory, nine per cent. And when any such Bill for $100 or upwards, payable at any place within the State, distant 75 miles or more, from the place of drawing or endorsing, shall be regularly protested, every Drawer or Endorser, liable by law, shall pay one per cent, on the amount, in addition to contents, costs, and lawful interest.

AN ACT to allow grace on Bills of Exchange and Notes, according to the custom of Merchants.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- tives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That on all Bills of Exchange made, after the first day of June next, and expressed to be payable at sight, or payable at a future day certain within this Com- monwealth, and on all promissory negotiable notes, orders and drafts made after the first day of June next, payable at a future day certain within this Comnionwealth, in which there is not an express stipulation to the contrary, grace shall be allowed in the same manner as it is by the custom of merchants allowed on foreign Bills of Exchange payable at the expiration of a certain period from date or sight. Provided that the provisions of this act shall not extend to any Bill of Exchange, note, order or draft payable on demand. Approved by the Lieut. Governor, Feb. 26, 1825. ^


CKobernment of tlje Slnftetr States*

ANDREW JACKSON, (Ten.) President.

JOHN C. CALHOUN, ll.d. (S. C.) Vice-President. TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS. SENATE. (48) Terms expire. Terms expire. Maine, John Holmes, 1833 Peleg Sprague, 1835 JV. Hamjjshire, Samuel Bell, 35 [saac Hi 37 Vermont, Horatio Seymour, 33 *SamueI Prentiss, 37 Massachu. Daniel Webster, 33 Nathaniel Silsbee, 35 , Asher Robbins 33 Nehemiah R, Knight, 35

Connecticut, Samuel A . Foot, 33 *Gideon Tomlinson, 37 JV. York, Charles E. Dudley, 33 ^William L. Marcy,' 37 JV. Jersej/, MahlonDickerson, 33 Theo. Frelinghuysen, 35 Pennsylv. ^George M. Dallas 33 ^William Wilkins, 37 Delaicare, Arnold Naudain, 33 John M. Clayton, 35 Maryland, Samuel Smith, 33 Ezekiel F. Chambers, 37 Virginia, , 33 Littleton W.Tazewell, 35 JV. Carolina, Bedford Brown, 35 *WiHie P. Mangum, 37 S. Carolina, Rob't Y. Hayne, 35 *Stephen D. Miller, 37 Georgia, George M. Troup, 35 John Forsyth, 37 Kentucky, George M. Bibb, 35 tHenry Clay, 37 Tennessee, Felix Grundy, 33 Hugh L. White, 35 Ohio, Benjamin Ruggles, 33 "Thomas Ewing, 37 Louisia.^Cteo. A.Waggaman 35 Josiah S. Johnston, 37 Indiana, *Rob't Hanna, (temp.) William Hendricks, 37 . Powhatan Ellis, 33 , 35 Illinois, John M. Robinson, 35 Elias K. Kane, 37 Alabama, William R. King, 35 ^Gabriel Moore, 37 Jlff550Mri, Thomas H.Benton, 33 ^Alexander Buckner, 37 Walter Lowrie, Secretary. President's Salary, $25,000. Vice-President's, $5000.

Vice-President is President J By theConstitution,the of the Senate, but has no voice, unless the Senate is equally divided. Each State is allowed the same number of Electors of President and "Vice-Presi- dent, as their whole numbar of Senators and Representatives in Congress. * New Members.

t Members formerly, but not of th« last Congreas. 186 Twenty-second Congress.

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. (213) Andrew Stevknson, of Virginia, Speaker.

MAINE sends 7. John Anderson Cornelius Holland '' *Janie3 Bates Leonard Jarvis Rufus M'Intire George Evana

NEW HAMPSHIRE 6. John Brodhead Joseph Hammons *Joseph M. Harper Thomas Chandler Henry Hubbard John W. Weeks

VERMONT 5. William Cahoon Jonathan Hunt (one vacancy) Horace Everett William Slade

MASSACHUSETTS 13. *John Q,. Adams *Rufus Choate Geo. Grennell, jr. ^Nathan Appleton John Davis Joseph G. Kendall Isaac C. Bates *H. A. S.Dearborn John Reed ^George N. Briggs (2 vacancies)

RHODE ISLAND 2. Tristam Burges. Dutee J. Pearce.

CONNECTICUT 6. Noyes Barbour J. W. Huntington William L. Storrs Wra.W. Ellsworth Ralph I. Ingersoli Ebenezer Young

NEW YORK 34. William G. Angell *U. F. Doubleday tErastus Root *William Babcock Michael Hoffman *Nathan Soule *Gam'lH. Barstow * William Hogan John W. Taylor *Samuel Beardsley *Freeborn G. JewettPhineas L. Tracy *John T. Bergen *John King G. C. Verplanck ^Joseph Bouck *G. Y. Lansing tAaron Ward *John C. Brodhead James Lent *Daniel Wardwell C. C. Cambreleng *Edm. H. Pendleton *GrattanH Wheeler *John C. Collier *Job Pierson Campbell P. White *Bates Cooke tNathaniel Pitcher *Fred'k Whittlesey *Charles Dayan ^Edward C, Reed *SamueI J. Wilkin *John Dickson NEW JERSEY 6, Rich'd M. Cooper James F.Randolph *Silas Condict Thos. H. Hughes *Isaac Southard

* New Members.

t Members formerly, but not of tlie last Congress. Twenty-second Congress. 187

PKNNSYLVANIA 26. ^Robert Allison James Ford *Joel K. Mann •*John Banks John Gilmore H. A. Muhlenburg *John C. Bucher *William Hiester *David Potts, jr. *George Burd *Henry Horn Samuel A. Smith Richard Coulter Peter Ihrie Philander Stephens Thos. H.Crawford Adam King f Andrew Stewart Hamar Denny *Henry King Joel B.Sutherland *Lewis Devvart ^Robert M'Coy UohnG.Watraough Joshua Evans *T. M. McKennan

DELAWARE 1. *John J. Milligan MARYLAND 9. Benj. C. Howard B. I. Semmes Geo. C.Washington *Daniel Jenifer tJohn S. Spence "JohnT.H.Worth- tJohn L. Kerr ^Francis Thomas ington George E.Mitchell VIRGINIA 22. Mark Alexander Richard Coke, jr. *John Y. Mason Robert Allen Robert Craig Lewis Maxwell William S. Archer Thos. Davenport Charles F. Mercer Wm. Armstrong Philip Doddridge tThomas Newton John S. Barbour Wm. F. Gordon John M. Patton Thomas T.Bouldin*Chas. C Johnston *John J. Roane ^Joseph W. Chinn Wm. M'Coy N. H. Claiborne NORTH CAROLINA 13. Dan. L. Barringer Thomas H. Hall A. H. Shepperd ^Lauchlin Bethune *James J. M'Kay *John Branch Lewis Williams Samuel P. Carson Wm. B. Shepard *M. T. Hawkins Henry W. Connor

SOUTH CAROLINA 9. Robt. W. Barnwell William Drayton George M'Duffie James Blair *John M. Felder fThos. R. Mitchell Warren R. Davis *J. K. Griffin Wm. T. Nuckolls GEORGIA 7. Thomas F. Foster ^Daniel Nevvnan James M. Wayne Henry G. Lamar Wiley Thompson Richard H. Wilde (I vacancy.) KENTUCKY 12. * *Albert G. Havves * R. M. Johnson *Thos. A. Marshall Henry Daniel *Chris. Tompkins R. P. Letcher Chas. A. Wickliffe 188 Secretaries of Departments.

TENNESSEE 9. *ThomasD.Arnold *WiIliamFitzgeraldCave Johnson John Bell *William Hall James K. Polk John Blair Jacob C. Isacs James Slandifer

OHIO 14. *Eli[theros Cooke William W. Irvin John Thompson * William Kennon Joseph Vance Joseph H, Crane II. H. Leavitt Samuel F, Vinton Wm. Creighton, jr. William Russell Elisha Whittlesey- James Findlay William Stanberry

LOUISIANA 3. *H. A. Bullard *Philemon Thomas Edward D. White

INDIANA 3. Ratclifie Boon *John Carr ^Jonathan M'Carty

MISSISSIPPI 1. Franklin E. Plummer.

ILLINOIS 1. Joseph Duncan.

ALABAMA 3. Clement C. Clay Dixon H Lewis *Samuel W. Mardis

MISSOURI 1. *William H. Ashley. DELEGATES. MICHIGAN 1. tAustin E. Wing. ARKANSAS 1. Aiiibrose H. Seaver. FLORIDA 1. Joseph M. White.

SECRETARIES OF DEPARTMENTS. State, Edward Livingston, Lou. Salary, $6000 Chief Clerk, Daniel Brent, Virg. 2000 Treasury, Louis McLane, Del. 6000 Chief Clerk, Asbury Dickins, N. C. 2000 War, , Ohio, 6000 Chief Clerk, 2000 JYavy, Levi Woodbury, N. H. 6000 Chief Clerk, J. W. Clark, 2000 treasury officers. First Comptroller, , Ten. 3500. Second do. James B. Thornton, N. H. 3000 First Auditor, Richard Harrison, Virg. 3000 30«^^ Second do. William B. Lewis, Ten. Judiciary of the U. States. 189

Third Auditor 190 Judiciary of the U. Stales.

Vermont, Elijah Paine, Judge. Daniel Kellog, Attor- ney. Heman Lowiy, Marshal. JVeio York, (Northern District) , Judge. Nathaniel S. Benton, Attorney. John W. Livingston, Marshal. — (Southern District) Samuel R. Bett, Judge. James A, Hamilton, Attorney. Thomas Morris, Marshal. JSTew Jersey, William Rossell, Judge. Garret D. Wall, Attorney. Zephaniah Drake, Marshal. Pennsylvania, (Eastern District) Joseph Hopkinson, Judge. Attorney. Abiah Sharpe, Marshal.-"(Western District) Thos. Irwin, Judge. Geo. W. Buchatian, Attorney. John M. Davis, Marshal. Delaioare, Willard Hall, Judge. Geo. Reed, jr. Attor- ney. David C. Wilson, Marshal. Maryland, Elias Glenn, Judge. Nathaniel Williams, Attorney. Thomas Finlay, Marshal. Virginia, (Eastern District) Philip P. Barbour, Judge. Thomas Burfbot, Attorney. Edmund Christian, Marshal. —(Western District) Alexander Caldwell, Judge. Wm. A. Harrison, Attorney. Benjamin Reeder, Marshal. JVorth Carolina, H. Potter, Judge. Thos.P. Devereaux, Attorney. Beverly Daniel, Marshal. South Carolina, Thomas Lee, Judge. Robert B. Gil- christ, Attorney. Morton A. Waring, Marshal. Georgia, Jeremiah Cuyler, Judge. Matthew Hall M'Allister, Attorney. John H. Morel, Marshal. Alabama, (Southern District) William Crawford, Judge. John Eliot, Attorney. Robert L. Crawford, Marshal.— (Northern District) William Crawford, Judge. Byrd Brandon, Attorney. Benjamin Patteson, Marslial. Mississippi, Peter Randolph, Judge. George Adams, Attorney. Anthony Campbell, Marshal. Louisiana, (Eastern District) Samuel H. Harper, Judge. , Attorney. John Nicholson, Marshal. (Western District) Samuel H. Harper, Judge. Benjamin F. Linton, Attorney. Frederick H. Duperier, Marshal. Tennessee, (Eastern District) John McNairy, Judge. John A. M'Kinney, Attorney. Wm. Lyon, Marshal.— (Western District) John JVlcNairy, Judge. James Col- lingsworth, Attorney. T. B. Marshall, Marshal. Ohio, John W. Campbell, Judge. Noah H. Swayne, Attorney. John Patteson, Marshal. Kentucky, John Boyle, Judge. Thomas B. Monroe, Attorney. John M. M'Calla, Marshal. Indiana, Benj. Parke, Judge. Samuel Judah, Attorney. Williatn Marshall, Marshal. — —

Sittings of the Federal Courts. 191

Illinois, Nathaniel Pope, Judge. David J. Baker, At- torney. Charles Slade, Marshal. Missouri, James H. Peck, Judge. George Shannon, Attorney. Augustus Jones, Marshal. Arkansas, Benjamin Johnson, Thomas P. Eskridge, Edward Cross, James W. Bates, Judges. Samuel C. Roane, Attorney, Elias Rector, Marshal. Michigan, Wm. Woodbiidge, Solomon Sibley, Henry Chipman, James D. Doty, Judges. Daniel Le Roy, At- torney. Peter Desnoyers, Marshal, East Florida, Joseph L. Smith, Judgs. Thomas Doug- lass, Attorney. Marshall. Middle Florida, Thomas Randall, Judge. Attorney, Marshal.— West Florida, H. M. Brackenridge, Judge. John K. Campbell, Attorney. James W. Euxum, Mar- shal. Southern Florida, James Webb, Judge. Edward Chandler, Attorney. Lackland M. Stone, Marshal. District of Columbia, William Cranch, Chief Judge. Buckner Thruston, James S. Morsel, Assistant Judges. , Attorney. Henry Ashton, Marshal. William Brent, Edmund I. Lee, Clerks. Orphan's Courts, Samuel Chase, Judge Orphan's Court, County of Washington, Henry C. Neale, Register. Christopher Neale, Judge Orphan's Court, Alexandria, Alexander Moore, Register.

Sittings of the Federal Courts, SUPREME COURT. At the seat of Government, the second Monday in January, annually. When any of the following days happen on Sunday, the Court is to be holden on the Monday following. FIRST CIRCUIT.

In JVe?o Hampshire, at Portsmouth, on the 8th of May ; and at Exeter, on the 8th of October. In Rhode Island, at Providence, on the 15th day of No- vember; and at Newport, on the 15th day of June. In Massachusetts, at Boston, May 15, and October 15. In Maine, at Portland, 1st of May} and at Wiscasset, 1st of October. SECOND CIRCUIT. In Connecticut, at New Haven, on the last Wednesday

of April ; and at Hartford, on the 17th of September.

In Vermont, at Windsor, on the Slst day of May ; and at Rutland, on the 3d of October. In JVeto ¥ark^ last Monday in Feb., May, July and Oct. ,

192 Counsellors and Attorneys. DISTRICT COURTS. Tn Maine, at Portland, the 1st Tuesday in June, and the

1st Tuesday in December ; and at Wiscasset, the last Tuesday in February, and 2d Tuesday of September. In A''eic Hampshire, at Portsmouth, 3d Tues. in March, and Sept.; and at Kxeter, 3d in June and Dec. In Vermont, at Rutland, 6th of October.—Windsor, 24th of May. In Massachusetts, at Boston, 3d Tues, in March, and 4th in June, 2d in Sept. and 1st in Dec. In Rhode Island, at Newport, 2d Tues. in May, and 3d

in Oct. ; at Providence, 1st Tues. in Aug. and Feb. In Connecticut, at New Haven, 4th Tues. in Feb. and Aug.; at Hartford, 4th Tues. in P»Iay and Nov. Exclusive of the above mentioned stated Courts, the District Judges have power to hold Special Courts, in their respective Districts^ at their discretion.

Counsellors and Attorneys in the Circuit Court 3Iassachusetts District. Rufus G. Amory Wm. D. Sohier Benj. R. Nichols E. S. Livermore Benjamin Guild Wm. Simmons Harrison G. Otis Sam'l K. Williams Charles P. Curtis William Prescott Phineas Blair Francis C. Gray George Blake Benja. Gorham James C. Merrill Benja. Whitman Alex. Tovvnsend Thomas Power Josiah Q,uincy Leveret Saltonstall Cyrus Alden Samuel Haven Josiah P. Cooke Charles G. Loring Joseph Rowe William Minot Zachariah Eddy Ebenezer Gay John Knapp Samuel J. Gardner William Sullivan Ebenezer Moseley Russell Jarvis John Heard, jr. William Austin W.R. P. Washburn Peter O. Thacher Sherman Leland Franklin Dexter Warren Dutton Henry Orne John R. Adan Samuel D. Parker Samuel D. Ward Bradford Sumner James T. Austin Octavius Pickering John B. Davis Wm. C. Aylwin William Gale Eben Ritchie Dorr Sara'l F. M'Cleary Francis Basset Joseph Harrington Joseph E. Smith Wm. P. Mason Waldo Flint Samuel Hubbard Dav. A. Simmons John T. Winthrop Lemuel Shaw Kilborn Whitman James Bowdoin Joseph E. Sprague William Parker Ninian C. Betton Augustus Peabody Elijah F. Wallace Wm. H. Gardiner David Cummins John Pickering Abraham A. Dame Custom House Officers. 193

Willard Phillips Sidney Bartlett Andrew Dunlap Henry W. Dvvight WilliamJ.Hybbard John H. Ashraun Abrah. W. Fuller Isaac P. Osgood Francis O. Watts George Gay Henry H. Fuller Timothy G. Coffin Thos7W. Phillips Benjamin L. Oliver Theron Metcalf Henry W. Kinsman Joseph G. Waters Abraham Moore Francis Brinley, jr. Edward Blake Richard Fletcher TheophilusParsonsEliasHaskell Derby Samuel E. Sewall Ebenez. Shillaber

CUSTOM HOUSE OFFICERS For the District of Boston and Charlestoion. The Custom House opens in the Summer season, at 9 o'clock, A. M. and shuts at 2 o'clock, p. m. In the Winter it opens at 10 o'clock, a. m. and shuts at 2 o'clock, p. m. On Saturday afternoons, it opens one hour for the clear- ance of coasters. [Office, Custom-house Street.]

