July 25, 1876
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Ρ ORT LAN [D I ) A11 Λ" I 'RES JV 187( ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 186 S.—YOL 13· PORTLAND, TUESDAY [ORNING, JULY 25. TERMS $8.C 0 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. of the witnesses say in a half bout) the whites would THE DAILY Our PORTLAND TRESS, TO LET REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS. THE PRESS» open fire ou the militia. The militia refused to de- DECISIVE FIGURES. Sew York Letter. liver up their arms, saying that the demand was Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the wholly unwarranted and illegal, and that they had TUESDAY JULY 1876. reason to fear tor their lives if gave their ΊΓο Let. a MORSING, 20, they up For Sale «at Bargain. arms. A brisk was then the whites The Kxodn· fire Matnrday I· the — NEWLY painted house very conveniently lo- opened by Country PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., upon the in which the militia were assem- What Tarty Has Done Most Stealing? cated in tbe central part of tlie city. Sebago building Stair A well known property situated on the corner We do not read letters and communi- bled, and noon one the was Politic·—Alonzo B. Cornell and new furniture for sale in the anonymous qr'ter of attacking party uioai At 109 Exchanges St., Portland. gas. Also nearly of Park aud Gray streets, at present killed a shot in THAT occupied cations. The name and address of the writer are in by from the militia the building. talked of for same at a bargain. Inquire at 294 CoDgress St. as a flrst-class and A the Republican in popular boarding house, contain- piece of artillery was thereupon across the domina- Terms: Eight Dollars a Year advance. Tc all cases brought Fuel» for ibe jy21 ing: nineteen rooms with all modern conveniences. indispensable, not necessarily tor publication from loaded with and tired People—Nd Proportional tion far mill subscriber» Seven Dollars a Year ii paid in ad- dtf_ bridge Augusta, cauister, Govrrnor—III» This can he examined any time atter three but as a cf faith. several times at the This bad the to Lom Record—.sialic· vance. property guaranty good buildiDg. effect auderall Administrai!··»—A Re- TO LET· o'clock p. m. Terms liberal For in- cause the militia to endeavor make ioua Aunnll» of hi» particulars We cannot undeitake to return or reserve commu- to their escape Opponent·. quire at Ε. E. UPHAM & CO.'SReal Estate Agency, from the rear of the building. The town marshal of inurbnbl" Nhowini, sunny rent of seven rooms, up 7 Street. nications that are not used. » THE MAINE STATE PRESS PLEASANT, Exchange Hamburg—a colored man—who was leaving the at 66 Danforth old number. A one flight, Sky Portland, June 17, 1876. jy21dlm building, was instantly shot by the attacking party. published Thursday Morning it $2.50 a fltf While thus every jy20 endeavoring to escape from the building, Ad official New York, July 22, 1876. year, if paid iu advance at $2.00 a year. For Every regular attache of the Press is furnished or of the treasury statement has just been Sale. twenty twenty-five militia were captured The summer solstice To Let. the aud always makes the Elizabeth a well with a Card certificate T. by attacking party kept under guard for sev- prioted in reply to a call from the city— Rates of Advertising : One inch of tbe Cape built, convenient and countersigned by Stanley Senate, space, four rooms eral hours. about two o'clock on the morn- TENEMENT of to a small family. IN pleasantly located one and one· half house Editor. All steamboat and hotel Finally, whereof the salient are comparatively speaking—a solitude. This' is length of column, constitutes a "square." story Pullen, railway, ing of the 9th of consultation points printed in » let- A Inquire at 19 Pari is Street. with ell. For particulars inquire of July—Sunday—after the case from «1 .50 per square daily first week ; 75 cents per week managers will confer a favor us their and with ter to the especially Saturday afternoon jy20 dlw* GEO. F. Custom House. upon by demanding among captors, complete apparent de- Toledo Blade, showing the lo9se3 after; three insertions, or les», *1 .00; oontinuing Jy20»lm SMALL, five of the by till credentials of every person claiming to represent our liberation, captured militiamen were Monday morning. Every conveyance out- every other day after first week, 50 cents. marched one and shot defaulting officers, thefts, frauds, etc.. which For ♦ out, bv one, to death in the ward Half three insertions, or 75 one Sale. journal. is filled on the last of square, less, cents; presence of a large body of their captors. The