PATRONIZE GrOl .. Point,'. YOUR Fir .. LOCAL t.1ERCHANT N,, Grosse Pointe's Ne\ftlNlPer for ,More Than 23 year. VOL. 27 - NO. -# Cr -.. ~27 CIRCULATION.. PAID MONTHLY GROSSEPOINTE 30, MICHIGAN - VA, 2.1162

*' * * * * * * * * i Repeat; Blood Doner Drive at Center,Datato B~ Used '':, - for PlannIng Korean \\4;;fJ'.'-/p;:-.ded Allard . CHURCH SITESTO SERVE POINTE INeeds for District

!,<'1t-~ /0 ,] Gets Top ;. The annual school census WIll be taken In Grosse Pointe to Be Bene.r~ "!"b: t I begmrung tomorrow, May 11, In accordance wIth the laws of '", 'r).. W d P the State of MIchIgan, announced L. M. Bartlett, Dll'ector of '0'J'.p. 00 S ost PupIl Personnel for the Grosse POInte Public Schooa. This B oca a"l"l'.algn census must be taken each year dunng Jhe last twenty days Y L I C LI..I.,k.'" Fr~ 18 field of more than of May. 50 applIcants, Philip F. All. Part of the money which the local schools receive from A renewed appeal is bemg made by the Young Adults of ard was permanently ap- state funds IS apportloned on the basis of the number of chil- the Grosse POInte War Memonal Center to recruIt blood pomted Cltv Administrator dren resIdmg In the distrIct. Information receIved from tbe donol'5 to aId m the current Korean crISIS. of Grosse Pointe Woods at a annual school census is also essential for the enforcement The Red Cross Blood Donors Mobile Unit WIll be at the ~pecial City Council meet- i ------~vf the compulsory education Center on Fnday, May 18 from 2:30 to 9 p.m, ThIS facilIty m~ on ~ay 3. The appomt- Y-Iew of St. MIchael'. ~pel (Episco- lhe n~w $70,000 ParIsh House of the L aI P Ii laws. has been made for the convenIence of all Grosse POInters who ment WIll be effectIve May paJ;t rapidly beIng eomplett!4 at a site on Lutheran Church of the Reformation, OC 0 ce Another important use of' are unable to donate at the Red Cross Headquarters m DetrOlt 15. Sunnmgdale Drive, Grosse ~ointe Woods, Vernor HIghway at LakeView, Will be the census data 18 to proVIde or who cannot gIve durmg the regular hours at the various Allard hilS been associated With opposite the Lochmoor Golf Course, and dedicated Sunday at a speCIal service, at to Tl.eket facts relatIve to the growth centers. Grosse POinte Woods since 1927 adJacent to the Parcells Jr • .1ilgh School 4 p.m. The bmldmg Will be dedIcated to of population and the number The Young Adults and the Young MarrIeds of the Me- when he became City Clerk. He SIte, The BuIldtng Commit~ expects that the memory of the SIX members who gave of children In the district. 0monal Center representIng hl'ld thiS POSitIon until the fall the Church will be de Mr- C A Dean Jr I total population of 43764 for the m~nt. and (3) A ~trengthemng fore the actual donation. cently completed a course In ra- A I. d II S a o\er 1 e country "1 M H b C 'I !' - - I I be presentIng vaned and mterest-I' n: U ert Goebel. Leo Fltz- I area comprISed of the GrOISe of law ~nforcement R!ZenCle5. The young people are makmg dar electromc~ at the Fleet All' re nJure mg pro ams lanned to lease patnck, John Kenower, Herbert I 0n a M..•"Slon I POInte School Distnct With the (Continued on Pare 3) ,their donatIOns for Korea .. ElectroniC's Training Una, Pacific Tw d gr P P H. Mlcou and Noroert P. Neff 110 Igreat amount of bUIldmg whIcl\ whIch I_ administered to a wound- ' 0 passengers In a car n"el\ I everyone. 1 I ed servicemen Just 48 hours from I at San D,ego, Cahf. ~Y WIlham RIChard SnYder, 2212, In Grosse Pomte. beSides the A report fmm varIOUScommlt- BY DO'M'IE THE DOUBTER has taken place dunng the past o I N T E ----- the tIme It IS gIven. However. the The cow'se conSIsted of opera-. Lyca.te, wen! treated at Cottage' hIgh school ban$! concert the, tee. wa_ contaIned In the presl- ~ DOUBT. . If you ever stop- year, there Wlll probably be a.n t Red Cross IS urgmg all commu- tIon of f th latest t I Hospital for mJunes Tuesday I Pierce band. under the baton of I denl < report. Coming e\'ents on pe to thmk that the young man mcrease m total populatIon this A RAG RAP H S: nay groups to use their faclhtles I .. some~, e ype afternoon. I Mr. Herbert NelchterJem and Ihe calendar' Include the annual I or lady who delivers your Grosse year over last year of from 3,lM!O P Ion May ] B • electroDlc eye equIpment used I Mr. aod Ml'$ Donald Palo re- the AlI,Cltv band. under the dl-' Memonal nav .en. ICe<;on May POinte ReVieW-IS a responSible to 4,000 persons or more, ---by The Pointer Tho.e wlshlflg to gIve blood' by the Navy to safeguard Its celved mInOr brUISe< "hen the rectJon of Mr Wilham FerT'), "'Ill 10 aod the gIgantic Carnn al on I bus mess person. He or she de------may obtam pledge card. ss man I mOrlal Center Jack L\ nch. IndClStnal Rela- 01 day of Mav a buw countrv 1vat. and RIchard and Thoma- Lake St ClaIr from CRnRna In Cenler 'nduded lots o( IIIe You Mr<: HouseWife have flT< fnr <;('nor (luh "Ilh member, "I'll a lImllprt amount of time, .• I I MIC'h,gan ExtenSIon Sen lee, will 40'H'ar .er\lce award ~old Pmntf' proudlv ooa.ts of Mrs 1 r_. l~ra," ('\ PC''''m~ a r"od p,,o\ I cuppn honored b) Ih.. Rpvlp" on ,lOnl"r :\1.._ OI!ta Fricker. 110 rt>turn s('veral limps ll"r T"'IN' rlll Ihml(_ to d" ann Mrc Franx Sch0C'h \\111 re- of Ihf' munlhons Olvlslon of the I <'\" Intpl'\ 1f'V. < "Ith Inl: Ihe ll~<: 'l'~r. I l"aC'hl"r "h(l had nN\'e enoujrh I The pUblic IS cordially tnvltert to \'lO"t' POlntc HIR"h School 'Mav 13 I dinner party Amnnlt' the gu~s lhp Pope In Vatlclln Clh I tn J11V"hIm hnm('work Ihat atll"nd thiS meellnll hll< Ih!' flat: 01 thE' t'mll'd Nil. I Tht> entire lerture WIll be sup-' WIll be hl'r ltranddaughter Mr~ A I p. H I IlnT...."onllble mntht'r" v.ho ha. The Statl' Comcn'\On of the tlon< nancml( nn Ihe wlll1 of plf'menled In Ii'll' rt Shelby Hotel. h'lnnl"r "llh Ihp FI ench blu.. on blul" and Mr ")rE'< 1'111ttf'Thl~ .,:,prlll!! f()IICel lhat 'nomolp (,lrC'\llahnn mana- 'pC'enth IIppomlecl -enatM rr~ II hllf' Iraf l'mhlE'm In Ihp C'pn, Inr 1'11f \fr Lelllntal and ,"\ ,l"~rn"r II hn IU<' wnulrln I 1111111ghhng Ine pro,rram Ann!' Well_ ClOd\ RUl"1IJulie 1 nt>nt of lhf' rluh ha_ 111_0 nll- 1F. h H ,~' ~ Bik C I I fT "i~, ),1,=, 18 "r.....rl rn f."nl .... . " '" ,,, 11'1 h L' .. .." . l!""., nl"l!'~1, ..' linn 1'1,, J n ~"""" n l"flnn j(ool'! n".ltllllll" Jnlll In 11'11" nf',lthOnrhO<)(1 'um- '" .., rl' ,Vl,),(,l'Ill'n' ,~. ""l' "l 1 ~""l C'alrJ'" n "rn no: Rnn rr~rtu'"f'rl th~l'f' rli'>s r" t>r"n ~rpnl nn OUl1d11"'11In Thp lTlM'llDl(",11 lW' t>pll'tat lhp "nn",l (; 0<..1' Pmnlf' Shor .... Fire tWef"rI Nine and T..,. MIle ~Ild' h... Ihelr 0" npr< ''''"''< III I be JI ""I I .. rI" T 1) H I'JT n0" th,,1 I" I Rll\ mnnd J Ha_!'r, of 4180 lhi" l"llrm "u nrrlTn" 10 II h....~ 1'1 -' "I b (; F .. - h The 10.' h,,~< hr In P ..I h ~ Ih Ih I .. I~,rill ".. I" on" '" n ,r(lOl<~I [)ppadmpl'lt tll lhl' HI-room homp rom...,r lItore ou~ of memo r. • .• 11"1" ((" n H" ..m I ( ?'I 1- .., nu "I" ll .. , \\ o,.dn;;,j "a_ lakl'n I" Saratn-. rPr,nrl h' :vIUI ) ~m Ih e,l P I II "~lIf'r, or 1'1/;1 .. ~n

\ • J l-The Gros•• Point. Rey;tw - Thursdoy, Moy 10, 1951 I tT Gro~~~r.PAUL EV. LUTBEIL\lIf~.J:.:~o~ClJlCUll.ell 9Jw4dJJ dJo.inh lUwiRW - t Rev. Charle. W. I ... raek. P.. t.o • 'lW_ t- .' Dr"...... Ire" Thursd.y,Mln ROleaeMayH.rtJ10•• Perlill_ 400,Work.,Jun,or 'U'lt Blood ProO"Pllomp.... ~h h 0 ory Graue POlnte'. NewlWG~ ."11".... p,._...., "11 I ChOIr, 630, Mother-Dau&toter B.nquet HRIIT THE KING LUTHERAN IF"sl Lutheran) IIFFIlRSON AVENUE METHODIST r Groue POIBte Woods Fr,day. May 11-715 Sunday School .JeICerSODAv.aue at Marlborou,b I w ~ G.lrort PasIor I Fun Night 800, $en,or Choir Rudolph H Bo).•e, MlDlster d 'M' 13' Sunda~ ....11001 ' '.f 30 7 45 P m ~lUor ChOlFI Sun ay, ay the maUl sel vue Saturday, MlY...- ,Catechlll1l rehearsal meets at 930 am. Th membersh,p I CIa.. , Sunday 10 a m Mal nil" worship I beems at 11, a m I d~ evenmg at Sunda~, May 1a-9 30. lund.y Schoo! wllh sermon b} the mlnlsler 10h1{~' ~I~" meegh;l~ e~~a~l~~ e:ery Wednes- 1 45, Worship servle, 800. Luther to 12 noon Church ",hool lor c. I' m t 8 110Lea,ue Molher'. Day Progr'm, ren nursery Ihrough the SIxth Irade day evemnl a~. Tuesdav May IS-TIS. Catechlllll L t. OLDHAM, PUBLISHER ~ta~:'la %r t~1I1~~~n th~h~[~th '~~.:'J~CHRISTIAN SCIINCE CHUR{HES II Class 800, MlIIlon SO<'lety. a 00 • Includ10l adults, 7 pm, Youth Fel. The dilllncllon belween splntua I Brotherhood n Ebner. Editor lowsh,p meelInd man mand mortal man 10 ,usc:ussed I Wednesday May t6.... 00 Chapel Tuesday 7 30"pm The Rulh C,rcle tha. Leuon-Sermon 10 be read In all ChOir, 6 30, Mother.Daulfhi"T Ban- L A. YOUNG. CirculatIon Mgr. Dotti. Youn., Advertlslni of the woman. society w,lI meet 10 ChrlSllan SCIence cI;lurches Msund,:?& quet the home of Mr. C 0 Gouom, 4O'l Mall' 13Mun'!!'r the tople am a I Thursday, May 17-1230, Moth.,. Morilil Road Fa len an I Club Luncheon, 400, Junior Cho,r --- The Golden. Text I. from RotnanJI 8 00 Evaftgelum Committee ' OFFICES AT 15121 KERCHEVAL BET- MARYLAND AND LAKEPOINTE MESSIAH LUTHERAN (519)' "As by one lOIn' idtaobeI p m--.1unlor Hi ~Im that, whlle exact comparison figures for ~~:e~ annual Mother's Day shoppmg spree. But phme.The Rebecca Cucle meets at I pm lJ'1r~esday.Boy SCouts 4 pm, Girl SCouu; 7 pm, Fellowahlp.Sunday, T pm --8enJor Hi PlJa'rlm each hohday are not available from de- the girls with all their purchasing power, on Wednesday (May 16) al the home Wea~v~~ (Center sponsored Ca Il TU 1-6030) . ~,O,J pm parents.rumor attendO\urchworship11 30 un.service. I 10..&5a.m. gram next Sunday ai S 00 o'clock A MaItlaDd, "we the last census of busmess cover- art, Mrs. Earl Zuehlke and Mrs. 1 Worship Service sk,t and a b1m will feat~ the prolll"am. • ~ Lester J. Ballet Classes, Olga FrlckE'r, InstructOl. (Call Youlh groups 630 pm-aU yOUDg J an spend"'e tile $600, ... "'reD ing 19.8. Total sales were ~,950,- A. Ruegsegger were the drivers : .. last y .... to obtain lbe 1»1eoc1 268,000. for the trip Center, TU. 1-6030) ...... " . 4 00 pm -6 00 P m ~I':f~:eke~~:r terv1ce-Wednelday. : b'.... It will be a waste of Automobt!:; experts are still • Friday, May 18 May 9. at '7 30 pm .. -...ef II we don't bave bottlts ,8timatiDC an output of &.li00.- • • • Red Cross Mobile Blood Unit Donors needed ••• 2 30 pm -8 30 pm LUTHERAN Cii'iiRCR OF 'l'RB 1 Ia wbJeIl to keep tile bloocL" _ motor vehicles ID Miebipn Brownie Troop 304 of Kerby School IS one of the lucky troops "ernor RlchREFORMATION...ay E. and Lakeview NOTICE ~ Nati.w pI"OduetiOll of the COIl- this year. Natarally, tho used Manfred WhIUmgham, the lead- Calvtn F. sttclde.. 0.0 .. Past4r I ... tainen" rapidly beiDe rob- car market is doWD. which enjoyed Mrs. Lehman's ers, WIll present Second Class . 