Collector' s Office. David Henshaw, Collector. John Bingham, Duty-Bond Accountant. Gustavus Horton, Principal Debenture Clerk. Samuel A. Allen, Debent. Account. ^ Assistant Clerk. Deputy Collector's Department. Adams Bailey, Depxity Collector. Benjamin Brown, Cashier and Book-Keeper. John T. Prince, B. Clerk and S. Book-Keeper. Edward W. Parker, Import Clerk. Rufus M. Gay, Impost Book-Keeper. Foreign Clearance and Coasting Department. William A. Wellman, Principal Clerk. William Rowson, Marine Clerk. Samuel Whitcomb, jr. Coastioise Clerk.

JVaval Office.

Leonard M. Parker, Naval Officer. William Little, Deputy Naval Officer. William Palfrey, Clerk.

Surveyor's Office. John McNiel, Surveyor. John B. Derby, Deputy do. L. H. Osgood, Clerk. Keeper of the Custom House and Messenger, Nath'I Paine. R 194 Custom House Officers.

Inspectors of the District of Boston and Charlestown. Joseph W. Homer Thomas Pitts Joseph Snow Darius Boardman, Joseph H. Prince E. M. Cunningham and Store Keeper Lewis Lerow John Banchor of Spirits, IVines Josiah Newhall Francis McKenna and Teas. Benjamin Whipple Ezra Mudge R. B. Hewes Samuel Jones George Wardwell Joseph Stevens Nahum Ball N. K. Seaton Joshua Seaver Jolin D. Dyer Josiah Dunham, jr. John Muzzy Ebenezer Stevens

John Lane, Hingham. L. Souther, Cohasset. Ebenezer Clapp, Dorchester.

Weighers and Gangers, Boston and Charlestoicn. Joseph Loring J. M. Fiske Theodore Dexter Thos. M. Vinson A.H.Ward James Estabrooks Nathaniel Tracy

Measurers of Salt and Coal. Thaddeus Page Joseph N. Howe W. P. Loring Joseph Grafton Andrew Green

F. C. Whiston, Store-Keeper of Spirits, Wines and Teat, Marker of Teas and Prover of Spirits. George Kuhn, Hugh Jamison.

Public Appraisers* Office. John Crowninshield,Levi R.hinco]n, PrincipaUppraisers. Samuel Eveleth, Edward L. Penniman, Assistant do. William H. Burbeck, Clerk. Appraiser's Office, opposite Custom House. P, B. Boardman, F. W. Barker, Measurers. G. M. Halliburton, Assistant Clerk and Messenger. Charles S. Lincoln, Jacob Farr, John Redding, Labourers in Appraisers^ Store. Public Store-Keeper, J. P. Robinson.

Boarding Officer of the Customs and Capt. of Rev. Barge, Joseph W. Homer. Office at the end of Long Wharf. Boatmen to Custom House Barge, Wiswell Wadsworth, Coxswain,—James Keltell, Anthony Cline, H.B.Moffitt. Commander of Revenue Cutter, Sam'I R. Trevett. \st Lieutenant, Lewis Girdler. 2d do. Penn Townsend. Thomas Stoddard, Warrant Office, on board Revenue Cutter. Collectors of the Customs. 195

Branch Pilots of the , Josiah Ayres, Lem- uel Ayres, John Sargent, Matthew Hunt, Reuben Coombs, John Wilson, Benjamin Svvett, Henry Gurney.

COLLECTORS OF THE CUSTOMS IN OTHER PLACES. James Miller Salem BarnahHsFnlmer Kennebunk Franklin^ Knight Marbleh. James W.Ripley Pa^r^aTnttg. William Beach Gloucester Daniel Lane Belfast Isaiah L. Green Barnstable Joshua Carpenter Penobscot Bath SchuylerSampsonP^mowf^ John P. Norton Edg artown John Chandler Portland ^. S. 3 SLTvis Frenchman's Bay John T. Scammon Saco Timothy Soulhey Ipswich Denny M'Cobb Waldoboro' Joseph Storer Kennebunk Thomas M'Crate Wiscasset Martin T. Morton Nantucket Mark Dennet York Lemuel Williams JV*.jBe

Naval Officers. John Swazey, Salem ^Beverly. Daniel Foster,Newburyp. Surveyors and Inspectors. James Dalrymple Salem Alphonzo Mason Gloucester Benjamin Hawkes Beverly Hezekiah Prince ThomasVn Joshua Prentis Marblehead Isaac Carter Jiugusta John Phillips ? Thos. Pitts Cambridgeport JV 7 "" Joseph Marquand > ^^ Cummi ngs Jenkins Scif?w

RATES OF POSTAGE. For single letters composed of one piece of paper.— Any distance not exceeding 36 miles, 6 cents.—Over 36 and not exceeding 80 miles, 10 cents.—Over 80 and not exceeding 150 miles, 12 1-2 cents.—Over 150 and not exceeding 400 miles, 18 3-4 cents. —Over 400 miles, 25 cents. Double Letters, or those composed of two pieces of paper, are charged with double those rates. Triple Letters, or those composed of three pieces of paper, are charged with triple those rates. Quadruple Letters, or those composed of four pieces of paper, are charged with quadruple those rates, —

196 Rates of Postage.

All Letters, weighing one ounce avoirdupois, or more, are charged at the rate of single postage for each quarter of an ounce, or quadruple postage for each ounce, accord- ing to their weight; and no letter can be charged with more than quadruple postage, unless its weight exceeds one ounce avoirdupois. The postage on Ship Letters, if delivered at the office

where the vessel arrives, is six cents ; if conveyed by post, two cents in addition to the ordinary postage. J\^ewspaper Postage.—For each Newspaper not carried out of the State in which it is published, or if carried out of the State, but carried not over 100 miles, 1 cent. —Over 100 miles, and out of the State in which it is published, 1 1-2 cents. Magazines and Pamphlets.—If published periodically, distance not exceeding 100 miles, 1 1-2 cents per sheet. Over 100 miles, 2 1-2 cents per sheet. If not published periodically, distance not exceeding 100 miles, 4 cents per sheet.—Over 100 miles, 6 cents per sheet. Small pamphlets, containing not more than a half sheet royal, are charged with half those rates. Eight pages quarto are rated as one sheet, and all other sizes in the same proportion.

The number of sheets which it contains, must be printed or written on one of the outer pages of every pamphlet or magazine to be sent by mail. Where the number of sheets is not truly stated, double postage is charged. Every thing not coming under the denomination of newspapers or pamphlets, is charged with letter postage. Letters to Canada are forwarded through the agents of the United States at Kingston, Upper Canada, and Montreal, Lower Canada. No Postmaster or assistant Postmaster can act as agent for lottery offices, or under any colour of purchase or otherwise vend lottery tickets ; nor can any Postmaster receive free of postage, or frank any lottery schemes, circulars, or tickets. For a violation of this provision of the law, the persons offending shall suffer a penalty of fifty dollars. There are established by law, 115,450 miles of post roads, in the United States, over which the mail is regu- larly transported. In 1830, the number ofPost Offices were 8401.—Amount of postages, ^957,755. Mint. 197 tJNlTED STATES' MINT. In 1792, an act of Congress was passed instituting a Mint, to be located in Philadelpliia. A building, plain in its appearance, but then considered sufficiently convenient fbr the purpose, was purchased in North Seventh street, and the establishment went into operation in 1793. For a few years the coinage was very limited, but as its objects and usefulness became more widely known, the precious metals flowed more freely into the establishment. The Institution is supported from the public treasury, for the general good; and depositors of bullion of standard fineness, receive, without abatement of expense, an equal weight of gold or silver coins. The average coinage per annum, for the first 7 years, from 1793 to 1800, was - - - - g3G2,000 The average coinage from 1800 to 1810, per ann. 697,000 Do. from 1810 to 1820, do. 1,166,000 Do. from 1820 to 1830, do. 1,850,000 The whole coinage amounting to 37 nrjillions. As the supply of bullion increased, the buildings of the

Mint were enlarged ; but the liberal operations of the Bank of the United States, made it necessary to ask for increased accommodations. In 1827, the deposits from that Bank alone amounted to 1 1-2 millions. In 1829 a liberal provision was made for a new building, A lot was purchased in Chesnut, near Broad-street, and the corner stone was laid on the 4th of July, 1829, The building is of white marble, with two porticoes, of six columns each, fronting Chesnut street and Penn Square; the design of the building is by Mr. Strickland. Its dimensions are 123 feet on the fronts, and 193 feet on the flanks, including the porticoes. The two suites of apartments intended for the important processes of the assay, extend each 50 feet by 40 ; those for the melter and refiner extend 95 feet by 32 ; those for laminating ingots, 55 feet by 40, the propelling steam power being placed in the basement story; and the coining rooms extend 120 feet by 32. In a distinct suite of apartments in the attic story, are preserved the standard weights of the Mint, and the bal- ances for adjusting those in ordinary use ; one of these apartments is intended as a cabinet for selected coins and medals, and for mineral and metallic specimens. The extended means and facilities aflforded by the new edifice, will undoubtedly increase its usefulness. 198 Ministers, Consuls, Agents, &c. INTERCOURSE WITH FOREIGN NATIONS.

DIPLOMATIC DEPARTMENT. Ministers Plenifiotentiary, $9000. Secretaries, $2000. G.Brilain, M. Van Buren, N. Y. Aaron Vail, N.Y. ^ William C Rives, Vir. Nathaniel Niles, Vt. Russia^ , Pcnn. John R. Clay, Penn. Spain, Cornelius P. Van Ness, Vt. CharlesS. Walsh, Mel. Colombia^ Thos. P. Moore, Ky. James C.Pickett.Ky.

Charge d' Affaires, $4500. Siveden, Christopher Hughes, Md. Portugal, Thomas L. L. Brent, Va. Denmark, Henry Wheaton, N. Y. C/2ili, John Hamm, Ohio. Peru, Samuel Larned, R. I. Brazil, Ethan A. Brown, Ohio. Mexico, Anthony Butler, Mississippi. Constantinople, Commodore David Porter, Penn. J\'^et hi rlands, Auguste Davezac, Louis. Ala/iles, John iS'elson, Esq. Md. Consuls and Commercial Agents of the United States. Great Britain, Ireland, &c. Thos. Aspinwall, Agt. and Consul, . Francis B. Ogden, " Consul, Liverpool. Herman Visgar, " Bristol. Robert W. Fox, ** Falmouth. Thomas W. Fox, " Plymouth. Albert Davy, " Kingston upon H, " Robert R. Hunter, Cowes, I. of W. Joel Hart, " Leith, Scotland. Alexander Thomson, " Glasgow. Thomas Wilson, " Dublin, Ireland. Reuben Harvey, '• Cork. Thomas VV. Gilpin, *' Belfast. Bernard Henry, '* Gibraltar. Thomas Wynns, " Turks' Island. Wm. R.Higinbotham,Com. Agent, Bermuda. John S orr, " Nassau, N. P. Ralph Higinbotham, " St. Christ&Antig. Edmund Roberts, Consul, Demerara, Robert M. Harrison, " KingstonJamaica.. Consuls, Agents, &c. 199

Charles L. Bartlett, Com. Agent, I. of Trinidad. " John M. Kankey, Barbadoes I. Paul Eynaud, Consul, Island of Malta. " William Carroll, I. St. Helena. France. Isaac Cox Barnett, Agt. Sec. and Con. Paris. Daniel C. Croxall, Consul. Marseilles. Francis C. Feu wick, Nantes. Edward Church, L'Orient. Reuben G. Beasley, Havre de G race. Samuel AUinson, Lyons. Theodore Privat, Cette. Jas, Jos. Debesse, La Roche lie. Peter Suau, (iuadaloupe I. John S. Meircken, Martinique I. George Strobel, . Russia. Abraham P. Gibson, Consul, St. Petersburg. John RoUi, (( Odessa. Sfiain. Alexander Burton, Consul, Cadiz. William Siirling, Barcelona. Peter Hotz, jr. Valencia. George G. Barrell, Malaga. -George B. Adams, Alicante. Francis X. de Ealo, Bilboa. Payton Gay, I. of Tenerifte. George T. Ladico, Balearic Islands. , Havanna, Cuba. Robert R. Stewart, Com. Agent, Trinidad, " Thomas Backus, St.Jago, - Henry K. Stearns, Barascoa, " Lewis Shoemaker, Matanzas, " Sidney Mason, St. Johns, •' John Owen, Puerto delPrin.do. Thomas Davidson, Ponce,Porto Rico. William H. Tracy, Guayama, do. Sampson C. Russell, Mayagnez, do. Portugal. Israel P. Hutchinson, Consul, Lisbon. JohnH. March, I. of Madeira. Charles W. Dabney, Fayal. William G. Merrill, Cape de Verd Ps. QOO Consuls, Agents, &C.


John W. Parker, Consul. Amsterdam ! John Wambersie, Rotterdam. Wm.D. Patterson, Antwerp. Thomas Trask, Surinam. Louis Paimboeuf, I. of Curacoa. John Shillaber, Batavia. Louis Mark, O stand. Jehu HoUingsworth, Com. Agent. St. Eustacia. Siueden. David Erskine, Consul, Stockholm. C. A. Murray, Gottenburg. Helmich Janson, Bergen inNorway. George W. Crump, St.Bartholomews. Denmark. John Raynals, Consul, CopenhaG:en. Nathan Levy, I, of St. Thomas. Joseph Ridgway, I, of St. Croix. Prussia. William T. Simons, Consul, Elberfield. Frederick Schillow, Stettin. Sascoi2t/. C. F. Goehring, Consul, Leipzig. Frederick Kahi, " Darmstadt. Hanseatic Toivnfi. John Cuthburt, Consul, Hamburg. Frederick J. Wichelhausen, *' Bremen. Jos. Hill Clark, Lubec. Ernest Schwendler, ** Frankfort. Italian States. Thomas Appleton, Consul, Legh'n, Tuscany. James Ombrosi, '* , do. Robert Campbell, *' Genoa, Sardinia. Victor A, Sasserno, " Nice, do. George Moore, " Trieste, Austria. Charles Barnet, •' Venice, do. Roman States., and Kingdom of the two Sicilies, Felix Cicognani, Consul, Rome. Alexander Hammet, * Naples. Benjamin Gardner, " Palermo. John L. Payson, «« Messina. John G. Boker, Consul General, . Consuls, Agents, &c. 201 202 Foreign Ministers in the U. States.

Chili. Michael Hogan, Consul, Valparaiso. Daniel Wynne, *' St. Jago de Chile. Refiublic of Peru. WmFlemnriing Taylor, Consul, Quilca and Arica. Asa Wortliington, *' Linia. Haytiy ( St» Domingo. J Francis M. Dimond, Com. Agent, Port Au Prince. Joshua Webb, " Aux Cayes. baniuel Israel, " Cape Hatien. Sandnvich Islands. John C. Jones, jr. Com. Agent. , John H. Grosvenor, Consul, Canton. MINISTERS, CONSULS, AND COMMISSARIES OF FOREIGN POWERS, RESIDENT IN THE UNITED STATES.

from France. M. Roux de Rochelle, Envoy Extraordinary, and Minister Plenipotentiary. M. de Son tag. Secretary of Legation. M, Durant de St. Andre, Consul-General, New-York. M. E. He rsant, Vice-Consul, attached to the Consulate General. M. A. Furcy Picquet, Vice-Consul, Boston. M. J. G. S. A. Dannery, Consul, Philadelphia. M. Henri, Consular Agent, Baltimore. M. Michel E. Hersant, Consul, ad interim, Charleston. M. Deseze, Vice-Consul, Norfolk. M. Thomasson, Vice-Consul, Savannah. M. Batre, Consular Agent, Mobile. M. Albin Michel, Consul, ad int. New-Orleans. Ccunt De la Porte, Vice-Consul, Florida. From Great Britain. Rt. Hon. Charles R. Vaughan, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. Charles Bnikhead, Esq. Charge d'Aff.iires. Donald M'Intosh, Esq. Consul, Portsmouth, N. H. Robert Charles Manners, Esq. Vice-Consul, for Mass. Boston. George Manners, Esq, Consul, Boston, for Mass. Foreign Ministers in the U. States. 203

John Barnard Gilpin, Esq. Consul, Newport, R. I. James Stewart, Esq. Consul, New-London, Conn. James C Buchanan, Esq. Vice-Consul for the State and City vi New-York. James Bachanau, Esq. Consul, for New-York State and Citv. Gilbert Robertson, Esq. Consul, Philadelphia, John Cr.iwtord, Esq. Consul, Baltimore. Willi im Gray, Esq. Consul for Virginia, Norfolk. George ^alkeld, Esq. Consul for Louisiana. Anthony L. M< lineaux, Esq. Consul for Georgia. James Baker, Esq. Consul for Florida and Alabama. William Ogilby, Esq. Consul, Charleston, for North and South Carolina. From Russia. Baron Sacken, Charge d* Affaires. M. Krehmer, Secretary of Legation. Mr. Eustaj^hieve, Consul General, at New- York J. G. Bogert, Vice-Consul, New-York. Edward Hollander, Vice-Consul, New-Orleans. Thomas Deas, Agent, Charleston. John Prince, Agent, Salem. Ebenezer Mayo, Agent, Portland. Fortescue Wittle, Agent, Norfolk. From Sfiain, Don Francisco Tacnn, Envoy Extraordinary and Min- ister Plenipotentiary. Don Francisco de Paula Cuadrado, Sec'ry of Legation. Don Miguel Tacon, attached to the Legation. Don Juan B. Bernabeu, Consul General, Philadelphia. 13nn Ravmundo Chacon, Consul, Boston. David Tayler, Vice-Consul, Boston. Don Francisco Stcughton, Consul, New-York. Don Pablo Chacon, Consul, Norfolk. Antonio Pomar, Vice-Consul, Norfolk. Don Antonio Argote Villalobos, Consul, New-Orleans. John Notlit, Vice-Consul, Key West. Charles Hayward, Agent, Boston. Manuel Vatdor, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. Antonio Larvanaga, Vice-Con«ul, Charleston. Pedro De Alba, Vice-Consul, Pensecola. From Portugal. CommandeurTorlade d'Azambuja, Charge d' Affaires. Cardozo de Preitas, attached to the Legation. 204 Foreign Ministers in the U. States.

