MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) DOCUMENTS PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE, OF THE STATE OF MAINE, DURING ITS SESSIOl" A· D. 1ess . ./1 UG UST.fl_: WILLIAM J. CONDON, ........ PRINTER. 1835. REPORT 01' THE TREASUH.ER OF THE STATE, ON THE FINANCES. DECEMBER 31, 1834. AUGUSTA: WILLIAM J. CONDON .....PlUNTER., 1835. \ STATE OF MAINE. TRF.ASURER's OFFICE, '! .9.ugusta, December 31, 183,ti. To the President of the Senate, and Speaker of the Hottse of Representatives: GENTLEMJ!N,-1 lrnve the hom1 r to transmit a Report on the Finances, exhibiting in detail an account of the state and transactions of the 'I1reasury, for the year 1834. Very respectfully, Your Obed:ent Sc.rvant, MARK HARRIS, Treasurer. \ SHEET (A) Di". tile State of'IViaine in account with Ma1.~k Barris, T1~easu1"e:r :f'i"om Jan. :t, to Dec. 31, J SS4, inclusive. Cr. FoR CASH PAID AS FOLLows, VIZ, 1· REFERENCES, I BY CASH RECEIVED AS FOLLOWS, viz. I REFEREJlWES. Salaries of Officers, Schedule No. ! 15,548 97 Cash, balance of last year's account, 8,039 62 Council, " " ,;,, 2,441 00 Dividends on Bank Stock, I 1,100 00 Senate, !Warrant '' 28061 4,743 50 Fines and Forfeitures, Schedule No. 211 121 70 House of Representatives, " " 2805 29,254 50 Duty on Commissions, " " 22 2,052 00 Chaplains and Draftsman, Schedule '' 3 231 00 Justices' Fees, " " .23 348 10 Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, Warrants No. 2757 & 29551 700 00 Notes of Hand or Bills Receivable, " " 16,173 03 Arsenal, Warrant " 2861 150 00 Interest on Bills Receivable, 1 '' " 24124 4,289 36 Board of Internal Improvements, " " 2993 36 00 Land Agency, viz. Clerks in the Public Offices, Schedule No. 411,592 00 From Hodgdon, Land Agent, 8,925 34 Repairs,Furniture & Superintend. Pub. Build'gs, " " 5 1, 137 63 N. Emery, Atty. to D. Rose, 73 23 Roads, " " 6 9,748 18 N. D. Shaw, to be allowed l 64122 I 10,639 79 StatePrison, " " 713,51134 onNotesintheLandOffie,S l, 70,000 00 Militia, " " 8 1,886 74 Funded Del?t, " 261 Pensions, " " 9 941 00 Penobscot Indians' Fund, I 2,000 00 Indians and their Agents, " " 101 2,357 62 Passamaquoddy Indians' Fund, lilOO 00 Land Agency, " " 11 1,777 73 Annual School Fund No. 2, " 23,710 38 271 85 Agricultural Societies, " " 12 654 50 Taxes of the year 1831, 1 Literary Institutions, " " 131 1 ,510 95 Taxes of the year 1832, 141 86 Contingent Fund, " " 14 2,672 08 Taxes of the year 1833, 45,lM 27 Costs in Criminal Prosecutions, I " " 15 8,724 23 Taxes of the year 1834, I 466 41 Miscellaneous Accounts, " " 16 2,256 35 MISCELLANEOUS AccouNTS, Interest on the Funded Debt, " " 17 4,356 06 Received from the Hon. L. Wood- I Pay Roll of Accounts No. 15, !Warrant " 2821 15,253 64 bnry, Sec. of the Treas. of the U. I I Additional Pay Roll of Accounts, No. 15, " " 28221 2,708 66 S. transmitted to the Hon. R. P · ~ 775 00 Greenleaf's Reports, '' " .2812 13 200 00 Dunlap, Gov. of Maine, to reim- 1 Funded Debt, !Schedule " 18 27,500 00 burse the State for support of I 1 Penobscot Indians' Fund, 1 6, 195 15 American citizens at Frederickton, J Annual School Fund No. 1, I " " 2902117,760 94 Cash found upon the dead body 9q 14 20 Cash on hand to balance, 19,286 35 a stranger, S Roscoe G. Greene, for fees re- l 29 24 1 ceived by the Sec. of State, S I Sundries. 10 31 828 75 $ 186,136 12 $ 186,136 12 STATE OF MAINE, TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA~ ~ December 31, 1834. S MARK HARRIS, Treasurer. C1·01u tile Treas1u11 y iu. I 834. Recei1lts into tile Treasui·y in I 834. P.A.YlVIENT OF FUNDED DEBTS, VIZ. Cash, balance from last year, 8,039 62 Loans, 127,500 00 Taxes of the year 1831, 85 Annual School Fund No. 1, 17,760 94 Taxes of the year 1832, 141 86 Penobscot Indians' Fund, 6,195 15 51,456 09 Taxes of the year 1833, 45, 124 27 CURRENT EXPENDITURES, VIZ. Taxes of the year 1834, 466 41 LEGISLATURE-Senate, 14,743 50 Notes of Hand or Bills Receivable, 16,173 03 House of Representatives, 29,254 50 Cash borrowed, 70,000 00 Chaplains and Draftsman, 1 231 00 34,229 00 Penobscot Indians' Fund, 2,000 00 ExECUTTVE-Governors, 1,508 22 Passamaquoddy Indians' Fund, 1, 100 00 Council, 2,441 00 Annual School Fund No. 2, 23,710 38 166,756 42 Sec. of State, Treas. and Adj. Gen. 2,488 00 6,437 22 JUDICIARY-Justices of Supreme Judicial Court 1 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. 