Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the State of New-Jersey
VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY STATEOF THE O F N E IV-J E R S E T. At a SESSION begun at Trenton on the 28th Day of 05iober 1788, and continued by Adjournments. BEING THE FIRST SITTING. TRENTON: PRINTED BY ISAAC COLLINS. M.DCC.LXXXVIII. LIST of Perfons returned as Members of the LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL Bergen, Peter Haring, EJex, John Chetwood, Middlefex, Benjamin Manning, Monmouth, Afhcr Holmes-, Ephraim Martin, Jofeph Smith, Jofeph Ellis, £ Efquires. John Mayhew, Jeremiah Eldredge, Robert-Lettis Hooper, V. P. Abraham Kitchel, Samuel Ogden, Mark Thompfon, LIST of Perfons returned as Members of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY. VOTES( J ) AND PROCE EDINGS OF THE THIRTEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE State of New-Jersey. TRENTON, Tuefday, Otlober 28, 1788. BEING the Time and Place appointed by Law for the firfl Meeting of the General AfTembly, chofen at the annual Election, on the fourteenth In- ftant, the following Perfons returned as Members attended, to wit, Ifaac Nicoll, returned as one of the Members of the County of Bergen ; Henry Garritfe, as the of the County of Eflex Combs, as one of the Mem- one of Members ; John bers of the County of Middlefex ; Thomas Little and James Rogers, as two of the Members of the County of Monmouth ; Edward Bunn, Robert Blair and John Hardenburgh, as Members for the County of Someriet ; Jofeph Biddle, Robert-Strettle' Jones, and Daniel Newbold, as Members from the County of Bxirlington ; Franklin Davenport, as one of the Members of the County of Gloucefter ; Elijah Townfend and Richard Townfend,
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