Walter De Lacy, Vice-Consul, Norfolk, Virginia. Edward J. Wilsnn, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. Piiilip Marett, Vice-Consul, New-England. Christopher Neale, Vice-Consul, Alexandria, D. C. Elias Reed, Vice-Consul, Savannah. John P. Calhorda, Vice-Consul, Wilmington, N. C. Rene Goclard, Vice Consul, Charleston, S. C. James B. Murra-/, Vice-Consul, New-York. James Gowen, Vice-Consul, Philadelphia. Horatio C. Cam mack, Vice-Consul, New-Orleans. Archibald W. Gordon, Vice-Consul, Mobile. William H. Allen, Vice-Consul, St. Augustine. Jule Pescay, Vice-Consul, Pensacola.

From Austria. Baron de Lederer, Consul General for the U. States,

From Prussia. J. W. Schmidt, Consul, New-York. F. W. Schmidt, Consul, New-Orleans. Louis Trapmaii, Consul, Charleston. Thomas Searle^ Consul, Boston. Arnold Halbach, Consul, Philadelphia.

From Hafnburg. Charles N. Buck, Consul General, Philadelphia. Vincent Nolte, Consul, New-Orleans. Frederick Christian Graf, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. Anthony C. Cazenove, Vice-Consul, Alexandria. Jacob VVulff, Vice-Consul, Charleston. John W. Schmidt, Vice-Consul, New-York. From Denmark, Mr. Steen Biile, Charge d'Affaires. John Bohlen, acting Vice-Consul, Philadelphia. E. E. Peterson, Vice-Consul, ad interim^ New-York. William Ritchie, Vice-Consul, Boston. Lewis Brantz, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. Frederick Myers, Vice-Consul, Norfolk. Piatt K. Dickinson, Vice-Consul, Wilmington, N. C. W. Scarborough, Vice-Consul, Savannah. Pierre E. Sorbe, Vice-Consul, New-Orleans. James H. Ladson, Vice-Consul, Charleston. Foreign Ministers in the U. States. 205

From Sweden. The Baron Stackelberg, Charge d'Affiiires, Washingt. John Vaughan, Vice-Consul, PhiladeVphia. Charles liayward, Consul for Mass., N. H. and Maine. Joseph A. VVinthrop, Vice-Consul, Charleston. John A. Merle, Consul, l^ew-Orleans. Christopher Neale, Vice-Consul, Alexandria. J. F. Brette, Vice-Consul, Norfolk. Andrew Foster, Vice-Consul, Savannah. Stephen Lawton, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. John J. Boyd, Vice-Consul, New-York. From the Ketherlands. The Chev. C. D. E. J. Bangeman Huygens, Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. Mr. R. Huygens, Secretary. Godfrey Barnsley, Vice-Consul, ad int. Moses Myers, Consul, Norfolk. Samuel Wright, Consul, Savannah. J. C. Zimmerman, Consul, New-York. P. G. Lechleitner, Consul, Annapolis. J. J. Hoogewerff, Consul, Baltimore. Peter Laidlaw, Consul, New-Orleans. Thomas Thaxter, Vice-Consul, Salem. Charles J. Cazenove, Consul, Boston. Bohl Bohlen, Consul, Philadelphia. From Sardinia, Major Ignazlo Vincenzo Caravadossy, Consul General, Philadelphia. Seignor Ange Garibaldy, Vice-Consul, Philadelphia. S. V. Bouland, Vice-Consul, New-York. Giuiio Florentino Brette, Vice-Consul, Norfolk. Emanuel Valdor, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. Joseph Auze, Vice-Consul, Savannah. Achille Felix George, Esq. Vice-Consul, Mobile. Charles J. Cazenove, Vice-Consul, Boston, Y. V. Viel, Consul, Charleston, S. C. Antoine Michoud, Vice-Consul, New-Orleans. From Mexico. Colonel J. M. Tornel, Envoy Extraordinary and Min- ister Plenipotentiary. Colonel J. A. Mexia, Secretary. Luke Tiernan, Consul, Baltimore. Charles Tiernan, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. 205 Foreign Ministers in the U. States.

Richard W. Cogdell, Vice-Consul, Charleston, S. C. James Vl^ Breedlove, Vice-Consul, New-Orleans. Achilla Murat, Vice- Consul, Florida. Estanis'ao Cuesta, Vice-Consul, Philadelphia. James Treat, Vice-Consul, New-York. Edwaid Cabot, Vice-Consul, Boston. Henry Daggett, Vice-Consul, Mobile. From Columbia- Francisco X. d Medinn, Consul General, New-York. James Andrews, Vice-Consul, No. 8, Central Wharf, Boston. Telesforo Orea, Vice-Consul, Philadelphia. Isaac N. Coxe, Prodis. Com. Agent, St. Augustine. i*eter Galline.nix, Commercial Agent for Connecticut and Rhode Island. Thomas Middle ton, Vice-Consul, Charleston. Richard W. (iiH, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. Savier Medina. Vice-Consul, New-York. John Myers, Vice-Consul, Norfolk. Robert Goodwin, Vice-Consul, Savannah. Samuel P. Morgan, Vice-Consul, New-Orleans. W. H. Robertson, Vice-Consul, Mobile. From Brazil. Mr. de Aranjo Ribeiro, Charge d'Affaires. Mr. de Paiva, attached to the Legation. Samuel Snow, Vice-Consul, Providence, R. L C. Griffin, Vice-Consul, New-Londnn. Herman Bruen, Vice-Consul, New-York. John Vaughan, Vice-Consul, Philadelphia. Edward J. Coale, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. Charles J. Cazenove, Vice-Consnl, AU-xandria. Frederick Myers, Vice-Consul, Norfolk. John P. Calhorda, Vice-Consul, Wilmington, N. C. SuTiuel Chad wick, Vice-(3ot)sul, Charleston. John W. Anderson, Vice-Consul, Savannah. James W. Zicharie, Vice-Consul, N. Orleans, for Louisana and Alabama. Archibald Foster, Vice-Consul, Boston, for Massachu- setts, New-Hampshire, and Maine. Francisco Joachim De Lima, Consul General for the United States. From Pofie Leo I'Zth. Giovanno B. Sartori, Consul General, , N. J. Martin Mantin, Vice-Consul, New-York. Foreign Ministers in the U. States. 207

Charles Picot, Vice-Consul, Philadelphia, Henry Perrot, Vice-Consul, New-Orleans. Charles D? Carron, Vice-Consul, Charleston. Thomas J. Bijourd, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. Samuel VVrig,ht, Vice-Consul, Savannah. Wm. D'Azec Senac, Vice-Consul, Norfolk.

From two Sicilies. Chev D. Gennaro Capece Galeota, Consul General, Pliiladelphia. William Reed, Vice-Consul, Philadelphia. Henry Perret, Vice-Consul, New-Orleans. Alfred Bujac, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. Tasker H. Swett, Vice-Consul, Boston. Antonio C. Rossire, Vice-Consul, Providence. Martin Mantin, Vice-Consul, New- York. Abraham O. Hammond, Vice-Consul, Charleston. Godfrey Barnsley, Vice-Consul, Savannah.

Antonio Pommard, Vice-Consul, ad interim ^ Norfolk. From Wurtemburg. Christian Mayer, Consul General, Baltimore. From Bremen. Christian Abraham Heincken, Consul, Baltimore. Caspar Meir, Consul, New-York. Thomas Searle, Consul, Boston. Herman F. von Lengerke, Consul, Philadelphia, Lewis Trapman, Consul, Charleston, S. C. Frederick Frey, Consul, New-Orleans. Anthony C.Cazenove, Consul, District of Columbia. From Saxe Wci7ner^ and Oldenburg. Frederick Augustus Mench, Consul, New-York. From Saxony. Charles Augustus Davis, Consul General, N. Y. Fred. Augustus Mensch, Consul, New- York. Robert Ralston, jr. Consul, Philadelphia. R. H. Douglass, Consul, Baltimore. From Tuscany. George C. Peterson, Vice-Consul, New-York. From the Siviss Confederation. Theodore Nicolet, Consul, New-Orleans. From the Kingdom of Hanover. Theodore Meyer, Consul, New-York. 208 Naval Officers. NAVY REGISTER. NAVY BOARD. John Rodgers, President. Charles Stewart, D. T. Patterson, Commissioners. Salary, $3500. C. W. GoLDSBOROuGH, Secretary. Salary, $2000. William G. Ridgely, Chief Clerk. Salary, $1600.

CAPTAINS. John Rodgers M T Woolsey Saml, Woodhouse James Barron John O Creighton J J Nicholson Wm, Bainbridge John Downes VVolcott Chauncey Charles Stewart John D Henley Edin. P Kennedy Isaac Hull Jesse D Elliott Alex. J Dallas Isaac Chauncey Stephen Cassin John B Nicholson Jacob Jones James Renshaw B V Hoffman Charles Morris C C B Thompson Jesse Wilkinson LewisAVarrington A S Wadsworth T A Catesbv Jones Wm. M Crane Geo. W Rogers William B Finch James T Leonard George C Read Wm. B Shubrick James Biddle Henry E Ballard Alex. Claxton CharlesG Ridgely David Deacon Chas. W Morgan Danl. T.Patterson MASTERS COMMANDANT. George Budd Joseph Smith Robert F Stockton Lawrence Kearny Lawren. Rosseau Isaac M'Keever Foxhall A Parker Geo. W Storer Wm. D Salter Edw. R McCall Beverly Kenon Chas. S. M'Cauley Daniel Turner Edw. R Shubrick Thos. M. Newell David Conner F H Gregory Eli A F Valletta John Gallagher John H Clack Wm. A Spencer Thos. H Stevens P F Voorhees John H Aulick Wm. M Hunter Benjamin Cooper Wm. V Taylor John D Sloat Wm. L Gordon Mervine P Mix Matthew C Perry Silas Duncan Bladen Dulany Chas. W Skinner James Ramage Silas H Stringham John T Newton David Geisinger LIEUTENANTS. James P Oellers Chas. E Crowley Thomas T Webb John PZantginger John H Bell John Percival Naval OfBtjers. 209

W A C Faragut William Taylor John S Chauncey StephenChamplin John C Long Irvine Shubrick Isaac Mayo John H Graham Thomas R Gerry Wm. K Latimer John H Lee John Kelley James M M'Intosh Edward S Johnson Thomas Crabb Josiah Tattnall Wm. H Gardner Edward B Babbit Hugh N Page David G Farragut , jr. John A Cook Rich'dS Pinckney James At mstrong William Inman Stephen B Wilson Joseph Smoot Joel Abbot Edw. C Rutledge Robt. B Randolph Lewis E Simonds William S Harris Samuel L Breese John M Date Thomas Dornin John Evans H H Cocke R B Cunningham Benj. Page, jr. Wm. J. M'Cluney James Glynn John A Wish E D Whitlock Joseph Mvers John Gwinn James Goodrum Wm. C Wetmore Thos. W Wyman J B Montgomery Thos. R Gedney Andrew FitzhughHnrace B Sawyer John Bubier Joseph Cross C K Stribling Vict M Randolph A S Ten Eick Joshua R Sands Joseph Cutts, jr. T S Hamersley John J Young Jac. Crowninshield John White Charles H Bell Frederick Engle Hiram Paulding Abraham BigeloAV A J D Browne J D Williamson Frank Ellery John H Smith Uriah P Levy Fred. Varnum John Rudd Charles Boarman Joseph R Jarvis Russell Baldwin French Forrest Thos. W Freelon Robert Ritchie W E M'Kenney James Williams David R Stewart William J Belt S W LeCompte Wm. W M'Kean Wm. Jamesson Charles T Piatt FranklinBuchanan Wm. Boerum W M Armstrong Hubbard M Hobbs C L Williamson Wm. F Shields Samuel Mercer Charles Gauntt G J Pendegrast Charles Lowndes Wm. W Ramsay Wm. C Nicholson LMGoldsborongh Ralph Voorhees James B Cooper George N Hollins Henry Henry E W Carpender D N Ingraham Saml.'W Downing John L Saunders John Marston, jr. Wm. Pottengen Joseph B Hull Henry Bruce Henry W Ogden Jott Stone Paine Wm. D Newman Alex. Eskridge John E Prentiss Henry A Adams Eben. Ridgeway John M Sullivan Alex. B Pinkham Thos. A Conover Joseph Moorehead James D Knight Arch. S Campbell Thomas Petigrue Joseph Mattison 210 Naval Officers.

Wm. S Walker George S Blake H J Auchmuty Alexander Slidell Z F Johnston John G Rogers James G Boughan William Green Fred. A Neville George F Pearson Samuel Barron John W Mooers James T Gerry George Izard, jr. Edm. M Russell John S Nicholas Timo. G Benham Rich'd R McMullin Saml. F Dupont Robert W Jones Charles C Turner Wm. L Hudson Alex'r G Gordon Joseph Stallings Wm.H Campbell A G Slaughter John Manning Jos. M Nicholson A E Downes Ehas C Taylor James P Wilson Oscar Bullus Robert G Robb Geo. A Magruder S Humphreys Edward M Vail J Edw. Calhoun Fitz Allen Deas John Pope CharlesH Jackson Saml, W Stockton Levin M Powell And. A Harwood John Colhoun Charles Wilkes,ji.T McK Buchanan Chas.W Chauncey Elisha Peck Theo. Bailey Law. Pennington John R Coxe, jr. John M Rinker Thomas T Craven William Sexton H Y Purviance Andrew N Foot John A Carr George Adams John L Bali Thos. J Manning Gad'r Ringgold WiUiam VV Hunter William Pearson John Grahim N C Lawrence Wm. L Hov/ard William F Lynch Amasa Paine William P Piercy Henry W Morris Nathl. W Duke Richard A Jones Isaac S Sterett Edward J Tilton JohnStartwout Francis B Ellison James H Ward Thomas J Leib Edw. B Boutwell Henry Holf Wm. G Woolsey James T HomansJona. Ingersoll Wm. H Kennon John E Bispham Grey Skip vvith Arthur Lewis Sidney Smith Lee Murray Mason John W West Wm."C Whittle Charles H Davis T O Seifridge John H Marshall Stephen Johnston R R Pinkham Richard H Morris Jona. D Swift Henry Eagle, jr. Thomps. D Shaw Jerome Callan A K Long Rob't D Thorburn Pedro C Valdes G J Van Brunt SemuelLockwoodC M Armstrong Henry Pinkney Lloyd B Newell Ebenezer Farrand Wm.M Glendy John Cassin Henry H Bell John H Little Hillaiy H Rhodes Philip S Stockton George P Upshur William S Ogden William Smith Samuel B Cocke Edw.O BlanchardH E V Robinson Naval Officers. 211 SURGEONS. Lewis Heermann Samuel Jackson John S Wily Jona. Cowdery Andrew B Cooke George I'errill Wm.P C Barton Leonard Osborne John Haslett Thomas Harris Thos. Williamson James Page William Turk Geo. S Sproston Walters Smith Hyde Ray Benajah Ticknor Benj. F Bache Gerard Dayers Mordecai Morgan A A Adee - John A Kearney Thomas J Boyd Thomas Dillard Bailey Washington James Cornick Stephen Rapalje William Swift Charles Chase John R Chandler Thomas B Salter D S Edwards B R Tinslar Peter Christie Isaac Hulse ASSISTANT SURGEONS. Cornelius Moore W S W Ruschen- William Milnor Richard Kennon berger Thomas L Smith James M Greene Samuel W RufF William Whelan Gideon White, jr. Mifflin Coulter And'w EKennedy Wm. Plumstead William Johnson Lewis B Hunter Geo. W Codwise Samuel Mosely George Blacknell John F Brooke W Fairlie Patten E N Freelad Henry S Coulter Geo. W Palmer Frederick Wessels G R B Horner Sam'l Barrington H N Glentworth Robert J Dodd Wm. G Micks John V Smith Rich'd K H Sims John B Elliot George Clymer W AW Spotswood William Tyler J Brinkerhoff" John C Spencer Amos G Gambrill Daniel Egbert Sharpe W m . W Wood Jones W Plum mer Solomon Geo. B McKnight PURSERS. Clement S Huntt William Sinclair JohnN Hambleton Sam'l Hambleton John N Todd Wm. McMurtrie Thomas J Chew Timothy Winn Garret R Barry Fran. A Thornton Wm. M Sands D McF Thornton James M Halsey Joseph H Terry Josiah Coston Edw. Fitzgerald Thomas Breese Dudley Walker William S Rogers John De Bree McKeanBuchanan Samuel P Todd Charles O Handy Henry Etting George Beale Silas Butler James Brooks James H Clarke Edward N Cox Grenv. C Cooper Joseph Wilson Nath'l H Perry Francis B Stockton .

•213 Naval Officers.