9 30 a m -Sunday School depart- OF PUBLIC HEARING hospltahty at Village Manor. badges to the followmg gll'Is: HOId Chleago ments wlll meet In their new quarters They were served punch and "NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the !'::a:;hile a regIonal CIVIlian (1~~~ ::~to~:~e~~~t t~:;~ Susan Browne, Demse Carne, - 10J1t~ .:'~w_~~d~~~ject If the pastor" I cookIes after learnmg all. about sermon for Pentecost and Mother" I proVIsIOn of Act No. 207 of the Public Acts of the State ;- defense otflclal says of the mock VIOUSyear) last fall shot an esti- Karen Chnstensen, JUd)' Dle- Conventlon Day will be, "The Indwelllng Spirit" how the restaurant 15 run Mrs. t raid on the 500: "The populace mated 797,500 rmgnecks. koff. Nell Evans, Mary LIZ Fitz- 4"00 pm-DedicatIon of the new of Michigan for the year of 1921 as amended, that a Harkonen and Mrs. Eppmger, Baha'ls from Grosse Pointe ParIsh House addItion Sermon by Rev .... gerald anq Barbara Henderson h W,Ulam Schaffer. pastor of Advent I public hearmg Will be had at the Muntcipal ~uildmg, . leadera, went WIth the BrOWnies. ave Just returned from t h e 43 d I Lutheran Church, DetroIt. and a $On Others are Sharron Janats, In the CIty of Grosse Pomte Woods, Wayne County, ~ EYES EXAMINED • • • Annual Convention wluch was of the congregahon ButIet aupper and '- Complete Optical Servlce St. Paul's Brownie Troop 257 Carol Ruth Kennedy, Nancy held m the foundahon hall of I tour of the buI1dml IolloWU'lgthe ser- I Michigan, on the fIfth day of June, 1951, at 8:30 o'clock } .. DR. A.. M. MAIESTER was presented WIth an Amencan Kmgman, Mary MacArthur, Pat the Baha'I House of WorshIp In I :...~l:.:ce.:..... _ p.m, Eastern Standard TIme, upon a proposed amend- ... flag by the Ladles' AUXIliary of McClintock, Marcra Mower. Bar- WIlmette, IllinOIS W II G mhe ment to OrdInance No. 34 of the City of Grosse Pointe DR. L. D. MA.IESTER the AmerIcan LegIon, Unit 303, More than 800 delegates and Woods, adopted June 18, 1940, which proposed amend- .."" Optometrists bara Netschke, Judy Noth~tlne. a y a r at a ceremony on Apnl 30 . Sarah Olert. Jill Purdy. Carol ment is as follows: ..... 3111 LAUwOOD at Ma •• VISitors heard Alfred P Shaw t .. A Court ot Awards II bemg Ann Reed Karen Rueger. Aud- A Rid Pboae VA. l-UII Fe~ " ...... , of Shaw, Metz and Doho, Chi- .. held at RIchard School on May ry Schmidt, Mary ,Lynn Stoner t gemon I .- "IAn ordmance to regulate and restrict the location .... 10 at 4 pm. for mtermedlate and Sally Whlttmgham. cago archItects. report on the Wallace G am beT, prominent : troop 84 The seouts' mothers Baha'i Temple mterlOr ornamen- golfer and athletiC Instructor, w111 I of trades and mdustrles and the locahon of buildmgs • are inVIted and Mrs, John Ann Young. -daughter or Mrs tatlon whIch Will be completed Ireturn again thIS season as the deSIgned for speCIfIed uses, to regulate and limit Bayne, neighborhood ch&lrman, Kathleen H. Young, 423 St ClaIr, early In the summer. A brIef pro at Ridgemont Golf Course, on , the heIght and bulk of bUlldmgs hereafter erected, IS the guest of honor. A tea Will was recently IOI1Iated mto Kappa EI~ht Mile Road. to regulate and determme the area of yards, courts follow the ceremony. Kappa Gamma sororIty at Hills- survey hsted 106 countnes In SpecIal lessons "'111 be given and other open spaces, to limit and restrict the which the Baha IS now reside for women and Gamber WIll also • • • dale College. MISs Young IS a I maxImum number of famlhes which may be housed Mr. DaVId Came and Mrs. freshman at Hillsdale. and 80 dIfferent languages mto teach mghtly at the drlvmg m dwellmgs hereafter erected or altered, and for which the Baha'i literature IS' range or dUring the day on the I ..... translated. course said purposes divide the Village into dIstriCts, to ._~ r provide a method of admlnIstratlon. and to pre- ~SlED . Mrs, Amelia Collln~ who had Gamber a former box'ng star I Just returned from HaIfa. Isarel, Iand track runner, has taught golf : SCribe penalties for the VIOlation of Its proVIsIOns.' ~ ..... ita.. SlCCESS j, • deSCribed the work there com- for more than three decades He I liE WAY IV WI "\ 3 pletlng the shrme of the Bab. I. the brother of the late Clar- "THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS ORDAINS: Martyr-H('rald of the Faith. 10- enee Gamber, world champion It'. •• ~",'Ity J \. 'd m thiS ordmance. shall be erected upon or t~~~rt~j~~rS 19 I IwanlS ourlleys VlIS~ Gayle Richardson of 16710 I purposes' Public museum, public ACT NOW The Rlver<>lde KiwaniS wIll Show at Skidmore College She I Itbrary. publtc school, parochIal school. church. par- .Si& lAn SlED Use onty 0 lhwd opend Mav 17 at the SahatlOn was In the Pair Cia'S, Jump- I Ish home, public community center. and municipal as IIIVdI b.c_ tt-. ore 3,000,000 Army Camp near BelleVIlle to I mil: E\ ent Advan~ HOT"'eman- I StruCtUT('S necessary for public welfar~. safety and YOU GET __ • Neefs in eoch pound. For open sunny, paint under the OupervlSlnn of ~hlp llnd 10 8100 II m~mher of convemence. member Grant WAlters I the team of thfo ela" r>f 19,52 Both on each of the four wheels I('('urlte!.y Id. ... "... "- '- /9ltfy .... lawns.. 1 Ib - SUS ' ..... fl.... ,Ie ;", 5 ~.65 25 ~SO ... te )'00 safety It I ... iftl5~ ~ Accl!ssorv bUlldmgs mav be ~rerWd for PUrpMe8 ...... har"..... ,., 1ll1UU P'teture boolt beauty I - which arl! customan!" mCldl!nt tG any of thl! aMVl! . •" Ex~rtI I • - ..... -~ and color f&lI~ a meal of tflis com- p4'rmlttpd uSPs mcludmg not mort. than onE' pMvate • Ch.Yrol .... ,proveci lquipm'M "ry ;... • It - .... plete grossfood. Economy too. one Grosse Pte. Woods Market ,l:arage (or each Jot The re~ulatlOns for hPlght, bulk • CheYrolet-specifieti MethCHI. e:..~_-117$, povnd fHds 100 eq It 25 Ibs-$2 50 and area (or T('sidential accessory bul1dml'!s shall 11..000 .... _ $4M 1Nd, 2500 'Q'" 10.000 'Q 11-$7.85 2038.'\ Mltrlr-Between Lallca..qCr & Country Club Dnv. applj ~ A.k About Our Pay-As- You-D,;.,. Plait EDW. J. SCHULTE Op@. Sundays PJ)ilip F. Allard, HARDWARE • Fre8b Prect_ • C1Ie1ee Mati • QuIltJ GncerIeI CITY CI.ERK. B & B CHEVROLET, INC. CHARLEVOIX And Every Diy t in t GrO'l~ Pointe Wood~ •• 11 E. J.ff.non .t C,.n. VA. 2.1' 03 h15121 TU. 2.186~ Michiran. , WE DELIVER PublJ~hpd GrM~e POlnfP Rt",f'w May 10. Hl,Sl J R. Th d M 10, '95'-3 , St. Paul Hi-Lites IiDedicate AID WORLD SODALITY DAY IArtists Open The ~,oSle._pointe__ evelw--=- _ u~t oy, • Of --

. B,DlANEZEMPEB INew Parish /f , ~ IExhlehlet,.on iMuSIC ApprecIatIon Th:s week of May will long be I Robert Clarke could have been I ff d remembeled and talked about spotted melnly dancmg, eatmg, House Here ' C N 'IV 0 ere ,?y all. P,~ulltes as one of the and pla)mg games. Yes, the high M 19 ourse 01; social-1st and most activist sinle, and mighty Semols are lust as The Lutheran Chunh of the on ay By DON FR • 1L''''1 A",, tJ1~ 0vent, In lalS driven bv perhaps the beginning of the partV-lsh as the Freshmen' RefolmatlOn, Vernor HighWay at IL"'...... ~ , yeal. Quite a lilt .f entertain- LakeVIew, will dediCate It~ new ' Th(, GIO"e Powt£' Artl,t, A<- Grosse Pomte lIil:'b School wncert-goIng pal enb and teach- The reason? Of course, euh ment, don't you arree? And $70,000 palish house addition at! soclatlOn "'Ill hold It< ,Illnual, Journali~m Student 'pr, and ~Ih en masse In one sec- cldSS IS trYIng to outdo rIVal all these are jUllt the prelude d speCial sel Vice, Sunday. May I openmg d..ty tea at the War Me-I Amon~ the Iecent addition, to twn of the balcony classes In gettmg the most votes to tbe best of them all. tbe Sod- 13, at 4.00 pm. If wIll be dedi- nlOllal Center III the aftel noon' the CUInculum of GIOS'C Pomte I Concel t hall OffiCials and fel- to support theIr candld'ates in the aUty Ball tomorrow bleht, May cated III memory of ~IX members of May 19th The exhibitIOn Will i High School h a wur,e deSigned I 10\\ ll"tcnels hdve often com- Kmg and Queen Contest fO! the 11, It'.the main Sodality evebt who gave their lives {or their bp held m the second floor' to tUither mcet the cultural reo i phmented l\h Deal on the cour. Sodality Ball. of the year, 10 everyone be sure countl y In World War II The g,lIlenes flom May 19th through qUlrement, of the ~tudenh It tc,y nnd ,erIOU~ attentIOn dls,

Wednesday mght was a big, to be f:here. You'll rea~ly miss followmg names are inSCribed on June 2 • \ , was appro\'cd on April 6 by the I pJa~ ed b:, tne group big night for everyone concerned IOmetblDIl' lr you m... tbe a bronze tablet placed III the Thel e "'III be 9trles ,n '" atcr Board of EducatIOn I Though thiS drrangement ac,

for all classes were well repre: SoclIJit, Ball! vestibule' Gordon Chard, Leon- color. "u)pture, sculptural cer-I Entitled mU'lc appreuatlOn" I cumphshed rduch In the way of sented In BOClalfunctiOns, (Thurs. NolV let's view some Bcnool ard Grenon. Kenneth Hender-I am It", OIl, and drdwmlls for the ne~ ,uh)ed "Ill meet fO! two i tultural ad":ancement, Mr Deal day was a Holy Day and conse- actiVItIes A gala talent show was sen, William Netzlol!, Arthur whIch fll"t, second dnd third thl ee-quarter hOUI pE'llOd., a, ha, long felt thE' need for trdns- quently, no school') Startmg held on May 4 after the Sodahty Resner and Ray Zimmerman pIJ7eS \\111 be given school weeh and gl\e one hour forming t h I ~ extla -lurrlcular Charlotte Marchand held a get. meetmg You shold have seen all The bUIldmg COnsists of two Thele \\111 abo be the Agnes credit toward gladuatlOn for eath ndlvlt) Into a lIa," where stu trom the semors and on down: the talent' Just ask the Paulltes, fiools' and a basement. The new Lmdemann AWdrd dnd the Lil. of Its t" 0 semester, clenh touid meet and ~tudy, m a together tor her classmates, and On the program was that gemal ~fice wluch replaces the former han M Pear Award I Chief ;.ponsor and futUle m- ,y,tematll. academl<. mannel, the they. including Mary Lou FI~her, master of c ere m 0 n i e s, Bob parsonage l5 Joiued to the present The JUIY con'J~t~ of thl ee out- I ,tl uctor of tne nev, lOur-e I, \ dllOUS ~t~ les of musIc and the Dolores De Wolf, James O'Con- Schneider', Bal bara Unt!o plaYIng church structure In It Will be Four locahtles are busy preparIng publiCity for the f I h t M R I h D I t h h d up each located the pastol's study, the W ld Sod I D I b b b 0 -town peop e w 0 are ops:J..n 'I a p ca a CIYIC, InS ruc- tompo,ers W IC ma e nor, PatriCia Yott, Ronald Mor. a brIllIant renditIon of Claire de or a Ity ay ce e ration to e 0 served In DetrOit thell fIeld, Jean Pdul Slu,ser 01- I tor at the HIgh Schoo] period ketter. James Keller, Kathleen Lune; Joanne Trombley and Gene church office and all departments Sunday at U of D Stadium begmnmg at 4 pm. Makmg t fAt U t f M h I Th t "1 recth of the Sunday school except the Iec or 0 I, mV"!