4,800 00 Dividends on Bank Stock, 1, 100 00 Justices of Court Common Pleas ' 3,600 00 Attorney General and Reporter, ' Fines and forfeitures, 121 70 1,400 00 9,800 00 Duty on Commissions, Literary Institutions, 1 2,052 001 1,510 95 Justices' Fees, 348 10 Clerks in the Public Offices 1,592 00 Interest on Notes, 4,289 36 Repairs, Furniture and Sup~rintend. Pub. Build'gs. 1,767 741 Roads, Land Agency, 10,639 791 9,748 rn' Boundary, 7. 7 5 00 Militia, United States, on account of N. Eastern 8,919 92 Sundries, 1 53 75 19,379 70 Pensions, 941 00 ---- Indians and their Agents 2,357 62 Coroners and Sheriffs, 558 19 Printing, &c. 3,950 01 Stationery, Book-binding, &c. 1,398 64 Bank Commissioners, 431 83 Fuel, Lights, &c. 608 76 Bounty on Bears, Wolves, &c. 2,374 00 Bounty on Crows, 2,295 58! Agricultural Societies, I 654 50 American Asylum for Deaf and Dumb· 700 001 Contingent Fund, ' 2,672 08 Costs in Criminal Prosecutions 8,724 23 Interest on the Public Debt, ' 4,356 06 Greenleaf's Reports, 1,200 00 Board of Internal Improvements 36 00 State Prison, ' 4/211 34 Arsenal, 475 00 Land Agency, 2,505 48 Samuel Holden, for over payment made by him .1 614 07 Taxes refunded, ' 9'1 72 Miscellaneous Items, 226 56 115,393 68 Cash, balance, . I 19,286 35 $186,136 12 TREASURER'S OFFICE., AUGUSTA, ~ December 11, 1834. 5 MARK HARRIS, Treasm·e1·. SHEET (C) showi_ng the Debts and Rf;sources oC the Treasm•y at the commeucenent or the year; the Expenditures and Re­ ceipts of the Treasury durmg the year ;-and the Debts and Resources of the Treasury at the end of the year 1834. Debts due from the Treasury at the co11imencernent ofthe ywr 1834.j I /Resources of the Treas'Uiy at the commencem.ent of 1824. Funded Debt, per Schedule (H) 91,966 75 Cash-balan~ of account, Permanent School Fund, 2,907 01 I Bank Stock-Augusta Bank, I 8,039 62 Penobscot Indians' Fund, I 4,000 00 Maine Bank, 10,000 Cumberland and Oxford Canal Lottery, I 314 51 Notes of Hanl or Bills Receivable, 5,000 15,000 00 Annual School Fund No. 1, 19,389 31 118,577 58 Taxes uncolleited of years prior to 1831, -- 47,436 491 35 43 Taxes uncolle¢ted of the year 1831, 1 Taxes uncolleeted of the year 1832, . 50 08 Taxes uncolletted of the year 1833, 192 321 -r urrent Expenditures of 18S4, per sheet (B) 45,341 50 116,095 45 115,393 681 State Tax ef the year 1834, I I 50,410 88 1 The Pay Rolls of Accounts of 1834 No. 15, (after I Miscellaneous Receipts of 1834, per sheet (B) I deducting $6 02, for two small errors in the same,) I I 19,379 70 amounted to 18, 158 61 / There have been already paid and charged 17,962 301 leaving a balance, per Schedule (M) 196 31 Debts due from the Treasury at the close of 18'H. Funded Debt1 per Schedule (F) 134,466 75 Resources of the Treasury at the clOse ef the year 1834. PenobscotStock Indians' in the MercantileFund, invested Bank, in ll I 5,804 85 5,804 85 Notes of Hand or Bills receivable per Schedule (L) 31,263 46 I Passamaquoddy Indians' Fund, Bank Stock-Augusta Bank, 10,000 II I/ Permanent School Fund, 1,100 00 lVIaine Bank, 5,000 15,000 00 Annual School Fund No. 1, balance, I 2,907 011 Bank Stock-:-Commercial Bank, designed l --, j Annual School Fund No. 2, 1,628 37 as an rnvestment of the Penobscot 6,000/ 6,000 00 I Cumberland and Oxford Canal Lottery, I23,710 38 Indians' Fund, { Balance of Pay Rolls of 1824 No. 15, 314 511 Taxes uncollected of years prior to 1831, 35 43 I 196 31 170,128 18 Taxes uncollected of the year 1831, / 49 23 1 I Taxes uncollected of the year 1832, 50 47/ I Taxes uncollected of the year 1833, I 217 23 Taxes uncollected of the year 1824, 49,944 471 I Cash on hand, per Ledger. 19,286 35 121,846 641 I $356,014 21 ~'!_~~'~ TREASURER'S OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ? December 31, 1834, S MARK HARRIS, Treasm·e,·. SHEE'r(D) Trial Balance oC the Treasurer's Accounts Cor the year 1834. Salaries of Officers, Council,. 15,548 97 Cash, balance oflast year's Account, Senate, 2,441 00 Dividends on Bank Stock, .
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