FranGMcCauleyPhilo White Sterrett Ramsay WilliamASlacumBenj.J Cahoone J A Bates Nathaniel Wilson CHAPLAINS. James Everett Hervey H Hayes William Ryland Addison Searle John P Fenner Timo. J Harrison John W Grier Charles S Stewart Walter Colton NAVY AGENTS. James K. Paulding, - New York. George Harrison Philadelphia. Isaac Phillips, - - - Baltimore. Nash Legrand Norfolk. John P Henry, Savannah. Charles P. Tutt, Pensacola. Daniel D. Brodhead, Boston John Laighton Portsmouth, N.H. John T. Robertson, - Charleston, S. C. Arthur P. Hayne, Gibraltar. Baring, Brothers, & Co. - London, NAVAL STORE KEEPERS. Richard H. Ayer, Portsmouth, George Bates, Boston. Tunis Craven, New York. Robert Kennedy, Philadelphia. Gabriel Gait, - Norfolk. Cary Selden, - Washington. Robert Joyner, - Pensacola. NAVAL CON3TRUCTERS. Samuel Humphreys, Chief J\'aval Constructer, John Floyd, Portsmouth, N. H. Josiah Barker, Boston. Samuel Hartt, New York. William Doughty, Washington. Francis Grice, Norfolk. Charles D. Brodie, Pensacola. James Keen. Philadelphia. Evan Bowles, ^gent for the firese'rvation of Timber in J^ouisiana. Naval Officers, 213 COMMANDANTS OF NAVY YARDS. Capt. John J). Henley, Portsmouth, N.H, Charles Morris, Charlestown, Ms. Isaac Chauncey, Brooklyn, N. Y. James Barron, Philadelphia. Isaac Hull, Washington. Isaac McKeever, Norfolk. Alexander J. Dallas Pensacola.

MARINE CORPS. LIEUT. COL. COMMANDANT, Archibald Henderson. CAPTAINS. R.D.Wainwright, Lt.Col.br. Jos. L.Kuhn. Samuel Miller, do. Chas.R.Broom,Paym'st. John M. Gamble, do. Levi Twiggs. Samuel E. Watson, do. John Harris. William H. Freeman. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Thos. A. Linton, Cap. by br. James M'Cauley James Edelin, do. Benjamin Macomber. P.G. Howie, adj.&insp. do, A. N. Brevoort. Elijah J. Weed,qr.mr. do. Andrew Ross. Joseph C. Hall, do. William A. Bloodgood. Wm. W. Dulany, do. Richard Douglass. Thomas S. English, do. Job G. Williams. George W. Walker. C. F. Spering. Charles Grymes. Alvin Edsen. Ward Marston. Horatio N. Crabb. Charles C. Tupper. Henry B. Tyler. A. A. Nicholson. Joseph L. C. Hardy. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. George F. Lindsey. 1 heodore Bainbridge. Landon N. Carter. Alexander C. McLean. John G. Reynolds. James W. Shaumburgh. Henry W. Fowler. Farnefold Green. Francis C. Hall. George H. Terrett. Francis S. Neville. Marshall Love. Thomas L. C. Watkins. Francis S. Neville. F. N. Armistead. S14 Vessels of War of the U. States' Nary.

SHIPS OF THE LINE. Guns. Where employed. Independence, - - 74 In ordinary, at Boston. Franklin, - - - - 74 *• at New York. Washington, - - - 74 " " Columbus, - - - - 74 " at Boston. Ohio, 74 « at N. York. North Carolina, - - 74 " Gosport, Delaware, - - - - 74 " " FIRST CLASS. United States, - - - 44 In ordinary, at N. \''ork. Constitution, - - - 44 " Boston. Guerriere, - - - - 44 At Norfolk. Java, ----- 44 Ordered to the U. States. Potomac, - - - - 44 In the Pacific. Brandywine, - - - 44 In the Mediterranean. Hudson, - - - _ 44 Coast of Brazils. FRIGATES, SECOND CLASS. Congres!?, - - - - 36 Receiving Ship, Norfolk Constel'ation, - - - 36 In the Mediterranean. Macedonian, - - - 36 In ordinary, at Norfolk. SLOOPS OF WAR. John Adams, - - - 24 Equipping for sea. Cyane, ----- 24 In ordinary at Phil. Erie, ----- 18 In the . Ontario, - - - - 18 In the Mediterranean. Peacock, - - - - 18 At Boston. Boston, ----- 18 In the Mediterranean. Lexington, - - - - 18 In ordinary, at Norfolk. Vincennes, - - - - 18 In the West Indies. Warren, - - - - 18 In ordinary, at Norfolk. Natches, - - - - 18 In the West Indies. Falmouth, - - - - 18 In the Pacific. Fairfield, - - - - 18 In the Mediterranean. VandaUa, - - - - 18 Coast of Brazils. St. Louis, - - - - 18 Pacific. Concord, - - - - 18 In the Mediterranean. SCHOONERS, 8CC. Dolphin, - - - - 12 In the Pacific. Grampus, - - - - 12 In the West Indies. Porpoise, - - - - 12 In the West Indies. Shark, - - - - - 12 In the West Indies.

•T OX, ------a, receiving ship at 3 Used as Baltimore. Alert, (store ship) ----- do. Norfolk. Sea Gull, (galliot) do. Philadelphia. Navy Yards. 215 NAVY YARDS. There are seven navy yards belonging to, and occu- pied for the use of, the United States, viz : No. 1. The navy yard at Portsmouth, N. H. is situated on an island, on the east side of Piscataqua river, within the jurisdiction of Mvissachusetts, contains fifty-eight acres, and cost g5,500. No. ^ 2. The navy yard at Charlestown, Mass., is situated on the north side of Charles river, on a point of land east of the town of Charlestown, contains thirty- four acres, exclusive of extensive flats, and cost g39,2 14, including commissions and charges. No. 3. The navy yard at New York is situated on Long Island, opposite to the city of New York, on the Wallabout Bay, contains forty acres, including the mill pond, and cost g40,000. No. 4. The navy yard at Philadelphia is situated on the west side of the river Delaware, within the district of Southwark, adjoining the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, contains eleven acres, to low water mark, and cost §37,000. No. 5. The navy yard at Washington, in the District of Columbia, is situated on the Eastern Branch of the River Potomac, contains thirty-seven acres, and cost g4,000. No. 6. The navy yard at Gosport is situated on the south branch of Elizabeth river, adjoining the town of Portsmouth, in the state of Virginia, contains eleven acres, and cost g 12,600. No, 7. Pensacola, Florida.

United States Vessels of War on the Stocks. jit the J^u-uy Yard, Portsmouth, N.H.—Alabama, Ship of the Line. Santee, of the first Class. M the JVavy Yard, Charlestown, Massachusetts.— Virginia and Vermont, Ships of the Line. Cum- berland, Frigate of the first Class. j^t the jYavy Yard, Miv Forfc.—SABINE and Savan- nah, Frigates of the first Class. jlt the J\i'avy Yard, Philadeljihia.—Pennsylvania, Ship of the Line. Raritan, Frigate of the first Class. At the J\'avy Yard, Washington.—Columbia, Frigate of the first Class. AttheXavy Yard, Norfolk.—New York, Ship of the Line. St. Lawrence, "Frigate of the first Class. 216 Army Officers. ARMY REGISTER.

GENERAL STAFF. Alexander Macomb, Major-General. Edmund P. Gains, Brig. Gen. Major General brevet. , do. do. ^ Roger Jones, Adjutant- General, Colonel. Thomas S. Jesup, Brig. Gen. Quarter- Master-General. VVm. Linnard, Quarter-Master, Major, Lieut. Col. br. Henry Stanton, Quarter-Master, Major. George Bender, do. do. Truman Cross, do. do. John E. Wool, Inspector-General, Col. Brig. Gen. br. George Croghan, Inspector-General, Colonel. Geo. Gibson, Colonel, Com.Gen.of Sub. Brig. Gen.br. James H. Hook, Major, Commissary br. Joseph P. Taylor, Captain, Commissary. PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. Callender Irvine, Com. Gen. of Purchases. Peter Fayssoux, Storekeeper. PAY DEPARTMENT. Nathan Towson, Paymaster-General, Lt. Col. br. Paymasters^ Thomas Wright, Asher Philips, Al- phonso Wetmore, Benjamin F. Larned, David S. Town- send, Charles B. Tallmadge. Daniel Randall, Charles H. Smith, A. A. Massias, T. P. Andrews, Edmund Kirby, L. G. De Russey, William Piatt, Robert A. Forsyth. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Surgeon- General Joseph Lovell. Swr^'^ons, Thomas Lawson, Thomas G. Mower, B.F. Harney, W. V. Wheaton, Jcsiah Everett, J. P. C. Mac- mahon, William Beaumont, W. H. Nicholl. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Cor/is of Engineers. Charles Gratiot, Chief Engineer, Brig Gen br Lieutenant-Colonely Joseph G. Totten, Col br Majors^ Samuel Babcock, , Lt CI br Captains, R. E. DeRussey, Maj br, T. W. Maurice, Maj br, John L.Smith, George Blaney, Wm.H. Chase, Richard I>elaft?ld. Governors in the several States. 217

Pirat Lieutenants^ Thomas I. Leslie, Paymaster,- Andrew Talcott, William A. Elrnson, Cornelius A. Og- den, Henry Brewerton, Stephen Tu'tle. SecoJid Lh-utenants, Geoi ge Dutton, Joseph Mans- field, AU. Moidecai, Dennis H. Mahan, Alexander H. Bowman, Th >mpson S, Brown, William H. C. Bartlett, br, Charles Mason, br, Roberi E. Lee^ br, Alexander J. Swift, br. Asuistant Engineer^ . ORDINANCE DEPARTMENT: George Bomford, Lt. Colonel, Chief of the Department. Captains, Geo. Talcott, Henry K. Craig, W.Wade,' R. L. Baker. TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEERS. Majors, John Anderson, Lt Col br, John L. Albert,- do. James Kearney, do. Stephen H. Long, do. P. H. Perrault, do. ASSISTANT TOP. ENGINEERS. Ca/ifains, John L. Conte, maj br, Hartman Bache, do. \V. G. M'NeiH, James D. Graham.

Maihe^ Samuel E. Smith South Carolina, James

^ J\feiv Hamfishire Samuel . Hamilton, jr. Dinsmore Mississip/ii, Abraham' A'lassac/iu&ettSy Levi M. Scott Lincoln Georgia^ Wilson Lumpkin Khode Island, Lemuel H, A'cnr^^C/^'i/'T'^omasMetcalfe Arnold 7V72?7f. nolds Vroom, jr. jilabama^ John Gayle Pennsylvania^ Geo. Wolf Missouri^ John Miller Delaware, David H^izard Maryland, George How- territories.

, ard i'Vfzc/;z^an,GeorgeB.Porter Virginia, John Floyd Arkansas, Juhn Pope J^Cortli Carolina^ Mountfort ^ William P.Duval Stofces T (tMl €Sfobrrumrnt of Sl^atssacltuscttis, COMMENCING May, 1831, and ending January, 1832.

His Excellency LEVI LINCOLN, ll. d. Governor. His Honor Thomas L. Winthrop, Esq; Lieutenant-Governor. COUNCIL. Hon. Russell Freeman, Hon. Jonathan Dwigbt, jr. Aaron Hohnrt, Josiah J. Fiske, Bezaleel Taft, jr. John Looke, James Savage, Henry Hubbard. Joseph Kittredge, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Edward D. Bangs, Esq- Chief ClerJ>, Samuel Austin. Clei-'k, William Tufts. Treasurer and Receiver General of the Commonwealtkf Joseph Sevvall, Esq.

Joseph Foster, ^st Clerk. J. 1. Linzee, Sc? Clerk. Offices in Slate-House.

SENATE. Hon. Leverett Saltonstatx, President. Suffolk, Hon. Charles Weils, Alexander H. Everett,. George Blake, James C. Merrill, Otis Everett, Benjamin T. Pickman. Essex, Hon. Leverett Saltonstall, William Thorndike, Stephen C.Phillips, Ebenezer Bradbury, William JohnsoiTr jr. Robert Cross. Middlesex, Hon. Nathan Brooks, Daniel Richardson,. Charles Train, Asahel Stearns, Francis Winship. Plymouth. Hon. Solnmon Lincoln, jr. Samuel A. Turner. JVorfolh, Hon. Christopher Webb, John Endicott, John; Bailey. Hristol, Hon. Nathan C. Brovvnell, Ebenezer Daggett, S imiiel French. Worcester, Hon. John W. Lincoln, David Wilder,? William S. Hastings, James Draper, Rufus Bullock. Representatives.. ..Suffolk. 219

Hampshire, Hon. Cbauncey Clarke, . Hampden, Hon. Enos Foote, J(»lui WvIp''. Franklin, Hon. Eliliu Hoyt, Samuel C. Allen. Berkshire, Hon. Wilbur Curtis, Russell Brown. Barnstable, Hon. John Doane. JSTantucket, Hon, Barker Burnell. Charles Calhoun, Clerk. W. P. Gragg, Assistant Clerk. Rev. Alonzo Potter, Chaplain. Charles C. Cutting, Page.

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Hon. William B. Calhoun, Speaker. Pelkam W. Warren, Clerk. SUFFOLK. Bostcn^ Asa P. Adams, Hubbard, Georgfe Tacksnn, Joseph T. Adams,Thonnas Thnm.is Kt^ndcdl. WiMiam C. Amory, Samuel Apple- Lawre.ice, Wmslow Lew- ton, Samuel T. Armstrf ng, is, C'hMrles Lincoln, Eben. Samuel Aspinwall, Si mufl H. Little. Wm P. Mason, Austin, jr. Levi Bartietr, Thomas Melvill, Thomas Francis Bassett, Dariel Minns, David Moody, Baxter, jr. Adam Bent, Tlicmas Mntlev, Henry J. Ninian C Betton, Jfhn Oliver, Willi;/m F. Otis, Binney, George Bond, William Parker, John S. James Bowdoin, Noah Perkins, Thomas VV. Brooks, Joseph T. Buck- Phillips. Edward G. Pres- ingham, David L. Child, cott, Jeffiey Richardson, John B. Davis, Joseph H. James Ridgwav, Benjamin Dorr, Thomas PLdmands, Russell, Israel Thorndike, Wilham H. Eliot, Jabez jr. Lvnde M. VV.-^lter, Ellis, Henry Farnam, Redford Webster, John B. Luther Faulkner, Joshua Wells, John Wheelwright, B.Flint, Henry H. Fuller, Nathaniel L. Williams, Elbridge Gerrv, George Edmund Wright, jr. Wins- Hallet, Richard D.Harris. low Wright Prentiss Hobbs, Samuel Chelsea, Joseph Stowers ESSEX. jitnesbury, Robert Patten, .^ndovrr^ Gayton P. Patten Sargent, Stephen Osgood Sargent, jr. Beverly, Robert Rantou 220 Representatives.. ..Essex.. ..Middlesex,

5oar/brc?,Charles Peabody Sparhawk, jr. Bradforcly Jesse Kimball, Methiien^ John Rus$ George Savary Middleton^ JDanvers, John Page, Na- JV- nvhiiry^ Joseph Gerrlsh, than Poor, John Preston, Moses L t If, Si'as Moody William Sutton JVtivburyfiort William S. Alien, C harles H. Balch, Gloucester^ Elias Davison, Thomas M. Clark, Wm. Samuel Giles, John Gott, Divis, William Faris John Johnston, Ezra Leon- Rowley^ ard, Solomon Poole, Aaron Salem, Holton J. Breed, Plumer. Wm. Proctor, jr. Benjamin F. Browne, Ha milt071, Nathaniel Frothingham, Haverhill, Caleb B. Le Asahel Huntington, Chas. Bosquet Lawrence, William Mansr Ifiswic/i, Joseph Dennis, field, Warwick Paliray, jr. George W. Heard Francis Peahody, Richard Lynn, William B, Breed, S- Rogers. William Ropes, Jonathan Buffum, Joseph Michael Shepard Currier, Jacob Ingalls, Salhdury, John Colby, Stephen Oliver, Francis S. Cyrus Dearborn, Reuben Newhall, Eleazer C. Rich- Evans ardson Sau^uf}^ Abijah Cheever Lynnjield, John Upton, jr. To/isjield, MancheHery John Kn'ght Wenha7n, Moses Foster Marbkhead, William B. West A'eivbury, Eliphalet Adams, William Hawks, Emery, Muses Newell Frederick Robinson, John MIDDLESEX. jicton^ Francis Tuttle Charlestonvn, Nathaniel ^9/iAz/, Abraham Edwards Austin, Benjamin Brintnall, Bedford, John Merriam Edward Cutter, John BiUe7-icay Zidock Hnve Harris, Oliver Hol.den, Brighton, Abraham Ed- Lot Pool, Benjamin wards Thompson Burlington^WAWvivn Winn Chelmsford, Cambridge, Timothy Ful- Concord, Joseph Barrett ler, James Hayward, Levi DraciLt, Coburn Blood, jr. Parker, Abraham P. Dunstable, Sherman, William J. East Sudbury, Whipple, Thomas VV bit- Framingham, Luther tern ore Belknap

X^arlisle y Grotouy John Boynton Representatives.. ..Worcester. 221

HoUifitont Abner Johnson Eaton Hofikinton^ Sionehatn, John H. Wright Lexington^ Ambrose Stow is" Boxboro' Lyman Morell, Charles Reed Big'ow, James B. Brown Lincoln^ George Russell Sudbury^ John Hunt Littleton^ Joel Marshall Teivksbury^ Alpheus Lowell^ Kirk Boctt, S.Tiith Ellphalet Case, Artemas Toivnsend^ Holden, John S. C. Knovvl- Tiingaborough^ Joseph ton, John P. Robinson, Butterfield Josliua Swan WaUliam, Amos Harring- Maiden^ Edward Wade, ton, David Tnwnsend Marlborough^ Jfa/fr/^oTO«,CharIesBemis, Medford, Turell Tufts Levi Tliaxter

^atick^ William Farriss West Cambridge t Benja- JSTcivton^ William Jackson, min Locke John Kenrick Westfoid, Pefifierell, Abel Jewett, Weston, Samuel Hobbs Readings Eliab Parker,jr. Wilmington^ Warren Perkins Woburn Marshal Fowie, SherburnCj Stephen Nichols, John Shirley^ Wade South Readings Lilley WORCESTER. Ashburnham^ Nathaniel Grafton^ Harry Wood Pierce Hardwickf Athol^ Harvard^ Barre, Archibald Black, Holdpn, Asa Broad Gardiner Ruggles Hubbardston^ Henry Berlin^ Jonathan D. Meri- Prentiss, Moses Waite am Lancaster, Davis Whit- Bolton^ Amory Kolman man Boylston^ Ward Cotton Leicester, John Hobart, Brookfieldy Abraham John King Skinner Leominster^ Wilder Car- Charlton^ Jonathan Wins- ter, Carter Gates low Lunenburg, Dana, Reuben Sibley Mendon, Benjamin Daven- Douglas f David Hoi man port, Welcome Farnum, Dudley^ Abiel Williams Dan Hill, Daniel Thurber Fi/c/iAwr^, Isai;ih Putnam, Milford^ Henry Nelson, Zechariah Sheldon Newell Nelson GardftertT'imo. Heywood MiUbury^ Asa Waters, T» 222 Representatives... .Hampshire.