>1 v 0 • IC - e new (OUI ,e s el1l (I I I\c rdm"'1\ prelImIndry plam Weot, Jerry KIrsch, Lalry Holler- Reynolds In a plano, dance num- mtermedlate and adult plans for the event are, left to fight, Paul Duclos, Made- Igdn, Ann Arbor, Flnncl" MellJtt, from the ~lu<;lc AppreCiatIOn I "I ~o ; 't~ntdtJve course of bach and many others, were do- bel; Marian Nigra, who showed The dedicatory sel mon Will bp leme Hurley, Joan Jenuwme and Patrick Gornen F'r Dn ector of Flmt Imtltute of Art_, Club, a plOmment 01gdnIlatum : I~( dU Inl: lIst of alms and oh- mg their utmost to promote their some very deft trIck.s With the « Damel S. Lord, S J., will be guest speaker A crowd of FlInt, and Howdrd ChUlch DII ec- ,mee It '" a.. founded \\ hen Mr U) an d a d (with Senior candidates-Rita Blondell baton; Frank FogUi th and his preached by Rev. Wilham Schaf- tin tor of Fme Art~, MIChigan Stolte Deal JOIned the facult\' ,even JcctJ\ CdS(\\thele I brawn bUeP~) and and Earl La Fave' quartet pIa y In g "Oh Babe," fer, pastor of Advent Lutheran 20,000 IS expected to at d World Sodahty Day IS cele- C II L CedI (I the aloe c u mcm ,~, Church, DetroIt. Rev. Schaffer brated everywhere each year on Mother's Day. 0 ege, dnsmg yeals ago ompo, malO) 0 I the ro osal was submitted to the Anne Reed was obeerved to I Sentunental Jouney," and a few IS a son at the congregation, hav- I They Will meet at 10 ,I m FrI- I semol high bo~" the group hds boa;d f~r a deCISIOn be aDllVtrinc the door at her other old favorites (tli.lll group WI been ordaIned In 1949 The I day mOlnmg, MdY 18th at the I been altlve m DetrOit area cul- Kerby abode leveral tim. that Included Ed Heck, Chff Jablon- hturglSt Will be Rev, Leroy Ordam. Local Cad'nt WaJ-I Center, to View the art pieces and tural pursull, \\ Ith the accent on i Though the coulse Will mamly evenmr also. '"and -ho... -.-...... sluOnandth Glenn ~'1lters).d half f th h 'w Gar,d pastor-elect of Trlmty ~ ~, ace award the pllzes I serIOUS musIc concern Itself With the 11past,b enterin,! Why, lohn Huette- e secon a e s 0 Lutheran Church, HIllsdale, Mlch M. . A d C Thl' year for the first time BeSides ,In occa'lOnal opera or methods of m,tructJon WI e IIlllDt Diane Cetlialki J1m appeared Wally Hogue domg an Dr. Ralph J. White, preSident of InlSter tten s amp there will be a popular pllze other type of plOgram the entire quIte up to date-Includmg Houlihan, William Lod'wyek, excellent ventnloqulSt act-who the Michigan synod will brmg award The publIc Will be asked group, plu~ various membel s of I recor&, films and hterature. lohn Klem, Dolores WiN, Mary knows, maybe. we have a Isecond the formal greetmgs of the synod. Mr. Leroy Gard, graduate of I Cadet Newell B Walaee, Jr, to vote on the first day of the the hIgh school faculty regularl~ And though the emphaSIS Will Mar&,aret Va. Damme Pe&,fY Edgar Bergen lD our mlCist DaVid FolloWln( the dedlcahon there Hamrna Dlvlmty School and a; a fre,hman at the Umverslty of exhibitIon during the openmg tea I attends lhe ,erles of major sym- 1 be on clasSical ~tyles, the study Sharpe, Bob Maree, 'and 01 McCarron on the accordlan; Gene Will be tour of the bUIldmg and member of the Lutheran Church VlrgmJa, Charlotte~vjlle. VirginIa, Among those expectmg to ex- phony concerts pre"ented durmg I of con temporal v musIc Will not eouJ'R, that ChOIeD eoupJe, Reynolds stylm~ some ~Id plano a buffet supper wul be served. h R I ,II attend a Slx.wee,{ ROTC Iublt Will be Mrs John Angell, the school year at the Ma~onJc I be neglected, Mr. Deal com- 1\1 D I B b d .. favorites' a triO conslStmg of of t e eformallon. wIl be or- I Sun1mer\\ Camp at FOlt Eust's, Temple Auditorium J an e ar a an Iall.' May 13 also marks the twenty- ~ Mrs Cyril J Barrett, Mrs Curtis mented. TroIilb11. Aecordin. to the Catherme West, Sally McCarron fourth an f th d.u damed at MeSSIah Lutheran I Vlrgmla, beglnnmg June 16 Cal mlchdel, MI. and Mr~ Rocco Each concert IS prepared for po".p-"y tal- ...... iIl-DAinr and LaJrY Hollerbach singing mversary 0 e eU1- Ch D M M E I D~ I bv one or two weeks of IIstenmg The first classes Will begm ...... , - " (d th h h ) B b catIon of the present church urch, West Grand Boulevard Upon graduatIon flOm the e drco, IS ar u mage, - f 11 th 11 nt prob and entertaiDment was really 0 ey aye armony. 0 bUlldmg and the twenty-seventh and Toledo, Tuesday, May 15, at UnJ"el slty of Vlrglma, Wallace Mrs Haldeman Finnie Mrs Wm to records of the musIc featured next a WI enro me • lIOmethinr' Schneider closed the program anniversary of the pastor's mm- 800 p.m. In connectIon With the j \~11I be elIgIble for a comnusslon R Hamilton, II, Mrs FOld I on the program bv indiVIdual ably taken for the most part troT?, Pat Mon~han had a crowd at With ~ome of hIS own stylized, yet Istry at Refol"TI1atlOn Churcb.. d< a selond lieutenant In the Ballantyne Mrs E C Bowen members ThIs preparation usu-I the prebent musIc club members. hel Soph patiy on the same night. beautiful lllXophone rhythlTll!, annual convenfJon of the Mlchl- Offi,er Re-erve Corps and for Mrs Wllfr~d Casgram Mrs Stan- ally terminates In a SOlt of "last Deal concluded, "though It Of course, Jean Sharrow, Pat Quite an enjoyable afternoon S gan Synod, I (OnblderatlOn for a Regular ley S Dolega Mrs' G LeslIe' mmute get-together and lIsten- is hoped that others-boys and West Bob Thurtle Jo Anne spent: agreed the student body. Mr. Gald is a graduate of Army CommISSion. FIeld, Mrs. Fer~ls FItch and Mrs ; mg se~slOn" held at one of the gIrls-wIll ta~e advantage of tillS d ears eaman Gets Tro~bley, MarIlyn Buehner, JIm ~I k In athfew Yh we !~an say Southeastern HIgh School, Wlt- ---____ Gordon W. Johnstone. Imember's homes a few days be- 'unusual opportunIty afforded by Haley, Mary Ellen Beaupre, new em W en ,-- . tenbe g C lleg d H DJ A d W. fore the concert ,the board to delve mto our cui. Charlott• Klein, Lou Anne Mox- Well, I guess thatl all for thiS E D roe, an amma - Others are MIS. DaVId Hamll- The club tla\'els to and from tural heritage. ~ k Se II xl' scort uty vlDrty School HIS home ad- ('3 emv'" mnel'S ton, Mr~ Paul Ma~n, Mr Paul ley and Cliff JablonskI were wee. _e_y_o_u_B__ n_e__ Robert A McEachm, seaman, dress IS 19444 Washtenaw avenue. at Coronet Maxon, Mr Floyd Munson, Mrs i there making the party a success, C . USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nell Followmg hiS ordinatIOn, Rev I Longyear Palmer, DI and Mrs ' and what party would be com- orruptlon McEaChin of 348 HIllcrest street, Gard wul move to HIllsdale, ~fovmg over to the "Coronet," I John P'aar, MI s O\\en R. Skel-' KITCHENS in METAL or CUSTOM WOOD plete Without John Brady, Dick IS servmg board the destroyer Michigan, where he has accepted, startmg Thursday, for one week I ton, Mrs John S Sweeney, Jr ,j O'Connor, Sydnee SmIth, Rita (Centinlled from race 1) escort USS R. A Owens on duty a call to become pastor of Trm- onl\' WIll be the winners of 91 Mr MaurH~e Wood, Mrs Charles We deSIgn and bmld to SUIt O'Grady, Larry McComlck, Gary wh'ich Will enable them to com-lID the Mediterranean as a UnIt Ity Lutheran Church. Rev. Gard ,\ I WrIght Jr and Mrs Frank • AITICS Fett, and Jim Riegler. In other bat organized crIme" of the Sixth Fleet. WIll be the third member of Re-" eademy Awards, "All About, L d" . • RECREATION ROOMS words, t he party was a defInIte . Peterson ~arged that organ- The Owens IS flagship of Com- formatlon church to be ordained I E\ e" With Bette DaVIS, Anne III em ann. _ success' ••• !Zed crIme has come about be- mander Destroyer FlotIlla 4 and to the gospel mmlstry In the last I Baxter, George ~anders, and i At the annual Honors Day As- • PORCH ENCLOSURES cause "we have abandoned the: Will partiCipate m fleet maneuv- three years. "Sunset Boulevard" WIth GlOrIa sembly In FInney Chapel at noon • STORM SASH and DOORS THE WEEKEND, too, showed orlgmal IdealIsm wluch pervad- I ers Includmg amphibIOUS land. S"'anson and WillIam Holden. I today, OberlJn College announc- • F.H.A. TERMS ju.~t holV SOCial PauMes can be! ed the thinking and cond~ct of Imgs by marInes on the l1sand of The coughmg sound for Jack ------ed the names of students on the Frash Lynn Van Tlem and Sandy our founding fathers,-an Ideal- Malta WIth full scale Naval aU' Benny's Maxwell, famed sound Edmond O'Bnen CBS' "Yours dean's hst In the lughest ten per Knack each gave partIes. The ism whiCh, ill some lustorIans and sea power sUl?port. effects on CBS"- "Jack Benny Trul~', Johnny Dollar," made hIS I cent of hiS class IS Robert Trees, CUSTOM WOOD PRODUCTS CO former, held on Friday mght, have noted, has sadly gone Show," I~ done vocally by Mel actmg debut carrymg a bathtub' son of Mr and Mrs Damel Trees, I 22500 MACK Free EstImates • FR. 5.0470 boasted of such notables as Claire astray. This idealism must be I P C II Blanc. acro". a stage of 946 Lmcoln road. I Jablonski, MAry Marchand, JeJry regamed m substantial measure vt. a ahan ------.---~. -. -.------_ Slater, John Bergman, MarIlyn by SIZeable segments of our Blondell, Mary Roth, Pat West- population If organIzed crime I A. F riCk, Paul Hoey, Barbara Untl, and official corruptiolU ue to be n lr orce Thomas Dixon, Marian Nigra, destroyed" Elame Barbrett, Joe Muer, and Pvt. George Jr. Callahan, Jr, Nancy Mason They were well 613 Barrmgton, 1S one of the 535 \ entertamed With the lates ree- Band wneert air force personnel to receive ords for danCIng and of course, trammg at Oklahoma A&M Col- food (Two combmatlons which (C .. tbuled fr_ Pace 1) lege, School of T"echmcal Tram- \ make practically any party a The band will play the State I mg, Okmulgee, Oklahoma . • uccess') ReqU11'ed Class A number, "An- These men ,to which 28 new 8aIuIJ' ...... _ _ _~""".aJso tbe--other traJDees pel' week will be added, terIaJaiJIr _ ~:r IIiPt two aelections, ''¥.artinique,'' and will be trained in basic automo- and D.... Blekey, DohtIIy the "Crosley March." bve preventative maintenance ALL Okray, Joaa MarU, Claire For the fint time a harp will mecl1anlcs. Tramees are being Lenz, Dick Dowd, Mike ShMallo be featured With the band. Judy brought In from Lackland alr- MEAT Disk SchWf, Iou Geymum, Jeeve& will playa harp aolo, "The force base, San Antonio, Texas. ~ Wally HOIUe were lI.t a MagJe Fountaln." She WIll also ------tew of thole iIIdudecl on ltn accompany the bend in Straus' PI.clore Council Chicken Ifuest list. Yes. all ill aU, the Immortal "Death and Traos- FresbmeJl. had a TU'1 huy figuratIon." weekend. Two graduating seniors Will be Okays Mov. PIES But they weren't the only ones! featured as SOlOiSts. Audrey les Ship Ducastle deCided that a Flachsmann w111 play "Valse The Grosse POinte Motion PIC- hot dog roast would be just the Lynette" on the alto sax. Taylor ture CounCIl recommends a lIst 49c Ideal wav to- celebrate the commg Obold WIll play a drum solo, of pictures to appear at nelgh- FRESH PORK TENDERLOIN lb. 7'e of nIce weather. It seems Peter "Connecticut Half-TIme" borhood mOVies durmg the RICKORY SMOKED BACON Ib 49c \., or Wbole Smoked Slab • Schurnmer and Janet Hock, Jack "J06hua," "Irene Overture," month of May. - Tromblev and Mary Del Barba, and the now-popular "Synco- FOR CHILDREN BARBECUE SIZE SPARE RIBS__lb. 4'e Beverly LabadIe and Ivan French, pated Clock," WIll be pruented In 'Stage to Tucson," "Pygmy Phyllis Van Becelaere and Tlm- the lIghter vem. I s I and," "The G rea t Man Hormel Quarter Size Hams__~a. $2.2S mle ChampIne and Marilyn Suth- Two famous marches. 