ESTABLISHED JUNE 1862.—VOL. 14. JULY 23, PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, 31. 1876. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, WANTS. REAL MISCELLANEOUS. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS the Secretary ami myself, to misinformation as to The Springfield ESTATE THE PRESS, faits, and to willful ami deliberate perversions «Γ Republican is recommend- facie to the President whom we wero Charles Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the by scoundrels ing Francis Adams to the Massachu- endeavoring to to anil their CITY OF PORTLAND. bring punishment, setts Democrats lor their Two Good M0N1MÏ ΜΟΙίΜΜί, JULY 31, 183« triemle, for tLe purpose of bringing about a disagree- gubernatorial candi- PUBLISHING Rents. ment between the to PORTLAND CO·, Yacht Wanted. In Board of Mayor and I President and the Secretary, date. But the Democrats are a Gorbam Aldermen, create perverse lot Village—13 rooms—very pleasantly July 22, 1876. } embarrassinent. to the prosecution, and, it At 109 Exchange St., Portland. three walk We do not read letters ami communi- to defeat their and the has no Wanted to hire for (wo commenc- IN located, only minutes to depot. That the Clerk cive notice to all anonymous possible, purpose." Republican hopes that weeks, and City they Early late trains to and f&m Portland. Season cations. The name writer are in Dollars a Year in advance. ist 8th, a good cat ORDERED,parties interested, by publishing a copy ot this and address of the The misfortune of the will heed to its Terms: Eight Tc center·board, tickets low. Both rents only $200. President is in hav- pay any racomziendation. m Seven Dollars a Year it in sloop boat, having a small cabin order in the "Portland Daily Press" Tor three weeks all cases lor iil subscribers paid ad- Also three rooms at No 57 Fore indispensable, not necessarily publication a Gaston is of carrying twelve to Street, Portland that this Board, on TUESDAY, the fif- ing [number of men about him who have their cry, and to the vance. .pable jKirsons, for $5.50 month. to successively, but as a guaranty cl faith. according il in and about Portland. References per Apply teenth day of next, A. D. 1870, at 7£ o'clock good WM. H. J Ε Lteal August been under fire, lie haï stood them Republican is defeat. and security given. Address, stating price. G. A. B.t KRIS, Estate Agent. p. ni., at the Aldermen's Room, will hear all parties \Ve cannot nndeitake to return cr reserve commu- by all, its-meaning THE MAINE STATE PRESS Portland, July 27,1876. and in case Box 115-, Boston, Mass. jy29dlw* jy28dl\v* interested in the I'etkions for Sewers in the following nications that are not used. the of several who were proved streets, viz: Ex-Solicitor Wilson is Tiiursday Morning ^it a to be he has received the very generally published every $2.50 For Sale at a State street, from Cumberland to Deerin:* street; unworthy, brunt of ye ir, if paid io advance at $2.00 a year. THE GEOKGE WASHINGTON Bargain. criticised for telling the It Quebec street, continuation of sewer about 600 feet the assault. He has not discovered that "Sylph" story. towards shore was a well known property situated on the ; simply tale hatched a band of Kates of Advertising: One inch of space, the MEMORIAL. corner some of the men were false to him op by # of Park and Gray at Danfortli street, from R. & M. Railroad bridge to and un- length ot column, constitutes a "square." THAT streets, present occupied scoundrels to a of evi· wanted to introduce and sell the finest as a first-class and popular boarding house, contain- Vaughan street; of his confidence until he had explain strong piece $1.50 per square daily first week ; 75 cents per week Portland continuation of worthy been Centennial Memorial of American ing nineteen rooms with all modern conveniences. street, sewer towards dence ol the of one afier; three insertions, or lees, $1.00; oontinuing AGENTS Independ- Hart's villainy of their number. ence For circulars and terms to This can be examined Tannery ; injured by standing by them. every other day after first week, 50 cents. yet published. apply property any time alter tin ce Mr. SKILLIN & NOWELL. o'clock p. m. Terms liberal For in- Newbury street, west of Hancock street ; Wilson believed it to be false and be Half square, three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one particulars 22G Federal at Ε. E. UPHAM & Congress street, continuation of sewer to North week, 50 cents week after. jj29d3w St., Portland, Me. quire CO.'SKeal Estate Agency, ought not to have told it $1.00; per 7 Exchange Street. street ; A Pillsbury Lie. Special Notices, one third additional. and that