Simeon Waters SpenceVj Walton Liverr J\rtw Draintreey Joseph more Bnvvman Sterling, Moses Sawyer, Korihborough^ Prentiss Jonathan Wilder Keyes Srurbridge James Johnson, A'br/Adrji/g'eSylvanus Hol- Roswell Warner b-ook Sutton, Joshua Armsby, North Brookfield^ Tyler Jonas L Sibley Bate' eller 7'' mfilfton Samuel Lee OayC'//fl7n,VVachingtonAnen Uhton^ Oxford^ IvA Barton, Alex- Uxbridgc, Samuel Read, ander De Witt Cieorge WiUard PaxtGTi, Tyler Gotiaard Ward Perer.s/?a7w>JosephGallond, Wt'stborough^ Joshua Mel- Micajah Reed len

rhilUtisUm. Abel White West Boylston,' Robert B. Prmcf/'072, Charles Russell Th.omas Royalstov.y Franklin Gre- JVrstern^ Pardon Allen gory Weiitminster^ Charles Rutland^ Daniel King Hudson, Cyrus Winship Slvenvabury^ Nymphas Winchendoriy William Pratt Brown Sout/iboro' Francis B. Fay Worcester^ Otis Corbet, Sou/ibridg-e^ LirkJn Alfred D. Foster, Jubal Ammidown H irrington HAMPSHIRE. Am/ierst, Zebina Dickin- Williams son, John Leland N'ornuich, Joseph Stanton Belchert.own^ Felham, Ziba Cotjk Chesterfield, Samuel Davis Rlainfield, Erastus Bates Cuiyimington, Jonathan Prenrott, Simon Stock well Dawes South Hadley, Joel Hayes Ras'hawjiton, Luther Southa?n/iton^ Timothy Clark Clark Enfield, Ware^ Aaron Gould, Joel Granby, Samuel Ayres Rice Goshen^ Westhamfiton, Bela P. Greenivich, Clapp Hadley, Mrses Porter Wi'liamsburg^ Elisha Hatfit kU Oliver Smih Hubbaid, jr. Middbfield George W. Worthington WjlhaiT^ McEflwain Ward 'Northampton, Eliphalet •Representatives. ...Hampden. ...Franklin. 223 HAMPDEN. Biajidford^ Oiin Sage Sfiringjieldy George Bh'ss, /^r/m/'V/rf,IssacharBrown, James Bytrs, William B. Ff'stus Foster Calhcun. William Child, Chefitrr, VViHiam Henrv Silas Stedman, Eleazer Granville^ Jonatlian B. Williains Bnifcn ft T'.Unnd^ Henry Bliss, Lonn-mcadow, Eiisha Wales lSH(Aland^ Charles Buriiham CxHrdntr l.iuilonv, Theodore Sikes Wfstjidd, Elias Cadwell, MoJison, Philip Gage Henry Fowler Moniifomery, John Crow WeH ^/irmgfieldy James Palmer^ Joseph Lee Kent EllSsfll, M^itbraham, Moses Burt, Soiithwick, Amasa Hol- William S. Burt comb FRANKLIN. AfihfieUU Henry Bassett, Lcyden, Eiisha Chapin Roswell Ranney Monroe,

BernardSt. 071^ Jrihn Brooks Montague ^Zon&lh-A'n Hart- Buckiundy John Porter well Char/emont, John Fisher jVcnv Sole?ny Ebenezer Colraincy John Wilson Toirev Conway^ Charles E. JVorthfitld^ Isaac Prior Billings Orange^ Parley Barton Dt-erjleld, Stephen Whit- RoivCy Noah Wells nev Shelburney Ira Arms Gnu Shutesburyy Benjamin Greenjifldy Isaac New- Winter, jr. ton, 2d. Thomas NioiS Sunderland^ Gardiner Hawleyy Edmund Long- Dorrai ce ley, jr. Warwick^ Joseph Stevens Heathy Samuel Hastings Wendell, Jonathan Brown l^everetCt Isaac Woodbury IVIiately, Thomas Crafts BERKSHIRE. Adams^ W^illiam E. Bray- Dalton, Zenas Crane ton, Isaac U. Hoxie, James Egremont^ Joel Crippen

Wilbur Florida y Mford Hugo Dewey, jr. Grmt Barrington^ Ralph Ta\ lor Beckety . Eliada Kingsley Cheshire^ Nathan Sayles Hancock, Samuel W'j ^^larksburgy Wilson 224 \epresentatives....Norfolk.. ..Bristol.

//z>25(ia/f,IchabodEmmons Ricfunond, John Sherrill Limesborough, Wiliiam Sar,di Jitldf Jabez Bos- H. Tyler worth Lee, Riiey Loomis, Ste- Savcy^ William In^raham phen Thatcher Sheffield^ Elisha Keilogg

Lenox ^ James VV. Robbins Stockbtidge, Sewall Ser- Mount IVashm^toriy e:e.'uit Ntw A.shford Tyringham^ Egbert B. A''eiv Marlboro^ Benjamin Gnrfield Wheeler, jr. IVashingtor.j William Otis^ Samuel Picket Noble Peru, Cyrus Stowell West Stock-bridge^ Me- Pitnjield^ Jonathan Allen, la ncton Lewis 2iL, Host-a Merrill, jr. lf'z7liu?mtoian, Daniel N. Jireh Stearr^s, Nathan D -wey, Ebenezer Foster Willis TVindsor, Josiah Allen NORFOLK. Bellwgham, John C. JVtedham, Charles Rice Scam m ell Quincy, John Souther ^razn/r^e, JosephRichards Randolfifi, UavidBrigham, Brookllne, J.hn Rolnnson Seth iMann Canton, Eljah Spare y^cja:6wr?/,JohnChampney', Cubassrt, Nicholas Tower Isaac Davis, Jonathan Dedham, Thercn Metcalf Dorr, Charles Durant, Dorchester, Ebt nezer S imuel J. Gardner, Ben- Clap, Benjamin Fuller, jamin P. Williams Samuel P. Loud, Stephen 6'/2aron, JeremiahRichards Robinson Stoughton, Abner Drake Foxbcrough^ Melatiah Wolfiole, Joseph Hawes Everett Weymouth^\uQX^\\e\ Hum- Frankii7i, Willis Fisher phrey, Leonard Tirrcll, Mcdfidd ISf Dover, Calvin Noah Torrey

Richards IVrentham, ' Oliver Felt, ivlilton, John Rugg^es Lucas Pond, Allen Til- Mednvay, Warren Lever- linghast ing, Joseph L. Richardson BRISTOL. Attleborough^ Abljah M. ^as^on, Elijah Howa^rd,jr. Ide Fairhavdn, Joseph Whel- Berkley, Adoniram Crane den

Z)ar;wow^ A, I osephGiflford Freetown^ EpUraim At- Dightorty Nehe» Walker wood ^representatives....Plymouth. ...Barnstable. 225

JUariffJieldf Hezekiah Seekonk^ Wooster Car? Skinner p^nter, Seth Whitmarsh JVc'W Bedford, Tliomas A. Somerset, Greene, Benjamin Lincoln, Snvanrey, John Earl, Bcr Thomas Mandell, Charles najah Mason W. Morgan, Wm. C. Nye Taunton, Francis Baylies ^lir^c/n^CromwellLconard 7Voy,Nathaniel B. Borden, Paivtucket^ Elijah Ingra- Foster Hooper, Frederick ham Wiijslow Haynham^ Weatfiort^ Abner B. Gifr Rcfioboth^ ford, James H. Plandy PLYMOUTH. jibington, James Bates, jr. Hercules Cushman, John Cashing, Micah Pool Ziba Eaton, Andrew Hasr Bridgewater^ Nathan kins, Silas Pickens, Sam- Lazell, jr. Holmes Sprague uel '1 hompson Carver, Lewis Pratt JVorth Bridgenvater^ Elir Z?w,z:6Mri/,SethSprague,jr. phalet Kingman, Jesse Gershom B. Weston Perkins East Bridgewater, Jlzra Pembroke^ Morrill Allen Kingman Plymouth^ Isaac Bartlett, Halifax, Jabez P.Thomp- James Collins, ji*. Allen son Danforth, Caleb Rider, Hanover, William Morse Bridgham Russell Hanson^ Joshua Smith Flymfiton, Jonathan Hingham, Marshal Lin- Parker coln, Thomas Loring, Rochester^ Joseph Meigs Nicholas B. Whitney 5czma?c,EbenezerT.Fogg, Hull, Sanmel Tolman,jr. John Kingston, Spencer Brad- B. Turner ford Wareham, Thomas Savary Marshjield, John Ford,jr. West Bridgeivater^ Wm. Edward P. Little Baylies Middleboro* Elisha Clarke, BARNSTABLE Bar?istable, Henry Crock- Eastliam, Samuel Knowles er, David Hinklev, Wm. Falmouth, Thomas Fish, Lewis, Charles Marston Elijah Swift Isaiah Brewster, Jeremiah Mayo Harwich ,^ Chase, Jitmes Long Chatham 1 Joseph Atwood, Joshua Nickerson Orleans, Sparrow Horton, Dennis^ John Baker, Oren John Kenrick Jiowes Provinc€townyls2iAC Small JKJe National Debt.

Sandwich, Shadrach brook, 2d. Benjamin R. Freeman Witherell Truro, John Kenny, James Yarmouth^ Isaiah Crow- Small ell. Charles Hallett JVellJecty Thomas Hol- DUKES. Chilmark^ Smith Ma)'hew Tliaxter EdgartoivTiy Leavitt Tisbury^ Eliakim Norton NANTUCKET. Nantucket, Hez. Barnard, David Baxter, Isaac Folger. ' \J. STATES NATIONAL DEBT. FUNDED DEBT. Three per cents, per act of the 4th of August, 1790, redeemable at the pleasure of Government, 13,296,626,21 Five per cents, per act of 3d March, 18'21, redeemable after the 1st January, 1835, 4,735,296,50 Five per cents, (exchanged,) per act of the 20ih Apri', 1822, one- third redeema- ble annually after the 3 1st December,

1830, 1831, and 1832, . . . 56,704,77 Four and a half per cents, per act of the 24th May, 1824, redeemable after the first day of January, 1832, . . l,739,524,ai Four and a half per cent (exchanged,) per act of the 26th May, 1824, one-half redeemable after the 31st day of Dec. 1832, the residue after the 31st day of

December, 1833, . . . . 4,454,727,95

24,282.879,24 UNFUNDED DEBT. Registered debt, being: claims regis- tered prior to the year 1798, for services and supplies during the Revolutionary War, 27,919,85

Treasury notes, . , . , 7,116 00

Mississippi stock, . . . 4,320,09

39,355,94 Making the whole amount of the public debt of the United States, $24,322,235,18, Chronological List. 22? CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL OFFICERS OF THE UxVITED STATES GOVERNMENT. Presidents. 1789 , of Virg. 1797 John Adams, of Mass. 1801 , of Vir. 1809 , of Virg. 1817 , of Virg. 1825 John Q,uincy Adams, of Mass. 1829 , of Tenn. Vice-Presidents. 1789 John Adams, of Mass. 1797 Thomas Jeffer- son, ofVir. 1801 Aaron Burr, of N.Y. 1805 George Clinton, of N.Y, 1813 ElbridgR Gerry, of Mass. 1817 Daniel D. Tompkins, of N. Y. 1825 John C. Calhoun, of So. Car. Secretaries ef State. 1789 Thomas Jefferson, of Vir. '94 , of Vir. '95 , of Mass. 1800 John Mar- shall, of Vir. '01 James Madison, of Vir. '09 Robert Smith, of Ma- ryland. '11 James Monroe, of Vir. '17 John Guincy Adams, of Mass, '25 , of Ken. '29 , of N.Y. '31 Ed- ward Livingston, of Louisiana. Secretaries of the Treasury. 1789 , of N. York. '95 Oliver Wolcott, ofConn. 1801 Samuel Dexter, of Mass. '02 Albert Gallatin, of Penn. '14GeoreeW. Campbell, of Tenn. '14 Alexander J. Dal!as,of Penn. '17 VViifianj U. Crawford, of Georgia. '25 Rich- ard Rush, of Penn. '29 Samuel D. Inghain, of Penn. '31 Lewis McLane, of Delaware. Secretaries of War. 1789 Henrj' Knox, of Mass. '95 Timothy Pick- ering, of Mass. '9S James McHenry, of Maryland. 1800 Samuel

Dextdr, of Mass. '01 Roger Griswold, of Conn. ' '01 , of Mass. '09 William Eustis,of Mass. 'IS.John Armstrong, ofN.Y. '15 Wm. H. Crawford, of Georgia. '17 Isaac Shelby, of Ky. (did not accept.) '17 John C. Calhoun, of S. C. '25 of Wr^ '28 Peter B. Porter, of N. Y. '29 John H. Eaton, of Tenn. '31 Lewis Cass, of Ohio. Secretaries of the JVavy.* 1798 George Caliot, of Mass. '98 Eenj. Stoddert, of Md. 1802 Robert Smith', of Md. '05 Jacob Crownin- shield, of Mass. '09 Paul Hamilton, of S. C. '12 William Jones, of Penn. '14 Benj. W. Crowninshield, of Mass. '18 Smith Thompson^ ©f N. Y. '23 Samuel L. Southard, of N.J. '29 John Branch, of N.C. '31 Levi Woodbury, of N. H. Post Master Generals. 1780 Samuel Osgood, of Mass. '91 Timothy Pickering, of Mass. '95 Joseph Habersham, of Georgia. 1892 Gideon Gr.mger, ofConn. '14 Return J.Meiss, of Ohio. '23 John M'Lean, of Ohio. '29 William T. Barry, of Kent. ChiefJustices of the SnpremeCourt. 1789 , of N.Y. appointed^. ^ William Gushing, of Mass. '96 Oliver Ellsworth, ofConn. 1800 John Jay, of N. Y. '01 John Marshall, of Vir. Mtomeys General. 1789 Edmund Randolph, of Virg. appointed^ '94 William Bradford, of Penn. '95 Charles Lee, of Virg. 1801 Levr Lincoln, of Mass. '05 Robert Smith, of Maryland. '06'John Brech- enbridge,of Ken. '07 Cfesar A. Rodney, of Del. '11 AVilliam Pink- ney, ofMnr. '14 , of Penh. '17 William Wirt, of Vir. »29 John M. Rerrien, of Geo. '31 Roser B. Taney, of Mar. Speakers. 1st Congress Fred. A. Muhlenburgh. 2d Cong. Jona. Trumbull. 3d, F. A. Muhlenburgh. 4th and 5th, . «th, . 7th, 8th, 9th, . 10th and ilth, Joseph B. Vamum. 12th, 13fh, 14th, J5th, and 16th, Henry Clay, during the 1st sess:ion, and John W. Taylor, during the 2d session. 17fh, Philip P. Barbour. 18tli, Henry Clay. 19th John W. Taylor. 20th, 2lPt, and 22d, Andrew Stevenson. * Thi» department was not established until the 30th of April 179S, beiog prio» td that date a branch pf the War Department. 1

228 Population of the United States. CENSUS OF STATES,

FOR 1790, 1800 , 1810, 1820, and 1830. _ - States. ,83q; 399,468 269,533 610,014 97,210

297,7 1 280,679 ,913,508 320,772 ,347,672 76,73& 446,913^ 39,588 ,2H.'266 738.470 581,458 516,504 688,844 684,822 937,679 341,582 136.806 157,575 215,791 140,084 309,206 31,128 30.383 34,725 Population of Cities. 2-29^

CENSUS OF TOWNS AND CITIES. CITY REGISTER. City of Boston Incorporated Feb. 23, 1822.

