# 2/ (J) ^lijy'^ Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from University of IVIassachusetts, Boston http://www.arcliive.org/details/pocketalmanackfo1832amer .1 THE MASSACHUSETTS REGISTER, mmuti states ©aUnlrat% For the Year AI.SO CITY OFFICERS IN BOSTON, AND OTHER Sascftil Knformatfon. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY JAMES LORING, 138 Washinrton Street. — ECLIPSES IN 18S2. Snn There will not be any eclipse of the Moon in the course of this year. Of the Mercury, which is more there wUl be three, viz : two by the Moon and the third by usually termed a transit of Mercury over the Sun's disc. partly visible in the State The first will happen on the 1st of February, and will be and an- of Louisiana, but in no other State in the Union. The Sun will be centrally lon- nularly eclipsed on the meridian of the place, in latitude 15 deg. 12 min. North, gitude 154 deg. 15 min. West. Nearly The second (the transit of Mercury) will happen on Saturday, May 5th. the whole of the transit will be visible in New England, as follows, viz :— Sun's lower limb rises 36m. after? 4. 54 n^ j^ . the be^nning of the transit, $ . • Apparent Conjunction, 7 20 27 " . j^fgan time Nearest approach of Mercury to the Sun's centre, 7 41 42 " ( at Boston. Second internal contact, II 42" Second external contact, - - - - - 11 7 17" Viewed through a telescope (the eye being carefully protected from the Sun's light) Mercury will appear as a small round dark body, passing across the Sun's disc. The third will happen on the morning of Friday, July 27th, and will be visible throughout the United States. At Boston it will be visible as follows, viz : Beginning at 7h. I6m. 46s. M. "% Apparent Conjunction, - - - - - 7 59 8"i Mean time at Boston. Greatest Obscuration, 8 6' 35 " | End at •-.-905"-' Digits eclipsed 4 degrees 49 minutes on the Sun's south limb. (HF The Compiler of the Register has endeavoured to be accurate in all the statements and names which it contains ; but when the difficulties in such a compilation are considered, and the constant changes which are occur- ring, by new elections, deaths, &c. it is seen at once to be impossible to attain perfect accuracy. He therefore dis- tinctly states, that he declines this responsibleness, and only presents information to the best of his knowledge. INDEX. Academies in Mass. - - - 137 Deaths in Boston - - - - 239 Additions aad Corrections - 245 Dispensary, Medical - - - 155 American Education Society 146 District Officers of U. S. - American Institute - - - 139 Duke's County Justices, &c. Aniiierst College - - - - 131 Antiquarian Society - - - 140 Eclipses - - - - - Andover Institution - - - 136 Education Societies - 146 Army of the United States - 216 Essex Justices, &c. - 47 Asylueis ----___ 151 Eye &. Ear Infirmary 156 Assessera ______ 236 Atbeneums - - _ _ _ 160 Federal Courts, Sittings of 191 Attorneys in Boston - - - 36 Fellows of Mass. Med. Soc. AUorneys, Cir. Court, U. S, 192 Fire Society -----. 150 Auctioneers in Boston - - 237 Fire Department - - - - 233 Franklin Justices, &,c. - - 85 Banks in Mass. - - - . 169 fiarnstable Justices, &c. - 67 General Court ----- 22 Perkshire Justices, &c. - - 78 General Association in Mass. 113 Bible Societies . - - - - 142 Governors of Mass. - - 20, 21 Bishops in U. S. - - - - 113 " of the several States 217 Branches U, S. Bank - - 168 Brigade in Boston, 3d - - 250 Hampden Justices, &c. - - 88 Bristol Justices, &c. - - - 63 Hampshire Justices, &c. 57 Bunker Hill Monument - - 160 Handel and Haydn Society 160 Harvard University - - - 128 Churches and Ministers - 114 Health Commiss., Boston - 232 Charitable Societies - - - 150 Historical Societies - - - 139 City Officers in Boston - - 230 Hospital Corporation - - - 154 Colleges ----- 128, 132 Howard Benevolent Society 150 Common Council - - - - 231 Humane Society - - - - 150 Constables in Boston - - 237 Congress, 22d ----- 185 Inland Bills of Exchange - 184 Consuls, American - - - 198 Insane Hospital . - - - 154 " foreign in U. S. - 202 Instructers in Publick Schools 234 Cong. Charitable Society - 112 Insurance Companies - - 176 Convention Cong. Ministers 111 Counsellors, &c. in Boston 35 Judiciary of Mass. - - - 37 Cou-ncil, Massachusetts - - 22 Judiciary of U. S.- - - - 189 County Commissioners - - 37 Justices in Boston - - - 33 " Meetings of - - - 41 Justices throughout the State 46 Court Counsellors, Cir. U.S. 192 Judges in Mass. - _ _ - 46 " S. J. Massachusetts, - 37 « S.J. Calendar of - . 