'Man- Hunt" "Happy Years," "Two CROWN BRAND BACON lb. SSe erland and Glenn Walters agreed hattan Beach," and "Colonel Lost Worlds," "KIm" and "Toma. SOUTHERN SEAS wJlh her Bogey," Will round out the pro- hawk" SWORD FISH STEAKS 'Ib. 59c They therefore all took them- gram, with Taylor Obold as stu- FOR TEEN AGERS CORNEDsBEEsr~...... lb. 79c lel\ es to Belle Isle on Saturday Ident. conductor for '-Colonel "Hamlet" and "Three Guys BUMBLE BEE mght The weather was perfect, Bogey" Taylor fIrst directed the Named Mike" DUZ • OXYDOL BEECH-NL'T Potato Salad } the food was good, and everyone band at Its formal concert w~en _ was In fme SPIrIts, The re&Ult: A he was in the seventh grade. BABY Macaroni TUNA FISH Salad 29C fme time had. b~ all! 1 N .---....--- Safetv Drive Ivory Snow Pllg. c FOOD CHUNK and FLAKE 29 ~(:. Cole Slaw lb. Strained IUARIE COUVREUR did the I orrvegrans (Coutin.ied frOID race 1) Ivory Flakes . .'. Baked Beans honors for the SenJOIs. last Fl!- 'I Celebrate HoUtlay safety eqUIpment which should i 4 For 40c dav mght Ail the Semors l1\'ere be Inspected and replaced, If I C CAN FOR 00 ------...... an:"lOus to help her out In her DetrOlters who ale of Norv.e- necessary, are rear and stop 35 3 $1 Chopped entertammg. for eve r y vote glan birth and descent will cele- lIghts, ~mdshleld ~Iper,. muf.1 COCKtAIL PEANUTS__3Sc can ~(" ,~, . 3 For 44c cOllnl~ In thiS contest. brate the Norwegian ConstitutIon fier, 1;\'mdow glass, horn and I .. er. Duane Streb. Salhe McCarron, Day on May 12. at 8 pm at the rear-view mirror. I PERK SOAP POVWDER pkg. 2Sc FROZEN FOOD Pat O'Grady, Earl La Fave, Elmel Danish Brotherhood Temple, For- Ma)-, which marks the begm. B.o\BY 2 59' De Cocker. CelestIne Blondell, est near 12th Street nmg of \ acatlOns for many faml- • LL'IA BEANS for Han~ Von Bernthal, Audrev Ha- The Norweg,an Bus mess At- hI'S and the observance of Mem- TOP-NOTCH APPLE SAUCE _. . 2 cans 39c le\. Jerry Marschall, LoUIS Dans. tache, Knstotrer Oddsen, now onal Day. I" the logical time for I ORASGEADE 2 for 35«: bury, Denms Furton. Anne Martz. staboned In ChIcago, w111 be the gettmg one, car In good me- GRAPE 2 39c Joan Hagan, DIck Gallagher and mam speaker. chBnlcal conditIOn, the law en' DIU PICKW. • • 29c q!: 4 qIs•••• $1.00 J1:'ICE for forcement OffICIa Is urged j II ~~ S1"RJnVBERRIES .. 39«: Automobile owners wno take, large boDies e precaution, now are inSUrIng a ~ , ;g;STAR CROSS CATSUP 2 4'e ~~:~ 2 f~ 34 safe a" TTaln Fir. Elln-. CopIes of the propo5ed budget Wlll be on file on 'Ud •• and after Mav 14. 1951. In the office of the City Clerk for public Jn~tlOn dUring regular office hou~ w... ,,,.. ~o, - "'oT , • II t'.. IIpO,ft. Tyo-a. ,",rarlo, ...... T""Of I" HARRY A. FlJRTO'\ "TOMAHAWI" CITY CLERK (In Tet""nlC'olorl CITY OF GROSSE POINTE FARMS Plo" 16822 Kercheval - TU. 5-3200 Pllbh~hed In GrM.~e POInte ReVIew M41~ 10. Ill!\1 "MISSING WOMEII" 880 W. McNichols - UN. 1-6700 Birmin ham - Midwest 4.1500 , , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • tn (Jrosse [/Jointe · · · · · • • • • • • • • • • 4-The GrOll. Poi"" Re..iew - Thursday, May 10, 1951 Foster Party Auxiliary Holds f/~ervake-Miron Slate Annual Carl Edward Sisks Install New Dra::.cs j:Jointers Rememberance L · T DAR Group Mom - Daughter Day Sunday to toe.L n Ohio Among those who WIU be pie •• Rite.s SoleJnlJized cot at Mw Annie Ward Fo.ter's Party in May Mrs. Llo)'d DeWItt Snuth, of Marlon Claire Murphy, daugh- Followmg the celemony, a at Luncheon May party at the MaJionlc Temple ter of Ml. and Mrs. Reginald bl eakfast and reception fOl the An annual mother-daughter Grand MaraIs Blvd., ltate presI- on Fnday. May 11, are Elsie dent of the Huguenot Society of Thomas Murphy of BalIour road, blldal party and guests was held LoUISd 5t C I air Chdplel, party wll! follow the regular and Carl Edward Sisk of Cleve. at the Grosse Pomte Yacht Club. Daughters of the American Revo- Scherer. escorted bv Robert Michigan (and recently elected Tuesday meetmg of Auxlhary land and Warren, Oruo, were Morse and Mary. Yaeger. who reglstrar.general of the National Durmg the reception a string en- IUtlD, will hold Its annual lunch. "Ill attend With J. Otto Unit 286 on May 15 at the Roose semble from Tuesday MUSicale of eon and meeting at NewbeTly Vanker Memonal Home Society), Will extend ,reetin,., Jr. in the name of the Society, at which the bride is a member House, 1383 East Jefferson ave- Events on the docket Include their Fourteenth Annual Day of played and Jacquehne Murphy of nue, May 17. Poppy Day on May 24, under the New YorK, sister of the bride, Remembrance, to take place Sun- MlS. Sidney PI obert, regent, direction of Chairman Mane Ket- sang several selechons Spring Dance el, and Memorial Day Mass at day manun" May 20, at the Fir!>t Will open the buslll,eas meetmg Congregational Church, ill Chel- For a motor triP to FlOrida at 10.30 p. m. After annual re. The last Inter.Parlsh Dance of Our Lady Queen of Sorrows aea, Michigan. from where they Will fly to Nas- Church for deceased members of ports are heard members wlIl the UI5{).SI season sponsored by sau, in the Bahamas, the bnde elect officers and directors to the Unit and Post. Members Will attend In a wore an antique gold gabard1ne the youn. people of 3. east Side serve next year. paru;hes w1I1 be held Tuesday, The wlnnmg team of the Roose body. Rev. William H Skentel. luit With brown alhgator shoes llay 15, at Vamty Ballroom. Vanker Auxlhary Bowhng League bury, mlOlster of the church has and bag. Her small hat was f1lsh. Mrs. Jacob J. Lamb, c..haplam, Ralph Bo\\en and hIS orchestra thiS season consisted of Aleda De. arranged special music, includmg loned of wheat colored straw with Will conduct Installation llerv"es 1\ III be plaYlne for the dancIDg. f.oose, Cap tam, Flora Behrendt, the hymn, "Faith of Our Fathers," a green veil and trim She wore a and W11lallo preside over a me- VlvlBn Venelorn of St. Edward's Leona Charrette, Josephine Maes always sung by the HUlUenot So. white orchid corsage and mink morial service for members lo~t parISh and Jean Newman of St. and Modeheve MIIlert Sponsors clety. scarves completed the outfit m death throu,h the put year. Davld's parISh WIll be worlung ale Buyse's BakepY. High lilngle At 11 30 o'clock, the chaplam, Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. The luncheon WIll be under the on the committee. of the year WaJiJoyce Behrendt's Mrs. Henry B. Joy, wiJI conduct SISk. Will be at home In a newly direction of Mrs. Ernest O. Borg- and high high seru!s was held by a memorial service. bUilt home at 2~720 Grand BlVd., lID, and her soclII committee. Aleda DeLoose. Wickl1ffe, Ohio, a suburb of " Th. Cro... Point. M~ AND MRS. WILLIAM LEWIS MIRON A dinner at 12.30 o'clock will Cleveland. Mrs. Charlet S. Lewis, chan- Studio of Desilninc be served by the church women man of hostesses, Will be asSisted Anne Gall Vervake, daughter held at the home of the bride In the church, for by Mrs George H Hopper and Ind Dre'lmakini Card Party of the Albert J Vervake. of follOWing the ceremony. The which early reservations are reo MoffettSiudio Alterations - Suits and ~oats Mrs. Fredenc Zelgen, with Mrs Somerset road, was marfled at a young couple are on a tl'1P to quested. MRS. CARL EDWAJU> SISK Lee M. Corless and Mrs Alfrrd SATISFACTION recent ceremony to William Washmgton. and after the honey- Campfire Gir/j GUARANTEED The women ot Mes.lah Luth- W. Crabb In charle of reseJ'va- eran Church Will have a lunch. LeWIS MIron Mr Miron IS the moon WII! re.lde 10 New Orleans. ThiS church was selected in united in marrIage on Saturday tiona. 672 ST. CLAIR eon and card party on Thursday, son of Mr and Mrs Wilham T. honor of the late Mr•. Clarence mormn" May 5fth, at eleven. Graue Pomte May 17. at 1230 pm, to be held MIron of St. Clair Shores. J. Chandler, nahve of Chelsea. thirty In St. Ambrose Church. The long active in the Society. Mr. altar was decorated with palms and Bluebirds TU.1-9714 In the Parllih House at Kercheval The bride ,given In marllage S . D and Lakewood avenues. by her father, wore a balJenna Prt 11(J" ecor Chandler and daughter Dorothy and arran,ementl of white gladl- gown of chantilly late WIth a o Wilt attend. The memoflal flowers ob, and WIde, whIte satin rtbbonl Young Adults ftn,er tIp veil. Her ftowers were 1 D TL 'WIll be laid on Mrs. Chandler'. marked the pews. Entertain I a coloma I bouquet of wlute roses S rarty .1 "eme grave, after the service. The bride, who was given In Plan Frolic and stephanotis. She was attend- A number of members from marrla,. by ~er father, was at. The Campdre GlrlJ and their ed by her sl$ter, Carol, whose at Lochnloor GJO~se POinte, DetrOIt, and other tired In an IVory satin gown fash. jUlllor edition, the Bluebirds, (jive mother ,own was of pale green SWISS subul bs in Detroit area will mo- !Oned WIth a tltted bo<:hce and held their annual mothel-dau,h- at Center organdy Her bouquet WdS of !J. spring luncheon and cald tor to the event. full skirt which extended into a ter tea on Wedne~day, May ~, at glowers on yellow daISIes. pdl ty \vas held Wednesday, May ------cathedral length train The lon, the Grosse POinte Memorial A spring party has been 11- Best man for the bl'ldegJoom 9th, at Lochmoor Cub CO-host- f fitted .leeves wele pointed over Church for member. from the ranged for the Youn, Adults or was hiS brother, Robert V.hers esses Mrs Glen H Munger and Con er Honors the WrISts. I southeastern d1JtrlCt. The areas Grollle Pomte on Friday, May 11 I~ere Albert Sablam and Ben Mrs. Damel J Leithauser USed Her French sJlk Jlluslon finger represented were from the five at 8.30 p.m. at the GrOllse Pointe 8{e,. (]Jay Thomas sprIng flowers m combinahol15 of M tip veil was secured to a cap of Grosse Po1Otes, St Clair Shores War Memorfal Center. Mil. Vervake was d1essed In yellow and green for their dec. at aryg rove heirloom lace which was fash- and part of the tlUlt Side of De. ThiS is a "Frolic for Funster." trolt. aqua crepe WIth a beaded sweet- orahoN 10ned from her mother's weddmg night when all the young people . heart neckhne and wore pmk FolJowmg the luncheon, tables. Barbara Schuler, 181 Beaupre gown. She earned a handkerchief Kathy Meftke opened the pro- Will ,ather tor dancinr, cards, Flowers for Mother ••. they're a won- camellias The groom's mother of canasta and bridge formed. road, hu been named to Kappa of homemade lace sent from gram by welcoming the mothers, pmg-pong and lee-breaker games Some of the members reserving Gamma PI, national Cathol1c Fiance especially for the occasion Refreshments will be served on derful tradition - a gift from the heart, wore pOI~der blue crepe WIth After longs by the gIrls, Mrs. sweetheart roses and stephanotls, tables for their parhes were Mrs. honor society for women, at by an old friend of the famJly Stuart Friedrich's Bluebirds trom the terrace, and the mUSIC WIll George B Allen, Mrs. Sidney M. Marygrove college where she IS and her colonial bouquet of lilies they say more than words can tell Far Out-ot-town guests were Mr GrO$se Pomte Woods Prelibytenan be furmshed by faVOrite record- Harvey, Mrs. R. H. Koebel, Mrs. a semor. of the valley centered with a mg