This edifice, now in tho occupancy of the Municipaf Officers of the City, was erected in 17J4. The expense was borne equally between the then Province and town oT Boston. By a severe fire, in 1747, it became necessary Kr entirely rebuild the interior: again, the Province paid- one half the expense, the County of Suffolk one quarter,? and the inhabitants of Boston wore assessed for the re-- niainder. After tiie Revolution, it was the place of" meeting for the General Court, till after the completion ofT the State-House, near Beacon hiil. From about that time, to the year 1830, (thirty years,) the lower floor and cellar, were used by various tradesmen, Insurance Offices,- &c. At tile close of 1830, liaving been th<)roughly repaired, it was, by an ordinance of the City Government, called the City Hull.,—by which name it is hereafter to be designated. It stands at the head of State Street, and on^ the line of Washington Street, the Broadway of the Metropolis of Massachusetts. Its length is 112 feet, by 36 in width, with a tower, overlooking most of the City and^ harbour, rising from the centre of the roof. Being in the very focus of business, and nearly in tlie centre of the city, the use to which this venerable pile is now devoted,, appears to give universal satisfaction.

On tiie first floor are three large rooms : that facing Washington Street, is the Post-Ofiice. At the other^ extremity, looking down State Street, is the Marine Nevvs- Room, one of tho best conducted establishments, for the accotnmodation of Merchants, in the United States. The middle room, a lofty apartment, supported by pillars, is the exchange, and common thorough-fare to the Public- Ofiices. Fronj this centra] room or Merchants' Exchange, is a flight of winding stairs, leading to a suit of apartments, irr the second story. Directly over the Post-Office is the splendid Hall of the Common Council, in which they ordinarily meet, on public business, every Monday even- ing. Opposite, over the Exchange Room, is the no less richly and tastefully ornamented Hall of the Mayor and Aldermen. In this room, the Chief Magistrate of the, City Officers in Boston. 231 tTity, together with the City Clerk, remain through the day, in the discharge of their ordinary duties. The Board of Aldermen hold their meeting, also, on Monday evenings.—Around the circular area of the stairs, are a series of Offices, viz, the Auditor's, Treasurer's, Assistant City Clerk's, Clerk of Common Council, and the Health Office, which latter accommodates the City Marshal, Superintendent of Burial Grounds, Physician of the Port, Captain of the Watch, Superintendent of Lamps, and the Commissioner of Streets. Another flight of stairs leads to the third story, in which is the Office of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, City Land Commissioner, Messenger, a Committee Room., Post-Master's private apartment, and a large Hall, in which is a recently organized public Vaccine Institution, for the gratuitous innoculation of the poor, during the winter months. The whole is lighted with gas, as well as the lamps at the four corners of the building. Besides being highly ornamental to the city, the concentration of so many important Offices under one roof, renders the City Hall an object of peculiar interest.

'.•- ... . 1. •..-....' -J CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, Hok. CHARLES WELLS. Office, City Hall. ALDERMEN. Henry J. Oliver John Binney Benjamin Russell Richard D. Harris John B. MCleary *Jabez Ellis Henry Farnam common council. Ward No. 1. Simon W. Robinson, Charles French, *John Center, *. No. 2. John W. James, Ephraim Milton, Daniel Dickenson, *John B. Tremere. No. 3. Larra Crane, James Clark, Asa Swallow, Samuel Chessman. No. 4. John Rayner, Joseph Eveleth, Joshua B. Flint, *George Hallet. No. 5. Levi B. Haskell, Charles Leighton, Williani farker, *Eliphalet P. Hartshorn.

* New Membera. ^32 City Officers in Boston.

No. 6. Isaac Waters, Joseph S. Hastings, ^Jonathan Porter, "Grenville T. Winthrop. No, 7. Thomas Wetmore, Levi Bartlett, "Henry Rice, *Isaac Parker. No. 8. John P. Bigelow, Jacob Amee, Edward G, Prescott, Edward H. Robbins. No. 9. Thomas Minns, Leach Harris, 'JohnL.Dimr mock, *Richard Hildreth. No. 10. Levi Bliss, Ebenezer Bailey, | *John Collamore, jr. *Francis Brinley, jr. No. IL Joseph Hay, *John L. Phillips, "Gilman Prichard, *Henry W, Kinsman. No. 12. Henry Hatch, *Ebenezer Hayward, •Thomas Hunting, *Joseph Harris, jr.

Samuel F. M'Cleary, City Clerk. Thomas Clark, Clerk of the Common Council and AfsisU ant City Clerk. Wiiliam Mackay, City Treasurer. Benjamin Pollard, City Marshal. William Hayden, jr. Auditor of JJecounts. Enoch Patterson, Street Commissioner. Flavel Case, Captain of the Watch, and Superintendtnt of Lamps. Francis Jackson, Land Commiissioner. John Pickering, City Solicitor. Johnson Colby, Messenger. HEALTH OFFICERS. Benjamin Pollard, Internal Health Commissioner. Samuel H. Hewes, Superintendent of the Burial Grounds. Jerome V. C. Smith, m. d. Resident Physician, Rainsford Island. [Otficss, City Hall.] Consulting Physicians, Drs. John C. Warren, Benjamin Shurtloff, George Hayward, John Randall, George C,. Shattuck. -George P. Tev?ksbury, Captain of the Quarantine Boat, John Oliver, Steward of Rainsford Island Hospital. OVERSF.ERS OF THE POOR.

Ward 1. Joseph Lewis 7. Samuel Perkins 2. Benjamin Dodd 8. James H. Foster '3. George F. Kern 0. Aaron P. Cleveland 4. Ezri Chamberlin 10. Samuel Sanger 6. Daniel Henchman IL Richards Child Q. Billings Briggs 12. Abraham Simond? .

City Officers in Boston. 233

The Board hold a meeting on the afternoon of the first Wednesday of every month, at their office, . The Overseers of the Poor are likewise incorporated as a Board of Trustees, of John Boylston's and other charitable funds, left for the assistance of persons of good character, and advanced age, " who have been reduced jby misfortune to indigence and want." Treasurer and Clerk to the Corporation, James H. Foster, Esq. The meetings of the board of Trustees are held in April and October. DIRECTORS OF THE HOUSE OF INDUSTRY AND KEFORMATIOS Richards Child Moses Grant Richard B. Callender A. P. Cleveland Samuel Snelling, jr. Moses Wheeler Benjamin Willis Joseph Lewis Rev. E. M. P. Wells, Intendent House of Reformation. Artemas Simonds, Superintendent House of Industry. OVERSEERS OF THE HOUSE OF CORRECTION. Moses Grant, Edmund Parsons, Lemuel P. Grosvenor. SCHOOL COMMITTEE.

Ward 1 . Rev. Wm. Croswell 7. Charles P. Curtis 2. William Little 8. Benjamin A. Gould 3. Charles Arnold 9. Benjamin C. Clark 4. Dr. Joseph W.McKean 10. Willard Phillips 5. Henry Williams 11. John Knapp 6. Samuel A. Wells ' 12. Mellish L Motte FIRE DEPARTMENT. Thomas C. Amory, Chief Engineer. Engineers. William Barnicoat Nehemiah P. Mann, jr. Benjamin Yeaton John Hammond Thomas Haviland David Tillson John S. Tyler Henry Smith Benjamin M. Nevers David Kimball Ebenezer O. Hawes George M. Smith James Barry, jr. Richard S. Fay Charles Brintnall William G. Hodgkinfon Otis Munroe ^34 City Officers in Boston.

INSTRUCTERS IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Latin School, Sfhool-stiet't, Master, CharlfsK.Dillawaft JFnjjlisli High School, Hinckney St. " Solomon F. Miles. Eliot School, Noi th Bt-nnett st. " Cornelius Walker. •' Hancock " Hauovf r st. Barntim FieUl. Mayhew *' Hawkins st. ** William Clough. *' Bowtloin " Dernt- st. Abraham Andrews* Boylsion '' VVashiiii;tonPlace " Chaiits Fox. Adams *' Mason st. " Samuel Barrett. Iranklin " Tremont st. " Kichard G. I'arker, Hawes, South Boston *' William P. Page, African School, Belknap st. " William Basconi, WARD OFFICERS. No. 1. Robert Keith, Warden. —Joshua A. Carries, Clerk. Inspectors, William S. Baxter, David W. Badger, George P. Milne, John Liscora, John Gordon. No. 2. Benjamin Abrams, Warden.— Geo. W. Smith, Clerk. Inspectors, Ebenezer Tasker, Levi Wilcutt, Amos "Whitlemore, Thomas C. Hollis, Richard Bracket. No. 3. Ebenezer Smith, Warden.—John W. Hall, Clerk. Inspectors, Elijah Stearns, Marshall Tenney, , Ezra Paimer, jr. Charles A. Macomber. No. 4. James W. Burditt, Warden.— Daniel Parkman, Clerk. Inspectors, Tilly Biigham, William French, William R. Stacy, Job Taberl| Calvin S. Russell. No. 5. Michael Roulstone, Warden.—Samuel A. Allen, Clerk, Inspectors, Josiah Parker, James Marsh, Ebenezer N. Hunting, Edward F. Hall, Theophilus Burr. No. 6. George W. Bazin, Warden.—Theod. O. Thacher, Clerk. Inspectors, Horatio N. Crane, James Harrod, Dwight Prouly, James Cole, jr. D. C. Moore. No. 7. William Tilestoq, Warden.— Geo. S. Bulfinch, Clerk. Inspectors, Frederick H. Bridge, John B Hammatt, Willard Badger, Edward F. Hall, Francis Holden.

No. 8. Edward Eldridge, Warden. —Isaac M'Lellan, jr. Clerk. Inspectors, Thomas Tileston, J. Winslow Whitman, jr. Wathan Jarvis, John Grew, Bouthworth Shaw, jr. City Officers in Boston. 235

No. 9. Jabez C. Howe, Warden. — Horace Williams, Clerk. Inspectors, Aaron Breed, George S. Rodgers, James S. Bruce, Samuel Parsons. No. 10. Moses Wh&eler, Warden. — Elbridge G. Austin, Clerk. Inspectors, John Rupp, Thomas R. Dascomb, Edward R. Griffith, Richard A. Newell, Nathaniel R. Meder No. 11. John Knapp, Esq. Warden.— Otis Bullard, Clerk. Inspectors, Calvin Bullard, Granville Ellis, Stephen A. Pierce, William Willet, Flavel .VIoseley. No, 12. Thomas Hunting, Warden. —Joseph Dall, Clerk. Inspectors, James Garland, Thomas Lamson, jr. Jacob Page, Amasa G. Smith, Barker B. Kent.

Caleb Hayward, Clerk of Faneuil Hall Market. James Wilson, City Crier. [Office, under Exchange Coffee- House.] Samuel Phillips, John R. Bradford, Hay Weighers. Samuel Beals, James Hendley, Sealers of Weights and Measures. Caleb Loring, jr. Sealer of Boats and Lighters. George W. Otis, Surveyor General of Boards and Lumber. [Office 102, Milk street]. Deputy Surveyors. Jonathan Loring Thomas Barry William Fisk, for Rolun Hartshorn Samuel Waldron Mahogany. Warren Bowker Charles Hersey William Green,/or Seth Thaxter Samuel E. Robbins Ship Timber. JHenry BJake Thos. Lamson, jr. Fence Viewers. Nathaniel Bradlee Rolun Hartshorn Abel Hewins Romanus Emerson Cullers of Dry Fish. Nathaniel Howe Benjamin Luckis Charles L. Pook Benjamin Clark Cullers of Hoops and Staves. Benjamin Clark Charles L. Pook James Brown Nathaniel Howe Inspectors of Lime. Francis James Samuel Sprague 236 City Officers in Boston.

Assay Masters. John Wells Lewis A. Lauriat Hogrecves, Haywards, and Field Drivers. James Eilwood Levi White Charles Gaylord Surveyors of Hemp. Samuel Emmons Benjamin Rich Measurers of Wood. William Shattuck Samuel Phillips Moses Hadley William Fisk James Wilson Pound Keepers. Samuel Phillips Royal Oliver Levi White ASSESSORS. Samuel Norwood Henry Bass Thomas Jackson Assistant Assessors. Ward No. 1. Simon Wilkinson, Nicholas Little, No. 2. Benjamin Dodd, Benjamin Clark. No. 3. Philip Adams, Asa P. Adams. No. 4 Edward I). Clark, Gedney Kin^. No. 5. James McAllister, John S. Perkins. No. 6. Billings Briggs, Mark Healey. No. 7. Robert Rogerson, John W. Trull. No. 8. John Wheelwright, Benjamin Atkins. No. 9. Josiah Brad lee, Jeffrey Richardson. No. 10. Daniel Messinger, Solomon Piper. No. 11. John P. Thorndike, John Thompson. No. 12. Jacob Flinn, John Green, jr. Undertakers. , - - . - 4 Lynn street. Martin Smith, .... Prospect street. Joseph Wilcutt, .---.. Sea street. Thomas Murray, - - - - Dearborn Avenue. John Deluce, - - - - Dorchester Point. Oliver B. Alexander, - - Rear St. Paul's Church. Cyrus Babbit, Short street. Henry Davis, - - - - 163 Hanover street. Thomas Haskell, - - - - 27 Salem street. John B. Braid, South Boston. Stephen S. Andrews, - - - - Bromfield street. Joseph Wilcutt, jr. Salem street, Thomas Andrews, - - - - Bartlett street. Orun Faxon, - - - - 26 Washington street. Edward Barrington, ... - Margin street Jonathan Atherton, Warxen street^ rear ofWo. 39. Boston Medieal Association. 237

Constables appointed for one year, to July, 1832. Elisha Copeland, Pleas. -st. Michael Riley, Poplar-st. Jona. Prescott, Cambr.-st. John Henry, Hanover-st. Tho8. Holden, Brighton-st. Solo. B. Morse, Camb'd-st. George Reed, Southac-ct. Wm. Dinsmore, Poplar-st, josiah Baldwin, Pleasant-st. Abra. Lansing, Gouch-st. Horatio Bass, S. Bennet-st. Edm Chisole,Fnl. HI. Mkt. Eb. Trescott, Purchase-st. George Jones, Leveret-ct. Elis. V. Glover, Southac-ct. W. Clough, Lowell place. Ebenezer Shute, Ann-st. Derastus Clapp, Essex-ct. George Robinson, Salem-st. Wm. Andrews, So. Boston. ^James Pierce, Hawkins-st. John Reed, Pond-st, Mitchel Lincoln,Sudbury-st. Auctioneers, licensed to July, 1832. Eben. Alexander Samuel G. Drake Frink Stratton James M. Allen George L. Deblois Benj. Seaver George Bond Daniel Hersey Thomas R. Sewall Saml. F. Barry Edward F. Hall John L Spear .James Bourguin Jabez Hatch, jr. John Tyler T. M. Baker Nestor Houghton Charles Torrey Wm. A. Brabiner Elisha Haskell John S. Tyler Stephen Brown Thos. K. Jones William C. Tyler ehas. C. Beaman Loring Newcomb Richard Warren Henry Briggs Thos. B. Park S. Whitwell Geo. G. Channing Otis Rich Ferdi. E. White Saml. F. Coolidge Robert Robins James Wise J. L. Cunningham John H. Schaffer Prentiss Whitney William Dehon AndrewW.SchafFer MEMBERS OF THE BOSTON MEDICAL ASSOCIATION,

Arranged according to th« tima of thtir admittance.

William Spooner, Corner of Bowdoin St. and Somerset Place William Ingalls, 2 Hamilton Place. John Dixwell, 5 Somerset Place. James Jackson, 2G Summer Street. Benjamin Shurtleff, 134 Tremont Street. John C. Warren, 2 Park Street. John Randall, 20 Winter Street. George C. Shattuck, Staniford, corner of Canabridge St, 238 Boston Medical Association.

John B. Brown, Monfjromery Place. Jacob Biojelow, 27 Summer Street. Walter Cluinnin^, Tremont, Corner of School Street. Georae Hayvvard, St Paul's Row, Tremont Street. George Pai'kman, 2 Canibrid<^e Street. Amos Farnsworth, 136 Hanover Street. Abner Phelps, 49 Congress Street. Zabdiel B. Adams, 21 Pearl Street. Solomon D. Townsend, 16 Somerset Street. John Ware, Tremont Street. David Osgood, 32 High Street. Samuel A Shurtleff, Pemberton Hill. Enoch Hale, 14 West Street. Samuel Adams, 13 School Street. Edward Reynolds, jr. 12 Winter Street. Woodbridge Strong, 18 Winter Street. John Jeffries, 15 Franklin Street. Thomas W. Parsons, Surgeon Dentist, 16 Winter St. Josiah F. Flagg, Surgeon Dentist, 11 Winter Street. George B. Doane, 68 Court Street. Chandler Bobbins, jr. Franklin, Corner of Hawly Street. Caleb H. Snow. Jerome V. C. Smith, Health Office, City Hall, Qjuarantine Physician of the Port. George W. Otis. jr. 11 School Street. Edwin Adams, Milk Street. Samuel Morrill, 12 Sullivan Place, Federal street. Winslow Lewis, jr. Boylstor), Corner of Pleasant street, Hezekiah Eldridge, 170 Washington street. Charles T. Hildreth, 2 Orange street. D. Humphreys Storer, 114 Winter street. Joshua B. Flint, 16 Green street. Horatio Robinson, 24 School street. Charles W. Windship, 147 Federal street. J. Greely Stevenson, School, Corner of Tremont street, John Flint, 20 Tremont street. Jonas H. Lane, 170 Washington street, Joseph Palmer, 148 Federal street. Edvi^ard G. Davis, 17 Pearl street. Joseph W. McKean, 12 Hanover street. Martin Gay, 48 Milk street. Alexander Thomas, 35 Tremont street. John D. Fisher, 11 Hayward Place. Nathan C. Keep, Surgeon- Dentist, 286 Washington it. Frederick A. Sumner, jr. Corner of Federal and Milk sti. ;

Boston Medical Associationr 239

John B. Stebbins, Soufh Boston. Walker Bootli, 24 Howard street- Charles Choate, 114 Hanover street. William Grigg, 30 Atkinson street. Charles Walker, Corner of Hancock and Cambridge sts. Benjamin T. Prescott, Portland street, Nathaniel Peabody. Surgeon Dentist, 1 Tremont Place.- Giles H. Lodge, 5 H;Hnover street. Jolin C. Howard, 3 Tremont Place.