39 Lyceum ------- 159 «« C. P. Calendar of - - 40 " Common Pleas - - - 37 Marine Societies - - - - 141 - " Municipal - - - - 37 Masonic Societies - - - - 248 " Police ---:-- 37 Manufactories in Mass. - - 247 " Probate ----- 42 Marine Hospital - . - - 156 Custom House Officers - - 193 Masters in Chancery - - 91 Index. Mechanic Association - - 151 Sabbath School Societies - 148 Meclianics' Institution - - 159 Salaries ----- 177, 189 Medical Society of Mass. - 156 Savings Bank in Boston - 153 Medical Dispensary - - 155 Schools Public, Boston - - 234 Medical Sciiooi - - 135, 158 Seaman'^ Friend totiety - 153 Middlesex Justices, &c. - 51 Secretaries of Departiiients 188 Militia of Mass. - - - - 97 Senate of Mass. - . _ - 22 Ministers and Cliurciies for " of United States - - 185 tlie several Counties - - 114 Solicitor General of Mass. - 37 Missionary Societies - - - 143 Standing Committees of House 30 Municipal Court - - - - 37 Joint do. do. 31 Stages from Boston - - - 240 Nantucket Justices, &;c. - 71 State Prison, Uflicers of - 161 JNTaval Force of U. S. - - 214 Suffolk Justices, &c.- - - 33 Navy Yards 215 Supreme Court, Mass. - - 37 Naval Agents, &c. - - - 212 " " of U.S. - 189 Navy of United States - - 208 Newton Institution - - - 136 Temperance Societies - - 152 Norfolk Justices, &c. - - 82 Tlieolof:ical Institutions - 136 Third Brigade, 1st Division 250 Overseers of Poor, Boston - 232 Tract Societies ----- 149 Twenty-second Congress - 185 Peace Societies - - - - 149 Piiysicians in Boston - - 237 Undertakers in Boston - - 236 Pilgrim Society - - - - 160 Unitarian Association - - 148 Plyinontri Co. Justices, &c. 60 United Slates Army - - - 216 t'liiice Court in Boston - - 37 United States Mint - - - 197 Pupiilntion of U. S, - - - 228 United Slates Debt - - - 226 " of Mass. ----- 17 Universities ------ 128 " ofTowns and Cities - 239 Useful Knowledge Society 159 Postage - - - - - - 195 Post Towns & Post Masters 91 Votes for Governor - - - 252 Probate Courts ----- 42 Ward Officers ----- 234 Rates of Wharfage - - - 243 Will of Stephen Girard - - 248 Representatives of Mass. 23, 219 Williams College - - - - 131 " of United States - 186 Worcester Co. Justices, &c. 71 | JANUARY, 1832, begins on Sunday. FEBRUARY, 1832, begins on Wednesday. New Moon, 1st day, 5h. o2m. evening. First Quarter, 9ih day, 6h. 29m. morning. Full Moon, 15th day, lOii. ySm. evening. Last Quarter, 23d day, 7h. 38m. morning. Mj W| Observable Days, &c. | r. ^ s. r.® s., t. sea Pleasant eel. inv 6 5®set. 11 22 ^i4 I ^ 25 Pur. V. M. or Cand. foi' the 5 5 5 50'eve. / 316 Mid tides. season. 3 5| 6 51 40 Y'd L. son. 8h. 20m. 2 5 7 53 1 12 5th Sun. past Epi. 1 5| 8 56 1 46 A violent 5 10 2 22 storm 58 611 5 3 may now 57 6 morn. 3 46 •^ 95 he 56 6 11 4 45 106 expected of 55 6 1 19 6 5 117 Quite high snow or rain. 53 6 2 27 7 34 12A 6th Sun. p. Epi. ® Peri. 52 6 3 34 8 57 I3I2 Cool, 51 6 4 38 10 I Valentine Day. tides. 49 6 5 35 10 54 Saturn sou. lii. morn. 48 6©ris.ll 4.' hut Jine. 47 6, 6 11 morn Ghent tr. rati. Cong. 1815. 45 6i 7 21i 19 7*s set Ih. morning. 44 61 8 28 1 G Septuag. Sun. Sudden 43 6i 9 34 1 40 changes. 41 610 36' 2 11 Grotvs 40 6 11 38; 2 47 Washington born 1732. 39 6 morn. 3 22 LoAv much 37 6 36 4 2 St. Matt. fner. 36 6 1 32: 4 46 tides. A driving % Apo. 34 6 2 26 5 44 Sexagis Sun. storm 33 6 3 17| 6 57 may he 31 6 4 4 8 1 expected. 30 6 4 44 9 32 Y'd L. south 6h. 43m. 29 6; 5 25,10 23 VENUS will be morning' star till July 27.. ..thence evening star to the end of the year. JUPITER will be evening- star till February ii!4....theDce morning Btar to the 16th of Sept. ...thence evening star the rest ot the year. MARCH, 1832, begins on Thursday. APRIL, 1832, begins on Sunday. New Moon, 1st day Oh. 18m. morning. First Quarter, 7th day, 9h. 5m. evening. Full Moon, 14th day, llh. 16m. evening. Last Quarter, 22d day, llh. 28m. evening. New Moon, 30th day, lOh. 56m. morning. M|W| Observable Days, &c. S. If.® S.| f. scu 4th S. in L. M. L. S. A 43 Oset. eve. 3 storm 41 8 3 52 is near. 40 9 13 34 St. Am. Frequent 38 10 23 24 Sat. sou. 9h. 32m. 37 11 30 6 Pretty showers. 36 morn. 53 "*s set lOh. ® Perig, 34 37 41 5th Sun. in Lent. More 33 36 29 high tides. rain. 31 28 6 24 30 15 7 26 Cooler unih 29 55 8 43 Spi. set midnight. kigli 27 30 10 7 winds. 26 2 11 15 Mid tides. Changes to 25 ® ris. morn. 6th Sun. in Lent. very 23 7 21 5 22 8 24 45 Franklin died 1790. 21 9 24 1 18 warm. 19 10 22 1 50 Bat. Con. & Lex. 75. 18 11 17 2 34 Good Friday. Becoming 17 morn. 3 7 rather ® Apog. 15 7 3 39 Easter Day. Low dry. 14 53 4 17 tides. 13 1 33 4 54 11 2 10 5 35 St. Mark. Much 10 2 44 6 20 warmer^ 9 3 15 7 18 l^B set 8h. 47m. 8 3 45 8 30 with great 6 4 14 9 54 1st Sun.
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