stars. lIbove the commonplace, they say not and Mrs Albert Vervake, Jr. of Church performed two folk Mullens, West Vlrgmla, Wr Don- Julius. Tapert. Mrs Marvin. Barbara. who is the daughter white orchId. dances. Then a new movie of Myrna Troden is the chairman i,!st "what does she want?" but "how ald Alhnghatn of White Plains. Stahl, Mrs. F W. Buck, Mrs. J. of Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Schuler, Mary Jacqueline Murphy of Camp Wathana, Holly, Mlchlgan, of thiS event. Carol Sanford, F Pagel, Mrs. Andrew Hood, Mrs, also waa elected to Iota Gamma New York City, sister of the best can ,I tell her I love her?" N. Y, and Lt N Rydland and was shown With commentary by Wally Ehrhch. Bobby Boothe, Miss Ehzabeth Lawlor from 'E N SnethKamp and Mrs. Ham- Alpha, College honor society, by bnde, was the maid of honor and Sue Holstein and Diane Johnston, Bill Boales and George GeIOW Ch,cago IIton Kotcher. a 10lnt faculty-student vote baa- the bndesmalds were LOIS Ann who spent the last summer at the are ass[slJn, With the party ar- A reception and breakfast were Others attendmg were MIS. R. ed on leaderlhip abll1ty and was Murphy, another lister, Mrs. camp. rangements. Dates Ire not re- On this Special Day, T. Bole, Mrs. Gerald Kane, Mrs. Cited for class honors for leho- Richard C. Ortner, Mrs. James L. Pourine tea for the molhers qUired. G E Cruickshank, Mrs. W. Tom lastlc achievement. DaIton, Jr, of Lansmg, and Nancy were MIs. LucJ1le Snell and MISS Give Mother Flowers ZurSchmlede, Mrs. Robert Horn, Theil awardJ were announced Joan Moyer of Bud'alo, N. Y. The Irene Hickey of Moross road. by Browns Visit MIS. Walter Horn, Mrs. Geolge at the annual Marygrove honors flower gul was Susan Elaine Sisk Selvmg the girls Ilere Janet Rae, Maghielse. Mrs Harold J Tromb_ convocatlon Thursday lfternoon of Warren, Ohio, nIece of the Carole Stoneklllg, Sue Richner J G C . h bridegroom. Mercy Holds Florida Friends ly. Mrs, ames . unmng am, (May 10) In the college audlto- MI1l8Murphy's fl'ock was fuh. and Anne Bacon. - HARLOW J. Mrs, Valentine Y. Tallberg, Mrs. r!Um. Fr Leon Kennedy, S.T.D.. ioned of whIte embosaed organdy Chairman for the affair ",as College Mr and Mrs J Stlrlm, Brown Georee L. Johnston ahd Mrs. D pastor of St. Francis of AlslIl over taffeta With a pale Violet Mrs. "Friedrich and her aSSistants Day L1NGEMAN of Moran road have bf!en ellJoy- T. GalVin. parish In Ann Arbor and former sash and her small hat was of were Mesdames John Vanden- Two hundled semors from a vacation In Florida. They -----~ profeuor of rel1ilO~ at Mary- white taffeta covered WIth pale belt, Edward Ross. R. R. Baude, - ,""" #Ee:tetl.val Avenue In' v Grand Rapids, Sallnaw, Bay C'!)', TUxedo 2-a020 recently \ ISlted Dr and Mrs. Earl ' ." P'9 e. p:ve the prlAcipal ~ violeta. Boon white D)'loD 11oY. Ebert Warren, R. W. Gauss, Ron- PmConnlni, Sallnaw, and the ald H..... "lamia a.ra.,' Heor- Reeves of the Stellmar Apart- P '1 cHIk Story ~oan KrausmllDn. lf08 KeDsanC-: completed the elllemble and Ihe DetroIt .... YiJ,l J:I~~ ~JJI,lIl ments In FOlt LaUderdale ' ton, also rece1ved class honorl carried a matching colonial bou- man ReUeheI and Elmer Gehrke. life at Mel'C!7 Cclllitge, ~y, . f for .cholarstnp. A sophomore, quet ot VIolets. The mistress of ceremonies W.s May 17, on the annual Collese To pIC S 0 r Joan IS the daUtghter of Mrs. Jos- The bridesmaids wore slmtlar Paula Walker. Day. • eph A. Krausmann. froclui but the sashes were of a The schedule for College Day D' U 5 S I'0 n" ----- purple VIolet shade, their hats inclUdes In assembly in McAuley IS C K M lovered WIth purple Violets and Begin Mortar Auditorium at 10:00 a.m. f_ul- appa s eet they carned bouquets of violets Ing a welcome by the colJege For the third yeal, advanced and English Ivy preSident, Sister M PatrlC:la, st1.Jdents of Mls,s Leona WeIr's on Tuesday The fiower gul's bOUlffant frock Board Work R.S.M.; a talk on the 'advanteges history at Grosse POlnte was of lavendar organdy fash- or a college educatIOn by Rev- Mortar Board, women's honor- High School have given the }'lay IOned With an apron effect In erend John Flrmegan, o{ the phi- Mr,. Carl F DaVidson, 1037 front Slie wore a wreath of ary society at the University of losophy department, and a diS- program for the InternatIOnal YOlk:>hlre, Will be the hosless to Violets In hf'1' hail' and carned a Michigan, IS creating I collection cussion of career opportunities by Relations diviSion of AAUW the east Side irouP of Kappa nosegay of Violets and lilies of ot books on the drama In honor Sister Mary Lucllle, R S M, On Wednesday evening, at 7 45 Kappa Gamma on, May the valley. of the late Alice Crocker Lloyd, Dean pm, Mrs Ben Beyer. Jr, 60 15. Luncheon Will be served It Albert Paul Sl>k was hiS who was dean of women from Loclunoor Blvd, Wll! be ho.!e~s 12 30 pm. brothel'" vest man and seatmg 1~28 to 1950. for the occasion Chamnan of the cOlmmttee. the guests were Eugene Net! Sisk The memorial IS planned be- Mn. John Veech, Will be as,sl5ted of Warren, OhiO. another brother, cause of MISSLloyd's Intense In- ill/ethodists Among the SUbjects to be dls- by MI1I F. Keydel, Jr, and Mark A. Schwartz of Cleve- terest In drama and hterature cus,ed are: "Defense of We. tel n Mrs. George Schult~ and Mrs. land, Joseph S Smoley of Chl- plus the fact that she was one Europe," Robert HOI,~e; "Eng- Edward D Maire. cago and Rlchal d COrtner, fra- ot the founders of the Spnng Slate Dances land," Lyndon Babcock' • Puer- Mrs. Keydel Will show plcturu termty brothers of the groom Festival at the Vmversity. to RICO." John Fildey,; and 'Po- of her recent European tflP The bnde'l'> mother was athred Working on the proJect IS Bar- The GIOlise POinte Methodl~t land," Anne Purdy -_____ in a floor-length gown of "mauve bara Molyneaux, 354 Fisher. Church Will hold the last In Its ? Mothers and fflends of lhe The fact that mental growth bouquet" ch.lntJlly lace and chlt- .eflCli of sq uare dance. In the partICipants are espeCially 1m Ited i.s almost complete by the 16th fon She wore a matchmg hat and commumty room of the Chulch to be guests at thiS meetIng year, Chlldcraft expel ts report, shoes. long white kid gloves and this Fflda". May 11, at 8:30 pm should help to convince parenti a corsage ot white orchids. Mrs Deborah if/right The orchestra of the Grosse Mane Wilson, CBS' '\ly that they must not underestlmate Sisk was gowned in na"y blue POinte Method1st Churcn '" III AtdolllGtic Disll Fnend lI'ma," always \~ear. a the adol~ent's capacity to make chilTon. flowered hat and acces- play and the Rev. Mr. Herbert pair of damty shortie glol es dur- "Il'>e decLiloN and to carry them sones of dusty rose and a corsage Makes Bo.z.v M. Fink Will call the squares Ing broadcast appearance~ out. of sweetheart roses Dr. and Mrs. Lance WfI,ht or RefrelihzrJ'1ts are aval1able Ind Plymouth announce the blrtb of a 'ood time IS guaranteed to a daughter. Deborah Jean, on everyone In attendance. May 7th at Wo~n's Mospltal. For tickets call Mrs W F. FOR MOTHER'S DAY GIVING • • Mrs. Wrtght 1Sthe former Bar- Horsch at TU. 1-9405. LARGE OLR DELICIOUS HOME-MADE ~~~~r::: a:::r7h ;::::~ SELECT-I-O-N-- be moville In the near future to r • H .. had the dlShwuhin~ Hot Spnngs, ArkalllU, where job "ery day, the man in your Dr. Wright IS Wlth the Vmted lS-Ineh home would get a Hotpoint CANDIES-GIFT BOXED States Pubhc Health Strvlee. :Hand DIShwasher Jllfl. He'd be the i~wn fir. to dIscover that for quick- $395 er. easier. cleaner, safer dish- Ivory Chocolates and Slate French washing, you just load it, turn one switch. and walk away! MIlk Chocolates l,ccfllrer FrUit and Nut Centers A French SOCial evenIng w,lI • Hotpolnt'l front-opening b~ held at the WaYne Siudent giYes you extra table-top space A Largf' St-lectlOn of Candlt's ( enter. Cass and Putnam, on and sure.c1eansing top spray. Bulk or Gift-Boxed Fr,day. May 11. at 730 pm With the proceedmg~ com- Calrodt. L'nit keeps T A \IP pletely In Frenf'h. the spe~ker REPAIR'! waler hot, Ihen provide~ h)'- OUR OWN MAKE FROZEN CUSTARD AND ICE CREAM \\ ,II be Mon-,eur Jean MIIIenoux glenit .... rm.air dl'\ Inp;. (In hal f-gallons to take out. tOO) The pro,ram l~ under the au<- p ('t's of tne Amerrcan A.<:l!iOOI. 16377 E WARREN - TU.I.7240 TONY'S FAMOUS POPCORN t Inn "f T('~~hf'r. ('If Fren~h • IrinI h.... In ~. for a complete demoosuauoD. DELICIOUS SALADS. PLATE LUNCHES. SANDWICHES BARBECUES. WAFFLES, PASTRIES OW .. 95 "A p,... ..ti... '''l'",attftal I $194 \ t.,1lo We Speclahu in ChICktn in a Bagktt TANY flurUI * TONY LEONARD i ORDERS TO TAKE OUT '''''I ".., ., TV a". ltad ... FREEIE ''N'' HEAT RAL'H IARI O:::.~II~:~ (DnROIT SCREEN CO., ERNEST'TONY' KOINIS 17328 MACK at ST. CLAI R TU. 1-6130 f~ s.:....~]i,~--:-.:..)I STORE HOUItS: Mon., Tues Sot.. 9 to 5 :30-Wed., Thun .. Fri., 9 to 9 Dr;"p.l" I..Of:! E. .J EFFEK~()' c"::l:::rr~ 'SH2.~~w~..i L •• k T. H.t •• lnt 'or Th. ''ir.' \' A. :;.4J706 SID ...... TII." :: "aQ 0. caat;a t 4 • !junior ofeague For... And About ... Smart Moderns aauw Thursday, May 10. 1951-5 Holiday House Welcomes T/:.GB,oue POip"le~'YieW BRIDE ELECT Arts Group l 7anne Wlbon The program ,,111 'MichigaJl' Alumni t eta filS consist of a movie and Pt Phi. f/isits Sculptor are urged to brmg their friend •. NewMembersatLunc heon Meet Monday Joanne Goodsell, jumor at Den- Party at Yacht Club Members of the Fme Artl At a luncheon on Wednesday. Will take place at Rest Cottage. lhon Um\ erslty, GranVIlle. O!:JO. glOUp of the Groase POInte May 16, t!'e GII'ls' FrIendly So- one of the three vacation houses The GlOsse Pomte Chapter o( The University of Michigan event IS an 10(01 mal dmnel-dance ".IS re<.ently honored by bem. ctety's Holiday House Commlttee at Girls' Fnendly SocIety's non- PI Beta Phi Alumnae Club Will Club of Grosse Pomte IS plan. at the GlOsse POInte Yacht Club AAUW Will meet Wednesday at tapped fOt membershIp 111 the will welcome Its newest mem- profit lamp at Pme Lake In Oak- have an "open house" meetIng nlOg anotller festive OlcaSlon for on Saturday, May 12, at 8 p.m II o'clock al the studIO ot Mar- eDmson FI anco-Calllopean S0- renewmg old acquamtances The bels, mcludmg Mrs. Alexander land County. Monday, May 14, at 8 pm at Several tables of fllends have .hall Fredencks, sculptor. 