Daniel T. Ci»it, 1 Kingston street. Thomas Gray, jr. Belkoap, Corner of Cambridge street, John Homans, Milk street. Edward J. Davenport, JSullivan Place. Henry Dyer, 42 Chambers street. Daniel Harwood, Surgeon-Dentist, 12 West street. Augustus A. Gould, Tremont, Corner of Pemherton HrlF. Calvin Elli.s. Washington, Corner of Kneeland street. Slarshall S. Perry, VVashington st. near Washingt. Bank.- A. A. Watson, Washington, Corner of Harvard street. Thomas H. Thompson, 208 Hanover street. Levi B. Gale, 4 Franklin street. Samuel H. Smith, li Atkinson street. Albert Williams, GO Salem street. George Bartleit, Green, Corner of Chambers street. James Wilson, 98 Court street. Edward Warren, 1 Park street, Benjamin F. Wirig, Tremont street. Ambrose Seaton, 106 Purchase street. James Wood, Federal, Corner of Franklin street. W'illiam G. Hanaford, 2 Bovvdoin Square. Paul Simpson, jr. Federal, Corner of Franklin street. Ebenezer Parker, jr. 7 Green street. Ezra Palmer, jr. 52 Hanover street.

Mortality in Boston.

The Deaths in Boston, from Jan. 1, 1830 to Jan. 1, 1831, vpere 1125.

There died under 1 year of age, 184; from 1 to 2, 106; 2to5, 92;5to•

10, 37 ; 10 to 20, 5.5, 20 to 30, 143; 30 to 40, 131 ; 40 to 50, 100 ; 5^

.- to 60, 63 ; 60 to 70, 50 ; 70 to 80, 40 ; 80 to S0,.20 ; 90 to 100, 1 ; till-

; born, 100. There died of Apoplexy 12 Consumption 193 ; Croup 49

Cancer 6; Dropsy 68 ; Dysentery 22 ; Drowned 15; Fevers 107 ; In- flammation 27 ; Diseases of the Heart 11 ; Hooping Cough 16; Gravel

1; Frozen 2; Intemperance 19; Liver Complaint 17 ; Measles 13;

Old Age 47 ; Palsy 14 ; Small Pox 5 ; Suicide 8 ; Teething 12.

The Deaths in Boston, from Jan. 1, 1)^31, to Jan. 1, 1832, were 1429.

Consumption, 203 ; Intemperance, 38 ; Suicide, 12 ; Saaall Pox, 4. ^40 Stages from Boston. LIST OF STAGES,

The houses at which theij start from., arid arrive at, Boston.' *,* From Messrs. Badger and Porter's last " Stage Register." Albany Mail, via Greenfield, leaves Brigham'a 42^Hanover-Bt Mon.- Wed and Fri at 2 a m, and arrives in Boston, Tu Th and Sat. Albany, via, Brattleboro', Vt. leaves Brigham's 42 Hanover-st, Men Wed and Fri at 2 a m, and arrives at 8 p m. Albany Mail, via Northampton, leaves Earl's 36 Hanover-st, Mon Wed and Fri at 2 a m, and arrives i>ext day at 7 p m. Albany, via Springfield, leaves Earl's, Hanover-st, every day, ex. Sun. at 2 a m, and arrives at 7 p ni. Albany Accom. via Northampton, leaves Earl's, Hanover-st. Tues Tb and Sat at 2 a m, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri at 8 evening. Albany Mail, via Springfield, leaves Earl's, 36 Hanover-st. Tu. Th and Sat at 2 a m, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri at 7 p m. Albany Mail, via Greenfield, leaves Wilde's, 11 Elm-st,Tu Th and Sat at 2 a m, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri at 7 p m. Andover, leaves City Tavern, every day, Sunday except, at 3 p m, and arrives at 1-4 past 9. Amherst, Windsor and Burlington Mail, leavies City Tavern every morning at 7, and arrives at 3 p m. Bedford and Lowell, leaves Brigham's, Union-sl. Tu Th and Sat at 9 p m Leaves Lowell, Mon Wed and Fri at 8 a m, Bristol and Warren Mail, via Taunton, leaves Shepherd's, Brom- field-st, Mon Wed and Fri at 5 a m, arrives next days at 6 p m. Bridgewater and Randolph Mail, leaves Shepard's, Bromfield-st', Tu Th and Sat at 12 noon, and arrives at 19 noon. Brookline, leaves Norfolk Avenue, every day except Sunday, at 1-2 past 11, 3 and 5. Beverly leaves City Tavern, every day except Sun. at 3 pm, and* arrives at 10 a m. Barnstable, via Plymouth and Falmouth, leaves City Tavern, Tu Th and Sat at 3 a m, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri at 6 p m. Concord, N. H. leaves Wilde's 11 Elm-st, Mon Wed and Fri at 1-2 past 6 a m, and arrives next days at 5 p m. Concord, N. H. via Dsrry, leaves 9 Elm-st, Mon Wed and Fri at 7 a m, and arrives next days at 6 p m. Concord, N. 11. via Lowell, leaves 9 Elm-st, Mon Wed and Fri at 7 a m, and arrives next days at 5 p m. Concord, N. H. and Bu-riington, Vt. Mail, leaves 9 Elrh-at, Tu Th and Sat. Concord Accom. leaves Brigham's 42 Hanover-st, Mon Wed and Sat at 4 p m, and arrives at 9 a ra. Charlestown Hourly leaves 45 Brattle-st. Cambridge, leaves 45 Brattle-st, every day except Sun. at 9 & 11 am, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 p m. Cambridge and East-Cambridge, leaves 45 Brattle-st, every day, except Sunday, at 8 a ni, returns at 1pm, with the mail. Cambridgeport Hourly, leaves 45 Brattle-st. Canton, leaves Jennings, 9 Elm-st, Mon Tu TK and Sat at 4p m. Dudley Accom. leaves Earls, 36 Hanover-st. Tu Th and Sat. at 7 a m, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri p m. Dover, N.H. leaves 85 Ann-st, every morning, except Sunday at 8, and arrives at 4 p m. Dorchester and South Boston, leaves Norfolk Avenue, at 10, 2 &: 5. Dedham, leaves Jennings, 9 Eltn st, at 1-2 past 3 pm, and arrircB- at 1-2 past 8 a mw •

Stages from Boston. 241

ftuxbury, leaves City Tavern, Wed and Sat at 10 a m, and arrives io dine. Duxbury Accom. leaves City Tavern, Wed and Sat. at 10 a m. East Sudbury and Rutland Mail, leaves Brigtiam's 42 Hanover-etj- Tu 'i'h and Sat mornings at 8, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri at 4p m. Eastern Mail, leaves 85 Ann-st, every day, at 7 p m, and arrives in Salem at 9, in Newburyport i2 at night, in Portsmouth! at 3 a m, and Portland at 12 noon, and arrives in Boston, at 8 p m. Fitchburg, Keene, IM. H. and Rutland, Vt. leaves Wilde's 11 Elm-st Mon Wed and Friday mornings at 4 and City Tavern Tu Th and Sat at 6, and arrives same afternoons. Groton Accom. leaves Brigham's, Hanover-st, TuTh and Sat morn, at 9, and arrives JNion Wed and Fri at 4 p m. Gloucester Mail, leaves City Hotel, every day except Sunday at 1-2 past 11 a m, and arrives at 1-2 past 12 noon. Haverhill and Concord, N. H leaves 11 Elm-st, Mon Wed and Fri at 7 a m, and arrives next days at 6 p in. Hyannis Mail, leaves City Tavern, Mon Wed and Fri at 3 a m. Hopkinton, N. H. leaves 11 Elm-st, Tu Th and Sat at 7 a m, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri at 6 p m. Hartford and New-Haven, middle road, leaves Wilde's 11 Elm-st, Mon Wed and Fri at 6 am, and arrives next p m. Hartford, leaves Earl's, Hanover-st, Mon Wed and Fri at 9 a m,— and arrives next days at 2 p m. Haverhill and Andover Accom. leaves Wilde's Elm-st, at 1-2 past 2 p m, and arrives at half past 10. Hingham, leaves Ehn-st Hotel, at 3 p m, and arr. at 1-2 past 9, a ms Jamaica Plains, leaves Norfolk Avenue every day except Sun. at 8, a m, and 5 p in. Keene, N. H. Mail, leaves Brigham's, 42 Hanover-st, ev«ry morn, at 4, and arrives same evening. Lowell, Nashuii, Amherst, N. H. and Francestown, leaves Suffolk Hotel, Tu Th and Sat mornings at 7, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri. Lowell and Nashua, N. H. leaves Marlborough Hotel, every day, except Sunday at 7 a ni. Lowell, leaves Elm-st, Tu Th and Sat at 2 p m. Lowell, leaves Wilde's Elm-st, Tu Th and Sat at half past 7 a m. Lowell, leaves Wilde's, Elm-st, every day, except Sun. at 1-2 past ap ra. Lowell, leaves 6 Elm-st, every day, except Sun. at 2 p m, and arrives at 11 a m. Lancaster and Fitchburg Accom. leaves City Tavern, Tu Th and Sat mornings at 8, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri at 2 p m. Montreal and Q.uebec Mail, leaves Wilde's, Elm-st. every morning except Sun at 7, and arrives p m Medfield, Medway and Mendon, leaves 11 Elm-st, Mon Wed and Fri at 7 a m, and arrives next days at 5 p m. Milton, leaves 11 Elm-st, every day. Sun. excepted, at 1-2 past 4, p m, and' arrives at 1-2 past 9 am. Marblehead, leaves City Tavern, every day, except Sunday, at 1-2 past 4 p m, and arrives at 10 a m. Medford, leaves Wilde's, 11 Elm-st, every day except Sunday at 1-2 past 12 noon, and 5 p m. Marshfield, Scituate, Cohasset, Hingham, leaves City Tavern, Tu Th and Sat at 10 a m, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri to dine; Northampton and Albany Accom. leaves Earl's Coffee, Mon Wed ftnd Fri at Ham, and arrives next days. w 543 Stages from Boston.

Nashua and Concord, N. H. Mail, leaves 11 Elm-st, Tu Th and Sat at 6 a m, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri at 6 p in. New-Bedford Mail, leaves City Tavern, Mon Wed and Fri at half past 6 am, and arrives next days, afternoon. New-Bedford Accirai. leaves City Tavern Mon Wed and Fri at half past 8, and arrives next days, evening. New-Bedford Acconi., via Taunton, leaves Shepard's, Bromfield-6t Tu Th and riat mornings at 8, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri even. Newport Mail, leaves Shepard's, BromfieJd lane, every day, Suit.- excepted, at 5 a m, and arrives every day, evening. Newburyport, Exeter and Dover, N. H. Accom. leaves 85 Ann-st, every morning, except Sunday, at 1-2 past 7, and arrives at 6 p m. Newburyport & Amesbary, leaves 85 Ann-st, every day except Suit' at 2 p m, and arrives at 1 p m. Newton, Needliam, Natick, Sherburne, Holliston, Milford, Mendotf and Uxbridse Daily line, leaves Wilde's 11 Elm-st, Mon Wed and Fri at 7 a m, and Tu Th and Sat at 1-2 paist 11 a m. New-York iMail, leaves Earl's, 36 Hanover-st, every day, at 10 pm« Plymouth, Sandwich, Falmouth and Barnstable Mail, leaves City Tavern every morning except Sun, at 1-2 past 3, and arrives after n. Plymouth Accom. leaves City Tavern, Tu Th and Sat at 10 a m. Plymouth and New-Bedford Mail, leaves City Tavern, Mon Wed and Fri at 7 a m, and arrives next days at 5 p m. Portland, via Portsmouth, leaves Wilde's, 85 Ann-st, every morn- ing except Sun. at 8, and arrives at 5 p m. Portland, via Haverlrill, Exeter & Dover, leaves Wilde's, U Elm-st every day except Sun. at 1-2 past 7 a m, and arrives at 6 p m. Peterborough, N. H. leaves Elm-st, Tu Th-and Sat morning at7,— and arrives Mon Wed and Fri at 4 p m. Providence Citizen's Stage, leaves Marlborough Hotel, every morn- ing except Sunday at 5. Accom. Stage leaves every day, except Sun at 1-2 past 11. Another Accom. leaves every day except Sun. at 8 a m. Providence, Union line, leaves Brigham's 42 Hanover-street, every morning at 5, and connects with the steam boats at Providence. Providence Treinont Coaches^, leave City Tavern, every day except Sunday, at 5 a m, and arrive at 7 p m. Portsmouth Accom. leaves 85 Ann st, every morning except Sun. at 7, and arrives at 5 p m. Gluincy, leaves Jennings, Elna-st, every day, except Sun. at 4 pm, and arrives at 1-2 past 8, a m. Randolph and New-Bedford Accom. leaves City Tavern, Mon W«d and Fri at 8 a ni, and arrives next days, afternoon. Ro«burv Ho-irlv, leaves Norfolk Avenue, Washington-st, Rutland Accom., leaves Brigham's 42 Hanoverst, Tu Th and Sat at 8 a m, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri at 4 p m. Stow, Bolton, Lancaster and Sterling Accom. leaves Wilde's 11 Elm-sl, Tu Th and Sat mornings at 7, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri to dine. Scituate, leaves City Tavern, Tu a:nd Sat at 1pm, and arrives Mon and Fri at 11 a m. Salem, leaves^ City Tavern, every day, except Sun. at 8, 10 1-2, 3 1-2, 4 1-2, 5 1-2. The Stage that leaves Boston at 3 1-2 p m proceeds to Beverly same evening. Leaves Salem, every day, except Sun. at ? 1-2, 8 1-0, 9 1-2, 10 1-2, and 2 and 4 pm. So. Reading, leaves Jennings, 9 Elm-st, Mon Wed and Sat at 4pni. So. Boston, leaves Mansion-house, Milk-st, at 9 and 11 a m, and 1. 3, 6 and 8 pm. Leaves So. Boston, at 8 and 12 m. and 2 and 5 pn|. Rates of Wharfacfe. 243

Taanton, leaves Shepard's, Bromfield-st, every day except Sun. at 1-2 past 12 noon. Woburn, leaves Jenning's, Elm-st, Men Wed and Sat at 4 p m,— and arrives at 9 a m. Walthara and Watertovvn, leaves Wilde's 11 Elm-st, every day, except Sunday, at 4 p m, and arrives at 9 a m. Worcester Accom. leaves Earl's 36 Hatiover-st, Mon Wed and Frl at 10 a ni, and arrives next days at 1 p m. Worcester, leaves 7 Elm-st, Tu Th and Sat mornings at 9. Worcester Accom. leaves 11 Elm-st, Tu Th and ^?at at 10 a m, and Sat at 10 a ra, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri at 1 p m. Weymouth Accom. leaves City Tavern, Tu Th and Sat at 1 p m, and arrives Mon Wed and Fri at 12 noon. Weymouth and Randolph, leaves Wilde's, Elm-st, Mon Wed and Sat at 3 p m. RATES OF WHARFAGE ON LONG, CENTRAL, AND INDIA WHARFS, BOSTON, Anchors 24i Rates of Wharfage.

I.ead and Shot .... 30 ptr ton Mahotrany ..... 30 per ton 480 fret Nai'kins 4 and 3 per bale Onions . - . - . 4 per 100 bundiei Plaster of Pa lis and Stone - - 25 per ton Packages of Goods .... 121-2 IteamsofVVrapping Paper - . 1-2 {tjf The WhaiTageof all Goods shipped by, or consigned to, people residing out of the City, is to be paid by the master ur owner uf the vessel leceiving or landing such goods. Goods if taken away any time short of a month, pay the rame rate of storage, as for an entire month. Goods brought on the wharf, by trucks, or otherwise, for public lale, to pay the same wharftge as if lauded thereon. Goods put into a store for public sale, to pay one month's storage. Goods taken by one vessel from another, to pay half the wharfage that the same would have paid had they been landed or shipped from the vhaif; the whaif^ge to be paiti by the vessel nearest the Hharf. Goods received from, or loaded on board coasters, to be paid for by the masters of the coisters; unless the same are shipped, or received, bf persons belonging to Boston, and a return thereof to be made by the master of the coaster to the wharfinger. The wharfage of goods landed, other than from coasters, to be paid by theseher, or person landing them, except lumber, the wharfageon which is to be paid by the purchaser. The wharfige of Good*, shipped off the wharf, to be paid by the vessel that receives them on board, or the person who ships them. All merchandizeshippedofFthewhaifto pay the same rates ofwharfage as for landiiip-, when the property may have been sold or otherwise disposed of, flour excepted, the w harfage of which will be charged in all cases, whether shipped b\ the importer or other person. Mahogany, dye wood, and lumber, landed on the wharf, to be imme- diately taken away, or piled up by the wharfinger at the expense of the owner or consignee. Vessels will be charged dockage for the day of their arrival, but not for the day of their departure. Vessels lying at the wharf, are to be removed at the request of the wharfinger, and if not done at his request, the vessel will be removed by the wharfinger, at the risk and expense of the owner. Vessels hauling to the w harf, are expected to have their jib and spanker booms, and sprit-sail yards, rigged in, and to accommodate other vessels as much as possible. Vessels being loaded, and coming fronri, or going to other wharres, to pay double rates of dockage, to remove when directed by the wharfinger* and not to remain at the wharf, except with his permission. No vessel with unslacked lime, will be allowed to lie at the wharf, except with the particular permission of the wharfinger. No fire will be permitted on the wharf, nor any tar or pitch to be heated on board any vessel lying at the wharf, excepting when such vessel may be afloat, or a special permission be obtained from the wharfinger. No sand, gravel, or other ballast, to be landed on the wharf, unlesa with the approbition and under the inspection of the wharfinger; nor are the dirt, sweepings of the hold, or other articles, under any pre- tence whatever to be thrown into the dock. Noboats are tobe put on the wharf, except in the winter season, and then only with the consent of the whai finger. No articles of any kind whatever, put ui)on the wharf are tobe con- sidered as entitled to remain there any hmger time than the wharfinger •hall consent to, and always subject to be lemoved at the expeuje of tJ>e APPENDIX.

