PATRONIZE GrOl .. Point,'. YOUR Fir .. LOCAL t.1ERCHANT N,wsp.pe, Grosse Pointe's Ne\ftlNlPer for ,More Than 23 year. VOL. 27 - NO. -# Cr -.. ~27 CIRCULATION.. PAID MONTHLY GROSSEPOINTE 30, MICHIGAN - VA, 2.1162 *' * * * * * * * * i Repeat; Blood Doner Drive at Center,Datato B~ Used '':, - for PlannIng Korean \\4;;fJ'.'-/p;:-.ded Allard . CHURCH SITESTO SERVE POINTE INeeds for District !,<'1t-~ /0 ,] Gets Top ;. The annual school census WIll be taken In Grosse Pointe to Be Bene.r~ "!"b: t I begmrung tomorrow, May 11, In accordance wIth the laws of '", 'r).. W d P the State of MIchIgan, announced L. M. Bartlett, Dll'ector of '0'J'.p. 00 S ost PupIl Personnel for the Grosse POInte Public Schooa. This B oca a"l"l'.algn census must be taken each year dunng Jhe last twenty days Y L I C LI..I.,k.'" Fr~ 18 field of more than of May. 50 applIcants, Philip F. All. Part of the money which the local schools receive from A renewed appeal is bemg made by the Young Adults of ard was permanently ap- state funds IS apportloned on the basis of the number of chil- the Grosse POInte War Memonal Center to recruIt blood pomted Cltv Administrator dren resIdmg In the distrIct. Information receIved from tbe donol'5 to aId m the current Korean crISIS. of Grosse Pointe Woods at a annual school census is also essential for the enforcement The Red Cross Blood Donors Mobile Unit WIll be at the ~pecial City Council meet- i ------------~vf the compulsory education Center on Fnday, May 18 from 2:30 to 9 p.m, ThIS facilIty m~ on ~ay 3. The appomt- Y-Iew of St. MIchael'. ~pel (Episco- lhe n~w $70,000 ParIsh House of the L aI P Ii laws. has been made for the convenIence of all Grosse POInters who ment WIll be effectIve May paJ;t rapidly beIng eomplett!4 at a site on Lutheran Church of the Reformation, OC 0 ce Another important use of' are unable to donate at the Red Cross Headquarters m DetrOlt 15. Sunnmgdale Drive, Grosse ~ointe Woods, Vernor HIghway at LakeView, Will be the census data 18 to proVIde or who cannot gIve durmg the regular hours at the various Allard hilS been associated With opposite the Lochmoor Golf Course, and dedicated Sunday at a speCIal service, at to Tl.eket facts relatIve to the growth centers. Grosse POinte Woods since 1927 adJacent to the Parcells Jr • .1ilgh School 4 p.m. The bmldmg Will be dedIcated to of population and the number The Young Adults and the Young MarrIeds of the Me- when he became City Clerk. He SIte, The BuIldtng Commit~ expects that the memory of the SIX members who gave of children In the district. 0monal Center representIng hl'ld thiS POSitIon until the fall the Church will be de<hcated and In use their lIves for theIr country dunng World U f C The data are summarized in all the young 'people In the I ~;hllc~Opr:~7;est~~r C;~~ ;~~~e:f by early fall. Services are ~w bemg held War II. Rev. WIlham Schaffer, pastor of nsa e ars such a way that the total pop- Peterson college age through twenties ICltv AdmInistrator, was ap- at the temporary Ghapel attralrway and Advent Lutheran Church, WIll preach the ulation as well as the number bracket, are spoRsonng thIS proved Allard was then tem- Renaud Road. The new Chqel WIll pro- dedIcatory sermon. LiturgISt WIll be Rev. The Grosse POinte chIefs of of chIldren of each age from essen t.la I c amp a I g n • C aro I ooranly named City Adrmnistra- VI'd e for th e grOWing eon- .... tJon, Includ- Leroy Gard, pastor elect of Truuty Lu- police announced stepped-up en- bIrth to t wenty years 0f age U Te_IIS Duo.yeru J aco bson IS th e chaIrman, as-I tor. Ing Sunday Sc,hool classrodmse'~__ theran Church. forcement off the City'S vehIcle tab u1ated for each mumClpa 1'"h.}' maintenance aws In ~upport of d h 1 tar h I di . ~-~ I sisted by Jean LeaVItt, George In the perman ..nt a"'pointment an eac e emen y sc 00 I- y the Mav traffIC safety program t 'ct th Th tabul.' el Gerow, Ann Shenefipld, John Imoved by Councilman Savage, the Local S d .,D $ 5. rl In e area, e a ....Oll of eorruptlon Packer and Munel Gillette, IresolutIon stated: "The. Council to eD.