4113 the home ot Mrs J. W. Robll1son cIety ,an honorary society based already made reservatlOll5, m. L. WIener. of UnlVerllty Place, Mrs WIlliam E RIle of Blrm. N Woodward, m Ro~'al Oak. Af- on aballty 10 creative wrltmg. eludmg Dr and Mrs. Paul Walk- Grosse Pomte; Mra. Donald F. mgham, challman of the com. ot IroquoIS avenue ter lunch at Howard Johnson's at Valley, of DetrOit, and Mrs A. mlttee, WIll ton duct the bUSiness for the evenmg She I~ the d"ughtel of Mr and el. Mr. and Mrs. Leone V. HeWItt Mrs Clare W. Good~ell, 1341 ]Jance Ne~v Ml. and Mrs. Frank Townsend noon, a tour of Cranbrook Art W. Heldle, of Rochellter. seSlllOn lKheduled to precede Yo III be MI S Robel t Hendricks, and Mr. and Mrs John M Chase * In"tltute is planned at 2 pm. The welcomme luncheon party luncheon At thlS, detlilled plans MlSo EIleen Moffett and MISS Su- BI5hop road and Old TUlles Anolhel party Includes DI. and 'IIlIlI ,.....,. lloOIl' ,.....,. ,.....,...... wIII be comple ted for the J W1e Mrs. C. J. Williams, Ml. and 30 openmg of the other two Voila- 7 MIS. Edward M. Brady, Dr. and hon cottages, Holtday House for at Yl1 Party MIS. Stanley SmIth, and Dr and girls of 12 to 16 years, and Blrd's MIS Clarenle McGUire (/)/JMi, 1:Jul., Nest Cottage for girls between 6 Popular square dance fia;Ules Others who plan to attend are and 11 years. and new stops to old and new Mr. and Mrs Andrew CarnegIe, On the day's alenda also IS an tunes are on the Detroit Recre- MI and Mrs Arle Lungershausen, mspectlon of Rest Cottage. whIch I Have Just Returned from New allOn Cooperative's program for V.i.ll.arJR ViDand.iRJuL Mr and Mrs Fred J. Flom. Mr. already II open to girls and York WIth the Latest Hair Trends 8 15 pm. Saturday, May 12 at and Mrs Norman Laska. Mr. and VA. 2.1162 women, o( 18 yean and over, for the Downtown YWCA, Witherell The engagement of Bar- , MIS Holy and guests week-end or IOllier vacations at We SI>ecla!Jze In at Montcalm. OthelS to )oln the festiVIties bara Jean Stoerkel to Ed- Dear Mom: mmg toys, baseball supplies, moderate charges In addition to square dancmg Will be Mr. and Mrs Raymond win L. Joba is announced May 13th sure Isn't your un- and all kmds of boats just BRECK TREATMENTS and folk dancmg. group singmg Jeffs. Mr. and Mrs Robert C Grosle POinters on the Holiday by her parents, Mr and lucky day! Not If you draw a waiting for you. House committee, which serves as and refreshments Will be in- Wmter, Mr and Mrs. Sanborn Mrs Corliss B. Stoerkel of Circle around thiS 'n that for -- • -- the operatmg and mamtenance Catherine g{ammer cluded In the evenmg's enter- BlOwn, Mr. and Mrs Wllham H '-....f!. 871 Lincoln Rd. The bnde- "somebody" to see. You can Moms, young and old, w111 committee for the Girls' Frlendly tamment Anyone Interested m GransE', MISS Frances Hall and BEAUTY SALON thse actIvIties IS mVlted to the elect WIll graduate from be sure, too, of a beautlful appreCIate the fme expert vacation camp. mclude MISSFran- Mr. WIlham Duerr, MISS Carole ces W Sibley, honorary chair- •Co-op" parties AdmiSSIOn IS 75 Castncum and Dr. Edward E Eld. MIChIgan State College thiS corsage, bouquet, or plant. if cleanmg of their rugs, carpets, 20455 MACK AVE TU. 1-3300 June and IS a member of It's from JORGENSON FLO- even furniture by EAST SIDE man, Mrs WIlson W. Mills, MISS " oents per person er, Jr, and Mr. and MIS Flank Smce the dance IS definitely Eller. the PI Beta Phi Sorority. RIST. 16338 E. Warren, TU. CARPET C LEA N I N G 1£ Mar.aret HendrIe, Mra Harry S Fmkenstaedt. Mra. Alexander W. informal In atmosphere, volun- Ml. and Mrs. Wallace Temple Her fiance IS the son of Mr. 2-7171. LAYING CO.. 14115 Ker- Copland. Mrs. L. Rothe Farr and teer callers are also urged to m- ale entertall~ng fllends at a cock- and Mrs. LOUISJoba of Bat- -- • -- cheval, In one week service. Mrs. Joseph M. Dodge. troduce themselves "Certamly tail party precedmg the dmnel. tle Creek He graduated Those tmy purse-size RCA VA 2-1481. no one WII Ihave anq dll'ficultv Their guests ale Mr and Mr~ trom Michigan State Col- Plannma: to be present are the no one Will have any dIfficulty Albert RaIsch, MISSDelma Lo)'el portable radios and a full -- • -- committee'. officers who Include DON'T FORGETTO (halrman Roy Henderson. and Mr. Mayne Groch, Mr. and lege last JUM, and IS a selection of table radios at Eternally YOUrtl ••• Mrs. Rogeu I. MarqUIS and Mrs. Recreation Co-op sponsors a Mrs. RIchard Larvm, Mr. and member of Alpha Tau Ome- JACK O'CONNER R A D I 0 Said by you on the altar, Wtlham 1.. Graham, of Blrmmg- party at the "y" the second MIs. Paul FI anseth and Mr and ga FraternIty. They plan a IN"C, 17001 Kercheval. TU. and on your dmner table With ham; Mrs Frederick Weed. of Saturday of each month. MIS. Arthur Neef. late July wedding." 1-1655, rate a double Circle. 1847 Rogers Silverplate, in Orchard Lake. and Mrs Geor.e REMEMBER MAMA ------That goes for their other fme this and other exquaite pat- R. Clark, MISS Mabel Errmgton gIfts, plus ukeleles, Mother's terns of Remembrance, First and Mrs. Fred J. Kennedy. of De- trOit, also MISSMyrtle Armstrong, You could buy her that yacht Day albums and other latest Love, and Adoration, Sets camp director. She's been longlng for .•• hit tunes in all 3 speeds start at $39.75 at PONGRACZ Faith Church Adopt Television Or that Silver mmk .•• or maybe - • - JEWELER & SILVERSMITH, And It won't be Her Day 91 Kercheval. Spring Frolic Even a teensy-weensy diamond sol1taire. 'to Conhrm . - unless she's beautlfied With -- • -- the new "Tepidaire" perm a- For the Wedding dinner But why bother With little trinkets nent and style cut from VIL- you Will long remember, make Is Gi'ven by Class Sunday The~e )for~ar~ When you can get a really LAGE BEAUTY SHOP, 1211 your appointment now at Theodore George, and Mrs An- The first three-:Year class al The WOJIlen's Chnshan Society Practical Mother's Day gift at the • thony Collet. Beaconsfield. Career Moms HARVARD HOUSE DINING A Itar Society Faith Cnurcn Will be confirmed of the Grosse POinte Methodist can have evening appomt- ROOM, 17016 Mack, the place TOWN 'N' CASUAL SHOP. on Sunday at 11 am. BOYI and Church WIll hold ItS annual May New offu:ers to be Installed are: AnnunCIation's Altar Society II party and membership tea on presIdent, Mrs. Clarence Slocum, ments Thursday and Friday, for pre-nuptial parhes and gIrls formerly spent two years too. VA. 2-8155. luncheons, too. Call TU, gettlO, In the sWing of the squat:e studymg the Bible and Lutheran Wednesday, May 16, at 8 p m in vIce preSident, Mrs Norman dance season by spOllsormg the,r the new cburch bUildIng at 211 Lovely, long-wparing nylons, for example, catechism. Mooney, treasuler, Mrs. Hugh -.- 5-9752 "Spring Frollc" at Annunciation Moross road Delfs; and recordmg secretaJl. . .. or alluring lingerie ... a dressy Members of the class are Mil. Steal a march on Mom in -- • -- Hall, McClellan at Agne.s, on Fri- Program for the evenmg WIll Mrs Thomas Munson dred Shumate, Barbara Brundle, the k1tchen. Have a tasty And so exquiSIte are those day, May 11. Summer frock or sporty cotton golfer •.• be a mUSical comedy and an CommIttee secretarIes ale. Mrs. ready-to-serve meal fro m wonderful. lacy delicacies of Dan Free, Carol Lmdeman, audience-participation teleVISion The Lee BrennaN Will rOo~he To mention only a few. Sheryll Rydbere. Walter Slom- show under the direction of Mrs Charles O. Watkms, Chl'lstlan WOO D S DELICATESSEN, creatIOn gracmg the bridal cli.llml. WIth mUSll' by Bllumans kowkJ, DIane Alexander. DaVid Willis Bugbee. Another feature SOCIal relatiOns; Mrs. Afton 21016 Mack, open 9-6 Sundays, table. It's a Wedding Cake by j)1:lyers. Dlmonstrahcns for the Iust to make it easy, Boone. Betty Haun, Donna of the evenini Will be mstalla- Sauer, literature and publlcll- 9:30-9 weekdeys. Call TU. VERDONCKT'S F RAN C 0 benefit of the fw:-tlm':r3 Will Lindeman. ShIrley Rankme and hon of new offIcers for the com- tlons; Mrs FllInclS Shaw, spm- 1-8367 for delivery of genume BELGE B ~ K E R Y, 15046 be giVln by expenenced squne We'll stay open 'tit 8'30 Friday William Stone. mg year. Mrs W. M DeVoe, vice tual life, MIS R W. VanHouse. kosher corned beef, qllality Mack. Order yours now. Can dancer~ Th~rc w'l also be mus'c Others to be confirmed are preSident of the DetrOit District mlSSlOnary education, Mr~ L G. cold cuts. sausages, potato TU. 2-0722. for modem dancmg and refresh. Richard Andrewson, Joan Dex- MethodIst Women's SOCIeties, Will Modlm, student work; Mrs. Fill- ments Will bto on .land all ~ven- lay Allen, supply, Mrs. L. W. lalad, etc. -- • -- ~ ter, JudIth Jol:1nson, Margaret conduct the installation. __ • __ Fat But Not Furiou.: Ini Mack. David RlemeT, ArdiS Mrs C. R Wyhe IS general Montgomery. promotion, Mrs. This flut post-Lenten dance of Kenneth I. KImmel, local church Wm her heart - and her Don't let your clothe. meet Wagstaff, Norman Bake, DoriS chairman of the party, which ~ the .000ety WIll begin at 8.~O TOWN actiVities; Mrs. Donald Neill, sweet tooth - With the new wrong tu1).fellowlI. Even with Eller •• Lois Lauth, Evelyn Mac- the society's blagest SOCial event o'c1~k. Mrs. Arthur J Kessler Arthur and Milton Schulu. of the year. h.slstln, Mrs. Wyhe ch1ldren'. work; Mn. Ray Noble. wlute chocolate boxeo c:anr of the house' Brand hnmg about your refrIgerator 1-" jw tM Gwl, end al~o have ~- PHIL~S S\lEET SHOP new Howdy Doodv doll" are door IS frayed or worn BetlE'r y"" IlllO'Yer bar her compla •• greatlv redu('cd .boot, ,ron,oll wheo .he s". a In at JOE'S' VILLAGE SHOP. ha\'!' It checked now b\' J tr.5Z IIAC& - Qr_ r.lnte Woods - TV. 5-41'14 VISIOn hllh.... 'bc. eu,-.o.b. ndla 16101 Mack. TU. 1-5316 JOE DUNCAN It SOXS. 14927 el«U'JC ,roo h'. a .... ak'D' Comfl(lTt Q'l4ht1. and PT'C~ Even a small DeW ,toll IhaC make. me .... emount of astl&- "" , has the latest plasbC S\Vlm- CharleVOIX. TU. 2-11~ ea_r ... fascec m. t Ism may caUl'e s e I' IOU ~ , 1- TIM' ~._ Uta, T_ ml~tak('~ In A A peftea C'DP of coffee e- ." ) ud g men I. a,\: """ lillie .Qtomluull... "ll OIl '" ell a~ head- a'1. bv ....tlgmah~m cannot ~ 0\ er- ('()TTJeb,' mu'cular effort NeIther 7 ~r • S... "Imo, -4"-, " \\ III an\' r('adv madE" or 'lock' A" .1<'enlC !>Iend.. he. I .... Ilas~es con ecl Ih,' ddE'( t wnh "'l1alDlftl dMI ... The l''\act p<)~ll'on and d('~rl'e ..",h Iruh In"" Ind 'OS" .... I... too Petfotllll d,6cw_ or IhI' defect In ear h (')'e 1l1U~t ,hopp,nl 'lolL' ...... be dt'lel mmf'd and curre< tlVf' DlAnorlo •• Irozrn ~11l" len,ts Ilruund 'I h..n and onI) then the ~earer "III be "hiE' to SH \\llrl II 11.. ;\lllP" ancl dh I lOcInr" nr\ '1 bt f(lll' ('xperl- rn('(o rr \OU brllE'\E lOll h,,1< ~ III( mal,:m l'Ir an\ "thPr VI;.w -Thunde" Mo, 10,1951 DUS Is Site PIN QUEENS Thim;lads fl\ fl\' . Local Netters Sweep of SE Track M. CJ.;.., ifl.erce ifOtnters U1lS lSS wse By SUE ANN BRENNAN TrOJe 0 ff Fe t It won't be 10'1g before the store~ Will be saYing, "Only ()l) · ,e Conference V:ct shoPPing days until Xmas," RIght now It IS more Important to The Monroe Tro)dn net team i two determined TloJans 6-3. 