rest the government has sustained the day tha week, with week, $1.00; 50 cents week after. FARM of twelve situated on the Yar- during past a per acres, of the captured party were either turned loose or panting, hurrying, parcel-laden crowd of Special one third additional. mouth 2 miles from known as the forty years. The tables are made of two pas- Notices, for κκ&τ. A road, city, broke loose and ran. were fired as They upon Under head of "Amusements" and "Auction Place. Also a house and stable on Mechanic they sengers to the or the Sawyer ran, and three of them severely wounded—one of paits—tiret the "net loss," which covers only rushing country sea-shore Sales," 92.00 per square per three insertions St.. Woodford's Corner. For particulars inquire of in of fresh week; them mortally. the action of quest air and rest. Business goes or less, $1.50. C. ROGERS, on the premises. jylOdlm officers and agents; second the to the two or on of course—;t must Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State A pleasant tenement suitable for a According Aryus, three hun- "gross loss," which embraces the double hand- always where there are PRE6S" (which has a circulation in every part Sale. so large small lient moderate. For dred armed men who surround a in of many people to bs fed and clothed—but of the tor $1.00 per square tor first insertion, family, Inquire building ling money, the negotiation and records of State) HATTIE E. 230 Gl-100 tons there is no and 50 cents for each insertion. SAMPSON, OUT. life in it; it is a per square subsequent 28 SELLING which there were or men at 5 Cushuiau or Excbalise Streets. Ν. well found in sails and rigging, thirty forty and loans, etc. The table below is made on languid, torpid, Address all communications to SCHR.burthen, M., np compulsory jyi9 dlw &c. Apply to MICA H SAMPSON. open a brisk fire did not have this exercise, ouly kept up because 100 Commercial St. upon it, any plan: PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. jne21dtf Λ there is no way of it. It is Store to to a et lota Grott loti avoidiug impossible be Let. tendency give "bloody turn" to the af- Administration. per 1,000. per $1,000. to get up au interest ia Even Store on the southerly corner ot Congress and House for Sale. fair. These three hundred chivalrous Jackson anything. poli- Our Entile Stock friends Oast term) 911 18 8IO S3 tics are Oak location for a with tiresome we are ENTERTAINMENTS. THE Streets; good Jeweller, GOOD 2£ story house, centrally located, con- of Van Burcn (Florida war) 1» JI 13 although within a little a small capital. Rent low. to WM. H. the Argus would doubtless have remained Apply A taining ten finished rooms, with furnace, gas, OF Harrison and Tyler 14 4V ΙΟ Ά1 more than three months of the J KRRIS, Real Estate Agent. There a grand quadren- jyl9dlw* Sebago, and good drainage. is good garden, there until this a brisk fire Polk IΟ 15 8 :I4 Cur- time, keeping up nial revolution of peace which ia to with Grape vines, Strawberries, Gooseberries, Taylor and Filtnore 8 96 Τ 64 determine and connected with the upon the for the fun of the who rants, Raspberries Plums, building thing! Pierce (Mexica war) β 94 3 8β shall gcern the There Σ. Λ.. ΈΙ.-Δ.. To Let. to CUSTIS & 493 Republic house. Apply CHARLES CO., The arose Buchanan 8 11 tt 98 is difficulty because the handful of gome animation in respect to State furnished chamber at No, 118 Congress Street. jy7dtf CLOTHING Lincoln (Rebellion) J 07 141 ONESpring ftlreei. beleaguered men returned the fire and an as- Lincoln and Johnson 1 8H 48 affiiri, to be sure, the question of who shall be House Lots lor Sale. —AND— Urant jy!9 dlw sailant in his zeal himself to the fire (flrstterm) 1 30 40 the Republican candidate for exposed Grant (second term) 101 ϋβ Qoveruor, being EXCURSION. LOT of land 130 feet front by 100 feet deep, FOR of of For Kent. in a PRESIDENT, the negroes aud was shot! No supreme importance and wittin Λ centrally loeated, aud good neighborhood. negro These figures are their Pown best comment. thirty dayit aud month. There is gas, Sebago water and a sewer in the street. would have of solution by the Kents, $7 $10 per been murdered but for that acci- will surprise those who have been listen- Rspublican convention. The The Iri*h American Belief A«Koeint<oii W. W. Apply to CHARLES CUSTIS & CO., 4«J3 Congress They 2PLEASAXT CARR, RUTHERFORD B. dent to fact that New York is the battle- will hare iheir fourteenth 197 Newbury St. Street. jy7dtf HAYES, the white assailant. The members ing to all the stock denunciations of the ad- acknowledged ground of the OP of the militia are campaign—that the Democracy To Let.