Page 49. Dele John Derby, Salem, Justice of the Peace. 49 & 50. Dele Thomas Stevenson, Gloucester, as Notary Public and Counsellor at Law. 50. In.sert Alfred Kiltredge, Attorney at Law. 53. Dele Abraham Edwards, as J. P. insert him at Cambridge. 54. Dele Josiah Bacon, J. P. Newton. 55. Insert Lowell B. Streeter, Counsellor at Law. 55. Insert Charles Bemis, as attorney S.J.C.VVatertown. 56. Insert Ira Cleaveland, Attorney C. P. Natick. 56. Insert William Sawyer,Attorney C.P. Charlestown. .t56. Insert William L. Chaplin, Attorney C. P. Groton. f 61. Dele William Spooner, J. P. Plymouth. ^,61. Dele jun. after Solomon Lincoln, llingham. J>62. Insert Jotham Lincoln, Notary Public, Hingham. L.64. Dele Jones Godfrey, J. P. andQ,. Taunton. ' 65. Dele Joseph Tisdale, J. P. Taunton. *^2. Insert W. S. Hastings, J. P. and Q. Mendon. ^75. Dele Daniel Henshaw, J. P. Worcester. ,' 79. Insert Jonathan Richardson, J. P. Cheshire, and dele him at Adams. 79. Dele Nathaniel Tracy, J. P. Hinsdale. 81. Insert the following as Deputy -Slieriffs for the County of Berkshire. Adams, (N. village) Jabez Hall Lee. (N. vil.) James Wakefield do. (South) Robert R. Briggs do. (South) Joshua A. Barton Alford, Stephen M. Church New Marlboro', Daniel Adams Dalton, Roland Foot Otis, Elam P. Norton Gr.Barringt., Miles Bartholomew Piltsfield, John Pomeroy Hancock, Charles Taylor Richmond, Ebenez.K. Williama Lanesboro', Hiram Humphrey SandisQeld, Stephen Palmer Lenox, Oliver Drury, Joseph Sheffield, Robert R. Root Palmer Williamstown, Solomon Bulkley 84. Dele George C. Wilde, J. P. Wrentham. ^^85. Dele Daniel Ware, Coroner, Needham. ,89. Dele Gad Colton, J. P. Longmeadow. * 98. Insert Charles P. Huntington, of Northampton, as Judge Advocate, 4th Division. ^ . 114. Insert Rev. John H. Hopkins, as Colleague with Rev. George W. Doane. 119. Insert Rev. Melancton J. Wheeler, as pastor of the 1st Congregational Society in Abington. 125. Insert Rev. Henry F Edes, as pastor of the 1st CoAgreeational Soeiety in Canton, Q46 Commissioners in Massachusetts.

125. Insert Rev. George Walker, as pastor of the Baptist Society in Windsor. 168. Insert William W. Montgomery, as President of U. States Bank, at New Orleans, instead of Beverly Chew. 190. Insert William C. H. Waddel, instead of Thomai Morris, Marshal, N. York. 206. Dele Francis X. d Medino, as Consul, from Colum- bia, and insert Domingo Acosta.

COMMISSrOJVERS resident in other States, who have been appointed by the Government of Massachusetts to take testimony and depositions to be read in the Courts of Massachusetts,—also to administer Oaths and to takt the acknoicledgment of Deeds, Poitiers of Attorney, and all instruments under seal to be recorded in said Commomoealth. William H. Ma."iwell, City of New York, New York. Clement C. Biddle, Philadelphia, Pennsylv. William Willis, Portland, Maine. Levi.Chamberlain, Fitzwilliam, N. Hamps. Hampden Cutts, Portsmouth, N. Hamps. David A. Hall, Washington, Dist.ofCol. Gurdon Deming, Fayetteville, N. (Carolina Matthew Hall McAllister, Savannah, Georgia. Henry Chamberlain, Mobile, Alabama. William H. Smith Providence, Rh. Isl.

Commonwealth Hospital. The Legislature, the past year, having appropriated seven thousand dollars for a stone Hospital, at the Quarantine Ground, Rainsford Island, it is now in the process of building As it is intended exclusively for persons labouring under the small pox, it has been planned with reference to the comfort and convenience of persons laboring under that loathsome disease.

The building is sixty-four feet, by thirty-six ; three stories high in front, and two on the back side, — sur- rounded by lofty fluted columns, supporting a double row of piazzas, eight feet in width. — In a few months it is expected to be ready for the reception of the sick, arriving from foreign countries.

Commonwealth Insane Hospital. A noble edifice is now building in the beautiful town of Worcester, by the State, at the expense of thirty thousand Manufactories incorporated in 1831. 247

dollars, for an Insane Hospital, in which unfortunate maniacs, belonging to the Commonwealth, are to be supported.

Berkshire Medical Institution. The annual course of Medical Lectures in this Institution, commences the first week in September, and continues three months. — Degrees are given at the close of the term, and at the annual Commencement of Williams College, with which the School is connected.

Massachusetts Colonization Society. President^ Hon. Samuel Lathrop. Vice-Presidents, Rt. Rev. Alexander V. Griswold, Hon. Henry A. S. Dearborn, Hon. William B. Calhoun, Hon. ijlsaac C. Bates, Rev. Daniel Sharp, Hon. Alexander H. Everett, Rev. Wilbur Fiske. Secretary, Jerome V. C. Smith, m. d., Boston. Treasurer^ Isaac Mansfield, Esq., Boston. The Board of Managers hold quarterly meetings for the transaction of business. The annual meeting for the choice of Officers, is held in the month of January, in the State House.

Franklin Lectures. This is a Society, organized for giving an annual course of Lectures, at the Masonic Temple, on all subjects of useful knowledge, for the benefit of such as are debarred from access to other popular lectures, on account of the price.

Manufactories incorporated in 1831. JVame. LiOCATION. Taunton Copper, Hainiltun Cotton and Woollen, SuiTolk Cotton and Woollen, Northampton Woollen, Fourdriuier Paper, W^atuppa Cotton and Woollen, Boston Paper, Northborough Cotton, Boston Hemp, Hanson Cotton and Woollen, Beaman Cotton and Woollen, Palmer Woollen and Cotton, Lawrence Cotton and Woollen, Boston Wrought Nail, Suffolk Iron, New-England Iron Works Boston Porcelain, g48 Masonic Societies.

. STEPHEN GIRARD'S WILL Gives to the Pennsylvania Hospital, subject to the payment of an annuity of $200 to a female slave, whom he sets free, §30,000. To the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, $-20,000. To the Orphan's Asy- lum $10,000. To the Controllers of the Public Schools, $10,000. To the City Corporation, to be invested, and the inierest to be applied annually in the purchase of Wood for the Poor, $10,000. To the So- ciety of Ship Masters, $10,000. To the Free Masons' Lodge, .$20,000. For a School, to be erected in tlie township of Passyunk, for poor white Children, $3,030. Sundry Legacies to Individuals amounting to $123,000. Several Annuities amounting to about, $4,000, To the City of New Orleans, 1000 acres of improved Land in the territory of Mississippi, and one-third of 237,000 acres of unimproved Land in the same territory. To the City of Philadelphia the remaining two-thirds of the said unimproved Lands. This land is said to be now worth 503,000 dollars. To the City of Philadelphia, Stock in the Schuylkill Navigation Compuiy, $110,000. For a College for poor^ white male children and its proper endovvmeirts, the sum of$2,000,000. To the City of Philadelphia for certain City Improvements, to be in- vested, and the interest to be annually applied, $500,000. All his remaining Estate, real and personal, (no part of the real estate to be sold) is to be applied as falliiws: —in further aid of the said College—improvements of the City and in relief of the Ta-xes. This Estate is very large, but not yet valued. To the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to be applied to Internal Improvements by Canals, pro- vided the Legislature shall, within one year from Stephen Girard's decease, pass laws authorizing the City of Philadelphia to make the intended improvements—otherwise to the United States for the same object, $300,000. The Gentlemen hereafter named are the Executors of his will. Timothy Paxson, Thomas P. Cope, Joseph Roberts, William J. Duane, John A. Barclay. •- "^ i.. MASONIC SOCIETIES.

General Grand Encampment of Knights Templars in the United States. Kev. Jonathan Nye, Claremont, N. H. G. G. Master. Next Triennial meeting of the G. G. Encampment will be held in the city of Baltimore, September, 1832.

Grand Encampment of Massachusetts and Rhode- Island. Meet annf.ally, John J. Lorinjr, E?q. Boston, G. Master. Robert Lash, Boston, B. G. Master. Jacob Amee, of Boston, G. Generalissimo. Thomas Power, of Boston, G. Captain General. Ezekiel L. Hascom, Ashby, Grand Prelate. Edward A^ Raymond, of Boston, G> S, Warden* Masonic Societies. 249

Abraham A. Dame, of Boston, G, J. Warden. Moses Richardson, of Providence, G. Treaiui'er.> Samuel Howe, of Boston, G. Recorder. Daniel Tenney, of Sutton, G. Warder. Joseph Youngs, of Newburyport, G. Standard Bearer. John Hewes, of Boston, G. Sword Bearer.

General Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the United Slates. Edward Livins:ston, of New York, G, G His^h Priest. Hon. Joel R. Poinsett, (S.C.) D. G. G. H.P. Edward K. Stapleton, of Baltimore, G. G. Scribe. Rev. Paul Dean, of Boston, G. G. King. Peter Grinnell, of Providence, G. G. Treasurer. Lebbeus Chapman, of N'ew-York, G. G. Secretary. Rev. Jonathan Nye, Claremont, (N. H.) G. G. Chaplain. Amos Nourse, of Maine, G Marshal. Next meeting in Baltimore, September, 1832.

Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts. stated meetina;s in Jijne, September and December. Officers elected in September. Rev. Samuel Clark, of Princeton, Grand High Priest. Robert Lash, of Boston, Deputy Grand High Priest, ilev. Charles Train, of Framins:ham, G. King. Charles Wells, G. Scribe. Abraham A. Dame, G. Treasurer. Samuel Howe, G. Secretary. Rev. Sebastian Slreeter, ) Rev. Samuel Barrett, \ G. Chaplains, Rev. Seth Alden, ^ John R. Bradford, G. Marshal.

Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Quarterly communications held on the 2d Wednesday in December, March, June and September. Joseph Jenkins, Esq. of Boston, G. Master. Hon. David Wilder, of Leominster, Deputy G. Master. Abraham A. Dame, Esq. of Boston, Senior G. Warden. William.J.Whipple, Ei^q. of Cambridge, JurtiorG.^arcfen. John J. Loring, Esq. of Boston, Grand Treasurer. Thomas Power, Esq. of Boston, ilecorrfmo- Gr. Secretary. SLev. Aia Eaton, d..d. of Boston, Correspojiding Gr. Sec'ry,. S50 Officers of the Third Brigade.

John P. Bigelow, Ksq. of Boston. Grand Marshal. Rev. Ezra Ripley, d. d. of Concord, Grand Chaplain* Rev. Samuel Barrett, of Boston, do. Rev. Jonathan Greenleaf, of Boston, do. Rev. Samuel Osa;ood, d. d. of Springfield, do. Rev. James Mor^^e. d. d. of Newbiiryport, do. Rev. Benjamin VViltard, Northampton, do. Rev. Benjamin Putnam, of Kandolph, do. Rev. J, W. Eastman, of Reading, do. Rev. E. M. P. Well?, of Boston,^ do. Rev. John L. Blake, of Boston, do. Elias Haskell, of Boston, Senior Grand Deacon, David Parker, of Boston, Junior Grand Deacon. George G. Smith, of Boston, Grand Steward, Eliab W. xMetcalf, Esq. of Cambridge, do. Thomas W. Phillips, Esq. of Boston, do. Horatio M. Willis, Esq. of Boston, do. Hon. Thos. J.Good\vin,of Charlesto'.vn, G. Sword Bearer^ Henrj H. Barton, of Boston, Grand Pursuivant. Isaac Livermore, of Cambridge, do.

Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters for the Com" monweallh of Massachusetts. Abraham A. Dame, Esq. of Boston, M. I. G. M.

OFFICERS IN THE THIRD RRIG.4DE, FIRST DIVU SION, (including Boston and Chelsea) in commissioa January 12, 1832. Brigadier-General, John S. Tyler. tAid-de-Camp, John H. Eastburn. Brigade-Major arid Inspector, William C. Tyler. Brigade- Quarter-Master, Joseph C. Brodhead. LIGHT DRAGOONS, Captain. Lieutenants. Cornet. ^°^'' •^^™^' Joseph Leonard , . John L. White. '^ Henry Learnard,jr. BATTAMON OP ARTILLERY, Major, Aaron Andrew Qr. Master, Wm.Tewksbxnj JLdjut. Samuel Thompson Surgeon^ Charles Walker Captains. 1st Lieutenants. 2d Lieutenants, Thomas Goodwin John Wilson Joseph Jones, jr. Ebenezer Tasker Benjamin Brown Edwin Bradlej Horace Bacon Jabez Pratt Officers of the Third Brigade. 251

COBIPANY OF ARTir.r.KRY SEA FF.NCIBLES* Captain, \si Lieutenant. 2d Lieutenanit WJn?low W. Seavef James Smith Josiah Sturgis Ensign, Francis Dewson Adjutant, Henry Sargent* FIRST REGIMENT OF IJVFANTRY. Colonel, Thomas Davis. Lieutenant- Colonel, Peter Dunbar. Major, Benjamin H. .\orton. iAdjutant, Snmner Crosby C/«.n;jZam,SebastianStreetef Qr.Mast. Giles T. Crockett Surgeon, Saml. A. Shurtleflf Pay Master, Elijah Stearns Surgeon'' sMate,Geo,SteSim8 Captains. Lieutenants. Ensign. David Pratt Jonas Bessoms Joshua Seward jos- ph N Bates Thorn is Manly Samuel H. King John Kendall Joseph L. Pcoss Edm. D. Cassell Lyman Goodnow Isaac Stevens Amos S. Alien Clark Smith Richard Drury

T • TA • Robert Kimball r^t i ,,, Lewis Dennis , Charles Warren Jobt l. -nlaber Nathl.Colesworthy Thomas Murphy James Kerr Wm. Easterbrooks Hiram Harris Luke Brown \Vm. H. Alwood Jolin GoldEmith E. N. Hunting Edwin Brown Charles Maynard James Hunt Henry Bailey Geo.T.R.Wadleigh SECOND REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel, Edward G. Prescott. Lieutenant- Colonel, S. Davis Leavins. jV/a/or, 1 vers J. Austin. uldjutant. Chaplain, Qr. Master, Surgeon, Winslow Lewis, jr. Pay- Mast. Wm.H.Duncan Surgeon'sMate, J.V.C. Smith Captains. Lieutenants. Ensigns. John Davis Wm. W. Allen James Gay Stephen Titcomb Joshua Seaver Silas Johnson Edward Blake RobU C. Winthrop Robert White Charles Muzzy John Parker L. R. Bradlee Isaac Frazier George Davis Isaac Parks George B. Proctor Sumner F. Barrett N. S. Greenleaf Isaac B. Coombs Richard S. Fay H. J. Sargent William Gray Wm. R. Stacy George B. Prentiss Calvin S. Russell Henry F. M'Gee David Low Ebeu. N. fcitratton 252 Votes for Governor. THIRD REGIMErfT OF INFAMTRY. Colonel^ John F. Bannister. Lieutenant- Colonel^ Josiah L. C. Amee. Major, Seth J. Thomas. Adjutant, Calvin W. Haven. Chaplain, John Pierponf Qr. j1/a.T/. James H. Foster, jr. Surgeon^ Joshua B. Flint Pay-Mast. Walter W.Upham Surg Mate,JobnC Howard- Captains. Litultnants. Ensigns. Joshua Gould Edward R. Griffith Edward Knis;ht Henry W. Kinsman John G. Park Clias.A.Macomber Francis Allen George H. Child Lowell Prclt^ John C. Mann Isaiah Josseljn George W. Gram John Y.Champney Milton Holden Wra. R. Hudson FrancisH.P.Homer Mathias M. Moore Jona. Chapman, jr. Francis Brinley. jr. C^harles R. Lowell Charles Cook John Eaton Henry L Webster John F. Edwards Wm H Chamberlin Joel Powers Caleb S. Pratt George Larraber John Patten An^us. Winchester David Wilder VOTES FOR OOFERJSrOR, THROUQ^iOUT THE STj^TE.