11.9 It ory wllteand Xams"Onlyare19 spelledmore sch('olwIth thedayssameuntil letters.Xams, There'S funnymusthowbe Xmassome took It on the chm FlldJ.v w"en I Even match won bv the local The Southeasteln Suburban Bv B. G. RICH connell Ion Maybe It means that hoys and girls that are not good the Blue Devlb defeated them I tedm 'I a, two straIght sets and Conference Will hold Its second Blue DeVil thInelads lost a In the next few weeks won't be plesented WIth passmg grades at 6-1 at Monroe It \'-as Monroe's I the scoles were qUite decISive annual Track and Field Meet at heart.breaker to Wyandotte on I Xams time June 8 and 11 • {Irst loss of the veal' and It leavmg little loom for doubt as the Bears' home track last Tues. Thel I" has been lots of po1ItllS dUIIng the PdSt week, precedmg stamped the local team a~ the I to the better team DetrOIt Umvel slty School, Satur. da~, May I, by the score of 56.53. electIOns, scheduled for today. Officel s for the Plel ce Student real favonte to Iepeat for the I The one match 10It by the day, May 12 An entry limited to ThIS was the POInters' second set. Government Including preSIdent, vlce.prebldent, secretary, and Border CIties League title local team was No... singles. the best 20 track Stiirs from each back as agamst one WIn thus treasulel, for next semester well" to be selected today. Fear and trepIdation IUIhed m I John Brabb was outplayed in of the seven member schools far thiS season The election was a double feature affair. Officers fOI~the new the local boys' mmds all week a~ even department by Dean Pi omlses an outstandIng day. Gomg mto the last relay (880. Pdl'tells School were elected at the same tlUle Yep, we are gomg to they had heald that Monroe had Pinchoff and lost 6-2; 6-... John The meet starts at 10 am. WIth yard relay) the Blue DeVils lose a lot of swell kids when the new school takes about half of the defeated Wyandotte In a close just couldn't cope with Dean'S were leadmg by the score of Plene crowd away. rnatch 4-3 fine twlstin( St'rvice and strong prellmmanes and reaches Its 53.51. The WInner of the last PIerce students had an Insplrallonal talk, May 3. by GiovannI Then \\as a genuine feeling overhead. height 10 the early afternoon. event would wm the meet. The Spelandeo the Italian ImmIgrant who lost hiS alms at 15 but that thIS might be the da~ when Most of the Monroe team was Felix WOllla of Bloomfield HIlls, fmlsh of the race was close WIth became a gl eat smger and Imgul't. Ml. Spel andeo gIves all credit the wloninr streak "ould snap. I (ompo~ed of sophomores and who IS m charge of the meet, the Wyandotte anchor man Just to thiS counhy where he was able to get an educatIon and become a The team up to thIS point" as I trouble IS gom/( to loom ahead reports that enhy hmes and past nlosmg out the Blue Devll thm. college profes~or, and a ('oncel t slOger. HIS lecture surely made a rather an unknown quantih' for the next couple of years c ad by a scant two yartls lot of USwondel what we have te grIpe about havlull:' plaYed the weak halt ThiS kid Pmchoff and a couple perfoimances promIse many new Grosse Pointe captured seven The 12th annual PIerce JUDIOI HIgh School Spnng Concert Will of their schedule. of Bladen boys show real prom. records. ChampIOn bowlers who won the trophy for the Grosse first places as agamst SIX first be held m the audItOrium at 8.00 pm, May 18. Tickets WIll be on C h oac "-hu<: UIt7 d Id muc I1 plan. IseThe I slhool and community Headlmmg the program IS Dick Pomte Wooqs Thursday Afternoon League for Ladles, places racked up by Wyandotte sale at the box office. ... nmg and wOlkmg VdrlOU~ com- II b d f th t Molnar of A E Smith School. sponsored by the Grosse Pomte Woods Bar, are, left to FIrst place WInners mcluded blnahons before decldlrg on the can 'Ie I" prou 0 IS er- who IS expected to top 22' In the right, CamIlle DeGneck, Mickey Ml1ler, Captam Vlrglma for Grosse Pomte Allald (shot R ' T F line.up he used The blgg('~t I ~~~c;:~~;d d~;;P~I~~a:~~ ~:: board Jump. and WIll be closely Keys, VIrgmla Dorenbush and Gretchen Dwyer. put), Schaller (880-yard), Rem- unners Op orm gamble \'-as m plaCing George been lo,t dUlmg thiS perIod followed by Bruce Garbutt and , del (lOO.yard dash and l80-yald ~cBrlde m No 1 doubles play- GROSSE POINTE vs. MONROE Dave Johnston of D. U. SKelley B t Q S t h low ~lurdles), Bray (220-yard P M h Deed nd Ing With Bruce Allen but It sure SINGLES of FraZIer should wm the 440 eau y ueens na C dash and he for fIrst m high ays ate ..v.. e s paid off. No I-DIck MacKenZie G P With a lime close to 55 seconds Jump) and Maitland (MIle) II It A Reeves of Bloomfield Hills, and Th t t t d lien was pienty good and I def Ronald Buchanan, M, 6-1; Thompson and Castle of Grosse B I• g Ch · h. e mos ou s an 109 races of By B. G. RICH put), Goebel (pole vault>, and George gave him a close race '6-1 lie are the top performers of the OW In amplons Ip the afternoon were In the mile Records broken and tied! Schaller (880.yard). for honors.. Bothf bo)s ~wept thelh No 2-COlt Leckllder ' G P , high hurdles, WIth Velton McKIO_ Mand tlIn dthe lowth hurdlesbe t 1Gordonf h VIctory Number 2' Marty Allald and Jim ReIndel oPPOsItionod of their feet 'WIth def DIck Norton. M, 6-0 6-1 ley and Dave Johnston of D. U. S. St. Paul's Women's Bowling team bowled both high team al an • ranh e hs d011 ef 0 R IS G P Fast B C L. Wm. led the parade of lecord break. some go servln~ and rras 109 No 3-Pat Brogan, G P, def not far behmd. League ended the season WIth smgle and high team three, WIth career ~mls mg a ea 0 ey. ThiS was the story when the ers. Mal ty broke the shot put overheads Sometlme~ the ball Dan Braden M 6.4 6-3 a banquet at SIlver Crown ball- 2097 and 756. nolds (Incidentally Reynolds had Blue Devll Thmclads won theIr record (of 45'11" set bv Tom Fol- fairly cracked as It went off one No 4-De~n Pinch off M def A new record IS Imminent m room last mght Second high team single was not been defeated thus far m the second meet of the season and lis In 1948) WIth a tos~ of 46'. of the boy's racquets John Brabb. G P, 6-2, 6:4.' the shot put established by Allen Taking first place honors was Hawthorne House WIth 755 and mile) In a good time of 4.51 3. their first BeL. triumph against JIm tied the Grosse POinte track • • • DOUBLES of D C. D S. last year at 38' 9" the Kammer Beauty Salon team third high score was 751. rolled In the ISO-yard low hurdles HIghland Park on the' FIsher road Iecord In the 1000.yard dash WIth COACH T. TAl\mLJSG of No I-BI uce Allen and George CandIdates for the tItle are Ko- Grosse Pomte RadiO Service lost by Driscoll's Standard Service. JIm Reindel hurdled to a record- track last Fnday by the score of a tIme of 10.2. JIm also set a new

Monroe had real hopes thIS year II McBride, G P. def Carl Harkl- ella of BloomfIeld HIlls, Lm. three POints to them last Wednes- Tracy Motor Sales took sec- tymg hOle pf 21'3. ThiS hOle tied 65-44 Grosse Pomte track recold in the of breakmg up the wlnnlnl(1 "leI' ~...r! Kelmlt Richardson. M., haldt of D CDS and Don Oh ddy tIlght. to cmch the first place and high team three wJ1:h 2074 the Wyandotte.,track record for The DeevIls wele In topnotch ISO-yard low hurdles as he went strealt as he dId back In 1947 6.1 6.3 mart of D U. S. All are close for Kammer WIth 87 points. and the Camera Shop rolled the low hurdles set by Jodwn In fmm as they took nme first places. to victory 10 a tIme of 204 and had his player<; well placed I No 2-Bobb Hardles and Mike to 40,' , The Grosse Pomte Review third, 2055 1950. First plolce WInners were: (Bach- Ben Brll.y and Bob Schaller for a poSSible upset Bern, G P, def. Don Jeffery and EdIson Institute IS the top team took second place by tak. Fmal standmgs for the year SUDUDary Llkert-RRaetzel-LlSter) 3 mOO- dIsplayed fine performances. Ben 4 There was tension on both I Harry Rapson. M. 6-3; 6-1 contendel of the league 10 the Ing three pomts from the lead- are; llO.yard high hurdles-I Root, ley, MaItland (mlle), Remdel was a double wmner In the 220- sides WIth Hap Funk of the Mon., No 3-Tom Lamb and Dave medley and sprmt relay events. 109 contender for the champion- Kammer Beauty Salon 87 49 W, 2 Marrlck, G P.; 3 Sanger, (l80-yard low hurdles and 100- yard dash and high jump whIle roe Evenmg New~ runmng ,ome Terns. G P, def Ralph Braden Both teams performed With ship most of the season. Grosse Grosse Pointe RevIew 86 50 W. TIme )4 7. yard dash), Bray (220-yald dash Bob won the halt-mile 10 hiS best Rood articles on the Grosse and MIke Zaremba, M, 6-3; 11-9. record breakIng effiCIency at the Pomte Woods Recreation, who G. P. Woods Rec. 83 53 31 medley relay-l Wyandotte and high jump), Allard (shot tIme thus far thiS season, 2 09.4 4 Pomte team prior to the match Wmner Grosse Pomte River Rouge hlvitatlOnal Meet at wound up 10 the number three Mack.Warren Busmess- (R Rlchardson-Watson-Roscoe_ GOldon Maitland and Company This week is the bi~ one Seore 6.1 MIchigan UnIversity last month. spot men 76 60 G. Richardson). Time 2 44 2 (Ben Dykstra and John Flldew) for the team. Wyandotte Tues------HIgh smgle game for the year IElva DeBrabander 721~ 631,2 Blue Dev:lsIf slammed the Inlle race. day, Mo.roe on Friday, and Parker of A E Smith School, was rolled by Mary Roland. Her SIlver Crown Ballroom 76 615 lOO-yard dash - 1 Relbndel, p . Suaunary Toledo DeVilbiss on Saturdal'. Girls Hold defendmg high jump champion, score was 223, and Eileen Cham- Tracy Motor Sales 70 66 GP.;'2. Zdunczyk. W.; 3. Ro ert- epper 1l20-yard high hurdles- (l) The first two matches are at Will fInd stiff oPPosItion from pine was second: high With 209 The Camera Shop 69',z 66th son, W. Time, 105 Engram. H P: (2) Marl'lck, G P; home and the last one at To- Sports Rally Hans Becherer and Dave John- High IndiVidual series was 572 KIrby Vacuum Cleaner 67 69 Mlle - 1. MaItland. G p. 2 RIO k (3) Billups, G P, Time 15.7. (ThIs ledo ston of D. U. S. Lmhardt of by Mary Roland, and Mary Jac- Dnscolls Std. ServIce 66 70 Reynolds, W; 3. Dykstra, G P. ova a breaks the G P. track record set If fne boys can play the type A t 11 f h h hiD C D. S, and Hurs of Grosse ques was second WIth 519. Grosse POInte RadiO 65 ~ 70th TIme 4513. The. Blue Devil netters met by Savory, 1941; MUmford, 1942, of ball thev showed at :vJ'onroe gIrls sf:.~~s~:os~e ~om~~ W~1 o~e lie. The best reported perform- The Grosse POInte ReVIew Hawthorne House 65 71 440-yard-I. Dye, W 2 Gray, the I I' second Border CIties I and McLean, 1945 01 dhme, 158) they should' get over thIS hurdle held at Neighborhood Club on ance to date IS 5'9" by Hura of Grosse Pointe Garage 63 73 G P.; 3. Simpson, W. Time 54 1. League team Tuesday and came I 34 medley _ (l) G.P. (Bach- thThey havet tthe makm~sf t of an- Tuesday, May 22, at 7 30 p 01 The Grosse lie. CeItl.c Upper Mack Cleaners 6J.. 75 ISO-yard low hurdles-I. Rem- out the wmner 7-0 over Royal Llurt _ Raetzel _ LIster). Time, n er grea earn or h e hIgh Ira IIy '~I11 be un der the auspices John Wood, wh0 gra dua ted DeVuKopps stPharmacyC t t 5860 7870 del, G P.; 2. Root, W; 3. Sanger, Oak. 2.411003. d d h ( Re IChool of the Grosse Pomte Athletic As- from D U. S. last year, left a Oh YH' on rac ors W. Time 21:3 (Ties Wyandotte Several good matches were .yar as _ 1) Indel, • • • ,soclatlon whose purpose IS to pole vault record ot 11'3". ThJs rt alrdressers 57 79 track record In low hurdles set played WJth the No. I smgles G.P; (2) Randles, H P; (3) Cross. AT MONROE Bob Hardle~ and promote sportsmanship among IS not 10 danger However, Hura Soccermen DetrOIt Safety Furnace by Jodom In 1950). between MacKenZIe and Iuppen- G P Time, 10.2 (ThIS hes G P. MIke Bern' plAvmg No 2 doubles .)oung athletes of Grosse Ill", Parker of A. E PHIPe 461f! 891,2 220-yard dash-l Bray, G P, latz the feature of the da)'. track record set by KaISer, 1931, dashed through their match and I Purpose of the event is to form Smith, and Ottoway of D. U. S. f ~g IgameSAforh th~ final nJ~ht 2 Zd It, W 3 R bertson The local lad, Dick, was just a and Savory, 1944 ) lVere the first to walk off the competitive baseball and tenms may approach that heIght. G. M PI H 0 ow mg: gnes aube, 1 6; unczy ,. 