hereafter this Board will Portland, June 17, 1876. determine and The publishers of the Age received $3000 only in Under head of "Amusements" and "Auction Wanted. jy21dlm if convenience and Ν AST is adjudge public necessities require 1850, the last year of Democratic rule, but when drawing some very car- Sales," $2.00 per square per week ; three insertions the construction of said sewers. amusing f" Λ Live Agents for the best paying business in the For Sale. Stevens & Blaine got the in 1857, the cost or less, $1.50. A Read and printing icatures suggested to him the bard State. Experience not necessary. Call and Passed. leaped from $3000 to 11,000 the first year, and contin- by money Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State Elizabeth a well built, convenient and Attest: Η. I. see for yourself, at Room 5, Boyd's Block, cor. Middle Cape ROBINSON, City Clerk. ued to increase until it reached 30,000. That is the head and soft tail Press" (which has a circulation in every part located one and one- half house money of the Democratic large and Exchange Sts Portland. IN pleasantly story A true Copy, way some of taxes The of the tor tor first For of your go. Journal Is "loyal." national State) $1.00 per square insertion, jy29dlw* J. HATHAWAY. with ell. particulars inquire Attest : Η. I. ROBINSON, City Clerk. —Maine Standard. ticket. and 50 cents nor square for each subsequent insertion. jy20*lm GEO. F. SMALL, Custom House. SELLING OUT. jy21 dlaw4wM Address all communications to The Maine Standard has made the above Political Sews. Wanted, For Sale, of Portland. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. City assertion several times the past four first-class Fly Frame girl. Applv to FARM of twelve acres, situated on the Yar- during The Ν. Y. Tribune says: "Ths Demo- ONE W. K. DANA, mouth road, 2 miles from city, known as the STREET, from the office of the Port- yeais, Its attention has been called to the A crats will hate Carl Schurz more jy-'l>'ltf Me. Place. Also a house and stable on Mechanic FOREland Company to St. Lawrence St., is closed than ever- Saeearappa, Sawyer Our Entire Stock utter of the statement. ENTERTAINMENTS. St., Woodfoid's Corner. For particulars inquire of for repair* until further notice. falsity Eben F. rills- wheu read his Per they letter to Mr. Ottendorfer. Paitucr Wanted. C. ROGERS, on the premises. jylOdlm order, II. 1. liOBINSON, City Clerk. FOR bury knows it is false. In 1874 it stated that OF jy26 <13w PRESIDENT, It will take besides PAKTNER with frurn to in something mud to answer $300 $700 to invest on another Democratic year the cost of A a good paying business in this city. Address Sale or print- it, however." Press For Let. B. was O, Office. my27tf RUTHERFORD HA YES, ing $2800. The Press called attention The 2 Story Brick No. 43 Brackett Street, PROPOSALS. Chicago Tribune has ''private advices House, to the and with 12 furnished rooms, gas and Sebago; all OF OHIO. fact,7 without recourse to the rcc- from Situation Wanted. THAT CLOTHING % Indiana which indicate pretty in lot will be «old or leaned certainly perfect order; large; ords, showed that three times that amount COPYIST, and all kinds of at a on liberal a rare chance to secure a FOR VICE that Mr. the writing, terms; pleasant —AND— GRAXITE PIER PRESIDENT, Ortb, Republiciu candidate for AS moderate salary, by a young lady. Unex- residence ; immediate possession given. Apply to had been paid out. The Standard made no Address Governor of Indiana, will be elected in Oc- ceptionable references given. Ε. E. UPHAM & CO., PROPOSALS will be received until WILLIAM A. at WHEELER, correction or Now it with malidtf "Α.," this Office. Real Estate Ageut, No. 7 Exchange Street. SEALEDMONDAY, the 31st inst, at 2.30 P. M., for all reply. re-appears tober." Mr. Orth is in ♦ V» Λ» 01\ΛΛ Τ»Λ ο(λ«" making speeches jylO eodlui labor and material to build a required "Granite OF NEW YORK, both and Pier" at Saco River, in accordance with ami English German. plans It is not our For Sale. H'.eeification to be seen at this purpose to devote our time to BOARD. office. The Company FOR The St. Louis Globe-Democrat says the de- 1IATTIE E. ! icserve the to any or all bids. GOVERNOR, 2H0 6Î-100 ton* GOODS right reject the SAMPSON, exposing falsehoods ot the Standard, UU well found in sails and Address to lay about Tilden's letter is Drobablv caused » m SCHR.burthen, Ν. M., rigging, — proposals TO BE J. M. P. II. For the next six weeks one could do To Let. &c. Apply to MICA H SAMPSON. LUNT, Sup't. & R. R. SELDEN nothing by the fact that it is to be what is called "a jneziuii ιυυ commercial sc.
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