~ raw 14 Memor" I'll ~omt~~ssl~~Ch~~dn t~~teNa~f~~~ also shows the number of clu1- • I The representatIves from has carefully conSIdered the ex- ,~ 1 IItAI Safety CounCIL Emphas15 tlus liren for each age attendi~ ao "It Is no longer a dIsputed Ithe Sernor AdVIsory CommIttee I ecutlve and administratIve qual. • • month is duected toward pro- ~~~~' s~~:~;~.IIChools llIld non- Cluestion but a proven fact that I who are also assisting III th15 cru-' Iftcatlon!' of the. varIous applJ. PrIZeS m Contest motIng motor velucle care as a the organIZed crlmlllal element sade are' Mrs, Karlos W. Klthll, cants. With speCIal reference to Art- , EIeCts means of reducm, traffIc acCt- As a result of such tabulatlOJ1l, exerts a tremendous Influence IMr R Pu d d M Ch 1 their training and eJCl)enence • • • - d ts a year by year pIcture IS obtamed. en government throughout the IB ior~m r y an rs. ar es the CounCil has determined on Fifteen winners in the Fourth tloldt. 242 HIllcrest, Karla Walke, D _ I en , WbICh sbows to'll' exact Irowth III nahon" VIrgIl W Peterson" such baSIS that Phlhp F Allard, Annual Poster Art Contest werel'K59 Sevem, Corky Cross lrectors "All officers." they said. "have eachmunIclpalityandeLe/pentar:y chalrl~an of the ChIcago Cnm~ The enthUSIasm for this sprmg one or tlte applicants and form- Ipresented prIZes totaling $145 ~ances FaziO. 113 Myers, RIch: I been altered to watch for ob- school elatnct m the achool IYI- C0mmlsslOn,. told hiS audience m I project was created from the ex-: er Vllla,~e. C:lerk and now Actin!! I Thursday mornmg ,t Plerce'~ Harding, 1450 Grayton, Shlr- Me 0 0 vlously unaafe auto_specially tern. ~n address Monday evenlIlg at. celIent response to the November I Cltv AOmlnlstrator. IS best qual- AuditorIUm by Mrs. Wanda Dan- lev Nelson, 901 Lrncoln. Klrt the ~ r I~em~t n th~ t~ge~da at those ""lth out-of-foCUll llghts or In a rapidly groWlnl area such PJerce AudItorIUm 'Blood Donor campaIgn. However, lfied for such posrtlon because of leI, curriculum assistant, Df'pIJ't- Weed 258 Kenwood and Charles I Po' nuTa m mg 0 e rosse bad brakes. as Grosse Pomte such dat. are H d f th • complete cooperation IS needed hiS lon~ service and experience ment of Instruction, Gl'GIM .urst, 1411 B15hQP: he;~te ;:. a~ ~emonal Assoclatl~ "Driven of defedlve automo- lOvaluable to the Board of Edu. "e sal ur er. ,by everyone to make thIS event I In an. offICial C"'O;lCltV'~Ith the IPomte Board of Education. - Honorable menhons are Joy: Cent ~n l~ded e~mngl at t ~ Ibiles who become Invoh'ed in catton and Its staff III p~ The prevalence of offICial I a success. munlclpahh' ~.,d because of hiS The contest ll! held &11J!Ult1I7. ambe iln 740 Whittler Jo- er nc e e eehon 0 acc\den~ may be charged WlUl. for the educa.l1onal tac1htL_-.. corruption IS wlde5pread and Many !<lcal organIzatIons are I famlhar/tv WI\lt the many prob- 1for Junior and semor high Ie Ho~er, 912 B~ItOO, ~~~I!lmbe~ to the Board ~ Vlolatll\g the traffic law," ed 1!1. the ~ , • J. commonplace: and the accumu- cooperauna WIth the sponscrlJ\1 lems the Cltv has 11'\ making the stlldests 18" P!'J1:l~e. -- t:Y ' ~ re''I'lew of All II • ~ ~ '~1Iime ill • latJon .o! vast economIc as well II'OUP tq Inc:reue ~ .. ~VenI'ID from ~ atam ., • ... '. • 1•. ,' ~~ • ' , ~ ~, .- _' _ '!'tafel' _ .--,-... _. -etteGiay,HtdfHclorof'Grq.'l)'tltan - 1 . o-eoopetftewita.tIseM~ e OverntJ1ent that. bOd ~,-, ~- American Leti_ 'PbSts at The City Administrator, who is Pointe Board or 'Education. and "I'lat~el: III .some states reported meehani- tors and 'prOVIde the ~ in- ~'1not rmit to g otDeR:a Gr~ Pointe and the Women's re~nslble dJreetly to the COUll-! sponsored by W~ker at' 'Co,' A cally defective cars were factors formation. All mfonnatJml. 11 ",pe go ~ered. AUXlharles of these Posts, St. ell, 15))lud $7,SOOyearly. record number of 227 posters F H currently In progress to raISe in 19 percent oJ. aCCIdents involv- confldenbal in"B~~JamI~ Franklm, In urg- IPaul's Church, ChrUit Church, the i ApplicatIons were screenet'l by I were entered from Particlpatmg 'eature arp $18.000 to support the War ing deaths. Due to the unportanee of the t ~t tea optIon of our con- Grosse POinte War Memol'lll a committee com))osed of Coun"'l. schools. I Memonal The law enforcement offIcial! school ~I1SUS, accurate m1orma- ~ I U lOn, warned that the UnIted Ch'lrc'" Men' Se e cl bs the' G ha' I • t fr ts . .._~, ell. 5t t 1 d ... S I'VIC u, men aroner as C lrman John- The Jury inC'~ Suine)' S ho 1 "It IS our hope to enroIl every further "l!mphulZed the serIOUS- Ion am paren lI ........r as a :t~~~ f~~~s e~a~~ d::~tl~: AAUW, Garden Clubs and the' ston and Sav~ge.
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