0 tnfte bIt too steady and ran hiS Mlle-O) Maitland, G P; (2) court Both boy~ played offen. Iteams to play during the summer Garrett, assIStant headmaster of ay ere Bermce McCarron, 182; Leona TIme 23.9. luck out to WIn 6-4 7.5 It DykstJa, G P.; (3) FI1dew. G P. slve tenms all the way and had months Volleyball WIU be play. D. US. has been named starter Weier, 180; Ruth -Allor, 174; 880-yard-1. Schaller, G P: 2 would seem tIU.t Dick lIke's to TIme. 4585. b k d ft th II theIr opponents ac mg up re- I e a er e ra y. an d re feree. DaVid A Cupples, of the R. E. Dorothy Deary, 174 and Vlrgmla Webb , GP'. , 3 Murphy ,. W TIme make hiS matches ~lose after a 440 _ (1) Ahmad ,. HP' (2) peatedlv. I HarTlson Carpet Co. on E Jeffer- Rlghtenberg, 173 2'11 7. couple of slurmlShes he has had IGray, G.P., (3) Jones, H.P. TIme, CoSrht°LertlcYklaldfteerrrethpol~rtefdlr5ltnp,O\.lltnht~~ 0£/; :....son, IS achve in a newly formed HIgh senes' Virgmla Rlghten- Shot put-I. Allard, G P: 2 thl~ season 545 orgamzatlon which IS brInging the berg. 480j Agnes Taube, 479; Eberl1ne, W; 3 Taylor, G P Pat Brogan turned in the best I 180-yard low hurdles-(1) Rein. the loss of but one game Thl~ : : worldfamousGlasgowCelhcsoc. Rose aVn Tlem, 472, and Leona WInningthrow43'5~". I scores of the day by defeatIng del, GP. (2) Engram, HP: (3) was one of the best matches Cort : t rar/ J : cer team to DetrOit as an offiCIal Weier, 456. Pole Vault-l Saleslu, W, 2. ms opponent 6-1, 6-1. I Sweet, G.P. TIme 204 (tms sets has ever played HIs score 6-0 :;;J. 5 event in the City'S 250th Birthday H ld F. tie between Forsyth and Camp- Bobb Hardles started out Ia new G P track recOl d) . ....I..L...JU4lt MacKenzie i c£ ~. It : Fesuval Sports Program. ,0 -re bell (G.P). Wmning vault, 9'3". strong as the No.2 smgles but 220-yard dash-(I) Bray, G P; who played No 1 and won 6.1; : 'Pot n t : 'Mr. Cupples, who 1;185aee~ in ." HIgh jump _ 1 tI!! between had ad hard tune "'1iA!I$.h!~I.'k~ &2.f. ~~e~'3f'p.;_ ~3). ~e!Zel, 8-1. DIck had some long volleys : lCJ i the retail field in Grosse Pointe L M t Bray (G.P.) and ErWin (W); 3 sec'?,n set but eventua.y uc "" 880 _ (1) Schaller, G P.: (2) and frequently lost points but : 5 for 3 years. was named chamnan eanue ee tie between Marlck and Fraser out 11.0. Webb G p. (3) Heath H.P TIme was awfully stingy about losmg ~ By Jean Taylor i of the Game Committee of The "'. (G PJ. Height. 5'6". Tom Lamb and Dave Terns 2.094" , , games. 'I , S S ts h b . I D t t Broad" Jump-l~ ErwIn, W. 2 continued on theIr wmnmg ways Sh t t _ (1) AU d G P . Then Bruce Allen and George Today I should ltke to devote CIucago HIStOrical Society, and mO:Ct~eJ'~c:~~~er~ ~~eU ~;tn e rOt Bray, G.P.; 3 Roscoe. 'V. Win- to cop the No 1 doubles match (2) grot~~Ohl. H.P; (~) 'Taylo;: :'::~d~p ~':~hir:anpodi~t ::: I my column to a group that has well-known L I n c 0 I n authOrity StadIum on June 8. for a night The National FIre Protection mng jump 19'10". , d tt ~~t ~~~k:~ prp~~tYesha~ at tIm:~ IG P WmnIng throw 46' (thl~ it theD became obvious that the sincere appreCIatIOn of the and author, as well as a short game WIth the Chicago ?clIsh AssoclatlOn)S holdmg Its 55th al!- 880.yard rel::y-l Wyan a e e y rs. IS seas Ibreaks the record of 45'11" set PublIc LIbrary staff the FrIends busmess meetIng In dlrec- Eagles. nual meetIng In DetrOit Monday (Robertson. Dve - Roscoe. Zdun- because of Just plam wIldness. by Tom FollIS 10 1948) the match might again be a'!U k) T 1'373 who have showed promise Dave landslide as it was I~t year. of the Grosse Pomte PublIc LI- tors and officers Will be elected. All arrangements for the recep- through Fnday at the Hotel Stat. czy • Ime . .. TerriS has come througn Wlth Pole Vault-(I) Goebel. G P . Pat Brogan pla.}ed hiS usual I brary Mr Robert Orr, director All of our staff Will be tnere tlon and welcomlDg of the two ler. ApprOXImately 150() mem- flYing colors I (2) Mason, H P: (3) Picard, H P de endable and stead am eand I of our hbranes, has worked except a minImum reqUITed to VISiting champions WIll be m bers from varIOus parts of the Kle:n TV Jfat He almost has a sure place Wmnmg vault 9'6" ca~e through a wm:e g 6_ot 6-3 closel~ VoIth thIs organIZatIOn and keep Park, CIty and Woods b- Cupples' hands He has already world and the Unzted States Will If, l' clInched on the 1951 team and HIgh Jump-O) BI a). G P (2) Pat has been a mlghtyr bl~ 'a',et I~h~a~~eae~~hlltlst~~~~lgUS about branes open that evenIng. had promIses of dInners, recep- attend. S C d should Win hIS letter as a soph. four-way tie between Jones, En- to the~team thiS year-plugging In case you are not famIlIar tlOns and dances 10 honor of the The National FIre ProtectIOn om ore whIch IS no easy feal gram. and Ahmad of HP aM 1 tat on ar up a blg hole 10 the smgles hne. Next Thursday, May 17, the With the Fnends group. the Celtic team, who are makmg their ASSOCiatIOnIS the clearmg house' HIS game has Imploved by leaps ~~;f1Ck of G..P. Wmnmg Jump, up He has yet to lose a match Ifnend~ of the Grosse Pomte LI. FrIends correspond to the PTA first American tour smce 1931 for mformatlon that IS authorlta- Ch t f. ld and bounds by playmg agamst . . and the way he lS gomg It VoIlllblarv wmds up another year's groups. They have one obJect, to HaIf tIme ceremomes alE' also bve on the subJect of FIre Pro- at es er le a varIety of competition (2~11~~isumJp~I~3~n~~;, ~~: take a determmed opponent to I altlvltles Volth ItS annual meetmg do everythmg pOSSIbleto Improve bemg planned by hIS commIttee. tectlOn and FIre PreventIon. The A tIt t f SINGLES W. '19'2" y, . break thiS up Iand dmner at the Grosse Pomte public faclllhes and service. WIth a pipe band, a drum and' ASSOCiation meets annually for t An us rta Ian ag heamF dea- No I-Dick MacKenZIe, G P, 1 n n tnJdumg P . ('1) H P (M ft l t . • • • I Memonal Church at 7 pm We understand that the Board bidug e corps, an many ceIebntles. VI" days conventIOn, at whIch mghture atwres8 30109o'clockma cat Chester-In ay defeated Frztz Iuppenlatz, R. 0, Keown-Murphy.Randles.Ahmad).8 8.yaro re eav-I c. TOM LAMB ancj Dave Terris Price of the dmner IS $2 and of Directors has approved a gift Cupple~ who was born 10 Ire- tIme the latest developments In field Arena Gratlot ne-ar lO-Mlle 6-4. 7-5 I Time 1 375 playmg No 3 doubles racked up, YOU Vo111 have an opportumtv to to the library, to be announced land. has been a rabId soccer fan I Fire Prevention and Protection road 'tar~ LoUIe Klem and I No 2-Bobb Hardles, G P, I ' _ BtheI sixth and last pOInt for tlte heal an oUbtandmg speaker. Mr at the Annual Meetmg and the smce a child. and IS enthu'lastlc are dIscussed and commIttee re- F . k Z t J def Dick LIttle, R 0, 6-1 11-9. T'\.,VI'- f nail dg t P I MAl d t f th 11 . b t h f ts t h 1 ta d d rances a lezac agams an No 3 Pat Brog G P def 1,..------. ue ...,.., '" lye mg ou au . ng e, Irec or 0 I" news WI be passed along as soon a ou seemg IS avolltes, the por on ec mca s n ar s lire Gotch and the SheIk of Araby . - an.., P hli N . as we know. CeltIc. agam acted upon KI 11 k f John Wiese, R O. 6-1, 6-1. I U C otIce " em. very we nown or No 4-John Brabb G P de. The officers and dIrectors de. Last week. CeltIc won the The membershlp mcludes over h,s teleVised bout.~ from Arena f d F G ", The public is invited to a!lend FOR SALE ~erve much credit for all they Scottish Cup before 134.000 fans, one hundred and mnety natIOnal Garden_, DetroIt. along WIth 6~~te red okey R. 0, 6.1, a bearin{ in the matter of the have done to strengthen the and my fnends.m the old coun- organlzatlon~ and over thirteen Ziezac should make a very popu-I DOUBLES I proposed in<;tallatioD of park- Eight WEIMARANER PUPPIES group, and to plan and cany out try tell me thIS I~ the fine,;t team thousand mternatlOnal lOdl\ ,- lar team agam.t th1i extremely NIT La d D in~ mt~rs iD KercheVal Ave- a most succes~ful year's achvl- the club has had m )-eal~ They'll duals. firm~. and corporatIOns hated Gotch-Sheik duo The' TOG ;01d f £b ka~ ave noe. between Cadieux aDd Born April 5th tles. We are all cunous to know get a real game from the Eagles, Elmer F U1nch CounCilman latter tv. 0 hke to deal out pun-' e~r~,. R h ~. RICO ~~;n~~~I N..lf Road~. or be'fOud. in the who IS back of a group. and It IS though, for they lu~t fimshed WIn- of the City of Gro,se POinte Ishment and It remains to be anN 1m IC ark sw' t 'h' l' d' Cbit,. or G r OS5e P01iDoote.This Dam: Vi.Mar's Asta:-Slre: Casar V Galberg (Imported) I t n g the Ak 1 NIT h . 0 2- acJ es p a an' earm~ w e at 0: A. M.. a p t'a~ure 0 pa~ along their ID se 1'1 sen rop y In Park and formerly CommISSIOner seen If they can take It-and M k B G P d f Ra S Saturdav. Mayil l 1~b 1951. at the name~. the Chicago Major LeaguE' ' of FIre from 1945 to 1951 was ~ake It they muar mark Whl', Gros~e II I and MI"'. Melitta Roemer I POIntt' l'~ not h \1" the I N 0 I F>,,'Offklo mt'mb<-r~ are Mr Ilov('1\ and funll",n,,1 Ilbranes ,I 0 I Frankhn Dought'rh- prf' &arrl of Edu('atlon Mr and Birmingham boa

tfre eJlPlrt blend. and 'reat Gold Cup Lounge For thick•• &r- La.... UN younelf 10 a thICk lawn of spar- l:' RIDGEMONT ,I I AGItICO 1I01t LA.WNS. TRIIS ~ ....-en thm w,n be I"e envy of yovr Open 11 30 A M to 2 A !-I ... SHRUBS. M19"W, eye J Ib 3.000.000 SHds-$'.55 '01' utmoet bloom ... color ID FIGwwI .. f.... 5 fbs - $765 2S lb. - $3650 I cloa. Vetetabl ... a .. AGRJOO SHOA t ,ut'OSI s..d' ~ d,.., ooill, cle.p ...... """ Dance MU - $125 5 .. - U 15 droll. tnKI A.' ... 11M AGItIOO I MANNY LOPEZ TRIO POIt BRO"DL~'" ItV!RGRn/li~ . ~ MlIIMA low"s love th,s complete gronfood It ~elp' For ROMe of perfect t>e.uty. 1Me "em Vrow ,trong. sturdy and kHp ltIm WInsome spnng""" AGRleOROSI '000. Tod.,' • aporille. 25 Ib, 'Hds 2500 sq ,,- $2 SO 10,000 sq ,,- $7.8$ Ridgelllont Golf Club .. plaet.'ood ..... 1 1 UNLIMIT'ED PARKING 8 % MItE ROAD F..a..t 0' G~tiot Get AGllCO IItwl Grosse Pointe Hardware (omt Out and \11'1'. Ynnr Old Fritnd "Olelnt BtKm~' F...tahli'ihmf'nt in GrO'i'if' POinte" 07he 8URN~ VRIV~ AT THJ.o. IU VJ.o.R " "LL,\CE (; '\'fHEH ... (;nlf Pro • ~_.'6.9.'.5 .E•.•'E.F.FE.R.S.O.N_.T.U •.• 5.~_20_.d I QUALITY FEED STORE VA. 2-9000 PRIVAn: U~~SOSS nAY OR SIGHT 20726HARPER AT 8 MILE ROAD - TU.1.887J ------'------, , - - OPf'lf)-\n\"A \I toiP \I * i $ - Ce,,.n .. , Werk Crosse Pointe Lln.capinl Well W.. hA". Auto. W... Th. GrosS. Pointe Review ,",urada" May 10, 1951-7 IContinued) t." fC

•! NlAIIENNE THERON / "ll ,orri II" "d h' (,N,r~(' A Hllmld <11AlI,'nll(' ("It- Tl.c -rhoo! \' ('\II<""rl In Going up! Jet cadets have a session In the altitude chamber, f')1m na Ie the dedrlh of lh 1111 per (0) m